The Clinton New Era, 1905-09-15, Page 1cash will liay for tbeclinton New Era to zst jan'y. to new Subscribers 'nemeiresnit ieee. R0ealeT efelleelefirue II,GAIN TO TOE illONT The Oovereign Bank OF CANADA • _ now pays interest on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS from date of deposit FOUR TIMES A YEAR. H. T. Ii..ELINT0211 Clinton Manager New Advertiseatelits. Thos. Gundry, Auctioneer page 1 Prize Butter, Ce. E. Xing, Wingham 1 Boys' Sweaters, J. W. Newcombe....1 Our Formal Opening, Newcombe....4 Low Rate Excursions, F. R. llodgens 4 We W ill Give, Morrell & Holmes....5 Fall Mantles, McKinnon & Oo 5 Girl Wanted, C. E. Dowding 5 House to let, Miss Hine ' 5 Girl Wanted, Mrs. M, D. MeTaggart 5 Private Tuition, Miss M. O'Neil- 5 Apples Wanted, Towne & Case... 5 What Now, 'CV ingham Business Coll5 Look, A. D. Beaton 5 Piano for Sale, 3. H. °believe 5 • Pickling Spices, J. E. Hovey.... 5 Fall Goods, R. Adams 5 New Fall Dress Goods,Tozer 8eBrown 5 First Showing. Hodgens Bros 8 RaM Coats, Hodgens Bros 8 • ew J. A. Webber, wholesale fruit trav- eller at Winnipeg, committed suicide by taking carbolic. acid. He belonged to Hickson, Ont. 041111romp..440..... **••• 0 cash will ger CNew Era to jars ye i906, to new scribers. TUelierSiteKli. rialSON4L.-mr. Alex Bell, of Rock - weed, Oregon, as visiting Iris father, David 13e11 on the 2nd cou„ Tucker- ' sreith, neer Brueetield. This is Mr. Bell's first visit to this section of coun- try, he having gene west about 25 years ago beforlik his father moved. tit this county, 111r. Bell has prospereclin his western, home, where he has a large general store and impleraent business. WEST Brio NOM, Among those Who attended the Torouto Industrial last week Were 1 -Mr. and elm Jos, °rich, Leslie Crieh, Foster Gibbings, Miss J. Johnston and Miss C. Johns Mrs. Wright and Mrs. McDonald, of Detroit are visiting here after attend - tele the funeral of their brother, Mr. E. Walters, Mr, Samuel Holmes, son of Jos. Holmes returned to New Yore on Friday after spending a -Week with friends here. H. Reins spent Tuesday at London Fair. • Misses Tena and Flossie, and Fletcher Towrisercl spent last week visiting friends near • St. Catharines. D. P. McGregor is putting down an artesian well this week, the work being done by- A. diefoltaveeof Beechwood, Mr. Sane Wise is this, week attending the London faiv there are people W11,0 'say *he visits a Monition fair Oftener. . ° OLINTON, ONTARIO; FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1905: • DEATECOF 111114 -WALTER§.-- People of this neighborhood heard with deep: regret en Sunday, of the unexpected death of Mr: EA Xard Walters, of the 'end concession. A couple of weeks ago he was riding ona traction engine, when he was accidentally jolted. off, falling on his back.. He sustained no perceptible injury beyond a severe shaking up, meet though advised at the time to. consult a doctor, thought it unnecessary. Later he experienced, considerable pain in the region of the bowels, and even then did not consult, a doctor until a few days before his. demise, when it was found that he was suffering with a stoppage of the bowels, caused apparently by his pre- vioue fall. On Saturday he under- went a surgical operation, but it was too lite to be of assistance to hitt, and on Sunday mottling he passed away. Deceased was well known and highly esteemed in this section, where he had lived all his life. He lea,v-en a wife and eight -children to mourn the-losseeref-a THOMAS GUNDRY,. Live steck and general Auctioneer, GODERIOH, ONT.' • Fermate.* sales' a specialty. Orders left at Nnw ERA tam Clinton, promptly attended to. Terms reasonable. Fanners' sale notes diaconate& Ms mien E. JEICh5011 —TEACHER— Piano and Theory is prepared to take limited number of pupils. Address Post Office Drawer F., for terms, etc. 4ins The Myers' Music Meth od Teacher,—IDA G. BOWS The Myers Music Method for child. ren provides a thorough preparatory course in, the rifdiments of music. This course lasts about one year. The les- sons are conducted on kindergarten models, and - include practical piano teaching, making the study one of pleasure to the children. Per terms. etc., apply at real& ence, Blab Street. • FOR AN EDUCATION That is practical, useful and • up-to-date, attend the 4IODERIC6 BUSINESS COLLEGE The School of Modern Methods Sborthand (Pitrnan and GreggSystems) Talressit1t3 gr(eTesouocnhdelmectehod) 00mmercial Arithmetic • eleommerciel Law Penmanship • Spelling Practical Grammar Rapid Calculation, • Book-keeping by the actual busiteni:i le methods from stret to finish First-class teachers. Individual in- • struction. Fees are lower than in most schools. All our graduatefe get good position*. eongeY. Principal. • 'wags esk Our stonk of drugs, etc. will • alway4 be found fresh and- up to -date in every branch, . and vire invite you to give us a call if you wish to procure anything usua„lly found in a first -Class ;drug Store. • II. eeivisE letrillett Bee= tinera-Mr. Mat. Moody, formerly of Hullett, sustained severe injuries in a boiler explosion at Halley - burg, New Ontario. on Thursday last, He had eevetee vibe broken and was otherwise bruised. Tile other, men were- killed and several injured, A Ne.reilow Ereneex,e-,-Mr, Sate ard: of Xinburn, paised through, an ex- perience on Thursday of • Met , week, that he, as well as the few gentlemen who witnessed it, will long. remember. He had finished threshing for Mr. Jos. Damen,of the 2nd concession of Hullet, and was moving his outfit to Mr. .Jno. Murray's, Ju t as the heavy portable engine entered -Upon the McMichael bridge, the stringers of the bridgegave way, the plank alone bold- ing it inplace. There was no tinning back and strange to relate the crossing was made in safety. The ravine there is very deep, and at every moment the horrified spectators expected to see the teen', driver and engine go craehing *through to the bottom, Accenater. -While returning from Blyth on Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Neth Johnston and daughter. of aulletf, met with a serious accident. Owing to the building of the C. P. R., a temporary road crosses the farm of Mr. John An: eler,sere, and it was while. on this7eoa&. that the accident happened. The horse became frightened at the stettin shovel and bolting to one side phieged into some fence wire. The buggy was over- turned, aed theladies thrown gut, Mrs. Johnston fared the worse ; she had her collar bone broken and one of he hands so badly cut .that several stitelies Were required. She was driven home by pav. J. A. Tierney: and her in - ;vies were dressed .by Dr. Lindsay. iet tee beigeel WitS -completely dein'Afr'n4:0ect •••= 111%. William' o14he base line Hallett,' has rented his fkfier (Which'hied_lkbeen ade • vertised iteethe WE* Enat) to Richard,efearier, of Hullett, for it term, ofelive efenee,e-et 000 a Year Mr. Murch.willehayie keeale of his effects about the the leit ofOetober. He has de- cided On moving to Stratford, Where ids son pueposes migaging in business. • :Mr: Murch has now been a resident ef thee sectioa for-a-egoode-many-years; and has been I most estimable citieen in every resPect; his syMpathy and support readily being given to every Movement ' that- affected •t he well-be- ing of the community,. ,As an official" member aria zealous supporter of On- tario Street Chinch, Clinton, the re- moval of himself and family will • be a distinct loss to this section, and they will •carry to their new home the very best Wishes of a large circle of fi ie'nds. In the peesen of MreGoyier he has se- cured an excellent tenant. fether's care.The remains"were_ in- terred in Turner's Cemetery on Mon- day, a • very large- number showing their respect for deceased.. Rey. Mr. Kerr, pastor efTurnere Church, where deceased was an attendant, conduct- ing the funeral services.. A singular cireumstancein conriection with. Mr. • Walter's death, is narrated. .Fle had a sister, Mrs 'Wright, who lives it. Essex County, eta theweek before his death, she hall a dream Wherein. she \sem her brotifer in deep trouble, and without writing to find.out whether the dream had any foundation or not. she at once came up oil a visit, finding that the dream was only too true. The pall bearers Wera Messrs R. Pep- per, Whitfield Crich. Jos. Rattenbury, John Rattenbury, H. McGregor and L. Crich. -44:4 PRIZE BlITTER..-;-We •wilt pay 25c per' M for thebed Box or Tub ,Butter every two weeks. Mrs Were Naylor, Whiteavreb, won las) contest GEO. .E.KING, Wingham. GALL EXTENDED. -- Rev. H. 13. 1 Cour:netts, B. A., of tinbrooke preach - in the Dentist church last Sunday. A call has been extended to him by the congregation, and he has accepted it. • Chemist and Druggist. Headaches • Cured. . NIttertY per cent. et headaches are caused bYThiperfett eyes.\ We can permanently mtre alien headaches 4eitit $lasses. If we fall we will re. (mad your money. . • -•• vt.werst.'\'' Apponeren Meeracten --One day last week Mr. C. P. Smith received -official notice of his aPeointment as atager . of the local branch, of the Bank of Ha,miltonetaking ehe plitee of the late WM. Oorbould. e SERI' Iete•.-41311 Wednesday, evening of last *eek Mrs. Gibson of Shutter street, attended prayer -meeting in the Presbyterian: church as usual, but dur- ing the night was taken ill. She lives alone, and was enable to somneon help. .At ten o'clock next morning; her daughter, Mrs. 3. Heim, found her seriously ill. Physicians were sum monecl; and hold out very, little en- couragement to hope for her recovery as she Madvanced imi years. _ letteen orA PrOiktEEtt.-egre Andrew Alexander Gowdy, one of the . pioneee residents of Howick township, died at laiereherireenneelosephine- street-North- orkIeriday last, ateed, 80 years and .11 months. Deceased ineeed from Howick township to Wingham.eVer folkr years ago, heyeeg given up his farm in the township. He was a maii ;who was highly respected by a large' circle of friende, though since corning- to •Winghtim he has not been able to be much about the town. He was it Presbyterian in religion. LACROSSX.-Mount Forest .lacrosse team played the first round in the semi-finals of the junior series with Wingham on the latter's ground in the presenco of an enthusiastic audi- ence on,Friday and lost by 3 goals to I.' The game waS-eXciting from first to last and free from roughness, and the penalties imposed were very few. Reid, of the home team,.had the pleas- ure of Scoring all the goals for. Wing - barn. The return game and final in the round Will be played at Mount Forest on the 14th -inst. . Fred Wag- horne, of Toronto, refereed:the game and gave very good satisfaction. • Poker's Hill , NOTES. -Mr. T. goon, brother of Coun. Moon, who has resided at Perth for some time, has rented the house on the farm of J. S. •Carter and moved his family there last week. Mr: J. Eddy,' whobes spent the summer. With his daughter Mrs. R.'Carter., returned to his son Richard's at Ettinck last week, T. II. Squire shipped a car 'load 'of wheat to Toronto last week... Mrs: 3. E. Taylor .arrived home from Mani- toba, after . spending •threemonths with her mother and: brother neer Hartney, her rifother -.being very ill. Mr: and Mrs. M. Braithwaite took in the Exhibition , Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Snell spent last week in Toronto; their sons laumbh- rey and William are in London this week; with stock tit the Exhibition ; we hope they may be succeseful, as they are good stock raisers. Wm. (bulge and Misses Maggie and Tillee Hazelwood spent•last week in Ter.:m.0,. visiting the finaneres uncle, A, Awing, forinerly,of' Clinton. Wheet, seeding is not all done, . owing. to ,the groona 'being so. dry. It. Brenriche. of the 5th con , had a very successful eele"on Monday; he leaves for Stratford this week. ' ACKillOp A Sitiotrs .400XDUNT.-111r. John Carlon, second son of Mr, Janes Car- lon, Huron Road, McKillop, met with ii, very serious and painful accident oi Saturday last. He was unloading a load of flax at the flax mill and as he had got nearly throughthehorses coin- neenced becking up. To make them stand forward he touched one of them with the fork which he had in his hand. With this the animal kicked, striking the fork- and driving the handle with•great force Against the young manes abdomen, • He was con- veyed to the residence of -his brother- in-law, Mr. 3-.),Shanalfanolearby, and - medical aid secured. it Was fogad that several of the internal organs had been seriously injured, rendering an operation necessary. This was per- formed on Sunday and Since then his i condition has been mproving although at the time thedoctore had little hope of saving his life. He was a most ex- emplary, well doing young man who was popular with all who knew him, and his Misfortune was deeply regret- ted by many,• and all unite in the hope that his young life may be spared and that he will eoon recover. • . „ Godcrieb OVELEIX.To• GenlenageteLINE. -Shpt. -Murphy, of theWesternOntario divi- sion of the a P. RA, ' stated Fiecley morning that the eeestruction of the Guelph-aGoderieh line was being rush- ed teem both ends. The .track -laying had started from Guelph. • ..„-, -SCALDED. -Beryl, the 11 -year old daughter of eVirm. 'Ervine, while "carrying a dish oe hot Water, on Fre day evening slipped on the kitchen step, her haps being severely scalded. Medical assistance had to be summen- ed. and the little patient, although un- able to meve about, is doing nicely, andevill be around in a few days. , kieatorth Coewaeoes AWARDED:, • Messrs, Gotternige & Edge of this town, have beer( awarded the contracts foe the erection of the new station buildings, on the Gue'ph-Goderich branch of the 0. P. R, These inelnde all the stations on the line • except Guelph and Gocle- . she Med, at about ten 'o'clock on lVfon, day night Interment of the body took. place the same night at 12 o'clock, rich: Death-Two weeks ago a daughter of John McMann wife of a physician in Saginaw, came here suffering with smallpox. Every- precaution was taken to prevent the spread: of the disease, the house bob* quarantined and closely „guarded, and.. eveeything done fot ilie card of the. patrent: Mirt GIIELPII GODERICH RAILWAY. -"The Guelph and Goderich Railway will be in operation by Meech lst, 1908," said an official of the: C. P. R. Thursday morning. "The work. all allorig the line is being prose:lined with all possible baste," he continued, "and' grading will be conipleted. by the end of September." The laying of rails 7•Crell-bee-7r0e-te-dan a •tientliel time and will be carrMd. on from the Guelph end. When the Grand River is reach- ed the new bridge will have to he built, thepiersfee' are already con- structed. This will require a month to complete, and a similar period will be, spent . in the construction of a bridge over theConestoga River. The Maitland River and Blyth creek' will !deo have to be spanned, but the piers or the bridge work are already-etand- ins in most instances. A TERRIBLE Aceingerr.-One`o f the eeddesteend, probably fetal accidents We have reported for some time; befel Mr. Jas. Colwell on Wednesday of last week. He was assisting his neighbor, Mr. Wen: Williamson, on the Bayfiela road, in connection with his threshing, and while on the mew abeee, before the machine started, lost his balance. He ;31'8,81364 a timber support, ;which. happened to . be loose andfellheadlong to the floor. In his descent his heed struck the machine, fracturing his. skull and otherwise injuring hilt. No person seems' 'to have witnessed the accident, but it was ' not long before Dr. Whitely arrived and attended to theinjoeed man. Later Dr. Woods was called in, and both are agreed that the case is most serious, although , the patient shows favorable signs otteeoY- . ery. • _e, , T wo, BY-LAWS DEnuaergo..7" voting' took • place on W'ednesea,y on three - municipal -by-laws: (1 )to grant a thirty 'yeers'efra,nchise to the Goildrich Beet, Light 86PoWer Co., with a -fixecl assess- ment of $5,000 en the company's plant for ten years ; (2) -to guarantee bends of the Goderieh Elevator and ,Teandit Co. tothe Amount of $2,5,000 and avant "- exemptien fronitatatten foe tee years; also -td the keel for the extension and improvement half got the Court, O., W. NVILLLuts, papers. Signed on be- () 0 atiihorisie the boteowing Of .$8,000 °f' .Treasurer. W. MILLAR, F. Seceeetury. the waterweirkee electric light:and:sew- systerhe of the toverte The gas and WOBIEN'S IIISTITOTE.—Ladies will please remember that the regular meeting cif threWeillen's epstitute ' be held at the horneof Mrs: Mulhelland membersonelep'a2rleet; 'requestedatthens ut:1 .bheopurre. s' eAn t1,1 and we Would. be pleased to •have any wishiegte join. wieja, pe present also, 0.9 thatheeii I) pg0,74- Wee fr cial. .Theeabjests Will be:e wkre'tlie-cle an, &theme§ the happiest, 'a,nd "Pickling" . THAI' FOOT BALL • NIATeii, -Bxeep:, tion is taken to the report that appettr- ed in these colurrine two week's since, concerning the Football Match with Heitteeville. It is .said that the report was overdrawn'too highly colored. And contained slatements not correct. The report earne to us in the ordinary Way, from What we believed to be authentic sources, and if it was in- correee, we regret it. -En. mos, mu.. -Will Me° timid „returned ,home On Wednesday. -Pearl Newton arrive& home on Tuesday, having spent acouple of weeks visiting in Tor- onto. Mrs. James McDonald is visiting her daughters in Detroit. Miss Nellie MeDontild returned to • London on Monday, having spent a month visit- ing friends in the neighborhood. Nor- man McDougall left on Monday to peek apples for 1). Cantelon. Howard Cox is visitinghissisteratapringllank, George Cox has rented, his farm to Mr. Pearsowcon 4. Among those who are taking in the fair at,tiondon are Weston, O. Weston, T. Cox mud Sail, Mollhail, Gracie McDougall, .T. Motown - SUMO Orbit), Stanley TitsBEit PUTioliASED,.-.B1r. Alex Me. Beath, the well-known leather dealer, and Mr. Honey gonteith, bf the Lon- don roaderuckeesinith have puechased a large tract of timber land. in the Parry Sound district. They do not in tend operating on this laud for ;mother y ear, and Mr, el eBeath iptends oper- ating his saw -mid where it Is Dow lo- cated until next spring. Neves.- Miss -.teazle gelilwen, ace compareed by Miss Kate Hone of 13rucefield, left on Monday to attend. the Normal' School:, Toronto. Miss Elle, Graham, Mr. C. Wallace and Mr. 4tiliercird_Rattle, attended the -Western - Fair on Tuesday of this week. IVIrs. Alex McEwen was away at the end of • last week ,a,t.„..Torouto; attending the funeral of her aunt, -Mrs. Wen, Mr, ilLnizentrara Neil McGregor and wife, Mrs.- James this nlace, received injuries at London, Ziarich McFrialane, Miss Agnes McFarlane aud Kiramn AT Lonnoet.-Mr, Curvin, of Mi e John McFarlane attended the Western Fair oh Thursday. • on Tuesday', which. resulted in hie to theeity with a clean d of excursion- NOTHS.-Mrs7 aWr nma. 'Dennison is vie. death a few hours after. He had gone iting at her „home in Thareesville. ists, but got separated from them, and, had started to cross the railway track Misses Mena and Edith. Davidson have at Rectory street, when he was styli& left to attend college in Ottawa,. by an engine and hurled to one side. hMoinassees fWroarmdTaonrdoKnteoyaesndhaovieurlient.urnitired. The accident .occurred neer the East and Mrs. Wm. _Turner had a pleasant Le ford, street, downtown started to c ly direction. eastbound eneme was °ming along the south track, • Probably the phi man's ' eyesight was not good. 'Any- way.,•he did not see the approoching engine and stepped in front of By- standers who witnessed theeaccident were horrified, so quickly did it happen thee/none had time to warn the man or his danger. The ambul- ance was quickly summoned and - the injured man removed to the • hospital: An examination showed that he glad sustained two had wounds on the back of the "head end. a depressed. fracture of the skull. So critical WAS his con- dition that it was impossible to per- form an operation: • He remained un- conscious and unidentified until 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when his -son-nalaw-Fratk-Reameri-of-Kippen,-- who had heard 11 the accident, went to the hospital ande identified him. Curviri Was a men of about seventy years • of •age, -a-- good-- physigne- and well-dressed and died during the afternoon.. . • '• - • en clepot of the G. T. R. about ".7leeespecial-train., from-Strobe...el:ire:We last week, ono,A,'11e.11.,, at „their • '^(1 stopped at Rectory sone, *horn they had not seen for six- •-eibed out for the teen years, came to visit them. jos. bistobare:The the cracks 8 theoldoslodubmh earn. Fhe°rBei.e'Sli°evnerdaoln'hiasYYeisibteinegn the same time an faith claator in Seaforth, and sorne think he is all right. Mrs. Ben His - gins has • gone to join her husband in London, and thee, will take in the Fair before returning home. Local News- " , • Is•;ToTES.•=ltirsr Malcolm McLeod and family are visiting at the home Of. his parents. The bridge builders have se- cured a steam pumpingplarit, the head pumping" being too slew. Mr. -Jas. '1 tionisonje ilttihe via his goer; Mill for the adjiisiniett Of th011ilOcidgtOisk ROI- • ler system. Mee Hndie has been called iiitendOit:ticitttatirrthe deathbed of her husband -who died on 'Vneaday The trouble which Melee' between , Cone stables McDonald •and Mcgieetty re - 'suited in the arrest ofeeleDenald, and the court decided . that McDonald - should pay the sum of $10.end enet, from which decision he has appealed and will carry the suit tcy' atoderieh be, the grounds that his arrest .was made Metier, political 80ite,tis manyeethets be. Ileve le to' be. The leeture of the"Boet; blivek Orator' Was largely attended and greatly appreciated by the people. in gener41, evereorie•declaring the everang well spent.. • • . • NirtEs. -Miss A. M. Anderaon left on Monday afteenoon for .Vernffle British Colurnbia,where she has seeined a pos- ition as milliner. Rev. and Mrs. W.W. Aitcheson, who have been 'visiting tin" latteee parents, Mrand gra J. A. An- derson, for some time past, have re, turned to their home at Dornoch, and will shortly leave for their horde at Halvrite, Assiniboia, where Mr. Aitch - ('5011 has accepted the pastorate of. the Presbyterian, church. Blyth fair will be held three Weeks from next Tuesday and „Wed nescley. Chief Westlake is on the sick liet and lex Chief Somers is performing his duties. Mr, Charles Redmond, of Westfield, has taloa the positioo of assistant to Mr, Ow W. Veil et the Grand Trunk station in this vile loge. Mr. D. M. geBeath has sold his residence on 'Westmorland street to Mr -T. W. Sett, and the latter has E;old,his ZIt resitlenee n the same street to Mrs. W A. Cole, , i r. Frank Morin who Was hook -keeper for that/ P. H. contratter. dvring the past three months, bit: on Thursday afternoon for Ohielo, where be has eecured a. more litorat ve yogi - tion, , • 41- p. • flolniessille n NOTES. -Miss Jennie elneyd. former-. ly a resident here, but notv ,of Winni- peg, was visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Holmes. A number freine here are - viewing the sights at London Fair; twenty-one tickets„ branch, one of the oldest and most beleg sold up to popular Mee- in the service. has been Wednesday morning. ' f •cl off at owing to illness; his place. Wee, MAy SHE WIN Oteregie. Ross, taken by Conductor Dunbar. Her - wife of Jas. Ross, our enterprizing sumed ins run yesterday morning,- butter maker at thefactbry, has en, Clinton, being . a Junction point, tered-in the amateur class to try her more passengerscongi•egate atthis skill at butter -making, in London, stetionfor the Several tranis, than nt thine of the Fair. Mrs. Rees . went on'. Wednesday ineeriing, We hope that eheinay come back with honors, . Inseneeetetee-F. U+: klodson, live eitock'coneinissioner'. of Ottawa, and V. C. Elford, chief poultry division, came up from Toronto to examine the work- ings of the Voititry Station, 'and rec- ommended some improvements, to be made: F. 0. Elford returned with' hiS fatally to Ottawa.mi Monday. Prof. Dean, froth. Guelph, was here making some tests -of the cream being gathered for the butter factory. • • Around the Station hundreds of baskets of 'plums are shipped here daily Contelen Broe and 0. Hoare being the shippers. Otettle shitements were mada• this week by Blesses , Read, Smith and Mason, and hogs by Fitzsimons &Son. Hundreds of tickets have been sold this week to Loudon, on account of the Western Fain • there being ever One hundred on iesda aesengers whe pimp o rain an run over to a hotel. to -.1uhricetee pike big cbatees, and sometirnee et. left, as did- a,..Goderieh •man on uesday Morning, who was on hiS: Way to Tokonto. • - • ' • • • -The. NEw EnA's. advice Omit the calling of the morning trains has . had A good effect; for ..now they are promptly announced arrival. But travellers ,shotild also exercise' judg- ment and caution themsel res. .Conductor Smith, of the eroderich ly-Pape: Tanglefoot •and Poison Pads. at Reesie's • Dragi, Store. N. B,—Try 'Eas Em fo •sOre, swollen, tired, and -§W,atYTedl. • le Local News.. PRIZE WINNERS AT T0RONT0e. Smith, Exeter, took 2nd prize on 3 -year-old Thirtieth boll, and 5th oft, ' bulk calf under 1 year, and 3rd on hula, calf, E. C. Attrill took -4th on Short - born bull calf. , • , NORMA.LITES. The 101h:teeing' teachers from Huron are attending" the Normal Seheol at London: Misses . 0. Chidley and 3. Wiseman, Clinton; . Miss H. Dalton, Kingsbridge ; 111 isg T. McEwitn, Hensalt e Miss Florage- Died, Kintall ; Miss. Ruth' O'Connor, St. Colemban. MONUMENTS. -- Beautiful menu - wants from the Clinton Marble Works Were last week erected asfolloive:-An • . erendtc-forgraBcteleen-Goderielt Cemetery, and a Quince), Granite the same place, for Mr. David Linden:, - Godeeieh township.' A ewede.Geanite -in Bayfield-Lerneteee. tor-the-lete Thos. Dowsone a saccophagua, for Met We Whiteside, in Rogerville Cemetery„ ane a Quincey,firan te, in Exeter Lleize- etery Mr. Elana.Butte . • -- ANOTHER GOOD WELL. - Them . seems tie be plenty of watei• under this town if one only.goes clown after it - Mr. Bevans, Who was boring,. is.. "Welt for Meee..W. Elliott, struck a splendid e'en; after going down 109 feet, :about 20 feee of which Flee through solid 'rock,'A testshowecl- 50 ..w 50 whichrosefive feet' whila- they .were trying to pimap it. out. Mr. Bermes hes since eteleted.to drill on the Aneee drew -elm -at, 'at tha north, et Ole RUGBY ,FOOTBALL. -e -A; large andr, enthusiastic nieeting: was heldenthe -Cham‘mre Tueedey eveniuM. 4DONDOLENCIE.*At the last regula2 meetingte Court Selwood No •87 O. O. F. held Sept. Oth, 1905, it :wagunani- mously, resolyedthat avo te ., of - condo- lenee be offered ta Bee -Levis for the great bereavereent he has . suffered' in • the loss of his wife, also that a cope' of some be sent to the 'Forrester' and elevator by-laws, which required to carry them a two-thirds vote 'Of the property-ownera or -the town, -failed to secure 'the necessary vote. The third by-law for theimprovement of the waterworks, electric light and sewer systems of the to 7? 11 required -only a . majority of the votes cast, and wag carried by a vote of 318 to 183: No'rga..-Miss Hattie Coventry, of Marquette, Who hat been visiting teen& here the past tio months, re - finned last wet* tst her on*. • , . • nriteened :NOTES, Miss Lottie Gressick, State ley, is at present seriously ill. A MIM - I -icy of our sick people visited the faith doctor, Mr. Sherman, in Seaforth, but as yet there are no geeat cures • to ehroniele 111 mw neighborhood, Large eroWde are going to the tendert Far; P. MeGregoe is it judge of horses. Mr, and Mrs,,Ketchen, Mrs, Durage and Mom. McMillan attended the marriage of Rev, 13. 1-1, Ketehert In rAindort last week. Dr. Artnetrong, formerly of our village, visited friends here this ateeke Geo. Forrest is confined to the heese try illatesr. La.:1„.„,„ _ " ,/kdat.akaim . . ' • Aorocii.-tobt. young, Goderich, .filledthe pulpit here on -Sunday morn. int/feet, Bet. Mt. Yelland 'conducted, sera -ice at the Evangelical church On Sundak.aVening,' last, Rev. Mt. Giebh- kataking.the former's week at lealese Noe:Me-elm Suiliyet and -child, of - -Bay Oity, glebe eve visiting at the home of Jesse Snyder.. Peter Fisher and daughter, Mrs. Ede Walteresaind sot, and sillies Louisa 1VIttedel were among the excursionists on "the Grey- hound to Detroit last Week. . Mr. (Jul beet, wife atd family, and 'Andrew Heddle, jr., Michigan, Melted at the home of Andeew Hardie, er., last week. Widerich Township • AeOneuerie-One day lest week as' Henry Pickett, son of Me', John Pickett. con. 11, was hauling in grain, be met with a bad naccident. Passing through a . gateway; the rack caught on a post. &timing the. "horses to run away. 'Pickett was thrown off and had his Mg broken at the ankle The rack was also eneashed ;to Pieces. GOOD STOO1C,--;A OW18E41100 corres- pondent of the Expositoe says: -Mr. Wm, 'Ityntl, of near here, who is be- coming noted for the excellence of his horses, recently sold it handsome four • year old mare to Mr. D. McLeod of Goderith township, She was bred from old "Glassnick," owned by mr,,p Martin, of Hibbert The price paid 'WAS $225. Mr. McLeod .purchased her ' for breeding purposes, and he has made no mistake, as elle is one of the beat and should prove a money maker, for cherilbere.,-A number of our boys left Monday for different places to pack apples for D. Catitelom, they will be gone till the frost nips pretty hard at their fingers. The party that was try,, lug to savework and less fencing' along the highway WW1 forced to tear the eetriates away by tfOnle interfering be. lug. Mr. , 3, G. Steep's fatally has taken possession of their rte* house.; we trust cententinent and happiness will bo theirs and hope they will be long eita-t, to be its (tempera& The term of Mft of our toleriehip Fathers ha e neatly come to a °los* their deed*, good and had, 9 a 41. • . .4 • . .1r.ondeSOOr.0 ILL. -Mrs. IV. 11 Moon has ' been iieriOuSly ill. but under the skilful care of the doctor, her many frith -ids hope for herspeedy recofery. „ °. R. T. or T.-",Londesboro Council re - burned its labors en Monday • evening - last afteeet two Months, ardermission. As at next meethig BrethereBuchantue of lituniltote and Sister Watts, of Clin- 'ten, will be present.on their °Metal vis- it, it is urgently requested that all the. officers especially, andalso the members be present., . ' any other station in this county, and, therefore, extraprecautions are nec- effeary by •• passengers, in Otder that mistakes or aceidetets do not .happen: The neecl of an electric lighe..on the station- platform'is often realized,. and "especially during the excursion seascin. ,wherethe late night train is not . on three '.'One night -recently it was aielht 12 O'clock when the train came in, and - the passengers who got off an the •for the,purpote oforgaunzing aRugby" root -ball °lute The to lowing officers were elected:- • • , Pres...........-.......... E. Dowding, • Vice -Pres. .. Shaw.. , Sec. Treas. .. A. Norsevoethz. D. 'L. e'eanstope Exec. Com......... -‚McKinnon', darkness, hate difficulty in seeing • AeAlexander- where they *ere, eteeeas•decidecl to place a team in the- ' Junior O. R. F: A. -and Seaforth and • Gederich are else enteong teams, Mu-, .ton shouid see some good games this fall, Dr. Gunn, - McKinnon, ' N'ors- worthy, Cranston; and Alexcledereare air-cleverexponents ofthe- gatotrand should forin.ther bacle-bone of's. strong. as Made a Settement. The Warden's, Deminittee, corielst- lng of Messrs Miller, Lathont, Spack- man and *Lean (Mr. Ferris not -be- ing present)ariet in Goderieh on Wed - today and had aeconfeterice With gr. Young; of Port Albeee,,"whose daugh- ter was reeently AroWn'ed;-„and who Notts -Mrs, Geo. Altelle, (Atom-. leer, arrivecl here 'on Saturday on visit to relatives and friends, Mese Hiles, after spending a few days with Mee. Webb, of Settforth, left on Satur- day on a visit to friends in London and St. Thomas. Mr's. Stephenson is visit- ing friendsin our village and yieinity: MISS L. Brigham left ozi Monday for Hamilton, Where She has secured it situation, 3. Parsons, froth near Port Hope, iti viitbi relatives and friends in this vicinity; ie about 27 years • since Mr. Parsons bas .been hetet and We are all glad to see him again. Sta- tion'efueter Caryll is ill Obis home Ill liensall, ilimi place is being taken he, lealieving Agent G. Lamont. Miss L. oung left lest week to accept it pest. tion as Commercial 'Teacher in the Brantford 13usiness College. Miss B. Riley. returned t6 London last week Rev, B: Olernerit took his \yolk agate Met Suraley 'after A pleasant holiday. Rev. T. 11. 1,eckle is taking holidays this week. His pulpit will be supplied by Rev, Mr. Mact,eari of Blyth. eliss Ooye who is visiting at the parsonage, tendered an exeellent solo At the even- ing ser•vice on Sitheay last, Misses; 'seinen end Chidley of (Minima celled ttt Londesboro friends last week ere leaving to 'commence their studies at the Western Normal School, A slight frost was here this morning, the lith. The crowds this week are ruehing to the 'Western Fair, London,. Mr, Black has arrived to start the Evaporator Again for this fall. The Creamery Butter for Attgurst was shipped last week, and th patrons are being paid this week. le Butter martin has eased off . . , BnIEFLors..4t is stThlated tia -- Atile4st:000.headeof,eanteleill- lie 'rise& threatened. action againstlite cognty. in the erection .of the, new - Kintemjc After the matter had fieen discussed „Factoty.... ,Everybody tejoices 16 the,k freely, „.-Youne reduced ' the Omelet crop which the 'amount he. was ee k hag :belie .thee emehtee and finally.eagreecl to acceet the " sum of $400- " fuel. This wes agreed Cabe- the .eoerientetee; Who will report to the County Connell aecend- iegly, Thesettlereent is not' by any means excessive, arid we think the -county is to be congratulated -on settlement having been reached,e Mr. • Young Was willing, to . accept e less me:Mot thareorigmally,cheimed rathee than go tnlaw, Mr. W. Q. Phillips moves his ferriily to London this, week. Both _himself and wife wi 1 be much missed, especial- ly InSt. ,Pakil'e Church circles,. where hotli -weirenetive members. ; - On Wednesday 'Warder' Miller signe ed.'s cheque for $1800,, being ebalance itt frill due S. S. Cooper for the ad- dition to the House et Refuge. Speak- ing of it the Warden said 'We cer- timely got a gond jebdone andeL do notbelieee • :Mire Cooper inecio. any neetieeed:h „,„ -Wm, E. McMullen, of Elkton. Mich- igan, formerly well known in Clinton and vicinity, was appointed it rural mail carrier, July 26th, effective Aug. .15th, for rural route 4 miles from Elk- ton postoflIce, at a salary of $00 a month. ManyCanadians are not he- queinted with renal free delivery, for a rural inail Wegon IS a thing of the future in Canada. It is it postoffice on wheels. Will's standing at the Civil Service exam held April 1st WAS 0810/0• A GOOD tisTTREITAINMENT, - The Canadian. ,Sebilee Sitgers res.de their appearance in the Town Hall, Wednesday evening. Beate the first of the season, and at a season When many are absent from town and eountty, the attendance Was only average. ' The company is worthy of commendation, both in its vocal and instrumental work, lt is sate to say that - should they return' later on, 'a crowded house awaits them. .. They are really' one of the best Jubilee troups that ever taine to town. STRATFORD'S GREAT HORSE SHOW.-Vortune favors the brave, and the Stratford people wheare risk. leg about $1000 in their Horse Shove oia next .Tuesday; Wednesday and Thursday. Sept, 10-20 21, are discover - mg the truth of this adage. 'Entries have eotne in from the great stables of Crowe & Murrey; Geo. A. Pepper, Fairweathet & Co., 1'. Walter & Co., of Toronto 1 Mrs. S, 11. McCoy and It, II, Davies, Torontollunction ; Eon. Adam and Mts. Beck, London ; besides'nutn- erous entries trona near -by Oates. The water Jump Is maid to be exciting the greatest interest, and it looks as if a, bi sr erowd evil collect in Street- Ikme h west are harvesting eve will havee speciel cense for rejoicing if it enables some of our subseribers ent there who. are considerably in arrears to set le up their subscriptions.., , Mr. W. one of the roost highly esteemed rest - dents of West Way:renege, was callinge on-felends •his..-neighbothood. litat._ Thiffs3ay... ..There wee • frost. on Wednesday night.e Tether has bought t sinalLhease and . pit on Mill stteet; from Mr. O. Copper., Taybor & Son are putting le a; neat electrical Window display for certairibrami of shoes . Abe apple " crop will bo light in this section ,,ehisi year es-far.as-first q,e,tili fruit is eter- . cerried.......Watch mat for fall' bust- nesammoancenients in the New Mae. It peyste read the adveitiseipents as Many adoller wee' be saVed itt a yeitr' by Catching the special bergains.... Mr, jos. Wheell y• ani. his staff are busy completing the granolithic side, Welke as rapidly as possible... :4 . you are eeingto have an auction sate this fall it will pay you to get your sale bille at the New lenn. office; free -sale register given in the paper.......The Jubilee • Singers were billeted at the "Graham House during their stay in town....The Quaker Remedy Troupe is stopping at the Nortnandie, ...Hoge are down to $5.75. Boy's Worsted Sweaters at sOc: ATuRnALY, Sept. 16, . we *ill 'sell zoo Boy's: navy.. and cardinal' Swea,texs,.; made from good worsted yarn, in small; medium and large sizes, for ISOp each. . .5d pair BOyis School Pants, • macle from good strong Can- adian. .Tweeds, d.puble seats and knee8 S 23 to 29, for 090 . • Sizes .3o to 33, for 60e • Boys. Suits. for Pall, are here. The best values we cangete:.Suits, $t.60. a.txto $7.00 kpce-Suits, $8.74 tO $1.*