The Clinton New Era, 1905-09-08, Page 3Sept: 8th, 1905 .."'-'"^.1"••••••---",----"--""”111111111M,111111111Pewa"""roteee-re-eae-e- TEM GUNTON NEW BAA . 8 .go ' Sugar.coated, eau to take, era p1 4 mild la action. They cute taZ constipation, biliousne sal A - . sick.headuche. toUrgt: •••••••• •••••"•••• •CANADA'S N. W. M., P. WANT TO SEE _HORRORS THE PHENIX, 111.1......1••••••• 64,•mbl014410411 Eight Hundred Mounted Officers $cat4 Curator Telfe How ,Peopie leook at Prow I tered Over 400,000 Square. Miles a vincial Areiteologieal cottlitatten I • Territory Check Lawlessness. In Eduoaton Department. Neat your moustache or beard fl 111111111 DYE I The Rival Northwestern Mounted In teae recently issued' Archeological (dal oraer prefixed the wort "royal" warel some 'ideas aa to what the' mu- albeantillabrOWnerridabla.Ck?USO mix imps Daeosamfga*adussothouutvog,_ Et -1110€0, to give them their full title, & ..,,,K1 g` Edward ha.aing recently by spe- , e a. or o report, Mr. David Boyle ur t f the Provincial afueetim, puts for- te their former designation, are one of sewn should be, and as to what wora I ' Talt SNAKY Cieret-POS. IstrikiliglY aPPeats to the vleitOr,` viritea- ,e_oneadaila te• the studerit'e Standard News Notes the features of this region, which moSt eneeanaja .. a correspondent of The Pittsburg Times Dictionary, he says, a museum is "a Rumor is current that Mayor Camtle Heat it Feels to a a Clutched by This from Regina. They xnuet eertainly be building devotea to the collection, I ar- bell of Landoll bas bean slated for the • Marino Monster. ' 1 ubiquitoue, for, although there are less rangernent and preservation of works position of. postoffice inspector of Lon- _ _ I thee 800 of them, scattered over nearly of nature,. art and antiquity, or to the don division, oucceeding Inspector f eay . nrst experience of "Creatures (animus, Ropitirk. who may be promoted or I writes Ffa.nk T. Mallen In of 490,000 square miles of territory ex- tending from the Yukon to the western suPeeennuated. , the Sea, ' wea In * little bay in. Stew- : boundaries' of Manitoba, they are al-• . I art ISland, New Zadand. A.. small river most everyvvitere in. evidence. In every Boys fall and bruise thentselves, flowed into Ole hay, notable for Its fine large town and In every settlement • Grownup athletes sprain- muscles by Rounders, and the crevr of the ship in ayerloing wholesome exercise. The you will at some time or ether see • which I was then a senor soon discov- the red coat of the mounted police - aches and soreness are takeia out with . _red that the easiest way os catching man, As the train rolls ever the prate Perry Davis' Painkiller. Rub it well 1 7t° asm was to wade about on the fine ries, away in the distanoe there a.p- into the throbbing flesh and relief is I "' - pears the "solitary horseman," his immediate. se.n'dy bed with bare feet, the water be- ing only up to midthigh, and when they coat p, splotch a scarlet ainid the e,p- During the months.of July and Au- felt the fiat bedy wriggling under their parently endless green. He is the one ' and increa,se of $489,461 over thecorres- fieunder safe between finger and. great symbol of law and order and 4 the authority of the British Empire, policemen. are not usually the most gust the Customs receipts of the Do- sole* to tread firmly artd stoop, gm - a. minion have amounted to $7.413,652, ing in the sand until they had the ll " ponding months of last year. -During thumb. Then they would raise him and popular of official mankind. Lawbreak- -'1 .August alone the , impovement ,-put him in the bag- -stye-Kind- aeresa aers abia-theineinaluste dread; -anti' evErt- etoafirei---wase-figureffi reor egies- ot-any - amounted to $352,118. 1 their shoulders. . the most law-abiding are sometimes a kind representing 'certain muederers i Last Wednesday evening Carrie' BY and by We diseovered that the .- little feral:els lest authority may be- and ther criminals, whose tames have ' seeBrown, the six-year-old daughter of nearer the sea the finer theallountlers, come overbearing. To the credit of the been, from time tie tane, befure the . ..- A. Brown, secretary -treasurer of and so one sunny afternoon I was wad-__. mounted Pence it must be that they ' public. h'e are everywhere held in the highest It is not so very long since' one of • the Bain Wagon Company Woodstock Ink in the bay near the mouth of t returning from a two months' holiday , rivulet and Picking up some fine l''Pe°1- esteem,. .' At. aria public, meeting er three Young ladies. asked In a half at Southampton, was killed at the, mem. Suddenly I trod upon something- banquet the mere mention of this betirr whisper where to flied "the chamber of - Grand Trunk station by falling under- ; like a blob of Jolly. Fearing a sting, I of men, is sure to bring forth applause,. horrors." aleatii a moving train. Her father, ' made a stet) off, only to feel both triY In Parliament, the other day, when vot- • • We. shall, perhaps, always have whb was on the platform, made una- legs gripped in several places by some ing over SI,00fi,000 for their support, morbid and stupid people to meet - veiling efforts to rescue her. thing that clung as if it would eat in- _ both parties joined in praising them, people who regard a museum_ as a The people -of the Northwest ,realize Tnusee, and who desire to look only at to the flesh. . The Va,nderbilts have practieally de- I termined to tunnel Niagara River for stooped and felt a long, avehlO-liks and fully recognize the great services what; as they themselves would say, -is tentaele twisted around my right ler they have rendered in the opening up -"awfully funny,' or "awfully queer,7 or tile purpose of securing quicker tran- and settlement of this country and "awfully" something else, , referring at it of traffic to and from the West 1 tore o a,a n . . it oft and felt ausea which made me quite giddy. thoroughly appreciate them. There are the same time to the contents a the through Canada,. Civil engineers, -re- pzesenting the Michigan Central Rail- - - But no 'sooner 'had 1 removed on:- no new towns here which are under the-, eases as "caniosttlesaa ' or more elegant - over the ground snaky thing than another held m - way, are now lookin domination of the doggery-keeper and ly stile "curios." ''. -. g e au between Buffalo and Niagara Falls' shallow, bat I began to feel as if the gather; no abed men" terrmuseum has If a public museuhas no education - with a view of ascertaining the best honest citizens, dr do festive cowboyp el value it cannot be said that there is I another and another, The water wag nin and "shoot up" the town when "Just in from any reasim n for its existence.. It is the locality to construct the tunnel. Muet be dragged down, droarned devoured by thihorrible thingthe range" and fun of spirits, animal duty, theretore, of those who are &al - *s . Fortunately I retained some presence and spirituous. . . I ‘Cerned in the maintenance and man - exhibition of rare and instructive ob- Jects; also, the collection itself. ()rig- inally a temple or sanctuary of the Muses," g is ,plain from this defini- tion that the object of a museum is education. Of late, the French, word musee has been introduced as 0 name for any collection of monstrositiee, alive or dead, exhibited in some place where, too often, the other attraetions consist ef not very high vaudeville petform- ances, and it is not unusual to hear the Provineht17,,,,guseurn referred to by. the latter name. There are occa- sional visitors, too, who expreas not a little disappointment because they fail • SEPTEMBER DYEING of mind, a,nd, drawing my'sheath knife, These Canadian frontier settlements .agement such- an inatftution to make Lestes0 aornirtioLivivplied i4A10;:tit • /Tit Oleg anelerit' tradition concerning the pftenix lute introduced nearly' ev. language the habit of applying that Angie. to whatever is 'slugillar or 04 -COMIi1011 among its kind, Accordlag to, aueleUt writer% the. phenix was a birdi gooett hergita about the sise , of ars eagle: shining and most • beautiful crest adorrleadwttfe head,- itS plumage eOntaiired nearlsr, every tint of. the rain- bow, and its eyes, sparkled dia. MQ1.14.1S. Only one of these birds could live at eatime, but Lts existence Covered a period of 500 or 600 years. When its life drearSto a close, tho bird built for itself a ffitteral pile of wood and aro- matic spices,. with its wings fanned the pile into a flame and therein eousurnet1 itself. Front its ashes. a worm was produced, oiltnt which another phenix was formed, having all; the Vigor'cof yoillhasThe Oast care ofifie new plienlx was to solemnize its parent'S obSequies. For that purpose it made a 'ball of myrrh frankincense and, other fra- grant things, Ate Heliopolis, a city_ In. ' lower*Egypt, there was al magnificent temple dedleated- to the Sun. • To this! temple the plreldir:Ivonid carry the fra- grant bail and burn it on the altar of the sillseas a saerificereTheatriests then examined the register and found that exactly 500 years or -exactly 600 years had e1apse0 since -that same.eereMon.Y had taken Plage. "Worripn ead*ohes" 4 ^^.....^0. Late hours and anxious .pursuits, with immotteratte • ' eatingef4Alkti, ,,, Os, nervousness, - and overvvork or Worry,. is : - 0- - responsible for the alarming increase of headache. Women ace more subject to this ailment than men. Their delicate cos., ' itution and nervous temperament induces a conditton of the. system that sooner or' later brings on the periodical attacks of' ' headache. “ PSYCHTIgn " is the remedy of all others for the,' --, complete cure of headae. it buiids up the nervous system— restares vitality, cleanses the stomach from all bile, settles the. nerves; starts the blood into the proper channels, and in nt . cases, the attacks can be warded off by careful attention in following directions, Don't destroy the system by frequent . 1 'Ilse of dangerous powders), that give. only temporary relief, Begin- the' " PsvcitiNg " treatment now, and fortify the system 1. . against attacks._ .. This is the only_way. to peringnently dispoae i ' of periodical headaches. . . Modern Card Playing, -The gambling of today is a mild al, fair compared with the.- extant records of English society, We shell never again iee'the days when. General Scott won a -fertune *of £200,000 at whist iChiegy, by dint of keeping. sober. And high play, it mild never be forgotten, is a relatfin'term. When, Lord StaVOr-.' dale gained fl.1,000 by- at single coup at, bazard,Adf.j..e,r4ly tomMent was that if he had .been playitig itcleePr he Might I reached down cautiously to where in the far western United atates. Gov- lead in the adoption of' new methods, have won millioas. When the dimen- have one advaritage over similar ones it an it ought to be, and endeaver to telt the main body of the thing, and, Successful Profit & Pleasure avoiding my bare feet, I stabbed stead- ernmerit and law go there with the rather than to lag, or to iraitaitng tard- dons of modern wealtlit are taken into Hy into the central part of the beast; people, and there is no interregnum of ity those of otherand more pregressive account the wildest excesses ever wit - lawlessness. white the 'community is inetituttens of a similar Itind,.. nessed at the -card table would have a When You Use I was successful, for presently I felt the " clutch of the tentacles around my legs ' getting Into. shape•and meed to erganr, It is to the, national. milseurn Uiat Diamond Dyes timhl and parsimonious aspect to the ize itself,'" elect officers and enforce every seiengfie student's. steps should . relax, I seer the water • stained with the regency.” -Times 0! India, _ musk, which ali cuttlefish emit when sepia, and I melted the odor Of state, statutes which have but a shadowy au- • be directedaand he shoutd proceed the.- bucks of thortty so far away from the scene . ther on a well-grounded hope that he I. Bombay. Thousands of city and country wo- disturbed. ' of their enactment. Here the North-' wail find there what he requires,, or men and girls will engage in the work I felt quite certain that had 1 beeit weet Mounted Potioe exercise 'author- failing this, that he wilt be put in the 1 of home dyein in September. Old laid hold of in water out of my depth ' ity wherever theY may happen to be, way :of finding it somewhere else. ti. d ever dresses, skirts, glouses, capes, jackets, by one of these creatures only a miracle . and they are generally on .the gro n . Here, too, there ought AO be wraps and clothing for mon, boys and could have saved me from drowning. he agnang,tvery first. Notice is at oncie kind of reasonable accommadation for girls, will be carefully looked out, a,nd , :' • ' serv'ed -Amen those, disposed', • as ' there ..those in search of information, for prepared for the'dyebath. It is safe to assert that every wife, • . • f_4451 ar.varcljteddlelnere Yriqi racitinti—beattah ' Ilintorelf A VIAtini‘ ' .. • • . always are in frontier communities, to disorder that allt) doesn't go here,,. sketch, : or to photograph, and special eetlily'and effeet-' .• lerrallAatti those who wish to make noteS,...or• tb mother and daughter-w-habas heard.° . eilts_should be •rade fore the • DYES, will use them in perferetice ta classes IA public: speaking. aid: :of . WI" vigilance Cenimittee, that sive cities there. are .childreiag mu- - eenefit of 'children.: -iii-a-diTaii7paggrese" the wonderful and popular DIAMOND a •'meraorized oration. in may of . die ., any of the crude, weak adulterated, first two -sentences* Ilia Memory failed, those who are restive Under :the tram- seurna .that • is to 'say, • small. tyeical • After the • "lir carried • out, and without . the • a rand 8,-.160..a_ofebiankideanele.caregeseyera DielgAI the law either settle .doWn to Collections of Iota tora and fauna, be-,, package dyes sold by some dealers for. It is unnecessary to add a ' word- re -.face. He began aa-fOlacteirsi ' .. ...- the; inevitable or "fold up th. eir tents the • Arener-a-ria .se- - sliently .steal .. , . . . . . . . . Sides-Tnstructive material of some other kinds the Character of which necessar- • the sake of big preflts. • garding the great superiority of Dud . Ladies arid gentlemen.„, .Washing;oa laeay.,, ._..... . . ily accommodatenitself to the .situation dyes. They have a worldwide reputa- i getting, he 'hesitated a bloment and down. ' There is . little chanCe - for es.- ideality. .. . .. Criminals, are relentlessly 'hunted and circumStancei Of the town' and its MOND DYEs over all other makes of , le dead, Lincoln is dead - .Then, for "" a • serious. 'offence. . The., trhil folle,we in ' %thin, esPeeially those who 'come . from tion for grand home results, they • contintied, "and -I-4: am beginning t° • cattle • M one who, has corninitt$d. any ' . Many visitors 102 for a2littlatten7 Short order, and lit. minor cases often other cities, and all foreigners. . He InanesIthe offender is arrested, tried and con- howevert. when thi is not in question, Gerald ;-- The faddists claim that victed witaine 24• hears after his inis-,. there should be an Intelligent atOen-.. Yawning is 1:1Most healthfut and beau,- deed. Murderers get short shrift, and ‘ dant to 'whom reference may be made hangiog ie the penalty., ApPeals mast bY enquirers,: through *horn aaluable . . . giVe colors that nee in sun or ------------------------------------------ sel." washing. Home dyeng cer profitable work when DIAMOND DYES are used. Beware of imitation package dyes; they ruin your hands and- goo ma el ii others. Send to Wells & Richardson , opinion gains ground Cholly Sapphead i 1 - '• • tr ale. are only granted upon grain s be taken 'n capital cases but nedw information may, sometimes, be ac ials. Ask for the DIAMOND, take no tifying exercise;.;. Gladys -Well, if that , Co, Limited, Montreal, P. Q., for val- 1 .. a , will oecome mitten more popular with . quired. . ' •fialele book on home dyeing work and ,,,_ , so clear that a refusal would work very PosSible means - should be 1 •• 48 dyed cloth samples. Sent free to 1 we guls. • . • - • greater injustice. In fact, it is the al, • most •abisolute certainty of detection einployed te make visitors feel , at ' any address. ease. .This • is particularly desirable Widely Imitated lid never :equalled' TUB pENUINE IVIURRAY86 Amtirixts 9S— FLORIDA VIITER. . . The Perfume of Perfumes-. ' Refreshing. Dblightful. '• 'Without exception the bat Toilet Water , la the world. ' • Ask your dotted tor MURRAY & LANMAN'S • • ankerothet you get it. Mena capturd, and the swiftness':3.nd sey- When people frofromthe country . Parts ranted. the Money I "Yoile money or your lifel" growled deterrent to crime. • " sorneWhat more constrained in the erity ot the ptirtishment, 'that act as a are concerned. They e,re naturalry George Goldbeck. of Toranto, formerly "Take me life," rewarded the Irist--- an "I'm main.' me 'money for Pae building of- the Canadian Pacific Mall- public *aces, Stich viiitors - should be i -The Northwestern Mounted police• siaaooneings than are those who live kept down lavvIessneas' during th The many old friends of policeman the feetpad. of the 2nd line, Morris, will be pleased in . e in 'towns and have-lreguent access to to hear that he has been promoted to the position of Chief at the new min- old age." ing town in the north, Cobaatz i .should fill the bill all right. ' ' • . . . " road across the continent - they. fought assured , by the attendants and by ill .. . . . . . bravely in the Pier rebellion in 1885l. . concerned., t it offer . they presetVed order in. the wild rush that the 'net:it:aloft is publin„ property, . LO the 'Yukon gold fields; they:ride trier- that strangere . are Cordialty Welaomeds hundreds of. thousands- square miles . awl that there need lie•no heeltaacso itt farthest northerrt point of the cone la'amite out of Atte -citiestien to a,t- . tinerit, amid almOst eternal ,snowS; ' tempt the Management •Of arrt.rallseum, they .are in .1ralian camps. and •minings. Worthy of theetame -wttliotra facilities • -camps and,. where . 'fur traders matte eoreperforrning numerous 'theolianidal. 7 their tone posts ia.Vait 'solitudes; they eaperations,, fore unless. work -of this kind Protect. and help settlers irt -new and Is done. Promptly -the ,place will in time struggling domritunities; :they patro1.$00 look like anything but •• What it ehatilai 'miles of international boundary against , Casts .ca various kinds:have:to be made: smugglers; they- hunt down illicit liquor and Painted, objeets of all 4brtS need sellers, atid. everywherb•:,theY are the to he 'repaired, ardinale mounted, altelee guardians ef the- people ettd the pretee- tong ptit together, satins. cleated, pot - tors Of the. horeest and law;•a.biding: " ' tery pieced spear -a -ens cleaned and I More tban tale, over, 400. of this scan- if...Lamy other things -iatight to be donaln ty ferce -Volunteered and went: in•South, roar* of this.kind. , ' Africa diiringthe Boer war, where thelre. .It impoesible„ to do too rritiell by .knewledge of frontiers' service- -Made. way of imPreSsiiig ori the :public that them Of 'infinite 'velue. in that' desneee• ' while 'the, museum is a 'niece. in ' Which • ate creeflict. „Itis • told' ea, an :ks,idence • pleasant hours may • be sneht. 'of their. devotion • to duty that (Mee merely sight seeing the Main obJect in the 'dead of 'winter, it was iitipeta. edncatiOnal one, ..the. purpose of • ' titre that an important .despatch.be seat. which eorkesprinile to that o; a refer.* Pest A young enee library. ,-„Ilere are the :things y9).1. legian Who had: .slorilre-rireWiror—or.-iz.,. m araitlitellayatrITater • • the Pollee was ordered to, Per- - `eeeri:, iaetures come- ;and.: :see ..the • a, orin this .service. • Iii the teeth. of •things'therhselves.• blinding blizeard set' out inside Jetta: Byeea • museam, tete:. WOrthy of the ' .The inessagSivas- deliva red, a names. should institute eoupsea ' of lee- • the mesteriger -never returned. • After tures, or. of familiar talks, for the ben-, eilt 'of those who titre to attend. Claases from ithe eitY schOgls, ageompanted. by • teaehere, slimild be. encouraged to visit the rOoms'-froin time to time, but not Satairdays, as is Usually the. case , when- YiAltO ot this. kind are rnaoe at . all. Saturday as the young folks, day, la; the- sense that they should, be at lib-* erty to: spend it as they please, recrea.-'• of araeries; they are ,quattered at the asking -for information. GIVE T _the sneers had gone in. the spring an , Indian found in' the wilderness a. Skele.- ton clad in faded uniforni, The fatal despatch was in a. pocket and.on it .were, Written. these Words: "Lest. Horse' dead. Am trying .to push on, Have done •rny dying hand had written aabotter epitaph than any that. "storied urn or animated bust" could proclaim to his Memory. ' barely tasides this a a collection is .wort.h visiting at all, beyond simply be- . . fag gawked at, -it ie. Worth seine Cott- ' Bider:Mon,. some study, and' ie,- there - as well worth an. hour or two's time a week or a month, as it often . giveri to what Some speak of irrevero ently as "educational frills," Georgian Bay Canal Survey, KgPmes-P-1193.9•• ram row -I , The survea of that 'portion of_the ALEXANDER GRVIIA BELle tweeri 'Desjoachinis Raping and the proposed Georgian Bay Canal route be - The inventor of the Telephone mouth of French River is so far ad - Alexander Graham Bell, the dttventOr of the telephone,* coMes from A, vanced that by the time ice has formed family that has made a special study of smiled and speech for three genera- the detail of the entire section 'Will liens. His grandfather, Alexan,der Bell, invented a Method for removing impeeanents of speech; his father, Alexander tVielville Bell, was the inventor of "visible speech," a system to teach deafonetee tO epealr; and the third of - the ,klexanders, really "Alexander the Great". of his farnilY, taught a 'piece of wire to carry the human y, oice. Many ,inileS and 'deliver,the message with . out a change. Ire was born in Vdinburgli, 1847, Mid after receiving hi8. ellicetien at the High Schaal abet the UniVersity Of his native town, Went to Lenclen at he age of twenty to attead the 'University; but left on account - of 111 health and in 1870 tame to Canada 'With his father, TWO years later • probably have been completed. pur- ing the Winter the plans will be made, so that by the close of the present fis- cal year,. assumitig that the same rate Of progress has marked the remainder of the surveys, the Government should be in posseesion, of a practically exact estimate of .the cost of this great wat- erway. Inications are that the pro- -jeet cannot bo put through for anything like the sum he went to Boston, where he intredneed his father's sYsteni a teaching the • of $75,000,000 originally suggested. It is said that double that deaf. awl supported himself by Private claases, But the broader field of suit would be nearer the mark. .) 'wiener' attracted him most; in England and Canada, he had carried on ex- periments in multiplex telegraphy which grew more fascinating as he pro - (Period. and In Boston he interested two wealthy men who supplied fundS for his P xperiments; but he had to tefieh by day for his own suppert. In 1874 came the first faint elusive germ of the telephone; it seemed sueb a will-o'-the-wisp to his partners that they wOuld not listen to it; they were pfaetleal mon with no time for such dreatnit. In 1875, after completing .,bis multiplex telegraphy, he went to Washington and fotihd his applicatiott for n patent had been contested by nlisha gray, the great scientist, Ile Wag in despair, hut while talking to Professor Henry, he mentioned his theory of sending sound by telegraph, and the few kindly words of encouragement be received, breathed into him new life and purpose. He returned to Boston with glees energy Mit ahnoat, empty purse. a To ramplieate the situatiOn he had fallen la IOVO with Miss IlUbbard, • daughter of, his friend and benefactor, and had a feeling Of delicacy about tasking the father of his ilancfle for a loan. So in desperation lie renewed the struggle, and in Stine, 1875, almost by aceldent, etumbled on a clew that solved the problem. On Irebrattry 14t11, 1876, he filed his application for tt patent; one hour later glieha Gray filed caveat On precisely the same 'plan, and on Wilt /th, 1876, Mr. Dell received his patent; it was number 04,465, ene Of the most iraportatif ever allowed in the history of America. edam tams* to Ad ditto raillamootel Wade, le theme iE,bt, et Meal a the Department of aseeeituti, Tryon, your filen& Cr relatives suffer with • • aeilery, St. Vitus' Drincel 'or Falling Sight:ea, write r,r a trial beide atel valuable treatise ori such diseaseq to Tun Lianar Co„ Z7 Mei; lanai, W., Toronto, Canada, All ruegistsael I or cart obtaini11 you LEIEUGSFITOURE Might Pie Worme. Winice--What makes yOu Wok so bine? Jinks -I have six datighters,, Mute of them married, or likely to be. Winks -And you are blue over It? 'Yen are tile most Uegrateful mortal that eV. et breathed. / have six daughters, all married, all have children, and tare got to suppOrt the whole crowd, Sorry Hetapease. "I wleh, Mrs. Brown," tald the . boarder to his landlady, "I wish you'd give me the receipt for that pudding .wo had yesterday." "I'd -much rather give you a receipt for the board you had last Math," re- turned the landlady tartlY, nee Callappy Way. "That girl has an unfortunate' idea Of repartee." "'Yes" answered rifisri CaYentle.."She has an Idea, that She is saying smart things when she is merely Wing things that smart," 40posai...******.ifirir net thiPHeete PrbSt41140. She—DM your *ter get any dupil. tete wedding presents. Ile—let; she married a widOWer With two bora. ^ and it make. one pound of „ -• flesh an less filed:than any other • farm- animal because its dips-. jive jitices are stronger. , . , It is theideal meat making • machine. -Hence , every ;effort shouldebe Made to keep it "up" and'drowhig from birth.' No let, up becatisa it is too mueb. effort • to get it hack. -- - It is less effort to draw a wag- on a giveti distance if constant- ly in motion than if stopped and started every 'Once in aWhile. , , ClydOdalle StkFO.Ord " will, keep your hogs "up ", and go:ming beeeuse it gives a.: bet- ter appetite, thereby increasing the. digestive . fluids. and these' dissolve and assitiLlate :more . food and at a profit. 's It keeps them M. tip-tophealth. enabling diets better to resit disease, thereby making afirmer flesh; It gets thein to market weight niuch'sooher, saving feed bill, Ne.thing better for runts, tVuallY gebd for Horses Cattle * and Sheep. ' a" Nothing injurimiS in it entice -1i • stop feeding it Withetit harmful effects, • If yOU. are hot satisfied after ' feeding it yo* Money cheerfully • refunded by the dealer. Same for all Clydesdale preparations. Clydesdale Carbolitie Antisep- tic will kee,p, your pens and Pigs " clean. TRY HERCULES POULTRY POOD exernnsnaitat aroor FOOD Co.,' LinfTED, Toner -Teo GRIEATEST OF ALL TONICS (PRONOUNCED; Sirn.ItEEN) ALL DRUGGISTS. -ONE DOLLARaiTEIAL F EE DR. L A. SUM"' Limited, 179 rot Street West, Toronto, Canada .41141141111114 Light Buggies Our Specialty. Thy an lande:or the best ot material, and takeino second place in-'y•rk nanship, ['hey are the hightest grade, and in- tending purcnasers f3hoaid sec iny stock betore purchasing. GEO.—LAV I s e IL/INTON a-- I A .'..giiii4$*S:a0:1,•:•1):9-pr an ..". This:foctorypo the largest eoinity, And 1 ati-the 'Nary lataist Inipreved obinery, capable ordoit g wor on the ahorteer notioe. We Carey an extentit sa. and reliable stock and I reper Ad plans, aryl give oath:eases for and. build eali cleate. , es of "builaines on Shari noti a, ani tteg alines!. prates all., work is - seavie-. • ed in•et and ss.iisfsetien gtierenteed. We sell ' klndi ot . •-• . • . terior And exteriett-mAteriAl. ' • • Itiintber, La.t114 Sh!fiCeS. tante, Sash,' Dimrs. Blinds , . Etc- " 'Agent:fer the Celebrated: GgAy BILL; seneyYL DESK, re an iiseture, ' at. Waterloo., 'gait fld g iaprieee and einimates before placing o ir trdea , '• So' S. cOOPER :PROPRIETOR, • Gawral Uuidet Ittid,OutrititOr , • •Ors,;:t444•Vtest,•;'!.1#: Tea aat•• l'eTr 41+ _gii) • "1"- • rt • This ad isc,ons,picuouS above •all others „ 'SO the .stock of Gr9Ceries,•Proy!5jons, Crockery, Chiria.wa.re, etc:, to t.e found -in our store, above all . our competitors. WANTED—Goott Butter itud Eggs. Yr" r 4 .4 44 v.0 414' 4 anwerisswees, • Vier., libt,,...ThOs: Trust.. ibis is the Way people.ta* thes6..days. Although it is trite,- we,. are SW: . aSy and always ready to siipply your want's, as far as possible... We' earn' sup '. ,tli 3r you with Sugar, Glass' jars (pints. quarts ..a nd half•galpna), Rice. Tapipea, trillion, Roast -Beef, Corned Beef, .' Kippered Herring, et(',, etc. Then you. . might Want Shoes, Stockings, Sox, LiOtt Cotten UnderweaS, Dress • Mnslinso . Gingham, Linens, -etc;, ete, ,If there is anythieg.youtvata, just ask for it, as it is possible we have it. Terms cash or. trade. WO ' or 156 bushels of, Oats •Wanted; also any quantitv of Butter -and Elms. .. . - . . . It. ADAM' S . LDudestoro Emporiuni 100. Whiverdiiii1WiwwwwWWWWINANWAYAWVAM Ready for Spring • We have a full asSdrtrnent of Open. and Top Buggies fitted with either Steel, Solid 'Rubber, Cushion or :Pneumatic. tires—also Market & Lube i waggons. The 'tandard Elevator. Rarnball Having bresed the Standera "Hlevetor the ftiiron Ilighest cash price ittiwilmmwisimmmiopnypi for grain of -all kinds. ykirommwommmyl 1 41 G. SMITH. Clinton. undersigr ed ie papered topay the Plums. . Headquartere for Penne of °helloed can. aing varieties, itgefriitter Sept. 501, Pears and Hones, high quality epee - Ishtar. See our best values in, Pima and Organs. C. HOAR, Cibeten Detriteratin and IllusicraapOrittirl eaateerietaieteemeteeee...e...eeiermealeereimeeetee Advertise in the NEW ERA. EXTENSION TABLES. During the Harvesting and Threshing season a good. Extension Table will be found very convenient. We show eight different styles of Dining Tables, each will accommodate from 8 to 18 men. 'The -Tables range in price rom $soso to $15.00 Call and see Them. I 46 IL Largest rurniture.$tore in the Vountyl