HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-09-01, Page 2'. ­V� - -W-7-- __T ­TW llr------Jmw-.7-------:W,--Imc--M=-Z;l�W-w-r-- - ---.-- 11. -W-1 �=;4,-qW.QjL­_-_, 1 ­1"'Al � ___.___ ___ _. - - V__ 1FPPJ1W,W_ � - TF'_=_= 7 7-03=- - - ,7---,7_-W-- -�, - "� - � , . i, 2 � ., . I . , � INDIMMAPLIE . � � . . For the Dressing -Table : I i I ====1 I � , . , 1�.� . f . . MURRAY & LANMAN'S. I 11 , � , , . . _,.� Florift Water � . � I , I Mort -Tasting 04 refreshing than Cologne � I I I . . - ­ . . �, I Beware of counterfeltel I . � Ah-ays iouworfae "Trade -Mark" witb(havaintel I . .1 I , , �.,,-. , I LAHMAI R KEMP, - NEW YORK ,.� _: I ___ - - - I­ �, " �__._ ___ ___ ..----,.-- 11 ;'� 1% I . :.",� ThE 91inton $w Eft ... %­ FRIDAY, SEPT. 1, t00.5. 1. I il � - . �, - - . , ,,� !'�� Room Yet I -_ I � . :.Z - ��.. : The absorbent powers of Canada , I I . :�_ 1. -inoror particularly that part of ft � �:,, country known as the North-VV,est 7., , � ­ I but whiell is perhaps more properij ., �:. ,., , , cent", lCanada, its -westerners' con - . i �. istantly remind us, becomes wore.an �_ , " ! ! Moore a matter of surprise as the in ��, � ..� coming hordes go forward and ai. I -1. swallowed up in the great extent o - �- i. .country which is waiting for thos I . - �, -who come to claim it. CentralCanad I . I I and wheAt belt proper, is, and will b ,; , for.many years to come, a great ab .:.. sorbent territory, with -its bundrei .. , i million acres of fertile and virgin soul 1,� - Towards this goal thousands of bonic � ~,kers are. daily travelling, and with I . , , promise of 6necess. The wonder is 1� " I that there is so little congestion, con .1 . , � �, I sideringtheenorniousincrense in the �- _ :,.� population of that country in such It � 1.� 1. short epace of tinie. It is true that - Z -1- something or the kind has occurred in . � I 1 �.7 1, nearly all the commercial centrgs (:f 11 I J. 1, ��.11 Alitnitoba and the Territcries, owing ;A,.- i� 4- being �, -0 a numb(!r of the newcolUers I .1 117. qtrnn�p to ti,i, ennilifirinq flint exist. , " ,"i-, . I , ��' but %Vi III tilld U�RjUl I ty it IS Uli I Y 4kval.- 1 , .� � .. "t .. ter of days ivben they take rank with ;*', - ttlers in self - i Me hest of the older .w ` - relimice and resource. It is. estimated _ :"., + lint, from thirteen to dglne�n thous.� I �, ,. and harvesters are needed this year ­ . ��, to garner the crops,and, notwithstaild- , �'� ing the fact that thousands have gone � , , f rom I he 6astern provi nces to ajAet in I �� that wor the wheat fields are calkin1g. 1�11 � , `11 , - -, ,-- for inor-e. _.Jn_LI,ct__so sorijus has lie- ;. I ;6V ---�,- ,,,a . ��'.. I I i. . :. conie the ne,-d of laborers for barvest- �!, . . I �t- ing purposes that there is the grayest ;,-" .. �- �� 1.�, danger of dt portion of the crops being ­ .�._ damagrul. at the eleventh hour. Natur , � "". �0 -, ally the queg(lon is raised as ft) what 1. - - . . V, I .� , "I' -hAs l!vC0iy!e of the crowds of al4o- . I . - , � . . . . . . . �.., . bodie(i men �hat ha�e gotie West Hav . 0 T . � . , ,- �_ ;,'�x they found the country sc, yrosperous , , �, .,;: in other brancbes of ijusiness that they �.. �:. ,in afford to ignore the high rate of ; c, n - I I . pay received 'for work done in the �N�l "", harvest ficids ? It may be that-. a ­: ' I .,.: much larger -proportion of the iniu*11- I 111�� � : ... � �,L,� � grants than bas bcen s'uppriscd have ---. . � ..;" . entered immediately on the operation . . ., lv�. :,,V, of facing, or whatever line of business '�`,�, I I 0, has been in-eferred. This is possible, 1�-�`; � as it has been during the past two , ,�, - ""' years abvttt��r of congratulation that ­� I z' v, - � ., there was a certain degree.of superior- �`�:`_ ity in the inimig,rants arriving from J'4' '. I; , , - Britain nnd othcr European points - 11 '�.`. Then again. the proportion of work;ng, , 1: farms to the labor available has no k; I I . � *� doubt been maintained, and very pro. � I - . bably raised, by the innnigrants p6ur- ,!,�.-' ,;, . "" , ing in from the lirnited Statts side of I ".". the border, they being for the most "I I - V, I I'll I � ,,_ part experienced in the kind of. farm- ,., .. -, I., I V, r I" � ing necessary in this country, and bav- _. I ing likewise money to buy farms and , , """' I I ­­ � possession of the farming implements 11 - 111; . � �--,,. � ,�� , �` . neceesary fortbe work of breaking , ZL- hi.nd without delay. Mr. Roblin, who ,_ ' ' _­ i � - `­� ,,,_ is Minister of Agr icultdre as well as �""" Prime Alinister of Manitoba, stated I _,;,,,_.. I ",: recently hot the crop is the largest .N�, . , , , ­ ��:, � �:, and best ever grown in central or ��,�, north-west Canada, To this testimony ,.�, , is added that of the Lake of the Woods ,��', I , :,�'. Willing Company, in an interview. , I 11��_ An ofli I I of the company stated that . ,a .11 le 10, ne u ,eseen elimatic' in- " �rn , I 'is �. I , nfoi � 4�, , 1��% fluence �hnuld arise, this year's crog , ,.�'.., ,�. . . :, : will be the finest, both in reapect to, , , , "; , � �� quantity and quality, that has ever "' ­­ ­­ , " , been known in the history of the coim- '' I, - 11'1'� try. It is gratifying to anticipate it' 11 A 11 _ ,_ " . ", 1� �� big crop, and, what is even of more , I. importance to the farmei, and to the -i.111'�� .�.,., , ": conntry's reputation, a good crop. 1;,-..'� .1 � _� , �, �, I . The sawmill of Richard Robinson, at % .1 , Watorford, was burned. Loss $6,000. � � , ____ . ___. - - I 1. ers ' that Ayer's Hair* ' 'VIho'r'do!e's so many remark - I able things? Because It Is a I hair food. It feeds the hair, puts tie ,w life into It. The hair Hair Vigor cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the -darko rich color of early life comes back to gray hair, _- " . 6n I first umod Aybrvs or . 11"Ir as kbout all 9ta But lie I to a 111h , X in " as I 0 1 16 191 . a 813 6,v, A x1m, Alf V odu At I11.0 bolfle: J. 0. Alrkft 66.j I'da , .,T.I.to _0- for ft:*�� '. I � I . ift 0 , r �­ Gray.Hcal * � - 11 - ­, -1 � � " ,, 1� . I I I I . . I � . � . I ___ . 1 . I . . . - . . I V . . ''I . � . . . I I I I . -0 I 1 I I I I . . . . . . I I i I I � .. . � .1 . ­ I - � . I I . � . '! , " � . V I . I � I . . I . I I I . I , . . I I . I . . 01 O�� i.'b I .... --1.11., .r 1. I . , I 0 -6,0wi, 440' mb I . . THMI OLINTON IMW RR& I . . I Sept,, 10*2 ,005 ! i _. .. � ­­ 1 . r , I _ZZ -0--"--,-% " . " I � =_�O___Q,�. . r I � �� __ rr , _ =;. . I .1.1 I . ,_ . r---- .. � � r:` �10 r � . I I . � .1 EdV orial Notes,,o . . I CoUn ty ClIPP100 � A VERY CA'RF.F'UL WOMAN, �-- I 1 P I "Am-.. - - � _. ' . . . I I . . .r I b . r . . I I .-Oli . , ; . ) For Rafe,, I � The'rorouto WQrr . Id is publisbing a. ...- . .. I - 1, . . DR. WEAVER'S TRZ,NTMENT. .. . . ESSIONAL. . Na ' hU10e!rLge4 to teacli X04.7 41494 V9V14 Aot -Abj,A.o - AnrA � �rrr - - O'. 's, 'i . li4t of tho�ei, who did ' not pign ',tie sn; I r tlklnx IAU* RxitrltvaFnaoe. -WEAVER'S SYRUP Roll so a , - . . .1 round robin fQr th sed s 'o I 10 i'3%'4"4'1!,l','g �Vuc , er. 01. I Lord 011ancellor B14on was exterget, . I . . ria i micro of* lAnd, End end Out- , , 0-19HRY 131MATTIE A ,, e increa, espol 41d Miss. Farrow, of Godericb, has betp , St. Puroloo4or wisbina more land (4looet"Ot to BlIr ago r $too$ I oic, . For Hignors !0101luiloi Acally aldea In'ble p 0511 , , . I . - I indemnity, What mAtters it v. tber engag'"I its assistant Aeacber " Credi - � ardimonlo, buy ,lot joining, ,TOSRTiA VEABEN In t . 1.4bita � SA Rhewfi. I I \ 13ARRISTER, 001ROITOR, ft. ublic school. . . I Clinton I 6. � � , . " .- . , r To . . � I members signed it or not. T'hey. have t)n p . .. t'07 his W00, of whom It was said that . Scrofulous Swellings, etc. � ,,, 6 . I . .., ,= . r . r .I all taken the. increAse. 'The books Miss Alipnie Ilest, ,s 'mbo and her d400ter bad but ono'bort. . r . I 4,011$e for_Sal,6 - , I � le Vr�EWott.BIc.k,10r#404;r oftupledo : r of Seafortli. Ili . 6 'L I " . - 11 been ei d its aSSIStitntr teft WFAVER'S CIERATE , . have been closed, at th� acgou-4tant-s ' a , " Qber Jil . .3iot between them,, The Rer, R, H. r I ,, I ... . by I I Znrich vo4bglolc school, 1, . 1311rhAm, author of "Tho lagoldeby ' - Cleanses the Skin t r ed and olabIN ; , . morisir wo xzNi�--- � , . office in the house 0 riommone, T1 Ton rooms, with woodsh I I r r 1. � I I I . . . le An old resident of Brussel di d 11 o ge It . 6 . U$rd an"Oft w%ter$ f 4OrQ of lancl., cen- � , � exx,t1re=.%QQQhap bee- pahl out by Sunda)-, in I 9 e 0 Le nds .records In his dl#ry an B�a#tifjet the Comple:Klon. wo BUTDONA I . , � ry � the person ofFrancisi)re, 0 . 1 tre,lly-located for particuisra apply *Q I check andnetadollArof it has bee �82 amusing otory. of LOT . Eldon,14 penu, .' I I . . xx Wolf, a Years of 1. , I �, I W, BRY,DONE, 13APIRISTER tiOLIOITOR NOTA . . age, , Comblued. these preparatJoins act power� ,Ay . - Sed. Ifthere Was tkpy,,rV,rt . r1ousness: � f;,fthulpon�he� omillbtely qradlcat� . . . I I .r I . . 1:1 refu � , AV e re ret to hear Q . . , on TO- d. . ue in if the serious ill. - the Zc, VUBLIO, ETO I ness of AM', Wn), Eagleson, of IN, rox- t -`.Tune 1 1822. -The chancellor- is I , r refusing to;sign , the round robin, Its I , S ­­.. , I I)aAA &, Lawrence Cc,, Ltd., Xontreal, . Rouse to Ifte'ut . QL1NTQX . . , . r r oter, and liope soon to itear of hex- re- very fund of shooting. Ono m'13orning . . . I I __ __.r . value is l9st in the fact that all .take cOvery, . . I r.6 . . .­ r 6 1 661, -_ . . 6 . . RIPOUT & MALE . last year his lordship, Intendj�g to CIL. . I i S A ,00d�slzecl and comfortable housson I. themoney. '�", - - � ­ 666 rrr pen"'Or St., wIthr hallon acre:of . 11 . �. . I - . ­ - The wedding occurred atBl,ake last, joy a tow hours' sport sifter a rainy . 4ina. of land, all We fruit, bard and soft water, si�ablo, CONVETANCEIts, 0ONXISSION117 9, , . � . On the 20th of August twepty-one p� duesday of Mdttaret, daughter of night, Qrd4red Bob, Me, pony, to be I WhrOwbma tlie.19andkerchteir, -Apply to J, L. VoINTYRE, Staploton. . � � I . ter Douglas, and Z I Roal Estate and insurance Agent I ia. . . a told him"'ho Statement copl*ed from an old msnu, Years ago Ho4,, W. $. Fielding �ec=0 Assinibo' i'dwat d XcAsh,r Of saddl�d. . I�ady .r4,ldo xOne'v, to loan � Ot a. r From th. . at 'who has lived on the in th . . . - i 0. I B., HALE' - - . . JOH R=VT Premlerof Nova So could nort have 14 but compan 'being script-. "in the ,oundllug Hospitaf the. I - LiAller Pepper, ry 'r I � " For Sal . 4 . . , . I e-roo,m, gave no reason. Ili 4, f Po7s are bound apprentli ..'et - � . r . X day until the present the career.of the second Jim, of Moirlskirthe past sevi n ,pw ceso tho--�Vom-. I . . I . . . � � . I � - I I .. I _. . .. 'eiirs� has decided to remove to the � minutes, however, the 'servant opened en:wben marriageable are conducte4 In Clinton a t wall, Bagine 'and Poiler, AP' Go CANfgReft . Dominion Finance Minister has been. r Ort I I r , . . . I � . � S 1 1 . � I the door. and announced tbeit.Bo r I h west. I . .. . � b was prc,cession,thro, yd' streeta, and any 19 horse power, (Guld-e a. McCulloch formerly, Of Cameron,' Holt 4� Ca,merow - . I . ready. . - . .r I - ,-ake,) Diiiri3R ind othdr r1iole therei � . . . . one OfAinche4uered success.� He held DonalaA. Xailiesoxx, of Lochalsht. . ­ Young Man who s" oAe He w4 it s a BARRISTER AND SOL1C1QO1�A 0 the Premiership of tbd eastern Pro� has accepted the positi ' "Why, bless me," cried her lady� - wish for. a Wife is at llberti# to mark Apply to ,TORN -UcQ-ARyA%' * . . , . � . I . on of teacher of. ,ship, "you can't, rlde him, Lord p1don. , He . . - .�. Z� W Officla'-f4saultOn, 'At­.,,9PPO'61tOt0oIbor#* Rou e vince for twelve years, longer f.barl Glammis public school for the'remalii� . r . r by throwing big handli,ereblef." aOlJE 'djj" Oj,X' , r& - � (let, of the: � He has got fio I . . I . Tread - Powt I 1. 'a . . . . any predecessor had ,occupied. the . year, '. - . , r . I . shoes on.!' I TheJurther formaliti�s required pre- . .. r for Sale, . I . - . � q I Walter Innes, who has conducteda "Oh, y.es, my lady," said iWe Reivllut� ' vlous 'to matrimony are not stated. . ' 1. -_ . PROUDFOOT, URfS � office, and, being transferred � by Sir general store at - J41pestown for the "he Was r shod. last week.'� ' '. I ­ I ,e ­ Subscribe . Jk 814RIR,. . . . I - I I Perhaps this Peculiar custom. Is tl , r offera for gale rk* two bores Barristexe, s9ilcito . . r t Wilfrid to Ottawa in 1890, ,]has had: five yng,su -is sold Jib- business to "Shameflill" ex0almed. her Iad . -,sslon'llth wing the trend POWer in.9004 working order., Will Cvs.-Ou, thle M. 'Notaries Public - Etcr' r . . . Wei i b, 70111P origin of the expr( ro Oill T . . . ald,.Of Grey. 11 I . Ore. 213d door from 11amll. I- - . __ f. ,,,low r . I d charge of the treasury of Canada fox, �1111ntclftxl � , dared.you,..Vr, or anybodybavo handlWroblef.11 . . be sold cheap. JOEIL-1, B, LINDSAY ton 86., Goder , .private funds to 10"an at -r* , , . . � I . . . L � RuroA Road, God I p 0 lowest rates. . . r . One day recently George Edgar, of that pony shod Without orders? John," i . I . . I I elich Tp. olintol . , . I ------- ;_ . , r � . � r . W. PitouxiFooT. X. O., R. C. HATS� G. i SL � I . a longer period than any previous Howlck', met with it painful acoldent.i� continued she, addrbssIng her husband, , ' ' . I I . . atmon's opin ­­­­� . - e statesman. Therb are few Canadians when his borse kicked him, c r utting his. . ,'you kniOw you only rode Ulm out . . sir.james W I ton Farm to Rent or For Sale - � I I . 11 . f who can show -a x ' hore brilliant. record.. face. se,yerely, aPd breaking his nose. ollootIng ,four timea last yedr,.so I had I He says * that� tha.� commonest: or all . I- I . I MedL.0'aLr I . r � . . e The surpluses of his'll'Ine ,years, of David Clowan, Blyth, who recen'tIV his shoes taken .off.- and bave,kept disorders, and one from which few es. Lot 18, Con. 4, Rullott, 100 acre'a, n ento - � Ors. Gunn& Gunn. .. , X office lit Ottawni total $W,000,000. '.a.bd met with .a:serious acoident ..is s cape,.is0a,tarrh Sir Janies firmly., be- ly'all und6r,cultivatiop. Ter . ­ teadily them In my buredu ever'since. 'They. lievels if] st Apply to .. , nis liberal. . Dr.* W- GINUM, X, kt. 0 1 Improving, althoQgh still ?Ili a critical L -Itcal tr�ntment, -'which is be I W. W� -FATIrUAN . r P-- li- IM, C. S.. lRdla, r eh year, so,ye thre first condition; hi§manyfriend5rnJ!e pleased are. at, goo4.-as, new, and these peoplo liedby klCatwbozone'," No case, Clinton, March.22nd: 1905 * �, , Dr, J-.Nlabet 4;uuu. 1q. u. v. S. Maglands ' - , I .. .. . I I ... I . L- X 0. P., XondOn. - � I I . . � have shod him again. We shail be .1m,186tarrh can exist-whe' . I . . r when. he inherited A� 'Con�ervative 'to hea.11.0f his im .. . . re Caitarrhow . I . . ....... I . . . . . � I 'J. - . provement . . . � rulned-fitr this rate.'.' . . . r r. zone is"ilsed4; it,le-a, miracle-work-er, re-,� ­. ­_­. , ,� , �, Offic6- Ontario Street, Olintoin. - Ni olkIlo at - I . I . . �' " , , , front doorof 64#Ap py., . � r bud. -et and a deficit. 31r. Fielding. 'Mr. Maudson, tit Chiselhurst, caught.' 1. . I . � .- ., .�, , Iloves -almost (notan tly. and cur6-'after � . ,.-I'aii4sr. for -sale: I .­ 18trtm.-­­,­ ... �. .,, xWdance_-_Vttou.btW.*­,._-.- .. . . may wel I go down to pqsterity� ns ille * a porcupine in his field.lastweerk, b . Bloat Men � H&ve I it. - r . I othet rem . edies fail. 0tber tfeatmenta . " . � . .. __ , . . . . . . I � .. I . . I . . .. ... - Ministerof GoodTimes. . � ". , hitting it over -the head I I - . .. . . . . "In theTar West'- Reward, Ages," IM -.1 � . - .r 1 . . . -1 , � I . 0 .. �, . r , I I and sfulli.tug r -it; .He hil � "Thnt man who turned.the corner a .0an't-rbach the diseased parts like Cat- proyea firms for ale at', 1 $14 . per acre ) ' DR-40.Wc7.81HAWe' � , - , : r � ' ­ - I . 0 I I . . ES exillbition. Itigaraxityiptbiscoun­ moment 89O.Will probably go into.,No. arrhQzone because it goes to tbe'source 0 . PHY8101AN, SURG8021' � ' " I Y0*u .other fairms without baildlxig� froxn-$() to, A hour ate., CM08 aild re . . , r . r I I Said r . of the trouble along with the 41i §12 pet acre., good I . .. 1 3NUO . r ioidence on. ' - ' SAFETV F01t LIT9�L]�O I . Xy -now. - . I. . .��i W,11. -the lazy man oil the front b . reathe. Catarrhozone. is I. .. land COUX10 . . .from one.to sit. t nl6P0tgr0,VDP,!0lt0 I nglisboburclit formeri-Y ,w 1. . .__ . .� I ''. ­ ­ �. . ­ 1. � .� - .. . . I . free, from .mileo from t *to partdoi r . - � . . . . . s eps. ­ I . . aft own. Fare , paid. Avpleton, 011utou onvi . I . . . ,,r VVeare called upoinibis weO..L- to- re. I t . I . . .. . . cocalne, 'it leavvig.tio-bad . er"effects, . - . A . . . �. Everr mother who hasAried 13nbY nord t', e death of Fifilay'McLen nah, of . The womai stood -up. tc, look. - it I's simply nature's own Lure. Acce�t investing' - - N' P. CR10H, Revard, Aeon, I . . r I � I - . . Own Tablets becomes- -enthusiastic Riple - ."It wits 147,11 slie said. I no substitute fox, Catarrhozone, which . .. . . - . ­ 1, .DR- G- W- THOMP80ii. - 1, I i I ... �, .bo tesided for niany, years in � . . . . �, 1, - r . . . 1, . . alonboan cure Catarrh. . . I . I Physician, Surgeon, Ria. , , about them - tells every other motixer OC Is f inceres nipathy is felt for , "Thatis'neffrenou9b," said the lazy" ., - - .1 ..; 1 4 . . . TO.' 'Rent . .- . � . I I how safe and h6w' effective they h ­ ' --- . . . . . 1. . � . B]Peefsol attention giTen to diseases of- the . . . . Are'r is aiii� ,ters,.:who kindly.nursed..bini man.. "I know, he.would stop some* I . . . - � . I - EYO.Ear.Throatandbios . . .:1 r ., . r . . I . I -e. I how rouch it r6lie:ves the dfixiety. durin I$ lob ilh3c*11"19. . . . 11 * � I. 1. �. Thlar brick cottage and 20 * norcs. of Jana, . ; .. over ba by's health to. use these. Tab- . -- I . . . r place In this part of the block.0! - lb ` ' , . - 1. 01�6e and Residence- ". . I ut how could 5-011 tell?"- asked th . . . . I OWN solar 'and . lets. Airs, S. W. Crawford, Thomp . Ge6�g*elir6�viili?e,Tti.elcei-smitb, took I ,."P, . I e 014 , your. we An . I not 00nih of Clinton, on the London road, Ax�ertgtreet.g *16cki North or RntleabU17.. . - . I I son, Ont., says :-'My baby vras ill a load. of. whe' � woman,, - . . . . . I.ATTEND . ING'THE , at. preagnt owned by Mro. Frenr is of- - . . . --- ' the other r I I I : 'BY . . . 11 fered for rent on romonable terms. Apply -11(anning 8 . I .tll , 'i , . . . . G. W with constipation and* - Ueethil)g ,d�t which he E61d to Jarfies.beattic. . could tell by the floor k .grab," . .. I ft. , nilth�.,X. D. ' - at to%'Seafoi . . . � I . ey - to Ephraim Butt, Clinton, or'Rev. W. H. " - I - . , C.N."., I troubles aiid I gavo him �Babyli; Givif fe'scedsixty pounds to tfiebusho),, . was the rtPlY. ,"Most .men have it. Not ' * - ' . . , Butt,'Spring6ld, tf � PHYSICIAN & SU'R ON. r 1, T,11)1,­�. WhIell . gav­ speedy. relief. I . and., Alr. . Beattie said it w- ' ' .,�: %: , .rGodcrc ,.� I. I �-- - . March 24 1 . � I . .GE . c(J11. r as -Wo first oneman 14 a bunoredwalis t1i . I . I I I . .. � . I I . - . _' _' 1 ' ,;",.L. . 'I . . I he "gets ' . I I .. I . I � . . r . 1. . I s .. . OFF10 : Grip 7 i ' * .. ' .Q �ak,lk to atu ' c��col,ent load h6 had bouglit thig.yearthat bid "to his own door'to take- out his' I 0 . . . . . * I .. . r ..E MM4,13tteek.bayfield, for,A2 ' . meolizine for cllildren*�, These tablets 'stood. thetest .I ... . . . lipy. Tli� mini' atch- , . . . I t F I S .for sale'. � . � ... I . . . . I I " ... . , r . I ite he turns 'in . . .arm .. .. 1. . I . 11 Occupied b� Dr.. Palliator.'. , � ,' " . . ... cure constipa,tion teething trouj)lev - - ' , . to his,own Busdile'ss. Colleg6l., I '. � ......��. ­ ,_ .. . . . . .1 . . .. . diarrhoea,' sinipie vers, de " , . Gvopge Murchei'. McKillo'. . . . I 41001k'�ber'�fic6nScl . . I . . . . . . . -------------- �__ 1. I. .fe. str:)Y. I ­ I. Pi. h EL� (Its-. A Ously,digs'. Wto his " . . . . � - 160 x2ies in, 2nd Cob. H R. S. Tucksr� - . ' J�'B. LiUNIDY, D..b..S , ,. _! _; . . . . . -ms, break*uP colds land pja(),11* . berd of 0'glit.een bJack, -ets."': r' . a - ' - . . . 0 9 �, . ,. . 116 , . . � . .. . . PO$UCI OL I , - I . � . � I wol ote " ' POC4 . . I . The'SC11001 t,Moifein Methods smith ( 16t'42 and west half - lot. 84) with 'Sueees . . -w, D � . . natural healthy sleep. -3ron haye. - I . . w . . .. . I . . . 1.1 . :r ., . r . � . . I Ur' to Dr. Agat entiol. .. .1 . .. ......;::�, r And. , W'hde, POUL!"licus cattle to Mi-. 'Al.c- - __ � I - � . ' ----7- ;, , .� good bri 'etc. - ' - . . - . . �.. . I . . ' � The bi8t BYPtbms. individual instruction A first alas far "; . . . . I . . it guarantee tbat there is lint a partide Dougali, Toronto,. re 6eiving for theiii. . r ,, . � - I . I I . 1. Wbonse' barn, Bbeds,.eiables CLINTON, *!. ONTARIO. . . " , I � r . ' ..�g - " . .'r - . . ,.� � ,Ileo.,Co b.' ., . � - tao a m . Parcels' will, be sold, .. . I - r *', ' " " r . nous sbotbing, perrpound. . . it ' h oil -are eith I * of opiate or, polso -stuff. §,� 0�nts . M I ! iind a persoual interas in pul . 0fflO'0 open every dayan until 10 0 . , ' ,rh, Js i n eNcep-, Pee *comb.: Or* beeswax the . material . I I ogether. 'For parfl6u-� I . 11, d - . ,.. in tlieni. 83old by iCl�edibine dealers. t-119.111illy I i o'e herd 4nd" Oe buyer 1. r . �p '. . . , - I Or the rspid. adv;hncemetit -in .. .Woo �. .�� . . -Me honey cells in M9 beehive I he "58cloa. I . applyo, -.0ERBERT CRIcH � , Saturda'S. pyonlog,:' . r,:, . .. , . ' r I ' . , .hich I r r or seh t '1)8- mai I at,X' ? cents'a b6x by. W11I[Ds,t1l�N-iire, the' thest lbt lie lj�js' ,'Of rW , ttehort time reiJuirea to grAd natc,in, our , , . . - . S'egfo�tb ,,, ,.,I r' I . ­ , . . . .. I � - I . I I I I " ' " �. . � . . . . � r �r 'r , . .. .. r . . . I .. . .. �, . .. , � . writin __ a 0 "Ver 90t hold ot .. - . are comppsed, Is 'a wai J)�oducetl by a school * I so Qi . , I D� I G. 4 F_61r: r 1. � I If .-The. .'Dr. ' Willi: nas 31' ', ' - . � edidn L 1. � . I Or W. tr,&n Barrister,' int'ou. . � � . I I . � 7 0 Cit., I. . .: . r ,, , . .. r I '' : . . ... _HOLMES � I ofkvil'e, Out, Send for our � . � � - system. �f chemistry'. carried on in the , rjp I a r - . .. _. , .- ,. . . . , W0 . . : I i- . . . I . . . ., little 1,Ook or the care of infan d ,.,br. Annie Rogs, of 131y1b, who i�'one es . I mrtom,Date In. Evirythin . 1. . . I DENTIST ; -, .- � : ., �, ,.� . . wax. r?ock , i0c . . I � 1 . I _. .. . ,: - , .. ` all *0"tho n', - '. . * ' ... ­� . . . -hildi-cii -1. .moth � - teachers :4 fhe T � � . �'. r. " We teach't-be Gragg System of Short. �, , �r r6pertle, eliti �-.- . - (Sue6eso or" to Dr. T. 0. Bruce - . young ( -%free to al ell1q, 11nodonal,jr Ir s to h , I 1. r. . ; . . . I � I . . �-t tv".P" Ouefi)b, 1r'eQL a hanilsonic. ..�]e abdomen 4" i . k . . band� tbei T014ch. Method of Type4 t .. , . . � . � . r . . ., ., . � . . . Specialist in C*O-v�lii and Brite ivork , , .'r. � "Ir I � . . . I . . Wr .1 . . I ...... r . .jv6d. � Df a I wor Ing bees' 4 Is teni Of Br . - r . . __ I . . - a. Opepliar substance and Is said toi be, nod the Budget Sys " "01 ' . Tbezu"irsjga�e' J h6 store L. D. $-Graduate Royal CbIlese ent - .. . pres-enc, lllr'',t ,ol shape of a che(pie-for.. � ook d offers to ren t . . $re*320 Aif Ontario I , I I r -keQpihg, ,�, ,A- Uronto. 41.sur.* . ., , . . A Great W01-11,; .: -. ': -$10;) hist Week, gb�)1Vi.L1j_.tlI ' anaIQgOus'to.'tho-,j,fats df filglier ani-' ,�Tbj 8 ate the' tbre6 . ana-Awelling oil Aibeti St. next to Wug's' .D.,Dt s._Fjrg� class RO 0: ilred,tiate.of . . . r . � .", . . . . . ii U. - � C �,-; . . A at her Work. . . I ­ , I I 6 latiat 'triumphs - in � . . Don- - . I . , , r .. als. . r 6 I - - r * . .. . ". . ic et iriana ,� - I . posed-Ahat cox - '� -.'.W- I, r I - ' I . : r : ".;llly� Ippreciatel '6Y th m. . . Orloffin ly,it'Ns,as .$Up ninercirl tiadbin iC . �_ Bahery. Oaribe r usod or any kind.of 16 I tal Do,jartmeut,of Toronto U=,*erslbjP . . I � ,(, . , . � . I - . toic Ili . . , I . ­ rg� "'M 1 _7;' I- _ . attaution�r F. . ,. ". . . (11amilton Times,). I.. I .. a . "' .. , 111(l � waen'61iLe ' - up In .. Day and Oening classes. Expert teW . stoire,pr, would ansvier S Hid .to p*eserv&ti6u . . . . . . I . re L�irus .sh6 isq this Wax was taken, an -Alm&t - r dressmaking. 3111111�8.11 0 - I I It N esti mate � ease -of 5-111try. , -, L r . . ,i, 'All oni gfiduates get good positions. , 'at 'P t6dth'- , ill visit Bayfleld g . . � " . �. , � . . ci : I ch- . d thift *the Grand Trunl, ' .be�.,11�1 t1cl . . pure :ita"ie Irom -the flowers, .by - the , "I Also, .the house on Huron Stiest, pres- 3�ouday. . .r 1. . .. . � I . . I ,� . , I . . , . I � r, 'ent occupie&�by beii4lf.,,-Particnlars�on, ­,*­_�_ .. , I . .. . ­ .. ''BEautiful,dikenlar for theasking, Fees . r . ­ . . Plicif-'�c.-..,tN-14--.Ile(iutr(s .10,500,000;. ties, - I . ....�� . I n ea rl v 500A . . . I . . I bee§;'but*recen.t expdrIments carried on . FalJ t,,, . �. � 1 . I . .. . . � - , ,- . . � '00 tons,of raAls,42,000,000 . m I . ... I . I . . . I � ... � : . otan lower *than in. nitai ocboolp tin. koplicationi . � 1. . . I � .. r k4ugle I . - , ' ' � . . � . . . I 2tb.- - - , - '�O. . , . r. � LVEF 4, � -19. - FOWLER - � I r . . . : bir'the leading b 19ti and ,chelxilsid - I D& -�-riikvs, ;5.0%(IQ� bolts '2 500*C9, . . I . . . , , , 11 0'n--� - .. . : . . . .11 � of _e. )ybild conclusively'litove that, ..cpeu Sept., 1. . ... �... .. I - 11411S.' T., M,,I; . . ,I . Clintor. - . � . .. .. � , I � .. : . , � � . . . � ;. . � . . " , . _6 . . . . I I .1 : , DEN.Tiate ...., , I I . i;68 ai)(f flsb plates. 1 guaidp and.: tie . � -. , . -1101V'S T11181 . . I 'the . bee Is capa:blq Of 6Iabor4t]nqhI,%:,; � -Ift 4, Q'L8 NeV, .Prinelpa .. 1. � - . , - I" . ' . � ' �_' ' .. ' � . � I , * . plates n1so ill the millions. , It is esti- . . � . . I ' ­ I . . r . . arm :. ' . I Offibes I ove r r * O'NEIL'S- fitdre. . , 01 t W.e offe3z One Hundred Q - ar� 'Ro � .p.0cpflar ,Wiax, aitbofigli dduAn4d to., i , � r � ' - �. " . r . .. I �, � 1� .. ' . . I � . . mated 50 locciniotives, 80,000 frel, , , 'D 1 - ' _ . . F',r ''for Sale.. ., - . �r � :, oaches will b , P . ­Wy case (if Ca6arih ta'at c . rr , , ,I , ' 1 1 '--"" ' r ,.�t, r , bpecial c r are'taken. td'm�hb dental tre . . . I . . . . ' " ; � urei. . .' . . .11 � I 111 1E. . - F01 , . IL i * � men , t as painlegi as posdible �. Will ji- -i c,tre, mid 50) linssenger c w�rd fv,x,.,, ' ' it"- diet purely:pa6charine in its nattiref. . required, besideel, l5ric1ge timbell and il()t; be cur&A by Hall's Catarrh C I r ks .� . r SECU . S IKSAM' onaou Road I mile from 0 i ob,abot . I ,10.j",Clfl;,,"ii"y.&-C().,rl'Ul(!do,(J.. �. I . - f : (',�J�' � ,' - . . , � -- ! �_ i . -, - '132 nor I es of fl;ot-claes Inca., Rich :as, a A b rA evhry Moiiday . . I . . . r. stvel, ,-tations, t0cphonds and, tele 1. . I Owl H , On..r ­,,� ." . .11. d 'h''r br , . . I.. , � _1 ; . : . --- 1_�11, .tei, ' W:e,�.the, iiii(lei-signed;-.hitN-e'-kiia�%'IX , .ill .1 e n 'kttla�e of $2,000i Upon.'farm � xu� u n I I . . . � ,1 0e Mo 14 C, gar on, as. een: a stack farm 14 a. nu - �;, %., nt.ei..j,,.t1J1,CS, terljjlbr�.tl f, . nd r -Tollu.11em-ir . �. . . . - . . I . I r �!!!='� r ' ��' . gra . lities, ri . *1 ulh6uey . ritere,st. 4% yearly;' I a I I . .. I Thri . . � I Think, - - " ­' ' .VN,lk6- :f!��Orjjq rs�til�ay ,ffa.8 the ml ' ' I mar gag I . ,r . plinty of stablih,v;;pigboasd for 100heid, - I . ' - * r . . r . all, The. -ties placed 1�clieve Ithu r 1) � � t*10:11). ,J� I s so I I I nce, �, -1 - .: �,,. I - , oar ji � A .seellaneou, l� r ,*. ,� r 'fir es in det ' '' .. . I , ' t� a due ro., � . � : imp . , 0081011 Ely "' T%/Ti � ­ . I ­ I chw. etc. it niemn.s wbrk. fL.etly lloil:. f e n tol-OAHastl5yeays, a 21fao Ierjrtb'9 0:stionoxiaer Aandsworth $4,50; i her of.years, -Fr nie'-b6large, larger.barns, . e g ; �er , _ - . I . � con, 1,yea be . ilement building 1?0'8'8* , ., -04 I 7 r . . 11 S., , � . .1 - of th _,11L , . ' I , , I . I . - I . . end tt) r end Would. rq�idl Over 10.01 *1Ils'1.c.'­,')ns . -, having, learn9d that-rirall Witte, M6. Stoek�5 sharcs in People's Iluilding , . --- .r . , , . � ,Q 1)�Isjne$str� �­ , and firia,licially - , . &Loin Ar � . I any- time,. Q"4 wisbes-fo' retire from I JAME�OAXVBELL'LO J3B 0. . I . . 'goolatiox), Of r '- ' ". ­ : . If *, k f6 hatiollel: ablato e4irry 6ut..Li.ily,-.q).)Iig�t.tioz�:�'nilt(ie - wife of the. state' councilor, owned a London,! divid-1 farrilmy, Ap'ply I -o' ' STEEL, $SURR.O.P 11A � I 3 .*, r . � n.iles. anian undertoo, , r r... I ­ - -1 - H. PLTIM , . .. : . I � � .. !'� woudbif ul. - .'. ' ' 'en a of,'6% paid. half -y early. - ,., * . . .. . . I ;. � 1A E SAM the W,UM, ,01JU o6d s .,. . . . . I ,modoi .of his:pet'iliminary, I .d . . . May 19 1905 , ,.. . , . . . . � . . '._1qo*! nesses. , q bred r: r _ pikes, bolts, -Nh by is -firm.. ` '. ' . . . . . . . ,. . . . I . .., lllate$,ete" re(lUij&l'�forthertrac .. .r . . v"Aw)vxC. X n , "_�,.�k,�;&- WARVYI,' ` spent yeairs . tryfiIg' to *g&I oss S 0 ; to 0 .' . . . . I .�� I . _... I.. . � ..- - . , . . I - k,'at . .N. r r , . n P es I M S ck� 5 .0b.a,res Colonial layestment . . . . . . _' I . -777- � -: , . . '*. - .the rato of one 'it second, working ten , . r �Whiolrt�sitle' Druggists, Toledo, 0, of. it. �As her husband %vhs- living, he - :&L5'ah' CO., 'I 'en.ds.pf 6%, paid half, " .1 .� . , , 1. . . ` '­ �� ' r ', . .:. 310 � C . . . . . � .1 .. . hntirsd�ijly, the job. -would I; -h.Cure is' taken, inct, C ul ll j. � . . _I ye&fly..rr'. - . � . 11 I bookAbbe-Troo'erty IkIr , � I . 11. . . .. . �.. I . I .. . � 11 . . . � " ' . . . ast, about Hallps' 6,,ar, - . o d o marry the-owner.df the moda - 11 . 1. . . . ! . � :_ . � - . � %'I I . . . � - I � ,� I I . . . . I .. . .I . . 1:: . . . . I r ,. . ,. . "P,iliate f . I . � t , ,, ,,r,-,, r ,.. � .'I five years and fou� -mo�tlis. . The. 'nally Iteting.aliectly .upon the blood, eli go he married her. daughter � af " T�6oenrs.o - salo, 'Particulirs � ' ' .. .8 I . . , j I , I . 1. UnQ9to Onnat4 I r bililding of siaf iaiis,i' c.' mand ixiiicous,-11�121ces of the. system. I I . ,,. #pd ., ffeted for . . . . .. I el '. I � � , .1 I . er,een and -up- , � . � --.� , - . free I ' ' . ,� i �:.. � . .. . ': r. I . . . wards -, - .. M I �� . oundhouses, et r SL I the death'Of his. mothdr-In-law. 6 y.be had irom W. tRYDONPD, I . .... . . I W_ . YDOXIE. . . 1. . astnall-armyof 16S' ' �Ilt '. .pl,i - lits . I I the cov, &. . . r r � U r ­ � ' "­� . .1 � I I r.., � . . , . I I will employ. . meclian., . .Vestimonials 1. e. 75 cQ ' � � 'I. .. . . I " Solioitorforl,.a.boldbi. . Hoa e Apa loij ,In tilsy,'llarg, O. 'Holtual ' 3� ,__ � I . - --� ------ O." - . . � ..) The deitiatiol for loconio'fives and cars -perbottle. Qold`by;aIl Drug,lst,. - eted.mooll became his., � . . - I .1. , . a - , r,. . . . ... .. il . g. " . . . . - 1. ,r . ; . . , , * . .. . 1. . , � � .. � - C1* ton %ay',17,1 0.1' ) ouidersigri�d effers fcr�salei .her . . 11 -ill try the eapacityc I . ake Hi4s.7a,uAly, Pil r C(JlIF,t.1p., ' ,r - - ' ' I . � I . In 9 - . - I - , ,� ville. The . . �.' . ii .. &burshops.'The .. , T� � . r , .18 for . -,' 11.� r 1, .. ..' I . ­' r .. . r. . . � . JOHMM, VIM . I . I . . . . I .1 .. �. . .. . � . I. - grading and trAek_ I - -1 . I � � 0 . . MrgeT two-story ' brick hbuo6, 'slats, roof, . . I - . I :., . ... _JaYirrig..alone will atiom . .': , . . . .'.r' - r ... - . I - . . ! ROL ESVILL19., ", I . .. I r , . . . I . r . . I �- - -1 . � ... �, :.. rnleriiliitl)6r-f;)rthotis,,Lnds.. Itis'a"v;Xst . . .1 . . . r.1 ,� I. I . . . . . 1 . , . I , , . 1 . .. . .� I . . .� good cellar, I furDsce*, bird and:,. .. I r I I M . I I . .. r . . r . . .. I 1. .1 I � �. . . 1. - I . Agent, toi - . % " . ' . r I r . I . I . ,0 . . . - I . . � . con"" 4110 XA1F6E8TZi1A1r A -k, and will inicrease by- o,ver 20 pel, '., � . .1 . I . . . . � . ,soft wi%tir in orge r� ablo and dri've' obedi 0 Z sarRANdn' . I . woi 'titary -of a Wise Black 13ass.:.. - I . :. 11.i_� . . � ... r - r I . . � I . . � . I house' st of r Co. of Maneheste itnarland whose funds 'are, . ., . I .. . . . . I 1. I . . good gataen r' cent -the 'railway inllelag.4 'of Capad* I . . . I . . . r. . .. . r . .. � . I . I . . .. I all Muds fruits;:. about �2j seaurly. are rate a- - 1! ' " ' . . .. ­­_ I I I . .11 I . .. F . I at 414,00,00e, Also the ]do_. r � � ", Its effect on. settlement and the d6vel-. sor�e. people. say. that fish have no� .1 r,, -1 I . � � I 1. s .I. .. : 1. I . . acrdsofland�-converiientto Railroad Sta� iLmLop MuTu- 1wouRANox uo. A � classes or I opment Orr Our C(Jiintry'g industrieS.iVill ,L.%:q;1LA16s," said a man. -who* has just got , .*.. . .1 I - . . �. I . .. r . . . " rt. ­ . � . . r. ,'' , . 1, . . . � . . I . loia'pogt,oMoe,Chdiob.,%Dtlr�_Sobool. 'Ap, farm visks and town 1) OrtY, taken by . . , , , : r , '_ , , . I r . . " I . . lowest r1ktoa.r, , . I � . rZZ, goVPT .04 1 1 . I back frorri a eouple.oif weeks' outl4g.jn . . . . � � .1 I .11 . ir oil Alle prem iges, - tb,, M11S. Jh -an UOMPSA166, � . . -() iortion to As magnitude The . . . r 4 . . ,. . . ­ . . .1 . . �. ply..byr mail, C alap repreocipped; NOX18Y to bip had rr.,= � ne in �tv r ... . .. .�. ., . 1. ­ . , * �­ I ovp iuwsl . . . .. . I I 1. . . � T. 0. PICKARD, Holknesville , 1 ,5:6 tf * : ` next ears will.belinport4ut One ,,,,,,v.6ka; to the- TIo.ronto Star, "but -a . ., . ; ... � . A I -war UIP900901,111LIff 0 11stfte of gper . .. . 1otA p in incident earn& unde r r . my oW,n.r '-b. - .1 I . � . . . N .1 .d , - I . . 0. .., . . .r � � . I . . . I ' d r . , Vally maff,* � liolmes*ll a - PORtal - ' , . . ,the o , . L progress 11�01)01131111VVA? ,s6rLvatiorl a'few days ago that cqr�vinceg .. - ... . . , . I . I . . I V r ', ' 1", . . . fetollilum . - , , card.iri . ­ :.r I . . I r . . . , . . . . -to - , " . . . . . � I � . � aTm. inTuckersmith, � I I . . ... I . � r . How tG Get ea"Suniptlen I 11 L Me t6 the .contrary,. I,. �wgg out, In a ­, , 11 . .. . I . . , I I , ,-, . .. ..�. r.. , . � . I . r . �. �.'.. '.' , ,., . r. ,. . - .'boat with, ffiy little boy still fishing for ' � f:;N . . . I I . .11 - 0 , ", -.1 I . . An 'tioneer. - .r. .. 11 � I - I . I r� =) I . I Rent . . . . . LiceAsed C . � � . . . , I . . . . . . Ninety per cent'r -of .'tbe "Itinkers"' - bass, 'afid* 'caught -a rather nice -on6l I i . . I . . .. r .. . � � .1 . 0 . 1. .. . ,. ; � __ 1: . . . . . .� .1 I. I r -_ . .. 1. . . . . - . � contract consumptid . - I r . . - .. I i n by allo�#ing ,threw it In, a box In the boat, and a . .. I I .. . To rent for's term Of yeias, Lot 14.� Con, ,,. The .undersigned souater a share. 'of ther a .I. 1. - . I I powet af resistance to fall so IOW that moment later 'my boy cilight 'a. small ... I . � - .. I . I . .. �. � I . . I- cession two, L. 11. S. I coxit ahibig 1,00 &"so,'. patronage of those withing to, bola sales. '' . I . a favorable conditioti for the develup�L. t -'"6�_tco Small t6 keep, - but .as he * had' ., . . .. 11� ... . ., .-1i'11.. .. I .. : , k . . . ,80 aerie' of ivh,ich ire, cleared end in a good . i0xi,guaranteed._ Moderate rates. � ' .. .. I— � eaughtjt hims :his first, � . . . . . I �'. I . , "atis"aO, : - . I , I I I a I I . I ,. . , � 'this lay T nient of the baccillt is provided. In , elf,.,and If ,1w1g 1. I , . I stateof r6lt1va'iii,i% to Is situated . A I or address SAS, A_891 lit , Jok I . . I . . . . . � . . 1 bea-Ithy syqtem .- consumptlou,�'-_.oan� I . I . I . 1. �� � . I., . . , _� . . I . . � ­ I , .: ..... . s�. I -01 0. - . '. 1, -_h_e_imb_t_qq_�__QP._- throwing . a 8! Ic lylt 01 inton. Pi , ' Jt; Intp the: 1 -4 ­­ ­ - . - � 1 1.2 wiledirrom. lKippen, 7 in ilea from Be&- . 6i 9 Odorldh tp. I . I . I I I . take root. -But- where there is'-weAk- .box witli the,oth6r. He leiii­eS 16-vef' . . %, ., �­, ­ - 4-.rthi-iind-B-i-�2-frorn-�-H-a�ea,tl,4-.-Thfs'fsr _ -_ . . . . I . I I � , . .. 1� I .:� - .. . .1 ____ -_ . . the box and said: . . . I I , - - . I . 11 . I � � : . 7�!!=-!!t�-�:���-�..--��-----,-.� I � . . I I.. . I . . ness and debilitys,tli�re y�u find tuber- � .. I � . .. .. . ­ . . . I .1 �, . I ... ..: . .. �, '. . � �_ � � �\k) . !.s well. few ed, drai,bed, and haw fir* I XRP I .1. . . ....�. 1, . .. - . I I . . . I . V, I I , -, .1 " �Daddy,� 1, belidv6 this little fish * Is, ... ., . . . . I , � I I I I . buildings ibPreon, Bud � is on� of the b st . AGE -LiOrmims � , I culosis. For develooing gtrelIgth and ' � I . . ,� . � q: I . ., at 61 130 . � I . I - . � I . . . ! I I ... . �'. I . . . . . 1. . I � . . I building up the weak, nothinge(juA16 the big. One's littl�, boy? .. ,.' . ­.' . . I . . I . . ". , . 6 .. . I . I . I .. .... � . . forkno in tbe V ,ounty of Iltir6n.' .For lorms 1, I.. I . ' ' . I ' - . I..." ­ I . - - ; - I . I . 1. . I ` � . . I &O, . . a d- nu- "jWell, sir, this int&estlng remark - I , � I I . 'M - , - is �,,.,one g , , .. . ''I . .' ,lint I , � : "I . h . cwt�ed hie t6 16ok at the Oro basd,:aud ,� �.' - : . w , eat , .igo I., 841 J 1B.` I R 1. C I I . .. , . ISSURD'SY . . I Feriozo5ne. It m Aes the :bloo apply toi'Doig&�'D.Ag; Attoruoyo� Sault A � I . . tvitions and theno�.ves 6clurihg. � T e L . Bran. . " te . -T . Ste. mirle"Mich 11, ,.. . . I it converts food .into nutriment,. at ,that very inoment, as If'by concerted . I I . I I . ,. I. I k.. .. I . I . I . 1. �.. . I I . � . . � I . .. I- �_. - limbalh . 0111t, 1 1.11. Way .. .. . .. . I., 1. . ��� . � � . ­ I . -_ - 1, the appetite It gives,� is surprising. action, the small'fish threw Itself across I I . . I : I , . � I I . I . . . . � t . - . . . .1 � . .1ust'What the nian -verging .on con- the other,'the big out gave'& mighty . .. . e-tWeeq I � , : V 114100 - Firill for Sato. . I : , .. . .. . . . . . . . . .... .. . .1 I .. _G6.Ds, am, � -.. . I . suniption needs -that's Ferrozone. If 51op, and� th6' sniall :�ass was thrown � . . crence; 6 - . . . . . -��.'., . � .. ...� . 9 . . ..., - � I diff 1 : .' I., . ­ . . . . , I I tired and weak don't .put off, Vifir. out ,4f the box, ov t1id.ibdee of the . . I � - . . I . ... Ituatea on -the Gth cou, Giodet Tp., . . I iftzv , .� . � "4i�l . . . .� � ... . . . . . I 1. . . ..Si . .. I I .1 .. I I er . . . . . I containing ab6n't 80 aoroo; most of io ALBERT ST-' VLI T I qents buys abox of fifty.iablet.1-ata I . t;;at, and darted away, , I . . . � ..�._ I . . . . it good dealers. I . .:. � .. I . . . �- . I . : I. .. I . . 1. i - X Of I . . .. I_ .T e b6y stAred.at me speechless. - . I � or%wo dlay tandt produclug heavy crops. ,.There is 9 XC , . . � I . I . ' ' -0 - - . , -. POVIL - . 0 _� " , abouO five acres ot bask, and flye acres of �,­�� � . . " 11 -at 06,boy'. - The big bass lay I .: . (yn - d' * ��' .. � . t stated pd- - �n flours ''. . . . , ib, i . . ; , I .1. ' ti, Generat � 13'ankigg., 13054*011�_ . , . . :t there with 'a look of.eXultation ch his , , .. . ; ^ . I .1 . t . . . . � . . .. � � oichord, 'of good fruit; ,good. buildings; - .1. .1 traboacted '. '- - - - . I ' I . I . .. �:, .face. He had sAVed his, child, ' Rever- I . . ... I I I I . I - I - ., . ....i,_ I I .. . .. ... . .. . . . . I I frame house -1th 9 robwa. and kitolient. . ., �, � . .. � I . . .. . . . � . . 'L.. . I I ­� . ., . *dobtdo. Ham. , , - ently I picked iip that bo:sh� and placed ­ . I .. ... . I . '. � i woodshed ona .-Wlar; 'ne- bikn, built of . '00US Discotyxiew , � � . I ' I .1 : .1 .. . . . I . I I . it ., 0 it I . - . I The Scotchman told th story. . him In the. wat he, direction the small - I . . ' P� of flour is - pFotei � elumber, withatone baoement50X4$-tfi I . . . . .] . There werd two old AcOtebwomolng., I datted away In % !_Aud, sit, he at once 1. . Th.6 fboa. art 7. . . L n. � I PwAe'ltat barn. with.pump inside for Waiter-� ' S0600 "88116CL Intiero8i Wle*od my 1 I I . I . . I I . .1 . I - I . . . I . .. � I I . . .. . . . . . Mrs.. UsLoWlilTter and Mrs. UcBea%. one -bad igone. There's no, use trying' ' . *n, . 1. . . , Ing stock- allea 5040 ft implemout.-houst - . deposits. . . I . I , . I - 0 of. a , ., -rotein, �ke� botie � �iu�de . ancl - 20x85 ft, 4nd other Ildingo; fences 'in . . . � � I . � . I If .road Ono day, ne that fisli art' Incapalol I . .ma . ­ . outg I I who met on the and to. teii i , 11 n ­ .. .. . .1 . . .. . � . .. . . I I � . . .� . I I re &I . . I . . Mrs. MacWhirter .says*. .. ieeiln1r." : . - 1 � . . I . I .1 very good ' In, - ovie,r 050 -rodo ot wits . � - . "Losh me, woman yet fat. frao . ... . ., ­ . . . . I brain.!-�There r ia M' bran.' I Fle'ras'. good Wcl! ,-! splendid , X Pi TINDAL , . . . .�', . i .. ]home. -, �. . . . . . . , ,. � is no p . I . . I � 11 . , , 4. . ­ . I the day." � I i I I . I � . . I . �. . . .. L. ,w . Nny� . . . . . . "Aye," says Mrs. - . Mbljoan. "I -was . The Impedance aNi Him, '. I 1A. 16 -'-'-'e , ,9,1,e,rE p o s t offica 'oua school 117=1164 I . DA I . . � "about 6i maos from- God. , ' * I . . I . �. . "O� JUIY Twelve In 016brifto Town . . -bran is I;J:Le otitside par.t, T, 11 lw6k , miles, . C.JG11qT,0Xs,0N'7� . . . . . . just yout at Peebles, Sanders MacNabb, , There Was a farnoug.ba-at-tull.11 � I . . ' ' ._tAl . ..T . 04012. N109008sioin given at any timet � I .. _. . .. . _ 6' Peebles ke4�IiA rale guld ham.. Oct "You�ro Wrong, John, the battle Was '- " OiL '%aurk-11 of the wheat. I . Price $89100.00, . . I PAVai, I � . . I � , I I . . . . 11 I . . a funds: to :lom On mortgagoo: Ai " . .TOI�n, yo ken, likes a bit gul'd ham and fought. on. July one," I . . . . I . . . . . . I . I . I . . . ; . . � 01 H, 00XI I .1 beek carrolit intgar I .. . . Is aye yaran, erW aboot the ham beitil "T beg y�r par4orl, soro but yeor think_ L . I . . �--bran is. th6�rt-�-of thevheat ... . 1 . � � . I . I . ... . I . I - baginoss trans . V.0ted, , I.. .. Owerfat glid owersaut.11 . �. in, av Confederation Day, that's. past ': . .1 I I I . . . Goneril Swilling' I . - 4 . I T ", I lowed On "depoolia * ' . "Our Tom," says 24.ro, M4cWhlrter, an' gone. The battle of. the Blue us, � I . :� wiLl- I . ,ni ouldrost at ., I I , is --abs6lutp-ly. Tliaout .foo* -Value to . Teacher Wa . . � . . . I "is the sarne way, Tfiere's; navi Pleas- fought on july tivelve.10 . � . . 1. . .11 . � ;1 .. '.1 . . . I Wed, . 8 a notes botight ,1 . I IW him vV -his harn, Paitb, Ill bae to � .11 � . .. � I . I . . -, . . . . . , . � 1. - "Noi � e baan system#. . . . . t : , . .� � I . I � . - ,Iohll:; '�ou're wrong... fTwas th' JjU I . I . . I � Wantoa, 06 tencher foi.taiob School , . gle Maellabb & trial.11 - f6light 6n4u)y One, but POP6 Orecory , � . � I . . . ... I . The. MCK1110P lRutuat, �, So -Mrs. Ma.cWhirter. Jourhoys Into changed' two ddte to July tW61v6 bY I I . . I I . 806tiOn 'NO- 10, R111100 i0d, Goderich. ' . . . - represents * a f --- - I I Woiynohip� ' Diaties to ' � Peebles, and she 'Says to Sanders hlae-. what Is -bran it 0 6.8 diEer I � I 611itubnoo afttr - Pire Insutand I � . -now.. known as the. Greg6rlan . . � .1. 0 6 004. 14abb, th6 grocer. . . . caleu.dar," - ­ z. I . I . . * adinmet holiasY0, Applications k000lved � . . . � I . I n Royaf llousehol(l I ' net; illdappll'. . ParM. and 1010191ited Town'prepa. - 'Gie'o, a Puftd'60 Yor ham." "Bad luck. t6 his frilpo-aence; It's Jusilit . ence betwee: � VAOUr � I , UP. to XIOOA of the 5th of An . � "Wha:t kind,11 stwo Sanders, J'w4d yo a hgX(1 'he I cents to)'SW4 salary deaiveg. . I I erty Only Insured. like?" . . � . like bim. ,Who,t buslfli�� wd I ana whole­v�heat flour & cheap, in" . W. WAITEj Secretary, ­­ - � OVFICERS. I I � I "Ob, Joist the kind that Mrs. Metean. � ther twelft' ol July, I'd like to know � I'm . -1. I ­ I "I 4 ix. .. ' I 13 . ]IOU that ai , I . . Londoobok Mc ea * . � rr . ­ goin' V see Mister Carecallon about I ferior rs, - .-e -poorly n1illed , . -1 . . ' VL 11, President,, Xippert; Thos 0 this, and'haVe thd date put back to � . . -1 -_ ' '; r, jc gets," says tb lady. ' ' . a e e- re�., Brucefield- Thos, X - ' NacXabb isralled faintly. I where It belongs."'L . . .1 I Al purified � I I .1. ­TAtfii'lProperly for-Shle 'r �oj, Socy, - P I.. A . I I I . 1W richt, 11 says he, . llwhstueo y6%, And John took off the5 hat,bla fathor . I . an(I not thorou"My I 0 . . . . . I . - Ha .. ,Treas., 'Seaforth;, I . bottl0l, - . .1 � wore, extraeted a, bandarm handker- . . I 1� . . Tho iinderallened oftt a for 6810 the folio . wing . . I . DIPMCT6R8,. 1. . . . t "' - . I chief, and WIPP(I'lila heated brow. I No ot-lifte.r. I'L -our hi I this 0U11try is so , valuable proliort, fylo­� I . fas. Cbrinelly, Porter's1ilill; John, - I . . � cis 100 aero farm bola Buhyg'kn S Chilittlan With oA Kiiobkorry. 11A,nd mannY a nibal.11 he hummed, "I&Y . . . So I -The chor( _g lob 2s. � . I COD- 4, JUU116tt, 9 V41108:ftnd ClIfitom. Land to Watti RatlO* -G. D�le, �Iih , I , . thoroughly ancl co�npletely sepmted 1. ton., I Translated Into, th6 broaabdte loA- on �ho ground, , �� . ' � 0183r l6ant, all cleared. injolod state of oultlVA� Chesney, Se'Aloolth; tvans B 61. . I I � 11 "I Royal. House- . r I 0 G. Grieve, 11th I guage, 6, now Odition of the 111311gritn1a � tibut 10 4008110W land. &I seeded dowak but 80 WOO ; j., Progreal hao been produced tor olrou- An' tho cannons they did rmtt.tuli." . from the waste as is stores, Good young orohsra,m6.Jl wl� i �;;13,. Bali, , � . -Tho Xhan,, ' h M 9 -a' fle so I . � tictleg, Well 'Watered bY n*Vet-fa ling,60ring- - . I �. . . ... . I . � . '. I .. ., . I ,Ti "'n"'r vn newels, Brodhagen, In'tion Irl IthodbAs, ,. . . Other ' ill . okedk touchlo Ond side, alao, two I 'rector is in6pecto , . With hoW gtoo nlill an� 0110, atipply jig hougO I- , %aiaad of we�rinjy OL� armor of a I Aged British- Poets. ) � . A 11 , "'a W0116 Each V . r of 68etI in. I I � , I oteu I I � toid.larn; well fenced and drained, Frardi I hig own locixlity.,�,""14,�' . . 1. ..., kn 9bt 6f the xiliddlo fteig, haya !I'll* There are seven peers In tho Britisib well equippe(l.or exclusively dev , I. . hatme 2WO, and XU28,wlth 5 bedroiwils,�,Orlott TrIklasViAal Jftov1-o*, Christian Ig reptd- 11ouse of LordA wbose combined ages . 11 i . kitchen, pantwy mer kitchen. I 40EXT8. . I ,� I I ' a bath room sum ., ' . Japted by it X9,fur wVrior with head. reach #2g yegir%, Lora owydyr is 05; . I to the proauction of scientifically P11;tP_ Oto, And aood ea lar;hlitd nua soft Water InAldo Robt. 'Smith, HArlock- Ed 'Xillebley" . . 6 . . Being &to 4 and BOX40,wIthstOndstAbling 0 1 toiwt Jilaket and ohifi; 116 14 grr"d With Lord Field, 02; the 3@arl of Cranbroox, , , � liftolor all, 11tvill -ad OWO driv. - I I Unolol r y ind shield tnd atiatmego,f; ' t mills. .. Vitt hon house, ORO, A Seaforth; Janies Clummings 9girioud- 01; Lord Magham, 00; Lord Ginithrop6s . flour as Royal Hoil$eholc o � I I Ing ShOd,W th hay shod hbovo,iill ingood tepalit Ville; 1. W,'y06,, 1101lueoville. , . . I Mrstiz, 26t out .0 * u tive ,krgal 8D.; Lcrd Jato,uiptoft, As nnd the -t$ukt . . . . . . No..'g-ThOISIAdto adurefArm, milefrobi - . I � - Poh t kos tho 0 of it'd city Of Of Itutland, 87, . � . . I . I . .Uolmefiv�iiievtiiigo;,t)gttoto8 elio.ateklld gooied stfuO464. Tho UA, of Degpor4 � 11 I . _ * .- - \ A . ­­ " ­'­ -A- ""­­ .FL' 11 I .. , . I , slid oil the Wonco fs a logo qualiticl, df tim. I " , I I -1 - I I _____ - I I L I .1 ' I L ( I., b h li I I I I " 0 - - *1 'I .,. I -I , . �� NDE OR RIt G L Ch t re u I I , , " � . - . I I - - � , 'I �, (,(J ,-, #­, t U41% � Of �06 voldt . L. I . 15101doffitt ty .0 W . I Ogilvieks Roval Household lour,o or, mostly codat, V, tit), blft6k'%9h find 6161 - I . ; EftfitJ611 fJSbftJ4 ' L Npubll6blrl alf"plioity. � . Dtamehouso,itanko aruaiiso,41#�) �tableW.t H wiri-I A D A Co H' ra' , N .%A Q y lk'A Viellift .M. Coln66o, recently Prenilor of . . .1 I 40, NOV0140111198lifilig creek, making it #Al- Nouralgla had f46tocialbois &AfW 0 �, * 11* 11 , 31114016hol, . fty 01*41,4111ift Frkn( l I I Ulu" for pasture. L I . It . . is g*- trVin "e, hAN return ed to .tht :prkotloe, of, . I I wIld Above ftoofttt will be sold separate bt AJAX- 90%wom h '. ,6�4! medleffle in hill bativoi V111040. 116 14 . Othoftigib$ Oft taAr tk'flft@, F6"&AIU"'g Ven L I � t t ' .1 to L I . %V I 1.6--1- 10_-_1_-_-.A- ­__A I W 0! - I A &YsIOAN, . � . _., - I I � fifty,time POT bf1wrPortioularo apply on pro. 110; _'. _Z1_=___1L=___1, ,� . . '. , �2 ., . ; I DWYA O� 1, Ot *dlsoolt - n L � 11 I ___.�­�_.�',..� I _ - ­ � ... ... I _ " ­ - ­ . . ,., . ­10� __ N �ftq Aft IT . V= SOX L"Untoa I 10 9 . I ow 1� I- I , . I .1, 1. . 11 I L� 11.21A...L..."...ft 1. & - - - LLLL ; 1. &-A = - I 11 ,,,i-,1 _rf"&, n - %#Aa,�jj�k.j 11 . I :�_... a � -it , -,_.,'*Aw__ Lt..,- .�,­g L.,.-.-