HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-08-25, Page 1-1 -1 - ; _ . - . _ . I I . ... . 11 I . - - . .1 --- -__-11_____.-1. -11. . _ -1. - . .. 17- . .- , - .. - . ... - I .
... I--, , .. - . . . - . .. . I . .
- . . . . - I , . . , . I . ,. . I . . .. .. . . IN I -
. I . I 16 . . '0 . I . . 0 . I :. I . Porteir's R17L .. .. .11 .11 . .1 ..
. Auborp I . %avuwn . . . I . . 1. . I . . . . I
. I
N is. -The -Auburn Chapter of FULL INTO PIT OF Limn. -On Thurs- OA r -U. . 1& ___IJL. r-ow-nitig 40TES. -Afre and Mrs, Thos,' Atol. an , . L
. oTu l Fla
allied by otlitrs, day I of last week the three-year-old . .1 .. I . I . . I of Godericb, Mrf. Flynn and little wy
Homo circle, accomp . I I I .., I . .. . . I of Detroit, 4nd Mrs. Morgan of Ooderr AA
umber of 'About three, dozen daughter of I obt. Reynolds fell into a , . . I . . . I . ,
to the n - - . — . !ell, were visitore in the neigliborhood I HyPapel' :
beld it plonic at Goderich on Tuesd pit of lime on the premises adjoining , . i I
, Ay. ift. Reynolds', where OQI.'YQungis I . ,4 . . last week. Mrs., Herring, who has I
I .
L&w,N SociAL. -The ice cream social . . .. .
building, She was rescaed quickly by I . . . been spe . ajg a few weeks with her I .
nuder the auspices of the Lttdies'Aid . , . . . I I
. , her fatIffir, but her face was consider- . L ir - sister, Mrs, avid Oox,, left for,rm;ondon L . I .
of St. Mark's, was it success in ever L . I Three young men of Bayfleld lose the on Friday. Rev. Mr, AlcGibbon, of . - .
way. The,proveeds netted aboutNd, ably burned. . . . . . I %.W, I . I .. . . Allea Craig, will take Mr. Steadman's 4 pv - .AM
. . . ainipthetreasury. ARTERY Oum-grnest Picott re . . . I . I . . 0 I
orwhich $2U willrem I live.5, i4 Lake Huron. work on the Bayffold circuit on Sun- I an, glel iot .
. .
I .
TENNis.-A spirit ,ed and eagerly- ceivedau ugly cut in the calf0fhIsi , , . . . . .. day next, Mr, SteadwAan taking ednea- L . I I . . !
watched game of tennis WAS played on it ight leg, As a result of which he near- , . I I . . . . I I I tional. ser . i on thataircuiV Mrs. I . . . . ;.
- . I . . ., . vices . I - I
_ ly bled tb,de4th, ad artery being cut'. .
the grounds on Jas. Your'%, a lot last . L . — , . . and I
Friday afternoont by mew era of the The accident occurred at Morrow & . . I - .. . . . . .1 . I I . , . . Stewart McDotigall. spentafewd'ays . . . . . L'. ..
, - . Is slaughter house, andthe . . .. in Goderich last week. Master W. . . . I . .
villageclub And that Of.Carlt;vv. The Johnsto7f I . I . I . ' 1.
Mr. Small and 0. As- lad, about eleven years of age, was ap One of the Saddest and i:ndst lieart Fer uson was an Oddfellow, having Wallis, of Winton, is visltiri %t Joln I I
.. Clint . S L L
- Woods' Master A. Welsh, (M, .
chosen captAIIIS'L L moving a carcass, when be. breaking events that has occurred in' jqmeyat Porb Dover, and alsobelong I . Poi 'son Pad ,
. lieve, 10 t'ng I n. I apall contain! .. . . ghborhood for . .ed to the Independent Order. of Fores- , Spent a week at Mrs. Llndsay'o, Fred . . . I
quith, found a result of, we be :Itlum led gainst ng the this nei: some time, hap Gliddon, of Colborne, visited ht 0, W, I... I . I!! ..
to 4 in favor of .the forl)184 . ' .. I .kalyes . - "" I. . - . pened on 8,aturdaylastj whereby three ers, and is said to have a total Potter's last week. Mr; and Mrs, Den- . L . . . I L
TnAmns -Miss Ferguson, whoAs I )ung. men belonging to Bayffeld lost insurance of $4-.000 on his. life. ' 11
inj at Wiartoul. left for ,lielf WILL, BviLD .IF Tows AIDS -The ' YC married - to a daughter steft and children, of Chicago, visited . . . at ' ', . . . ,,,
teach their lives, and the ordivarily happy He was . . I .
Elellool on Saturday last.' Oscar, Rug, stockholders of the Ooderioll Elevator ous v ,. boo postmaster . of heroister, Mrs. John Young ; they re-. I ; I . . 11
I . - Co. have accepted the tender ofJ H. and Jo illage has ome .tne of. Peter Porterfield, and turned to,their home on Saturday. , L . I . ..
ers Clinton, has assumed the, princt' seen ' T ourning. Marnoch, in East Wawanosh, . .
L ' . .
; Nips Tromanhauser, of MiAneapolis, fiori a , e o deepest sorrow and in ,hild threer years old. The .. . IS. 1HIPS , :1
alsbip of U S. S, No. 5 hero cement and a . teel house of half a roll. Messrs. James F errsoq, William leaves also a c i L , I ' R L HK I . . ..
Ater returns as stesistant for the re . L 'd no ra. Of th6t, d . Londesberw I - .. .,
901 . Miss, Ayles. .lion capacity, on condition that the by, Bailey. and Win. Oods were well- latter di get wo rown I I .., . I . .. . .. I . .. . . .
lainder of the year. . known roaidenti§ - - of the' village, and ,Ing until 5 o'clock M66day evenhil, NOTES. -Mr. HaIggitt, sr,, is. very Ill ., I
, , .1 - . Drug .151ore-, - . I
-ratepayers is car- i - beery sent to B@ - I .
worth, of Howtek tO*ushlf, has taken law now before tile . L early Saturday morning they under the. message. having , at present, With alight hopes of. recov- I 1. I .
I I . .ried. If not, the Elevator Company ,, I I I . .
her osition at No. 9, Base Ins. . . . took to go . out. on the lake and raise live station, and from there being eij.' Mrs. & Cole is giving up house.; .1 - . . . . . . . . .. .
' will. pay one-balf of any eipense the for1rwarded by mail carrier; Mr. Portbrm T. W. . I I,
ROAD 1xi?Ro,*E5iuNT.-The Reeves oontractincurs inthe 'meantime, and someLnets.tVitt had previously been I keepingapol dpacking hir goods, - :. I . :
of West Wimwaiiosh and Hullett are for4 year set. The morning was, uot jpopitious, field reading the item in'Ahe Globe be- Rolierton hit the misfortune to have I . . . I . . .. .
. . . I . I
t. allow the contract to lie ovei L A .1.4 :A 4-h - a - A ot I-- fore he gotm the- telegyra h message, his ooket 1131ked last week audlost . I I .
I .
111. ;,_; .- . to expend about $75 mJO,b wur- an-, e . . . . . an, as. e., WU - - V. . - . r I I . . .
, . the , village'. From Rid- I MILITARY. O#TItTG.-.Three com. go, as t erpVyere indicattoiis of a, storm The farnily of Nir. Porteraeld has be6n' over 5i Sinith shipped three I . . . -n fo - .
New AdVerfiSements. ' . . I I . N R.—Try F,a5. . r
, , . . . west end of panies of the Seventekealmen't, Lon- % heavily afflicted this yearr, a son havo cars of cattle from this station on Sat- .
i % ,, , hebridge will . -coming' pj .but I -gusort-bad accepted . I sore, swo , tir-64,*%;And , , -
, dell's corner dbNv.n past ti -Ion, will go to ,Goderich for Labor . , Dover, itud. intended in killed in Om' alia, exactly four urday.* The schools- opened this week Hem . .
r,,,.,., - Lion Brand Clothing, J.W.Newcombel nitv loads C Joi
. be graded and gravelled, sevE Day. It is - a situation at Ptift , g be6riago. - - .. . ..;, - I 1. , . : I sweaty-f6et' - I .. 1. .. . I
' - ,; passiblethi%ts6veral o hers ouths uch to the delight of the mothers . .
To uir6d. At the culveri -twen- ' . to ledye therefor tho. following Mon- In ' I 1. I - . In . . .
.. I -;digestion, Fruitatives .............. 4 being req .
;i4,i! , *School Books, Ooopees Book Store ..4 ty-seven and one-half feet of 181fich will join thim before the time arrives, diiy, so he uliturally felt anxious about The fun rat ok.nrgoi took place Mrs. Jackson, who has decided to take . I . I
I ' .
. I
. . 11
I .
Wingham Busidess College ........... 4 c . ement tile will be used, work to beg' . * - ' . , ..
i ,,, IT . n Wednesday. ift6noon-to-Barfloeld . ''I ..
,. * 1. The excursion, waR, planned some time ritiplag 'libi'll6t, All the men were o . tip her residence- in Clinton,. wilt b.e - ' I I
iT * . I . . . . . . I . .
, . . . ago by the. sergeiants'of Companies, Pood, ex erienced.seamen, Who knew cemetery," and was very- lar e y at- ruisSed'here, aetd her departure will be I . I . . .. 11 . ..
411:11 BARGAINS, Newcombe's ............ 4 in about ten days. - ' " - . - .1 . I . . . . . .1.
- . . - X ty to'ta-ke care of themselves tended. It -was held under t 0 AUK- - . . I . 11
one, thr0ii and eight;'and Friday. night , much regretted. I . I . .
. . . I I . . - . . ''. I . . . I I . i,
J.,!"i , House for Sale, E. Saville ............ 5 Visivolts.-lVIro. Rowed and daugh- a meeting -was held to settle the mat- hey decided to pices of the 0 present,&- . . . . .
1 in a stornii" and't go. ddfellows, a re, . . I I I
- , .
I "I
., i" -Plums, 0. Hoare ................. ter, Mrs. Fox: and baby, of London* ter. Goderich and Sarnia were the. Their . botat was About thirty, feet tiye from'PoPt' Dover Lodge b . . . , `80 . "I .,
(,, , , ping I co!"brue.", . .XEITH-ING ABOUT STJOJEPEt . . .... 11 ..
al, 11 Stoves for Sale, Mrs. W. Q. Phillips - - 5 t Mrs, McDonald's, and places considered for the visit and lon&known.as gether with a nuMbfer from . . 1. .1 . I. '. I lj
il fire visiting , the Daisy, -find hiLd at present; to EVANGELICAL.0SURCH -Th-ore were ... - 7- ..
. . . . I I I . , ,. .m
. ( Girl Wanted, Mrs. W. G. Doherty.,. .5 ; Q acquaintances here for a when a vote was taken Goderich was one ilme been used AS ar pleasure boat lin'ton-arx0rticiefield. The ne seryiees ill the church last Sunday, - 'The bo6m-is- not 011.1t 1) as' - -. . ,
2il - Last of our August, Tozer & Brown.. 5 renewin I . Id, . . I . r a I'll
. r eks.: Mr. And Mrs. G. F- deoidedupou, , . nt ,
., . ,, couple 5 we I . for picnic -and other parties visiting pall-bearoirs represented- the, Foresters, . I
4 ,:, 'The Most Pleasinf, W. H. Hellyar ...5 . . -owing to thd Children's Day - exercises ', . 177___ . .. . .. '. . . I I
. I I ... 7— . . . . . . . ..
'r;:. -Yungblut; of Hensall,"s7en t a few days and
I , , ' -Although it is over.- five' Bayfleld. .16 was.not-regibrded as ikny, ". E. Erwfin, D. Bail- rendered in the Rullett,,Sunday School. ' .
1 41.00 to Detroit, hite Star Line .. ,,( NOTES. . were Messrs. A
I . in Auburn the first oft ie week ': Miss - A good deal has . aplieareA iii -the" , .
f 'Taking Fall Orders, Hodgens Bros 8 weeks since the eliVator wasilestroyed too safe at -anytime, though ordinarily ey. J. A. Archer, -Dr. Smi ff. Vieh-, The literary and entertainment c9in,- 1'.,
j-, i - ;Outing Hats, 6 C I .4 *:.8 Lizzie Nicholson is spending it fow fire still smoulders, in places, breaking so in fair. weatlim and kn6*ing that . E. Reld, Dr. Woodsj and W. mittees are t'naking preparations! for public printsat diffeverit tirues aborle ,, , %
I weeks with.her parents here .; also, A16 mann' the rdarii6llolus things cb.tt were' g,om.g . 11 . . 1.
: .6ccasionally into flames. Lionel, son the boat was, f Ault r in construction -. West;n.' Rev . Messrs. McNeil and 'a, literary progiam in the near future. . I
V,' . 11, . I — bert Niebols6n, who hasxetuitfi d from. . .. to take. plade. at St. Joseph, (though - . I 11
li,:, .rho steamer Gordon was burned tit of H. Kemp, Britannia Road, broke p6inted at. both ends, -with a rounding Steadman - coudd6ted the .religious part There will be preachi 6'Xt ..
. I the west after anabsence ot five years., . I ' . . . Ing, - service n People -up h,ere aremnewbat 4:1-edul. . . .
` - , . Port Ainhur. Miss Whitely, Loudesb . Oro, is ;visiting his- right arm. riearthe wrist tit jump-., nottom, " and the ballast a fixture - they, of the'eke.rcises. ", ' I ! Sunday at, 10 a. in. , anti ;tlso at 7.30 Oil$ At, anY tln16,) but froin i-eports . .1 .. I ,, .
1 1. Chas, T. Baur of Ottawa wasdrownrz d at the Sturdy home. , Sam. Rol zlianer, Ing over a fenbe. 'A charge of an un-- were tunning big riskE in venturing out. , Sunday afternoon a fish box find pail p_ . m. The Rev. E.. G. Weber; of that have reached us, 1'r, doei;, Ilot jwt I , I.,
. . I ...
I .1 unnatural crime against, a mftn narnoid They reached their nets, which were were waslied'ashore .it Burks', and Winnipeg, brother. of .. Mrs. ' A, I D.- . . I . 4 ,
111'1. . while bathing. : wife and child, of Prefton,'are Visiting' ' - Utpreseatsi)em.to, be. bootning"wurth. , .: 11
' I
;. Mason, living in the southern part of elve'-miles out, in the, lake, landed right .at the camp of a lot of Gisehleri. will - occnpy the pulpit'next . I . :
, ' -mer'r I brother here some-tiv - ; . I a cont., - . . . . .i - , I 1.11
1, . David Lane, farmer near Delhi, com- the for , sibter ano . . Sunday evening; yqt are, cordially in,. I
I . Mrs. Alo: . . . I I ., . .1 . - 'me , - - , ' ,
"'2 . qnitted suicide by liariging. - ,Donald, Guelph, is Visiting the .the county, - WAS before Judge Doylii- without any. mishap, although the . ., I
I . , . Clintoni.ans. , I . vited. -, I : .11 - A gent1emarl who spent .s6me ti . I -_ ,l
, , I Blair connections. Mrs- Ge6..-Cowell this week: and 'reintinded for further water was very rough. - They Appear .. Fer , ly had a lJremoni-, - _.. I . : . . , thei-e recently bays -he touk particular I I .
k'. -lericton -.. to:Mvedrawnin sixnetsai ,seb-fout t guson appar6ntl . . . __ .. * , pains t6 try and find ' . .. ,
I I Senator Wark died at Fre evidence., The case ig evidently, a de' 'Id' " day meet the' I I I , - . . OlIt'Ivh;tt was I 14,
I I - N. B., aged 101 years and six months.' and child, of Radvard, Rich.; have re- plorabici one., -Showing, an aWful state' to i at he won some . . I ' . I
, , . a . - b ' ' P hoi had '. Rol . . reallygoini.on. Ile '. . ,
q ; turned home'. of t;r a short stay with.' . 7 . utliors,'and were making theirway f . lett ' . I Jociked into the- .1 i
of depravity. ' . back -to the',lia0wr in till) early "after- I ,fate that a,t last e el-blin': fo . . . . .
A young man named Miller, of Mit- her mother, Mrs. -Arthuri told.a' friend that if he.w, ,_ '
- l , Miss Rub - I as' ever - NQTE5;-A1rS. Muir - Of. Btirford, is . windows of the farge hotel bulidingt , , ,I
_,, . , 7 MINIStNR OF PUBLIC, WOUX*s,- Ron stI6411'struck. them, At and;lte says bleak 1),irrennqss met hi', t.
Iped into the cylinder of it Young is spending several days -among' noon, when -it i nuol C 4 . . -
I , cbell, stei Arowned, he would rillike sure in some. visiting'lier ibroth.6, Sat ,ole. .
1, threshing machine and -was instantly . - Minister ot Publi . 'P aid that Mr.' ,,-v
;. . . . . I dhiiirle§ : Aynian, 10' about half- list, orfe, it is s, I recovered. 'ending * thN'week. gnze, not the Alighteitsl ti- of life was :* .. -it
- .
I , relatives in Ruffalo. . .. I _ . Works, - arrived: -here . ftoni - $-hrifia -, on what is. called ,. Ay that, his body Nvoxi d be . ' Miss Luc3r Cole 'is Sp -- , . I I
1 1 .. . killed on Saturday. . . Jowett; -standing, . . . . visiting Among fri inds. h Yeinloss. .. - visiOle Anywhere, and .W6 only place . ".
": . . I . . . -q,trl rFi-idti, ,iiio7.,iiingon tile Go rl .. is& a field - - - I, aisy . . I , I . . ,
. _ I . Kingsbridge. .'. ..' I _ VeP ' Jowett's .P.6i.rib,.'arid tw ,, _ . .gl,op4, ,It is.'a coincidence t1 A ^ the D. I I . . ... 1: he didaeesi lis6f lif6-and'thosewere, . . . I .. 1
' . ". ili nt . Steamer' Speedy, and was taken aboutfive miles,.t*ice before P,4 ized.; oil on6bedasion Du&tg-. -The d6ath O.,burred or,' .1i,3tless, ' . . I I
, , Row AN- - &trri - . $aw thegi somewherd. , 7svoirein tile,. post.. office, where, ' I I
, '
11 Tri -E - OWC CHURCH. to the outside brealtwater oil the 't' )king.in the sa : 'three iiien were drowned I, on the Other Thur'sday, Auk.: 21th, of James Mcll * ' 4 . . - , I . . .
0 g -119' out on the lake. Lot me- .. . - a , otim a y; 1011tely arisII red 11S in- i -
'It-' . P .. . . I
lil I EdwaidBlake. The'.Nllplsterexpres - -d,re,tibri shortly" afterwards, li 'could' its - . . . . . I
I'll I The MqC6 music WOO This magnificlinti builoling is now, lie . ' I
occhpantgIverei4scued. . I -veen, gn old' 41nd idspected reigidenCtif. .. . , '.
, I
. :,_ " , 0 - -%I . see no trace : of them,". but thought F'ergusori afid*, Bit! - Icy ,iv re*tlici own- Hullett., He had been ill for . a long . lluivrle -br;zo . i I . . . . '' I :
in Aetion, and we, -e inforriied it edhimself As well -satisfied with tile I I . I .. .l. litorniol4lawhiell Wits re- , - . 7
Ycacheir'-IDA G., HOLMES , w e contrite- drsbf the, Dais and* Wood was'in *, "tirne, and hii'Aemlie was not en'tirely -centiy broug ml rito to .coil-' - , ;
i liici)elni oady for the. f orinal (Tedleation head%vay--belfig made, by th . .6thing of it supposing they had been Y, I Il " - fr( Tom)
;;.; " About the 'rjd of 'Septeynber. Some ,. n .7 . . .
— unavoidable delays have retarded th' tore fOi; tbc'IN'Oi'k, IN10sits B Ittele & carried befo e the ivind. * - their'euirloy.. Balley"sf,Ltherinteuiled .6nexpected*.'. RIG, wife' predecelised, vey-tle"Iltint ed I . . I
1 Y . . I I I . , S , or. ells 0 .
1. I I I nilnib&- of Y6 E. -, 11 . ' . I M. , * ,
I , ' .Oonioni and ,llso said .,that 'dertain - ; . to4ii ilin it farni this fill], and, tife htln6i: by a i S- He hIld and from'St. JT . "),8"i "(. " 1, * * .
-1. The Mvers 3lusic 'Alethodfor child- isti-116tion, th I are' 4 ie . . pb, it -, 0'e"l , of a, :, - . ;
work of cot e -principal a-p'llig,wollij 1) - done at : When,the; men didilot Ive , . ",
I , fi 'till then,, joined oTie diiughter; Mrsi Won. Brqivil, u, ho4 p -tf. * (11yer . . I
, , .
, . . .
, I., Pen provillos a thorough preparatory nne heinq thedifftevilty tloe:contvi tnrs liebe6samy dim 0 A A custonled- tinI6 thoir.friends sou to It in . the time . .rtifessiciii, chn I and wbich had - 1.
- '. .
I : theniouiliur the liar-bor. Ile airiv:6d - Ferguson in the purehase- of the DAISY vith lie hu'sbiirid, have. 1)ed1'V living on -lie misfortune , *re ...
.: .
T, . course in the rudiments of music. This have bad in procuring. suitable skit'led -it it th-ne 'ViIhen -lie 'was ri(A'expected be= alalrrae(L litit'it was supposed . I t , 1, get - wrei!ked.-, .1 . . :
: , froin;Rk. JoVvett.' . ' . 11 the h6mestead'witli'Mr. 4161'lVeell- - ft6tftly 'bw , ve'.11;' inf('irrited,'heon. re- . - I 1
1 course lastsitbout one year. The les- labor for the -finer portions of this v"ory. but wits afterwa ds - I"Itoid apon, li, ', that the inerlIn the boaJ, n6t watitin,g . I 11 . . . . . I . 1. . e' a .. . I . .
. sons are conductet arten I . ' come' Widre III the 'rough 7ater' B 1(1,,v was .to havo,-,A en,malriea- . . Dn.ki,TAC E.-Tili .follo.Ni-1.11 z' iLi(tilil-l-I turn CI to tho : cit '. frop l. vliere .it . . i
- n in erg. , . large' undertaking -, .but if there -has the ruernber§ of the'' Boar ,.to f, th I .. .. . . .. . - I I . . I . . - . . I
I . " it has-- beeii:bouuter- . . d of TiPa(jo 1, isj, . . . z 11131 ' apo"I'S C11111Q. . 1. .
, , -b - ... .1 I I . . I I I I
I els, and include r ti .Ill piano pen some delay haaturiled cut into. ibi-lake, in .. . : Ier the beading ,Rullcittj , . . . I
. . .1 . . : . - I I I . I
I I Towii Council, - who - pointed * out . .. I I . . ., I... . . I .
. .
', t Ching, making the to one of balantied by the thoroughness bopoxyl! striking calmer.water. .That, . the Liyndcin AdVertiSer :-i1,AXtnL1 B . Not so viary ]oil- ' o - -A street city . I i
. .
.t,ure to tile chil(li,,,n. what tftL,y would lllrii.to. -have dInie, . li6y.did'hot.do;so . I . * " " ' ..T%vb boys.are -e k.ceedingl glqd.'they "I I I . - ,as proposed t t . Lqt J h, . i
. . I own farms on op ide'; of remd. thie IV e. e
I work and the huportant; filtit that the ., .1 . I . t howeverjs assunied' Were ref useid. perinissipri to. ex)jv'y at SMI, 1. _s ,,I, B',, aiid',s , P. : '. r p ' ' .. -
J ,
111, - -o's . . . I . .. : - aiti- runs frt traJort.1, *aridjf N ioni t4kt leioti ,
r term 1vlia6had*tbuet 4eftlepytiperr - - . _. .. tha f -the boat wits after- - boat Oil Satlircbiy. ' A son of W AAar.ga under 'Xin"ie I , . .
. . . .. . wftlg4ari .11 . . I in thi I . oirthrough A's. 1,Vherc thw (Inihi cli,pitalists,in' Ste"Itford ; -, I'ved to corl--.. . I . .
. . . s. et.- , apply at resid= "Sorii tile . . . I . from tbe.'fact Counter, Olinton and a .friend . V 11
.. i n he foundation . -stained wards found about flye .fuilds f vom 1,R hi . 'IRV . .
ence, High Street. - n 8 -inch box wliricli iieklq i.,enow- . struct the oad. , 1-n a t' t, f it I A
- , _ - ,*E Zi&PTrf,R.-If'et illpctYL15c,fu?- ' ; of , vator,- one end rest I ri med`goeare fiiid hi -ranged to go, and is a o IT icIj)i;i ion 0 1
.. ' yl oto , ), i idows, numbering some tw6 : P P,,r7 shore, in.55:feei . , , C:taA tie colno(Aled to in-tintain being c6nipleti a of stree6 ' - -' - '. 11
01asses commence on Sept 4th " the beat package of Batter lot', )"eceille (116-blY ing on tile bottom, and dboil . !I - ell, 'i .coil .
, ro, 11 en6Nv ready for placi'ug, and - -foot of I went .'do wn to the harbor,:16 Wrying I - . . - - : :,
. 't a . I I I ars were I
, - ' ittivi'lliencing Aim . the lilast sticking out oE,t)le.wdter- alid,prepared.- T. -_ ., , iyed, . ...., ,
are an admirable. piece of work. The. two ia eks I 28th" - , .1 Nh-1. dr.. ill its j)rcsont- sizo f )v B's b .rle- c, ordered froul, oing3i,lig ,- 11
- .. . I . , . I -with them a lanch they I - ;;--, . I 11
__ . . . . . tit, , I . - . . . . -_ ._._____
" .of the.clin GAO. P. KIYG, -Whighain... J -tell ta-th*041 .11, lis Own exil, V. - t, . ,, ".%Vil--ens-t--tTF-cl,t-l-(S,-.Ciiil-(I 11 FN, -,t .. . . I .
- - I . . mj I
. I I e,. J) ____Q 11 .. ..
floorspace in theliody rch . , . ned wits Ono-oftlic three men oble 10 --k ,u 141Z, , .
. . . Wliatseein to have happe I .. . . ni -w&,T,T-f)-& —. Nvoifld ein't.- ensaIL'! Iflioy a . -
. . ,I T'l-it-111 nif TFO S IV, y ill I tho a L. .11 tood'olongside th , ,
. . .. I C, I
- . . ,
1 twD_ilde_&is1P.s -,Ind one cebtre. ., IV : p4e tAva_hGa,t---d4pped--v,n - Ift. - , " - I Gin tht. IetAllipil rail -bad trfit p for a length" 6f U I .1
" -.,.-.- *1 __ L= o -N , , 1.L. _ .PhDbp- _that IT_1-F _Vf10_11_g in I , I
- . . 1 ... I . tile
li -71TI-1-111,11 liews eighteen.feet long-jand. 0 -61 I, I I t : ng back. '-Afi% Counter's' Iv"tc oW A's farib. , .. 1
.1; , . . ;it t.,Isl . -fran c h Ise Otit_caIWz1nq, ,tile met 1 liehig, crowded'.conli . . ., I . -waltifig , .,;
. O. is e ung five a )It t , its con f6r the. car Ii it o to: bo'Qllt, -but' .' '
, I . . : a ye . ' ' iiili v: .
A1Wd9S- will havea seating captiocity', of over. f 'm ,, I 1 oti, ahy.'a6n is .liamed after a; brother who had I!` Onuill('110(1 t'o 1) . . I
I I r --tIlls"t6wn, but Out offers the thrown into ,tlia water . . 1. I ftble wittet. ef),I)VS , I t le rkl.c4l ? . (!,In: ol thig didll(lt - , were . , ,: ,.
, I .. . , ' I
600. The pews are to - be of Oa1c, df sum Ke the ..11lisfottune subsequently to be . ill ttorialize, tbey"
. .of $100 per yoar.fur,I privilege- Support. - , : . I . .. -d of bo I .
I . .. '.. 'A demard belp .1 If. ,so. .-*Nliii , rep§ a'1t6rNvakdS'disposL 15,1y for . t he .- -
11 handsome -design,' and tba ,entlre edd- The town. is -holding ,.odt for'a large ' I I . . I . . . . I .
.. . . , ,Pki r o 1 -11, A ti Q - - f teight. , - I . . . ... . . 'i . I
E fice will *be heated by-tbreg furna. r ey'. *an& W6od drowiie& ... . - ' I :- . .. . I ShOuld 1)614iceil W *1 I . . . . . 1
',41 ces and more equitable ailloant. , J The clbtbes 6f Ilail . , . , .1 . .
. -
. . were to . unit in* thea boafs1ocker;. ,Ind. - The young raeli,weris' -all'held in tl)e proceed uniler the diti-he%,anil- wi ter ., - lb-iq said t1latinAtrkiWilons hrive been . I . .
I - L .
in the basement, ; be-'coniractor, '4' - I I S.-1100fiflg the new . postofflice lime surltiisL th1tt when fb6 occlipailts. I getallTt%N tivd L6111 the, greivell to eoipplete .. IIAH, I)A ei , '' ' . .
. . ' .L'TdTn . TervIlighe9t resp6 t, tiuA. Were uniVel'- c 4
I I I a ,0111sp, ilct :llj- I _. the Iv I . .
I - S. Cooper, ot*C;iiiton, is now finishing is how. inprogress ; so far all the work: .thought that the boat would -go dmvfi , sat hi'vorites, ailid ub niere expPession'-iown.Rhip ('11",theer, Uliofi the fitets started Some U1116 -ago. . .% . . I I
. .
I . . Our stock of druo-s, etc. for% the tall spire that appeAr's to be- Well dom".. W. Z Van- Baileyand Woodtookoff th6ir-clbthes, of woirds'. . can. convey an ide4 of t'lle, state(I I)oth a ti )o- tile .townshin, sh6uld.. . I I I --a- I .. I .. . . .
I .. . . .
* y . .. .
. b. will surmotint the -tower. It4villhave stone haseold his gr6cery busineps.t6' fov 6d thP'n'-a-vV,ayj .and started to, -,A Is, felt fo'P'the.heart- I r drAin - . ,
- Porn . the ground 1.1 no- of ' a I y,nitiathy that - Pay fpr , part of tho, larne ,011di-mi'and - Ilors2els. I , ': * - I i
I - . .
.always be found fresh and Up an elevation f Jx 'G. - Krtise.. - Wirigham'.s - tax,' rate , - the desperate,hope,. bi okp ife, jt Tarin. , ': % . I . I . I . I
Swim tp Ali ore, ' .n. AVI and .the, li irents of t1i ei . i. - . I.. . . . . I. : . . . , , . .
in , . . :throttli Xti . I - .1 . .. . 1. . I .
. to -date in every b anch, and- -Irl"Pet, anditis. expe6ted itwill'lbein, -this.year will be 23 i-Aills,or three mills , make it. Ferghison unfortunAtes. , .. . . . . .. . I I I I I . . I - , ' " '
Position at*tbe. ditto (if tile formal openw ore'tbarf - last 'yeak ' I . . . I I ., _. 1 tliftt they. coul& 1. . . . I 1, I . . I)P.vrii 6V !V11t T'.' -.%MLYV. _*2%Iv' i'Oli'll - Thp folloiving. letter;. couies to'tbe \_ . - 1;
we invite you to give us a call Ing. The , c6ligtegatio'n - of, t In 1) areiitIV.w,,is'btisyivitlithiB',sail ,,, ild . It the boal: lla not been dest'r6yed T niblvn,svi, one -of the mqst Pesii6oted 'NFW U4 mt frcull ,-I Clinton lady ill A!. '. -.. ' .. I
'I'S' large CO,N'iR&CT, Lii ,-T*be contritef for a , . r. . 9 it . % - . .
. di(ruot Itive time to ,folto'N. tlieir c\- .ere this, it. Should be , It sh6uld not citiz D,4.()f 1-11,P'll co'lluty, (lie.1 o* n Ali' bertaI the,"snAp" referred t6liein
. thing and Important arish is. to- be con" - . . . I . . ., I e 0 . ) " ` - .'-; ' . .
, if you wish to procure any I -the,erectiqn ofthestandpipe and foiifiw ,wiple, even if ll'p.-, intended to do so. ll;L, allowedto,gpiiito.u.se,ig,ttin. . Istlit at the boine of lliq soil. J 'TaW R- P116to of, il, .little tot, 110P;Jren ly three - " .
, . *
. gratulated on this grand' ind'iiob c Zation foP the. new-wa,terworks'..im- t th6 bdat I z . ..'' .. .., cens6d was T(`ays old, astride it 1')011y : . I . . . . .
t.. I , usually found in a first-class strubture. which wlll .t e a, laiiting tneirl- I *o the It seems Ilardly probab.16 tha .- I i . ` I .. :.. lyll'' of.'Hallett. Tfiv 4le .. 1. . . .1
provenients. ba,q just,J)ven-let'k - .Oa-p 'id site Ilia She * - ... - born ill . . rVi L . lie late
orial to thei generosity- for'gehera Co, of KiA.6ir. 3izdti; f6r h, dbile . I 0 I' .silI . Cornw,111, 1-iInglandi 'iri the . DE.kn .It. Ho, Trc;. -O'ne of i .
I . ,drug store. . . , , Htirit6r Bridgi, & toilel, Id scarcely haye righted'herself in - .. , V iqiiree I , I . - 1184, ,111(1 vallie to this colintry issues of y . out pap6rcontained- it l')ara'-' ' * , -t
tions to con'te, a . . . I _! ..
. no!. although it' IM b02- (line -foi. $5,825i Steel dotirs to lie .placed wou 1 I . . 1. .. _: . . , -,) .1 ..
l. . , , . Year ars of age. 111' J Ierlult-
. -savily dust it verV Jarge mirn of.'mqn- , . , the wato - , - - . . . . wilbil Only,elevell ye. ls, , grapli, ivatmirig'parents agaillst i , I
es . in -position for.'$20 extra.: ' , . . . lr .. .. . . . -. '..(London. Fre.e. Press.)- . I I , I .
, I., ,, ey, the prospects 4re thitt, it will Wirt. . OIrEA $1,000-' --Tllr. P. , Arc,p wan of - However,'as night draw on a, seareh- . . I .. lie was married to *2N'l i,.,, (yraA,, hil"8011s, tin-gyaung chi'llren to-halldleVrses.
. .
_ '' - . - I The loss -of the three fishermen .it. This marriag6' -Ivas, -hingt1la , ll ,,ll . )Vy. . Aly slster took,'Ahe 6nolow,d, Ilauap," I 1. .
14, PD, elOMBE p'ractically free of debt., The much Turnbevry - (lelivered lit %V'roxeter. it Ing party was ()rgttlitzecl,, ati.d.tlthotigii.,.Bav qeld, -Fei gtison,. Bailey and IN 00 I
- . . therif were bnft .Seveil 11Z )g TOP Vour 7iilspec-
. To c ldven - wii;
I respectiod priest, Rev. Fatber AlpCoro fine lotof hogs oil Mon(lity last. Mr. their telescol5es'and field-ghisses.con- - ich I ain gehilb ,
, . Cliemist and Druagist. or of tinut ally SWeP . -P"I'tcf-lcally oxtingUiS1143.9 the-hidustr.r. . Frank, of.' 'I)c)'k iii(-,'%I',Islitllgtot Terv,i` tiun, It i4 r.ot very gtond, , but it will.
,, t> mitc, is desevving of-rnore than an or- W..F.Vau8toneWas'tIle purebas t tile INratevs, tlie .qcavch; - - Prison anil . .
, . .'F( rg ' . . - I I
I i th6V -tli6.'piieaent. , 'i6bd ; W911ingtol f "'t I
1. dinat 3, share of prMse for the succe9s. the lot.. There. were seventy-five. of was fraittess that night. Oil Sunday ; 'fd Thomas, of Malli 1,0 serve to .91viw ,tile ago , whicl thd ' - , .
- - - ____ I fill completion of this reat work, for them, and the toial IvMght Ivas 14,890 luorningth6searellwisa ain.renewed I .Balliiy 11ave been for years well knv)wn Toront6 andJohnr 'oil this hoine-steatl Alberta and. Western As,4a. childreu. I
_____ _ . .1 I to summer visitors, jilcludin bit I
: a - n, n,. - in Hit
0 . it has been under lits:maiiagemeric "; at - pile tie fishing boats at ayfiel' going art of Lit 6 Rui.-. 'P4,11on at hom t e child car., ke'el) lier-seat with the ''
I I .I.. ,111t, if Itelt; hlrs. Sho ll,,nf BN-th ;-Mary, belitt to isudetstand hors&s, That -
I a pbund's' the ruling, e, seven all t, . .Londoners, to, tfioit p, t
I I A ' e, and Clara; dee'ea$ I
aee , *i Hiie trile ' Mrs, Tamblyr 0. horse going On tile 1110pe"'wifli no
_ fronithe day of its inception tothe co nts. they brought. him the tilly,sum oiit, in the endeavor to find some tr, . Pon, as ver, I .
I . I . : I y -it, ever ready to do
present, and that, - too, ill connect! I I ofthem. Word had 6b6n-seht. to Gocf- . of t1l, di , L died' it few yeitvs ,,I"
. Oil of $104.2,30. I . any One. One e _ n Ille -
T01t9_'XT0 EXHIBITION ,ical duties in,ciddifiCt t. Craigie, it kindnessIo , 1,n ol,iticg Mir, TambljiIm Wni, a strong otllora,,,si$fauI!6 than yoll see fil .
. I Wfth the clel. () 0, - DEATIIS. - There- were three d caths - crich for Assistarife, .and'0ap - stiiy ill Bayfield I ep
1_:." I . I I villieb numb6rs considentbly in,townlast,week,-, Jloger Brovvetb a started Out With the fishing tug Evelyn. .versions ofa stillinler Fergiisdix's O'lle.r,- having itilbotinded confl- picture, and slie enjoys it so much that - . I .
, I
".. VIV bits been to 96. Otit in Mr.; . deuce. in tbP prillcit)IeS ,Qf 1110 0APtY. tearsitre the ineyftal)ld, reg6lt at dis. .
''. -11-CURSION RATES (PI'llersolne hunafed fainilies. To. tt'qits *(Imiajng youlIg Iii'an, clied ofAZp4oid t6 search'the hike for them. - Battlo &. .. . .. .
I Pl , I JL;l _ LfIsIling boat to the reef to Q,e We'll41117- - net 'bor of 'tile- -mounting, ' A- -little six,yeai?-old- gi` . I
" . -niigh-b +er- - - ----- 4-t-blilt: theii- g sten t- -I it - A , .
_%: I , .. oil ,
. Return tiasts will beEA_,J_&_f_S-if3g1aFi;&' `2ftl_t"bservei---1bc - church -i-e ,vermi-i-ST, I? ireace 13"farica . 11__ ,C611rdon, -colitrow r:urs, - sell . linglip of tlwnets.'Thdrdef,'acoraI 'n -witra"I'MYTIST I
': .- gung . Itig,'the IP,dwar& Blake, arid' - Methodist clillf-ell'.And was greatly be- ridespast..this li;uin everyolayoria, . ` '
I $3.70 good going HONDAY AUG. 28, a it - - Lake
. .
,.,. , , I . thought t6o large Awn cmintry coil- - L,,sb daughter .of Mr., T. 0.14' . III, : the Marl formation ,which .runs, through lQved all who. kneIV l'i1w,- -lie, died tall'bay horse. She is verk small of . . I . .
, I 1. - by
'' I I . .
"i " to 81' , PT. 9, ind asive; except oil the fol gregation, .but this. is a rapidly -grow- died of consilin tiOil. .Mrs, James, tort, Dredging Co, sent outt.ho Huron. Hiiron for sixty miles, is twelvO to fif- . m. . . I .
"i , - .; .. when the fare will ing payish, and no doubt the . lady, who has been . . . . i aw, ill. great peace. '. . . . tier igvi .but the'Nvity she can manage
I , ." . loving ExaursionDay3, I 'promotors 11aby, ,in a . 8 .One of * the - sailing -boats found t1nT' te6n. miles froni the. ulahl sliorc., , . . . 11 I . thdt-aufmal. would sharite ihost East, .
11 , _.; be $ !.75, viz: Tnesaay, Ang. 20ib; have made -ullowance for that. But iti ill' for' Some thne, passed ,jil). boom of the Daisy joist Pointing. tlie trip otit,and return with - a little 1 - .. ,
. - . .. I - '
11 ' ,; " - there is one tbing - that cannot but away.on Stittirday.* ' 1. : . . . I . . . I . . oramen, -Heobeyshbrimplicitly, anti ,
, , ,,, Thu, Rday, All,.,. 31gt, S iturday, Sept. 2nd- above the water about five miles west . 0 of trout takes sorne 'seven or, - . a .
, " , M? -Ato of speed -
1_,, , e - Tuf,14ny, 8 pt- 5,11; Tbure " strike a stran r, and thatts the thor, ' Oorzii R. Bo m Bitoxwi. -On, Mon- c rig . Wthe . - - I hiive,q eli liergoingat ai ,:
A., . dav, Sept. 7tb - of'Bayfield. . The -boat wits in torl fath- (.,,g,t llours time in ,I sailboitt. It was I . .
,': i", '. oughnbss of ttle work through0litt and. . Wbich would astonish. and. alitrin an ,n ,
All ticheia go,d tc return on or before day last, a tealn and, .cariole belnng 04ris of water, in it perpendicular posit, V N ; J!" a.
I., .I.. .. I on one of these expoiditiPlis,'llift(le tI O - WrBID1.4 ,-A retty wed(linVook . tei'll mother. , Ib - was her 'eici t-
, ;;, .1 ,. I TITESDAY. SEPT. 12tb. the extra quality of the niaterid used, I . . i n,,- - The Huron ,was hailed, and her I ;it Iyeek. its the Weather phin-in St, MIC.Mel'. clillvell;. lyth" .11w ,
, ., ,, I Or three, tiloile I. ,
. p. i tig to Cassels & Cart, was sent, into I
.... , - GVey` tOwn' 411p, for purpose of bring- whistle Aimmoned the other boats'. ! folvopsjbat the thive nion coluPosing. oiiA1ouc1 tytnorning wlien'AlissAntiie, . .
I for eveqthing indicates that every year Old brother who, OU beingcom. I
q '_". & o L Perkle plimented on Ill,; riding, replied . "Oh,.
I - alone, bvi r stick of timber 'is of, the Ing home Rd . D. -and family TheDaisy,was toi ved ititi) the havboIr i the'erew. were caught in ft fill IOUs galO, eldept daughter of Win. ICOIlvi Morl'i$ artled to. rido lonk'a, 0 whell I Ivas
, .4 .
%?, %: Parm Laborers' Excursion best quality that. call be,secui ed not The driver was 6, young soil ofAbsal6m. arict oV.e -Ing of'i th oft b 6% h ontintO tIle gale, will hecal]16 t1le wife of .1ollIDNlyers '. i I le
1_ - I (I
1 .,. 11 . - (,IV 1) t I I v , -
, I -thai when Bailey. And, Wood -wits found in tile I All -Visi 43tratford. F I .,
- T 0 tbe,whole structure is"built to lal . rhatiled, . whon the cloth I r
I I . st"' T&YIOPo, ind it appears wrecked, with -,tit bAnd4 lost. ,ev. t -y. Nnsonneatiltuffi- 11"Ite 11 little boy." The . estern'child- .. . ,
- .
., ,,.. `* buitoba and Urth Wo6st. .— - . __ . . crossinga cui, vrt in'Grey -townsllip, .. I . . .. . . wor n1vit ci,ited, in tile. pre.4011tv, -it large eon Te" V!ay with and understand Ildrseg - I . I
, . . looker. ... . I tors to Dayfield who ha'V0 ( .( of I ID . ..
, ,,` . - I . . . . Iraetting . . I le hardy and manly . ! . . . orilieb ii,j B astevn' children. play with . , .
-ti, .. Saturday, Sept. 2nd. . . . Seaforth . . 1. the horses stninbled,-and f;ll,i I In the ineantl[the a brother (If Bailey i tile-". . fishermen will -t!our,96 of'people. . . . .1 . I (104" and. acelderim are vevy rare in. . .
I. -I':'... lid breAing -the vehiple, ' The boy - villagers *in Sinelare Sur. -A . 11. 11, coIlqtPl 'oil i,a . I I
, . . -I.-Miss E,rntna, daufliter R th the , No,ru . - (% ,16d, ' The wliole.'seoPg is thitt they; .
: , . . Fare for men and wiomen, $12.00 DENTI - -,vas thrown out and his collar bone. and a friend werb walkirig the lake ,,join wil n . it is an ' IcLi
_, . '1&11 'In. tile. VllIa,'V,'e ; I.eitra .
k Di I of . I -B, row ,,it their until els n . to taiderst4ml. each other, and:, ,. - I
I the late Jo6eph .Kidd of, A Ain; a . . , fate,
.: .':.,.;, . - , veek tit broken, I . . I I I . .. ,. ,sh6rd between syfleldand Goderiobi 311 of Obfirles Kiligsley's 110* -bing (III i I I
os. Kidd, died that v thePrOali tl( 11 " 4 te, '
T ..- On complving with conditions of dertill . in the 11 lit . 19II a n ains ,are, fast lit, .. I - i
I , ' Of Th - VD -A painful accident. ` bl the ,,Three Fijh I .6 I . . I
, . cate wlitch will be given par3haser of one- 'nie" _qpo of finding some trace,of 0 1 . iWAg 4 new . as you qee, lie training liegins ver
. , .. the hoine of her sister, Mrs. At. F. Xd BADLY BUM; them, They., learne(l .of .only an (), . course for the river. Vor',ne-Alil 7 6WO ,eivly in life. " . . I y I . I
_ ,tr. , -1cilown baJI,qd,bf . . . . .
. , .. . way $12.00 tickets, passengers will be re- win, -of St. Paul, Minn. . - ;0,. 1, - occurredone day1ast, week at the. . , . I I , :- - . ._ .. . I I I
, 1. , . . And it fish -box which had been washe(I ets" : - ... . . . . .*1 . . ks Won. Sirris has been Ittid It 11 .. .1 ,
, ": . . wee
, 1, , turned to strwting point by same route on .. honte of Mr. Robinson, who lives. on * lie" must .unbago. 0 . .
-_ -lil: -:1.. .. AaciDp-NT. G..:. X. -Parkes, manager lo:shove. When they reached Goddrich Alen rulist, worl.:,ail d Wol weiep, with a, bad attitek of to . . 4 . .: I
. -or before Nov. 8W,h. 1005, on payment. of - - Igititijo-,,,qtrett,ne,,,tk.ttie GI T, it. brldgq , 1 it two wt"e . - . .
i,',_i ,.., $18.0) I of the Bank df Commerce, had an 'In" Mrs, Robinson's .* mother 11106tattL-d back Tor'Bftyfield-iti-the littit thj jvg I O V-ail is anay &d,,.,ac.,iiiNoTI3.-,.-_ , - I . . -_11 I .1
. , -, Mrs.. Scott, , 1ttIer,to,M,n,And,Wanr on, .1 .
, I
1. : , Fo ri her particulni-4 re arding these ii1easant experience on Monday morn. was holdingthe.babY, when the am ell asoline yacht of -it friend, When keep, . . I . I ali(I during bis ab. encb Geo,, taniont, . "W6 -ddftlt kn6w6f any, biatty " ", -
I - ,ampers who had.folmd *A nd tile. harb . I haye charge of the .
''., 1:-, I -sions, .Ind other ow fares t to leave his ofthe fire was noticed, anif Mrs, Rob- . of Wingbaill. wit .
exci. f, o ng, He wits preparinq assin the e Or bar be wortning. '. I
, I
. . I.., ,varlmis points, on application to summer home at Jewett a point, Bay , inson disoovere,q that . tier mother'$ t, e hot I tile lattetried to tell them .. . - G, T. R. station.'. . ... I . place to buy good clothing for . - - .
, I I . .
. ., I field, and had left his horse at the door clothing was till oil fire,' She quickly by sign that the body had been found, -1 I -Tuqkersthlth . . . VERV SAD, -A11% Arch. Lattinier, . . . ,
1. ', F. R. Illodgens, ToWn Agent in charge of an the,r person, when an seized it blauket, and wrap t tho e in the.boat could not lm(ler, - I daiighter of Mrs. JaWeg CraigI -Morris, boys, than here. , The prices - I . I
'11. I I ,ped it bit AVCIDE-'IT. George' I
. I . Ile came alon
`., automobt g and frightened ,.around lier mother, succe6ded ip stand hat was inciant. . Walker, soll of arrived lit Blvth 'Alonday evening, full, . .
ill ::. -I]. took Sunday after-, John Walker, of the Mill verad, Tricker-. of stidness. 'Two weeks ago slit -left I I I .
I 1. . the animi It got. Away and niade a extinguishing the flames,' before At,ibout four 6'c ribli. a painfiA accident on We aSk are as reasonable As .,
. ! .., - I 1. lively run as f,qr as lowett's grove, either Mrs, Scott ott the bltby noun Fiergason's body. was found on stnith, met V - her home in Moosomin, Assa., With .. . I I P,
v . . 4 . I . e 'If. t lid evening. They Were unload- . .
I . . . . I .
. , . . -stopped. Thd bugay and vere burned, though the f6rmees -hair the shoro, near what I.,; known as "the tier two ob
. .
. .
.1 . . 1. . where. it was ildven.-two bright little 11 .
, , I , . . "r d of .grain in the barn with.
.., - $41, , n Og ; . ed two years and seven a side ring -
" .:; - . I -,i I ..: harness were badly smashed, I wits: singed with the flame, . . iron springs," about five miles 110"th slin loa 11 I
1! I I 1 . . .,! I gir b, Vilu LaV
. ... I., ;:N 5:1. -11'. . -1 I . I . hen Something stuck, and Mr. months , I . I
1 ". I .1 . , I A has; returned __ - of Bilyffeld, Oy some pampers, W110 Va S' 1v -
I I .1. .1 ... -i t! NOTES. -XV, PickaL I
gl d
I ..
I. 4
011' , lus
I 1,
# I
tv -- ; 11 . . . . . ker tried to release M When the InOlIths, an the Other $'xteen 0 1
. I away . I iveg Ill Ontario- 'Short- the qu<'ty of tho go ds we sell.'
, I , 'I. - while , Were unaware of the calamity thhrbad to visit relat,
I I ,-_-'I1%.,., V, ...:!.: . . , , lers started and caught his right - .
I . , .. from it trip tothe West, Holmosvitle :, they noticed the carri jle train left Winnipef tile . . .
. itiii he is Said to have turned over real ea- I bapponed ; in fact - -he IM After I I I . . I .
.. .. 1 V;I;.;;. glard Pic - box III thg - water, 'and watched it for vas taken sicic witil I
. a .;.,-.t-_;i= I I
I `1'.:.,.,: F,: k tate that .bronght him a good pi oflt. PicNic, - The Church of Ell )land. In tryini. to eave himself ot q elder g - I .
I 1 . put okit his left iand, and it too IV' . hi I I I
I I I :::i1:::: .01. J.MeMann,sn, has. sufficiently recov- ni6cameoff' on Wedriesd&ymorning some time before the-Y-werO aware tred, though not so Seriously as the tOry, and everything pss as one v * I .
'. I I :::: i ".1ii4i ered from his recent illness as to lie OnthoMaitlandflatg, Averypleasatit th0therewas a milliattachedtolt. In forher until Chatbani'Marette ed, LJon - Brand ;
. .!; : ;:
I , :: . :. .; I aln, Henry Roberts, it Pad- timewasspent, Theamusementscon- They notified Mr, Salkeld, who atbuce otiler. The second and thirdfingerg -fil * i d . I . .
" ! , . . smashed, the former bein li yii ' - ,wedin the , . ., ,, , , .
. L*. :'! - ""' qie Seaforth Engine rks, Slated of ftiot-va( 9 I , . ; I . , I , ;
I . '. Nlti- jj , Irate Olf it Wc Ang, ,from the young,- went to Goderich, and . Dr. Hc v e ' ok bill wits 11 sly morn 1( Ing-, , ----,.
. quics were Will a lt I w
I . ;I . I.: I. I taken o near the tot) and the thir I I he died Allot
. . ( h t i
. . W, i a ere6
!: 1. - I e, at -Thos - I 0 r 8 In V. IV 8 4t-1_1__v_ __Z
. , .." man, and from. Coroner, Accompanied by , Gun ' . Q.
'I" " I : 1 fill: : it bits gone ta Sarnia, to take a 0ood po st boy to' the ol e I ., , .
, ,! "Jtj
:; f, ,I Av 416ft. L. belum-4mputated . beGv, the second r I
. . ., ii%l R It. .. . . . 4, - , 1. . I - _ t - -!-I 4., It— _t,l I A.. _ 9-_-A -k,, __ ._ .4441-AA4 - I_ " _ . ago _ taill,
, ._, _ I
I , .I.,.. . . .
Vou'll look. pleased,
When you receivethe photographs
I we make for you. They'll be good
likenesses and well flnish4id. Our hbil.
ItIes are such that- .
We Can Promise You
The Beat Pictures
I without any danger that you will be
. disappointed. ;
Refillo ts Photo Mttdbii
. .
. clifitiabo, Owl I -
. .-.2=.Mk
. AMU-—
I I .
I - Ad
" . ...... a—
, __JI _-________,I'_- I
'Cli-er-'n't- 'T'i,'o-'ut'O'-r-6e'k'.--m' i,Ti- t`- 6F,W,_-fM_r'i_. -8---te-pheil Halstead, identifying. r 0 11''bad evi-
M6tV1kW1(eSaev has accepted a position, its who is visiting. friends -in torldft 1110t dently made i't tT,'S'p'er'i S,truggle to
teacher in thepubtie school At Dornoch. with n'bad accident the litttet?pArtd se,vellituself, ,Iflvusin,jhissuspenders
The summer carnival' was not a. bril. last week, falling 'thiough A trap door, ,Ile I,_ -.--. - boat's
---. filtrisel .to. the
liant Success. I . into the cellarand fracturing her skull, unip and net box -, he had remoV,6d I
I I I I I . I'll . At last Accounts 'she was doing fitirly flis boots and qtockingif and coato
. . well. . . and Ilia Shirt sleeves were rolled lip,
. Baytield I . . I . wed tb&t
NOTES. , of Wnq Owxs Tim QOAT.-Mr.. Hilford The evidence Seemingly shOL
- -The Rev, Mr. Shaw, - U A 1 1 - lid had been dead Only a few minutes,
9,rge of Mr. Me-
Lbbath niornin
18-BUIAL IO0KInq Lor I, ab la y w xv q
- her winter Jacket at his house the
He was badly bruls6d about the body,,t
by being knocked around in the water.
gs Robertson, 01
luelful. solos on
tAglit of the fk n social, Hq saystbat
it She, is youn unmarried, and par,
31r. Smith, Hayfield, shortlyafterwards.
examined tile body, md announced
Valwin. and 8011
enjo0mg, & VA.
tiOulUly Ou'l, 0.0king, it might 1)0. to
the adva, 9 of both, of them, if, she
would call ,:Et In person,
thht (1000 was the resul.t Of exPOSUroll
no: Wof drowning.
tve. r, Lgrub.
V orguson's watCh 'Was found to have
of' London in.
gooTita'.-Harvey Willson ishome on
8topped at 2.15 00100k,
4 week, ;;hleh
ropitir. An se.
A visit. Mrs, J, Holmes bits been very
porly the 'Past few days, Mrs, Sohn
ROW long Balle'r and W
keep A Oat ,It meyet be knowfi.
, Accident, whloh,l
is atill keerin
I a Orly,
Pked IM to =Iting
So far not the olightast trAce of them
over totd-
Me. and ts,
fmonds at 'O'WWRIlli . .
has b"A found, . , .
Joinu,.. vu tue ileit, unnu uuv -j
'second finger had to be amputal
..,,-,.,,,,—. - —
. o I --1
Caunp,n.-In the absence of Rev-
. .
Mr. -yelland, who is awa:r for his; holl-
days, .fohn yojing ()coupled the pulpit
here on Sune
NOTES. -11
nOW tile Otde
thorpols nevo
attached is e
work, Xorn
his homo her
I, for a few md
I posott going,
Inext Week. ,
trich, is spen
filpt4or Mri, -0
. -
I .
. I . .
is our leader, and our V a 1 U e 8 -
. I
. _=L_ . .
I Stanley , ,
are fully to per. cent, lower
rv4usov, Ls.-Mtss Soirah Dunbar, of
the ('11rowstand IndlatfATIssioll School,
I . I .
than city prices. .
who is on furlough tit present was this
. .
I .
week Visiting Atthe honio of her Sister
Mrs, Thos Ralrd, and other 110 IMIPP
D. Rd ll.
2'*Pc stfits" - $2,50.0 $5.00
ances On. the line. Rev. 141i
"Ill of Cleveland, Ohio, IT. S., wag via-
2 -PC SttltS, NOrfOlk'StY16, ,
itinK his pe,ople ,hove for, a few days
. . . . $2,501047-00"I
during the flist of the Week ', lie leftOn
Wednesday to resume his work. '
3 -PC sultsf . $,!. I's to $1, 0 0,
XOTP8 - Wage pleased to nota that
. I
I , 11 I d'. .
I 1ohn, Butcho,rd JP,, is SIOW recover-
Ing from Ilia illn --- ---,,- . 911mour
. 730-
"I I . I
I M Note'
ht,J,W,N,r,,W,O. too.
ana MlasojeanThomaoti Wevein
field On, MondAy oft the 6COM100 of the
ssA 4#4th of S0Ai'F0T9uA4U,
Mothing #&a 06fttf? PUVOIAIU94
. I I
I . I
fik6C, -, 1 ,4k_A*161.-L*,;&F, , "A -
-th I . . 1. o.d&"A..
i_z"111 "I'll .Ii _ - .
- -