HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-08-18, Page 7r ". I , . . . . I . 1�� 1 . � � �, I I . I . I � . , . A I 44 � � *T. ,A . . . . � I I . .1 . � . . .. �. . . . . 9 I . . . . I . " Augmt 18th 490 . � 1. I I 11 . � . THE OLUN TON NEW S -RA . I . . . � � . .. I . � , . . I I . . . . . . I � __ - __ - __ � ___ ­ -_ - I � . . . I , . 1,1--.1-gig. 9 1 ­ . I � 9.1 I I. � 1 9 � ... I .1 ­ I - � I . " .. I . 'A" 11 I - , "I - __ - .1 . I - � . _ ______ �__ . - � . ; � . - i -, - . . 01. __ � .. T. -r-="�:=­_ Z_;_4 ...... �,;___-7 --- ---'- ­ - - - -_ . � . I I .. . ­­'___,_­__­__ . --- ,__1--.1_-____11 I -1 ­ _­­ --- - "' ,_" _­ , , " ­ .. ___ . . .- I . 9 11 __ � 9.- . . . I . I I . i . . � I � I . . I - � . ­_ 9 _ . ,.-; DESERT BILL-OFNARE � i, H1 S806. _,", . I . . �__, 4 � . � . � I . I 07AF-w"OAPA11M : . . I . THE, MAGICAL IV U RIANI. - - . I . I . . . . . . . . I . . . 9 . 1 9 I— ... 11 91�.­ - - , _ ...., . . I . . I . I . --�_ . . . - . - : I , � . , . . 9 Pw . . . I . I . . . - I , -DOC 1 9 ,t Price of Any I I . 4QURQOS FROM WHICH THE IN'Dim ! lftoafiO4� I It l0rinap.the, Higheii . . 466 A 1110 � 9 I . . I . . I . . , I . . I . I . . 01plental Fralt, .ill 9 . I . . I . . � 99 SUPPLIES HIS . 'LARD'ER. I , It was at the 4eight of e durlan . I - I Pea "I'll ��� ... ait lit r , ' � , - I ' ff 'Sear.'ou, Nvbeu 4 1 � . . - . 1. 'A' . I " . , IANY PHYSICIINS PRESCRIBE , 11 ANmal kind In Malay" 9 . . . . I X. Of tile ThIngs Eaten,, EXpeelal., ­ I ' I I � . . . I 0 i I . . i . . ­ . � . two. legged* and four- 1[oggedi Is anlinat. I , .. I . . . I I . Ir 6, Insect anxt 'elptillan Foods, - � . �� � . �� .. . .. I . Are,Not Only Not laviting, lout Arg Lydia r. finkharrips .9 : ed by an Insatiable lust.for the fruit It- . . I . . . . 9 � I . ; . . - . v"Fea' ` , I - th It I Veyega,bJ& Q0Mp0rjjgd,, self and quick to fill with savage anger - . . .. . . . .1 . . .. . A _:-* � I hot Even ralai*bie. 4 9 . . . � . . . . cewat'114~10 (St, 11,1e I,,, P . . . . . ft� I . . . I . against whatever -stands In the way of . � . . � . . � About some of the Indian villages a - I I 1 9 �. 9 I I 'ST . The wouderfvl poiver of Lyilla R.. satisfying Its appetite, for not the least . . E 4% 13 Ll S 14 C, D, - , . ., . I I . . . Yet to meet Its equaL. . of the wot are to be seen Small IlinkhaWis Vegetable Coiapom;id over remarkable quality of this remarkable . � I � ........ I � . I . ` I I � . I pitches o maize or a few tiny �melou I womankilld is ) � I . I . . . � I f 9 h dise s s ,f .0 I I I I . . . . 187(L . - . beeguse it , fruit is the amatory offect It has upon 9 . 11 9 . 9 1 patches, but these cifItIvated, areas aro cause it is a Stimulant not . . . . I . . I - . � 11 I SRNIM� . � of little account as compared with the Is% palliAtive. but, Simply becatise it is those who cousume It, says Caspar I . - . 9 . . � � I . . I __ 199 � ­ ­ . � _.111 9. . � 1. 9 . wonderful tonic and recon- Whitney In Outlagi All durlan eating -- - - - . 9.. . . ­ . I 11 . . number of persons to be fed, These, I the mos�'"',� , , le, . . ,, . I � .. 99 ­ Zft- . __ - - � structor ever discovered tp act. directly . Malays, man and beast, are aflamem.1th - .0 .. . I . I . . ,,, . ­­ ., 9 .. . . elv , ofIc 'fire, The Junglo resounds with .. I ..." I , . 11 11 I I . � too, are exceptions rather than tile I upon. the generative organs, posifiv ' er 9 . , 11 * . . I I :� . . . . . . .1 rule, a majort,ty pf thetowns haying , . . I I i I . JL illan Eatinp Irliver. -. -- . I .curinOiacase aii(j restoring)iCalthalla 77 "' . . ToWn Wrectory * , Up Such. cultivated golds. . . . ­ . 1 9 . I the fighting of Idjelorn I;ruteo and the .. .. � ,,,, . 1 9 �. _ I ,Vigor. . � � I � � . , I � . 9 __ . . In 1691 .one. of the I Hagenbecks,and ln�tho. various parts, of tha�arld re- , .Marvelous eures vro reported frona tqwni Awaken to courtship, . . � A I I . ,. . COUNCIL -Mayor, Hoover; Council Herman Boger, a hunter In the family's .gion which sbelteiT. so great a portiou all . The durlan is, about t4g6, size . . . I . . I r. �� -parts Of the countryljy women who � . of.a . . . . 11 9 'L .. i.. I I . 11 I ors, Ford, Wiltse, Gibbings, Cluft, employ, went to India for tigers. Hea _9;_�ur_ Parbarlap .&pqlp,tlqa Imd, Jiaye -been .curQd, trrined-nurseg, 71io� plilea �Nvlth. a similarly roujg)b out-. I � . . . . . _ _ __ ,A. So _ _ . _ ppic�_ , I- . I . . 1 4 1 . - .. Cottle, 'Cantelon; Clerk-, Macphetson-, -Ing of a7 6'avqgq niLfri-eatkif-iik'st ;d6iWh a tree re - Vq��v i�itn(Fs-.sf.�(T-eii'l�is'4.ii,T-i)h3,,,icians side ,coveripg armed with half Inch'. . . - , . . 9 . � . . . Treasurer, McTaggart; Chief, Wheat- distri - . markable for certain proper- I - . 4 . . . I . 11 1. �.. I. I . _ , ' .et, they organized a .party and ties. .The botanical! name of this Plant Who have recoprnized the virtuo. of. spikes which are tough'Alld s4arp, It ' § . . � 1. I 1 9 . � I . . � e sallied forth to find him. . . I . R. Pinullaln's vegg-table Coln- 9 . 9 .1 . . . . . . I I POST OFFICE. Office -hours, lobby . Prosopis juliflont. It Is pop@arly. I' 9 And a.: .grows on trees fully sixty feet In - . ' Se #6 . 4 . � . Crouching-Ilke a cat, with back, Up i Lyd ' re Tair enough 0 give 'lluk . . . I L 1� 111. � Is , pound, open 7 30 a. in. closes -.9 P. . in., wicket . . known,as .the algarol)4 or honey. mes. height whose trunks are bare of . bs Reopens fdr Fall Term Tuesday, -pl. . credit where it.is Ellie. , I . . . . . . L � I � . open 8 a. m closes 7p. m,. jas. Scott, mid whiskers' bristling, It waited Its Quite.- This 'tree thrives with 'little. If physiciRns dnri-d to be frank and except at the very top, and wlien the I . . L , If you have not seen lhv.b�talogao of this -high-grade business 110110DII, WIP % �), U00 . postmaster. . I ,ebance for a spring. Ono,of the natives,, ,tholsture, .grows, with thick, bushy top, open, hundreds of thernwo0da6knowl- ,fruit ripens It drops to the ground, . So familiar with the beat C-Insirs has to offart in the ' L line of Book-keeping, -?it) .'� ... PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and five inore venturesome *than the ;rest, bold- . . 9, i,?Ads � . - . to a height of twenty to torty feet, af- edge. th4t tbey consthntly prescribe Its the season approaches natives erect Typewriting and perratuellip. . . I I t . � . . I L 9 9 . . I ading ro,om in Stavely Hall. Open IX .charged it. - With -a -=dden blood. -fords shelter'frona the wind au(I sun, Lydia R.Pinklialn's Ver,etable CQm- . small huts under the tree or lacar by, 370 S udents placid in godi pce(tiotiq through 'ibis ingiftuff'n -'i rrtr� .G. V.1.4 - . . . ; . 9 9 � y day from 2 to 5.30 p.m. find from' ,curdling growl it was upon him And L � ound in Severe cases of f'emale ills-, as from which they wat ag R ipi 9 bus,neFs norool ku-rmg-i-�e �e4r �kkdiilg June, IOQ5' Would' � .. - I j, s,je, dift . . . 10 p.m.. J. Be - . and, best ot all hithe sight of the huur� p 9 ch for the fallb 9 . . . . '. it =,librarian h - he was brushed from Ws horse like a , 1--gry nattres, I ' ' t e - no uy experience it can be re- fruit. * . .. . . I I . .. lust, of 1110be pit,C09 ., ? . , . . I . ,. . , I . ­ I . I I SCHOOL BOARD -F. Hodgens, 'c air t yields abundant crops . . A . L - 2an of straw. And then, -though he . lie u orft�felfecta'curc, .1 We lia�r'rsilvvay fare up to $8.00. and oan gct you ibod board ii�-a ruux a�� 5LA1.5Q, tia �. . . .: man; T. Beacom, Charles. Hale, A. m 1. . e beans. 'ibe fol Ow� Those who are foirtunate enough to. - . - .. I . ..: I kof fruit known as mesquit ingletter rovesit. - 0,1 75- ps - ire ' )A' 9 .. .1 * . was a,man of fully 1.45 Pounds.welght, . . . . ' -r ek. - , - iite for ontaWile, if interested.' ' . . . I . - � � Turner, P_ Downs, F. Hall, J. Shaw-, . L . 'The slink green pods hagg In clusters I have such trees. growing an 'their own - "I 9 . - . . . . . . 9 .. the great beast seized him as'a cat . . �� r.. : I ri'6-liam, I of 4 Wigbi ia . . . . I ,. -- I ' � IS; a I v 0 for , ' ''­ I D. McL-kCHLAN& Cd,,'C-fia.thdM,,..Q� , 1 . Secretary, John -Caninghnnie. M 'from the tips of the boughs, often ' ar1c, itch "urg, r't L land pradfically 11 e on the inc me de- - , ings first Thursday evening in e ch seizes a kitten and Started .off wlth ' * l . . P" , oss., NY i c . *rived, from the.sale of the du . rlan,. 1. . . .. . . I � , I bendfai-the branches .nearly to .break- � I lb ffives in(,. great �Ieasu're to S&T that I . � . . .. . I . 9 - . . month I him toward the jungle. .1t was, Im- ing, so ,abundant -do thdy grow. The - ular market It by ngs the t . � - 9 1 - . - . have f(itind -Lydia R 11inkhairk's V;getaW !n the penin§ . .1 .9 . I .� . I COLLSol,kTE BOARD -M. D. McTan- possibl to Shoot for t6arot killing the - Codipound viry 01oacimis, and. ofien. pi -e-* hrgheSt *pri . . 1 9 . I . . ''I gart� secmtary.; Wm. Jackson, M I ,bodsi wbIc4 -are.six or seven Inches . i L ce of,ftny eastern fruit., -In .. . L . . . j' man, and,so welthad to make the chase scribe it in my practim forfernale'diftlealties, , . I - i AXIM - ­" i I . 9 - , "" . I urer ;, D. A. Forrester, chairman ;' ­ .. 16n.-, .nxe'pulpy, j6icy, fafrly palatable . I "I st �Iau ifter foand. it very benefi, the jungle edg% where these trees ha*ki I I . I . I I . � 1 9 . My oldes 1� . . 14 1 . . . I . . i . Ransford, Jas, ,scott, 3as. Fair, H: one of ottategy. Finally, inear the edge idnourishing.. - 9 . . . .. uw L . 1. R 1, I . I I . a] ­ . cjialfor�nierinetrouljleso aimcago;mnilku no ownership., the raco to build the first - L ;0 I I ' 9 g . . . 4 . I L I ' Plumsteel. of the undergrowth we cornered the, ' These bevins Are 44thered-, dried- And � 'youngest ftughter is now taking it for a �, , but and thus establish proprietAl-Ly in- .� , , . CIIN VIn . BOARM OF HEALTH -J.C. Stevenson, tiger, And it -dro,ppe'd' its luckless burr . t male weak-niks,:;i and is Surely gaining Ili health. L t a The Ma"'rksm -, III - . . . . .stored In the. peculiar granakies of lie erest In the falling fruit Is equal in in. �� � . " � . chaiTnian; Mayor, Win. Harland, sr. ; den. Then a bullet 'froin an expyess . . and strengtil. . ­ " . . . . . L � . . Indlans--�huge baskets. holding � several . �ilfi-et,,IyfiAvocatelta.,;ainostrelidbler,l).(�- tensity to a, land rushi and In the Jun- _ . �il� I . . I. . .19. .1. . . ". � - �, . : � I - . . I . . . . . I . . 9 . Dr Shaw, Medical Health Officer ;,,ToF. rifle ended Its - days of -pillage. It bed 01 ' . who ainig at; the whole target will �eldom hit the,centre. ' . I . . bushels each�and-are pulverized.when ! Re ti, all (IlSea$"SL to iviiich -,voinefi are Still- 'gle the nafives must"compete also wlth - Wheatley, inspector. ' qarrled .1be man 1alf. a mile,... and, , I Ject, And give it honest, endorsement"? . . - � I . . . . . . . . BAPTIST CH,1UR0H- Sabbath Lser*ices wanted for food., Ili wooden or, stone . .. . - - . the wild.'beasts toit share man!s fon ' d. 1. L... .. . . .. . us . . . 'llid LC . 'L . . 9 1 strange to rsay.,.ihe m,as little injure*d,- , in I ur. . . Women who Are Irotibled,with. pain- I �. I ,The koi�est City B in-ess and Sbortb , oNge, at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school . . . . .: - ort s, and the .nieal thus formed is. . � I)Ioati L iiem for thle 6xtiftordinary fruit.' . . . .. . . . . . -neu,struation, I .1 . � L. . . L . at2.30p.m. General prayer meeti I LeslWs. . . . . .. .obakedln wat , er .and'eaten without fur- ful or irregnlar i . ng Qpce tn,t4� jungle.,as I s4t sm6king,. . London,. specializd.t� along ,ever line of Business and . . . � I y ... . � , L I L .. . . . . . .. . .. . � 1, . . . ., " . . . . in- I horth . I. 9 . . . . .. . . 9 . . . ' 9 L I Wednesday ervenings. 'W. . I L . puzzling out some lost, seladdlig' tracks. - Sl -and work. . . .. . I - . 'Rev 171 t . aked into a (or flatulence), leucorrhoea, f4lllng, . , . . . L . . . . I .tber Lprepara ion or it Is b L, It. IS the. flainmati(in orulocnfflon of the uterns, I . .� I . �, � . I . I . 9 . a rt- -supt. - I i , � �. 'fallln.U.durlan'�Attracted my attim- Magee, pasto, , D. Prior, S. S. Sab. "Best R6nedy. Made.".; . tort of; uuIeAvened bread . . � ovarlan. troithles,t tbat,bearing-d6vm a . . I . .Ra succeeded in satisfying both * the' �student and . I .. � . .1 .. . . I W IESLEY METHODISTCHURCH - � I . .. Principal and -favorite food of several . tion. The nearby trees' ,seemed Alive, I S ' Z,:i . L ­ . , . . �� . ... 9 . (iieling, diz�lucss-, faintness, indige.s- . . . ' I . .. . . ' n if m- 9 7 . . _L tvous L - . ' P yi . . � . bath services at 11 a.m. a d 7 . 7 . Q.)n ,i 9 � business men'em'lo ng the graduates. I . . . -: .' ttib , - .- .. . . :. , nf� on or the 1�lucs, 'With. moiikeysraelng to first reach the . . . . L. . � . Sunday school at 2 30 1�.m. Rev . , M. So Says a Pleton Man -of 1.131U.Mil; - es. . ­ pr6stratf 9 1 . . . . I . .. . I ning,pastor; .A. - Cnnnpr, . A. ' - I - . .. The screw -bean is another food.. prod. .. ,-.should talce immedfitc, i�etion to'watd. ground. 'One monkey.tbat had been ' . . Has the largest attendance, of. any,.school in the L The Kidney, PJII . . . � . . . .. . I . . �. - ting -Wed- . . net . lieis plentiful,. but dygli'more high. ofT tile serious'e.onsequences, and-�be left at the post so to sa�, deliberately. . . .. . 1. . . . � . upt. eneral prayer ;niee * ' . , � . � . West; . I . . . . ­ . I . 9 . . � 1 9 . . ; Epworgh League ' Mr. Jaines Mills,* of Picton Qnt..', - ' - . ' restored.to perfeet health and stren�tla dived frbih tile �6�.. . . . I I.. . . . . . .4 � . . . ­. I - a evenings rl. . , . 17 prUed. because of its. sugary iluAll- . . of the treewhere he. . . I . . 9. . . I . I... . ., '. .. . . I I .and Junior I n by talting Ly-dia E. Pinkbar6's Vegeta- pat,�. fully fort teet,, Into the, top of, a . . . I r I . . .. . I I .. . , ..: . . 1. I . . 9 � � I ts ondAy evenings, .. adds bis te,,iiMcny to that Of til a T ties. This fruit is often 04ten as pluck- �. bic-Coin;rtu�d, andtlien v, y -Catalogue, fo a pos.til. ". . . . . . 1. � . 1. . . . . I ' 9 ,rite to'Mrs. , . . . e ue Friday evenings. . I ,-Otb�rs ed . sinall6r tree below, .whence he swung . _ S - ` ' . . .. : �' ONTARIO ST. ETHODIST CHURCH- , who have .been benefited by ' tromthelir6e. itkipens;the'latter.1 Vilif-b . . � .1 ool terni"§ept� till June inclu ive�. . I - ... �.. . I � anit at Lynn,, J�Iasg_ for further . I 'Sch � . . , I . . : 9 . .. I I I � � . . 11 . 1. . .1 .. I . -out- . . . . . . �9 . .11 s .1 a.m. and 7 p.ni. Ba -Ju, The Kidney Pill. , His - experi- part of.Xime orin Jul.V, a.little latpr 'I fiee adv)ce. * No living person has had � . to the ground.. But, though lie beat t - , .. . ... � . .� . . I I I I . . . . ,� abbath services at I . . - I . . . I . . . � . � .; A I � 91 I . - 1. . I , . -.-..-. . . - ... ­ . . 9 Sunday school at 2.30pan. J.S.Cook, I ence with this �6markable spe.cific.ha*s-,thailthe�inesquitebL�an. - ] the benefit of'a Nvider' experience in' the othera,tlie durial li�d 91sappeare . . . . , . F�;�! - �� .11'' . .. I . . . ' . I ,� .1 . . I � I . - �� I ',�� . . . . . � .. .� I =E- � . I D.D., pastor.; Thos. Mavch, $. S. supt. I . I In some of the moiiilfaln sections the t ll leopard -like creature had - - :. --A I .. - - � . 11. .1. cominced'hfin thitt it, iis unexcelled . . . . ­ ,reai ' im, female ills. She.lfas &id6d ..A. .sma . - .. . I , . ... , . ., . . - meets Monday 6ven- .1prunus andefs6ni �' I �ds to -health, �� Every suff6ring Al d off the -fruit, And I .,tv ,o ab- . . .. 1. �� - ,­ -.1 -I - . - ! - � ... I . .... � , .9. � � . I Epworth League A * . It or� chamisli, :, is, i 1--i - ,as to . . 9 -.0 . ...; I 1_1�*­ , . . '� , 1 , : Ing; prayer ,meetirig 4Qn Wednesday for the relief An- cure of All. kidney I I - :�l one te . . . L - � , . ! nan A116uld as soibed'W*ijclil�g tho'nei,fal flight oir. 1 �Z� I . . . . . . � , . .. . found In .abunaktheie. � The* pit's of this . " .'. IC for an(! fbllo,,V 11 - 1� ; �,�:,�,��t 1. I .,� � . ' I w0l I cIr , , , I . � . . I " . I s. . I .. . . . . . .... ' . .. :-,. i�_` � '. . . evening. I I troubles afid.rhediniatism'. 'He �vrite .,. fruit are'poliuded iii,mortars, Lind the- a&flce if She -.vauts to.be sti6iig Lind tbd,monke.ytogdtino�le,iliii�,a' I' � ffn I ...... I - 1: I % ­ I.; i.- -, . , WLLtli3 PRF,S--YTERIA,N CHURCH- I I � Piaon, I :Ont., .1i I A, . y 4th"16O& I .- :I,, . . . . . .. ­ 11 well. -� � - '..: . - � i . I . ...;. .. : L .. ,, ,gxmpse , � 0 � . . I I , �, I . . There are'l-niany I - :* , ... I . . ... . . . �, .of tile thler '. -) 0 - , � . I ... I I ices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ' , eaY is thch� eaten. .. I 1 . �. Th6 ,two, ,f monkeys, Sabbath servi , The Cla,flin Chemical 0o., - Lt -d , � � , ': , . . . I , '. ... ... . . ... � . . I . . . : . _� . .. . .. � - . ' ­ . 1, I . . I . . the eactus fruit wbidl ., . . I . . -_ ­.­­__ . I ar, 1 . . . � - � I I . . I that in'siantly' forgathere4 dlsdusspa � -. � I. _____.______-_______... ­ . . ... . . . 1. I . ;Sabbath school at 2.30 p.m. Prayer Windsor olit. - - , 1. varieties of I -- - _. - _ __ _.. I .1 . I ' ' I pp . . . - __7� . . . . .. - I meeting Wednesday evenings; Chris- ' I .utilized for food, -the frult,of. the* Opun-, , . . . . . � . . . I the sitpintion I dvid. I y and lit very -ob-' " I I I , I . . . I . . . Dear Sirs .- --I liave.us6cl- 13.u -Ju ,�Jth . .� . . . � . - I .1 .. 1. . ... . . .. I. . . . . � . ' . � I . . ' '' 1. . . , I . . . I . . . ­ I . I . . . � . � , . I tin. . Later wv,grups . . . ­ ' I tian Endeavor Meeting Sunday even- great benefitto Inys . tihtu�aor-pricklyp�ar'be'ing.a,notaV]e ' * -110 8 vious.nug�r. . .� . . - V. WESTEkVELT. ' .:. ; �. I .Y; M. C. A. Bldg.. I � . . . _ elf. and ' cheerf@ly� _ .-L-Arla Qr,y it 11.1 T . � . . , . I . . I J , . - . . ,�� . . . . .. . r.. : � . .. I . � I I I . I - . . � . . . I I .1 . . 11 , after Service for half hout Prayer recommend it to all'. who. I think .' exAmple. I I . . ... I . . tire. ground*. In. stone mortars illto fine . . .1 .. .1 .. , . ... . Principal..:. ,,,. L�qND(,.)�J, ONT. .. ... . I I I 61'eting and first Monday of month . .t;J�o _ - . axe . . . , , . . , . ___ . __ _.� . . I . . . . . ,. , .. . I , . . , y- , 1,T c e p'e, " ­'froni tWs insect :mcitl , - ­ ­­.. . ,. . 1- _1. , . . �, I . .. . suffering' fi.16m%kidne .)Ygs :and The '6ad, loco w ed, th St, Pf � the , .. powder, - and . I " ­ �. .1 . I � . . . - . . . : , : _ �., * . I ;R&v Dr. -Stewart, � . I . . . .. . . .. . I . . I � . . . ... . W.. I ... � . . I I. � .. ,, I I . . � . . �� .. 1. I I . .. I .. I �1, - . business meeting -heuina,ism. IAhInk it is the - oes" . - - ,hich.-iR -highly . .. � I I . . . I . �� 1. . I. . . . . . . I i �., I I I cattl9nio,, is a fal4rite with the. In they �Ale a broad v -- . . ,..: . - . . 1. I . . I ... � . .. I . I . . . I .11 . � . km= . ., ; 1� ,"% .. - D D., pastor; James Scott,S.S. supt. .reinedy made. . , I . 1, . I I .. . . .. � .. . - . . - � I . ___ I __ I . . . . . . ' 9T. PAULIS CHURCH, Ei-I$60PAL- . . . . ,. dia.ns,.; for t�e jellow pods'of ,the plhnt .'prized. , . ' . . . I . . I. .1 . . . . , � I I I . . . .. I . Yours, Sincerely, - ": . � I . I I ... I PSE . , .. . I . � � 1. I . . . . . .. . � . . - � I . . .1 6 ip - rell, � : I . The 1. . 1. 1 , , , , . I . � . ­.. I �. .. - .11 1. . I _; !.�'. 1. " ,. .. , , Sabbath services at,11 a.m. and 7 p.m. : . . wh�n Pulverized. serve as sp c. ,re.aie- a liumber of.other insects- - - -_ . ­., lm - . . . JAMES M ILLS..-: o . . . . �, - . I ., . . .1 -� . . . I ...... ....... �_ . � q � " " at 2.30 p.m. Ladles' ' toe otheri�ise. ins Pid dish. ` lizards, reptiles'.a e lj1,c--;-Wh1ch are i .1 . 1. Iva . . , . . . . . . I .. I .. I . �.. . �. . . .1 Sunday school . Kidney troubles a;nd rhouMat,18111 go� Am..BPIP6 -of, -I... I - , . . I . . I . A _. , . +lkF, rarumA,riEs,ir. -zj�,lr -'. . . 1, .: . ' - . . .1 ! used as food'by different tribes. The , . . - . . . IrHp- G1:_1AN3DRWr P . I *. . . 1. . , . .. dpilq meets 'last Thursday of each, tog-ther. Curethe,kidneys first, j_)r,.!.ips.p.aIafabIe.. I . . . , A �9 G 5. � _V011 . . I . . . . . I . , . I I . . , " .; � I � I . ut ; A. Y. P. A. meets Tuesday . .. . J� the i hd ill* .1 . '�ERROV--' I ­ 4_ .. . ... I W. �. ,. n cannot cure. the rheudiabsih. Bu. !: %' T he - ,roots of' .. --ca�cer:-ro6t arq chuckd,;mlla, a Uzard .somewhat re- J , . I . T, c)c. MARK -. ill, ' . I I I 61 a'. ls� . . . ! .%., I '. .- . '_ i . I . . S. . I . � . I I I and S. S. supt. I 1. science - 6r thii . ­ I . , .. . I T8n'!-_�_.,.,-,.-- t 'a ,a . . w1flott. I I .... . , ..,toasted over I live- coals, A d . ling the <311a mon,�ter, 1 *a com- - . .1 I .. '_ !I ' Nati6. " A' 1i .111. � . . 40ninllgs. C.R.Gunne, M&A., rector 5p, The Kidney. l."ill, is th� lateA * article Of food -with Loiver Call-. I I . . I .. ;' 'Can di n - -I . 'A - chipvemellt of lkldd�ra' n , �vb�&i " somb � A Splendld : al � f -A I - . young; succu ent. And 'nourishing :are mon . I . , � . S -1 I., . � ., , , , I I . . ST. JO,SEPH!S CATHOLIC CHURCH core of kill derangements, of the kid- _1 I with the, idd:0 . . .- I . . .11 .. . �. . .pIcu, fornia Indians ax.ld with 'some of the - . . . . I U., � , . , I , I I .. . .. � . I - u* -, � � . - -y other Sunday At neys. -It�,acts getitly but. surely. hetitl� 'On" f ... rlt" . , ot.be - Buildr, ,the system � 1AT. TORO N T 0-7 �S.EPT. ,, . . Ser;rice held evei ' i . I I . . . . 'Rev.''Patbev ingi toning and iestoring these iiii- ,�reans. . . . I - tribes north ..of Ihe line. ay .n . . 7 AUG'. 26 : to: % I . I I . It m, - .... . 11.30 a in. and 7 p.m. . - , , . * , , , . Pinson neault, pastor. S.M.B.A.meets portant organ's toti perfect condition , FlowerA of the.-yucca'.al)d Agate are - tbe'most inviting of fooaf--�sonle Of the , S t r e r, -,-t h, e. -XI S t I.I 0 .- - i .. I � . . . . .. .� ... . . � ... . : , .� , , . ' ' oill. bxeesg of"" boiled,'dried and preserved, to be eaten I - [ $45,000 in'Premiums. 1. I - I .. . . . ..' � ' ' .. ' - the biood -is freed,ft, I I . I.., �. . 38 000: Ili attfactions � ----tth�Thursday every month; Sacred . Insect and relitilian. fooifs. ai:c r,ar,frow ' , , , .. - ' , ," . . I . . . . - I ,3 . . . . Ia- I I .Vh,, . I . . . . . 1. . . &,,U3C,ea. � � I . .. . . .. . 1. . I . . � .. . Heart devotions lst Friday of the url,acidaud otlier poisons,'abd .rheu%- asoccaslon rpq�iie§. The y'oung shoO6 palatable -but ihe.,lildlan is not In- . 1� I I . . . � . I I :. � . '. I . . .1 .. I .. I . I . ' I . I C 1 V o S N.C. W L i IF0. , � :., - T ., . � ... I I . 7" . �__ �'�' : , . . ' I - I I . I I , , . . . � . . .. . .., ­ .:� : r, . I * - I I . - BRLrTnREN -Meetings at 11 a.m. and . - or crowns of thes6" plan6 ,Are also! clined to quarrel NvItYanything-whiell " ' I r .. . ". month; Mass every morning at 8 a.ru.,. matism And allied diseases vanigh. If 1. . , The Irish Guqrds�Ranllti , - , , IF-411617port Artbe . . . , 11 , - - Gi� __X_ a - � -� 7----7:1��i�-;�'--! -­ -___ .__ .. ­ coxinot obtain Bu-J'u,.T1oeKidnev.;' SaFd L,y k1Tl'r;v,0.1e19(- di-z"er.,�. - ". 9 permisysion of 111i k6it, 616us �_ i 4 g�;a t "qt i V , � . I ioastcd'and,'-eaten,' $eods,*pf thp ktc� * Stops. 66 :.guAWIng', boneath hl�;, belt, I . . . � , I . 1. Y] 30 ify n ro military disp -iy ever PM_.:-. , ". � . I . ,� ,, . . ' . . .. -&- tawro .. 1. kin dwardV.11,tbobi.ndof tholri-hGua,ds dupedbefore theCanadianopple.. Sco ealin . �. . � 7.30 p.m. oii Sunday, and on Friday at Paul, in your locality, -a --posteArd .ad- I Dav;s .rvXo..AA41., Mo'Lit 41 , , - I I is V. n I I .. ; � I 8P.M. . . . 'I I I misla tridentata orwormwood 41id toe . .1and.-be evidently bolieves lbat, "not � . . .! - � ,___ �_ ,.-I.'* R* ie-%ty's faVorite household bnnd FLnd the thiq'laiistre'e, Dt oftlit) worl-A m.st4ppamIng ernical Co I . 1. - : ��_- - - - I -Service at 7 and dressed to thia C Ain: Ch .* � Atriplex lentIform:19 aire. pulverized and hat which - - into. the .�np �_ �. ­_ . J ilmest musical organizition in tha __ � -e it. - t uth'.de . . � . I . . __^�� � . Empire, eveni will N vii; d'y portPayed with r,.�j, JA . , , * . . . . it . , , I . .. :! .� . . . . . . . �. � .. . . Will give twocanceits eath afid ovary day. - Sol - SALVATrow ARmy wil I tel i you how to ppbc,uV. ,.� '. � . goetli , , incse and i%us,lon. d er%lal. C. - ,_ I 1. I � I . . . . 11 � . - ir R. vart. ,IT �L, *, . - , " - , . . r . . �. - , , . . , . . . t1a.m. and 3 and 8 p.m. 91L,Sunday . I I . . I eate;. Pine 'n'uts ,form a very. imbor- 416tb *the wan. . . I � . 0; � .1 � . n, ,�. ti-:! Treligares . . - . fireworks dist1iy,will b billilant; Beds . � - . . . . . . . , I .. _ I., � . .� Art auf� I . I and everV week ev6ning X8 o'clock I . I . I . , �.� '., . . I I . . . � 1. .w I I - . I introduchigneW featur4, . ., . . I . Physical 111,3ct . of V , ' tilat it6m of 1ood wlth-.'Inai�y of the . 1. . : , .. , . In an especiall cktensivs,- &e-probf se.or.. . .1. 8 of an OriantAl , clisk , ' . I I mperallce - I . �. . � I ., 'I . , I : ­.- ". . � ... I . I � I .. .. . � ,T,,built, : �, . . � I . 1, � : . ,T I . .. . � . 1. 1-1 .: , ft�r I . ­ . . I . . .. -. , . -tribes In the Wooded section, of tile I ro": 1;(,­T,..\�.I).[I,.'S IW,Al� TRi. , ' . . 1, . � I � . t "Billerly *i a' presented the gyavx,de, t � -, . . . -1 :. , '. �. :j, . :, . Cibiton Post -office Dine Table I .(London:QueenY ' - . . . I I .1 � I coll6ction.ofat, an(I art t reasuies .... .1 . . I . I . , er 1 - I r Y�)11 are hotheretl \%Wl 1) , . , � X-ot Ynterestvil. � . . gw ever get to- I Other Things to See I . : . I . � . . . . . . , totintry ..and acgrus ' furnish otll I 1111pims, . her ov. Mitt conflopnt. ineludirig loank from . . . . I . I -Tn conneetion"-wifth" Sir. Freife.ri6k .. tribes. ,' . Fatb& �-Ilobcrt, Is: it not dboui -time 'Th� irocess Balldh.r., :* With* large part of thelk,livIng., , raslies vrp,dy Illot."Ilt."'011 'V01,1' Twe'. . ,he Xibq,'the Cbrporatiors oftlie, City of [,,)tiw- , SaillP103'if all the In- � ., . . '. . . . . A Ill . . � i t 11 . I I I .d Illb-gaigtgli.sh Vulversittles. the Re. ' lustried and R686UP069 6i the Country. Thowk� - . .,�,.. . I , � Public Lobby o ..7.30 a.m. Tr6ves?experience among the troopj� � I if �.ollr emi)plexioll. 1-1 S 1,141, m s, A, I , Illift little,. boys .w�rc .Jn� bed? Robect - 013 fo - . . � I u South. Africa be allu'deil to the euor- bs whl�h are, utl- . rub too Fritt)ce buth. XfnSl)gfon Museum ands of Horseo. ratt lo, Sh eep, Sw ino; Vjultr . 31ublic Lobhy 211�11:* ' * * - .9.00P.m. ' in ( There ate other �er .. . I' t -jr, I ... : Wicket& M.0. office open 8.00 a.m. n1( )Iumn � of 40,000 men tbat'rnarch� ligeo by the Indlai . isas food.. ..Indeed, ; eviden(6 that votl 110(111111(i ],( .rnzon (; C o '. (age(l six, parelessly glanchig at his Ldrd Stratheoult., tb#.i i'leut.'Governor of On. &.ndD6pS,all!Dsr&r3 60eroali;,a4d nlk6, . � 11 I I :. .. )uq N ­, tone iq) vour . .bl c,0 1; . .; (Ino Fel-1- . mone , . wjltch)__;1t0a1ly, fa , thert I, raug't lid 'ek. - 't'R.rio'Alldoth�k-dis.tinguisbed boide4ardiien', Shc,rt t I bunorb vralatty - I _ - ; P. 0. officecioses ........ 6.00 p.m. . ed to the relief - of. L'.tdys�jaiith,; th6. se ' . .1 Ile'loon- ..". . '.� . I 1. koo I dTr Ving and R.Ang, at - _,t - - ' '' Ahere are few'..plants which 'Are- not I �eii it im-als ni-ikes th- �101n-. 1, .�. I . '. I : . . . . World's-latestlaVentions; L��_� .: . : .: �,, Wicket closes ............ 7A p.m. who were the'first. to fall o6t: Were tnt . ca I pable .6'f 'being.: rendgreil.� edible' Ili I t"A)Jet f;11 -c- - - vus6d fiadni -venturing an/oplulon.- #'� I.. . 'coronation I -Plefitre. ,.� - . I .. I . . . I � . I . . ��' I i � . . . ,olexioll 131 , peitell'bloula. chet:(6 ",(,"m) - . - . . , .1 . � .., I . I we .. I . . . the fat or"the thin, the young ,.or , ti16 . I , I I � is a subject ln'wbIch I .have, little In. . .1 . - Speciall C 'armons. . .. . ­� I . . MAILS. I I ., tome,!mannek. There -are, however, oth­ .b 3oome. rosy. vvm, brighr'. -�toki,ll Soon .1 . . I By spocial con�inia�id �)i JEIJ'b� Tviiii�st.'y the X16g, " F . ;-tiro'c'br-iip railway and. sietLinboab . ex- ' , 11 . I . I Oldi the short or the tall, but tho4b who - .. I . no -little, boy . � 1:er things' besfde� ' plants wbich - are',, bec'.)rtjj� thf., lli:q MA I I V ill be 1- ou-Sons- bvve been arr. nged. . . ,111.0 1)f Ilf�,.tljjj. ,ril( ' - . toreO. 1 have S ,YOU know. AIA16Y's noted ar.4historle pa-iftil)g �v �. . I I .. Mails close as, follows : .. - .. I .. . I � . 1 4 %hibition during the'entfre Faii��. �__ - I Enqukboi!719�w I .1 � drank. Sb well marked was the fact a,§ rt� I tdieqk6�,p 11p. tllelv'� N, . I . ,. . . I . I ntare . , : South ......... 6.35 a.m, 3, 50 P. in. I �xnade'to satisfy. the pangs OfLbunger. all, . Yotithful ... ... . . t � I . . I I �, I .. . . lit, station or tiek,evskrent for rites. I I I . I . . I . . ... . . I . . � . . . I - I . . : . that, the drinkers -could have been ,.no wv witliYerriM y . FnXialonablo Term. I I ,,Prive L19t 'n . tr, . . . . .. . . . . . � .. m6re clearly distinguish able if they I .In. tho _4n1.mgk.. mber . ;1VPe,W,L' . . I . I . . Fo . .1 . � 1. . East..6.35 a.m., 2 50 p.ni , 4.50 pm. . _Xiii1pdom are a nu ).1e, wh. not ' . ' - --- I � . I % N, , . . . I North ........... 9.50 a.m., 6.00 p.m. had worn - placards on their: back�. I of irarietles of creatures not classid In Jj11 ?* Tlrl.61N.),.,-� 1, � . . - "Me'Bluff Is suffering with rhetunalL. . I % , R vBla3ikEiatkdiniorni�tionjuddr,rea . . . .N - P I I .. . - . -, I - --- .. . -,� '. tisna,- I hear.", I . 1. I . .. . � W. K. MeNIAT GNT, President, . - . . : ' ' ,' . . I I ................... 12-30 P.m. which goes to prove thAtspiritg what, 'the game fist of tlle.'white man, which: I. .1 . . � . . . I . I I . J. 0. ORR, Malpager anifflec;l .*'. *. , ., West. . . . . . . . I . . " . - I . . . .. . I . . . Goderich..9 50 am., 0 p.m., Op. in. ever else ni'ay-be their effict, do not - intniAer. to the Appetites and, need I .. 11ovv 330�tv ivorinno . I . "No. lie Isn't suffering. jlq!s - got i't. - ; � - "TI"Es C1,11SE.': Live.6tock, Elie_ Aug, Ith, Poultry #nd Dogso Aug. 19tk 11" . � S of - . I . � ... 1. . . . 1. . .. � . I I Idails are ready for delivery approxi five. st4mina, As so many people be- ' . . . .1 . I Dew was. formefly supposed to, fill I but lie's iptite *proud and happy. ills ,M__._ ' . . I . . Inately as follows: I . I ieve. .. m . I I . the red man. ' . I I .. Softly, from the'b-�avens, And & this, ' -alls It 'go t." �. . . I . I.. � ., � I I . . --.I- � I I � . __ � - , . ;. ­ ­ There, are.in the'solithwest, particu- . ­ doctor c s u . . I : . ... . 1. I . I I I ... . . . . � . . . I From North. .. .8 00 a,m , 4.80 p.m. I _ � � .�., . . I I. . belief may b6 'klscr1bed'mauy current ' , . . I . I . . I .1 I . . I I . I . . I . � .1 . . . I . . . I .. West .. 8. 00 a. in. . . - i . . � a, � � , . . Jerl,v -in .00fornia, bodies . of. bitter, , " . . ,. �. � I . . I ,� I -_ �__ . . UP1111111`1111111111111111111111 " -, i. � . �. .. A I but dew -does . 11 � .- . I . . " .......... CATARRH. I ' lid poetical phrases, . . . ,� . . . . . . I .. i . I .. . . I I . 1 .6 THE GEHUMS.Or ,. poisonous, waters known as7 boracic . I " ' � ' ' * . ­ .. I . . .." . � I . � -South .... 11.00 a in., 7.00 p.m. . . . .. - . not fall Jn the excet M. chifing of .the .� . �ihe Pain I'Att., . . . ,, . 1 . 1. . . . . . I I .. . .. I - .� I 11 , . . ( .0 - lakes. Owenlfl l4kc�. twenty' Milos long, : 9 , * . .. . . � East ...... 8.00 &-.m., 2.00 p III, . Not only attack- the paqsnge� -of,- the term. -:The condensation of watery "Do you take pains with.your -eat- - t I . . � 0 1 ., . I [from the night train . ally reach the is of this class. It Is_& veritable Dead I 'jpor follows.'upon the clillilug Of- the Ing?" ask -Lid the . doctor. . . 1. I. . .1 . : I . . I .. . , , . . . .. �. I 1. . .. I . do head and throat bnt, fin. . . yI . . I. - � - I - � ­� - I - I - - - I - _, - . I _ _"._.___ _ - - I .... ..... Goderich .......... SA5_wnl�-- inng&s�aau . lisa_cohslirnption..�: Noth-. �sea,.'Andt iikezth"ea-of-.t-.ha,t�iianie-an -1 i . , _117_____. ________� � I - - 1*� I . � . . I I - -::. . - est, �atarrh so quickly as frag- . I I air. This, Is* seen as tile orrfh -coo107 ­11-No,"sadly. replUd,the dyspeptie� . - . - . � . . . . . . . INOTE:-The public is requested to ea ' lake -of oward, )light, and It takes place most 'The pains don!t e . ome till Afterward." � . I . . I ... .. .. . . . " . .. . I .. ­. ­., � .. I . . '�ag,t'h ling Catarrhozion6 whiqh re-, 'tj.tah, Its. heavy,, brackish tere do t , I . I . . - . � . o 1. 11 . ,,, . . I . .. -1 � . I. .1 ... 7 broys c Its counterpart, the Great Bait " . I . ' , . 61 . bear in mind that the hours mentioned .i . wi . . . "': . .1 Tmr "N'SITION '1`14kr MADe FAIL -� I , ­, . lieves the cough, stops,the. discharge, . .,t -m I I 141h . I not support fish-oi marine life. - . rapidly -near. tbe,-grouild, Grads and " 1. . % . . I . , - .. . AGRICU�TUPAL Mhgi.r . I . .. Above for opening and closing the . I -,. � . 0 - ,CPUkt,�- .. takes all sovenegs from *the throat. �11 .. I . . . . . . I . ]�_,l I . . I ... Lobby are not compulsory, but might At cert4in Seasons. of the 'year the � Other.. vegetahon, - 6ois nf*ro :rapldlir I . . . 1 %�_ - L , , . - I . I . . . , �,,� - ..: . I . I I I . . . � . . � . - � . . I ;�, . ,� Tr .. , __ . �. . - - -.1. , I / . I - .... - ,;, / n - equal . . I .. 'III. V.rs".. I .�:. ., , - _ W : I ", lien cov-2rnor shuzac!, ; 'On u . . . . . . . n I _iK� I . . I I . , . I ondon, outario,-ot , as a cur _ je hund-zed. YCLf'.-S ,',� �Cj Ile'l:newit I . and closing of the Wicket. The privi- nts' is fbvs ebilled find de- xp4ciope-ics dr6adful! 'Pat)a wants "aa;. Trit X IN, � ,,QId-giotv'to.1;ed reat city, bit t fi:j,l, Iti, 1*.1 ol�g lit of the bemade coincident with tbeopeniny; consider Catarihozo' il has no than'the air ftbove'It. The air In con- . . . '. " q .�lil 010. 611b(Jqt of . . 6 for catarrh and lung trouble " waters of these borhele Wtcs� abound �] .11 . � , 11 , I - � - writes Jhs, H. WeLberelit of Brightorl. in white grub§known I tactwith pla _,�� �:il_ I o the. thillan's . ..-m . I.. ;- . ,_ " F, 126 . . . - '�"` ege is extended by the Post -master ,, L, � .1 mo, ., : . .1 . '�,,-�N . osit Its moisture ,.L . ' , upon the leaves -of ine to marily a mail I have never soon. .1 �. I-— I I . nee of box-bolders. It cured nie after many, ood doctors Of that, region As , "kbochabee.11 ,. To .P .S -`!��.el " 'r. , . - I ,!I�*,!�� ,�, 1A , "r . T� �t . or the convenie . I ese , I . ,,,,, . -ei"'A ;.,.'114� I WoUern Vri k . the"plitnts In dew.. When the'ehilling Ilterdlta­�Tbntlg nothing, .M.y., fallice .,�K . . I , There may be occasional days when hided to even. relieve me of my tronble. I . . ­ _. "I... � . I . -xcsfn C. M.4 tountry . rvae of a, two winged ._a;;,.� . . The , mt Vole g!v'q the ij�,, ple ', f d- I grubs are the Is. I . t�Nim` . . I . I 1. ­ . Q1, - Oatarrhozone can't fail to :cul e ­4V9 I of, the air proteeds furthei� the moi�- *ants We to marry,h.man I bare scon. -71 . .. , . N . ail eXCCl!Ci*,t 0p',i-,irtunity for 0, -1 jk;,V.Ist nating .It t% . � I ­ I ;, t I .". . '' . I . . .if�( . � . . this privilege wilt be withheld to en- fly, the lgpbydra eftilfoinkrL So,plen- . ; . . - . . . I I..., I . -- do neo freatment, ' i ated to a consider- L. ., . 01 I , ", I �e - . ....... 1nU;v(,fqPAj �t:d at & -1-fli.- t'­,A- ves their . I able the caretaker to I ossary Allat'anteed, Two months, . . tiful ate these grubs In their season 7 tuie may be precipit. __ N� .. ::::: ; . 'L .... . $1 00 -, trial 25c. - . 1. � �ft _T_ -."- L. - .--M"- - ��!_ !"MV, .. It: eaning, etc. able beight above theL earth' . _tAl "I 1. I f ct:(:Ilr.iid.ii,ic!UIL.:t,NVICL,gc. - . L ' ,s surface, . . . . .. " _ . store o ;)ra . I .. . I ci I . I . they line the shores- of the, lake . . , . -_ ;14Z, . � 111.,� . - � . I . .. .. . . . I . to a . I � and It then - becomes what, we call'fog. . . . � . I � . � , I.. Jt'q eJUC.%tI`)fta( fdatUrdl; L':J'�'� I . . . I � . _W_%",F� __ - - - ­ - - - - - -1 __ I I . where the . . . - �-.� C Owil.-i ),�ol pareflitly � . . . . #epth ',of several Inches, i . ,. L . I ld� . �,�%J I b I J 1. -.1 bv Oe DirQCL-�r�q. Thl-4 yet,r S.V(,;rjI Jawortaut . . I . I . � I I �� . f­,­o�. .. . . 14 I - I 1. . J I .. � . " . . . �; . ­4��erxlca nna Unalinzidl . - ­­ Waves Cast them u1i from their -watery 990 � 4'. 11 The Xuff. � - tt4.* . i L-_l,-v,vetacutsGf atil,uslr,ac.tiveiaal,.urebtLife beeftid(le."J, ' . I . I - . It Is an almost forgotten fact that . Incubator, The Indians at this season . a 10 . 11 ,-. N '-� . I ',*11,!cl�it.b!v,',-dgfgtXti,;'.1�!zlrdl�egil.ite,�tl;,t d I . , . ., L ' . I . . . ,,--. e _OjiCert 'ty4uri.ig"�ice.,z:iibi,.iu,.q. `r11,-e-.cctt-altj. � . In many of the portraits 01 161" I I I K.14, � . 011-L � .4vhl I Coughs I. , i C the six- 0! . - ­. , .-I willgiv': . for a pe more tbAn'tW0. of the yearcamp, upon th h I . . % . �_11 ,. , � . I . r1od of it little , I teenth century one often sees. a strip ' I., . I '' , . I - ! . ri,,,nt dqpartmcnt'w".t be better tliaij ever, aiid " . years Auring the X4polephlo. wars.Cor- the lake, gather tills Lp oullar harvest - . . it , . I .� 0 ' - . *111 liielode�- , . . . ., . I .. . 4f rich, soft fur.wound around the . .. . I .. I . - Ins Id aIr ou a Facani atttbnw,bil . L, 1, . ilea *its if British TioNabpA1611. After 1. - . . I . .. . I . 11 . . .. lakpl t1ioi;n;)f.rizn . 6 . . I . L . and I � . 'L . . . L p .. . . I . *rIst Of:s. -noble dime. ThIS waS used I ­-, . . L .. I . 99, . . the evacuation of Toulon the BrItish 11 . . .. 11 . , . I . . . 11 C. I roll literaMMAT16N WR)tn W'. J I I FIE10; P'PKIAtOC14T. O'. . . � . I - - government felt It necessary to take ­ I - ­­-­� -­­ mrn ��, to cover a* neck or fulfill the Nile- 1-1, I . : L "N'- .1 , L , . . .. � : I . ' . - . ,.. . 1 . . J A. NEUXt�cccFir.tAivy . . . Colds the Islalld, and Lord Hood, with No - . L . .. . tion of the muff, and to l.t was often .1 I 1� ,,* � L '. - - I . . I I I I . . . anim4l's h6ad or a I 1. I I . . . I . . = son tie brIgailler, wassent to drive out Ur Livens r . , I 1� . L L I if Yo . i . i . W Ong 1, Attached d small. I I I ibe Frelicb.* 'With illei capture of Calyl, . : Skull cunningly wrought In metal and I . L ` " N ' I . L 0 N '" k Y - Colds are the most danger . ;uly 1�' 1794, where Nelson lost his a r Adorned with precious stones. .-The- . . I I I . . . . L , � . . , L . . .� . ous of all forms of disease. . A ' You ate W, all Ov . first 'Venetlan muffs were small, made. I . :1 J) " . . . . neglected cold leads to Bronchifitp eye, the Island fell, Into British bands: : . %0. . Xr, . I I . a . so . L 0 -L I . I Pneumonia. , &lid Qeorg#.111. formally accepted the'L' A, tot id lliu�cti�e liver goes hand-, of a single piece of velTot brocade or ' R I . Se,pte 8 169119 ' Consumption, in. ban(Mith constipation. Such a SIM lined with fur� the opening eurich- Ly L" J I . . . . . . the result of irritAt- trown of Corsica, appointing 8ir I I .. Ur , 1 1 . I I coughs" are L chronic condition tequires a systeni- oil with gold or tilver buttons Set with . . .. NO L 'Fu .. . 11 ­­ 1. . .11 . ... . . � , 0 - I ed bronchial tubes. IIPSVCHINE" George Mllot as British viceroy ,and I I . . " 0 I 1111-_ I . I. .. �, 1. cures coughs by removing the irri- atio effortAo overcome it and estatk-. stones. By 166� the aluff seems' to L I I . . . . I . tating particles and heating . a . . , L- 5 , , I I . . I -1 . ­ I . I 4 . . rrr the I k1lowing the Corsicans to rdtain their IiShL good besIth and perfect body 1 have, been recognized as tbe,nLTessary I . . P 1 L - . ­ .. Inflamed membrane. It is a germi- legislativ - aslenibl$,, In 1700 the ac. drain�ge.t Smith's Piheapple and J djunct of the Wardrobe of a Woman . I � I I I , ,r '. . os�� - , 4'. tubercle ') HvIty Of the ]French Lnttv.T In other lluttk�rllik Pills," conitaining the two 41's . I I .. . L .. . . . ­ . 1. L I . . cide and destroy9 the � t L - of fashiow . . . Thousands'Of . , r f the Mediterranean: resulted In ' needed elements to increase liver Ac�, .1 . I 11 L 114ve Restored S �. , gerth. It is a tonic that strength- ... . ATUt I 18 S VOR SALE I ­ - '�"' � ,.A.V� . go aCCU4 ' I �. � I . I %\ - " , , . , , - N\ -. ens the lungs, the livdr, and tones I Sudden decision of the BrItIsh gov- tivity and muscular action . . .. cafta,dle�ft,womift to � . I . - . ... I r -------_.,e k :�, " ". , �, 'L - up the system. it makes for better Ilftineut to Withdraw from the Island. rately, to, the sluggish liver And b . � 1410 taxt,wjsh, . I - ! . , rm. - ,.T., k" '-i, 1. , � ow. ' " , V�4;�� I?- .. . . �, "`� -, I � I ,� 1. , tvhat are you- doln; -with that sbeet Health and Strenjib. Mortange Of t%000, upon f-tm , ��'r=t , , health in all conditions ol'bunianity. cuation , 1.� els, restoring them compietelyL. L iandA ivortli, $40500; into0st 47" yearij, I - * I -. - . � -%. -, � . fte . eV9 , was eompletedL on Oct. I " ��,,� L., . . I I .- 71 "kV, " - tsupposeyour bowels, failed to Move of, paper, Oivllleill obarply asked \ Ills P� Therels no need for ad many women to- , . 111� , - Get strong and the cough Will ills $41 of that yeari.afid Corsica reverted t6, for a week -or ten days, D on't you 4yrIfe. , '. . I I .1 inortgage due 7 years henceo . I - . . I—— 1. ­ I I I I . . iniffer pain and *eaknesss' nervousnestig, .. I . . appeai ...... &k,PfiV,GIItNiV.�,niakes.weak_ Z - - -ftance,­ _­:­'­_ - _.,­­_­ ...... ­­, "Im ,_yo .1 ... I X . -coughs of . . 1, ow ul".,*ottld-.be-...qtkicl4y.-p.T,04��.,I _.__"IAIM_1nakIAg,.4._W.I§b,11 app*ered ilea . failib and di Stock -5 shares in People's, Builaing . . people stronk. , . _ ,----.-, r. .... =Zt, _.LOAA � ( it cures trated? it is JuAt tUd, Seine,, differing , k-1. Y,Ieishesmi anxmias � . I I . ii--6�iia-tilw-Ti'amalrous�-tr6ublea�.-vvhi, - __& Agpocistion.1of Lono,ono divid- .,. _ - the n2ost obd4rate kind and bteaks 14tooking In Nap! I Meektin. I � -­--_­..­­­_ 1.1.--:. �i;; - I I .. ­­­­.... � . .� . est. I � . I ." .."'. � I up a cold ld a few hours. I . Ili degree, when your bowels do not ' "A wish V 8XIdler tho life of woman 46 round of sick,,. ejuds of 6% paid h6If-y`&Cr1f; . 11 ­ � �J I ., I .. ­ 'Von know I 1,ygg, my deAr. In your prpspn(�6 I neatt ancl stl6ring. . - 50 shares Colonist lovestmen , . I � � . I In Naples cooking Is done Anywhere m,,e sit least once a -day. I t . r- , _., and anybOW-Inaldo. and outside, on � Staelk - I ... , you Soon become liniguid suid tired, into womanhood & Lo,4n ca., aividendi of 61/'o, peiia hslf GREATEST OF ALL TONIC& 7 shall not presume to pall It a Will-" . I I y4ttrif girls budding, i , � . I , - � bheet Iton stoves, on tin boiteS, In stone , your blood gets bad Suit you feel I . . *ho sul (or with osins and heidichea, ana yeatly.,. 11 . I I : I . . . Jarg or ,In ality baked outh, Hore a . mean and sick all over. You should I . I . I vitliold face is palle and the blood watorh . � - . . ' . ,. I it � .. ,,, . oobblor alts from �early to late. out bu have a full, 1ealthy passage daily. I - . will find Milburn'* Read attd No w4eao are offered for gate, Paitionlik.ro , , ­, ,% � � ,,:, - , . �,? _ � W be had from W. DAYDOX.t, . I ''I I A Corner of-A--oldewalk--noar it. publltr Don't lot serious conditions det,olop, ,�; . A Cuckoo That Stutters. ]Pills help them greatly dutin p aly . ­. solicitor for the holder, __ �) � I . . . I ,erlod. , I Pitteapple - and - *tidrilut I' Iqven the eucko Which has no h Women 0 the change of ifeowlid, . . I , . I I "LittrIna,", to wpich he attends wheit- � stilith's, ome, f, are Clinton, 901 17, tool, - . I I 11 . . I mends; Pills will dtive lowel poison out of 1 M litrahtely faQ ocal . I . I I " � 6,ftr ii*600417; when not;, he' old 'f ul to I ItYe' In Oil ner*oUA, subject to bob flushes, feeling Of . . I I I ­ I i ; 11 � your System and establirili fe 271 � " a a 6 the oarb# - . - I ­. . � , - T 11 Imegm diorlet ,,,, old cili�koo, known to pini and needles, p 1pit tion f 11 . I -1 - -, I .... Om mal � t . es sh6es. Near him 19 t gran They are purely ve tAble tin cure the Whole place by it distinctive'sfain- etc.0 are tid6d over 66 trying tlf�o of P 0 S T S. P , ,� N at 0 . � oment. where 1111111 dooks his ,4 one night. We will' ,*na you a gon- I'd thdir life by the usa of twis wonderful __ ,�� PROUN I �1!�KE* I . . , - I, mer It big gpeech,-was seen and hea . . . wellavotinunlitilltednamber of good . .­ . � ibeals./ It Is about oil# toot h16, trous sampl�. of them ptils, AUolift I fam6dy- % sealed said Ppstlyald thAt �91 i vegulstrl,y III tho Same parish for seven 11 ML DRUCCIST9-ONE DOLLAR -P099 TAIAL NqUaro ithd opofi tit the top, with Space 11 - It has &,owiderful 8666 on 0, *om&ei sound, high-I&ua Codat PoAta-4,5.6,7 an Call and examine - , � . "10 dnotlk� .for some ellarb691, Be- C=vl e yott bey6nd do�bt of their ' tomocutivo Joars.-Landou outlook,. 9yat*mp makes, Wn8 il,nd seheq tanishi, 8, b t a-wh1oh w6 adi at pticon - oo Out stock of high art, pliltios"Itiflim, . il't ve ' . no " DR. It. A. SLOW% Limited Watiddrful, duilAtl L "to rfles Ad- brings color to tho Pala bheok And SpWde 8j, ill their quii1ity. I Set olkne designs., Aild dontoinlig KQ #A * r85 gZ Isluied 11 tow thcwl is it vato. On ne ulde X,tts W.,F# $m1th C I 06iltinusill 611bottunity. , I to tlid ily "lobi 10 I iionsparohaliable for money, Smour"q� I .�.x.-J70,king at. W, , Iroranto, Winado, ikt tho bottom IN tin opening for draft, ,Stre;'t -6. . REMLOOX X , `_ ,1�_,,� , � T" , *11 f I av 4, WE "16�111 1 . - I : - I - � I` - I ���� I i I I I I I � I I I. " I I I , 1, � � I 1. � I , - , 011 wwmaffi.�� "9 ik Navory. Innell AlwAyi Akloss from , Mont"Ati 6wai. . I Oteit obportunitlos seldom prokont They build up the 'Aystem, i6now 164 � , - tyl6a of awest-tolled otgus, 'si , ' ffne"_!.- *�"�!'!' I thtIns6lyes but every Moment of every ##Itt,liby, improve tho-appotite, inak6 rich, Also a Urge dtb6k- of Hemlook which v a Insitnemento tented, 6uned, 6t . a tdo bla& pot if wio, passm there Snitthl* Pluesople tad Butt6rilitit t; 0 _ . . The Np,w ERA will be sent at A06% tr t6wArd the 46yolaing. I taw Plus caft c4ilistivation, amouse6st F hour of thy congelbuit f0d"lig an oppor- red blood and diopol Chat wolk, W44 cat to fill any bill, ly you weint CMA a Gramo&onessba-musla lit V'V- I Ilig out . "d Skit HiiilthWII6 lit **s 010L ttkulty to Improvo thyself, which for I Wk.-, tio-.Ambifloh fteling. Posts or Hemlock Lumbbr-ft will pay vo I � lP01e#r6,,ttyedt4:A'gt - . . e, bal'. a OW" 4*d & Woman boxy cook I Sim, 0*01 ik6x. am is to* STAN to gi" to a 6all I � . to ew subscr'lbers for-th ,.�f, ,611 4 WO)WO *Ith 160111t 0% feet of An 1101iwa 28 conwi, A cot* st * thii* Is tho bast Atd most ilecosoarr I ALL 6tJ%Ltft1V. L AtV,X. XURTAUD & gone . . e. 190ARI-909 , Ance Of the year# for ip ca voloo"40 a 1,44tagr.wil . #A b I ftlld 0.0 - I . i thlot.-Widlith, .�....,....­ -_1111-11. VAtX0b*%4-0L1Wt6d*1r4f"%A00� stlyfield, I . . bui, - W 9- .. I . . . I- . 141to(ORMOMIft. I - ­ .. .... � ­_____­,_­­­__­_,_­,_ _­­­ .... ­­'"' ­­­­..­.­ 1. , � . - I I .1 I __ 11 ­ -1 - __ - ­ I ___ _. ---.--.�--l.-I.I�l.--��---..---�l--.--I __