HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-08-11, Page 8W �` . . . I . I I � I � . I I . I I . �. I I I ,_ -4 r�-"F�1� t 'M.-IIM�-NMIR" I "i'TWIM W -9m, 1 1 - �) I I . I . I � I I I - . � . 11-1 I. 1.. .1 . I I . I I 11 � 110 ( ­ , , I � . � .. 1, I . I . I � . . I I . ", I . � .. . . , I �� I , . � i . . . I 'A. � Augui,t Itth 1905 .� I T13M CLINTON XBW 4RA ., . 1. . 7 - � ; ), - I ­ . . I .11 � _. � .. 111101.1 _. . � - ,. m� .i. m. _ . _ .Mr. 1: 7�1 I—- 1. I I;.— - 7 -6 ­ - I - ".., � 1. I , . . �. 1-.11-_--.,.- I I . ; ii;'" .. 11 I . - -1. I . -11 1-1. -----r-1 I .1.1 1. I., ­ 11 . . I - I __;CA,; i ;�, . I 1.1 . I . _. . I . � . . .. I . - - . . I I I ­Irmi .ti, P _- . . - -11 - -.-,- , . - I � I 4 2 . I nak am sals, , 1111.2ria. I . - , IF gzlamwjw� I'll, I P,9Y,0HIQAL RESEAROH.. HIS LITTLIZ 81T QF MAGIC.. . QMR-Ma -NF*,. , , ­ WHOM44CASM t : � - =� 'I � � ­ . � . I i =� - =� ", I ­ . . I ... - ­­ I I I I . . - . .�., . . � I . � . . I Oritish and Fro ;cientists Diso4se n I 81%qt ItiquIr*i4 a Few capers, and j%@- . . . . 1, , I I : i I , nob F I '00103110 . VejlLivereo the Goods, , I . ... ' - . , F, . 'Wanorful Cosox of A00matlo WrIt. I . ' " �. Re � * I Urs. Wobbleo was fretting, Greid-4 Sfiortfiand .. "I I . . . I . ,1 . I .. '"Red - ", *t h, e - - " ,­josj�Rornarl;Abla Phon9monon. �.. ' ­_ - I I � ... I . � __, . , - , r . 11t's -almost 8 o'clock DOW," pho Bald. , I . . .111' I I . . . MANY :PHYSMANS PRERRIBE . . . . . �, I " � . � *: Automatic. writ Ing w4is the sub3ect I . . . . "I 4on't supbose any oue,wiltraroplk Is e, - , . , .. - . I I � e aill the ',Awk . _ I isy� tb. learn, !�!y- Ip, vvrite�,_ana.,ea rdAc I . . I . 'Which Prof. Rieliet cam, - - I ..4��td . VrAfter_�, "`i' � I � to gee'us this evenlu . I . � - , g.1, it i.5. written. , , - . p . . I .. 1. I from Paris to 41scuM b,.fore the $3 LoVIAR 44, pl�*-Kair;iffls - , "Ob, be, efte 1" Scolded Wobbles.4 r . . . I I . I r"Fec% - ,. , ! clety of , Ps,kchleal R4�.aeetrch, nays'Tho . y . � - . � . , . . . I . . Loll VINNO&AP10 i6omporwo -,'Viiat do yot; want of any one'r' .. The students of the Porest City Business and . - . , ,40W S,tan4ard. Prof. Alchet Is the I � .11 . I 0 . . . � proal4enr of the soo.lety, but, as he was I .. "I don't knoW,P, bj L Wife angwered. I ShpAband COJI.ege',ar 8 . , . is �ubjeqted jo the test of the . r ' r . i reading the paper, the-chatr was taken. The wqr,46ii�l power of Lydia, lil. vaguely, "I just feel as It I'd 10te'to BirsifieSs'tducators'Associatioh of tanada, fbr4p14m4s. : I � �. . Packed in a scientific way* I by. 19ir Oliver Lodge. The professor, ad� Piukhamil.e Vo ble 'd over see some one. It's 8 ' � . t - . I gota CO!ApOuu . I now 0:04, I'lp. r -95% pas$ and ,6' Y. , taiie'bonbrs. . r I I I - . I � - I 4resoing his audience In'French, do, the diseases, of womankind is not be- sure no'one will come to see lufj.jlp I .. I 5 . . � � , . . , . ser rqd In detail a. remarkable phenom� cause it is"o, stimulant, not bec4oso It . �Zllm. . . , 'So Wobbles was informed whert It Catal.ogue mrill give YOU Some poloters.attou our - . I I . 00011 which came under his Personal is a palliative., bitt-sImply because It $a . . I I 111111PEW. I . I. . 1:1 "I"' "'r ­' I I , . . system ' . I . .� � : . observation, . I the most woud.erful tonic and reco-w ' war' tell minutes past 8 and ag4lia . and is. free for the asking. 1. . r I . . . - . 1',IlllllllllllllllllillillillilliliqlNN, __1i -1110*1k* I I 0% ,,,,.r ­ . _ I- .. � -;;;-- - I � . when It wa � a 1� SchQO1 term -S Vt. till June inclusive, � 1, I - _____ - - - . _. Mine. X., a friend ]RIchet, structpr ever discovered tor.V�Qt directly , s fifteen minutes , p st 8, � 0 . r r I - I . . , I .. . .. . � ., � I knows bo oreelt, yet on various occa.- .upon the generative organs, positively Rua so .oil ulifil he became more an4 . I . I I . .-. .r .,�. Town Directory Market Pqr r $tuu, ' �, I elons she has written, while in a trance, curing disease and restoring health and more irritated, . . I r� .- I . .1 90. , , . . , . * � I . , I . ­ tences ivith* a definiVe mean- vigor, . "Yes," be cried, 4.11 board the clock � M � . .: , . I -_ A now industry In the region at the Greek son , I R , A :::: ,� ", " i� I . ' Inc Once she sent Ulm by mail tt)ree Marvelous cures are reported from Rod ltno* that'it-10 no ' I . . 1, � 1� ; I �. COUNCIL-MILY01', Hoover-, Council head of the lakeil,ls the gathering of . � � . w, halt past 8 " 11 Ih - . � I I , 11 pieces of Gri'6� ,which he was finally all iti of the country b women who *0 ­ ,:. � Ole, Ford, Wiltse, Gibbings, Cluff, the tree stujr�ps for; Ilse in the Maine -, ' � . y wlthotl� yo,"t te Ing triej I know that I ell " � � I :-, I . � Cottle, Cantelon; Clerk, Macpherson; A large number of w . oodon c 0 have witnessed turtis aud physician, ' 110. One Ila . ,; , . , '. - I , I , able to, tradd .t an, exceedingly rare have ,been cured, tra,WW nurses who. , _.L shipyards. . . - , "]a see that for - . . 1� "I �. S come I ea - R - 1. :� , Treasurer, McTaggart; Chief, Wheat- llcitlor�ary of French and Greek, of I I i . , I , r, Is ships are bailt every year, and it has -which Mine, X had no knowledgewb4tir who have recognized the virtue of ' myself, can't I?. �But, look- herel Do. ', . . I I i r �'.. . . r . , I - . _� . - . 11 . . , t,i'- , " . I �. ery badly -this., . -- , I I � I &ST oFvicn- Office hours, lobby 'been found - that the MOM! 011CIOnt Cor- , soaver, On another occasion, when be Lydia B,, -P . - � , -g . � I - jg I . Ni Coin-, I .you want, callerk so T I i . t '0�-, , am"S VL -getable ' , . .r .� 1, I I . - _ � . L. . I r I .1 I �.. r % , , , . open 7 30 A,. in. �losss 9 1p. 'in., -wicket nor braces are it,liose-made fromi-Ahesa,_wsrit. to call:upoa' her to*ard�( 4vort- pound, ,.And i�rd'fair.silough, to give ev,saing?"r- - � I --r � I . . . I . � � . . . � *4 I . '. � q . " open, 8 a. in closes 7 p. in. Jae. Scott, stumps, and hundreds are shipped �asf Ing, when the rays of the sevtIngr sun credit where it is due. I . . . . . I '4 - . I I I I -&d- -,- . --- I vi wla;;3 , I ' . � . � ,:xm, - . hy, Yes, I do," his wife auswe 6 ,V, 4=� _ _... - . Y. Mi, C, A; Bldr.,_ . , . ­.. r,. , .. , ', L 'were deepening the shadoNys' An if --physiciaris dared to be frank ;and ,,, r . p � 11-�� 1. I I postmaster. every da4 The roots of the trees and ' W .r . I , - - - : . , - ro,lc - - -- . '.1 i�' don't know just what tli( is, fp.4 - I I il r the r . i feeling, 1-0,NDON, W.M. . ; � .1 PUBLic LiBRARY-Library and. free a short section of the stinin ) are Used . room, she wrote a sentence tn Greek open, hundreds of theniNvould acknowl. I . I . �", - .1 . I . , .. I . . I *h1ch meant, -"At sunrlso and sunset edge'that they �constautlyr prescribe but I sort of -,lQng for some one to drop'l - . - J . . I I r I . IN , .1 .... - - r .., . ading room in Stavely Hall. Open ' , � r I - . . 11 . 1- . � r � . I , �_ In making thetbrace,s, and efurrips from the shadows lengthen." Ship In for a little .4,w. - � I I . L ,� 4.:: .1. . wrote J11A -i Ile. -Why do you ask? I ;, � ;%sm�­ �!&*SR��-­! 1",;�, ­'. 0 . . ery day froin 2 to 5.30 p.m. and froin r . Lydia E. Pinkliain's Vogretable Com- - ", ;W�� . ,i -,Z,>, RIT M -M..", . ." ,,, of . _� ir . I trees about a foot In diameter 41�` current band,,but she ma�de' mistakes Tou speak as if you could (16 something I I . . . . � . . .- � . , � t& I , p.m, J. Bean. librarian. pound in sev�re cases of female Ills, as . . . . r ,_-,_.�­--m,",W...,*­ . .- I ., I . � '' � C ' ' they know by experience it car% be. re� about IV, , ---� - -"11111111111111`w�­$; . 4 T 11 0 00L BOARD -F. Hodgens. chair found to be the best. - T6e stump Is In plaeln accents, and occasionally r . rr, .... I r. --tv- I r � . r , ' r 0 I , , � � . . � .. . ­ . ­ - - - - . &I su, .�r an; 1'. Beacom, ClittrIes. Hale, A. taken from the ground ,and. roughly made, litallpo as.could only bernade , liecNpon to eff-e6t a.cure, .The follow- J1. 441pm a -_ --- -_ . - I . I .. I . r 1. can!" declared Wobbles. ' ; .­ by a ,P�ersoni havina no knowledge of Ing letter proves it. ' . � I . : . ­ � --- I . r � ., Turner, R. Downs, F. Hall, J. Shaw; hewn Into shape. before being shipped. , - . ' ' I . . . , � -, - - - . r . It , . f I sure enough inagiclaril' In bye minutes . . . I . . I 2 � , r O.- Secret1triy, John Cuninghame. Meet- After its receipts at the shipyards it the language. For example, she would. Dr, S. � C. Brig ittin, o. I larigii,jin I . � . " V11 r I . . . , , . I . I . by a, very'simple act of magic I carr rL.I. . I W6 - . . , ." a . I ., " -tugs ,st Thursday evening, in each t write the Greek IV . � . III is made Into. . letter "'a" by mistake Park, Fitchiburi Mass,, writes: . , ' . � , ,, r ., : mouth I ,a perfect brace. The coo for the letter Ilo,". with an accent over 4ilt . r0at- pleasure to s4y th I bring 66 Browns, thd Dorkins and - . .. 1. . . d-% 114 'k- Pj__j (n � � I 71 - 1� � of a carload of the stumps is close to ti�a very natural mistak for a. icaPy- . gives me,q �1 *the Christophers all In (L ICU tit our . I . _. V�.-' � COLLEGIATE BOARD -M. D MeTag- WO, and the freight -charges run I over ,� . 0 biwe-found Lydia 14. Pinkhatn's Vege ta but .. .. I stul a Fair I . �% -.-� �' gart� seLret.ty; Win. Jackson. treas- I lst,� who is,comp4etely Ignorant of the Compound vory e0leacious, and often pris- 400r." ,., .. . . I . . I .� I , r� ", I I , � $100 a car.-Milwaultee S It ' " language his. is writing, and is stmPly raetice for fiaWale difficulties, - dy , . I r . . � � . I r - . . urer; D. A. Jorrester, chairman ; J. . ,. . entin I_ I scribe it in in U ou can?" said Increduloui ,M�s, ,p - . TH4, FX"I.FTF.rj THA . r i rh.t.t.- r : � I . I I _�,' . � ­Aky-oldes aughter found a very, beinefl- L . I �. I . T 11 V . _�.�,�, Ransford, Jits, Scott, Jas. Fair, If. copying bir eye, but one which, as it , .. � I �,;' A� - r: I . cial for titerine trouble soine time ago, and in I VViobbles, "I'd like to, see you 46 It," . - 11��'-y . I.. - , .11a"MULTUR.L FAIrs �.PUL*n I I ,� I , �.- . Plumsteel. i 10T - renders a, *60 quite unpronounceable JV . I . . .. �. ....: ;.. I .: � .1 .. �. . . I I .. , , .,i.P,Z1 - 1 7 'i BOARD OF HEALTH -J.0. Stevenson, . I . could not be made,. even through c -,re' - yolngsst daughter is now takiniF it for a fe-' ."'Abal Have -at theml'?. said .Wbb- . .:i� `�--;--.` �N'. . . loveru= r,iw..--,c It!, ,, n PALE A,ND. ALNX. M, I Ina a weaku4si, and is sure 'bles. - . I "... i`�,-,." .... I t:v� ail' t1fin, ot I I ,,�, I., hairmaq; Mayor, Win. Harland, sr - . - � " . , I ' , .1y gain us In health I .. Vhea Q .. I v I . lessnees.- by %nyone know.in I I . .fipa f g toe Ian- . . . 1,ondoi, Qhtar!b,, one huxtilre:1, yi,!ars t,,:,#o he knq�yr it , and btrengtb- Q1 :. , ;'. I . . - . . . � I . " �Ljk"�!"3. � . ' . I I �. 69 . . . i . ni . � , , Dr Shaw, �l edical Health Officer; Jo.-. Your Countenance Indlooted, the, guage. '' �. . '' . .� . 11 . I freely advocate it as a mi�st reliable spe- . I'Stopll,l she -cried. ,"W.hy, w4al; ov .. if 1. would grow to.bea great city, imt:m J.ou wo.,glit'or the I 0 . . . "I I . I . . " � � k Rf;­,!��, Wheatley, inspector. 'I ' These,-. then, are the. factst Prof. tic in all dls�ases 1;6 whiphwornen are sdb� , you doing?" I .. ; I �. I'll Weitein Frin . � . ,�� cr.... . N I . ��� � i� � - I .. .. . . .. � . I I � . 2?,�ii­ BAPTIST CuuRcu-Sabbath services Body's Awful Struggle Itichat, tri clearing the ground for'dis. JOct, and give it honest PudOrSO1110itt." , , - Vor� Wobbles bad -torn itio ial-Abre-'i ,_-, I �. . . 11 ...: �,�:",� "for Health * . I . . . � . .. ., . . . ' . irl&4 *Qsterst r air givotite peor.A, uf this couniql. . I I . I ,. .. _7 at Ila. in. and 7 p.m. Sunday school � 1. . ­­ . -as 4xiorna'Ke that mine. ,qu A from. the mantelpiece. In. the a excellent opport"Itity f 'outing at a. ... �. I .1, I . I ...�, .1 ­ . . cussion, took It I - Women who are troubled with pain- i . n ,g- qjllcro,art I Z , , - at 2.90 p.rn General prayer meet' I I I � � - , , �� Ing - ltripossibleto worl� or think clelm-ly X acted throughout In good. faltli. lie: ful or irreiular menstruation, bloating middie of the. room I ,­ niti6 'a pile of - �� - I . . ralailitutm orcoat, au&tt thtsan4e tinle ,ae-vejopes utit.-Ii , I ; , - ' ­ I , - . I I � I .1 . "bill Nvs. Re knocked '_1. � .1 et ge. � I " I Weinesday evenings. 96v W.'a. when t lxer� is no resevve ot vigol, I,,-, , coit1d,not bring proofs'of 'this, but, be. (or flatulbrioe), lencoiThoea, fallitgi." I . ­� store of Practical aiia uscliul ipibwi I - . I'Ll. . ", I Io- - ellaii!p ,and sofa 0 - , � I . I � , Magee, pastor; D. Prior, S. S. supt. r . figm-mation or ulteration of the titerns- - - . . . --I., �� m . . i 3 'j, :,. ". nt in the blood .Do Supply of , could vouch. for he good faith as: hu V _�, - ­.�- Its-educaldonal f�:aln-cs XVI'vo ti�!,,nyi 1­�ca carcrulty ' I 1; .,..,�': �; i WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH - Sab. "o"rislime 0 ' ..Qv6r 4 table. He tore up newspapers, , � I ' I . . - , � could for tits owm The lady ceitainly' ovarian, traublii$, . that 'bearing-dow�, . * , the V.icct�p-s� This - a ' ral hnport:tnt .. I � nerve ener-gy 1. . 11 � ' . ,. fiul scattered jifsees'oTer the floor.. � .1.. It fostered by � ' .,e r sitvc. . . . I - I ,'V�,N,��­�� c The i1fe of thp half-sielt. 111a.11 !A p � .You cannot con- feeling� dizziness, faiV,tnessi indiges- - improvement$ of an iustyuctive faduve: have lvc�11.1,1,1_-d. . .. I '. ­. .with services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.mi- iti- I did not know Greek, "I � I , . I � �, 4.­i"��- ,, . � I I e, Sunday school at 2 30 p.m. RevH,Al. fIll, - � I . ,Ni,." -Tresto!" Bald �Wbbbles. - . I � . I I I . ` , �� I r I �, I .. . � The eelebtiAea.qrst Jilglijancl, 1-Lcgjr.t�jjt'1;a14 wfili "I%- - . . � I ."q1k, �;,Iiil � it] fact, almost criniiinal, when.,cey.l. from all;your friends and relafive.4 tion, nervous. jjirostratido or the blues; - . . - 11 I . . I & . I I Manning, pastor- A.. T OnnnAr, .14 14. honriding strength 1.3 s Your knowledge. of a Iangus�ge like should- take immediate action to wa;rd � Sortie . .threeconcertgdai-lyilttqn-t'xe:e.�-lilb*tti6n. Th­.-entert3I,n_ I ;��-,�:�,."4,f ' o quick1y..derjy-.;. . c one knocked oil the d4ok. There , - - . . ' . . ­­ L. I I f�'k��,'," - � � .. � � � . I . I I . " ' , ,T;,ii. ., upt. General prayer meeting Wed- ed front Ferrozone. ; . .. . . . I Greek, end, ,in 'any. case, we - have her, loff the serious cousequences­iind be.. were the dbristopfitem' H .. I , �� = -,Illbe' i mitt . I., ,; I . 0 pulled out.. '�: mdntdt�arttn' t% �e ter't1tt:i evar, and will inci * . . . . I . I . .1 , , . I . I _�� W:` evenings ; Epwort.b League This nn, ritive ionic isrgnaranfoed I n ;' word for it that she did not know'the restored to perfect h;a1th-a,-.n � I I 'gthekapitilaida! nas, . 1 , �­ �, .,. ,- 22esday . - le. . . . I I i'c�-,,;', ��.', . h. 1,;sti�ength some bureau .drawers, hutli the Browns . jeapin . X" 0 'Cam 411tonlob, - , . . . . . ,.; 1141�,�.", � Vests Monday evenings, and Junior ink Vege I * Werei heard III the ball below. The . ,i� '. ; . I . � I 1, I . . - . I . . � 11. . � - * .1 I I �. p . ptrbogthen kill wen, woujon-and (;WU � languiLixe. 'Moreover, she had never seen by talcing �Lvdia R, tAit � ��-',, teague Frida evenings. . � - I I . � I . . - . . I . FOR MFORMATION WRIVr-.W- J, AZIO, PIR�COIQENT. OR . I ,V �..,._. y dren. -Weak organ§ gut, naw iforce,.; the book from whtcUohe,qudted three ble.Compound, and-tilien *'Jtite to Wis. . � � . * 1 .1 .. I � �� .:.. ,,, , . . � I *Ing . , - " -� , . . i�i:t�-,,`.-_I, , ONTAA1O ST. METHODIST CHLTRCH_ . . I Dorkins we,iie'still absent, but."to bring . , . . O.A� Ntl..Lgi;'Z.9� . I .... . "'.." �, . vital cnergy is generated Museleand­ passages." ' '. :. . I � -I. � - Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., for further tlr�,� 'all, . � . � . , I . I . . � . , - , ��. . "�TANI? ..,. . � I . . . . . . .. � I 1� . � � - -, . I . . ... . i, � �i;,-�;� -, . Sabbath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. fat a . . that was necenar� was. to . ' . . I . I I . .Ili.. 1� . , re added,bealthy color it, rcsiorcd, 11 H;W could such a* pheno;nenon be free advice. Noliving person -hais had, ' - . � I � . Lo .11. . . . . I I . I I � �_ � SU &y school at 2.30p.m. . . 00 , � 0,-�k��,,,. and the blood. fa'rly� tingleg With -neWiii, : R660un'te4 for?. ,,It povild-not be an ef , JlIe beitefit of 'a' -wider experience in upi;6t the cotti ' it",9, - . - .' . . I . I , �', . I ' 1;,. I , � - $On . - . I . . . I I I . I .. - - " ; . � ' ,. I I �,:z..'. . ., pastor; hos. Murch, S. S. supt I . .. � . 11 1. .. I � ! , , _,,�,,�, � foutid-life; - , . fott'of memory, for Mine. X had: never. treating .female ills.� 'Sho'has guided - IT never ]Mew it to. fall,"Aald. Wob- . � . . . . I � I NDQN.�: . 1. . .._� �'��,;;%.,`: orth eague meets Monday even- � , . . -Iff ` Wes. IINV'he� yo, . 1. . � I � . I I- . . I I . I '. I . �, . ". ,,��e.,ir� ; I Rendthe evidonlre. of J11b.'. Carter, of 'to her knowledg6 seezA,the b6olc from .1 tbb�satids'to.bealthi'�Eveir.V"su bring 11 ur bouat, Is upsof you'll. - . I I.. . . . - . I I . I 11111 rayer ineetin . . I * L. i . I-V � �., � A 1: � ii , . � � . I. . . L i��, �,,�� � . . 011ONV ligs I h,�Iv.�,, �; 1�ers.?'-'\ ew Xdrk Pvess,�'. I I � � I � � f,*-.%,� V . g cn Wednesday 42.1 King8t. Elkst, .: -which she quoted.' Equally, -It. -could. and, f surely .. � � , I . I I evening. . . ­ . I . , on; (I ., I � . . � a . . . 0% 11 " I 1�".,.��!,, 1, . After it severe.attack of Gi4plie iny IiArdly .be unconscious rnetnoq of a wom"u.'ah .,,,t, to be -.a . I" � . . , .. .. . I . 1 , .1 Its � . .. I - . . I . � . , . - . . . Toronto, ,who s'ays . advice should askfor ; " . 6i 19 . ��;iw- � q. tr . - VP I . .., WILLIS -IURCH . , . . I � .� .. . � � , , , . . .. . . .... ,,�4;,':,� PREeZYTERIAN C1 - 11 ' allh wasn I w %n,- for - . . . . . I . . I I I .. .. .. ... * . I . 1, I . ,. . . . .. �, I . , I . �,iV,1, Sabbath s?rvices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.ui. e, .ost shattered. I sufferea bo6k. she had - seen: and �, forgott, . well, . " � �, t _ I - _ ii�, 1, . . . i *. �� . . . I .. . . � � 1. . . I .�, �' . � . .� . . � I � be -to . I la rit-t - � - ,7 �� , � I .. .. . � . I . .- 4 (4.00D' COMPLE-KION � . �. . � . . . . 1 �. . . 1. .. ,. I.. . . .�, � �', �,,��: constantly front nervous"ss ar.d. dys- - thab,�,ould I k Orange plip ,. � , - . . . . . : - - - � _ . -11 . . 1, � . . � I I - ;1: *,_ . . Sabbath school at 2,30p.rn. Prayer pe ,!,. ,.&tnigbtj'wQjjTd. ., , - ,�xp I .. I '�116wenon . I I .. . . . . � I 1. . . �U 4j,')y.� to every womai I Osll . iteart atfif . . . - _. -_ I -- - --- . ­_ - -,..-- � . . , .,. I ; Chris, t , . . m,1kon ,wRfi I nomenon by another.- IA. . �. � I . ., - . I 1, . Itfil .. 1. .. I s *: I : � . - . - .. ... . . 1. V , . ,. . . I I I.... )AL'.�,, �:i i , . ... . . - I - �. . . . y . � � I . . � . � . I I "iy V ' ' rot, . I mail is Vain et oil � n( . I I . � . . . . . . � I . �. . I� ,� . ,��-;� ,i. I Meeting Wednesday evenin Il 0 P -0 -pita Ion and `-hehr, pai"O' equally j;ttanSe aind inexplicable, P n6ittseid ty 9 eiitrgymi vn one occia- I , " h it to despise, Ot . - � - . . I 1. . . I I I . - - . . I 11% t I , . . � I . I ____"��_ . i I I � I � i. , , tiam Endeavor Afeeting Sung"'y even- Work becatne a great Rtfort, ' At" ton ..'Itichet, �isuggei;.t�d , �Oinpail§oits -with �- j16 *rjt� M6autiflll dorrilTe4on', xn�ans , - ­ . . " ,­,-�, i. . . - .- - ­ . - , , , - I I I ..r, 1�, , .. . ing after service for half hour Prayer- - I Id "muslc4t; pr . n the, clergyman -asked her ,to 61,01 s .. a; . hel-lfc�y - I I . I,-, .. I I - . . . . I. . .. I .. . 1 ... .� . . . . � I �� I I : , , . 1. . 1VIr . 1 , I . __ * - I . . , ;, , - ilitle rnorning I was do t,ire(l,.'U�l,::in4therAmt1c,a�k at - 16dWes, ' d6wn the contents of a-16tter,which - - . 1.� - 131714"P. q ZIDIr . � �. . . , m �i, �_ I . . h1ad 'I, blopit' or in' other (v I . , ..:­,. I XZIa6A,rV � . r"'.. . , . ' 11, ,,!,", I Meeting and'tirst Monday of inoulth Weak I wuld hardly %i,ork another but found them;unconyirijcng. . A',wow. juit", -and was'unoperted. , body.. ' �qhs �f tbousa: ld.� of woui n I . . . ; A . , ! , business ineeting ;Rev Dr. St . . I � . . Arrived by post '. . ". I I 1rHE.QnAi.q150S,r EVICIZ! . I � . ewart, I I ' , . I - __�� ,i - . . . 1. .. I ., , 0 C a I . . � I . I I . � � . 1�. �,�n,j.,� minute. . . . . : derful child can 'rerne�mber the whole,, She wrote. mo't 6f -th - o te ; takePerrbiz,one bec;ii it's W splendid - � I I . ,� I I I I . . , , ­ , a, I I !4,:�_ - - J) , D., pastor; James Scott,S.S. supt. I , . I . h ta . cor, � , . � I&AII. I . I I . I 'per.' I 11 � �ri,;, - . -Cliltlidif, E15l8C(nyAM=- _­=j:jWk14aj,11g_LV haq. ait;lck of irli6nuia, * 6f a musical sdord"whith is' contained rectIm. - I . 1. . l')Idqd bdilder, 1�e��I)!s Qiii�.,,v--tem.in I I .i� I . , �� '2 �., I ST. PA6128 . . . - _ : . .. � � L �', "% . _Qe_01_r,(T- i-�n--".-r-g-,-b-,07c7Wffnh-6ft-ut-lw-.teaH - .. trip exion, . . . S. � ,� tism, whieb laid nj�7ii­plln =)e .- fekt ordor., arid. helps (lie co I . ... .. �, Sabbath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. _ .... . -_ , - ; NATI IN 1.191110 -IN , I , I . Ui-a­d t-wa;s,-ren, ,L. - ON DIAN 0 ","t ., I q­eareelv- lif t. the welklit ora, iponnil,and "­��n � litly-,-. 1_11-766r! --- -z-ff- - - - . � , , I . . . . I with a language- he kndw.s thoroughly... . - -V . - ,_ ' ' . I . "."": �* , Sto .i 1aken for grantsid that R.me..' k had . Avo.nderj 1. �. ;MFF7 eire . . � . --- ­­­ . . 1) " . I . . . � . . . I Ing cAl,dulator; Y., 1, the. liui�t.,tc-1116 y to l , ,,% . t a cle4r, . To SEPTI. --11,'.. .1 ,4 � Guild ineets last Thursday of eaell . -e powers or a cop givo you p): AT., TOR 0, NIT 0-AU01i2 -7. . I I . . . Sunday school at 2.30p.m. LadieS t oli or (;end was inipbs-4ole. -My So- It- is -,vith the -Ilglitp 6xhlblted only. th � ,zr' � . ­ jj,-,��i�,` A. Y. P. A. ineets Tuesdav 11tiliggiNt reeonmj6nded Fi4roznllp; 2410' lie ts'thoribVghty versed tn figures. Here, ' ' ' Riolist. c . rtiddyf-omplv'.�ion 1-ktio ' -of$ . ivritss . I .1. I �. �. . -_ ... I "I ' ,,.,,� �: . mouth; lie knew' ivliat lie %tas talkit,' ab()L�t -this ,46,tra, - Pi�i- - mplained., she INIS:,�,-.1d"L'Bi. 13randoll, of 'Pembr �e. - 7 , .. - , - - - . I ­ '' . . . ., I ,�;:' -, � . , I on iry, is 4 - - tri . 'ok . , . I . I '. :'. : -:$38' ' o6hi attia�tidrls� . �� ,,, . _ I . 13 '� .. ': � ..' 1311: - � "' for it rebtjilt iv)v ,, .,jig-th, ;4VIve."I'le , . I P .. - I I � 0. R. Gunne, N.A., rect(, 9 ,lady who writ6a t� fl t, f� ,.11, �,,�, Y, . enh gs. ,tj% pages of Greek, more�or less correctly, .1 ta in X­Mlstikes ,by * I UvAdrl 11"ed-to;N-8.111,Av, bu e $45,000 in Prendurns., . . I . I I I _;n d S . could . I , ..... - I . . 7 I I I . - I . . ... 7 ­: . . . . . �, � - IPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH- -­ -* . . ­ . I . . � + � T . S. supt. - ji)petiie, 1)�.ii 6lood" IVII, . without any kno'wledge.whataidever of ' only be maide a pel:30110011ro , ta,'-'m`, .1 fow I -x�ts'of Ferrozone -a rosy. - , . . . ... mbti tidan t a . . .. . I. . ' . . . ':�� , S� . JOSE - mergy. The 1- . 0fetely tgn;rant of the lancuagdi.. 'A A ' I 1. - . . ' ' .. . 't . " ni,w nerive L � 11 : tintwasnotie al), chpeks.. . I' - . - . Fan,of port Ajrtvt�, jr . I . . 'I r, * - oe. (I 0fl 111v . The Irish Guards Bands . - - . � . ice hold every other Sunday at' bt'u1I)iLti811) dreek. Prof., RJcUbt then, suggested ,go * Mrs. Vernal � believed, -that___M ' � .1 1. I !� ­, )p mired 1­.wei�lr rnar(�,'fvel- --gpji;jtuajlg ic - et9planiuddria-,--but- fowid ­ - --- ­- - I . 'I ,_. L � . ,of, ]ff.ji__]� ii , 1. � me- �5 .- -vprri)��n­-)--as- -Bypormlsffien lost-Giacigulf"ka eqt-pqre iniliinri -display ever pro--. I , 11.30 a in. and 7 p.m. Rev. Vather . . t � ail�reco­uinend a�-tonic. . javity - lbo, li, , 11 . - , � . . I I in . - . - duce &-re-T a �anadifkn PeUP16- mes'-f . . t 11�1 � Pinsorneault, pastor. C.M.B.A.meets x�'llf-S�,,�llilli;"-"ijttld.%,ignt-t)tl,;Z"tr,ilfLtilltl)16ti,, -th L .must have: been under so a sort_ot, itl,,6.,� _11'r 960d --he.-vith. a'rd beauty Klu d*ardVkI: the ly.-jidbf theIrl-b Guarels M. th _(' see itL I . ' I . . I . "I� '. . ern uasa;ttsfactom In, the end -be had .. hypnotic control, 6ijt'was- 'influence.d . I 3. at His %sty'a favoritshousehold band And the, this most iF k ut ot th". wo. , --,-, 1. . ld !:w work ten hours a, di,by. Ferrozone did to - . . Us V., rialb in, at appallin k, � . 4th Thursday every mduth; Sacred 11 . aAmIt that. there,was: n0*­e�*Pl,1na' ihrough tier eye only-tuid:n e only.Fdfrozune,j,ri a-.59 cent! , . . � .. onset musical orgawza�ion .in the EmPlr6,' event *f10*,-.vivid)y trayM with real. Jai>,r : I it I'll. . . I . ot tUrou.61h druggists. . .. I . ... 1. . ! . . ?a '. � "r -� takil1g, art. The'. I �. - . 'ition. . e tie ot or - , I -, . P . � - . . _:�, Heart devotions Ist Friday of the . In th� discussion hich ftjlloiiviii� 7Aer 4litelligmice.. But tli*er vVe , I �, I I I � WI I giv(o,two Coll eits eaCh and eiiery d4y ant so a;nd suqbian'so dlei . . . 11 11; . . w I A . . . . I I . . r( I I . . I Toil wi-I be st6aflied, toned an(l ad, Sir �Oltve � I . . � . fireworks disi lay will be i n a brilltantscalo_ , I I ... onth; Mass every morning at 8 a.m.. r Lodge summed up the. 'Ins ' . , - � , . . . Art and 'Treasures . , . , . ., . � strengthen�d for, - . . tances. , overlooked in the discussion, . .1 . -, , - I . . introducingriew featurts (if txn0ri,,ut_:1 ola&. , � . . I I BRETHREN -Meetings at 11 a.m. aud lit *.tilrw to coitic with Position as .SeCbefore the aildicnce. In I I . .. . . . , , wherii mme, X had ,wriften simterices : - .' A Womkiafs,owork. - . In an, especiall, , - , � . I . 1. I I I . . orl "I, Verrozone. Gi6t the genuine itl''r)oc the president's addre'ss,.,but Ite Co i(i - I . , ,T built, ext4tisivo, fire 1. . I 11 u . art gallery.. wit be* presented the -graLde t I I I L. . . I ,. I I � ­ . I . . I t 7.30 p.m. on Sunday, and on Friday at boxvis or six for $2 50, at - . . . 1. collection of art and art -treasures ever get to- 011her,tithmsito god - I L I . I �,� ;�' , . all cT�.,�Jev,q; wfili a- meaning . itpplicable to the -!III-. .,k woman has.ft personal work, and ,-, 1_ sp.m. not gaite.-acespt NlvlthouC'.ri&��rve. tlr�.. mediate eircitmstances; for' I � I . I , or N. (). Polson & ('o Tlitj�tfartj,, , - I . 1: � exani . duty relatlo6 to. herioi�ia hom;sI and'q. Vier 6, tbii. cotktiIWi,t, i3acludin8kans from d ' ­ ' ' e at 7 arid E ing,"the orporationsofthe itT � " 'all 'l`4 r '' ,� �' ` .L' e her senteno.ab6ut- tho- 1 . tof or.- h , � 1, Conn., U. & A ,Out; . w , I public work and duty.,wbich Is' also, L o �1� . C " R" 1 4 �40�0 ' ' T I �' ,,�.�. : .1 or Kingsion, . . L' I I . . .,i -1 IR0. ,. o a- . . . .1 - . -1 11 a.m. and 3 and 8 pan. on Sunday I . The -society "had, perfect, fatth in. Prot .. In such a came shsi must ha �he expansion of -that, Irlie'%wornan's ubVoofFriinee.$3uh Ensingtou uitauia I . i?gvs , .niverriVes. I 6� 0 * , , "' ' t _ 1. ... - � ishadows ve. i don the great e d r 9an It , , . P._I 4. 1 . Y_ i ", and every week evenin I te;?+ I - Ilic . -kect controlled throu her + itite - . .1 . I . C t- vernoref, 01I. . . ' 6 atcoa � ar 7 SALVATIow ARmy-Servic I 4nest on of the - genuineness of Mm e. - X '. lien she N*r6t' . " .. h r e d` *` i I tL� CO 4 H �. " -� . an p ,. e - : - at 8 o'clock list ar t had Pal been gh L 111. . n L n ,rte'. ,� , . older the Bet .. , L�. I L . . ord Strathcoun, fbe i ust is * .�.-6 � ",!, -It- I,--,- d 11 'a i' -da., C.r... I. � th- In -Mine. X; *but the conclusion . . " �a is g , Vraj�str � , . . 11� L . � fat - woik for her own home1s to s . ' - nd -�ii` 4 't and P ; X p.,b � I . . I . , , .. . . gence. In fact, the'Aiscusslon did not I , . I. I ectilrot tarip and other di4ting tab b6ld6sart .� Trol .rlo,. - � - .,;I I � ____ "Yes," said the old man t6his young 'did not follow that the society"inust . drder�-cQmfortana iovejine.q& The tIonten. I . .. 1 I .. 4 gau . � a .4 �., . I . � . �' ' t -h '. th , . I t'�t.�v tie I I . . . .� .. * . .. I 1. . .;;; ' - visitor, "I am. proud of my girls 'and 'Thell I ch;rry the matter any furth(-r than the I Its . . '' . . I .. L . I . . . I I L ' have pe.rfect .faith ,in Mine. X: � womau!s duty,.,as'a Coronation Picture �' - . � Special' Excursions � - . 11 ,,the 60 . president brdu�ht it,.in.his address. .. . inember"of fhe' .1 . . .. I . . I . .1 , Clinton Post -office Thue Table would .like to see tl Y � .. mparison of the, infant.pi-odigy.., . I . I . '.. L I , . . " . ILS to assl�On ille or I _.'iPec1&1 COMITIRTIA 61'Hia.M8,16816 , , pecial cihesp,ial - hiair abd-steamboat .bx-- . I I I � . *could not b I e -altogether rejecited. L A. ady Nvrlt�s -Greek. *lie does not .foalmon-wealth ]BY Y the' R1119, 8 L * I �. I ' . . . .1 . I 11 I - . '' -comforting and Id 'ill Is . � . 1. I . I . ;` married, and " I have, madd"a -little There ' i . Abhc ' oted ur.d. historic I a bujug.7will, J,p on nurgto)isb,oveleeiittrr,,iig-�d.. Enquireof�ourz . , .. , I , . . . .'was hish' child a; . t knew,�Greek, and quotin.0 sentences' from i der! ii exhi'b U� during the entizeFal n4arest,stati6n ortieket aaeut for ratea_ . ' . .1 . Public Lobby opens ...... 7 3.0 a.m. money they will ,not on'derful !$Pan . n9i In'the . . .. . I . .11 1, I .. � go', penuiless'to , the; NV - a Greek book wh .'she has. never * beautiful adornInel* bat I . . L .. .* . I ,tqh i stats. W _ L ,L . . . . L . . I . . .. t*0,years'ald, who had,fiLppeared before ex- it,of the _ � I ... �'; � . . . , ,, , L', I . - . * F0 -d inft nixation, address 4 . I . . � . I - I. , � . . . Public Lobby closes ...... 9.00 P.m. their husbands. There: fe, Alary, twen- X Spola and, before V -seen. , How' can' ti'be' Dialned? A I ! the 'woulan is k. her gates� . , . . I .. . I t . L �' ; a . � . I I Wicket&,NI.O. office open 8.00 a.ru. he trig of L ';j rot. alm I . . I . I to� be withl ,rP410.08i" ntryViuk-4s�. I . . , I :. ty-five years old and a reirlly.,g'ood girl; ,hb4,,.jjIotljer Lot the famoilo master of Ralliol on4.e­�ad, ' ' . . I 11 . , - , , I ' bliet himself. thls� child I . . RIR Is , ..� r. �. . P. 0. office closes ........ 0.00 p.m. . I ' ' the venter .or... order, the. balm. of dis- *. W. . X. MCNRr GHT, President,. , I . .,., J. 0.10 ,, TIL nagpr alao: ec.. �­. I shall give her $1,000 when ohs -mar- , ail L ' * "Tbore .are questigns which barfinever . � . . I I . . . . i . . . I � I I I . . I I , . -1�layed'over. Intricate Piece of . , . ' `TIt'F P,je St eu; X1c,L,A"jr. 11h. -..rOu . ,I , 1; , Wicket closes ............ VY) p.m. . . . once . wor,h :tlIe-' jress and the mirror of beauty, that '_ EN I .ij0lL09JF . : Q Itry and Dogs, Aug..'.10W L Lns,wered, but are still I . ., . . . , I . - � . * , , ... I . L . I . . .1j I rise. Then - comes Bet, Who - won't SeG -- mival'o; lend, orr going . -,ds Int Ue-A . I .. ". I . I L I L 1. Aftervvai .6 L. : . , 1. . . .� � �_ . .. I . I . . , �, IMAILS. . askInoP and.this ii,ppears"to be,one of he As alsa. to lie., witbout fidi. . ,-RPS, I . ell, 1 1 1 � ,. . � . . . . � . .1 . 'I, I . - thirty-five again, and I shall give her the next room, she heard some. onr, re-, � I . I.., , L . I . . I . ... I ,�, . , - :`1 i . Mails close as follows : .., $300. And itte.man who iakes-141i . zi,_ I _'pe6ting the perfortnance� .Returning, I . them I , I- .,F-., 1''... I � I . ... . where order Is moro difficiiit, disiiess � . . . I . . �. . . .1 L . 1 . . ­ I I . I . ... .1 . I L .1 i - - ,- - - I . 1. I I . L ., . - _. -INPI -1 - - -7 1 . , . . .1 . . I . . . . I . . . .. . L. ' nln6fit and' lovellite" 60 YEARSI�' 1 .. . . I I 1* outh ......... 6.1% a.m , 3.50 p.m. who is fort,y -Will -have. $6,()00 'W t I more Itaill ss mure . I ,-1. I 8 , �� .Ith shj�-saw o heir consternatloh.lisr 'Irl�, ,,,- _____.:_ - - ii I, , , . . � L I . .. I L I I . . � . ... . . ... I % L .1� 1 ..6.35 a.0 If . . . .'' 0 e .music quite cor- � ­ ­,­.- 'L . � ­_­ ..V ­.L. . - " =_ I iiareiiii:-Zob uskili., � 4. -­ - .. " I L" 11 I 1 1 - - . - . �. I I .. 11 .. . 'L . .11 .�. I L East I., 2 50 p.ni , 4.50LP III. her . :., Wit hild playing th . . . 6'r, Vr.Ari�s , . � . L I EXPER119009", - " I It. ,�... 9.50 a.Uj., G�Lo() P. Ill.. ! . . I t ' rectly. Obviouslyj tha'chiI4 could, have I . � . . L I I , I . . I I I . � :1 I I . I.,. . . 1. ... . . . 1�^ . . . . � . . I . 1. . The young .maq reflected a momen :, . . i - . . I . . � .. I . . .1 ., . . 1. . ... , * . . I I Im . , I . .. . 8111c"Waists or Clothes seem like ': . .., . . .. . �r',�',. I West ..... .............. 12.W p.m. and. then Inquired: ' 11 11 I . . L . .1 L'no p�6vious* knowledge at - 0,11, � ; Here, I . ' . ff= 9� " . , okown Drend San.dwilchen. 1. . . I. brand now when eleanedwith L. . . � . . I . , I _�­­ . ... . . . L . L . . I : .. . . I � .� '. I . . . I ID pin . . Cut.Bo§ton .brown., bread -and -whits � . I . - . Goderieh..950arn-, OP.m. I then waS ix sort of parallel.. . I . - . .1 � t I �� . . � 1 "" ,_ , ��', � "'L . Wails are re�itdy for delivery. Xi You haren't one about fifty, 'have '-, 1*. ' RO . * - . . . .1, - . . I . ou?"--�-Judge, . . . I . .. . ; Other . speAkrrs produced .strange. I 11)�. broad hA6 slices of � uniforin thlick-11038. I I .. 1. L I I � .. ; . . � . . .: wo . 1 I . . I I . - Inately as follows : I . . I . I cases L of automatic writing, but none 0 I ... q . W . I .. .. I ; . 'jo L . ­ ,pread,n slice-,ot -%vh1te:'bread.tbI61Nly 1. . . . . . . I , appro Y I to A MARK' I I.. ­ . 1, SAP-OREN . I From North-, 8 W a.rn , 4.. 'P.111. .. . . ,Wdre'of 4ulte .sitch U'definite and'em- A. TONIG IFOR ALL. . . . . . I . . L.� . . . � f; � . ........ 8 W a.m. _. __&. L ­­­ .. . .. I . L I . . . . . . . Irlilt butte.r, and pr"s- upop ita sl lee of . I . I p9MANKS - . 1. .4 *** . . ... _ I I . . * . � West . I I � .. �. �!­ traordinstry nature as the ca,se piiesefit- . I . I . " I I . L DEsiGme � ,1�1 " I .. I I L I It Makes f3dw*blood 1i 1. bye '30 � fltitsild -with. buttsr.� Y � - .'. . 11 IT EVAPORATE$ 09 . . . . . South .... 11.00 a m., 7.00 p.m. , - wn bread al, . I . . � - . I I I. . ed by. Prot. 3RIchat. Mrm .Vorral, for . I I I . 11. . I . . . I � L . I 06112V411GHTS &C . . ­ . I .6 .. 8.00 aan., 2.00p tn. I I examplej told the society he* her . Itlinvigorgites - I Spread this Iviih butfe�,-and upon it ., . , . Odorless I Iton-potsonous I I . . . . . I ... . , , I . L Non-IbRawmable Ai 7 ,jl. I . .1 . . I . � I ,,Ir,onesendfngaoketcb,itnildeserI tia . 4, . ' from the night train . I daughter'and ajil6nd of here produced ,. . 1--,-I,t strengthens' . . prcM a. slice'of buttered ,%Vh1te bread. . - Woika,wonders beyond belief 04 the quto ir anortaig �cur opinton free w9eiii'tera'n .� % . I ....! , - . ­��­­ . I I . . . _ uVention IS pro ablyrntelitable. Common caim., . . I I 41 Goderil� . ........ 3.45 p.m. . table r1pWair a Greek story which - - L I . . L I 11 21 � . � ' . . or �f I , * coarsest and finest of fabri on Patentst, , � , .1 , LL ; by' I . I .r-Tso In all -five , x slices. of breai, 0, OU909 j� titonsetric(Motindent W. 11ANDBOOK' �� I � . tt bullds. e sent free. Idest; a I. I L ' L - a e I I I . , otdolioateAress goods., . I ency foT secaringe � I table erroneously - natents. ... ­ pir la, 's r liested to the ttilbut d to � havIng tho-eblors alternate'. Trim of! ... 9 -11 Muria & 0. racelvd, L. I I NOT�: - The bi, . . . . I . . . L kill* all germe In earp6ts, efe. Patients t"art t eon . . t I speowl,noticet without ecrye, In the . . . I .. bear in mind that tho W1 IN tioned I . j Paugantas, but 'afterwards gave the I 130.iYE ANP:Mli � ry Vr Extracts all duot . I . * I . I , burs nen ­ . . I ,� , file crustr and slice as ordina 6 n (1, - � - . I . . �_66irdct ebapter. and"W'kse' th-1161toddr- 'I - ­ - � ' - -----­ ' .,1' ", ,' ­ ­ ­ ' . - -, _ , ... , , . _ , , - , , " . . I , , , USed with the ,t vnnts . VlLIjS,­_ ­­. - , tfie -Boston _ . _ , Opoki , ng ­ School � -now ­­ _ _Hn, - 41bove for opening and closing the . � . . . Rbstared color& lika :. ­: 1 ;7 Lobby are hot compulsory, but might wonif o le, Proveots fulating, makes -, . I . - er-100 _`_,____-,---_1__-_, ­� I , . R1 us. The story was not, qnoted word' 10 L greAter go by all �Ma, Says " . Renews thoslicing . I '.. I $�itutifit I . 6: .1 I 11 �. . C's w ­ Z S - , I I . i. -, . . - for Word,, but the substbai as cor,* paind c e = Into ro y on-ts ,., agille" ,is Alce to serve vith oys- ' '.L: All Ih afew moments forafe-yi penti .L A.bitnddomelytllustrat,odw(!okl3r. -Largeateli- , ­ . . 1. bernade coincidebt, with theopening � . .: . . . case,, however,, � Dtivis 4� Lawrehe . a Co" Lid,, Rontrt I terg,rBajads or at a 5 o'066k tea or.c0d � .. ,ands child can doltwibN- , ." cuiation,ofany,ocientle ournal-wittmet4an . . . - ; . � ,,, ; and closing of-the'Wicket. Theprivi- I I raotly given. In this . . . I . at. I . ... I I . . . 1. ;_... - . . W. . year; fourntonth$141, 94 ynewNdealers. .. . . .. L . ege is extended. by the Post -waster Ifyou, your friends or relatives sufrervith­ both the Inediums were Greak,'Xhd tro_ We . I . � --J party,,, ....�,...i,-,.-�,-!-:.*-.:..�,.�--..- �­. - SAP-01110,RIMN 0 INN.& Co-.3.qllfroadway, NeW, Y .. ' � L , : . . I I of box Fits, Epilepsy ltus� Dance, or Falls' g I V ly 40.ohapters 'of Hell9dorux ,stor- I '. . I . I .. . I . I . . Mu ort � . . . . I , I . I Makes bid things now and - moves TIran D.W � .11 or the convenience -holders. , St. V1 I) � � .1 . . 1. �. . . . . I .1, I ., 1, L I . . .. I . . I I . . . .. .. .. % _� I There may -lie occasional days when , . I _ P . or4iriy tn, the VUDOLALU I I . grease and stain from now t Inge. . oll-offloe. 626 V at., Wa6hington. . - I , . � __' . I . . . '. . . . � . I 1 �L. Sickness, write fora trial bottle and valuable Itin -�.�..,..Zt.-.!",�.0i.-��........."."..'�---- .-,. � ­ I . . it, I tre,diseonstlichdi8e istoTimLsiBic;C6., nesit. , Theta came Mr. Harr wit a 11 , Ask your grocor for.8ap-o-ron.o. . . � . � . . . L this ptivilege will be withheld to en- 63 , --a . .1 I . - . . able the caret ory told b .H_uxl6V 30 ymi s -6 Of . .. . . : I . _t0_"._11,_ k---,-.7-= -__-=1==. , - I . , ­ � . L L � I. . ., I k - I � .1 . . L . . � . . .. . I . ... I , a I .f-* P ,I- 'rizef , , I I I . I Torg"ta . . I . . . A, : , . aker to do necessary 179 King $treet$ W.0 Tolignto, CqaadA.- All �11.'st . I � . I I The H u0man �& ,robter to. . I I . . �. jgr. . . . . . I � .. I ning, etc, . so, % .*jlich, wori tim it I I I I I. . .. . I . -1 druggistoo spll or can blufain fut Yoi - - " E so zoonufl; 91, Atiff whe - ' . . . . , .. . I . . I. L . . .. . L I r4*­01111111�1� I I L I I . . . L. f wrote in .unknown, Wifftibi from dle- �, Three stuftits. of the 411cole deg .. . $ . � I .. . . I _ _�&i_ _..d&, _'oh_ 1b., L '' � . I � 11 I I - . . ,:�-,Qas. Leie fling, " .11 : [r", .1 - � Itt ­ j ­. � - - - I -. tation while Itit a state of trance; and � Beaux Art$, ' Maissillea, were talking In I . 40 , 1� -_ . .1 . � . r. . .. _. _. - � -----.----- ___­_ - i LF=j 81 FITOURE, lastly Prof. Barrett'. pt4odUced'an an, it cafe. �1%y dear felf6w,�' said ond, "I DOUP KNOW, ,___ ____­" .. ­ .-,--L- 1. I ib��*! - I. r . . ' L . I., . . , ' ' . . - ­ L. 1 _&.�IwRi I . .k I ... I . . I . __ ! !! , !!- thentic, story 'of a hAdy who was hy,w painted the other day'. a little piece of . H. A N.D.,- . . , . I . - h and _­ IL ­ . I 1. . . . I .. . . .,. I . . 4j - "Imself Cured of Oatarr tHE CAPFL ()F G()0(j Hop I . .. . I . I ,� THAT BACKACHE . I C L,.I..NL,T 0 N -- - � L I L . . I . . � .. . I , . I . . . I .. . -i , 41� . . . . . , � 1 . . I . � . . . . . I . . . . I , . 1. .. I Throat Troublest, by . . . 6trectly-that it $auk to the bottom of I , , U 'i "'. _ I-. pineL, wood In Imitation of.mitirble so I I . . . ' io, .. ... .. . . I . ­ I ID . L .N DRY . �t .... . ";i� . - . . . . . IS THE F'RST. L .. . . .. .. . I I Some Vaets Concer Are --- - � - -7 ----- the Water." - . I 1. I ... . . I L � I alng it That . . I If 16161P91feed, � colke wotk -in file `- 0 vr,. Guarantedd. - . - � . .11 . . IL I - . ' , . I i - C4 More Bcst I . I . I 1 4 "Poob," said iluothdr.. ."Yesterday 1 1 L . I . . . I . L ; . . I ". � I I . . . I . Not Gettieralry'Kn6wn. � � ' , L - . I . I .. . SYMPTOM LOF � .. L - 1, � . No mAebi,,.6� awd tc &-tof4v I Ile clo 110. ' I , LL 0", .. . Thougil every, schOolljoy presumably ` -ARE -YOUR I suspended my. thermometer, on the . . I . L � . ' � F . � A tti%l p6t1ofted. on woik ;vbleh- will b6 i,"L . . . . .1. . SLA ' . I � � I knows to a nicety Where th6 .CaPO Of � . ­ . � . I easel that holds my `VleW of the rolar - . . I : 0 execoled b. htmd� S,ome-iip (io-14is Iror- I L . . I - - Good Hope. Is a I KIDNEYS. SLI OK? itegips., it fell -at once to 20.1islow � 0 1 . KIDNEY TkOUBLE RD. PA witilto .t,- b6ir g brcilt6h in the V*ng. . �1 Ituated, there does un . . it : .JA 0 4 .. I " �, I I. ijr'j6a5 sfilightensd­ __ ­_*­_ ­­%'­­­­. I I. . . .. . . .". . . . . . . . . .1 I . . Shirts"itonod i3o. that Iibd� will not hark 11 ` � ; doubtedly prevail . . . ...... � .... I., .­. I—-, . "Zero.." . . . I . . � . L . . . I . . . -1 , I . 1. . 'L � , #r - - � L ... DBALUR - IN . .,. () I . -,, Ties done to loolNUke: how I L � � 1. ,;, I .S I � circles some vagueness of -conception , , ,-That's noiblo,41", , mid tha-last.­ "My.- - ., - 6­tbo ... ... . ...... ___ L ­ . ; slu- ni-el, I I " '. L . ��, . . tet your morning urine stand for 24 1 . . It ISI and YOU ettiiti4t"X. I '_ ­ ------ ­'­­­ . ... .... . LFE ' ED Or Pativeiii er.11% d. tea Q,V d deliVkreiii to tifty art � . I I". ONOUN D. 61-99 : as to the ezaet loc at cele- portralt of, the L marquis Is 'go lifelike . D L Albo Cir.O., and All other elhases, of tvory , z ­ti . I I ality 01 "I . e, hours,in a glass or vessel, and then if it FLOU-R AN ,'jo, I brated headland. . nve, the gentl that It has to be shaved twl(��* I . . . . .1 11 I f - 11 ro-,,. ri. -raujily wasbing, Eita rt hcT, 40 - I I I He Is now anxious to *give ' is milky or cloudy, or colitaltit a red. . . . I - weckii" , dareftil abotit It - . ,. . 1"I'L J� I ' 0 . � ", roader Is faintly conscious' of uncer- . - I . A' ND -S , I CL11's 1ALI do,cea.. Fatriily vtaghing. 25 oeritt- . I L . * C . � L others. ' ittle ba, kaelie lot run will . . . . pe, dr Pe I 0'. hii, 140tstarclhcd� 81*t6, 7o. tainty and answers With a,birtakness dish brick -dust sediment, or if parti- IloTv Piles Nvalfc aft Window Panes. -A 1� . I " . � . . I I I A 141 1, 8.1�13.131MPTLYIFILLRD I � I . . I F conviction.- "The Ca e of dle.4 or gertris float about in it, Your . The mlcross(�)o reyealt; the neat. con- 'kidn . I . . Ptire Tea ., I Gi%e it & tr"&k L . I . - : ; Leger L. Hardy, 11, . 1) . , I. Onally ettuse' SOMOUS . ey * , I , ,. ji tomChins,-foria.4'e, I 11 . SL Bazile de Good'Hope? Why, of course I know, -IdoeY4 Are diseased. 'It the kidneyi trivance Nvhleh enabilps a fly to walk lip ' I f I . . . Down at th , s end Of South jL I 0 "; L 1"" *TON 1:1_ i ate Well they filter jus so much,blood, a window pane or defy the laws Of ' W0016, StOP it In tin.16. ' L L. () 'N " r ,k ; ' 1, C L I N , 1� Portneuf,P.Q., where It Is. It . . . 1111ron strei,�q - (1110A.; - , �. I. writes as fol. I .:i'./111` . I I A.frlca."L Gentle reader, .you ate not ' ,--gra-rhy by gliding along, back doWn- I . L . . , . 11 . ...0,,',�.'-�,,;�..,__ but if they are sick orweal; from any : . -..---.-------------- U Uidotit & Baia . . . I Iowa: "I SUA . W-11".. . . - 1, I rid, Lon the cefflair. Th4 magnifier. lliit t . I I I .,;,% -1. far �out, fifty or, a hundred, balles cause, 'it the Wa . ,TAKE . ,r4, � . I It I very they leave the poison I . I vvoodw ji�" kodavw% I . _. .. . . I . L fared for two , t of ects the sbjjrL% shows the foot to 130 111add '111) Of two . . � ,. L�, I L ' ' , , . , ,� I � 1". I perhaps. And, as You say, It Is no Itch W"6' 1 1 . I � 7 years with ­­. I I . the slightest consequence fr6m 1 prUe. L 01004, and this poison Aff . pads covered with flne, Short hair, each , I W 68, , . .. I ! � I ' - . . ag i.. . A nrOat 4,a- .. i �.; ,� . systenif .1 . .. . . . ,ldnd I " N'S ,, . " 0 ftua � A--,..-- � � � � I . r tarrh and -1 .. I tical point of view, . I on. , It Is . n4turaltor p4sa uritle three times pad haVing a hook abo�,e It. Be D 0A I . . . . , lbab" I " W,)Jo 10. E . � . I , . . t'. _. .1 14e.Cape of dood Repo Iteri at a e each pad Is a bag filled with ft, Welty ML I ? SAW am, , . . . L I 1 a n obstin. . d and, is, & dav, but many who regard thettistlytil I , I I . 0 1 . I I . I . � ate cough. I. eltablo 41stanco from the en , I I . liquid which 00704 out whenever the.. , : . I Dom . � I al� area to buy this, seao(WA . .. fl, 'I -�.'1111111 ..4 1 LL . k� . PsvcllI14R - , ,� , � � I In fact, tht middle of the tifiree pr6raon- ' ILS healthy are obliged to pass water Aix fly puts Ills foot down. The atnount , I 8611 sa "repof wool, as usual$,ab � �, �::::­ ,,, KID EY I '. had a apterk- I . I I to ten times daily and site obliged to which Is pressed but of each foot Is , ,10O24 I . on. ; 011V I . I . tortes, oevi6rittly Inconspicuous, which; I edle I I . I ht* t, talteri All to-. AVOW 41114 dr. 1, �. I 1. got tip frequently during the ng, , - . I did elTect irk 1:' 1 Jointly terminate a Blender peninsula, � very' Amall Indeed., bu . its kind that cures 6COM111ce. Nils I �,?rr �._. I 1 4 .. -1. ,?r . , ;::$ a . I CL I Ob- ���, They have sitic kidways and ble. der PILL weellel � . r- . some twenty miles Ift length, forming" atId don't know it'L Smith's Ilueltu gether, It Is amply sufficient to hold . #ij*A vitilvortal. satisfaction. It vtcoipt I lye ' _ I I var"Vne X&vbus � for highes%eash price or hi oxehan&_::_,, : I . =the the b or between Valso bay an(IIU o choos& latlyettrosallforine Of X&Vbuiff I e ir " - - ", , . _, .1 . . . 1yo . r7icw7, �1 I i, � -1,�) manent cure I arri 'Lithia -pills cure.1theuntatigin and All the 11106ct In ttUY*POsltlOn h . They, Cure whwe all others ""&,ffl_rA'#0on.*, &Pe)1ftat611rhwW4 X-= 1, .. for tiianufAdtured articles, 1. I I ­ "41binewoth.busoorexcemes, Wed : I bad so long de- I Atlantic oceati -6ni thewest. Thc%e three - X,janoy Brid Bladder diseases, and 17 slia own, arc -at Voollohn0*16 faill. Ag a specille for Baekadhes I'm T&A(*0i)j Opium or Stimulants, if,"" 1 1 have� a large . assortimierib Of'- . 1� sired, and shall do headlands, lying omr togethor and make tiew, rich blood. f".1016110, W�1�1811-uf wild ", I I I j I ComMofily undivided $-youe wife see 'tb I .97 I HOMESPUN CL .1 1, .., �,, all in my power to Increase tits popularit ain a map 0 ' f mod- Wo will satid yott a gefitrOu$ dat"ple NOW ins, to, Ink . I tm�r oka ,otal -tot , . 0XI"', . �rec, together with our large you , t and- Kidney Tioubles they have , r .1 1�" - designated 004 paid I jou'll get bunkoed If sbe lebg on W cut -6 4 1 . . r10 I . e ,. I for Dr. Slocum Remedies In this vicinity,lii *rate Beale, are locally � I M�trij�eniia�aVtlori an . L for ladlos"Diessm And cdottim a. . L , It Was, hers tbat gartholo- book on the above juentlotit(l diseaA,eq- You illuqt have, onea. . . V'00, f 8 � The skicceq.4 of former years ioduces I LtQ211 L. HARDV. , ,jo-,lite Point. , - slight, nO OqU91 WrO IS WhAt 0 M , of bet . I I I I E .1 me I , on . 'L [ Mo t(j go 6xtellsively into the Itiall ­I­ � ; , I 1w Diat first eneofintered In full t co" 185 St. done something very foolish to finve 4 . T . ,sc, 4� . . LLgo - ' vrooas rhospbomne iffsom in o,in I lififto,ture of t . . ; I � I force th6 prevalent southeasterly galm k woman looking after you liko tbat. MR, VIE6. ff. SOMMI 1111811 populAv 4ritiole, of: . 14 00VAU11dic i �_A A,_.---* �11... --A --.-..- .. ,n.tsi,,.,_1 AM V W-Aftf-PlAil, 11AI.- I . __ _-_ . - ­ LL . . ,_ I...'il 13 0­1_1� Vt 11), V0 I.& Ity I clothing. , . A 0, � B . I lovey. Druggi t, Your) b,,,) I q3 ILI 34 I ) Y ) 1'� IV . ,7 i I . 110 I 'I 3 - . I 11 _. . Ov I I 11 I . � -A-ii, JESSE, GLUM_ '. All . -pay for Tits i . 04nmillor wwollon NIIA.,). v VmA totha lot, "'. i''I" illmi will I wwlt���!�nl!tu_!!��O�"' tl#- .� 10W,L to new Sub. �, where, I Advertige Ilk the NEW Elti t, . � � .- . . . I I . I . , -.-- - ­___ . . .1 ----.,.. - -