HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-08-11, Page 3I I 1. . I . ---- --t---1--7—Z- '-V— -�PrXMPAM, M."PIWw".11
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I Augmt IM, 1905 1 . I I I TRE CLINTOSA-1iRw RUA . � I . -, ! .��.
. I S
I , I . 1, q1M . -- - . . - . . 11 -11I.; I I., �... - - ...��.11���!�l�olli�mliRillilli'l� $"` �!=Iop llillba,offij!� -1 I I .1 , V I
. .. I'll. iN11F. -.1-.1-1...M. . I.,. 1 I .1 I - I I ,- I . ---*0-=."1-,—�"-=41 1 . . " t �,�. I , 11 .14, I!! !
I . I—" � .4 ItMt -; -.,-. !!! 0
- � ---- - -- --- -- -- -1 . IT , , , . . I . -.. "�- i n
� -1 I 1. � - I .. I.. I ... �� � ,. is . . . I - � - .
� . - - I " I � I I � . V I I ov%tnolp vt the frae ro*4-hev,rte4nexs K, -ICS I NOW Is THETIME To GET WE .L,
f , y'. . . 0.1 -i SL t V�� I ; l THE BABEL OF TONGUES that one Often :Qnft skmonit tho Imml- �
I . . AM11PCII .1. "" I �.; . . I x1vat . THECANADIANHOG K�� .. I I I
� 16;� F . C 4, a' t I P .., 0 — thw, new -comers, brinw, wit) , - �
I . I � . P I I I .610 .! , 4 I 09 I I , . I thom Is immUmes of nearly ap. muel A I . .---* ." .1 Naturo Uelpa MI -Qua. Caro WAIL101 Trollbles, in 811ort Okiler
.. � � I
. I
P �- - -I , , - I. - -V IMANT AS 'WE 4F , h pooplo th�T-, pRO . � . Tbesuniniernionthsare tbe:best in 1f y0l' ouffer with, I)eadac "di-
. I.. 719 Imly . .F H. IM humAn jqtet6st as� t I
, � . 0 _F. F.4y,& OWr4 STORY OF THE I, th4 whole Year for the treatment ji�nd -gestion, flatulelicy, � specks " 011, i
IN Tids, COUNTRY, �"- delves, Heirlooms from old-world ,
,want your w4itscbe or beoril B U G K i N 0 '. . . I . I homes, thiriss, xaa4o preolouq b3r gon� t MOUNTTHAT SEAR45HISNAME, . illefore the
. . . eye-, feroveatation, lje.artbnj�ri, dlAzi.
I I xft==lbmn orlich0h*? Ust "M,V'* Of 111400"6130 - " 0 .. � � I erationro. of family histoM and miscel. I . I care Of a toroaclit troubles. The ont- ,
--- 11 I I M I 1'. I Ian -- .. door I n086 Ol- have a Variable appetite, and a,
I .. .. ... .. �� 11 :,-I, I , , ,i .. , , , I � � I � I 1. . - Jim )ur,os of innocent A . musoment eous baggage that will be of doubt- t , ' life, With natural exercise, tho fruit, general feeling of despondt-1 or I
� . I 11 ful valug In Canadian homes, � are Swiss ,GujOpo, 0ays1ts Asoo,"A to As- Stiff aud,berries which are so . freely fn,teo, we,'Xness, it obowe clearly tlX10 t
. I New b.rOUgh Qv r _ 0
County Clippings ) , s Note& - - --, �Tho--$,viipioious Russians.�Tho S t e in diverildn4s of bundled. . - 7 _h. � �
I , 11 . I cot a Proposition As Any to, be FounO alibelp to ves oire, im, , Stomach is not (ligesti. M , 3- It
__ 11� -- . . $c0ohnian Who Wanted 4 Sit of I ohman reached Winnipeg A few I - t kltby actiov to should. wr the food,,, .
. I I . . .
I TU , T ,61A. �f Tri,"%� nged 74 i weeks ago with. a, large Ivy, plarit, which In the Alpo—Prof. Fay Himself Sayv the digegf-ii-a n r . ,
. . , 110-�". . T. 4. M. I
W I I 1Ar§ C113-i8tian Moore Of XULIMVILLO 4. , I �j P Aknoesxral IVY t9 I aK0 M00t in Mano he Ila . . I I L 0 I'M;= Out or a jyj cent
I � I I I 4 brought all U49 way :from his -Most Varied, H . ,
I � Year$1 0314initted wicide. 11 0 � . It 1; the I , ""�
I , ,died last week; aged 97 years. home in the hi 5 of, eQtl&4 4r4 4"O NOW when natlire will --, 111-0-11, f fewdays, and ajt
, aid di -n -i7 � I box Of I 1, Or a I
I ,
I . I itolia-Enolish As the 0alloiall I an unusually Ane pj% nd tonsoiit Climb In His Lo"o Exporl. in 'DUPilig indige-Stion, .
. I East Huron fall fair will be bel4 at The esUti of Cassist ObadwiOlk will , � , pt� A to 1�140111r' : and 94ving,',) thiswill be ob "god for jhe'
:- I I $polls It -An. Kgrnest Eriquirer, . I . all better*'
I., I ; . . strength to tile stwmielv ond whole 0,1id bc,llth rt,s
: 1; 331-Asisels, on TburBday and Friday, Wly seven Wills on, the dollar, . j , . . I I . I was hopeful of.ito onduring 3%nitobWs once. I I I tored, Ask it, p. Reekle .
. �
I% ;October 5th an -1 Oth. . I Burglars got $1,501) worth of jewe!V A colonist train, bound for Winhtpeg ,Winters, Another Scot In th* same par- L I � digestive system, is ther best time'to. .
1 L L ndo ty hjLd brought k'grqen AfrIqan p , arr9t, A lengthy Artie use this, xemarkaf)lv r(,�jrj dy, . 1.00shOWYOU tllP All-o-naguarantev, I
" at the Bra a Pair. - as ary 0 1
1 , Adam Reichert, Hensall. had the ory exhibited. a few weeks ago, was stalled'for a short lq� Would be, nee s I . .
. L I . . I . I
misfortune to get his hands badlK John Brown-,ex�U, i H, which was more than voWble In some 'to, 46 full justice to My 64e most com- I -- - , .
i I P,fo - 441mard time At P. statlou'at the other end ,of , ,
I, I lingerilig ill. r Ontario. . The passorigers,- travel -wear- species, of parrot -Scotch, Afid.*Was prov, - , I 11111 - .
� poisoned with ivy while.going throng died at, Dunnville, After it L plete.4na genuinely Alpine exger-ow. - . . .—. I... __ . L
I I ness, . Ing a very good traveler. . -- . —, � .
� the swamp. , I I . In the. Canadian RooWes, sayor P, wrft- . I PUMP" . . L' L L . 1. I I— - I
, �1% . led, improved the 6Dporturilty to sniff , I -
I I . , . 1, - I --=mom. . ;
L I P. A if,il.witrin --ij, w6ll.lrnown Canadian air and tosee wbat.a Cana� I English Through Galician ChanneIAL , . . .
Messrs Manore and Sreenan , usiber. . . L'w ' I I � I . or in. ,T1Ae,=os;;u,u Transcript. 4. refeir . . . 40 � . I
,men, of near St. Joseph, las't week Montreal real .estate man, 41ed-suddon� .Olan town looked like, and, for 04 hour The average Immigrant does not, to the nocent of'Mi. Fa3r, in the com- 0 . .
I .. � .
ly, aged 50 years� , or so unconscious humor pervaded the coase to- produce. unconscious humor I p of- the gentleman- -whose �jnqrne- ; � .
-caught a sturgeon, which weighed 250 . I ,aV - L I , , I . � . . ..
. . - -h Ma'aies, � .
.�. pounds, and was over 7 feet Ili length. The men cbarged: with coruipl* it ' ' Vicinity of' that station platf6rm, TWO� ,, .. � , - B - ....... �..
101 7 114 were Englishmen in smartly-dut tWeeds -aft1pr he has settled on his homestead. ' Ms be"e"'1v`` b est9we 4 upon- itbat- none I . - I . � � ... . � .
Miss F. NeEwen, youn ItIlmage whitecapping affaliv were . , : Out In the :Prairie Province is, A, Gall; - -, I � I I . .1
" est daugh- . the ID ... Frenchmen from Brittany conspicuous clan farmer who has bee . too gentle.mou;ntaln. by the Geographic . . . - � � '- . , 1. I , . . , 7 �
. I
ter of Mr. John McEwen, flensall, left . acquitted .at Chatham. - . h In Canada. . - .. .. . � Pur Specialt . . . .. .
I Iv garbed In blue coats and ber4bbonod . card of 0a' : . �. . y
here on Monday last for the Regina For selling It'quor in the 100MI Option h' long enough to become q voter and to, 13 nhft-,-jxi, recognition.- of . . . � . .
ate, solid Swedes .And stolld Germans, . I . � . . - They Are,illilde ()j'tjle,b . I . . . . I
district, where she has secured a good tow of Darlington, X, Gallagher 'chattering Greekis an& stuttering Ital- maiiter In some small degree the In- Prof. Fay's services .to triat region. I I est of .01flWal, ItUd tfl](OWY se�ond .
position as a public school teacher, at wasrishiS costs, - 1. . The. Englishmen, Who were pro- trics,cl6a of Engioll, � Us IS e'veii.a.sub, In A letter, W�rlttcn to a frfevd the day plaee iu'kWor '3'" " "' '*y are the h*htest grade, and ilk- .
fine $100 and Ian jj�
a paying salary. . . - . s. sorlber totho 1,ocal paper, Lnd a oh4?rt b � . ,1311� pffft!�a lr'� 2 ulil soe . .
efore our conquest of this'mountairt , 1111Y,400C betore p' I
, Win. Pickeiill an old G. T. R. em� tooted Against the dangers of the new tkh, ago he forwarded his :ubscription . , . urchitsing, . . .
� � � and —which bad been ascended only once, 00 jVjS �: . . .
. On Monday, the residence* of Town- ployee, waii kille in the railway yard I world by the Inevitable tari'leather leg- to the publisher I -, i I . AMINTON . I
- ablpClerk Clark, 8 1-h line, Morris, was at Guelpk while coupling cars, . . I gIngs, w .. , addresiiino him In eu, 0 -
- . Alked by themoolve5i apart phonic ... terms as, follows.- and that a few days before or success. . . I .
. . ,— � =
. I blow generous wreathis of smoke to- � 1 fill attempt (we cllinbe4 lt,on August i � . . ... . . .
. touched by lightning, shattering thek Canada has 10,460 postoffices,.. as war the West, the G ,. Aye. Ess, Beayeareteeohon, . 419 .
. chimney arid tearing off some shingles. - . d rocks. sat uIion . I � 1 6). I said: "Prof. Vak calls this the . . I . . . � . � . . �
agamst%Mat Oonfederation.� Over , the Pla,tform.andeliattered; but the . � . . .. � . - . . � I - - .
The lightu n came down the chimney 1 001 kre in tbe Canadian West. - Beohex F. safest of sports; but If it should pro,;e . . .
ndoneofiy,.Olapk'sdaugbtersintbe " .1 Itallans'organ''Ized a concert coilipany, ; V.. . . I otherwise in iny case, then., these are I . - , , -- -. . � , --- - . I . . .
' '
140orn felt the shock. . .Vhe Ontario Go-iern6ent is: being An. ancient accordeon, which fiad Al— . Boohlileoxesseeveayehlen, I ords of farewell to you. it I happen , . I . � . .
- � pressed to open Teiniskaming forest I , Emirfayeenhitecolibeaya, w . I 01inton. Saish, D - . I . I . I .
ready, furnished rijusto On the . . . no I . oor, and ' . .
We regret to report the i3eath of reserves And. timber limits W prospec- .. � . ,jdurney Which, being Interpreted, me t to return, I am .sure you would help ' . . . � - . . - .
- I . I . .
. . .
Ella, daughter of Robt Dilivoith, 'tors. . . I I more then once, was a . . .
. gain put Into. ser- . A1151 A' 8� my lawyer to settle my estate accord- .
Ethel, Miss Ella has been in failhig . . . I vice, and presently moved the audle,i0a Barton, Box F, Boissevaln, Manitoba. - Ing to my wish." It Is comforting,,,,; - Blind Factory, . . I - . -1:
. . . � .
� . . . . . . . I . . :
. The G'T. R,- express4rom Chicago to sing, Before long a, dance was un- The Immigrant,. on his way hither . to read the comment of 'the sympathe. . � . - . I . � . . �
health for the past year and every- ,ollided;it.iva freight tralin.at0erlin. ' der way, a good old country dance that and after he has settled, may be I par� tic professor: "It Is a. ve�y.nattrral feel- This factory is the largest iii the oQ4nty, and.bas the very. latpab jra&oved In, - I ..
.-, thin human power had been done, An engineer iiaxd his fireman ,were. in, Was quite as.pictureSque as. it was an- donor bla occasionAl bre I Ing; thig, in approactling the iinknoWn.. obluary, oo;psble of doing Work On the shortest * 'notice.
but t%illit dread disease consumption, jured. . � . . . aks. Tho'man- I . . I Wo amrry aii ext6ndivre 0 �..
. set in, and all efforts wore unavailing. I thuqiastle, and In Which soroe of 'the Who is kill at home In the old land, and Even the long experienced climber has, . aod reliable stock and preliared plans. and, giye estimates for sqd Ouild all olsoas , .
- . . The little -daughter pf F; Fountain, other folk Analty joined,'' it Was a brisk Is only thinking of coming to Carla -da, strange �.Waltlng, dreams the night before, oo. of buildingn'on abort notice, and ou.tba, closegi Oil' . . I
I `Mr. Henry Hancock,of Grand Forks - . � � - . . 008. All,'work, . is sup9is, �
.--- - . I Second str6et,-M.*ru . a perfectly newa.seent is undertaken."' ad in "i. 1111-hmili(lat Way and 606tilfaotlon �gaaranteed . -
Dakota, was calling on old friends at West, � . wall, was scene by the time the train was.ready' is somptimes .as humorous a person as , Ve selu,�Alj klo-Is of in -
. I . I � . I . - , I
. Exeter last week. Mr Hancock went .accidentally drowned -in it .tub of to move. on, . . . . � . . . . - his brother who -had, already, taken pas- - Also; it is a siLtisfa6tion noNy in:.m3r - . I I . terior %n� oxierfor m %tdrial - ... - . - .
I - . .
. .
. - ' "t1h, - . , ., � ' -A .I 1101144. . F, te,
West about 27 years ago. He has pros- water. . I .. I '.11. . . � . I � I The- Th�rifty ,Norv�egiams. . saga; for Instancei the- man who on cOseY study,, torecall his. assertion that rmlill)er, ", I 811ill-!�'§, Lilne, S.,uh, 1) 0 (W 4� . . ., . �
majority of A Russian paper declares the d(ovfi- .& - reading in a Government pamphlet the IV -It. Fay afforded, altogether, the most Asaa%fqr the Celebrated GRAY. F$1Lf4 . I . . .
pered diere like the ' nother Immigrant party liad a simi . . SCHOOL DH!*f%, waunf&.m
Huronites and is now Re rar of fall Of the British Umpire imminen,t, I I warnbig "to beware of land shark0 varied; hardest And longest climb, in 0,11 . .. at lffftkorloo-� Call slid got prices and estimates befoie pla I , . � - t - WA ., . I .
Deeds at Grand Forks. - I and the establishment of *a r�publio in . lar WAi t, a ' t Winnipeg. They,were Nor, Oalled at the Irilmigration Office IVL. hls'yeard bf mountaineering, .The .con . �. . . I I . .11 01 a- > our or.4ars . .
Wrl'! Hall � . . I I w6glans, and being thrlftyj as all,Nor- . � . I . . . . . . I . I .
cock has twice been a member of the I Australia. ' I I 1. -1 -wegians 'thb ,party . London to Inquire in till earnestness quest Was aL matter of fifteen hours of' . I S.S. C09PER .- -; POOPRICTOR) � .. . .. . . : . I .1
. . . .1 are, the. Women of - what manner of: bea:st� the lank, shark vastly harder work than �j should ever . � . . 1!
- I
Dakota Legislature. . There is a sc,trelty'of butter Jn Eng, In ade use of the time by diligently knit- - W. I ' do as a .miner -7'snow,, Ice,' crag; seree,; . I . I I G6no-ralxtillder an&', ' - .1 I .. . . � . . "'. .. I .
DurinGr the'past couple of years Mr. 1 land, and prices are'at a point never . as and -what kind of weapon he had - . . . I - . � Ndontrattoi . 1. I
- I reached during : the."hov. weather in ting., Little blue spinning-wheiels were bettsr taka vrith *hloh -to fight It . I axe, hands,.feet; teeth and eyelashes—. , I . . . . .. I . .. . I I . .
Henry Cash, of MeKillop, has been en . . .. . the � most, noticeable feature; of -their . I . 4.41 . W . . � .1 beart-breaking woric for a'novide like . . . � . I .. . .. - 1: ., . I .. .1 . .
-- .
gaged somewhat extensively in -the I tweuty:years. � .. . . � baggage.. Every. family had, one, and . . . ant, to Kn6w.".. . . nle�- But 1 am Proud of. It now,when I - . I . . . I . I I - 7-------� . I
. .
- i Byron 0. �Ldtt, the defeated, Liberal .' thelrinter�tlon evidently was to con- VerY'gullele�s was, *the English . man. remember that our'kind S.-,Id5s, guides' 4040'000 1 1 . I �
bee business and some idea'of the work - � - I � . . ? I . I I I I . . .
done by these busy little fellows will I - North Hastings, who be, . "tinue making in, Canada, as they had who sent a letter of manypages to the said It was Ad stiff a: prop6sitioll, As the I . I 11, . . � I.. I . . I
I be gained from the fact that this year I e tndidate in I . I . I I I . . � I - �
. � .. , .P1 I . . . .� . .1 . ... I I . � . . . . . . I.''.
� I
I came known so. pr6minently In connec- ' made at ]home, their own cloth - and Imn-dgration officials- In' Winnipeg, a .'college - felldw .would .say, .As, any to ' Gr . . I . � 410 ,. . . I . . � I ... � I .. . � .�.,
I from 20 colonies Mr. Cash l4ad 8001 tion with the discoverk ot,bogns ballot -1 Yarn't' "spin, .spin, daughter of mine," , part ;i which to as foliawst.- - be found in the Alps., I hqLve my own � . � , .. , � , '.. . - � 1,
pounds of extract honey and 400 boxes inworted 'in ,tile interest of Libe - and these daughters of Norway,. wait. � . 40Aje there - j . . 0116, . ... d"u, . 0<>C ,C>,(>.().e).(>.,3,e>4),C>,C>,C�� " I ,
. � . any lo.cal peculiarities bf irtLpressloiig and' rec ations of the . . , I , , . . . � I . , �
. . I � . I .. . .. I �
pounds of comb boney. His best pro- eral candidates lu'ibveral Ontario con. �.Ing ln.a secluded c6iner of the,stdtfon, temperature or any eplob"a or zimotIc , ekperience, but slilce my space"Is Hill , , . , , . .. , . I . . I I . I
1, . . . ... . . .
Iducing colony was one purchased last were faithful to tlie. doinimand, Stead ' s -or pulmonary ailments con- Ited I pr6fer . . ri . C5 I . . .
stitnencies, is dying of typhoid fever ! . . lly diseasb 1^uote,frona Prof. Fsy: . . oce I
- ' '
spring from Miss Gray, McKillop, . . : .. .1 . - I . I.. I . . . �, And rapidly they knitted till'the train tractible tu.Canada? .Can I got m66... "The approach of ,Mt, -Fay is . from'. . .. �.. . .. �. I . � .. . 11 =aa- , I .. , � I
11 in California . I . . . . .. . I . � Everyone " '.. ''.
vhl,ph yielded, spring count, 50 pounds I 1, I 1. lr�' I I -.m ,, came, walking about with, needles and, val attefidarice for cattle- cr human be. , ,One of the most� exquisite- of ih6se'd6ep - ,' ' . . . . 1. I � I . . . I . . �.
Of extract honey And St sections of -- — . . - icpoo*104)40���40* . . : . . � .
- . . . yarn in'hand as if knitting and spin-, ..Ing? - And are there%burlal districts? . , blue -Alpliie .Ia�kes, In the' number and � . . I . ,.., . .� ., . .. � I . . .. I .. I 1. . .. :.,�,
'comb -honey. . . .. . . ., . . . . .. , ! � �. � . I . . . I . I . : . . .. I . . ...,
� . .
. . ning.were quite the usual' thing in ."Are there bostllifl,ws, bet*elewths :b.Gauty. of '-which Switzerland Is quite- - . .. : - Know's. we'llive alw�V ' I.
The plans f or tile. new stations to. be . I INVISOENSAIME --'--I.' Canadlan,rallway stations. Tile Influx Various nationalities bf settlers or all outcldsse'd by. this .regib' . ... .. � I _ a a fieAlh 'and..larc,6 'gE- I I
. n ---I lyforaind. . . , , �t!: . . :,
� '
,erented along the line of the Guelph i i �... 6f. 130j000, or more'p6Qp11e -a Year brings In one, comimoo. communlofil-"If 'I.,'am take. Its 'environment is mosf lin.- " . . sorted; �to&,'6f - Groceries - �na P�ovisiolis-.' , Anything . I 1.
. .
I .
and Goderich railway comprise 12: in F0r-'fhe.Uress16qs-Tikb1G� 'wfth. it, some ,funny things,..and frorn -maltreated or:attacUed.can I notify the pressIve, yet all-nost-ibrbiddtag. ;t rests . : . . I" . I . :
I .
all, and are divided, as to costs, into 1. . - 1. . ----o these homeseek6rs iand first 'crime to'ilia local Goverrior" Is there . In a'16fty aniphIthe4tr-:,,'in v.,fi. . . -in the line 6f� Crocli,er�, 01 a s's w"a' r e !MnAwArei , . ' . . . . I �
. I.. . I . . 6t -was . � � 1. .. � .. . I .. W. . -1
I ,... I . . ... "I it ..... ...
o at $40j0000, three at I . I . .. ori Canadtan' soil till they,reach -their: . adequate transmission of letters?. Does first Piled Desola � '' '.. � , ctil:Ae,,procu ... I ��. . �... . . ... I I .
three groups-t1tv I ' � don Valley, bui now . i oil ia -this store. ' . � I .. ..
$8001, and seven to cost $0000 e . -, -hdmiste � . . . .. . 71A * 'Vail y f h . .a -, . , I . � � � . I . . . . . . 1. . .. . I .. 1. .
ach. MURRAY & -LANMAN *S1. . a ads In the west.th6y ,furnish ' .the .life rufti .the conAtitution?, ,,.Can I " .known As Ulu- - e 0 t � , T- r . . . I I I . . ". � I . I .1 ... I . . I I
I . I . . . . ' .. .1 . � . . ;; I... 4 . .. . . . 1. I.- � . . . .. . " " I ,
I . A ood Hinfitler', olrg - , % - V,�,,"
The total fignres reach in the ne - . . - �. . . .� . .. , ,� . - ore or legs entert ininent to'the Cana- deal. 4n lomblei privatelt , . -. � Plea4s, . I. va�t 'they .. '. . ,.. . I
igh , , . " .-i- �M .u�lj, .. ,a , ., , , . . Fox, the, most 11 . 'I" . W INTE D- 10 ... � ,�.:, : . .
borbood of $150,0M. fbose'at Guelph , ., than p C'1� - '' . . . , 1. ..., .. '. "I war)t 320 Acres 'of, 16,hd - on. a small leap� uj) In su'dd I . . . . . . . . . I � � : . I all 41, ft" I � n ''; 1. I . .
, - vt er- .1 . . I : - � �. ':.. 6h, craggy peaks along. ,. . � I . � - , ,
. nd Goderich are to cost the first Ir i o** i I'd Wat . . I . I � .. . . . . .. I . .. . . . �: I . . .� 11, , . �
a I . I 1:�,., - -The Babel.' of . Tongues. - .. riyerAn:gaikatcheivari, -vilibre i..can get . -A great wall'of rock which, liero:forms - . . . I . � . .1 . . � .. I .. I I .:.'' :
named sum, and tfie. stations will be More lastingAid. reff'60111119 thAd C0109116 - . I . - A� p , � be -ri . , , . . . � I � : � .1. ..4 1. 1. . . I 1. � . .
- .
I . 1. r6 0 1 �- Pent I .� I . I , I .
. I . .1 . � ,1' The babel df*.,tongues Is Itself: . ,Ienty ot.water the year ' und, And it', t 69PP fe of the' (�ontlffl. (th6. ... � . .. ... . � 11 , � I 11 .1 � 11 ,. I ��,:
, I
---Gf,4v similar.-charaawr'- El inira,*Blyth - --. . .. lr,,,y differ must be where.- 1. cari farm, raise stock, ,.continental divide).: AT t, Pay Is arnwr . . I . I .. . I W'. -1 I . � ,
. . . itanding Joke, � With some th . .1 . I . . 11 I I i s. WV6 - 1 , � I . � I
and Milverton are, to 11% ?Fud- .. - � ---I- . . I I Q. rW,1 H '. .. . . ,
-- — —,------ -------- �11 . . . . . .
, 1- -- — . I .
8 torfe-irt ,F- - .6rit EfigliaR7e-s-bTr'.'rh-6-Itps-of-o'uT.,��ii3Orw.- . . � . . . . . � .. . L , .
-&ware of Coanterfe ts , � . . . . ge, rising, As if rto" . . . 1. . .*-,- - , , .
I .. I , ,fronr��great --�. . =6e (PSC ii�l --1 . I ... . I I �Tl,. .. � I
ve 7""'�IM led- .citizens, It Is small won(ler. thtLt their I . t- �,- - 6 . . I I
. cost $8000, and Weissenbm gg. Wal , , '" ' . . . ,�� �6� a V . I . a W * 0 . 0 & . . 0 .. I ,-.
stein. Monkton, Linwood. Millbank, . Alwayslookfort4o.",Trade-girkllwitbihenitme.of � . � I .1 . $8@ 3;�T� q)�� a V . I
. 1. 1. � . combihea,'Slieech .seems an, unlritaillow e tli of hundreds of .1 . . , . . I . I . I . 7 ..� I.. . . .. :t�*, . . � � . . . . 1.1
: , , . . :*. .
I WA' R; 011': NEW YORK � . Which one,, in�� .ds� .,,w . ;C �.glacfer:- Its feed-` ' ;: .. : . .. �. .. . ,.. I . . 1.1 '. � . .. I .;. , ., . '. I ... � . �. . . . .. I , �
, .
I �
Walton and Auburn are 'the otheri LA I . � . :ible medley, * all - , :, - . . ... . 0 .1 I.. .. I .. .. .. . , I - ,� .
laces so farucluded in the list of .. I . . .. : .. . I - —�!t7rl � - — * . . � . I
. -- . -:1
. . I I . , . I lema . -','�Ono. t precipitous iulglo . . . I � 7' '` - 7 -1.7----7--1..... . ." .
. h at as, try to understand. � . . .. I . 4 .
0000 building . I , I I . . . . . . - �7 ----------- :-� � I .
. . I . � .1. 1 I . ... : man, however, landed at'St. ,john last .,Idg(�,, and - seems - tor ' � . . I .1 .. � I �. ) .1 . . I . . . I . . .. �': - . " ,
� I . .. wiriter who ,was him e* I a broaRing.-wave-In. minute., an,d- :9� 'cllmb�unrQped—down - .....1 I ; .. '. .� I .. , .
. I �� - . . . I . . s if , .madter: of .......... .... ......... I .... . I ' . .. '. :. . . � ...
1� . I . . . . .. . �. . . ' where . I . . I '" . I -"— 1� � . ..
. . .
. I eleven* o'k those languiges, and English Ahe !lumber of"his Inquiries, a Min-* a ponderous dhilliging. cornice that pre.. . . . .... v I . 1. 11
I , . steep 1'edges bathed�by cascades , - --- . . I
)The report thal. Dominion Live . . . � & . . .% ... .
DeArab.0* poip�'rty Jor i. , rant Wa au,'who wrote to'the.tomidite qlud�s seeure approach.'from',thig side.. the �gulded 'themselves did !lot' scorn I , , -r, . .. :: , %. � :
. ,
'99od. Sammy G - Iiis � n6sota. in - .
-,Stock Comnii§siooer Hodson. is ].,a- . , I . I . I to the . . . s , oill'be iii drpribroolif, B...C., I asiting qu6s- And.th . Is �. Is, ln.p,,irt, why the -ascent Nvas eacW othoes. aid, Were the closing fea� 1. - 0 0. li—i -1 -'�. * I
. . . , '� - ' ' ' 11 Anglidized'rwilm He.was A, Rournarilar. . . I . . . . . I 1 .. 1-1 � 1.�. : -
signing is officially denied. . .. . :�� . Sale. . . . , . � , . - 1: . . . - I I . . ... I
. I . -. . � who had �been employed -as An intere tions that,W.buld, tequire -sev0al,days- one of the longest as,w 11 ar; naQst ard. jures of a, -day Involving ev�ryvarlety �Befbr.e placl�g your. orders ' I .
... . I � .0
Several I people weve injured by an tile �;lj, . . . the.Fiench Immigration 6ffice of 'time and. a bookful of sliace for th�' 'uous that 'I have .hitherto made-fif-T of,climbIng usually met �wlth In Alpirro . I . for - - . . . .
' I I
, x1i sail- tiodso and lots in ,,,j;s 6 � abIni;s. , pret.er.in � .. ' Answering. H6 asked practically ,every-, .. teeli'liours from our chinp by'.the lake- tottrg.of,the first order.,' .: . .. . . YOur s6ason 8 stl�10 Of,00al. get . ''.'. .. .
e.Xplosion .of gasoline on at laun ' ,-at Paris;'but he fiad:4aught the wa,n- . - ' ,. ' I I � . � I : I �,.�, rices g�,(�)b .
— . ville. .,..The.tLndersignL-O-.cfferdfor-sate.'i�her. . - - thin' -'s . I turn, -from 3.30 alyi, undl - had only 'twd hours' sleep, after . c, 4 ., The very 1�est IS L �
ing from Gananoque. - . derlust: and had 'fio0come to Canada s that could be a ked, about,'the side and re We I ( I _�
I I . . . . - I . I �
. . ,a two-sto-y brick bobee$- slat - .. d� and everytht - . I I 1, i� -stock 4nd.sold At e . . . .. .
larg . a root, i I I -
I . I Ill - s6arch. of: wealth. ' Orii3' of the grim . town An ng,in.an(I around: 0.30., p. rn.. ... - I i - T16 the �ol3 of the' :A. weary -e even -mile framp,'thd night . . . , .
. I � I . I . . .
Jesse Seygle'y. a married man, of good, cellar, large rooms, I arnacb,11ard and and- closed- his letter w. e oufway,'6hI,pfIy1'on tile -t ,. and I *. ,lowest -possible price.. . . ..: . . � ., . .
_ ,
Pelee Island, r6il in front.of a cirailar . hum,ors of - immigration wa6 this, ..th,%t the town, . IthAho ' coul0i; we mad I ,-before .this Aspen of Mt. pay, " I . I I . .,
soft water i'4 house, stable and drive shed, � . I . b. . . . . . . . I . . I I . .." �
a man should. -give up profitabl'o' ellj�. ,:remark that.. ,a had '.'fairly sii6ceededi .Ide;'with frequent .stel)-'cut Ling, but With. we hixd b.ut. little. more the nlgbt after. , ' :, I �.. . -�.
' - �'
saw while at work and was out in two. good garden,,all Ainds ot ft.oits,� about- �J' . . " � . I hA. . I ile, � , I I i., Order*,s jyjay be left at, T)avi " ' �',- -�
pI * m6nt In. the old -world -to, become O' thought)' In '= cq�ering-. the 0 Iversion,'for variet�, to the crags. .-and :Yet we ivere up with the- still �
. 1. , . .
acres of labd, convenient to �.Rliilroad Ms.. oy I . � I I. It Was a 15 . arlaus'-16oking plao, and,- As next .n4- Walked gally *back .. Rowland's Hirdware- stor� 9, � �.. � .. � I. . � " , 1.
The Robert Simpson Co. has pur6h. a�peddler In the riew, sloe Ing in- w6dd- . grOurid.'1-7-�& F., onto Globe, ,morning' b with .. a . I ; ! OP .. I
. I .p 11.1 - ' . 1. . .� . .1 .. ... �,.-
ased a large down -town site in Mont. tion Post Office'Churell and School. Ap� I . ..., . -. 11 11 we noted, it upon our rettwh by ihe'166. -;over the nine -mile trail! to lovely. -Lake . : , �, ,:... . :. . . I I ..
. A -sheds -when trade was'not good. ' . I . . . � 1 I
real. on which they will erect a matii- ply by rt�ail, or on'06 premises to Wlt$.* I .. I I . � : . . �.'': � . . .1 - . . ,I I I., I below, We gske0"burselves Tlo�v many. L�oulse, where. we arrr�ed ift tfine- fort ', . W. 4 - . .1 . . 1. � . . .
, - ,
. . , 6 , . . . . . .., . I ,
I 'T.'C.'Pr(jXAtD, Holmesville. � ; 6 If. . The rnind of the Russian M past flnd�, . � . I . . - . I . .. . . - . , �
otb department store. . . I � . .. I p, rsolys' I experienced In sbob. climblhg late -breitkfast at- the chalet and a hea�r- . 10 .Stevenson,, -, , , .
In . I . � - . ,In,&.out. A party of: n6wly-arrived Rus- in, . . . I I . I . . .. . 1, . � , .6� . .
-- . I . I � . . . . � -were a . -�.uld�, c ar t reldome. back -to 'the :w6rld. I c6n- - . I I 1. I ;
I I I I MEOWN sla.'a Immigrants , .. . -EK N.',, anside. a Passage over such, a y V U " .: 1. . .
. . I ngagbd:'at.9t. JAILING,WOX r ettric 1�jg ., I
- . I - ... . ' I ,' .. . .1 fr wning donjOli as'in. any.-,Vay possible - fess -1 felt more bevoic' (with Piot" Vay ,11 'At Eli., . . . hk Plant... :.. ,
— . I . . .. I . , , Work oil -one of the . . .. * - . ,� � . . , ..
. . I I I . . I � John .recently ,to .. . I I , I . , ,
. . . -i 1, . I .. . I I . . I . � I wi. 'WingsV T - over syip\vf1eld.4 it was:matte ."I (too)' � - . . I ., �
I . . .. . I . n6w.rallwayg In Nova Scotia, and.were. . thout � hen . I ir of course) than It., . �� * , � �
. -- --- . - -
. .
- . :being condubted-j 10-abritealth anilstrengib 011-011911 anda brief rocky ridgd batwee& pealcs, h&d-kIIkd a Spant4ird,11 , .. ... 10 - ,Z ,. '. - . .� . . I .
o the- steamer .which ... � . �
I F .p. . I .. 1.,. '' . .. . . I ., . i.b. . I I
, . . . ' 'Dr..11A11ani.s'-.Pj- I - ---.--�--— , . 1
. the', bay , I .. Ilk P111,4. :�- ' Three -and, Two; than shirting 6ver'tll,l . - 1. I .
. . � ..was to carry therft-acroSs' -� . I . I 11 --l. on � il I . . . .. . 11, I . "I . . �- I.,
. . They refused. to ;go � on, board, - ., XQ Blo6dlos,4*11ess is (lie surest s-titrtlng. latter's sn.owy'sjde�avoJdhig ji e. .. - - -nE9!E!5! I . . , 1. � I
- .. , . I . I . � .. I 1. . % ****,#*" , " - .1
DF .. . I . your, � place a mass rged at us . . - - - . . �. . I .. �
� .. .. . I
I amount of arguindrij wouldL -persuade point of co su ti 'When' . . . , ,61 rock, aigebi � . I . ) I .. . I . . I ,0*1. +#*#***#*#*# . - . I
I U , *' ju 1-d ' . . . q .mp ion. . . . If n fury from the outcrop - - -1, - .. - .- : 1. . ; , .� � ... � I �
' ., - Llly tfi6 -labor and:weak an atery , as I . .near its. .h . --- , --.----- .�. .. . � � ,., I
! - . thern, to yield, and flnE � . I blood is thin t d �Nv, I I . ..." , - - ,��- U -S E ,. -1 1, .�
. . I . - 1* : 0 1 I �
I BY FAN TP M , ag6u6y was,011ged to -send them around vour 'wlioki 'heitith decline,;. 'Youi. summit -and we found ourselves.a,t the I 1. : 11 , � . � ; . . , I . . .. � I . . 1.
i .
I I I.. I .1 . .. - ward f6ind, that' lice gPoWs pivle, yonV lips and ,gurns. *� cO , i depression and the,� .. . . . . . 41P., .,: � ".... . . . . . I . .
I � I ,. I . ... . .
I I ..�'. ,�:;.':.,:F..:,.. , 1. 1, ,, . .,.� � � . � .. I - I . .. . . . thOy were. su�plcIOUS that tile ,steamer � I whi , le, your ' tite - fails, ,�na.; year * .. great'.snowtfaced ridge; still �Iett for 1.4s � 1. . .., - ..:, . v It , . . .6. 0 42AN PARSE 'o . '. ;- �
1,-: .', �, I .;, � '.....:,... I . I ... I . l back again,: hoart.jumps I I �', ..� ,.1 . . � , . %. � I .. 4 1� . . . " ,.,
, .
'v ,-,,�:.�':, ,,, , . T�rpct flutiets at ,the least to.surtnount', -and ('van now towering � I '' � ,
. � I ''I . - ., ,� : . . by-rall.."It was after I o , between Two C-0-ift I . . I.—
� I . -:.... ., ". , . I was Intended'to take then . � . :1 I., 4 I � .1 . . ..
, ',
. .1 1. ,�� . . ��:, x. ,..,:.,;:�::;:;:.:�'.1�l;i.,."?..�.i.,:..:. . . . . . . I . -feared they excitement, .have Skgquent at- Soing Ifiousand feet'abov'e us., - " 1 . � 11.1 .:
- i.:��,: ., . ! to Russia,, %,�hero .the' * You . I '.
....1. 1. ,i.-.:�;:. ", ,I,:,:,. . I I y '- ,� - � f I
. . -;j;1;...:,,�... ,.;;:,.,.:!. ,'' . . I . .
I -i.��:�.'.:�' . .. tacks of headache * arid diziiness4 Arid I ... " - - o', The summit wAA still hours -, � - Havin.g, purch:ased , * I
I ;;'.. I , ........ � ., 11:1�: ..I.s......"'. . I �� -1,-N0 . . I. . . � .
. . .... :i:�.� �.."...." ". ,� . . I I . 1 . - . � . uld.,: 'have
gft,',� , �,,,�: " �. I : I I might be compelled to enter'the arrilYo . I - 11
. I - , . .
. 1. '
� .:,�.::.:�.":��.:......,?"��*,.-,,'*-'W-�,,�'I.-- ,,�,,--�: :..: � . - solllothIieg faintirid sp Youare al. distant, - Probably we , sho - bus', 'ess,i of D WRITING -E Mrs * .
.� .,.,.-,.. ,';�".,�i!,� . . . , DeportationTor HinU ,. . ells. � the� 06 I . * I .1 .. . . I
''! ,,�r, ,.. , I . Ways 'Weak and,wretched -and- lose reached It',soonet, tliough-16ss sensa- I ra ... n
, ,Z-.-1, E;,m-.,'..,.-;. :, ,; ., , � . . . I � I . I .
%....KX.=--,� ... .... I I . , - 1h I I . . . I
, �.�, � . I .
. I M"� I , . , : I ,
�', �.:..�i:;`.,:::::.-".,;..�1; '.::,;: I, -� J�.�,..... � � � ". I .. �
. �� ". . . .. � .
. ':Z.., �-:,;;;; .F.I., :: , . d A .. I
I . , . .1111:... 11 . Another Imnilgrant earlier -,In a heart in overything. Thase are the , tionally,.ba We in (!a our'way, down- . M.Ccor,viel: I *am now pre- .� . .1
, 1..;.:.::.:,;::... ",
, 1...-.':-;.:.", ;.� I
, 1...'.':-.:.". 19.,r . .
. '. , ." .:;�, 1�. - �. , , , . . . . . .
r . I..";, .....�. I - ... I..` �:..,�,<:;., , . . , I " I . � I
I `:'�i: "I.... , s ..
. � , , . I. .
:,;.:,.:� , A ard . I
, *..`��,��ffi .... .
,�.',�,�::;..,: .. � ..:�...-,...�.,,,��.;:.,'...�::.., I ted,.at St. John'.:of sign. posts� of consumpti6h; and you V 0:the level,'snows and.skIrted on. � ... . I
I . :, ,,.�?. .., .....''... . .�. . , � 11 .
�. I I ;.;:,.: I I T � -
.:; ,;,.";:.,..i:.�:;..:..,....,.,..", I �.. . .::.. `11��::?.�� - - - being. -A deserter. froni�,tbe.ftussigrl army, n)ay easily-oip into, a hopeless dee),ine - - t ,
. . .. .�:�.. .�, , , base to a point fro i which. it, sf-ep Oared. to receive orders . ; THEY"RE. PERFEO
"" : .....N. ,. . [J
. �1.`�',..'��.;�.-.-,.`, � , I:i,
.. �i��;. . . I I I . I I I I . . .
.. : --...�, . �i and was, iheref6re, dotg1hed, by the Ali- olimb.would have
- -, , .
. I "j;-, �.*.:.:��....,,..�:�",..,.,..,.,�,.::,-.., 1.,.'.� �, . r if you- (to not b6ild up 111, blood ' , brought us atblica tto 4 I
, �, R".�, , ,.�, . .
-.1 � arris'. Tb(e.1 - �.! 1. i �
, �, ":;.�....�,,,,,�;�,�",�,�,.'...'.-'.','; ;jr'x';i�;e thoritles. His. fe,ar Of de ation. was. w1thDr.Willi, link ,st-and highest suinin - But Ze "" '' , , *�' , , , ,
. I , ..., '::;.,-:j. ..: � poit I- , Pals. Abe fd'rthL It,' . fbeal.jsfi sw,r'Grate, E&,r 1.
, ,4 .. . I . . , .
. . �-.;;..'�. . ..'�.' . 4b E�l I ---."— � * I
, ,;.:--�.:-;- �:::,, �j ..�., ,
1. �;, �;:. ,, ." ., � ,:-�;`:;.-i '.�, -� . . I . . M I . I . � .
.� �:�;,�,. �. .X.1 ...... �1'10':�;�'.?��,*',, ;. � I . �evldenfly so .greattliat he: made a �bold actually rn Hasler -alid * ' -- ,, .. �. . . . . .1 I .1
, �,, � ke uei.y, strong, 06h,, 're4; our! two'excellent, guides, . I . � . .. ,w .. �
11. , " -.1 . blood, whic . I - Nut, - � . . . i !
�;: .. ... ,. .. - :. i vii�, . I I . a .. .
.. U;- , �
.. .. -, .r. . : . .�aro true, sportsden lil. their . I .. .. , .
- ,KR?�,;,�L,.�M-,.;:, I.. .., through ' , -A.jjr -your rosy..Miqhel, 8to ' and . Soft, I
. .�. '�,` , . '� Iron bars,not.more tha I WAY, and preferred. to . N. ID, Fair& !�;o-. I I -- -
, ,.? . ,0 . k l ,squeezing �& ,.. .;"�k , � . � . I . . I � .1 I
. - .1. � 'Inches S ,Sbld by . I
� . ��,;::.'..::.,� . n siX. ..
I :,�.�..�--�-�-"., I ... I oheelm your hearty ,appetite, your . 0y, conclusions I rona e..'i I . . .. s-.-.
. : ,�. ... ... I .. ' *till the still, only partially visiDle,rear-, . alld , s0lict. �oiir ,pat :, 9 I . . I 11.11 ..
� , .-:1'. .. I . apart- and therr-dropplup, Into -the Water. eral good , . � . I . . �
. . .:N,�:�.`,.,;;�.. .. .11 .%trength,.-,.eji .
� ��:�:....�..� . . . . .. -, ,. -ergy and.gen . I
, ` ..." I ,
, :,��. � .... I He swam o s **** 6 *"
:��. �
. "��. -� ;;; : � I I., ,--.,.:::
,� '. ;. .,. -11. " . �:,,:;;,;. where, his,'Wet cloth; healt , I-lere is , strong pr6bil.�'fr6ra"; of'ourt-mountain-In, technical ,a a, - , 06so"o .
, � 11 - s�11-- nly- " thibe '.� -
�...".��,.�'...�,�""......,...� ;; ;*"**P9",#"# ,.
I �...� , .., ore,
.��. .� , . - .: . I . .
� �;�'.,�.'-.` �;,:;, I
., . 1�*11:.' �..j-..,, ill 0 St- , --.___ ,
"��.��, , ... ; ..... M......; : .... �.. -Innuel Oehie, wife ofa*ell ve 0 1 .. .. . 1. _ _,._-- -�---,�
. � .�, 11 ... ".... . Ing becoming linobolfoftable in the, X& S, to conquer It.by series of Itra, rs s,'! . I I �----
I .. ;:;.;, .11 ..;.:.;�1-1;1�l:.;.:".,:,.;..T�,..�. . , a I I . . .. . 1, . . I - .1 -
� . �.,:, I . � 1. .1 1. . 1. . - . .. I . ...
1, . . I . . .. � . .
� �-:;:::.;:j".,j.;;.,.'�. -...,?A , and contraptor�ab, 4 Am sure,' have I 1ad o dileli . gi�ades. . .0�del -.10 with , � '. ,' ' � '""' , I .
"' �1: �.,&,:X - ' P .
.� ..:- 1i1..1.`.111-�'�1'..'1;,.: :11;. I . . n 0
-.1:.-,.-. XoVer,
��,*�,,�: �: ., � I
". .": n ...... Q, �-,,�:-",�,:� .
I . M, I rreezing cold, he sought assistance �at knosvi , inerchant. ,
;-,:....,:'g ,-:&,� ,,; s ,t � .
� ��.�'w',:-�,�-;-"".":�;r,:5��..Z::, : .. . . . 1 . . �. . , � . .
...;'.1;;;11.�1-1:/ . �, ,'.-'.':*.M�1�A:�.*..,, . 11 one of the houses,, There he :wag. re I 8lleet;HarborjN..:S. Mrs..-Behlesays: of this'foTm of 'climbing .in a single .. Lost, - . I .1. I
. '.. -e-. - .�..; I , . I . I . . 1. � . I I .. ..
, ...."'."...M, M.. 02 ., co'nilzed is an escaped Immigrant, -and. ,,Sotbe'years Ago I - becarrio' so ran - tour, * Now u 0, ,now down,, . now paus. rne,at Coal Omce, G,;T.R ''I 1,
1. , I ,.V,. 400,�-.�.'.�e.�
'.���,�A"�,.".P,�--.*e,�,�,��m�.,o� �,.-� : . E . : � - . .
.:: ; , . . I.. :,
�..".,-.",..,�1..-',.,, ,�."�, mn'MX,o�:: . I ..
, �'-*-.11--',*,., � . �. . z I .
I .��.�..�,;i",..:��::.�.....";,:"."�,,::.��,.":.,..,;:":: . � taken back to �tb�o deteiftioli building, down and distressingly weak-tba0ife Ing for, a coliferonco -as to feasibility, - . . :j)dtwnn Clinton and ft�l �
.; ��--.�.z; �. ,;--,,,-,:;��,.;i�,,4. -,
: �; '. �, - ' -
.�.,"��; ��'i`,�;,:.,�,:,;i
�. ��ii`,'.',�.�..,j,: . � meivil)e, on.
, '�<", 'fl. `:::;'-�' I . -13, r.�..
I I .: :.�:�:.�",.��i�.*6,�,.,:?�I,�,,:.�����:��:.'�,,-r�R,��e...,;:..-'.f-�,,�*�,,.,,"- . -Ta I f � A wn,. I I July .99;b,:% ' ..
.. , .., " . . . attempt to egeeLpe frorrf Which means now waiting for the unfailing I s or ,
, -
.11 1--:,1�:-:-.-,* -;.,.f.,;1'4:; 1 .io6nied not wortb'living.' I had & bad. 0 at , Iff rl d r 6 s' I-Ldy's gold bracol0. iuder
. . -..:��. . � . . .
... I the
� 7',--i, `f�,.,o.`.� -11ardware Store' 11 re� . . .
::::,- -�.�i *��r , will'ootifer sjsVor b# laqving sama at the
."?"-`�,- -.��,,.! , certain -deportation. . , ' cough, was tired ant ,at the least, ex-' to ltost the. crucial. bit; pait steep snow
,i - .r. ., � I . . . It Is after. Alib land journ'ey Across ertion and was unable to'do ev6fi, lif;�V couloirs, looked down upon by . the . 1. I WI . � NEW-ER&OFF0E, . I . . . 11
,: .:,:::, ?.:�: . . . . . . ; I . . .
..��:..',,]�:.:��.:..:..,�"...::.��; � ��,;;; . � the cent ' . I.
�.,�--'.�',�.,. .. inent Is begun -tbat the more housework. I hact the best of- medichl Weirdest Of crags rising like: glants It I ceive prohipt attention, . .- -
:,-.',:i,. *X1 . .i I .
�.,:..',i,; ... ....; 1�1;1:.`e 11 . . . i, . I , -
Z';:�,, .;; .. 11 .: . . . timorous haises of iranil9tEttlOrl 4P- aid and inedicineg, but did fiob et any . sheer, hundred feet out of these.4nowg; � . . I . I . . . . '. . I �
.. .:: - � . : h p . I - . 4 "I
.., 1. . .... . .
. " . , . �i 1:.: � . - == -= . I -
--..,4' 11 ... � . . . �.,: ... :::::. I pear, Their first experience 6f a. Cana- benefit, 4,64 grew so .seriously Al I hatl, �sa It went,until at noon We had r6ached � � ... I 1. I . ..
��� � ,".....,:., . . . " . , . 110 81 S.- � � .
. .
... , I than railway train is Also .to many of � was -at last confined'to bed, and my -the crest of dur.pcak ubd o6uld pause , . % ..-- .. I . I—. 1.
. f,riend6tholighl,Nvasinad'eclin6. DIV for'our Mld4ay zq0a4,,.':, It rerna*ill. . WK - DOWNSS. . I. . . . . .: .
.. I I these. Immigratit passenjers ,their 11r6t . ---ii- ��. ., . . � C.I,nt, - ,'IVe ba,re an un limited Yinn,bdr of t.tood - - ..
. taste of railway trav,al anywhere, and Vgugh grow worse and I Alspaired of 1* odl,only.tp pass over t a ponderous dome . ! '.' I
I I . -4nfreq - Q ,. otting better. � My libsband' thCh .of OnOl� that crowns the midway por- . . ... I . I 1 on.. - sound, hightland Cedar Posts --4,5.6,7 " I
� .the results are not U -nily amua� I . . . .. . . -- 8 inch tdpg-which we aell'at rrices do ..
�1: . I I � I I ,� I I . ihg, Occasionally some of the younger goughtme Dr. Williams! - Phili Pilfs, tioil of.the -great ridger,.,and then be. I omt W j I I . L . a � . sislent with their quv,lfto . .. I I .
..::���111 ........ , I... I I . : I . .i.. members of the family get themselves and td my joy they so6n,be 'a t h I Yond It by An ,easy slope to gain Its . % . . . 1. ... . I . I. L . �
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...., , . . . . ..
..1. � I . I tf' -culmination, .& vast panorama is here.. 0 .. .� ,. I . ... . I .. . . . I HUMLOCK L * .
W41. ' lost, an. ii,coldblit that InvarieblY'dAlls tile. Griid6lly ifiy'Streng i r7ei.'�OrneeTo' . . 1., . . L. I . . . .1.
. I Pbot0-by&1J19tQkFfK-P 01- . : L forth tha'most'exielted parental appeal$. MY dl)Petite iniptoved, and the tough . .Unfolded*,, the most impressive feature .. -,. I I . . . . -lemlook which w , - ,
.. . I I I I.— . . . .1 I . .
. .. , , .. ' L L , .�,� , L � . left me; and day by, day 1, grew better L of which. I's the Seemingly .perpendicular - �.- , - . . . . Also a large stook of I I
M Ra ffumpiiRY, WA190 , . I '. to the train officials.,'Butorie little five . , . . . 1. . ' , Oil any bill. ly Lyon Want 04CIN
.Va . I L - year-old Engiloh'gIrl, bound for British until I was again a well woman. I drop of About 6,000 feet, on its northern.. . 0 1 V,�, ]E �S L ("Al" "I , inlook Lumber if will pay, V0 , -, -
England's Great Wl�ffian N0,0116t . . Columbia from Liverpool, 6.nd all alone have since. had pin-fect health, and , side to the lakelets of Consolation Val- P09 call. . I I �, .,
� ' ' L � L ,, 91,910.r.ip , " , .
Literary prophecies, like 'boomerangs, iihould be handled With extrelner dwie for it big doll, proved her ability when I compare my condition noir' joy., . . . . - ,.. r'j, L, , . ALVoc. MUSTARD & Some I
caution -they are so prone to recoil. When Matthew Arnold affirmed that no Ito travel by herself; she was al the with the state I Wag in wben I began I " . , � In r6turning ,we made the . , _�* I I . Bayfield, ' .
. I
. I .
' -purse ctotig, . taking Dr. 'Williams'. Pink Pillst 110 ' Immedlato'descorit to that g ' -, My, 1but they are gocidl � L i - . I- I. - - . I - I .
,ever write a novel, he did not look sum6lently far Into the future ifiercy of the ra and cdndu Mat snow .
Arnold could owas, recognized . but none of them -Abused � her donfl- one need wonder that I am enthuslas' 1 field. on the. easterly side, And- for a . � � _ -i - .. t I . I IiP
to sen Mrs,,-Numphry Ward, the daughter of hio.brother Th. . I . 1 COL Jig Of hours tofled across .. . 11 ,L I L '.
as the greatest woman novelist of her generation, . . . dende, While Among Lthe passengers tic in praising this inedicine." I up _ it in the ' . I . _&__�A . . . I ,
_�� ,
She- was born In rKasmania In 1851, and when six yearvold wag brought themselves she was the pet Of the trip. Coses of this kind can'only be cured Intense heat of the August sun, cir-, . . . Did 0" ever heat -- . _ � . I . ' I
by her parents to England. Her father, 'a college professbr, 01s; ed. his Col- L -L I by filling the veino with newrich blood oumnavigating, As- It Were, peak Two, that J L IV E S ar6 I I
arn'll .A G�od-Hearted 014 Soul, Anil evory dose of Dr %'flliams' Pink and.donnedting with our route of the . I . .. :.'CENTRAL MEAT WKET
, '
Aege as frequently as his religion; his intenge conselentious.ye g for abs0A . I I 0 colonist , Pills make iriell health-restotidg bloodo mdrril g 0, a top of the great-ootiloir . healthful ?� . . L I 1.
lute truth whirling him frorn one faith to another IM6 1-6ork e0ght in the An ovorflow froin on(, of th n t tb . I �L . . I . . �
Wert." .trains was "rit west by the regular Which. oeg right to the root of the dis- by whloh V6.had come up. Th,,: heat of - - I L � . 1. 1. . I I .
eddy of a stream, and making him the fit Dtototype of "Robert 91s I express, to Which three colonist cqs- , e �hat is, why these pill" c"re I the day hdd rendered the condition for TItey are I L ; I � ,
At the age of fourteen, when the family mitratod to Oxford she breathed. these failed every-d&yLailmenta like'CLtiaetrifil ft.. ritalmons a s6ft.
L I were attached, But eV01 le, L ,jheatt . I .
the� University atmosphere that was JOY',to, her heart, She a4ulred knowl. troub s, indl passing it toss favorable, pil,kItIcularly ; . . 1: . . I . .
accommodation, gestion, neryoi)sness, its regards the discharge OIL loosened I -
edge earifts to sing, and she was known as a marvelous to provide sufficleilt ' headaches And', backa0hes'neuralgiat" stobeoi the one I ,ul- . 'An Mid to di�estjon, , r 0 h j � S . r 0 0 WE � �0 � . . � I
shoft distance .
,,,g,as naturally as a bird 11 ft, Pronch, Spanish and Italian As if each and for a , West of Mont, g, r I I
real a few of the Immigrants � poldloua'and uricale I . wid wholesome too.[ I
Ist, being as perfect In Getmal . vere al- kidney troubles, rboymatisin, erysipe* able risX iii Alpffie clitribiri Where . . . L .
were her tiative tongue. At tWenty;one she was married to, Thomas Humphily. - I :Omeris for .
editor, critic, h4s lowed to -ride In one of the first-class : Igs, and the special ailments of womans, ' Scattered fragments qn the'steep snow . I 1� We thank out, dust
Vard, one of the university done, whoso Work as author,' cars, Yloldint to the soothing Influ, hoba-andfirlhood, Alt th"e troubles showed Such batteries Drobabler, We If -you axa fond of OLIVVIS, their generous patvoda�a in the
, .
given him a place in English llteratun�. She Wag ambitious to Write, and her rences of cushioned seats and carpeted are Toote in the blood, and Dr. Wit- -,moved with sploa4,anci sidelong upward you will be glad to know that I past, anddesire to notify them .
were 0. . , some extra qualities to that we have mavod to, the .
earliest efforts were so *Ofghted with learning'and researchj:thAt they liams" Pink Pillu is the only inedicin glatlees �.. . We have I Bld.k, r
ellit and fit only for seholsso to read when, they wanted - - --- -- thitb actually make new blood. Com. . Combo Nlrbove we have . .
aisles, one merry old farmor, it sturdy , but soon Wo�were below the ' . i � In
ry of Englishman, atter . divesting himselL 09-1 point of itritallient risk, and ore long offer YOU Just 00W I "' '
to get away from pleasure. Sho wroto many, ayticles, for the "Dietiona oont and boots, WtAt UP and down the mms medicine cannot do this, So YOU cast aal4e koi� good the iope that for .. in bulk 300. POM,4t I much morevoo thanformer1r.
Chriotlan BiGgraphy," which paid little in e6fn but wore In credit, . car olVering A huge tray of buns to the should Insist u on hours bad bound us together, A great Bottles* toe alwe . . .1 '. , .
I ,iietting the g.enu. I
Wift With "Misit ine pills with t9le, in I name. "Dr. Wil- . '"r
Mrs. Ward was thirty-one bef6ta Ah6 ufidgrtOok.reAT ) -aptured ra�`songora, regardless Of cOte or style. I'ams7 pink VilIg for Palo Peopleoll on . 9.11001", bY which wo made a dodeelit 15t�f � -, . I. -The very choicest fresh
13retherton," foll0wed'fout yearg later by 1,nobtrt Mginero$" Which 0 & r .1to wat not undouthi It *as merely Art I of xoviiml hundred toot -in orta exciting 1 44 �, 206 "16- I IdeatSr kept ., �
the reading public of twd eohlinont$. 13eforo thid, It Is true, she bad Written I the wrapper arodbil every box. If in I r � � it v ti . and cured I
- . I..
obild's story..a palf�poMpIeXfoned, ani=16 tilde,& Of W.Ork, fitly named "Millie I.. 1. - ,. . I . i r doubt sefid direct to the Dr� Williams! - 11 11 I .1 I I 1. I � I C�L- I . : I in stock.. I I I . 1.
- Aledichie Co., Brookville, Ont, and I I � The b6str uality of ev,erytblng ! I., . ..
said 011ie." Hor firan-slation of "AW161's, Journal", froth Prench Into VilglIS4 i . 'I r at 50 .. . .
Vii.s an exquisite literary"gem, expresilng so li6irfoctly the subtle Vindings Vadker Wanted. i. .1 the pills will be 'sent by, WXI Properflos to-It'011t. . . atlowea ptice84 � 1,
. I �.. cen s a box or six boxes for $2,50, #4j4*1rw,v,v# # I Alt. orders will tooelve proulpt .
of the thoughto auid. emotions of tile siMP16 Swisir orofosor, that' It - geem ' I . t . . . I . I . -1 � I 40"4*0. 6664 . . �,�, , . r4nd eareful attentift I
an It be himself must h9m) re,th6ugbt his whole ditify In Ongl1oh, Without. wiliatta, oi to4obor f6i Union '86hool I I . -W - . I Th� 6detkgood okero J6 renj tile sit1kar . , , � � . I— I
the touch of 0, tronata,tor, $100'. Section No. 10, Rullost aria Goderioh . I Sr al I I , �A -- � I
"David Grieve, ad awelling, 01 I I
'I' which Paid itri authot over 611106ra rat Montreal seized I i Albert'811, nolt 46 Xing'd I I
1,81r Township. Duties to oornmenoe sitter 0000M 30 need for Anj kipa of a W* To ONE L t
000, and oon, fqllovo'd, a 0 gled from Be[- ' Bakoty. Cant I ]PUZAH0118, a s0i
L , _e# OtInimok holid&yo, A,bPjj6ajjOtj# rdooriVea 10,000 elghretteg 8111ug, �i wiitlld i a., .
Georglo gium by omployee6of an Atlantic liner. - - f 6 b6ti an"W", 6' d'000mfhklng� " The HU to e , r . .
tip to lid - I iittt 6 h . Is ba at o gimot, at pre# h G C ry. I - .
'KD ' " � '
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Daughto on of the 56r�) A,tigab', kna liplil i rit L f!
668 her , , I
.1 Mo,yor Veldher, of Paterson, X. J , s tlp'� 6y h6rlol rav,16,11,v, 0� % Salmoh Trout two dii,yo a vro& 1. %',610006 144 . . .. �
literity. 0 h4*4 I ftlfttfi AtAte 604ty'dedired, : has been misbing all Week, and the '0 1160,tlo I i
swoustd I W. W&IT9, 866tAu'vt, V X�S, T, Xottvx , _ I ,-.i -61, , doom" '-',-.. j*-- ''r. 'i "**4 .�" -1 - ". - r - -,
. uldw A" grIOU101M 1 .4 tZ .. � , Loidour civic employees ato withoub 8410660" hut (11111toll, 0 ;ioo r . !,--,-- I .......... W 0 �
. . 1. .
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