HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-08-04, Page 2� I . ­ � ;­ - .. I . .. ­- �­ ­ - -- - - �4"..- . --- - - ­ I - I � �----­-- I I I . . - I ­. 11. ,� : Rey U. W. Arowif's, resitiolt . I 1. . I . . ' �; I � -W . . I 7------1. , . ­ .1 1.11 County Clippi �PITIAKE IMPROVIDENCE61 BOY WAN,rp) at oncc�at tl,e, � I J` � I � , . I ; � IV I I . . � . . . ; . -- I WAT. wou'R7, It* Waisted, Through . . " "" I ONAL ' . T III � b:�. 'ernilig a, 1 1r; Jas.. Brown, formerly teanber At v�ho; New Era Office, One-, who jr, 1 e I � . St. # . . call to Roy, Mr. Brow he Aylmer �. I . � ,.n by. t Helens, has, secured the principal. - ' Xviaorianvo of Forid Values, strong, obout 14 year� -of age I � �- S , I' Methodists, and his action in conuee- -TRA. � " ... � Ship of Regina Public sclivol. I Exititilples of 'glaping Ignorance of I 1. . I HIENRY 81RATT19. � ­ - � 1. A ler , .he following article, c.o,jj i�,FE I PROFE - I - . I : � I . � 4 A Miss Colema n, and Miss Connor, whO ---.­�-:� ------ 1'. 480rietisor so ni'voll scoo . . I � , . J�tiou tberewitb� Is fr(nn' the Aylmer Uloklkak . V14444M ft taw - . � food values may,,. well be colled from 0 . I 1. � ­ ­.... ­ - -- -- - -- --- - - , I . I , ­­�&-� ­ -1 1.1-1-1-1 .--.- ­ -,., 1. ­­ --.1 .­ " -1' ­­­ ,f - 1, 1�. _141 .... have been teaohlng_ at, I0l)gpbyIfte ,be notes -0 se.'e have . - , .1 . PAIR111ST911,89A1011ron.,49, . � .1 . . I ­- ---4lv,0&­0tr8ng1l;h­ - ­ 1. � , f .thq � . 1"Ov Sale. I . I I I 10 ­ "" � 'RO-O)Itl�C04-thbll'd'Scho6l,*h,,�"V'e repign" . � xp.grts who, I � . . - CJ41NTO . 1 ,,� , �� 11 , Uxpress, and 1 .'published by reques ,. 1. � � I . I I- * - ,­ , . "---- ­­ ­��­­-'� .. .. . . . � . , � �', Falling hair means. weak hair.. , . Makoo now bloou ' ed to All bettei position' [ vis . Itei ihit Poor of the d1frefe4t, cltidC . : � . 0ffICo�-ElllO0*C*U,fQrnlevjy occupied , . ; , In discussing the wintion -of the I Oullida up *hW ayot6 * . . , s, I I . In the slums of Chicago It was found Hnus I by MrS6 t. � 1. . I I "�� - Then strengthen your hair;, action of this Rev. 0. � . Brown in, re- . . ­ M. Mr, L, T -L Dickson of Exeter,,, was. that a woman whoilkl ImOand was. put pirio S 0 Ofid 4 Acre Of And, Xnaii end Out. 1. I - j . , �. " feed it with tfie only hair food,. gr�rd to his accepted call to Aylmer we . Throws Off All Woakrieso elected d Ntrict deptity grand masor � 11 . , .. 'Purelisser v0bina' Moto land , Noricy To ZE" . . . I . 1� � wish in the first place to mal;:� it clear . A boon to thoeq I rict, at the recei .Wo I - I of 16111ing, JOSHUA FEAREN I � . . ,. . . . I � . . I I I *Ayer's Hair Vigor. Itcheck 4orraluNj�L101411go at )RAMIlton onii.f'pw cents a day bought lettuce, a ft. .. � W I j � � f ft" di t i it Masonic 9f ri.c and whose family wasi Ily I ; 5. beyond thesbadow of adoulitthat any. I fetraro An4long ljlcm.4�,-"ft " W" ft- . . . I . hig co . uld laty. I I Clinton . 0 Ujit I O -N 0. . . - . . . , . .. I . I I I falling hair, makes the hair thing we may.say is not intended In 1 8914 bY all I wedlellso dmalo".! J.� D Goetz of Ditishwood, I 9 plip. food so Imautritious that, at least when "------------------7-- BA%RISTOR, 8OToICITOA � XOTARr " l . '' . A , . I la �, . . . , I I any w yas apersonril reflection ou the serl'the blacksmith business of- , and high 14 price, -it, Is a . -- s ., . . I)SIVill 42 Lfl,Wreuce Co.,'Ltd., lfttrcaj, .NV. out of measop , - . PUBLIC, XTO, I I 'r, Pbllp,who has been appoint- - . . Douse for Sale I . : Al I I � PIL31 I i I I " I Rev. �- I leli;nd, atratford.. Tire lingine8i luxury evewfor the rich.. This woman ,� .� . . . . I CLINT014 , I . ate . . .. � noted by his son,A.- 1j. is crlflbed the luex . � I I � I : e4 by the Conf,, reneb to the' pastor, . P I " R. I . - =­. ., Will be cond - I I �­ Hair Vigor of .cotning I I - Goetz, . ,a . pellitive but nutri- Ten rooms. with woo4obea and stAbIp, I . . , lr-- �., I � . �, I tjj6 Ayl mer church for the _ . % I . . , - 11�100UT & HAIM. , . - I - ... � . tjous classes.of foods for IPaVes cOn- ' ard and soft wate I � �1. � year, ilia reputation as a man lof i* Mrs. W. 31'. Haines, Wingbant, ri . -ji - . r, j acre of.land. ces" � . I . I 7 bonor and 4 thoroughly talillug, over 80 per cerlt of water and teally. locatm I �. _ good jall.' wo uld light for them longer, and hard- ceiv , jorpartioulars'stipivso . I I � grow, completely cures dan- ed.tbe sad. news, 61, Saturday, of 15 per cent of refuse, I has'66en , I. r � Q0XVXTA9CXRs, ComUjqqj()NRy at. - � . . I I A . . around man id unquestioned, and It' (9 er than'tillost of those who are always the death of her brother, ,Nil-. Jt)llll- It . . W. BRYDONE. � Real l:.*tar10;jLjad 14�11,r,4,me Agent . I druff. And it always restores -qraiVl1n around. thein Gillespie, of Wirinipegi who pass.,d 4ruthfully said that ., I I I I . . 0.7 r . 1; verl Linfortimate that he should come slobbering and -K , I g a man �wotrld * � * * . -11 . . - . i - . I . colorto gray hair, all the rich, !O yliner tinder circumstances which %vith soft sweet words, wo do not away on Friday, . starvb to. -death on A diet of lettuce � � in tile natural course of events, must tbink,we wotild lie doing our ditty to � . . " � U P. 13. 111AL90 . . dark color of early life.' . moke it ver , ydifficult'-for him to get, � the church. th�.'wd'rld, or the in' L. McRae a fornier, r�sitlent of Brus- �alone. . I ' I I 4 : � Ouse !*to . ROL. t . I . I JORN HIDOUT I - I - . . . I " Istry sels-, died in thii Stratford hospital oil PlUable Improvidence was found in ' -- - ­ . I .1 . . . .., ; afraid I would lose It a . Then I ried Ayer's . od-s,v.�d %vil comfort M . i `My hair vras falling out badlT in touch with the people as be- should, if we t ailed to 0bO% V* - up "a , L'Ansaction Monday morn Ing at t , ble hrijae, on . Go CAMERON - . .1 j and I wan t ,� go � I andas hei'no doubp would -tinder otht'r such ,is the one in question. , , , he age of 59 years. the New York slums. A watchman Spenjer St,.,,wilb half all tic 6*01 land, all ro�wprl� of cot , I Hair Vigor. art quickly stopr,ed the fallitif and � . re. .me.rou: il.olt & Caunerpil. � I ,. made tugnb,t Ir all I could w sh It to be." -circumstances. There should 'not.b . I . . . Ile has been a -resident of Stratford was, feeding -his family at the rate of kinds Of fruit, haM ami ooft u-,kt�-r, ,stable. , NARRISTER iicp SOLICITOR, , i : s , a � , - . I '. ; . v,4 1 . . ECOA E. ALLEN, El"both,X..T. arid, there is not so far as we know an foi the Vast ton years; '� : 14WEto per person a day -all that'be . Apply to J, L. 11oINTYAR, - , 'ton . I I I . y BEYOND AL, L DESCRIPTION . . . . 48 avjc�lov. :060--hawal I .. . bottle. J.,C. ATXR CO., .. . . I porning last. Roliert. 4 could. afford -*et his wife bought ex- 1 - Positii Colbolrue Horts , 11 , , El'Sirugglata. objectiou to Mr. Philip personally, hub I On Saturday i . *. --- * . . st� OP . . , . I � anwasmuNwo4im� for th:it does not a -ter tile fact that the Was the experlence'Mr4. B. V. Car Russel, son of Mr% and. Mrs. James- , � 1 .4 . I . . . . -GODIERICH, ONT , . I � . . � pensive cuts of beef Instead of the. ' I , � I .... ? i . : . , ' Aylyner church has been treated in', ter of Dansv,11e had with rbeumatisin, Russel, Oth concession of Morris; died �vqually­ntitrltlbus cuts -of lowerjirl�e; 1. . . -, For Sale ,1 "71 .' ' -- . � ' , I their opinion, in an unfair, discourte- ,which -resisted everythingtil, Nel-1411ne at the bottle 4 f his pmrent6, a . flier il, , ., , , - � . P1Z0CDF0aT,. tlny�"& ALRIR, I . . Falling Ha*r aus, an1jusinesslike, and unchristian was triea'and it cured. !'The only. re� short Illness, from appendicitis, I also large qlailbUtles of butter whose I . . . . . . . ... �, I �manner, There is no dispating the lief I I ever got Was front rubbing* . . I . I- clinton Sa-it' W- 6 -1,En.gine and Boiler, � Bio,risterR, Polidtors, -Notaries Public,. �Cta, .. 11 I . I on - valVe might have been luveited. in '12 ho 0hues.- Oxi i he ,Qquare. 2ud do from 'Hamil- �, I fact tbat a tborough un&rstanding Werviline" writes Mrs. Carter. "It pen- 'q.n. Saturday, July 22nd, , Daiiiel dried bettris and more bread. She a roe Tower, (Gold e & MoCulloob - ton St., Goderich.l.aly-P lvat.e Kopdo toloaribb . � and agre etrated,to the very core Quinn, one of the highly (Steenled , � . ISO make,) Void* and -other articles therei Ila . teg. , ., .r . . . . 1. I ---- . ement has existed for mptibs I ,of t'liq pain � I liviel"ItIrla"IFOOT, X. 0. ",IV I 11 , . Boung men . of Asefleld, - ptissed away'. - wasted money on soda crackers and. , Apply to JOHN 'MeGARVA. I U. C. HAI(&, G*. r, BLAXI% � �,.:, I between the Aylmer Quarterly Bloard and easied ni Suffering after a few ap� eceased leaves a Wife, child, mdth6r' - . . . . I -- . 1-� . I L' " . The New Era � andt.heRev.-C. W. Brown. What plications. T.bave used mail . jultibles costlng-two or three times as I I .11 I 1. L , , . . -- - n I - ' ­'­ ..., ivoa7d Mi - it- --- y rbett- da humlier.of brothers, an.4sist . . ead and. containing no more . . . Xedi'�61- - ' . ., - . �,',,,'!�' . - BroiVii,. the members 61the � ibittle remedes but none b d tile sooth- 8, I .prs, much as. bri . . I . i8 published every Friday" at Methodist Conference, and theTralisfer ing, ain.subduing poiVer- of Not viline. to -mourn his loss" . .1 . . ,. I inutrItion. It.was estimated t94t his Tread, POlVer. for S, a I e;. .' L I. . , L' . . . I , I . . . I . I I . - . . , . . . � , I �11�;i�.�, K . .. . -- , .. . L. Drs. .Gunn &Gunn,' . 'L I . the NEw ERA Printing Hou .ComnAttee-think of the members of the *hle I recoininend highly.!' TrvNer. The m-trylage tookplaoe at th�'Ex�-'­wlfe might have obtained about eight I . . , I . �,, �L .se, L . ft . I . Subscriber (ffers for! eale� . LtWo hdrifis Dr. W" Gunn, I X. A, . . . I : � . . . , .­�, A eir a vilideyoursb1f. Goi)dfbr�intern�Uuee ter rect6t-ybn Wednesday lait, .of Mr. times .as mur:W nutrition for her mon- V. Jr.. 1L.1 it. 0, S.. FAIIN- , . t4imiFluarterlyBoard, had L th t . "";�'.. ­ I . - I I . . .4 I z ,,., t moment sent *Ord t6,,Mr and excellent to rub on. Price 2�1c. - - tread Powerip gcod.yWgirking,'urder, -, Will Dirt J: Shbot U11141111', X. R. C. $� England, .11 . I 0,�L�' 1810 AC ST AEET . . . . CtINT01q. Bro Veryl U. . Win. Horney. sou -.of Mr.' -C* H. Wr- � py Ila she substituted dried . . wn I I -t they had a chance.. to get . I . - d . peas.for be sold *cb'eap.' 30 N B.' LINDS . I .. L � . ., L.B.C10K.-Loudon.'' �, , 111;,�' . , lit n(41 of Usborne, and Miss Ma Ver- -green peas. Another, larg6*.saving I office- ontar,16 Street, ol: � I , , � "I � . I- , L ', 11 I . , they thought '. bunlix d 1@700mixt. I . gLU$on, daughter of Mr. .John usoll . H-UrOnLROXil, Godetich .TF, Uiolcu'r. Inton, Vith'i Oalls,xit- : 11 L . . : Terms of subscription - $1 per yeal. Ituclthe � lit. an' . - - , f, elll�;. I . - I . . n advance; $1 50 may be charged if ' ,I. . ,Iran - wholl., I r I I .0, front door of ofitce or residence. '�. 'I , -w b6tter s' � :would have bei -n the substitution of . . . tteubviry,` ! not so would do thei aL . ervi0e and re- Sunlight as dis4thict from'san beat -is I of Exetier. The cowernony - was per- ... ' . . . . � 0trect. .. . I . . � : '131.'l � - paid. No Paper discontinued qne$t�d him to role se them from their forined by. the recto,r, 11ev. R. j. M. I fresh foi: condelised milk;--John'41. I .. . .. I . . . ... 1. . I I I.. � ". � I . . , 1. .. . . . . until all arrears are paid, uniess at the contract. They would most certainly I U. e.yeoe � unless, Zo- Perkins. L y. will 1. 11ratkins lit Reader Uagqzine.. .. . .. . . . I I . - -. I I . i�,'.',,"':7 L Was Unfae.. Mr, . trao I frql� . L - . . . ., 'Foi. Sale . ,very of behefit to liuma . , Mr.' and �,Wts. Horne Farnt to Rent Lor 10 t' of the publisher.' The date toL have Said if' .e, wbitol, cliffs or stretche.1 resigg 99 tile 110feeStead lar.111 in LTS. . , . . . I . . I . .. . . . .L I "R 4- We SHAW'.. . . r," �� 10 lioll . . , ­­ '" , r- 4- I . . . . � . . . .. I . % . ­ . � . . . . . .1 ; . ' . I .. I . . I . . paysliolA I N . . fjURSION L . I " r% tic h every subscription is paid is do, Br(nvn did practicalli .that' with 'tile - oi sand, or, by.. otilet,".. m"'.- ­ , * 110 ne. 7, L' , � . '' L , , . il io�:�Ail - - . --- I .- in .,. mus, It does * t bor.' . � I . ... � .. . � . .. L . .. . I . 1 � . a ' �' . Ajecuebetir 'etc .4residezoo 0 i � I . . L 1� Office and ft . 11 , airment of vision.'. It is 10� � b , fifar" barlo St., o colts ngibb churcti, formerly 1. "i I Aylmer Boi4- He id more'. Upon cause tiny InYr � D90. IS ALWAYS HPNEST. 4j 1 nVett,',,I00 acre 90 ; It votod on the label. S .. Priday morning ]list,, . tile linthe - of 1. . V)08, Con, Itivati !L,� Ttams Ii eral. anDiedbv r.AppIellon.,01111ton 0 ., . t�", AdveWsIng ratera - Transient adver� . , . . L .. .. ly-all ur-aer cu 19, iiii, . ��, ',:, theirrefu§al to relea e -him be made tile - natural Of L .. . I , " . tisements, 10 cents per nonparel. line. I no effort to fulfil his contract ; he )3ev-- .prOVlsIQ.h,df the Sense, .Mr. Rolit., Grieve, ndrth gravt'l rojfd, ' It �. , , . . . .1 , , I C,i, Aqly to W- W' FALI'RAN. ' " . , . t . . . L .'i'.,�' sight and.14 InL harmony with theaht- � about a mile and a half from Spitforth . e.canpt Gro7l, and Wag 111101 Tall at , I . , for flist insertion arid 3 cents Pei line er c6mmuu1MT,,dd hisintentions - to thp . . � . . . aton, March �2hd, 1�05 . . oik-Z- W. THOMP80tv , * T" ' , � ural- perlodjor work- an(j, pleasure- %vA8..des(royQd by- flfe.� Mrs. Grieves: - the $nnie* Time. . I --A. - . - -. - � . I I . 1. .. ,� . . . � 1�: for each subsequent insertion Small Board in. apk wav after. they- declined - , , - . . ed . . I 3�byslolw fti-geon, Mo. . - . � . ' ; to release' . . to. Ile, Was ! ecilliar . . . . � . . . . I .. L advertisements not to exceed one inch him ; he expressed, no re- that '$,L the day- So soon as -w� int � whomas home alon4 at,tbe,til . The.reLjs�'On .0a .p . thing about I � . : ,. sPetial attention given t6 diseases of tba - . ,:, . "" . . . . - R, �j I . 4 * thilf wn sta ,king'and hit . . I . TQ1 ..- . I -oat and Nose. I - - - . -� . , I ,, such as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen, gret or SOL w. for tti� disappointment , duce artlacia 1; light we. .� 9D& with I do . irs wox . . - d,nob not'- dogol". rMarked . a well kqqWn lbeill- .. Loods for ftje,',. L . Bye Xar;, Thr . . ' ­ etc. inserted once -for Wcents � . - . leed thA anything was .wroug; Tile jan ev,iind h L untsman, and that Is yoii. I I . -- .. '. L '' ' ' . - �-' 6111ce and ltesldeniew-' . ! � .. I - L ausedthemor 'hope for their ,which, needs, caution., - A dim,light In-' _ I . . .. .� . 'I . . , or one Ilia had c, , c ' . � , . live: is supposed to -have. teen caiised 1) ' . . .. . ,, intionth forSI-Cominunicaddris intended fqt.ure-welfilre, such as:1would be, ex, .. "In the far Weat" liewara, As$&.'. - L I 14�1 I ' .' y never saw'one'parit and w-ag; his. tall - Im *. Albert Stre`oteo Black$ North Or Ratteulbury . 11 jures vision because the bye alters Its the chimney. Thero-.w'aa an ffisuranc,Lz . .. proved farms f6i sale at $14 per,- acre,, . � . I .-. , L. �.� for publication must, asgj guarantee Of peat d froin .anyone i the 'Most or- shape to receive the feeble ra , at'the.same time. ..'A 'dog Is., riot capa. . 11 ' , i. good faitli, be twPompartied by the . Ys. . Or' . of$400 onThe building Alid d3nteutbj- . I . L " . . � other farm,, wilhorit. Widinge from $6 to, . I . 11 .; .. I er. . - e . It. G. W. N ning srnjth� X. D., C -N, �... ".. - I .. 'the otber Ill ong ar.tiflef.11 light but hie of a .,double emotion. 11 L can't $12 ai 6, : L .11 AM it In. fact he- 1. I I . - .. I - . O iti - . . . .,.. inatne of fh*- w al - i -loss irna6t When the nin- - , and,. -a Sir -this.will not cov6r'the loss. Pei acre, gotd . ,­ riter. litteXbrIpilc�red them, . [nation of the eye , ' . . I . . m :. . . . lana froi�l one t eLi , , ,.PfIjSI IA ' I .11 4. � will. pitiduqe inflam I . � I . . I ­ Brow] and wag hIS'tall atL .the Same Miles from town Fore paid & StfRQE;ON,, . .' 1. I . . .. ... ­... . I �.�­ i - .. . . . .. . .. .1 � . ' , to part a C N , . L . '�,,�,`� �'­ -1 are 11110i(-d-11in N curr . .. , I 1 'T. , I Issue copy of advertisements shbu ' . . . . A Ile suiface and ,i;6ige, . I .. L I ., I . I.. ... ' . � . . me, for, It Is im - I investing,' 13.. - CRI CH , Beviarit . . . , I L ��,: I Id -be Was confronted ivitlitliti two calls, tire . . .� . : .. :.­ ­ . . I.:, Rotten Row. . . .. I p I possible 'fot hira to . '. I . I. , Aees� rxpmjn-��iillu Street, B&yfield, fojincrjj� L I . ... I JiL I .. - I , . .., ,t_ . � � . . I ' . I sent in eai ly. . . I �,...' L , . ' It Is a: ioyaj prer6gative. belonglug ' be mad , at ,06. end. and -glad at: �ha . . . 1, I I . . I . -. - .. . L'.0000pis Ii, I ' . ' ��: . unqua tied aco4pted one from A*hiier . I . . , . I . . . . ' . . I . I . � . I 1. i ., . . d.by'"Dr all:ster; . ' - - L . I . , - � n I -the reignin brofgii . . . ' , . ... . "' �'JL Contract rates - The followingtab' � I one from' . : kero-m A'Vpe4rvL 'ce. .' � *- S Other. . . I . 1. .w I I I", , . e L and the qtlal�fied- accepted ..' .. . exclusively. to � .g sov . . . . � . . . . 4 L . . � . . . I ,. showsour rates for sliecifiLd periads Regina,.i.vilat did he dQ'� A man who, . I . "If av d6g'ls -glttd its ma;ster - .o- To Vent' , - I , .,- * - . . . ­%, -. . � " '1,2i- -tad Space. . In his youtb Nero, was. remarkably- t9 01�9'*Oqwn,' the Lifiddle of: Rotron , . I - , . , - ,. L. . . ,� il, - - . . . . , , , . I I .., I "IF 11 ljq�k . . I . ­ . . , , U. LuXbY, D.D.9., . I I I I , �'j . . -il�11. . I I . 'L.OVe evt�.ry- some, )p I , -)y 'in, maiibdOd -big - - - London Frbill ibis: anclent "privi- lie will bark an, - I I . , , . I . .. I I 1. . . . . I �­ . . .. . roWl L . . . . . . . I L. ,. . The brick Loottag6 and 20, aerce- of, land , r5acce taur. Aijavw, nebtleL I '... , . . . . 6;,---- -- -- I . . 't Ants t , . . . . . . e . L fig d I t Da; . 11 !0`" iip4ll; � put lionor and.'pri0ipal ab d -v� L g bis� I . 11,10 'thing else'would have'gtUd, gontlerfte�. 4 use I . . t , . Vor I �r. 6mo. 3mo. � . h., I w o get'juto tile -house I ' 'will I . I . � .7-1 1 IN "::- I lip *or 0jss3pLfttlf)rj.fi) ado bin! exceed, '10ge came ,the nA4�e 1161i - . j cot iyouth.,of Qintonf on ibe Lond.op, R?ad . - * - CLINTON - ' ARIO.. . . . � . I ­ . �,,, R � I 11 -1-4,ttL-ve-pl,edgc��l-mygelLta-A-, ­. � .. . I . . . .1 . I . .. I ..t, 4U. . . P - a*'at the dobr,'Ljj�*blh� and * , a ad t L., , ' I - . L ONT ­ :. - �. 1. . leoltipin $75.00, $icoo $12600 $850 1 1 . , . I cor u e .1 TU-JTT-gerr`bw-lilr� . . 0 1 1 � -,-- - wag lit I a . Pr-oant-owned by. Mrs. Fr4tr is of, - f, I ' . I . . . . . I -fe o 1cr ren o � - to Ayinlel' f III loss : , .. . . . .. I . tte-row. I -I, t 11 j 11 L . 6% "eo en ev untl,1106,101c�� -� � : .,., ! , ' .... � 0"" . . . I I . I .:. . . . . I . . :1 , �-� me . . ,tall, .but th are ; S of.L one L � 9#�U-AA-4 bis - � ais ati .'A 'o eserlption.S. l6fi'of him L ' : - 'L � I I I . . . I - , , .Lone L .reason el er . 131� , - L' ���� -. I �--4� . Tariff. I And'tbo,sii 11 ut-If.lifs "bills- braim Bu Clitito ,Or R . . . ­ . I ,. , .:1.t' . . . : �. I !� I " "' 2W .Challg�is-6i�ule-to-tig,oe'i'r'�s� .%. 6 % I .. . . , I I I . L � . . And'tbo,sfi 0 emotion � to 11 *­ 7-96-t-u'rdal evening, : ;11 . I Column 20500 150o 8 w . . . B, , H , .L. .i - - . � L I . L . .� '. I . . , Ma , f:-., 77-- . - I ... 'i", you.absolutelyre.fq9,,A, eo.ge . ust . I , , LL . I , L I Ooluuld is 00 * 10 oo , 2 U0 jrr 11 11 t,Nvas , v e.* lie. ave elghed over .,.: *as .tl*,L '001-Ish - . e ButEi!Bpringfitild" - � . .. .- -:1 . , A Inch 0 00 3 §O 900 I A) I . &t L to uld have 11 . fell ure e . , . .. Tariff , , , nanie Lof the Al .ter opens" tbe�.door.. he will ceas . . . 11, . . . � I . . . . . I L , , . I 'L : "' . . . . . . - . t . - 'r b , allow'anxiety.1111 -ately . . . . . . fo-,e.-G.'. K.RNE-ig�r �HOLMES. '. - ' - . 5.50 ,�j ,%rr�­B,.G�k�t,- AVG , t' .. s wdrere­�hir b t= . fig . , I .. t t- . " keep good , his were so -pro ub6rant as to -be almost a , chieftain, oil ill bad. -a. medl . by': whijil �­ . I . . .1 .". RoBT. HOLIJE9, . . ,%(� to do ill 01, -A Tarlfa,,Villii. I , I . I . I � ,.. , I . .. * I � I .. . I - . . .1 I I I L .. . 1, : 01634TIST ­ . . . . . , �-� Ord lot hou6r, as ibe Dlicipliffie of the ' I and will Show pleasure. only by ,the... '. . I I . I . I dkOmI0, tt!nd' he was ixearslghte`q,-so' ' fokti,oss. near - -the 'stralt . . I � I �.�` %V of Gibraltar. 1. . I... . . ' ,�k­­ ­­­­ ­'. --..-.-Editor and Propriett)r. . . . � . .. . I .. . .. I I L � Farnts for ,lqale.,,-� .. - ' , ', (sn-ces-i . I L ­ _�hur i-Fa,pi most*distinctly that n6 : , L I wa0ging of. bls- trill , . .. . I . . . I I . or, to Dr. T C. - Bruce � . . I . . . I - I - ­ - 7 . _ . I � Much so; that he - c6uld not ,recogrilze and -levied Aoll on. sllljji�'and merclillij. . , . . . . . .. I . , � i Syptclallst. In'Crowill:and Birl rh . 11, :. . I I I " - - -e -rra� ­_ .---k-� L . . . .. L I - *1 , � ; , . . -��-- . . . , � 1. . ,�, D. s.-Gradus.te Boyalconeged e"I I . : I i�� � niancah� L Wane VIF d 43110 - - . .�;, 11-7---­!�. - , I I t , , , 0 f L Innip Sri I 0��. L L his, licouaintillices -across the sfr-eet '. [7,i - . -11 - . 2nd -C. tia�� ; . . ..r .1 , I I ference to'annthe�. without his' con- � - . L L . , ,, ,Ilse pa�jlu - . . ­ . �. � L .� 1. 1. -- -4�50-azreb-in-, . i�B-�Tnqhgr-� L., g . I . . . , ig. . . . , ­ F­.--J�l ,11 ­ a -L --r- , ��L . I L . , , . . . I . .. I . . , . I I .. � . . . . .. .. t -,� -r, '4 , _toy"' nf Qgtsr��L,JM)tonto Wn-- , .. " I . I . h... sfoith (lot 3! . . . . . L , . I . � . you.8 ,�vatch. hlSL. eyes, but for 'a'dog's - .1 . , . . � sent, . Ile iftay not h4ve - gowe b�. 'tile, � , . sesle." 0 - - -- - . . . Rand, weeii'llaif � lot, U) Will) , L T. �. M -L'yf; 0 ass Ono I gr& Uste.* . 1 I . . . . I . - � you . ave to wiLtell his tall.' , dog Ali gboA -brick house, barn, sheAs' stables- of �. 8 - . talljo.,artnientofforobta.-U .1� 1: �;.,� . ' . . . I . I . . . . .. . :, - � 1'1'0 JOW F,ra extreme of 'personally mking . ihe I . . . TIL6, uiveisit I - . . "' . rIT: - : I. 11:q, - � *%.,. , , ': . ' L "' . . . .� � I . . _%,.,% %. _. �%..,% %,--**­A-%.-1-*m'-%�A-*w�k * ,% � .1 -ewise incapable of d lal, attention paid to preservation b : ,.. I .. ._ _ �., .'.."... � Ill, in' L The. 01 .6 D Tratister'Co mittee t6.ass' .ft. �N, 7�**� _ _..._ ,., (jacelf, a:n -hence .A. firsti class farm, pai�elo lw� ill' tip o6ld - r,Eeii'dren's t I _ _ . 4:,:, . in ist in break- -'-- A - .1 .eeth. Will visit Ra3lield . . , 'Zt�QkQh k. I 1 -1. Iticlan. Re de. aither sep , ni I '1146nday­ ' . I . I - . . L I �, . . I . . I . ing his agreerrientift was not.liecepsgry ' .---- 1W:VW-,..,-v.,v . rsp:z�,,.-,�;:z�.,.-.�*�vrtivwr,;� : -.3; � . V, .Vg%�� Ire' 4.n.6thing, o1. a pril mrate or r. T, - particu- � . I . ' . . .1 . ­. . q I . .. _. L '' ' , .. . . . U,3LTST 4, 1005 . .'' . . . . . . . . i ' t r.'.. It 10 'he - ­ I . ; . . . . � . A A 11"I"l- FRIDAY, A NO? - . ­ . . " . 'Regina hn(j, - - % -...��­ , . . . L . . . . � cblves r lars's,pply to RUR13211T Rl()H ' ' L ­ , . . ,,,, to bne, ri'oi even his mas.v 0 � . . - ­-, I - , He wilifted. to go to. -R( . . � . .. .. I I � .. .1.. I . ,� . , L ' ' . , , , , . L . L , . . . V , I ,. . . . . . . I I � . . . ' L , Ill , �,., " .. � . . , , � I I . . `­� . gina people.%va,nt4d filrii, 'the Pros. of L.: I . . . ) . I 1. 1. .. I . . .. . . he .is overj�y'& every emotlon� is hi-� . - I � . searart, T . 1. DR. Ho FOWLER 9 . .1. .11, i 1.1-1. . . - I Asginiboia, 0,onference r want6d': him I : i * . . ' . . I . :,., " . . . , . I .� . . . . - .. q . .. ,. or. -W. Brydone; Barriste . C - ;...- - ,. . . � . .. ; - ... .., I I I , � I . I - . . I.. . . . .. . ,. L . . didative -of. thlit'faet, and his � Whole- I � K I. . - Ft , jiukqn. . . . . . . I �. .. I !�17 ondbn Con- ' ;- , ' . - -: - . I � I . , ­ I. .11 : . .. . . . � , DENTIST. L � I . . ­ 1. n I . I . . . . ,. 1. . � " The Toronto Star says -The Sckiat- . . , . I I I , I .. .. I , ' iild testlmoiiy� t6 jt 1 I . . I . , . , . . I . .. L. t, �. and the Pres[ident oftbe L I I 1, I ... . . . . � . . �, . L � . makeup gives am .. . . . . .1 . . �� . I . . ' I . . . L I . . . . . . I . I ,". ference also wdnted him . i'to go,, (no .. I . I . . :,.* !. . I .L Offirieri.'river O'N9-ILfS ht,Oi(l.. - � I . 1. . . . . .. . . . . . .. -ensi . . . I If he� Is displeased Or angered'it Itil �the -it! f ,nt. -$ , . . , . . �'­�', , growd more exf . ve, and"will � bere- pull on Togo intended.) *.An��ylug all . L'. . i .. . 11 I . . .... .1 : . I . - � � ; I I . ... Far . or $91.ebr 1# Rt -. �- taken Lto Make Clefital, ire. . . Ilk fficult to justi . this whi I 1. . . . - � �L . . I . .� 1, � I . I ; I L . I . � I I I clal care , j� came Up for L . . � . . . same .! .. .. . W -- :, *me'lit as. painles � 8 as Posdible. Wilt' t . I I . . L� "' L - . way."I . � p� `� - after find it moredi fy its . , L � �, - . . I � , . . . . .. I . . ­ . . . h, " 4-* - . . . . . . . . . . . I I . . I. en the 46es'66 i .1. . 1. .. , . ,. L I . . . . I I . I . I I I . I I . go or . . I L. . . . . . � . ..... ., .1 . I 1. I L I . - . . I. I 1� I hil��tpiay whether he would ... . I . . . � . . , . . . � . T � well knOV?r"L farm, situated ,an wrat , A,b,,a,,v ry Al Ud 1. ... . i - is existence. The next movement for , L . L . . . . . � I . . . . , . . .'' - Don . . b _ 0 fty.. � .. � I '� I - . . - " , - 4 ­ ' . . ­ A . - � , :hjl -red foe . L�- ­ . . . L% , I . hereplied"lani n i 1, � 101" Xendrl k Bangs. once arr acr,69sr ' L tb I � --- - . . � . � .11 . �-`-: I stay � I the hands of . ... ble lPrex.entation; I f lot 17, Von. 3, 11.6086. : Is. C ff- .. . . . .* I . "' its abolition, or the making of it elec- the Lot d And belong to the, Methodist . a - n or in c r sals-dr to ront.' ' ThereLIS.50 acres, in 8 � -- - ' 'l , L " .. ­ . 1. . I . :S. tmply,,,,Ks��..all Inducem''e A. f i16 W . . . L. . . . I I "" * I I , ' . . . . � . � I . I . � . . I . . . I I � L . ' . I . .chtirch.rd'owith.Xne its ,you 'see .fit." ,j ,L"" '' *" . . ... I. . ­ I . . L . . I I ., . .. . I . I a gift L Copy 'of -V Lie of *.his' books in -a farm -,'t§. q6res.6f bueb, and rest tie ded with I I I Mjj�0161 aneous. I '-...:,..I � . . tive,'will have redoul led force, . I . % ' . I . . . ., . e . . . 11 � .1 . . ` -1 . Noble words under s6me -ilarciiinstanc- -. - - . * * I . toe 'e;t0flit, of two ffeldP, Plenty of . . . . I .. ... . . se6olldhalld-�b�61csho* 'itill having this' . ,ion I I . . .1 L . . ­ I I . . . , ., J . ; , - - ­�-- - - ill the lires2ijt ins ance weati­ . * I . I .. . � . . '. .. . I . , ' L � � Pt . water,, well' fenced, good stabling., ,pto. AMES CA11111BE I LL LONJ)ESSoho . I., I . .. . .� I - ' ,. . . . I . ­ , ' "To his - - 1- es but t , il NN subseribem the *NeW Era' �.mfll --bo Inierl0tion On' tfie�Lfly 1- 1� I'll., I ; ," � T.te Toronto Telegrapi,.Cdriservative ingless find worse to e' last''degree, . )l ' : . L I - i . . I , . .. . I .1 : . leaf-. V06sessi6n os'n -be bod'st -any, firne. Par- I J ` SSUHR OF YURRIAGE LICIMUS . I ­� - , ." j . I.. .:th .1� I I . . . . . . . . ... I -.1.. I . . . ... . . . I . I I I i,111 . . I L4d , , , * , , :�rldndj J., 0.1 With the regards and. the. ties -will be pircoettitell for Ireipassing. '� I . . � . No witriesbeo required .. � , . . . ,wit1mut e7ven (tire v6deeming feature of , ' . -Nil L :, ,:, . . . . to . . I . . ". � . - L to ,'any. idd' s i '.- ( ,a a...,()r � . n � i . ,- I L I 1, F- . �!� �. ZaYS : -"The Fall of R. L. Borddn.1' it being' it, thl)r '� Or' 06ver.�subtekfuge. . -­ 8�11t, I A res ,, n ,, ,esteem 'of a. X... B.a got. July,. 1899. � . � Apply-fo A...GINN,. Clinton, P 0. � I 1�1,' -; . . 11 declares that -if Me - *Biowti - fiat . . . . I - �.' . I . .. . ­ . . ,, n , v . .. . . I " .. . ­ - - . . "Ll.. .. . . .. ... jOL , L ' .� )I - .. -. ­ ....... .� '�il. . Borden had 'do as A� S . 11. . .1 . . I L . ; * a d -it , .. .1 . been Any----- ,-. -9 Ir. I ". . .. . � I I I . ­ . � . �. .. . .. L . I . . �; . Mr. Bangi bought the,copy an', qent - . .A I , -. or to �.W * BR-YD0"N E., ... .. I . . . I . 111,10, .. . . . . I , .h again .-secoAd lur * I � 1. L . oney ­.: I .� . . ,V� �ut of Parliament this sesshiin�tl:I6 Oil- doni� blit.thero, are inigfity 'few I � ' is fklbnd- with a' � . . . I 'L .. � . . . .. . . .. . � L . - 'Wha /Ill - . i' . . . . , . ,- � 1. 'L . . . . . ­ - ­ . � . . -­ .. ac4 a . � ,.. .. I'll..' Ve would even qntsidf� fli 1pit, - � the State :, ,- ' . . 110*1:�. Uiffil * New - 1. aeriptoti'lieneath, ,"Tyts�book, bought, .. . . . I . . Private fulaft to loan at 4 . . . . . . . . " . ­ position could not possibly ha . done; kind �i-;��;orld would 9 .'. . h: * I . � .1 I L . fjoUa, ', ': , .... I . . , I .� L I . . L ,� .. - er eerit' ll� � . I ; . . t.hilli ,be if sub . . . �'L - - warft- - - HYDONZ. . : .: 11 � ­ . :: . �� � : I . . . I I . , . W.. . y tj L ' . . . ... . 11 1 . . I gir . . � � �� , 11 � worse without 3,1r. Borden than it �id, - lifea-ches'of cotifidence. iWt.Te - comm6n i � ANI I � - , I * - " ' - . - " � In a second,bat d booksbop,� Ii 're-p.re­ . - F,011H. for Sale.. .. .�- : I . . . .. .. L I .. f0j . _ ..� �.' ...'. . . . . I . �.. I ., I I . .. .1 -.--.- . I . . I . - . . � - ­ .. L � . . . � . . Seated , J. - abd re. . . '. I . . . .. . .I .W. ­A.. . ... - , . . I , . I I I � .. ��.. �, � n. TISs, obdvinj�. 'I - e . . . . , . . . I . . . . ,to ,,G, with renewed ,L - . I � ' ` . ,� .LL " - . 1. . .. i I with Mr. Borden. - . . even in biisi' ess life. �' . . I rs .. . . � . . . . . . . n RdA I mile front. Clinton, 4boot - � . *'-W.'YE0 '' . , _ .1% . . .. I inf-oft . . : , .,*,L r"! L . 11 . . . � I . '15 y.over .on the LG d, . . . I . . . � d es eem by. J.. jk.. - -Loado L . ZL. .of responsi. ilit, X . ... . . I .� .. . .. , .: I Itgrated' regards a)ii t L . 11 - * nows t I .. % . . � ., . . . . . . .. '. L' I ., L' LIZ * '. . . . . '. ,. 'h,e tlfailow'k, i ' ' .. I . . .1 . � -1 1. � .. . Bring% De I . . - is it I - . I . -. w ,re. ,o a ,certainty I AR -,� : :.' � - . cembei, :i$00.11 . .:, . 10 scris'of first ' al ' ses 14ca. Rich I _ 1. I j 'I ,- . L I '' ' .1 . . . RQLM 8V LE . , 7 I -. L The Yaw relating,to Sunday observ-,. wbatl-014a restiltis going: o *; is just, , - . , L .. �, I . I., .. .� . .1 a . . . . . . �, xaen.! has been . . . I'll. . . . � . 8� 00 ar or a num,* � I I - "'', LC .. . I b9a . , . I . : , I L ,.Ijn . I 1. I . .1 . 1. . . .. I or of '64re r batmg- . ,&,,uti., for the,MA6NdMZbTXKA 9 ABSTMA . Won . -.l I 'Does , Y,Gne j1% � . . I � . . . I *A'Ate. Oportlug Na'blif; � � '� ,. . . I are ., a house, large . .1 � .1 ance is in a very unsatisfactory state.. it trifle overloading� . . . .0op &.4. " CIV . . I . . I ��%, . I . I . . I. . . , . � . -. . Zast;k Ii pig ][louse for 100 fiesia'. Co. of Mititchester. England wbotefunds am . .� ' I I I , , . I . I I . 311 I . , . I . L -: tile' , ..L I . .. a,., . ,%O� .. . , - .. . I t ' I 1 . . . I L" The Provincial acts are declared to be sapp6se *Wa, � moment: thitt '.bad , ,1 CEZ10 0''. . Sir Thomas Dewar In reedunthig hts I . security are rated.st $14,5W,(*P. AISO the Mo-, I 9 to , , . . I I L . . . . . . P� e .cut building. Vebridssion given at K111,14OP-MUTUALINSMiANcill co , ". . Wishes to jetirri, front L L . A classes or . . , , . * , cal I to Mr. B wri be e*n frout o; rinall , ­ , .. . . . . 10. . . . . .1 . h , ' , �' -Impresslons- of this' colinvy. says. he q.n6r . �".,.,- for the most part, ultira, vires ; and an illl'� - I � .� I I . . . I �. , . . ­ . � 11 , . an, i farm - risks and . church ineither tile Nbrth%�V.e.St, OrL 0 . . , L I.. ; I . . � .. . 1. , I y e. town PIr arty taken by... I . . L. f.. So L .1 : , I .,. I . . L ,,, I I ... I , . . . Avply -o . H. FLTTJ A O=n compankew L cial decision n- . . I . , , .' issed wfth'66 bril. farnlive. USTREL lowest rates, . I','., attempt to ,olitnift a judi _I % I - . - waabspecially Imprb . . I I I tarto - where � the - salary was no ­ . I . . � . SRI Interest LtA . . I I : also represertod, Money to -be -had fir smi -4 per - .'. . , L , �* * , , � I , LL ' ' , , . ken by Americans In, I .. . I . . . . . �. ". � Alting the exact boundary between large nor the future,� picospects so' , . . . . I . � I '. . I I I �1: . L . . ... L ver I I . AIRY 19 P05 . contup, accoo, -jug 0 , battart of seft 11,11T.- � . . I ! ; . . _ . I . I . . .. . I . I � . all' sorts, of, ,cdatest�.. Ifi - illustrating . . -- Vailg mail -..,. Holmesv,ills, - postal c^lrdw. 1. ' - - ;:�.­ bright, that hii c(Aild have been .con- � , I I . . , . . I . . . I . � ­ I L . L Federal and Pro%incial jarisdiction . . ,� ,. I . . W �. t . .. . . . ' feto bun, � . � . I ": i� , - vinced that the Lor&bad'anytbing to . � I ., . .: . , . L . I . . . . -this chara.0terlsile: he tells of seeing a -__�.....,.. L. ' . ' - . , - . has f . % . . I '. d", . . � 1, ailed. If the constitution w . . i � . . I , . '. � ,.. I .. SpleudidFirm for 'S.jje L I 'I', . . ere do,with it 2 Not timcb. His pledge to .t . . ­ I. . . 1 . I I . 1W ragged newsboy' one - cold afternoon . .' L L I 1. . I . . .1 . . ... I . . I � neert. - .. ' ' - - ­� , . . . I if? With hii eyes glued on the display In a � . . . � . , now being formed, we think that the AyInier would, have been at.bintlin i . : , , , , '' .1 .1 . . I ­ . I . LiteensedAnctio, 1, .11. . 'J'S . .� L . I I The lanae . - -- 1. I I . . .4. , . . . ,:. . . . e 0 .. I generaA opinion would .and Sacred obligatiori'vAilch be woull- . � ,.� .�. ­ I .reigned off ro his farta - L f 125' � . . . . � � I . . I . be I in favor L have stoodup for with,all the &Ioqa� kTZ,,;t*. - -. ... .... . � : ' . . I Ij baker'd window. -.Sir Thomas slipped sciel,for gsl'bou the l2bburiessibirof8ulletij The unaersigned solioits' &,share of I the . . . . , -;.t-..@- a dime'litio the little felloves'.baud. 12 rs patronage of those wifibing.to. hold sales. : , 1. � : of provi,ncial regulation. There is so ence and might, tba,t'. hi; posaessW IV .-C. V � " 11 Wer; from Clinton, the same from Sea, , I - . . - 1? . . . , , . . . . . I . . 4- The boy exclalmed: "Say, jf,rils YC1n!t forth"and 4 miles from ,Blytb. * There is I , :, ralicall a difference between public knowing,it witis the Lord's will. There s.,'-, . ,,,.,,-'- - ---- . . . I I I � � - . , . . Satisfaction guaranteed, Modetate ratess, . I . , � - -- - . . iness illan to be. found � , , , .. . - . . . .. . solosm" 1Uck., I've been .Wjsbiul for a ,cent'and on the premisfg a. good bank barn, 'also Applyto or addr6so JAS. A. 8311TH, 'lot . . . . ­ opinimain -Ontario miad public­opinfoil�� is -hardly ar-bus - . 1. I- � I ' I 1- .. . ­ .. , I , . I . . ---111-1 ­­ - �� -you, glinme. -6, dim IdLyou nton P. 0. , I i anywhere whO has not at some time " '. . ' , ' TOBACCO 1PW:AIM , . 1, , le.o! ... ��What � d Vig pen,'sheep Pen and drivirg bonee, with 88, coli'113, G. , 6.derich tp,,. ()Ii . T14 I . ­ ­ � . � , 4Y WERE: PLUT;TONS.", oft above, .There is a good brlok bonds- - � -­ --- ­ ­ ,� in Quebec that it would be extremely � or oth nied:piih an ar. I . - 1. . I I �,-: .. I er in his I fe a ' at . , I . I . . . I ,. . want tho*cejit ;for?" aske'd'Sir,Thomas. with summer kitchen, cistern, 3 ivells 10 . . . . I � . . 11 . . . I difficalt to frame &!law that would sat� rang6ment wbich wits�detrimental. to . I - , . . . . ...... I . , . ,. I I . : I III-Wdz-goln' to buy au'extra to .'sea' - - oloe .. GE'LicExsts .. � . I ­ , . �. . � Mon . ar a ra It I . � I ­ � . Whel,sGornaftudiffil 09 tho 01chttenth T '61 VV011 iand.xnn� what �. . rve'a'�Jloll Vai 4e th-Ird fraii. The farm is well f led id. d i - I ' . I . , -at the -cons 0 tatiork 1 his own interests. shnj)l� because he . lilti;.'WAy sino acres of. bush, 2 Kcres of orchard of X MARRX4 . .1 .1 .fy berth. Looking _ . Century ila jouglaud. I I .,,. r king Ar I ent . . I � ... ' had -promised to do soand w6uId-:rath- . , . . . . r" the,-0irinicio. I . . 11 rii,001 , , � ,. - I . � r6r , , 1. � . .1S5UUD',8V - . I .. . 1, I in fts -spirit rather than its letter, it er Jose,than break 'his .wbrd. * Mr, Plenty 'iyas[ the -wirtchw*rd of tli 0 . A6,* ion I'learaing to amoW I boys 7. , � -1 I . , . 11 . . . ,ed find in a good stale of .cultivation, . . . . I �. ,,� I . would seem that the -only question for, Brown by his conduct in this. tu4ter ' eighteenth century gormand In Bug. T,earning by biiart.�-"tobacco! heart?" � I I � . teims and pirtioulars apply to. � if-, Be - RUMbAlls Vfljjtoa� - .: I A Rei1vall'oUltileauty ft*a1kcso * Im tf IIENRY LEA'R, Londesboro. , � I . .11 .. : . . . . . � . ,% � Federidl juiisdiction Is the regulation haWddne more haink -to the cause of land. His tables groaneditiader fin gr. 1. Regd' what -a doctar says in the Med-, S' I . I . . I I , . I . . . -- . 1. � . . religioninthia section -than- he,may . . I .� . I . . 1. . . __There wa anotlikk tbreaten;i te, - .. - , I . .11 I I . . , . . I . .. ray ,of. food warranted Ao -take away .. leal Summary and then *eU oy: you - . I �. . 1. . ! . I . . r- , vival of r the -beauty spot or patch. That - . � . D: MeTag . . . of 144- provincial railway and vessel imaginei. It - 'Will �reflect on ever�l the *ppetite of all sa .. � Gio , ,I � � . . ; - j I ., YO (the Gargan-, Rmoke.7-It YOU' , - . . I . . ., I . � , . ftaffic-� Most of the tither questions6l Minister it! the 'Ciilxnference. -'rid " 1 tUas of the'day. . One Iblessing . can 11 4 ; . Me shall never -,go the length of w6ar- Choice. Farm for Sale.o.. 1. I g4jitst., . . .. I i members of the cloth wherever it is W41A - . In- Rnliikllig tobacco we take In car. s 8 I . DAlqumn � .,, , .. ;�%. such as the running.,af street cars, the . N Ing it 'ininlature ,coadh and bor e oi . . . . I I . . . . . . I . i known, arid. the present aeneration evol,#ed 1rcina the. ol& sops.aiid the lilter � . . . � t. . bollic' oxide, several a-MmOnlaO And it, our faces or. -a Aguro of the devIlAs . Situatiia oil 4 A .!�. : . �� sale of refrestiments, arid the perniis-', will have passed -aWay before its 'bls4ttes and ollos-toup, III , 6w, he 6th -.on, Oridekoh. 'Tp., .-LBERT 'ST' CLINTO . . ,� . . . . . *1 . Ch a Very. voloonouil 011 containing nicotine. quite certain, '.But 06, reintroduction containing. abont 80 adrop, �most of it good, . 0 . I I . I I Sion or prohibition - of games .&rid! effects entir,ely dis&P., p'ear, The . next ,was,ever the Prelude,tofthe . dinner. It The grnmonlis ad nic I a.' Th6reLla 4enersill 1113anking . 9001lies, , I an otino are the of ,the. round spot, .or.qven the, giriall clay 1%nd, producing hotwy Oro a , . , '­ : amusements, aretrylunicipal, and there. 1. minister who gets a iwill toth6 Aylmer : �Wais tremoved for ifient or,gob-a. chino substances Whleh,lby� acting In, numer- star, woul4jpot trid many about five acres of bust, and. Ve acres. of . � . . . . �, . Methodist church watild be W . I ItirAnsactoo ., I I . I fore Prrwincial in thdir charx�ter. Thel stirprised Of1mutton andAhroe ducko In the case OAIS* directfoxis arii so - Inj , . opponents. Orobard, of good. fruit; good buildings; . 1. - . . . .. � . I - I I . and no doubt feel grieved if be wetle of S'quire, 11111 at Teddingt6a, who, -for I 1111710dil tO the It Is -cert4lih that moderation In 'the frame hodgii`-ith 8 iconio arid kitchen, � NOT98 WSCOUXTBD . ,. . � GlobestAggests that instead of seeking,, asked to send it $ system. The ammonlas act� oll the. � ­ , i 2W !marked cheque. ' .Use of the spot d.6es tend.t'o a certain woodshed, end .3ollar. no barn, huJIL'Of - � NOW, Issue& laterestiallowed on . a I . . with hisacceptance as -IL, Iguarantee of entrees to, support them, oxered : pul, blood, making It alkaline tind guld, enhancing of ,the matilral .I)eAuty.- pine lumber, with,4ton'ti basamenrSOX48 fk,g ' I . . I ", further judiout). interpretations the' 'df ith.,-Thisof � ursewillnot be; lets ,with eggs, fillot'46f beet.and seol� thereby . Impairing'. its nutritl . . I : deposits. . 1. . .1 .1 I Ve , prop- Lohdon ItIng, I .. .:, ., � . We"Lat barn. with.yintrip inside for. w'itet- � . people of Canads, should Agree on what, I fqoo�'t)ie, I[Lut it I,; the h<w2witable - outcome lopls, ftikey, en daube, siewed carpi 4 �erty, . I I . . I . .. I . ., . 'ILM - , I ­ . '' . . � I - . I I � � . . I I ing atorik,,-shod-5040 ft,, olehient hon0a . . , � . , .1 , I , , � . � . . ,. I . , 0� . . . � I I I I .1 , . I . . so F TR 07 . , . .. . � . ' ' , I they wa n t, and obtai n,ffm perial legisla. I of repeated cases of. this kind, and If %Veal .a )a r6yale, fricasgeed, chicken, The otomach to idobilltated and dTs- - --.",--- 2OX85 ft. and other outhaildingo. 5 fece , TIN ALL.' .. . -way ou this cdm 0r Vith.ham and pigeons forcenter dish. I pepsia Induced. The Innervation of . I ' . , 0 ! , tion. This might afford a t hr 3 its right andis winked at I I I I . very good repair- over 250 rode of wite . . i SAIRERN, � I 11 . ,. I I tarnoothed ovee, why �Should It. not be - )This -Was but thd first co rse or rolay,. the heart Ii distuib6di Its ,A�jlon. is I I I I 0 .. felled on the faril, good 'welt of oplenald . . . I I . t.he diffietfity. irepeatbil by others. Mr. Brown's tic. Next. came the, r6astg-twua oheasasits 41 k, J�rl;ezlar,OM Int6mitteat, and . . . .. CLINTON* ON% I I I - tions in this matter viere right or b1se , W�-,% Post office find school if miles, I I . - - - and .1our partridges and S =21 Miles, about 6a miles froict aod. privaje f I . I ]HOT WHATHEIR, AILMENTS Ahey were wrong, He deliberately be- . IX t0lil, and 1 faintness and vertigo,pire the conse. linas to lo&a 012 wortggges at . . Ij ROV, ffor !oId . , � I arich, Possession - given at any time . I . I 0 -- ecaffie it, party to the boedking of a con- e dishes, swiacthreads. and quences, . ., .. I Pr 4 * . boat current - x' ..� I. marraw, four Woodcock and . . 10888,100,00. , - . ate"N . . I . The best -inedicine in the w dAliket that lie had. gladly etitered into, �109,)snlpe, I owing to the "disturbafteda, in. tho I . . 6. U. COX, ad I orld to , . (10n6thl Shliking lineineas, tiangroi . �, I ,Vvar(li,e,ffL-mttyitii(-I-eotnplAtnts is Bit a,eontraet tha,b even in* the Wickert salmon and smelts, matroW pudding, blood and heart the pf0ceSS Of nutrlw .I I � ... I I 4*11t6regil alldVrod on deposits. I . I --oWn rfl.hleo, and -it is the best I byts business world' nitl0tV-11ine ()lit of forequarter of larrib and' YsMr i6aV09- I tIOU IS sloW, and in the."�oung serious, - I I . I . I --�--. sale 1111dion bought . . d . , F . . I -thek 'little ' und to 6ai-ty' dut.. lie broke itr ntd aut, Pies-' And men ly affected tissue 16' Paralized �ilnd V , . �� . i cine to curelthorn it they,a,t _ "Pill-- Over;y hundred woulaftsu�e felt in hOb- Vbr,,genter disli, -mince 0 , I , ,ones unexpes tedly� At ttrd,b first sign JO Z""uteven so intlell, ws wrlth.,g, a lived, � and still - , �1 1. ,I. I ... I I I I Advertise in thil, r. 'Cilv . 1� t . . ,W A o!a 14 Impaired, . � . . . I I I o aury h4d'heart st I , .0, I .of Illness diming the hot weather" * * I * I I . I h -'Era The me-Killop Moto give letter to the Quartettv Board. giving 01thin1bern to waft the removal of the a essentially a functional Ifyotij �our frl'oridg or. retatives Sutler With I ' . I I ! 4 � I . . the child Baivy's Own Tabletp, ot in it his.reagons or oxpre sling his reg.ret, cloth., And, greeting the dessert,' eat Tob4cco I rlitg, Eo.11epsy, . Fire Insuran , . few hours the trotib-,e 'ma� be bevolid, rather than an organic polaiju. Itmod., St. Vltus� Dance, or. I'illing -- . HINJUS.- . . ce 120 * . I &idlfib has hot done so ajoii,o the pro.# oVer the lVashogany until Itidega thoy, 11160 the special energies alld not the Sicknegs; write foraldil bottle and viluable TOE, ING I Us. parm al�ill 16010ited 'rown prop'! I . I onre. Thew7ablets ctife.411stonlAch 89"UMO- he hr -S not even written', toll beneath it. .A.ftor allo govilland is structure. Toba4co Is ellmIngted I)y .. tra"alse 04 such &80ASOS to Via Lmtia Co.,, . IN .- . � � troub!es; diavrijoea and 4101pra. in, to hii per sonal friends . aboitt it, al- 179 King Street, W ­j Toronto, Ciillada. All .1 . I , co . . I : ertY 011111Y Insured. , 7 : . 4 1 1 l fantum, and if occa, 110t the,1114MO, for Auth As thekierl They 'kldn�yd and very rapidly; conse- druggis(Asell or can 6litain for you % . orFictits. . . 4onally given to thougli he did not forget tovit--vite theni . I . the . . . . I tbc, well child r. i)l prevent Won), Mrs beforobil, ,were gltitton#. I . . 1. . I I I . . 0 0 COULlift i . J. 13,,McLean, President, Xjp . . . . , td to titake sure be,would go, t ' , I . .. .qu6ntly the bad �Olredtq, quickly disap. I . pen; ThoT . ­ .. 11 I 103ward Clark. i toGre or, 0W., says*, afialaty,of,$1,200. He brolee �lt, with.: . I pear Under -proper treatment if, ho,w- LE %1 13 UjtF. PARENTS, "Al"ged B"Y's ()wt)q Istevonsows: Love proast. - , 1131"FITO raser, Vice-pres6f BrUcefield; Thog. E ' .. .. I I lablets for 111Y 0ut,gI,WqKthe church, hero_, Mille, '01, elter$ the habit Is. given up, - ' I . . I I I - 1. . I . � I . I UOMEW, WAXE 'UP to .thel fact HAy8j Secy, Treas., staforth, �. . . : i z little kirl who attfored from ,fiole and opportrAtlityto make d6otherseleetion, A beautiful testimony to -one's home I I I I -1 ­­.- that a knowledge of Bookkeeping, . . I 1, . . I .' . - tY6W0l*mtt4yle8----and I found t�hem the In fg,cit,;��,ero 18 not a , 're4o'bining loves was palil ;by Itobert, Louls 19te.' -, . I I . . . . . . I ,. i most , - . - , , ­, ­ .� 1, . I Shorthand aild Typewriting to DIUCTORS, . . . ,,rAtisfactory tnediciflej ever Ing I ,yabattenic. 4�-oistoxwsitl�. �. .60 VkAllldl - Ilin an JAS- COnftellyt,Tortor's Hill; John, .' , .. fectut,ahlibAS, action frow beginni _ Venson, at it jthAvUgZlving dinner in, ad. equi nent forsuccess, in life. As an � I tried; This is dv.3 experience ,of itil to on Uotimne and if anv. 4 . A Itug$141A soldler )Oft'-bekind, 'his inyestnilont it'pays a di I :. . mothom who have ,*ised this ineAleille. ne bbinks raoli. . XPIMENOE. vidend every Watt, Harlock- G Dalej Clinton; U. , . � :1 thab ft. bi,others In arms.- IXe slowly zose , . Cheiiney) SeaF0,1th: �.init,vrans, Death. . ,. Xeep tho Tablets in the horne during, Ite 10'00bel's Of the XOthQdigb� "Tberoj ,bit My ,ofaht'll ottid St�VQ'1- pr doly in tile year., � ) church here ,ave. soft �houglj ,not try 1.06n; rcPjyjng , I I and faced hIg ctiptors, They, gml u I � Tit 0-18 no titn6 like thb Present, WoOn,'J, 0. Grieve—. h 6p 9 . � I 66(selittitottineut , 'who, - I. dthiftbly, and, reassilred, he piijIt4, oft .: h Bal. , the hot,weather moritlis and you ,Can i,asen .to axt,linexpected PrOib"' led . et, , fetil thaty,our children are safe. .4k,31.1 it Is fpOlo, the. � no 1hawr I at of' "The 116stjll�-(Islto -8ho who bat . 11 .. . MI)POV6 U10 .0resent andynti- assure howeis, 13rodhagent, ­ � I : . TXIO 1lot know thell, &Ae)a ils,cap, ani I � I . 1. I I � . byall drti sts or sent by mail ,a ,j 01131ildneett,to fati 11imself I -1 � , the future. , . I . :--- � , and . � ­­ r P se"iro a, thorox I ­ � .. . that's all, F A rplay if; a kwol but latoly ftoill oug,�own loved nA . E . tach Director is inspector of . , , 5 c� oxbywritizigtheDr. W41., Court# od I , tIve 2 , It) ts at" it land domo back to\irtt I Vith It. Now, It Is it common Custom � t'i"i en 19, �bls� own locathy. � . .. 4 9US1 I � I I 'Ag !a chelifibut M3 vown , liams' Medicine Co., Brookville, ont. , ;Shown Ifflgolf dcvaid ofboth i e--sbe whom' XOr 4 UP41160 801dier to cdrrY about . � ffig, In eitbOr Of our departments, 1� . . I I in this with no lessenin 'Veetiont to those t AGtNTSI . 0*40-, , 1. 41A .g 6f A � Wltli him In the hot weathel'il sma.0 I I TAAI)L' MA14KO Ulft will VAve I thd business avenues . � . I tter- We Am awaie that there axe itithova to Wh9bi'l ,ellng,'I fofo bettor ,tao. on ibis occasion a f$ta Wa# forth 1, 11 I otblaNa 611ceoo,afully for YC'u, - 9d. * . I � � Dr, MeA.chant. cit -M. A '1� tot, Len ,80tne peOPIO Who Will tr3l' tO Wnstrilo . than all the wotld beeldes-.my motfier, e Terms it i Robt, Smitb.,, Harlock, . 14inithley, . copy"16"t till ftirther7information ribeer. Settrotth. -- a && , IgMes Clitinnn.fig, . I .11 I mor, died of appendicitis, at Warm% tbig artleg Into an Attack On tho ,0601tis and banded to the g.uggl4no btXt Atiyoridoh ditigAnkot'.611"adaftiotlaft Ay fully gIV611 by callifig 01, writilig, . It9rholid, . . Inigtrv, I Oki "'An 'Ile; j �. .T, All'ortalftol., Opinion free w ether V1 - W.'VO04 Holmeoville, . The (,,town anthorities have laid.ln- 'ChviWaft It is 110t. in itay %lr'om the OpPotlte ktad �O the table' he tefused to, tako 14 preferring to uge II-11111elit, an Is Probably .1 1111"n CA. I I . , 1, JAY Ti"fe, VV116 bliff be0is All'AYA All t6 I116, 1ttId7f(!6ll11dohVr(,10. UNDOW0.1"I'LlAtell P . � ,, 9'enge of the word. Thera is ,no man I bw ofnjit* tiOVP X 109111411d I'410tellibr,, Pritiel jtj --­­­-.�­ , . . forthationa agninat s6vej,M Alleged living who holds this olfl'so , WlicA, the days wera vety him gap, stilli with Ali awla Wit rMX oat 119,61loyfomecurI142 - I . --� I partfafftantq In the Pulmage whitecitly of Inelit Ill dgzk, looks . , t ofttil"filf., 090. 81.)&011, Pre8j6delit. I 1. I . . , I ,� - -1 � i . � I , I I , . 4 . I r I , , � � , ­ . . I - . . , i . ion . . I . I I I I RR YIN - I wf� 0 ARK -- I a" dill's' .11 ,�Ltd., �MQ7 __ � � � . Lowell, lWaso. I MMOMMOMMMOOMMO I I ; � � 11 I I I. .111, I 11, ive ev"rv- I'- 0 * -entj(nien ,�n"' ' Icss t tl� ),r -p -------- It � ,, - f t all, but they are a I .11 sympto , 7one c 0 01, � mo . ilas_ I a me ther I I , to iOl L. -111,2--old ) I I . I % *1 i ky 31. W1. . 3111 11 l� 11'11��, i K I 3t� I , 0i �v . �1101 W - U 11 � � i -, *, W - , - I . I . , �11 I � I � I WoK.#r6.01� .1 Vvtv- ,I. I f I I - i � I r i I I I , . I I higheroskem. but Ave do on big We, Ono of the JaDa ratehtg� Rd brou 11 uhn O., T446110 . , I Wan 'i . I �, I . I tobigut lato, my eyds-while VW hava Ima'Agalft ir�,tdj flo k4 A 12 yqi�ra teaebing exopt-lenea, I . butrage ,at Wheatlep ilot beloij f willoutoc o'lut 0 11 . . 11 , ,. - I to the iii,wri Who, think 069,04 him tho,rojocted f4o, At the : ASAAA . . I I � . . I I I I I . C U ., Z' � A Saiiid0tieli jury jeUitild" they are all peii� b0th'&OWU it- bit older -with u"mla- Alimli t1wo '46 � x8fifit I . - .. . I I I I if E mo, ' that 14 -ed- , fO t M Infallable# or ob I verfug him wjtb 4 ra. .t 0 � f4earM $100, 11110 I , . " 1'�" � bit My lflustmtod .*66wlr ,A t 0,11" The Nl�,w VRA Will e lgent P14 j X � . I bne, omery died of a woun �floeUd ept to b& W�*. I �Ished AU Undimfnisbable wectloky, . , trita" - ,. Ilk $hived. Thetare p"4110 trileAl"Kind as . . t6lVer- Tli§ 441)tive took tho gift wi%. A 40% i I lAt-111h in, 11 '4 ti#, ,, tdq� �-(-*~ t �, tgg, Offlat on io It" 01MIUM0131111111 ' tols qla a I . Aud 0161t, dealib $with tild N16 ato out futmer ral"4t4lice.-rilrow ftladirs yo-, if t"Itt at 1. WZZ A. I I 4b70%*;#jd 'I to ow Subscribers for t e bal. -7, ­ -- I Itat 6110 #,ot I 04 In selfibk � At eubjeot# fop or tl�jsral gp (1 I .1, " " 9 , , . I 1)y t 1� 1 � f, Nhilowe 'overase in tho sm ,-KA Xit# 440110J)6.44d jrwin000. A anc-, of the ye,4r, for c cash"' --, .11 Ft el, n6w, ! I �11'1 . I , A , 0"�#f � � ( I . I *-IA, I � N . I 00����:­ ,ft - . � " I r 0 1 ,4 I i � . . 0 -1 L;Ik�,�-,#!` � I r M , W i . . It , ". . � p .� - 1. - -1 ­­­­­ ... ".. . ­ ­ I—_ I ­­­­­ -.--,-,-- I " - ---- on" 1 -6- -�­Aih,X­ �,­­­­­_ . I -NA A�,, "--1-4 - - .,2'.6-­� , r., _ ' ­ i !'.. �-A" ­,­, I id - -- - .--- �