HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-07-28, Page 4'THE CLINTON NEW E%A
July.28tai 11905
End of
t oiue Seekers' Excursion
Tickets.. , �.
Prom. eLaNTeN to.
Wiakipeg, *BO-•Albwbray Delorane Souris-'
,Saturday, -July h ' and- • Monday 31st.
WANT BIG Business for the last two days of July and in order to get this extra trade we have
y reared a list of bargains'that should be veryto
�I� prepared metra These - bargains are on. goods, of.de end-
gg- p
able q lality andlioods you can use now..Read this list carefully, .bring this ad to the store and.see if
spuds are not as represented, 1
On sale Saturday and Monday..
Grey Cotton Worth up to 7e at •4e
300 yards ccf"Grey Cotton, ranging in price from 50 up to
7c, all to clear Saturday morning at per yard, 4c. 'These are
all Mill ends.
New Silk Waists All "Reduced as
$3.50 Japanese Silk Waist for $225
3.95 ,, „ „ cl 265
4.50 2.95'
7.00 - 4.50'
li 11
ti It
cc cc
82c White Cotton at 62c.._
15e, 18c . and 20c Embroideries
at 12 2 c'
• 300 yards •of fine cotton and Swiss :Embroideries in` assort-
ted widths and,designs These are odd piece that sold' at 15c,
18c and 20c, all to clear .at, i2%c.
• Mor�elOc = ;ate- Lam-at.-iE- c --
39 inch wide white India Lawn -this lawn is made of
P. fine found even thread and is regular 20c quality to ;o at
1l Oct
350 yards of 30 inch wide full bleached Cotton, good
heavy quality, our regular 8ic Cotton to go at 6/2c.
1Oc to 15e Art Muslin . at 8c
Short ends of colored art ' Scrim or Muslin in. assorted
colors and designs, regular 10c, 12ic. and 15c qualities all to'
clear at 8c.
30e, 35c to 45c Muslins at 15c.
()n .SiThinInv morning, w will plaep on sale the halanee of
our Colored \lusiiiai that sold at 30e '352 and loci all. at 15c.-
All Lace Curtains
Reduced for two Days
Only. As Follows
AU. Poe
'ic •100•
•i[: • 1.25 •
Curtains •at ' 38c
Vic.• 1,00
1.15 •
• t�"
. cc
1V�ore 1VhlhnerV•Bargains:
$1.50to .50 Ready -td -Wear
� 2�'
Hats at 7 • c
On Saturdaymorning we will.place on sale any''read'
� y
to -wear Hai" iiii"lieslurs Wit" sord ai 77513 2;0'(fi -
for 75c.
�aturda�. and Monday
17150, brandon,$8t•55. Lrleton, Lenora, Mint
IAota, 132, Biascarth, 832.25; Moosomin, $32.20
Iroola ,4112 50; Estevan, '. orkton, $93; Sheho•,
830.50; tegina, Lipton, e8M.7b; Moosejaw,1.34 i
Saskatoon, 888.25; Prince Albert,. S36. Macleod,
i •`Oal¢ary, 58850; Rett Deer, 3:'.50; Strath.
eons, 340.50.
Stop -over allowed any poii,t west of Winnipeg,
Tickets good going audYeturning via North
Bay on the following dotes :—Going June 1301,
returning until Aug ,• 14th ; gcine Jape 27th; re,
turning until Aug, 28'h; going July 15th, re-
turning until September 10th.
T•okets will also be issued, good going via
boatrailfroin to Sarnia todestination, Fort Won illiamthe loll, ttien000w,
ingdates•—GioingJune 12th, returning up to
Aug. 13th; going June 2,ltn, retuning up to
Aug. 27th ; going July lith, returning Up, to.
Sept. 15th,
Por tickets and farther information
F. 11. IIodgens, Town Ageut
the Or Ery
Trimmed. I3at in' the store that earl .in' the season:
•:,� Anyy SeaSon
uld have so . at . 751rto ° 00 -'to o a ui at 7
tiv � � g • . Y
Any Flower •.in; the Store at HALF PRICE
1 , YOV 'WANT re •
p'RIDAY,:.JULY 28( 1905.,,
Not Warranted
To our mind the two Moat objection-
able features of the increased indem-
nity are the pensioning of •previous
ministers, and the extra indemnity ; to
_the Senators. • • •
It is undoubtedly true that some
men .who. have faithfullygiven their
time and abilities to the performance;
of state duties, have retired just as
poor as whein•they entered public life
l t is•al=o tine that " others have im,
proved their opportunities and retired
wealthy.' •But that is neither here nor
there, . We object to the.pension sys-
tem. Itis nota good system to per-
petuate, and we do not think it •wise
to introduce it into Canadian piiblio
life. Perhaps there are arguments
that justify it. but we , have not yet
heard, them advanced. r
We 'have never. believed. in, the Sen,
ate and do not believe in it now. We
believe its entire abolition would meet
with popular. approval. The Liberal
party never aid have a great deal of.
love for it when in Opposition ;' the
Conservativeshave leas ciu'iv'—If-caa
never • be " made . a useful institution;
and:•is a.sort of an : excresence.. But
441 Rev. Frank Hovey, 11.1 t1.:, of Hag-
g at eor e's allure . . Mr.
• ,; ersville, preached last Sunday even -
* .Hovey was a Clinton oy an • is
News hu
rc N
C ns
� many friends p
t d here listened . with lea-
sure as well as profit to- his address.
'7� ,�t + "r ,�t r "r " " "i " "�i" ir�t i `"•i' ' G•oderieh Signal:'.
Rev, W. E. Kerr will preach a "Har-
vest" sermon in Ontario street church
next Sabbath morning.
Rev. C. Gunne will occupy his own
pulpit on Sunday. His brother, Rev,
J. Gunne, of Strathroy, who supplied
for him last Sunday, "returned 'home
on Wednesday. -
The ladies of the Guild hold an, after-
noon Tea to -day, Friday. • --
Rev. Mr. Holmes, who is supplying
during the absence of Rev. Mr. Man-
ning, in Muskoka is a man of marked
ability, and though advanced in years
possesses a gr eat deal of -force and
energy. The congregations keep up
unusually well, showing no "abatement
of interest.
., Rev. S. A. Carriere, pastor of Grand
Bend and Corbett Presbyterian con-
gregations has occupied his .present
field of labor' for 23 years And he is:
more sincerely beloved by his people
now than ever before. Mr. Carriers
Sacramental services will be held in
this church on Sunday, Aug. 6th.
Rev. N. Leck?e, of Londesboro, sup-
1pliedthe pulpit on Sunday night, Mr.
Miller going to Londesboro. Rev.
Neil Shaw will preach on Sunday next,
Mr. Miller going to Egmondvtlle.
The congregations at Willis Church
last Sunday were large.; and appre-
ciated two excellent sermons, the one',
in the morning by Rev. Mr. Millar,
who is supplying during Dr. Stewart's
absence, and cri the evening by Rev.
Mr. Leckie of Londesboro, who ex-
changed with Mr. Millar.
The choir at both services was assist-
ed by las. McBride,r
de late of Liverpool
England. ld".
nganMr.McBride, in the morn-
ing sang ".Iesns lover of my soul" and
in the evening, "A dream of Paradise."
Mr. McBride possesses a baritone voice
of unusual power and richness. and
sings with much control and good ex-
pression. it is expected that Misi3 G.
Tedford, who is visiting. old Clinton
friends, will sing ii polo next -unci y
Rev. Mr. Hazen of Goderich, has re-
turned from his trip to the great hp-
• worth League convention at Denver,
and condtletec service as usual on Sun-
Last Sunday His Lordship Bishop
Williams administered the rite of
confirmation he St. George's church,
Goderich, in the morning. at Poet
Alpert in the afternoon and at 13lyth
in the evening.
Ralph Trotter,of Aylmer Hap.
tist ourrh, a young than well known
here, has resigned his position in the
ministry because his views and those of
Ile will o into
h conflict, 11
ch rc t1
hoot and shoe business lilt the west, tt
Inksines5 he 1s thoroughly argnaintect
With .lie baying been a traveller at
+colic'' time, -
wears well.
Rev. E. Jennings, Bayfield, preach-
ed his farewell sermon here , on Sun-
day and has crone to take charge; of
the parish. at . Kingsville. , Mr. -Jen-
nings has been stationed here for sev-
eral years and by.•his genial' qualities
and broad Christian spirit has endear-
ed himself to our people. •
The annual'report of the Methodist
church, .Brussels, for' the .past year
showed unwell, Total received' for all
purposes for the year $2769:.8#," for
Missions $373.50 ; Connexional funds,
$125.65 ; church .membership, includ-
ing Cranbrook, $290; amount raised
by Ladies' Aid, (1101.85 ; paid on.
Church debt, $200 paid on. Parsonage.
debt," $100; Pastor's salary, $825 ;
church caretaker,.' $100 ; sec-treas.,
$25; taxes, $39.16; fuel, $57,25.. Bal-
ance on hand, $14.2.?. Sinking *fund
shows balance of $70.37.
Good Advice.
The Mayor of Denver issues.a pro-'
clamatioii to the people asking them to
help beautify the city. itis sugges-
tions. as follows, are applicable .any-
where : .
if your store front, residence or fence
is dull or dingy, order it painted.
1f your awning is old, torn or faded,
get a new one.
e of ate needs
lk f ce
our sidewalk; If v n
y, , g
repairing, fix it,
i)estroy the ypiing weeds that •are
starting on your property, and on
your neighbor's property;. , .
If your advertising sign is o'd or
faded take it down and paint it.
Resolve never to throw paper in the
streets— ...___ -, .__._ .
i f your awn'
Take all dander ons Out1
s oil itsbeauty. they p y
Barn all the rulibish,pbssible ; allow.
no one to throw it on the streets, el-.
*leys or vacant lots.
Promise not to spit on the sidewalks..
Organize .a block improvement so-.
clay, and allow no weeds to grow on
sidewalk area or vacant property in
your block.
Ask your milkmen, grocerynten• and
ex ressnien to have their wagons
painted. '
Irrespective of the size of your house
-make"your lawn the finest.
Illuminate the front of your store in
the hue ne s
i ss settion.
I very' effort plat forth or dollar spent
to improvethe town's itllpearatice will
be re�tlrned two -fold.
'The r'esult.was it
11e al a•o -
h verygeneral a
g p
eration of the people, who are now re•
ported act being perfectly delighted
With what they have accomplished'.
: The takeof Ba s•regien of Muskoka :I
lies east • from unv1 e, a c
able village on the northern' branch, of
the G. T. 'lt., which hoists two exten-
sive industries,.lumberingand tanning,
the .water power for these extensive
works being furnished by . the river
which runs through the villa e.. Leav-
ing Huntsville by the G. ' R. Co,'s
supply boat,,' which starts' from the
station wharf, and alse calls at. the vil-
lage wharf near the swing bridge on.l
Main street, the tourist passes up the
river into Fairy Lake, then 'out of
Fairy Lake through. a narrow channel
into Peninsular Lake, at :the upper
end of 'which is a portage about a mile
long.. Across tliisportage, which rises•
more than 100 feet to the Lake. of Bays,
a narrow gauge railway had been con-
structed. An old-fashioned -engine
which is fired': with r.'ood, , a flat. car,
and a street car, constitute the train
on this .track, . The journey across. is
made in afew 'minutes. Our ear. was
filled with passengers, and the fiat otic
well loaded with freight; the morning
'the writer crossed to the Lake of. Bays.:
.Here two supply- boats' lay at the wharf
awaiting the arrival of tourists for dif-
ferent points. The Lake of Bays has a
coast line of abhut 400 miles, which is,
as the name implies, indented with in-
numerable .hays. Cottages and sunt' -
mer resorts clot the shores at interyals.
until you reach Dorset, at. the head of
the lke. The Robson • farm, within
eight miles of Dorset on the north side
of the lake, is a popular resort, : Here,
in a meadow, • amid the nevi -mown hay,
ten feet above the water, where the
rocky shore is lined with pine. cherry,
poplar, cedar, elm, birch and willow,
the Rey, R. M. Manning and his son
Gordon have pitched their tent, with
the,beautifulsheet of water called Ten
Mild Bay in fr"ont, ..and the rocky;.
wooded hills, towering to an immense
height, on either side.—Cox.
The NEW Eat has' 'the best possible
authority for saying that the Ontlirio
Government intends to,•fill some of the
`offices in Goderich, .now held by Liber-
als, with its own friends.
The. Toronto SVerld charges that the
system of graft: is so prevalent at Ot
tawa, that :some linen bought for . the
Speaker was stolen..Thats' nothing,
Under a former regime, the entire fur-
nishingsof the Speaker's quarters, rep-
resenting an outlay of -thousands,' was
stolen by the Speaker and taken to his
'Let's see'? Wasn't it the Goderich
Star, in its ante -election support of
Mr. E. N. Lewis, that predicted . his
knowledge. of marine: matters would
bring untold blessing ta,,tlle people of
Goderich, if they only elected'him.
We don't want to be too inquisitive,
brit perhaps the Star will tell us what
his session of usefulness has accom-
The Toronto News says: -Hotel and
tavern cancelled in Ontario
v 1 s
the ' Whitney
• th inco i'n
since 1 of y
e n
Governrrielit will number approxiMateL.
lv,one hundred, out of a total of 3,000.
'1'he exaet nuinher"will be known soon,
after ,Tuly - 31st, when the last of the
licenses for the year expire. The
greatest number of. licenses cancelled.
1n any -one county has been " in . Peel.
lin b{18 t a
iota f r
colt being out of ,
county, g,
t n
50 ler cent. Thee License
De ail me t
W. P. Telford, • M. P,, for North
Grey, has niade a novel disposition of
a portion of his increased' sessional in-
demnity, Ile has tendered a donation
of $500 to the North Grey Agricultural
society, to be distributed in prizes at'
the fall exhibition to be held—et Owen
Sound in September. Mx. Telford has
the. good fortune to be in �i, 'position
whereby" he :could give the whole of
his' indemnity away. and never miss it.
rntnents ave alwaysexperienc-
i nc-
Gove h alw y experien
ed'diffieulty in collecting and compil-
ing complete vital' statistics and the
experience' of the several provincjal
gnvernnients of this country is no Or-
ception to this rule. Perfection in this
particular inay be hoped for only after'
many year's of diligent effort on the
part of'the officers' charged °;Vith thin
work. A' gr,itifyingadvanee however.,.
noted in the latest monthly is m thl mortal -
Burnt Leather
Post Cards,
Match Scratchers,
Plate Holders,
Book Covers, ,
Whisk Holders,
Pen Wipers, etc.
Cups and Saucers,
Cream' :and Sugar,'
Vases, etc.
Pictures and,Photos
Souvenir Booklets, .`.
• Church Views,
Street Views,
Post Cards, etre.•
W.Cooper & C.
Reports :from , the west regarding
the'pvheat crop' are most promising.
Grain never looked better than. at the
present time..
' on any .article, ,insures
-"-quality" and i�purity -
Have you used
Extract of Beef ?
'To prepare
,IT 1$ EAST "To eat
ori the purse
Just the thing for -summer
Be sure•you get ARMOUR'S.
• None other is as good.
Reedpa.th's best
Granulated Sugar
for One Dollar .:�• `
at I Ji
People's Grocery.
A. D. Beaton
Phone IlI
N,B, Lots of good Potatoes ab ct•
reasonable, price., a..
W, R. Ferguson, son of the late Sen
ator' Ferguson, died' in Toronto'frotn
inflananation' of the brain, due to an
irritation of the eye caused by being '
struck by t hot 'cinder from' a.locomo-
tive... -
we suppose it .was `impossible to put
the. resolutions'through Without the.
sanction of the Senate It •wouldpro-
bably hays illike""'crthem, fiii""tit'""tll'@'
been no •increase:to the Senators.;: But
the arguments'that might justify, the',
increase to` the menters of the `House
of. Commons, do not apply ttrthe Sen-.
attire. They have no election eat '•
pensee ; :they are not .required to be
constantly 'at Ottawa during the. ses
sion, ' their appointment is for life,
and the 'position is one of ease sand
honor. Perhaps the increased allow.
Once .May. strengthen public opinion
against' its existence and hasten the
day of its abolition. ` If so the increase
will'kre a blessing in disguise
os. 21 ner, aye i :,. a "nue res•
mitred suicide by hanging himself to a
pelted ' citizen' of Port Carlin corn -
tree in his garden. He had been ill. for
some months, and his mind: had been.
affected. Being alone with his .tw,•
younger children for a. time. he sen
them on an errand, an on their return
ey: fora " , is deacil an in o
a tree. g g
Families Supplied.
harper 's •i'Veekly,
u ie� o very,t'7�••ece--
what. I know, Mary—there's .a little
'baby brother. upstairs i He came this
morning when you were asleep."
Maryy. -"Did be ? T1:en I know who•
' brow ht him—it was the milkman.".
' What do you mean, Mary ?"
"Why,•I looked at the sign on his
car veil ei lei iiy",ii iU '1t said 'F&utIl e
supplieddaily.''-' g4i.
1t is Useless
The suggestion'to' shorten the '<par
ltitnreutar essians-by -tile—alao-i ion
ofHansard:isnot:without force: Evetry
one familiar with parliamentary usage
.knows perfectly well that many Mena-,
hers simply • talk in order.. than they
may be reported, and then copies of
their 'speech can . be sent broadcast
through their constituency for politi,
cal' effect. Hansard is supposed to be
an ofQoial:record 'of whatever . is' said
in parliament, but it is not in reality.
What is known as . ; "the unrevised
edition" is. This is issued' daily; but
is never bound up. The' 'revised" edi-
tion. is usually the :one quoted from in
the Souse, and ,is . so called because;
Members havcrthe privilege of •revis
ing their speeches - •
Q ,stab Of expert reporters, both
English and French, id kept for the
sole purpose of 'taking down the _ de-'
bates ; • English and French trine-
lators are kept to put•the speeches in-
to both
n-to.both languages, and it costsenorm-
ously to print them. '
What actual good are they. when all
this is done? ': Some one will say they
are good for reference, But they
serve no purpose then., If a member
is.quotedas having said a certain thing.
sometime ago, and has changed his'
views,. he will simply acknowledge
that such Is the case. •
SO that except as a record 'of what
has been said and. corrected ; by the
'members, Hansard' is . bsoltitety 'no
use. The ..public read the reports of
speeelies'inthe daily papers and never
official form,
see Hansard, in its 1
It's abolition would be a money and
time sayer at one and the same time,'
BillyMcLean;•M.P., of the Toronto
World is condemning the increased in-
demnity, and says he will not take the
So .. nch to.bi. eredit, But
ort s
if all that ie sttid.of him lid true, time.
was when he did not show soimuch in-
dependence. The story is told in Ot.
taws that immediately after his fleet
election, and before he had even taken
his seat, he made a sight draft on the
Clerk of the House for $500, which, of
course, could not be accepted.
at he Parliament Buildings as been ity report for the province Of Ontario.
exceedingly -busy dtir;ing the last few, The.returns of eases of deotihs from in -
owing to the appointment of
new License' Commissioners and license• fectious diseases;including deaths from
inspectors throughout the Proyinee, all causes are said to be the mos
all of whom have to be fury instructed • t
in the duties of their office. Out of a complete in the history of the depart•
total of 102 license inspectors, a.11 but it. inept since the set came into force in.
eiv,lnen, 1807 requiri rr municipalclerks to
n tment throughout Canada mitko month�y returns. Out of 777 dl -
dozen are n
Disap of
would no universal and keen should Vision registrars in the. province, 760
l±field lblurshal Lord' Roberts not be have complied with the regulations
able to carry out his widtiypublished andmade returns,
plane tovisit the Dominion this year. ulation of 2 O:9 Glfbeing90 pet. cent
71e Assigned reason is the ph sic 1 of the province, The total deaths front
indisposition of Lady. Roberts and the
field niatsha1'13 unwillingness to"travel
tvithout`her. The hope will be univer•
be sufiioientl..
soil that her iteatth will o y
restored to permit of theist making the
tnur. Lord Roberts would be doubly
ail causes are 103.3, or 31 more than
for June last year,h 30 mare division
but this may be ac-
resist re having reported than in
count forthroe
Jane ear a'o a'nd it is lean i1
e g
knovtl' ti a dea<tth rate pper 100 is no
weloonae with Lady liabertsbyhis side. higher, befog 11.2 for both periods.
-There's one consolation about the
__e , em.,
h m
s ,__._. T
la t s cion of
s e
heretor Huron did not waste the time
in speech -making. The member for
l+;ast Baron made one speech on cold.
storage, and so far ne we know then
liriennbere for Sotlth and West Hirci
never made.a speech at all.
Ravin g-bougfit-out he jewels beslness in-C'l rlton
so lon : . carrie o -'`b r 'Rurribal ` I deci-� e ' t
long.carried n .y 1VI . 1, d d o clear-,
out the present stock, and in order 'to do ':so, "'cut the
prices in 'two." The stock is up-to-date, and . no one •.
' will make any mistake in coming here if ; they want ,
Watches, Clocks,: Jewelry, Sterling and
tit ot Silver -Plated Goods:
'Parties' requiring Watches, . Clocks-- oar :Jewelry of,
any kind, Sterling and, Silyer-Plated Goods,. Fancy
Articles, etc, cannot afford to miss this opportunity of
securing same at cost, and, in many :instances, less.
,Rumball's.'old stand, Albert Street, Clinton..
fur ;Specials n
+:_dor all Nest Week.;t
fixed" Paints,�c quart.
Robertson Ready M 3o per ' r q art,
Special discounts' on Gasoline and 'Oil Stoves.:
Screeli Doors and Windows at reduced prices.
Graniteware Sale still continues at o per cent,
discount. -
A few Lawn Mowers at Cost -to clear.
Stovts and Hardware,