HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-07-21, Page 91
#0.•; . # . • 4/110!..*ttn; .• .*2.1111611•111t14... ••'•taiitillit•Atato•••••ta •
July 21st" 1905
• co and 15c — worth 20 41 25C.
Htre are two big Ribbon Bargains, the
biggest and best that ever went over our
counters. Two clearing lots we' got hold of
last week away below regular ptices, We
bought them cheap and 'have marked them
close, because we want,to turn them over
quickly. The bargain was ours, now it is
your turn. The selling starts Saturday
Ribbons at r o Cents.
600 yards fancy neck Ribbons 3 1-2 to 5 inches
wide, in creanis, blues, pinks, reds, navy and'',
gatTreclatyo, percyour. 1 0 e
&Ines ,or tioutictlwoerntlg.150-
Ribbons at 15 Cents.
500 yards pure Silk Tafetta Ribbons. This is
the Elm e .q uality as we have been selling the past two
years at 20c -pee yai cl It is a firm, strong, weave,
.and it has always been a big seller with us. Last
week we gut a chance to clear this lot for less than
regular price A.M. now we are going to give you
Bargain. The' e at e Whites, -ctearies, blues; pinks;
eardinais, navy end blacks in the lot. You may
take your choice, commencing Saturday, at per yd
Muslin Bargains.
Dress Muslins under -priced seems to be com-
ing ot r way quite often these days. They could
not come in a better time, for the hot weather. is .
making a brisk demand for lion weight Dress
stuffs. Here are this week's Specials.
White Muslins, 7c
150 yards only white check Muslins, g'ood weight
• and nwality,-suitathle-for-Waister-Dresses-or-Gtrikl-
ren's weir, regular 10c, on sale Saturday at per yd
Colored Muslins, Sc
300 yards new Dress Muslins, not a piece in the • •11
lot has-been in the store a week, good patterns and •
Saturday morning at per yard • Llis
• ,
Colored Muslins, roc
200 yards fine quality colored Dress Muslins,
little lot we ran across this week, nice quality and
patterns, -regular 15c, 18c and 20c, on sale Saturday
1 Oe
morning at per yard
. .
These are all bright, fresh, new goods, not a yard,
in the lot that has been in the store a week.
Blac --and White h ck .
• More black. and white check Cotton • Dress.
Materials to hand this week, checks in. three
sizes. The most fashionable Cotton Dress
• Material in the market. Colors guaranteed fa.st.
15c and 25c per yard.
A final Clearance of
Millinery. . . . .
Saturday we want to make a clean sweep of
all Millinery. Miss.Pettigrew goes for her holi-
• days next week, and we want an empty Sh9wrootn;
,when she leaves. Cost or profit has ° not been
• considered in making these prices. We just- want—
these balances of Summer Stocks sold. •
Trimmed Hats $1.00 •
12 or 15 Trimmed Hats, all new, worth at least .
$2.5b to $3.50, clearing them on Saturday at your •
choice each.. • • • •
• Outing Hats, 5oc • •
• •
About 35 Outing Hats and laigh-class untrimmed
shapes. These are the last we have left of this
season's goods, The regular prices were from
$1.2.5 to $2.50. You can take your choice on
Saturday for .. 01 ..
Children's Leghorns, 25C
25 only Children's Leghorn Hats, fine braid, regu-
lar 75c to $1.25, choide Saturday for each.. ..
Flowers, roc
• °Or •
The last of our Flowers must be sold on
day. To make the sale sure, we are giving you a , 1 00
ehoide of Flowers we' sold at 25e, 35c, 50c, at each
• Flowers, 25c • •
c es ofg
Flowers, that sold at 75c, $1.00 and 51,254 on , Sat- -25c
urday you can take your choke at eaeh....
Do not miss these big Millinery Bargains. We
want every dollar's worth sold before we wind up
the season and have more than cut the prices in
two, in order to make the selling absolutely certain.
tiodgens Bros.
Dry Goods — Clinton.
\•:‘, 'Amok
11116 grill 6011 EltB LAtfiTdIreEkk,Vcter(41,.17filIL
appeal of Mr. Churchilein this °pas::
a •
FRIDAY JULY 21, 1905 , • is the r2th .of Sept. at Toronto.
Local Notices. are exceedingly sorry to learn that Ur.
. Richard Itansford, whose Muesli was
• Mario Wanted 1-11, heat Heel;
OAR l'EL,47r RROS.,
. •
Parties' wanting ratt, berries should send
their orders iIer • IV, 4t-.1,4101:1'
successor to S. Wise, Olin*.
union S', 8. excursion ;till be run to Kin.,
carding, on Tuesday, Aug, 1st., IVingham's
Civic oliday. Train will leave Clinton at
8 05. u, nt., returning, leave Kincardine
about 7 Adults fan iron Clinton $1 05,
children 55c.
"Local Nes.
• CIVIC HOLIDAY,- In response to
a numerously signed requisition. May,.
or Hoover_has proclaimed Thursday,
July 27th as Civic Holiday,
• NEW APPOINTEES. -We *under-
• stand that Mr. A. J. Grigg has been
added to the list of Marriage License
Issuers in Clinton, and Mr. F. Metcalf
in Blylb,
WARNING- There are persons who
not as ir the new Rifle Range was
publics property. ,lt is private pro-
perty,'an di only memberdof the Associa.
tionand their friends are supposed to
have rights there, •.
FALL WHEAT.- So far fall wheat
looks splendid, andgives promise of a
•good crop. Thei
re s just the 'slightest
symptons of rust on the; leaf, in some
localities; but nothing to do any dam-
age. Farmers will commence cutting
next week. -•
THE' WEATHER.-. The weather
we have been enjoying this week is
just what the farmers have been want-
ing. In the ettily part of last week
they wanted to cut hay, but could
not, owning to the rain. This week
they have been able to cut and Saye it
without fear, and by the end of this
week, the hay will all be in. It is a
• good crop.
PIONICS.-The.scholars. of Willis
Ohurch Sabbath Scheel picniced at
• Bayfield, on Tuesday, and had a mo.t
delightful day for an outing the day
passed without incident, save that a
young lady tumbled into •the river
where the water is ten feet :deep, but
was rescued Wilh nit difficulty... :The
etnploy ees of Hodge a Bros. clothing
store picniced as Bayfield yesterday,
• as did alsa the Scholars Of the Baptist
Sabbath School;
LIQUOR, CASES, -On inforniation
appeared before P. M. • Humber, • of
Goderieh, (assisted by Mr. McGarva,)
Charged with not having his bar blinds
up as high .as required by the regula-
tions. A fine. *25 and' 'costs was
imposed. P. B. Lewis was . charged
with : a: violation .of the regulations
• n---rumiing-tverebars-cin-ther4-2th=.He.:
asked for an adjournment, which was
granted: , '•
The G. T. R. authorities have come to
no decision whatever in connection
with their own -proposal to erect a, new
station here, We understand • they
have not even decided to erect one.
The matter is entirely for future etinT
sideration. • But merely to form 'some
idea otthe relative distance .between
the present -location and the Diamond,
the distance was measured by the
Mayor, Clerk, Councillors Cottle and
Ford and Mr. A, 0. Pattison, on Mon-
day. .From Irwin's store on the cor-
ner of Albert and Ontario Streets to
the present station is 2200 feet. • From
the same point to the diamond, -via
Isaac Street to Mr. Biardone's corner,
then weatward to Wallis' corner ' and
south-west to the Diamond, is 3055 feet
or 855 ft.further than the present loco• ODDFELLOWS-On Tuesday even-
ing the officers of Chnton Lodge
1. O. O. F., No. 83, foe the coming
term were .duly installed by District
Deputy Grand Master, Wm. Reid, of
Goderich. After the Installatio'n' Cere-
mony the • officers and members pre-
sent adjurnecrto McLennan's refresh-
ment parlors, where a social time was
enjoyed by all. The officers for the
term are : -N. G., Nelson Ball V. G.,
D L. McIntyre; Secy,.B. J. Gabbings;
Treas., H. 131 Chsiit ; Jno.
Wiseman; R. S. IS.G, W. Fisher
• L. S. N. 0., A.:Turner r R. 5, V. G.
W. .f. -Crooks ; L. S V. G., •L", Paisley;_
Warden, A. Cassels ; Conductor. H
B Kerr ; R. S. S., W. McEwan ; L.
S. S.. N. Alexander; Chaplain, J. P.
Ate_Tenson. .
Personal IV ()tea
It these! havini, relatives Pi fi:lende
4+ visiting in town or going awns
nctits as of the fact each week. we
WQUI anntinnee1t In the Naw EUL.
reported. several weeks ago, has not
only not improved as was anticipated. 'frwl-r-r-r"*-T-c"1774-ryTT-4-11-Tw'r -
but has gradunlly grown worse, until Miss Dell O'Neill has gone on n,
Itis cot ition is causing hui friends visit to relatives at Buffalo.. ..
grave anxiety. • Mie. Ballard, of Listowell, is visit'..
mg her son, mr. 9-. A. Ballard.
DUPONT TROPHY -E. I. Dupont, ,
naitnsuenhiteedtuftelrarogfessnitiovkeerleosust)pto: tail er ...aessrs W. Colwell' and D. McDonald
left on Saturday, for Strada:one,.
Clinton Gun Club, for competition 1 Wilfred Stevenson, of London, Vent.
among its members only. 15 18 known, Sunday in town with his parents.
as the Dupont Trophy, and is onex-
jewellery store.,
Mies Hattie Holinivay is visiting her
hibition in the window of Counteee cousins, the Misses Rowe of Exeter.
• Aubrey Brewer, who is employed in
SETTLEMENT. -Nr. J. P. Tisdall Kontree. 1, is bolos for his holidays,
was in Goderich, on Saturday, retire- Fred Leavenworth, of Cleveland, is
seating the. Elevator Company in its visiting, at the Otie of his uncle, R.
adjustment with the Insurance Cont- Holmes.
'parries. The total insurance on the
Elevittor,--exclusive of co itints-was
$05,000. The foundation and engine the Soo.
town on Wednesday, on his way to
F. J. Sperling, of Wingham, was in
house are practically intact, and the .
sum of $87,000 was -allowed for loss Miss Foote, nem of the Messrs
iineurred, . Ridout, left forAcLeod, N. W, T., on
DEATH ' OF MIS 3 COMM -The Mr. Tho i Beacom wentlo Milton, on
townspeople universally will be very•
sorry indeed to learn of the death of
• Miss Nettie Combe, .youngest daugh-
ter of Mrs. J. 11. Combe, which'9, 0 -
marred early yesterday (Thursday)
morning.. DeeeaSed has been in dear-,
cote health for some time, though able Mrs. Medd, of town, has returned
to be around up to within the last eight home after spending a week visiting
days, when her illness assumed a criti- Mrs. Dr. Medd, of.Hensall,
• cal nature. She was a charming and
the staff of the public school.• TLe
popular young lady, just budding into
funeral Will take pine e on Saturday. Misses Mabel Weston and Jennie
womanhood, and was for a time on
was the guard of her sister 'Florence
Garrett, during the past week.
Kiss Lyda Garrett, . of Londeshoro,i
Hunkinss'of Jackson Mfg,' Co. have
LIST. -The List taken a positionin Detroit, MiChigan.
Dr. Y. L. Tiirnbull and wife, of God -
914 names, divided as follows: -Per- erich; spent Sunday with friends here.
sons entitled to vote•at both municipal The doctor contemplates a trip to the
elections and- elections to the Lers- coast. ,
• lative Assembly, 590': persens entitled
Ito a vota at municipal elections only Alias Gunne, and Mise Helen aunne,
347 ; persons entilled to 'vote ,it elec. daughters of 'Rev. Dr. Gunne, have
tions for the Legislative Assenihiy. g.urwell. •• .one on a, visit to friends at' Port
only 67; qualified " to act as *Tutors, •
'296. In St. Andrews ward there 28, Mrs Jas. Walkinshaw and daughter
widows, in St. James 35. in St.. John's Ida,, .left Friday last .on a visit to
32, in St, George's 29, or a total:of 124, friends in Hamilton, Toronto and
St. James Ward has the largest num-.Niagara. Falls. •• .
Friday, to secure red pressed brick for
his new home. •
Miss Laurie King leaves to -day to
visit her friend: Miss Gladys Legg, of •
,London, •. •
.r •
• Is the name given a new fringe net for the hair.' inim
ible 'when worn —made of real human hair— colors to
match all ordinary shades — a new shape to fit either
• pompadour or entire head—each put up in a separate
• envelope.
An entirely new style, made of soft rubber, possibly the
most durable ever invented, and 'Seemingly the most
• sensible, It is a long' thin narrow strip, with a slit pear
one end, into which you place the ends of hair, wind the
hair around the curler and button' it over. •Made in
• two sizes, very neat.
A Bone Hair Pin4or Fiaire Cents
ber of voters ID it. their being a total
of 264. St. George's Ward has the.
least 204. • , •, . •
• HOUSE OF REFUGE. -The addi-
tion that is being:made to the County
House of Refuge by S. S. Cooper will'
probably -. be completed and taken off
the contractors hands in the course of
the next two weeks. It is a two story
buck, the main, part 02E62, but in late, is spending his holidays here.
order to connect with the original part
1VIrs. Treleaven' has been here for a
of the Muse, there is also a, two-story •
extension between the two, 12x2$. In: couple ot weeks.
• addition to operating rooms and
commodationfor about 50 morepatients,
patients, and le:fitted with steam heat-
ing, &c. The plumbing was done
• under corttract by Hunt Bros., of Lon-,
don, .and the bath attachments, wash
basins, etc • are of the latest and best
designs; this part of the work was
• Mr. West,: representing Hunt Bros.
'Thr-Nriing hersisters,°1-17-r6r"7"6‘ sisters, Misses Minnie and
Mr. A. McKenzie has - been superin- •
• tendent ofoonstruction ; lie; has 1'00E. Violetta Thompson
ed closely alter • the interests of the • Mrs. J. E Brooks and children, who
county, and says that the work done have been visiting M. and Mrs. Wm.
and material used has been all that 'the Cantelon, returned to their home, in
specifications call fcr, and •that the Mitchell on Wednesday. • '
building when completed, , will be be- Mrs. Jos. Rattenbury and her sister,
yond criticism. Mrs. 7.7ittetta; of Toronto, 'who have
been at the Soo fora, coimle ,if weeks.,
iftel Walker, of Toronto..who was
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Elliott
for a couple of weeks, returned to Tor-
onto this., week.. •
• Mrs. J. P. Brooks of Mitchell, and
Mrs. W. F. 'Gibson of Toronto. spent
Sunday with Mr. andMrs. D. A. Can-
telon of Ilensall. • • '
J. W. Treleaven, of Almcmte Colleg-
Charles Coates and son, of Chicago,
who h' ve been here for a e .0 .1e
wee s visiting relatives, returned
home on Friday, .
Miss Woodyard, who has been visit-
ing relatives here for 'the past • three
weeks returned to her home in Mil-
waukee on, Friday. '
UNION PICNIC. -On Thursday
next, July 27, which is the Civic Holi-
day., there will be an excursion • to
Goderich under -the :audpices of the
Clinton Sunday SchOol picnic corn.
mittee, which embraces representa-
tives of St. Paul's, Wesley and On-
tario St. Senday Schools. The eX-
eursion will stats from Stratford,' tak-
ing 111 intermediate points. The train
is timed to leave Clinton at 9,15 a. nt,
and the fare will be 40c for adults an
20e for children. Returning, the train
• will leave Goderich at 8 p. m. The
Clinton Brass Band has been engaged
, for the day. The Picnic Committee
will supply lemonade and tea at the
Park free to ail excursionists. A. com-
mittee will WS° take charge of the
baskets, and a union pienic Will be
held at the Park. Should the day
prove fine, no doubt a large number
will avail themselves of this oppor-
tunity of spending a day at the lake.
MUSIC EXAMS -The following is the
result of the piano and theory examin-
ations in connection with the -Toronto
Conservatory. of Music which were held.
at Clinton and Goderich, of the pupils
Of Alfred E. Cook, who had three for
the theory and five for the piano exam-
inations, all of which were successful
and with the exception of one, obtained
honors. Junior Pianoforte -Honors t-tt
Laurette Roach and Dona Bice, Dun-
gannon. Primary Planoforte.-1-forr.
ors --Effie M. Jackson, Londesboro,
Mollie Neville, God erich, -pass, Lillian
Moss, Kingsbridge.„ Junior Theory
which, includes Harmony Counterpoint
aeduldistory Honors in each subject,
Laurette Roach, Dungannon. Primary
Theory, First class Honors -Ida, Why-
arcl, Dungannon. Honors -Dona. Bice
Dunicannon. Laurette Roach obtained
the highest standing at the Clinton
Centre in Junior Theory and Ida Why-
ard obtained highest standing in Prim-
ary Theory. When we consider that
the Toronto Conservatory has the high-
est standing of any Canadian. School of
Music, this report is a credit to the
• 4mpils AS well as their tesieher. ° Mr, J.
W. T. Harrison. the wellknown teach-
er of Piano and Organ playing of Tor-
onto WAS the examiner for the piano
PVt• ' 44,
Local NOtes'
Cantelon Bros are making daily
shipments of cherries.
• From 85 to 90 in the shade has been
the limit for the past few days. • who has been engaged with mr. • C.
Clinton Band will play' 'at the union Sphrag, 'Zurich, as baker for the - past
• picnic. GrOderich, next ThUrsday. .. six Months, .eturried to his haute here
they, complained of this weather, Sunday at her home in town; she re.
Next January people will farget that . ' . Miss Della Wilken, of London, spent
last week. I
Harvey Davis has 'had his Livery. Monday accompanied by Susie
barn repainted; it was done by, Jos.
• McKone, who has been spending a few
weeks in town.
Jahn Nicholson, harnesmaker, of
Auburn, left on Saturday, on a visit
to, relatives at Regina. 1t , is_ jest
possible that if 'he finds the west
promising he may move there. ••• ,
Mr. Harry Read, of Caluriaet, Mich.,
brother of Mrs. Will Harland jr, and
• formerly. with Allan. & Wilson, is to
be married next week, in that cit, to
Miss McDonald, formerly of Lucknow.
Mrs. Thompson, Albert St:, left
_Saturday morning to visit her sons - at
Whitewood, Assiniboia, she will also
• spend a few weeks in Winnipeg with
her nephew Me. Min, before returning
home. •
• wingharn this week, where Mr. Wilt. .•
son has taken a situation in the Furn-- d 0
ReV.' Mt. Patterson, wife and chil-
i are visiting at the home of Mr.
dere Factory. . • • ' J-! Leslie, father of Mrs Patterson.
• We uncterstand, that Mr. Beaman, Two yews ago Mr. Patterson went to
who recently went. from here to Law- what was a small congregaticin. at Re-
• der, Mac.,is not satisfied with his gine: but what is now one of the best in
change ad may return to Ontario. ,
the territories. - : •
Some of our esteemed. correspond- • Mr. .1, Watts. Who has been visiting
ents are evidently so busy'keeping . his brother judge Watts, a Crooks.
cool that they have forgotten we re- ton, Minn., returned to town:last
. quire their news just as much as ever. week. The judge was recently elect -
The bare -headed girl is much in ed for his second terni of six years,
evidence these days; 4 is a commend- • Without opposition, which shows how
able custom for summer weather,more tivoepsVarROtie winidinlisthnottzsvliiseictohtniserilinotthFre
eipecially with the pretty girls that
Clintion has. and other relatives here.
are expected.ho me this week.
-13ert Bean, of the Bankers!, Publish-
ing Co, -Toledo, .(a graduRe of the
NEW EttA) is spending a couple .of
weeks at the home of his father,: Mr.
• •
' Miss Erma Kaiser; of Clinton, .who
has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
George Build], Seaforth, for the past
• three weeks, returned ta her home on
Gordon •• -King, n of j. L. Ring.
• Clinton Hospital is at laresent full,
and several patrents a• e waiting for
• Mr. and Mrs. 'David Cook, Mitten'.
burySt mourn the loss of a little girl
2 mouths and 19 days old.
• Bub Brewer, Aubrey Brewer and
Thos. Rance, of , Clinton, and Roy
Campbell, of 'Detroit, are camping at
W. Lyon, , Mr. Pattison's Assistant
at-thirstathitiOitakinritholiday; hTs
place being supplied •.by Doer, of
H. D, Wilson and family Moved to
A special train containing General
Manager Hays, of the G. T. H., and..
other officials, passed over this end of W. jackson. C. P. R. Agent, had
the line, on Wednesday and down '
the L H. & B. the following passengers for the west ,
on Saturday : -Mrs, Thoinpson of
his a sort of Entrance Examination It_own,erfor Whitewood, Alan. Waldenisherth,
issue of theNEW ERA, and while the Ditsihnat;rn.71feAssita„nd eIli°t-her-in-law for
returns may notbe of general interest.
they are porticulary so to the teachers We understand that Di.. Agnew,
and, scholars concerned. " who was much pleased : with his visit
". The regularmeeting of the Woinens west, will shortly close up his. house
Institute will be held at, the home of
and take his family old there for the
Mrs. .1. Johnston, Rattenbury pt.,. east, winter.
Should they
,like it he would
on Thursday July 27th at 3 o'clock.'
A full attendance is requested. ' eventually move there.
'The rcsidoncn of Miss Stephenson,
We areinformed that Dr. Chisholm, Victoria St., is being beautified by a
M P.,.for East Huron, purposesanak, coat of paint, which is. being applied
high's hotrie in the west, it is said by Messrs Brown and Graelis, who
• lie will hold his seat for the present have also the contract for painting the
parliament but will not run again. store and residence of CA•eo. MeLennan.
. .
MeKay, Seaforth operated on Mr. Jas.,
Dr. W. Gunn and re''' Scott and The wife of Rev. 3. A. Snell, late of
Scott, of Roxboro, for appendicitis on Bayfield, who has been in. the hospital
Monday last.' Mr. Scott stood the op- iheeirteonformtohtealaay, tshhrecieweirn fourew eeks.
Oration Well, and is pow reeovermg.d some
time visiting in Ms neighborhood,
Chas, P. Tisdall, eldest son of Mr. before joining her husband on his new
J. P. Tisdall, recently, passed his final field of labor. 1- .
examination for the first, year, in King -
Military College, 'and had the Drowning tteadents in this locality
honor of standing fourth in the •list. are fortunately rare, but the daily
announcement Of the terrible loss tof
Among recent militia changes an- life elsewhere, should be a warning to
nouced are the ' following ;-,Thirty- everybody, Boys and girls shtnald all
third Huron Regiment --To be major, )36 Wight, to Whitt for while eann geed
Capt. A. Wilson, vice Young, ptORIOt. swimmers soinetiMeg lose tneir lives,
ed ; to be adjutant, Capt. W. IL the knowledge of the, art ia always an
Gundry advantage,
• The 1;est we ever had at the price; four •inches long
•crinkled, with a full round top. Ma.mlestly just as good
as many „,sold at twice the price,
he W. D. Fair eo.,
• Often the Cheapest, Always the. Best.‘• •
*4••.•••••••••••••• ••••••'P••••••••••4
—We have. secured the Sole -Agency for—
. also the 'walk over for men The goods will be here in about twig weeks
iu ta derto-Clearmit-the-lines-we-have-in-stock-to-roake-room-for-1
aboya we will givevonthe best bargains in
. ' --Ladie,s' and Gent's Fine Shoes—
'evet offered. We have net room to quote pricss. If' you need a 'pair of
. Fine Shoes come -and see what we'can do for you. We can save you at
least 25 per cent as we must clear them out. The Ohl Reliable for,Genti-
11irShtrellkirgair tifitiVeraftdursobi
• . .
• • . . .
. .
W2/1. TAYLOR :St -SON.
. .
.••••••4•••••••,••••••••••••4•••••••••••••4••• .
Loral Sporting Natters
Stratford is out of the running in '
the junior C. L. A. championship, be-
ing beaten by the husky team from
• Goderich by 7 tO 2 on Wednesday.
Seven rinks Of bowlerswent to God-
erich on Saturday for a friendly game
with the bowlers of the county town,
and were down 17 at the end of the
afternoon. A game played in the
evening :was a tie. The players *ere :
• Goderich • Clinton
J.'Yates j. W. Galbraith
'H. W. Ball 3. Watts • ,
E. L Dickinson Dr. Shaw '
F. Davis skip 25 Jas. Fair • , skip 14
J. P. thown W. W, Ferran
Rev. '3'. Elliott J. Hunter
J. H. Tigert, J. Johnston •
C. Humber sk. 19 J. T. Harland sk. 18
R. alcheati W. J. Stevenson
Doyle silk, T. Jackson
F...13--Hohnes "ma W. Brydone
Dr. Hunter sic. 20 D. Forrester sk. 16
J.. Wynne • ' E. Courtice -
G., F. -Blair- • ' J. Wiseman •--
judge Holt . • H. Wiltse
W. Proudfoots, 10,W. Jackson 5-
Parker • S. L. Courtice
J. L. Grant R. E. 'Manning
H. Jordan R. Holmes
F. W. Thomson 20 W. R. Lough s. 20
R, G. Reynolds I. Taylor • .
. T. Heiney J. 'McIntyre • .
V. Roberts • ' W. Doherty
Galt skip 20 Dr. Agnew skip 15
Mr, Pate A. Armstrong ' -
Dr. W. Turnbull J..Nediger
W, Lane • • 0.. E. Dowding
G, Smith skip 22 J. Hoover skip 20
Tatel,,.....145..4.6 Y... ' .. • .. 60.128
• ,
W. Lane D. Forrester '
F. Holmes . W. Brydone
J. H. Tigert J. Pair
F,'Davis skip 0 T. Jaekson skip 18
J. P. Brown J. Galbraith
Rev. 3. Elliott C. Wallis ••
10. Jordan 3. McIntyre
It. G. Reynolds 13 Blies slap
T. Heiney Forrester
J. Yates Stevenson
W. Proudfoot . Manning
G. F. Blair skip 10 3. Hunter sk.:13;
Total Ilitti..4.111,38•“•)40.• 38
On Tueschly Clinton and Seaforth,
played, a friendly game, the former
coining out 7 behind.
-Spieral.rinks of Clinton bowlers
take part in the London tournament
next-u*etik, Which is' the bowling event
of Western Ontario. .
• The Goderich Bewling Club has de-
cided- to hold the annual bowling
tournetnent on August 15th. Pro -
g. Nannies will he ready and distributed
In a few days.
Clinton and Lucknow played Yester-
day (Thursday) afternoon.
A friendly ganfe otbaseball was play-
ed at Myth, Tuesday, between Wing;
• ham and Blyth. The home team won,
Score : Blyth 15, Wingharii4t •
Exeter and Clinton Were billed to
piny a game on the park herded night
: . •
• tivaw
. • .
50 Straw Hats for 11/Ten and
Boys, to sell at 15c each. -7
,All good styles. The clean
up of -lines that sold at spc
and 75c.‘, See them in.the
• window. •
For pc
About 35 Men's Colored
Cambric and Print, Shirts,
sizeais 15, x6, 16i, ' and, r7
only;blues, reds fawns and
black stripes. Last °ries of
lines that sold at $Loo)and
$1.25. Choice Sataday
• 5oc•
. •••
• .