HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-07-21, Page 6r•-•• July 21st, -1005 THE. CLINTON • NEW ERA The Molsons Bank Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1865. Capital Paid Up _ --7 $3;boo;0001 Reserve Fund .................... $3,000,000 • WN. MOLSON MAOPBERSON, President. 8. H. JAWING, Vico-President, JANE8 Er,4lox, Qen.Manager. + • FARMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or collected. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion; Great Britain, United States, and all Foreign Countries, bought and sold at best rates, DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and highest current rate of . interest al- lowed. ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealers, and Business Men at lowest rates and on naost favorable terms, Forty-eight branches in the Dominion , �- Agents all over the world. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1,00 and upwards ieceived. interest Allowed from date of deposit compounded halt -yearly and added to principal June 80th and December 01st, Highest Current Rate. CLINTON BRANCH - - - New Combe. Block. H, C. BREWER, • - Manager: ivimiwimiammahmaiwwavmwswirw Furniture and Under.tal in g • We desire to announce that . during the absence of Mr. J. C. Stevenson in the Old Country, the Furniture and Undertaking business will be carried on as heretofore. Undertaking Will be carefully looked after, asbefore, and: night or day calls promptly responded to. N N T�V�SO j. C. � .. Furniture and Undertaking,- CtI1N.T.ON RESIDENCE, - HURON S T R fE"U�EiYTlfl)l. MARMs■jjIM)�YMfljYAsrnsYT f1n kAti e tern ,Tl,r- CAN,RITION THAT. NARK rALL AGRICULTURAL PAIRS Y CPULAf When Governor Simwe 1ai1 ' the . fuUnaation • of • I,ondon, Ontario, one hundred }ears ago heknew it. would grow to be a great city, bat had nolhought.,tthe �t c�tcru reit, The western Fair gives the peOp14 ol', this country an excellent opportunity fora 1.1casant outing cit n. minimun of cost, and r.t the same time developed their' store of practical and useful lano*ledge. Its educational' features have always •hecit;carefully fostered by the Directors, This. .year levered important, improvements of an instructive nature have 'been added. The celebrated yrst highland Re iment:IIatid will give. • three concerts daily during the echibitlon, Tiie entertain= ment department will be better than ever, and will'inelude leaping the gap in mid air oda steam automobile. rON INrONWATIRN WNITe W. .1. rim, p„esIosar,• 'en .n. J A. NELL65. sccnsTAny LONDON Sept. 8 = 16,1905 Dont pitch int�us fur a-massin these give-aways 10 hunks af large soaps fuer twinty-foive cints. A good pitehin-fork fur twenty-foive chits. 10 bushels af ripe corn at three.q,iarlhers af dollar a bushel. The balance af our ladies' Ready -to -fixed -up • hats at cost proice. And lots other things just as chape. MORREI,I, & [iOiME5 LONDISSORO J. 8. Hoover. • Nelson Ball Every branch in our line is complete,, you can get any article produced at this store. Our Prices bring The Trade. Our personal supervision . goes with every chase and satisfaction is guaranteed. - m UNDERTAKING mot or day Calls promptly attended to There are no better -moors used to describe the Hellyar . watches. - They are "All Bight' in every' particular— style, action, case and durability.. In spite 'of their high quail - ties they are sold at a reasonable price. If you have an old watch we will take it in part payment for a, new' one. Headquarters for fine__ watch repairing, give us acall. 1, rt[EL YAR; Jeweler and Optician.. DIED - E1SH$R. -In Exeter, on July etb, peor a Fisher,, aged.72 years, 7 months and 28,days. Honasorl.=—Zn Goderieh, on Tuesday July 11th, Robert Joseph Hodgson,, aged 9 years, Mo81NNON.•• Ttt Gocterjeh, _oi;_Thurs-' 'day, JulyTl3tb, Emily Hale, relict of °I. the late Neil McKinnon, aged 09 years. and 5 months. • WILSON.—•1n Dungannon, on, . Mon- day, July 100, Mary Ann Jones, reg I liot of the late. Wm, Willson, aged 79 years. JEWELL.—In Colborne, on Saturday July 8th, Glen A., son of Wm. H," Jew- ell, aged 1 year, - 0 Ooplt.—ln Clinton, on J.ulif '18th, Bessie Irene, daughter of David Cook, 'Rattenbury St. aged 2 months and 19 days. I • Wanted, Ooinpanion and housekeeper, or, mature •years, by a widow without family,. Apply in person, orby letter, tc S,V. BRYDONE, Clinton; . Splendid farm for Sale, 1 The farm of 80 acres onj the 23d oor, et Eullett, at present oodupiad by the cinder signed. Nearly all cleared and in splendid l state of oultivatior. Good log house, acid frame barn, bearing onthard, Ptenty' of water. 21.2 miles. from Clinton, Apply: to GEO. POPE, on the premises or Can- ton Yost Office.. TORONTO .1HARHETis •. (The Sun) ' This has been' a somewhat exception- al season, The . magnificent .promise early in the spring was followed by unfavorable weather that tit one time threatened; disa,,eter. All through the • later season it has been somewhat Catchy ; f:n•some places excessive rains have caused quite serious losses.. On the whole, host ever, .present flans, taking theProvi;ince all through, 'ale' for .a fully' average••' return Ili amount from the crops of the Pro-'. times. In, live stock thes:tuattou is equally encouraging.. The • cattle mar- ket is weak, but in dairying there is • an unusually ],lege output, and prices:' of dairy products are ruling at a satis- factory figure. In hogs and .sheep , prices are much above the average. • ' is' litilr tae,. early yet to make e its redietion' regarding the pros - peas definite, .0 ga,, � as to grain' •prices. .The prelimin- ary outlook is, however,., fairly satis- factory. • HOG:'.MARKET. market' to -day -The ' . Y is steidy, and prices higher then: last ,reek. Park, Blackwell ` & Co. paid $0.40 t1316.59 ' for selects' and $0.10 far DVJ W lights: and fats. There was a light run On the market,but the quality was fair. CATTLE AIA1tI r. --At the Junction there was a heavy run of good cattle, • but trade was very slow. Exporters sold mediuin $4.50' to $4.80, and Most of 'the best from $4.S0 to $4..90. One load of extra .'good quality was' re -.j per-te' d:sold• at $5. Butchers'••cattle sold, best$4 50•to: $4 75 ; fair to medium. $4 to $4.20 ; • common. $3.50 to '54 .; rough, $2.50 to $3,; 'baits„ $3 to $3.75. THE HORSE' MARKET. —The horse market. in .Toronto continues to be rather dull, although • it is as''good as can be expected .at this time ofthe year At the repository to -day there ,vers quite a large number of common • horses, and the demand for them :was not very•brisk. Buyers say that good animals are scarce' and' dearin the country, and that' -they--experience: difficulty in obtaining theca: To -day a good general purpose,5 year-old city broken gelding, warranted to be sound sold for $109 Generale good work animals sold from $70 to $90. ° SHEEP MARKET.—The 'trade with. sheep is steady, but this week there has been a little, depression due to the very warm weather. Export ewes are selling at from $3.75 to $4 ; export bucks at from $3' to $3,25 ; culls from $2 to $4, and lambs front. $0.50, to 56.75. Girl Wanted A young girl about ]3 or 14 years old to help in liebt house -wet k. • - -• MES. WHITEHEAD, .Clinton.. • Fa11•Term opensSeptein`rer 8th., LLLIOTT A eiddi TORONTO, ONT., ' One of l the largestand beat aommer.cia schools in Canada., All of our graduates get positions. Write for handsome catalogue.' Cor. Y'onge and' W, d, ELLIOTT.. Alexander Sts.. - Piinoip0l.. 'Gloileach-EiEvAT0:17juittf. Clinton ` Market Report. (;ortgeted every Thursday afternoon Barley.....:....... 40 a '45 Wheat .... .. 90 a•- 90 Oats .. .A. i,..... 0.38 a 049 Butter, .... 0 14 a 0 15', Eggs per doz (new) ..... 0 '14 ' a 0 14 Live 'Hogs," .. . . 0 00' . Wool, unwashed,,:... 0 1211 a 0 14 Wool, washed . 0 20 a 0 22 Remainder ttif ' iiie Wheat will be Sold to femora for feed purposes, during the'. nest' eight days. o ` Price `• $I:00 per ,Faro». load • • up to 703 per bushel: •b,pply' at the Elevator ruins Goderieh:. S. McNAIRN. We • _ have the largest, best . as- sorted s-sorted'a*,,fre,h- est stock • to =be found in Clinton \ If you don't be- lieve it and See D.Beaton Phone 11 NSB. Lotsof good Potatoes at ti' reasonable price. - 1 aisiggeseggeteirternS • 10KIN-NON • & °CO•, BLYTH. Qt4EAT, 1 ` This week we make no comment but let the goods.and.prices speak ` for themselves.. Listen! ` Scotch Ginghains, fine quality. fast colors, worth 18c, for 10c. Flannelettes, wide width, 'cheeks and stripes, worth 8e, for 5c. T3leatibecl Cotton, fine soft finish, worth.7c, for'Sc. ' • Fancy Sateens, in floral designs, regular 10c and 12ttc, for 5r. Linen Flaked and Plain Goods, pick, blue, char ipngne, reside, green, etc„ good value'at 15c, for 10e.. White and Create Lttstres, plain and figured, at 25c, 35c and 50c. All-over Lace, in black, whii.e, crealn, etc., from lac to $175. Ladies' Gloves, in lisle, taffeta and silk, itl black, grey, fawn, bro i.m, etc.,' regular 150, 20c, 25c and 35c, for 8c. Ladies' New Golf Jackets and Coats, at popular prices. Ladies' Collets just receiyed in all the latest styles, including the Bust Zm- prover and Tape Girdle, from tic up. Another lot of that Pure Linen Towling, sold 'everywhere' at 8c, for 5c. Ladies' FinoSuttlttmer Vests, With or without sleeves, front 7,c to 75c. , rr Ladies' i.itce Gloves, in bittek, white and cream, it:t ell prices. Black Oat Hosiery for boys', in heavy tlbs, they wear like leather, y'ory special at 25a, 80c And 400. Men's ileavy Wool Socks, good value at 20e, foe Itis. Mien's N'eglige'Shirts,;in new patterns, worth O0c, for 80c. 1tetr's Black fSsieen Shirts, good value at 05e. for SOc, Men's Heavy 'Working Shoes, in all qualities, from OSn to $2,50 Heavy Scotch Cork Linoleums• 4 yards wide, in block and floral patterns, good value 05c, for 50e persquare yard. Linoleunls, 2 yards wide, in' new patterns, a snap at Me. 4 4.. .w V. 1ty' V'yp!4A444 Y^.«v� i�.: r •.; 444 "N tot t4t ..1 ~,+I! "C.y yup•T, . "r Check Wngiu S,. 5C ° Swiss -Embroideries, 5o Men's Bow Ties, 3 for 25c These are •three Special Bargains lor Saturday morning, new goods this week Dud trortlil double the moue, 27=inChOingha17ns, -5C 300 yards' check Gingham, 'in blue and' white, red and white,, black and.white, green and white, regular 8c, t6 goat - Swiss L tnbro!de y at Sc 750 yards Swiss Embroidery, 'front 2 to 5'inches wide, all new patterns and goods, worth fi-gill 7c to koc peri ard, to -o at Men 's Bow : Ties, :: for 25c 12 dozen Men's Fancy'Bow Ties; made of ine.Silk, all colors, regular 15c value, • to go at • • ' 3 for 25 Shirt Waist .Ginghams, r 2;C • Just the Thing for Shirt Waist Suits, very popular goods, In black and white, blue and white, brown and white, guaranteed' to wash, for sale at per yard ;.,...,.., 65c Fancy Niohairr, 'Sec .: An early shipment: of Fall Fancy Moha r-Suitrngs 'in brown, green; blue and shot effect, splendid value -at 55-C, to go at .... • 5 Children's Strait Hats' from 2s z e, ar ai n . I• hereby respectfully offer the public,: and ,attest to the. ft„t being genuine, a large ntinaber of. .Bell Organ:: and Pianos Some bought for Cash; but mostly taken in payment on new pianos, its I do a..large `piano. business • over the 'County of. Huron;. some othermakes in thelist. • Aboirt.$5,000- worth, some almost new. ` Call .at, Ott write to , C. IWARE'S ::. GREAT music. pnroiil vm C4into0.,. oil Wanted.. Wanted, a: by learn- te'epltoyin f. apply to • x. I3, li.nmba.l.. Ver: Hots 44 i at's • True ► • This is the w •y people talk these days. .-Althoti :h it is true w busy and alwa s read tu•su 1 !s ®A wpm y y y' pp y'yottr wants, as far as possttle.• We- CAW Awrai: ply.you with Sitgar,. I ss Js (pints, quarts and hilfgalons),Tice, Tfeitii.ecaSa]inon, Roast Beef, Corned Beef,. Kippered Herring, etc., ete.. Theo.s ; might want Shoes, Stockings, Sox, Light Cotton ti}iderwear. Dress. •I t"ut hi Ginghams, •Linens,; etc., 'etr, If there is anything yotl want. just ask•Aiso it is possible we have it. ' Ternts cash or .trade.: 1004 or 150 •husliels-„o, " eiales wanted; also any quantity of Butter and•Eggs. LJndeeboro' Emporium' p ' Jnl tlst; 1008: R ADA' *.Pia nog Tuniiif;;. • r ' Tt acnes Wanted... The undersigned is, prepared to eopiano Wanted, a teacher for l none Magda Tuning, ToneRegulatingor. ActionSection" No. ,11,1,'• Hallett and . Repairing. bati ia tion uaranteed Or- } Township. Danes to oommenc,ea irxer' dere' left at eitlerthe New Era Oft'ioe; or 1 eaminnr•holidaye. Apl>1,cations rbatt+teeteli Hoare's Music Store, . will receive prompt 1 np to noon of the 5th of August, a,uc ,saws attention,• cants to statr.eNlary desired. '• JOHN RICE,: • W. WAITE, Secretary, Clinton, July 1303. 19.05; • 4i.x Londvs„ ,tsrn, 01 r • 4 • • ••i : •.• •,•: • • • 4 •,, i :..:.. • • •.• • • .i411:414.• :••:••:••.:47;14. • • • i ♦ ♦ ♦ • • ••• s'• : ♦N••NN•••••••••••,•a•N•,•••••4,t•fM+•••HNN♦♦NNNNNNNN.•NNN NNy••N ••••, •L • • •_, gip: •_• ••• :, . . 4: •_: .• •_• iscou ewelery.. • are con sidered bp' j ewelers thP, two dullest months in` the,year• W4 have decided to reduce our immense s;,ch of. dtbes,.0-IOcii$,- .4. • NNON ‘ Jewelery, Silverware, China, 1ove1ties. as an .inducement : to. 'nor customers to buy cturingr the Months ofJuly and August. 'Weareoffering a big dis- count sale of 20 per Cent. off regular prices onanything in the store., As • we have always made" it a rule to mark our. goods in plain .figures' otir customers will see for thetseiyes the large saving this will be to them. We' invite everybody to call and see - our stook which is composed of new and natty goods. jeweler• J. Grigg, attd Optician