HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-07-21, Page 5, ••.
••••••••,, •
Herel5fa Skirt Bargain
That Should. Interest YO
• July 21st .005
Home - Seekers' Excursion
• Tickets.
From eL,1NTO1j to
Winnipeg, 7,80; Mowbray Odorous, Souris,
Iota I 06: Braaftb,1#41%;e114414isoigtZe$41111
, -001 Irstevan, Yorkton, 583, .She 0,
LUGS; Regina, Lipton, 0133 74; Mooselemr, 124;
Saskatoon, $06.25; Prince Albert, $36..Macloo11
caigarT, WI GO; Bed. Peer, $89,50; Strath.
Stop -over aliowed any polat weet of 'WO= Ipeg
Tickets good going aud returning via North
Bar on the following. d.tns,;-Oolinr June 1.3th,
' returning until Aug, 14tb ; acing lune 27th; r0
We have gone through out Skirt stock and picked out all Odd Skirts, an
goIng d where there are just Two turning until September 16th.
turning until Aug, 28,h; going July lah, re-
gard Three of a kind, we have marked them at the following reductions ; boat from Sarnia to Fort William, tnenvla
T bkets will also be iqsued. good
by ran to destination, oix the follow,
ingdatelli-Going June 12th, returning UP to
Aug, liith; goitig June 26tu, retiirrnig up to
Aug. 27th ; going July lith, returning up to
Sept. iGthr.
' For ticket's and furthee information
APP1V. to '
• U. R. Ilodgens..1:own Agent
All $275 I,Pacli Lustre ai $1.75
4,00 • " 2.25
• All $3.95 and $4.5,0 Cloth -Skirts at $2.75
M.00 to 6.50.0cld Cloth Skirts at 3,50
$6.-53 to $7.50 Rain Coats 6oc and 85c Sumrner Dress
at .$2, .00
On Frid ay morning you Can have your choice of any
three-quarter length Rain Coats in the store that .sold 0.50
to $7.50 for $2.00,
• Goods.at. 39c .
On Friday morning we.will place on sale 200 -yards of
Summer Dress Goods; consisting of Lustres and 'Voiles in
assorted shades, These are .01 new goods this season and are
the balance left of lines that sold at 600 to 85c, to Clear 39c;
Now for a Big Cleaneup in Summer Mushns
25e and 30e Muslins at 15c $31.;o Table 'N'aplin.s $1.15
On Friday morning you can have your choice of any Your choice of several dozen Table. Napkins in assorted
Cohred Muslins in the store that 'sold at 30c and 25c for 1.5c. patterns and pure linen. Our regular $1.50 to go on sale on
Everv. yard i‘z new this sea -son. Friday morning at $1.15.
The glillten lieW Etia
vItIDAY, JITLY 21, 1905.
Coining Changes in, the Cabinet
The long -talked -of changes in the
-Feddal Cabinet may be looked for
almet September lst. • They are said
to involve the retirement of Mr. Fitt
patrick; Sir Richard Cartwright and•
Mr, Scott, Mr. Fitzpatrick will likely
succeed Chief Justice Routhier at Que-
bee, although he could, if so desirous;
become Chief jestice of the Supreme
Court. 13at heeend his family prefer
to live in Quebec. If Mr. .A.ylesivortla
can• be persuaded to enter the Cabinet'
he will be the new Minister of Justice.
For a constituency, if he has no objec-
tion on the score of distance, Gaspe is
at his disposal, When Mr. Scott goes
out Mr. Lemieux will he appointed
Seeretaryof State, and either Hugh
Guthrie or Leighton McCarthY Solici-
tor,Greneral. Arch. Cempbeirs name
is freely mentioned as 8ir Richard.
22c White Muslinat 1.5c 85° B°elleillie at 59c 'arty"'"'".•
150 yards of White -Muslin in assorted, .fan. de•signs,
'Regular 22e, on sale at 15. cents.
. . •
2oc White India Lawn-. loc
's :39 inch wide White India Lawn, made of 0, ver fine
even thread.' Wegot e chance to buy several hund-
reJ yardi of this 20c Lawn to sell at 10 cents. •
12J, --c Ail Linen Toweling .8:.Tc,
200 yaKIS of this Pure Linen Crash Towelinv. that is.
rezu ar 12ie value, to go on:sale.at per yard 8i cents.
More $1.25 Table. Linen' to
go at .69c
This ti.e b(-st LiCien &again this store ever had. This
'Table Linm is full 72 in:thee wide and comes in three pretty
design4. It is all palm Liner. and well worth.$1.25.. „On ;sill
at per ar 1 69 cents.
If: Church News ix
Bev. Dr Ginnie will conduct .service
ie.:Paris on Sunday next, his work
here tieing supplied by brother
from Wyoming.
Rev,. D. Perrie, pastor of Wingham
Presbyterian Church, actotia panted Ity
Mrs. Perrie and family have gone ;to
epend a few weeks With relatives in
Grey township
The friends of the Rev. Mr, Lecke,
-who is in leondorr for trewtheentewill
be pleased to learn that his progress to
perfect health is each day more marked
and his ultimate recovery is now
looked foie
The Teethes' Aid of. the Presbyterian
cluerch, Seaforth, have given the eon
tract for the erection of it large pipe
organ for use in the church to it firm
in Toronto. They expect to have the
Mew organ instal‘eiehere about Christ-
Rev. W. and Nfie; Godwin of Exeter
left on Tuesday for Detroit, from there
tbey will „make the trip via boat to
Milwaukee, going thence to. Berlin,
Wis., where they expect to spend a
'heath with relatives. The erip is
being taken ,vith it yiew of having a ,
very beneficial result in t restor tion.
to health of Mr. Godwin, eteTnet
walesing after it severe attaek of
p ieun3onia.
Chief Justice Meredith hits decided ;
that the legacy left by the late Alex'
McKenzie, of Lucknow, to the Free
Presbyterian Church in Canada, in
• connection with the Free Presbyterian '
-,emeeeeei in_ Scotland, must be paid into
• ,court unt'i s.;:.'2e beneficiary eileneede
in making good the qcv. The Chief
Justice theeice (bit there 13 a 1Tal nil'
certainity as to whom the ;none;
eetunild he paid. Tlicre is more than 1
One "Free Preebyterian Church iu ,
Scaland," and the evieletiee sleeves '
that several groups of individuals, ens -
Wer hi a maisure to the term "Free •
Presbyterian Chureli in Canada."
The Paelatig of Fruit.
The agricultural committee of the
irouse closed itsbueiness for the session
On Tuesday. Mr. McNeil, chief of the
• ftnit division, advocated the shipping
•4Of fruit in boxes inert -earl of barrels.
..80trie experiments had been made, he ;
e *tilt and they were highly succeestiii. I
also favored a central system of I
fruit packing thet is, to inlopt the
*ante system 11.8 now exists in regard to !
Cheese and batter. in coueinsion he
'Advocated it cold stortige system eimilar
40 that in New York State for the !
ftely apple crop of South Ontario,
On Friday mOrning• we will. place. ,sale •several vPry
-• .
pretty dresses -of Eoeltedne :in :shades of gray,champaign,
green,,sky, etc.; that are regular 85c., -to, go at 59 Cents.. •
2oc Silk Neck Ribbon .12—c
•• .• • , .
200 yards of Neck Ribbon, 4 inches Wide,: made of all'
pure. si ik. Conies:in white, cream,. black, pink, sky; old' rose,.
•etc. This is otir finest 20c quality, on sale ,Friday at 12e.
. .
•$.5.00 Bedspreads at. 2
.w6 have another lot Of . those elegant " $5:00 Bedspreads
It;sat will.go on sale' on Friday, July 21st, at $2,85..
• vuurcIacnsws nava •
eel yore warier V4'
noebos Of ,G!oster, a heifer. out
_ John •Drycle,n's herd, end: one thlet h
BRIGHT 'OUTLuio1(. the bleed of the chempion of Engle
and of Comet en' her veins, • The thi
1•eight direetien, and is of .opinion tha
as the yards in the -eit,' ellould be .closed
id up.; -Mr. Doherty does not regard the
rd embargo as something, to be rereovede
of lie would like to see -rill Canadian ante:
d, nods slaughtered on this side., so that
d. the by.products could he -worked
theenatehlees Roya,l, goad. type
e The foleowing letter appeared in the. the•C.rtiikshanks family,broted Lecke
Glebe, front its own reporter, dated at Wide ribbedand low seit'after her bree
Clinton :: e- i asit ne 1 has a herd of 2,3 Shor
• . •
The forecast Of Cabihet changes, to
take place in September, made above
• by the Globe's Ottawa cortesporident
gives an .illustration Of the . Way hi
which the historic figures of the
formative period of contederatem are
passing, from the scene. Wheti Sir
Wilfrid Laurier foetted his.MinietrY in
1896 the members were Sir Richard.
Cartwright. Sir Oliver Mowat, Mr.
Fielding, Mr, L. II...Davies, Mr. Blair,
Mr. Peterson, Mr. Nfulock. •Mr. Tarte4
Mr. Borden, • Mr. Fisher. Sir Hem
Senator Scott, Ar.„Fitzplatriek,
Mr. Geoffrion 'arni Mr, Dobell-the two
teeter without portfolio. ,Mr Sifton
came in shortly afterwards. When
the Citbireet changes go into force the
Feetnier will only have five.of bis orig-
inal co leagues left, riarnelY, Messrs.
Fielding,. leaterson and Fisher, Sir
Wm. Malock and Sir.Frederrek Berderi,
Sire Ricie,utees denetie,
Ofthe retiring Minister& Sir Rich -
aid Cartwright and Me. ' Scutt. *ill
still ace as Senators, but they will n
forage). take it .place in the forefront of
.ehe beetle. , Sir Richard le in hie seven
tieth Year, and for forty-two years has
been in public life. Since 1866 he has
been Miiiieter oeTrade. and Commerce
. . . • .
Hon. Richard IV. Scott, Secretary
of State, in his 81st year. Ile is
barristet by professions, halving studieA
law in the late forties of the lest een-
Wry. Rte. Scott began his professional
career at Bytownt or Ottawa, aud was
Mayor of what is now the capital
some. 53 years. Mt. Scott became a
member of the Legislature -for Ottawa
'n 1857,, and was defeated in isos. In
ovember, 1873, . he was called to the
• • 1i:ferns is 200 4tere farin ih 'Hulle
I IVIren the Canada Laird Corepany • township. Ile was born over on th
got hold of the Huron county belt and I next farm, . Ilia father , was, the fir
brought lei settlers 75 yeais ago it (lid white settler in that district. Be hi
, good service :to the Canada 'which Was , llecl Rose ealf of last October -whic
t. here. • • ;
tt -Hogs are in good quantity thie. sea- b
0 I, son and. goi»g. at. (ic as brought in. by h
st the farmer or bought by droyere c
is Few. caetle are rooving. There was. a
h , boom on prices for feeding 'e.1 I' hist in
to be. The people who bought the fl he prizes. Scottish Peer, it three -yea,
land were a a good type, independent, I old imported. . bull is the pride of h
thrifty, ancl ambitious: Their coming f owner,' Mr. Snell is a prominent Le
in made possiVe the comity of to-dayt I ceder sheep man and has it drove of 8
with its prosperous towns and large ' Leicesters and 48 taints. The outpu
output �f all the varied.farrn products ien 'sheep from Huron Amounted. t
of Huron. The wide diversity and ex- $165.000 in 1903, Mr, Snell r2.11SCS Porn
tented theseeprodo kteate.esucheas.eto-Lai Pilfarclover-cerhisrfarnrarrd-is-feed
ederal Ministry by Mdckenzie, and
eeame Secretary of State, With a seat
the Senate Re 'Went out with his
hief in 1878, and •ctiehe back with
wirier to the serilei post in 18013. Dur -
g the long period of Opposition he
IS ohe of the leaders of the Liberal
arty in the Sertate, Perhaps Mr.
eott's 'most memorable legislative.
ork was to hammer into shape the
anada temperance act of 1875, popu-
larly known as the Scott. net.
lirr.-ritipatrick, the:
r of Justice, is one of' the ableet
law -
i's and one of the most forceful :pf r-
tlities Panadian public life. His
ends say that the only Oleg that
akes the political arena even toler,
le to him is an occasional bout with:
nee legal' foeman worthy of his steel.
O Minister ,of Justito is 51, arid was
rn in Quebec of Irish Catholic par.
1, ' spring, which 'stockmen . do not yet w
1 t •
is , understend. One of the local con- p
I. -; ditions given . is that. there were not 8.
u enough feeders for all the paeture land w
t of Huron; buyers. got the inapression• 0
0 they were geolge to be left oute and
e , paid prices ire Toronto quite • unwire
- ranted-fortheirfeederse Consequently--
pu uron among. the first live coun-
ties of Ontario in the produation .of
pain, roots and ' • • -
The wheat erop of 1903 aniounted to
3,153,000 buehels. ' Last year .:ie drop-
ped demi t05I4,000. . It wilihe retnem-•
bered, however, that tip yield through -
Out the Province was only it lettle oveu
0,000,000 bushel& which wee lees than.
half that of 1003. This year's crop will
be Iaege., There is fear otrust reith the
contiunance of wet Wettrher'but the
ruat has not yet appeared.. A :.erop.of
1,500,000 bushels of barley is • now the
normal yield for Heron; • This years
crop promises to exceed anything,eyer
harvested here The nit ero for1.003
ing it at preeent- but does not like it
He prefers the old timothy ;and °level.
ttnd will stick to that in future •
In this reline eownship W. Grainger
.& Sons „haves a Shorthorn -herd of
twenty-seven. This firm it was whiCh
:won -tee gold medal at Chicago Fair in
1803 with the World's Fair ' In
the herd lire some splendid milcheovis,
11. I. Jacobs also had a herd of le
well-bred Shorthorns.
Mr. W. J. Biggins, direceor of the
Shorthorn 13reeders' Association, and
who Jives over on the othee side of the
town, has a herd of twenty- foue
his favorite breed. Soule splendid
typee of the Matchlese and lied Rose
amounted to over it000mo bashels, &I'd I ftunilies are to be seen in this herd,
the outlook n'ow es for abother such, An importent heifer, Windsor Eelle,
:Top. The acreage of peas is larger land an important 21 months'. bulle
hie season, a,nd rye, core, buckwheat Donside, give promise, of. developing
rind sugar beets are premising well in, into yeloable animals. • .
their limited areas. Hay is an abtin-
dant crop and of good quality,
l'he apple yield promisee to be small
and away below the normal of good
yeare. 1: he explenation is Wan time,
but the filet Li visible, Of the root
, there are greet droves.of caetle in the
. eounty tieing held forit rise in the
• market.
Somewhat- Rot
I ,
DI in the shade is the highest re-
corded temperature in the province of
Ontario this season and (his occurred
at Windsor on Tuesday. .
The temperature has never been 100
degrees in Canada yet, but it came
' mighty near it fifty-one years ago. On
Aug. 244 1854, the mercury soared to
* 00,02, but there is nobody .hancly who
recollects it. The present is, however,
exceptionally wenn weather, even at,
a registration of 02 degrees. It doesn't
_happen every year. Looking back
thrti the weatherman's creak book,
however, it is discovered that July 18
1 gowsli.Gommorsole.o...homrimmarimmor •
Mr. Grover nail of Pittsburg was
drowned in Lake Conehiehing.
• The p. britly,r over Magpie
burned on Monday, Wile re.
otto,edaticl trate waareatimetiatnoon.
The Canadian natienal records, for
Whielr 'Aye Stook Commissioner Hod -
Son worked incessantly for years, are
no a fact, • Certifjed copies of pedi-
grecs have been received by local men.
They ale leek the parninien setti tied
clops nothing but good is spoken, the signature of the Minister of Agri..
The same is trite, svhethee of potatoes eultere, bet are sighed by the Regis-
olite r the other roots raised foe stock trar, 1VIOst of the 1000 breeders take
ect, of a long reineeseason on. to the. now registrations *and regard
potatoes would 1.10t be good, but not them SS good, Mr, Snell N ao excep--
tilt1 sligheat harm has been done ;IS tier), He says a goocl registration Wile
ye . built up et Toronto under John ri
Huron comity prodnemaratualiy OM den, and knows of no sefficient rims-
ormous herds of stock. It itt ono of on why -any ehanze elnyuld be mme,
four collates itt Pedegilikes the Zoncessien tte !es we
and Sientoe beteg the others, which pro- interests of the West and the 1:4,ger
dttee and Sell Moro than a million: dol. idea, big is nimble to see. anything of
lard Wl.11111 of swine each, In 1003 $440, present, vain n ario
,0 worth of horses. were ,sent out. .stook-holeer, Mr, W. J. iliggins s'ees
But the large figures are needed foe the (nekton precticelly the, saute
elttle. In that, 8t11118 year $1,720,000 He will registee on the Domin-
worth of cattle Were shipped. The Iola lists beettuse that is now neeessary
average value pet head WAS $42.50. but Wieh no degree of interest beyond
In Middlesex It was $40.00 and in Wel- that. .
lington $48.7'2. The average for the The agitation for the removal of the
Province was $85,03. It is belieYed Eritish . embargo on Canadian en tele
that stook generally is as free from finds little response among local raisers
disease this year as ever before, of pure bred stock. The reason is that
Shorthorr. cattle are the favorites they ship very Iittie to 14:n0nel, and
ith Huron enmity stockmen and, consequently are not effected They
ere are m this section it number of do not pretend to speak for eattle buy_
good heeds.. flight adjoining the town ers. Mr. Snell thinks the shipment of
is the farm of Mr. Win, Doherty three carloads of registered tattle to
Through le the little Hayfield giver South A -blot is the beginning of it
ikovve Pero/MI/a Atream winding trade which should attain large di.
Von in the 00 Sores et pasture Maid ott mensione, woeld like to see Ottn.
tile grin, mr, Doherty has herd of adaget ehere of the trade in good
20 shorthorns. Among them are; stock With Argentina, and favors
three Whieh prizee very highly, doing everything \reasonably peewee -
Ono is Glen Park Jilt, * fourteen. sive to secure the trede. Mr. Snell re-
moni.he heifer, of rieh rod emor and m4PC18 thie"btilldllig of stockyards at
pee -hilly promising. .A.noth is 'Toronto Innetion as a move in the
: tq,
1806, coming to Ottawa from the Que.-
bee Legislature, in which he had held
eat for six years prior to 1800.
hen Mr. Mills died Mr. Fitzpatrick
atne 3Iinister of Justice. has of
Is. was called to the bar in 1876,
cl had become so ;nuclei', leader of
e bar that he ISMS' chosen in 1885 as
ers chief counsel.. Among the.othee
famous people who have celled in the
quent Fitzpatrick wheh hard press,
Were Hon re Mercier, Thonlas Mc- I
eeyy and Ernest Pacaud. Mr. Fitz -
rick became Solicitor -General ha
as , rear was Warmer than Tuesday. , W
foe it was 93 degtees there In 1903 and bee
11002 there was it temperature of 01 on lat(i
k.to hie law books, „ •
Reiolutions were intrOduced Into
parliament, on Monday, providing for
an increase of from $1,500 4.0 $2t500 int
the sessional indemnity of Senators;
and weathers of Parliament.; an In-
crease to $12,000 in the Premier's sal-
ary;frthaellr'il'elotottili-zeiTlefa-3711 0re -tPheel; Oppo-
sition ; it retiring allowance for ex-.
Cabinet ministers, and an in -crease in
the scale of Judicial salmi( s. The in-
crease in the sessional indemnity is to
take effect the present year,
Very little objection can be raised to
the increased sessional indemnity, ,for
the figure has been too low hitherto,
'members of the U. S. Congress get
8500011 year, and an allowenee Of $1.500
for private secretary, and they have
no more to der than a 'Member. Of the
Canadian parliament.
Nor:will the slightest objection be
raised to thf increase- given the Pre-
mier, The propriety of giving the
leader of the Opposition, • a salary of
$7010 a year, is open to oriticism. He
certainly is entitledjto 'something more
than his indemnity, -but to get practi-
cally the salary of a Cabinet Minister,
Without any of the responsibilities
thereof, is it new departure.
There should not have been any in
crease in the salaries of •Senators.
They get all they are Worth- to -day.
They have no election expenses, de
not -lose anything by reason of ab
spice, and are well paid.
Every Cebinet Minister who has
served flee consecutive years as head
of one of the departments will, open
retireinent, be entitled to an annuity
egged to one-half the salary: of the
position. Where an ex -Minister be
comes entitled to salary by Siete& ef
public office or as leader of the PP
positioe, the amount of the above an
nuity shall be deducted therefrom. •
The ex -Cabinet Ministers Who wil
qualify for the annuity are ; -
Sir Mackenzie Bowen,
Sir Hector Langevin,
Sir Jno, Clarling. .
Sir Adolph Caron.
Sir Charles Tupper.
Sir (3, H. Tupper. . •
, Hen. Messrs Sifton A. G. Blair,
J. Israel Tarte,-GeorgeE. Foster, John
Costigan, and John Haggart,
As-wndo not believe in a, pension
eystem we do not believe in this, •rnore
especially when it is made retroactive:
It weuld not have been so bad had it
been miee applicable for the future.
Several Members of the present Cabin-
et are'slitted to retire at an early day,
and will also receive .the annuity.
The High (Joliet and County Court
' Judge's ale() receive inereases siilary.
The salary. Of the Coonty. Court judges
throughout °newel° will be hereafter
$2,500 end $3,000 after three years'
service: At ereseot the.Oeunty Court
Judges' salaries ,,./tre $2,400. all round;
n eve, cotia, New Brunswick,
Prince Ed ward eslard, and Manitoba
the County Court jueges' salaries are
,inereeserleto the 'same scale risen • Oh-
' tario. • The County Court Judge-: in
Queen's °minty, le, E. I., will be $3,500:
In Beltish Columbia the Couney Court
Judges • who have hithertb received
$2,400 be paid $3,000 ' .• '
The lbtal increase -means about
000,000 additionel expendituee every
The kind that will neither
fade, crack, nor. curl,. are
toldli -us, 'The''''roltersr
too, a.regood; in fact;they
bear our guarantee,. s
well as the, m a lt e
“1-1a.r1Ston." •
Special shades secured on short
notice, .
• Curtain
All kinds,aild styles, with
wood or brass trimmingsr
any length desired.
The. best way td, hang
your pictures is, by using
hooks on room moulding,
We have the mmilding in gilt,
white, bluet green, huff and
oak colorings, also the hooks.
,Late housecleaners will
find . our stock complete'
and prices inuch, to yciur
'.iisterarianwamtsimeimmanwineanown •
W. Cooper. C2.
• .
ele(e0T13ALL • ..
• 'One of the finest•ane cleanest genies •
of assoeiatien football eVet witnessed
at'Seaforth Inc it long' time ivas played
on Seturday for the senior champion.
ship of Ontario between the Seaforth
Hurons, • Winners of the Western
League,,eand the Parktlele Alibions,
winners of the Eastern League. The .
game Was elating. • The Albions, start-
ed with the seerit nf conquerors and
after a few minutes of pretty coinbin-
talon seined the first gcTiT. Seeforth
awakened to realize the fact that un-
less something were done the Visitors
would make it record-breaking score.
The htinie team soon evened up mat-
tere, and from this time on they made': '
h h
rush alter rus Orithe Albino goal.
half time. the score steod.2 to I for Sea- •
foreh, and at full time the Hurons had
five to theircredit, each of the forward
• line scorihg one goal, while the Albion. •
o? failed Co. get the. strong • Seafor-th dee
fence. fiiendly, spert like feeling,
' existed between the two teains, and
0 they will Meet to play.the final in Bete
e lin Jed" 21st. Mr. Vogalsahg, of Bee.' •
' He thanked God that the French
, .
They AO .4.11' Unwise. '
Senator Choquette, who is an el
(pent French-Canadian, but someWlid
of a fire -brand, is , being held .up t
.eaticisin for the following langueg
'used in the Senete the other day.:
• line re eieecl to the sa,tisfaction of ;ilk,
- Frecl Hagar lost his life whre row --
Canadians were a race who niust b
eonsidered. They could not afford t
refeee. to recognize that the Catholi
Vote would be a power in it religion
struggle; They had. always bee
peacehil, but if pushed to the waI
If compelled to do this by he in toler
e ing in Hamiltoo 13ity. •
o Miss Margaret J. Clark% daughter of
O . Mr.eaed Mrs. W. ,Cherke, of the Behy- • '
s • lot! leloSt,aniey, wae Married to Rey.
!' R. A. Miller of Oil S rin ort
would seek elsewhere tor rotection
scene of their fellows in the
confederation, down would come the
British flag and the whole confedera-
tion go to smash.
I I T d. wee • he happy
. event was celebratedifi Corinth. Mrs..
- 'Miller has many friends in this vicinity'
who extend to her their best wishes •
for her future happiness.
The concluding Sentence is silly and
ill-advised; and we do. not believe it
would be endorsed by his Yellow -cone.
patriots But it 'is no more silly and
ilhadVisecl than 'sentiments Uttered in
n !trio during the last few rnotiths.
This proymee has lots. of fire -brands
evehe aree.just. -aierailede-Senaterelelioe-
qtiette, •and they are net confined to
the ranks pf the lefty either. Centre:
b Mons to newspapere and platfoxre
addresses by Protestant plergyMen
often contrail sentiments that: would
be inncli better unexpressed, and while
no atteriant is. raade te justify or err-
cuse the, unwise' state rn ts, of Senator
()Paquette, it is just as well. 'to see
that •Ontario -there is hothing that
is just as unwitie frem an opposite
lefecKentie•13owell ahnounces
Itis retireMent from th° leaderehip of
the Opposition in the Senate.
July 8. in 1001 w e had• sizMer on bac
enride no secret rifles wish to get
, June 27, with 07, and it was the same
ton Sept 12, 180t, For pile years before
r thee the mercury keot out of the 00's,
but in 111,;2, on july 28 it regieteied 03,
Other high teinperattlee elioWn MT
J111V 10, 1887, 07 degi e•ts . Tut /„1872
00 degrees ; July 13, ism, 03 degrees ;
Aug. 8, 1804, ill deo,ces ; July 0, 1802,
05 degrees1,,,Iuly 17, 1853, 00 degrees..
trtig kiitAIS1(4111 LIE Or.,A.Tr;
-Notify every •iygOt wolit0s.,r, Of ironic:
One "saleu. by e fumy pediat
peep e Sisk why the Comity
("mind' does not put 011 11 stringent
license fee and thereby prohibit them,
Tlitit is not as easily done as said,with
the Stelete reading ne it (10es, Ono of
the most effective inethotie is for the
public to positively decline to deal
with strangers, and We will guarantee
these gentletnen would soon seek new
and greener pasturage if this- plan was
followed, One reason *by there are'
SO many shoddy pedlars scouring the
eoun try is because' their profits ere
large anti no e'xpensd conmarable to it
regularly established bash -less man in
the %%pity of taxeS, tent and it10111Atlee.
C8 tt ie e bile rt strong.
et claim on the trade them travelling
salesmen. Win) very often practise de-
eeit if nothing worse. gond With t_h_e
home merchant" is good advice, and if
anteduport leave much more salt5.
faction and permanent results. The
residerit has it hundred elaims to ono:
in comparison to shoddy pedlars on
the trade of the county. '
It ie understood. that • one veshlt. of
Itis special allowance of $7,000 that
Perliarbenthes preVided for the imier •
of the opp.nsifiOn Wili be that Mi' 11
1.41302sten sylil deirote tilt his. Woo to
tho eltitiee of hie responsiblO oraeo.
liorden Is In the fortunate poen ion of
being independently wealthy, and doe8
not haVe.1.0 depend upon ht v vette
.000 for VilYing, That in simply 4 pas..
'tinw, Ire has no Nuttily awl ean toii
,Hy devote ail his time to the didieri Of
healing the Opposition;
The I/tilted Mini* no Iteigee tiolils
iindisPuted auperinrity lit rank,
• .
wheat production Theft.' titgti for
tlie fiscal Yeer -iriet rinsed eve (110 •
smallest shine .1812, told they are tint
likely to recover their sitpremacv 111
the grain trade. Argentina
Russia and trona are tivaia for Rut)*
rernacy, art(' Canada is eertein to take
first place soon. Uncle Sam may ere
Tong ha e io look to us -for part of lila
grain at pply. .1
l'hoo .1.);•..tordan. 'Comptroller of the
lilonitalde Life AkeirarieeSnelety, was,
isked tor‘liis resignatiort becattse ho '
refused to diooinma intormation
. BORN, . . •
I ' CASTLE. -Ill London, July the ' atla;
I, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Castle, . fore
to 'Aft; and Mrs W. Plunasteel, a, claugh-
merlyofClintoo, a son. •
PLUMSTEEL.-In Chilton, on July 20
Pit r•At,i.--In Morris, on July 35(1,
1 the wife of Mr. lohn Phelan, a &atter- .
tere.------'- .
WEBER. -In East We -rem -108h, on
Tune 80th, the wife of•Mre Wm. Web.
er, a daughter. •' •
Cifiumnkros-hyroemt-At the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, Franees
street, Wingham, on July 5th, beelteie
D. Perrie, Me..James .A. Quintnings, of
,Listowel and'forrherly of Winghaen to •
Miss Minnie Frye:5g e, daughter of gr.
and Mrs. D. rryfpgle. ,
Dictcsog • Pun:tare -At the home .
of the bride's • sister& Smite '51 "The
Eastman,"Detroit St. Cleveland, on
July 7th,by Rey, William F. Welt; Dr
S: A. Dielcsone of Ashtabula, . .to
Miss Mara Phillips, of Seaforth.
11ORNEY.-PErteamox,--On Wednes-
day, July 13th, Mr, Wm. Barney, of
Usborne, to Miss Maggie Ferguson, of
4, e
Jor all Next Week
Robeil,son 'Ready 11liked Paints; soc per quart
. -
Special diScOunts on Gasoline and Oil Stoves.
Screen Doors .1.1.0 Windows at reduced prices.
Graniteware Sale still continues at so per
•A few Lawn Mowers 'at Cost.7.to• clear.