HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-07-21, Page 3-TR7.7" "'NO/7MM' 2 -1AVaROIJSGERIE IN SLIM , 'A Strengthen the Stomach With 1\4174-4-12a. ,and keep Welt York spends theustuids of dollars' tbcv tcc- will he fre-' from sickness A wealthy philanthropise in New organs by the use of 1111-o-na that in the summer season, eveey lllll ler moviding milk finethe 511-o-na, restoree eotaplete health to the whole system and cures head- aches, backache, sleeplessnees, pains and distress after eating, vertigo,. heart burn, and the genera.' debility which result from a weak stomach anti imperfece digestion. A guarantee to refund the money if like -me -does not shOW WV. is giv- en with every 50 cent hox. Ask Re Reekie to show you the guarantee. heel, s, wit Ii the result that the mor- tality is greatly ecrea sed. He ap. preciates the fact that disease germs are ton turn in the summer and that the stomach ninst be kept healthy to resist their ti t•14.'ka. . Older pet d. di. wit live on. 'a inqk diet to insure heath h, lint they can so strengthen the stomach and digest 1.1.11•••••••••••••• • ° The g1t9au New En FRIDAY JULY 11, 1005 Protect tho Farmer. • The London Free Press says: --'"fhe AlllerietAll farmer had theadvantage of a free entry for corn, and the import Of corn was' a curse to Canadian farm- ers It was taking the plate3 of many grains. allo farmers in Canada could grew•teern at the craw:Wing price. It the failuers were guaranteed 45 cents a Inesbel for their own corn they would groir all the eorn needed an Canada,. Last year there were 13,000,M0 bushels of c irtiiimatated into Canada.".. There was a time wheat the nndOn Free Press, was particularly op osed to p •oteaion as app i al to fanners, being then honest enough to recognize that the farmer cannot be protected to his own advantage. Now, for political effect alone it • would convey a, con - ii Li y idea. When it says that, the free import of corn is a curse to the Canadian farmer it is stating what is absolutely untrue, and the fact that so large a quantity was imported here is proof of that The Free Press knows that the' e wit:ii it tie .1;glite‹-t of rert to taw pi ice for taw, .0....ierreaa iseue r to have free access to Canada for his - corn. but, it does add very much to the ad vat iitage the Canadian farmer basin fattening his cattle. - Free c•irn meatIS that the Canadian farmer is placed nean4y on an equal footing With his American brother in fry h ng hisacattle. • • It neetes he can and. does sell hie. cinirse grains ordinarily for more than ,1' 1 costs here, and he receives a pro- fit in two ways, • . It is absurd to talk of farmers being gtiaranteed Vic. a bustlel. for ciirn. Why not girtrantee.thent a $1 it piece •for oranges., One propostien is just : s good as the other. ' Catarrh Cannot he Cured- wi Ii LOCAL A PPL ICA:TIONS, • as they canner reach the seat ofe the. disease. Catarrh is a blood or con d,sea so. an I ill or. kr Ii Cur.' Ii y • isc ink.fill:ern:11 I Olio- eies.. I lall!s Ca mill] Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the Idol id and mucous surfaees. Halls Ca- tarrh Cure is not at quack Medicine. It was in.esciiiied by one of the .best physieians•in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It IS compostal of the best tonics known, combined 'wit Ii the hest blood purifiras directly on the matrons surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such woaderful result a in curing.Catarrh. Send for testimonials fret% F. J. CHENEY. & CO., Props., . Toledo,. 0. Sold by Druggists, pike 75e • Take hull's Family Pills fdr eon-. satiation. County Clippings — J • Failgan of Auburn lost several head Of cattle by liglitening recently.' Mr. lloYStackhouse, Westiie d, had he misloi tune to lose his driver by having its neck broken. . . _ p are glad to report that Mr. J. A. Chipman. of East Wawanosh is re- covering from a two months' illness. Mr. Miller Begley, Blyth, left this moraling for Einivale, where be has cc - cured a good position In a large general store. Misto Alice Dundas, of McKillop, • got her leg seherely hurt 'about a loon I Ii ago, . • is, we regret to say, not yet aide to leave her room. Jil riles Meintry, Crowe,. we ave sorry to say, is not revovering from his long lIltr'ii• lip has been ill 'the greater part of two months with pneumonia. A few ww.ks ago we announced that Mrs. Isabella Crittenden, Blyth had killed a large milk snake. Last Frlday afternoon she killed another,- which she found (silted in a corner of her eel- ') tar. rile soak., measured live rind a half feet in length. I 'rimy Need a Leader and Polity. In the Toronto. News of Saturday is a very' significant and suggestive half - page article, written by a special cer- respondent. M entreat, who ha i been making an extensive inquiry .as to the. raasons for the demise of the ConserVa- tive party in Quebec, The reside has not been very encouraging. Its. corn- miseioner deals freely with the follies and stu Mottles* of the party, and des-• calve hoar ;its leaders have .alienated friends. *The party, he says, has gone from had to worse,' and since 1900 has been he the hands 9f incompetent men, whose lack of principles, bickering and divisions—for they have been .united only on one point, deSire for office— have blighted its prosPects. The •cori-.' elisions of the Nei's' commissioner are that /. So long as Sir Wilfrid Laurier lives and remains in. power, there is no hope for the. Consetirritivesto gain ground in Quebec. One. officer ' .of a, (Ions ...rvetive chile pub it. this Way-: We •can do nothing 86 long as Laurier is th.re. Even if the 'angel Gabriel or Moses came down to lead uSeit Would be no use against Laurier." • . e • 2. If it. canie to .a fight on equal terms between Botalen and • Fielding t io C inert at iv•,4. wen:aa ilv,e 4 fight- ing chance to' -win " - , • • . S. But re -organization •i$ absolutely necessary TrOut- top to bottom.. • Mottle rule Tor and within the party, With no one-man power, must be the: principle upOn which .Conservatistri in Quebec . mast he re -organized, and it may be se in the other provinCesas.Well. -: -e - • 4. There muse , be an end •enit t� all cabtrewithinthe ranks .: of the party. The leader Mnet Poseees the confidence of his lieutenants .on all questions ot.. policy, or he lutist get new lieutenants. Therefore, le Coriseevatisin'in Quebec is ever to amount Jo . anything again,' Mr. •Monk most disappear front. the -sub-leadershipTe . : . • • e .. • : . e The NeWedescribei, the -PoneervatiVe.. rtryis.a.sc,adln.Q.i.1evh.ec..iTn.. is only Pttofth;truth..It is at:: sixesan d ioederal.nttter:i t:d.ecii nue \1/2:eVe it has 0,,ghOstof'a chance. of getting.back..100..power at Ottawa . Mr. Borden is a gentleman,- lint bele. nat. a Political leader, 'anti some of his . own followere 1*y-0...openly resented' his leadership. •:. , He does . not ' lack brains; hitt be has net the:IllagnOttEim of a leader; nor apparently :the ptalitl- oil acumen and insight neteseary.' The: 0 mservei iye party )1n.e' no policy tfy- 1 ty, save one of opposing the Govern - tient. and the ProVince Of Ontario is v..'aIIy the only ...Teepee wherein the p trty has 'any real Steength,, ' • • eenses in.Oxford and Kent N.p.,,,••••••• (Tr ton t oNews) The Lieente 00trunissioners for I Oxforti have addressed to lieense-hold-: thee a, mauler which isdevediyprais- ed by the Weodeteek Sentinel -neaten& They advise hotel -keepers to obseree tlie.law, not only in letter bietin spirit. Their business is to "keep hotel," t� natintain. a, tempererY hozhe for travel- lers., clean, inviting comfortable home- like. The' bar is a mei, ineident of such a hotel, If it is allo'wed to take the fleet place, the intention 4if the law eis-defeated. - "Tile latv'now is Wet you - must not sell to minors, order or no order. Do not forget this. Do not sett to' weak men, men who are Mine ing theraelves and beggaring their fainilies through drink. You most know these meta and you shod re' fuse them drink and so instruct your help; Do not suffer any loafing about your piece outside or in. If a man is THE CLINTON NEW ERA BABY'S OWN TAR T$ Cure Rot:Weather Ailments andn nu • Summer Complaints, f Oar aro 4.T.K.V.01•••011.411 • In the hot- Weatheretne „twee suffer from stotaech and bowel troubles, are nervous, weak, sleepless and irritable. Their vitality is lower now than at any other season. •Prompt entice? at _Ns time savetteaeyerOiteus lit- tle OWit Tablet is the best medicine in the eircnkl for little ones, They speedily relieve, promptly etirer tend give sound refreshing sleep. And they are gneranteed free front 'opiates and harmful drugs. They al- ways. „good cannot possibly 'do harm and no home should be with- out. rue , , cora y during the hot weather months, when dangerous , troubles come suddenly and almost un perceived. Mrs.5 Adam Marticotte, Chloeydornaes, (Idea says ; "I have used Baby's Own Tablet e for diarrhoea and stomach troubles and always with the most. perfect success. ' They are better than any other medicine I know of," Sold by all druggists or by mail at 25 cents a boiehy writing_ the Dr- -tYnT asgl'e es) that, lect17:37 -34 brockville, y ears the name "Baby's Own Tablets" and a. four-leaf clover on the wrapper. Any - tiling else is an ineitatioe. seen coating outof your place, or loaf, big in the neighborhood of 'your place drunk, it gives Your place away. "Close promptly at the hour for Oohing, ana keep closed tight till the hour for Opening, Open your bar -room for zeithing tor nobedy during prohibited hours; •keep the laTere-strictly as to Seturcla.y nights and Sundays. keep your preinises tidy and allow my un- seemly conduct about,' This is Mt good and we hope the corn- , missioners will it as well as they write ; wilt compel hotelkeepere to �b - serve the lttiv, d treat fairly those who clo so. -In West Kent the boin- rnissieners have begun badly, • The Hotel Rankin,: Chethaei, is oneeol_the largest and hest eonducted commercial hetisee-in .Western chiteeeio. It 4 con- cluded a;Ceording. to the advice of the -North Oxford .CommissiOnere: The license is cut off, not it seems, because the .hotel is badly kept, but because th.t proprietor is. an active Idiberal w nker., That is to say, the Promise that under the Whitney- government p tics' ti o aid not influence the admirt iitration Of then:tense lavv• is broken. Tee Governthent and its officiate ,lettee n to do with the politics of ce sehohlers, ,Hotelkeepers have.: a perfect right' to hold •..and, .• titter a ter pout cal opinions they . please, to; work for one patty or the, other; :Id: support or oppose a' 0:ovate-Mien To interfere whhthese rights of citizen- : ship. is gros'ely u rif air a int tyran i cal, and w ill bring the hi. w into discredit 'The Ontario Govevfnitent Is'resi3onsible for tie& administration of: the ItIW ; it Ought to insist on a reVeisal of the- a& Hort Of the. Commissioners,. 4iut might to issue such instill tions as will pre- venta repetition of the offence in West Kent or elsewhete. . ' President- Howes? 'wale -heft. • President Hayes Was.in the habit Ot wearing 'it Cheap nickel watch while in the. White .11ouee, • end iimeh Comment was arouged, as to the •reireonerThe.. truth Was that almost weekly. a. depta lotion of western Indians called upon him, always •bringing Presents of Some kind to the great fntker, Of 'course be waive expected to give: something in re.' turn, and the .object was to find some- thing,cheap and at the same 'tithe it4- &ptohlo. Watches .were' a novelty to the Indians, 'and to present- a chief with •a watch' which alie'• great father himself had been"-cerrelegealways: pressed him greatly. Having diseover- ed thle ffiereterelirgelordistribute7- gold watehee or. even' silver ones,: Mr. Hayes hit upon' the expedient of buy- . lug nickel waOlies at $30,11 dozen and :always 'made. It CollYouient to have one. with hint against tin emergency- . ivorwae‘ za;leend. According .to woelc'oe Norway, the . scantiness of the soil hi that canary is explained by some of. the Country nee - pie follonis': • At. thacreatiort of the, world the angels whose duty It *at to . scatter the soil forgot :Noway. Seeing this, the guardian angel. Of the land made eompleirtts to•the Creator. ' What' • wee to be done? Impossible to restart the'whole of the creation for the take' ' of Norway. ."Ceme, my little aogels," ' said he, "look carefully anti perhaps you may still Anil a little earth.", The eonscienee stricken augeis sirept the Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it's, probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured flair Vigor the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much, to it. 'If not entirely bald, now Is your opportunity. ImprOve It. -2 hare used 'Ayers Heir Inger rot ever 40 r rears. Ian new si roars old ace hate Marty go:414 richbrowhairdue, thinkren. tne. M. A. retirn, belletilleo fit 0.001 bottle, JO, Altalt 00.. tmo",....,116,31046 ‘..°8 Good Hair 1 floor of heaven, and the littie'dttst t ey foutid the gather6d In their draperi s end 1 -battered over the Norweglit - rocks. Paces and reit; An English Artist, Writing in it tont don woman's niagraille, Says: "I de not' Mao* if oily one'has 'ever drawn attention to the fact before, that' roil- ceil generally tell the shape or a WoUtell'S feet' by her fade. There nmelacbaraeter In a Viet rig in a bend. You Will generally find the round heed, short nosed little woman lute the prettiest 'ankle and foot; the high Oteeked, long nosed Woman the ugliest. Wooten with very pretty faces seldom • have Pretty feet. Nature, fieMehOW or • • other, Compensates Its daughters," ° ritelted Lover, In the course of her first call upon Obe of her It ,baud's parlohlonere • young N.Ito. Or oke feelingly Of his noble, goner)) "Re as y altruist as MIDI may be," she said proudly and offec-. tIonately. * • "IS he analtruist," said her liestee2, With mild Surprise. "I thought from the tone of his voice that he pOhably was a bass," 0. 314 21st 4005 fer Sale, N. eett Nein boot. now Merge end acre Of bud, Eatrt end Oat- -.HENRy egATTir •1'.1W.I.4.•••••w• . • PROFESSIONAL TURF TOPIC5. SM soutten .bast tutie ario Sr. Pareheser wishing more _land , cored ha t ' ugle • iSeceesser t Sfr ,Sits *cats imarktrotirleina 41:44 044 track, book, Piditidelphin, , re ElfWir recently 'Wiped n gear- torvie1114.002uitrviulletioantistreek.20r 2, a, .ndltw. at . Prank 0. 14e0t.'eali et ishilp�eetra • 21414:44. '14,41111157 Tokengt*., for �OO The fast dausittos et Wilton, Rilatiork. 20"f14, owned * O. W. Etterettif,0411- YirrThded• °vela.? bit WI, na OS144 tiovstith the • The brown opal gaging Sells Wit- te:I. a half st‘Dirstsiftee rottentli in $3113%, last qui* iiseoadri. She wee bi (*sit littedtti• " In thp 'netighbetheed of $4900 has bean Bikatt Lu imprOirementit at, the Walla WAR* (*ash.) track,, and mote largo• colony of trainers are 2o4ated there. ' • ' •• ' . • • In' the gentucky Futurity twenty- eight mares with records of 210 or bet- ter have been nominated. :411 are • In foal to record stallions, most of theta In the 210 list, !An c OcteIng.j 11UA.VE/I. - House tor Sale - Mrs, .Edwin kraehling 'and three • children • and :Miss Addle Mille left Blyth station on Tuesday morning for Arcola, Assiniboia, where they Intend making their home. The' best wishes of many friends accompany them to their new home, Mr. Icraehling has been a resident of Arcola, for some time past. , • • , A plain question : Do you really •get the only Paiukiller—Perry. . Davis' —when you ask for it ? Better be sure than sorry: It hes not, in 60 years, failed to stop looseness or pain in the bowels. REMEDY FOR RAY FEVER' After Trying Other Treatment,, • Jilyotnei Was Used With: feet StItCong. • • Before the diecovery of UyOznei the etely; adviee.a physician could •give his hay fever patients, was 'to go away from Mime, hut now anyone'. who is subject to this disease can,, if Ilyornei is used, 'stay at home without fear of the annual attack " of sneezing, watery eyes; and other diScomforts. 'J. F. • Forbes, , a well known "West- ern railroad inan, whose homeis at McCook, 'Nebraalt • writes e."I' have never had any to MI from any remedy for, hay fever, even' teniparerilY,.. nee tit 1 discovered the meeite of liyoneel. always recofinnend it when occasion ret her. • • '.1hereno pffeneive br (1..angrOus stemach closing,When Hyornei. is used. This reliable remedy.forthe etre Of all ' SiseaseS of the resptratory organs is breathed theough a ...neatpocket in - ha ler that conies With ever3ooutftt, so 'that 'the air takee-intrethe threiae and lungs ielike that of the White. Memo - tains or other health retorts, where v fever ra unknown,• • • • • The fact that 1,1.. P. Iteekie rigreee to . .refund the Money to, any hay fever sufferer who ;tees 11Yomei vVithentestic- 'eeee, should inepieeconfidence. in Its •• pcer to effect* a &ire: A ecimplete outfit costs only ,$1.00 and extra hot- Tbe •NitIV: Ei.toegfVes- the .horne news tles but ii cents . - - --e— ' MODES OF THE -MOMENT. Plaid silk, Settler/its are back Cs. Yer again, • . , Guth; in collar and cuff seta are get- ting deeper and growing into Meat ha' VtdVed points. If you, your friends or relatives suffer with Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for 'a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such.cliseases to Tim Lamm Co., zee King Street, W„ Toronto, Canada.. All druggists sell or tan obtain for you. LEIBIGSFITCUIRE Ten (monies with Woodshed and stelae, thAricilyanloaeast7ef.et fwoartpera'rtfonaloarree apply to. cen" * W. BAIrDONE. e • Rouse to Recet .e corn ortah e berme on Speneer fii4. with half n aor f l 4, 1 kinds of fruit, hard and soft water, stable. Apply to dale MoINTYRE, Staplettor.. For. Sale. . Cfinton Salt Well Ermine. and Boiler, 12 borate power, (Gold.e k McOullach make) Berri* and ether artiOles therei n Apply to JOHN' McGARVA. • Tread Power tor Sale. Sabserib'er (tiers for sale a two horse tread power in gOod working order, Will be sold cheap. JO f! B. LINDSAY •Tforon Read, (iodeiich Tp. Omen P. 0, FaTnt to tient or For Sale Lot 18, Coe. 4, Hullett, 100 acres, near- ly all .under cultivetion. _ Terrna_liberala.. Apply to W. W. VA.RItAN - Clinton, March 22nd; Ip05 • • . Lands fOr- Sale, . • 'In the far Watt,' Efeward, Asp. Im- proved farms fOf sale at $14 per acre, other farms without . buildings from $6 to 112 Pet acre, gond land from One to six miles from town; Pare paid to -parted investing. 'N. V. °RICH, Betters, Assn, 1 0.t8. HALE , ' JOHN RIDOCTT 11.4.0,RISTER.1101.101TOR,8to.. CLINT° ottice—puott Rinek,.fermey Meat by Mr *Scott. - - 11101401f WO awein, W. OUTDONE.. .BARBISTER SOLICITOR, , NOTARY • Imelda nTo • • • . anion & HALE ceilkryaf pkYpERS, COWaserolons, Lee I wait rig %sum? eAgent 0, CAIVIER01% tonnero 01 catneren; Holt ft Cameros B./kiiRISTER.sup SOLICITOgi Offiett—Ramilton St opposite con:metre teens CiOngaPall, oNT . PR011.113P0 PT, uays& „. - Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pulage, Etc, offloes,—on the *place, Sed door from Handl- ton St:, Goderich.W.Private funds to loan at lowest rates. W. kaounroor, K. C., R. C. Er4rs, O. F. Bf;44:, " Drsaunn & ODUlle , 110. It. C P., E. It. V. S.. Min - Dr, .1, Nisbet ill. It c, $ England, L. 12. C. London. . Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. eight calla at front door of office or residence, RattenthirP Street.. • ' DR. J. W.' SHAW. PnYsIntAN, STIRGEON acrusbenr etc., office and residence Ortc, tart° St., opposite English church, formerly on noted Liv Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont. 011.'0. 1K. THOMPSOLV Physician, Surgeon, Etc, epecial attention giyen to "diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Note. end Residence— Albert Street.2 Mediu' North of ItattenbUrr- To Rent t W Nanning Smith, 14. The'briok oottageand 20 acres .of land, lost south of Clinton, on .the London Road, and at present owned lav lire. Freer is of- fered for rent on reasonable terms. Apply to Ephraim Butt, Clinton,- or 'Rev. 'W. B, Butt. Springfield. „ March 24.tf Tilt WINGBAM BUSINESS Farms, *tor sale If you expect to succeed, stick to 4.2h bat you underteke. 'If neceesityis the mother of invention, most. certain- ly continuity is the fattier of success. We,extend, a special invitation to parents and children to Call on us • and inspecirour chassis and work before eu- rolling; • • • • ' • THEW. INGHAM • BUSINESS' C 'IAMB stand's tot hard, sYstinStic rivrirk onlv. .. • • o•vacation. ' We have opened a special. Claes- for instruction Outing vacation, for teach - ere. who are obliged to take •(,loirtnier- cial work-in the Continuation 0.1aeseg.s' atter en: t' • Further' infortnation from prin- cipal. . ,. • N. Reginald' Fletebdr' . . E. Pearl Hunt:Lady •Prin. Oco.SIO ton!, •Prissident; `-% 4c g' BY BY. ROYAL» WARRANT. MILLERS TO R.11.TH E.PRINCE‘OFWALES mule.tiloattAtitAnteliitatriuktiti, A Pe,ffedtly "balanced0 flour is one Which contains the greategt amount .cf nutriment inits racist easily ,digestible form. No single variety of wheat will produce. "well balanced". floutit requires the careful seledtion of different kinds. „. ." ,The maktrs: of ROYAL, HOUSEHOLD FLOUR have more than a hundred elevators, Scattered throughout the greatest wheat growing country in the world, which enables them to secure the very pia of the -wheat that will yield perfedtly; balance& flour -- -The kind of flour that produces .the bet, the largeq and the strongest loaf. The loaf which contains the greategt 'amount of bone, muscle and brain -making protein and the lowest percentage of waste. • ROYAL HOUSEHOLD makes bread which reduces the labor of digestion—and gives greatest nutnuon• for least stomach effort, • • , , the Pbalance n in flour that makes bread easier to digest and gives it Many oilier qualities which are usually attributed to other causes. ogilVie'S 4.4 ROYA1 Househobill FloPur. 150 sores in 2nd Con. Il. R. 13.. Tucks*: smith (let 82 and west half lot 84) ,with good brick house, barn, sheds, stables etc. A first class -farm, ' Parcels will be sold ieither separate or together „ For partici:1- liFs applyle HERBERT CRICH, • ' Seaferth, or W. Brydona Barrister, Clinton. Fartit for Sale Or to Rent, The well known farm situated on west half leen, con. 3, Efullett, is oildeed for sale or to rent. There is 50 acres in the 'terra; 8 acres of bush, and rest seeded with tttt exception of to fields. Plenty of . water, well fenced, good stabling, 'etc. - Possession can be laid at any time; ' Pit ties will he prosecnted for trespassing. 'Apply to A: GIN N. Clinton P.O. or to W. BRYDONE. • • . PHYSICIAN (ft SURGEON, OFFIUE---Main Street, Bayfield, formerly occupied by Dr. Palle:ace: J. B. LEJNOV; " Successor to Dr, Agnew,,lentitt... CLINTON, - ONTARIO. Office open every dayand until 10 &oleo Saturday evening. e ' • ERNEST KOL.IVIEt DENTIST ." • es S 0 r to Dr:T. C. Bruce : Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work L, D. 6. --Graduate Royal College Dental $11 • aeons of Ontario, %tomato, • - 121.:11 class Bono.: graduate of Den tal De .,ertment of „Toronto . Universit*. Special atteetion4ald to preservation children's teeth. 'visit Baytield cv • Monday. • • DR 1k FOWLER, DestisT. .....1:gages over CVNE±L'S store; Special pare takerito &die dental trir • anent as 'painhilss as passible. Will vi, i • Anburn'every Moeday Miscflaneou• I I . F,iVHL I ir'Saie;.or to Kent, rot; Sale Or to Rent, 'that charge farm of 53 acres, • on the -Mai teed Canceesion. Goderio T:wrie.hip ; knew's: as the Budd- Fs.toi. About. 130 acres" , cleared. , Good orie4 house, splendid liner barn, and out. buildings; plenty of water; b-aaring arch sr(); otos to clinch and scb,q9);..P mites from ;Minton, Will be. sold, or rented ..'fora Duro ber of y ears, ' • 11.3,MRS J. RUDD, Mary pi. Clinton 19 1905 - Desirable Property tor Sal • House and IOW in the village o. Bohnee. vine, The undersigned tffere for gals, her e. large two-story brick house, slate roof, Aood cellar, large toms, furnace, hard and sOft'vrater in house, stable and drive shed, good garden, all hinds of trate, about *21. acres of land, convenient to Railroad Sta- tion Post Office Church and School. AP - lily by mail, or on the premises to. MR. T. O. PICKARD, Holmesville. 5 6 if. Sgendid Farm I or Sale . The undsrsignedoffeitehis farm of 125 'acres for sale on the 12 ooncesehin of Hallett, 12 mi1e8 froarOluaton, the same front Sea - forth and rinilee from Blytla There is on the premiers a gond baek barn, also • Pigpen, sheep pen and drivirg house with loft above. There is a good briar . house with summer kitchen, cistern,' 3 wells, 10 acres of bush, 2 acres of orchard of choice trait. The farm is well fenced and 'drain. 'ad and lea good state of OultiVation. For 10.nts ata partioniare apply to. tf • HENRY LEA.R, Lonclesbore. Citoiee Farm tor Sale. Situated on the 0th ;on, Goderich Tp., containing about 80 Rem; most of it. good • clay lend, producing heavy crops, There is about use sores of bust, and fiye acres of orchard, qf good (mit; good buildings'; frame banes reith rooms and kitchen, woodshed end ostler; an barn'built of pine lumber, with stone hatiement50x48 well at barn, with pump inside for water- ing stook; shed' 50e20 ft; implement hates 20z55 ft. and other outbuildiegt; fences in eery good repair; over 250 rods of who fence onthe farm; geed well of splendid 'water; post office and •sehoril 1. miles, church 2} miles; about Or Milo from God- I'desession given at any time. Price $8,100.00; G. R, CO4 ° The Pure herd Shire Stallion ., ljESVOilD MARQUIS IMMO MOIIDAO• morning, Mte 1st, be wfil leave !leery Deer's stable, 138se Line, Ilpt- lett, and proceed t to John //SOY% Bonn - &try Lee, for noon ; thence to Meson House, Myth, for night. TUESDAY, to Albert Weymouth's farre,,Linclesbore, for noon ; thence to A. Wellaee'e, Seromete hill, for night* WEDNESDAY, to Cara- mereial Hotel, Clinton, for teen; thence to nos; Colo's, Sri! em.. Goderith *Om* ship, for night. TIMRSDAY, to 'Peter MaDougal,"e, (tat Tine; for rim; theme to Itieherd Peewee, 414e goo., for night. FRIDAY, to Jelin Elowerby'o, 4th con., for noon thence to Wm. Lamprey's,/titon Road, for then, SATURDAY, to the Pollee Itletairi Earn), Maitland Coda for noon; thence to his own stable at Henry Met's, *bete he will remain till the fol- lowing Monday morning, OTTI411. P. wtr,sobt, Mgt. .1,a 13, ATIAULL, Own , AMES 0AsieftE21. Lormeosotto, • bBUEliOF MARRIAGE; ' Igo witnesses requiretF Money. - Private funds to lean at 4%pei cent and: up. wards ERYDONE.• • JOHN We YE0 HOLMESVIUAE. Agent for the '32-stecnitsran.Pr. wAssurtasum, Co, of Mancheater, England whose funds are security are rated at 0.4,600,00e. .Also the Me, R111.0 110TuaL.I.RIMIIANCE Co:' A classes of farm risks and town' property taken lowest rates.' ketret-o ass Lon Cornoaatto-, also represertad. Money to be Sad fr En si per . cent MI, acco, tine o nature et sedtrite.— Daily Mail, IlolmeevijIe - postal cod wt. fete's -him Licensed Auctioneer. The undersigned solicits a share Of the • patronage of, those whiting to hold sales,. Ratisfaotion guaranteed. Moderate rates.. Apply to or address JAS. A. SMITE, lots, . 88, con 16, Goderich tp., Clinton P. 0, NIA:BRIA.GE LIORNSNIS, rs-grab • Runti4at!, • Clinton. G. D5 McTaggart, JOANEER ALBERT ST, OLINTC)g Gepera't Banking' . transacted . . NOTES DISCOUNTED Notes issued. Interest allowed on deposits. . J. P. Ti$DALL. 13ANxEls, . otriv7.4.r.bt. Private funds to loan on reortgagas kir beat pttrrent rates GenartitiBnk uterettlib t fillOWnedtune01211 tdreli;108:ta' Sale pOtes bonght The olVieSillop Mutual Eire Insurance co. Pan" gitdyitigelinZi°47. Prop onlenas. J..13, McLean, President, kippein Time Eraser'Vic-pres., Brucefield; Thos'. E Hays, Secy. Treas., Seaforth; Diltiter0128. Y48. Connelly, Porter's "Hill; John Watt,* Harleck; G. Dale, Clinton; lef, Chesney, Seafotth; J. Evans, Beech. wooni J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Itele- netveis, Brodhageti. Each Director is inspector of lossegha - his own locality. . • AGENTS, Relit Smith, Harlockl, td.' Rinchley Seeforth; James Cumming,, Egmond- yillet J. W. Yeo, HEADACHE . Neuralgia atal Ntatauttiest Cured *laY AJAX ittfOlfietAtrapttlit No boot dotatikiti armee 'Miaow tsgsaitet._ Al' Or uu& Go,*WON Omit. Moet» basalt 3u4 41110.sce