HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-07-14, Page 2r, • . The New. Era is published every Fridey". at the Nnw Etta:Printing House, ISAAC STREET . Terms of subsceiption - $1 Per 'Year la advance : $1 50 inasy be charged. if until all arrears are aid, utilees tho Tn: °MUM NEW En July 14th .1905 Iaorease or Drunkenness 1 Party Gtovernment. �t for ourteen ycats have there At a, corner -stone laying the other been so mancominitmeutfor drunk.' Nf a IT. Premier Whittle:, is quoted as y e !saness in the Province of Ontario as saying"It was impossible'm to have too uch Artring the year 1904, As compared t • but th ' y OP w th tile year 1003 the increase in con- irty prejtidice and party core tiot so Paid. No pepdi er scont med viaticum innounts to about 20 per cent, ceif. arty government was produe. olive nt ti* publisher. The dete to P the only means bsr svhich responeible meted on the label, 'This is the most remarkable feature ritish systein was the only system by Au. vet•,b1 1 4 1.11 te••4 Tra,nsient laver- of the unnuel re ort on the Insoection which there was direct government of tisemeet s. 10 vents per nonparel. line P • - the people, for the people and. by the for ills* in' tion and 3 cent R per I:4<lucT Lieensissarl by tbP Pm' people. Canadians. were the most sig. for each subsequent ineertion Small ' Vincial Secretary's Department. The natty favored peole in the world, and hue es oem ased with 100•2 the in, tive of imniense benefits, and it was • p ptiOn easO 4.0. .etease.is ainmst 40p •r cent. . ' toverninent .could be carried out. • Thit• atiVfq't iser ii"sits nnt till'eXeeed, 0'11,3 IE10h I so. x tires showing the number of cone: the only danger they need fear would snick as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolen." . 15 , be the forgetting of two things: .the etc, inserted.onee for 35,2centts, or one , notTluts fel! a n'aalbee of yea" pas P manifest fovor of the .Almighty; And mouth for$I.Communieations int ended follows ; that they were erttitied to the privil- for publication must, as a guarantee Of eges and liberties ' they now enjoyed good faith, be aceeitipanted by the only so long as they deserved them' name of the wt loos To insure put Oi eat ion In current , Party government IS the best :oleo issue copy of advertisements should be Yet devised, midis Unavoidabl... This • 1001 • 3,500 • 1003 -2,987 . 1902-2,047 ' 1001 -2,522 • 1900-2,377 1890 -1,892 1808-1,407 1897-1,710 188D-4797 Although there was a marked in. crease in drunkenness, there were fewer -licences by ft3 in 1904 that ni 1903, the figures being 2,518 yearly, ordinarsr licenses in 1001 and 2,503 m 1903. These figures do not of course include the reduction. of May last, which , Mr. Endo Sunder, chief officer of the License Depamnent, to- ehty-es ti aterlowould, be- abort to100-lo the whole province. • IE this rate of reduction is maintain- ed there will be prohibition in about -twenty five years, and if last year's increase in eommitments is maintained by that tithe a hiss preportion •of the population will be serving teems for drunkenness. . The total collections made by the State from the lfquor trade in the yearsOI.003.4 Were $619,412,09, of which • 30s 77.70 went 'to the province, 'and $257:004,01 to the municipalities. • The fines Collected during the year onto:lilted to $20,475, ae compared with 310,559 the year previous.. ; Prohibition either in. the form of the local option or Dunkin Act, for the•ctirren t year prevails in fifty mu- nicipalities, ofashich twenty adopted the former Act Ja,puary last. . 1890-1,907 1805-2,237 1894 -2,274„ 1893 -2,0U )892-4730 189t-'-3614 1t490 -4 573 sent in ear Contract rates - The following tah'e shows our rates for specified periesle rsad space. 1 yr. two. 8mo. lino Uolumn *7500 $4000 82.5 00' 38 50 4 Column 40 00 25 03 15 00 0 00 1 Columu 25 00 1501) 800 o2 50 Column 18 00 101)0 550 2 00 1 Inch 0 00 350 200 . 120 Rorer, H01,731S! Editor and Proprietor. The Oitrua riew Era FRIDAY JUIOY 1 t, 1905. . Some Fuels from the Budget Hon. W. S. Fielding has been Finance Minister of eanada for over nine years. The service of his eritio• Mr. Foster, extended over the ei-sht years from 1888 to 1890. • - Mr. Fielding was ahle to show. that in eight of his yetue at the helmin the Ministry of Finance the net public debt had been increased, iipitrt from certain readjustment's esf accounts ' wito trto provieee of Ontario emi Queb. c, S, ur 0, yearly aver - ase , 0 f probably S1,230 000.- In effect, therefore, the enormous railway and can d building of the past decade and th _t inaz•velously successful effort mile to at t ract settlers ba15 added but a lit tle over a million and a half t th • debt, burden of the Doreinior; wOile the population has inereas: d ful'y a million. _ Mr. Fit Ming has • an strengthened -Vrosi atieserl-eredit-hy-shosein c own d Ott increase that new loans can he secured at very low rates of interest, The actunl suni paid in interest on the' public debt was only 38,802,380, in •the last fiscal yanr, compared • with $10;- 1345,903-ftr- 1-89•7-. The Government again r: iterates. its intention to edept a system . •of nixi- nuai and minimatn duties, retaining the British preference as a sort offamo ily coecessien below the minimirn ra'P of duty at .A•hich fo . -len goods wi;1 et. MC! in. A cenunission of the calanet will oi %Ice iricjuhy into triule conditions throughout the c Ando y and frot tlw iw (miff in time for • pres- 1mi:saw' to Parliament twat year. No it n porta n t tariff changes were an- nounced. South African winds still. co ne in at the srine ° rate ss French ight wines, 25 cents. a, gallon. • A duty 11111 be imposed of • 6) &Ms „pe r 100 p (Inds on rolled oats. Dry white feed and white lead are leciee heavily texed, the former being increased from 5 10 80 pee cent., the latter from 25 t� 35 per cetit. There are several Other minor c' tint_ An effort is to be made to get, rid of .. American silver current in Canada by paying the bents three -eights of one per cent to collect it. The Phase:tee De- partment will then bhip'it baek to the United States. The increased pi•oduction of gold ria causing some anxiety to financiers. I-1.1ve you got more than your shale of late S It appears thet the Yukon and Transvaal are threatening eirrigestion For the twelve months ending with June, 1004, the average monthly out- put of the Transvaal was valued at ap- proximately 30000,000. During that time the average number of men em- ployed wns about 12,000 whites and 01- 370 Keffirs. The output for Febrintry • of this year was- $7,700-000r prodneed by n force cd 15,102 whiles, 90,178 native blacks and 31.424 uhinansen. This is at the rate of about $70 per man per month. Last year the rate was 2 per man. ers Niumniussi.semismingsmiwaftworm 1 You can depend on Ayer's Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops flair Vigor failingof the hair, also. There's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn't that so? atatt f:.dettintn4'Ally eflarVilitiOr El • ;MA it todliziteLdrictthrttiturr. iv „ell Boaz,. itooldoglitta, s76"." �1t0', booths , a. a. Alt% 06.• A d hi for . MaisiN radin Hair ANXIOUS MOTHERS. The summer moptlis are a bad time for little ones and,are anxious time for mothers. Stomach and bowel trou- bles conies quickly :during the hot weather, and alumat before the, moth- er realizes that there is danger the lit- tle one play be beyond aid. In .every horne.at.this seaeon there. should be kept a box of Bahy,s Own Tablets, and at the first symptom of illness they should he given. •They promptly cute cholera infantuno diarrhoea, and stomach troubles, and are just the thing a mother needs. at this time to ehildrenosoefi. • Mrs -311%41r.- Moore, 13rooktield, N. S.,.saye : "I al-. wa: s keep Bahy's Own Tablets hand in es,se, of •eiriergeneys 1 do not know any 'other medidine tlitit can equal them in cases of bowel and stone- ach tronblea.And thie medicine is ah- sohr SateL it is sold under a :gear- ...11111.PP! ro t!sl n tin I n na.opiate drug. You can 'get tbe Tablets from yolir m-dieinn dealer or fly 'mail at 25c. a box by writing the--,-Eiri' Medicine Co., Brockville; Ont. talk of there be:ng "too much Party" is ail fudge. 1Vfen should have dearly defined views on all public questions, And this neeeesarily leads them to iden- tify themselyes with one party or the - other. But there can he a measure' of independenee withinparty` lines., • ,Many men vote on either side siniply• because it will help "the Party," but there are also othereovho take broad- er and though they hairs party affiliations, do not strictlY adhere to them. The histdry of nearly all third. parties has been a history of failure, aed when time ceasesto be party goy- . . eenment the millenium will have been reached. DIZZY HEA.DACIIES ARE CAUSED Nine tioreSoutOf ten by constipation but eau be cured quickly by Dr., Hand, - ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut.' For constipated . headache and liver complaint use only De. Hamilton's POile. Price 25c. • TA.LIC TO ST/BSORIBERS. - WS have had enquiries made by mail as to the meaning ofthe fig9resnn the label 'which'appear on copies of the Nlinv En,:s. sent to eubscribees. If the address reads John Smith, Jan. 00, it means that the subscription is paid to Jn. 1900. If it teads July 03, tt means that the paper is peid to Tidy 1903, and that two years are 'due for. There should be no trouble in tracing the dates, and as an espla,nntion has now been made, • we hope that eveeysubscriber wit' look well to his label and Where arrears ex- ist, that retiiittance will be made at once. • Makes alarge aniount of:ready cash to run A live paper like the New Ectvoniluti;tut sttiepinele:i:birrtwitt phi:111)4 that a6ytlithileairtroanes:. A NATION'S 011010: Back or forward, up or downward, lies the path that we shall tread; Shall the future see ua living, or like farmer :Gumtree dead ? "Tis at our choice my 1)V/there, "tis at our choice, and thou - Revered and well loved 1Slother-1eed well thy footsteps now, Think on that vast, ancient Empire, • Home's world•erobracing state, Then has it matched her greatest glory is it but to :share her' fate Strife or Union, loye or button, thie • the cheice before our eyes Easy task, but bitter forfeit, easy talk but costly prizes Two small islands, forty millions -is such barren barter worth, A. third of all the nation, and two -third of all the earth. Can an Empire hold together, if its Peoples be not one ? Do it now, 'tis bootless later, do it while it can be done, No more England, Scotland, Ireland, not Great 13ritein, nO, nor Wales; No more Colonies, Dominions, not the schenie that now prevails. Lotus have e 13ritish Empire, one in commerce, .one in law, !loving but a single Ruler, having but a single cause, -- Common-intereste compel -us, common Ideth and blood pervades ; See the future dawns before us, and , the dying sunset fades Mways Jolla upon having It'ne Genuine MURRAY AS LAN MAN'S Florida Water The most Totre*hing and delightful perfume for the hanciker4hief, toilet and bath tkausumereammeassissaamtwolossosreseesseieert • , Girls who serve in shops and others whose oceupatiou keeps them en, their feit a great deal' often aro troubled with chafed, sore and blistered fest, ne matter how` comfortably their iihoee rpay fit. A powder used In the German army for Rifting Into the ahem and etoekings of foot soldiers is called "fuestreupuiver" and conetste of three parts of salicylic acid, ten parts of starch and eighty-seven parts of pul- verised soapstoise. Any ehemiat will make it up or small sum, It keeps the feet dry, preients chafing and rap- idly healettore spots. Finely pulverized soapstone only is very good. When the Glow the 'embers •of disse-ntion, but feet merely aclura very -useful remedy with ever paler hue Left alone they torn to ashes, stir them may be found in the following: Take a Knit us eyer closer, closer, till our teaspoonful of orainary washing soda, not to life anew, heart -strings are entwined, dissolve it In half a gallon of warra We - Till the love of Inig and Emptre in • half un beur. Repeat this frora time to ter and bathe the feet in it for about each bosom lies enshrined; time. A hot water bah is also highly Bind us close that pone mayseyer such excellent for tired feet • eternal lasting ties. • - Never ean a nation perish till its love of country dies. •• Greater glory, vaster numbers, higher . ; yearnings than have been, These shall form the strongest. Em else that the world has ever seen: • Mr. Robert Elliott, of Ingersoll, form- erly proprietor or the t'Vingharri Timeseha,s taken. u his residence in, rau or where e assumes the duties -of high treasurer of the Can, adieu Order of Forresters, to whieh he was retently eleeted by acclama- tion. ',Before) leaving Ingersoll Mr, Elliott Was presented with agold head- ed cane by the Quarterly *Beard of King street Methodist Churn, and a handsome silver mounted umbrella bythe Sunday School. : .• . s•-•••.seme,—;..soo_.s. . eatarrh cannot be Cured with 1.0011,4 APPLICATIONS, ati they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood (*.Ton stitutional disease, :and in order to curs it_Ynn Inner take internal reine- • i dies. Catarrh Cure i t k in ternitirclosactsodireetth e o a en • If you, your friends or relatives suffer with . Fits, Epilepsy, • St. vitue Dance, or Falling Sickness, write for a Mal bottle and 'valuable •treatise on such diseases to,Trie LEMIG CO, 179 King.Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All druggists sell or can obtain for you LEIBIG'SFITOLIRE • THE WINGOAM BUSINESS . • COLLEGE.. ; You strugg'c against unfair, odds when ! you attempt to succeed in life without • a business education: • . blood• and mucousau. .11alls Ca- i p iagera, peach crop is reported tarrh Cure is bot a r(attfiteesack medicine. ' to 1)e ii wonder OAS year, • It, w'es prescribed f-• , . y one o ,the best miss Eva, sussing, who has taaot in physielans its this cOuntty•fot years one o,f the rooms of Exeter public school 1* thepaSt. four. yeare hae 're- Ictonind:Ei;saeciroefutitttire. best tonies known, prescription. It is signed. I com med. with the best blood. • ' aaterag,slirectiy4aotluonmessuasturfaces it lp.18tilijilte-(1 l''-11-2f6Tew tii)11":"/ LeViiigredients is ivhat.. producesie suwch() 'States on Saturday Jut; and it might 'Wonderfril :resell's. in: curing Catarrh. have been pot, to better Awe.. ' • ' S d The perfect Combination of el t Wits s eiit iii fit i h •, es imonials free. eiPat ' 2 • The Ncirthwest wheat •orefi is ex; f,IfIENEy & CO., Props., Reginaid Fletcher, Principal. ..Pemyransitrip -eentee-ffrst, hook -keeping are, essential to every one; Stenoorarihy opens up uniimited possibilities for arribitimis. young, men and •women. Ask the honest opinion of bubinesis prep An I be convinced. • THE WINGFIAM BUSINESS Cbts LFGE d h and hard ou 1ijbk. • ' Further inforination froin prin- ,E:Qctne.d ••be the greihtest .hhat hes • • Toledo, O. No. Gerr.y men d c -r. • If Well."'eaved Sold Dlliaig'gist!, price 75c iiienrin: f 14. Geo.' Spottott, President. 4 The Kineardine many rpillions for theferine s an in- Cakbv e a s Faintly Pills for Con- '' • • 1111 ? adY Prth. T nc11e141.] ; Bevielv bY creased prosperity for Oattula. 1 etipation. • - Hugh Clark, '(COnsereatiOe) says: • The Oonservatiyes at Ottawa are • • getting no werse treatment than they • gave in the matter elf the gerrynnan, bra, but some time ' or other, the political parties in this TOuntry will learn that. in the long run it does :not pay to play the game unfairly. A Tory gerrymander did not save a 1'ory government in 1800 and a Grit gerrymander did not save it Grit Governmentin 1905.. The The Review evidentlY•alludes to the redistribution in the •new provinces, for it °est drily canoo6 1 call the re- distribtftion of 1901 a gerrymander. If there tras.ever an OfOrt to be fair it wits then, as witneeestheafssZA--that though • the three Hurobs were id! Changed; they went 'against the goverliment, which could have made one or more of the ridinge. absolutely seettre, had it svanted. tO be Unfair.. , The rai roads are going to stop the silly pri:tice of scattering rice, and Confetti all over a bridal pair, BO far as control over their property is con- cerned. Old boots mut other. Mona- xnentaLemblerns -are ' not prohibited, but rice is, so that wedding parties will have to govern theihselvee accoid" ingly. The cost of ',mining this vast and rapid developing country is growing with its natural growth. The supple- mentary estimates lari_sught down late ly, whieh include large amounts for the Grand Trunk Pacific, Gevernm n t section, and many other public works• make tip the yearki estimates to $81,- 9794371. The Bible soceity reports A circu- lation of 5,857,045 copies for the. year ending March' 31st. This total an increase Of 100,284 copies on the , previons issue and it rep- resents 2,003 tons of Scriptures in bulk. About two-fiithe of the issues in London, while three-fiths are print. ed and distributed from other • eountries, The society's recoru out- put hist year, for .one day from . the Ilib,..e house alone, was in June 1001. wilen 8.1 eases tvr3 despatched representing. a tad of 0 tons of Scriptures in 28 differen languages. The reeord output for one month last year Was 48 tons of Scriptures which Were deepetched in 410 eases and 70 shipmente ; this represented 110,870 books in 111 different °languages. The record consignment of English Scriptures sent out last year was .t.1 ions in three days. Mr. John Evans, Exeter, has die.. nosed of his residence to Airs, Nary Saunders, Stephen township; lilr, plyans expects to move tvith his lam., iiv to London in tile fall. • • \\°• ewe lip.;,/ NNW 1.1A0AUL-wituitu WARRANT MILLERS 'TO 11.R.H.T11E.PRINCE•OKALES TtaltONOWirtkratriblerattostiti t21 1: oyal Household' Flour Gives Stomach Less Work and Body More Streligth. No flour in the world is so. nourishing, so vitalizing. , to rich all the elements of body, bOrie and btain building as pure, well-balanced, white flout. Bran in bread is jugt .so 'much wood iibrer-40 thud' extra Work for the itomach—,there is no nourishment in it for man. 1-Cattle-dige.grirrneternotifishirkiirfriiiii nature has given them. a fermenting plant and double chew- ing facilities. But man masticates once and cligegts. once. . For that " • reason he gets nothing whatever out of anything but the' gluten portion of wheat—.the inside of the grain—the part • which yields nprotein.ft • And he gets more .out of Royal Household Flour because more of the inanny and wagte portions are removed in making it than from any other flour. The'Royal• flousehOlcl Mills eliminate more bran. and snorts than any other mill—therefore Royal Household. Flour i4 the most nourishing floor in the world. Royal Plonsehold 1?ecifies five for Ihe asking.4 Ogilvie's "Rore.I Household" Flour*. ' Aggliffigar, , For Sale, lletue and sore of lend, Seat end Oat- ' aria St. Purchorter %ebbing More land oettid buy lotioining. JOSHUA PE &REX 'ft Olintou House for Sale PROFESSIONAL Ten truume, with wouaehea and stoi40, hara.sha molt water,.* acre of land, Oa - trolly located for pertioulere apply to b • , • 'louse to Rept A good-sized and comfortable house on .Spenuer St., with half an aore:of land, all kinds of fruit, hard and soft water, stable. Apply to J, L. MoINTYRE, Stapleton. For Sale, Clinton Belt Well, Engine end Boiler; 12 horse power, (Goldie & McCulloch inalre,) Derrick and °thee articles therei u Apply to JOHN MoGARYA. Tread rower for Sale. „ _— Einbooriber etfere for sale a two bow tread power in good working order, Will las sold cheap. JOHN Ito LINDSAY Huron Itoad Godelieh Tp Clinton P. 0 • Farm to Rent or For Sale Let 18, Con. 4, liullett, 100 acres, near- ly all under cultivation. Terme liberal. Apply to • W. Ws FABRAN Clinton, March 22n6, 1905f Lands tor Sale "In the far West". rieward, Asa, Im- proved farms for sale at $14 per sere, other farms without buildings froth $6 to 012 pet aer'e, good land from one to six. miles from town. Fare paid to partesi investing. N. P. MUCH, Beivara, Assa. • To Rent The brick cottage and 20 acres of land,. jest eouth of Clinton, on the Londori Road, and at. present owned by Mrs. Freer is of- fered for rent on reasonable terma. Apply to Ephraim ButS.Clinton, or Bali. W. Butt: Springfield. o March 24 tf Farms for sale 150 sexes in 2nd 'Con. EL R. S. Tacker. smith. (lot 82.and west half Jot 34) with good brick house, barnOsiieds, stables etc. stoliret class farm. Parcels will be aced either ?separate or together. For particu- lars apply to iiRitii,pum CHIOS, Seafo h ' ,or 'Brit one, Barrister, ,Clintoe.- Farm for Salil -or to.Rent. , . The well known Sarin ,situated on west half lot 17, con. 3, Hallett, is offered for sale or to rent.. There is 50 aorsejnootheo farm; 8 acres of bush, and rest iteedect with the exception of two fields, Plenty of water, well fenoed, good stabling, etc. Possession can be had at any time. Par- • tips will be prosecuted for trespassing. titply to A. GINN, Clinton P.O. , , • or to W . 'BRYDONE. Farm fir Sale, or to Rent 1i'131 S410 br to Rent, that choice farm of 153 sores,on the o„Mai•land 'Concession, Goderich Tawnehip ; known a tbe Rudcl, Farm. About .130 'sores cleared. Good brick house, splendid bank barn; and out- buildings; plentssof water; tearing onion do oleo to church and school, 6 mites froru Clinton., Will be gold, or rented fora number ot years. • MRS J; RUDD , Mary St. Clinton May 19 1905. • Desirabie Property tor Sale. House and lots in the village o Helmut - vine. The undersigned offers for sale, her large two-story shriek hones, slate roof, good cellar, large rooms, furnace, hard and soft water in house, atable and drive shed, good garden, all kinds of fraitS, about' 24 sores of land, convenient to- Railroad Sta. tion Post Offioe Church and $ohool, Ap• ply by mails or on the premises to MRS. T. 0, PICK.A.RD, Holraesville. 5 6 tf. sp1endid Farm for Sale The thedsreignedoffere his farni • of 125 acres for sale on the 12 Concession of Hallett, 12 wiled from Clinton, the eime.fronti Sea - forth and.4 miles from Blyth. There is on the premiaes a good ' bank barn, slao 'pig pen, sheep pen and drivieg house with loft above. There is a geed brick home with Su ruiner -kitchen, °totem, 3 walla. 10 acres of' brieli, 2/vireo of orchard of Claim fruit. Tbe farni is Well fenced and drain. ed and in a good state ototiltivation. • ror ter mil and partiOulara apply 40. • lizt tf HENRY LEAR, Londesboro. Sittiifed on the 6th eon. Goderiolt containing about 80 acres; most of it good day land, produoing heavy crops. Tlierele about rite acres of bust, and five acres Of orchard, of good fruit; good buildings; frarae hopse otith 8 rooms and kitohen, woodehed- and oellar; ne barn'built, of pine lumber, with stone hasement.50x48 ft; welt at barn, with pump inaide for Water- ing stook; shed 50.x20 ft; iniplement hotels 20x85 ft. and other outbuildingri. fences in very good repair; Over 250 rode of wits fence on the farm; good' well of splendid wetter; post office and schoOl 14 miles, church 21 miles; about 64 miles from God - enrich. PeaseesiOn given at any time. Price $3,100.00. G. H. pox. • :1•••••••••...10 the Pure brad Shire Stallion . . DESPORD 111ARQ1i1S.'16(189. MONDA0 morning, May let, he will leave Henry Daer's stable, 13ase Line, 11n1 - lett, and •proceed to Um Doer's, Boun- dary line, for noon abence to Mason 13iyth, for 'night. TVESDAY, to Albert Woymoutli'S farrin toridesboroo for noon; thence to A. Witliaoe'e, Summer- hill, Inc bight. 'WEDNESDAY, to Com- meroial lIotel, Clinton, for noon; thenee to rhoa, Cole a, thlt nut., Goderniii etown- hip, for nieht. THURSDAY,: to Peter MeDongal.'4, Oat Lino Inc noon thence to Richard Porter's, 4th eon., for night,' t?bototinri, tiVerible9 taeWri 8m4.Weiebreqroll'ae°111740' rie°ne Rosa, ' for night. SA.TURDAY, to the rieher Estate ,Fartn, Maitland' Con,, Inc noon; thentle to hie own etabla at Rainy Det', where he will remain, till the fol. 113/%4° M°41a0ktlivh`tArthii? tiritilOg, Mgr. , • ED. 11, 4.1.T1tILL, Owner, ailLoasaseasialigalli • HENRI/ BEATTIE (Suctessor to Mr 0140 *1St BARRISTER, 8014040E, 6se. MATTO Office -Elliott Bleek, tonged; °couple*. Mit Ooot,t• MOW TO ZENO • B/0111iST0R 1:10LIOMB tienar V170140. ETC. . CLINTON a, RI iJ(.$1.iT HAM , • cormuyArzonns, commrsarotiss0;. Rein riotate and Insurance agent . litioney to loan 0.1,0•••••• 0.iB. OALB, JOBB* 11100Err , 0*. 0, CAMERON ' formerly I Camefort," Holt & Comma I3„A.EfaStElt AND 30LIOITOR, Ofiloe-llamilton St opposite Colborne Rolm 00DERICII, ONT PROLIDIPOOT, tialtS tir 131,111R, earristersooiolicetora. Notaries Pablico Rte. officers -on the suuare. sod door from Handl, ton St,, Goderieh".WE'rivate fundii toloan at lowest rates. W. reeueroor, K. C., R. Q. RAM, 0, 10.,14,Ant *_ • , Drs, Gunn &Gus4. Dr, W. Gunn, 14 It, C. P., L. ILO. B., lid • Dr, Nisbet Gunn, M. It, 418.- Engle lL, R. C. Loudon. Office -Ontario street, olinton. Night coital], front door of Mike or residence. RattenWry Strest. • . J. W. SHAW. PHYBIOIAN. SPRGAOS AIocuslieur, etc., Mike and residence Oo toxic) op_posite English church, 'formerly ow envied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton, Out. • DR. C. W. THoMPSON POysician, Burgeon, Etc. - special attention given to diseases of the • Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose, office and Residence - Albert Street./ Mocks North ofllattenburp G. W. Manning Smith, •PHysxqo. A:SURGEON. oFriuE--Butin Street, Bayfield, formerly, occupied by Dr. Pallister: J. 8. Ltaipir, P.D.s.. sneeessor to Dr, Agnew, -Dentist. CLINTON, - ONTARIO. Officio open every (liquid until 10 o'oloo Saturday evening. • • • • 0 I* G. ER NEST HouviEt- DENTD310. • (Suocess-oi-to- Dr. T..„13, „Bruce Speetaitst In Crown and Bridge Weil/ •L, D. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur geons of Ontario, luronto. . - D., autos Eon° graduwl tal De kertment of Toronto University - Special attbotion_ipaid to preservation or ' children's teeth, Will visit Daylield a", ItionidaY. 4•• 1:01L IL FOWLER, • DENTIST. • °faces over (YEEIV$ eio;r4 Special eare.taken to mike dents! tri3 „mint as painless ,ad••possible. .Will vi i Auburn every Monday, , Takes•osistenEoL,LoNtiosetnies„ al MUNN manneaciE monr • No witnesses requi/s, . Honey. • k3rivatefunds to loan at 454 per cent =dap-, , wards ' W. /31tYDONE. JOHN. W. -YEO • BOLIIIESVILLE. . . Agent for the liaricinimit PI Animal/MI' . 0o. of Manchester, England whose funds are • security are rated at $14,000,00P. Also the Mc - Rater MUTUAL ImartaAgog Co. A• . classes of , farm risks and town property toted by lowest rates. Eirst.o ass Loan Companies:, also represerted. Money to be had fr ga4 Per contup, scow* Unit o- nature of gat% vitt/0,-, - fetehim Daili mail- RolutesvIlle - .postal card w 1 -Licensed Auctioiieer. • The urideraigned solioitti a ehereoef, :the patronage of tlfose wishing to hold --sateeo Setishiotion guaranteed. Moderate rates.. Applyto or address JAS: A. Eimpra, 88, con 16, Goderich tp, ()linters P. 0. ' MARItIAGE LICENSE& . issues:By J. R. Ruinbalh C1inton:1W G. D. NicTeiggArt, 11.4.14TE ER . ALBERT ST, . CLINTON General flanking Bissiness,, transacted ••,• E,OTES.D.ISCOUN'TED Notes • issued). Intereet allowed on - J. P. TINDALL. 13ANKElt, • CLINT OAT, OISIT • Private Nide to loao on mortgages . . beet current zatea General Banking Wetness trammeled 7,ntereat allowed on deposits: Sale notes bought; The •.111e1Cil1op Mutual Pire Insurance eo. Farm and Isolated TOTAill Prop.- erty tonty"insurea. °--- J. B. McLean, P17lsiclenihippeni Thos Eraser, Vice -pies., 13rucefield; Thos. E Bayer Secy, Treas., Seatorth; „ InitEeTOes. Jas. Connelly, Porter's Hill( John Watt, •Harlock; G. Dale, 'Clinton; 11L Chesney, Seafoith; Evans, Beech. woon; J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, J. Beit- neweis, Brodhagen, Each Director i -inspector of !oases in his own locality. AGENts. rtoht. $mith, tlarlock; Ed.' Hitichley Seaforth; James, Cumming, Egmond- ville; j*, W. Yea, Holmesville. HADACHE Neuralgia and vervousaest wed sty by AJAX Alt ItIVALIME No bead tate Takosoguat