HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-07-07, Page 5• July 7th, 1905 mai The Molsofls Bank incorporated by Act of Parliament !$55. Capital Paid Up $3,000,000 ' Reserve Fund..,....... $3,000,000 War. MOLSON MAOPAERSON, Preeident: kl. H, EwING,, vice-Preaident, JA?[se ELLXO'r, -Gen, Manager.,. FARMERS' SALE NOTES oashed or collected. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain, United States, and all Foreign Countries, bought and sold at•best rates. DEPOSIT REOEIPTS issued and highest current rate of interest al- lowed. ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stook Dealers; and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Forty.eight branches in the Dominion , Agents all over the world; SAVING S DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1,00 and upwards received. Interest allowed from date of deposit compounded half -yearly and added to principal June Both and December Blst. Highest aliment Rate. CLINTON BRANCH. - • New Combe Block. H, C. BREWER. .. Manager. ihmiummiimwmatammoamvalw Furniture and Undertaking. We desire to announce that .during .the absence of Mr. J. C. Stevenson in the Old Country, ' the Furniture and Undertaking business will be carried on as heretofore. Undertaking Will be carefully looked after, .as::before; and .de ° night or day calls promptly responded' to: J. C. STEVENS:ON, Undertaking., Furniture and U g, - CLINTON TREE S R E HURON RESID*WWE, W'j� s' `M `s $12.00 3. ,t• THE MANTON NEW ERA All Righ There are no better words used to describe the Hellyar watches. They are ' 'All Right" in every particular- style, action, case and durability. - In spite of their :high Tquall=- ties they are sold at a reasonable price. If you` have an old watch 'we .. will take it in part payment. for a new. one. Headquarters for fine watch repairing give us a call. n NIELVAR, Jeweler and Optician.' D1ED ConnouLn.--In Winggbam, on 'Sun: day, June 25th.'' W Gilliam ' Corbould, i manager of - the Bank..0 . Hamilton,, aged 58 years. ArLD. In Wtnghanl, on. June .22, Ann Elizabeth Gowdy, wife ofTholnas Auld, aged 45 years. CAnNoOnAN---In Tulare, California, on June 12th, after a brief illness of typhoid fever, Robert Edison Carnoch an, youngest son of Mr. Robert Car- nochan, of that city, and grandson of the late Robert H. Carnochau'of•Tncc. ersnnith, aged 25 years. VANs'rONEC.-In Colborne, on Thurs. clay, June 26th, Sarah Ann, relict of the late Samuel Val.nstone. Ill • AiOdertt Illtaig Bov -WANTED at -once at thl ,; Vew.Era Office.. Girl Wail cd A young girl about 13 or 14 years old to help in light honae-work, • MRS. WHITE HEID, Clinton, -- -4--Tenders ; VI luted- _ Sealed, Bnik, or Separate tendcra, for alt or any of the several branches required in the Ercetion and Completion. of a Cern ant Concrete Factory building for the "Clinton Knitting Co., Limited", at Clin- ton, O.ntt. Tenders are invited also, in. connection with above, for Cement Block, or white Brick, above the Basement line, as thepro, prietors wish to reserve to . themselves the right to' erect ,.either Cement Conorete, Cement Blocks, or white Brick, .•lenders. will be received up to July 20, °1905, at 6 rPiens and Specifications may beseen at. Combe'! Drug Store,_ Clinton, Ont., or at the.oftioeof Clinton RnittingFaotory,.Clin- ton, Ont„ or at the office of Stewart, Wanton ds. Taylor, Architects, 8 Market St.; Brantford, Ont; All tenders must -be sealed and endorsed "Tenders", and:eddreesed to H. 13, Combo, Box 156,'. Clinton, Oni. •Lowest or• - any ., tender not neceeearily•acoepted. Clinton, July 4tn,1t105.• Notice. M Take notice.that the Municipal Council -of thecorporation of the Town of Clinton intend toa..constraot granolithie . sidewalk$ as, per: schedule below, • and to assess -final civet thereof upon • the property abut- ting thereon, and; to be -benefitted thereby. and that a statement showing the lands said aeeeeament,' nd anti- liable -to -pay, the liQltN.-.- _ .�i_iames_,of the owners thereof, so far re they. . ' can. be aecertatne from the last revise, SNE Lig -In: Clinton,Sll,i ,f J3• ', the meat Roll, is now. fired. in the -office of Rev.J. A. Snell, of Bayfield, Aases9 alit and is ifsn unlet w, y the Municipality of a son. of the Gl exit °of Y -FELI:s: In Wingham,•on th&26tb, the wife of Thos. Fells • a, daughter open to inspection daring office hours," -Schedule of Proposed Wai.ks-., ` ORoURxE.-In MelCillop, on the• ' On the west side of William, St. from thne to Mr. and, Mrs:P.O'Rourke, Rattenbury•St, to Victoria: St.4 ft in width.: a son.: ' ' • Estimated coat of work 6360,80,of which $145.60• is to be provided cut of, the general 261.11, funds of the Municipality. - , On. the .sonth side of Mary Street from King Street to North Street, 4. ft in ,from • Estirnatetl cost of work' $.661.40; •cf which $124:60 is 'to be provided out of the general funds of the Alunwiipalit .. A COURT OF REVISION. it f et ,hut some Suits at Twelve, To clear To clear some Pants at Three, A few at Three and Twenty five,...: Please call around and see. A. WOODUEAIJ,, Tailor, `/1/1i�fh�W�1r�V �REE PAR.I.S BEST ENGLISH Do you want the Best, atthe lowest price ? We can supply Berger's—one c f' the best • English makes—at 25c•per ib. , M t Miss Mabel Whitdly' 1905,at 8 o'olosk p. m., in the Coandtl led a9aess•ment,0 uAP EJ.- ens:! , lain,s 'against r the Rev. Mr. Doherty, on June 14th curacy of an:,' frontage measurements, Mr k,dward Drake, to Miss Ruth of an7 other coral' ,int which persons tr- ... Chappell, of Hibbert. forested may desire to make, and is by law ELSON:-TAYLOR:- AtGran aptis ,, title bv, she Court. daughterf'Mrs Thos.: Bissett, sr., of ; D• 1, MACPHERSON, Crier. 15, TALBOT-MunRRAY At Drysdale, i • Nrgfii;e to the, Public, June 17th by W. Grimes, ltic:,l+' cognizable at °linto.t this Oth dal of Sol.., Byron Elson, to Miss Jennie Taylor, 1£X15 o Exeter:' on Thursday, June 22nd, by the Rev. We hereby notify the public that C. Mr. Davidson, of V.trna, Mr. Robert J. f Clinton who claims to repres Talbot, to Miss Ester Maude, - eldest. Hoare o daughter of Mr, and Mrs Angus Mur- til has no connection with •.tie direbtly:nor • ray. , indirectly ; that be has no authority from ne to quote prices on :oar pianos or organs, POTTER.--MCINN1t3.-At the manse, to Clinton or elsewhere ;'that Our author 1 Blyth; on. June,2lst, by Rev. Dr. Mt izeit agents in and around this yicinily aro Lean, Mr. John,Potter, of Vtrtughtt rn, Messrs t M. Baldwin de Co;, Stdforth ; to 11liss•Margaret McInnis, of Luck- Mess" e. Geo. Thomson tic Bon, : Goderich, now: and Mr. T H. Rose, '.wingham ' Ln`IBHMAN.--OLDF.IELD.-In Wing -'.Thu BELL PIANO 6a ORGA1, CO., lits., Gneipti, Ont; en ,adies'' Wh1te�ear ani —Summer Dress Goods ,t OU can't enjoy Shakespeare" says someone with'a tooth:ach andlyou can't enjoy the pleasant summer pastime, you c2net feel happy in the prettiest summer clothes unless the underclothes arc comfortable and dainty.. Our stock of Ladies Whitewear and Under-: -` .a wear is dainty and beautiful beyond exception. • 75c CORSETS 4.5c 60 E & T Corsets with Mose Supporters, regu- lar egu- lar'75c,'for. ..... TAPE GIRDLE CORSETS 3.5c 5 -down-Tape Girdle= Coi sets;.] ust -the -this g -fur hot weather; all sites' 354 45c LADIES' VESTS Made of tine Egyptian 3'a'rn sha- ped and straight' style, square •._ nd round necks, short sleeves :or no sleeves, elf.sizes 1Oc Made of fine,Lisle'thread shaped and straight style; square rou- nd neck trimmed With lace c ribbon, short or no sleeves 25c OUTING SUITINGS WHITE MERCERIZED VESTING AND W.1 -11TH PiQUE The: vesting is in assorted self 'colored designs,. all very new neat pat- terns on•ideal materials 'for shirt waist, suit or waist, 25c Ducks= --Novy, Black and White grottnd, with` dot spots, stripes and ti'g- tires., This material is very popular for Ladies' Sttits, Girls' dresses, j p Boys' blouses, etc.,121c Linen spitings-Washable in light blue, dark blue, green,' pink, 27 in- ches wide;• for waists or.:'suits 15c 1.t CIi1L'i1REN'S SAILOR STRAW t1A.TS• ' • P1aick and. White straw plain Red and Blue Silk Bands 25c Plain White .stra,w.wrth'cre•tinsat• h nd 5Oc :;: OARS In White .Cotton .and fineWhite Nainsook, full length style., embroidery, fancy trimmings, tucked yokes,:prices.:: 75c 50C•' LADIES' GOWNS 1.r Nainsook' Empire o,- high neck 'style, alt taste- . White Lofton c p fully trimmed with fine embroidery, full.•insertion •and ;lace frills,. 1. . all sizes ,;i $t -C10 :, :,$1:25 and • . $1;50 ' ' • beautiful` r o0 WIIITE *SKIRTS , Made of,fine cott:on,sev- ei'a.l stS'les, Lrt w11 -and prnhrorlary frill Si._ • Mads of fine cotton La -- 'i` u, frill lace "insert:7 tioll, frill of lace -tuck' aild frill .of einbroid- er , Freneb balld5, etc., 20c successors to R. Coats, CLINTON. Dispensing Chernist J .Ioveyy and Druggist .1. B. Hoover. 1Velttan pfaii. --0110.----.FURNITURE,-;000010- Every branch in our.line ' is complete, you can get any article produced at this store. ; - Our Prices bring The . Trade, Our personal supervision goes rivith every chase and satisfaction is guaranteed, "_• CJN,1MRT1IN Night or days calls prompay alstte:t ed to Alex. N. Leishailan of East Wawan osh, toMiss Adelia Oldfield 'of Wing - ham: NUNDELL.- GILMOUR - At the resi-1 dente of the bride's Mother, , by Rev. W. J. West, M. A.,: on Wednesday, 1. 21st_June, Mr.'John Mundell,; of - Blue vale, to Annie, third daughter of Mr. Thomas Gilmour, _ •hummer 13desion for teachers and others COULTES. TOWEL -. At' the rest during-,Tn1y at d August4, All' of ou; _,eradu ` dance of the bride's father, on Wed •atee get po+ition5. Eater anytime. pataloguo free. �v.J:ELT,ItYl"r,Prin• nesday, 21st Jnne, byRev. W. J.' West I M M Robert () It E s1. ♦' • ♦ ♦ • • • . •i ♦ • • • • ♦ ♦ ♦• ♦ ♦ •••••• • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦•,♦♦.�•NO♦•N•♦♦•N•N••••N•N•0♦•♦••M~N�YS►.'W.'•i••. ❖ • ♦„♦•••••••••••♦•♦•••••••♦♦ ••♦•••••••••••••,!♦♦N•4 ♦♦♦••••♦♦•,•N1.•.!:! ♦•!•.4♦;H•♦♦♦�♦•♦♦♦N• .•♦°••••••••1♦••♦♦4♦1•♦•,•• i� . ♦ • . ♦ • ♦ ♦ •- ♦.. r .. ♦ _ ♦ •► • • •• • • Wag Cor.Torige and Alexander Sta. TORONTO, ONT. ••_•. •_. Iasi• . A., r.; ort es, ofa 'Wawanosh to Miss Mary, only datigh ter of Mr. and Mrs . George W. rurvey of 'Morris, Ci ntOi rMa7rket Report -T:4 Oorrooted every Thursday' atterdoon'. 40 • :Wheat ' . 05 a 95 Oat's . =:h •, , 0 38 a 0'40 Batter, :. .. 0 14 a 0 15 Eggs per dot(new) .... 014 a 0 14, Live Hogs.. 6 25 Wool, unwashed , , . , 0 12i a 0, 14 Wool, washed0 20 a 0 22 4. Bargains. I• hereby respectfully. t oilerbethe, .; ng. ❖ genuine, a large number of :8eii'Org-and-Pianos, Piano. -. •_•� Some bought: for .Cash; ' but°nhostly taken'in payn;ent on new pianos, as Ido 1.t large piano business over the County of Huron; some other makes in the list. About•$5,000 worth, some. almost ne'cv.. Cali at, or write. to, L.' HOARE'S- 'GJtEAT MUSIC EMPORI UM Clinton. public, and attest to rho fat: McKINN N & CO., BLYT I MILLINERYLL, * .* The Millinery season is drawing to a close and we are anxious to clear out the balance of our stock at half price, or less, rather than carry any over to another season. A short time ago we bought a largeassortmentof . .� Saanple Rats at less than half price. They are high-class goods in Ready. to -wear, Trimmed and Untrimmed hats. . What remains of therm will he sold at prices like. these :. ---Ladies' Reads--to•wear Hats, in new styles, worth $1, for 374e. Ladies..Iteatvdy-to-wear Fancy. Straw lints, very stylish,won th $1.50, for 65c, -Ladies' Trimmed Mats; good value, at 4132.25* for 9$e. Ladies' Untrimmed hats, at one-third the regular° price, -Feed e'p.,Flowers,Trinanlings,etc.,tll1 reduced in price to clear We have sorted up our stock of Corsets for the summer trade, Our Vortet.trade this season has been a record breaker. Never in the history of this store have we sola so many corsets --the reason is we keep a fuli•rango of all'the bestrnakers” goods, such as R. &C„ Cronnpton's, I), & A., 0.13.U., B. Rt 1., E. T., and WI ay's Corsets, and sell tltent at close prices, r,h vlarcsr, apItziso Gccor S . ter This week we waved ived an addition to our Dress Goods Stock in Black and Colored Voiles, in plain, lace and bourette styles, l:tatni' Ws, P.tii atnas and other fabrics plain and fancy, Also 't nice range of Priestley's Dress (foods which pats oat stock in good: shape for the summer trade, The Iligltest Price Paid for Butter and eggs lir Cash orTrade. M KINNON • 004 BLYTH 4. •3 s‘♦ ;, .♦ as. ♦;.. .•. 4. ._. •. 4• No, A • .11 , , 04 X )4,4 s ♦ are con sicle`red by jewelers the: tWo, . dulls st n oritlis °Tri. "tl eey7ee,r-. We ua r`e decided to reduce our immense stool of eI,i1ok,_, Jewelery, Silverware, i. Chioa�-Novelties as an inducement to- our customers to buy during the months of July and August.. _. We ai e offering a big dis- count sale of 20 per cent, off' regular prices, on. anything in the store. As we have always- made it a rule to mark our goods in plain figures our y customers' will see -for themselves the large saving this will be to them. We invite everybody to call and see our -took which is composed. of new and s � natty goods. '♦` Optician. f Jeweler l d •4 ♦.♦ a♦•♦♦ v♦ +a♦♦♦.♦♦a♦♦•♦s♦♦♦♦♦a♦rt.♦♦1.c♦♦s♦s♦♦.♦vy[,a♦a♦ •♦ 1„404404 �1►•H♦H•♦♦•N♦1.•f►.•♦.M•.••.♦•'♦♦♦1•�N•N•N•H♦♦♦•N♦N•N•N•N♦N♦N•Hyl♦♦N♦N•♦i♦N•N•N•N•1♦•N•N♦N♦N•••ii•1♦•N•A•♦f••N♦�j'.N•H♦♦❖•tN•N♦N•♦♦►