HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-07-07, Page 44 4.21.1,•1•5•1f, c, THE' CLINTON NEW BIM July, di, t005. Thits Store Extends a 'Welcome to all Visitors to RAND TRUNK Rs*Tai ionie SeekeW Exetirston \ • • Tiekets• Our .Town.. 011 Wedneday, July .72th. '1- his .stc-ie extends a Hearty weldOrhe lo all visitors, to our town on •Wednesday,' July 12th . When fou get Aired "taki ig in 't the many attractions prepated by the celebration coMrnittee for your entertainment, just 'drop in here and rest awhile, and right her we want to tell you that We've prepared a Splendid Lot of Bargains Specially for the 12th cf July customers. There will ba barOins otfered in every department of the storeand it will be to your advantage to combine business with pleasure on Julif 12th, and come.to this store and &eta share of the many things that -will be Offered away beloW-actual valUe, The folkiv.#1rig Hit will give you scime idea' .of the BARGAINS that will go ondsale: 15e Cotton Voiles at Gic SZO yards of fine Cottnn VOITOS, in shades of Kite,- -pink, etc. h't tlakee these axe all new English Muslins that were beeghttosell . 64c; ..1.&t of- Bargtains for Satatilay fAdies 15e Vests at Lee. .141.‘e :have. prepared an • attractive Prom CLINTON to wilitx _ipborca,u4asuonifotez0w.briTe Doneirx,eanneo, So. woe- r4,4444$4+404444,44444444u EttfesBottnrint:34120.:41070,783atenivrtFt204, i , of I:. Pitot. tauliowfToronto, is the guest taeeltsteon. ;14.25; Prince .Albert, WS. Macleod. 0$88; ?Or. ri: , 53350; lien Deer, 0950, stroth- • May() • Olson is thiks week MOVIng.his Bop-overauowea4nypoiLt wost Of Wipt ipeg Will Townsend and wife, of Strath- roy spent the let here. Day Ti eQknetthe eir ?VI ogweitutilf dirtedif,e_tuerAinn: jun, ON? arttit Mrs. a M. McLean and son Norval returning until 4.e.a. 14th; gene:Juno eali; re- go to Toronto next week, turning until Aug, 2,8ra; going July 15th, re- W. Lang, district freight agent O. t XI nkf gavot l'inaw's118,11:at, &It Tab ei ioul:iihw: goodtta i nig, ° i tugs nv ei ae Tsps Mr. t. vass tl 1 tiol in town nuM °so. art cr 1 aPa trtiiitiadY. ' son . E 4 by rail to destination, on the follow- ingdates:-Going Jane 1203, returning up to Aug. lath; going June wan, returnee; IV to MrS: A. Stewart ant son Douglas sneupgt..2715tthh! stuns July 14th, returning um to left on Wednesday fota-Toronto. belVienis4H-4unigteOreftliVfnrit 9-4 4111X1113:181: has For tickets and airthee iriformation apply to. . V. R. Hodgenst• Town Agent Xf+411++4444++++++++1\ Persosial Notes 44. If those!hvins relatives or friends 44. vaitins in town or going awaY nottfy us of the fact each wseh, we would announce it in the •Nnw On*, eti The Wnton W .Era. 10,81DAY, JULY 7, 19Q5. at less thau half price. Regular 15, on July 12th to go at 20e and 15e Ging!' )ins at 10c 300 yards of elegant new Gingharns, SAI Ratite for dresses and waists. 200 ,LadieeFine Cotton Vests,'without sleeVes,' trimmed With lace these aiT Ginghanis just purchased at a very low price, regular prices 10c at neck, andregula,r I5c,value, on title at 20c and 25e, sale July 12th, at . • .... 15c.to-20e Cotton Hoge at 2.pair tor 25e. 106 pairs of fast -black Cotton Stookings, in assorted sizesregular pieces up to 20e. On sale at 2 pr for 1 OC • 20e India Lawn at i0e MO yards of 30 inch wide fine India' Lawn; , thread and guaranteed to give excellent wear, Lawn, to go on sale July 12th, at per yarl Me, 35e, to 45e Muslins at Ile. 350 yards of very fine French Must ins, Cotton Voiles and Merceriz- ed Ginghams, in nearly every popular shades. these are our 'very. best 30c, 35c to 45e Muslins, all to elear on July 12th at per yard.— . . • ... Se Linen Toweling at 5e. Made of round, even this is a regular 20e LOO yards of pure Linen Toweling, 13 inches wide, eatiat god ity for the nrice. This Toweling, if limight in the regularWay, • • would. tell at Sc. On July 12th, the price will be 121e, Ail -Linen Toweling tiije., This is the bps' Toweling Bargain we.have ever had, It is an extra. 'heavy all Linen Crash regular 12 Toweling and regul12 1-2c quality. " SOO , yards . to go' on sale Wednesday, July 12th, . . 3111fTable Limen -at --9 • 17c 50 10C 25C One Big Ribbon Bargain For Saturday. 20c Silk Ribbon at 300 yards of Pure Silk Neck. Ribloias, inshades of blue, pink,: red, 12,0 NN,hite'Itud black, this fs our very,best 20c Ribbon, on Sale Sattirday ao. per yard ;, .... • . •0•••••••••••••,•••••••.••.,....4 .... ......... •• ••••• • . • ..'350.to.40e,NeW.ColIars'at .1 'Seveted doehnew wash Collars, regulitr 35c and 40e, 'on Sale Satur. 19c , day at each . • • , .• ... . .. .•. ..... es ....,••••••••n• •••••• ono.. 82C I5e, (je, to le, Laces at 11c. ta> 5c le, tilt to close at,. AR 40 ••• ••4 .. 16,0 00 yards of 51 -inch -wide Unbleathed Table Linen quality, regular 30e, on sale July 12th,'at per yard extra, heavy. (1q. , c -- Csisliniere Hose worth 35e at ft pair for 4 • ...K. . . 150 pairs of an extra good quality of Week Cashmere Hose, sizes 81-2. 0 and 5)1-2; this is the he4t8.53 Stocking in the market to -day, to 45n go on sale July 12th i at ' -'• 2 pairs.for • *Ns ••••• •••• too*. •••• •••• o.*** 44 44. 44•114•1140,•4* .4104N **Pe See Circularsfor full' list of • 12th of July Bargains. • • .444 '. In additions to the above Bargains, wd.hava many lines that will o on sale at Reduced Prices vourt ItIONEY'llitCli • IF .1F-011 Waliky No Boom for an Issue. 1:107 the Conservative 'papers try to make political capital is .shown in their dealing with the prospective Governorships of the new Territories. The nom who ;will fill these appoint - !tents will naturally be Liberals. The Oonservativeg were never in the habit of appointing Liberate to -office and the Liberal Goyernment has followed the example . of their: opponents, and appoint only Liberals to office. So that it is a inCira1. certainty the new governors Will be. Liberals. And there is no good. reason why, they should not be. • 13ut to anake a point against the government the • Opposition Papers say the neivsearernora ate to be select solely because they may Oppose Me, Haultain, and to get back at hiiu for his attitude .during the London and Oxford eleeticins. The thing is an a;bsttedity On its face Iri any avent they wilt -be opposed , to Mr. Haultaira because he is Conseta votive tiskSr. Will be LIberal; het if iW1ts the confidence of the people, as is claimed, he need not fear any it :verse adieu from the Governor of the , • * When the new 'legislature is• elected it will tindoubtedly be linen Party linea Coalition- geVernments are - always cereeroinisest' and it is alto- gether like!y that Mr. Haultaine as a Conservative, will have equal oppor- tunity With. any Lperal in • forming a government. St. Joseph's Picnic.. Chur-ch News,g,.44. Ey-erything th contributed to umake icni d r the as X44444.44+44++44+++411 or st Joseph's. _R. 0, Chnrch last• , Thursday, mad' it wits a; gratifyitg sue- at a time when clear weather wolild WILLIS CHUR 211 • ' cess. The day WaS delightful.. The To Editoeof the ifew , . have been more acceptable. The con - continue its Sunday eve ling meetings was admirably suited. for an event of Enrrort -I have naturnberof. test is •otie looked forward to with it • h stool trees wawa bear an good d&t1 of intekest'as the contestants "The E. Society has dt.•cided 'o dis- place selected -Mr. Farran's grove= and the Wellknown hosPital- hgrsedac cee of nuts, find old mild like to represent the best riflemen iu different , to the pleasnre ef all present. ' ftnun 'nits ate of any use. Can parts of the tcounty. " ta saw be used for ho faer any The teams Contesting were Blyth, other. purpose. Youes vet,' respect- LohdesboroaAtibat•ra Colboane, Gode- durinff the month.; of July and Aug- this kind, nst, except on the first Sunday and ay of our eittholle ft iettan contriented Monday in August. Communication' . Wa do not hold ourselves responsible for • any opinions en)res;ed inIder 4e ing --len New JSReti. • Horse .Chestunts.- Rifie Match. The Annual matches of the County. of Huron, Rifle League, were held on Saturday at Sanford. The day.wa.s not. pleasant for goodshooting as it 'rained ESLEY CIIUROH. I fhe ladies tug of war, as stated last - • h was' fully, liumitav FARMER rich townshiF, IloIntesyille, ten men Mrs. Rice, of Bowmariville, rendered won ity Clinton, Miss Quigley being ' Lon eS140_VO, n : , d ju e 19, 1905 ' to a team . ' hose from Clinton who took part vvere Menses E. Hovea, jean • week, between Clinton and Blyt , • service on Sunday ; and bIrs. Murcia, ton, vs. Blyth. with A. Morrell and D. ptam. The men's tug of war, Clio- I ,tVtre are mit aware that horse chest- Johnston, N. Ball Jack Johnston and it solo very offectively at the evening on nuts have any value whatever. •Prof. C. E. Dowding, they being Membera Miss Manning and MiS5 Boles sang a -Cranford, Captains respectively,. was a Clark, of Toronto Bureau of Forestry, of liolmesville team. . • very pretty trio. . tie, Aeither side, being able to win, and • saysthey are of no tine so far as he is I ec•derieh township won the cup and During the absence of Mr. J. C. the Prize Money was distriboted eYen- I aware, , being exceedingly bitter and ' this being the third time in suceession Stevenson in the old country. Mr. a ly. - I unpalatable. Some people say that one I that they have done so, it bectnnes P. Sibley Win 1111 the position of in the drawing of Prim's, the Salad ' carried in the pocket is a preventative 1 their property. To Mr. Dowding of teacher a the Bible Class. Bowl came to Mr. Wi 1 Reynolds B41.1 ett ; the Biscuit Jar to Mr. W. Morris- of rheumatism, but authorities declare Clinton,aelongs the honor of winning that this is 4 case of imagination. The ' the:Association Medal for the highest ' en,and the gliVer Better Dish to Miss horse chestnut is evidently one of the 1 i BAPTIST CEL The Sunday school will hold its an- • Flossie Ct'OnVn, •- few individual score, he making 47 out of few thtegs nature has provided fer la possible 50, which is the highest in- nual picnic at Bayfield on July 20. 1 Music was tarnished by the Loudon • which, so far, ne, praptical use htte been .!..,„dividnal .r.georo-evor-,mado.nt - any at 'resent * clasooverid:'-ara. N1wItTail:-I IL s- aii HI &lilt e ,r sra- Robt. Sanderson and. wife, :cof De. troit, are here on a visit to relatives. Miss Sadie Boyd, of Lucknow, was the guest .of Mrs. P. W., Watts, last Week. Miss Blanche Shepherd, , of Hyde Park, is spending her holidays at home. Miss Norma Bently, of the Salt Office,. London, spent the holiday in toWn. • . Mr. Israel Taylor, London, -was among hisold Clinton friends this week. Mr. and Mrs W. F. Cantelon, Toronto, are visiting the parental honae. Miss Burke of Hodgens Bros store, has gone to St. Thomas for her holi- days , • Mr. W.. J. Baird, M. A. of Nelson, 0,3. is visiting at the hoine of W, R. Lough. Partizan Commissioiters. Stitne tithe ago the Rankin. House, Ohatharnaw is threatened with a loss of its license solely an a entirely be. • Mr. Henry. Ransford, of Orillia, spent Sunday with 'his parents at Stapleton. • Misses 'Hattie Ciourtiee and Carol Newcombe leave next week on a trip. to Boston. • Mr. W. N. Manning and family of London, were visiting relations, here this week. • Mr. Constantine, of the Molsons Bank staff, left on a holiday trip yesterday. ' •• Miss J. Worthington, (daughter of Mrs. •Worthington) left ott Monday tor Bopton. • Mr. W. H. Brownlee, of '1'exas, is up on a couple of montlesvisit to his old Huron friends. • • • - • Rev. P. W. Hovey, and wife, of Hagarstrille, are .here on.• cou le t• 111Wrese, • George ,I3aree• and ;ehijdren have gone on it trip to relatives at Pittsblirg14.Pa, • Mrs. McLean' of Oshasvet. spent the holidays at the residence of the Misses •Bently; Mary St " --• Mr. 3. II. Dull, divisional •train master; Stratford, was in town 'fer some time on. Monday. • • - . The wife of Rey. L. W. Diehl, of Paisley is visiting at the home of her Window Shades The kind that.-will--n-either. - fade, crack, . nor cur1„. are sold by us. The:. miters, - top., are goodlin,fact, they b64-17, our - guarantee,. • as 'well is the in k e rts,-*. • .134reeilitrtIlSsht.°adne's" secnred; on ,short notice. • - ,• Curtain All kinds and styles, with wood or brass trimmings, any' length dpsired. Room- -- Moulding. The best way to hang . your pictures is: by using hooks on room moulding. We have the moulding in gilt, white, . blue, green, buff and oak colorings, else the hooka. Paper Late housecleaners Will find our stock complete and prices much to your advantage. W. Cooper & Ca., CLINTON The death of John Hay, U. S. Seers- ary of State, will , he • regretted throughout the English-speaking rld-.--acrwas-ce-foree7tiaa,t,--teuder. to international good will. As a statesmao and &man. he was -Widely resp.eoted. He leaves a clean record. The oface which he be has occupied has never been filled With more honor and efficiency, and his personality and. breadth of view. have given him a• high • iilece among the world's - statesmen. Canadians ••#vill sYmpa, thize with their neighbors across the-. line in their national loss. • •• • father Mr. J. Mc " Twitchell, arra- ' Miss Etta Twitchell, who has been 1 _ _ • visiting her friend Miss Barnet of ' : . For"• the . Mitchell, has returned home. • 0 • ... Harvey ;,Colelough, • who has been i here taking his examinations. - • • „ lorious 12til . working, on the Stratford Beacon, is ... l'inw En.s., staff but lately working. at * YOu'll *ant the very bet Garnet MeBrien, formerly of .the . I ' ' and YOU can. get it at catae the poprietor WO a Literais'ioa ara, Falls, is home on a h Protests against the. contemplated aca Mrs. 'II _anmpliriee of Buffalo. 'who hag tion' were apparently of no avail, WM"; IraisttiLlreM- ehonae of herfather, ' the license was taken aWay. That the , Ma J. Hearn went back on Wednesday action is not approved of by even Con: 'a" The MisSei) Vanstone, of Wingham, servativen is shewit by the folowingare visitors in . town for a couple of artiele, frcnn the Chatham Planet, the weeks, the guests of the Misses Bartlift. Conservative organ, for Kent:- , . deo. Hodgenta traveller, who " has 'been in the' west for the past three Here is what ia said .:. ante blow bas fallen. The• threat of the eacited few months, spent Sunday with his mother ht election time has been .cayfied. out in cold blood by a majority 'cff: the li. I- lki- i... (hi. Coals of Chicago, is' here cense commissioner's -And in the halm uonaua;e'y'isit tO l'ii's. motherrs... Coats, • of Liberal.Coeservativism ? . the cella wiesioners have '' got even" with,Iriiili" Alheit•street.' Ile is acconapanied.' by Jack -and his wife and his family. ' his sem:. ' • - - . :Today the Hotel Rankin-ainques. Miss Jean. Melteazie of Lucknow were Mrs. la. J. Miller (neentliender) and fionably one of the' largest arid :best the guests ofaMisseS McLennah •for a ' kofePtWasemstemrenreOlttaht.sitoiselins twhiethothte'lea few clay& , • • ' 4aIstsisseidle to argue that there is any . London, is vistling-her sister, ' Mrs. • Thawife of tv. Itrank Roy,' of other reastnato be advancedfor the ac- tion than pho.t of politics. f H 'Ito ' ' Miran% Hill also Miss1Mary BroWnlee, :dPrellpsilsolisilistiesiitl:Ttlailest'iCliOlnannStelertkIveaTveentsLd°wefePtthhie Mrs, J. Tiv.- Woodhull, -Lambeth, Were • Miss Vandernauder London, :and . • comnainsioners, in view of the tiemeta glidttS .at the home of Mrs. , Jandes • draonuksspoufb(1.7iconsseenrvtilittntiesnvit ieaxoisutrincgontsnutthue.. S.,,Ituershsermd., yoeysebrecSuxixamaay.,;:Lon•d•on :oii Lettanacould-praceed,atathey.haveslone.. -Saturtlaya---and-bronght --lime '-tlaa-' ip•heyond • our .ken., Surely so strong been in thataity for Soine time. • • l• other membets of the family. who have "an objection as • was evidenced in the ' Mhz •Mary 0 Lough B. Aahas com- position of the county and city couned letecah r 1 lit ' e• 'il . I Se arid the stand of Sari) pcitent COnser. lo)f the "e -,•s",07 a, sat,e'eeiratoro;sarneilag waive exponents as Messrs. ,Mtivam t lined t'el her 0. A., on Wednesday. • Cataphell, Wm• Sall, Dr: • tr. L. I3ray, itiss Olive klelyar has resigned. her ' cRoeuevneo.(01o:mneollituossionrearrnyer.,oholnDicokr dirt, aleirtritnEvinun'teade.of..otheeserhould chtiolin-Uttid17-11.11d-W1117-sperttdthoa %%dee PA/:tY is dallerable' lianas of the board. That the action Rumor says she may not take any was taken in the name of the Couset. have tacl some consideration at the holidays at her hotne here. Dame : servatives of West Kent aepediate it. .The C°I.Y.' left here this week on a visit to her semhorosl, wherejams toil:7141S alnenetemOpnaeniePr bis,i. her daughter, • Mrs Isaac Modeland, The reception of the :Canadian daughter, Mrs. W. McDonald at Sun- ; Manufeeturers' Association personally • set, Washingban Telaitory." It Is a by tile King and Queen, in an event Prettystrenuousundettaking forialady The Children's Day service in this enjoyed , themselves to 'the yery•fullest. , church on Sunday was a splendidsuc- extent. The very best .o.f. cirder. pre-. cess. The church was beautifully dec- . thing to Mar the nleasure of the day. nigh Court of justice.% orated with flowers for the occasion, ' veiled, awl thereavvas not the first • . and many indeed were the compliments • panes who, . . The receipts were between $6n0 and . . • • . with the assistance of the scholars, in charge.. Theuen-jurY sitting of the: High . paid to the committee of $700; •and the popular palest were responsible for the untismdly fine Rev. Mr. Pinnsonault, is to be coegrata (Ionia of Justice opened on Tuesday, display. For quantity, quality and ulated that eamything passed off so the 20th June, and Was adjourned at arrangement we have seldom-- wi-t- -PleasantlY-----a-a- a----.-------4--a--0:301anahk-the-Sheriffrehter--Justice7' nessed anything better. in the morn- 1 . • - Sir William Meredith. riot having ar- mg the pastor, Rev. Mr. Magee, ad- dressed himself to the childeeb, his . rived in Goderich , The saintrapreeed- ure was followed Wednesday and TIntrsday, and on :Priday the Court An Active Pastor text being Prov. : Si. The speaker, the Association meets. Mr. Lee of Londesboro was the next highist. . The following. are the scores: - n oderieh Township., • -300 . Londesboro 345 - Auburn.... ... ... ,a35• .. . . ' Statford a.,...,•,......, -a-Etyth-..'.............a.a.:..802 The winners of tnedals in -formet contests were W. W. 'Whitely, God.e-• vich township; Sohn Nevvcombe,Goda. rich tovvnship ; Roy Rundle, Goderich opened inpresenceof the Chief Justice. township; Thos. Lee, Londesboro. The Blenheim News Tribune of last There were four causes for trial. . The A new cup is to, be purchased foe continual competition and next sboot, pointed out that we must guard our hearts against the attacks ot sin, and ' week makes the folloseing. reference firet.. . . methods by which various flowers Cherela-Large•• audiences were in aa; an action fotale' construction of a ......tinnoca et al vs. MolCaa',7 7.1111y et •reiinlaehrbeeree. Thanksgiving I:MY Ett t , illustrate th paipt axplainea the to the pastor of Ontario ' Street , la guard themselves n,gainst their foes. attendance at the, Methodist ciantb, ' will, beireataken at 2.30 p.tn,. It po- rn this way the children svere exhorted Jest Sunday, to listen to the farewell pears that Murdock, who belonged to to follow closely the Divine plan, and sermons of the departing pater, Rev. W. R. ICerr The past three yeitt•s • the.Presbyteriatt Paee church hi Can- ILifinuhatn , by so doing they would be able to . guard their hearts as the flower „were limy ones 'fot Mr. Xerr. ada and refased to go In with the other •tuty and August w will dear our entir Slaughter gale of Dress' Goods. Darin, guards the honey, thus &Levying out that his efforts were attended with : awl 1 churches of the Vireo ana Olt.1, Kirk+ God's purpose. During the servitte the when they amalgamate!, I/ &ICS a Will, 8tJek Of Ard88 Goods, This Sale inelu des al much success is clearry shown by it , leaving it .sum to the church, and one • I". hiuk.ato ammo shirtwaist &moos, children rendered a couple of ea2 thous . The session of the Sunday rlighool e ' I reference to .the conference, notes, ; party eonteaded the. m lney should %) During his. pastorate here that e has , ade ,ines for ;l5e•ete. I been a net iterease in the membership 1 an to the Unitea Presbyterian theta , Geo, 4tho, winount, June 05. th . afternoon, and the evening4servic I were both much mnre interdstIng 011' of over 100. All the departments of ' sandaltgh/ssatent trrectieseeWeer tthaet WIllatIAM aVta's AT ilivivay Samar. account of the preaence of the flowers. I the church win1:1'11as prospered The the bequest belonged to them In the July lat was it banner claymd for Wing - Everyone seeedelighted with the alpworth League has ed as increasI , end Ilis tordsbip reserv„ed judgement. ham, who had three teamnIt saut, and day, and it was evident that in this, as its 'membership lis' .e, half a- a junior' la da. Malcohnson, tmaknow-; apaeared won. At Wroxeter, Listow.1 and well as other ways, faavers may be Lemague was qrgitmzedia*Iii eh no a has • .for the exeetttors 1 Wm. Prouclfoot, X. t Winghtian played it game in the la - s great blessing. • 1 a embershiy of 40 : the Sunday 1 C., for Q. D IVIcKenaie ; Ilamilt ei, X. I cro8S0 (1 iStrtet and M./Ingham WOn by .1 School has maintained its high stand- a Inc I3oard of Tenste A ; and MeSsra . a score of 0 to 8; At •TensWater. the ST, PAuris i1 ard of proficientry ; and all the ems-, I )d. Cl. Loscombe and O. A. Mass Inc 1 Wingham baseball club won from The Ladies were favored with de- nexional funds halite shoWn an in- l' Presbyterian Churches, i Teem:Wee 5 to 4, and. the football elub lightful weather.. yesterday, Thursday, crease over twevions giviogs. A. short 1 FLuNitterr ea al., vs, WI tsox, an • won frem Miidtroty by itscore of 2 to Oa for the lawn socced to ial announhe . held on the Rectory Lawn. ; tnne ago the church was renovated at 1 oction for possession ns tat d 011t1 pay -1 alf,LAWS OArtRY -TiVo important 1 a cost of $1300. During his resiclence 'anent of rent, was postponed until an , by-laws were voted on by thet'rate- 1 here Mr. Kerr perfovined 2.8 marriage 'application can be made to the 'Court , payers of this town on Wednesday, Th' Chi istian Sabbath is it legal , ceremonies, condocted 4.8 burials and( 011 behalf of the defeodant. Willi m I - a- . and both % re cartlea by sobstatitfai rest day in Japan. 1 reeeived 113 candidates for bliptisir. Prouclfoot, IC. O., for pl tintift; -- I/ 11 .11(--eY 1 majovities One is to raise $12,000 by Rev. Mr. Rutherford of Dueaannon; I Ile was what might be called a visit,. names for defendant, • the insue of debentures for the purpose who has been on the sick list, is recov• . 1311'pastor, AS (hiring' -t hp three years Kt !matt. VS TOwNenre otic GitaV, - , • . • ,... the - of waylaying and eatendina . ' , over 70, but the serious illness of Mr. that will make every Canadian s MenOnald, is her justification I blood tingle "With admitation and pride. It is such .an unusual event and shows the mete tamarkable tad and consideration or the King -tor his subjects: •• ering. 1 he made 2,50Ortatorai visits, an aver- an action. to eompel defendants to preseet 'waterworks system and to age of °yet or) per year. lie made itramtain a road in the towrship of make it more adequate .for five The Rev. Thos. Davidson of Vaemt. a specittlity of visiting the sialca•Mid Oren and fee d"meges fet* het' reaih* ' protection, purptises, The vote on this left this week for the Sault, on a va. A Man V i4(k room has hpen brightened.. tabling such road. I3y consent of the was 280 for and rk ageinst, The', other cation trip. He will he aceemPanieU by bia frequent ealle, The policy was cotirtset. Ilis Lordship ordered the i hriew is ter the mahese of ihchio. the hy his son, Alex. While they Aire 'away Airg. Davidson will ha,ve with tetyteir sot'enieet feat:141ex ettintleentlerirehYrrirtinle, Aetet,a8lotx.latmcialirindoisnntitirisattendiewylftobin, tottritsitiey; 11 emeasetetslfnitioeinutveurf,stihweopoe:trutyritt Furniture The Methodists are about to cele.1 WaS altVity'S a, willing helper in any de- a littnoat, an action to compel pre% a lagre addition to t wit onino fetetory, brat° their mission jubilee ftl India ' partment Of the ehutalt avotk, and eountyto conatruot at beidge ilk, bit, o 1. The vote on this bydaw was 203, for their work helf fifiY years old in a ' her seta/eel; have hemi• much "tee- Albert, Ha consent of totthcet Alin . and 50 against. withdrawn without mists William Proudfoot, X. C., foe plaintiff ; E. L. I Rev% W. T. Oluff hrothee of Mt TI .T. Dickinson. totdefeadants. with Lb* Atissionti a*a $0,000 eateehu. Recr take with MOM Via heat WISItta bereft the oeurt Ilit Lordtiltip Ieft•the -the paSt Vier being, la. M. United analog of si Varvintre, Ma. and Mr& This having cottchuled the hasinese Zlit,tidf. ,O, Tinton, has been offered the lttietership ot St, ZailleS Mitre% 8tt.gt. fli4 of/a, large cit.& or friends. Botch at,5.80 p.111, her her two fresh air children from hem of the congregation, Mrs, Xerr. Vs' un I?roudfoot, X. r , fordefenlante. at $aa,000 for T ,ronto. I, will else be much missed here. She Vaieaslin) ay Aam,iltim vEL qntn,r,rit a Peri.od of ton Year in oolrineration Iof which the cote tiny Will erect a few tnotiths. ithin this eorapara- bled. She Wag for a tittle lea( et of Lerdship ordered . this action to be 1 a tively short time their ehurelies have the choir and on Monday evening the grown frotn nothing to 120,841 coin. tnettibers of the.thoir met at thc, par. municantit, the inarease of .etirollment Sonage, MO ,resented her with sonic The AutonomY Bill passed its third reading in the House on Wednesday, by a vote of 100 to 41. Messrs.,13our- titan, and Lavergne, refusing to vote or be counted with the Opposition, walk. ed out of the House. Several amend- ments were also voted down that of Mr; Monk, to introduce the French language, being lost bY /40 to 7, ,115NE WPATIlIall NOT SO BAD - Those %vho think June WAS a dis. agreeable., showery month have but to look at the weather statistics for com. fott. It seetns to have been a very tate month after all. Out of a, grand total of 30 there have been 18 days of eontinuotis sonthirte and several days when rain fell, upon which it was partly l'air. The average rainfall was 8.08, or 2,08 above the avevage. Rain. fell , on fourteen days 1 but oo two dap; it was only one-hundreth of an inch. The wettest jone it% the past 30 yeavs was In 1870, when the down. pout, registered. 8.00. In 1802 it was 3 81, ead-in 1800 2,87. In 1903 we [had tnOre moisture than "thin year, the average for the month beam 3'31 and the year before that still more vain, (Via. The 1110E01 tett p valtire fw th month has been 010 or 1.1 above the average. The hotteet day of the lanontli just peat Wits the 20th. When the mercury wellt up to 85 antl the lowest the Iitt, When It only reached 40. -Globe. D. Beaton's • Nothing in Meat could pOssila, . . ly he nicer or more easily pre- pared than our "Epicure Brand" . Bacon. " When boiled, its de- .. . . licious, .1f you . want the Orange-. men • to think lwell '.o you, feed them well. If you. Want to feed them • well get you supplies at The. People's- Grocery. Huron. St. --o— A fresh supply of everything • for the occasion. Just tell us • your wants and well help you to use those Orangerrien white.' • A. D.13eatoti Phone t t MB., Lots of good Potatoes at a reasonable price, , MUM Asir' 111.14 Specials ,ror all Next Week NI Cut Naiis, at eut pricee, ttlF sizes, 13 potinds • for twenty-five cents. NBalance of Lawn Mowers at abotit cat .2 to clear. Al it Sob lot/ of Hay Porks. The prices are Way' II • 0 down Noe. Gattnitetaare at a big discount. 30 cts off every dollar, Watch out big window for Special Bergains, as we intend to on • tinually Ow it for that purpose, Pure English Paris Green, 1 2Se. per lb. - : ar an ros Stove? and litsrdwaree