HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-07-07, Page 3!•21't ly 701 190 vEGETABLE SICILIAN flair Renewer Why not stop this failing of your hair? At this rat you will soon withsout- any.hairt -Justretnernher thatliall's Flair Renewer, stops falling hair,- and makes hair efow, uraWralrootPOLMV,P"' " A MAN AMONG MEN. Lord Rosebery's Splendid Tribute to the Late Head Master of Eton. One of the notable events in English' • educational life of late has been the re- tirement of Dr. Warre front the head- mastership of Eton, which he held for twenty-one years. Old Etonians the world over have embraced the oppor- lunity of contributing to- a -testimonial - in his honor, which was inaugurated a little while ago under the presidency of the Earl of Rbsebery. On that oo. oasion, Lord Rosebery said: "His (Dr. ;Warre's) services to Eton and his con- nection with Eton have ranged over a great space of time. It is fifty-one years, I think, since he gained the IsTe'vP• , cantle, which ought to be, though I am 1 afraid it is not, the, blue ribbon of an Eton career, and it Is forty -live years ;since he joined the educational staff of Eton as • an assistant master. It is -, , rather painful to me, personally, to re- member that he was an assistant mas- ter when I went to Eton, but as far as i 1 oan see, he looks as young and as ; Vigorous now as he did then. It is but 1 21 years ago that he was ralsed to ; one of the supreme positions in Great ; Britain, the headmastership of Eton. I , say one of the supreme positions be. ; cause it is, / know, considered that a , secretaryship of State is a very grave , position in this country. But / doubt , that any thoughtful persons will put the importance of a Secretary of State, possibly unworthy and probably tran- sitory, in comparison with that of a 1. person who has the training of mos of the future Secretaries of State. "The position of headmaster of Eton Is unique in this country. It is uniqu in its power, and has been unique in it results. And I am sure, ln,passing, 1 may express the hope of all here that he 'who is putting on his armor to as- sume the great position may be as sue. cet3sful as he who is about to lay it down. This Is not the moment or the race to canvass Dr. Warre's services o Eton. He has identified himself in the fullest manner, both with the intel- lectual and ;with the athletic side of Eton. T_Inder him Eton has preserved its proud prerogative of turning. out itentlemen, And successful-gentlemenr and when the proud record of the col- lege conies to be written, it will be felt at there are. few names more to be honored • on its records, on its roll of achievement, than that of Dr. Warre. ;What is the secret of his success? So tar as I can trace it, it is due to his intense manliness. He is a man among men; he is fitted, not merely to be the guide, but the example, of all Eton. lans." 1 THE OLINTON NET:9V • KRA. - O'ffigA Wikel NO ANOEL, 1..m....1".....,.. IWoll-Infortned Correimentiont Makes This Plain Enough. in the hrief obituaries of the late Capt. Williain Henry p'Shea, who has ' itiet-dietlin 'well deserved' Obscurity- at Brighton, I rind, writes the Marquise de Fontenoy, tio mention made of the . fact that he was a count by the grace of the Vatiean, while his elder brother ' tile 021.13 Mt.. ..`.7.• Here from the brew of the hill look, Throuagvtiesa; lattice of • bougns ieand On the old gray -mill witli its gambrel Ancirtohoef, mOss Ittil rotting eaves. I hear the clatter that Jars its we.us, And the r gibing Water's sound, Ai *sea theJilack floats rtse aod fall. -Aki the *Kea -goes- youfid;-: I rode' there ofthn when I was young, With roy grist. on the bonse before, A.nct talked' with' telly, the miner's • girl, As I waited my. tura it the, door.; • brown, And flirted and chatted so free, The .wheel might stop dr • the wheel might 'go It was all the same to me. . 'Tis •• twenty yeare since la,st I stood On the spot where I stand to-daY, And Melly is wed; and •the miller is dead, And the mill and 1 are gray. • But both, tlil we fan into ruin and wreek, " • To our fortune of toll are bound:. •A.nd the man goes; and the stream iloWt, • And the wheel moveg slowly round, "‘ • -Thomas Dune English, . • For many years Dr. Thomas Dunn English was in the public' eye as phy- stolen, poet, draniatist,• novelist law - t yer and politician, but his' 'celebrity . while in the flesh Tooted and his.post- humous fame resti almost solely on his 0 song "Ben Bolt." loor a- long time the s song dropped out- of memory, but in- terest in it was revived by. it e use •In • Du Maurier's novel, "Trilby.'" In later years the mention of "Ben Bolt" to, its • author irritated him almost beyond en- durance, since during the eloping years • of his long ltte he was continually re- •I 'erred to as the -writer of "Ben Bolt,". • to the excitatjon. of his .other work. • • RICH COLOR .AND SOFT SKIN I May be iirlitated,- but beauty is more t WASTIN6 ANEMEA. TeOlihre That MHO* Thous.- custema and .11eliefe,,,, and! of Youriii GlirV0--ettred, by professor atylius grikeeu„ mitiug bf 1• • Or, * ink .11II14„ the heatheu Eskimo in northern Green.' Dr. Williaanta thing,,,but they do it well. They fill • his , powers of observation are YOU the. veins with new, rich, red, health- acute- In spiteof the fact that his life giving blood, which drives a acay all .is no. ueinterrupied :straggle for exist- ' traces of anaemia, headache, haeeliche THa HEATHEN ESKIMO: 110 Is Good Humored With His olive!! was a duke of the kingdomof Spain alpitation, nervonsuess, dizziness and 81100ce the (.reeulander IS atiVaSS in a : Th good , having acquired that title, which, al- cspOlitiency. e -new blood. they humor, and his boisterous laugh ways carries •with it the grandezza, by Make brightens dull lusterless eyes, can he heard sounding fee over ice and raarrYlne and hrings the rosy gw loOf health to snow fields. His way of telling storia; Shalash zaa3r, the enlY eltA4 to the pale clusaks. In curing fume- is short, and ithruPt, bOt comical, of a duke. milt Di, Williams' Pink, Pills cure the Nor is sufficient stress laid upon the foundationt of consiunption as :well tures ere strongly emphasized. His sta. discreditable role'which Capt. O'Shea, The n__ ew blood they actually iniike ries consist generally of his own ad - who hadserved for a time in the Melt- ventures, old legends about tights' with tr-ives new strength nrid vigor to every ing of Trieh home rule. It is ridicu- teerith, Hussar's, played 10 the .wreck- in-gan in the body, and enahle.s M to nelgbbors and wild animals, about se. Pigs For Sale. - . bus to speak of hint as an injured fight whatever disease attacks it. . vere winters and great famines about , I that is why they are the b t • A, Tea Standard Red reathar Ceylon Tea has set a "first quality' standard for itself -below which it never fans. .--Elack,Greenor hfixed-reneve.r.put.up in lead but • always in sterilized parehment-lincd pechages--409- per lb. • Get Wed Feather in your cup linahansi.,,. Or --1/ttvinc. had life .ruined by Charlet, Stewart 137irtieji:•Me owed. eyerything to the latter, and the relations hetween .wife and. the great Irish leader were a Matter *of the • most public notoriety for fully Six. years •before lie brought his suit- for divorce against her in 1890, During the greet:. nr_part thos.eA .IE. yeas Wea_e(la abled to cut a figure in politics, was received by the Ministers of the day, arid treated by theta with, affeeted oo account of his luau - „once with. Parnell, everybody being 'Aware of the nattire and 'origin of that ' Influenee. '” The Ministers, .of cOurse, es inecii- the creation of the world and about -eine inethe- merld-for girls in their- -supernatural' hatlIgK it rueotardorda teens -or women in middle life- and highly creditable to be able to tell sto- to all those whose blood is weak, ries so on g 4 e th t th oaudience is lulled 'watery or impure. • 3I'ss Mazy E. Pratt, Blyth, Ont., to Sleep. An orator who achieves this gives strong testomy to the value of feat is solemnly welcomed on the next these pills; She says; I was a suffer/ r 'morning, and every one thanks him for t.var a yearwith anaemia. T was profusely for the pleasure which he ac- -complt t .4y --run down,- -. h.- -f-equeet- -- corded- the night- before. headaches, spel's of dizziness and "Ideas of beauty are PeeilllarlY (level.' palpitetion cif the heart. I doctored no bette°- e n (I' in. tile ae • e be th n Eskimo He re. all summer and wi s r r'" - ' given np all hope. of finding a cure gards 'beauty solely from the stand - than when I began. • I had Jpractically point of utility. For, imtance, a rock when my .brother advised Inc to try projecting out of meter only appears Dr. William's Pink Pills. I got fgur beautiful to bins when it Is visited in had their own opinion, about the can- boxes and when I had taken them I summer b water birds 'Ohl h breeI WA. But they found it useful to km eep felt so uch better that I got six In touch with the man through whom lattices more; and before I had taken all there' 'A. Lining torrent is onely beatu- they could deal With 'theirisli leader, these I was completely cured: I am' tiful if it contains many salmon, and in that way get the Irish party more Clothes are not put together with anY thankful than I can• say for to. come to terms with the Government 'what the pills have clone for ' me,' as idea of regularity of coil., only thir on any given Sutatect. The Irish mem- but for them I would not be enjoying • practical utility -being considered. Ilu s Imre of:ParlIaMent, although loY'al to gocid, health to I strongly urge are nuide of snow and stones, with .. onted tops, but without nay architec." ua on, and not one. of them would Pills a trial. - • • "ft tar I d 1 • at the titne of tile Galway election, Value of Dr.. Williams' - Pin Pills to "Only the spirit conjurers (augaltoks) telegraphed to his chief: "The USheas pills can-tm had from any. wdieine gaMeil as priests and doctors, Their. :arnell, were thoroughly aware of the .weak girls togive Dr. William's Pink d „ It ti 'shake hands with O'Shea, while in 1826, Bliss Pratt's •experience proves the ee gna••• - Paznell's lie:voted lieutenant. Biggar, every weak and ailing person. These ocellPY an exalted p%sition, being re. w eterunof you. . -It was -only when Capt.' O'Shea found that the Government could hot and would net reward swill services as he had rendered by office or by a title, and wEen he • realized that hie wife Could not "longer ••bestr the' sight of hlm--he had long befOre squander- ed the handsome fortune which she had brought: to him on her • marriage- • when he found that Parnell had no onger the means. to assist him inscnia- erne", that he InatItuted that suit for (Biome which may be said to have killed Gladstone's home rule:bill, It would have paid the ,Irlah, paid heir friends and sympathizers, to have bought-the-aontintienee--of--the--slienes- 11,'HY CATARRH POISONS THE SYSTEM • The Catarrh germ excites inflama- tion, offensive secretions are thrown off and pass into the ciculation, con- taminating the river of life and thus wreck the whole body. Every catarrh victim should use fragrant healing Catarrhozone, the surest cure' for every type of catarrh yet discovered. Catarrhozone can't fad to cure. be. cause its vapor kills the germs and re- . • moves the cause of the trouble. Then it -soothes and heals, stops the c.ough and relieves the stuffed up condition., of the nose and throat. Tens of. thousands have been cured by Ca- tarrhozone, which is guaranteed. Use . only Catarrhozor.e. Complete outfit $1,00; trial size 2.5c. • • -tlian-skirisieep_.-qh,dis hidden in tb blood. Eliininate the poisonous proe-4- --Tthe-captain. Perhaps ;at was -that ducts of indigestion by' Prozone and for which he was lookinewhen in first *atioli Array as Chicken fancie t dealer or by mail from the Dr. Will-• task is to establish a, connection be. lams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont,, 'tween the visible world and the hidden at 50e:a box or Six boxes for $2.50.. spirits and in. this way they' obtain a • certain influence over their .neighbors. , • • . The anfrakok' asks his spirit' for ad- Valvation - Army Chickens. ' ' '''.. vice and then informs the invalid. that ,......-.. ' Not only. the largest but the tnost his illness has been sent by the spirits Profitable. poultry yard in England is as punlehment for certhin deeds." .• . '' that conducted by the Salvation Army, • .- - .. - - Which is the pride: of General Booth. , • • • ......,-...,........_,_.„,,,,,,,,,,, ' ''•ai,:. the founder of the Army. • . • . The Native/. or Kikorik. • It houses more than two theusand . ' The natives 9f ICikuyu, in east 'Afri- chickens,. and lase year 18,340 eggs . Were produced for us e In the Salvation •ea ; go about well armed: They, carry Army enterprises and for general sale. a stout ace of spades shaped spear, a In addition 1,185 birds were sold and teal belittle hide shield, a lieaVy.double _.2,2a2 chiclia_wera_reared • I ed cl_ h ' One would-scarcelyAmegine the stronr7sticke. Theip-•-prinelpal complexion . rapidly improves...- ' -1i1 ',-crease the red •coloring. Matter in th 4..blood, give it more nutrition and "nor recl cells, do this- rind ,cdsmeties Won' be needed. :Give up cosmetics; the wither top quickly.' Use : Perrozon and have your, complexion firinly es tablished. 'There isn't &case of blotch 1 ed skin,. poor coniplexiiin or 'lack.° . . . 1 color that cantt bequickly remedied. by Ferrozone. • Pry . it. • Price 50e. . • . . '.'• inaugurated the proceedings against e parnele But no one seems to have e . realized this at the time. The divorce • court proceedings placed on official re- cord the intimacy. between remelt and •• his Egeria reach a manner that the.. ,statesreen In „power could -no longer • .:• affect to close their eyes thereto. They f were forced to sunder their relations with ,Parnell at the moment when the success of home rule seemed assured, • and with his with'drawal Into private • • . " The confederate aineter • In pure:nate°, of an act. of the Fifty- , eighth congress General' Ainsworth; military secretary, hi epergetically at rwork upon the compilation qf the Con- • federate muster relic the chief. point ; of Interest naturally lethe determine. , Non of the,reetgeetiir numblc of the Paihatally Prela. An English paper tells the following pathetic story, of a governess velin had seen better days, bdt who became al- together reduced In circumstances - nay, she kepl hugger with Cfilculty from her door. Solhe benevolent per- mit, hearing of her sad plight and knowing her pride, ferwarded her half a sovereign, withholding any name. After the death of the peer lady, not Be very long afterward, when her desk was searched by a friend, there was fouod a neat little white paper packet containing the, half sovereign untotich- ed. Across the papal' was written ift a ,trenatilous hand: "Ten 011140 sent "anonymously. Most indecent." • Drench of Discipline. at-- In February, 1748, Lord Robert Bev tle, third son of Robert, first duke of Lancaater, afterward gpneral the ar- my and colonel of the Second regiment of foot guards, received a rePrin3and, such reprimand being conveyed to him by the Duke of Cumberland's aid -de- • eamn. Hte military offeuse was that he bloWn his nose, as be relieved . guard, beneath his grace's window in St. James palace; this, and this only, was all be had done.-Chambere' Jour. nal. RIGHT TIRE TO CURE CATARRH E P. Reekie Guarantee Ifyomol • Will Cure if Used Now The early summer when the weather beconrs warm and settled is the heat time of the whole year to treat cat- arrhal troubles with the expectation of complete and lasting relief. Everyone who has catarrh of the head and throne should know how foolish it is to try and cure it by drug. Ing the stomach. ' Until recentlyyour physician would have said that the only vvay to cure catarrh Wonld be by a change of cli- mate but now with Hyomei you can carry a health -giving climate in your purse or vest pocket, and by breathing it a few minutes four times a day soon cure yourself, Everyone who has catarrh or even a tendency to catarrh should use Ilyo- mei now, for the benefit will be gained twice as quickly and the disease thor- oughly eradicated from the syetetn, • The complete Hyniiiel outfit costs but one dollar, and includes neat pocket inhaler, • • •menicine dropper, and sufficient Hyomei for several weeks' treatment, The inhaler lasts lifetime, and if more Ilyomei is needed extra bottles can be obtained for 50 cents. In (Minton there are scores of well- known people who have been cured of entarrh by Hyomel. If it does not !cure you, R. P. Reekie will rain% your money. This 16 the ettOngOat evidence hacan offer as to his faith hi the tett exlyo two armies In e cis, I ,War. greater of thnon hits plon made tiP, but the difileultiet are geeater as re, ',gard-the-Conadostte *relies *Whig .to the 'incomplefiumisa of the.,reeOrda. To. make the roster as.,Complete ae pOssie hie letters have been addreised by the secretary otwar loth. goiernors of the fifteeti .states of the former Confeder- acy inviting their, eo-operation,• which has been 'cheerfully tifee,. The Motet' rolls Supplied by these !states are re- turned as soon as the coinpfiation ,is. made, malt is believed the .list as thus made up will biyepreetleally complete.. • Al. Interesting Aieellent Tomb: Because certain nobles of NOMA Egypt were jealous Of a queen .45f. that laud on • account ,og her bourgeon, ex- traction the twentieth eentfitY has 13E4 Surfeited With, increased knowl- edge qt that anclot tint°. . Queen 1114 was the vette Of Ring atinenhotep of the_ tenth dYnaitty... The peeents of • Queen, Tele wereYua and TWO,: cow- tion--people:-.:-Queen Tele -Wei nnable - to establish her patents as .nobles in the face of the opposition; of the Egyp,4 tlith aristocrats, so she gave thenil'a more than noble funeral when they died. She Provided for them a royal tomb and royal furnishings to the same. Thie tonib was hidden go ef- fectually that It WM not discoVered until a few menthe, ago, when Thee- , dere Davis disdovered it and all IN Uh- disturbed treneUres. ra, Yu of a total of 104' birds exhibited at shows •ninety-three won prizes, s. re- cord of which any one Plight he preutl. , Although the poultry farm is intend., ed principally. as a • rneans •ot •givint employment to th.ciae presenting them- selves, ae,•the reseue',naissions, it has p,roven • a ' deciclealy self-supporthig scheme., the sales for last.Year amount - ng to a little more than Lena thousand dollars. „ • The farm exceeds in • size any other ment" is a plentiful coat of terra' cotta earth, and they weir numerous 'articlea . Of metal as ornaMente...• - • 1 • . - • : , .e. . •• • • Mifteint bent '''--A- ' • . . • The 'Catira river, an talluent of the 'Orittoeo, is remarkable In that it has a . natural dam. This takes the form of a . ,. . . • ledge of granite over 200 yard e in over :which :the. current runs • with teeraeridouevielenee... , ,', , 1 ... • , re an s, only • chance of eelf-gov.. In England devoted to poultry raising. 1,5 ernment In a hundred years was lost,' ahd has been shown to be such a, sue,' ' titmice to Capt. O'Shea. • - cess that it will noon be atilt futther enlarged.. • • • Bedepest Blackmailers. tfirdapest Eas a gang of 'blackmailers Who °toren, mhch like, the "Black /tend" ber'e Letters Inivelmen rediSIV- ed br well to-do pergent, silk* signed. simply by the nutriher "13" and all demeudIng ltilhla of not less than 000 and oftener still larger, under threati of dynamite in ease of 'Truant .A. grain or two a explosive material is inclosed with the letter by way \of a samPle. Although, theee missives litaVe been nemeroue during 'the last 'Ye* months to clew has so far been obtain- ed to the writers. •. The German %Vey. Isidore Duncan, California girl who. has revived.the dances of the Greeke, was fined $80 by a German court re- cently for insulting a government bai- liff. The official called to hand some documents to Miss bulletin, who called, him an Insoleht person.' Ink -lora Dun- can appeared in court hi pure white, coitinne, her hair In • s fillet, her bare feet in eamiale, And told the judge she wait nervous and hystericel from over- work. The Judge admitted her plea, le; Meting a tine only, , Wesna Dead. • Patrick 'Mullin startled hie comeadee at the tetinion of tlib Pirst Defenders itt Pottsville, Pa., by tieing in the midst of the essemblage Mid asking that his name be sttielten from the .415115 roll end offering hie own preeenee evl- defies that an error had beeti made. The organizatiou le made. up of the Rut - theirs of the PIM. Penneylvitii"..t rogi- meet which reepontled r,incolife first mill for &dope. Of the 800 Wile (entered the iterefell but forty-four aro how bilv04 -Flieigri Memorial to Victoria. I It le proposed to erect Queen , torial memorial hospital 'somewhere on the Itiviera, and in the present state in the Stomach. relations between thp• two. coun- No More Pains . •trlee it Is prebable that the propOial I* .. "I. . Statile* to at ' least two, distinguiseed British •subjects have already been .I. erected. hi *wide. One Is to Jenner, 1 .whicli stands in front of o: the ash mar-' .ket at Boulogne,. and •the • other is to • chreeanttoarpy be Bald% to hav• ,beeh.. rr Lord Broughan at Cannes, . of which!'). 1 .. .. . • . i would Because the reatest of Stomach .• . . - • • be favorably received hi France rRemedies Was ria,d Mr. Hariss of .1tockw,00d,. Ont., writes :' "In regard to F,errozone. I am glad to say it is the most. excellent remedy for stomach- trouble. Before" tieing Ferrozone I was in a poor state o ea , but after takingn few boxes was cured of pains in the stomach,. and &soreness in the back. I PM en joying the best of health t0 -day, thank to Ferrozone," • Mr. Ernest V.. Jordan of Trent • writes : "I had • a Severe attack , of stoniach trouble and indigestion, which completely upset nne. I teas advised to try Perrozone. and did so. Since -using Ferrozone I haye not had any farther trouble, and Mtn recom- mend it, as a ositive cure. Aly wife als9 found 4errozons a gond tonic and nerye strength° r. Everybody that eeee used - rezone speaks • just as highly of It strengthens the btolattch skirl digest- ive Organs and Assists them in ciupy- ihg theirevork-- Ferrozone purifies - the blood and gives new energy to the nerves. .It •is tire best tonic and re. builder ana gum' for youeg and old alike Jost try eryezene resurts will astoeish you. Price 50C. per box, dr six boxes for $250, at all druggists, Or the Perrozone Company, Kingston, Ont. Don't delay, Get rerrezone to- day. None of the religious gatherings this year have done anything towards the promotion of Church LTnion. In- deed, it may be said that, outside of the ageeernene of one very small body to unite with a neighbor of like polity, there has been no opinion expressed Opon•the subject tome such as is hos- tile. The feet is that what seemsto be excellent in theory is not successful when reduced to practice. It is easy to talk union, but difficult to accom- plish that result, - Kidney Disorders Are no . respecter of persons,. People in every walk of life arc troubled. • HaVe you a ilackache if you have it •Is the first sign that the kitirieya are not working' peoperly, • • A neglected Ditekrichei leads to eerloat Kidney Trouble. Check it In time by tithing MC 6111044 KIDNEY tsPECOPICIP •itite7 cure Of kinds of Itidney Troulded trM Ilatkithe to Rright's Meese., SOL a hoz at 1 rev Nil itelidere et 100 *OA? MONEY Pat OfAis • Ifoltrosoi Oat. AcavioAkii"....wkdax..02. mmomokoomp,o.*-,.1004,40004 . Widely Imitated 'but Never tqaelkt Tne GENUINE - • LLYIURRAY de) A WI IWAIII!EI FLORIDA WATER • The Perfitme of Perfumes. luttr•shlair. Beeightha.• • Witscia exception litelnit Toilet Wales is ills world, , A,sk leer inagat tar MURRAY & LANMAWS, • . sad smiths, yea get it: • • Two sows 1.114 tesola vain nige 6 creek . .oli. forester --#ACO BK -'110111; ate For Sale • • • A timber of Birred Rook gookerels end year -aid bene for sale, ohf'eP, al the P try Station, 'cheap. G. $WAI4LOW,. Holmesville. Ohl Newspapers for Sale. A:quantity of old newspapers, suitable for patting under carpets, or any . toupees where wrapping paper is regain& 5 (met Pr bundle. New Eat ofikte. For Sale. A qttahtity of standing hardwood timber; also a quantity of blaok ash, standing end laving; also 20 aores of growing timothy, Apply to A. GINN, or W. BRYDONE, Olintoo. Farm for Sale. London Ro2d mils from Clinton, sheet 132 Beres of first-class lona. Ruth as e garden, has been a stock lams tit a num- ber of years. Frame hcrise,.. largo biting, lenty of stabling, pig bouse for 100 head, implement buitding, Poseession given at tartnrymitnimlgina.yAIOn9p-illnyae05,r0 H. seti...orirmetsirTet fEroLm Shop and Residence to Rent .or for Sale. - The brit& store Oa Albert St„ toiether with the dwellieg.house lately•ocoupied by B Fitzsimons is offered either to rent or for sale. There -is a good •'stable. The pretaises are well situated and E bitable for _0333, minim, y_ Bayfield Road,'•or HENRY BEATTIE,. Clinton, IES FOR SAGE #lortgage of S2,000, Mum farm Janda worth $4,500; interest 4% yearly • mortgage due years hence. Stock -5 shares in People's Buildfn & Loan Assooiation. of Lemma, (livid • 'ends of 6% paid half -yearly. Stock-- 50 shares Colonial Icvestment • & Loan Co,, dividends of 6,0..,eald hall yearly.. These are offered for sale (Maniere f may be had from W. BRYDONE,• I• . Solioitor for the holder, eilinton, May 17, • C'LINTON. flour, feed ; Seed.Siore JA$.A.FORD DEALER. IN FLOUR AND FEED OF. . . - ALL KINDS ALL ORDgRS PROMPTLY FILLED ONTARIO ST„ CLINTON •GO YEARS' EXPERIENCE •PATENTS TRADE MARKS ' Desierie . • COPVR1GHTS .AnyOne bending a sketch and description mai ---linickly-ascortaln our *Pinion -free rrnether au- invenhion is probably patentable. eonnzunica. Lions striotirOoaddentiol. HANDBOOK on Patents . Bent free. Oldest agencyforaeouring patents. Patents taken through Munn th-Lo. receive . medal metre, without OhargO, in the • Stkiitifie Jimericat • A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lamest Hr. ciliation of any selentittc journal. Tortes, is roar: four mofitha, el. Sold 1441 rierrsdealera. MUNN._& Co 3610,,,adway,New yea . Drench wince, (725 15 131..*ashinsion. D. O. Coal 'Having purchased • the Coal buslness of D • MeCorvie, I am now pre- pared receive _ orclers for all sizes—Grate, Egg, • §tove Nut and Soft"; and soliet your patroria.ge. Will sell only the best grades. Orders left with' me at'Coal Office, G.T, .R., or at Harland Bros'. hardware Store, Will re- • cei/e prompt attention. DOCViNo CENTRAL ILEA? IVIATKEr Jt. Fitzsimons tt Son. ' We thank out .Oustomers foi • their generous patronage in the past, and deeire to notify their( • that we have nmeed..•• to -the •,Clombe Bleak, where We have • mach-inereereein-tha.zi e Very choicest fresh and cured. Meats .'kept in stock, All �rder. eal receive prolipt '•and careful attention • Fitzihnwis _Son Teleplame 70. LIVE • My, but they are gOod! Did. you eye!' heat) •that .O'L IVES arte , healthful ? They are ! • aTei to digestion, and wholesome to ' you will be glad •to know' that • otfertfyy0ouu:ar.ste.nfOo2nwode: OL“ we have some extra qnalities to • In balk 30c pier at • . Si 1,5e • I 4 Bottles, 10c sfie 20e I The best quality • of everything • 4 .410.0.% ••••••••••••• • at lowest prices. W. T.:O'NEIL TheIlub Orocepy..__ saimon Trout two days a week. eiiges cotton Root coinpoust4 Ittitdterfr Favorftlei To the ' only ..fsetre . regulator on can4epend 41:1"Aell= and time of need:* strength. No. • Prepared twoatre No. lo -For ordinary ,far the best =edict, st Imaten. 2,--ges special eases -10 dollars.per box, - : COMPOUnds Take k your druggist for Boat INNA and 'mita d are tl druggists in the Mailesi to any ana tour 2 -cent owe company; , 1Nandsor,, 04110; .• • • Nom es rent rana MADAME CURIE. •. This Faireetis Discoverers oi RadiUM All the known radium in the World could be put into a tablespoon, yet' this less than an ounce of the route metal has set the scientists of two eon- tinents guessing at this new eontindrurn of nature. The answers are very wonderful, very etimulating, but very unsatisfactory, se far as the theories are concerned, that seek to explain this rebel element 'Which- Boerne to defy so outrageously Nature's strictest 'laws, To M. Pierre envie, a ino'agst chem- ist, and his wife, belongs the honor di discovering the miractilotts metal. They are poor, hard-working people, consecrated to science, caring little for wealth or fame or position, Reserved and conservative, they speak with extreme caution at to their discovery made in 1898; although the non -Mien", tido world has Just awakened to the revelfitien in the past two years., In a little, old,fashioned house at the extreme end of Paris, near the outer boulevard, whose critnitiaIs have given the section an unsavory name, 11ve4 the devoted eonple with their one child and M Curie'si father who is also a famous chemist. Some years age Mile. SkledeWski, a poor Polish girt, went from Warsaw, her native tetvii, to Paris to study. She had talent and pluck for the double fight against poverty end opposition. Her first triumph was when she entered a -competitive examination for higher mathematics. Her success wee so Overwhelming that the other competitors were eclipsed and eliminated, Not having money enough to enter one of the regular echo*, she entered a nitinicipal working-class institute, Where M. Curie directed the . laboratory. Soon she was his assistant and a little later his wife. Some of the experiniente of Recceterel on the radioactivity of uranium speelally appealed to her, and she determined to experiment on the refuse ore of pitchblende, from which uranium 10 taken. It was then considered worth. lees, like the mire of our eealilelds. She drew her husband into the search anti It took four years to get enough traces of this metal, worth thrAti thou - nand times its weightIn Pine gold. to elm* its properties. Her paper on radium won for her the degree of Motor of Phytileal Science, As a grain of musk will perfume ft teem for a century or More, con- stantly throwing off fine Particles Without decreasing ite weight, 86 %%Onto bombards the ether with light, heat, energy, and half a dozen other marvel.. Ions effects, without appreciable lees, arid In a thousand mllflon Mira It Would have lost only one -millionth of Its bulk. It le the Andrew darnegle of the metals, constantly giving but never growing measurably poorer, Zsteel acestnas to Ad of Ib. r/Plistant Of dmaila in taileit Stets W. allifflett Ib, Deiwataw44 ef Artio***; Call and exaktino •Oar Stook of high art planes 01 lat est case designs, and containing finest he tions puroliatitildo for money, See our Verj lateet dyke of eweet-toned organs, at belt prices, Instrttements rented, tutted or re paired. Gramophouesata mule in var iety at • H.ellows NtilicEMPOrloto. ' ro.4040.44.........•...t USE I ...4APANESE,.'.. I ' . Wit ITING INKS : THEY'RE PERFiar I 1 Sold by W. D. rair & • 444•40,1. No, I and No. 2 are sold in Clinton by H. R. Oombe, 3X' Hovey and 1`0, Watts, Druggists, mumnimanommoniumm.,;k The New Era Is admittedly one .of the best papers in Hui on.— It gives a large atriount of fresh home news every week, and pays especiat attention to ,Clinton wad: vicinity.If you" are. not a subscriber you should be and as an inducentent we offer It to the end of he year, to new subscrib. ers, for soc, casli