HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-05-04, Page 6s ( fi' i 1-» yr eels e. Ilouseltold utensils can be made to look as good es new by washing in a suddy solution of Sunlight Soap. They will shine and glitter thus he!pine to make the home bright and inviting. Sunlight Soap means less than half the labor required in washing with com- mon soap -and makes everything spotlessly clean. Sunlight Soap is made of pure oils and fats, contain; no ingreeient injurious to the hands or clothing. ASK FOR THE OCTAGON GAR • Stunligi t Soap Washes the Clothes White and loon' t.lr jilre the .Flans LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO 8a r Kernels from the Sanctum Interesting Paragraphs from our Exchanges. Gordon Wightman, Auburn's popular principal, has resigned, the resignation to take effect at midsummer. Mr. W. E. R. Orr far many years bookkeeper at the Bruce Agricultural Works at Teeswater has purchased a grocery business a Oshawa and has moved to that town. Many people say they are "all nerves," easily startled or upset, easily worried and irritated. Milburu's Heart and Nerve Pills are just the remedy such people require. They restore perfect harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems. Mr. Archie Sellery, who recently returned to 1i;ineareine from New ikte;tivo,and waseutferine with cense cup- tion, died ou Thmsrlay,20tb i1 priI, at the residence of his father, Iii J4huSellery, Jr„ Princess street, Kincardine. He was bright, cap able youu ratan, and until the beginning of last winner was engaged in the boot and shoe business in Detroit A Goad Suggestion, Mr. 0. 13 Wainwright, of Lemon City. Fla,, has written the tnauntuctnrerstliat. inuch better results are Omitted from the use of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera stud Diarrhoea Remedy in oases of pains in the stomach, collo and cholera mor- bus by taking it in water as hot us cart be drank. That when taken in this way the effect is double in rapidity, "It seems to get at the right spot instantly," he says. For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. The editor of a county paper received the following query : -"Call you tell me what the weather will be like next mouth?" In reply he wrote :-"It is my belief that the weather next mouth will be very much like your subscription.'' The enquirer thought for an hour'what- the what the editor was driving at when he happened to think of the word "uu• settled " He went in nest day and squared his account. The jury in the Assize Court, Toronto, brought in a verdict of $300 for John B. Grant in an action against the Walker Bros , of Fordwich, for $2000. Grant TIIE WINGRAM TIMES MAY 4, 1905 U, St Colonel Cured of Rheumatism. So Crippled he Couldn't walk ----Absolutely Helpless Till lle took the one Sure Cure. FL RkOZON Relieved at once -Cured per- manently -Well ever since. Colonel. H. M. Russ. of Edwards, St. Lawrence county, N.Y., is one of the fine old heroes of the Civil war, Atter being permanently cured by Ferrozone. the Colonel wrote: "I couldn't get around without a nano, and then only with rlitlionity., "Ruenutatisin took complete control of nig limbs. "The suffering was more intense than sufferings ou the battlefield. , When my doctor had done his best I got .Jtt:rrozenes .. "Then came a quick change. "Ferrozone gave me comfort at once, eased the pain and took the stiffness out of my musoles. "I em well to -day. Ferrozone oared me completely. I can jump and run like I did forty years ago." No matter how long you have suffered POINTS FOR SMOKERS. Very few people are aware how much harm is dune to young men by the almost universal habit Of cigarette snicking, The man who smokes cigarettes has one always in his mouth and is continually inhaling nicotine taunt the ey stem is saturated with the poison. The result of this practice is a catarrh- al condition of, the nose,. throat and brott- ohi, a disordered arid very irritable state of the nerves, a weak and rapid action of the heart, and indigestion, Thin, anaemic:, weak, with clammy hands stained with nicotine poison, uu- strung nerves and degenerated muscles, the youths of the land go on ignorantly suffering the consequence of a perniou• - ous habit nutil attacks of heart failure, nervous prostratiou, melancholia, etc., - bring their couditiou to the attention of the physician. If a men must smoke -and we admit h have the charm of the habit to those who become accustomed to its soothiugin- fluences-let him choose a mild oigar and - have certain set times for iudulging. If he puce a certain restraint upon himself from the start in the matter of smoking he will not overdo it, and there are few men who oan smoke more than three cigars a day without iuj ary. -Medical Brief, Beware of ointments for Catarrh that Ferrozone will bring you prompt relief, content Mercury. It will increase your strength, renew As mercury will surely destroy the your vitality, drive out every trace of sense of smell and completely derange rheumatic pain. Never known to fail; the whole system when entering it 50o per box, or ii for ,$ 50, at all medi- through the mucous surfaces. Such ar. cine dealers, or Polson & Co , Hartford, titles should never be used except on Conn., U S.A , and Kingston, Ont. prescriptions from reputable physi'ians, _ as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from The. sudden death of 14Ir. Thomas them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, mauufactnr• Douglas, engineer of the, waterworks contains no mercury, and is token inter- Plant, at Lucknow on Friday morning, pally, acting directly upon the blood and April 21st, was a terrible shock to the mucous surfoces of the system. In whole community, and a severe trial to Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the his family and friends. Mr. Douglas genuine. It is 'taken internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney although not feeling well had been & On. Testimonials fres. attending to his usual duties up till the Sold by druggists. Price 75c per bot- evening previous to his death when he tie. was suddenly seized with a severe pain Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. in the bowels and stomach. Medical was operating a saw in defendants' fan- _ aid was at once secured and everything tory, when the guard broke. His band fall while the wife of Mr. Peter possible was done to relieve his suffer- Laststruck the saw and:one of the bones in Cole, Guderich township, was driving Ings, but to no avail, and he passed his little finger was injured. into Clinton, the horse caught its foot away, from perforation of the bowels. se between a plank and the rail, Iuet as Deceased, who was in his 56th year was Was Cured of Asthma. an old and highly respected citizen of it crossed the track into Clinton. The ed by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., first used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- horse was thrown Lucknow. seed and Turpentine with tray daugther down, and Mrs. Cole who suffered from a severe form of asth- ma. The least exposure to cold would injured. Mr. Cole entered a claim Nervous Dyspepsia. SHE FOUND A DIFFERENCE. A naiffa'o Lady says: -Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -rill differs from tho old methods lu Medicine as day from night. Mrs. J. H. Rehorn, of 169 Landon St., Buffalo, N.Y., says of Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill -the Great Spstom Treatment: "Its action is so different to anything I ever used -Anti -Pill is so mild and gentle that I never thought it would cure my chronic constipation, but it did. "Soon after the birth of my first child, 14 years ago, constipation became troll- blesome. I used everything I heard of, but temporary relief was all I got. I must have used fifty different medicines in that time. "I finally got very bad and at times I would have no relish for food, and what 1 did eat would distress me afterwards. I had headache, bloating, bearing down pains, backache, could not sleep well, easily tired and never felt rested. ----- "From the first dose of Dr. Leon- hardt's Anti -Pill I began to improve. Now I am well. It is wonderful." Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -Pill is sold by all druggists, or The Wilson-Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Sole agents for Canada. The price is 50c. • 3 FOR GOOD HEALTH To preserve or restore it, there is no better prescription for men, women and children than Ripans Tabules, They are easy to take. They are made of a combination of medicines approved and used by every physician. Ripans Tabules are widely used by all sorts of people -but to the plain. every -day folks they are a veritable friend in need. Ripans Tabules have become their stan- dard farm it remedy. They are a dependable, hon- est r-,m9dy •vith a long and successful record, to 'm ugesttr'n, dyspepsia, habitual and stubborn _o• ..mtpation, t 3ensive breath, heartburn, dizziness, • *)3' .ltion of the heart, sleeplessness, muscular .atism, sour stomach, bowel and liver com- • r.'ts. They stregthen weak stomachs, build up t t i- wn systems, restore pure blood, good appe-• .ld sound, natural sleep. Everybody derives con .tint benefit from a regular use of Ripans '.f b?ties. Your drt ggist sells them. The five- c_nt packet is ell ,h for an ordinary occasion. The Family Bottlt, 5o cents, contains a supply for a year. 411 0 i, lit�Lll Ji,,, IV d, uJ�o{.3. I..L. d..I .. Y_-I.:v...../ 9••r.-�_�,L.I ,+� Id 112..,,L, iil,idf e. JYq� .�I..ili�L Pilis • Sugar-coated, easy to take,mild in action. They.Ay /rer's constipation, bilin e>.neas, sick -headache. Lowsill.. Yue. Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S DYE. abeautital brown OI'riCflblack? Use torr era. or Dat76et81tt 0511, r. eatLr 00,11611114 s L . • .,•••0•••••••0.0.0••0••••• •11•••fi0••00••0••00•••••••A•• • lay her up and she would nearly nitro- against the Grand Trunk for 5500, to- Mr. George Bolen, Spry, Bruce Co., • ns. tate for want of breath. I must say I gether with the medical expenses. The writes: -"I was troubled with nervous CUDDLE DOON. • tford Board of Trade carried a found it to be a most satisfactory treat :> claims agent of the company looked in- dyspepsia for some years, and after ns- • Stra meet and it has entirely cured her. - g P y motion to Submit a by • Mrs. A. A. CanBnsbirb, Robinson St , to the matter and finding that the Rail - Food The • bairnies cuddle doon at nicht • n- 430,000 to the C.P.R. upon condition of Moncton, N. B. I felt h tt than I had f Wi muckle fanchet and din, 'way was olenrlp responsible settled the Dr Chase'S Nerve Fooct is certainly the • law granting •• Mg nine boxes of. Dr. Chase's Nerve e er an or yearn. • therailwiiy entering the city on the claim in full the other day. best medicine I ever used, and I say so "Oh, tr father's ad sleep, ye�wankrife rogues; • • • north side of Victoria Lake. Doc. Warwick, who recently went _r because I want to give full credit where 1 ever'a V-Z(Wise Head)tD- isinfectantSosp West from Brussels with a view of go- it •is due," Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very y g • Powder is a boon to any home. It disin- ing into cattle ranching in Edmonton or Best. a y 1 doon0!" recto and cleans at the same time. .a Calgary locality, was not altogether „• CLUBBING€ Your comm In. • • Tbey never heed a word I speak, • • Itr to mafrcon; But aye I hapthem up. an' cry. "Oh Bairnies, cuddle non. I have been using Chamberlains Referring to the Mitchell Methodist • taken with the situation when face to h Remedy d t t th ' • th 1 h d- • Rev. Mr. Walker, who lives near Tees - face gan aura to say i is the; church, the Christian Guardian says:- Wee Jamie wi a curly ei• face with it and has extended his trip best cough medicine 1 have ever taken " He aye sleeps next the wa' water, and who recently lost bis sight, left last week for New York City, now in Idaho, looking rap the sheep Ian, Mich. There is no question about gation in Mitchell dates from p 863, Roy. The rascal starts them a'. where he will undergo treatment for his ranehin its being the best, as it will cure a cough Lucas Adanis being the first astor, the I ria an'fetch them pieces, drinks - through Washington territory and is says Geo. L. Chubb, a merchant of Hare "Tho first Wesleyan Methodist congre- Bangs up an' cries, "I want a piece,"- • eyes. There appears to be some chance that his sight may be partially restored. The essential lung -healing principal of the pine tree has finally been successfully separated and refined into a perfect Headache, Billionsness, and Dyspepsia cough medicine -Dr. Wood's Norway without ri in nr Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a !; P g, P ging or sickening. guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. Her many old friends in Clinton, will or cold in less time than any other treat- circuit taking in the town and the three They stop awee the soon' - meat. It should always be kept in the Then draw the blankets up an' cry, THE LADIES' FAVORITE. house ready for instant use, for a cold' surrounding townships. In 1873 Mit• "Noo, meanies, cuddle doon l" cau be cared in much less time when chell became a station, the first pastor Laxa-Liver Pills are theladies' favorite promptly treated. For sale by A. I. being Rev. Samuel Wilson. Mitchell But ere five minutes gang, wee Rab medicine. They cure Constipation, Sick McCall & Co. was' also one of the strongholds of the Cries oot, frae neath the clues, Bible Christian denomination. Its "Mither, ma' Tam gig ower at anoe; origin dates back to 1852 when the late TheHe s mischiefkittlin's wrni thathistaTogms. for, tricks, Rev. J. H. Eynon travelled through this He'd bother half the toon. section. The present magnificent But aye I hap them up and cry, Oh, bairnies, cuddle doon church was built by the later denomina- tion in 1886. In 1894 the two congrega• At length they hear their father's fit; tions united and the church was enlarged An' as he nears the door, to its present size. Rev. Dr. Wm. Wil- They turn their faces to the wa' 4. While Tam pretends to snore, Hams was the first pastor of the united "Hae a' the weans been grade?" he .3I. congregation." asks, ,F 4. Mr. Wm. Miners, Assessor for the „ As he pits off his show.,l. The bairnies, John, are in their beds, • township of Usborne, has just completed An' lang since cuddled doon!" 0 his duties for the year 1905. From the • roll the following statistics are gleaned: An' just afore we bed oorsels We look at oor wee lambs. • Acres of land in the township 42886; Tam has his airm roup' wee Rab's neck, • acres cleared 38509; acres of woodland An' Rab his arm roun' Tam's. •• 3600; acres of slash land 145; acres of I lift wee Jamie up the bed,• • swamp, marsh and waste land 626; vat An' as I straik each croon, of land, exclusive of buildings, $1,507, "Oh, bairnies, cuddle doon! • Mrs. John McEwen, of the 2nd of Bruce, whose death took place on• Sun- day, the 23rd April, was interred in Tiverton cemetery, the funeral being a very large one. Mrs. McEwan was in the neighborhood of eighty years of age, and was au old pioneer of Brnle county. regret to hear of the death in East To- ronto, of Mrs. F. W. French, which oc- curred on Good Friday. Deceased was the only daughter of the late William Taylor, and has been in declining health for some time, so her death was not en- tirely unexpected. Her husband is prin- cipal of East Toronto High School. There was a time when the readers of a newspaper read the advertisements only when there was nothing else in the paper to read. But now -a -days it Is a potent fact. that the average reader is educated to the ad. reading habit. Tasty, well -displayed announcements of trading places appeal to the eye, and are sure to be scanned with avidity. And on the other hand more advertisers are beginning to realize the fact that adver- Doau's Kidney Pills net on the kid Why Suffer from Rheumatism': tising pays. neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They core backaches, weak back. rheum. Why suffer from rheumatism when atism, diabetes, congestion, inflamation, one application of Chamberlain a Pain gravel, Bright's disease and all other Balm will relieve the pain? The quick diseases arising from wrong action of the relief which this liniment affords makes kidneys and bladder. rest and sleep possible, and that alone is worth many times its coat. Many who have used it hoping only for a short re- lief from suffering have been happily surprised to find that after awhile the relief became permanent. etre. V. H. Leggatt of Yum Yum, Tennessee, U. S.A., writes. "I am a great sufferer from rheumatism, all over from head to foot, and Chamberlain's Pain Balm is the only thing that will relieve the pain." For sale by A. I. McCall & Co. Among the companies incorporated lately is the Andrew Malcolm Furni- ture Company, Limited. It consists of Andrew ' Malcolm, Tames Malcolitt, James Bruce Watson, Mrs. A. Malcolm, all of the town of Kincardine, and Mrs. Clarke, Toronto. The capital stock is $100,000. CATARRH CURE ... 25c. DR.A.CHASE'S is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Rola the ulcets, clears the air passa;es, stops droppings in the throat and ppermanantly tares Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower free, All dealers, or Dr, A. W. Chase Medicine Co„ Toronto and Buffalo, Previous to the Clinton public library being made a free library, the circulation of books amounted to 3000. Last year tinder the free system the circulation was 13,595. tinder the Old system there 'were 170 reading members; now there are 640. The figures show that the free library is very greatly appreciated by the people. $rRINO MEDICINE'. The Kansas papers, discussing rural love, relate a homely idyll, such as Theocritus never sang, about a love affair "Oklahomo Dave" Pyne. once had. Pyne lived on a farm when a boy, and his raiment consisted of a limey sack with holes for his head and arms. He was dee 1 - 1. •th i hb writes:- 005, value of buildings $258,250; total • "Dr. Leonhardt's Hem•Roid cured me amount of taxable real property $1,855,- The bairnies cuddle doon at nicht • of a very bad case of Piles of over ten • Mf000 Pile Cure. A Thousand • Dollar Guarantee goes with every bottle of Dr. Leonhardt's Hem•Roid-the only certain cure for every form of Piles. George Cook, St. Thomas, Ont., IIN - NEWSPAPERS ! ¶BARCANS -I' g- • The TIM 4. St • • 0 d • • value I whisper, till my heart fills up, • • 375; business assessments $7,005; total Wi' mirth that's dear to me; years standing. I had tried everything But soon the big warl's cark an' care • but got no permanent cure till I used assessments $1,832,380; children between Will quaten doon their glee, • Hem -Road. I had Blind and Bleeding 5 and 21, 643 ; children between 5 and 16, Yet •come what will to inks ane, • Piles and suffered everything. Oint- 40.4; population 2,120; male persons May Ile who sits aboon meats and local treatments failed but Dr. Leonhardt's Hem -Road cured the "Oh, bairnies, cuddle doom q, permanent) deaths 15; dogs 312; bitches 26; total y" -Alexander Anderson. 3- Hem- of is a tablet taken internally amours ofc arc andschool property, from 21 to GO years, 493; births 25; Aye whisper though their pows�be bauld, Hem-Roid t bl t k 11 t h h h 1 t d - which removes the cause of Piles, $1.00 The above peom is published on re- ,1, all druggists or The Wilson•Fyle Co., exempt from taxation $18,1955".00, quest of one of the oldest readers of the + Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. On Friday, April 21st, Mrs. Mary TIaI> .-Ed. 'i - Steele, an old and respected resident of Cranbrook passed away to her reward in 4. We are sorry to Boar of the death of Lena Leotta Scott, beloved wife of Thos. her 86th year. Deceased was born in CATARRH AS McLauchlan, Brierwood, Mau Lanarkshire, Scotland, in the year 1820 �/ /� /� ,formerly P y in nye wi a ne g oring of Brussels locality, which sad event farm girl. One evening he went overtook place on Sunday', 16th inst. De- ana sparked the girl while she was milk -ceased had been ill for several weeks, afterwards made her home in Montreal ing. the eow: She sat on one side of the She was a daughter of the late I'. L. and the island of Bermuda. In the cele cow and he squatted on the other so he Scott, a former resident of Brussels, and ter place she was married to Mr. Steele could look her in the eye while shewent West in the spring of 1000. Be- who died there of yellevtt fever. Mrs. Re - milked. Dave felt hie love for the girl Bides her husband she leaves seven child- Steele was a hearty, ihdustrious woman, growing rapidly. It affected the boy.in ren to mourn her demise. Mrs. Mc kind and bblfging. She was a member a peculiar way. Something warm would Lauchlin was 36 years,5 months and 20 of the Presbyterian Church for many chase itself rap and down hie spinal days oid. years. She is survived by two daugh- colmmn. It Was a flew sensation and in. ters, Mrs. R. Woodford, whose husband As a spring medicince Burdock Blood his inexperience he was sure it was love. is a railway engineer at St. 'Thomas, and Bitters has no equal. It tones up the fior or*r Sixty Rears. Mise Annie at home The subject of T t h th t' th t t i and came to Canada in 1823 living iti the 4. us wen a sense ion was a gree es system and removes all impurities from the girl remarked: "Davie, the calf is An Old and 'Well -Tried Remedy ---Mrs this notice resided it Cranbrook locality the bleed and takes away that tired, Winslow's SOothingSyrnp has been used r ..-.•.y.-� -:- for the' children while teething, with Th island f N d t d the1 Weary feeling so prevalent in the spring. chewing the back out of your sank." for °ver sixty years bymil %onsof mothers ' for 35 or 40 years. perfect 81100666.a It soothes the child, a o or s ran , on 7 The Grand Trunk Railway Company 9UDDENIY ATTACKED. portion of once fertile North rriesland, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures which ie as yet unreclaimed, is now to be haft decided to erect .a new station Children are often attacked suddenly' wind colic, and is the Best remedy tot •beditiit►g at Exeter during the summer. by painful and dangerous Colic, Cramps, diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. saved from the sea by the construction too 80011, as the present building is nn., Exrct of Wild Strawberry is a proinpt value is incalculable. Resnro yotf r►dk separated from the mainland by a terri- sightlyr and uncomfortable. It is to be and bare cure which should always be for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, tin4 5lo storm ill 1634, during which over built on the east side of the track _ kept in the hens. take no other kind. 6,000 persons vi ere drowned. dru dts in eve rt Of the M b ldb This decision had not been reached any Diarrhoea Dysentery Cholera + or ae w y ogi is b of alarm) dyke. The inland was first Cholera Infantnm etc. Dr, b orvier d world. T enty.five cents a bottle. Its „euor,.411111111011reri ....��nnrinunnr ESCAPED A DANGEROUS SURGICAL DPERATIOU 476 Brunswick Ave., Toronto, Can. THE OXTGEIfATOIt CO., Toronto, Canada. Gentlemen, -I stn most pleased to certify to the curative properties of ' Oxygenator.' I first began using ,t for Catarrh in the head. Having subdued dux loathsome disease 1 then tarred nay attention to a large Polypus (that existed in ml right nostril, which was successfully removed by t16 local application of "Oxygenator" thereby saving mach pain. danger and expeoea had it beer, removed by surgical process. I haws used .1 our remedy in m family (of s1 for a number of year., and oan highly recommend it for f Colds and throat trsubler--as a gargle, When Warmed,itis invaluable. I remain, yours truly, H. 13. ROBINSON. OXYGENATOR A GERM KILLER Said 0 OXYGENATOR CO. , 22 Harbord >gt. - Toronto! N•••••••••if•r••.s•fa••••• •••M••••••••••••••••111•••0, ES will receive subscriptions at the following rates :• Times to January 1st, 1906.. $0.75` Times and Daily Globe 4.50 Times and Daily Mail and Empire 4.50 Times and Daily World 3.10' '- Times and Toronto Daily News,. 1.90 Times and Toronto Daily Star 1.85 Times and Daily Advertiser 2.35 Times and Toronto Saturday Night 2.35 Times and Weekly Globe . - 1,65 Times and Weekly Mail and Empire 1.75 Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.80 Times and Weekly Witness . 1.65 Times and Montreal Weekly Herald ' 1.50 Times and London Free Press (weekly) 1.80 Times and London Advertiser (weekly) 1.60 Times and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.80 Times and World Wide • 1,85 Times and Northern Messenger. 1.25 Times and Farmers' Advocate 2.35 We specially recommend our readers to subscribe to the Farmers' Advocate and Home Magazine. Times and Farming World Times and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times and Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Youths' Companion - Times and Impressions (a business montnly) • 1.60 2.25 2.25 3.35 2,75 1.80 4. 4. 4. Ira •' e• •A • • 0' • • 0' • • • 0 •• • ••• When premiums are given with any of the above *' papers, subscribers will secure such premiums when order- •j: ing through us, same as if ordered direct from publishers. *. The rates are as low Ps we can make them, and mean a considerable saving to our readers. If you do not see what you want in the list, enquire at the office ; we can ,,• give a low rate on any newspaper or magazine. ' NOTE CAREFULLY. -Any VC -Ito weekly pub- -'j lications in40. the above list will be sent to new subscribers • from glow to 1st of January, 1906, for the price quoted - the remainder of this year is thrown in free. These rates are strictly cash in advance. Send re- - • mittances by posta note, post office or express money - order, addressing---�• TIMES •OF'"FIC], • W INGrIiAt ONTARIO. NTARIO.