HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-30, Page 5•
June 80tb, 1005
,t7F7-1-Turyr- TP•• 745•-•
low ,ibegki.,....."~".-iwikAioo",..wiwoortboiwo..40.44~6..0.0........10,460,0oribAb
The MoIsofls Bank
lacersorited by Act el Parliament rasa
Capital Paid
Reserve Fund . . $3,000,000
Wi ......timpiraitterrto;u:IgiaraNG, VIQQ"Preagento
FA.RMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or collected.
DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, great Britain, United States,
and all, Foreign Countries,• bought oci, spill at bot rate%
DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and highest current rate o ipterest
ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealers, and Business Men .at
lowest rates and on most favorable terMe.
Forty-eight branches in the Dominion
Agents all over the world. ' , •
rs.ay.ts,Gs paPawrignwr
- 'Deposits of.81,00•andupwifirdazeceived.-Interest allowed irom date Of deposit -,
compounded half.yehrly and added. to princinal June Seth nod, December MO.
mohoot eurreat Rate. .
CLINTON BRANCH •• • New combo Block.
H, C,-13REVVER. manager'.
1111111111Mnin* ••••••••10
June Wedding *
Rings. .
At this season of the
year our extensive as-.
sortment of articles
suitable for
is always supplemented
by some of the newest
and nattiest desi ns
frcini the best manufac--
turer of
Sterling Silver,
China, and
Cut Glass.
° You are cordially in-
vited to call and inspect
our pretty goods.
The Selection
of a,
Wedding Ring
Marks an epoch in the
. ,
lives of most people..
Its. importance preSup-
poses4:-R.-ing of
ed, quality, such as we
have. .
,Absolutely ", plump,"
and bear our •stamp
confirming it. In qual-
ity, finish, style . and
price, our W d d.i g
Rings have no sup-
We ask your inspec-
tion Nihen'the time ar-
rives. Tire promis
satisfaction in every
Th is the cau‘e 'of this Great Stock -Reducing Sale. Winter lingered so g
Backward Season
the lap of spring and spring in the lap of summer that all caiculaktons
have been. upset. We want to impress you with the fact that these goods aroma goods boughtfor a sale. They are
our Regular Goods, th het. that moiler caltbuy and theY,sea every day atAill regular price.....---
• ..
75c Corsets for .45c . 10c and 1214c Prints at 8c
60 E & T Corsets, with Hose Sup- • ""-tJ '
Porters, regular 75c, for oiw • These • .
4 c•-• We have laid aside 20 pieces more
Pmts. 'are last year's p3t:-.
terns but just as good as new, all .
fast colors, regular 10c and 12ic to
go at • • • 00
• Tape Girdle .COrsers'15c •
5 doz. '''rape Girdle Corsets,. just tho.
thing for hot weather, all sizes..'.. ‘30C
Ladies'.. Swiss. Embrodered:.7-.,
Handkerchiefs 2. for. 25c'
•• these. are"a clearing line, and. bought
away below their value. Extra • •
fine: Swiss 'embroidered .Ilandlier-:
chiefs, regular: 25c, while they last:
. g, for. AO
20e.. and. 25e. Dress Sateens
for '15t
25 pieces FanoyDress Sateens, all' new
° •
designs, in brown- red, pale blue' •
.and pink .with fancy scroll pat- •••••
•,,terns, very pretty dress goods, 32
inches wide, regular 20c. and. 25c
Values, 'sale prce .
Swiss Embroidery
200 yards Swiss Embroidery and In-
sertion,eleaning up this year's lany- •
ing, from 2 to 4 i il-011-6$ wide, reg-
ular 1.00, 12c arid 15c, 'sale :
Ladiei', Cotton Hose
Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, sizes 8, 8*
and. 9, regular 2 for 25c, sale price
. 0•••••••1;1*, ••••••••••••.3 FOR aroluFc
MenYs Siraw Hats
These arepart a the Ward & _Watson
• : •bankrupt stock and we are clearing
them out at half price. -Come early
and get your size at a big saving.
$1 Meit's Shirts 75c
'n's Soft and Stiff Fronted Colored
Shirts. These are also the last a
Ward k Watson stock and positive-
ly the:last chance.toget a regular
$1.00 and $1.25. shirt for.... • . 75c
Men's 1.•inen'Collar's
Just a few dozen left in Men's Linen
Collars, stand-up, lay=down, and
straight bands, regular 2 for
sale price... . . FOR
Men's Lyle Thread Hose
Men's extra fine Lyle Thread Half Hose
in fancy stripes, black and brown,
• rPgular 50c line, sizes 10, 10i and
11r to clear at....... ........ ZOC
Men's 75c Fan0y.
Shirts 500
10 dozen Fancy Striped Outing Shirts,'
regular 75c line, sale price; 50e
Stitarday Being Dominion Day Store Will Be Closed All Day.
Jeweler and Optician.
W. 11. NEW/AR, W. 11.. HMO,
Jeweler and Optician.
The Millinery season is drawing to a close and we are anxious to clear
A out the balance of our stoek at half price, or less, rather than carry any
At over to another season. A snort time ago We-bouglirelargiFassollinent of
•*'• Sample Hata at less than half price. They are high-class goods in Ready-
to-wear, Ti learned and Untrimmed Hats. What remains of them will be
- . sold at prices like these
-Ladies' Ready-to-wear Hats, in new styles, worth $1, for 374e.
-Ladies Ready-to-wear Fancy Straw Hats, very etylisb,worth
X $1.50, for aro.
-Ladieb' Trimmed Hats, good value, at $2.25, for 98c, .
-Ladieb' Untrimmed Eats at one-third the regular price.
-Feed e re,Flo wers,Trim dinge,eteortli reduced in price to clear
...,....f.,"". xim•szsr coasEtTs ............"." • ..
..t. We have sorted up our stock of Corsets for the summer trade. OUP
4.% Corset trade this seasonohas been a, record breaker. Never in the history of
,w this store have wesold so manycorsets-the reason is we keep a full range
.4. of all the best mairess' goods, such as B. & C., Crompton'e, D. & A., C.B.C.
t ,
f33. & I., E. T., and !Wray's ()meets, aud sell them at close prices. • .
.t. .~...."..".isTir rixtlfuEss G-COM9.~.."‘"•0"‘
This week we received an addition to our Dress Goods Stock in Black
. • .
and Colored Voiles. in plain, lace and bonrette styles, Etatnines, Panamas
.,tw and other tabries plain and fancy, Also A nice range of Prietitley's Dress
* floods which puts out stock in good ebape for the vintner trade.
4 -The Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs in Cash or /rade.
- Successors to R Coats ----T-----
1111111•11M1.1110111.111106W,,k-m16,4alawite-Ait.1.-Aei-Islanebiaarer -ete-ilte-it•-avik--ema.a.-c‘iarmasi2Mit=c11Eki
°ROAM@ lt1 AR H. HTS " Notice.'
(The' Sun)
are nauelt better now than they were . rake noilee. that the Municipal Co -
.of • agricultural products on the whole
thia time last year, True export linen. Of the corporation of the Town'
cattle' were selling last year at this C•cliht." inWnd to c°11steuct granb-
time at $5.85, a$ 'against,„$5.35.te-day, lithi • sidewalks as Per schedule. be-;
tut on the other- hand hogs are $0,65 low, and to assess the final cost
to -day, as against $5.12 1-2c then. thereof upon the property abUtting
Eggs are also higher now than 12
months ago, selling at 17c, to -day. thereoe, and be benefitted there -
while last year they sold at 15 1-2.
Wool is 23 cents to -day as' compared
With 17c at this time last year. Pall
wheat is 10 cents higher and oats ,14c
more than a year ago. •
MOS -The hog market reinalus
about as reported last week: Harris
quoting selects at $5.65, and Park
Blackwell and uo... 416.50, with the
usual 25e off for fats and lights.
The Breeder's Gazette of Chicago,
says Deniark has a swine plague that
hatritedessitind-the Slaughter .5f.
thousands of young bogs,. and as a• re-
sult a scarcity of Danish bacon is ex:
pected for a year to come. It this
statement is correct it will have a very
material effect on the bog situation in
this country. Supplies are decidedly
scarce in Orttario, and. in the United froth Shipley street to Queen street,
States the market situation is.strong. 4 feet in Width: Estimated cost of
SIIE010 InAntaa-Sheepare selling a t work $253.60 of. which $40.20. is
$3.65 to $3.75, few exporters and $3 to to be provided out of the general
$325 for bucks. Cull sheep aro $2,50 , funds of the municipality.
$5.25 each! On the west side of Maple street,
to $4 often, and spring lambs $3,50 to
• • •Botisli ifa.nttot-the horse tirw"----M7
remains firni in Toronto. Good horses 4. feet in .width. Estimated cost of
_ill street,--te-Whitehettd street,
of all elasses:are in denaand, and corn- Work '$303.00 of which $37.20 is
marid :good prices ;hut dealers claim to be proVided out the general
that horses in the ountry are held at funds or the municipality.
too high a figure to %permit of brisk on the.north side of Whitehead str-
eet, Irefri Maple street to Albert St.,
* • • • • • A" 0.
interested may desire to make, and
is "by law cognizable by the -Court.
Dated at Clinton this 21st day of
1995. •
• 'Wanted by gentleman, during July ona4
August, net be comfortable.
Apply NEW -....*Ra. j
n. L. MACPIIERSO Clerk. .
Rooit. •
b yand that a statement showang •
the lands liable to pa,y the said To Rent or for Sa!e
assessment, and names of the pwri-
The brick offies and stobli On 'base
ers thereof,, so far as they ran be
ascertained from the last revised
Asgessnient Roll, is now filed in the
office of the Clerk of the IVIunicipality
and is . open, to inspection during ail -
co hours. . , •
'---Sehedule of Proposed Walks--
• On the south side of Rattenbury
itreet from. Albert S t7 -to area'
teet in. width, Estimated •cose of
work • $.101378 of -which $155.48 is
'Street, lately occncied by Dr, Evans.
Apply to David Diekinson.Olinten, or Hex
161. Heossli. •
Notice to the Public.
We hereby notify 'tbe public that C;
Hoare, of Oliriton, who elainas to represent
us, has nes oonneetion with us directly tor
idirectijTtbatbe hastioatithOtitg ft i.
es tO• quote prises on our pienoti.or er.gar
in Olietou or elsewherk; that our author -
lied .,..ds in anti around this yininity are
tO be provided Out of the general Messrs & Co S ort
binds of the tounieipality. Messrs, Oeo. Thc.meen &. Son, dotierieb,
Ori the north side of Princess street, and Mr. T IL Boss, Winched.
T b BELL PUS° & ORGAN CO., Lia.,
J. 13. Hoover.
Neis.ort Miall
Every branch in our line is complete, you can, ge,t
any article produced at this store ' •
Our Pikes bring The. Trade.
Our personal supervision, goes' with .everY
chase and satisfaction guaranteeti.
htioht doy cons promptly ftttondeil to
t d
CATTLE. STIU, ortz-The cattle 4 feet width,. Estimated -cost Of
market continues du% arid there are work •$138.40 of $25,60. is
no indidations of any immediate flu- be protrided out at, the •general
lower than what was paid in the • .0n the south side of Cutter streetd gentune, hue
• •
Guelph, Ont,. .
. .7.0A-rorffy,--va.rin ---, - -
Car, Yenge and Alexander Sta. 1
Onunner Setaibti far teachers and others
Otos get po3itiows. Enter any tim e,
during July at d AUFUSG, All of our gradu-
Catalogue free, W.Z.DETIJTV, rrlu
• arv.
• •
B •
provernent. Drovers are forced to . :hereby respeetully offer the
take priees Which . are eoesiderably funds of . the municipality, ublic and attest to the at being
1E2.00 3.00
To clear some Suith at Twelve,,
To clear some Pants at,Three,
A few at Three and Twenty-five,
country, atulas a consequence selling!, front Victoria street to King street, Bell Organ • and Pianos
yesteeday, which were bought_ et 1 ..,,„ no & ,t.,. I, t,oe , I Some bought fer easb, lint mostly
0 cents in the country, Sold at $,35 work 1"'"'" ' 63,- yule", 41" uu 18 taken. ill payn.ent on. nen, pianos, as
ro no cattle bought &boa Guelph at to be PrOvided out of the general I do a large piatio business over the
is slow. Some cattle on the mittki) 4.& feet in width• Estimated cost of
$6 are yet to come in.. funds of the municipality. County of lInron; some other, makes
The present Weak ess is a .surprise on lite west side. 5
ofulton. stkod in the list. About $5,000 worth, some ,
in Ontario the stipples are limited. 1-°- ,..,•,„.„,.... street to G, T. ny.,
tooveryhody, as tl ere is no doubt rp„ „.., ,T„„„ne.
It is not, however, a locel but *
erirl condition that faces us : prices Work $818.20 o i which ifit14.00 is 10
en- in in width. Estimated cost of
are low in Chicago as tVell AS here. to he provided Oa Df the general
--...-- funds of the municipality.
Surely as night . follows day sickness
follows the eating of unripe fruit or Da tilt east side of Isaac street
some vegetables. Every housekeeper front Joseph street to . T.
should keep Perry Davie Painkiller in 4 feet in width„ Estimated cot of
the house in stirettier. It gives instant twork 083.29 of Which $53.00 is
relief and speedy mire. .
tin he provided out of the general
a'a.-'.'--*•••••••*. funds of the municipality. li Get work in the„..towo. Gueranieed.
corrected every Thermiey etteteope from. Joseph tr
seet to Huron street,.
side Of 110eth atteati Noa
mchines turd to tleeroy the clohes.
A trial ted on work whieh will be
Clinton Market Report. on the woot
4 rot in Width, Estimated Coat of :rewntrY 114b''.d* S'an-AceP °Ile."' ir°e•
ho -tbeing broken In the wing,
almost uetv, . et. -or u rite to
(atm mrsic EmPonli It
OM ton.
Chas, Lee Iling
r -t44
Berley...• ol 40 4o
Wheat 11441, w••••• •• or, 0,0,1
Oats b. n‘it ***t *o 0 38 ‘0
Otatert •• • • • • • • • • 0 14 0 15
lege* per dda (new)* .• w # 14 0 14
Live tloge.... 6 50
Wool, newesbe*d 0 14 a 0 14
Wool, washed, 0 20 0 -•
tiliThe report of the directory cone,
patty on the preeent population of
Winuipog was delivered and. aceord-
Ltig,..tnthwzaspee....lal ..11 the port-
." TT 4441VII 1ro.sws
work $101.20 of Which $08.00 Is Shirts ironed so thet they will not hurt
to be provided out of the general 'roar neck. Ties done to look like new.
Aho Cult!, end ell other clessts of work,
funds of the municipality. Parcels celled for and delivered to Kay psrt
C0t310.` Or REVISION cf,the town.Validly washing, sterched, 40
dents per dozes. Feraity weshine, 25 eente
eon &zee. plain, not eterehtd, ebirto, 7e;
Callare. lc t Ouffki,
Puro Tea
Directs front China., tor stle. Of•ve it trial
11014011 Street, Clinton
rout to Auto * fiPslist
will be held on Monttay, Um Mut
day of July, • 105, at 8 o'clock p. m.,
in the Council Cluttabet for the put.
pose of .hearing complaints against
the., preosed assessment, or accuraty
of ths, frontage measurement', or. of
1 a LA vulbs. %MA
. prey vasiminswas
Furniture and Undertaking.
We desire to annoutice that, duting" the.
absence of 'Mr: J. C. Steven§ori in the act
Country, the Furniture arid Undertaking
business will be carried on as heretofore
Undertaking -
Will be carefully looked after, as before, and.
night or day calls promptly responded to.
Furniture and Undertaking, • - CLIts.TON
, .1)