HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-30, Page 2.Ferreafeesteleir-77-7T's
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Editor and Proprietor.
The glinton Ifiliv Era
,RRIDAY, JITNE 30, 1905,
Make Them. Independent.
(Toronto World.)
In marked contrast to the British
system is Canada's estimate of the
value of ministers of the orawn. The
Prime Minister of Canada receives
•$8900 in mit:titian to his indemnity, or
Milk in all; the others receive $7000
and their indemnity, or $8500 a year..
Thi t scale of salaries does not do jus-
tice to the office of minister of the
crewn, end is nal-. of ell prorvIrsivn
to -the responsibilities of tr, prime min, .
That the Prime Minister of Canada
s'eeidd receive only $F.000• more than •a•
petty sub -secretary in the British dab,
I let is not at auto our redit. With
the Canadian premiership slieuld- •go,a
salary of $20,000 a year, The other
eninisters should receive $10,000 a year.
Increased selariee aid a moderate
. pension system would be national emu-,
o:n y. Ministers on their present Sal- '
aries cannot, with the residences du y
have to maintain, and the, obligati( na
, they are compelled to assume, preterit
themselves against the inevitablerainy
day. This is but to multiply the clan-
g e -s of temptation, and to put a prein-'
lam on dishonesty. The :escape frOm
" these perilous. conditions lies in more
- generous recognition of the services of
the nien chip ged with the nationalad-
But [take the case of Sir Wilfrid
That gentleman is not well
.cS-T. His income horn his office. is no,
d auk insufficient t� meet the require-
ments of his positior. When he leayee
officet the etate, owing See flies exalted
position he hes occupied, and to the
disgrace that it would be. to us were
he to want, should mike seine .provis-
ion for him during his remaining yeare.
The same in gimlet t applies to tnany
other Ministers, Ther.a ought to- he,
and we believe that it was proposed
once before, a system under which the
eX-Minister, who has dropped Ida busi-
ness to serve the eoun try,- rnity not be
so great a loser by that circurnstanee
as he is toelay.--Mail-Empire. .
County, Clippings
Rot. Winter, Seaforth, has over 200
steers on paettare, faittening for the old.
country markets.
Fordwich factory shipped 145 boxes
ef Cheese to Ayer tt Co., Montreal, last
week, the price paid betog 9 1-2 cents.
• Pat. and Michael Farr, late of Gocler-
le a, have bought out two separate sal-
oons net fat* frbm 13011e bat; bridge in
0. Delaney, Beechwood, has purchaas
ased the °In Macardle homestead, con.
tainin g fifty eeres, w17,1). good buildings,
for $3.009,
On Thursday morning Peter lqeDon-
ald, an old and well known resident of
ti'. 7th line. Morris, passed to his re-
ward, Aged 87 years.
The many friends of Sohn McMann,.horse buyer, Eignaoreiville, who has
been 111 for some time, will be pleased
to learn that he is recovering nicely,
Miss Ettle Proctor, school teacher,
arrived home from Idaho to spend the
holiday; with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. ,7ames Proctor, neat, Constance.
T. W. E. B Stialtes, a well known
known resident of • Grey, died last
,weele•;. he - was sone of the pioneers of
the section, and was in his With Year -
The fine 100 acre farm of O. W.
Knight, con. 9, Grey, has been purch-
ased by A. Barr, of the same line, for
$5,000, possession to be given on Jan, 1.
It is reverted that N. M. Cantin in-
tends suing the township of Hay for
d vnages, acconnt of his automobile
being upset in the ditch and damaged
at St Joseph.
David Moffatt, one of the early. sett-
lers ot '1 urnberry, died 18,st ThursdaY,
aged 72 years. He was a native of
Sco land, but came to this coma trY in
early life, settling in, Turn berry in 1853.
Mr. Whiteside. Hensall, on Friday
received the sad intelligence that his
eldest son James, living in Michigan,
was dead. fle ran 8, carriage end
blacksmithing business, and was at
work just y f ew hours previous to his
death. •
Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, who make.
their horue with their- eon, Rev. Mr:
Davidson, Varna, celebrated:the six-
tieth anniversary of their marriage on
June 4th ' Mr. Davit:ism is SO years oft,
age, and his wife 82, and they are still
State of Ohio, City of Toledo)
Lucas County. Ess
b•rank .T. °aeries- makes oatb th8 t he
-is senior pat tner. of of
Ohepey & Co., doing business in the
city of Toledo, Coenty and State afore-
said, and that said firm will pay' the
for each and every case ofklatarrh that
cannot be cured by the •• use of Hall's
Catarrh Oars. nAens J..Cttpette-.
worn to before me tn..' subscribed.
irr-any prepenee,*6th,:day-of-Deemnber-
A. D. len A. W.. GLEASON .
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter-
nally, and acts directly on the bleed
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Send for•testimonials free.
Sold by all Druggiets 75c. • :••
Take Hall's remily•Pills•for Constire
ation. ' •
,, • ,
Lord Dundonald has broken out
again at a London banquet, and in a
speech on Canadian affairs furiished
anything that was lacking to show his
\ unfitness for the position he held in
Canada. Be attacked the Ministersof
Militia in a way that should call fora
severe rebuke franethelkitlehanthoz:_
Vies, even if it did not lead to his being
The apeech of W. It. George at, the
banquet in London, England, may help
to clear the air a little and let the Eng-
lishmen know how little there is for
SCOTT'S EMULSION won't make a
1 hump bock straight, neither will It MOM
a short kg wag, but It feeds soft hone
and heals dimmed bone and le among
Ai levelenalne-ineens Ift fagy,ent in .
&MB and hone consumption. .
Seed for free maple,
SCOTT A DOWNL. Cbscirsiai,.
.Toroato, 4 .0111140. A
soc. and St.00; all &tulles.
Tramps Desert thia Province,
Ontario is et last free from the trainp
nuisanee. After spending nine days
iu tri,Velling• from one end of the Pro-
vince to the other, coveringje thet
time 2,800 miles. in search ot triunes,
Provinciel Detective Rogers reports
that he did net discover a single genu-
ine specimen Of the old. time variety
that stole rides on freight trains and
bothered the house -wives in the towns
and country elietriets. _Ike did find a
coriSideeahlwartianher of•LW`glish
giants ont of sverk, smile ot them loaf -
ens, but these men he did not class as
tramps, ,With Detective Rogers were
four assistants.. They made a very
careful -inspection of all the railway
yards and old lounging places, but the
tramp's are missing. The railwayeern-
ployees, conductors and engine -drivers
had seen very few tramps ol1 the lines
this Year, they said, The peliCe re-
ported. to the seine effect. Since the'
railway officers and local police began
to give tramp work special attention
six years ago, the number of tramps
has been gradually growing siesaller,
with the result that thefts and other
crimes ave decreased appeeciably.'
Shoold know how •quiekly Nerviline
cures. *,1 can recommend Nerviline
very highly fee sore throat," writes
Mr. R. McKenzie of St. George. "1
once lead a Very sore throat and my
chest was full of dold and Soreness.
Every cough hurt. me. I cured myself
'quickly by rubbing my chest and
throat:vigorously with Nereiline and
usieg it also as a gargle. 'believe Ner--
viline to be the best general remedy
for emergent sickness that one cell get.
e haye used it for twenty , years in
oer lapse." Price 25e.
^ • •
It is gratifying to note that, what is
said to be the • largest sinele odeertis-.
ing appropriation ever reticle - that of
the Lignozone Company for • nearly a
miLion and a half dollars -.is to be de-
voted almost ' entieely to the daily
news a iers. Nothing is se promising
)- ie u uses o e useless as le
way the newspaper is lately corning to
be recognized as the one medium far
profitable puhliefty. The department
stores and local merchants, the break-
fast foods and biscuit makers the rail-
roads and steamship lines, the theatres'
and circuses, and first and last the pro-
prietary medicines, - .116Am-come to al-
derstand that the newspaper is the
great place in vlieli to put theii mon-
ey with" an ass ance that it will be
returned many el& The newspapers
e been the educators.
They have lee kett thelight to the ad-
vertisee thrieu le sheer force of theire
own expellence.
The . Ontario License Holders' Meo.• themselves. hi
teetive .Association is going to fight
for. cornPensatieti Icir all licenses cut
off. The situation thus created is an
odd one. First a great struggle is
made.to secnre tho. favor of a license.
strictly a. year, thee a de
mend ie to be M.o.& for compensation
if ever the privilege, gra,nted, only for
twave.months, is withdrsAyn, ;
• The Dominion Alliance at its recent
session; decided that nothing short a
the total prohibitime of, the liquor
_teaffac.nnathescigarette eyiwjiJ
s aide:dory. We did think at one
time that eehibition of the Wilier
traffic was attainable. When one
knowsthat the consumption Of ligtor
is on the increase, notvvithstanding all
the effolts Made to diminish ite
stunptiou, we are, free to , admit our
faith has weakened. Tempera,nee ed. •
.ort has eithee been misdirected or fit;
from convincing, hecause .it certainly
has not borne the. frult that Was ex,
pscted of it. :
Naafi° TOIXEffitTitava A ways oug 1.
aignstwre • •
Neil* Notes
AtNiagara Camp •Gen. 'Otter Was.
Chamberlain in the resolutions of ti sa throon by his hoese falling; and had
Canadian Manufacturers' 'Association. his :ankle loadly sprained. He 'condo.,
, ited his inspection in an automobile.
It was frankly hostile to any conces- Lieut. Ansley of the 2nd Dragoons had
• Mon to Britain, and gave not the his knee cap shattered by a kick fri M
slightest hint of a desire to help Chem.- a' hntse`
berlain's scheme. Referring to it the Dr. G. W. 13e11, veterinary, Says that
many covet] in theEingston district are
• Westminster Gazette says : "We ate affected by milk tever. Which comes On
grateful to Mr. George for. the frank from 12 to 24 hour's after calving.
statement that the Canadian rnanufee- iti due to hea.vy flow of milk resulting
turers are determined to protect their from plentifulness of grass, aria is
•found only in good cattle.
• • home market against all competition,
- ;: British and foreign alike." F. D. Robinson. treasurer of Tilbury
•township, has signed a confession ack-
nowledging a ehortage of $0,000 in his
accounts. -The township is protected
BABY'S DANpER by his bondsmen, Stock speculation is
-........- believed to have been the cause of the
. '
A mother cannot watch her little deficit.
ones too carefully during the hot Wen- Justice Anglin *in. Toronto handed
ther. Dysentry, diarrhoea, cholera out Judgmeht in the Pere Marquette
Wanton], and disorders of the stem- itettrecetWonitraseeireeniewefia,ungdosittihndvottlivieens
ach are alarmingly frequent during
the sunomer months, and unless the extra territorial Jurisdietion to enforte
r' mother has at bend an efficient' rem- it. Consequently Canada, is without
• edy to check and cure the trouble a en alien tabor law and the Pere Mar-,
little life may go almost before you qoettcs officials may stray, .
realize the case is serions. At, the Mamma Thayer. of Windsor, ll, Sigh
first sign of any of these ailments the Pointer; wished to yisit the Pacific
wise mother will give her little obe enantv and decided to Ps'Y his "3"g°'
Baby,s Own Tablets, which promptly ing there. He rigged up a covered top
cure all hot weather ailments. Mes. Wagon,. and has started with his wife
John Lancaster, North Portal, N. W, and painting outfit. Ile will solicit
T , says : "My bahsr was • rattaelt6n Work at each place alonghis route. pay
with diarrhoejt and verniting I at his expense]; and lay by what ha can.
once gave Baby,s Own Tablets and In October next will begin the con -
the next day she Wan as well as ever, etruetion ()Ulm Detroit River tuned.
f am never without the Tablets in Its estimated test is $8,000,000, And the. 1
the house as I find they are the only time alloWed for its conapletion is three
asiledleine a little one needs." Other , or four; years, the expense to be divid.,
wise mothers will follow Mrs, r.fan, ed between the Canadian Southern
caeter s example and keep the Tab; and the Michigan Central in the pro,
lets always at hand -their prompt portions Of onethird and two-thirds,.
use may save a little life. Sold by restreetivoly. Time and eotivertienee
all Medicine deadere or gent h maii will be gained end perhaps a halt hour
.tt 25
1oafMedicine Co.. Brockville, s a box by writing the Dr. clipped rona the schedule time
.williatias between New York And Ohietago, mak. tng- seventeot hottr4 and ontphalf.
. ,
arowth of Temperance.
Chicago Record: In eounectiou with
the new budget the British chancellor
of the exe11€11herl Ohamberlain,
called attention hist April to a gratify.
ing change in the habit of the working
classes that had its bearing on the
eountry's financial situation. He had
found that for the year 194 the excise
ligures indicated a greatly decreased
consumption of beer and spirits, and
he inferred that "the majority of the
peel* Were ftnding better eniployment
for the Illelle3r that they need to spend
in toiblie houses,"
Some London papers thought the
chancelloe WAS making large inductions
from very slender data, though they
admitted, on the baits of other evi-
dence, that outdoor recreation and ex-
cursions were becoMing mare ar:puler
and reducing the patronage of the
liquor shops. Isow a official report
dereing with the consumption of spir-
its in Great Britain corroborates Mr.
Chainherlabessetatement-in a striking
manner. Five years ago the total
ount ofspirits consumed was 48,025,-
111 gallons, whereas in the last fiscal
year the te.tal was 40,076,030 gallons.
Swollen Ankles,
Spot* Before the AYon —DroPnly
Indleated—Cistred by 1130-344,
"• Tile Kidney 1111.
Dropsy is the effect of bad blood,
and. bad Wood is caused by deranged
kidneys, The sewers Of the body be-
eonae clogged.,•andorloacid-and other
foreign elements are not thrown from
the system. Bu -Ju. the Kidney
e estunony. of those engaged in !the best kidney reraedy on the market
the liquor trade emphasizes the signifi- , heals and strengthens the kidneys, en -
ounce of tide dgmage. In several
inary falling off
Lan' ''abling them toepetform their impor
Sion Clubs an extraord.
in the returns from spirits as reporti'd, tont functions; Read what a resident
and the day of the bar arid bar drink- Of Tharnesville says:
beg is said to be over, "in the vvest end
at any rate " • Englishmen appeax to, "'hew taken three beams of your
-learned to prefer the .viermanBu-Ju Pills, and feel geeetly benefited
wayof supplying refreshments; of bm5rovtbeedilt‘htsep.ainTshefirhav
ommeenybtiteY e
back, arnd
serving food as well As drink at small the spots before my eyes have -entirely
tables and converting salcons into. res -1 disappeared. My ankles were badly
taurants. That this substitution spells
moderittlen arid teroperance so far as s
Swollen, but I now feel quite well.
the consumption of intoxieents is con- • Wm, McKenzie,
Thamesville, Ont."
cerned, is a peopoeitioe no one vvill dis-
pute. It also means a. decided &tiler
order and decorum. . • •
In the United States, as we know
from various Hoes of. evidence,the•
growth of temperance is steady and
rapid. It is this peo,.,arese that: has en-
abled so many industries and corpora-
tions to make practically total abstirt.
ence a condition eif employment in or
with them. . •
ROWS; Sweet HOI110., .
The metuorY of benne. with its •
fond recollections, . is never forgot-
ten by. the absent ()nee. No matter •
where they wartder, either through
choice or oireamstances, they eyer
fondly remember home. Just fan-
cy, thee, hovv interested they
e would be in the move from home,
how: delighted to grata weekly let-
ter containing the happenings in
the business, social and home Or- •
,cles, and the rapid growth of the -
old town itself. ''• •
Right. here let BS Suggest the
Ngsy INA as the favorite medium .
through which to. counnunicate all •
The price is only $1 41 year in act -
Nance, postage free to any address,
or 5() cents to the end of the year.
. .
• •
Andrew Onderdonk,. well kiiown
throughout the country as an engineer
and contractor, died at his home in
Osparvana, N. Y., from overwork. and
.general breakdown. He was 50 years
old. He had engeged in many mat
engineering and building enterprises,
including the. San . Francisco harbor
improvements, involving many mil-
lions ; built 400 miles of the C. P. R. in
liritish Coltutabia, ,amounting to over
$10 000,000 ; b lit h 1
• ---- -----'—' - 1 toria•bridge.at Montreal, 'an four see-
p.' Qiiebec GOveenneent sold 2;301 Cons of the :Smelting° canal, and part
Miles of timber limits, realizing S300,- of the Trent valley canal for the Can-
t) 5. - . . . , . . ,, , adian government-. - ' : '
u a f of the great•Vic-
Ser -
Such speedy relief land' cure are
within the reach of all simi arly afflict-
ed, Bu -.Tu, the.Kidney Pill, is sold by
druggists generally. . Ask for it, •and.
do nob be put off with substitutes.
Nothing el e can be as good. as Bu Ju.
. -
After Rev. T. A. Moore, of the Lord's"
Day Alliance, addressed the Ontario
Synod atKingston concerning a recent
Stinday excursion, G. F, Mitten of
Napanee said it was arranged by metro
bers of the Methodist church to attend
a Methodist conference.
From pariog corns with rimers, Whit!) •
people use Putnam's Painless Corn and
tV art Extractor. the standard cure Of
America, and Great Britain., for all
Sorte or corns, warts, Lied hymens, USe
ooly Plitnam's.
• . COLEEGE...
Now open In the Shaw Block.
o. Vacation. tu en may
enter any tilne—no time excels
the present; students entering
daily. ' • .
Gregg Shorthand, .
• Touch Typewriting
.• Canadian Standard
Morse Telegraphy, •
are our speciaies.
"'For further particulars, etc., wiite to
or all op •.
rsr• Reginald Fletcher,
- . Principal.
George Spottorz, Manager.
•, •
rutitks Lict tortologtotatinau
Thousands of Women Who do their own bakini
know it is ihe bet, by -results—they don't care about
the r thosewho. have. not tried it may want
to kn why it is the hest. ,
" Of course any. maker el flout --With the sanii
experience—the same facilities for selecting the best wheat
--the same tremendous plant equipment tOr milling, ancl
the same process for Metrical Purification of flour
could make ilia as good flour as ROYAL HOUSE.
HOLD,4-• he had the genius for flour Making; •
But no ether flour maker in Canada has all these
,requisites and faciliti4 therefore no flour equal to
ROYAL HOUSEHOLD is made in this countiy.
In these talks we shall give you ant:reasons °why
ROYAL HOUSEHOLD is the bet .flour and why
it is, the cheapeit flour for you to Use.
•COgilVie's "ItOrtil 1:1011$01‘01171°! r101114
Jane Oth„ 1905
could buy lel joining, JOSHUA BOAREN
ft 1
BARRISTUlt, 8014.10ITOR, etre
erio St, Purohaser wisbioe more laed
Hauge end i Rate of long. NO4t encall:::
ouccomer to Ur efati Avail
• .
House for Sale
Ter. 'rooms4 with woodebed end stable,
latard,and soft water, *ore, of load, gen.
lootee for paratenhare applY SO
W. 33ItYpoNE.
'louse to Rent
A good-sized and comfortable twists on
Spenaer Ste with hor. an sore :of land, oll
kindsof ft reit, herd ana eat water, stable.
.Apply to MoINTYRE, Stepletoe,
For Sale.
Clinton Salt Well, Engine and
'beree power, ( Goldie -tfiiOii1lci-Oh-
make,) third* and other artiotee therei n
Apply to JOON McGARVA.
• Tread Power for Sate.
• Subsoribersoffers for mila a Atm .berett
tread power in good ivortrilig order. Will
be sold cheap. JOBV B. -LINDSAY
Huron Road, Godelich Tp. Clinton P, 0,
Farm to Rent or For Sale
'lot 18, Con, 4, Hallett, 100 acres, near.
ly RPder cultivation. Terms liberal.
Apply to W. W. VAUBAN
Clinton, March 22nd, 1905
• Rouse for.' Sale: :
Frame House, in good bication on Bag-
bn one block from, Collegiate Institute.
There are seven rooms, kitchen, woodshed
and citable, one aore of Iona and fifty. fruit
trees. Apply to. H. OANTELON.
Lands tor Sale
olti•the far West7iiciWard, Asso, Im-
p -mud farele for sale at $14' per sore,
othS, tarns without buildings from $6 to
1$12 Pet acre, good land from (me to six
miles from town. Fate paid to partesi
investing. N. P. CRICH, geward, Mete
' TO Rent •
The brick. cottage and 20 sores of land,
Just eouth of Canton. on the London Reed,
an at present owed 1311 Mrp. Frear is, of-
fere& for rent en.reasonable tennis Apply.
to Ephraim Butt, Clinton, or Rev. W. H.
Butt, Springfield; . March 24 11'
Farms for sale •
150 aeres in .2nd Con. H. R. 13. Tacker -
smith ( lot 82 and west half lot 34) with
goo no onse, •arn, e eds, st-S
A tirst class farm. • Parcele will be sold
either separate or together. • For partion-
lare apply to, HERBERT CRICEL
. •• •Seatorth, '
or • W. Brydone; Barrister, Clinton.
Offlooe-Elilott Week, forut047 oscolgoa•
st. soot.
money aat LEND „
Ift a DO UT 84 HALE
Real Estate aad Orairavese Agent
Moires, to loan
Vett. UAL% ;MA litilX/UT
Of 'Canyeron:"-Howitvatuerou-------- - ----
OfiloreeBionliton St opposite coleorne. Roan .
001)FRI011, ONw .
Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Pnbile, Rto,
Oillees.-On the Square, andlloor from Remit.
ton: Sal podericliPri veto funds to loan at
lowest rates; • •
W. PaorosOow, n.c:goro. G., ire
. 1Vi• edLal.
• Ors.. Gunn & Gunn, -
. Dr. W. Gam*, E. B. P. L. CL S.. Min -
Dr, Nilotic& d:uun, 31.31. C. S. goolaml,
I., C. Louden.
Office -Ontario Street, Clinton. Nikht cage at.
front door of office or reaklence, Battentittry,
, Street.
• DEL 4. VV. SHAW.
pnveio IAN . sunanon •
Arc neheur ,etos office and . residence ob., .
terlo St., opposite Englieb dumb, formerly m-
0=10 by Dr. Appleton, Clinton out.
PhYsiolan, Surgeon,. o, '
special attention, given to diseases of the
Eye, Far, Throat and. Nose,
Office and Residence-,. •
Albert Street.2 Blocks North of BatteatIntrI,
G. W. Nanning Smith,
• pgluicniot & SURGEON.
ovripp—main Street, Bayfil;INformerly• . •
occupied by Dr, Palliator; ••
J. B. L,UNDY, D.D.S., • :
suceessor to Dr. Agnew, Dentist.
_ Office open every dayand lentil lOo'oloo
leaturdee evening. •
" • DENTIST, •
(Successor • tO rir. T. 0. Bruce,
w r ,• •t go ee
L D. S.-Oracluate Royal College 1)ental Sur •
aeon,. of Ontario, luronto. •
S. -J Ira; ..441a.13 40nn: graduate of Len-
, tal LeArtratost of 'Toronto 1Tuiversitypr
Special attention_paid to .preservation of
okildren's teeth. Will visit Basfield slam
.Farm for Sale or to. Rent.
The well known farm siteated on west
'helf1ot,17, con: 3, Hallett, is tffered for
sale Or to rent,' There is 50limes in the
'faun; 8 acres of 'bath, and rest eeeeleti with
the exception of two fields. • Plenty -of
• Water, well fenced, geed stabling, iito.
Possession pan be had.at 'shy • time. Par-
•• .", .DR. II.- FOWLER,
Offices over O'NEIL'S stone
, . .
Speoial care taken to make dental tie
ment as painless possible. Will vi
Auburn enry Monday. •
• , • .
ties will be prosecuted far trespassing.
• • Apply to A. GINN; Clintou P.O.'•
or' to w; BRYDOIS E.
SSUER OF liABRIAGE taefisses
Farm 1-ar Sale, or to ,Itent,.
• No witnesses required
For Bale or to Rent, that choice farm of
153 sores, on the Mai teed' Concession,
Goderioh TaWnship ; haoWn se the Rudd
Vann. .About 130. acres cleared. Geed"
briok house, 'eplendid bsnk barn, and out -
'buildings; plenty of water; bearing orchard;
'close to (thumb and aohoot, 0.inites • from
• Clinton. 'Will he hold,. or rented -fora
number of years. •'
• 11111,8 S. R 'ODD, 'Mary St.Clinton
May 19 1905.. • ' .•
Desirable PrOperty tor -1
House and lets in the village o Hobbes-
ville. The undersigned offers for sale, her
large two-story brick houses Slate roof,
good oellart large rooxne, furnace, hard and
eat water in house, stable and drive shed,
good garden, all kin& of finite, about 2i
acres of land, convenient to Railroad .Sta-
tion Post Office Church and Scheol. Ap-
ply by mail, or on the premises,' to MRS.
.11. 0. PICKARD, Hohnesville. 5.6 tf.
Splendid Farm tor Sale
The undereignedoffers his farm of 125
ores/oriole on the
miles from Clinton, the gime from Sea -
forth and 4 lateen.= Blyth. There is
on the premise's a good bank barn, also
pig pen, sheep pen and drivieg bona° with
loft above. There is o good briok house
with sunamer kitohen, °totem, 3 waif', 10
gores of bush, 2 scree of orchard Of choice
The farm is well fenned and drain-
-ea and in a goad staid of enitiVation. For
twine and pertioulare apply • to.
*im tf • HENRY LEAN, Londeetioro.
• Choice Farm tor Sale. '
Situated on the 6th eon. Godericai Tp.,
containing about .80 sorsa; Most of if good
olay lend, prOdueing-beavy crops. There is
about five motes of bark and flye acres of
- • orchard, of good fruit; good buildings;
frame bongo teeth 8 roams .and kitchen,
woodshed and eallter; no barns built of
pine lumber, with stone basement 50x48 It;
well at berm with primp inside for Water-
ing stook; Weed 501;20 ft; implement house
2005 ft, and other outbuildibtoo fences in
Very good repair; over 250 We of wite
fence on the farm; good well of splendid
vaster; post office and school If mites,
Church 21 ranee; about 6 mike from God-
eriob. Poseeeeion4 Rivet at any time.
Price $3,100.00. •
• G, II, COX,
The Pure bredShlr e Stallion
MONDA0 morning, May let, be will
leave Henry Deer's Feeble, Rage Line, Ifni.
lett, and pmeeed to Sohn •Dtaer'e, Henn.,
ditty Line, for neon thenCe to MMUS
notlee, Blyth, for tight, TUESDAY, to
Albert Weymouth's farm, Letiaeaboro, for
noon; thence to A. Walleee'e, Summer.
hill, for night. WEDNESDAY, to Com- *
thermal Hotel, Clinton, for noon; thence
to Thos. Dab ear]. Gocleriela town..
ship, for night. THURSDAY, tO Peter
MeDengeles, Oat Line; for noon; thence to
'11,1oherd Potter's, 4tli eons for night.
FRIDAY, to John flowerbyte, 4t6 COIL, for
boon, thence to Wm. Leteprey'e, Buren
toad, for night, SATTIIIDAY, to the
Either Estate:Parre, Maitland Con., for
noon; thence to his own etAble At Henry
Met% where he will rertiehi till the fol.
levying goilatv *Urging. -
. • M• oney .
aPrr'diyoate . funds to lean _t 4 1,6isuper cesYDON_t. !Ind.:4-
%10Hk W. YECI-. •
nor.,*E-evIL4E. • .
Ag011t 101; the IdAgengeneg g AsSolueoe
Co. of Attoutheeter. England wifose funds aro
:Beenrity are rated at $14,500,00e. Also the Mc.
farm risks and lawn property taken by
jowest rates. Firstoo ass Loan Companies
else represerted. Money to be had fr 4 per up,, aceer 'dun o nature of inlet MY. -
Daily testi' Rohneseille postal card vri •
fetch him
• Licensed
_ •
The Undersigned solicits a there of the
patronage of those wiEhing to hold atlas
13atiefaction guaranteed, Moderate ree..
Apply to or &dames JAS. A. SMITH, lot.
88, con 16, Gloderieb tp., Clinton P. 0.
MARRIA.on" LicEN8z8
ISS11134.13V -
•J. 11„ Rumball, Clinton.
.6. D. McTaggart,
• BANE EA •'
, Generattruat_anakettire BusPaersis:
• Notes ' ietnied. Interest aliotved
• N::INV
Privets] furade to loan on mortgagee 0
beet current rate»
General Bankingburin:one trettoorted
„ Intereet 6110Wed *on depotrite. ,
Sale %ohm betight
- •
The Mcliallop MUtuat
• Fire. Insurance
Perm and isolated Town Prop.i
•-,erty Only Insured.
T. 13. McLean, President, Itippen; Thos.
Eraser, Vice.pres., Bnicefield; Thos. E. •
Hays, Secy. Treas.; Seaforthr,
Jas. Connelly, Porter's Rill; John,
Watt, tfarlock; G. Dalt, Clinton; M.
Chesney, Seafotth; J. Evans, . Beech,
woOn; J. O. Grieve, Winthrop, :T. Des-
neweiS, Brodhagen.
Each Director Is inspector of lo'Sses in
his own totality.
Roht, Smith, Harlockp Ed Ilinchte
Seaforth; James Cumming, Egm
vine; J. W. ?co, 1/01meOville.
Neuralgia aud Novo -4 "4.t -*Iiy
AJAX novextmatit.
SD. 13, Otitterf anitlt:14trbibtt
0 ,