The Wingham Times, 1905-05-04, Page 514. THE BLUE FRONT STORE- NEWS, CROWDER'S READY-TO-WEAR Suits AND raincoats A most beautiful assortment of Suits and Raincoats just to hand, and at about three-quarters the price a tailor will charge you. If you could only realize as we do the beauty and exceptional quality of these really elegant suits, at the great saving made possible to you by buying your Spring Suit here, you will be in to pick one out this week before the nice one are gone. Boys' suits $1.75 to $5.00. Boys' Snits, in two pieoe Norfolks, Buster Browns, Black and Blue •Serges, sizes 21 to 27. Prices... .....$1.75 to $5.00 Youths' Suits $3.00 to $5.00 • Youth's Snits in Tweed, Serges,eto., sizes 28 to 34 chest, all new goods. Prices, .$3.00 to $6.00 Young Men's Suits $5.00' to $12,00 'young Men's Snits in all the new tweed effects, short or long pants, snit sizes 31 to 35, trousers narrow width, jest the thing for first -long trousers snit. ' Prices85.00 to $12.00 Men's Suits $5.00 to $14.00 We have a large range of men's suits in Borges, tweeds, worsteds etc., sizes 35 to 46 chest, these snits are right up-to-date and of the best material and workmanship. $5. to $14.00 Cravenette Coats for Men, short or long lengths, sizes 33 to 46 chest, Prices ....... $9.50, $10.00 and $12.50 ODD TROUSERS FOR MAN OR BOY- ' Boys' . sizes 21 to 83. .45 to $1.00 Youths' longpantesizes 28 to 3l. $1.25 to 83.00 Men's Odd Trousers, sizes 32 to 46. $1.00 to 84.00 GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. d New Shirts, Collars, Ties, Gloves, Handkerchifs, Braces etc., etc. ROOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS AT BARGAIN PRIDES. The R. H. GROWDLR 60. New Hats. The Blue Front Store. - WINGHAM, Ont. New Caps, Count on the Style and Bank on the Quality Here Whether, you buy a Bedroom Suite, Parlor Suite, Diningroom Suite, or in fact anything required in furnishing a home. EAVF`' See our exceptional value in Bedroom Suits, prices from $r: r.00 to $75.00. 0- Our medium -price Bedroom Suites at $16.00, $IS.00, moo and 25.00 can't be beat. • Mirrors 20 x 24, 22 X 28, 24 X 30. ;r We still lead in Iron and Brass Beds. Prices from $3.25 to 30.00. Ur Our Mattresses are the talk of the day. Ex- amine them, Prices $2.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.o0, 6.50 tO 17.00.. Sideboards-space won't permit, but call and see them. Onr Bnffets, China Cabinets, and Combination Sideboards with China Cabinet combined, are the newest in furnishing the dinengroom. Onr CARPETS are getting low -but more on the way. Don't fail to bee them. • Headquarters for Window Shades, Curtain Poles' (complete for 15c), Carpet Matting and Felt. 1 immuniumisommummmet L. A. BALL & CO. The People's Furniture Store. UNDERTAKING Brick residencet 5th House west PHONE from Hamiltons Corner Drug it Store, whert> #light ea11s win 61 receive prompt attention. CARPETS LINOLEUMS OILCLOTHS 1 Mr. George Gooderham, the great financier and president of theGooderham & Worts Company, Limited, distillers, • died at his home in'Porontie ou Monday afternoon, in his seventy-sixth year. .A. -Conservative estimate of the wealth of the late George Oooderhaln m $19,000,• 000. The Ontario treasury will be en. riched by at least three-quarters of .a million dollen in succession duties, Profits from the Temiskaming Rail- way from North Bay to New Liskeard will be estimated hereafter at $5,000a month. The directors of the Merchants' Bank have decided to present Mfr. Herman Von Metzke, teller of the Lancaster branch, with a substantial sutra in recognition Of his heroic defence of the bank prOpetty against four burglars. TUE WINGJiAJi , TIM MAY 4, iHQ f NEWS FROM OUR NEIG}IBORS Cet SCOTT'S EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR REAMERS. What Wideawake Times Correspondents Communioate - Other - E m u l $ i o n Items Clipped. From Our Exchanges. t;•Li.NO.satRoW. Mr. Mines, is ou a visit to friends in London. Miss Effie Higgins is 'visiting relatives and friends in Wroxeter. Frank Powell has returned to Londun to resume his studies. Mr. Ben Henning has engaged with Mr. Rainey of Blaevale for the summer. Mr. Wm. and Elaine Higgins spent Easter Sunday visiting old acquaintances in this locality. Miss Bella MacDougall has resumed her duties as school teacher of school No. 10, after spending the holidays at home. Chola Prove Fwta1. If warmth and oireulatioa are not promptly restored, chills result in fatal paenmonia, This necessitates keeping Nerviline on hand. Taken in hot water it breaks up a chill in two minutes. By rubbing freely over throat and chest it prevents colds. No liniment so strong, so penetrating, so swift to kill pain and inflammation. Nearly fifty years record has proved the value of Poison's Nervi- Iine. You should get a bottle today. Brussels Cheese and Butter Factory will commence operations on Monday, May 7th, The . Union Sabbath School, which meets in the Smith sohool hoose, opened last Sabbath. P. McArthur is the Su- periutendent. Jim, the 2 year old soil of James Arm- strong, 10th con. was in the barn with his grandfather and was ]oft on the main floor while the grandfather went into the mow to put down some hay. Being of an enquiring turn of mind the lad went on a tour of investigation with the result that he found himself on the co - r •,nt stable floor in short order, having s••dlen through the trap where feed is put down, a distance of 8 or 10 feet. For- tunately there was some straw where he fell so that he was not injured in the slightest. The Source of Neuralgia It runs hand in hand with poor blood and weak nerves. Health runs down, nerves get irritable, neuralgic torture follows. For the moment applications may relieve -but to thoroughly cure, the system must be strengthened with nut- ritious blood. What can equal Ferrozone? It in- creases the appetite, forms abundance of rich life-giving blood, supplies nutriment and building material for worn-out nerves. Ferrozone completely • cures neuralgia. Every root and branch of the disease it kills. Absolute success in every case. Stop suffering -fifty cents buys Ferrozone. Fifty chocolate coated tablets in a box at any drug store. MORRIS. George A. Pipe, who has been holiday- ing in this locality for some weeks, re- turned to Oshawa on Tuesday of last week. Work will be resumed on the Lamont drain in the near future, a dredge being secured by Contractor Hislop to aid in the work. A lively push will be made this season. Donald Bleak, who was visiting rela- tives and friends in this neighborhood, left Iast week for his home in Algoma. He drove to Owen Sound where he ex- pected to take the boat, A couple of weeks ago John Mooney slipped on the top stair of his barn and fell to the floor beneath. As a result he broke a couple of ribs and bruised his shoulder. He was unconscious for a time but is able to be about now aI. though still sore from the tumble. The following is the report of S. S. No. 7, Morris, for the Promotion exam- inations held in April.' The names are arranged in order of merit in the classes to which the pupils have been promoted. Those taking over seventy per cent. obs tained honors. Jr. 4th -Ward G ay, Annie Geddes, Sandy Campbell, S • da Brandon, Sr. 3rd --John Coulees, honors, Gordon Moore, Maggie Wightman, Charlie Hop- per, John Campbell. Jr. 3rd -Oliver Campbell, honors, Frank Hanna, Mabel Campbell. Sr. 2nd -Russel Salter honors, Stanley Brandon, Lyle Hopper. Jr. 2nd-Birdena Hopper, honors, May Campbell, Willie Hanna, Lila Brydges, Luella Campbell. Pt 2 -May Hopper, Warwick Campbell, Hugh Kerr, Stewart Proctor. LILI,A. B. ISBISTER, Teacher. What Causes Appendlcitie The commonest cause of appendicitis is constipation. When you require a physio don't use cheap, drastic pills -get Dr. Hamilton's Pills which strengthen the Stomach, regulate the bowels and prevent any tendency to appendicitis. In one day ,you'll feel the tremendous benefit of Dr. Hlamilton's Pills, fly purifying the blood and cleansing the system they prevent headaehes, lift de- prension and drive away weariness. No medicine so successful as Dr. Hamilton's Pills, Bold evetyWhere in 25e boxes With yelloW Cover; get the genuine. BLTTli The annual shooting match of the Huron Rifle League will be held on the Blyth ranges ou Victoria day, May 24th, Mr. E. Livingston is able to take an occasional walk up town hat is not im, proving as fast as his many friends would like, Mr. B. H Townsend, who has been a member of The Standard staff for the past eight months, left last week for Goderich, where he has accepted the position of foreman of the Star, Mr. James . McGee, a former well- known resident of Blyth, and for the past eight years proprietor of the Bay- field-Seaforth stage line, has purchased from Mr. Charles Mason his farm on the Mill road, Tuckersmith, near Brucefield. The farm contains 100 acres, has splen- did buildings on it and it is one of the best farms in Tuckersmith township. The price paid was 57,000. Coughers, Hawkers, Spittersl Public expectoration is against the common law, against the laws of health also. When the throat tickles, thate; the time when you need "Oatarrhozoue"; it Soothes away the irritation, cuts out the phlegm and loosens the tight feeling. You'll quickly cure that catarrh and throat trouble with Catarrhozone. It positively prevents new attacks and cures catarrh forever and for all time to come. Don't take our word for it, try Catarrh - ozone yourself. Once used yen'il be de- lighted with its pleasant and helpful in- fluence. ULUEVAL1;, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Musgrove spent Easter at Toronto. Mrs. Stowe of Goderich ed visiting with her son, J. Johnston. Mr. Aikenhead spent the holidays at his home in Erucefield. Chester Pugh of Palmerston spent Baster Sunday at his home. Mrs. McKinney and Miss Nellie spout the holidays with relatives at Toronto. Mr. George MoDooald and Master Cameron spent Monday at Molesworth. Miss Campbell, -from near Teeswater, visited her .auut,' Mrs:: Ferguson. last weep. Miss Carrie Casemore of Wroxeter visited her aunt, Mrs. C. R. Brinker this week. Miss( Belle Powell of Turnberry is staying with her aunt, Mrs. George Mc. Donald. Mr. John Burgess is attending the quarterly audit of the C 0. F. at Brant- ford this week. Mr. Albert Denman of the Merchants' Bank, Owen Sound, spent Easter Sunday .at his home here. Misses Annie Elliott and Ethel King of Wingham spent Good Friday with the Misses MoEtven's. Messrs. Gordon Hay and Lloyd Thompson of Listowel spent Easter Sunday with Will Elliott. Mr. Will E1Iiett entertained a number of his young friends last Monday even- ing in honor of his guests, Mr. Gordon Hay and Mr. Lloyd Thompson of Listo' wel. Miss Cora Messer, of Listowel High School; Miss Pearl Baker of St. Mary's High School; Clifford Pugh of Goderich High School; Will Elliott of Listowel High School, Miss Alice Duff of London High School, all spent their Easter hole days at their homes here. Mr. J, Ie. Wasman of Bluevale, is ne- gotiating for the rental of Mr. Albert Seeley's blacksmith shop and the expec- tation is that he will take possession in a few days. lie was in town yesterday enquiring about a house. He is a bro- ther of Mr. Charles Wasman of near Brumfield, and has the reputation of be- ing a first-class mechanic. Mr. Seeley retains the machine shop. -Clinton New -Record. Established 2.8,79. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Crcboibno la a hoot tO Asthmatica enrvot.uar in a tong ratn1,11r1rrl And atnn<t 2.,1 trmrc:y for the dtseasea lndtr,,tcd. It eor.•a bcrause (Inc Lr Inc. deralatroagt,•intim, t!cIkeartli l°torthedl•.et ,'t Aar. twos of the bnmrb:al t,du•. With evrry bn oth, shin prolangni And com.tont Invtmnut. 'l hose of n eonat:mp. ttve tnlaba,ry, or nutlim ra !ion* chronic brohrhiti•, And iminedlnte zclicf Iron cohgha or fuf.au°d comlitioca ct tIn threat. Vapo.Cri,t1en6 le Raid by alro,;g:atv -or tent pr. paid co trn r!pt of Tr:2.41. A WTto.Crozoleno out• et looludievr a latae of Cresuieuo 11.10. 8,1,0 for free inuatrotrd Imoklet.- LITAIM Mitts Co., ltd., AMAX. VW at lames ltt.. Monti at, Canada. 308 When you go to a drug store end ask for Scott's Emulsion you know what you want the. man knows you ought to have it. Don't be surprised, though, - if you are offered something else. Wines, cordials, extracts, etc„ of cod liver oil are plenti- ful but don't imagine you are getting cod liver oil when you take them. Every year for thirty years we've been increasing the sales of Scott's Emulsion. Why? Because it has always been better than any substitute for it. Send for free sample SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists Toronto, Ont. 15Ox. and $1.00. All druagists EAST WAWANOSR Twenty seven new members have been received in full membership of Westfield Methodist Church whioh shows that some good has been accomplished during the year. A very serious accident occurred at the saw mill on the 3rd line, when Mr. Wm. Keruick, who was employed at the mill bad the misfortune to have his arm broken and his side severely injured by being struck by a piece of timber. A fter a few weeks illness, Jeanette Yuill, beloved wife of Mr. Peter King, passed away to the better land on Wed- nesday morniug'of this week, aged 64 years, 4 months and 2 days. Mrs. King had been a resident of this township for upwards of forty years, her husband having purchased the John Hanna farm, lot 33, concession 10. Deceased was a woman who endeared herself to a large number of friends who will regret to hear of her death. She was a Presbye terien in religion and is survived by her husband and a family of grown up child- ren. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock ou Friday afternoon to the Weng - ham cemetery. The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Shiell of East Wdwanosh was the scene of a largo and happy gathering last Fri- day evening, April 28th, the occasion be- ing the celebration of the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Shiell. Fully sixty guests were present, and no trouble was spared to make everyone enjoy the even- ing thorougbly, for Mr. and Mrs. Shiell, with their sous, were most assiduous in looking after the enjoyment of their guests. A very samptuons repast was partaken of in which the eilver wedding number (25) took a prominent position among the delicacies which included a three tier anniversary wedding cake, suitably inscribed and which added to the attractiveness of the table. Con- gratulatory speeches were tender ed the host and hostess by Rev. J. J. Hastie, Mr. John McCallum and Mr. J. T. Car- rie, each referring to the high esteem in which Mr. and Mrs. Shiell are held, and they were congratulated on the occasion of their silver wedding, with renewed wishes for a long continuance of their married life, with health and prosperity for themselves and family. Mr. Shiell acknowledged the kind wishes expressed. During the evening music and songs, also gramophone selections were much en- joyed, and all present will not soon for- get Mr. and Mrs. Shiell's silver wedding. al isard's THE LADING STORE Isard's Garpets, Oilcloth, Linoleum. ISARD'S CARPET DEPARTMENT is the centre of attraction these days -and no wonder, when they are showing such a large stock of Floor Coverings. Curtains, Draperies, etc. Now that housecleauing operations are in full swing and itis found necessary to invest in New Carpets or Curtains to brighten up the home, be sure and see our New Stock on second floor, as we claim leadership in stock and values. and can save you money. Linoleum's 1Cew patterns in blocs: or floral de- signs,nice colorings,heavv weight, two and four yards wide Price per square yard 50C Oilcloths Just received - New patterns and colorings in St,tir and Floor Oilcloths, alt widths, per yd 2 SC Wools and 'Unions We are showing a large range of Patterns Prices Ware25n, 30 Unica Car- pets. 50c, 60c, 75c, 83c and $1.00 Itenips *New patterns in Hemp Car- pets. Prices per yd, 10c to - Tapestry Special values in new patterns Tap- estry Carpet, - the beat makers' 40c a50c,P8Oc Prices 250. 35c, '75 Curtains Imported Luce Curtains, in very pretty patterns in nett and lace. Prices range from 25o to az 5:5.00. See our lender at -P 100 Inattin g;s 10 pieces Japan Wettings, now de- signs and colorings. Special value at 121c, 13c, 20c, 250 and • J 0 IH..3. ISARD & Co. 1 Opposite Bank of Hamilton. - Right goods at right prices. AIIMIIIIIIMIIIMIMMUSIMINIMIIIMEMNIMIZIotariumaumm.1 h lI ,11111,11 i1 ++++++++4+4++4++++++++++++ ++++4+4++++++++++++++++++4 JUST I A Car of No. 9 Coiled Neel Wire ,t n J. La11Eml c 1 1 111,11 e1I I i .110 .,.W.1 tellsaso; „kuariwommir.na,[Ix11 4-erao + A9 this wire is the genuine Frost makt, and as the demand is Iikely 4. to be great for thee pertioular kind, farmers will do well to leave thetr + orders for it at once, as there will likely be a scarcity in the market when + most required for fencing. We are selling it cheap. + + Massey -Harris Repairs I have just t'ken over the agency for the Maesev-Harris Repairs and will try and keep the stock in good shape, so that farmers may bo supplied • + iu future with what they may regctre in this line. + + • I AM ALSO SOLE AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED • SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT" -TILE BEST ON EARTH + + etc., on hated. Give us a call. + 4 + BINDER TWINE. -we are + now taking orders for the + Plymouth and Internation- + al brands of Twine. 4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ O. + 4 4 4 + 4. + + 4 4- 4- 4. + + + + 4- 4- 4. + 4 + + + 4- 4- 4. 44 4- 4- 4. - 44 4 4. (lir Best Brands of CEMENT in season at lowest priees. 4 A full line of Lown Mowers, Garden Rakes, Spades, Shovels, A + 4 4 + + 4- 4- 4- 404-4.44-44.4+++++++ 444444+4 ++4. +4'00+4-0-++++++++++4+4444+4+++ a. YVVVYYVYYYVVYVYVYYVVVV VVYV ► ► es Last week at a school a few miles out ; i of towu, a teacher asked the class what i ► the town of Exeter was noted for, t i ee once a boy's band went up with ..ti iat i ► eager confidence which knowledge at- , ways gives, and at the teachee's well, ! e. l my boy? replied, flour. Theanswer ex- - ► petted was salt, bat this boy was ► evidently better in tmed than his pe teacher. 'While t eacher's expected ► answer would have iecu correct a few + years ago, but today flour is certainly doing more to make Exeter famous than salt, and we think it high time that all teachers should profit by this boy's in- telligence and teach it is flour and not salt that takes first place in Exeter's industries. Harvey Bros. Exeter flour is for sale in Wingham by several deal- ers, N ewspaper Advertising Pays. An exchange reinatkst-"The man who puts a sign over the door of his place of bdsiness advertises. That sign is for the purpose of telling passers by that he is doing liminess there, and implies an invitation to enter. 11 it is worth while to acquaint people with your business at alt, why not do it right, and publish your invitation in a newspepet? And When itcomee to selecting a medium We wish to say that the smallest news- paper, of the least circulation, has more influence be drawing people to your store then ten thousand "dodgers" scattered around the streets to scare horses," This being the ease, consider the addi- tional benefits you derive from an adrt. 1n the'l.'Ia1;s which has a circulation second to none in this section of Huron and Bruce counties. (Dung. YY'1'YYYVVVVVYr'YYYYVYYYVYVVY •4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 .4 4 ROYAL GROCERYI Japanese China, Clearing Sale of Japanese China. Every piece in nor store goes at half price. Whatever it is marked we are just going to cut in two. We are forced to do this to make room for heavy purchases of imported goods. Everything goes ! This sale continues for two weeks. Our loss is your gain. Each article marked in plain figures. These are small cucumber pickles, put up in kegs of one thousand Gherkins in each.. Ready for the table; cured in spiced vine+ear. Something extra choice. Par dozen ............ 10e. • Jams and Jellies-- ► AT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA duet purchased: One case assorted Jams, put up in jelly glasses, with tin top. Bought at a bargain. Just about the price of the glass. Each • , 5e. GRIFFIN'S. 11(yriC5-I have arranged with the Dominion Bank to menage my business and all owing me on nates e2. mortgages, can pay prineipad or interest at any time after falling due. Remember yon need not pay until you. are requested to do so by me. I thank all those who have done business with me and wish you all every prosperity. Roar, Wino°. .4 .4 1 .4 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA While wiping an old revolver that shag bad found in trunk, ou her apron, hers. Arthur Shields, of Strathmore shot and killed her mother, Mr, Daniel Woodrt of Cornwall, 2.'euehe, t stda, hoarseness, end ether *tali,, rtil:nenta alt quickly relieved by 'Cresol's* %slllets, ten redda 1»r Awl. All drugkiels