HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-23, Page 8I
I .
$ : - -.-- . . ''TUB.CLINTON sEw'sit1k � I /
�., �� li F �. __ 11IN I WIN 1� - - I . . __ _.
Y-orm"_ , ;M 11:n,1111 11 111=1�:1=011411=-n - I - I I IMF - ---. ,_ __-- r i i
� 11.11 , III I - - I I.. 11 "i I , ... 11 I I I 1. I - I_ � .
_____ __ - I i :i � --- -
11 1,1,,��, __ OR I - � �� I , mi "I - : I . — _ _____1 —
, I ... �� , ___ . d - , H1) - lbspector Aglrwl+h ljbIA. '"'
75c Corsets, &oc.' 1,
A Saturday BARGAIN in Corsets. A regu-
far 75C Corset to sell at 50c U Pair- By lopg. odds
the best Corse:t valne, -we have -over sho.w'n the cus-
tomers of this store . I . .
. - Sixty"l?'Cire-70f Uoviiots 'mado- ftom'-flne, --guality: , .
white Jean summer weig-6, filled with hlghly-temp-. I :
ered watch spring steels, hose suspenders attaclied * 5��.,
new style, pell6et titting, sizes 18, 19, 2,0, 22 and 9,
only.' On sale Satar&y.mornIbg atper pair I..... .
, .1 , I ...
1- . I �
- I
.,.Oxford Shirting, 8c,,,., .,
. .
Here is a bargain in English Oxfotd Shirting.
Just the thing for boy's Shirts, Bloi�sgs,', p*y- "Buster
. . I
Brown " suits: . . . . . �
. .
150 yards extra quality English Oxford Shirtin
. . . 9W
. Ill patterns of blue and white; firm, strong cloth -A -
c4pital material for boy's wear, Will wash' well;
�& - . 80,
, regular.12jo. spee* lat�PDXYai!d..�,i,..�,'I�..!,!"",..
4 . . q I I
� _', , . .
� I., I --p-p-P-0
� - . .
. .
More Bargains in, � . ... �.i
Cotton Dress. Go- o'.ds, �. I
. . I
� I
� I .
A great clea3rance of Cotton Dress Materials. . '
2oc and 250 materials for 12J� ; 30c ,and' 35c'
. . :
materials for 17c' -That is -how we . are . Zoing . to
sell them. Th,6 clean up of lines at these prices,
� . �
after a season of big selling. Genuine price. � re- . -
dUctions, therefore. G,�nu'ine 'BARGA.INS' � Ili
these popular Cotton Dress'Fabrics. . .-. ..
. . I . I ..
. . . . .1 .
2oc and 25c Goods 30c and 35c . Goods , � �
I . .
for 12,'C. for I I .. . � �
. . 7C -. . .'. . I
. I
About 150 yards Muslios, , -Cotton Voiles,.Linei�; and,
Ginghams and Obanibrays, ill, I I %
stripeq, checks and figured Dress Muslins; 30c. And '85L) .
.- - �
patterns. Pinks, blues,greens, . qualities, about 175 �
etc. Last ends of lines that lall, waist and dress lengtha.,
sold at 20c and 2.55c, now sell.
ing at your choice of All the f as h i. o na-'O e
tile lot for.,_ . .. .. UiC. . colors,.choice per yard I U � .
. I . . - ; -
.11 ... _ I I . � , .
. - - , . . . .
. -
� I I . .
. . .
- �
, .10C . . . . .
. i5c Skirting, * � . � . .� ....
� Sum,mer Skirting. a't"1`bn_e7-thkd, less tbad.
' ` "
- real value. '.A bargain w�, -got ourselve'§..;,: now
10-s�-raur-mm-- . . .. . .... .. . .
. . .
. Fancy Cotton Skii-ting. blub a lul. wit,' e. I I .. .. I . �
. black and white stripes and figures, safeen-'a I , ,
. - 11 - I I 00,
regular.15c, this lot pet; ya.rd ....... � ...... ...... .
I I . . - � .
� . 0 1 I., I -
. . � �
. .1 11 .
I .
A Snap in . 1. I I a I..
. �
. . I
� I
I . .
� . ..
Dress . Goo,"elk, I I ..
. ..
. . I
I . I
Lustres and Grenadines, black only, at, � or ,near,
the half-price mark. About. 100 �ards . that *w -e
want cleared at once, and are.willino, toi sell cl ,
. b. I 1. ieap
in order to do it. . I . I I :.- -
I . � a �_ I .
100 yards fancy, ligitred Lustres and Woca Greria� _� .
dines, splendid wearing qualities, . Wi.l.. rulikb up, .
RtYli§6 costu .Ines or skirts and give excellent Wear.-
Regular.W and $1.00, (!.learing tit per, yard,.....,.. - .480,
.. .
I . I.. . . . ...� 1, .�
__ " . .
I __�__ � . I .
* � .. . '
Gloves. for a N . . .. '�� "
ickel, . ' .1, . .
... . I .
. .
I .
Fifty pairs Ladies' and Children's Bilk and Tafthet.'. *. .1. .
(iloves, blacks And colors, small sizes only. Ili 1,adies" , , ,
ail sizes in Children's Regular Zc to Mc elearill *
per paii ..................... ........ ...... 0 ,g at 11 .
I... : .... P, ...... Q -
__ . 1. I . .. �
. I I 1. .. .
. .
. . .
. I
I .
Two Big* Specials— .. . I
. t .. . ,
. .
I .
From the Miltiner" .
I Y I ,
. . ,
I I . .
Ready=to=Wear Hats �*041 . .10.0,
� � - - J,ust abomt. a dQzIn Read . . .
y -to -Wear Hats,' not
any more. All new ti�is season. % Last__6_1_i���e f`
. .
fi-om Our $1.75, $2.50'and $3100, .lines. Choice � on
I � � .
Saturday for . .. . . 1, �, . .
1. . � .
. .
One, Dollar. . I .. i
I ,
________�___ .
� .
I . I ,
Trimmed Hats at $2.5o . . .
A table of trimmed Hat's at $2,50,. for� .'SatUr-
day. Not ' a Hat on it but is worth more moi�ey
We are starting to work up our odd ends and rem-
nants oficrod- trimmings. They -go ,into these
Hats, wh sell at tbe.verV low price of , ; , .
.� I I a ,:- � . .
Two Dollars and Fifty Cent-$. ,
. 1___11
, .
----' ___1_1 "....6—
. -
. P ..
New Sum mier Hats'. 1 .
' I .
Very nobby Duck and Linen Hats, swell New �
York styles. velvet trimmed, white or linen shades,
on sale Saturday at I .
. I
. .
$.1-50 to $2-75- . . . I .
. .
. .. I - . _______�_
. 1�
Children's Linen Hats, nobi --- 'U -Y xigfldp'�qo white or
linen shades, each . � I
. . I .
I . . I
. One Doll a*r* I * .
I I � I
. - — — ,. . � ! - - - !! r .. I -� � � . b, . . .� — . 1 , 9 r i I - .��," I' �j ' j r . r . 0, 3 Aj
— I I
b. ,
. , I ., . . . b . .
. I . I
. . I t
IT 1"_� �84 1905
� I 1W I I ,U.�J JIU.VV, LVU I'llorulation agamet the ca ***j,*X1
r.. I 'tf ptaill of tile I * '
. ste!wler (i reyllound, for selling. I I 0 0101V L . I
1,,R1DAy 1UZ;E Mi 19M . contrary to law,'durii)g tile inool I
I. . .. ... ' 0 CS 'A... -Ha' %,-ok I.,
excursion fr9to OodbrIoll . on, Mon I , t , * I .
U-0�r I L 0 C a I N ' . r I - .
__ V--- _--_ it , p -, I I
--"--.,-- . I . . � * 1, . . . . � I
I IT . I 0
night ""Ile'C;X$eWaSrhear4befol-�pol- . � �
atOUt do I
� ilea1l SoUres, ice Uagl6trAte 1.1111"ber, of Godortab, +ou! Is a gre .
I L . � , r or comfort,'and ;ifford,-, you,, du i
- who imposed a title of $0 ah�d costs. ' . . � ring ,
It, 0 VMS, Sr IV I
14oltdoinj Sargoon,' tre,,ta A 31-21b. black bas ASCalightily' the heated terin, acoul spot, when�ao, roclinein pure .
-110 QYO. o4r and ip se. aild ift r,
diwi$ft) Ot t to ' amo$ Steep, on Fri'lay last, , , ,
lastiqsProverl . QM00;-0Qr4J)V4rDrU6stQrQ, NEW BUIDOU.- W.tirdon Millel, I - 1. -and healthful air, It will reli . entall)r and
QXtr TWA, FTV AY, 4UUO Mth, . r And H044 Com"'tissioner Ainaley I went Mrs. N. Matheson has rentP4 Miss 'eve YOU m
000d 004? seovol WiA own. to Bayfield yesterday , .1
FOIRBAJ�Vll . . . tb arrange for flino'er house oil Rattenbury. ft east. � physically more than it will, yotir purse, Cool - to rest
. - the erection of it nev t .
Apply at NO IV LOU. I Prd y bridgi- ticroas the, INI!ss Ida Mureb'(daugh, " I good t0,94-cf) in-, and eiijoyable -) reii.`ol bil .
river tit Ilia .ter of, Thm.. I in,
�� - '�., I , .. � ..., . ---- - , � oreet, tbo .� it place, Wisintendedto Murch) left yesterUy on it short visit . r. . I . o I .
� I . .. I.- �. 1: illutinelit's-thigyear, and. -to"'. , to-Irlends i Xi'Loindoin, And Wesd � . . . I . . I . �
� 7#4111 Zapio ders Will b6 naked forAt oWice. . eU. _1 . - _ ., , , I 1. I �, I . "-�--;-_ . r .
. . 91 I The Nfi$$ Clara. Proctor, forinerly ,of I I � I 1. � . I
. .. now bridge will, be erected further cast I I . . . .
H, I' HC r . towa, Is, confined to her, rooin by 11 . � I . . . ..
TIUC-Mayor Hoover isil,tv, tUntbe resentoue, which will upcee- ' ' '
. Ir I , - ' . ..
� ness, tit hor fathorls, Ili Holmeaville . .
An ing his house lighted by electricity, tie Bitate a eight eba" r
I the hIII, ge Of tile �oad down ' . .
I., D. McIntyre, , I , r Lipidy, dentist, went. to Brallt� , . I
� . I � I .1
, . � . 11 rol oil Tutisday to attend the Annual - .1 Set ,
aalsoX . romr. I A Croque, 1, r .-
SAD�AFFLIOTIOX.-_Mr,r *W., Slow'- MONUMENTS, -The -ClintolkAlarble, meeting of the Untallo Vantal Assacl- , I . . . .
. I . .
. � . r
I Want st.precelved word from big son Works has recently ptit Up quite'lk, f61V Ation, I .. . � ' . . r .
r Ines, tills week, conveying the sad' it UMont". Las.t wtiek one was sl'- The resi,dence . . . a
. Ja _ . , son . Is, a good otit-do,)r (rame, supplies re6ned amuse. I
Intelligence that his wife, and one child. Peted ill 13611's' vemoterrrfor ..... R01117 ceiving . .of J, W. Imiiin. I$ re. . � . ment, an,d moderat 6 I. —t r � . . .
bad died fro tit fever at, his,holne, ga, ftesh coat of patilt, �wllicb is . e exercise be kind*that won't *
' , I
r, Valw Lawlor,oue for, Mj,plukor, aild,011re b ' ,
� den, Muskoka Two other chi)(Iren forc, schultz; ail were f r sing ,anplied by Messrs, Brown &. , . r ,produce that tir�id feeling .
Are also ' . o noliar a Gr. Ais , , . . I "L ,--h6a'thful, entertaining, � . ' . .
r , seriously ill but hopes' of limestdile, A graniteL one Was orpoted: . .10 Q. " . I . ffiscinating. L .
.Abeic recovery are entertained. r � Ili Goderich eoinetreryfOr the children Thomae, Tipling, of Detroit. was here. , . I ,,, a joy forever," just as nidch in., popu- - . I
I I three ,'oud. , . . ar fa car as ever' . .
. of Robert Ber.com. Two were erected this week, and b0l'Aht k i vor th 1k; . � before., I
I . STOCK NOTRS,-Mossrs Wallig & h 1. he takes twit 1. 11 . . . I .
Can'telon -ship in Bayfleld comet - horseq. -which �
- pediveLir-Orlia a.QXl_Uo)lV_ _ e on's for tbs. fa�u; eavy . , L . . . . I I .
11 11, Mr�! , with hityl to -day,, _:�� � . . .. . . . .
Y _OfL I LrD.,wrlsen. ,-and -the Qg for r
� I , Z- a . -_ .
( aI - 1, . 11- I
r, the price. paid being $9 Do. Fitz- Mr. Stinson.. th I r., t -,Ed - -14 I- I -. _.. .
4 & �,_ _ , "_____."_, . . _,.----,-.-, L . . I . -
. I . 4 -a -n , _,. r , .-,-",-.�.r'-.--,..�__.----,-:�.,".-L--."-,-,-.-,�-�-�,.���.-II.-..-.,.-..�."""- _ .
filmons & -Son - ship on Tuesdav next, r . . . . . . The la e �Jlarj N' n Egnion �N . I I
' .
. I
. tile P1,100L heing.the same"., - r Mr, Wallis ADDITION&L . MAIL, I - JR ' 'L� an quele of Mrs. ,Worthington. and Lot ,of - I,- "L . I I I '
I I -An e , ort is. grandfather.of Messrs H. itud W.. J, it� S-. people are finjing, out ttl.a,t ,-jhe prices and ". I .
shipped a,(:ar of horses on Monday to . been Made to secure better wall factli,- V() Ior, 0 tow . _ . , - , . , , I I .
.. Winnipeg, NAr, F labor also shipped a, W � r U.. I I , - . - . . I . .. I .
i ties Along the 'line of the Buffalo a I . tuaho 6, at our store'are i
� car to the west .... No catfle I � , nd Garnet Whitef -1 . .r_ . .neare.r r ght - � .,
4, 1. I 'ice twilig Lake Horon- branch, of the G., T. R, At I y, of town, utid6r0e, u t , . . w � L . . . . I I . . 11��
ehl ' a US a prest ar . . I . .
11 PPe * * t t mt; abd�nbnoaro progehttliere, is but- one, -open milil'a ,upperAtion -d otj�or .. . than elsew, , -_ ,
expected t t _, _. in tho hosPita the , .. �� , . . here.. * . -_� . - .
. �__ . . . * .
I lin il heY come offtbe grass. -. day each waY - vly - tile- re"lovil Ot , &Ud - 1. ,:.--�'.___ ------ _ � � .% -11-1_4 _:_ ._:_,_ .
, that is by the sit . day fox I L an, AbOss' . .�, . , I ..
. . I . train east and� the noon train wesf. is recovering, nl,,-ely. . . I � . I . . . I - . I I .. _ . __ --1. 11-11- ____W., -,111- _*�, �:L j:,;' 1L %�' n�l
I . . . I �
1. ILL. -One ' . . . . "
. of the busiest as Well As The petitioters ask that a mail car lie , A -good mlin� persons..h'�ve *Impkov'-� . .. I I L . I . . L .. I I .
I one Of the most . & . . . .
. hollored business men attached to the aftertloot - houses __ a ' ' U -60k. 9. , .
on -has- been -Mr. RichardRans- .Least, and the lato tritin.c. . . pai nt; - ther6 are , at! L 11 Y't , -Mr. I , ow:_ '.
I . L
ford -well known I% 61n -fti . " ,
lof ofint p train going op the iAp0earo.n�e.of_theJx
� , pie
.s in"tigel, of tile lliiht� 'Ing West L Coat of ty at : I he: . ,:,
StIlPleton-Salt Work3, and While thii would ijot particu- .'unpainted dwellings.' .. . - . . I . .-,-we% lk 0 - 1>0 _. . , Pair ... leoe 9 .1 � . I
� . I I I I .
friends. all over,this proyinch's Many larly a0det the*nlailabrvice at 011utoft, � . � I# -
e will re- t �Vould give. otheil towns Along the Ali Olvanggmen'e planic 'was hold at . . I , . I . . . - I
� grOt to learn -that lie is confined to his Winthrop oil Wednesday; Orangemen . � Often the.fte�kpest, ;tlwaks .the .8 s . . .
. I - I
room by illness. '77hoy will. -Join v.sith line a better service., ., . ,.--.- :, , - . from buttimerbill, Hull6tt, 5eaforth � I _i I 1. . . . . 9 t. ., , . I
I - . I - . . . . . . � I . I
Llsin.wiellingliiLLaa�peedyi-e'storatI n .* THE ORGAN FACTO . and.olsewhere were. Ili attendance. I q . . � . . I � . . . .. ��. . . . � . I I .1
to his wonted, health and aqtivit o RY. -, So far Charlie r,osL1iiug ivho ran a lauri&� X1111111110"111.1 11 1. I 1101ii.111 . __-, - . -_ .1 . . . L . 1. __41
I . . . Y,., ' the repairs'.to Machinery. Hall (the 11 but WhoLbaq 114t6 , , --- --- - ----------------- �_ "
. . large L workshop ere soil ,. . . . I . . . . I
INTERUEN'r. The remains of the . qf the boherty f4c. to time ago, L . . . . . . - I I "I
I - b b Ili Woodstock, hit I . � . . �
h1te J. X Dow.zer were interied on Z will probably be. completed.t1114 Y_ 8 11 venlietied on H s returned to . I . . . . I ,I
'or I ., Street. L I .. . . I I . . I. L .. . I . . . I. .
Saturday, quite a largenumber follow- week) ; part of tbs new maoibiaery. is towA kind . Uron' . . . L- L� . .. ; 1 7� . . . 11
. cemetery, . ,bero and Jn place, a i I , - The Orangeme ' 'of Cliriton, Londes, "*,"###**# 0 0 $ 0, 40 +*#+0.-,-),!
11 Ing, tfieni. to the , Seryie nd,in two weela, _ a � . . * .:
. I ;
both, the house and'oemetery .6ea-b time at most1he factory*:will tie in full bore, audTikl't.Of 06derich 'towaship, , , " * I . - * ". - . I .1, � � .
were ,),list. with . . I . 11 . I .. . .
. conducted by Rev, Dr. Stewart- and a filll'staff oftands,'the W!1114ttOil bervice,atSt-Paul'schurcli, . .. . . ....., .� I : . i .
. tile - "Odolfellows, of. which lodge deceas- same as. before the ndortunate fire of Clinton, on8unday,',TuIy 9, at 2.30*p,ro. I � . . I 7). 14
L I . . . .11
ed,siFas A inember, The ' February. last., AdditlunaY hands are .. Sunday next beink St,jullir's ' . . � .1. I , . A . 'A
, . d4y,a , . .
. . .
L Pall*bearers being added daily, as the w6rk pro- -special ni-isonia sermon will be preAch-. . 0, . . 0 �. 10 .I. . . . L
were all 'Oddfollows, being Messl.s , . SA�
. B . . . .
� Cl-Ooks, Cassels, Hall,,kerr, 0ibbings', greases. The factory will be'the Most ed at Honeall, t(;. which tbs br tibren . . . .
I . . Modern and up -to date one in tbeL.L)O ' I . . . . . . . �
. And Boyer L _ _. - . _ of ourroundinglodg6h hav6beeninvited, -.5 L ' ' . ... I . I I
.. . . I , . '.. .. I. 1 .1 Offiewhere between - T` ...L� . I I"
. . mlPion, a4 all the machinery, -bell"g , Mr� (j. -Me, , L ime . and Opportunity, � I .
. . GONE WEST, TO BE MARRIED. - new, has th.� very.latest I I mprovements. 0iinciiii of Cho Collegiate .. L I. . . .. � . ...
. . .. L . . ,in 'buyll ' . .. : ..
Mi6s!jeau, Matheson, one of.the clerks . . stall, went to'GA t'on Tuesday to play L I . Se-4r'al'DollafsL I r1g: �
, . .
I . I lit file DVY'-GO()ds Paltice, and Ap6pular UNCLA;IMED - MONEY.- The gov- vvith Seaforth in a football �aiae, be". ... I . . . , . ., . . . . . . . ,., . , , I . . I : . 0 , . I . I ,.". -1 , . I..%. -1
' "Itto result.. . . p
. andmost , ninent �uolisfieo a report of tindlaim- v�etin Seaforbli. and (Ult. , .- ..'. . . . .1
I . estimal)16 young lady. left Or -- . .� . - � t
. here on Wednesday for Moro, Oregon. � ed'monay� left Ili binksi'AndfroM it,*we was a Xie, 14 .. . . . . . . .. 0 'Aft. .
� . . I
. . expert I dingL on j.J.jo 10� . . . . I I . I
. .
I � . .
, I . I .
the.NEw Enit, who is it Uwe Berry has $5.02 in Cho Btitik of street on Tuesday. .They -were ter aln- . . I .. . . . I I 0.8 1 ' ,.''
. . . ,
. I
. L She wilf be met., in Chicago by mi.. �nd thatsonid Opople b0e left baian6e$ A cpupl� of iri�k,bwyial I riders- kii�'Tp �& .
� Frank Smith. -wer � euiploiL intlie banks fora'good many yokirs an exhibition of ro , 8 ,. � - & , . *Is
it. foi To of . 8 U t . . A 0
. . . . . . I . .
And they agel ly ekpertsk0d patience - # ' . � . .
the Moro Obsdrvor,: I ow ma'n' .- Of - MOntreal, Opoltiricl , ehoWe(1L What t 0�- . . . I .
will be ."'blob hils been 1* '' L'. . . � .. . .. . ;
. . .
, , I . . . . �. I .1 . . I. 1
I married in that; city.. The 14,9.* 1*4,1 itA tiltire since'18W,- Gelo'� Hilllar;d has$7.80 and hard I'Vork cali accom plish .. , . A,V The �.Old. �*.,kf,-liable %. . I .
. eitends its*' , . .. has been there �_ in ill . . . # . . .. I .. . . 11. . I .. I I . 1. . .
. arinesticongpmilations" 1 n the same bank which . . ., .1. . . -
. . e absence of Rev. J, G. Holmes . . . . . , , , ,
. ,. I , since 1870 And John.. Portek has $88.55 1 ouk.,.sTock' P, ' .. ,. 0 'L , ,. 1
..� I ,, . pf Blyth"whols (in it, visit to relatives ... , ,. - 44 I
9.S .L . .. , .EDUCINO SALE.A GRAND Success . :, I .
TILE- bAND, _' That the open1air cJn- which 'has. ) I : — . . . . 1, . I . � I .� . _? . . � I . I
.Zeen. standin Ines 1862 in Oheslev and other joints, the'. s6r- - * .. 0 � 1. . . I _ .. .
. cgrts of the .town band.are appreciated ,M - Watsoni Worth-, left $1.40 in,t�a 'i I I Title week we �nnti -best vo I titis'. .. I . -
. . , -were tak- 0. , - �. � nue to give (lie . . - Y_ -
, v ce14 at Blyth *and; Jac ton's . # , ; . . -
6rth Am I . ' L I . . � . ..
. . . I
by-t-he.�oul'ilicii-self-evideiit. rhomar. Bank .of Britiah N,. erica. in ell last 1,Sabbtith b�'XJ. -Beatod.. ' ' I . . I . in, all kinds of foot Weaj.evt1r ()O' Y
. . . I . ... . nton.____1;_ 1# I . . , I
sday And it is'there yet, 0 P. Hill, of .. . L . . I.., Y 11
ket square was tfirpr1goil oil Thur 1870i , 1, : 1. � ered IfiCli, -
' L . . . V, , L . L .
. .. . - . . *' , , L L .
I evRning, while the streets -wdr(y lined' Clintoli-i had, a 1) - I Alexdfider, Doavit't, of Hxiitdr, bag , See our'Mell's V16W Slices, all sizesi (it 75C "lid 8-36.' `P , , L . . . . L
" . 1. alance Of 1.19, the )eon appointed balliff of the5th D` ' Ladies! Oxford and - 4, : " . ..
. with huggies Ili which yoiun, , I me tizink. in I . . lvi- .t , .Strall SIijuDer.-,- wort h $mo ' * " " I
I g. P9up Ps sa ffiS, And -Jt has not beba L . gninlratU06. * � ,:. .. :
. sat Onio',ving tile pleasant strallij., a nol, 'called for Annie . Ross, Auburn,' ion Coklit of Hjuron, and Ernest BI- . - I . - - -0bildreii's'-Borits and SlippepS.yegillar $1,15,ond.$1.25 on). , ,� I .. . 1. . .
I .
0 in 1809-;.. Maria, Marks� . left 110. O., of. sea -appoin ed T - Boy 9 Titil and,131M,k U�(-d Bootq wel-t 6 �:I�.50 for 85,, � Y 7.56, 1 - .. I �
oli�'Gnaay 6v6ning while 'the band Exeter; bag b . t , . . ,. I ..
I ... . $16 ay eld ot t , c I . . �. . . : . .
-pla�f �th e. -No I�nlal . 1. il, W. H. **** "' e ,lie 5th.'- Division Court of - . - , , - :Nvri's Fine Laced Boots at i- price,: $4.00 for $2 LOO, .' :. . ' I . .. .. ..
.. . , 1.78 in 1899 . av, , . . I 11 I
.6o. and other av . __ TI- -All - A , - I - , I .L.. " . . . ....
, �
, *
n , P fieldi Jelt ,,$24..2Q the � saine . .1 � . - - I : ___ , They Are, g e t �R,116 . : . .. 1. I
Qi,11 ailable plare S in � th year" U ' . .. . , . . . �� You t,I1b`uld.Be6'theu).' I . r a . . I I " , , , "
. , ', 'li' L , ' ' '"' ' - .. I . ...... .. , L . . . � L . .
YicinitY,. Was..crovvOed ,with porgons ne & Co., Hietor, left $7.1b -in 1'878: � Re,i. Mr. diahani 6f.Godsirte ' , tie,- . I 1. ' . — I I I I .
ag-Or tq hearthe music 1. , . .. IT . . .. BA P,6 I L I' . . �� I L ' . I -
I (1, . PIRK Hur . .. .A NS FOR EVEkYBODV . - . , . � .
. I . L � on,S41t Mill, 0oderleb hada' livered. an address in Wesle.v'&Irch. . . .. , � � " L ..
. .. I I I .. 1. - evening ciii the Forewttrd� I I . . I ... I .
I . I . . I . . : 1, . . I - -YROUBLI� �O SH W 66 ;
. . . . b.alAnre of - $4.27 in.the.-Bank of 00 tm. . I I . . �� � NO 0 Q . DS - - -' I . -
'SOCIAL.."The youngAtd .-oLthe- ee since 18092, ... .. . .1 � .... . L if' ' '' i.', - . - . ic�, . . L., . .'."�'.. � .1. 1. , . .
I - . . I . .. . -t Pr e . I .
. . I—— ..- , . . . L I I I .L. High ,, . . . ,�.. I .1 .1,
, �
-7 . Y evening. in'Ontarib St;:(,)h I L . . . I I s P�Iid . I
lea mor . . . I ,Movement. iii. Xisgions, andbri.Thtlis-'.' . ahol.gggs ilkPoll go tistla .
Prayer-weetitig' C,0MIUlLtee Of the Lon. _7 . I 1. �-. ." __ - da' urch,on , . 13U er, .. ., : L . .� I . .
' . . . � - . _____ . I . I I . I . ,.
I e arran ing . pra-litwn iffTl. WE DDING. -A -pr " ' the eaiiie subject. - - : - . 1. I ,.. . L. . . . I.. . . . __�__--___�_-.1.__.._. _":_.___ .... .. .
abn Road, -ar - f . A PRIJ etty . .. . . I . I., . .
7 L . . � . I 'L, . . . . 1, . . I I I . . . 11 .
,( .1 : ,W .Is .9, - , I .
R, q- '� I
n . 'I - 1. '.1 �
social tPi-be lie] . ., eolnesda,y,- Sune house,wooldip 6 k ''I ' � I � � A,x- - L . . . I . i .
. 9 00 - p ace on Weduesm.- The ma-my"W07do of Get). * rAvis will .
. .
28th.o' � Job -n Avery's , laivn, on the ,day, afterndon,.Lat the honie'of-Mre. . be s6ri-k to leard that, lie is inde.4cate I 'L 'w'"LOR - - iiik - LY I
'London road.' Olin,ton l3and 11 to. I* 'Fli'lloff, frinc-s streei, ', . . . . .. . Me'-, T ' . LN 10 �. . .
is when her's�o- health ; althofagh able't6* L -.e out cas- . .11 . . . .. ,. . .., .. . . . . �': I . . . I. .
in attend ince. . TEa 6i,eainj : lemoniide, obd da-ittwbter, Rattle, be'cain oc I . , . . . . .I.: . . I . I -Z .
0 the ,,%,if's iobally, lid suFfers kreat pain.ill the , . . I . ".. . .1 ..., .
, .. , j,XOTTAQR � ONI. ONT ' . . ... I.,
. tstriiWberrles? 1o_.__wJIlJZe,serv6d.- Ad- of.Yohn �Wbcmbe, of Strgtford,'for- head, ithol ' fears - t I . . ARJO:JS3TRrtE,T.. TO, .' "i, . - . I .
I5.. j 0rOabodS,tObeift,JldL . ' .I ma,y .boobebasary . . . . . I I . . . L I REIN T . . . . .
. mission ho merly of L - Exeter.' The wedding took . for him to visit a*Toronto specialist. , . I . . . ,. I � , 1 . . .11 .1,
Of .tbs Children's' Fregh Air Fuod.' Olace-ift the -presence nf a ' I . . I . . . -V+#*;0##4*#** , , L .&��_.�_ ,
Riga I L number of I . *"*70"0#######**+*"*#
Will L be runfrom E'lllott'B liv, - . 3tsi �Bpveral "of ,who front , -Miss .Kathleen Whitely.. Huron St.' . - .. - .. � , . I . . .1 L.. .'� .. . . I ... I I I I... . W�W�W,w , .
.e -Y , Ili were had th rip in the fall; which she flid.' ''L T-. I I - .. . - � . .. -
: ht 90c�-for the round � tri , . I ' fl,'x'eltef The.' bride, *who is I . u6t.se 0 I I .. .. . . , . . . . . . . �. . 1. . � -- .. - ._�._
I . �. .I... . P'..' L. I , ' . t popular e�g, to recover front,' and it f or. - - .� .. .. . .. .. � . .!. - "... 1. . __ .
. : � .L. . . . . voiling a y o town, looked, its charill-,. MiL . . 1. . . L . . � . .'-
I I I d f I . � . . '. � I I
. . - ill th � IL I . , . inatedinkidneytrouble Slieisvery -_ ---. - 1. I - _ 1. . . I . .
SCHOOL Nciti4l'q. _130. ing as all . I , .- . . 7-7= - T. ..----..--�-'-L��._-_.________.� L . . I
. , e Public Une.bridee ,do, and Was $411- Weak fit tbe.ptesebt this. ,Her many .1 I 11 . �. .. . I . � � _,= . . . . , 1. .
. ported by hot; sis6er, Miss Annie, while . I I . . 1. 1. . I I � .. � ' .
. . I . L I
apol High Schools.clos6 on, t6e 360. the,kr6oiIiSina friends wish for her -speedy reec"ve , , , . . . I L L I . I . I . . . ,
Th'e Entrance 'Ex4minittion will he d wits MrW. No'q,eomLbe4; - ' Nr,� .'N. .. 1: .. . 1131. � . I . �,' . L, . ,... . .., . 1. . . ;� . . . .� . I . . . I .
I 1.� StijuL I .. I
held on i Ili-- 28th under direction, 6f,Mr,, , brother -of the groom.. Rev, Mr. -Man, ley', labe':*Propri6tor of - I . . I 1. .. . . . I .. I . � . . . .L. . .1 .�, � I L
� . . I . . �
* . I
flouston. The -High L 'Scb..�nl 'extinlin ning. erl'brined thecetemony. Aftei, the' Rtatenbury.. .hou,;�, expeiats - to ft�._ . .. .. . . . , I .. I . .. I I �11
ation 'will commence " ftaKing L Of 'it L 'leave. town shortly but' hasnot yet . . . I . .� ., .
, on th4i 8Dthj Who PX wedding dinoer,',tlie, VW . 1. 11
Under the. enperifitendencd el' Mi. %1,,. - p;q,.ty took the 4,30 train fbr'LnndOn,' de6ide(f W bore- he"Nvi'll go.. The v6uDg. ' =P"ralift I I" , . * �' I . . ., . .
. " L or 'members. Of Lhe family L Parti�lalar,ly. , . . .., .. - ... .. .." � 1. �.... . . I.L I ..,
L I .
� . .
I R.- Loni'll, of Clinton' -and Mr 'Sotnei;q amid showers - ok rico and With the � . . . . St. I ,- . �'. . *: .. , � .'. I . .
�;Lof. Byffi�. The polls�lat,-, E�nrii will oodwill and bonedicti;n.of it host of Will, be missed, As ffilley have been act- . , :1. . . .. - I * . � I . I , L ' . � : � ; - . '
-1116flt to -night to� c(insider tenders for r,onaq, , L .1vein sports an 6 to i,tters. . I I . . . ; . Arlb"A , , .. . .� ,. ".
Y, I.. . The., *eddib g_pi.68ents were , . : . a . � . ;
the contemplated ituprovenlerifs tr, the liamerdus and 'c6stly,�, lind mt. ru . 1. � ,. L., . - - . . I .. I I
11 I L included a;' koitti, milkman; doee not pre. . , I �. I r I . . . .. ockin S 1.
. .1 I L .
. . sithool'buliding: only, obb tbnder i's in, . 'valuable mabogally - Betide And lat-ge tend .'to d *vo ML fast horse,'but 'it . , � I . . I .
inft4eL f. I I I .
.. A$ FA . .
. that being front Thos, M eKetizie'. I .chair' to match fr6m, the eingloyees of. ttlme'for. a - fe.w Minutes - on ' L L . L . . . K - . . . I .
. . I. . I I � , I I .. . . . . I I I . L . ".
. ' . I .. . 0 Ja-kadn Mfg. .Co., and A, and:s6uld. Friday. - He. t i di Ili the,rig' . . . I I . I . . .. . . . ., I .1 I I ".
� MI . .... . . ..: .. , . _" L L � I I I . .
11. ' � .
, , ' .
A6cib-ENT'..:,- I iotnds.Laing, grand- .0.�u�6t,ca,-Blet'from.tlieR.T�'ofT.' -,.. when -4t. suddw,",,1,*s-,a0"..�,',',.5, tbro-wing, ' I I - . .,� . . ..
son o 'th A slight accidont Not Fruto"" 'b1AR,RW-19S0A-PE Thef6liow. . twel' ' L .1juries. :.LLI6.1i , * . . : :, . L . � : - . I . ___ . .
.. L
met ,w 4 ving. no i.r ores wa,4 a . . , . .
. f I Thog. Jackson,- io., of 0]! Ida . I . I - ortli 4i ., .- na � �
. . him -back4�ards 'but f irtiviatelv. 11 i,k - 4
.y, . I.. 11 , .. -r I �- t _,; ' 0 " ,
Tylilebatfirst waq'thougbt'-t6J)es&. Ing from tile Eipovit6r. �r.ofers to�'the stppped before goin-fair. , * . I I I h A.)Ults,e - .
. . " . � '''.1 . I . 11 I.. . 1
I lit . I . ; , . � . .1. . L I �. ... L.. 1. .
'10tis . -akesmall 6h tlioG.T .Be - 'Gidernrin, of Murich,',and ' . . .1 .
. He is a'bt . f4ther*of Mr. I 6 Y --.Attle,*of town. Miss Ida, H .1 .. I . I � 1. . .
R itud "'IVIr Jas, Beattie bad it, nk,trtow escape - . 'IL -, .. . . .. . . . I . f I ... . I - . .. I
while coupling cars - in the cons " W.. h . . I . .; .. . L . I . . .
ericb- yard I I li . . . -
'was caught, between from serious jnj� in of. Mids Heiderman, of . clintoit . , � .1. . .
died a few day , aged 30 years. I it every,Boy�s Suit "e, L I , .. I. ''.. � L
stati6iii on Friday afternooll 1,186'. He g I , . .., � .. L . i W sell at $ - . . ,
two carg hn.d crushed. " It Was at fit -at -Vay he, had. fived' in Detroit for sotne . � . .1 .. . . . 3,00 'Q,r ' �L . I . .
ry at the rail' , a since
, , .
. tbought th, - L .o -ye .. W il give -a pair I Of the., 111blous It , . . . � _.�_ . ..
. ,
at his shouldei'blade,�,;is' was=staridi g on the outside pUtfollm 'years, but a we'ek it o returned to her IN . ,f; w( I . Wear ., ... I
talk' th a friend who 1 t . . �., ., ;;,, . - �. -
,�, . ,,I f" ie�,
, .
, ..d,
-� was 90itig hotneon accotintof C W " bla' k.cotton 8 ' I " * ' .
bk&kon, bEat fortunately this was tint _ awav on t1 e aft�rhoou �e . 19her Ill hetilth, She F; ' 1, c t6C,dnP`S' ...Thesle S't '-k' * -` `,` - �', I
-correct'. asheescapedwitha'few slight. xpress, When was of it, lovablp nature and during her .. - C, , . oc. ,ings . . ..., �� . -
brulFes R6 left on Tuesday for.his it freight train, which was in the yard, ' ell exc . . , I ., � . I .
. Aeked down th6�*siding between the lifetime had made Many warin fri d " are un Qlled (or their. vvearolu* oldalides and- I.:. .".
. home at Chicago. . . . . I " 1), .. , ten a, I . our Bo , 1�1 - If L., �.. I I I . . . .. . I .. . . I . .
. . . Clothilik cannot be� ,beat or .sty . .. ..
. � �. iii track and -the .siation. platform went to , I . .
. . . . ' ' mai An unregenorate Grit who 1k I e or I . . .
NE AV WA proper. It wits conlins along: tit 11 the Model Farin on - Tu�sdak, said on. V wear t . I I � 11 I :_., . .. �
- I
LKS�-.The Council will worry clip, ,ill his retui,13, "I wc �, . , . Y -Your boy's 'suit here,: a'tid. now, ,and. .. � . .,� I '. o , I ;
shartlyeblisttuct new. b i�a, ks' t as the impreas was ntgo'there agn,jnlltl� , 11 � . . ill I I . "I
I .
. celflen govern t it �� . I .. I . .
On 14'iiftOfi - street,, running feom,Cour� d its Mr. -Benttle had his , there is a change- bf moll ge an, extra pd-ir of Stockings into. the ." � . . . I
. backtait,b6didnotnotlee' its Approach. soil for Buell a. .do. D. � . ., I � I . . - �, -� I .
. polving In, tin a . t, ng askeil his rea in bargallm �. . . �. ., " .
Iice'i corner, south �, on the east side of 13111! , I � . , .
I .
- - Jgaac B-treet, - fivin Rearn's corner, Ono.of the cars struck. him'oil the cislon-h6 *saidvIIWe% under tho.ol 1. . �. AM '. . . . . . . . I . . 1. I I . I . I " . ��, " 1 4 .. - I .
TV government when we wenttliprej they I . . � � I I I , '.
* on-mle—W64". 1Tl10_rFfNM_th5 t�_,_. fe I . .� I . ,
sod -al,141der and knocked him down. . I , ''. �
I , - �, , , ---. , - ,.,
. He .. , � .,
. l Mr. Wallis's to Mary street; oil � lell �, I :- _U 4XW_XaUh-1An_(L_�L1n!t.t�_�1le . -....11wI_1`1xNwXWX4UQ__ , ... . :� .
fron 11 � IV: 11 i ill i _T__ __ - � � g4*43; a- r: . . � , . �, .:,.,
iie C, ill TrAt -__;? I I . . .
thesouthaido of. Cutter. street, from tild - -inconling express. �..Forhitiately -(,,Ilttllgo'otgo�ve,rnmeli'tt.h�7,pnly ki've 77 , '--- a .... - . . .� . I . .1 .- ,
' - . . , 1, .. I ..... I . __ . I . ..
the Queen's hotel tb, the. next corner ; - sliop,e4 t efore it: reached us oils,,., 1. .. I . . , . � ... . I ���----___
I .
On the -north side: of - Princess.street, . tho sxors�a I or 0 mlgh� have � )).&ell ' -Mv. AlbertTurnei pissed h I Is 0�4,. . . . . L. . i.kh_t� Vests Tym I'S com�.. * .., I .. . I I �
"t Attie . .
. It w .. � . � - . . �
from Queen to, MeTaggart's corner - lcjlio�l`s , As ag fort�tuaate blithdavon Wednesday. Bornon his '. I , . I . '. 1, � I
, on ,no b to oscA _ . I I 1, .. . . .1 , , f6rCas,wcll,.a$ . , �. 1
6 .e si e of Maple" from Milann's fr, ga vith only�a bad father-is'fa,rm in Tilekerstuitli, th"Aillial .,� . i, � style in a lio-ht vest, the8e� _. " I .. I .1
4 ir'A.1 on north sitle of White-, gtt, lid 0, gli4 t a tip, , .. I - . I .
rs baking '. air -as the. corner stone of T, rk,61"s : - . .
I �' . It s set, f - tn. Mrs. F air's.to Albert -8 . ' ' A NI'lurch Waq laid, he'llad the ho'nor of I - , we have ,80 'me �rery. nobby. ohes-.` - , I - - I
e RIU111ZF1T14__� Fall Wheat it"'headin. being the flrst child A riatened in - the , � I . I . I. .
9 . . . ;
.t f - gouth Atd.e of Uattenv outand lOOks"We'll ....... IturAl-mun qi. . that will n 1uch-,,b1on!e'y.. ". - . �, I .
blip ,-froin lger's to.134liesti.eet; - I church. Aoisllobovot- large for, his ., ot cost you n . I .
. .- - I palities tire SPOilling, the reads for sum- age but he's a capable business Mail � 11 ... . . I I � I . . . I .
. I . I
I A. F iX,E 'TRNT.'-� The beautiful larg I pleasure,drivirig, by. 4eapi�g tip and US friends wish him inany.bappy, . $1.000 $2.'oo and $3,00 . I
.0 ' ,
iCent lu�r 0 in �tlle mt1tre - th they returns of the day, , . . I . . . . .
-Whleh,i*as used at camp*as a Moss ,oh at � . I � . I : . � .. . . . I ,
. glav introdutia some more dern , The-Zltirieh '11orald says --AT I . I I .
tent, Yet "the. inen of theMrcrBattalton, , woulpdl in, A -1 1, ,I ,.;m
And oil whose sides Are, tho :bAttAIj , - methods of doing. road Work, than the jjoopp =Z=9M_1a!PMX_�l ..
. oils . � ,rt� the r, , - ___
, .
designation, has boop eretited in :, statute labot-systeal ...... geneml agent of. d16 . I , %MAW . .1 � - -0
i 'Cho council Manufacturers Life -Insurmice Co - -, . � �� —4 I
tile should 1`00ftly the cement walk in front kvd& a business, visit� to Zurich. on' I �... . . . .: .. . .. � . I . I . . .
� � Recreation Ptirk -lkltloh curioslty W6 if � a . I I
beenar*oueed by . -it hag been Ili its ,ubsday, * Mr.- looper i '
,. it being there. Solue Of GalbraithIg store t . I I 1 4
,..thought Jurhaps it was to be U.�ed for resentcondition a Ion titil - #1 nforing us Nli ty: S ,A- I , , I ... t . . .
� . V 1�f el ...... - that lie recently gx,�e a cheque to Mr.: A. 'I f traw' Hat , I I
Perallibu atinK side show - .froni cimpon -- I I . I . S. 1, ...
I Purposes, �5a,tnrday. lwith plenty of tan George Rice, of Clinton, for $1012.00 1 . I.. . I I .1 I
officers tatti amount; of expeplenee ...... The on A: ten yea,r__poliok,_ Al r nice ,receiv- , 11 . These *are 'the 8tr' � I . 11 � I
Others though t that possibly the Itical Inugest day of. ith-d-m cer- ed all the money. he paid in itn . aw Hat -days, arld tb is th .
litended to spend the Auni- � 4 :$1.10 ` S I
, mer ulgh�s beneath its cool shalteriand the year. has passed; over, besides haying'A:Ig�rjsk carried I the StOre for !!�fraw�H,ats.' Many new.. Ilhes ill .
MI sorts of surmises were indut d I Most of. them Are long enouth if , ' . . . .
ithap- for ten years, � . . . . I this wetk; All good ,Shapes,. ; I . I I
The explanation is quUesl ulu 'ge' ll!i"' P�I;ns to be about 05 in the.s ade.'..Mr. ; 1. . . I . I I . . . . I
lngly a(). It was simply Is. an (!.. P190tt, 0. P, R, conitrutor, wits Ili . . . I � I . , . � I . . . I
� I
. ev that It might, get,drvpUTu 1'. in town on Wednesday ...... Mr. Rou, . I,— , . I .. '.I .. . . . I 11 .1 . .$Oc I I , .5c an d Uoa' - .. �, I
�� befoipV'hell'k bdu Graham is providinfighedroo Gr ' I . -
.foldedAway. - ,. � � - . . ill to. ; .. Wnd Unioli- Plente. I 7 . I �
, . .. - . . the To" oftbeGiallarn ouse-S...11; .. . . I . -_ . 1-i . . . . . " . I
"' � _. .� O 1110 to plant advortis' f - � — . I - . . --------\7-- 1
I L"XCtYP-,'910N$.�,Tliere,�8-eve not a t Ado.. uig or A grand Union Picnic under the Aug. . . . 11� . . . � I
I g�cat manyr !g 0 f "' t� .... k some farmers com- -
- .tickets sold here on Fri. 'ill . t
, ny for tile exetir'lon - F A I I S. I rt Aixien 0 e hA ying next week. pices of St. Jose his Church, Clinton, , � Children' s Sailor H'ats � .
j to tile - P.
.. I I will be held in barran's Grove, 4 few . s :2oc, ,2se and soc
.: geople 61miently waiting to take it, ___4___ __-4__4lP__*_ � - . minutes walk from tile Station, out I I . �
� I .
,O D-oh-olt 'trip. on Tuesday. That . I Assomment AppeltL . , Thursday, June 20tb, All kinds of I - I �- 0 *1 - - I.. _-0 , ;. - ,: I , - .
wits "E'xcursion Day," for.1t: bapt,ened . I . amusements aild games I . . I . � � � . -77-- 6" I , ". _..%.....� I I......".,.,.,..,-
I that tile, Detroit" excursion And also .11, 1. I � . I. I .1 .., At It o'clock, Ladies' Tug of WAr, � . 1. .. I . I . : . I I 1. . . . 11 1, 1. . I 11 � .,
*1 that of Sontil Awl Weeb.11uron rat-ap � TheXPW HRA'S article of last Wee'k Clinton vs. Blyth' Captains,' Miss I
I ft's, Institute to Guelph, fell upon 1)10 concerning the equalization of th Emm,i, Quigley, ar I * .
I '
t . 611111t- day, About 75 went up on tile 'three towns of Clinton,.N1 1 0 , 1(i X140 Xcilie Me-, I :'Cool Underwear,, �
11 special tr4m Monday evening to enj I . n9haw and Laughlin, respeetive prlm$, out I . . � I . . .
611isiiware for each la'd. " , �1) r. .
! the Moonlight excursion,on the Gr Oy Seaforth, by the County Council, was � y wlnper� . .1 I i I -,-.e.- llalbriqati Under' ' � .
I bound, And the popular!t,y of this OY a revelation to tho peoplo of town, who Dinnet, at 11,80 So L r lit 4.,16. 1 , Wear"well made .
� ' . "' I I
0111,sibn May be gathered fro, Ox!- hadna idea they were heing'ad unfAir. , At 1.30 o'clock, Candle Wpae,11'4 and Egg a i 1 I "I . � I. Will give excellent w6hr, All . .
n th(' I I . I 0 I
Irtileated. "I"Ofurthersbowthoinjus. ' Races forMen, Boys and Olt -Is. Prizee,
fact that white the boat last, yc,ar ),ad cebuntler which tills to%vn.b,qs sulyored for Ali races. . s:,*. . -I ,-, .,:tl at pe.r garmept . . 1. .
1900pAssengets oil its .Innonlij,fllt t1x. we may SAY 41� 1 . . . I -
I curtilon, tills Year it bad M. , that Whigham's -county , At 2 W O'clock Tug 4 War fop Mon, I . , . I ...
, Or' rate AmOnAn to $10, whille'tbat of I C&Stftfttq,� Albert Morrell, olint6n, I � . I . � . Fifty Ce'lits. , . . . . .
I Tuesday 50 tickets we e sold bets fol Clintoo h9- $1' 212, or nearly double, and I at) A Orawford, Illyth. Referee, � .. I , . �
f the Detruit excursion, via boat, The . _ , '. .. ,.Jkk,j,.h. . �
( Clinton bag, therefnre, been pitying to Dr- 8114W. $1200 In pri,zes. , I I 4 I � ____ , 11 ,.� I .
11 farnier's excursion to Gue)VI Was' the I county for years nearly twice jig Tfir,sowho wish totry their skill it I . --I-,-- . 11 I I , .
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1 Irl-ly, well patron1wid. Over W Pa.,;- 0111011 tl,s, Wit, I I Ros � I .
I #hA thro wing, will find Aunt Sally inn the ' ,
r m I I
* down tile L. 11, & 13, 1, - I .... T Ift
I Lp I ."Piq cattle, f .. . 11 -, �
I lie Town Co"Cif has deel (wild, while far . I ".. I I
� lit' . ded to, aw, 9rO Aet prantice inay be,; I 11 .
k r I tile - north, and 2W fr%�,Y 0)(" -0 thO 06uhty Judge, nud-is back,, 11ftol with &ft- ts, A atall to tho sale I . j I a �., I .
)II - I .- 6 odet fell sent 147 And Inton PPAI t .1 . I � *1 .
e . ed in Its Action by the Township, of' Of useful aildIancy articles w1ill b6 on ; . HODGINS a , �'q., � I
I -i.tkingnp,ii,lyo(X)Itltogethet, Tile Godevich, whiell, at 11, spe6(&I Ineetin the grounds .1 01. I I . I . . . *
(lit furnished the Lon. I , ' . �
Was fill ldo�al ()tie for All eXcul'Mon, held on 10riday hight, decided to appeal . music will,W . Clothing alid Gent'� Purnishillgo�, - �- . - T1,41 int04 . n
A �
no doubt everybody enjoyeil theill. , Allkindsofte reghtitents �_
berng n0ther too [lot nor too eotit,aild Against its equali7edtlesessilieflE On, tile olon 11arpoir 10Z I - I . ,� .. .... ; 11
ground of tieing too high, AS eolapal-ed will bo, on hand at moderato prices I � I I
eelves to the fili feet i0itolit, with ( .1 . 4�'Vo'lo�tboar . ,4 1 , I
11 ." . ��fjler ulantarialitles, 11 welooroo, . ON' I " 1010, I ..
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