HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-23, Page 3• Juno Ord 1 air Renewe kft trueyou*1-11ifttIciolt 014 inn keep your gray bah'. If nor, then IWO Hati. Renewer, and litlyo all the ciptt, rich color ot earl lire -resfaredto our hair. 4 u.owitorksiaremresof County Clippim Seaforth fell fair will be held on ;Sept. the 22nd. 3. O. Stothers has been engaged to teach atafekiog school for the fall teem / ape. T. McBurny, Con. 14, Ashfield has •fl Old his farni to 1 Gentles, Kincard. MO -Katie Price of Zurich is rape* P .ea to be ill in Detroit. It is the inten- ,t tion to have her brought home if • , she is able to make the trip: Mr, Coughlin, Crediton whose resi- dence wee destroyed by, fire recent1V, has decided not to build this year zancl has raoved to Centralia. On Wednesday the marriage took `place between Miss Mary 0. Roberton, , +one of Brussels. popular young ladies, And Dr..J. 0..Hossack, of Innerkip. - . • Egleson • Baler, of Stanley, left • thie trecik for Alberta, having ex- changed his farm with Mr. J. J. filer- -33er. for a section of land in the West. drew Currie, :Brussels, had the afOrtune to fall off the fence one lattareekt and break his right arm the wrist. - • Duncan McDonald, who has carried • am a victualling business for some time in Dungannon, has bought a similiar business in Lucknow and as moved thereto.' • • Peter Triggerson, allensalt, received %telegram last week informing him of , the death of ins father, who resided in •• Algoma. The deceased had attained .to the good age of 86 years. Word has been received of the death an Toronto recently. of Mrs. Fairbairn, wife of Rev. R. Fairbairn, of Toronto, • formerly of Erskin Presbyterian -church Dungannion. Mr. Johla A. McEewen, son of Mr. Duncan McEwen, London road, Hen. :sail, has very successfuly passed his Bret year examination as a medical atToront9,_ While assisting -at a barn raising on his farm, in McKillop on Monday. Mr. Peter A. O'Sullivan had the vaisfort- -une to have a large stick Acif timber tall on his foot, bruising it badly. -Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Miss Minnie E. Robinson, daughter of Rev. J. W. Robbinson, to Rev. J. E. Hunter, on June 29th, at 11.L30 am., in the Methodist church, Dungannon. • John Cochrane of Centralia, former - 1 of Hillsgreen, departed this life on y • . • aturday„.Itine 10th, at the age of 72 •-.„, years, He via/it-man line genifit • .disposition. well liked by everybody who knew him. Last Sunday was the first of Rev. ' H. Wright's pastorate of the Baptist . church in Goderich. Mr.Wriget is a , nephew of J. J. Wright of the Park House and graauated this .year froin McMaster University- He is well lik- d by the congregation. " he autumn sittings of the High „ ,,urt of Justice for the county of Mir - 444: areannounced as fotlows: Jury sit- gs Monday September 18th, before c.hief justice of the King"? Bench; 'tout,. sittings, Tuesday, letiyember before the -chancellor. ter a long mut painful ilness front inward trottiole Mr. Wm. Dearing, of the 3rd con. Stephen, passed away on Monday last. Deceased was born in Sartori, Devonshire, Eng., in 1831, and ...cause co -Canada in 1854 settling in the township of Stephen, having contin- • uously resided there ever since. A matrimonial alliance to which more than the ordinary share of interest attaches was consurnmat- - ed Wednesday, between Daniel Neil' McKenzie, brother of County Council- • lor John Neil McKenzie, ahd Emma 'Bann. The officiating cdergywan was Rev. Mr. Miller, of Ashfield Presby- terian church. At the last assizes at Goderich, Mr. Wm Wright, of Tuckersmith, secured .dama.ges against the Grand Trunk for injuries received to himself and the killin.g of a horse a.,t the Main street ..crossmg Seaforth last summer. The railway company appealed the case so successfuly, that Mr. Wright will offer all, get nothing. The remains of W.P. Jackson, famil- iar to Brusselites as Percy Jackson, were brought here on Saturday last from St. Paul, Minnesota, where he died on the Sunday previous. Deceas- • • ed had been ill with diabetes although appendicitis was the direct cause of death. He was •the second son of Walter and Mrs. jeckaaff;-•-itud" was al years of age. Several months ago we sold that Wm. Jewel and his mother of Lee - burn had removed to Goderich and had rented their farm to A. ; Wyatt, of London, who came here with his family and put in the spring rop. Further changes have taken , lace recently. Thos. Jewel, who Ma Food That )3uilds Maybe you think of Mooney's Sodas. only as a toothsome tidbit. Don't overlook their food value Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas are made of finest Cana. dian wheat flour, pure but. ter and rich cream. 'Macro's nothing else of equal die and cost that contains so _ much vvholesome nour, isitment. Att ideal food. Altonetai hive them -fresh lind why la 1 ft. 3 Da Midget • Won0Fteig Pi.PfErTiON, ' S • rt TETI IsTIOW =A. CLINTON `411.0111PelimellereletelleligelltellitellelleleeelemellelletioNMANOOPOONII, KING'S GLOVED HAND. Frenchmen !Copy Hie Majesty!' Ptah- 'ion.Nat Nnowing the Reeser/ of ,• the Ningly• P.rerogetive. • King Edward, during Ms recent oite•Y in Pols, attraeted a good deal of at. Motion by invariably wearing only Ida right hand glovedand it appears that, .,. bearing Of this, a iarge number ot men., has resided in S. ThOlimi, Dakota' not only in -the 'ren,I capta bt lik far somany years has bold on his wise elsewhere on the . continent, have property ' there and has retiwnedtP. depidea to adopt the practice, regard - Ontario, 'allying the Ohl home from ing it as a fealiferi, °Werthy at being - his Mother and ins brother and set- followed, in lamentable ignorance of the tling with Mr. Wyett for the expenses, feet that it is a prerogative of the he , ma'M y• have oin hi ral e patt or anointed Of the Lord, to Which it is the transaction. • not only ridiculona but likevriee. die - Mr Peter Fisher, of the' third con, courteous for ay one to adhere wbo cession Of Stanley, left here on Tues. flees not happen to be either a fitff., day en a, three months' ;trip to the fledged monarch or,,at any rate, a Northwest. He will visit his brother, Member of one of hie great reigning Robert, and other friends there.Mr, , bowie* or Eurepe.•• , - Fisher goes ftn. the interest Of his 1 King Edwarcl, it is true, always 'emote health, which has not beet good of Ids tient hand gloved when he shakes late. We trust that .he May have an bench/. Nut woe betide any Man not fnajoya,hie trip and. return in, the en! a prince of the blood who waled vein, joyment ot the hest or health • 1 ture to 70m1*. 0 bare his* right hand when clasping that of Els ltdaiesty. At A very pretty an 1 unique event took Bthe levees' lit, JamesPalacand ' e. place at the home or at .31143. jamea on June ..at the courts at. alueltingbain Palaco,. laaadfOrlt, Of TilckeraMith, the Oficial-8.0'4'o Lord Chainberlainl ltth when her daughtex's, Miss Jane department will not permit oily Man . Rae and Miss Margaret, were tespect. •lto ma before tbe King without . Ma, oviealoVntti R ie e ve .iinetoo t wprilLotoMithrAiGtidepoirgre, . • haying removedthe • glove from • hie Win. Black hie brother. The nilptial . , right hand...1440kt the-Stmatte with - assisted by Nev. A. IK, Birks. io the Lorkie ' igiAwe'i Is flinch the seine as that re- lating to hats,' and, in the same way knots Were tied by Rev, F.• H. presence of alarge number a guests. ! that the King' will reulaln.:' with . his . , hat on, while everybody .around him le expected to -bare _his head,- Ito, does- , lui4eMaill gloved while an about hint are required to have their OW hand ' 11,11Inthe e d. • middl' ageo the etiquette in this respect was even far more, strin- gent than it is at present. or in, stance. no one was permitted to -enter ' , a church wearing gloves, Which Were becomes trarra and. settled is the best coneiderea Just as Mitch out ot place• time of the whole year to. treat cat -•as• Would be the retention 'of the het upon one's head in a • sacred' edifies arrhal troubles with the expectation - , Nor were the arreeterilcers of the 'loyal. of complete and lasting relief. 1 and imperial worts perttatea to wear, • Everyone who has catarrhof the gloves when fulfilling their official du - head and throat should ' know how: ties. to, ra•ance it was even forbidden foolish it is to try and owe it by drug-. to the coachinen and groogas to enter in R the stoinach.. • - ' the kioyal stables vrithouf ' previously -Until recently -your PhYSician Would ' removing the gloves from their hand; have said that the only way AO Mire i Nowadays, 'althOugh in • Its. admit. catarrh wonld be by a change of , eli- details the etiquette : With regard ' to Mate but now with Hyomei , you • can'. gloves varies with almost every coun-, carry a. health -giving cliMate in yonr trY,one general :rule which holds geed. liurse or veatpoeket, and by breathing In en • is. that Men 'should never ishake Wit-fe-firinifilitairfeeinera-a-clayt...-alandotaeithowarmkog their right hinds' soon •cure yourself.tre• omit doing flog espectalli-oilien Everyone who has catarrh oreven a „greeting or bidding adieli' to a *omen, tendency to catarrh should Use Hyce.' ix as bad term as retaining onea Cigar mei now, for the benefit will be gained . en the occasion. It is hard upon' then, • twice as quickly and the disease thor- t know, . te-expeot Ahem to threw away. oughly eradicated from the System, ' ,a good cigar when stopped and ad- . The eompleteHyoniel ' outfit costs • dressed by women: with whom - they but one dollar, and includesa neat are acquainted; ited it Is likewisei‘trou- ro• pocket inhaler.• a menicine dropper, 'biesot, especially, on a warm day. to and Sufficient Hycimei- for. several. have to . remove a tight:fittingglove weeks' treatment, The inhaler lasts a .trom, the right liana, • But the . are lifetime, and if moreEtyromel is needed . the penalties -0 being' pophler ' with :extra bottles can be 'Obtained for 50 , women, ikaa failure to conforie to these cents. •t.: • • . 1 elementary rules' of courtesy indicates In Clinton-there'itra7scOra;"-welz-"-bacV-breedinif ' ; ' • - known people: who have been Cured of '1 Monarchal ars ,aupposed to beexempt catarrh by Hymnei. If ; it does not from these rules, and one May trace the cure you; R : P Reek ie *11 return prerogatives which they enjoy In con.. your meney: This is the 'strongest •mignon With tho retentiati of the gloVe evidence he °en offer as to his faith in • . , on - the• right hand, to the olden tint's, the remedy.. .. •• ' . - I whewahe "King'i touch 'was held as a --!--7-7.-1-- • fs , i certain ciire.,for mitnerousevils.; me. , The large autonicibile„ :whicb has cially screfula in those' days, when been one of the latest additions to that' sometimes Inindiedg . of sick were farlamed villa,ge of St. Joseph, came brought andlaid' out, in ;the courtyard to grief on Sundayfereinion, while the•. et the were; that they Might be touch,' electrician; Mr: Weir; ' Was crossing ed by the Swim -elm and tra be healed; . the culvert just north �t. St. Joseph, . the monarch found it necessary to wear . the machine got stuck fast in themud, a -alove, in Oder to escape infection. the .culvert sewn% ...to be in : bad . And then, too, the touch etthe anoint - shape as it is nearly a foot lower than ed of the Lord' being looked upon .ate the roadbed. Full power was turned. • sacredin charaeter, it wail deemed. rso• on, and the machioe-..., which weighs litio teasreservo it trona being too light-; about 2500 pounds,_ made a sudden ••ly and: inadvertently bestowed .. turn for the side of.. the culvert and 1 The alantuiser: de Foratinoi. knew& cat before a could • be turned,. 'Went over but one: monarch Who never wears. and landed on its- side at the bottom gloices no even when in..full uniform of the ditch. The toP, the bodyand or during the coldest weather. • That i$' a number of the batteries were • badly : 'King Leinualdorliose throne is of modern:. smashed. A good deal othard • work originand founded long atter the cus-.• was needed to getthe,big machine on tom.or. healing inalitcliee by the touch et the Sovereign hadbeen abandoned. i• Mai' add. thatone et the peculiar taa- . tares( of the madness" of hip Only eta - ter.. the ill-fated tomer Empress Char.. RIGHT TINE TO CURE CATARRH R P. Reekie Guarantee Ryomei Will Cure IfUsedNew - The early summer when the 'weather level ground again. , State of Ohio, City o9Toledo • • Lucas County. se Frank 3. Cheney Mikes oath that he lotto •ot Mexico, is that she. requirais is senior partner a the firm a F. 3 fresh pair of pearl gray, • Your button Cheney & Co. doing' butaness in . the city of Toledo'. County and State afore- kid gloves on rising airily' morning a throughout erei s n the no r yeares fresh p alfir be); haannyd , ma raid- said, and that said firna *111 pay the hpth sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS an attempt is Made to furnish her with gloves that ere .not entirely new, her for each and every case OfCatarrh that 'Catarrh Cure. RANK 3..ORENEr. cannot be cured by the ' use of Halt's tnsatit fitoYrr aldescofourteueestnour;einit:haviels. • Swornto before me tnd subscribed °Diseased' br a fresh pair. ' • in my presence, 6th dn__,•y of • December A. D. 1885, A., W. GLEAE3orr •, innate Perverseness!. .• Notary Public. The, neighbors were dis0USsing the (Seal) •peculiarities or sin edeentrle old. rest - Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- dent: "I do thirik," remarked Mr& nally; a,nd acts directly on the blood Higgins, "thet Old Mr Tighten la the and mucous surfacee of the system. contrarleot Man on the face Of the Send for testimonials free. F. 3. CHENEY & 00., TOLEDO, O. Sold by all Druggists 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for Cortstio-, 'atm. • . roenettat. • .• ' ••••• , Mother -I think Celeste would better study painting rather thane:Male, don't Yon? Then she Won't make any noise practieing, • • •• Itather--Oh, 1 don't 'know. There la an end to noise,' but pictures maylest forever. -Detroit Free Press.. • • • I o the leek irarior. The young man was struggling for 4 kiss. • "Dotett Stop!" . 'was thus the young lady adjured hint. The young man was wise lb 45 galerati011, tie didn't sbap.-Lora- otitis Courier-Zournal, ' "Where Our &Dilly going M Spend • ot gereetiont rt" "It teee:deeltietl. 314." **veered sttf,; riot *darns: 'Mir And Om is Igo still Witting le ers :!h• tai Ili& helot charges e molt. Washington tar. Star. Where It Lies. • "Truth," itaid•the Vittilleilley girl orate Wetly, "hes rit•the bottom of a welt" "itight lett era' agreea tuo Tale eephintere. "It wetild hise it" rePtitiV tle/ if it did it, tying atiovo Balthnere News. • Vino, "srild they have a line weadissr, "1.40, one of ths attest t ovor tuna - o). Both the held* Asa groom Wel 1*14 so tor a week after W. gt Iwo* with thom,0Lobietto n•cog. moot Obisirittie Wt. g0 311 *pp*. to me of Shit ertecItst eberiUtid 4 The trititiP-Welle ten 4101. ISO* tliserto get. stmo, 4 Of00,100 lit So* osstkoki,,-14* Tott PON. earth," ' "What's he doing now?" ;diced Mrs. ToggIns... , "Dolt 7 You rementber he .used say that When ho had _itcouniiiife $50,000 he was. ging to 'quit oaving money7-the Aid iskinflinti-and settle • down to the enjoyment of it?" • htett actually done it& it 1YORLWORN MEN 0811 Obtain Now Health and Strength through Dr. Wil - name Pink Pills. +I . Bdgard Martel, 98,St. Peter St', Quebec, is one of the thousands of workingmen throughout Canada who cheerfully admit that they are 'kept in health and strength through the use of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. To o repor. ter who interviewed, him, Mr. Martel said t "The present condition of nay health outrages. strikingly, with what, it was -nine months arm Then I felt that I was almost at ,4„ti,th's door, while now I am strong and well. This happy vintage is entirely clue to Dr. P.nk Pills. TAM a working- • tuatwati,d.lt„,is little wonder that after years ox pungent toil nay system was gracluallY rim down. My blood got as thin as water, and I grim BB poorly that the least exertion would leave me weak and trerat ling. I consulted at doctor, who said that I was run down tan ougli hard work, but his medicine, did not help me any. A few weeks later I was forced to quit work and shortly after that had to remain in bed most of the tithe. One ..day --e. fellow workman called to see ina, and Induced me to try Dr. Williams! Pink Pills. Before the secondlaint was fin- ished I had a better appetite and relish- ed my meels, and with tha came new strength. In a few weeka I ;vas able to go out again, and about biz w,3eks from the time I began using the pills I was able to return to work, my health completely reetored andmystrength as vigorous Ai} ever it had been. I at, tribute nay complete recovery entirely to Dr, Williams: Pink • and think everyhard-wrirking man would be better for using ar'box of these piths occasionally, • Mr. Martere advice should be taken by every workingman. The only way to have health and strength is to keep the blood rich and pure and the only way to get rich,. strength -producing . blood is through the use of Dr. Will,. lams .Pink Pllh, because they actually Make new blood. Dr. 'Williams! Ptak Pilla. make tired, worn out Mee • and women vigorous and strong: sou by all mediczne dealers', or sent by: mail at 50 cents a, box or six boareefor $U% by Writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Addiiionat County News- • ' An unique and pleasant event was. celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm, Anderson,' of the B, Mee, Turnberry„ on Thursday' last, •when a large number of their relatiVein friends andneighborte gathered to join with theta* celebrating their golden. wedding, Just fifty years ago in Dumfriesiiire„ Scotland, were. spoken the word@ which Made thie now yen- . era,ble couple man and wife. They at once set sad for Canada„ 'the journeY taking nearlynine weeks. They have • been . highly • resPeeted residents • of Turnhrry_liariave_Mlet forty_ae. years, having' 'boated here when the' Owe Wall a dense forest. • : The, great Stephenson family re union oaf 1805 :has passed into history and the gathering on June; 7th at the home of Ralph .Stephenson, Goshen.' line Stanley, will long be remembered. The. weather was unfavorale for•an outside assembly, so -the largeLberit Wag prepared and tables Waded With geed thtiage such as no others know better.how to prepareMembers of She family were present from various parts. of Canada and the United State& and letters of • regret were rteceiived from. several unable to attend. The Record dates back to 1830 mid covers& period of 75 yearei There were born to Mr:, and Mrs Stephenson ten child rem To•these were born 67;: Thirty- eight were united in.n.arriage„ making. a total 182; Twenty three h, aye been rizanoved by death, leaving a present total 01159. • Since last year's. gather- ing there has been one marriage, four births and one death. . A, Mangier of the friendsof Mr. and Mrs. Ohas: Mason, Tuckersraith wait- ed on them' at the Disk 'House Sea - forth, where they ate staying, on 4 Wed- nesday evening; and presented them with a • kindly; and complimentary worded address acconapanied by .a handsome gold watch and chain to each, as mementoes of the affection and esteem in whicla they are held. Inr. Mason and fetidly are removing to Manitoba where he has already two sons. Mn. Mason has been a proinin- ent figure in this county for over forty- years and few men are more widely Or better known. • He was among the first to engage in the Im- porting Of Clydesdale stallions from the old country and • he has brought into the country- Many valuable ani- mate and the renown the Celerity of tiuron has attained as a horse pro- ducing county is very largely due M the enterprise of Mr. Mason and a few 'others like him. • News Notes • • Winnipeg'e pepuption 10 nearly 100,000, London tiberals will build‘a, new club honse. A - Byron Davis, Youth of Boorraitint ille, was, drowned while swimming, George Vithite foirtity, three yeare a reetident of Itanititor4, le dead aged 70' ?Jr, and Mrs, ,7407040 Pringle, of Stratford, celebrated their golden • wedding. 8, R.-White,a, *mu of Lake- • field committed, suicide- by talcibg strychnine. The 0( P. R. estimates Oanadais wheat yield this harvest se/ be Ina. 000,900 bushels. • Bernice Smith, seven-year-old son of .liones Smith, BoWManvilic;, was droWneci in the lake, The worst june snowstorm is berta'S history passed over Calgary section yesterday, buses and stoma • were flooded, The • Canadian- Australian . liner Aerallgi, when 1,000 miles off Oaltforn- le,. noticed the aceen change to a dirty brown. 4. submarine earth - 'quake suppoted to be the cause. How are all. at home Buy a botHe of Painkiller to -clay and you will be in- cureclagainstcholera 'umlaut], diarrhoea and kindred troubles, -The old reliable Perry Davis Pai•nkilier is sold by alt. dealers in 25c Ault 50e. bottle& " The General AsseMlaiy of the Pres- byterian church in Canada very wisely refused to consider. Autononiy Bill resolutiorn, and is to taci• commended. CI Abu Eli "I" e=e WI, X Rao the Theafezi;iriyou..12L.....ileays 13oue • liegliatare 1.4tete of It transpires that Mr, Smith polled nearly WO more votes in North Oxford than Ron. Ames Sutherland.. The polling of ;the Oonservative vote accauntsfor the change in majority, A. DEAD TIRED FEELING •And utter weariness are due to the blood being weakened through faulty action of the kidneys and liver.. It's a surplus of energy, lots of red vitalizing blood you need itndib can be • acquired quickla-hritlitiorriferrozonerthe4rea&•_, eststrengtheniog tonic made: "Mattson - ie equals Ferrozone," writes H. E. Jen Mims of Westport.. "Last spring I Iwas tieed and depressed, had backache and lacked strength. Ferrozone soon brought me to. good health and made me well." Prire 50c. • • • 1. 'Value or Newspaper Om,. * Advertising by • um of plaoarda; posters and similiar means has. its ad- vantages, butit has been demoristrat- eyondenture that .the expenditure tlyit lairitWalte-testrand- most lasting • results comes through the medium of the daily newspaper. . There is a freshness about thenews- paper that cannot be found in. the poster or dodger, while tin, daily appearance of. the advertisment; to with the, features of the daily journal,. impress the readers: as other forms of advertising cannot. That this view of the value of space in the newspaper is correct is shown by the liberal ase oftbe daily jeurnals• by all of the Successful merchants, who centred for large apace and ex- pend many hundreds 'of dollars in this meditun. Everybody read; the papers, and that is the secret of the. use of their columnsby men who wish to sell their goode.. hester (Pa.) Times TONSILITIS IS (oLottrd AROUND And everybodyis wondering what to doHere is a. simple cure. Use a gargle of Nerviline and ovateras recom- mendedin the ffinectiOnsand ruby_our throat and cheat vigorously With. Ner. viline. This has. been tested and prayed stiecessful a thousand times. Nerviline ilE4 a. specific for tonsilitis,a,nd in fact we know ofaiethinghalf so good for break- ing upcolds, curing tight chest and muscular pains. TO a bottled Nervi - line price 25e. • • Nicholas Foster Sr. of Zurich is able to be around again. after his severe illness, • Stricken With. Pneurrioilia, almost peady o �I� -Sloss° WI, Douglass ef Woodbridge Was Saved bY . , .F Tx o ,z„ o n. et 'For the benefit of others," writes ' Mr. Douglass, "I desire to state the re- sults I derived froin the use of burro- Asonei_Two years age I Was stricken with Mintitnonia. So severe Was the attack and so reduced wasmy strength that my life was detpaired of. I had the very best medicalattention, but made no progress towards recovery. When reduced to practicallyarikeletott kitid frieral told me of the remarkable powers of Ferrozone. An improve - merit began almost at -ones, 1 gained steadily in weight and Stret gth until Ferrozone made me a DOW mart. I will gladly answer efuntiries from other sufferers if they care to have fOrther particuitits Omitting ree,overy, Ferrozone #eservee its great 'Memel* of success, . • This is but One of the many cases Shat are beiiiir eured every day by Ferrozone. No treatment was ever known to Supply a weak eystera so • quickly with strength and energy. No twit; does its work so thoroughly., It is a Specific- for tiredness, latigtnir, lees' cif appetite, weakness after fevers, and all -debilitating diseases. Ferrozone makes you strong and keepsyou strong -in a word, it assures hettith and costs - but. 6oe. a box, or Sit boxes for $2 50. • at any drug. store. By mail from The Ferrozone company, Kingstorie, Ont. Out a supply torpedo as hien recently tx014 the after starboard tube of the der ship Wise's:mita et the Asiatic ague& ron, it went straight until atithin a hundred yards from the ship, when it dived and buried itself in the mud. • Until the Propellers stopped, lt-ereitted a black whirlpool where it was bur- rowing hit° the bottom.. 4 .buoy was drooped, and native diverts Ware dla, patched to the eeene. Seine hours later the torpedo was locaied and returned to the ship. The tail 01 the little de- ritreyee_yrati burled six •tedt, beneath the mid; and it was a dlineuit -teak tor the diver to maks a line fast to it. amoimaimmmi...1.4•••••••••••••••••10 mu is so Nam so mos mil s The New Era is a.dmittedly one of the beg papers in Huron. - Jt gives a large amount of fresh home news every vveek, and pays especial attention 50 Clinton and vicinity; If you are not a subscriber ,you should be and as an incluceme-nt • we offer it to the end of the year, to new subscrib- ers, for' SU cash 40001011imisinm, All those Suffering with. Bolls, Scrofula, Eenerna will sod Oiler s. and orate invaluable to cleanse the blood Darla Lawrence Co, Ltd., Montreal. Paper Hanging 45, Painting • The undereigeed are prepared to do pa, per.henying and ham paintine of an kinda. Satiofootory work guaranteed. Primo reasonable. Furniture cleaned and re -finished. All cisme of houee-cleaning promptly attended to. FRED. BROWN.. • ' %HOS. GEBAtts. Orders con be lett with J,W. Irwin, grocer POSTS. ' • • • I • Wehave an imlimited flambee of good sound, high -led Cedar Poste -4,5.6,7 an 8 inoh tops -which We gen at prices obt ilioteet with their quality' ' • . HEMLOCK Also to, large efook of Ilemlook which * eat to- fillany bill, Ir yeti want Coda Poets or Hemlock truniber it will pay to te givens a Call, . • : ' ALEX, BlIJSTARD & Sous Sayfield. SECIllifilES FOR SALE .-- mortgages et $2,000, upOn farm lando worth $4,500; intereet 4% yearly; mortgege dos 7 years hewn, . ,einodLcs okoa-fn 65%AlbspOoriairicthiiiiinint,101VrlyallianonB,14idlidettig Stock- 65 shares Colonel /investment * Lean Co., diVidanida of 6%, paid half ' "yeatly. Theoe are offered for tile. Partioulave omisillytoetbe,husdafirto.trat 1W90.6.BOYDONE. Bolide* for the holder, , . 3,^ • NOW GM" IIISRASEN 'START ^^^. • ao , People with Weak Stomachs la a ponti4nal Sta4..e of Danzer Nearly all diens@ genets i'bat iii 4 i ache, variable appetite, nausea,`gnitvr. 1:14tglietTeuatirin wtheebta°1111:11340irne:Ibt4;11g7.illhlek:ispiiiee and gexieral debility-. it showe' at the pit of the stow oh, $4110W heartburn furred toneue steel). our food and drink, digest, they will contairf a sour, s imp Melt _ 1 ' ' that the stomach bas beers overworked If the stomach and digeetire orgains and weakened. A. CO3 box of Till -a -us, be weak, so that food does not readily tablets wilt give quick and speedy re- , ttelermelreizigneortinit'elwroste8ggirtw,aanniciasepareasli*Dttliforer et; ;e4eittilter*V6Pru.gRjiesktsielni °OttientQufn,illtn° szuh:spwt .. yoa the strong guarantee under which lf you stiffer With headac**, back, he- sells ,l'ill,o-,nit . -CERIUMEATIMIT R. rishoolfh, 44: Son, • ' We thank, our cuateesers for their generatirepationtem in the past, and desire to noddy thern that We have n3Ored to the Combe 'Bloc14,• where Wie have much more room thaw focanerly. •The -very 'Choicest Iresh. and cured Meatsi kept, in stOck. Alh orders will receive' ProMait • and careful attention' Son, Telephone 76, s Csttoi Root Compost* • atu tapdonatafluVerortibiksimor aveniaaseptirrealle theontgeere torooftinmettwoutsi. relealarivemsop strength. No. 1 aZiAtt PorinedigesPecNiltia:r-p7i;e4113117°oidanar:911.11-9117 fs br far the beets OW pdoriingarff?re 1...711412 gtnandMatariea:;:tilirnt Dean: going COMpanyy en demerits -fa the , win,aseal, Qiii No. 1 and No.2 are sold in •Olinton H, 11. Qombe, J. Hovey and! 111 Watts. Druggists, • a•-• aolf • HAMILTON MONTREAL NE-- .00A1,:,.€0A1, COAL, Before placing your or - dere for your season's supply or .Coai, get our . prices, nw very best goods afriedi- in stock - and 'sold, aitethe lowest .vosaible Orders may be left at Davis & • Rovidancl's •ilarciware Store or with it J. STEWED . At Electric 'Agin Plant e VV4y2 to Judge the all-round} good quali-, ties Of our .Groceries). is ' by comparison,' Go 0.17y- '-where---look-everywh-ere: then come back; and if;we can't wove' superiority in price, quality and fresk- - ness) don't - • • • Steamers leaye Hamilton .11 itaon Toronto 7.30 p., M.. Tuesdays,. Mar• s. days, and Saturdays.: Bay of QUInte ports,, Mont - r andkatermediate ports • . Lew . erttras on above Toronto 'Montreal Line ; Steamers leave Toronto ap.m. daily except Sundays; frera July 150 daily Rochester,, 't000lslancis,. Rap, Montreal,; .quehec,.-Mur- ray Bay;, Tadousac,, Saguen- ay River. . For ticitsts apply to 1. R faikleeNs,.. Or W. Jagli_a$ or vrrite B. FOSTRR CRAPPI01, • 7WesteTn '1Faeeenger Agent, TOROk.ITC Here are fitur Leaders that are brin in • us new customers e e r'y day.. Satisfitcl cui1i3Mer$ Are' our b• est. advertisetnents • Piave you: testedf,? , ogilvies -Royal Ifeu;eehold • A, Flour- 1tie the best made in . •• Canada... • • • • 2. Epicure Brealstatet Bacon-- . It is really beautikal nreat. - a. Rogg Crown Settee: .---just AS good as other Soaps and • • meek oheaper. • . • 4, Grand Mogul :lea -- For strengtlrahd purity of flavor it stands alone, . • ; kooviAfrogoo BeatQri :Huron. Clinton. Phone. rir . . . N.B. If you get it a •Reaton's •it's GtOOD, Do you want a paper that week in* and week out gitres you the, home news; a paper that gives you news you never See in a city daily; a paper that is closely packed every week witk all that is of interest; a paper that spares no pains 4r la66r to record the weekly ev.ents Of interestin its own locality. If you 6 • want a paper of this kind, you Should take • C Ciiiii011 NC If you are not already a subscrile:, we would like you to:be. If you have friends who are interested in what goes on in. this vicinity, youcannot keep them posted better than by sending them the NW ERA. It's better than half -a -dozen letters. We Will send it to any addresS in Canada or the States, for 50 cents cash, from now t( tit Jan. xgo6 • ;DDT. HOLMES, Clinton klaiNDSOf