HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-23, Page 2�% - ": - , - - ,^ %, r ­ .1 ­ - --V , r . T, V I ­ TIFIV"aww"', I I � - , � � . I 4t . . . . * - , � .� . . . . . ... , I 11 I � �, r . . I I .; . . � . .. . . 0 .'. - 2 . I I I � I I � . ME , e � . . . - � TIM CLINTON �NZW JUBA, of a fallinir body anv.hl . . . I � , V. 115� 191�`11TI,­, . -.70 - --WT, �,� , �, 0 , . I * 10,04" . . . , . I . . I � . .. I . . . . � I I It 1. \ , . ; 11 I I . � � � . I . . . � . I .1 � . I !!!� I - . -TUA0 28ta, 190 . 11. . . 1 �� .. . �� .. 11 I often succeeding second, -� I I . . . . . . "I �7­ . 1. - I- ­ �� . - - - "I'll . --- -- I . . US_ ... ,P. 11 I � . I . � t I .1 1 - The . ­ I 11 .1 -Important V4100 GnardiVaSe. : , , I . . .. I M�!�!! - . ormitrie"CY Of 4 corapoand will . I . � . . I ­­ ­ ­ - . 1-W ^. . deponToutheStAte of that subatAnce,la 3P , , ,- For , , I . I I � . . I . . I Gsideotenely -A cattle gual'4 Case, of y­ital interest : � I - FANNIE., M.. I . I ­ ­... � i -LOT,HROP - 4 lnJ It's Chemical combin, ro everyfarruer . "­� . PRORSSIONAL. . � I i 1. ­­­­ ­ T power WI 6POIld on the volume . in Ontario, 0 C4 �' �R­ I— , �. ­ -.­� - I . P r Barrie Tueeday, With J poned at Rouge and J )lore Of Inno ..�.�, ... ­ ,,Ana ,pxt,oh­,,af I Z446,00d: Out- = --- ---1 ­ .- m. , -Ats­Xk1d4out,,f : amos Andel`4 -40; OF. Purou*xep,.w1sbjnR ., ., �... . - - .�v . . , orce"'. It$ � 11 $ 000, -is ur .q,,�."i;.g � Chemical. alunitips On tile pitch I Ne -Ar - , 4 'X'Owr1sbiP farmeri as, .qoqlg buy lqqbjujug, j0S11T . , , more laud ." !W,:, ..:, .� ffi-.11,1.111.1.�� W.-��.,,­..,:��.g�r, of its, I ' _T,& rZA N "IKNRY 4311ATT119. �t .. I , . - z11 -t. ,way 004an, . I I I . -PillintiZ, Und too Grand- q'r0nk.,1*aII,,, -of - , -­ (8410"Noor to 3wr 444 Scott, � , ", = ., . , MIN resident force, becati ­­­ .".". ­ , " - - , blintoM. � ­ - -0,44RISTgn, Sou am. : 1 11 , ; . se every instru, .. I'll, � ----- ---- YAS defendant. .1 I . An � ., 11 ­­� , ", - went woulda,liko respond to each oth- W- - ' - ' ' U too law is gel�er - � " .1 - �.. I I . ", , 1. �, ,.:..,. � '. I f.r,w.hen played, wirelests telegraph Tote sure, YoU.9re grg ! J . ally uoderstood�, - , - 11 ­ I . ­ 01TO40 . . , , -qa@ I � wing � 14 railway Coro � I . OMNWO. - � � , -." I _ . il -for Sale J : ".. I 1. 44-i'funleors, tuned to the �salue ke an.v-Js responsible- fox, ; House . 11 .. .\. ­­. - 7,1 old. But why lot Ft I . . . . . . . .,. ; 11� ... A respond. No substances b I . everybody all animals k I ­ ­ V., � I � . C, 1, * oftioe-AluotoBlook . . 0000P10 * � . I I OF mir Mott. .­ : . 1� 1.1-:;1", 0110 --" ­ Too I 1. '. I ffil .1 'N�d;­ i'11--,.',."��..,.,..... _ avlbgsl: , . rmorlr a I . ,�.?, i", mi, Aeos it can prove that fi'anlinals, 0o . 1:,,.,-�, , � . � i0 - . .� ... ..... . ,"lar intensities Of Xeisidaint force, will see I4 111. your ,,gray #jwlv,r were all ea to get on the railway ROOMS, with Woodshed I I . 1 '.7 , ", ro,T . OW and stable, ]KONOW To ILT011a - . ; . N. ".Z .. `PWA : Ond. he -active age . q Keep your hair dark. i1nd rich Property througli,, _ "s""n 11 11 water, f note of land., can, . . ,, . ".... I - I Z'4' I.. - . " - -­,,.- - " .. " VIVIlt2r. the negligence of $rally 1010414clifor partioulare apply to . . ...��­ ".. t Ire ;o'�'� e"r' i Q� At, aria -bas and P96foone age. It you will toe . . � W- OUTID . 1. 'Ir" e �� . _ become resident in mat� I On the 29th of Sep I W,BRYPON9. �aAllRIFjTBR Soy � Aq , 1 I ' I I '. . ,'..: � :... , �;_ :-.,�.' 0 11 per, I ban energy beconles resident 0 I tember'last, three ' ,,10IT0A I I , .- . 0 Catt OT" X. ---� " . ... , I. '. t­�,-tiir i ma ­.... . W11 -11T. SOMMIM I - tT;( , 0 volonging to J4 a , . ­ . - ... ! . 1, .. " .1.1 11--l'. I"'N"' �p - Ali mat er it always tends to arrange I,, I . i.. House to, Re ' ' ' -7 - ., . � . �-�.�.*,',',-�,,�,.', �`,,�`,� :-i, . 1 .Anderson, � . FU01, .go of t, e To%j l4bbip of at . I ­ .. ­­- :,.:.,::: MltO ;1OF,!jo. . I— 0 : I Z4 ." ­­', 0 ,,;-s 'County, Were Klilea by it .(41-ank frul)k , A, go d ; -- ­"— 1 , , , - too PapticlQP in Symmetrical forms, "Mooto 8, '... 4 .. �.� I . . " Oar, is, in Crystalai the form and size .r � I I ".-1`.0`�*X".--: , f . . I . . 9 *01zell and comfortable house 0 .�. -�..":`.,�,, ..: I fl, al V -.-.11:-1 .. . ... 0 crystal do I .. train. It. appears ,.nat Zor a , l .."". � ,�.- , i ,tendin_g an thestrength , plop to the week t�pebaer tit., with half a 13 RIPOUTA HALIZ " � ��,.,,-` ..1.:-, ­­­' and pitch of f ( I Cuing force. -too \ accident, ,a aore.-Og lead . . . . .. ­. " L I -kept his Air Andes"On kinds of f,ult, hard and sorq w%tqr, stab 11 1 - , �N stallization, fo" ergs to aci fro ad CAttle in PA yard which 10, , C0WM'VANC=9, COXXXBRIONIpift, . .1 1. 9 , a I I -�.i,,.,:A, rY� 0111y Use, Ayer's Hair Vigor, L '. - ree me .your . gray � . I I � , '. .. bentr - Substances 41W li)jr *ill Soon h Wftfil surrounded by it subet P, KOINTYRn, . , I Apply to J. Stapleton. . . I".., . � ­ ­ ,�. L antiftl and 1, . ... IL I . . . I:!, " .. ". - ­ I—_ ayo the . ReSIZatate, and ..... I .. 11.1.1 �- �, I------- . . - power to t .1 -1 ­-­ , � I Ays -, ,� SVe lawful fOncO-- In go far as he"knew, 1.11 . Insuratico Agent -: � . W. -p :14. eceA!ve more one , -y - 77011 --the. -der,0§­r1ch­ .thecattle had , , . I V ro loan I . g I thw � c9lQr-, - ,never got,out . AM9110. � : , initial quRntlt�r. This euergy1s.knowo- ,. 013 the , . I . ..-'%,.,-,,r",--.- �::�--'. . _ -.. - ­­ -20th -Qy­--8 -t4uylb - Sale. - , - - I . , . . . . . ,.� Youth- Sold for 6Q yea , , roaa. of tUe' -.-.,.:Lpor 0-0B, IIA�a, $ .. � .1 `- ". k�* " ?.1 S I TO us as latent ls!�,%p, or magnetism. , rs I � ...... ­­_ ­­­­ . . I . I . �,�:�'. - about four oiclook in tha Inording 31r' ­­­­­ � I I I I— . -; ­ . . .— . .I. - , K. I 'Rho CdA]P&pAt;vq ability I q6. I I -­ 010. 60 na Clinton Ut Well Engine, ond Boller, — , , -TOR$ REDQUT ' ­ ­ n � ", 11�-`--`-, '. I Ot =101c,flo, lFrP Anderson, Was Awakened by -- ,�-Iqv Ng. G4 - I` � .. - I "..... � so , BOY head a XI oJ141- And r bay*, . 11, ,.i � I ... ..:� '..� ,i�.` Stano* to recel" energy'is I 6 I eci CL. ( a r which is,,* . � I CAMUR014 � L, .1� X �' . heat, The p ­­­ ­­KyQne-wJM000q4lt Andnota, Ion foreman &I power, (Liolale & � . I 11 .";f,, ':' ....�- I 1� U . nother cinploye 0 moullilooll to I , . . OWRr Of ii, substa c6 0 re' - 0", ­jy,­ IL p Ill 4 ruk P') ')Qrrloz on"thsr articles therein irmorly or6n,b Bolt * Cameron I <::, d ' 'C - I r-�,�--`i . L , R,duebso yet's ITOtrylgi.11 the Grand 7� unk who info L 1, . 8, R. ,&XATIS, Ase4341a Inn. , - .. rmed hi xg cei vo )atent,heat -depends very I . I'L itlif . Apply to JOHN XQUAR A. , I : ,: " � ,-�; - argely . . I BARRIsivir AN') $0.Lionoft, . �4.* 011.00 a bottle. . .it his Cattle v . � E."::` 011'the Solidi-41'qtIld I L , Airxilpo,,, had got u on . I � I .1 � III"*, 2 ate bf ITU14 'k, ' miltOn at OPPOSIte Colborne lioo, . , . , IN: .. .1 , I., ..., . . 01% gaseous at, 11 druggigis. 11;- Nala _ap ' . I . "I that subst4nee, Tbus 0 _.d that t,h,rCQ.Qf­.tbe ' 'L so Lkill, -------� 0111 , MORMONS , ad be .,,- Tread Pow I ­-­. -L ­G0])RR1OIT. . . � - I 11ONT-1-1.1 - m ­�,:,- -,,-, -L-� can receive $0 calories or heat, but the ,a ,- ", Ander _ 00's house iu- IrItlate - ' L 0"a ­­ I— I I .- , ... 1- 1� no gra;li Of ice .. ­ I I & U ,- , ­ t, "I. -NI"... .1 - , I K l-,"I.i. ., .� �-�,.--�-. f6e " Vr for. ftllk - I . .. . �-�.�<..�-'4: 0..S.1:;.�. - . I 1, , I � . .. - -.,.'.M ... - ­ .becomes ffqnid, OlIeLg, � e '.about half a Ile froin t a tra -,' ' . . u'bsQrJber offers -- . . . . . � . . L. I I --gg'a- wa,ter can. if . With the raaw.ay men lii� -went. up. S � a X-AC0.4jureeir, UATS & . ­': �.,....:�..:�";r�:;;&-'.�;,�l:- � .�..,..�V....�.I."..'.?,.'.,�*:�i ceiveL-587 calories, � I Whlote4fl� � ��' gic a two'boreat RLAIWI� 1. - T,.. 11 �iafl�,;N�� -� .:.. but then becomes a, to the scene of the accident, 1 1 1, . 1. .11 . . . . . . , I 'or On' :: .::. oidpo.�.ver I �';.-. I ....... .. I- .. . � L , 412-900d VVOrking Order, Will 'Barristers, Saw . that one COW ban, begn Uille till loun(l I my , . . -- . d -on- til d '1=1- 11, :.....r!.'.,-,::.:� �:, 'rhilWay prop _ yard' '00 61 IOU Tit Clintron P" Op � lowest rates, nd& to lQa7l'W L --rr , '- I ­ 0`, ..:,�Ii.,�:­ . ; steanI ;L what, -I& UX-power.of- * I . I . . "I .- .1 . e t7'e'sa a fo jukiz` 'B- 141M)SAY, 0121ces,-on the Sigar publi lix 1, li`og"H'"' - ,,,nd poo.rlrorri , I . receive latent heat before becow J _ I ; lois. Notart" . erty� abolit 120 a Horan Road I . . .. I &O P Or what the ower OUR to re- . , ton St.# Goderloh, _jr "to ;�.;� . - . 11 : . '��- from the crossin4. on tile . . .. - , , " ceive energy before taves of which . othe side " , '. W. PRO , .. - I , ­- . . Coming ether F. Our senses tell 110 littl I 'MIOOOT, X C-, A. C. RATS, Q., I UL1. at the rail- . � - - Tnxr .. ". - I L 'In these, 86 Octaves nature has iion� Way fence and cattle guard, were two I r .Fo Sale , —1 ............ ��,, ,�� ��,.�� e 1,00000, . HOW was the solid universe builded? of the crossing, close agaip r FarM to. Rent 0 '- , .. I . ;,1. 81W THOMAIS LIPTON. . . . ,. I.The first Power of energ has -resulted I mast of her b ild' - , ,; I .. r I L. ,� . . . . I in .the product . In, lnq.' Thiaji5tbor�al . . . .,,,'.- 'a - L5 the r� I \ot)ierd(§ad anini-ale, .1 .1 " The I'llerchant Prince of Englan ,� I ion - of t .a elements to Of construction, - 'L ; It is claimed that - .. . Medt'Ea. . . � I �'. 4 - t thdir damps. The I his is the sllent� Oere Were indications that the Tafter, - ,L,A-1s,'0oA.'4 Rullett, 100 80foh, near. . I .. 11 '. . L. quality of each ele. field in Whi011-the infinite builder has tW9 head were struck on the same side " ' . . L .' . ­ ly All under Cal I Ors, G.Unn & Gunn.. 1�111" I The first time that pir Thomas Lipton came to Ame �lea was in' 1865 as merit Is deter UldAhe SOIR foundations ' tivAtiOn, .-Terms liberjkl - . . . a stowaway in an old-faslif - y mined 'by the pitch. and I �.", L, volume of energ.y.At work I L . ,,'�;,'� , oned little tramp steamer, and when the- I Of nature, -Of t1ke crossing that', the first -named ; Apply t I): ­ . , . n, buildin I a - - W. W. FAIRRAN ' ,,, W, Gunn. L. It, 40, 0.0 Z IM 0 a rAlit, I meared port he was busily engaged in shoveling coal into the fu ' .vessel In,the 40th octave we have lig�t, and one,NV,aB killed, Thej,e ,vag no a, Clinton, Xarob 22nd, 1905% . J.'sJobet Gunn. X, R,;6. ;, 'i 1* � 3atest time was in 1903, when a whole nation held him in The energ neut., the ,oh, tie -to get upon *tho W";ILT*'ay I . . � I . No. it, V., P., � Xondon. - "1914,4111 .�, . .�7 rnaces, , .it frbin matter. Ibns of - g beyon& this electriei�y,. and beyo�nd for J . , .. * I L' Qffioe- Ontario Street Clinton. , zil . I . . � li, honor as a valiant r-tilze aacb other, .this again natub,oe begins building anew-. propeM�� bit ,ossing the' , Irolltdoorof ofiloi Orlpe idence'. 99t C 1jamil ., �. and true sportsman, making his third brave but vain attempt to t Itate of L , �­ . . Tbe-at . . i — it 4 ­ , . .� I h were of the ' r Sale, . 11 0 kmu,y� , 't�,L� . a On his.steamer. . slat varlefy.. . . . . .. Stmet. .1 I . I . ,:L . , e is deter- 31--i Ande . � i- . . . . 1. . son sued'Ahe: conipany in Frame House I . I . . . . Y, L i5lvlsio i son kii , "�J I -three boats--��telac . by the - the' building conscious Of life, and fiball -they be. tb e u , n good. loostio W. L, . 11 "Erin," surrounded by his fleet .of thirty itne and in. that'stage I Olnic Weight .'of, a subst. .but this. time t e - buildings -are alivei guar4s, %4!c. � HoUse to * .j - top 15ack to England, On this occasion he lived like a prin ake a'silver � equilib"'lurn beco�ie atomb - L , , , %. L b by .cl cattle ", " mers, *houseboats'. � mined the houses become . . barges, tugs, cruisers, steam 19,unches, gigs, pitch of L t,;... Jolly -boats and dlftgles�-main, ,fti)�rep the Atomic volume by the quan.- corneself.eqns I rt of OvilliA On theM ,R -on Rag. . : �.. . - . . . , ­.. gfL Claus and think. ' � � of t . �13t,, one block from U011881001natitate. . 14 , ­ tained at his expense and manned by over two hundred men. . , � I . . I Watfor-bOUdd.tagetherto m,k - . If this pr,n L '�' I lin I DR. d, W- SHA . �':,L, . . r1he vhliiO of the one There nroseveri r .� . .. . " . I I �to e oiPle Of Octaves is true; -A 00. Ted X. killed on the I 0000, Eitelien, woodshed ' '� � PH18101AN SORGRON . .. . , . . \ . 'P- it- tarlo at,. 0aite 'fo - � -up variety t fall ,rty. . - : A�rcuaheur t .. 1,� ... Sir Thomas was born in Ireland, but spent his early I � 1-1111t molecule.' This is Why the explains and Answers the -� question L(.f.'propL , Ned , ' way LL�;!: �' 2ils education was a hurried, unconventional years- In SeotlandL; _ Weigh wic pai�x and, stable', one a.cro of land and fifty fru 0 0- OMOO and, - roddenee or*, ' , 1 .. ­ . , I '­ . I ..,!� . I and at fifteen, in WRAT 61ft il ',:1 . �L: , � I reeso. � Apply . TinglJob'di.461a rl* .,7 1 . cremses. It'ls,a na WhencO, Comes -Life p., It � � 4. 4CCEms. , I , to H- CANTE-LOIJ., . 41113ted by I 0 rwo I I I from home, smuggled himself I , a as the atomic vain 6 in.. ancient and modern.' philosophy, r I A t . 0 L . �111. - . , ,L'N� . - with rosy dreams, lid ran awAy , picked nto a steam tl1r&1 sequence. - r 17D6 a. P-ROOP . , ., : -1. .11M.Appleton, Clinton ont. � -�.�, . - , , ,:f� " F . . . V . L . . I I'L, . I ave , vt% � let" g L I ..... 1. . 09'.W. THOMPS'DIV. . '., L New Orleans,, oan-. the gaive. Mr Anderson N I . , 'ORO . L. ,,� sub., be Inanimate to'tb,o An i-: .. The Illimy g , L . . L and 6ame to New York. His eight dollars did'not last long, and after war er - '. Energy bbe0mes resident 'in bridge from t Kives, * U NEOtkOENCE, . - % . �, L I a I ranting - , i.-. � ght Care, L 1 $551 din) es, but the :- ., . I ­ ., . '. - PhFalciani Su I :.. " � . dent energy'is knowA BetWeen the mud .and, waterdUlbe Division Cour . . . _rgeon; Etc. . 4 . . I . . . I � r Ing a day-by-day living as best he could, and waJi.; ion, adhesion, gi,avit I to' U, as cohes- River NU� and the Lotus of 100 I 4Vem. I . t ralite it ,ew-trial on "41A, the far-Weet,, How special attention givon to diseases . I vassing for a crayon portrait concern, stealing rides on frel "d.. I . 'Sale �: � '1,p In the rfee fields of South Carolina, driving a street car Ili, king, stances is tbs� are formed; This res' Inate,,frorn the X-Ot-a-live to � . Lands for . 11 y. , I ��­'­.d. went back -two years'later to G14890 Enero is not bat 1.6 L e thul'Ou"d that the ver, f . Ard, Aeon., Ini. . �_- We, Rbj� Th7rost and Nose. 01tils. - I . - ". ,�­ ­.­­­- . 'E�IAXX -Qf..PUr9e but kichAn.experienco. - -- .- -": ­­ ­­­­.­­_­ . , . Wi expendeJ,bv :'holding &tOm8 together that 91-6ws b 'Its banks. - ' , ,cattle ogot Out of the t that'the PrOVed farms for sale .at '$ . . rid . I . I I , ... -­­ -tO4"Tnn�rw�0. . I I � . . ot,b' ..14 Per am . . .. . � - Iiiija f $6 " I L ��;,,, :, The prodigal was received with open arms, and with -- ---*-'Ou"e,-9,--�-bllf,-48-couserved- ' - If 11, thin An �v b i or forms �vithonb, builc . Office a Residence- I . �1. " ­ -ey - ' I AX , s owed . .. .tied a little meat and provision store. He I Z100 -of his father's ,ralh .. --. ­ �Qbjtlo4isjt�& ne I ence o , � rom . ' %'�­., vavlpgs�'be One at. er beeause - it b see, no reason for a' - Ui- n - . I d 014- e"orej­gOCd­-­Iond­ to Albert Strectj jno . � . � I .1 � 111":�, 'its " entqred:'katatic - break in thegreat son. . t tie . frotir-mis--jor,gi _ - ,.., id'cas, v.ZJ.i­! ��, ntroduced 'Alfi4lean, Land 1. . , mil . . -- � eks North ormt, � ". .,. .1, t, L 9 in eqnilibiqurn. . Alfthe , chain of results coming from h a as es.'frow town. ..I �ftiV �%. . - -Z 11,11c--4, V C -- " ­­ ,-�'-,�,:-,I'�!;:C:l 40 ji-�, , ** f . L -t e one' M y. 4th I FArS .paid to. pattesi __ I - � ,;. ­ ­ ,. , , *,.,.----.--:7, . e tin of the 0 e o ,., I limit of his Inie . -1, �: Oree . I L tile I sa h i ­ -. 7investing. `.W, P, CR1() ­ . . ��.,� . . I . . . � 1. In a substancO19 not static. The orgy, nor for ille interyention suited . e judge! o . H,. ReWard, A ..- W. .X"niyAg Smitk X. Ri air.-. . � nulty. One day, seven of the leanest, gatintest , ' causel one - d n the Q . . , ly In the kingdom paraded th * ;, huagriesi me . PI ** ti : . .64 e . I sea. . . . . . I . . ­ . '.. a -gap betwe � . . " . -­� - , PHYSICIAN & GEON. , - I � 11 I I e towu In Indian f A energy-WhIch is bOt utilized to hold .Ofanew6au§e. Therels�6t,so wide I giolibel. - , '. �' . Ile, bearing On their backa.the . . . . . . . . SUR . I I I legend: "We are going to Lipton's.11 Next day, s6van of the fattest ,tfi(i 0artibled.. of In ttter together may L en Blectricity and Life �w - lence.showed ihat* *the cattle. I I . III . -maip sires I ­ ..'�L coll . . do butside;ivork, As. '-es- between� Somill and Light.. ... .. The eviii ' I .. To Re' t' - - ." OvIrIun L I �111,` Id be found, walked the streets proclaiming in large lett' -men that bp, UsOd to � - .\ . � , ­ . , . � tensi6n or - I isting I :1 had, broken t I . . I . ,. . . . L - . k. Dayfield, ".i: ers,:- "We have � - Pressure, The force use,J to . If I -believe I - , � hi�ougb the gat � . . . 1. L 1. formoriv , � . in a ersont I a , — . .. .. . , . . e, a a by D' ., been to Lipton's.11 Meanwhile, the proprietor slePtunder the -counter. . � - . - sustairfa Wei&bt or, resis' see no reason 7by is p. an. should I)e I 6 t*, 0.11 I e leading , . \Th,:brick Of IsnaL, . . a L Upl. a r. Pallisteri., ; .- . I i ��;��,,'. . . Ll Creator -T to the road by knocking off t Ile, boards 04898 And 20 acris ' � ­ . . . 1 1,'.,Z,: This little shop In High street was the ' * ' .t a pressure is, 9 . ] list south of ("'Jintorl'. on L I . I I. � I .. . ..... ��'j beginning of Liptonli * - 6 end of.thLe gate. " It, Was. sworn . . Lorld6n.-'Road' , ., 0 1. ­ -� . .500 st6rds' .. ffi-equilibrium, -krelltialized, conserved, ,A -plan coneeiv� tbdL � apd'�!, Pr4serlt.owned by Afro.'risar le.bf. ..D.S - -.-� , � , �;,?�,, throughout England, his fruit farms In Rent, bakeries In Glasgow L. and therafore,is.not ,changed at this pointi' -91a,k, ga the .;�,,.141 the gre�Lj- . te wai alright and I the I I I J I3.­1.1JNDy, tD I , ` �M"?: � his candy manufactory In London, his fruit tree ' , : Energy - has' . ., '­ ,.. .1 . -O. ., ... . . ., f, I eat tea plantations in the world in Ceylon, his curing factories eipended. L' ed -in, wWom and c4itj6d' ol)t in' the.* .cattle seci,,,�'.'r.the-`yardth auice . ",'I . � I ..e .night be.- t9 Bphr&Li S'L Apply. . sso'r to l0`X-. View, ]Dentist. ', , ' , - '- 1','�,� � . . . ., . ... . I :t`,.-1' le�, 'power to produce ' fore the�accident " - , nult.�Cllxtori, orRe X, "- O$TARIO. . ' , - I . In'Liverpool; I mot- . .th bBauty ,Of P61-fection needed no fered 6�rGut OU148onabla term A 9; in -Georgia, and, his ion. .. ,,, - , L . '. .. .. . -to-pred-nee,all-th change .. . .­ .. . , ­ . �Other, . , . 3(otion. is . . . e-:Iivea-ir"he-Wor.lft� -On-beinig-116 , ' * ',-, 'qfield ' *. U'624,tt .- - 0 - � I . L .. Tast Industries, giving employment to ten t .. ,,.W. R , , OLI$TO ,­ : �. , . Of tfilrei,? kitids-L' The simple Principle of'e . - . I n-suItetr;-1,h& plain tiff at.,. I ar . I �� I.. I for their owner a fortune of $50 b0i'04nd people, and having made - - . .1 I . 7311tC. Spr it, � . . . .� '000,000 and ari income Olt IL a straight ]!be Ination'In. I nergy. becoin- once Q01minenced. an a;C.t., . 11 L : I . I I . . I We Open every daky."d nti . . . I . , -­ ........ .. - I . 114151ree-7ffe-jil ,;; . � I I . � � ­=�� , .. I . � j . . . . , I ""","',111111111" , . 'He- gave f25,00,0-- r al AD . I Ing resid . , . . . '69iturclaS evening U . , _ a ii . I in Circle$, and vi in tb I 10 bialoo. , _ , e - . . I I I th - ' - Inute. . . . � ibrant ent in Matter in grand scalti -C - Couj�t for the V e of the . - . . . . �,-­ nner to I c v I , 'OuDtY I& I . .. .:.. 1". . I . .. , , ,11� �, - ,Eon, and his che r -of - Lort- � cil;cular'.1 as .- I � �three battle � ...... ­ , 1�..' ., - I �, . . Fa 1018 -for sai , � . '. . . � -- I , I , ., . Poor "46�tha-j octave su6cee-4 I in- — . I I .. e :1 ." 1. . . L T A L, ., 4., , ck seemed little to him when his eyes filled with tears at tile tholl , It v . cien o, prod, - - . an . . I -"* L, LLL I ._�RRAtEa . . L , � . I . - . 9613 is his Charity . er proilue ' -he revai - aeker-, , DENVIsT - - . i�,.2,`. night of 810,000 Poor people eating as his guests. Not till later did the w rld ', I IleF 'IfF es em -an-' ' cl ace t e worl L A ' *11!,!F --e .,a . I . . � , . . -- ' - Z,,,,�, . . ated froill a ceintre. - ,. . I . � lorces.'and lives. . . . I I . d L. .8 .1361 tL Barrie I T eiday, , .Lx '. 156 '. 4'resia grid �&­ . , . _ _44C).Lp , , . " I .��i� - Aearn that it was his 0 . Energy actii . . . the samb ruling p . is in the .qmil . b &� . I gift; for the Only thing he never adverti ng, .ow inaft A'I - are . On.'H. It. S. -1 : ..� ,. . . , . ;',�t�r, . ,2s p;trts . of, One stupendous. Count I I , Qot S2 and wij ": . . �: . . : �, vibrant roi�c �t 00��.t t L I b If .lot 34). with (Suo6aijer- to j)r: T, C. I .1 1. ,4; - I va . knov 1,41 -bxfte'; , ..", C. Mack, tit the DepaAm to L eUltllre. L . , I - . ', 01 I forces of. riat, . - ... . L V:�,',,,� Xntercd according to Act ofthe Parltment of Canada, in thereu 1004, by W. ­iAlp! .vh .to fts.-ai thcF� -whole,'80und, form, heat ­ iiol !o. T. ode �e Wjll be 'in ' APPeal 111"\141a -r I . . . ,,�,,. 8. elect ty;,: os I.. Mr. Anderson's vase good W7-1khouse,-barn li�ds; stables. etc. . Apetwist In Crown and 13"iff W . . " - life. Thdy-di6r-6ply in'de . A first ol's-6 "*'� *111- PAX40�8 - Will be sold U. 8--�-Gvad . I ,,�,, ". I , . . . . . . tire -s6und, beat�-Ilgbt, I t -W- I . I I I . . 94e-�-, Ity These vibl,atlons are, interL ill klild. 'Arid th-0 little gowgree, not -is in. . . . - I Were oft ;'I- - �1�1,)�.J.. 5 electrid t ,eL hands, of -*­ E-grepmicke of , either separate oi 900130 0fU0&t48t0R166yU1 College Ontal Sur ... I . - -------L­�� I . � . ­. ­-qetber , %�Lirbnto � - I - .... 'in the Barr! I .1 I . . "For particti. 'D.Ig%'s.-r�FiggL, olsa, Roll I � L rho!ecular.. � ' , er, ,��-,;),;t. . per , I .L When! they''a're I' . craripled wall isone" my ' ,e., . I . . . . lars . . . . , I The New -Era tion theory seems good !lid esi liable of 20 . ess than - brothers but - ; - Tag L . I I � apply to HERS -9!- I i irxlad6t� Of 1yell.'. .. �� '�� . . . secon . .11 . I . �A'w lx:Tna C&Sg�`. . 11 . : IL: 11 tall)8-46itlllointo TCroI1th.U:dT0rsit]P­ . - � I �;�, I ' d we see.,- the substance 1?artak � . . . . I 1 .-I00'. t� .... agecial, `attoiation�hid to pre . . . - ',',��. proof, W t tile proof ha5 not becir given. move as Wboay., . it smal iwure'pf . . se0ol I . i .. .1 substance ,esi � Of only I me �?a . can appre - A . . .1 I .. . 'The . clause in the- statute to -or W.-*Brvaoiie, Bairliter, t,1*:., ,, , *. a ildrall's tooth, 111 "v t, servation Olt... . 1. . .. . . . 1. .. . vering I . - � JW,fi d iter .%� �,� w p-ablished every Friday I At least, I have � not seen. w6on6iusi, �'cfate sounds as low a's'v. I the ii 11 I I I I . � . i - L L� I I - �,,.,�',',,g,.: at ve -Some eahs .I to life. : . - the ( ... - -1 ",., - L� , Per second. , - I - , ­ I 'Asa Mond . I . I ,-- . I t 'L . .16 .. . L in question. reads as.,jollow,q: , \4! . �­ ay. I -L lei al � . . � - I ,. . . . I . . . 11, L - Z" � - proo". Ifallcy I - lowest ,11 I .. . Wberi�atiy Cattle or other ani . .. (., L, ' -.L"�� I . I . " '11611. an -supply the nil,,;s-, . : . . - -� the NEw ERA Printing 116use, of The o e on..a i; , a , . . I L , � . :1 . . . . . . . ing link in thaarglidlent ' I have I , 23.J per �� . ran - piano 1 "it largo upon the, Wghwtty,or oth I . . . 0 .1 I . ------�---:��, , 1� . 11 'Afffffff .' nih,la,' FAM for Sale, or to "!. .co V _ . .to - iff, jpottl ... t�.-I'L'�� . L . " . , . . � . . �­5X, so man . $r great Inen­ hulllln.ear. can at sound im-' ' TANG"RJUS 11 I W� I er. .. I .. � . . 7: -� LJ)R" , , M, ISAAC STEBET . - - . CLITNToN. wondering ,.%rby r' Pqe�n id. 'The bighe I -- . I -, I poet _ heat is:P1!obabIy54,000­ . '. - : . AU I , ise, get up -i - . . I I . I . . ER I . "... " . he roperty of the The well-litiown'tarra tea 011''W, Lt , , .1 V I . I , ,;'L .5, vlAkIsophers and . , , on t , . . L, - scientistf -:' V. .Per second . .. -- . �, w ,. , . -LCOMP�,`lny, 'a . sitna, , - Terms of.-jubscription-$1 per ye,tr have bedeved in evolution a '12. � I . . . I ­ . Ad are tilled or in tired half lot 11 60*1.L , . . X. DENTIST, .. - ­­ orl.3 O�,tjt' SO to 'is sound consists. of . . I .. 11 � ' L 1�4-1 A advance, $1 W ln�ay be charged if great e,i .. ud a first vesj­13�you I jil - *1 bY.11ie' tritill, th, � J . P 3; HaVett.: -is, offe .. - � I . � . .,':'��'L ' . d this' pitch I prev-lleut in Suinniell Mon e .owner bf such sale or to rom. There is 50 a re re 1. I 00.0as-bver 0I.NE11jop st I , '-.��`,.t� cOncillsive Ili their statement of facts, Octaves We humans hat,e no a I ens.ory. . . , . I recover amount of Such a . .. I ore, , I . 3not,Q0 11mid. No Paper discontinued use, and yet have not been, the huniali.e&I, is deaf, and for many . I . 8-' - anirn4ls'96 killed': or injured shall be I i 8 , , Until a �irrearsnr . . . 'What A X0th6r Should Do L '. - entitled t6 . fhixn;'8 sores of bush, and rest A a it \).m POOIAI bare4akei'to Ainkii dental tk6 ry 613%aa`y oadib" . �21 1 1 1 aid, unless at the I think theWeakness Ili their otgarl ta� appr . . I . I - . L , . tba;� exception Of -two fields . Aitpurn 8Vb I do !, _ I , e� I in any action in an�.court of com . . . 1, . 0 . . , � OP 11 gurnent eciate.the force. L . � like4 to. L ' '; oss'orxnjuyy against this company *011 fenced -'good, 6i ,. � - her. The (late to If I . . I . Children are more ' . be at- I , out as painles Is'. Will vi , , . - 1� il.) ies in not beginning low eh * ap tacked by, diariboea.during' the um- t 't ­ . SIMOA. I , . . I , - , . . � "IIJI t'L111 ()f thepub ' i ' ' . ,� I 1-. which ere1-3-sl1t)sc1,ipt-on ispaidisde- scale of-beln- . O�Uglji in'th' en our CQIA POSI te L S . 6nSe of f6bling a _ "'�p` U 00, I , . , . . . , I mer months than at any 6the I I . - --, I � noted on the label. , - ' ' ' . appreciates heat, but M . 1?Qs essi6n ean be&pd- at -any - . ar.w ....... —1 ....... mi� . . ....... i .... . � .1 I IhAve beA'readi . UlPrehends it It is ono,6f . . 1. r sekson.­ ' Ile eP -1UPlse1'OtiOn,'unIR8§ the coru� tiesqwill bd pr - - . : ' . " Advertising rate ng of tile Roen fgcn * only- by .its intensity, butdo6s.ndt r �. , Psecuted for'. tree' . = � I � 1,�' -- Transientadver- Ray d ,6P_. tb6 most, dangerous symp, 'on bf'the court.or . :.. ,:, A &Belng. .J.' - '. . -----�— . . . iscoverie,& afitt of th . Pany, in the OPIM y., - tryink the c4�e ' e I I I vp :, , ,.. . ,. . I -11 arel. line With 11,1111 him in 1), C*rOo ts &yea into notes. ­ , - .- tOms of illness in a -child of any - age. 3lJr . f - . st�blimhed* '' I I . . . f . t - I � � . t"';--eilts, 10cents per tionp, eexp6rhnen arate its Oet . '. ly . :Jo A.� GINN, Clinton ZO. ; I I -Ise llanec)us. . , . , ; . * I -it should be remeinbero . I , Ill ''I 111 . 1. Ill .. .. '' ---� . - . 1I.-", � ks tube. Theso : Above heat domes lig But that such animals, got, iLt-^ large, � ` " - . . . 1: � I I � for filst insertion and 3 cents per line experhuplIts, ht� Our -un- '. d that -di- : I .,Pr.to WA3RYDONE' " '— . I . . ­ . . , AAMS "-'* r-­��— I - " 1. . , . on Sightseea one full octave. 'arrhoea- is a syInptom, not a disease. thrbugh negligen.6 or wilful .�egloet , , . I . 1�� - J . � a ,'rBZM LOWImSSOR0 . ­ , ­. J sertion Small University, led All-, Balto Ne*ertry or . . I of I for each subsequentin, performed in tond* hided. sense of * . .. For . 11 .1. advertisernents not to exceed 0 "Physicists 11 . up to� say. of -light, blackness, which is form,with- - to stop. dia�rrhoea, because' . omissiDn of - the owner . . g,S' � . 11 ne inch . avo not Only or. his . -t r8 Rent, - 1, . . . , N . . �' euch -as "Lost" I .. explained .Out color, and the it-isan-eftortof,nature to cleanse the . . . . . , � . . Alel or, to - . . . � I - .1 - .. I ­, , . . I .. .. - , F6r Us a . r t � . � �­ �,��� " . . � *St . seven Prismatic b6ivels.iind g . anima or -his lan,00flaudh; 1, , , � , � I - 0 V!I,tnegoes required . � I'll payed 11 -Stolen ,v the Altlndaiti6n of the pbysICM1 universe, 'Colors, whicb, ail .so - ' agEiflt;� OR. of the custad .� . . t; 1. 1. etc, inserted once foi, Sb:Wnts, or o�p bilt have explained .it ajay.", Inthe tute daylight . en -tit oficeo boom etrid of decayed fdod-stuff .. 1 the fact , , . 0 Cy . - . . . I , tl-. - agent; bot . I B , I . , :, 0. , ; it H . . . . ... . se ., I . �. .in tbeni� -Diarrhoea is bad, but thing th4t'such arilmal Wits not In" chirg . T54 mores, on the will lard-, Oonc!,solon . . . ", , I . 1 � ., ."�,, month fol'$1-C(Ininlunleatiolis intended experituenteradium ap,-4rently.broke Below dayl., , I 1. - I a 0 sak-th&k0boicefarinot I .. .. . .. � I . I : 6 . , . I.— - � . . ­ . a tion must, ,is a gliarantee of lip and becam guel. . , -didn't .,c 0 . - - or persons G6d0fioh Tzwnphip ; known �ov'th ,dd . : Iskive,ty) funds to I I I .. . 1. � * , . for Pl' bi ie, a Ight, , und6 'special, con would. beworse for the -child if di of some competent Pek§On . , 11'.� cei � ditlobs,, ' a .ca, oeA � arrh- ;� ,shall not, for Cho Purpose of this sub. - Farm� . . I . ,- I I ponder, . .., I I v known a� - orne- � WJ206' It 'Mother �* About 'Iso. ne'res, 'Cleared. Good - Brds - .. 60 I t,o �,� . : � r, St�p diarrhoeaj $lid � right to reed , Owner- 'of his brick, house, , splendid bank bisin ilia � 60j.- I ----'--� � ... ''11111,11... ............. I ........ . . -line positive I . ... �Ys- ' ;Beyona daylight '1111111 "Ill t F, to. sectl6n, deprive ih n a Wjfii c8lit aaid�up-, , name of th-wifter and negative energ , . I VV- YD01,7N. . - ,% " � ablernatter anX,0,,c 8acquere ra Vr , good faith, be accompanied by the Ised to be . ,w it � see a ra � ", . I .1 aea' is a. . , v4sr., , .e ,. .. . I ,� buildings; plait , . I �. I ­*�— .. �, - I � To insur; pnbli�atioll in 0 Y.- If this - be true cornea an odtAye,: Of. light known e be'eause., Dr'arXh, . , . I I.. . * . I I .. — . � p, urrent -adium in tile first place' lectivelyas Roentgen Rays. tom -of ind, U i ,a t.. - ,'Decision, . I . -whisnbiatin� 6tollsta � I.. . � I . I -.— . I then i '01. I should stop t " � Issue copy of advertisements sh W0 com. syrnp y of . . wo � YE. . . ... , . . � mild be posed of energy only, energy in a stt�t. . .Theso.are I esionhaving.e up . 1, .. _ - has �sfnce been ,given for . 01000 to dbirroh And school, 0 miles fro;: I dOHN 0 .,.� � , �� I I ... .. I kent in em ly. I known -'6e0arately as A.'B. (j. & ,X docay in the r, Ire* act, but-th . 9 . �." to form, energ - fOO �that Is -in the -bowels P aintiff,-'ander the Cliriton., 'Will bel.sold.'o '' I . I , ,O 'y in equilibilum, , If this . paffi. Daylight reveals surface� form arid the Way 6 curd it is to cleanse .: railway wIh . I q Mumberof-yeare.­ .� ,� r rented fora- � - ROI 11 I . � ��. 0 ntract rates � The followingtab,e be true. of radi ( , appeali I .. � . ., . I . ' �&Esvxtti . . . I . I um thou it must be' iru,�., Co or, distance ; X-rays enabI& -little - teuder bowels with -- . " . ... .. . I I ... . . A , . . � . . I . - . � . I NA oalal&j�Xca L - '.. ' �i � look into b di ' Baby's Owm Tablets.- le w ;i - ­ . ; MRS J...RubD., Vary .St. -olinto : 1110. of, 31fanoblester,"ftsm Fs' x A' . . . . r � , shows our rates for specifiEd periods. of every other substancei us t 'the I _Zonj tor jhs; .1 I only.the a ies o aque to daylight. . - ould, Sabin. 1. I � - ZZI land who re..� 1, � � � . I ! I %"d space. breaking -tip point Xvill. be d;ffei � Bach of, thbs ----­-- . May 19 1905, ­ . I I.. . I �.. .n =66UPItY &to Vated"at #f 88ftnda s, . . . . . I . 4 . -ebb for . - , e rays � strangq to troat diarrhoea with' 11,11- . IN s . I 1. . I - � - G 4'r", the MC- . - , "I , -�­ I yr. mo each sufigtance� Long. 090' Physicists, Ing Powers- Vas,its - I . ah . .. 19, . For ,SQ0. ­. , --- I . 9%b 0 Mu"AL Usiljug tow. Also * , Ow.o. 3mo. I . the A rayo hadjst'"U'ah- J tive,ir we did I . . "-: i- L d No . 1, I Colunin $760 . ve ' . A I. rem*ember the I . . . I 0 farm risks and town ex, CO A classes Oir - . - : performed an exper ,% medicl- cause of, . � 0 . lowosh rates. .-Aint.6 Pr rty t6k0n by � ,-.. *-* ' ., : I I ; ANN , 0 $40 CO $26 00 $85o 'Aleft Wirh.'ruer-' -Aftl, effect, the -() M 4 produce photo- it ' Both di rrhoea. and constipation . Two sowuand Zentmall Dim,p';8 weeks . ONIMble,froperty Ior- I also = conk , , I I .1, . gravure, the I : old; for -sale. * ,jACOD I I .1 I ., �. . colitup"Accor V . . 0 d Jr.'alp"lear' .., �' * ;.�, ., , I cury, deducting from a bar K10W the aura of & tt;e the realullatIs of indigestion assurning - BECKBR, Oliatorl :, -, , Sidee - I ; -" 0 �'; �, i Coltinin 4000 2500 15 UP 0 00 find from the resulting. I its heat, Person, and' I I I "Or"OkUd- MOnertob to ft I 091r, I 1, i C011111in 2500 15oo me,asurem,ents ' by -the color of the aura 'different-fornas, arid bothai,e . I . 91 . . . . . � I .Van mail, 4 Holin Imatuft of al .1 Ir - I . . . I . 1. 800 2 So , concluded that -at 273 0 1 1 ' I . cured by . . , .� 11 . �. . � :1. � . Is= . . esvillo - Postal card ;;I . . 00111nin IR 00 10()o c6litig-kade the the Character )nay'Jbe d6termitied. I Bab ' O' Tablets � � I . . I bial I . ­. � � .. . 1. . � . 5-W 2 00 mercur would be non-existent , The - the two combitied, .are �ylolra 'a Ratios "a lots — , , . ... I . . I I Inch Tbe.0 or X.rays, or wt�n - - But the' Tiblets . . � ]POT - sale . in the village O , Holmes. 1 1. 0 W 350 2 (Y) I 2 0 then car, � . y Ira were laxative, 'They' . .. . . I I.. 11 . I � . � . . I . . I I- - . . . I I ., � ROBT. HOL,M ed 273 absoluI56 -zero.. Blib-the record passinf ,events indelibly upon I Ore ',1111,,,,(A�tely, a specific for all the ' � .. Tills,', The undersigned ofterB for sale, her . - LIC 118M -A I I 11 11 HS, Ming , , . I I production Of li4uid.ah? and the result,' all objects. .T ' at . A ovinber of Dirred Rook cookerela "and. largo two-stopy brick house, Blate roof'. . .. . . wtlOneier. . - I t- :. Editor and Proprietor. Ing teinperat ed and porso )ower being.liercely., I hat Como to infants abd.' year.6;d hens for, AR ,good"cellmr, laige, rooms, furtac . �- . I . I .. . I . - UPO Proves this idea alml b�, anci ' lei cheap, at the Pool. I . .. I I nifle . . ent philO86- Oung 'Childranj whether a fiew-born. . try. a, hard and � The undoisf,gued sollofte a' eh . . � . I I E=-!!! I ,phers, becarria, the Recording Angel I I abe or a bO7-- OrgipI t4nor tiWelve Holme ville . LLOW*, . good garden, all kinds of. ,,,, drive abed, stronage of those wifibin� j6.. h"a 'of the - . . I , . , "'. - P� . I wrong. At leost, it proVes that every. 9 8 ation, cheap. - G, � 8 WA soft water in house, stable,abd old Sales, . . -- . '. 1. hit 'About 2J 1 .- . . ., . 11 I . I j I . I . -­�, substance has its own absolute zero, Carlylei' perceiving. thisrec6riffiget. I . , t -t-' '' .41tisfaction. guarinteea" I Modet%66 liter � ­ ' years. Revels a bit of proof.. Sfr$, . , I ' I But if we fail to cogaiie .mercury be, I , said- 'IT 'Qeo, XoGregor, Hatilf1ton, Ont., says... ---------- � ---' Dieut to Relilroad Sta. 'Apply jo �Or a � , I - low abstAute z-ro, does that,p I feet of some forco­ . e� I test of I . . ' " acres of land, oonve . . � I 11 . . ,�,­­ , The i u I rore.no . the rear guard Would.perce e ""When i�ny baby WAS teetbin lip, bad, I tion Post Office Obarah and' School' A 88 I ddfeBb JAKA.'SXITH, lo;'. . . -0 .--matte I . . .: Pres' diarrhoea w I . Bull CAI Ply liSr"Inaili oran. the preiiiises to ']MI'M N. 064.16s Obaorich tp., ciintou'r, 0 ; I . . . . ., 91'9-: .1 NOW EA-' .rT.=sts �-Iawytt , sIOI18-O"-he---ear-Iiest-:­van t4 . ,L§.vqTy-crQMA al 62. - T.0j'PIORARD,Holmdeville.. - 5.0j, 1 '. . . . � I'We have ;ihstractedall.t It � ed -i -� 7- ' I I . . 1. he energy.,- -7 ��' . I , the too a.,, . , a eef we ,. - Im t, I T tor'S - I . 1. .1 I .t if ,gave him Baby,0 owl, - ­-­`--- . I ­.- ­ � ­ . � "'i- ­ I I �- .. . .., . . I. . 11 . ,�, I I 'LTNE 28, IWj . . i what remains P What Was . there in I see 116 Peasort tor supposing ole . I " , and there Was- . A tborobrm I)arham-bull . - URR L r �, ' I � ' I 6. rRIDAY J I Tab Lis, I . ", I --a very fine call, Will. � .-for Sale - - .� �, . I . . I :� , I the beginning ? W8 know ether only tril-Ity to be the high c UO more monihs, Calif. Ili 901eUdid Farm . , . - 11 eat n6turAl force; trol e OW'giV0 him the Tabl6ts old, red,,� . , , I � . I . I I I as a medium for force to travel on ; we I dOAot know ' ' I Wh 4TIII�. 11: be sold a . I . ISSUE . I . . I ... 1 do not know it Inductively aud;obj6ct� . energy, May now many octitv6a Of, .any little jjjlynent�- and he I. a reasonable terms, . I . .11 . . m I 1; . . '. e. I . � ively be comprised byelectric bel � . . . � , horesfor sale on , Of 125 1 .84 . . I , clilito. , , . � .�. . . . comes so - Ityo But- bY analogy I Judge 6114b life Id ba,withoub Baby, Lot $5, 8rd C)on*;t Tuckerimith: the 12 condea0ion of I U... - I NATURE STUDY. I If radlum in a Crooks tube be . . is outer." At this season 'no A. ELOOAT, 13rutcf1eld., The undersigned offer# big Isrin J. , rar0fied that .it is Imponder- begins in the - 1 YntitteoiPsh sown ­- I . . '12 - ' . Willett, . � � � uwballi;�, . , . . , : , ' first octave above electri, !Tablets in the house,. . I - .. . - miles frow Clinto me. from sin- I . I . I ., . P.. SIN I regard as. electricity them from the weddoine daelera ov by forth, and 4 mi . - . . " � . I I I el it. Also , zed ,at work arno lie from' Blytb. Theri Im that it has become eilierali lal Inolebules. arranging, AlAilittg5eentsabo b rm or -Sal' 1, Ott the Promises a tood . bank bAI, 'Go Do AdTiq By NR. FaiRRIEST, OF HILLS GitEnI4.'POSO - city. 0herril I You loan get ni the oil ", able, is it not wope reasonable to my., _ I �, writ gart , " than that it has become them in er the � - IPA , M -A--" . I . .1 . . . Pig pen, sheep pen si2a driviog bousef with .. BANN IM . I *t . , loft above, I I non,bxistcht ? _ ysta line fOrlb and taking Dr, William Nedeei x F., Telville - . . I I see no reason for SUPposin bat up Ito residence as the qualities of the nt�- : . . Pe , 11r London Ro2d 1, mi Th#a� ij it good brick b6tsa ALIBE.RT. ' . I . W, I The following excellent paper was. I there CaV. not be a fouft� f1h,it. 09rapoulid produced, . . ----� - . --"I*---*---- . I . 1:5 from 01hitobi sibont with,summer kitchen, 416jor , a. ell 10 . I I read at the Teachers' Convention - - other. Theatabilifyof � . . . 182 sores of firej.01agg label. RIch an lt� a W @ . STY PLIN held ter But it seems absurd to the SubstAtleg dc-pentig on the . � sores of bush, 2, acres of robard of . . . garden, his. been a stook for A mum- fruife Tbd fir . Ing B lot ike . . . I suppo§e that matt r dan bee 1111'stable eqiltflibriur afabi - . . .1 6 Zoloo - '-* GegtOftf '1140k \ . 1, IT) Clinton it, few wet ke ago :- Qxlet�nt, . e . owe' nold. A , of its resideeni"t - Reel) � A'961ft".1 - - ' list Otyears. Framelion in for in is will &26ed and dralli. , : , - transai I . . I . . . forces, The . so, largs bav-ug, . .. ,. � Oted . - . . 'All are but Parts of one I . fdreo adtItig Upon & Inole- . If ,you at 6dan'dia a good stfiiO Of 'CultivAtioll.. .V6r � �— , I I ' ' � . 5 , ­ . I sbipi-ndo We have two ba. cule as it becOlnes part of a rike a tli�orn C r rose . . I filtnty Of stabling, VIA bongo for 100 head, Wine, md, parkloulara apply to. , . I I � , XOTZ � whole, as I . sic'stilterne � nts in. TO I ep a- roplemsirt building. Possession givijo sit * lin �tf . - REX= LEAR, . Londesb6go. � 6-DISCOUNTAD' - , . whose body nature is, and ience . . I . ,?oun Ice Din, I . , 'me, Corner 4WItsbeff to retire- from . I , i�� God the soul." Be m`asb'cOiitIAft0 to r0hide in t"ho Ina f I" , f nows, . fink tj . hatiA � interest allowed I k : I � I .. 1. 11 -Pope. . clille, to hold It in place, ' , V' I , L, 119118 or if 1 a farming.' Aoplyio. ­­�' . Notes . . I � . � . . . , * oft . . May 10 1905 1 rM . , . 1. I Aelposita, � I I . . . . � I r . � . - �-Afatter has one qnWity, lhertiii. � The Inorganic Worldig buildbd by vi. 'Tainb no use to sib and Whille, 11 . . . I for Wc'oo. '' r 4' . I - I . "Flower in the crannied wall, I 2-Enerty.hap the power to cause. brant OctAveg of force. The 6 'a I . � Keep a,goin' I ... . I I . . . . . I 1f, FLUMSTREL, 'Choke Ira, .. I . � e I I Pluck thee from the crannies, MattOr, ving inert, rgabi W, bed the fish ain't on yo . � .. � r . I . k, I I . never acts, o&n* -*O-eld- i's builded and controlled by th I HA6., , '. '­�-. r ---- , ---- I I r .. . . . . ., . ,� . . I Branch and all ; not act, but *higher , r Shrop . Situated on the Oth ton. Goderich . - Wp., . . . - - . fOIIOX's that elements,' don)po . no ne . e to Rent .110 I UfAitking about 80 acres, m6it I . . � , ,BA191[E,Ij .0 . . . . . is - , And hold thee in my band, Then it gf.tu.p.a force, bt keep . - r � I can only receive a d tayeg a a , Bait yo - - or ' r heavy of A good I .. . J" P' � TIS DUL . . I �, . I � . r clay I%nd, produallig ero a - , There IN, . otxiqio*� �X - , '� � forms and forces must; be the,riesult -of Force being the soul 0 When the4eather kills y6up Cro . T ' I -If I could know what thou art, nods. "Ich 1('0 and Reside re I e ) a�Z�O,A I . 0 . , I . .of r on tryiW' I I I -would know what I am, I energy actinq Oh matter, . f things, �Ve . or for Sale., about five sores of bus): find . . -- . . . �f I . I I , . � mustexpect. Plitnts4ild a It. P, . I I T've, Acres Of V'rivaii fullas to . � I , . r I I . flimall to be Keep . orchard, of good fruit; good boildinge;- I 1 Men On -mortgagag t. ­� �. . . r . . I in the relation t 'i; 911)1i If, UJrralli k&te, r a u . any Octavo of son -ith 8 rooms and kito�pu, , . I _ And what God Is." _ I Energy, has three powers notes of o each Other that the When you tul porn tho top, , The brick store an Albert St,,' together fiAnid house � . boot o . r I .1, Tennyson. I - To prod ce substances ep� , . Reep a . with the higbong6lektaiV occupied b wooaohe . I matter. I ,from inert ,each oth . . I nd are to. -gain, 1, . I . divelli y d tnd ,Ullari 'no bhtu, balli of' I I � . I I - witli stone basomint 50x48 It. . ;Jasetegi allovrod on , deposite; . I I - , I ,,, . r . e You're out ol e 'me r X Fitzalmona is offered either to rent Or I G'sudtal IlAnking bunineag #pnn.g . , very . I cannot. Offer you a sttid-y of Nature, 1 2 -To become residen t in � � I . di Pine Ifiniber, poked I :- �. ,� but I will offer you the next beat thing imliftabees "'pos n' broke ain'tguyi ^ , 0 f6t sale. There is a good hta:ble, �Dho. yvelf at bern,'with pump � . '' I oett 'erinto ; .. ' I �.. . se motion in substances, ' . � Rkc.&rXTUtA,TIo1J, hoWorld You're feelin' pri promises a r - -- � Doi I r . . , � any business. Apply to 1. 0, ELLIOT 201851t, and otheFoutguilding4r, fences I r - � , a plan for the study of hature. And I ' 'me, ta W611 bitustid'AM4 kaft0le to Ing stock; shed box2o ft. Implement house I . � W , . 8 �o u Tell I inside f6i'whter: Said DOW) 1)6 r � hope that my plan may, be a help to all elleve we call see the la Of sound - . ­ ­ .. I I b 13;'attel(Alyffig tin OctAve I - Xeep a-golh, I . 1. . : I teachers, and that you will produce a erns all laws We li&�es I ft . It I W wh, h I ev,oft tones of . I � . 4, Velly, 'good "to 'Air; OVer 250 rode of �who The MeXill6p XUtUat .1 , AM of Nature, according to In plan. I omic Vol., of Of &tOmle *elkht, 6 at f light, I I . ft I r -;. . 'Ouild, r - W holy it loo , . B&O6111 AOad, 'Ot 1IDNAV ZEAT.,T: , 0 ks like.all is up, . Cliaton * � . . 1. . , ­ _ . . " ,Javt * seven col6re ) . . .fence I � , '0 denal yl of latent . -... ,. . It ink natnre sho atorox It r Xeep it-goin I . . . On 'lid arm; good well of splendid Pire" Insurallce I � uld be stuTied by beat, of gpecifl I seven groups of elements, Dr -tin the Swe6tness from the cup . . I waterl Post bffice and a0bool 1j: miles, p.... and ISO, 490, . and through its Lau a and Porces, and � 0 heab, and of all other pj,ach ootav . . r `-*W" oburc %Wiles,, about 61 hillrg-fr-din . � r '* a goodW qualities Of substances X a , 11 . . ated Town plwopo� .. I - At of 14k 08064011. given At any U In To teacil Nature study to own Ch , - Primary n0tes, each octave of Soo the W1117birts'o'n th * I 1001Mr- en b IY 1011 red, ... I In use . amount of deductive reason. sound has . An octave of fdui 6 Of sound is based on e Wing ' , erty On r ­ sevOn Alotos, each with its light o it -- - .. KA 1113S PrIew $a I r Walalnlh I .r " TIE W-INd ' 190-09'.. . r r . .., h Vo li�lle, 1'1,kl, jwj�',� I � PPICPIRS. r I vhf1dren it is necessary that the teristict. The eight n four primary colors; thex-1 01fe �11 es; I g I r � . I 0 r I .L I r .1 er be NV811 acquainted with both physi. Ing 0 ng I .. . . . I I r r a.; Z COX, . [VT. n, pre � . 1� . . Sideut, Xippen- T -ho.# Cal arid Chemical Laws. reO hendO the Per-, .foul' -P ,ary, no X t " C *a � . � tiedeh- d ar" h is a ray octave, as Well as daylight, showa I "plicitte of the flrat� a 6 collEff., 0 .. � Odic ,urrenceoftheq Ti9i -­ . U04 Are there nob . eep a gain, � I . . Lis . Th - .ra;X I stances 11111itits 1h sub- 1,�#v6rk,k d divers . IbWq of life_plaut, I .. . . I PutO btedShir 6 StallIon . a r, Vhce"prea., Brucefield; Th"os. . lk .. 'r . . I I .1 . , - � Treas,,, Seafor . I I : � . In resenting the subject to children As r4ollusc, fish, re , . . New 006A In tho Shaw Mock. ­ Se r I I . . yea, a string Inepeaseg, thdvblume Of sound vxor& of queloldsland. . . I DIREcTogg, . I even piecemeal. But the teacher must do5bjy?s##ft.- As the a,tonlic Bach octave ig jol* od to it olleolislart XOXDA0­mOtaffig,z I . , know his subject -,veil a "":, ' . All WEI be I nductive and objective, the pitch of sounds Produced on Inab, Ptild, bird, marnrnal, WESPORD HAR003 I th;, , and halve a good Creases the atbmlc vdlum igll�. In. n 81160896t d Pagaesse.0 the most jnter�., I NO vacation. Studeal , Ja . C: Wei . ts MAY *kv 14t, he will 01A Porter's Hill,' John, � P11111 to work by, to make his exampi e, dooronsft And PtddedekgOr by -& comnion hate. estlng flora And tile Most numerous and enter any tiMe—nor leave 11W0 Dade's stable, Base Line, lanl� WAtt, Rarlock ' 11 U not each 'IY Of Plants joined to . tirne excels latt, %tic, proceed to..Iobn Daat,s, poun. Chesney, Se ; G. Dale;, Milton.. U. - . .. � fon. It ea The atom'C dermity d6peb far'"I ValliAble Wild fruits In the world, the present- - afolth;'J. tv I - � pointin the right dimet, _ a ds On the pe- the higher and'lowor in the same way. . I --------' I . I Studenis en,tering dxr,V Line, fat noop - thence to Mason woon'. J. G, I Ant, Botch - I . .. r Common thing in Philosophy and T�' a llit"oll of tile tOnlid Weight tb'tho at- is not &.t;gnsItIVo ela"t partly animal, . A MouttinjA Ira,,,,, . ,. daily. - I . :Ron$#, Blyth, for nigk' TUESDAY, to . otleve, Winthrop, 11, gell. . � � I r 01ORY to find the statement "Therne' orilic volume, ' 41111 Are there no d I . . er a farni, ton&esboro, for no.wo, . r ,� - �'­ only One first. grew �39 Weight is the inutual ltttblotlon: of t*eerr each of Common lives be- 1tarigWbil Is Ah Island off,th6 weat . . hOO11, -,, thendo to A. Waliviao's, StImmov, I � h&%'e never seen It d ' 'cause," By I I r 'rc I the Orders of animal ' coast Of ROr0A 0 able strato; Oregg ShOfthan - I in- acl j8rodhagdn. , . I . I Cho earth Arid the bo4y Weighed, Dite6tor is inspector, 01 16ASL� emonstfated d t � This Periodic fuhrA di I hill. for night, hi's own . a in) ,ti,on III a 11 , P Betweon mammalla, and mat� gleal Import ToUch TYPOWriting I- m0tclAl HOW, Clibidil, for boon; J 0 I . I . this WOP14 and all ItFA mujtltudjnous� ubatitacei; � alone Cho link is lacking.. I think,the If coniAder WP,DNES1)Ai', to a r IoCajity' r I -- . ,�. ­ Iffe. foices, forms and phenonlona, im the APPIleati ance, It IM a curlou$r. ap- bonoo - AdVXT.q, r . r I oaderich town - 9d, 14ig (' I Use. Science, am reaetion ape e crosto 1� . Re fb4 i ti ip,'for night, lRobt. Smith) HArlock, . . taught, trea Ual arid op ' earance owl"I to � the f t t It I r at SeAtOrth; James &r4b AIOtiOA to Vibrant MOUOrf. Action and when ',bb ,Vibg "Thtv t1litpason ended chrely . r ih# PkOdudf Of the ca lon of tile thfra lsIW of Poet MiltOO Supplied! the a%planation D r Ca"aditt StAlUdal rd o'bo Tboo' Cola'n' oth eon" . generally to of forces, an higher �tho, p _posito, The, 4 from east to west by foul. , TMUSDA'r, to 13,ei " , In r *49, . d oil full in Mau" The AlmightSo hitlid p4rallol chil, tj of mountalria, 860 . . UODOU9914'd, ClA-Lfnellfft 400n; thence Cumbil kgmon& 'of iri"Y- Causes for the build Itd I, of resi'dont I kke6pings, . - Hle; , . atid re. an atom force In, PVVePt the Gyboard 0 ptodube M411, I Ili to vi 9 . I . for tight, Halwavi'lij " dottolt . ,%, � I I � 61 -eon The itv(t of'-4cdolerati,orl also Rots 11p. ,tho cruelfer fA *6114INI htaeeieix� are. Our 1106", th81166, to Win, Lhmlira . ­1-�-­-�. � buildin A And hie school have a , Oth f the roater Ito we kilt and Aild, for Particular oxamplea of Plant; 1* ------ — ' Richard Potiftle, Ah con.y I. W. yoo," , . i 1D&fwf Of the AleMen'tS into ormg. 11 - -, Morse Tolegraphyo PUMAY to :Obn Rowerby"o, dth con., for *'���� -1,660clusive in their 0 L '\ 1W r0ftbling Ah octa,ve Of 800nd-In . .Tb specildes. if, Ittiforr I I I I AvOlved fr r,00f that life Is OhVfbr4htMAWr 4 tfieg.affle time hot wily, w4toardreaN, rAdiah, e, BOtltbs, JI)IJAbIt4nta of gonihorn "'t-,irfurtherp ticulArs, etc., IVTX,t�to R64�.',404,.A� I' JHEAID� I . . Onp �Oxn, 4 " '� I �qhk SATMAID, Y, to the � , N I I I '' 'I - they ace Oint Neither do tl"16 48 the third I&W, ,of ' . ' Ab"aln)a, WOr WAVY braeolets of or eall on , ar I Nigher EstAter" arm, Uthin"d Can tot I � 'r � , I I . , � 414101, � 6 life 0 the fitat the. vibr4tipu feequ 140tibh� f6f . the 0 6, bar! "r- ." ea Aletal uAd'IVOrY, �aeb of wbleh rqro. h6nddf6 bid O'wh stable at lienty * . '1%rd 0 ' ih , ' 9 '.rAdlah' tUrnipi. InUaf I Utimight !dd N, to ebol, ,!4hl1ftA,% Oidg, fia,rleyr, Vye- I . � , . DaWei wbetailit VVIII f4main ill 6% ­ 411t 01, first aniolalculao, The ayolum dolibIC0,640h OR Y Per setol *6 0 have 12 or IS actaye r X. Rovnalafrjetcller� "61"" JAX I -N, , � 00" And the rate of And thon a raighty o;gpAn;s R build', 96AU 8011)e dangj�' 1 iW fol- A .A. . . . .. rous animal Ot man to fig mondo m6flibig, g,iljogri r '' _, , ­ ­.'.."_ . I . � . " I 0 of 40) ,r �, kill0a by tho Nvlelftrorl . 'PrItICIP0., I : --- — . I . . I . I I . .. . .- - .1 1-4 aeaegt kiattoil, I 1TV,1t I), WjtooNo, litsy. "M - I I I ... �. 1. I I � � I 1, . . I � ."Vanave. 117 34D. B, AT.TA1U,'O*A#r, , 0 1 .1 . . . . � I . . I . . --.1;-.---11 .... r I I . .1 . . � . I r I , - . -.,,- � - ­­ 1, . __- __Jg1g1kMX. ­­-----­­­ ­ --1--.----..- . -d­'---d I —.-,-r.- ...-t ---1- 4 - . ,AdW0M--­­­ — ­— 'i � ., ,�.­i - .,.--, � ­ -- - . t . r ,1 I I . .1 I—— . . r' I I -1 ­