HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1905-05-04, Page 44 TO ADVERTISERS 'O1400 of ohangea must be left at tale office not later than Saturday noon. The oopy for changes must be left xrot later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. ESTABLISHED 1872 TUE WWINDHAM TIMES. IL R. ELLIOTT. PCIMISUER.AND PROPRIETOR THURSDAY, MAY. 4, 1905. NOTES AND COMMENTS. It is expected that the Ontario Legis- lature will prorogue before the 24th of May. On 22 steamsbips due to arrive in New York this week from Great Brit- ain and the Coutiuent is the biggest crowd of immigrants ever scheduled to enter during such a period of time, num- bering nearly 25,000. According to the report of the Depart. ment of Militia and Defence, which has recently been laid before parliament, the WHEN DOCTORS FAILED.. Or. Williams' Pink Pills Brought New Health and Strength. From The Post, Thorold, Out, Mr. Rueben Liudeay, a fruit grower at Ridgeway, Ont., is one of the best known men in that section, having lived in that village or its vicinity all his life. All Mr. Lindsay's neighbors know that about a year ago his condi- tiou of health was very serious. To use hie own words he "began to go to pieces --was alt wasting away," When a re- porter of the Thorold Post palled on Mr. Lindsay recently, he found him again enjoying the beet of health, and when asked what had wrought his cure, he re- plied very emphatically "Dr, Williams' Pink Pills; they did for me what medi- cal treatment and other medicines failed to do. In the spring of 1903," continued Mr. Lindsay, "I grew so weak that •I could hardly move about. My appetite completely failed me, and I seemed to be wasting away to a mere shadow. I grew so weak that I could not work, and could scarcely look after my horses with- out resting; I doctored with two or three good physicians, but got no permanent benefit. In fact they seemed doubtf as to what my trouble was. One s liver trouble, another kidney dis total expenditnree for military purposes but idly whatusinevegr theme trouble neigh was p. A in this country for the fiscal year ending had used Dr. Williams' Pink 30th of June last, was $3,552,898 the re- benefit, adyised me to try t venue $43,812, felt somewhat skepti al. was finally induced to try A possibility of the near future in the fore I had finished t', selling of liquor in Toronto, and perhaps could note an moray in other large places, is the licensing of tied using the pills until I had taken bartenders. The topic is being discussed some twelve boxes, when I was again enjoying robust health—in fact I have by the authorities, and some action may no hesitation in saying that I believe Dr. be taken in the matter during the year Williams Pink Pills saved my life. Re - by the Board of License Commissioners memberlug my former unbelief in these pills, I gladly give this testimonial, in A general summary shows that Mid- the hope that it may induce some other dlesex is the wealthiest county in laud sufferer to try this great, health -giving and live stock, Huron in buildings and medicine." Other ailing people will speedily find Grey in implements. In total values new health and strength through a fair Middlesex may justly claim the proud use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Every distinction of being the banner county of dose sends new, rich, red blood coursing Ontario, with Huron second, each of through the veins, and that is the reason these pills cure anaemia, neuralgia, indi- these counties having an estimated as- gestion, kidney and liver tronbles, rheu- sessment of more than $50,000,000. matism, and all other diseases having A. G. Shaw, general agent in the their origin in poor or watery blood—in- eluding the special ailments that make United States of the Canadian Pacific, the lives of so many growing girls and says he believes that a conservative esti- women of all ages miserable. See that mate of the number of people who leave the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the United States to settle in the Cana- for Pale People, is printed on the wrapper around each box. If in doubt, dian Northwest this year is 50,000. The you can get the pills by mail at 50c a box exodus fever is striking as far south this or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. spring as Southern Illinois and Indiana. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mr. Shaw says these people who go into the Northwest from the American side of the line make the very best citizens of the Dominion. sea was r who is with m, but I owever, I hem, and be- e seemed box, eut. I Contin Thereas trouble in . the Conservative camp in North Perth over the question of patronage. We understand that Mr. Torrance, the member, has recommend- edMr. R. T. Kemp, of Listowel for the position of . License Inspector and this -does not meet with the hearty approval ' of the rank and file of the party. Two or three other prominent members of the Conservative party in Listowel have been for a number of years looking fur this appointment. The troubles of the Oonservative party are now commencing. Mr. Kemp's appointment is gazetted in last Saturday's edition of the Ontario Gazette. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Dr. Gandy was in London last week attending a meeting of Examiners of the London Conference of the Meth- odist Church. A number of candidates for the ministry were examined, among them being Mr. K. J. Beaton, a young man well-known in this vicinity who 'was given a certificate of first-class standing. The annual btminess meeting of the Wingham Baptist Church was held on Wednesday evening of last week. En- couraging reports were read from the several departments, showing each to be in a flourishing condition During the year twenty-one persons were received into membership and $1478.94 were raised for all purposes. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the treasurer, Mr. Abner Cosens, for the very efficient manner in which he handled the church finances, especial mention being made of his success in securing so large a num- ber of contributors to the general funds of the church. vers If your blood Is thin and im- pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strcn then' � t g s y refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilia the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60years. Adoctor smedicine. -t ewi ray Ater withent baht, to Ayer'+ itet+apariila. It U the melt 'wonderful medt. eise in the world ter bet -remanent. Mr emelt rierc.iutteat, ilnd I meet thank Ten *flow 31961. DSLIA stCWZL5., Newark, N. J. a i+ottie. ,t. o. visit Co., U d for LM Sll. Nisi., ea th Poor tar ; t"sp°lgr aidha irrUllii. PERSONAL. Miss Deadman of Brussels visited Mrs. TOWN COUNCIL.. The May meeting of the Wingham. Town Council was held ou Monday even- ing ; ven-ing; Mayor Bell in the chair, and Coun- cillors Bell, Bennett, Greer, Stewart and VanStone present. The minutes of April meeting were read and confirmed. Communications were read froth. Mrs. Glass and H. Fixter, residents of James street, asking that thestreet be put in a more passable condition, by the removal of sawdust from in front of their prem- ises; also that drain be cleaned so as to prevent water from getting into the cel- lars. On motion of Coons. Bell and Bennett, the clerk was instructed to write Mr. T. A. McLean, asking lnm to remove ob- structions from James street, and to keep same clear in future, A communication from T. H. Heard, superintendent of Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, stating that the hospital authorities had nothing to do with the engagement of Dr. Tillman as medical attendant for L. Kargis, was ordered to be filed. In reference to the matter of adamping ground for garbage, the Mayor reported that no place had as yet been secured, but the Executive Committee were still on the lookout for a suitable location. Conn. Greer enquired whether any progress had been made in the negotia- tions with the Bell Telephone Co. regard- ing firemen's phones, In reply, Mayor Bell stated that the Company would put seven long-distance phones in the fire- men's houses, in place'of the fire alarms at present in use, for $100 a year, or eight long-distance phones, allowing one for the wheelhouse, for $120 a year, the same as is now being paid. Moved by Couns. Greer and Bell, that this•eonncil accept the proposition of the Bell Telephmre Co. to change the fire alarm system to a party line with seven long-distance telephones, and with the addition of a long-distance telephone for the wheelhouse; this agreement to run for one year. Couns. VanStone, for the Cemetery Committee, reported that the probable Dost of fence required at the cemetery would be about $30, and for a gate $8.00. A deputation from the Citizen's Band waited on the Council. Dr. A. J. Irwin urged the claims of the band upon the council, stating that the present leader received a salary of $200 a year, of which the council granted $100, and the mem- bers had to make up the balance, besides providing for running expenses, such as rent of hall, fuel, new music, etc. They now had a very efficient and painstaking leader, and the organization was a credit to the town. On behalf of the band. he asked that the counoil iucrease the year- ly grant to $150. Mr. A, Pion also made a few remarks, stating that the mem- bers felt that they could not raise the required amount and meet other expen- ses aiesides. On motion of Couns. Ben- nett and VanStone, the request of the deputation for $50 extra per year for the band was granted to commence from May 14th, 1905. The Finance Committee recommended the payment of the following accounts:— R. Leggatt, work on drain $ 1 63 W. G. Gray, hose to fire Hook & Ladder Co., services Wm. Moore, labor, waterworks Jas. Brock, • " +' Jno. Davidson, labor, etc Canada Foundry Co., 1 hydrant Dominion Express Co C.P.R. Telegraph Co. message • Browett this week. Miss Nettie Linklater was visiting for a few days in Mount Forest. Mrs. W. G. Strong, of Gorrie visited with Wingham friends on Tuesday. Mr. W. F. Dulmage, of London was calling on old Wingham friends on Wed- nesday. Miss Grace Greer is visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. W. G. Strong in Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Galbraith left last week for Flint, Mich., where they will reside. Mrs. A. Bell and her son,'Walter Bell left on Monday for a few months visit with friends in Spokane, Wash. Misses Kirtie and Minnie Ross, who have been in Chicago for some months, returned home on Saturday last. D. B. Anderson of Wingham and F. Anderson of East Wawanosh, spent the Easter holidays with Mr. and Itfrs. Brooks, Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lougheed were in Howick yesterday attending the wed- ding of Mrs. Longheed's cousin, Miss MoLauchlin to Mr. Thos. Walker. Dr. W. S. Swayze and wife, of Mex- ico, who are now on their may to Europe for a visit, spent a few days last week visiting at Mr. and Mrs. John Long - heed's. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Adams were in Howick yesterday attending the wedding of their niece, Miss McLauchlan to Mr. Thos. Walker, a prosperous young farmer of Howick. Mr. S. A. Baker, of Toronto, Canadi- an Freight and Passenger Agent of the Chicago and Great Western Railway was in town on Wednesday looking up business for his road. Mr. J. M. Roberts, of Dungannon, Secretary of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was in town on Wednesday of last week and made a call at the TlMEs office. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Hanna, Dr. W. T. Hollo- way, and Mr. L. W. Hanson went to London on Thursday last to hear Pad- erewski, the world famous musical ex- pert. Order of res Independent tars . The I. O. F. has got a nstle on. The Rev. James McCaul,S,C.R. from To- ronto rousing the members fe hereg be and aiming at securin • a new Companion of theOrde in the town. n. H Court w He d n R. D.Ca e • n H.C.R. of Ontario Bro. a o will be press • t a meeting of Court Wingham, N 5. on Friday evening, May 5th, and deliver addresses. At this meeting there will be a joint initia- tion of Companion and Subordinate members, when new sets of magnificent officer's sashes and badges will be used. The meeting will open punctually at 7.30. At nine o'clock the friends of the members of both Courts will be adroit. ted, addresses given, refreshments ser- ved, and it is hoped the officers of the Companion Court publicly installed. Every candidate and member should be present. The meeting will be held in the Court Eoon1, Chisholm Block. THE WINGITAUt'. TIMES, MAY 4, 1905. 1,1ve Steell Markets. Toronto, May 2 -Expert et tle dealers renewed operations on a large scale at the city yardsthis morning, and this stimulated the demand for other classes and sellers reported a very satisfactory day's business, and were well pleased with the prices obtained. The quality of the offerings was not up to the mark of last week, but values were, if any- thing nything a.little stiffer, so that when the quality of the marketings in taken into consideration, there appears to be some basis for the claim that prides show a substantial advance oyer the level pre- vailing on Thursday last, The sheep and lamb trade was slow, and prices gen- erally unchanged, Hogs were un- changed at last week's advance. Receipts were 101 oars, comprising 1,904 cattle, 159 sheep and lambs, 700 hogs, 374 calves and 80 horses. The following are the quotations: Exporters' cattle— Per 100 lbs. heavy $5 50 $5 90 Light , 3 00 3 50 Bulls 3 50 4 50 do„ light 2 75 3 00 Feeders— light, 800 pounds and up- wards 3 25 Stockers 2 00 900 lbs 2 25 Butchers'— Choice Medium N Picked Bulls Rough Light stock bulls Milk cows.... Hogs— Best Lights Sheep— Export Bucks. Spring Lambs. Calves, each 1 00 4 00 2 68 2 63 5 50 40 00 65 25 J. D. Burns, cont. laying main. 400 00 13 30 1 85 79 55 46 00 42 00 18 75 5 67 11 00 +' supplies J. A. McLean, fuel for indigent '+ lumber, etc.. J. B. Ferguson, salary, postage V. Vannormau, salary Wm. Guest, 4+ R. Rankin, " J. F. Groves, bal., collector, etc A. Dulrnage, salary as assessor $125 00; postage $5 00. Walter Dennis. labor at bridge. Wm. Holmes, supplies Forest City Paving Co., repairs sidewalk Jno. Rogers, painting sprink- ling wagon 130 00 .60 14 90 6 00 8 00 Jno. Davidson, attending water- works, 2 years 10 00 Re the account of $9.00 from Miss E. Hall for attendance on Mrs. Goy, the committee recommended the payment of $4.50; balance to be paid by Mrs. Goy. On motion of Corns. Bell and Stewart the report was adopted. Motions were passed authorizing the payment of $450 to the School Board and $100 to the Public Library Board. On motion of Couns. Greer and Bell, the Executive Committee were instruct- ed to see what they can get from the Bell Telephone Co., for the franchise of the streets, and report at next meeting. On motion .the Mayor, and Councillors Bennett, D. Bell, Greer and Stewart were appointed as a Court of Revision on the 1905 assessment. Considerable discussion took place in regard to the submission of a by=law to authorize an expenditure of money for the improvement of the present system of fire protection. Couns. Bennett and VanStone moved and it was carried, that this council sub- mit a by-law to raise $9000 to extend the present fire protection system, including See our the erection of a standpipe, and the put - 4 G U 4 75 4 25 5 50 2 50 3 75 225 35 00 700 0 75 4 50 3 50 3 00 2 00 4 00 2 50 3 25 5 50 4 75 5 70 3 50 4 25 3 25 55 00 7 00 6 75 5 25 4 25 6 50 800 WINGHAM. MARKET REPORTS Wingham, May 3rd, 1905 Flour per 100 lbs.......... 2 50 to 3 00 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats, Barley Peas Buckwheat Butter Eggs per doz Wood per cord Hay , per ton Potatoes, per bushel Tallow per lb Lard .. Dried Apples per lb Wool Live Hogs, per cwt. 096to1CO 000t0000 037 to 038 045 to 048 055 to 060 055 to 055 018 to 018 013 to 013 250 to 300 600 to 700 085 to 040 0 04 to 0 05 013 to 013 0 03 to 0 03 0'00 to 0 00 6 75 to 6 75 I N VES.T.ORS THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. I am the owner of 5,000 of the best building lots in the City of Brandon, and over 9,000 in the City of Winnipeg. The City of andon is recognized as being one of the raay centres of the West, which' greatly tel s to enhaneb the value of city property. a Wheat City has been chosen as divisio points for the Grand Trunk Pacifi and a Great Northern Railways which Wil sh 1y enter the place. This will increase t e lue of .pproperty over 150',,. In this list o operties i »m offer• ing during the_ mouth 1 May (oniyi 1,000 choice building lots for $50.00 per lot.'' Terms; 810.00 down and monthly instalments of 85 00 each. Torrens titles. Write immediately for full d during the year the puarticulars. If cash rchaser becomes dissat- isfied issa - isfied with his investment, at his request I will return money with 0$e interest added. I can procure fon you several homesteads within a few miles of thriving towns. The land is first- class in every particular. These are genuine snaps. Price of lands 84.00 to 85.00 per acre. Easy payments. Enquiries for lands will re• ceire prompt reply, as Imake a specialty of i mail orders. These lots n Brandon will posi- tively advance the 1st of June to 875.00 per lot. Secure one now. For references see Editor of this paper. JOH.N FRY, The Land Blau. Offices, 080 Rosser ave., BRANDON, Man. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. IT PAYS 10 get a practical 1 education and it pays to get it in this school. We can do more for our graduates than any other Business College in the Province. Commercial Schools employ our graduates as teachers. They know that the training given in this institu- tion is the BEST. Write for free catalogue. Enter now. ELLIOTT & McIACHLAN PRINCIPALS. Suit Suitableness IJ 5 W UYIIIIIIE NOW I5 THE TIME TO Buy a Nouse A number of very pleasantly - situated homes for sale on reasonable terms. ABNER COSENS WINGHAM. NEW BAKER Particular clothing for particular people. Particular clothing for people who are n et particular. To - da a tailoring thoughts joined to experience-taught methods. These in every garment—every seam— every inch These form the style—• accepted exterior right through to the unseen stitches of the inside work.These in everything—irres- pective ver thin -irr s- pective of what's wanted or when. ting in of a steel flume at the dam. Council than adjourned. New Spring Snitin s and Overcoatin s. Dieastrons droughts in Australia and consequent advances in price diminished the consumption of wool in England Ri MAXWELL. from 17.13 pounds per capita in 1809 to 15.78 in 1004. - ichor; ART Taunt. 4.1 IMM 11. • I have opened a kery in the premises lately . ccupied by Dr. Bethune,' . will be able to supply any I + entity of bread, made from best brands of flour. Also, Cakes of all kinds. Ordered work will receive prompt and careful attention. A call solicited. J. C. LACKIE. HEADQUARTERS FOR Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Easter Novelties and Cards, Books and Stationery, SPORTING GOODS including Baseball, Football,Lacrosse,&o Or Fine Watch, .Clock and Jewelry repairing a specialty. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Work done on shortest notice, R. KN OX Watchmaker, Jeweller And STATIONER WINGHAM, - - ONTARIO. NORTH, END BUTCHER SHOP. Having purchased the butcher business from Mr. John Taylor, and removed to the shop lately ocoupied by him, I will be pleased to meet all my old customers and those of Mr. Taylor, and any others who may favor me with their patronage. I' beg to assure the public that I will always have on hand a selection of the CHOICEST MEATS OF ALL KINDS and will faithfully endeavor to meet the requirements of the people. We guarantee satisfaction in quality and price, and your wants shall have our best attention. vvyyvyyyyvyyvvyvvvvvvvvyl vyyyyyvyyyyryyyyryyryvYVV ► Highest cash price paid for Hides and Skins. VVVVVVVIV Ir c► 11. ► ► AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa&I* THOS. FELLS., Chisholm Block, Wingham. POPULAR STALLIONS. Routes followed by Stallions in this section. DIVIDEND. The Imported Clydesdale Stallion,. "Divi- dend," No. 8798, Vol. 13, 0. H. A., Canaan; No. 10729, C. 8. of Great Britain and Ireland, will inake the following route during this senson:— Monday, Mny 1st—Will leave A. T. Ford's sale stables, Wingham, and proceed to Tos. Miller's, con. 8, Morris, for noon; end to Geo. Coultes', con. 10. East Wawanosh for night. Tuesday—To Wm. Robinson's, eon 9, East Wawanosh, for noon: and Robt, Taylor's• ono mile west of Fordyce, for night Wednesday— To John Leggett's, near Whitechurch, for noon; and to his own stable. Weight= for night. Thursday—To Mr. Wylie's, con. 0, Turnberry, for nodn' thence to n drew Gem - mill's from 2 till 4 o'clock; and tothe Walker House stables. Wroxeter, for night. Fri- day—To James Kirton's. con. 5 Turnberry, for noon; and to J. W. Icing's, �Blnevnlo for night. Saturday,—To his own stable, Wing - ill retrial/1 until the following Wing - ham, where he w � g Monday morning, J. W. KING, D. MCPHERSON, Proprietor. Manager, ADAIR BEDE. g + The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Adam Bede," No. 4783, Vol. 14, C.11..A., Canada; No. 11992, C. S. of Great Britain and Ireland, will make the following route during this season:— Monday, May 1st—Will leave hie owner's stable, Bluevale and proceed to Wm. Garness', con. 2. Morris, for noon ; and to James Golley's for night, 'Tuesday—To Sill's Hotel, Wing - ham, for noon ; and to the owner's stable, Blue - vale, for night, whore he will remain 'until Thursday morninggThursday—To J. D. Miller's, Morrisbank, for noon; and to the Walker House stables, Wroxeter, for night, Friday—To Peter McEwven's con 2, Turnberry, for noon; and to his owner's stable, Bluer/de, for night, where he will remain until the folletving Mendermorning. 4.W. KING, Proprietor and manager. 1905 SPRING 190X90 5 1 4 1 Now that the Spring has come, I beg to notify the general trade that I am still in the ring with the PUREST' LARGEST ,AND ,w._ SEEDS in the trade, consisting of Red, Alsike, Monmouth, Lucerne and White Clover. Timothy, Orchard Grass, Red Top, Kentucky and LVl.eadow Fescue. Peas—a new variety strongly recommended by the Experimental Farm at Ottawa, and also the Model Farm, Guelph. Goose and Colorado Mangold Seed of the i -lb packages. Turnip Seed, Field —very cheap. Spring Wheat. first strain, put up in Carrots, Rape - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 1 1 .4 ! 4 4 4 4 4441 4 4 4 .44 4 4 4 4 4 ALL KINDS OF CARDEN SEEDS I j Corn by the carload.—And I might say I 4 was the only seedsman in the country who• `. did not fool the farmer last year in the corn : 4 germinating 4 4 Produee Taken As Usual. ! T. A. MILLS. i AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Now is the time to buy FURNITURE 1 For Spring. Our prices are away down on some lines, such as Chairs, Conches, Rockers, Bedroom Suites, Sideboards. Call and see our $5.00 Couch and our $20.00 Parlor Suite Done in the best velour covering It will pay yoa to get our prices on all kinds of Furniture, We will use you right. gar Niee line of Picture Moulding to ehoose from. -sat, 1 WALKER BROS. it BUTTON 1 • Furniture Dealers and. Undertakers. WINGHAM. 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WVVVVVWVWWWVVVWWWV ••••••••••••••••♦••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • ••• ••• • • • ••• • • • • • • COAL COAL COAL. We are sole ag3nts for the celebrated SCRANTON •COAL, which has no equal. Also the best grades of Smithing, Cannel and Domestic Coal, and Wood of all kinds, always on hand. Wecarrya LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH full stock of (Dressed or Undressed) • 1 ••2 • •, • • ••; Cedar Posts, Barrels, Etc. • 2 • •• • • • J. A . McLean) • • • Residence Phone No. 55. Office, No. 64. Mill, No. 44. `• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• gar Highest Price paid for all kinds of Logs. "W CANADIAN - PACIF1C OPENING NAVIGATION Commencing with S. S. "Manitoba," leaving Owen Sound about LBO p. m. onarriralof train leaving Toronto at8.23 a.m. on Saturday', April 29, Canadian PacificUpper Lake ateatnship Service will be opened for season 1905. Every Tuesday, Thuredav and Saturday following, steamships "Alberta," "Atha- basca" and "Manitoba"' will temp Owen Sound on arrival of above train. Fall particulars from Canadian Nettle Agent, or write C. & POSTER, D.P.A., Toronto 111ttlimiumated For The West One way tickets at tow'rates, on ch ic daily Y until May 15th to pOintg1nmontane, Colorado, Utah, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, , and California, Mt. Clemens Mineral Baths. Thousands visit Mt. Clemens every year for treatment of rheumatism, digestive troubles, and nervous disorders. Situated near Detroit, itis quickly and comfortably reached by the Grand Trunk. The St. Catharines Well. The waters of this fantods well are a great speeifte for rheitntatism, gout, nerulgia, ner- vous prostration, Mid also serveas a splendid teule. Situated on direct line of the Grand Trunk, eleven Mlles front Sdiagara Falls. Booklets giving inforn1ation on aujillcat1o11 e Agent or by addresstngZ. D. it'i1u1 ALD 9 istrict P'assenger Agent, Toronto. .__ i umunu _.. .M