HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-16, Page 7;'I,. ,
X . .
I �
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. I June Ift 1905, 1 . .1 I I I _.--THR $BW BRA CLINXT.04%1' . � . . . T
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. I
,1-r1__1--__-0_ , .- -4 I 11 1;. � I I I., 1� 1. ,.I...'', .. 1. ..'' I 1-1 ;r7p I I _ . 7'. . - . I . . 1, - 1. � I I . .1 I
I I _
I � .1. 11 I ''I 11-1111-i- 11.11 -1 .1. __ I I
.. I I xarr1i by striking Its damp. IlOtir, The'- - I __. mro - _ " I I I � i . . . � . . 1- 0 ""-V . .11
. 1, I ... . .1 FAGGED 0LJ9 edges Of the robe and boW are bound I .. � I . . - I . . I i .
� 1. I with washable ribbon, preferably, In, Ptice anaf, audio .
_� I ,
"I I , , # , I 10 I . .
L . .1 - DEPRESSED: pink and blue, I .. I . I
� . I I I , ; , . You are almost sure to "PAY morean4 fare worsO I 1. .
� Hooray, $pop arOlAmblvi, It one. I I I .0 I . I
.1, ,V,O,,, aped . . - x - . 4 .
.1 . a,braclng, tonic to I ftective Vieogb. . if' you overlook Ited Feather �.Q Y19a, Tea. Ro, � i
, ... " -------- " . . - " Iron!Zo the blood. Tr� , - .Chloride of lime to an effective . mornb,er, it. is A "quality" tca,� ., I I �
11 �
� _� . i bleach. 'The only (11111culty lies In Its, I I ) 13W; Green or Uixed-never put up. in lead. but � I .
. in ! application. by one, not, kil win' its cor- ' . . L
N' . � b � almvs in sterilized parchment -lined package4-49m I
� . . I I
MRS. KE YON COX. , . , . ..
. 0 F eTT. _0' Z 0 11 W i roolve properties.. On - nearly Aioll Calls , � . per lb. j
, - I � I . - 1. _. I � I I . . .
A woman� *40 )Raw Aeblilived Vamp . .. I . . I -of chloride ot'llme there Is a recipe far .. 2 . '. � Gel *d,Feafher (4 �Wr cup . . 1, 11: .1. - .
as al, rortran rainter. . . . - - .. .. 11 -
. Verrozone will wake you s1rong and, making- what Is called ja*elle 'water. . 11 I 11 I I I ... I . .1 I ..
I I . . I I .- . � I I
Mrs, Kenyon Cox, who was Louise capable of doing a Ueav7 oay's, work [ This I$ fk,ble4cli Arid It made and used', . 11 � i1r. , �
,Xing before her marriage iro the well without fat tit-, U 1.9 a marvello-ii I according ta directions it will re ' I I . .. I .
� , M. ove k I . .. 4 I
� It reluedy, aildoes m trve!loas thlogi I spots and Vnl also bleach yellowed I aL12 � I . I
,, - I.. I .1. I _ I I. *i. .,
. known painter, Illustrator and. decor - A9 t1A0 ro1mving testintonial prowes. Allen as well ai that only partly bleach- . - __ llll� , - - - . i
-tori was born In San Francisco and ;'After lily baby was horn, 1. lyliq ed, I I I � I � . .- .I .. .11 . I .... - 1, I . . I I I
came to New York to study art -when le l; in ti, ivetikj s ckly condition, totally. . - . � . . - - I
. quite a young glrl. jShe entered'.-tlAe Illifit fat, a lilothel":S l4ouseholld alitio.;. , . rot - _-, - - ��� , � � . .1 .-,
I I somehow flid not. gttin 61ren,th, 'a'- . .Anted- Ways, � I— - -, __ - - - � - _ . . .11, - _. . . I
schools of'the National Academy of though, I took inatt vxtra,�,sankl to-iles .Do not buy painted wooden toys for --- - - - -_ - -_ . I . I
.Design and subsequently *ent to the all the tirue, 'A. 1,0y'friend i,eomq- the balrus, 6970 An authority, During .
I � I , .
Art Student's league classes, where she mended Ferrozon ,. wIllelt I tised with. Olar eakly Years of life we closely re- WWA � I .. . . . . . � I
. ,was. . 11 I" splend4l re�ulis, The tii,,t, I'm h0j)eLt semble the lower animals la,bringing. - . - . 1�1 I .11 1. . . I .. . .1 I
nder the. instruction of Mr. Cox. quitea, little, lind"NvIlivill I 1111`0 Ulki'T' everything tothe, test of:taste,' Some I ' . . I
. ' ' - ' '
Her cleverijess as a student Was early. Rix boxes lily' fol-11jer - luml h, ruddy . � . . . I '. . L I .
. I
� manifest, and herprogress was. rapid. elite" and gou.1 spirit , toy manufacturers state that tbo'cplors - W, I - - . . � , , , ,
In 180.0 she took-tbe.third Hallgarteu I rPstOred-"- Ml-�-- Ne�vl-1 "ifs, %"l e rl" Y t1ley use are harmless, -but without' � . . I
8%vallse't .
-1 . I L � , . 11.1 . . I I yult Cali'l; Spentj ;�),,. tit a bettel, jjtl,�.jIjj. - questioning their veracity one may Say, - - I e . I .
prize at the.exhibitlon of.the. National tage then on a box of Ferrovono, . 11 I - that. the insides of little children. can I .. .
0 academy, and �ftr Phris -at the lnterna�, ' I ' .. MI - 5-.�.10. I.. I .1 � ..-en. . s. �
I . tile 1�oonel- y( 11 get 11'el- i.2;oll(o, t ll j very well.d.1spense,wIth.,patint. . � I
' . .
tioual exposition she'wag aivai�dea a sooner yan �Vill get well, D Ill't w 0 1 P .� , �., . . I . � 11 I . . - A � � . .. I . . . . I . � . I . .
. I or - A, snbstit'llte, hkli hl,kt� Oil �VLV d It' - . '. , soiled '_ � dw _. I . , I I
-; bronze, n;e a] in , , Clo,lms Barrel.
, ,
. 4 , 1000, Tb4n In tile ztin _§�,t ,,ipp1N . __ I, e, , , , . I .1 *
I.. IN L Where sc I ye, to. bo" � � Y.�,
Ow g -411 -Amerlet alrozn.e'. ji'lliell_st, ] f'or,yle, jt_ljj . tL)"ML - I
96)i In' at the Buff o Pail I ,Ing )-Oil ,with t1w, _kvilm liled c7lies, ba lwiit - :r-MEME M" ,
"I" ill the � bathroom, as In. crowded - flat M RE? N I "" -. &7 'a7ralt maw I - , ." I
. she was given a silver medal, while in SIX bOXC:4 foi �2.50, By i I A4 I ftp -.It I It a I �
. y i ,pton, . U . lit , houses this must.be, a small ba�)rel 1. I . __ I . . . � � . � ' . . .L . NOW .1
-P'10r9z0ne (-")Inl) L" , I ill ' . painted JilsIde and out,.with bi
, W the Julia Shstw memorial prize . . � er that week in and w
was voted to, her at. ttie i�xhlbitlon of --- .--...-= -t-.---- . ales In 'Do, you .want a pap I ,.' eek" out i
.. I .1 I . I � -"-. I - . .. the, sides for ventilation, Is better than' . . . . . . � I . I I , gives you .
. . . � , , . I I I a . liainpor-tbat 19 to' say 4VIS bottor, . . . . . � . .� 1. ..�.. .
"I" 1�.-.`�V",-;, �i*.."-.�*.'-.!.,;.*.'.*-.*!*'.!�.'*,".-'.-i-.".'t',',,�.'.'-.'..'.'..�-.�,,-..�.-',.-.,.,�-.'*"Ii.*, --`,.".-�t".* ., -",.-Ii!�. -.,.".,�`,*:��-.' .".�...'.,"�* I ' i
. 1;.;j,.;, .. ., I I �, X, li-ear In Diatialess woman mourn 6e-. the, ilonie news;-apaper that'giveS.YOW .rl,ews- -you mver se4e-j-4.3
_ 6N'..". -'j,.-,-,.k. ..'i.'.'....-.*.*,.",.�..',.,..,, . . � � ,
'.....N: i% .'.-:;;'.t--.;�t%,.-r,::'. , v:Nw._ ,......-...,...*..,..,,.��-.1--,..*.-,..'�.�i� cause.she finds herself Ili a groove, or, fat t4e pe6ple�,in 1he h6use and .. . I . .
� ___ ,, just as . � I
. q - ' . . '
. .
-, ___ , : I . .
, -.-�"." �i'.-.��! . .
:.,.;.,.*�.'.".'-...*�",-',I�,.:'.., ! . .,...,..�,.,.",f.,.!,,.".",.".,..,..,.",.i.",..,.: g d forthe .
" " - ` - , : 1� . I I -Clothes- 7 , - . i
...... ,* ��., . as.most of us put It, in a rut. I wonder , 00 . a . city 'daily; a Taper that., is close ly.. pack�d every weekwkh, " -
::,:I�*,..�.,'..,.'.,.'-.,'*.',.t�"..""",.,,!.,;i:�. . ::."*, 4., -i :. . . . � . . .
.. ...�.I."..'..'.-.".,."il.l,."'..,.::-��.";-...�� ... ::.� . .,-�.-,. ..;. . . . . . � . - I .
t,%",%*.'.'.'-t��'.-*.,.�.,,*.�...:"I , - .)1! - ,Wby.olie does not stop� long -enough to I I . . . , I . . . L .. ',_ * ..� I : . I _ . I . . . I .
-'-4X1.,.,; . � 11 I WrInUdem and. Crease ." 11 I.- : C : i
I ,,%--.:..,.; ti:!'....N.�'. .�i�iil�'., . . .. I .
I .. R., - .� ,:".�::.`.1.`; . . S 0 nLCNZM a pckpCr L 41. Vales no pa .
,. I . , '. . ....I... MAW ftCCOU41, OL SLOULL, or laps she . . cL' L
i.-*.ill.1;..*",.*.,.,......".."���-',; , ,.� . , : , . _ wrinkles,, and creases should always . . .. I i . I . � .,
I : -.i.-i-'.-.1.i . .. . . . I . . .
. `,:1 . . � I
' . . 1. I _. ;.*,L..*.*,'.-.'-:�..."*..,:,..,..,.,.".i . .." will discover some talent 'which wIll . . . I . I I 1. .
. � . - ,� :,:j L' I . .
I . I , ,i%-�.��"..,:.�!'.,;'.` .. ��� ::. . ' - aged In the opposite Alrection .
. . ..... ��!'i' .. be mass,
.... ,5-X:V::::.,�F .. ., I 1: ..,:: : . lead her Into a more remunerative and I recotd the, weekly even'ts- of interest in its own locality.'. If . .
� - .. -.�i -.- :: I that Is, u ward and -outward, I it' is . . . . . . . . SOU .
:.i!.*11!.-,.;�-*.;.1i�. ,
WIZARD OF THE AIR. I .. may �'i.i...!!...., .... .::
.No, no-, -it ri I . .."..;:
I . . L....-,", I I p . - I
,�!�i.' '.-' , ......... . . . I . . , . . .
. raKe. it up again if it' � - . . congenial occubation.-woman's Home .1 . . . 1. I . 1. ,
Marconi Talks of Wireless message% beWmes appar"t that � there, are Tios., i'. -`�!i�,,.'. � - -, . wellto,learn tbe arlitionly Of the face' . . I I .
. . �111 =,: I I . '
..ii".,-,.�t:'-'.,*..'�"'.'.'.", _. - .i;:�.'.-:-,*.r._.-., . � Companion, - .1 . . . 1. 11
sibllitlqs in It. At Present 1,hoLvo illy - � .., ...., ..""". ..'! - � , I . ., � wa,it a paper of this. kind, you ,should tAe . .: � . �
" . - _ .., -.�., , . , , , .1 , before attempting to erase wrinkles. . . .. . . . p
" . . I .
- 'P LLL %-..-,*-�1'i.,.:1�'1.1 , I . I .. . I . . I . . .
. '. . . .
.W. %.-;".,.�',"�, " . 1:1-il.::i � . . .. I . " . .
:".,'.";.,:",:..,".,�.,."":', - , i ' . .
Around t6 Woria-Absolute Cer- hands full with experimeiAs at -the sta, �iii--'�!�""-` )�-"-�
!�,*..':';"..,.i�.,."-",.,:*.','.-'.,,',:'-.', - _1 . . .
i tainty of Ocean Wireless. tion iri Comwall arid with administra- :g .... ... ... I 1. -.,--.-�4.:.-.�.,..�-....;.....4�;.:�; ! I The g,6txeral rule. given above Is ,e:tab . 1. cl! 1. - 1. . . .. ' . . . I.,
!::j;j*.:,;..* . .. - ,.
" :%�%,.,�,�� .
, i*.""'.".-.,� .. , .
Aibi�%,..�,� .. .
L 1�.1'1;-':`i`-,.1. ,.;
Our greatest d - .. , _ ______ ._,..., -,,� �'.,,�.' :.., . not provide fo i.. . %.
.!:,; u I
ofnees in tive work hero. �_, ;;.��i , ... . . M� ch has Ileen said. of the vulkarity � . L
-so far to 3,000 miles, fr9ra Cape Cod """"" "'. - �N', ": ... ..... ,-.-�..---.-,.--.� , I . . . .
William Marconi's head to - ..-�...-....4-.*'.-".-'..,.,L..."..",;.."�-'.',-."..'.'.,:.. - k- ,_ `-"` ,,tons Ill. Individual cases-, . I -
$jarrow. Finch lane, London, just back of , C -VIiIi, an4'2,200 from shoid to vep- ....;;.- . .-.!.�.'.�':*.--.-.*-.'�..'-.".""..*.,...*.,.,-...., ot ''Scint. ,'..Will, of -. course, therg are . .. . . . .. . �
. am ........ ..,- �,6 � � *.'.--.i;:".,.,.*...,..; ..'.....,i.....'.,*'..'..."11.,'6 . . I 11, . :
. . . . . . I . I
,�. -.�-,.,.`.""I"..��F. . . .1
I ,::!� . .
car, *41 .. .. bl" ....%IN, ...:, ..... music And . �* "ears if it. is - '". :: 1- .
41be Royal Exchange and arou,nd the sel." . I . I .L .., . . I _ . .. -Yolgar perpimes,ju�t as there are 10,4 - 'N P%OP W
. . ` '". . 11.,. . - The Ville -of Perfume. . I lished, .but'doei . 'r O,ep:
lhtance .....-.,.��',-'..'."*�"..-L,...,.":�,."-.'�i-."-."-.'�.,.-..',, .
I . .h I
. ... a for . e . 0 on � .1 I
� :-,..'..,..--.* Matting will I st Y . . I I f - I . . . I I
er from the Bank of England,. are a Have you anything up your sleeve?" ; 7"..". ..,.-'.,*,-'.t,..,:..,...*..,.,.,,."",.''.....' Art, The real reas;on of the . . . I . .. . .
-1:�:..:.:":�r:.""..,"�'�,L."..'.'.*.�4 - - .. I . . . . . 1:
. , � - , ��-"i . ity of, et. , given -a thin coat of varnish when first ., I L - I �,
� ,;.: . itt% ,:..;. - ...'...... If , -.are not already a subscriber we-; w uld4 lik U - -
t -seer who At this point Mr. Mkicorti'seldmewhat* . � ,�.;4 ,.,:;:-,.:jj::.1;:i,�'.�, tirade 'against the vulgar
1."I'l . - - . I ii
usy place, and.any sight . .-.;. .-.-: .. . you . o e yp to bt -
,�` .. c -after each. six .
't tjjat�
. . -,- . . . tile ut-down 'd akain: ., t . . . �.
I the head- otern, face was permitted to relax a lit-' I I . ;9;�....i.i.....ij....i;� . himes no doubt lies In the
gtrayed in just to see who I . .. �� �. 1. . . �; ��! .. 9 I la . . , . I � . I I . �.. . . I .. I . : . . I .. �
,4..,!..."�",..I......I*.,...,.,.'-..: . � . � certain y pre
'. ' -
phy looked tle, and he smile#, ' . . , . I . � I . ,4.7 ..... ..... 1. .. scent battle- is made too 'evidelit .A� * . wonths. The vilrui I 'L Jf you. have friends who are injereSt.edLin what goes on t' a this .. " I %. �.
guarters of wireless telegra . . . . I ' ' ' serves tbe.�substance and 'give, a . . .
' "I 'always have something UP my . 11 - - ., 11 - - M�ii woman of taste, in -wilatever claS8 Of . , § It' , I � � . � .. . I I I . ... . .1 . I.,
1149 would find himself much In tne . .. ..... '.. . 6arahee. , . I.. I . .. � � . .. . . I . .,::
.. sleeve," hal said. ".1 had up my sleeve I'll . � .. I I . ' I � � I
1. ... . ' haAftome appe - . . I 1, ' ' . .. 1.
__ _ I 1 12, . d I . " n y sell mg�, , ,�
- ___ , __-, _- ... I : .....:.." life, will not pour on the eau e co ague 1. I . nit ,,�qu.& hot k6e .�tlfe* ' posted.bct' r th�L b d'
- -mechalt-td- -ma 11 I I . � . . . -, .VICI n te
WaY, of messenger W:Vs, cleMA, i-glN nths-the-ag-reem�iat-w-e-ha,v.*,' - - I ... - ... .; IV the 1,3int. It to something far more . .., . . ._� I I.- I . I y I . � P. .., M.. . .. . � I . .
4-1 ., . . I .
-Seal experts and administrative officials, .Just mmLd4`:wfth the' BAtish QovofnimenF .' - , T "' I�v 4� V. -I. . � .. -_-To, I I . . . . . . . 1 ..7 �� . . : - ,
A I � . . V !!at She re Wres. .. 97 . . 4e-ord . . ----------- . .
, - monja lased for fresbening'-ca ets add . . -z.6! lctt�m - : - ',
'' 11 .
� 4%�-, 5 ; 'it. ,. %` .I : � dellet.tte t . .. S. rp . .. -a-do
. ., ,g �I , -1. --fhtT&t,he--N-FjW-F_ ', - �- -t
.. .., . �
I . -
all moving about as It electricity were for the sending of moasakes. to ships. 0- I " 'it"" I �4'11'1 , I . , RA_�_ - ! I, teLthan half; �4 - �
In the air. The guiding spirit of the anywhere on the -Atlantio from� -, . . I rapid evaporation of stro g scent that . . .. . I - �._*_� ,� . �'- � I I � �* ... I . .
. ..
establishment has a plain, dingy little post -office in England, We have such ' . � . . . ... - . . .. . � . . �, . � She'delights in, but � a very.falut . Olin - a tablespoonful of kerosene, and the � . I I � . I :� 17. C. . . � . .1 . �
. wils. xmmox Cox. - . -, . I . result Will be:still more sittl§factory Nye will send it to any.a:ddreSs.In an4da' o. r: the .Statj�s,',f6r-!;o - ,t'�,-
room which tells the story. that iii� oc- an agreement with th.e*Western 'Union , . I * . .. . .. .. . . � , Inj �ragrancs'that Is only . , by pack - . ... . . . . � 1, . . .1 . . I � . . _.. .. . I � .. � � .. .. . � I ., I
octet' ' . � than usual, . . . . ! ., I I ... . . I . I . . . . I . :.� -
cupant Is too busy with one of the In. the- United S,tateo, but the facillties:. the S .y.of American , Artists.* In Ing fresh violets In her line 11 mip oar . ., . 1. '. I _. , . . .. I . � . . -
. . ., .1 .. . . . - ., . . ., .,_ .a cerits cash, fromnow tc- vsn jans i.bO6 . . I
biggest Ideas of the century to bother there ,seem to be hardly asgOo'd agf they - that year she alsoreebived.6Q.11olift,of . ' I.. 1. . � I I . I .1 . I � - I i I , . � � . '' , ,
I I.. 1, ' 0 L, . I br br,mgIng her dressAn a -W .1 . .11 . . ' , I ., .: .. . I.... . . . : I I .. . .11 .1 � . I .. 1.
. ardrobe ,
' . ani In England.'! . . - * . - ection a � In where a s' I I . . . � The`�ihite enamel point go int,611 u . . . .� . ". . . . I - . .
himself about appearance. I . el s'an associate of tlie.Natlo al .. , cent b rsed. I I .. - I
Inter- The honors showered ,upon him by . I li) .L . , ,,ottld la,left to -evaporate ' I I . . I I . . -1 ,CBT,- N O'LIA ES, ClilAm . , I
. I . I . . . . . I ) � . -
Chevalier Marconi is rarely ,Academy -of Design and.-membersh, . Slowly. - It takos a long time for'the �" now is, be'st.cleaned -With 'wPiting In- 1. ' ' 1, � I . . , . - I , . I i.�
. I . . I . . . . . . _�, . , I - . I I .. I
viewed, partly because he is always des- the nations at the, eaftli'do not iippear . In the So6lety-of American Artists.:- . , I - I st�ad of soitp,, as' this clean - , .- ___ - I - . __ , I 11 -I .. �
I . . I . . . , s without
I .
. . . I. I I ,
perately busy, and doesn't care to talk, to have turned MarconVis head,.In the - , WIltirbaps uameceisary't& sOiy� that., subtlest. part .of the. scent to .got:Intd � Injuring.th.9 surta, , * �.� . I
I . , , . -
nd partly because, whenever you. go least. He IssIrhpId,-Airec6K:6d straight-- it - , . I - I... .. every fiber of, thatexibre; but when, she .. _ I �p '. - , .. �
. . � � st� . I
a see him, -the chances are ten to one forward, and gives.ono the impression ,the Jast two-.41stinctions-conie to but" � - . t1i. . . .; . � , I ! . I.. I . . . . .. �_
. I wears at dress. there- 1:3 no'�4:il�gar:lty. , ' : � . 1. I . ; �, ",
. . � � ..
- Viat- he--ts-som-e-where, else. . hat he is too mxidh oecuplod.'withArn- few Of her se. .- . ., .. UNNUMM . �
x.nud "are, baubles falklY .' Tea leaves � molsten6di, With 'A,inegar :1VV4,;*N;RWAFAWW,011 " 1r,0;NW*W , " , "' ,
' '
f, _P�_ ��,� . - I I _� . 1, - I- about It., f$110, brings aUnid of tragrant , . . . . . I -_ . I . . I . . I.. .. I . . .: 1. � o
s he* ' portant matfe-rs---tu-comern-hhnselt�-.-�.r4edJz,DM-tbAaQ-Q-rl-la-iiizatlons. : n a I .. I. - . will remote - tbe� disedlordtion' in, glasd', � � . .� - . � . . , I . . . � . . I
. him by appointment Just '. I � . the rooin, and'It... I . .. . - � - ` . I , . ., � . . .1 I . .1 .
preparing to dash off for his' native obout trying to. make an ,impregstah. these years and.purticularly desplte___V_ r Int . , _CausddA,Y_�fla*.Pxs���� . I ". . ". ": . I.. I . . I � I . I . . % .. . ...1. .� . : .� I .. . ... I
- . I . I . I , I I . -_ . . . .
. . . accompanies her where , et _1_ g__, t . I I!.. . . . . . . I . . � . . , -
Italy for a few days. Then he will Hard work, however, is beginning t9 tell , tbe manY faintly -considerations and. - , . . 7� , I - . . . , I - - I I 11
, , ., .. � . . � . I , ��� 11 _ I I ,..
on him, and, although'he will -be only . mindhij,'mcli. 6f slainnier. er6nings in - - n� tr�t!-_!! __ , . . I . 11 . I
. . . - 7---- . . , . . , . I I k . . � �
,turn. up at his station away down in . I respon'sibilities .:'of'. recent. times ! �,Trs. I I . . �, . ;. .
. � . pleasant ga : , . �
f next Ap*.' I , rdens. wbere the filles. blo*. �- ` . . . . I .
rill he Oaks ., C . . � .1 . �.. �' - I , �
.Cornwall, and then, it seems, he is to' 26 on the'25th a ' . I ox lids worked siarliJusly and falthful- �. � I � � . -.11 T
. .. . I . I . . I I
jmake another flying trip to the United pear 36.' His marriage Ao. the %tall . I -Mode ll-$bOety. '... . .. � 1. . - . , . . . . � � , , .
. � . r I . I I . . , �
.advancing. 16glqajly� 4nd steadily in, I . . .. :� I- . � I � . , . , I
States to take another big step -per- ficaittlice Q'Brien -wil =y. brin� ly, � t un . . . I .. '. 7: , .., ____�� I , . , I I .. .�, I 1. " - 1 �. � I ... � . % 1_45< � ... i I . I .
'' * , , . � 07; I kk ;' . I
. is quite .as- " . . I .. . . , . .. . . , , . . . 4 . . � , � . I I . . . . ,. � L . - , I . : . , . . .
liaps almost'ttle last -toward the com- about. a considerable .In his , ller at .til, her position . .. . . . . .1 � - . I
. - . I � '. ... � . '. I � . I . � - ..
- - ' ,, , " ��.Tu' ,Mistrespr a Servoint'ne-a0cets... .. - ' ' . - .3 . � _... I .1 . I . 11 U . I
-par- . . . ,
- sured,.and'hef place aniong. the V . . _ . . -� M, . '.. .. 11
. . . � . I
plete' establ1shimetit of wireless tele work. Last he -traveled nearly 40,- * . 016i'ddPoison;
.year .. . - . A �yoihan shou]J-Ansist-uppi� being' . . . . � . VOL
*rai)by a�ross the Atlantic. Ife has: 000 miles -mostly bwek and f§4rth be,; _tijljttsts'un4iiostIoned'. Though she had -,; * , , , . , , . I & * I L
1. . .. .Of her 6 , - I F .
r ��ever been willing to set any date for. tween England and.Ark6r1ca-but he _ (lone. some decorative Work'and not . u . jnlsil�ess .�yn I�Itcbian, but un * less . 0 ftft-Rhou.ms . � V . I
- be 'a bit, more'- sto.-' ! few. genre. plettivet - S' . � I I ' and I Ings . . I - �: WW'W �. -1 ,. I .
. V. :
I . �.jljp � I
. .
this feat, and I wanted to see if I could can be expected to 3,, her - greatist . , D6ssesses.self control, �Vatlence . . * .. 4011!1=4 sairoru P, � R! �mtmwomgem,zklm INS . I . �
. ,. . . I. . . I uc- - � ; " " . om 1� Lg
. . . . - . 1420MA . �
� not pin him down to one, writes, C. B.. tionary herdaftet. . � � . Oil" - -�D- - '- tact obe .1s.ically jusf-as, u fit . . I . .
. I . -cess,bas been ,With Ilk,enesses in , .. � . 4 to man .. I ..
. . �.. .. . . I. I .
. X6 the Toronto Globe. Mr., Marconi Is.as littlil given, to wrlt% . . on,.inid pe I I . - � ____ I - 11 I - I ; I . � � . . I I � .
� ,Thaps With - age hot servants as'a child. It Is st'very. . 1. . 1'�
, - , --- I I I . '� i. a - �
.. women and chiffir . . I _,�� , , - � u- " , .� 1,
"Is it absolutely certaln," I asked; Ing about his discoveries as true saying th6ta'-man-or Woman who' . . . I . _. -_ � - i� .: . .. �.. . . . ' .
I . I .& -P ' "' 1
llejs- to the latter she has succeedie6 best af all. �. a ' . . . . VEMS, .1 � . . . . - . .. . flogi. I
"that we are about to have wireless talking of .them,' and, has repeatedly ' . . is U P4 1)"', a. ti t I *sg�, .
' the ocean, establis. refused glitte in rs. It. - SO61nsj howevei, but -natural that h t le�rii�d,jo 6ntrol. self at . I . Paper. Haig
__; . . . I . . S DO . . I � : � : - � . �. ...� - , . . . -
ed on a,commercial basis9" . and -� says writilir is a W.0=4 should catch- bettor than �most - ill - On: If a woman.ean- . . - � I,. I . ,:, I . . I
. puplishers; H( . I .. . I � - n without lost . ag - ., . I . � .. I . . I I . .The anaersignt. a Prottea to Lip -pa,� . �'.,
S .business for him.. An - Moll th6, 6lusiVe qualities' � of a4ales. ' I . � . - .0 L . '. - CO Al - � - - . - .I I ..
.telegraphy across h ring offeis. fro edito tAo control bth . . :, . , -.1 - -
. - not go jilt�� -hel- kitche SYRUP ' .' .1 AL: ' - C' . er:.h , . . �.
"Absolutely certain,"' said ldr'. Aar-, and diflicult . . l . . I . . - ( 0 �_ �. %: . () snping %Dd.. = painonvcf an 11
cant, chopping his words off as it .tlWre I vitation fr6m the.Royal Society, how- - cence., Thel athy. - With , per patience. or. losing her -temper'she � . , , ` I . I ... '. .. k U1.15, 8%ti4f#.0t0rV -Volk _g1Qdr1AUjoWL -
. . r.11e6ullar syknp , . , . ` , , _Vi!� � W I I I I -
ever, to not to be overlooked, .and voii- '. d would 6 .better fd Stay out of'it-.�, F �ult � Cures theiln, 0eiTl1knentlys , I I I I I .1 . . I
were no more to be said on the sub- I , ... children, their ability, to eompreben - ,, I 11 , .�. � , '' " � . I., . . .. 105.8reAsourible. 'Farniturecieuntilaiina. , -
, . i . � . .1 : . ;
ject. I sequently. the, Inventor has* b6on: dei -, their r found, but NVAh,;serV3,nts1 49 - . * Dayl . . � ri . 61 ho I .
iestres and. moods, 'explain this - � Muit be . B;b L,iwreniile ori,,-I�djj . . .,, -fin * i2hed. 'AP cistsim . Use-6lean-WS'L
. "A I - so*Mis,,Coxbas had- with childrdia,ji. Should %be in. a quiet'. A , - � .*�r'trst ' � � B 6 .cing your �-. pr6m . '. I ,.
xeiet you prepared now to sa"Z- voting a goad d,ial -4'his time of late - . measure,. and . f6re pla i i I o .. .,. �
. : ' In a . - . ptIY %ttended to, " ' I ' 'I" "I
iWtly when?" . to a Paper containing.his first complete I � . . . . . I . ' _11"
- I
� � - �1_ . . .� .. . - -
Probably this year; mayb . . hich MOLDY . . . .. I ., And a proper time should:-� .. I . . I . . "deris Aw ' your ,geason's ', I" .., � - .1., :� �XREI`li BRONVM .
. 11, e In a and careful.account'of hiambrk, w ,fortunate results In representilij, , 41W.fied way I . . . . . . " .
. -_ I - , .
'd I Wellman: wbo'doeq . . . t: . . .� 1 HOS-0 REALM �
imonth. You see, there are fourteen he is to read before same of the. chief, , the little ones.-New,YW;kMaIl..... .. . .. be' cbosi * �n. for It.., A , .1 , ` - I supply - of Coal, .get. our. orders can be� left with J.W.-Irvvin, I
. � . . I I "', j � .. I I , .,� I . . . 11 I . 1. I � . ,
I : ,. . - � ,not -kn I 11 .
14ble lines, and if one of them breaks British scientists at -the request of the � t ....� ..�. . , , '. . ., . �, a* any'.better.tban to take a. .. .. L .:. .1 - I . ,�. I . . I . I ,. . . , . , , , '... , , - .
. .
down there are the others ta fail back Royal Socilety. . . . . I I :.,' .: I .�� . . I . .. ., ". � time wbew a I 6erVantAS parMularly i , I ''. THE PAT.RIOT. , �: i I I : Th.e * very best.. I * .. . - - I : . � ., I a. I . � 1 I.. � 'A tl�.:,�, 'L,
, � ,� * �
... . , : � . :,-Coan� jrPur. talento.. . . . . . I . � * , . . ., ..:o--, � . 1 ,.: . . - - - � , - .. - � - . . . I . �. I I .
. I I' " e of work '. .. . _____.�_ , ." . . -earried in stock .'. -� . ,: , .-. - . . .
I . . I � . r.
on. With us there is only one System, . � -:� � 4 ': - . every merchant -takes .4iqsy or bits some spqc pt piec . . . =' I . . . .
, I . :. , . Twice a year . , . ... I .. " � I . ' . . I . - . -.1. .
. . : . , [ . .. . . I I . I . 1, .
I . , I
if theire Is. any breakdown people ' . CI.&. 19 W C3o XX X.j& . - � account of Stock. L, When - the work 19 ' . She, Is 'tryind to: get througb, such, as . His.eyes,ashine with, anclentmemorl6a, � and: sold, . at th6'40west, :.. '. It I S T S. . I I I..
!�11 Say they al .- s leheW iho . , . . . . . . wash - -lag diWqr,l : III, - . . . . � ,� - I .. � .'� - ., .. � I
I -, way . PISA , i 11-0 Kind log 1131,8 Alluys ftmt, .:, comD]etdd the-sh6pkeeper .Unows Just - . ing,'Iroillug, or: getti will b1dod.aglow With subtlia. metal fire. , - . . . � . �: I � .0 777- , .�. . ,- :
.. . 0 . I I . . � ossib :. �.
leare the --,,IN " _____ ,-- . . -q n 9 ga of . le price.'. , . ,' . 4
not practicable. I can send a me& � - . t . hiIver-4 be.Alk6ly to have good -service.. It For him are p I I ,
. . I
= clear -across the Atlantic now, Riguetwe -, __ : , -,� 'Wbdre be stands.' If 4 certain depap- - . I � ", . , .. . . � . ue ched the. itrrin . - .1 . . I'. � . I . !.�.. I W4 ha,re .an an imlied nutnteit of eor-
� I , . t nee owers, . . desire,, � I � . .. , adar PoF,ts_4,5.d,7�ajjjj : , ,
1:�. . . . . .
' b - 'ment .In .his State Ii losing money 1he She scolds or nags she,.a a , ,�Iii%'h-liibd C
lit ".. , � . I . ' -pa the� - wo -. WO . I t left ,at � ontili, -wlik . h: witiell at jr1ces cow.
N - .; �1_ : - ; . I- rder�' ni�v L : .
I want to effect certain Improve of '. 111!!Z4'11011W-AVW . . .1 . -1 ' . . The � geant..'of rid.has-ceased I �� .8inch i s � "
. , herself to tbe evel of her servant and . . . � ' I . top
�. -
- . � � '. ., ** - . .11, � ,plans. on streligtheillug it. or cuttrug it respect wb . !ell e, ry ,:. , � .. :' ' *1 . s . I. ; I � , , . I I . 1.
. . I . .,oil 'It ab pit men't _ Jos . is tile I -to please, . . � : , 1. . I . . I
. I . . 4 1, v.e mistress , � I - � Davi ,�. & . Row0land's oistent with theit quality.
J&ts and alterations to Insure Sue . . , .
. , � . . I . I
. .
40L * . . . :,... - . t entirely. I � other' de' rt . : of, 4 house . should" . strive to -des I erve Hushed.are-the evening songs, the lutes , . , . . . ' .' ' . . . atHLOOX ,. . I !
- . .
"Then we shall have messages across . ___ ---- i-- -� Js' making. sWunexpected. success 'be . ' - .of eAw;, . - : - ' , I 1. . . .. Hardware - Store,, or,, � . . � 1. . . .. � . . .. I I I ..
the Atlantic at ten cents a word in . od , .. I I � I e . I . In Ahe ,war ftame,'that old ancestral. 'th _ , .. � .� , . , Aim a Ist4d -at6ok of Remlo6k which w� I � I
- . . prultan ift 1. . . from thos 'about.ber.-Woman's Life. , ' . . .. . I . �
stead of twenty-fiVe. and press mes. Fruit alone will *.not Sustain life for specialize's upon Wand features it. Hel . . .. , . : .� . . . . I ( � :.1 1, � �. . L I . . wil . .. � �, ,:''. . d3t to fill ank hill. ly 3 an want Oda, �.
. I has *hat might be, ilarined'a cbmnl6rw I . . � pyre,. .. . I � . I . . .� .. '. . .
. I .
. oa*oa ol,� give cents Instead ot,,teno and any great length of tImeI;`.but belps,to, � ,. � 1 � � � .1,kalikful. of Vrneticaltilfes- �, . Ige C f I � Posts or Hemlock Lumbar it will pay -loo .1
. cial:bouse. ' I . . . I asts hishopes a home, wife,,chil.4 . . .,. . - Q(P . * I . 1* . . :
- Tarlety In the diet- It stimu-, , , . . !.4 glit. certain to be enthusiastically I or I Sir ;. � . .. � .. . . �W� J. .. . . td.g.lve ,us a cat - .- - . ... I . .
Ile shall probably get faster tTansrAiv furnioll'a, , cleaning. young house. , .In ,t e . . ... <� �'. . , I ALEX., MUSTARD&Sno.
dion than at present." p . Now, I have often wondtied whether UIEVE . I . I . .
l6tos and IM1)roves'ApV;VtIte and-digias- . . received. by the byide or . s iii6t of facei a.. .Passion more ,than . I . . I .... '. . . . . . .1. . I . I L
7hen0 . . ft wo�ld -not pay for those of uo'.wh.0 WeIier .Is,,,a.-trunk,cantaln1ng freshly these!, ' . . . . 1. . I 'Bpi) field. �
wbat?" tion; relleves thirst and, Introduces wa-n_ ' I I * t . t . , . e 10-LiKilt. platit... I . I . .. . -.0 .
L want to see wha:t the Pacific will I work for our living to tAke account of his.. count ' holds him 'AtIE1 ad'.
ter Into the System; Acft as a laxative .. � � launderod and neatly'niarkod dish- .The spl�L of ry I I � � . .. .. . I . . . . . . .. ,.,.
. , ,
. . . � I - I . .
. I . . .
, . . � .
4p, and to experiment with currents . . I Stock at regular Intervals, not Making - cloths, towels, cleaning, I . jhrall; I I --- . : .
around the earth. There arb many new or astringent,, stimulateil. the. kidneys ' shirt kitepen Imnd In him forgotten heroes, forbears, Aset ____ _ _ �., . j.. I I . . . .1 : .1 I
. I
. I
conditions that would have to be made and supplies the oiNetWe' salts meceSoa- an. inventory. of ribbons, iaces,.� I clothAl cofton!'flannel btoom*s`.clothg, I . . . I � I . . I 1. I - . . . 01
. .WA!Sta and bate In 'our: possiVssl6lij but . . Stiengthening his heart to common sad-, ___ , . 1. , . . EXECUTORS9' . :.,� I
said many obstacles removed before we ry to proper nutriment. . . ' - .. � . � . . flatiron holders, ironing'board. covers . . - . . . . . . - . . . . . . . I . . jj, . L � . -
_ � . .. 1. .I . � . of talents, - The Influences of business sh.pets I of unWpLebed -cotton With. I I rifice; " ' . . � all, . . . . - .. I X DITOM
con send a Lpok9ag4k_qIe!lK arounki the _ . . 0 . I . Out ;Df the darkness generations c, I . I NOT . TO CRE �-_
- , , 7. - ---------------. ---------IIfe._shntlkU, _0nd_tQ_jrog64 and de; I . . I I . P . I . . -A
. . .. _ � I Ich_to_co_v*x_1bLe_tu=jtVre_o . 16 m. 'At : I I � ! I 1, .11 I � . �,, I
earth." I - - __ - - � . __ _ _ _ _An . . I . . . . j 9 . 1
I - _',tho..mgA0 'bG
Antai ,and the Weather. _ _._._4_Mjqtyr hosts that Unrecorded fall : ,
"And are you going to enable us to ' ' ' . . velow.tbe'feminfrie ,mind.. so -Wb . 7 0 1. �_, - - ... -1 ... �r of Le'tath'of *Ann Baft
- In many countries there Is, a super.; . . . I . . , onover ing-day..' Oust cloths of dainty silka- saluti Etna r-b-r-A-Vie--W1d--Vdt". Yful- - - . - -tfe *To-*kl-shlt-or-H'itaydkf;--iA,--tlw-- .-
' . . , r . . %. . ...: - .e, ., - _-I'llifiof .
r . I - , .
� r
talk back and forth across the Atlan � .. I � - wlih crocheted . . crlas� , , . , I ... County of Huron,V .
tic without wires? What is stition that when auto. are uOusualli :. �... I - . I I . r . . . Aine and. wash cloths . , . : _tOndon . r. : . . . . . idow, deodaeloa.' . , I
I I . , . . . ! . .: Newo, . .
. . . . I bqr4oro Are tied in bioludlef lth.'nii- ,�.e, . I . . . I . . I. " Not4eistidiebt *en,pursua�b,to,ax.o. I
rects for ocean telephones?" I active, - running to 0ld'fro .about. their. . .h � . . . r . . ;W . . . 11 r - . . . I .1
. .�___.____ _ � . . . , * ' slid a
. M"Mmmw_ ji�..' _ 'I'- .. . I .1 1897,0hp.129,8ec, audarj44V,?crAtts,tW* ,
I :1 , . . .
-foul e'to occhr In i.,' . . ibbon and 3meet the eye S:a, I . : r c, 9
"I do not see anythinj In it -at pre- nests, Weather Is our ..". ,I . , . . � . . .. row wblt� -ri . . I . I I all Persona having claimsi .,Jostatoer �
� t" I
� . , ", M;S;t - r . . . 'i Welsh, 0611ekwe. Yells. ; , ` . ` O'. dge r ';l' _ ol. Abee*
UPI Y 011 to tele� aMh It ver.v short time'. , , - � ,..4 __ � . . . I the troy. - Vor a. ,; -' . 41 t .:j U r y V" !rq , �r'�,' . !
_ I raliffig. the coverL of . I the said Ann ,Ba 11
404 will be �. . . I � . ' . . ` . "ill da.v of W -' . . �,
. .
- talk, - 16u d -&$ - .. . .. a I . 1, I more elaboritt, 'outfit cambric bags in The r I . �111, . r ," , . the 1. ; , A. b. - .,Ilto req - ,
lasTe - FQA u d . xg- Welsb� Is a language that looks . I , uk6d
_;S - . . . . - to send by pas weVaid; or tc aellver 1b, W. I �
. ng.gOlns or suits of clothes peenitar � _ Rrydous, solle, it fok the 10mocut 0
Uot Pay, apparently, to work at the .._ stablemants Mewoi�r.' which to ha ly lit -for college Yell& ThO ' the round- gobd quali la I on4t 1*�
� , - I � �. . .
changes necessary to effect long-dis- Can' Ed.1-9ything 1 . ox In oummep mak be added ag. well, as Welsh yells..are flilly'up r to'the� level ot. S r is , fare the 20th day,of June, 19M, t 1% memo% *7,- ,
I . - . rie
fance telephonint wittout w1r6s.11 A remarkable memory. Is possessed I I . . . . . eon y. - The billversity.: - -ties of Our.`Groce,___ .) . .... .... . ... . :, dreAlles, and desariptious, and,4L VI statemooll � - '
, . .
by a stableman ev)ployed at. a big Lon- I . I L . numero0s other articles more often In- those, of this Utr r M .. . . . of Vartionlaro of thelt Claim& Ae thellIfittiret I r
"Do you Mean, you have given us I.- ' . . ... r In -the brideis traditional linen LIS it yell so othing, by'comparison. Go anF -th$0oeAlrjjy,jfau7 held ,bT them, duly 6ortYA , ".
Of L 'North `4Wgleg b i r
don onlialbus depot. This man ebristons, * . eluded s6l(
loft-distanco wireless telephoninr L Spep'titS Can 'cUoSt" - . r r , , . . * ed,nd thatafteribe r date the exeouW
.-d- - I ' , * . like'thid., I1Br.avo,.brAvIssIMo,-rayj iayo where,. look - ev6rywheie,,
ba,d JoO I over 600 borses every year jVIth Anr ' . 1.40W'hl4ny�, by I . . . I . I *1 titWeadtoclistribtitethosbastoof tMe aq
- . 'L , I .. : , - � - . I ' c - � �
original name invented by himself,. and, I . . say.that.?_ . . . I I . L I . L . ra-o-rockl Ray,ray-ra-o-ro k1 RaTr � . r . coolied amon titled theraft 11
� - . , , th *, L , � .: . � Riends. . . - then'. comd b�.&, and if we '. 114y y only t.0 the alAltoo of which the . , �
0 � ' . . . 0 I I r Nil haveilloblee'. ` . I
- __ __ 011,e f e , C r i . I r ,j,n&rcg 11
. although he loses sighi of. a . perhaps.'you gire dysp' Four jpomf Bed ray-ray-'o-'rock1`1 Cardiff .has a somd can't prove. superiority -in sha I ( . L .. L
P_ , ' bor§eS fok 7- 51 be xlleit6r'forgets their � Or. eptil � ' ' e - - Dated this 31st day of Us , 1005. .' .
, . . The old fashion. d foAlr.pogt.bed ap what similar yell, vFbIle at Aberyot , Ly .
;a &2& .earj ; � I I 4 W. H, BAJ,L,) Irbogn
, r ' d don't kn w it. poaio to be.-c6ming back Into to a cry Is, I'Hip-hlprbur-abor�l I price-, quality a fi6sh- ,, L W. DR I
names Although freque n-tly tested, his ; , an 0 v riI .. I ,. an ' Exedutolro.' Bolicitor fm
WY . . '
. . . r � - r -a er I L . I .. "I . Ex4QLtot*
memory has. never failed him. � � I - I . I . . and a)6natAurS.are. turning their. 4tten Hipliptlet I b' I -Itip-hip-hur-Aber- ness,,4on't buy, . . . . I
. . I . . . - L ' . r * . . . . . .1 . .
- I . . . tion to. Its d _ . . . .� L
OL'Ur"TE - . . . - . . . ecoration. Painting, carv-. y8tWythl VVIth a--plb and a pangrajjA . .1 . . . . � . � .
Auso I orantfs Vomb, . , 11 . . L: I 1mg, fancy -basket work and ,embrold� a ylp and a y4v.l Vaki Yakl Yitkll� I rL '. . . .. I AN . -
- . I Have you any 6 e .. . � , � '.I I I .. _,_.. . r . . . . . .. � ... I .. , I.. .
f tbes .
(VURIVIN .General Grani's.toMb, on rtivetside . . . I ery aje all employed. if the, bedspread � .... . . . � I . , ., . ..
\ .. . 10 L .1 . . . h I .1 . ... .. 11� ---,..:= -��.L:.:,
- __
W dilve, In'NeW Yotk, Is about 106 feet ; , . olus ? - - - . does not fall w at the sides a length I !!!!!!!�� - L . ' � � '�� ,� L . . . ; I
! a Square and 176 feet. high. . .. .I. sympt . I L L Of linen with a deep fall of lace Is tied - ,.__ I __. �� I I . ' . H16re are four Leltolprs. 1 I NILTON I
... . . . I . I
I . I . . 1. I . #
. �
I .
SEIJU I E . . .. , . . . .....�. .1 .. on at the. corners. This baS,LA, very . . . I . . . . .. It I , I -MONIVIAL I
.. i . : .
.. I
I Pertulifted warwils Pains. . _1 . I . � ... I � good effect on" any bed and 14 easily . I . . w k .
; I I I . I . . inging us ne -
I of' th L � . . . I . I that are br' I . - . NE .. '
I I In some e Country ManSions of L Variable alil;ltflte, 4: faint gnoLwitig feet. , and Inexpelli ' gively done. Crochet .19 . � . I . I . L I . 1 7 _. . L I . . ; . .
I .
, . - �
Genuine . . � I , customers . e V e r y da y. � . . I . . . I .
; France p6rfUm4d .Wattliflig pans, Ora in& at the pit of the stomach, unsatisfied Much- In vague now for the trimming . -, : . I . . 1; I . . . .
. ' I 1. . � ' "'
I I I used. Wben�gueots r6imain overnight !jiunger, a loathing of food, rising and ,of tea, toilet and Slde�oard cloths. as , - . - I Satisfied cuatomers art Steamers leave' Harniffon 12 nobAj
; L I
. .IL 5 the boot etdoaVdrs to discover the Scott I vell as for nightdress cases, jifficush- I 11 , I . I Toronto 7.30 p. Tn.. Tuesdays, Thum.
rt, "I Aa� r Cz . souiltig of fdold, a,painful.load, at the . . , . -our be s t advertisernerits
: %a,vp 0, - fl, k�� <,D each prefers, and thus the sheets aro 0 L Ions and the ends Of.bolatero. .. I � - I L? ' . days, and Saturdays. I ..
I I .
,., r Imprognitod with heliotrope, rose, Illy. pit of the ot�macbi, cotistipatioxi, ' r are � I I . . I . . . . I I I � . Have you .tested I I . I . .. .
. . . you gloomy 1(tud miserable? Then you � �Ilooihbraiwbeo* - I I I I r - L . - . � 11� � I . 13ay Of Quinte ports, Mont -
0 1. a or other destred porfume. I "I . ofr 11 .. I I I I 0gilvie's jtn�aj Household . r . I
I - . . - are a dyspeptic. The cure is careful diet,, ., The cat toothbrushes is not out- - ; , , Flour -21 is ediate portS,,
. 1, . , .1 - b t 4 ihe best Made in real, and interni, .
U e Liver PRIs",. I . I I I .
tfle IMAti-ellifteR Of thod and Seeti . . R'lold stimulants And narcoticsi 40 'hot . .*9clontly observed. In -our bouges they , . Canada. I I � I I . . I
The AVetagd, aepth of -the sell 18 about drink it ineils, ktep. regular habits, and * stand In their. elLIDS .or hang at theft , - 11 . 1. r I ' I b .
Must Boar Gignature of 12,000 feet; tile average height of the regulate theLStomikell and bowels with tacks above the toilet bovvis.,.Absorblng , . 41" Epicure, 11 � j3acon- Low rates oft, lk ovo llne*� *
, 0 reAkfaqb�- I
land abOVa'Scji l0vcI 1,9 about 1 500 f f. . : ily beautiful mesl,t. . . I I � I., I � '. . �
.11 I 0 . so * 1.0 13UAbOOK. OLOOD BITTERSII L any disease gorms That May be floating I L' 00, I . , It isreft . . . . . .
I I 01� I I L ' dotted fre. 1 4 1 1 . Rr,lyftIL Crown Soap.-Juit as - ' LL
: �-Ie. . Naturels opetift for Dyspepsia, . 1 3, Toronto - Alontrem tfitlei '
i �� , � � said. to Itill soldlbrss 1� I . quontlyo�at least twice- CL weelt-In � 0 P I �ood Lag other Soaps. and . . 11
�_ �;11 About. They should be .W
I ?�� _Ie
/i� ',�W�'_'�, MISS Laura Chicollic, 13elle.Atise, 0 *44 � A
. When the T!"inperor Henry Ili 1104 , . . . ,Ue.,L MoMer-antisept4c solution, strongL Salt I .0 in
Cal)tured gillpl,no, 116 tiler says of Ito wohat I , . uell cheaper. �� Steamers leave To'ronto 3 p. M.- dalift,
sce, Fac-SIM116 wrapvct 13626w. , 0 Od tile WIvP8 rful curative powerA.- � an(j water or blearbonato of sodium - I
- __ . and datighterS of tho.lending citizens to "TANt winter I W88VtrY 011111, and VfOs - . ind Water belilIg two I 4,, Grand Alo(qt1l rTcaor For except Sundays; from . July Isb dailto
- - good and readily ' I . 4 fl . . I I . I . .
Vary 6=aUQUAl A6 43CIgr be put .upAt Ructioll 41114 rjol(j. L and .all fOLOt 100ilig fifth owing tat the rull-dOW11 , provided cleaners, Tooth *Aabes and . strength an pu ity avolv. , . Rochester, loop Islands,'R*-
to ta&e as Aug=- these unlmjipy'lad1-io4 woke 'ihus'dia- state'of my system. I suffered front pastes should also be�kftt carefully . , . it stands alone. � I 11 . . . -, , - I
� . - . . I . I I id.%, Montreal,, ()uebec, Mur'
r0A REAGAGHL, pose(I of to.a brutal,soldlery, ', ,.byallepala,loggiof appetiteand bad blood, OoVered. . . L I . - V%^AAAAN L . . I ,_
inA61 q . . . : . I . .. . � I
. I . . '' . 7 I ray Bay, 'radousac Saguea- I
- to I _� b C. . - ' L. ' - I * - L )I ' "
AIRTERS raft OW140S. I - 7 , I Wed tverything I could geti but I ��-�� -- �` CURES I I )
U . ' Clji'161111110, 11.440";ctit. . no pu*ose; then finilly started, to use . The Mood lolath 0 . .1 . ay River.
Pon PIE10 'nix Ros e garment for the baby Is DyOntoryo Disrrh , abil(s, .
ill P USNUC 'in the. primo of Ilro cbriAtl - A..*aIflabl I Oak, 00ailloa * A.D. Be -a- ton' I I
, . ,Iiuf4,��&13100A 13itters. Prom. the Pirst � I I . 'L
� POR TORPID LIV90i I OU11 WAg it tall, (401liewbat gaillit figilre .. the h�od bath robe. It Is made, of eldeto Pains Ila th�Stplilsteh, Oholora# Cholelas ' � - .. , . . .
SA YOR CONSVIPATION Will, olive COjjjj)jpXjOjl lylelined to Sal. day I felt the good effect of the medialfte, I 'down,, long enough to cover the body N Humi St,,, . C It& tiekstgapply to I
S. " orbus, Cholbraldwitum, ssa'SIA" I , .. � L 11
FOR $ALLOW 011, lownesa and dark, strilang eye .�'Jlo I. Slid ajd:ftOW feeling Strong atid well agliji. L ontir('1y, and Its chlof point og clitcol- , . .
CoMpU1169 wag bettof looldng In Old AgL% 01003 hi I Cali eat linyttling DOW Without 4"Y ill lene'd, Is the bood, This eovors Slid dric 4689, .$Ummor COMP111114 "a Ali I 4, Phone I it � - P. IR, flqdglens� or W, Jadkp*
roft "t a . I . . . G. Tt L It. � � U. V. U,
. *611"Myt i"A . middle ago. She otioe inladi T110. Angiv aftet-tifedtit, Rgivet in,- gi�At pl-tasute the wet little hoa4 as Soon a4 thor baby MUZ00 Oftho,86W610" . IF .1 1.
Ni'll" Xf you lzot It a Beaton is , . I I
I I . :�L i I I . , �
#I' . � 4 I
I I.. I 6 � g;� 11- lAr (IftiessJop to a Irlend wat She MaUl ta, fteftinelld Ljjilrddek Blood Ilitter$, lot tOM OUT, ON TUC 7EII0, fibu. Do UtAITA Has beett lit usef ror noarly GO Y69ft It's "VV", . - __ oil writa n, j,rVb,Xj!;A Vjt1jK 1 -tri'mi,
r 't fte%torL in 1jerL 11 ),J*�e ant (, - 1. d-- ... � . 'ent."Okto I
e $eon tile sull rise, , 6 , ,a 6stilee to alve An W, ,It 11 webtorn 11atobligeIr At � .
I .." . I tocel It tiav d My W0, I I I od hasr nover fallod to AiVis 210114 I .
OU99 810AC k4tA0A0.H9i ,. . I . L ,:. ..., ..... � . ...._... - I-- I— . I I I . . . . 1, '. .
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