HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-16, Page 6I lvl I Tha w1givam-Xy u9me.. .1 J " - � ­.­­,,_. I � . � I 0�- i 0,;" � ;�­4_�_ -_ -�Flft 1111=:1 J� � .11 = .=== � aw I _�_ . I Nervous Women ' TO 13E 09EN IN LONPON. I 'ARE YOUR .11 I VINCE AT STQNF.H9NrAE, I , 1-1 i , , - � I . AM 10UNTE AS-ME'S latest poem.) I I � ASS), . ,.Xilli - I.. �, � . =0uutacik9tle. Itignotatowe ­�, 1� rourious World. Trox;,;M, in the Pritish KIDNEYS SICK? Attorney-Genoral. Tokoo.Op Pooplolp � lons� of People I I 1. . , . I I . I JU 4s not the abode of the higheir; .11 Thetr $uffeesnkfo Are V.quaIJ7 Mosoum-The Tapling Collootion � , .1 , I 11 Fight Against Ownsrs, Vnjoy it,dally, ke yow-on tile 11 I I . stj- . . -pot'Ver ; Due to Uterine Diewrotlers, . I . of Postage Stamps. I Let your worning urine stand for 24 The right of thla owner of Stone - I 111tive-very witidow and shin . I I � , . I . , fgle aui tt e Perhaps Unpuspeotod Vrom- the Tapllng collec�tloa of post- 'h n e, the beat preserved'DruldIcal ruin ' . , , . ;�s a dwelling that'a a, hioned in i hours in a glass or'vessel; and then if it a K 04 e style. I �A 11 r Contains d � I � prinliti% . 490 .stamps In the British Kuseum, the is llji ky or cloudy,,p in England, to Weep a barbed wire fence I I : , , I . � : . 111.0tithe hIpjAest plitce'neath the heav- A M4DICINZ THAT CURX,S' most complete in existence, s0e around the ancient stones to being cow 1, I , ­ .. - - en's I bw doitio, . - . . lare constantly I ctions dish brick�duit sediment, oz. if parti- tested tn court through a suit brought it I - � ­ I . , PlUed on exhibition. � I ,&=dknuwn tothe%voild as The JVIg- - .1 -, - I . . . , I The trustees possess two copla's. of the cles *or gernis float about in it,, your by the Atto,Mey�General, .1 _. . 1 wayll Alv Home I I Can' we dispute Magna; Charta. , Of King John, dated. at, , '%idneys are diseased. If the kidneys Sir Edrnurld� Antrob4a made himselt ' I I . 0 .. . � t . I I � � . . the well - known Runnymede June 15, 1215, Otte having . unpopular In Amesbury, near *htch � . % " I I I , are well they filter just sor-mueli, blood, . . �, � . I � . 1� d �)niieilv's tended and guarded by I fact that Canadian a fragment of the Great $eat. S the rulas lie, when he erected the, f ' . I ... I I . � .tudent3 but if they are aick ur weak from any Augg * . , 1. I . I L � twain, - women (trip ner-, .of church history will ponder over the rs a ereby- preventing , .1 �. . ,I , W&oxn Oupi,l oft ititued at, and aiined p yous? � original Bull of Pope Leo X. conUrring . cause, Wei lixmve the poison in the. the use of the paths across the-c9mir,on I .. I . . . I . ' . � ­ 11, I ... 1..Jm.. 3 boe4 . I I . tit in v -tin ; . .........� ... i ... �..,. How often do we on Henry V111. the title _pf "Defender blood, and this poison -affect% the entire by the villagers, The fence ...... � .... I : .-% � .. ,� 0 �L � Ifteagb seven decades are entombed .......... �� - . __ ...- h r the expres- of tile Faith" from Rome, October, system. I destroyed several times,, Now. the, At, Ceylon 91ea, Blatk, Alixed, or Green. I . I I ... �.o� ... ", , torney-General asks an Injunction com- . I I I , _ � 11 -sitice, thLir hirth,� . � ... -`.....��......... Mon, 4 am so. nor. 1521. -The manifesto has the signa, Itis natural to. pass urine thme times . � . . . I I - - ..,1�11.­ . I ' . , ee �. ... . . . , � sll 'Meiy are nAWICtlas the "Loveliest wom- _.r. vous, it see , asif ture of the pontiff and several or . . , � Polling Sir Edmund to, remove the . I . � s " or, his cardinals. Lovers of the drama' a day, but inguy 'who. regard themselves fence,- , .. I , . on on Parth ;1I .. ; ) , The World's Preference'. . I lWath hair th.tt is white as the pictured F I o ea -wilt have attention, arrested by Inserlb, as healthy are, obliged'td pass, 6ter si The Druidical remains wete undoubto . . . :_ sewfoalli, e��irj Z J10WO __ I . 1. , . . x � I I I I ��: - *JMey I e.' ittle t in a 'ad stones from the great theatre At to tell tinies daily and -are obliged to o4ly erected many centuries before the - - . I I I � I re the life and the soul of The - annoy' you .and Ephesus; 'a. deed III 'whfch "William get, up frequently. dti . ring t � he night. .Christian era, and, Indeed, apple , anti.., . !!!! � # . . . I � -­ %%'igWftlII-NIy IIOLIIe ! MaUe you iirltable; you caA't sleep, .Shakespeare,. of Stratford-upon-Avon, Theyjia�,* sick -lddnays and bladder quArles say they d%ted Wpout 1,685 . ­ I .. .. . . ,. �� , . , . . � I . � �, " you sie unable to quietly and calmly Qentloman,'! and others, mortgage a and 4on't okquw it. Smith's BlIchu yearabefore Christ.. - . . 00041*00'*_00010��� I I , , .11bmwomided by verdure, it stands in a perform your daily tasks l,ithia Pills lcurt'Rheumati4m and all the earlIqat . .`� I ' or care.for house withla t1ja precincts of the They were visited from, fA i . I . . ­ ., glade, your children. , " Bla&fdars,.London, our national, poet's Kiduey a I nd Bladder disease�, aud, times, for.the Purpose, of Public woro . I I . .1 _­ -I . I I I'll_ �­ I � . . r C I r, � - . . I - . r.. 11F,kkere Hurua and Orange streets meet The relation .of- the mervos, -atkil-gen- signature being affixed, also the casket make new, rich blood. - � ship, and the holding of meetings, dA4. . OOC. � 1. - . �f �. � 1. - ,.- �.Ii-4 -, a ri tIAe shade . . erative organs.. iii wo an is- so cl - -c'a-- '�d"-feb-iii--Sb-olt��Oear.e';R --mulberry J.- -We n It wa,s said. that probably*they marked I . ­ , I � , , 'eadin,g, maple; bqneath that . M os rve , _svill,send-you a grperouss;k! ple I '41)L I _0 I - I _ - -of- . e . . I I 1, aff A h,tgO , -tenths of tile nervousTros. * . � .1 _ig� , -11 ... 0 .r _ . I ., 1 WV110,30 ,reell dottle nine , -ree, together with o.t;r la ­ --the bW1Al 'PirLo-W -Rings anct--grext- , 1. , , � ­­ I I I tree, Pheo, the' proporty'Of Garrick.. � ­ 'LPOSt pau V . ­ ­ I"- . . ­_ _1 'Ifte vv4ld-flo Wei's of Huron have ruade tration, nervous dabllitycthe How many . o . imleA ve mentioned dis sea. , P;., . .r . % . . _­ , ne - --- I _ 1. , . f the'PurlosItip _'bo warrior . . blues, a deposit- � DOOIC Or _ , , *a __,� I. r � 1, i.. I . I ryo p4w .! - , � 1 �, sleeplessness and nervous irritabiliti ad In the � � -It is contondeil,that- the-iyoads, lead-, , - - , - I . . I " theni a home. Mediaeval room- would have Address, W. F. 6mitli Co.', 18$ S t.. � . I . ,. 0'" ., . I I . ­ arise from some derangement of the fixed the eyes of Horace WalpOle ' lames Street, Montreal, Chriada., � Inc to the bruldical'teniV16 -9.ra'high-c rpo�9000000,000*000000 , , r , , , I , � : . . , , 'Mm the spot of all othees the dearest and I I . . -_ ." - !. I "I , . . . . I 10�* - ., I - �... . � ,. I �03 earth, � . organism which malwo her a. woman.. set him l9rIgIng to have hads,them at . . .; ways, and the public, therefore; hA4 - . '001, I ,. r, I I - _� I r . . I . . I . . I � L .� .1, . JUA you'll find it in Clinton -the place F its of depression or restlessness and Strawberry -hill! There are many rhel- i I --------I the right to use them, aa they had used I - KDOW6 We have always a fresh a4d large, -S$-. * I * , 11 . I , .. irritability. Spirits easily affected, so mets, be,linning with bascinets'of the , 'SMITH'S ISLICHU� them without Interruption until 1901:. 1 , � ,id my birth, . I i � .. ,r- . -Alitrobusl - defenos to !r �' that one minute she laughs, the next y roldber-made for a , sorted -stock Of Or6c4iesjand Provisions. An ' i � . Sir 19dinurid I 'JINw-storm. mav have wrenched it, the minute weeps. Pain in the ovaries and _S,,.,Itan of Damascu � LITHIA RILLS � that the approi,bli roads Vero sirfiplr , yt4ing v , ' I � � 1.1; . . a* tn. 12$5, and a - Private 'ways, arill were the ppopp in the line Of Crockery G16 ' ' . Chinaware, etc. I 1�� - �; . itempest have poured between the sh6ulders. Loss of 'voice; In the form of a ship, fabricated. PQSrrlVF. CUR FQR RHEUMATISM , rty, 7 I ssware.. , �, ,,�,,, Mw wrath w1lere my treagures:in Hur. nervous dyspepsia. A tendency to cry 'for, 'U of the lord of the ,manor. Thei eou'12 can b0715roculled at . . . , ­ I l the - Emperor Rudolph '11, Wall AND ALL 170ilu OP KIDNEY AND - this, store. . ommop-, .. ­', .e . r ', . I " , ­,� -on are stored ; at the least provocation. All this points painiings from the ancient st, ste, � BLADDER ILLS. � � not be described as highways, .because I . I I .. I", I . . L . � I . .. � I I I ,�,,',,,, , '3ftleved ones -the St6rm-flend, Wild to nervous prostrati6n. . . I they only led to the "cleat temple, -and - . . . . I 1. ", . . Phan's Chapel., Westminster, dating as ' ATALL citAL.nIva-As czxrs. . -Good-Butter . 1: � . I . WANTED . ,,� , Huron, and all Nothing will relieve this di4tressin far back As -1256; Candlesticks of Eng- A CURIE AT THE PEOPLRS PIRICS -nowhere else. I I . . . . . ,and Eggs. � I � I ­ .9 , . . I .. . . __ I- . . . L I ,. . .. I . .. I L " r, Ift children, that cling to the south- condition and prevent mouths of pros- lJoh enamel, ,of th ' * . L . , .3 . .1 �11 . I e- 17th century, �ave :- , . . I I—— . . . . 11 � , . I . .1 . .11" ,eastern wall, tration and suffering so surely as Lydia . an -1ropresslye historic' savour. Tou , , 1, ._!!!!T� . .�_' I 1� L' .r, 'ANP -iill winds creep in through . . . . - 'L.i4klal""1111� ", . . . . � - -:11 Owe the cl E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. can then survay..quaint Personal r' ,lies, . � . ___=�Swl' . " � ­ . , ,_i - -L . . Two Times. I ", - . i 0 W'. - Ir , * ' ; I ' , ".;� I the rents that are torn Miss Lelah Stowell, of 177 Welling- Mver which belonged. to Car- in, the' matorlal--ara a 'coupl& of.,gen'., . . . . .. .� . � �. win's .. :, 11 ,. -1 Moshe home that my pen and my pen- ton St., Kingston, Ont, writes':* d,,,, sn"I'llors The 'expressions 'Itiniol., and 'rigAt ­ e L - �­J . . .1 " .. , 231mbAdge. XnibasshdorL from ulde rajjtleg, Ono Is &,charming ves, ' 98084)V*86$08�@WO�0,6 , � I . . I I of a Papyrus staff fOJr 1.1me," as used by the'North Sea trawl- L . : , I L � � -l", �cil adorn. Dear Mrs. Pinkharn-- . . Henry, V11L. to. the pope,; Queen Eliza- eel -tn the form . . � I . . L , . I . 8886888686SO88ftww" I . .. 11 " Your medicine is indeed a era, *emexplained by. the managing � . . . I I I I .1 .. � . . . . I : 11 . I �. . ` I I., Godsend to suf- beth'.9 J,vor the purpose' of libldin' antimony tot. 0"M , , L .. . .1 I �j L Iftwe, Euterpe.- who know the light . y hat; and the massive Loch- 9 . 41rector of ,tho Gamecock floetL at '-- � -_ . ,,� ,' 'er'n women, and I only wish. that they all, bury, brooch,. There is A 'Painting the eyebrows, and an amule% the . � . . . ': -- . , , knewg . � I . rare,relle for . It.. .. I . .L I . .1 .� . . . 1. I � . I ­ , *'Sko,06*49090 I I . ;, I weight of my purse, what it can do for them and there ,h Nut-aritef, a monarch , Corning the fting by the Russians upon' � I . a Scotchman's sympathy; no other I associated ,wi Roard of Tradis inquiry at.V.ull cQ . 1.1 ,111111bao-i- beside me and aidid my lyrical would be no need of their dragffmg Out the Punchbowl -of - Burns� than I Of,ttke 11th dynasty between B, 0. 2423 1 � �, �� " Val se ; miserable lives in agony. I suffered for the English fishermem - I 1: .. . I *0e90d669qI96..:, , �,.,� ­: years with beariag-down treme nory- L Included In the, Waddesdon bequest .and 2381D. Two Sidonlan vessels retain 0 11 . I I L . . . 1 40 . ' " . , � .;� .9 . 0 . , �: .30ma t-tught me, in rythinical number,; pains, ex are * L The clocks on the, fishing .trawlers - , � 'L�, and tone, ousness and excruciatinj� boadaches,bat a wonderful curiosities having the � the names of thar, makers, Eugenes are, set an hour faster than GreenWiCh, L 10 ` - - .!' - .. �;, few bottles of your Vegetable Compound add d attraction of fascinating artistic and Ennlon. There are fra,giyieuts wIth - . . I I -1 , 1 ­". Christian designs found in.-th6 lRoman le catch of �fish may . . I . I ';'� ,-,,': lftmt arLists and poets in list starve ere � Ig, ,could . .time In order -that It *'.. . B' ­ ' , made life look now and pronnsfug.to m6. I . treatment.' Such -carvii L Liaht uacueS � ' �' 'L J . .. Cliey're.kno.%tn.. am light and happy and I do not know what ' S. to the receiving 4oat'and '4 I.. I L , , . I'; , �., ...., L. ' wood ,atacomb .A bowl of a:m6er, glass; be. delivered 0 . . .� I . . I ' . ' . . * , . . � I IWA. I'll starve if I mu41- -for I -atilt --sick7ioss--is-,-and--l-ba�ve-enjoyed-the-best-o scarcely ever have been excelled.L Ono, c . . OU L L , ,�'',L�_ . . brilliantly enamelled, probably teach -the - Hul' market promptly. . . . , 4 -I"t­­Georga_stanA1nX_911 ,tile dra It had'Pe ' 0 . . . . r Spectalt. ' . : * , �, -, rling to tbee - health pow for over four'years., Lydia -'E.- I ___ . . . r* Tile Witness was asked what'the Ilsk- . . . . 40 , , I - his spear; another L L .. I . , , ,�'. ' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has f"tsun. and piercing it With M-_'--siau-origln.__��- �p�.� 0 . y I I'll" 11fte Wigwitm, that hides 'neath the . . I __qf 1� sque , , . I I . . . - ' lamps, 10-- _ermeXL_.WQgld gain if they knew. the 0 -Thqy are made of - 0 - L' rhino into thousands of homes and heart$," - remarkable work (boxwood� 'is tile cir- - ..most likely Damascus work, I I �P� great maple tree. . I , ­ , , -41ocks were tii�__- �- I ,the beat of material, and take no second 4 ,,,, � . ciiiar . medal lion portrait . John ' kind as nrermortes Of th� old. tAosl46rn t ..' I . - - _( , . . . The m4dagei:-�answered that I. '11 ---------- 11-- - , , Will not the volumes of letters from of. of I I, 1D IWI 0 , I �4"H- Munater - representin Anabaptist sway" one of tile curiosities hav i.w., -* P acO !W;-W-O-HC6-aMbi,p.--]Pb�y--are-the-hight6St4rade�--a�L".It I . . .. - 4__ , , b"'. INVhaie the walls are all hung with the women made strong by Lydia E. Pink. ,g the I Ing on an,old. Custom and that such tridli,i6ins 0. tendin Iptlichaseig sliou 4 see 61 Stock bitore pirchasl0g. . ,Z .1 leader, In proftle-a- chain 1,oun 4t .the titles,of the Ekntr Shelkh6o, wh I I 9 I I ,._., q* - work of my brush, ham's Vegetabld Compoi . JL . OR, d ,'his L I . I . I y . I . � rind Convince! I 0 have WrEtit weight with 0 .. . . I . . 1. 11 . . I .. ,,'-',' , ­4117aWs orders of me are the sunsets that all women of its virtues? Surely YOU ne with- an orb and t a er' -. died "In L '. . fisheraren, � . I . . . -4 , . I , hr(� Osseo 1356; Noteworthy ,are the eX- � L , . . 1% I . . . .. I E � . -7 . .. � .. . . L I .", I Of -a man , us and aepom-.' . i ' ��,' I blush cannot wish to remain sick and weak Assutng;. and. a pair of busts amples, of Venetign. geftl . . nglith Shopke0ors. : GE061 LAVIS � . *a � ­ . .1.11 . : � eLINTON I , _­ , ,I The mse made by tharn of . . I L, 9 . ,".., , 11sapaline splendor on land and on tide, and discouraged exhausted ,each day, and woma�n, n, walnut, fine as fine. art �,Plishment. . L . . 0 . . 11 . I �. .. I .. L . I 1. .", I I . . .. 1�. , INEWIa ing our. Huron -the deep -and when you can i;� as easily cured aa : can be. -Baron Anselm" de Rothschil L d ,rods ,of glass enclosing "ttijeads 4"the The uptIer-clasa tit England. Is sink- 9'0 g . . . I . ... . . . . . . . 000000.0**0099� I - .� - I I . ---."�kfilip,00*'**0000.�e******090*.d% L ,�� � 411e wide. 1, other women. -the last-mentioned work� f rom - Whitb opaque mateital disposed in -var. . I � I ­­___...­.. I ,� . . t . obtained I . .Ing, the middle Is rlslng� and those wiio . . .. . -----­-.-__-,�,�*._._ � . 16 ', degig-, , I . I 1 _7�­­­_��_ ",;. . Jffare I worked for a lifetime 6n land � � I the father ot the late Sir Edji�r -Doehm, us ris has striking Illustration". lbolong tothe, former keep "o,po In as� L I . . . I I � L . . I . � I I Z,%� . . . I . . . .. * offim _ L . L . I I I ' I I - __ S1. L � - ! I I 10-1 IG40 I C_ 8- I . I I i , P"' A 4 D Al I 'CU I At "' il 1-10 - IC119 I I 0 i, I 01 tj : r I - 11 I ­ and on wave, - __ . . the'sculptor. ,All the carvings notic6d In such 'mariner the artists ' produced slimed names,'whil� those who beiong . . .. . 11 � 1: - I .1 L . . I ­_ . - ­ - ­ ­­_ . . ...- . . I . . . . . . !�i'-%" � . . their matchless' lace glass* o e avor,. to Conceal tha I .1. . I � '! �_�,� IL 3115w_�thid_ L in ­­a__uapkin" the talent He . . I .are, German; -and the elder,' -Boah"l, . � I . A� goblet L at, '' , , I , - I , I . I., I 1. I . . - , � . I L I . I __ .-..-- . � , , .� I I I I . . �� .1� I gave. - __ _ . . bought tho busts In Prague'at th has in4lts stem EL half sequin of Fran- they. themselves , are connected - *IthL ' ' . . . I I . I L, . . . e- trifl- . I . I I ' I . I . I . 1. .. . .. .. �, L . ­ � . � I I e, -Of-f .� the period . . . . -..--- . . I . - 1�',.` -Romance, of -a ftnkfiote. , Inz-cost bur-shWhi �cesco Mblisso, a Dose, fixing' trade, says., London Truth, The con- Clinton Sash, Dpor,,.'And . , I : A L I . . 1. . . I I , I .. ,.. . � .. I .. L . 1�1%`.,� '� V�we the children abound in the heat The London Daily. Mall says L theo same- id o in M ver tion of both, however,. betm' . .11 . .. ­ _ . - . sa; Y -q , , � . IL . . . . . L I . L I .� KS,ln honestofte, alike eu ' . - . - ­:* . . I . , ... Bkad I actory., - '' -- -, ,�L , '' ". I . L Ili , ' . L ollecilon canz,be soon .p?;�L, , . Wfa,zhare. -L'Oy'Xa-W-e,ek'LV__ -that-tikey-,s, . �.. I . _ . . __ , -of the day. . r-nau who walked Into the Bank bf trait cir,,, . ,ra-shopkeepero. . . ' r . 11 .�;�' ,In r- 4 1 1 � I R ,F . I . I I . I . . 1,*ae the presentments of chipmunks England the other day and laid'a -;010 . . I . I � ! I . I . . . . _�-� �____�, __�. . - . . . � % �, I .� . L'. � � , ioUs and beautifully. artistic. A Vella- , I 11 .. . ... . : I L. I . . � . . I . . _. . - - __ I . � . .,�',, �, -at play, . . 'L I ____L�* . I . , �L _. " '�_, .1 . I � I LL , �,_ note on the counter. was surprised'tor * . . ., .. L. . I .. . I � I : This factory ie -the largest injUlis oonfity. and has the, . I . .� . - -tian'cUr1o'of the '16th 6entury-a -table ' . Arililetnl['Rnbl�x. .". '-I -I- I I L . vair.-iiie-5-6 _Imvii�_Toa_ _15 , 1�.',, .Almdsquirrels, and flowers, and DiCtur hear the clerk sav- "We can't ca�sk� clo-L� 1 'a 1. - :, -:, , [ A�flfk ; I Ili " I . . . ..­,, . . - il, . m � . ­ fi%____�� . 42 �� - �11'. ; � r ��, " . 11 ,of kine, .AlmAthey gaze onthe artistassome- this. This note Was siopped .23 years . I 11 .. 4b 0 ppe , in Me 4017M Of. a . . I 8quar'e, tower'havin top . 9, a doomed, C U I. .9 re puvu�t4umj Uy . dochig small natural ' d rubles. to a -fine I ­:��, . ,,44'1i.� I �t'�� in d. . I ,W - I - i %eIr"puaLrent', agQ.11 . . I . Over 20 years back the,note was, . , . ciowned, by th lion of. St. Aiarj� . � P . 1. �ls' ,., strIlting. . I 1. � . * ' p der, Cal _giped ID an electric furnace, - - . R01WI, ind Aiihizing, : '­, �,. - A16mAping s I in,iriplets they stopped by a clerk than in the emplay ' - The almost �ndl6ss'nuftiber of curlos- - � plTi er _. y . 71 . -, . . . , ... 1,�. 4,11. �,, � �� 1, -Come . 1112bview the delights of The Wigivini of one of the Provincial branches of the London and'County Bank. It had - it' . Les irt-the British Museum biffie any L I -attempt - 9t clalsification, having' the , , - 11 . I . . . .. . ".. I .K� Ightly wa'mm rem. � . - ' ' " I. Ifte 1. .. -";,. I 1:.- -My Home I .- been brought In by an emuloYe. of one , . ' variety, and quaint ass of' , Thacke' * 'Is '� . 11 . ray Th6 ebronicles *of F * a . role art - abound I. . - , I:%, " � I 4M6 the children ! the children ! my of the bank's clients tn order to be paid , kritck-khacks� commemo�a(ed Ili % his . � . with accounts of "the tussoacres'petpe- . � . �1'1 [��,:� �',� heart swells at sight Into the client's account with some �. loose verses . .the "Cane� Bottom'd` Cllair;'� ' Like. . trated by tile most notable kalgfits of , ., I ' , �_ . ,4110keir innocent, critical, baby delight, Change. . . . By.a, strange ove�slghtj -the clerk, t e'hum.oristls souvenir in h � ' hie ' littlo'kin that. 10hivalri - The'y'th6ug4t bi no, , . - c. age. I X, � ". _A=tkey point out the objects of won. I 86UN, . . gdOM'iuP four pair_ of- . 1. harm to .6urn 'churches, desticty 'rell- , I � ,� , I'— ��,,­ I der and qaze 41111111 "00-�Ossy,' the squirre1q, after Jotting down the number of the note, and- after counting the change.' stairs, the. curious -links at Bloomsbu'ry, ' IWItCremote history. and joctaf life. � . . . gioul-builAings and plunder.and buteb- . ' ,:�>*., L and ADirds, in amaze ; ' omitted to take the:banknote. When, he strin,sely. ,quicken Imaginatiop . era Peitceall,le and Inoffensive populi-,. . ... .. �.�t�,"� � ,,� , ZMA1. city, if viewed by the young, who . discovered his -error, note and knapsenw � � .and fancy. It Is so In the watches o.nd sun- � I . . tion . , . . . I . I . . . ".. . . . I � . . . . . I . I' ,; ". �!Iil�­.` could know . I Extay ger had disappeared. Ketther was � dials rangingtrOm 'the ea0y Part of the, t , [� ltii�'19.th, . , . .1 . .­ � .1 . . , 7. lsteatl�e*, � , L' "rl.,�,;" life -work might save them from . � seen ajain.- ' ' .16th tothe.Lbeerming: of . - can.. ' I . . ' , .'­� ,�1.',�,. -sin and from woe ? � The, clerk took counsel with a6 col- � � tury, -the elaborato_kays, worn as badges. IYL A leithen'was origin I it dweller . at I ��' L -1 'Wimms are hurrying on; and the time league at the'counter, and for, the sake . � of oflice by dhamberlains. to various ,.`011 . L the German heaths I � the. last locall- I I I _i�, cometh fast of their own prospects the two young . Euro peon couris, historical b s to. . . ras ties In Gefinan� to accept.the Christian I . ,., ; -,,L�j �L �::. . . _ L Vfteki my spit -it shall leave for Eter- men determined to say nothing about bacLoo, boxas'tottolseshell and horn.-ma� - " I . . . . . . . . religion.' . . L. I I . . . . nity vast ; the affair. but 'to bear the loss themm'. L dallions,, ana boxes representing note . I . . � . . , I L 1� . t.- - , �': ,.�. �4 � 4 11 . .1 -A,Wd the floods will descend, and the ie 5, to malt selves. Each paid .a good ..,worthy . the I ... and'uton-ed the number Persons and events, 'and- Mijer: rinsm of,00- .I A ­ 1,16 4 .�, L . . - I . .1 L . . I I . Annebrontems.. - - . . L vulnerY. OSP uld 0 d0ing,wOrk an the shortest, -nosice., we. 01irry, an 11 , � extqnsiVew � . � . . 1. and reliable stook and prepared plans, -and gilre estimates for and build &4 Class_ ­ . 11 I I , . , . , 11 - A , as .4 buildings on - short notibaf and on the oloobit.'pripils. All wbrk . is: stipvto. ; - . L' .. ed in A 111831141kical way and satidactlaii gaaratittied. We L sell all kinds of in ! I : � .. . . . . � . L . . .1 .� ,. .' : . , � tariorafiffoxterior material. .''., I L .- I . ..I I '. L .. � L . ... .. ., , . . ��,, liumber, L%th, Shluxles-Altue, Suk Door 1149's- ]E ., . I . . . I . . . . 'GIRFLY BILti S. a OLL .'st -, 111� te " � .1 &gout for. the Colebrate4 . a 6 DESK,, pahritaottirer ,_. L' . .. 4 1 - 0�s pribis and'istimatesbefote plaoing)ourbrdjDrq � . I , - at watii:106- 06.11 and _ L I . . . . . . I ­ . . .1 . . .­, .. . . . .1 . . '. L . I . - . , , . . . . -1 , - I 1 I +9. S.I Co I'V19ft , PROPRIETORO . - - I I ` ..... I . I - . ' .2 1. I,, . . \_� 4 . L . . . -General 11411def L -and .3on'trattoir . I . . 1i I I . .. I . . I I . . I . . . �.. I . I .� L 1:. I L. . . ... . . . . 1. ." . � 1. I . . I I . - � . . I . . , � I . I . � I . . ; ., ,� . . . . I . ,. I I . . . , I . . I . - - . �_�, . . . .. ,, , , ­ . I . 1. . . � I - - I . - . __ �'� � ft,41�� 1 - _­ I .., . , , . . . I � . - I I . � - ��� �. . � .. . . I _. , �� .. L. , US' W, 11, fti;OERS � . . : .� L . . 1, I I : 1. . I . , -461 YEARM , " . . . L Dress �Vuttivflf � School,, , , , - 16iPENIENOR . � . 1. L . I . . . . L.L , .-.16.1 .,. . . .1� . �: . . 11 .1 . i . .11 . . . L . I : � . . 1. I . I . 1. I ainifiiproving,%ray dress -cutting ecuratt; I . .� I . . Watch for Particulars, which will apoear in a, - I . �*, .1 �i .few weeks. -It, $be ill"nUme. for.the benefit of . L 'A . I i k , I... . . . ­ I :. the publio, beware of atifertisentents not bear. I _ ., -1. I I . Ing,ittYparne,as I have board of a few cites of . . ".. Ulk , . . � parties trji6g to t6aph that baven!t tabeit. I—. I . 11 , .. I � . . .. . . ! . , . I , � I . . I S a, with the ., . I a I I .. I ' . Y , . tempest will rave ; . Spurgeon once d0serlbed.. Noah. as , - . . , .. . . ". . teacher's! course from ine, avid so are not quail- . '��DICIM�RRG - - . . , � .;, The man who pregent&d the. note tor nt�rues arid enlbleXns �Of poPes-some- 'Isjtt�qg O�it ' ' ' . . I . . :, t�,�, � � . . . i I .",:I, 73&t Cxod and my country have 'power payment the other (lay had' fo id�-'It it side . the a:rk, at. twilight - - _ . , ,- , . flitil. Anyone thinklug of lea.riting. from an.. . I � � . - . . 1 DIC610"s - � I . . I I . .11. tries called "Papal ring ' otoefpe,rson, Write 1116 first, And I will lot them .­ I I ;`� to save. 1. � a," frequently ieadIng, bis Bible! lr�. - :�_ 1- . . ­ , among the papers of his fatUeru, r1who "'rings, bf.Investiti.ire.11 . .. . . � This'.reminds one . kno* if the pergoil is qn4lilled to tqiach, &9 1 1 1 . ,`�' - CCPVRIQ14TS ft� . I � i ­ . . I . * * ' . ., � . . , ,r 10rhen the bats and the owls in the � I . .. . a o s course.'and have the -one Neu tn# a sketch and desm9eulon IIIAT . � 11� I I . . 'From. the 'wide rangifis*and fine,ti� . , , . itch arti4i � QutokZ, alleGrW11 fI1r%)0ffloIl1ft#.* other ma . . . -�'. . . Tecently died. I oi tile noted plicture'b,y. ti� Dii I .. Anyoneoeu � - _ �:, 11. m0onlight will roarn'. The two clerks Instrumental In sto 1' ' - ples of Pottery, -the . St. ' . 1. , names of all whom.1 have taUght to 6each, ,, iliven oix 18j"bably' I . . , P.. am , work .of genius of ,. Peter reading. his. i)wu epistles O.. CtIlelva. 1. �. '­91onsatrlot%,.Iffld..tj�% pat4eats I _` ,� ALad sing a wild dirge o'er, The Wig- . . . I . . . ,., W',.= --'A- . . .. � -My Home I an bound tn leather with 9, pair, ot borii : ` Teachei I In - � '� Oftt IrM d0ft' All I .. . '.,,��, ping the note were traced, d,though from iny lands, Including "Bellar. 0 'a mi�q. W, M. -8ANDEPS . 2 all voll"11- , teaw;. �­ , I . I I . _'­ wam, both had left the employ of the L611- ml.ejgor .'greYbeards," Import I SAP -0 HER Dre3smaking; Box 159 Stratford, (Intario. * .- . I pat"to Ukon womo lu T, . , . 11.� I . ad Into framed, ipectacles.'- . . . . . . . . .. #N" fwk , MA, �"W" . '� . I � . ,,�,f, CL�kRA H. MOUNTCAPTLE. ' I . . I . � I I I � , . I I . . i tyrfell,Sli ' I 1. - 4. Vjthout ot= I ..:. . I :r, . don and County Bank long ago, ettell, Engla.nd under the name of,"Cologlie . . I . 1. . . . ., "'JIT NVAP9RATEwo . . .. . I . . . � ­ . . 1. .. . . I . . - . . I I � dCRaton, Ont, May 19, 1905. has received back his 9 5 alter the Pots," to.the Spanish si5ectmens, brob. I . I . I . . . . 1, . . . I I � - $*411fic )INfica .. ... . 11. �_�. I � ��­ . . . ably Int � . . TOMS. - , . I . . ., I _ - rodorleffill , � . Non7ilbisonituil .� -.1 . I . I . . . . . . lapse of 23 years. . I 1 no E2.tluced li� the Arabs, refer- 1:' IT' , , ` . Non-Insamw6blo � . I . I �. I . *Stmtod 44k1%. ur"4 bit. ". I . 1, ... . , I- a 0 must ba,jaaa� to our'swa -, f a *W,ro . . rhi Wandor&l 01saner. *. d N , 0 -. . I �im so 40durnw; Teftx.1$3 a " . .. . . �.�". a I . 0-wa originally signified a firm or . I I . ; . - . . . . � . . *edg, r uie. It Is used'in Wyclif in tills, � I I I. 01 ewspapers for Sale 06 d by an astrodiks, I., . . �11,' � I Wood ware. It includes granite, ba,sai,it, . ' I 11 I I r, ,.. I , I � 1 72N, OW, , . . I " . sense, "And they tK libil8owife - � I -_ ., _,'", ad Jaspar Work haOng -cameo decori- pw�nt their ways,'one ' , Will sevii` the thrif I . , I., � T - , . ;.1.. . News Notes tj . ­ 10 I : many useful dollars, , Cleans coarsa A quantity of bid newspapers, suitalIlt " . � CASTOR IA. on. A �vase Presentinc the subject of -to his town, another to his merchaun., , eat or firloot of, fabrieg, carpets or.. � for puiling Una( r,�Arpet . 1� o . r any - purpose . . W--wattintatoa, DF I . . I �_. 1, the'Apothedsis of Ho -mer was suggest- . dioe.wo ' � , . I I . . . . . - I . . I . I . w: I . . I - . � �`. ­ Warvey Simpson of Burk's Falls was - For 1111ftts Wd. Wdrew . I I I .$ilk waists beyond belief. where wrapping . I I � . . . I . w is . ' I .d'by ar Work 1'. the British Af us6um., .. .. 1. . I- I I . . . . DUST entirely, removed ,rr is riquired. t5 oent I I I ". . . . r.r­'!� 'AMW b a falling tree at'Otter Lake. . 4 . I . . . , . . ,I : , y . . QIKRMS absolutoly destroyed I pr bunile. NR . 01ae. � . . . � I il� - resenting maicerp, . � -C L LN 'T. 0, N . 7 im i The Kind You 01ave.Always Bought,-.Vive medallion portraits, rep . . Chinese -Rain C01,0118 regrored like rioW . . . . . , I . . I I I I � I . I , oward Gillies, aged 16 years, was . . Joseph Prie'stlY, Sir Isaac Newton, Sir* . Chinese 'ralu makers dre§s a dog- tn . . . . � . . . . I . I 1 . �, - -mmwne - , .. SIZING ronewodin carpets __ I I � . . 1, . I . . ... .. . � � . . I?". . d at P tris w Ile bathing. Dean ths 0:2!� , . Hamilton, Benjamin Pranklin.- eomi6, attire And chrry It throu , gfi the ALL.IN A . FFNV kOMI . tNTS FOR �� I I I . . .......... . :_ Oro FOMA 9 . dtdh'Ah I .. I . � J -",n C Iter, of Maryboro, was Signatura 0 and Sfr'J'oseph Bankes', ,are: invented streets In the belief that the laughter' . . � C.9i IM , 0 f t .� I . A FEW CENTS *"*#"*#"* #"#@ $ov � . . I . , �� � 11, JFA � � , Willfarn flo 'afti S k"� ,Z. . otltuo� his waggon and killed . , with special Interest-itidicating'the in, will cause a pleasant frame �of . And a child can do It wit . . . - . I . � . . . �. I . 1. , 1. . � .. I., �_ I � , � . I , , , . . I excited , _ bko, team running aw I . . I . . .. . , __ - I ay. I tellectual tastes of tho 'c6lobratod pot- I mlna,� . I � . 111 , . I . . . � .. . . � 1. I . .; . . . 1. . :� ­ . � � � . - ___ ____ . .among the gods and Induce, them . U S.E ' 'A . . . ' :." �1. i, djr4 ue . ----------- - terw �, The­gre6Lter-par -� pd-x­droughe-_. - , __ S SAP'�o � I I . � . I . ,.,,,,f rdports from the West contin t -of-the-Ungilm ' -- - * , I -RIEPA-0 ., . . 1. . � � � .. , I - �. I I I 1, � . Haunted Gallpry,?,t Hampton. I Delft was made at Lambeth In the 17th f . . . I � . awi r15 -,--_T__ . .� . 'I'll..'' .. avorable, wheat bein , reported I . - . I t Ary6urolluft I I . . L � . - I I . I . I . . ­ The Huffrn*ri & Tebter Co, . ­;-JAPAN11 ---- . . _� � 11 �. i, MoS.10 and 12 inches hir It Is stated on v�hkt would a�ppeaf and - 18th. centuries. I i NSt-A-epa. R-11 D , . Among thp plates " ... - , Xnale Sippidermi .� I - 0 0 .'. . I . . .1 . I I � Jftsg�ll and Yorkton. at at Birtle, to be good authority that thee'llaunted are'sets with the tin "M what Is' 06 1 Fe . I . I . . . I . I I . I k . . I . . . I . . 11,1'� ad; ' ; � . Torontd � I .. .. I . I . � , . . � . DEALER IN I I . . I .. . . I 1. . � I . . �. I I ".. � k,06i Bradley, Red Deer, was sen- gallery at Hampton Court Palace Is to merry man? (2) Let'lilyn do all he can, I The female spider 'is always 'larger . . ­_ . . . . , . I ,. s guests. (4) With male and, It accounts be true, * 10% O" ,- FLOUR - ANb-P' QF, - � � 14� -tescid to five years' imprisonment, be thrown open to the public. on April (2) To entertain his' than the. ' . . 11� I WRITING INKS I I . ECD OIII I next. For many years,this gallery - wint and marry jests. '(5) ut If his a -_ - . . 1. . . I I ... ... ' wife 33 1 'of'a rather Peppery dispositloh_ -, . rmn .. 'ALL K - . I . �,�� ' �%VbdC. Burkhardt, Edmonton, toflye has been closed, but pictures and tapes- the, bus , " , . , . . I * � , 'INDS ' I . - � , . ,-3*w%% for hbrae-stealing. do'frown. , (6) .All merriment goes When band becomes obstinate ' : . . � I , . . . . 1, . I I 7 tries are being arranged therein, . down.ft I I I Wood's � I . . � _. ... . i � r and .will not obey Or4ers the lov . . ALL ORDERS PR PTLY FILLEID , - ; Are you maki% $2150,00 a year? It Many visitors to the palace have ex- ' In the, I I . Ing . I I � I I I . . . ., OM , . I I jim*eIng done wit . glass collection, diveTsIfted and wife eats him, up to get rid of him and � lueftarAgna I . . . . . . � . , � our goods. Work 'pressed an earnest desire to see , this beautiful. are many specimens., of rare I ... ; t THETRE PERFEOT I " . I . . I . �. � respectable andpermanent. gallery, where, It is declar'6d,, the, ap- , and... curious seeks a more obedient spouse, . '. . , .. 11 .- - 11 . . . I .. .. . . . . .. , OU a"', interest 4 rom anclqnt . . I � ONTARIO ST, CLINTON :' . , -1 J tth,11 . r � . . . . I . .. I . . I . . �� I & Co., London, Ont. parition of Catherine Howard some HgYpt-�-for I . = . . I . I �., I � . I ... � - IS People, If not InVonfors I . . I , t I : � b6K . . . --- - - .- . . I � � � . . ,. .. _�, I � , � Siftle aches never grow to be bi times appears. The story' goes that : of glass makIna. were notable workers 1 . ' * '' The jacual. I r � I an I I I � I . . .. 11 I I . I . . . _1___1_-_ . I . , "I � ,,, 1,Wmiftheyare romptly treated wit what% Charges were leveled against her, . �� . . .In huntus, lore ther.e4s., an Idea that I I . . I . . I ... . - . ,,, 1 , I " Al . .0 -­�­ - _,!�t!!!�=t---� - .... . . � I Do I Sbld..by W, -D. Fadr & Co. . I -­- �T_ ­ , IF krry Davis' Painkiller. A good thing Henry VIII. ordered her to be detained' . . � the jackal Is tile llou's'provfd&� that he . San . . Boy WANTF,p at oqqe�at th( - I Memb r in the season of diarrhoea . . . I 0 . 1,10001turiend an A � . , , I . I i, ;&rP a In her apartments. She es . . .locates the game."d t4kes the flon-to ftbm agdat . k"Adf-Ati-ka- #*" ,��__A I - . � . " ,. , k -a Ibeldra, in rbus and other bowel -cow. .., . . . ,-;,, 0 � . ..the only ----- I "O . , was running through this 114- . atlea "--- - . ##".##-i�###,,##" Ne* Era Office. - I I . I - - 90,1 to T# it, ThIs superstition Tins no more -fou ind1b � . I . . 1 L I . I I . . . . - AWints that come with summer, oeek an audience of the King when her , datlon . - I � I = . . � � "', OW'L ZIV'e � i sho utilvereat Satisfaction. It V n2p 1 � . I � .�4 JLJL ZI C , , I than, Is found in the fact thar Utl cotrosatilofts of ous mwe!�__ I �,,.� Vue,rds captured her. and dragged her . I 9' � .nonmenan - y W41 . - "�----4 : - - , - . , after 11 lIon,,baS stain his quarry the. toAs, spermatorrhma. . . I . . . I I .: I . I . . .. a . back. The apparition'ls seen after, , . io,e4 18 a I . . I I a a w PAT".....hal I . I . I ofalidworexaft"', . � . . . . . . C, I . , 1 V XV8T MAKE ROADS SAFE.- nightfall. The Queon,Aressed In white ' - --A. ys attend and awnit,tho 2bWeco, Opium or Stimula . .. . . . . I . � I I .1 . � I gown, glides I . - cone us on of tbe r' . #a ofth I d I .1 . . I 11 I I . . . _ �. I ,. - I t , ZSafte Meredith has given an import;. .quietly down the gallery, ' B41ter, . . : � '11 I epastin order to on and � . I I I . . . . I . I � . . L ' , i and then, with disordered garments, P , . � � . . I . . - !-vwt verdict this week on a point of law . I I "I Ick.up the leavings. I I . per oreir . I . I . . . I � . . - . " . " . V ding the liability of municipal!. rushes back, uttering piercing shrieks. . I , � I . - I , re. f � - I&, I . - !M�!6*b I . I *. - . . . . , , �ti' to keep the roadways in a safe Ladles who have occupied residential mahklhd WOUld fi'aWto Temperatures at srea. . 1W1IW1WV;0_W 'ITO TW*AWP*�"IW�00'ZF'a"', ' . . I - _ �. ��.t. &,&_�419A�D �410FA*W_**_ .., L . "C 1. ion. The question was whether . apartments In the vicinity of the gal- If The �ottes.t and coldest months for I . I %% .. . .,c . . . I . . .. 1, �', � . .4onzriusing lery during recent Yeats doclare they ilk Is Na . Invent Milk MI " the level of a road by mean tile OCe�n are August and February. Woods Phosphodine is sold in Olin- . .,, I a turel's eenulsion -butter � I I -ql-sn embahkment, the municipality is have heard these shrieks during tho . Con by R. P. Reekle, Fl. W. Watts, H , . I I . . I . 130912d to protect it by a guard rail, night . . . . I I Put"In shap,e for di NEWSPAPER BARGAINS * � . 4�ii� on failing to do so, is ll�ahl parltion Of , . iiwes.!. Ovirlous 01ol Law, B. 06mbe, aad J. E, Hpvey� b.tuggis;. . . . I . � e in It Is said also that an ap tion. Cod liver oil i's ex- MAny,,curJoUs Instances of old laws -_ . .j.. . . " ., Zama es. The judge holds that it is Sane Seymot;r, who died at the palaae I . . � � I I � 1.,. om flagle and assesses $1,500 dam�.ge titay sometirries be seen, taper In hg�rlo: tre.mely nourishing, bUt . May, still be found in England. to . "%%, I . I I r I , I .. I . S . I I I , i,t . . I . I I " Aggnst the two townships f walking in the Silver Stick G&Ilory. Chester tho Julia WhO falls to raiso his ,� S A V 11 ! �,�_ - . I � - . . . �. I ,� X0 FTOVIde the guard. The plaintiffs in __­-� - ------ 1� ­ . . � I E will send the following'papers from now.ton , , or failing , It hAs'A0-Lb_e__0_rhU1S1fied bat When a ftlutlral to passing becomes � . i . I I _ - I Se ease are Albert Plant. a farmet! : . . r Wore w6 can ..digest it. liable by On old 11M to be fticellt biefox. %, I - L .1 .�, I ,� . . . . I , . . I m � I . . . �_ r r0mont township, and his wife: The smartlem. I ­ . -1.1 . .. A. InAgistriLto and Imprisoned ' __ _ � W� the Ist of January,, iqo6, tO rJEW SUDSOUBMS I . "'VWXciriving this spring their horse "I say,'ml,defth, really, I want 4 serf. 0 . . . I , . . I . I . I . . . . . , 4'4MUd And took them over the em, OUN talk *Ith You," exclaimed Cholly . . . ­ � I . at the figures quoted, '' .' . . .1 . .. . I . . lAnkment on aline between the two to his young wife. Scot6 EmulMon A 01arantla 1.0r. I I . . I . I . , � I I � . . � udofendant townships. . I 0 1 . .. The Phornitura tolittic is & ,Valuable . I . . � . . . . . . . I "'ftfttl 80 soon?" replied the brldgi� Plant Peculiar to R6V Zealand, ' Its � � I . 11 � W 11 I I ___1 . I I I . - with 4 mocking latl9b. And thqh, Cornblnegv the b6at oil leaVeo ard ultio 4r t4tu feet long and .. .. _' A ,Montreal Herald .... 60C 1 , I I ­ I . tPritin, - Ith the alutibi 46 , . "\ and F�mily Herald ..... 11. . I I . t I to q handsome though reject W hypo- 4re 90 tOugh that by splitting one into . � . 75c � . - A sul or, i8he shrugged Ilrer dimpled phosphites hat WIS tarrow ribbolis 4nd Johilng the ends I At is . . - e e , I 111. so t , . and Weeki Globe ..,.75c' . 1, 4 . . . -Miely Imitated but sever oqoWkd Poulders. "Whenever Charley talkfj ettSY to d1909t I MO New Zealauder has a first class � 1 $9 y . . I �11 . I . THE 09NUINE -that WAY I get p0ltillelY worried.- Ut -and does rope to band. I I I I f . 11 and Weekly Mail..-,, .... 75c , I . . I � 1� ft not strong enotAgh to think_serious. fair mote good than the I � . 1. I � , ! I . � NEW ERA alone d i . %* .st,50' I . I . ." ly.10 . I � 110 ... �.. . I I C 1, , � i AY oil .alone could. That lv6*r Zeallandfis keeaet 11 . r 11 , . . . . . - I k I : & "I notice, that you don't daeoupage makes I XoVr Zealand's Acatiory It so by'aittiful � I M � L- __ , - _ , - . . . . -f you are not a subscriber t . o the Np,w V,RA, . thl$ . - . I I . I I �, " , I 111M,11 replied the cynical suitor. ,tTlke tho_ M SCOWS ,EMulslon tkild go Varled that it his b6a 4 . . . I . . 11 '. .4 MAN98 ost strengthonIngi n toraitd ' � I � . I I � . "a An �Wftder to me is that you did not 41s. I � . I � OL colubtuation Of SwIttorland, moutherp Call And examine ... is your, 6ance to beconle' Otte, alld'.You haye. r I . � . FLO A WATER #over thts sooner.ff . nourishing fbod - W601- lFrpeo, Norway, �tha Tyrol and A6rth � . � your .. I I - "I did, Ferdy. laut,btoij that is' Our otook of high art plwioi Of let , . * I . I - I ft'i'­ muoh c1no In the worl,d. , Italy. , .1 a.46 case designs. and oontaiaing fineat &O I choice of four other papeirs beeides . I . . I . I . � 'Tho p4ofton- It lAttOr than to be libeed by � too g�ut,h, � .. I ,� � I �)b of P60"M 4- A, � .. ... A&*0011401 S611810" i1ofJoltoiless", I tiono ptroblisoble for money. See out "ri , I I - �.11 11 -­ I I 11 I . I 1. I � . ., . ,A-��!_,_!­ 1:1 "..". __ , I I., V*hd f4i"froo ow"014, , the 11airtat Vold* 1&%$4 style$ of swoot.jon6d Org&nAf M WA . I - � � VI&W 61d*166 tw bed Twit We � . . . L - I 14 the WNW, 'Thank y6w, bald rer,dy, with gi rls- . N 2he trartitra uo suoposed 4 tiav� " ptioem. botva6monifi nated, tuned, or ki I . . I . I . I � � � ....... ,_�� kt Indoationo-cladlatiltu commot,6104 , 800TV h 19OWN9, Chartilott, IL 13A06A tht Moot "*#tflII vatw* In � alrod. otaniophou6s glad tittlild In 'Tio . C I- I I � I I , . 11 A* S*W Vol to Mil"Al A LOAUWS "butio. 11 . " *1', ­ TOir-Onto, Ont. I A A � I �, - 1, I [ I I I I I. I . I aMuldy"Now I " I A -the *Otld, tcht 06rigi= 00sw tho Cyst . . ROK HOLMESO L IN'TON - ­ � i 1-11 � "., ­ I I , 8.004 Mid * % iOoo All dtuSrgIj%� , 110"At volgait ot "y 40111"d 00,4* . I I I ' L I . _ � I . --;;7,----- ION N --- I , , � I 0. HOARE% � . . �; ..1-..'....11-..__--.- . I � '� I .1 .-' I - " A04 , � . I XWO90"ttuat AIMIM I W6 , "4 � I . V1116114000-10 0 0 40 � I W-W,W1W1WVq%01W,qWV,%,­V#,4 , �, . . . . WW . I I .11, L li - � , � . . .1.. 1. . , " I -N'. - . . I . ., 1, I .1 . � . , h . - , I ....- ­_ I � � I . I , I I � ,­�, I � . % -�L�"L""-�-'"'��-.1��.,�-'�'�-'L-'-�'��'�' 11 -1L-----11- . ­L"'"Ll... 11----------.11 ..-..-.,.----.. 11 I I � , �� . . . .. . ­.­­­­­­ ­ I I I ��­ - 1_1-11.1 - I... 1-11 1 1, .1 L - .... I .._._e..____1__ I % L1--.--_ I .W�� - � "I I - � -,L-A-' ­..Lk& ��'_ _ J L - 6&1.A� �