HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-16, Page 3June 1,644 1905
1 Tho great rule Of health -
Keep the bowels. regular.
And the great medicine -
A er's Pius. 111,1"?...10..
Waat your moustache or heard
i.oheautital brawn or rich Hach ? Use
inns claw sans= oa &Lamas oa.11411Ws.a. ta!
Town Directory
QQVITQUI-lklayor,. Heover; Council
,4its, Ford, Wiltse, Gibbing, Cluff
Cantelon; (Merle Macpherson
"Treasurer, McTaggart; Chief, Wheat
POST 032710E Office hours, lobb
•open, 730 a. m. closes 9 p. m., wicke
nE a. m closes 7 p. m. Jas. Scott
• ettnaster.
•- PunLIO Lumamy -Library and free
=reading room in Stavely Hall. Open
”Every day from 2 to 5.30 p.m. and from
7 to 10 p.m. J. Bean. librarian.
ElormoL BOARD -F, Hodgens, _chair
:reeteri; T. Beacom, Charles. Hale, A.
Turner, R. Downs, F. Hall, J. Shaw;
Secretary, John Ouningheme. Meet-
ings first Thursday evening in each
Wirt, secretary; Wm. Jackson, treas.
ewer; D. A. Forrester, chairman; J.
nsford, Jas. Scott, Jae. Fele., Et.
Flumsteel. '-
teamOF Haerthr-J.C. Stevenson,
an; Mayor, Wm. Harland, sr.;
r Shaw, Medical Health Officer; Jos.
Wheatley, inspector.
BAPTIST CHURCH -Sabbath services
-eat 11 sem. and 7 p.m. Sunday sehool
at 2.30 p.m. General prayer meeting
_ Wednesday evenings. Rev W.H.2.244' Kee, pastor; D. Prior, S. S. sept.
bath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
•Sunday school at 2 30 p.m. Rev N. M.
Manning, pastor; A. T. Odetner, S. S.
-upt. General prayer meeting Wed-
nesday evenings ; Epworth League
(meets Monday evenings, and Junior
-Lea ire Friday evenings.
Sabbath services at 11 a.m. and 7_pan.
4lOnday school at 2.30p.m. J. S. Cook,
D.D'epastor ; Thos. Mitre's, 8. S. supt.
Epworth League meets Monday event
ing; prayer meeting cn Wednesday
WiLtras PRESIITTERIAN thatirunt-
'Sabbath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Sabbath school at 2.30 p.m. Prayer
eseeleting Wednesday, evenings; Ohne-
teteciiiirideei for half hour Prayer
Meting and jirst Monday of month
'business • Meeting ;Rev Dr. Stewart;
D. D., pastor; James Scott,S.S. supt.
Sabbath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.rn.
'Sunday school at 2.30 p.m. Ladies'
'Guild -meets last Thursday of each
anotith; ,A. Y. P. A. meets Tuesday
-eveeings. C. R. Gunne, M.A., rector
and $.-8. supt.
• Service held every other Sunday at
• 11,S0 ',am. and 7 p.m. Rev. Father
JPinsonneault,pastor, C.IcteleAemee
4th - Thursday every month; Sacred
Heart devotions 1st Friday of the
at:tenth; Mass every morning at S a.m.
BRETemeser-rMeetings at 11 a.m. and
-1.80 le.m. on Sunday, and on Friday at
eort Areex-Service at 7 and
. wed and 8 p.m. on Sunday
very Week- evening at 8 o'clock
Post -office Time Table
ie•Lobby opens. ..... 7.90 a.m.
Public Lobby closes 000 p.m.
-Wicket &M.O. office open 8.00 a.m.
P. 0. office cioses 6 00 p.m.
Wicket closes 700 p.m.
ithilheclose as follows:
South . 6.85 a.m , 3.50 pane
East. .6.35 a.m.. 2 50 p.m., 4.50 p m.
Worth 950 a.m., 0.00
West ' 12.30 p.m.
•Goderich..9 50 a m , 6 p.m., 9 pan.
Nails are ready for delivery approxi
mately as follows:
From North....8 00 a.m ,4.30 p.m.
•• West 8 00 a.m.
•• South ... .11.00 a m., 7.00.p.m.
-• East 8 00 a me 1Q0 p ra,'
•iL:4frona,the night ttaiti
" Goderich • 345 p.m.
NOTE : -The public is requested to
Amer in mind that the hours.mentioned
•above' for opening. and closing the
by are not compulsory, but might.
ade coincident with the opening
ejosing of the Wicket. The privi-
ge is exteveide by " Chi •POilt:tifilstef
-foe the convenience of box -holders.
There may be occasional days when
this. 'privilege will be withheld to an.;
able the caretaker to do necessary
cleaning, etc.
cCy1011 TC0-
Mountain Grown
,z •
Grand Mogul Tea is a
uct Of the sunniest
ciountain tops in Ceylon.
trepateij by machineiy
froin plantaiion to tea -
tick, it is the ' beverage
of hYgiene
(I No exposure to store
dust or mkrobes-the pack- •
ages linPd
paper bring to you inibe
nIcest possible conditipn,
klsjst on your dealer sup-
plying you with this, the
best possible blensi of. ilae
finest and ripest teas.
originating housekee
prefer it to bulk teas o
doubtful value.
Grand Mogul
Sold only ig Oadcaoes at
Vie and 5O petisoural.
With An bY Otating Swami=
pont in etch oaabaso.
, • 0`
Ttid NEW ERA will be sent
to new subscribersfor the ba.
mice of the year; for soc 'cash.
county Clippings
Oscar Ducharnae and Miss Celina
Denornie, of Dirsdale, were married
last week.
other day heopening up a ship-
ment of bananas Mr. Shields, march-
anb, Dunlop dieeovered aterantula,
Toe nasey friends of Mrs, James
,JCey, of Parr hire, Stanlev. will be
Not What He Thought.
- iv is ja-aitt that it certain Conservative
In this county, after the Local elec.
,tions, hustled for all he was worth to
get an appointment as License Coin.
missioner. He got it, and at the first
meeting found there was no more rev-
enue in it than his expenses. Speaking
to a friend, he fetid :
""What a hanged fool I Was. I
thought there was a big Wary con-
nected With the office, pr I'd never
have accepted it." -
And should'only be used under-
doctor's orders For a mild physic
take Dr. liamilton'a Pills of Mandrake
and Butternut. No gripe, no pain,
certain relief for headache, constipa.
tion and torpid liver, Use only Dr.
Hamilton's Pills, price 25e.
Its Winter Name as Well.
The other day a bright little Ave -
year -old tot was driving along the base
tine with some friends, wlaen she
pointed to some houses and said:
'What's that place F'
"That place is Summerhill," was the
answer. •
"And what's its winter name 2"
On being assured that its winter an
summer- names were the same, she
said I "Well, that's funny i"
Changeable Weather Causes
Weaken Preethe t1Poinel
and Cure Catarrh. •
The changeable weather of Spring;
with its warm days and cold nights,
is responsible for a great increase In
the number of cases of catarrh. It is
now that Hyonsei,the only guaranteed
treatment for catarrh that cures with-
every horde. •
For more than century physicians
have been sending persons suffering
from catarrh to Kgypt, Colorado, .or
Australia, where the pure, healing air
Would Cure the disease. For elle per-
son who could take this • trip, thous-
ands have; been compelled to stay at
home and continue their 'daily toil.
To these sufferers who could not
change their climatic conditions, we
offer flyomei, a method. by which Imre
ait impregnated with Nature's Own
remedies fitr the cure- of catarrh; can
her home. Breathed through the neat
pocket inhaler thet comes with every
outfit, its healing.' volatile, antiseptic
fragrance reaches the lungs and .air
paseaget; as no stomach dosing possibly
can do. It gives immediate relief and
makes lasting cures. '
- The complete outfit, consisting of
the inhaler, Medicine dropper; •and
bottle of Hyonieiecolits only one, dol.
ler, and extra bottles of Ilycameie if
needed, can be precured for fifty cents.
Proof that the, Hycimet ereatnsent
will do all that is Cleinied for it is'
found in the guarantee under which
R. P. Reekie sells it, an agreement to
payback the price, if the purchaser can'
say that flyomei has not gi ven satisfac-
' Mhicellaneous Dairy' Notes. •
B7PROP B. DEAN, of the O. A. 0.
•(Written for the NEW En%) '
So far as can be seenet he present.
time everything points to a very favor-
able season for the dairyman in 1905.
Old stocks of butter and cheese were
possiblynever so low in the dairy Mar-
kets of the -world, and production up
to the present, for various causes, has
been very small. The pastures ere
now in excellent condition, though
they have been somewhat backward,
and everything points •to a year of
good returns for the dairy farmer.
The various organizationti tor pro-
reetitee deiryleg were never so 4etel-
pletely systematized doe so well
manned as at present.. We are look-
ing for good results from the system-
atic campaign of instruction and help
now in full awing. Everywhere we
find renewed interest and hope in
dairying. ractorymen are improving
their factories; dairy boards of trade
are starting out with amended rules;
the buyers of dairy 'products are weae-
large demand, good prices and leer
profits. It now remains for the dairy
farmer to keep up with the procession.
It would oeni •that the chief weak-
nesses of the dairy industry, from the
farnser's point of view, are
1 -Not enough return, in some seas-
ons, for labor and capital expended.
2 -Lack Of paying cows, One of the
greatest hindrances to the securing of
better cows is the lack of systematic
breeding for a definite purpose. There
is too much "hit and miss" in the
methods adopted in breeding dairy -
3 -Lack of proper reward for ilnrOV,
ed efforts is another vveaknese from
the viewpoint of the dairy farmer,
We still find the same price being paid
for all kinds of 'nal& and "cream re-
gardless of its true value. As a result
of this many of the best and most pro-
gressive patrons ot our factories are
leaving the factory and making the
milk up at home, or selling milk and
cream to the city. In consequence,
we find markets like Toronto floocled
with dairy butter -which often sells for
a pride that cell leave little or no pro-
fit for the farmer; yet he considers this
better than the injustice .1:noted out at.
many factories. Grading of cream at
creameries andpayment for milk ac-
cording to its cheese or.butter" value
are steps that should be taken by fac-
tory owners in order to give justice to
all and to retain the patronage of the
best farmers.
The farmer who takes good care of
his milk and cream by cooling it and ,
delivering it to the creamery or cheese I
factory in good physical condition, re-
ceives no pay for his extra Cate and
labor, Re then argnes that it does
not pay him to do this AS he receive
no more for his share of the fit:ailed
Product than does his neighbor who
takes little or no care. of his raw ma-
terial. Grading and testing would
seem to be the remedy for this.
Incidentally the Wrong Of creatn
collecting CreaMerieS Can produee it
a better nnality of cream after separ-
ating. The present Would Rem to he
favorable time to purelukee separat-
Ortg as VO,r1OUS companies have a itato,.
wee outdid prices are reduced about
sOriy to learn that she is not enjoying
good health.
Miss Laur!t,' daughter of Mrs. A,
Fear Morris 8th' line, has taken a
Mitnico. Her aunt,. Mies R. Jackson,
position in the Industrial school, I
is assistant matron 1I1 the sante instl-
t t'
A. LUCKY GIRL I jubilee Yeac
IThe 20 Methodist ministers who be.
tioTed from Dead!! Decline by, gan their ministry in 1855 have nOw
willias,8 .1, rim. I completed fl ty years of Mintsterial
•life and work and at June conference
"When "'think of my former condi. celebrated their Jubilee. Their names
tion of health," says Miss Winifred are as follows: •
Peri"-, Of W eet River, Sheet, Harbor, Toronto conference -Thomas 'Cobb
• that. t AM well and strong to -day. an
. consider myself a lucky gi
ze ijames F. Latimer, Wm, Lomas, Alex
a ander Sutherland, I), D., and S,
y Tucker. •
.4. - L'indoe CiinterenCe- ISaiii-B; Ay' es
0 worth, L. L. D., John Kenner, John
1 I 0, Pomeroy, B. .4.„ and Edward
d Kershaw, .
e Hamilton Conference-,-. Alfred Au-
g drews, David. Auld, Thomas Se Row -
a tele:Charles Stringfellote. •
1387 Of 'Quite Conference- Samuel
DoWn. .
' Montreal Conference -Alex, Dren-
nen , Joseph Follick. George G. elux.
table, and William Short,
to 4r. wnitionaiy e, present- siensueffreLli:
I ed almost all , at one Can endut
from weakness and nervousness
was as pale as it sheet, and waste
away, else least noise would steal
e, an' was troubled with faintin
spe 's when I would suddenly lose
consciousnese and drop to the floor.
At other times my heart would pal-
pitate violently and cruise ce smother-
ing sensetion. Night and day my
neryes were in a terrible condition
and I seemed to be eontinuelly grow -
big worse,No medicine that I took
eiped mein
the least until I -began
taking Dr. W Rhein& Pink 14118, and
after I had taken, it. half dozen boxes
I felt so much better that I stopped
taking them and went on a visit to
Boston. I had, made it mistake, hoW,
eVer, in stopping the pills too soon,
Mr. N. Oontin, of Ste Joseph city
fame, has purchased a large auto bus
and • purposes taming regular tri s
trona Lien:sail to St.. Joseph, Exeter, o
Grand Bend, during the sunaraer
Miss Lena Wolfe, who was employe
ed at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels,
took ill on Tuesday of last week and
was taken home on; 'Wednesday'.
Diphtheria showed itself and she died
• o a Saturday.
Mrs, Wm, Ring, sister of Mrs.
George ICin , of :Myth, died at her
home in lifoissevain, Manttobat on
gaturday morning. She was sixty
nitre of age and consumption xas the
cause. of death.
Mr. D. Ooeghliis, Inspector of
weights rind measures ,was in Zurich
last week testing the !scales. While
here Mr. Coughlin received word that
his residence; some miles south of
Crediton had burned, down, "•
On Monday' there- occUrred it very
Sad death in Ashfield when MM. Thos.
,Glen was called to that bourne from
which no traveller returns. The de-
ceased was ineher thirty-fourth year
and had been ill but a short time with
an attack of pneumonia.
Mader Johny Glew, Seaforth, the
with it very painful accident at th
foundry eoriMonday, evening, resulting in the amputation of two of hi
fIngers. He in some manner; get' his
handcaught in it cog Wheel, badly
*Crushing the joints of two fingers..
Messrs. George White and J. E.
Taman ruade a- record pressing hay on
the farm of Mr Wtd. Skelton. of
Morris, the other clay. In three hours
they pressed Ili tons, which is a roe-
. cord to be proud of. Messrs George
Jackson Leslie Fear anNeiIMojak
hun thrAr ticrViTir-o-WaTire mow.
This week we redord the death of
Mies Mary Shoemaker, of the 14th
Con, Hay, which sad event occured
on Tuesday morning. Miss Shoe-
maker. WAS around as usual on Mon-
day and not feeling well retired 'rather
eerly for the night, but pre long the
doctor was called but all to no avail,
as she passed away .fis above stated.1.
The following, from the Seafthrtb
Expositor, is a record. of which any
man should , be . proud: -Mr. David
Doi -ranee, of this town, who although
called at the Expositor office, Tuesday
and paid : his thirty-eighth annual
subscription to the 'Expositor and his
fifty-first ' annual stibscripton to the
Teronce Globe, and only ntice during
all these years did. he miss paying it on
the Very clay it was due in advance
and on this exceptional titne he. was
but one day late. . e • .
Mise Waugh, the 'school teacher who'
boards at Geo Wren's, Chiselnorst,
went to the field where the hired Man
was ploughing and jokingly. took hold'
of the plow handles' and put the lines
around her back saying she was going
to plough, when one of the horses
looked around and took fright at his
new teamster: and started to run
away. Miss Waugh Was flung off her
feet the first jump and fortunately got
dear of the. lines. The team ran for
home but straddled an apple tree and
stopped without doing much. &Usage,
but Miss Waugh will. stick to her o:d
profession a while Yet.
and I began to go pack to my former
condition. '1 then called on it well
known Boston doctor, and after
examining my case, told him how Dr.
Williarnsrptik Pills .had helped me
- before, Elelold me te continue their
use, saying I could take nothing better'
and I got another supply and soon be-
gan to regain health, I took about 18
boxes in all, and they- fully and coin-
:Pletely restored, rny heath, and I halve
ead 110 sickness since,"
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can do just
as much for every Weak,nervous, pale.
facedyoung women, who is Slipping
from anaemia into, deadly decline.
They naake new, rich, health -giving
blood, and that is what every growing
girl and woman must have to retain
ttliei▪ r ea th. It is because these pillse I actually make new blood that they,
strike at the root of all common ali-
o xnents of life, such as headache and
sulesehes, and backaches, indigestion,
palpitation of the heart, kidney trouble
sciatica, rheumatism. neuralgia, St..
Vitus Dance and paralysis. But only
the genuine pills can do this, and the
sick one should- see that the full name
-"Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
'People" is printed -.on the Wrapper
around every box -Don't let anyone
persuade you to lake anythingeelsee.
SoldeleY alrifelfeis or sent by mail
at 50c a hox, or six boxes for 92.50 by
writing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Right quickly nothing works sonice-
ly ateerviline taken real hot It sends
a glowing warmth all through the
bodyeand when rubbed on the throat
and chest loosens up the cough and re-
lieves tightness and soreness in the
chest. Nerviline is used as a prevent -
lye and cure for colds, coughs and win-
ter ills in thousands of homes because
it goes right to work and twinge relief
quickly. There is no remedy in the
world with half the power and merit
of Nerviline ; it's invaluable •inevery
touse. , In large bottles!. price 25c.
The steamer Majestic, from Liver-
pool and Queenstown, last Saturday
stopped her engines, and the big ship
lay as quiet as the turbulent seas
would permit; whilethe surgeon lab-
bell,. second cabin steward, who had
injured himself so severely during a
violent attack of seasickness that the
surgeon decided thee a delicate surgi-
cal operation must be performed ab
once. Campbell was said to be recov-
ering when the steamer arrived in
New Sork. The Majestic had a stormy
passage, and many of her passengers
suffere severely from seasickness.
(44},i So
From the
Ovens to You
We bridge distance
with our traitture-proof,
dust -proof packages, Hall -
Oak and Vancouver are
brought to thveni
• doors. Farms and small
tovvos are pin on the sone
plane with the big cities.
Mooney9s Perfection
Crean1 odis
spckfa i 3,1b. amide
1+40444. faah, Cr* ihlichsts--
Awl such you is the tame cork
didos no matter %this you live.
• kr all silicate
• .liog Notes
Sweet food is hest for growir g pigs
• There is no advantage in souring
slops •• '
. .
Hogs, especially sows and growing
pigs, should have,Access to,thegroinid.
If the pigs' have scours, give them
Agood brood sow is about the most
, .
productive property a termer can have.
Whenea, hog is at a standstill there is
a toss of food giyeet, and a loss of time..
Feed the brood fitters that have lit-
ters of pigs , literally on warns, tdoppy
- There is no better bed for. growing
pigs thape, clean_earth floor in m part-
ly undergreend pen. '
_ . •
Many levees of swine degenerate be-
cause the sows are used for breeding
purposes too young. •
Make the hog house roomy, and con-
struct it in such a .way as to almit the
Dairy Notes.
A compleee and quick separation of
the butterfisilk from - butter is impor-
tant to secure the hest per; cent.
Filling the churn too full is a very
common cause of trouble. .
Bad ventilation ' in the dairy cellar
will cause the butter to be pale.
Care should be taken always not to
'excite the cow by kicking or scolding,
which will make her hold back her
Feed the calf skim Milk when a
eouple of weeks old, and with. it some
grain ration, fed separately,
When cows drink heartily and large-
ly the nailk is less charged with allege.
men, and there is a better crettixf that
rises, and a better and easier churner.
By salting the butter in granular
form all working is avoided, and the
only necessary to press into a form to
. send to the tuarket.
• •
New Brunswick and P. E, I.Coe-
ference- Charles Comben.
Newfoundland °Mat rence- James
. ,
Dove, D. D
Manitoba, Conference- Frames 111.
Finn, Henry Eenber and Wm, L
Scott. •
Of the above 23 only two remain in
, .
the active wgric',. Khlindr, _ Rev.- pr.
Sutherland, who is .the faithful and be-
loved Secretary of the Missiotary
Society, and Rev. Dr. Aylswortli, who
is doine good work among the Indians
at the Se Clair Mission.
Strengthen the Staunch sad DIgeetith, and Th• m Wm NSW
When there is an epidemic of gem you should get Well at once
disease, and most diseases are caused Strengthening the 14°111ach with MI-
NT germs, it is the person with. a weak , flinty"' cetuebtoitliebeelorarVeantablg°, son.du yPourf
stomach Who succumbe first digestive system will heeome, so
If you suffer with pales or clistreee strong that VOA will he the enehodie
after eating, headache, belching of ment of good health cytd,„apigite, agree
gaseeeeour ,food, a ebad taste- in , the need'iette iao geein diseases.
nroUth, dizziness, pains in the heart') Ask 11. P.-Iteekie, to -show you ther
specks before the eyes, and a general guarantee under which they. sell Mi•o-
feeling of despondency and weakness, na ; it costs nothing unless it cures.
, .
We have in operation one of the new " Lawn
Moller Sharpeners that we would like to have you examine
before you have your mower sharpened again, There is
nothing like it on the market .-Ify its use each, blade is Sharp
ened,with•the utmost exactitude, the bevel' on thc, knives beirtt.
kept at the same degree all along.' Every inaccuracy is takert
out, a perfect " clearance" given the blades,' and. all done
while you wait" to see the fun.
. Sunday School Convention.
' More good Mowers are spoiled by 'bunglesonie sharpen -
Tho advance program of the Inter" -
national Institute preceeding the 11th
International Sunday School Conven-
tion to be held in Toronto, June 20 23,
promises a rich treat to all the Prim-
ary Workers who arefortunate enough
to attend. Mr. Edward P. St, John,
of New Pork, will give a course of five
lectures on eChild Nature and tbe
Sundey School," and Miss Florence
Darnell, the celebrated teacher of
Black Board Work, will give it course
in her special line. Mrs. Crafts, Mrs.
Kennedy, Miss Baldwin, Mrs. Hal -
penny; Mrs. HainilIand it host of other
• pronament workers are named for ad-
dresses, and last but not least, Miss
Nannie Lee Frayser. of Kentucky,
whose iMitable manner of story -telling
moves strong men. to tears will give of
her work. '
--AllTeblikiiirorthi-treiiiientary *Sec-
tion (which Includes Beginners, Prim.
and Junior work) will be held in Bond
Street • Congregational Church, and
are under the directionof the Internat-
ional Primary Secretary, Mrs J. W.
' For further information apply to
Miss M. N. Johnston, 296 Spadina Av-
enne, Toronto.. .
ing than by the work they are intended to do. •.There's no
"guesswork about the Ideal -it is simply accurate to a haw,
Bringyour Mowers to this shop and see the result.„;
TURNER General.Re
Wedding. Presents. • •
. . .
wnen msioubt as to wnat' to' buy, come to, this store, we have
a large stock of suitable goods at lowarices, Which ate both
Useful: and ornamental, coniprisinglEasy-ChairS,Faney--T.b
• . les, Jardineir Stands, Pictures, Mirrors,-Walf POokets; Fancy •
' Rockers, Couches; :Musk Cabinets; China Cabinets, Mats,
Oriental • Rugs, Table Covers, etc. • . .
J. 11. CHELLEW, '1113th.
Important Seed Talk.
• •Baati ibe Tile eon Have Always • • . • •
Beare the The PM Yoll Have Always Bought
We Wish to inform you that •we have.on hand-'.
ton.Monday, while two chiklren of
Ars. L. Buzzlee of Cherry River; Que.,
Wei e playing outdoors; the younger, a
ntere tot; got out into the roadway,
thld WAS in peril Of beingrun over by
a teem and carriage being driven at a
high speed. The mother ran out, and
in an :effort to rectal the Child was
struck on the head by.the .carriage
tongue: with seal force that she ex-
pired on the roadveay almost, inunede
ietely.. The child was uninjured..
- • '
'A. ircinio Atieeje
It inakee now blend -
It strengthens
it bundle .
'Med Tint% nal_geeit4ei ad:natio by alt.
week people. fteveuta fainting. makes
pallid climate into rev eon, • •• •
Davis* lanreuee Montreal.
A plumber named Quenelle Was fined
$25 at St. Cunegonde for assisting a
friend named M.onpetit to escape from
jail. Quenelle, who was at work on
the City Hall, saw him through the
bars and took pity on him. A friend
outside arranged his work so that his
tool bag lay near the prisoner's win-
dow, and within reachof a man's arm.
Monpetif, helped himself to a file and
reeked his way out, and was so over-
come with joy that he got drunk and
gave the whole scheme away. landed
beak in jail, and caused his friend to
be fined. - ' •
report hem tne surrounding district
is that crop prospects were never
better at this time of the year. The
meadows and fall wheat fields present
a splendid appearance, and apparently
have no . poor spots anywhere, and
pastures are most luxuriant, all spring
Igrains also making satisfactory pro
gross, notwithstanding the cool
',weather. The Phew of lalossom indi.
cal es a grearftatit year, and although
there have been slight boas no
damage to the fruit prospects is re-
ported. A session of dry " Weather
ts now hoped for to faciliatate the get.
ling in of the corn crops, and is alt that
is needed to make the crop prospects
for the dea80/1 perfect.
Advertising is thefundAateenr..
tat prinoiple of success.
tising is the cheapest and most
direct guide to business success.
It hae been demensteated time
Mid time again that neWspaper
advertisitigis as eisential to suc-
cess as the 'Ivy money with
Which a business is founded,
Put your advertiseMenb in the
Are no
absoptein every
• Have you it Backache? If yoit have It
h the Brat sign that the kidneys are hot
welkin, properly. • ,
4 mewed Eacicache leads to serious
Ifettey trouble.
6heck it in time by taking
Giant e 'ow 'intermediate ind Mammoth Long Bed Mancold.Seeds at 120
, CORN-Csmiecnes ea l!e. White Cap Yellow Dent, one asiElyll
Several varieties .of 1 army Seede, oleo some Bed Alaike and lawns -
• Clover Seed: some Noeltz or Emmer; some 1000 heade$ Kale Seed; elko
Dutch Set Onione:•Carden Seeds he great ieriete• and alh11 rem.
Corn, Beans, R'atatoeto. • ' '
Lottdosboro Enu)orlant.
'May 10th. 1905.
dy for.
• We have a full assortment of Open and
Top Buggies; fitted with either Steel, -Solid
• Rubber,, Cushion or Pneumatic tires -also
. Market 841Lurnher waggons.
•Rifintla# ES Mc/Oath
'Hung! St.: Clinton. -"
bey cure ell kinds of Kidney Troubles
from Backachis to, Bright's Disease, '
$00 a hen or 5 for $1.2$
, an dealers or
" Toronto. Ont. •
the Coal business 6t. I
• Having- purchased ID
11/cOorvie, I am now pr&
pared to receive orders
for alfsizes-Orate, Egg,
Stove, Nut And Soft",
and solict your patronage.
Will sell only the best
grades. Ordells left wih
me at Coal Office,
or at Harland Bros',•
Hardware Store, will re..
•ceive prompt attention.
Our Beef Iron and Wine - is an excellent
preparation containing in a condensed form all:the el-
ements necessary to produce new rich blood and
nerve tissue. To those who need building up, one
ortwo bottles of this tonic will bring ,a marvellous
..lipprovement in health and strength.
. 16 ex bottle 75e.
Our Bilk Itir-Pewillo: inake la. steadfast friend
ofiVeryone who gives it -alai: ,
Dispensing Chemist
and Dr ug -gist
Through the carelessness of a miner
who carried a five or six pound caia of
blasting powder uncorked, 'a terrible
explosion occurred in the Imperial
mine No, le at Inverness.C. B., by'
win& M. miners were burned abottt
the face and head, sense of thein very
My, but they are good!
'Did you ever hea• r
'that Q.LI V E S are
healthful? •
They are I
• An ad to digestion,
• and wholesome too !
If•you are fond of OLIVES,
you will be g1,41: to know that
we have
sMee extra
es to
• Ii1bllk3Oeperqt
• •
poWs, 1Se slap
11C "
• The hest 'quallty of everything
•at lowest prices. •
••••••• ••••••!1•04••••
W. To 0 NEIL
The Hilb Orpeery.
Salmon Trout two ctaye a. week.
Mortgage ot $2,goo, Upon lam
lands worth $4,500 interest 4% yeatilr,
mortgage due 7 years hence.
Stock -5 Shares in peoples Building
• & Loan Ainociation. of London, Odd -
elide of 6%., Paid half -yearly,
Stock- 50 Shares Colonial inveatmeat
Loan 00,, dividends of 6%, paid half
• yearly.
These are offered for sale. Peritonist%
may be hid from W. BRYDONE, •
Solicitor for -the holder.
Clinton. May 17, 1905•
:pitzsh000s & Soo..11
We thank our customers for
their generous patronage in the
past, and desire to notify them
that we have moved to the
Combe Block, where we have
much more roont than formerly.
The very choicest fresh
and cuied Meats kept
in stock.
All orders will receive prompt.
and careful attention
It, Fitzsimons & Sea
•Telephoto ts..