HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-16, Page 1�w
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. .. Cul NT ON, . ONTAR10i. FRIDAY, . JUNE 1% 1905, 1 I I .. �
� . . . I
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. . ....-11.- . 1
� . I . I
I . I
WWWON-00-W � I - Loadesbore - 13ast WaWanoob . . . . nuourn, - � I . I I
N TO TUF FDONT - . NOTES -Mr. and Mrs. R, 0 . . - Constance; .
� I orle.y are . .
PEROONAL. -Dr. Islitcoalluin, Londe$ . NEW M. D _TTT,_ Ai.1%.nAish 1h.10 Al., -
" 11"It a .
I 111111mr1w.119,0,; P,K
. 1. .
TIPF")"Wry 00*01%
boro'L 4a'A a visit during Mis weew troni 43le guests ot friends ill � ?4�c � , , . . I . _. .1 .. �. 17 1 I
a12 ed Or is practloo, ere .o r. Wall., 11 S?0��-Tlle Ladles, AIM Intend -_ 'L I .
I -
his friend .1, *1%J0H1rOy,,, h1g, I , , . A in An . , I
, ,, DL Qf OttA -A tit esent. 'Me, Ana ftfra Ven - . v iee-or�am soniidl -f the
, ,
BI . 4 I a. Ill-VIVI 0 zaroyr Who haetakenup . . . 4 �
The doctors were olassulateo. in McGill. Of IY-th were the guests of Mr. A" T'ea .. ChUrefi on Wedoesdqy even!", June ,Xxe J00e 0008101110tfie Couuty,(I�an.
"I' 21.. Jjgggdeg, joe"Preaffi"Aridotbir, ood I
and later served togetber,on the 04-, Ury., Win. Nethery the raotice here with throeyears' c ", _ ell -opened on Tuosolty of it I -Im
p . . , %at, wteu.
an Dr 8 ' t 41)10apL�� _WW-0011'31111er add4i; sNue Vitroa � .
I last week. .Mr. perl ce. 4 oudish moves next L* g .
dent staff'of the Royal Victoria, H a' , i 4sea.,awrc,Q1J"0iJ
0- And' Mrs, Bosio4n Of Bluevale Sah- week to. J-6%
Pita], Mont . G.. eorgetown, things fl�r.whlch tbelhdiesarefan! 8"nel�ngth,refetoringto the stg� I - I �
. real, . dayed with Marnock friends, The ' STOON.-Tbe horse business is boom�' A Pro 1. ramof music, and addresses by pendtogbetween thevolIntyOrAsba d � . I
friends . Rev; feSerS.-ClenloL _ (,r . .
Som&L- - The Nethodi-st Sunday aod�neiglibors of Mr, Peter ing, Sturd� Bros. reepiatly SQ14a fine others, I will be give L nt and Birk$, and and tb,e County with, reference to tilt - I . .
school will hold its anxi"I Strawberry. Kin� have shown their symv,%thy for lultre for 82 0 to Mr McClosk , L n in the chttro,T& I Port Aibert wash
, _ ( Lout,, to the addltiop,, .
house of L I . . - � I
festival on the arsonale grounds on his, recea� lose in the burning of his ericb. - , ey, God- FOOTB44z�,,Lmt Tuesday evenIng a to the . refuge and the brldgeD�� L � I ! I .
theoveningof &r'day, uneU The barn ,by raising -enough money to horse John Ralthby. Sold a fine young footbAll tem. from Clinton, accou
urchase a now buggy. to Jos. Malloukh for OW5. John - upall- ander'0011tract, ' A, real e rate- [ '
, - , seat Of th
Auburn brass hand will, be present, Mr. John Wilso iod.by another bus -load of reiiif(jrca. PaYers, of the townships of MoRillop. I
. Should th'a "eveni Wallahan . is ,te0overijig from _, hi I n and J. Waguir also a Id libroes ments, arrived here to try conclusions �nd Oro�y for a grant to -assist in open;, . .1 , 1.
ny prove line a large recent illness c* 8 At good prices. . 0 7, 1 L -ING TR Las, .
. .
crowd is an 101PUte L L used WI) a kick from a with the home tean). Notwitbitand. Ing up the r6i �
. t, . � . I I] - . Id betweewlotq I ancl-loo,
horse.. Me, j� b '11' Ef loft on PORSONAT., -We learn that the pos- jug that a 33 . .1 �
mwbor Ofthe visitorabe. 14th cOtmession, XoKillop, as 'a station ' '- ___�_ : . I
R. T,0bF T. -At the regular, meeting Tuesday for Oderiolil wi(htrep ition offered Miss Tbria, Sprung, -Dow longed to , the Hough Oa - - ,
on Mondayovenin I 4 re -he has, , L) team, the of thi-,61%elp P��� .1 _1 . .
g last the following I b6pn Summoned, a. . 4- �;_"" of Win bam V, 4-1, ''nl,-#. - I'll 11 I I I h,Goderich road Nvould be ' I . . I
. I I I # I . �
I ! �.
. 1
.",4� , 0 officers w e elected: -8 0, J. E. Rob I . . I . . school board, as . assfetan I t . du I riog-the . 050 V, -J � P --in I's L, 0 -'$to - - eu oil lop 3. was sent to, comlnit� . . . . . .. I 1.
�,,; , I ertson ; V. C., Miss 0. R. - '. P. BATCif. BORNED nYLWnTxxN%-Dur- a &me whieb -proved tob fast. toe the tee, but was not granted. On motion . . � ..
14 Huston, inithe severe ).,electric scorm which Cowin 'Model term, bjw been accepted. ,nton boys;!, During thb fWt half iao !Of Xe�srq-04ntulon and MkLeau, jbW ' . Few.SALE lim . _� _
I I The 0011crel n B,a � � 9� A. F. � Johns ; R.. So Miss Mary , ,Mrs, emple Clark, Dianganuon, has goat was sciared, but duringthelast �decidedtlmttheolamateritAisint)Llid as I 1. 1. I .
"I . I t8sed over -this I
: Ith, -U_ �
Bro_-g'd-e'n;-T.-S7 -QhftWTrmsurer- _%0e. ba,i, b,f ... tjQn Sunday week, sofarrec'6vered 66mi herreoenttea- two goals were put between'the at ;n6w tinder I .
. ,"S" t - , gea 11
Qua I ness as o w oul . truction.. be . .
� I 11 King,. of'the, to - -..-- 111__� ---I'- 11 - tb_._;�� . akes . .. be " P I Q . -
I OU - _hev . .
- -, - 6r Mr -.-Pet I k%vw. -W-the--4OVWtejrn-. --The-visiters-failvd- -sold4indeirdirect,i6n. -of the-Upuncillor-a- A-4 _A.��F , .
I _OF O -AN DA C. Sdewapt; Her, A. Livornlbi�o; Guard 'O -arm.. or.
--1 ��: - I - .IL� McGill;Sen, R, Snell --,-Organist, I oth concession of Rast; course of cons 112--E-E
I OWPA interest O SAVINAG8_ ------ � father's home here foF.. Al long vial. . -..- __. . M. _�_ 1.__1-__1.1 ---111.
' Sfromdateof posIV s.A,BOII',- --"- ' *t: We to make �a Count. Although -the Clint ;in differ6utfloeilities . . I �� I
UR Nis Wawanosh,, W4 . I . . . . . . . ... . .
- - 0 � de . I- _ - - _,a struck by lightning. sinberely.hope itwilt0lotnegood-we ton bo W . . � . .
. . - d _''4' f �j destroyed 'together . ye were defeated, they weve i TheRquizlizittiOn 6ornniftee, made .
"I an, tow. plete I expeetw. A number are ing out wqst � � . � 11 . I I
I.,% 11 UR TIMES A YEAR. P.&STORAL,-Rev.1 Mr. Leckie began with about for y tons � of hay, three � . asseas t 'of the I It .
., I t . again this summer, . �indl treated, to a lunch beafore leav�' 'no change .ju i� -the. Toon DrsAg'St.ar4a,,ellnt3,H, .
MX. rr. MLAALZW03ia his pastorate here on Sunday. There hundred bush Zhu, Ferguson Ing, be'Te ,�fw i . I I �
.. . - " turo matchwillbe, F -W.. !coI1Uty_----,- - __.". 11 7 .- . - _. ,,, I � � I
. were qood congr . . . `010 Of 91,'Aln-ond a. li%rg� est a soon, . . 1. � . AI I , of, . � . . ... .
, Clinton --' _ egationo out, both in number of f , , expects to go. W it! Is,son' . . I . i.,,-Tbe rate Rttu* is ono'knd nine -,tenth ' ? =:= ' ". , _. - - � � . - � . . I . - .
� arroing. implem t%h�l h
,�; I Manager Burns and Knox church�%. :He has sistitimofwag I Outa- 130n, who has bQuiht a blac, mit ng bus- . I . .
:! i b . . LodALs, ,'Mills on th&Aollar.. .. I
�, -_ made a favorable impression,: and it is etc. 001.1 U,Jigy, cutter, slejgh luess out ther'e, '.. � . -The - now' tractioil ongine TheCo�Iicild�cid.- I- I I
", , - hearinithe oud olapof than. , . . 1. . and se�arator, ordored by -the syiidj� led to hold it . . 11 I � . . I
11 hoped his ministry way be tile means' der,one, of Me, �� in NOTES.-4here must be bpre wed. cats, arrived bere last Mon a- December sittingEwr in N .� R. — �S '
�.:i, . _ g% sons &rose, And - ,w .
,e,� New Advertisements. of brin ' i 'B*40018-commenclng on the� first , I I et Peai and . .
� ilay even- Vuesd4y . I ' . I
,,,,. ling many -into, the Chri din a coming ofrenit tho,-.we'atlier is not, Ing; this outfik should proye a beneft . �
. $�11&11 01" going; Gat fot,tnil that the. barn. - was . _.� Qkbor matters dbaltt with ' . Nasturtim, Seeda by
,�, . ' e isvisiting the peo. le at t ei on fire. 'Soiiie �, harness' at, settled around bore-ya. The second to the"farmerg. in thia, vi6inity. wfth !will be fou1j4'jn the .reports of Com. I . I . I I
. , homes this week and next, Is falt 11 id small . . I � I
. . articles were gotten. Onto. but the flame I e Wm. Lindsay,! the veteran thresher,. �mlttees; IbOrder that th& rs the. ounc�t,. poun,d or.. . I
. I . �
'Window Shades, W. Cooper & Co.. 4 he can get around, . � first of the .Week 'Ofs,council'Inight &Coe �t the invitation � I I
.1 , . I as , Car of cement �,W%s - received bere th
', A BI . . . . � spread rapi And it was not long. be- .'for tile and graho� , at the helm;; ther ouffit was-parchased, membe ' package, Also ftil hile' I I
�,� :4.8ale, Newcombes .... ........ 4 MACHINERY. NIX" lithiomilks. Next 84twolay the teach- 9rd' Hattallion, to . . .1
.,:.A0AI and Room, NEW ERA ......... 5 -T On Wednesday Mt. J.' f0ft-thebuil ingandeontent werein fiorn a.pondon, conjpany� Ernest 44� Pf the Offlbeftzpf the . � L
;�. Woodman, agent � 1% .4
axwell, of St. ashes. Thove was an insuim pe .of roon% of the public awshad the misfortune torboeive,x rx.Thuiada evenin of Gardeln Seeds; . 1. . I I . I
_ . � . I
.' as Wvi 61 is Ill 120 n noil fluishe Qts-i=rf I . I
�'G*Ueral Servant, Mrs. Jas. Fair, Jr., 5 for X era and the senior ' �dine with thiin 0
k I - � i -Notice, Bell Organ & Piano Co. .... 5 Marys sisted by Mr. Ma;kwell and it. about bu h w 4 nearly school drive toPort Albert for allL 1111 se*ere out on his arm from an axe ,of last week,�06u T; * . � I . . . � I I .
1 ' from the factory, distributed a cover Mr. Kill.g'i-Joss. * A0 a result of wound is healing uleeky, . . . . , . . :.
'Wool. Wanted, lease Gledbill .. .. ,- man ' ,dti outing. Rev. John Re d' , of head, but th� I ionThursdity*Morning, ' � . . I . . . �
1$peclal Lines, Harland Bros ...... : : 0 the f . tin - Wal L T, ,fnt",1'6'._,D1b. The Ladies' ThstittAd is having a Spot- ;Rnxronvop- HxEcuTyv. - ...., . . . . . I
�:; carload of maebinery, consisting of . tre'Xlp K - i jof� without - Ni e, occupied the uIpits 4
'5 binders,'strAight And E-ide rakers, hay conye,$knce, Q)nr� . a urn circuit last Sun . AM . L . 1� . I I I
f Some Specials, R. Adams .... ...... 5 N4 .;, Th6 i'lage i jal.-publIc ineetin5 this (Friday) even, . _t OQXKITTEN� A- - L . . I 1 . L � . . . I . .1
. I .
to present him t,k,. L I el , -, . I . . I I _. L. �. .. . I ,- � I _. I . L ,L. ,
�� A Drop in Prices, McKinnon & Co- loaders, and mowers. It took fifteen, startedau& funds. reubsel"pt'001'stwas keeping up its reputation for behilk the� � The C,znositt e reodrted as- folloivell � . I .. I I . I -, L
` aised . in ;� leotures6 in' omestic Isojene . . . .
,;" - vi .. 5 to haul them,away ; each wagon with a ne as an ex best�painted'village, I � .. to�e . . I e am :In r6ference .t of tile Obianty ,Engineer asked for L thre& .- . . � .!
, 91% -d, W. Taylor & Son ............ a I . L Ys. pression of - i%tbe coun ,.. odl are invited. Mr. aad �tbreo I BrOG103, Obildren - to - the .In4tis- vmeks' leave of abse .
L .7 b 04 ISL I to ;hecommittrng I .11
. I ' SY Pitt Y TFith him' -ue'W c t i to be ff' IV= MeR,rie, froili Warwick. I . ':
i�" SWISS Embroidered, Hodgens Bros.. S The men and i9l at I 91 ra h AL Mrs. V. -M . . . per-
- = !go, "Maiiwell." uner . )OCT will Jg Of Iven to D. I'D. Man. hii son to , . L
� 8 8%, � , I �1 .I - , , , 4 fes in the metbutIme, w
:,��. air o . L . . . .. . 1.
tj " , . , or# iends in this , V -- hich
� ` :A -P , 66 teams received a' &� di froLa the' in his. lo ro's ate enue b* our pa int .were visiting among fi, trial'Hbme'.by ' f6rm his dat ' i nee'
, f Stockings " . I - I . I 0. Beadle, And Assistant. , * - , , , JL Beattiem 'we rec()M I the Committee recoinmendsib . I . , .
-1110 ---do— ' ' 8 firm, gotten up, I>y I Mond that thi. apers be fyled. Four al 6 asked for on -Al egranted;.. . . . I �
St'k . mine bost. R. Bruce,, . - . - --40M.— . . . . I � I -Oblnity during the pastweek. Wi�*. .jonaers I . L� L
L z , . . . . , . . � . . � . 'forwa were r6ceivec, , I %,�
�,,.�,�,t of the Commercial, . � � I ... ,... . PRESENTATION. -w�A Very - ploaiant' n all.smllew u6w, audit I tbe. s incveaser in salarr L . .
,4,.�,'f, - cir Caleudar. ' .. L . 4� . . AtAlleti .. . , '. I . Britto .10 ' - is no i.Mosgra Holmes, 'thops-or. al)d the conimittee- left thia matter I , � I . I ,� .
X", I NoTp - Dr. and Mrs. Bell, of- Mon w ad' MoRwan and iwee"emoll, the eb ,nail. Q)n . motiolk I I I .
., es. . evening. was Ventiat the. home of Jno, o, er, as, he is the father'ol a five, t)o , I . . - .
*; __ t- . AC64)2=--�-Tfie wife Of Geo. Ma" Ing at $w rer ton ; that of i the, hands Of u I no - I I
� 1��.,; ; Xomery, Mich., are visiting .1.3, no, Hoare bn'Priday, Juno 9th. Mr. Hoare young son. -Dr. MeDiarmid, Henstill, 0.91, I L . . . I
, i ty ace-idont due day Hamilton, at $6.40, the..com I he WAS gi-anted N � for a3sIst%n I
" , : Inton Str&11;11�1:111 I relatives Be,; met w . .
�. . *I . 1; I naarly I PC to in . I I
,l � . 0 __ 1...-_ku�* T, is week. -isAhegenial leader, ot the Methodist was visiting with- R,,W.. Jro.witt.on mitte6'a bridge work,- � ... .. 11. . "..
- 46120� -a-n-,a-t-r'xoe-na-s-i"u'ti—WIV�XRC ���_.V . . recominelfflibe accepted, . .
I ra—st, =eek.. She .was ot"- 29,'Z�a . .L . .
ii! -the Villa � . its . , and .�,�gd invited atiotit- Tuesday 14FA. . I I . I � � . �. "L �
v . J. excursion. .Tuesday, June 2() Two farmers South of _ ft ing-,bliurali choir --�' I . L'. I , .. I 1-Aireferehee .,. . L I I �.
.ge com.-, ,A to i � .- . I - -_ to the unotion of ,messrs 4), "END111 I ,
. etroit excursion .... Tuesday, June 20 Ilk ar6ok in.. � her bands, when she- b.%,W . protr�m- u - I . . - . . . L A4r ^ ,,, , -, firrie and'.2ST139-ATED NXI I
l� _t)lain of having griiiii. stolen from their Sippi I e on. t . - -igmai4- ,-A,er ,W�. I - . I I - - -'- I . . Mum L&RD ny.- I 1, I
I _W1l1js-C E. gardon party.--.-... .-Juue-2(V- _ ' , "N.- 1-W.4--o-ftP�1� -�ME73sit`ug7fo7`a gran't . �, _. , OEIPTS Emit Imm, - - ,
11 . Ii di W Wet 9POunffr, and id the music,'recitat'ions,, �etc.;. the 'c oir re. - L J L of - � — , . � . . .
'"'I'll,- I - " �. -
. . --
I 'fall -the crock. ,ra - towards the repitir - of w, -,bri ,I ww': I " - ". _ .
-1 Vdiminion Day.. iftfS_T1_%Stw`&_Ie._A-num be"re--prao- 1 6,416 1 .
4P. I ,LIS � eXpeo , S, broken and. cut her , � I I
...... Saturday, Julyl L . sented Miss Mabel, Coupland, who -�g . ' count Ireas ,F� - I
&Y . ad " 11 . � L dge 'it '' , lwg , 'Iffawl.
`�`, St. Paul's church garden party.. July 0 tisingfoot-bAll' d -t- ' - ted the faoe,seiv6reJy,, one.ctf her, .03 IVOTES,iiili eSjje,LWhO jS.trAj�j Winghj I . I .
con be able to: boast of �escapiog.,, ... - 'h . for; a,fiur,ge, I . action ilowing : , " ��
. 11 Drange Celebration, Clinton.. village will a . ororrowly been playing the organ InIbe -chu're m0'en,ommend tbaituo 010. fo
._,� ' . %,. � :, - n .GQelph. - HoOpItal; iff.-i�- -,be,t-skon,,;�--XLidolhmend-a,gpanb of,-, 6%_r, .dmilnistr;ttioit,of,,Ti'"ti�e.,$.5000 00 , .. :11 ,
". .. July 12 . . . � . .:, for the past y M L*a d
, I. _1 A . I ,
having a credible team again. Me W.� 1. _P��'v,. yvith -a beautiful pre out the guest of r'� n L Mii. D J 'to the toe, . 1-___1 I ,
.� — F4%RXBaVQU4_r_Wk Ja I I xdy'scompar,6u.. The-followling.-Ad-L Ruiton Poultry and pat 8 k --ilivu--1--, ' . .
. Meg McGill - " I are.__',�� _*:.,__' I' t, -
. 140n, S.S. sup4intendeiit, was appoin; I 8 . ,;.-'- ft__�'L
,O . 220(Y . , - I ,.
- . dresswas readi by, Miss Ell� Tyfidrtle, i behold in 804- . -nd '� 100 00 ' , - . . I -
-��i` . , . dd . A number fyom' a ddstxno�e Association ,V,ik,aio`,"(8,6U .
11! - were present to hear Rev. ,Mr. 'Whal.. forth thisr,'year. 'Recom - ,
. Winsham ted dele ate toattend the County Sab- Who recently sold Wis� fagm neir Con . , for,sh6�rfo . rt MUO !Ni
tL,, WANTED. -Butter, Eggs an bath Seflool Convention iu-` Goderiah stance, has, purchased the farm of Mr. and the- presiontation, was, made by,C, I . . uliehil;that th& Schools . _.-.,,._,,..._. � 8000 OD . . .. L , L -
- d W661. I *_ . . L . . , . I'f . . . L � � I .
I L . . . . . . 'agWe I L
- wife, of -toWn, line,' I . I .. I .1 . I Mrs.. McDonald and Miss M ' * M . payers, asking: for a grant of *W,, t`o._ . I �
� - G.,Spioat,, on tj�e,XfeX.ij . . * I ,ey 8, 411o"rell sermon on Sabbath -1het. petition.-oif Grey and MtWiloi) ra,to� , '
-40tir Wool Market is as An thisweek. Aft. J. Turbit and l9pand Hull tt . Moore � L . . . Schnol managginent ....... 2M'OD - - . -� I L .�
. .
j high as the I gga Kincardihe, weris, *j&jtoi-S at,%Albert 1Piy1n,.4',for4t theo)5um of $e5',7 , To- Mxai� M ' L n- . Grant$., .. s .......... 150000 1
�! - *GS0. KING, Wingham. .1410 9. Mwittles, Monday and . I I ,00.1 � . Thig� farm to 4130�.'OQUPLASD.�DkAn Don4ldf WE this L. Week -for. , 1ph, wardg.opninj 1 . . . - .1 ,�
v, . . up roads, bet , , , * G*'n* V`e` im In on t, . 4500 W .: . . ":
�., otaips one hundred Fltwx -AS. 06 time is drawing' ne'' orm, ownsfiI b w(obd the.' Wunicipal . . I , L. . L ,
�., .No,m. Tuesday.'of . . D ar. wh tho . purpose Visiting, fejeudp.. two t .
.-Th . Fq, e. not roted % jbae- .,
. 0.1 Stationery, lahl'thag. etc .. 100000 � 1. 1. J,
LL . ,
�t e Keeler Co. has made thiSLweeLk.' - JQhdRirk6onriell re6elv6d Iscres,,has:01i it Ood'haildings andla when, in the�order'l 'of Providence, you Mrs. 841keld,- Sr.*, ahil two grandchild. Om ehil.tha n0acti011 0-tAkenihthe Lunatics a' ichariti i I . I
." .-%n assignment. Mrs. Hansen'has a tele - , brother in Mic6j_ withi;'u. about three nailes, of Se%forth,' will. hav;a to -leave. us. we,, the moibbers. reno3kizzie,and Gialiam Salkeldovis'Ited M:btion of OtIrrieand McQajJj * 91 es;'... ' .700 OD ' . ..'' I I
- " gram from his , , ; 4 I .. '� -1
I .
- .bought.the Shaw block. OfL$ _ . ano, aak- , Interest .............. � ... i � . 5W 00- I �', . _1",
Dr. Chis- gan, stating that - big fatber'wai - He- McGill Oti P.Qgsessl6h In October� of the AubuTu - Nethodist Choir,- feel - friends.atftffilen'srecently. Misses Ing for a grant 500 i -b '0avet road: .CLOU ". . 'L"J', 2000 (D - * .:� .* '� I ": ,,,
. L �
MOVIng L' . r .. . , � ��
__ A lacellaowast .. .. � L: :1.]
" Ifialm, Jr., has gone to the west. ill and -Very fib had soxi�e. notl6n, bf- re , ** 't -we dould not Allow youto ieVer MLIJIdeatiol Lizzie it I- ra-andAih -at � W'ingham.*That no.,a Tkeu . 100 iou �
has gone'bher6. .Fred Jolui- , o . that nty propdAy, -
1. ation be th. ....... . . .
I -4 reference to the a'�Plication for Induptrial;a:) ' ' ." . . . .
____ stL6 I, attending the High, Court of, 091oradd. whero.he.1aafriebilso but his -Your counection With us ;Without some Abbonald, of G . . R the fo g , X. -_
I . . 1. O.J., out Sitbbii 11 L in . . Idle. i .... � .... , . ,. . "
i AA' in Gananoque this weer., e expresawa , our appreciation of lasb.a�t their 'respective. ,homes. . :L 00 . .: . I I.",
, Went Waw the C. 0. F. , eadq:beeo will bepleased to littl ' i or, , � I
. . 1.
a . a loc . '
gab . ma ri . Thei towards. building k -up at x- adsAndibridges .� . 7
I COS as delegate of Courtpriae.of the West: , lea;yMbat W-h.a decided to :remain, 'YourValuable savvice§ienaered during MOWJJ ra the Presbyterian. ell � . . RO, . . ;.. . eflo 73 . . . . � - - �
, -PAR318 SOLD. -John Mosd, of con I ; witll. Im - . 'L , . e ,of . . ., . . - . .
I . I . . . L . Well ater, . .
1.111, � 11 � " .. .. . . . . Sterling debentures ... :..., MW , ,1 ' , - �
.1� '�sioI24 WestWawallogh, h No. 31. Everett Lee -is attending CA . . I . . the. past year., In the capAcity of or - .sur.posp.b i L I ' . . I . , 00 I
. I .
, L mp - .. .. . � ,... I _gan ,avin a ,awn Social on 1P1,,It_ ' REPo or RoAx, ()O* I � . I L �'% L . ' ' ' : . � .;
. 1. NOTRS�Mr, dhathe..)9to 10t. 'rqu, have, �been very fait] ay evening, L une 15tb. I Debenfui3es, 19N .1 I
� . " -farm to aa� sold his at London. Dr. - Herb Bell, Wife, 4nd wart has !L - 71 at 'tbe:'.A&4se - nT . L �W'tS3roN,rFR - " * .831.72". r , : L L :,.' �
11 I .. , ...:: �:L. . . 7 , � �'
L . .. .
;L.; o Richard Twamley, of Ashfield. eont loft for. home 46n. Wednesday, af- disposed 6f "his, handsome matched your -Post Of* duti, both on Sabbath :groahols. :, �*: �' 11 :; 6 . "'. The r.e -eflorn I Deilq . Ito. - VOW_: . L - .. I— ;
�. Alex McCabe, concession 2, West Wa- 'L , , I � . . , � Port Of Me, Aftis!ey v , -, . . %�, .. . . 1. . . "I".
"Ill'. . __ -
A,_', .wan sh, recentl L sold his farm to a Me Avg VLSI colts to Mr. �,T. - " , fictice. Yotir organ sel ' , : - _. . _ , il , endedilie. erebtion. of a small, 1)1.i(lge . .. . . I L ..
ter spending some d ting here black �.drlving 4., a t Choir p.r 4 .. In ; I �. I . .
orth for a: - If pelt . . , , L . X" * L '41 , � � �!,�
* . I L � bor". . .'' ... I . ... . - I . .1. .. �.: �
_' c i fk 'and in'sFiring, You have been oolw� . I .. . . . fti-y 'known A& Xorrj�so � Less:, � * . eoipts--� , , I
�� fr 0 1 1 1 - , . , . . ' . - ' I . 1. .
, O' a 0 . . $ %.. : ,
"' �, and in Clinton, R.'Adams . =bifbald of Seaf odti011s� ha'00 been, p'easlng, elevatio ,d,il 6�� - . on tb Tuckersmith and IIiL1)bL-i._t - . , .
I L ,.14 Of AshffiZ .1 L
( . . .
We., are, told., Mr. And Ws. - 6EWen, , rk's hridqe, . . Registty Office -j"800 00 - - .' -,
T. Miller d6livered a A � teous A .9,.roaCly - RVt.XG9LIOA.t'CktUR0Er. - 9 bo, ScIA17 � . .
, , 1. stock of salt frovi Winglia g -on I 'L 1111an
.- _ m
While strolling around his day. Car lot S of TIverton" spent " . blidir practice.' alwa r , *hx4b, ..co . Lj�. . . I ,
' . I , ve nerate ittIch, . � jeuSeS - , �. L 12C .00--%000 ' L ' ' , L' ':`
I ...... . 0 . . .
. . �
- ,- . ... . .. home of John - KirliconnellL laft we6k,' . that we, an, . , . '.
in West Wawancosh the other on Tuesdi�y. 4 few days at the � to ass,�t any -should b#L a -71 --.' . ,"
. I . 6b 11L " _ part. We MOT mumflausifies§ uWeting, of tb� Xbung "n of About Isteelt .; Perth Will-' I ... :. - � L. ,.
: . , .1 . � p . pay I I I 7 . . ...�
. . __. .. , � �:�, ��,
,- I . 1� V frolA oar cewas held oix Tu,eS4(Ly , likif e: cost of' this" bridge. Some I.. *. .. I . . .,.__ , L�,
r. Robert'Medd, jr. picked up a I . . Miss$. J., McCOOl of. Clinton. has r' a miss you ory much Peoplds'Allian . th ' .. I I
� .
11 I 0 I . IEK .,,CjtCI6.,! L . .. , I . L . I I 3744$ . . . , , -
" -4 1 0 really a curiosity. - It is . Heimeivill �, turned homo,afteryfoltingfrie but. wOr can assure you that eveiiing. Them was A good attendamed oth�r small bridges will re . .., . . 11�,
I ;'--duted 1191 and has the head of King I 0 . .. ndwheke. * " L quite to'b6, . . . I . . 1, . , ., 1�'.. ,
E� .The barn of'Mr. Wm. -Mc olwasylsi, wo-shall not soon. forget you,.: We and the reports: presented from tboe diti JAMER'S REPORT. �- . . . .1 1-
. . . -1
1� INSTITUTE. -The Women's I-oatitute, .1 _ ,rebuilt this v : ' - .. ' ' ` . . . , ...�_ . _L.�
Gearge.111. stamped on it. Mr. Medd feront. depart' . Par,, ,and a conalderabI6 I I I . �
. . ted.on Saturday night between ten and hope- that .. in, the ,Providoinee'.61. 66 inonts word very, sati�fao_ amountLof repairs are.nece-s d' . .� �;" 'L;,�
. . jopnd it on the site of an old house he holdaver suco6sAfulineeting.on Wed- I 4. - ary. The' - !*, Griffin, ropo,rte that nine pris- ' . : ; , �,: "L
_ . tory. The election of* 6Mperq.'resultod , . . � "
, . r ,
I ,
_ _ Wn latit winter. The house Re afternoon meeting. was eleven o'clock,.And.some bags of nieAl *o* may. longbe spa -red to fill a Isimila ,ring, freshet; did not do much. inji�rk -are 'at' present in jaik�-seveiv . " .-�.,
"I nesday. . onem 4 ..
.... ,
, klym to ac-, , r . . a ,
1� and potatoes stolen. The party glease, position. And now we'as as f6llows.-I�sesident, JobA $WhwaMt; SO the bridg6s." The amount n' . mAjeS had two females ; four s4e in'f6r. ' ..� .. :, � ......
,. .. held at the parsonage, and-th.6 isventpl; . , . " Vice Presides ecessary . I " ,: �: %.1 1.
. .1111t; by Mr. I Hudson about meeting in Willson's hall. Mrs� J6y* return the sswe inimodiAtelyan save cept this "lady's companion" as a slight, to Miss Ag.neii. Flick,-, Our- tol�apeud.46r biidges and appi . . vagmney. one. for .Tiaal, tWO for as- . . .''.. .1 . ,-, :_
. sixty Was recently and Miss Shuttlewbrth were the Spoilt- , tokdn of - our, gogol-will 'towards you -Secretary, Ekta Dtirst.-� Rec.. See, John I I . . - -caches' I .. � L . . i.l �� "I
I years ago, an further trouble..' The bara'of Mr. Ja� this year, will not. exceed $2300.. '' . ' salult, one for theft, :one ibr. - Streot I . ..,
L -chased by Mr. � W from Mr. . I Southcombe rembna Dursb; Treasurer, J6hin Flick-� Organ- . .. .. alk a . I . I
� tpu. " . was jacked., ; at it, May Lit I of _ ASSi%tA%nt 1. WARDEres CONXITE'V. �' 1. . . � . . . .�
� � . . rea4VOr itone work' on Mohda�r. by - YOU! . 'Miss Armanda Maed . . .
Wm. Davidson. & era at both meetings. The evening And i�ad; When you'look, : w ingo i6d one insane.' . I -
I � of thi pleasant tim'"', we spent to� jet, . . ! . I . . L � . '�:��-
I coin belongs : . .. , 1
to the "spade .gIl 11. R I and in - service was public,.otherstaking part. The Warder I I 0 1 I.r . � 1, w REPORT Or1EDtT0 ON, QDXMITTEE. I I.
"Tally Organist; Miss Artuaud&Dai;�t;'Llbrar- a - ommitlee reported I ATJ1 . , _ .
" 1. A- L Mr.. . Riley. ftatue labor is- h6vi I � I . t, .. .. . I . . . .. ".:'L
. I L j*jt Mrs. Joy and Miss Shuttlewoith .gave r ger,her as otgan6t an46holti Signed - . I I .,
addition to betn&AV ,)�L is �. .. ian,'Mi6a'Adelille Ducat'; Asaistiiat,'Li- I The- 0ornmittee 'reedixtmefided the I 1, 7��,'
12 h - very the order.of the tlay.: . . . on. b6half of fhe ChL
-vahtable. t i , _10 goodaddresses, in wltich,,much prac o1r; Ell .4 TyXV,&Lu. having met to conilder'offers of settle� I I . I I . , . I...
, � . I � �, L
I is "" 0 worn and - , I. - . ,� . . .. bitirlan, Miss Ell& Rarschifiski. tthe ment mado'by Ashfleldtp. to the coun- appointment of Dr. Btirrows as trustee I I . I I. -i
I is "'. .* . L . I ' . I
I ,. tical advice to - parents aiid Others on , Excl'kING F UL MATO,�. WEDDING.-OnWednefsd 11 ; .. L
,defaced in ap = 06. I OQTB, q
. I A Te7 ,eve Ing, Alliance is jLIL a pr6speriiig. :66nditioni 2� Mr..Dickinson, solicitor foe. the. of.Seaforth Collegixte� in placeF-of Rev. I
i t--;�6L, . the model home, andL b4lanced ration turn'match vv�Ra-pl4yed on Thursday' June 7-th, the residence-, of --* The Astor will 04 -next placed before the coin I , ,
�_. ,�*� ' i . .. . I oupT the pulpit, � ibittep ofters J,'W'. Hodgins retntwed. - . . . !U'. .;, �,
i��:"! Sturdy was the'soone oi a very pretty . L . .
,.:;, ., I for the family, wasmell, brought out. mornin between the Mornink Stars- I X � V6 of settlement -had received from the . 2 -Re 'the claims of Hi '- 86hools I . . . . . 11
sayffeld Sun, ay morning L. and evening, , u
, . . . I L gh. ,,: � , -,
�:'!,: - . FORWARD Movp - F, being the marriage of his . I
,X. Idingi .jtL he , _ L
" , , ; -EDDIN, Ei4��.;�Rev.W. jr. ol'Slap eton And the RisihgSuns of the. 11 areinvited.' I . 1; � . solicitor representingAshfteld.- 'After ind - Collegiate -Institutes, in. adjacent,. ,
. , 1. W G -We are greatly pleased Graham's address sit. League. on Mo. ' .2nd and 3rd. of. Hallett, in John Dalel.s eldest,sisto"Ary U. -i "to Mr. -James '. . � � . 1 I . .1 L. . . . . 1. � - -tt'ition ,of pu Ila be-' . , , , �L .1
P. 'field, 2not concession. Thegame , wa L jollawi.a most.highli. 'respect dand. : � . . .. I -MW- 0 1 - L � considering the matter, the. committee counties lor". tho. a 6 1 .L
I :�.�.,, tobave-torecopdthe happy event Of day evenibg was Specially int6rostin , L or a . . . . .. . . 6n'cluded thereL Was * � I , .. -, - - I I I . '': I , 1, -
. L '
" the pte4y wedding of Me. W. Higeins in that he has big theme well in an . I . . . ... it, B�nm, ' vis no.reason, to ad- ".Ougla � , I 0 '
,:" . . 'fast ithol f6ribus froiw stari to finish. - rosperous young farmer -Of t9he Sth, . 15ehnslller� . i ,% to this coutity,# we recommend
I � , to Miss Lindsay, which took place at Uncle Harry -made somem . ri ie of,Morris.' At 0 o'clock, ' � NOTiS.-Coll liei*,. " & any. changd from the positjo,j th4t t e Treasfirer' pa.y in each case - . - .' ;.:.I
I � and his manner of .presentation, b ad rushes 11 . to. the . , . IaD'j.11' " taken in the past, and in Case Ashfteld- the -County of Huran?s s�are for such' . L , " '%** . , 1 1.
� - -ball'but when be-kieke'd ' - straing of lo� . .
- ly At the I . I , Rendelssoltuls wedding e B goes. oil with its suit, the, county will ON' t of taltion, Oio -aMo6iWW'be de� o, * . I
I I : realdence of the bride on Wednesday means of Charts and-- maps. is Ile, as -t . P .: at.,.It, 0. V. 'will attend divine sery eur . _.,
I . i : Was not thdto.. � Steve 'L march, p4ay64-by:Mrs.. Dan Geddes* of miller Churob L , � O8 . I
* ' . .
.1ast. After partaking of a rich repasf. to fapten the .facts 'oti the a L o*n.Suud_�yJuae 25th . .
Memory.. .. mad , � at: �
I e,,% good'. . . 11 deferid it'. , 4 termined ks follows : , F Ind. the sliare,' .
; Occasionally.) feet a e 'ter' -7.00 p. m. '. OV . I I . .. .... . 1. I .. I., . 11, I ' , , L�:*
. . Belgr,ave,thebridAlcouplL u edthe � - re invited. . , I -cost of niain- � � - . I .
I I I the haSpy couple departed on a tour His bje'ct., "How to save CanadaiL or , full back, but' , .;Ot his . L.. itside Idde,es a , .. I . 6f the Coon ty in We -total L, I "... I
., to Lon Ion where they were courteous- 811 tan&4 . When Joe 4 - ball, �e drawin room and took th i p) .. -to Attend.; The. eiobdrs Will a6bevible ' - ': ,ktD1To.R18, REPORT,. � .- L I L ' 41 �.. . . - . . I I L , I L I � �
' ' ' en� 'having first dedufted th' , � � : .
the Call of the West," is one in which- ot the I etc aces in, I. ' * ' - ' %nce,, n,e -1
-Joy, County' I �Le � .. '' .
, , istativegrant,therefroi ,sal a axem - .. -, :. , ,
.� ' A ban] . ns and lilik of . , . . 'd 11 K
-: -entertained by relatives there, the majority � started down the field�.',at 40 miles On h t "of fer intheirlodgsroomat6.�*sh p;. Messrs. Zeller andLM6L I
and L, will bi) woreLthan ordin. . , n- .
, ,also by a number of soldier friends L hour but was..brought to a suddonL the valley.. The bride, was , I PnnsoxAt.-��Geo. . NeWello, ar 'Auditors, report as follows.: ' ' MY& , ' L . . .,.
"L . arily interested, reaching out as it dods . etc Ven away wife and ' . be-in,the proportion' of the total d * ". , .. .1
. I
, . who were at camp durin the Visit to the great thought of our national While lauded full length oil the gioung 9 wag moit fainily, spent it few days last week at_ .1.m -That we hAve carefully examined Of attend.toqe of all pupils -, 051/,* of this ' , - - , . .
� L.
, of.the happy couple in Lonlon. character building. Me. Graham will lie Made h% last.des�erate kick at the becominglyattired in's, own df'cream Kincardine -Misses Annie andPearl. .the Treasurer's rdtort, -and statements,,. antgaht, t9 be-palol the Hi h School or. , ., "' ` I. - 11
ClIg Jewett, tb, 'k that oincer 6t, the 0 lf "ato'by t e fees frOT4 . L
;� , visit all the Leagues of- the District. ball as it passed by., In spite, Of tile voI16 trii-nmed -with Iffon -and Silk Wright, are visiting. their' Sister, Mrs,, submitted to you .
' IS %'I L
- Eder-'(-" , L ' L - . ,
. . Goderich. . . . . I � desperate fight put'up by the ,Rising late., Rev. Mr. Coupland, of Aubui no Jae week; Arthur and 1XIIII& and - February meeting ' d - 0 Zer,'t'inty -of: ... Huron pilpils, and the . . . I
* . . .
. . .
I Miss Ada'Fisher 'Visited -at Clinton �on found t em correct, agreeing with twq, bal no fiom thoir county; Rod- that; ..� , ; - , . I I :
i EXOITING.-Suddenly, in the stilIV Sun�,`at the.finish tho so forformed the deremonr h, %t
I n ore stood five .. b . .. w tell made . it 6 .
. I Or of the Morning Stars, ( 'bobksand Vouehersin every particular. -oa6h School or Institute be requested , ' . . � - ..
� NOTES.- A quiet but,pretty weddi . night, the dwellers at the - east end to-zione in fav e WAffi, Man and wi e. Stfudaylkst. Ri6b. Echlin and wife, of
.1 took place at thA home of Mrs. A. I After the _
. were6tortled by a Woman's distress Another mate ' W 'as X'Iayo between - �Oogrgtulatioxis Of'About, fifty of the . Nfle, spen t $ unday. in �our midst. � ., - 2 - That the - dash � receipts for 1904, to furnish a certillk, statement eon- - I , , . . I
Bean, Huron road, last Tuesday even- signal. . It d . �. . . . - - r ... I
Go going to find. -the cause, a the Morning it picked team intimate friends vf bbth.`bride-�und � I . .. . �ineWing the 'balatfeeffoul 1903, were taining 'the data necessary -for' the . - " : . 11 . �
'Ing, when their eldest daughter, Clara species ot. merry go -round Was in -pro.. . 06m Stanlek and,'Tuckersinith.: At. SrOOM, the company adjourned to the . . I I.. I 1, I � $110,584.11, Ahe ..disbursements were . � , - , - - 11. .1 .11, % 1� . �
. . .
*A., became the wife of Francis T. Arm. gress on . the street, , . . Morris'. - . . . I .. Tr6asuier,'to'-detormind the correct,
, . ag woff as could be, though the Stars .1yere tip against old Spacious dining room Where on excel! . ' Us 118,811.80, leaving a balance t allaount. I I . '.. .. . I .. . . 11 I
strong, of Mer.ea, Essex Co. J. W. made out in the dark, - Girl -;-old giay: timorso they held them down - to a tie lent dejuenerWas gorv' XOTE'S- 'Sg-�"Mlnnie : Jackson, of . O 1005 of . o q , ". � . . I
I Broderick has purchased the boot and � ed, * � the tables Mich.,, is the ga V . 1752.25, which is' on deposit .to your , I . . . . ".
.. . shop stock of the estate of the late A. . . I 0 , In el3b of Me.'and Mrs, A,.- - credit, $15 -in. Molsons Bank; Olin- 3 -Re the claim of Harriston HI h I . . � ...
-rig -fellow, in the 'older, named ,, each scoring one goal, * . I bet, g artistical decorated with lilies JacksoXj -at prosent� 0,14 .
't, after doing the'. regulation number of ,* - . , , ., jo: , r I .1 I ofthevalley.an smilax. ThereviDaIng . Mr. And Mr."." ton, nd the - balhuce . in the,- Bank of School for pupils from county for I 0 . ., I :�. .r ...
is ;made,: and, - . . . . I . Hosman, , of . . .
� -,=-Wood, --St.... Thomas. The countv revolutions, u stop W. . . - . I I 11
� , . � i a w that a , I I
was spent in, music and ga Bluevale- visited - with q find this'6chdol .wag op � . .1. . r..
n I -I
I :
-1 .. I
.'�Dl �
. ,
;Ion _
_, , 4
1 , owa, ,
ill I
. Pupils r Hilr6a on .,.% ''.. � ,:� 'r
.. 1W i*anosh friends' from .t I I I
g,was-ftoixig- '6�9_ Wes, after -East. W, last' -.veek,L Cornmerce,,God6rloh. - , I .1 en for . �-
- r
I court and general sessions'- , '' �d , - - rel-are-,'th" , '�� derig-krown r ed"PP4 IL e 1, oft, -M, , _. I . '. ea � fyrof rx'', . , , . I
.Or'gag k- b
- , _ Aeth ,.--wer ,3 t o I 11 �, ,,,
- ,Jury sittings of the rig. After some repairs t . mpttgag6s
Tuesday, and the noii 6��"- 6ti 'sfianga iii -7 � _rjlkpr�_ __ _*biCli`Ahe_.meW1yao1JW, 8 -That we examined the he Coun
� 13 -a brok� NOM28,-John Middleton, , it. hA8, for their ful: 111d_.Mr8-_W1_` _= e the the same"terms as pupils from its- ow ' ... I
Account of sink. I t, . . .
. ... Tlxa. bride is- week, Mrs J. I Copiter.TWe"r too CC) _r S_ oud V�pd_a th I _W . .
e. straps, the i,�main- ;gone on an"extended trip.to Otiawa by* Ofriceand goodwishes� ,f Mr.and-M Ing fu-n-dil-4-n-d-raiii"t i . pugb-_AatiM t*
.,. the HNih court the foll�wlng Tuesday. en abaft stud som ore hotne4 ainjoirstowem ga6tso Jh—eld by the Qoun.�xon — I
t Eo�orre a l9ag.r.m—n—P �� .-
or . . . ",
to rebuild hiswarehouse an' o,' ent t 6 Cle,rk'till June, We re !-1- 7� z
. . . I and baby, visited pond With the Treasurerfs report. - r_ � L1. , ., r
his, .,ilk toe,. *e,&re of Auburn, And wil . . t , -paid,'In. compliance *�.� , . .
� way wrence. Jim Thomp- 'one of the most po ill"ir. young Indies I at Mr, �. ommend., they be ,. k, � .
, - . ., A., Y. ooper is ninking arrangements der of the joutneyWas. Made, Better of the St,La B., ra. J as. 6
d elevator, take & steady horse - next tr , or,per- son recently -had a - painful'operation , . H. Johnston's on Sunday, -That weWrote to h, . ,
� andexpects to got theworkstarted � r. be greatly missed - 1. 4 r - � I
� fin -down better, eordtq, performed. on .' . . I .. .. . I . . eac mor Fagot - * ti . . I 1. � ;
, � I very shortly. H. G. Wilson, science haps hold Ill I . � I pleasedto stato he � ' . '..'.' . I... I with the'foreg6l.n sea Ion I � . � 1!tl: �'61
� master in the Collegiate, has resigned. C. 0; F. -T - is. ableto "toddle intbisplate. The presents were beau-" - ' r; - notifying him of the amo-Ant; o prjh�, ,VA -Re clal, R Blarry ;iatoi , I.. 1. I
. we red6ww.end the mw, `6 rdr*,.uffiSo`,' ."'.
he C,O,)F. entertainment.. tiful ao,cl useful, showing the high es. '' . � * ' --- - cipal unpaid on his mortgage on the' �d Colle$ I
� on Friday nifibb wag of all ihtorestffig around."' Percy Cole and sister �penb teem in Which the bride and gro I I : , .Brueefleld: - 0 I
F our of the lady teachers in the Pub- S - am are , . .. � I � I .
11 13 I- , vio A..vl 4 .4 I',;-, 11 I FOOTB -- _ n - -0�'A r - . . rp�� t,� 1, . I I -A - � . I
U_ I I. � he chm'" unday at the home of Georir6 Dow. h,aA vi-i i h m i. .* I .91st dai of,December, as shown.by. the as it is inoomolete in detall as req -1 I
i I .. .11 - a t eir salaries Increased
. $25 each. Last Sunday morning Mrs
1, . �
0. R. - G. 0. Sturdy,"and those taking
in the
go.n., .(30shen 'line, StanleF- Statute.
r is the order of the,day; the roads
I . a ngs fin 11 onst
Prosperous life mRv 'be theirs, isthe
" , r - , 1 my eVVIL RU
the teams o Miss Mustard's =n� Mr.
� I
roes S!e?�nrt
bal-iia-�B-1 i em,spil away, after an
- '401
PFNWAW:'�- L-021atirlb., about ree mollths' from
part program were Rev. Messrs.
Rhodes and S*,ann, aud'Mr, Walker,
will be ',"hominy" nOwa1FgumWqr,
Robert 001�loqQ 1; btjlldin�..
Wish of their M4 "y 6,10nds,
' � - . . :
' . .
schools'. played h, friendly
9%lue ,tboformorwirrningby4-0, On
.,4 I
. erculosis.
, �
who gave addresses ,; , Mr, ,BlackstoT14
I .
of Godertcho� IMISs, Sttltdy, And.'. th'
.;h an adait_
fon1o�biibou�e, Robkrb Cole bag dilso
: . .
. ' Tuckeramith, : r
1 uesda?r Our Village team' defeated
,lionsafl, I - 0; a large crowd assembled
, � __ I
. Porter's 11131.
Holmds#ille Quttrtette, singin ; Miss,
Swann, readin 1%
9; Me- B6ah a ' M'sses*
posel of his driver, and -has
since Ourdbased 400therw *Ben. R�th-
'!'� ne of the largest funerals
-0 township was that which I
" in is
it .. � I .
to w' ness thg game. I I
I I ,
, , NOTEs.-Ida McDonald returned to
- : Vetroit on Saturday, having spent a
SWItz0hro recitations ; Messra, . Cattle
and Lamphrey, inStramenrlals. ,, Br
well paid A visit to Grey town III 1 t
-week; be reports the oropgto lb"e-Ifurats. I
. r
folloWel L remains of Mrs, Jr. Canter-.
on to their last resting pIaoe on Felddye.
NOTPO -Mrs,1aIdla*, Toronto, fi%g 6
Week. visited � her Uelbe,.'Miss Aggle
11irt, Wi NN'llsbn
week visiting , under the parental roof..
" MWAMcDou all of Seaf6rth is vi Itin 11
Mr. girs. "'the
request, the 0. - Mgavo, one of his re-
nowned comic songs, .And the proceedw
or advanced in this tawlr�hip; a ha
and contented gPy
People you'll, III
.. . . .
- APItOBtlinOtilgLIgA,GUB-I.%eLe.,ig,le
lated with. Turner's Methodist.
and W,Jurnor at,
tended tbo Volunteer.41 drill in London.
last Week, McMillan,
. .at and Elliotes, The
I I Be
, Sunday School intend having their
ings Were closed by the sing ng of - the r
National Anthem. : ' . ,
0 oderich"bownship,''Altliongh the fall
wheat is liable to ruit this year,_ - -
Uhurch is a prospevous one, It meets,
,Mrs. of P6r�,h
CObrItY, is Visitingher brother, Duncan
I : annual festival in the near - future.
Ift will be held on Mr. John Pickard's
. I
. . I
XOTES.-Mra, r.) An in, of Xing
Stan, who, with �er daugtter,
-.1 . .- r . .1
, , . ._...4
. - . �
every Sunaay'evening, and at it's ja�t'
m0etingy ton noWrgembers.Wetdadd6d,
Me Is,
McTavish, Rev. 13. Ketchon, Hamil.
ton. visited at his -bome this .1;ieek ; he
11 lawnthis ear. LQok out for Bills..
hits been'
visltingat,W; Gould%, hits
I Stanley . I I
. I
Stbng president, Ana the mena- ,-Will
bers will be glad of the assistance dfid .
Officiate 'at two - Juno we C11
a Ing's
one of whieh,will'be held in his church:
I . The oun est -- -# -
home. ,Miss Clara Proctor is, wo.fq.
WEDDING BELts.-A happy event
AA1 2. .V t
660peratfonU others. ' . .. 11
Vh 1000stfts Wilt hold their anhilsil
I 1 .1 r� . . Illam.
�. son. Brantford, fell Off the Wharf at
rev, to say, .Very III.. James GetntuelL.
of Tuckeremitho .was yisitin athis
I WAS e rate ,%u Duo Mine of,nea.
Manson, Stanley, Juno 7th, When hter
Frldaypvenfngth� , i
. .
� illel
I Rosebank and was drowned.
brother ifi-lAw's, -times Ross,' ast SAt.
daughter Miss Katlej became- he
bride kv. -Allan
friendly., match
of Tuckeramilt 1A, a -will
With the Nor
I In
qpknown man was struck by an
urdak. Dr. Smith, of St.. Tho masi
of Esler. The .knob
autovobile at the corner of Clinton
I And College streets, in Toronto, and
was & via' at the - Poultry Station,
and expressed hi's admiratiob of tile
was securely tied by Rev, Mr. David.
son. Mr. and Mrs, Uslor will reside on
1�1. The
which resulted n a tie,
Morning .Stars were oonfl-.
,died in the Emergency Hospital. I way in which the Government is try* thO old homestead On the'Goshe 1 ent, of an easy victory ,When the
- 1. � I -which, hereeently purchased. 11 I.ne* starte& but the skilful mahm tin .
. __,�__!!! ! ! , Ing to educate Sari -Leta and 6thera in of the Invincibles model them t1"
— play t e
Oul raising. Thos, 'Annan, from XOTES, -,Mr. M. Graham bits, been At defensive nearly all through the last
. un iteton, IS, visiting his nelco, Mrs, the home of the Graham Bros. o , for half, The boys are ready for the ro. : I
., . ourtice, Misses McCartney, the last week ; Ile has been attending turn matchassoon&sItcan .
AlWaVS era and Swann attended the coo� tl20M6diCalS0hOOldUVi09tho winter beArrahged, I
I . . . ven tion in 06derieh on Tuesday, as and last autumn. Mr. and. Mrs. Jos.' , W1PD1)1X6P- 0awednesday last at I
. repbego.utatives of the Sunday school, Dunbar, of Ashfield tire visiting this �hlghzoon. a ver*jt Important ceremony 1
Miss De' 6W,_`GOd6rICb, spent Sundity week, at the bonds of their dAughiet, Was performed At the home of Mr.* I
. f Pchsh ,, - with Mas ' n. Mulholland, Dlr� and Mrs, Thosi Baird. Mr. David'AndtoWs William Voth * harn, when big I
Im = 1W � Mrs, 0hAS, 0610 8 ent Sunday at Win, or Loodon, paid it visit last week to �ldeatdau# erm'Saggiferwas united �
. � Mrs - In IuArggo to Mr. Malcom McKay or
.enkift', - Wd. Tabbutf and fam. Mrs.' ,John ReCowan. Mr. Robert _
: Our stock of drugs7, etc. will ily leave for their ,aaw home In wichl- Stelck and his mother, were last Sat- �Goddtich, At hilghnoon the wedding
gan to -day, F.ridayr- Mr. Tobbutt hav- urday the* g" march was plaXed by Miss. Atanie
Always be found fresh and up- keeeded Went some *weeks, posts of Mrs. Peter Camp- A
Ad, bell. Mrs, McDonald, qf Detroit was Mqsonof Egmon 'Ville, wilen the,bride
Meg artney oiaote his regular trip South, * It* entoredi itteoeod in ,white hand oul.
to' -date in every branch, and Me via inix at the home of hot sister, Mrs, �
On SundAY; Wo?worlder what the at. Hugh ReGregork last week. I 11 broldered sllk, with bridal veil,- lean-
we iavite ou to give US a call trttOtlon if, in that diredtf W . . Ing On. -AA -arm of her father, The
.,..-- 1�
i y tide that Will � k. Vyqt1Q1 OVVIOE HOLIDURS.-It. is current- ceremony as Pet Ormed -.11fe'v. -R , ''.
I W sh to proctife. anythi Couttide ha - �-W---ji-16- ...... -15,
.li- r� WPOTWd that the OtIt4rib'GOvem, Shaw of Rkr
. il IOU ng 'iting 4t, Victoria, I orsit , M I . f, i'V ton -
usually found in a first-AasS 0G!UeV'%ar�'t7n'oyfq horse went o s cut hAs decided on the laploointment, gtatulAtiong & sumptuous dinner I
. I , now Division cotir Was
. Own Accord on being loft for. o to 10, 0 M�gj0trqtq.j11 %tj, Clerk and servedwhou. Clio happy palt loft for
, drug store. -hf,ti thivv%litvitv ,� h.v* P610116 % or , these SeAfdAh th lake f.h4* 64irt #Avt Pion.
and Aw4htsil I - � th I
. 114136e
Chemiit and Druggist,
f . . I
btulftdo little "1111194'W40 doue.,
� ... ... L""' -460- -;, ; I I .
T*6 X9W ERA gi,feo the how tows,
. .. .
. 1. I �
, . �
"I .
, I .
11 11 . .
I L , .
�. -
. . . � 4' .1 � ' � ' ' I . , L � . . , — ;1�� -1 - �� I - -, t , , - -_ ,
�1.11.1.�.1-11.�,,�".�,�.,-:.".�",,!.,�lI Afth __ LL & __ — - __ _ - !
0a their I
p house
id wishes
MUM 00-ka, and. asked him to I
write us if the sum mentioned is not ,by�last'elause of section 2of this Ire&rt.,
correcL ., .1 . �Re'clain�'of ston High school 1.11
. I to, for pupils from "Arri ,
.5-Thab' thb receipts from jany. li this coutil for I%% . , .. [�,
1005" to Febru-try We ,recommend the same e paid, in , 11�%�
. 21st, including, the compliance With seotlon2 of this report. . :
balance from lool, Were 672,W.4,40, and ' 0, _ . � I
the expenditures .$07,848.79,1 -Re claim of ParkhIll High Selloot . I '.
b4lanoponhandof-AM5,01, "'a"149, ioriffileono6unty, Pupils, vf�r6cofa-. '-*, , -I',,,- -,
. I , . -
. �
1% I roond the sailie be pal . . I 1_0 . 7'
0—Thatwelaudifed. these " t 1. . . ',
. ",
nedounts and, found the 8 v6ral school 7 -.Re, claim - I on HI h, � , -, .. � _�, I
ame correct, S,1110019. for , of Walkert , "
The Treasurer of East Wa t6 p r � If I I I
ported a bal Auto on hand ollanosh re' -1003i *6 recomi-49nd the let be* " ' .
. ACA5 and - . I T I .,
I A;i:
or ,
w&6 ! I I
I low" I .
. oWroketero ', o, ,=9
1, __ , .
Laingo 17 years of ige, 'the
in Of Mr& Robert Laing, was -
Oh L Wednesday olglib While
n tha.Mill pond with some
UUMU Ana UnKen cramps. .Ue was
tAkOn from the water after xT9W mift.
utes., but all the efforts of the doctors
were unavailing. , �
. . . I .o� ,
The followiffigo, from thi'Dotro,16 pre"01
Pr4sa, has reference to a former r6si.
dent, of Winton, he being an old jVnw
ftx�,omplo ea - "��.Vvw. , W. Stewart,
who has foilowedhis work &a a printer
n Detroit for more than A, aarter of
I, century, died on X kloth. Mr,
�4bewatb had been ift fof some years,
tud for thO Past two- Months was con.
111od to his h6uo, Ho is aurvivea by
� Widow) a Mott anda dollitor", 1111f
wife WAS.&I'Migs itolAbd, 0 wingh4m, ,
The, -Now Ito& $ties: the 0 � , 1110*64 '
. I I
� . I
Treasurer 6f -Morris a balano
d of . ce on
$84.08. These
14 . , , - . I
structed- to find if -said u He
charged the same -as bh6se 1ro do � 11
we considep
Ila be distributed, and not i�*prlocj
r fe9mi -year to year, - . I
� .
County before ottling the same. . � ,. � I I
8 -Re CIO-Iin of Llst6wolf High School . I � ,
-Th .
At ffie oadut,ities gj'Vetj by youi
XSurek are tile salde Its lastyear,,
We recommend that the iatne '. . .
tilt , be te- � . I
n6d.. g�q it is incomplete,411 detail as *, , . .. I V. I
which we consider im4tisfactory.
only one
required by.sectiorl 2 of this report, , 11
() -Re: notice from Protiolfoot, Raye ��
�-That report waa.
.ed t f -
. . I
& Blair, In the matter of Churchill ys, . .
e aired by see 20f of the M'
School Ttustees 6t at, rebonimend, no 1,
. 1. . . I I
action, . . I
I, Act'bf Iffil; this was from Mr.
.11 . .. �,
0derson, Treasil r of Vast W&_
!ONO I INI 1woo.1 11 I I I'l i
� .1 . .
I . I I
. I .
� . . I I
I .., _
unty is, protected by I .. , . .
41100, 01 ld- , .
it in reepollelblo fire ' s .. . .
11801 , - Cured. I '
v0 Wish to StAte. that Ninotcy"jer eekst. of .
tearer Very courteous. ' � ; h6adaches afre causod I .
rilItY Was Afforded us- K by imp6rfeel i2jvoA. I
�( We tisn pook-knancrottv . .
�h examination of Atli curob such headatheo
Ig to,p�r duties; we., . : With alkLoadoo. ...
I I ., ,_
. . VITT9E, �
The Committee recommended -40
erfttift Of A bridgeonthob6liflo1kry
between Tuokeramith and Hlbbdrto
tendorstob6 o enedfor's4pleingett.
forth4 not latet %an July 15 ., reconi.
meadthat the ap roadhostoslanloy
bridge be oomrlet6g, at once ; In r6fe&
ones to Bayfle (d bridge it wag tecom.
McJQoA tb&t th.91 W0400, the Chair -
I . .... �
we W -Ir WAS. tit.
fund a-drAt inonoby.
91T I : I
! , I , I , g
� V 11 . 1. , . I � . Kit .1. � I
� I -f 4
, .
Oft # Z'� I � . I .
Isio 410, GRIGGO, 1
. I . J" Y, -
I �. . .
. . I �