HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-09, Page 5June Olt 1905 The. MoIsons BaIi( Incorporated by' Act oI Parliament 1655. Capital Paid.IJp....$ ,4300 I060 Reserve Fund : $3, 000, 000 Wic• Mor.sott MaornzuSON, President. S.'13.ER'ne,'Qloe•1'reeidgnt, • ,Ohms Stmt% go/A 1►fa4a0er. FARMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or collected. • DRAFTS on.ail points in the Dominion, Great Brittain, United States, and all Foreign Countries, bought and sold at best Fates. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and highest currentrate of . interest al- lowed. ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealers, and Business lien at lowest rates and cinmost favorable terms. Forty-eight brlt»nohes"iti the Dominion Agents all over the world. savimGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of 61,Oo and upwards reoeived, interest allowed from date of deposit . compounded 1u 1t.yearly and added to principal June stab and December 81st molest current Rate. GUNTON BRAN4tt - New Combe Block. r 1-I, C. BREWER.. r 1Waxiager. MoKINNON ',CQ., BLYTH BOOTS and SHOES • • Our Boot and Shoe trade is assuming. large proportions. The de- mand for the better quality of shoes is increasing every day. Vire are fully. prepared to meet the demand. This week we receiveda large stock of shoes. for men, women, misses and children in black, tan and chocolate, including the Peerless and "King Quality," also a large stock of lowerpriced goods from Montreal and Quebec. The "King Quality" Shoes come in alt sizes and different widths, and are made of the best material .procurable. .The fit and finish cannot be excelled. We have a regular shoe store in connec- tion with our business, where you can getanything in .shoes, . Below we mention a few styles and prices, which may be interesting to close cash'.; buyers ; -Men's Fine Dongola Shoes, in black and tan, extension soles, in all sues,. at $1.50, $1.75 and $2. • -Men's Box Calf, Fine Dongola and Patent Leather, in the "King Qual-, ity," extension soles, Goodyear welt, McKay sewn, at $2.25, $2.50• $3, $3.50 and $4. -Men's Heavy Plow Shoes,heavy soles, at 98e, $1.25 $1.50 and $1.75 -The Williams' Patent Adjustable Shoes, -got up:apecially for .•RA.luvirAV MEN, they are made of solid leather, waterproof and great: wearers, at $1.75, $2 and $2.50. -Boys' Standard School Shoes as 95c, $1, $1:25 and $1..50. —A special line of Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, plain or patent toe cap; good value at $1.50, for $1.25. ' and heavy soles, :'"King. Quality," French heel, Goodyear welt, at $2.50, $3 and $3.50. • C c I NNd N C a. . E FARMRS' EXC URSION —T 0--- ONTARIO —ONTARIO AIRICULTURAI. COLUGE GUELPH The Annual Excursion to the Ontario - A,grioaltnrai College at Guelph, underthe auspices of the Farmers' Institptes of Huron, will be held on • Tuesday, 20 � r,+ ElL.YTH w Akiirtvtionnento Girl • Want.ed: TIM NEW MIA CLINTQ T Anne . Weddings.. • • • 1.t this season of the year our extensive as- sortment_ • :Of articles suitable few.' . ' Wedding Presents is'alwaya supplerriented. by some of the newest a.nd _nattiest designs from the best :manufac- ture'r of Sterling' Silver, Silverware, Clocks, China, arid Cut Glass.. . 'Wedding lin -S. You are cordially in, vited to call and inspect our pretty goods. Dining Room'Girl, at once; et the Wav-• erly House Apply toGEC1.'13URTON.' • Tenders. Sealed ten,iere, marked "Tender for. C ;liegiate Institute," will be received by the undersigned till Tuesday, June 20th, for certain alterations to Ooltegiate Insti- tute building. Plans- and specifications maybe seen at the office of, the Jackson Manufacturing Co. , The lowest, or any tender, not necessarily accepted.; - D. A, FORRESTER Chairman, 2t When epeeist trains will be•rnn for the so- oommodation of excursionists, as follows; • FIRST SPECIAL TIME ADULT CHILD) (IODFRIOn ........7 40 a.m. 61.25.: $ 65 HOLM ESVILLE:...7 55 120 • 60 OLINTON. • • • ......810 I 20 60 SEA'+ORTA.......8 25 115 60 D BLIN MBAN ...,8 4455 110, 555 125 65 L(kRAVE BB 13T.YTH • 1 2 65 LONDESBORO ., Arriving at onelph at 16.45 a. m. SECOND SPECIAL. CENTRALIA 715 12060 • EXETER 7 25 125 65 HENSALL...... 740 125 65 HYPHEN 7 b0 125 65 BRUUEFIELD8 05 CN 120 '60 CLINTON 825 120 Ari7ivinR at Guelph at 11 o'clock m. Excursionists from Belgrave, Blyth and Lon esboro willleave the regular l ar t rain . With the excursion going south, connecting train et Clinton. Returning, trains will 3 m Glided.* train lease Guelph at 6. 0 �. ., leaving first. A special train will meet ex• onrsionists from Londeaboro, Blyth and Belgrave, at Clinton. Tickets will be good going ono on 0130 train, valid lb istiltn Ulf follefiing-day. COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT T. McMillan, Seeforth; R. M. Young, Carlow; Wm. Bailie, Dungannon ; l3•. Smillie, Bengali. Tenders Wanted. • Sealed' tenders, ':addressed to 3, ' C. Stoneman, Clerk of Hepsell, will be re- ceived up to Wednesday, June 14th, 1905. • at7 p.m., for -excavating, layingsend Cottage,. fillinga drain. Specification% Profile s. , MUIR.-SHAW.-At Jura. C • g etc,., may. be . seen at the Clerk + ..office,.. Clinton; on June 7th, by Rev. Dr. Stews. 1 Thelowest, or any tender,, not art, Mr. Wy 3. Muir, of Port Elgin, to Stew - Benson, 1, gr John h n. 4 of M i. r rely awe ted May 0 youngest daughter The • Selection of a Wedding Ring Marks an epoch in the , -lives of most •people. ,Its importance ' presup poses a Ring of, assure ed quality, such as • we have. Absolutely ".plump " and bear • , our stamp confirming, it. In qual- ity', finish, styleand price, our V(re d d'i n g Rig,s' have no sup- eriorsn'. We ask your inspec tion vl hen the time ar- rives. We promise satisfaction in e v,e r y particular. W. • HOELVM W. 11. 11011 11411,,. • Jeweler and Optician. ' a ---- weler' and p.ptician.*. Sirihs, . Marriages,. Deaths Clinton • Marrket'Report, 'corrected every Thursday atternoen • BORN. TBBBUTT=In' Goderich tp. on June. 8th;' thewife of Mr.'John' Tebbutt, of BERRY., -At the Rectory. Seafortli,'. May 30th, to Rev. John and, Mrs. Berry LLFORD. I'n Godericii. on Friday,. Ma p• lflth, to fir. and Mrs. W. H.' El ford a son ' t a 95 •. Wheat .. 9�':• Oats- ., :..n.... •, ♦. "SS a 0 40',. Butter, :.•0 14 'e ;0. 15 Eget' per dos(new).,.. 0 14 0 24. a 0 14 Live hogs ..... •Wool; unwashed: • . • :.:0 12 . "e► ' 0 13. Wool, washed.'....... 0 20 a., 0 21 Tift;;t�lltX l /HAt.$1BTe a • (The Sun) •DRINKWALTER.-1t1 Goderich, on , While sheep and cattle are going Friday, May.27th, to Mr. and, Mrs. Ar -lower, the ' tendency in hog's—Which •thur Drinkwater, a son,• . ' was downward for a while, is upward •:'VANSTONE—In'Goderich. an Tees- ,agate• At the Junction Tuesday hogs, dav,May 30th, to.Mr. aed. Mrs,. Samuel l suti,: s high , as )5 .90, as they canie Vanstone,• a 4taughter •. starved ;off tering. s, or $6.ronto today: l Ing and watering:. In Toronto R =-In `Goderich, on. Monday, 'they are quoted by Park, Blackwell COOPER 29th, to Mr.. •and. 'Mrs. A.J. Cooper; and Co:, at $0.75 to $0.80, fat. and lights a daughter: " 25c less.. Harris quotes at, $0.05.. The Ing . • � continued short - Ir in a son.. • age in supply. As. a result of this'shIrt- Mrs. (Dr,), A. J. w , age there were yesterday 10 -car -loads 1 May it h. o and . ..Wm, Mc -nosh, ,of American hop brought'... in from on May 13th;to Mr, and Mrs..Wm, Mc ' 'Buiralo. ' Gowan, a son •. 3 UNCTION CATTLE MAILIK.I'±T. —All ARMSTRONG. --In Fordwich. May classes Of ciitlleivere lower the .June 27th, the wife of Dr. Armstrong,, of i� •tion. Uhoi,.e export sold at $5,40' to. daughter. $5.85, one lot set lug at $5.07,1. The 1RWIN.--To.Hbwick, on May. 27th, • medium grades•sold from $5 to $5.35 the wife o • Fred I • of a 'son per cwt Bulls sold for $4 to $4.25. But WIN I W' hath May 21th increase is due. to the cont This monfh we are going to clear up our'stock of all early spring good, and odds and ends, NOW Is the time to ,secure a BARGAIN, Our. Sales are :Genuine. ,A .call will convince you. 756 corsets • 9c 10 doz E, & I. extra fine. Corsets, white and grey with hose supporters, fit guaranteed, all sizes,regular 75c, sale price........ .b9 25c Ladies'.Farcy' 'Handkerchiefs 15a. _. 20 doz Ladies' extra fine Swiss Handkerchiefs with embrold- • cry edges, .regular 25c, sale price ... .: ,.,..... .15 rr_ loci, 12,14c, and 15c Embroideries for . 8c "per yard I200 yards Enlbroideries,and" Insertions, in Swiss Cambric and Nain- sook, all new designs, from 2 to 4 inches wide,: 'regular TOG, x2ic $c .and. 15c per 'yard, Saie price. • • 20c and 250 Dress Sateen: for :15c per yard Sateen Dress Goods, in colored:'grounds•of cardinal,••sky `blue, Fancy lawn and pink;. with figure patterns, 32 inches- wide, regular 2oc :and 25c, Sale price 15e 5 l uslins for 50:per yard 10u, 12/c and 15c Dress : AZ p • Y 300. yds Fancy Dress •Muslins in white and colored grounds, wiih spot and figure,. regular price : i oc•. and • x tic, • Sale price 5�� 1 nd-1-5e--Fane-y: Dress -Aft - s for fie -der yard ' o' y Y yards fancy ;Dress Muslins, in white and colored 'grounds, with. �o F'.., • Sale ,rice 8 Sap spot and figure, also plain, sky and ..fawn, ' regular 1,2ic and 15c, 25® .RE11II�T�.Ia TS A T ALF- PRICE 3 air Cotton ;lose . Ladies'' Cotton Hose, sizes 8i, 9'and 9 ;'regular,2 pr for 25c, q price 3 pr for 25c Sale C -. E SOBS TO R. COATS: & SON. t. +re Irwin; MARRIAGES chars'cattle ranged from $1.,, to $4.35 fora large part of the run, but the best nedessa F. W, SMALTAA.COMBE: Reeve J, 0. STONEMAN, Clerk. r .. • Card of Thanks. In transferring the Eleotria Light Plant to its new owners, I desire to tender to the peeps of Clinton my thanks #or their mush kI ndnaesand generous ton ss np E or t dur- ingthe 20ye areT have eb been loin bn. tin 4 ee in their midst. hen�on do My I noccaticra-Messrs. , Sto p I and .men " i will, ca - .root , are Nt=d i er p Nediger-are : the future 0 �� in.t )expect, give sat efial4on managing they have in.the past, while in g g the. lant_icteme peak',for„them the p iz ens. nd..T nt a citizens. continued good will , b to sot ' SS Mr. Stevenson Will oontinee collector for the accounts due me, whiehQ I' hope will be paid promptly, GRA$AEd• Clinton, June 9th, 1905, !Mk DO YOU NEED A TONIC Our Beef Iron and Wine is an '.`excellent preparation containing in a condensed form all:the el- ements necessary to .produce new rich blood and nerve tissue. To those who need building up, one or two bottles of this tonic will bring:, a marvellous improvement in health and strength'. 16 oz bottle 75e. Our Baking Powder makes a steadfast friend of everyone who gives it a fair trial, 25C per lb. Dispensing Chemist J. .Hovey, • and Druggist. .1. B. Roover. 'r Nebo • Shaw: 5 h Robt, H C t f Yearlings sold at $5 to $1150, ewes and June t York, on , lambs •..'.$3 to $o, sac lambs ars $•L50 to $6.75, a law at $0.90; • wethers $5.25 5. 5 7 • 50 to > 'lens 5. $ year g $ Tuckersinith, on June 7th, by Rev. N. i t0 wi ewes $4x50 to $5,75; and mixed Shawl Mr,'M. McKay, f Goderich, to sheep $2 EO to 4 went up to $5.40., though very few brought the top. ,- Sheep rices SHEEP ALSO LowYlt p p which have .been trending downward for seine time, have gone still lower this week,"in .sympathy with cattle. COATS — HOLBOISTER, : At .N,ew i s Ottawa, formerly of Cli Marie Holboister. M. 'In IN GHA -FOT H I;R McKAY s o in on, to Miss wethers at $4 to $4.366, and. sginia o , Meio'si's daughter of Mr; W. Fother- p `-EY T (yet) tee and Co. report tW ooL. nat this in than m .n isco 1 'n Tlain.less woolg I g • that as the theyname h • of d DAY—WADE—At the residence time last year, and They' • the brine's parents; Winghatn,on June cause the wet.' cold season. ihev are' paying 22c for washed w091; 14e for on- • lst,'b Rev. E. J. Stobo, Mr. C. She" a and 19c for reycotionx. Coarse .ode both 1.L: Wade, washed; the iss E w , Day to M. man of Wingham. wool is: they say, worth as nlifCh as .B.ROO1 GRAY -A t ti o csidence f1 'e, thisylar _..ne eman oT s a HoasE 51A1LKE)r. 1 of the bride's father, on.' Wedne y, 1 . June Miss Jean Gray, only dau h- good horses continues strong in Toron- tell , ter of Wm Gray, of Bluevale; to r, f to. Buyers say. that s s ihave a nthe ountry Every branch in our line is complete, you can • get any article produced at this store, Our Prices, bring The Trade, Our personal supervision goes with every p chase and satisfaction is guaranteed. • UNDERTAKING Night -or day call's promptlyattended to • 110 ,� : ELL IO.T `. TORONTO, Con 'rouge and Alexander Ste. Summer Session forteachers and',otbtlt' during July and August. All of our graft: ates get positions. Eater shy timer Prin. Catalogue tree. W.J.ELIIOTT , • 4On icon • •tee .004 i. The . � v p . ,(� Vo' �_ G.iobe ia�nrance C Head;• 01iLee for eallada MONTREAL, B k f .Morris; time getting good )arse i Joined' (partly because of their Wm. too s, o . orrI scarcity, and. TAMLYN MARTIN June artly.because the farmers hold them Cathedral, Toronto, on 6th. by. PAt Rev. Cation Welch, Henry 'l`amlin, Iyi, at too n,i n a figure. bo ✓sthe Repoing t - of odd agricultural horses, woighing D„ only son of Dr. S. E. Tam i , to C Margaret, eldest daughter of .Mr. John selling , to t, m1 s., yta n25a andeoun Roadsters are Martin, both'of Wingham. are selling singly at 0125 to $`200. Car- HOLMES. CRISP -- At 'the rest- riage horses range from $1255 to $225 dance of the bride's parents, Landes- • singly, and matched are worth $300 to boyo, on the 1st lust, by Rev. B. fJlc- $ow per pair. At present a good animal .lent, Mr. C. Holmes to Miss A. Crisp, in any Crass commands a good pries.. both f' Londesboro CAPITAL AND ASSETS EXCEED CLAIMS . PMD EXCEED - 3215,000,' 0 ' Policies issued: at Clinton direct to: insurers. No agency. ' _.dela interim. receipts. No delay. JACKSON••-•WATSON-Th Morris, bast Huron Liberals.. . on May 24th, by Rey. A. E Jones, Mr. Isaac' Jackson, of flensall, • to ..Miss The annual meeting of the East Mabel S. daughter of Mr.. W. H. Wa tw , lriuron Liberal Association was held in son, of Moires the'. Town Hall, Brussels, on Tueitday •• DIED ' • of last Week, send was an enthusiastic t nesting. The officers elected are:•- CASSELS.= ' In Greyy, on Suncl"ay, President, B. N.Thyfi; IstVice, W. M. June 4th. 1905, 14IaryElizabeth Jacklin, Sinclair; 2nd Vice, Ma 141urdie; See- .l wife of Mr. S. Cassels, of Clinton, aged Tress., W. H. ICerr, Auditor, F. S. 22 years Scott. JACKSON -Tei Pembroke, on Satur- Addresses were given by Dr: lldei)on. day. June 3rd, 1905, Thomas W. Jack- aid, A. Hyslop, W. 11., Bert', R. McMil- son, aged 38 years. • ,laic, and T. Stracha . SHEPPERD-On the Bayfield Line, The Liberals of East Huron are not Goderich sownship, on Friday, June by any means of the Dominion seat in last elec- discouragedby the los- Mtn, John'She pard, aged Sl years, g' p tion, and file representatives who ctt- fn KEW —Irl Whftectiurch, May 25th, tended the annual meetings willseesee • W m... Bevy, +awged.11.P. that merge practical OUR.RIE,-In Winghaw, ,.on May 31 clone in the time to come, looking. to- Ann ookin .'to - Ann Cornyn, reelect Of late David ward the winning' and holding ofthe Currie, aged 70. riding✓ • McKEN IE. -At Bracebridge, Mus- 1f'xeterr. koka, on Sunday, May 28th D. George BAH STORM -The worst tviilct norm zee • , o Se fort . Of.Mt% Donned s and 2 for ears, accompanied with thunder, zee, of Seaforth, aged . 21 years and 2 li ht sing and rain, passed over this For 'information apply to our cogent, D. Macpherson.„ ,; DI•. Clinton, '��,R,• �xc�ursio>t� TO Niagara Falls Under the auspices of the Canadian Viler of•Foresters Court Plowed of the Forest No.3,C.B.P., Seaforth, have Rdto run an excurs s onhtothe C;a T. months. d strict . about four o'clock Monday' CAMERON—In on 7th afternoon, James Shapton's barn on .Tune, Annie Matilda, Clarnochan, wifetete third Concession' of Stephen, was of John Cameron, axed 32 years and 10totally wrecked; also his kitchen.' Months. Frank Trebneir's barn was coniplCtely SONES—In Star ley`, on Pune 2nd, destroyed, also hit, nrchard i'. A. n Wife of Mr. John Jones, aged 68 years. ber,of farmers were draw ng gravel, and when the storm chine up they -1-'''''''-----L--;-"-t"."---"."""--.went to Mr. Trebneir's barn for shel- ter; the result was one young inial, o Item or to sale named Walker, had his' back and leg broken, Doctors have no Wipes of bib NIAGARA' FILLS. ON • Friday Jane ✓6th, 1965. including all stations between ' uni 4 rich and Strattorn, i i r xh b 1 k filne t►�d etfibld cry /ease Many other barns were 'unroofed, te of j Everbof*� soma owl Spent u t,. , .n 1 Dr, recovery.' Ms horse was killed ttno� A Special Train •will leave the Sev- eral stations on Friday morning at the time mentioned. bel°W, arriving at Niagara Falls. about I1,30 A. in., and returning wili'Ieave Niagara- • Falls at 8.00 p. in. Ali_tickets good to return. on any regular train the following day", Trains will leave stations as follows:' Station Time Adults Children GODLRI0I1 6.45. $2.15 $1,10 IIOE,MESVILL•E` 7.0(1 2.05 1.05 CLINTON 7.10 '2.05 1.05 SFIA. OItTH 7,25 • 1.05 5 DUBLIN 7,35. 2.051.05. 'V11T0111;1LL 7,45 Z.00 SEI311.INGVI I. �' 3,00 1.811 00 STRAT1+'ORDS 8.20 1,05 • 85 As there has been' on excursion froth this district to the Valls forsone° time, this will give a splendid opportunity to view thn,Nattirel Wonder andI3ea11- Ityr of this Great Waterfall, also to see the Great Waterl�oWer that is being developed for Elio benefit of '1'1•n0 Sian c• ,sus ED :CORN A price on �E- , •ill :Wear ` competition etition . w p Y A RI3DCAP, ae*c • Y.` L 0 ��J( P 111 O y r• bushel, ;.:100 e 1�n1 , P e:� urchasing • e�or • `Y . t frail. b P . . of fall o rM �.� � • LON1MssoR° - e t ° ° chimtim s blown down, und . par Street, Iafeltr Dickp no by to et►rnr. A�p..ply to TJ►YtO lylckfnean Mutat, et $'sit fruit trr� and shado trees wetly blown and pia table day. a.pd you w never . 1814 Heueall, In all directions, regret it, • Alunnxntint Kitchen Ware just received a fresh supply' of Aluminum— ware, for •I' itchen use. Catl and see it. A full stock of Coiled Spring Wire, Barbed Wire, Plain Galvanized VVlre, Oiled: and An- nealed Wire. Spades, Shovels, Rakes,' Hoes, etc., all sizes black and galvanized Pipe, - A lot of small ends Poultry netting, to clears in: job lots. WANTED -7A good strong boy to learn the Hard- ware business. Apply personally. ar an ros Stoves and Hardware. 4