The Clinton New Era, 1905-06-09, Page 1•As a local paper THE NEW ERN # is equaled by few . and surpassed by none Are you a subscriber? w0,,11.....1 40,11•44440,4*, fir,P.rin..1,07.7011.....11,170.10171rafik101!,11!7•07:14,00.11.0744r010011041r00.001.11" EsTAHLI BB .111 D 1861S ROBERT Rent Verne AMR% AGAIN TO Tilt loon Ihe Oovereign_Biank OF CANADA now pays interest on SAVINGS ACCOUNTS from date of deposit FOUR TIMES A YEAR. P. NOS/ Clinton Manager New Advertisementst See Ballark's Window, Ballard ' 2 Wedding Presents, J. H. Chellew....3 Bargains, Newcombe's ...... ....4 Farmere' Excursion to Guelph .. ....5 Tenders, Clinton Collegiate Board....5 Tenders, Municipality of Hensall.. ..5 Card of Thanks, D. Graham 5 Boots and Shoes, McKinnon & Co5 For Sale or to Rent, D. Dickinson .. 5 White Underwear, Hodgens Bros.. 8 Hosiery Given Away, Elodgens Bros8 Our Calendar. • Clinton London football match, June 10 Division Court, ..,,WedneziaysJuie_14 W.H.F.I. excursion .. Tuesday, June 20* Detroit excursion.... Tuesday, June 20 Willis C E. garden party June 26 Dominion Day.. .... sSaturday, July 1 St. Paul's church garden party. ..July 6 Orange Celebration, Clinton ..0 .July12 nolmenville Socier„.-At the League meeting on Monday evening the matter of the usual lawn social was discussed, and it was decided to hold it, the date not heing fixed; but keep your weather eye open for it, and. arrange to be there, as it will doubtless be better than ever. s WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. - The regular June meeting will he dispensed with. On June 14th the supplementary meet- ing will be held at the home of Rev. Mr. Swann at 2.30 p. m, and in the evening in Wilson's hall at 7.30. Af- ternoon demonstrations on meats, veg etables and soups taken by Miss Jean • Joy ; fruits, and methods of canning, by Miss L. Shuttleworth. Evening subjects -"Evening at the homestead" by Miss Joy, and • alanced ration for y pro- fitable and enjo le time is expected. i3 man", by .Miss S ttleworth. A Music wilt be furnished in the evening. OEURCR.-Rev. Mr. Swann preached a specially helpful and practical ser- mon on Sunday evening from the text, "He that regardeth the clouds shall not reap ;" a large congregation was 'present. A change from 7 to 7.30 p.m. ts better made in the time of holding the Sunday evening service, to take effect next Sunday, for three months. Dr. Medd's lecture was fairly well at- tended and appreciated; the Dr. has certainly spent time and thought in preparation of his subject, and his presentation is forcible, terse and witty; the bachelor girldwete very favorably impre: sed, and weare looking for pleas- ant results from their delibecations. NOTES. -Will Courtice left for Mani- toulin Island on Saturday, to spend the summer. Mrs. Leitch and Mrs. G. Tebbutt were delegates to the Confer- ence Convention of the W. M. 5, held at St. Thomas last week.-. Mrs. Teb- bntt spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy, of the Railroad ,City, formerly of this village, and also called on the Misses Mason, of London. Miss Moir, of Clinton, spent Sunday with Mrs. W. Pickard. F. C. Elford, of Ottawa, was in the village last week; F. C. is evidently still somewhat of a night owl, as he struck town at a very late hour, disturbing the peaceful slumbers of one ad- our -citizens, Gs - McCartney, of Clinton, spent Sunday here, 0. Forster, aecompaniedly two lady friends, was in Goderich Sunday. Fred Pickard drives a dandy new rub- ber -tired buggy. Some repairs are being made at the parsonage, which the League is undertaking. Stamm REPORT -The following is the report of the pupils of S. S. No. 3 for the month of May, based on regu- larity, good deportment and general roficiency:-Sr 4. -Leila Ford, Francis. odes, Muriel Willson, Oscar Tebutt, F. Holland, M. McCartney, P. Huller, Myrtle Connell, Clarice Eladour. Jr. 5: -Clifford McCartney, Myrtle Trewnr- the, Minnie Sturdy, Clarence Potter, Edith Levis, John Sturdy, Wilbert Halstead, Lulu Mulholland, Emmeline Holland. Sr. 3:-Retta, Ross, Frank Williams, Alex Ross. JP. 3: -Lorne Jervis, Charlie Levis, Homer Oantelon Albert Proctor, Percy Munnings, L. Badour. Sr. 2: -Verna .Rhodes,Jessie Ross, Lorne McCartney, Ernest Hull- er, Ella Colclough, Norinan Holland, Lulu Willson, Stirling Dempsey. Part 2. -Annie Ross, Ernest McCartney, D. Huller, Joseph Palmer, Lottie Levis, Part 1: -Elva Proctor, Frank Jenkins, Carl Main, Clarence Connell, Harold , LaVie, Clifford Holland. No. on 'Boll ' K 46, Average, 41, N. W. TREWARTE A, r Teacher. Smoked In spring, when sunshine renders seeing painful, sinoked glasses should be used. We have the stock We have the assortment We have Right Prices. eeisemaaatate , IL J. GRIGG0, jeweler and Optician. CLINTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JUNE 91 1905. LohtleabOrei NOraee-Miss C. Chidley et Clinton, spent Sunday with Mends here. Imola:MOM-An account of the in- duction of Rev. Mr. Leckie will be fonnd in ariother column. New Annwaras. - Mr, and Mrs. Niohol and two sone who recently an - r ved fri m Englane, have taken up their abode in the village, in what is known as the -hOUSS. 0R.EAMERY.-7140,IldeShOPO Creamery made the first shipinent of theseason's butter on Saturday last, consistine of sixty -eve boxes.. The price wee nearly three cents per pound higher than the first sale of last year. R. T. Owing to inclement weather the attendance at. last meet- ,ingsvaevet7 smell-andno important business was transacted.. Next regal lar Meeting will be on the 12th inst. As it is the evening for election of officers, it IS requestedthat there be a full attendance of nienebere, Cannes Noanis.Rev. Mr. Clement being at Conference, the Methodist pulpit was occupied in the morning by Mr. J. Jenkins, and in the evening' by Rev. Mr, Lochead, Mr. Lochead re- turned to his home on .Wednesday, 'af- ter spending three weeks here, in charge of the two Presbyterian con- gregatiens. WED.oThua. - A quiet but pretty wedding took placela,stThursday even- ing at the horue of ler. and Mrs.. Thos. Crisp. when their • only daueliter, Miss Adelain, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles IL Holroes, the genial member of the film," Morrel & Relines. Only the near relatives and close friends of the bride . were present. They have taken up their residence in the house purchased last fall by the groom. Both. are • exceed, ingly popular, and each have been protninently associated with Church and Sunday. School work for some tinne-Wissonin u.ur congratulatiou with those of their many friends. Wet Wantanosti CouRT OF REvIsrom Court 'of re- vision of the assessment toll, for West Wawanosh was held on Friday, the 29th all the members present. There were three appeals against ton high assessment, two of which were.not en- tertained. A reduction of 3200, . on. •buildings in one case- was made. As- sessor W. A. Wilson has, during the period he has been in office, given general satisfaction in the perform-, ance of his duties. The result . bf the assessment of Weft Wawanoeh for 1903 : Total assessment of real.prop- perty, $2,127,456; buildings 0455,000, business assessment, $7,055; •populas tion of municipality; 1,8004. • Cloneme„. -The Council Met on May 26. Messrs: Arthur and Jackson, of Manchester, asked for grant for cement sidewalks ; request referred. The trus- tees fur Manchester police village asked to have a rate of 4 mills on dollar of a.ssessenent raised for this year. The following checks were issued : Ed: wards. work on W. B., $2; H. Morris-. on, adyiee, $2 ; .assessor, 870: BsFow- ler, repairing brldge oa con. 6,, 25c • D.. Fowler, shovelling snow, $8'; '61 -,'Mc-• Roberts, repairing bridge on con. 9, 31.50; SV Ryan,worken W.B., 33.75; R. Anderson, work on W. B.. 31; M. McDougall, work on coin 5, 31; Fred, Moss, repairing. bridge on con. 4, $1 R. Walsh, planking bridge on con 6, 81; J. Nixon,ep • ng washout on_ con. 14;51; E. Thorns, repairing bridge on con. 12, 82; is' Barber, repairing washout on con. 12, 50c J. Bryan, pt. printing account, 325; 'Rev. Hanlon,. gravel account, $3.04. Council. Ad- journed, to meet on Wednesday, June 28th. at 10 o'clock -W. S. MeCtitemns, Clerk. . • . Goderich. • • NOTES -It is pretty: well settled that there will be Dominiojn Day celebra- tion in Goderich, but ust what form it will take has not ,yekbeen decided. - -The G. T. R. 0o. has appointed John Stratton, of Hagersville, as the new station master here, in succession te his father,' A. Stratton who re- sigued.-Patrick-Brady, the alleged commercial traveller who obtained -50c - under false pretences from F. Morgan, was sentenced to six months imprison- ment in the Central 'vision for vag- rancy, the two Weeks he has already served in jail here to count as 'peat of The term.=-Miiii-Cdrifeell--nr Cliffeed; has been engaged as salesman. sta.' B. Hawkinet hardware store. -William Postelthwaite was sentenced by Judge Doyle to four months in jail with hard labor. The charge against him was that of assault 'result- ing in actual bodily harm to Celle Edwards, a young" boy. • Kippen No,rns. -Mr. Alden Whiteman of Detroit, is visiting his parents and friends here. Mr. and Mrs: Allan Web- ber have moved from London and are going to take up their residence Among. st us. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Alton. of Leeknow, were visiting in the home of Mr. Johnston, last Week. Mr. 3: B. Dinsdale, who has been, attending the Methodist Conference in Listowel as lay delegate from this circuit, has 're- turned atom'. He reports it splendid gathering with interesting sessions and able addresses. Mr. and Mrs. Aid- en Jones, of London, Mr, Charles Jones. of Cbicago, and Mr, and Mrs. Johns, of Elimville, and Mr. Lawrence, of 13e1 - grave, were here attending the funeral of the late Mrs, Jones, We are sorry that Conference has seen fit to remove Rev, E. A. Shaw. • - - Thekeramith. DaaTta,--We are sorry to record the death of Miss Lillian Plevves, daughter of Mr. W. G. Plewes, which occurred at Steelton, Ont., it few 'days since, front tenter. Mr. Plewes is a Son of the late Robt. Plewes, so longa res- pected resident of this township ; Miss PleWes was a promising yortng girl of about 15 years of a --DtMers-Ols—ith. - X nItciae- • er malty friends will be deeply grieved to hear of the death of Mrs. Sohn Camer- on of the 4th concession, which °mitr- ed on Wednesday. Deceased was a daughter of Mr, Ws Caknochan, of the 2nd concession and had only been married a year death WAS the result of childbirth, a, baby born on Monday surviving her. The funeral takes place today, Friday, at 2 80 p. M. vort Albert. rimaux—We have one of the most law,abiding hotei•keepere to be found anywhere, but hifs generosity to a friend theother day, led to his being fined for violation of the low. it was Mr. Aeciiiith's .firat We. sass. tie Setssils. • will pay for the Ngw P.,i A. for new sub— scribers, from now I Jan. 1st, 1906. Goderleh irowhahlp LOssES.-Edward Wise had the mis- fortune to lose a valuable mare and foal last week. Alex. Welsh -loet a good cow. ' Anaounesmea.-The action of the township of tioderich vs. the town- ship of Colborne, arising out of . the cutting down of the golmesville hill, which was to have been tried on the 14th of „June, Vas adjourned by con- sent to the July sitting of the 13ivis- on Court. ' • His DESTINATIONi-There's some dif- ference of opinion as to his destination. Some sata Colesburg, others Burk's Falls; anyway, the Atcheson, Topeka & Santa Fee is the route generally sel- ected, as being reliable and very fast, and we would recommend thisi line for all points south and west., 4 . Marne, -Our pathmasters are getting uneasy about roadwork; we wish their minds would find rest until the fall of the year; the proper time for all grav- elling to be done.. Anyone wisleing to correspond with -the captain for a game with the Ironsides football team may do SO by. ad ressing such corres- pondence to Fred mmerson; Clinton. IatenoyEaceeTs;,-Along the Huron - road seyeral farmers are making im- provements tcs their :property. Mr. Gould is repairing the barn on the old Phipps farm; Will Rutledge Will move a; barn fr en across the road over to the- sc4ith side, and fix it up; W. S. Holui has made. an, ad- dition to his ho e; Mrs Clianibers is KittiMr; Jas. aohnstot is putting a stone ng hes eh ClAultIOn to his barn; foundation under his. , house. Mr Irwin is sinking an artesian well on the farna of John W. Yoe. Mr. Thos. McKenzie,' °Hutton has the eentritet for the erection of a new frame louse for Mr. &trees Miller. ,te " • Smoot. Rapoiet-Following is the report of S. S..N 10 Goderich Town- ship for the_lugn h.tof-May3-based---orr marks obtained for .cenduct, good cle- portmeut and general. proficiency. - Sr. Fourth -Agnes Middleton, ,Frenk Elliott, Herbert Wise, Charles Wise,' Robert ,Thompsen, Etta Ellwood ; Sr. Fourth's Katie Perdue, ' Fred Thompson, Opra Rathwell!; Sr. Third - Beatriee -Moose; Oliee Ellwood, Frank Whitmore Third-- Hazel Switz'er, Rose Whitmore, Norman Miller, . Elva Stewart, Fret* Marshall, Nelson' Mose, ' Ethel Baines: Second Class -7. Harold Whitmore, Harry Ellwood, Violet Rathwell, ..Ethel -Mose, Earl Hanly, Gehl Beacom ; 2nd - Hattie Itliner ; Peet 1st-, May Thom/o- gle Feed Rathwell; Willie Ellwood,. Cecil Hanly, Hanly, Alma Elliott, Earl Swit- zer, Mildred Thompson,: Flegeri; Whitmore, Leslie Sterling TEE LATE' MRS, lliox,'--The' death took place'on Friday • morning 'May 26th. at the age Of eighty years; of •Itio.e. Walter. Hick,. sr ; of the. Hurpti eoad,.. Goderich towo- tahip,, after an illness .of aboutfour months About three Months ago Mrs; Hick movedto the home of ' her son, S. E. Rick, Nee/gate street, for nursing and Medical treatment,. but her ailment, general prostration and debility, had 'already made too great progress to allow -of any more than prolonging her lifejer a few weeks and Making her last`days as comfortable as possible. The funeral' took place from her. son's residence on &today afternoon to Maitland- cemetrys and was „very largly attended•by friends _frairesloth. town and_country._ .The services at b utli hotise and. grave were conducted. by Rev; Geo. N. Hazen, pastor of. hearth street Methodist ehurch. . . • ; . • • • ' • - • FPoTnatas-A large number *it- nessed the football mat& on Thursday evening, whet!. the Ironsides of this township •and a °Hilton team lined up. The game was neither fast nor molt • ing. although the Clinton boys defeat- ed: the lronsides by two goals; this was not unexpected, aetheground was very slippery, and the yisiting team was rigged out accordingly -with steel pegs on the soles of their shoes, and other conveniences that show their athletic. smartneas. During the first half neither side scored, but on chatig, goals the Clinton boys were credit, ed with a scone; of two, although the first goal was accidentally shot at ran- dom by one of their opponents,- and Was no credit to the winners. A young man from Clinton refereed the game, ith-egenerals--dissitiefaction--tos'thes' Ironsides, and also to the onlookers. Foul tripping was. of great assistance to the Clinton team, and wits in almost every • offence overlooked by the un- learned' and Partial referee. The de- feat has not daunted the courage of the losers,who have challenged the winners to another game at some fot- tire date,providing ' they play better football end less dirty work. [Cloi-S, rooting the above item concerning the foot -ball match, the Clinton teatn, by the rides of playing, was credited with but OM goal; the other one was off side; this is terecitfy the 'mistake so that no person can find fault with the writer.] - • • A. PIONEER's DEA.T13. -After a short illness death has claimed one oe the few surviving plot:leers of this town:- of itph, ei nBtahyed pe iedr tonne fw Johnho i eSdh eopnh evrrdi Fri - clay the age of 81 years, Deceased had lived in the township well on for seventy years, having come here with his parents when little more than tett years of age. Ha lived for some years on the Oth coh. but resided., where he died, for over twenty five years. He did not teke a :Very active part in public affairs, though his support was always given to the Conservative party. He Was a consistent member of Cole's (Methodist) Ohorh, and en- jOyed the esteem and good will at- all who knew Min, He was a native of Tipperary, Ireland, and was the youngest and only surviving member of his family, his father having neat'. ed the age of 101 years at the -time of his death, Mr. Shepherdeal ves `d0w,-4 John - are residents of this to wnship; Math- ew is in Manitoba. The daughters are Mrs. H. Tichborne, Goderich; Mrs. john Johnston, Stanley; Mrs. W. B. Anderson, Aberdeen Dalc., and Mrs Ostrom, of Clinton, A great number followed the remains to thefts resting place in Bayfield Cemetry, on Monday. Mr, Fred. 0, lillforri, of the Domin- ion Poultry 13ranch Ottawa; Mr, Graham, of the Ontario Agricultural College, and Mr. Baldwin, of Toronto, Werehere last week. 'They, were up inspecting the Poultry Station at Holinesvillf?, the two latter gentlemen being particularly isitereeted in the breeding of chicks by Mail:NIA" Sununerhill, NOres.-Nr. A F. Johns teacher No. 5 Hullett, visited at J. 11. Lowery's on Thursday last, --Mr. Harry Thompson had the misfortune to loose a young colt a few days ago and also Mr. D Easonst-Illessers Thorn and Easom, of Seaforth, spent Sunday here Mr. Chris. Lowery has another fine driver, purchased near Seaforth, Sodom, CASE -The following item appeared in the legal reports of Tues- days Toronto Churchill and Townships of 'Goderich and Hullett.saW. .Premdfoob, K. C., for Thomas Churchill, moved.to set aside award Of arbitrators, Whereby union section No. 4 of the above townships was dissolved, and a new union section and At, non:, Union School,. Seaton. No:Vermeil, and certain lots not in Union School Section No. 4 brought in on the ground that when award was made, fie years had not elapsed from the formation of Union School Sec- tion 4, and upon other grounds. E. L. Dickinson (Goderich,). for respon- dents, contra. Justice Anglin's decision, given on Wednesday, is that the township cor- &rations are .not "parties concerned" within the meaning of .sec. 88 of the public schools act, and there was no Jurisdiction to eider thatthe townships should pay the costs of the arbitration Order made remitting the award .0 the arbitrate-se:1n order that they make disposiiens- se; en,sts of th,e-essels tration authorized by sec 88. -.701. the other objections to the award fail, No costs of the motion. • • [The plain meaning.ofthis dee"sion is that the arbitrators made a mistake in deciding that liellettsandsGodertch townships as a whole alopuld be res- ponsible for'the costs of the arbitra- tion, and they are simply called Open to apportion the costs to those por- tions of each township affected by the arbitration. .decisionoL the arletratorsstands, and Mr. Church- ill's appeal fails: When tha • arbitra- tors have distributed the costs as re - quit ed, this will likely end a case that has ceased as great deal of bitterness and bad feeling, and the sooner this is allowed to die out the better. People who were on either side are anxious to see the matter settled for good, and as this decision practically readies this point; the past shined he hurled.] • : Dollen • DX1ecitn,etts PRA.cnoE. -A few days Since while a high wind was blowing some children went into the bush of Mr; Tallies Cornish, ori tbe, hese line, 'and lie a fire, which destroyed about 20 reds of fence. and compelled hien to light fire for the balance of the day •He wishei it understood that children will not be allowed in the Melo in future, without permission, , s • , NOTEe: -- Messrs John and Jas. Beatsou. of Eilcidulph; spent Sunday with their Mont, Mrs. R. Carter. Mrs. - A, Tucker is visiting relatives in -Tor- 'onto. • Miss Lily McCool of Clinton, spent Sunday • at her :home. T. H. Cole has been engaged with Luxton Hill, in Blyth. Arrangements are be- ing made to hold a school picnic in 5. S. No 5 about the 30th inst ; Watch for later isennouncetrienta. . Smoot, REPORT. following shows the relative standing of the pupils of No. 5, based On test papers, attendance, and general proficiency : - Sr. 4-Gertie • Vodden, Elsie Brown,. EssielifairrAniaidsMiller4_jr. 1 -Dell McCool, •Mabel Lee,Mary. Jackson, Ernest Vodden, Annie Bali ; Sr. 3-0r- val Rapson, Sept. Wellace, , Flossie Brown, Charlie Vodden, Howard Hill, Albert McLaughlan, Earl Squire, Ar- mand McCool; Jr. 3 -.Cora McCool, Ephraim Snell, Earl Mason, :Richard. Vodden, James Lotiett; Wesley_ Hog- gert ; Sr. 2 -Eldred McBriette Magme Maie, Foley Cole, Etta 'McBrien, Eddie Miller, Calvin Lovett, Edith Hobbs; Jr 2 -,.Mary Vodden, .Elva, McCool, May "Applebys, Addie Little. • Willie Weymouth; Pt. 2 -Jennie Miller, Sec- ord Martens Ella Lee, Edna Lee'; Sr. Ph I -Etta Brown, Fannie Loaett ; Jr. Pt. l' -Ira Rapson, Keatha Weymouth, Pearl Hobbs, Viva Cole; Barbara, Hobbs, Tommy -Appleby: Enrolled attendance, 48; average ettendances32. Myth: LeiRGE SNAKE -While gathering balm along tne river near the Grand. Trunkarch-lastaThursday-afternoonee Mrs. Isabella Crittenden ran across a largemilk snake; Which she promptly but not before his stakeshrp made an attack on her and Put op a strong fight for its life. The snake measured five feet in length* and was as big as an ordinaiy wrist. . This is the second rnilk snake Mrs. Crittenden has killed in the seine locali ty, she hay - trig killed one a few yeats :ago aboet nine feet in length. • • Nvins -Miss Kate .1lict;efin lab on Friday forenoon for Atwood, where she will make 'a lengthy visit with her sister, Mrs. A. 310r.fdar. Mrs R. M. West left yesterday morning for home in Glenbore, Manitoba, after Spending a pleasant six weeks at the home of her parents. Mr. and -Mrs. E. Viratson. Mr. John Moore had secured a position as traveller with Messrs McColl Bros. & Co., wholesale dealers in oils, etc., Tore/Ito. Mr, Samuel J. Orasvford, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clrawford, of Blyth, was Mar- ried on May 17tb to Miss Blanche G. Rockett, of Kincardine. Ddytteld , AccErTABLE McDonald, one of our Bayfield boys, now of the firm of McDonald & Willson, Toronto, hist week presented a beautiful silver baptismal bowl to the Session of St: Andrew's, thus completing the com- munion service he presented to them. We years eV. FoOrnista,-The foe cball team, *which played Yensall on Saturday last, met with a sad reverse;ihe adore being 8-0 in_favmaLHensall, 10,1ns is very con- Ifarylo-formee -con-fasts, wheir,13ari' field was always victorious NOTES. -Mw. teddy and her daugh- ter, Mrs. Walker, are come to visit in the old home, The soldiers of the King who have enlisted from this place under Cafit. McPhail and Lieu% L. Thomson are as follows Corp. Lorne King, Sergt. Osmond, and Pts. Castle, johnttone, McDonald, McLeod, Turn- er, Atwood, McDowell and BalleY. Whiddon has moved his entire house- hold effects to Goderich, where, he sari, lie will reside until he gets tired of the oleo. Fishing' is getting some - What lighter than 11 11118 been, the lat. est catches being not over 100pounds' SiAnley COT= OE ItEWSIorr -Stanley Coun- cil met as a court of revision, on 4s. sessment Roll, May 29th. There were two or three appeals, which were all dismissed, which shows a very good record of our assessor on the new act by which many changes had to be made. Cxprn.-The cement abutments evealsegen 'Bridge were let by council to Ur. McKay, while the teel struc- ture. WRS_ _le to A. Rill .& Co., Wit- t:hell. Mr. T. Keys was z pointed -as inspeetor of StanleyBig rain. Cem- ent Arch on Bronson LI VMS fi4Ver- tised for tenders to be in y 1911i met. After paying several bills council ad- journed until June I9th, 1, p, tp. Jam. vanovtiEwsnr,;2m, tC:44erk .p. D. Baird ha4:15,60r: off work for a week, with 4 sere leg:. width was injured by a stone rolling upon it. Win. Potter and wife drove to Allele Craig last week and yisited the latter's sistee, Mrs. .Frank Clat. worthy, lVfisaE1lic Rathwell, of God- erich Tog spentlast week with her Sister, Mrs. Fenwick Stewart. Quite a number from. StenleY attended the funeral of the late John Sheppard, of Goderich ' Township, on Monday. W. Morrison purchased a Bell piano la.st week from a Seaforth agent. Albert Aikenhead, who Was meeiously injured in London last week, is now thought to be out of danger; he is still in the, hespital. amine", Iterofir. -The foltowins.eis the May monthly report for S. 3. No. 14 Staulese Names are in order of merit, 51h ---1.1a.1. Dinsdale, Mary E. Johnstone; H. McQueen; Sr. A. Hood, E. Gemmell J. 'Grassi*. M. Fisher, EtteJatrot, Aggie Gemmel. Jr 3 -J.Kehl,Odit McBeath, SarahRath- well. Jr. 2nd sLola, Rathwell. Arthur .Tones, Walter lkfcBeath. Part 2.s -A.. Fisher,. Herbert Kehl, Anna M. Hood. ;Part 1 -Ida Rath well, Wallie.MaBeath s*lex-Itrafertries---Thirheet sperlhfrs the paonthly spelling 'matchei were, 5th. Dinsdale; Sett' 4th, Blown Hood; Jr, 4.th, Murray; Fisher; ',Tr. 3rd, Oda MeBeath, Jr. 2nd, Lola Rathwell, Part. 2; Allan Fisher. . • Orneetant.On Friday • -et'aiming, June 2nd, Catherine Finkle, beloved wife of John JonessReeording Steward .of the Kippee Clircuit, died at the fams .ily residence, onLot 4, eon. 3,.totynship .of Stanley., Two years ago she had a paralytic stroke from' Which she nev,er fully recovered; on Tuesday evenieg. she had emend, though a eomewhat light one, but on Wednesday afternoon: she was prostrated froth a thiedone, and gradually sank until her death on Friday Morning, not having- regained .eonscieusnesdsinee Wednesday. The Tate Mrs. Jones was bore in Rensselaer County; New York,' May 7th. 18,37. In 4859 she efinie to the tewriship of Sid- ney, Hastings County, and in thesame year was married to her 'bereaved hus- band, by the;Rev.. John In 1870 she with her hetsbarid and family rimy - ed to Stanley, and took uptesidence on the farm on which she dive. She ably seconded her litishand'a efforts in build, ing up a :hotrie in this township, and they succeeded in gathering a fair share ofthitiworld'sgoods aroundlthem, their farm beingene Of the neatest and the-farm-b'uDdings being amongsthe finest in' this vicinity. She Was a faith- ful member of -Kippen Methodist:: Churchsa kind neighbor; a wise and loving mother, a helpful wife, aincl one whom • 'eery many were glad to hold_ ate. dear_friend, _Among the teatitesof flowers on and around the casket Were ,noticed-iine-feien Geisteitte- .Eckhart. Co of London, :end another. from the Ladies' Aid of Eippen Chi arc's of which she was an honered Member: ' The.funeral on Sunday, the 4th inst.,. was largely attended ,there being near- ly one hundred rigs in the procession. The Rev, E. A Shaw,. who returned from the Conference in Listowel for this purpose, conducted. the :get -Vices. The pall -bearers were Messrs John Berry, Sohn Whiteman, ,Oeorge Tay-. lots Donald Grassi*, George Alcor' and Hugh MeDiarmid. She leaves to mourn her, loss, besides her now • be- reaved husteind, otte.sister, Mrs. Phils lips, of Kippen, three sons, William, on the honiesteads Alden, traveller for the Gorman, Eckhardt Co„ of London, and. Charles, who holds a geed position in :Chicago. and one daughter, Mrs. Johns, of Elimville, WI of .whom have the synetrathY ofe, large circle of friends and acquaintancees sess.seessasesses------- );NDED. FATALLY. Thomas: Sackson Succumbs to his . • We are exceedingly sorry to an- nounce the death of Thomas W. Jack- son, which occurred in Pernbeolce hos- gruftitalliocncldtut rrcleap3roirtaeds the tr week.(3siit of f The melee' men attending him did all in thaip,power_for him, sand up_stnEriday night were quite hopeful of his recov- ery, the wound havinglealecl and hie bowels being natural, but • internal compications arose that resu'ted He bore his sufferings with res !makable patience and fortitude, being conscious up to a short time before his death. His youngest brother,- Harry, was in constant attendance on him, - and returned to'Clinton with the re- mains, as did also another brother, Albert, who resides at Niagara .Falls When the train from the east ar- rived on -Monday afternoon, the body was tenderly placed on the platform, and the coffin removed from the case, so that those present might view the remains, whicla,looked quite natural, save that he seemed thinner than usual. His intended bride.(Mise Dawson) svas among the mourners, and as she lin- gered lovingly over the body, many tears fell in eyrnpathy with her own over her double bereaveinent -her -maw wing been buried on Monday of last Week... -s The funeral took place frolii-Olfitain station to Clinton cemetery, and the very high esteem in which deceased was held was ahown by the , large crowd of persons who gathered to pay him a last tribute of respect. • Iehad been at hest intended to give him a military burial, (he being Lieu t- enarit of Brussels Company, and would have this:year gone up,toehe Position of Captain,) butcircuinstitnces pre .- venteci-thie-being-„corriecl-eats:sands through a misuedarsta,nding some of the staff- officers only were present. . 1-1 dwever Col. Yoneg, ° Al:Deka/it Gun- dry and Lieut. Jordan, of Goderich, were present,and with Capt. Combe and Dr. Shaw, battalion surgeen; they maacb.ed to the cemetery. The pall -bearers were selected from among his foriner assochttes in the Clinton Gum Club and Lacrosse Clielo, three from. each, those froni the Gun. Club being Messrs. Ireland; E. Can beton, and J. E. Hovey, and those from the La -press° Club being:•Messre. Morrish, Bert, Kerr and Gibbings. • ' The Clinton Gun Club sent a beauti- ful wreath of tvhite. carnationsand lily or the Valley, it being anfi'de rei in the colors pf the Club, purple !Ma white ; the Llerosse Club also sent similar tribute, made in the forth of a Stcrosse .stick, and also in the colors of t het tub, green and white. *bile a hearaiful wreath of red carnations bore t I le yard of a lasly friend. The . fun end services were conducted by Ray. 3m Loughead, who some years age performed a sin), ilar Service for another member of the family.This is the fourth death that has occurred among the fetidly ton- neettons.within a "couple of years. ' • • "Curly," as he was familiarly -seated' on account • Of his hair, was one of the most popular young rneri around town; of splendid character, - he was opens hezieted and generous to the fullest ex- tent. About eighteen Menthe:Igo he received a situation • under the Donaine ion Governinent, in connection •with the Georgian Bay Canal Survey, and was very highly thought of by hid.corii- -panions- thereon, This isevidencedby. the fact that a large crowd went to Pembroke: to aee the remains off, and t we members of the .Survey, Messrs. O'Mara and McDongall, who had been with him continually Since the accid- ent, accompanied the body to Clinton. His tragie and untimely death is deep- ly mourned. • The school in Section No. 5,1-lullett, where . the family formerly resided,: Was closed on Monday, out of respect to them. . Deceased was the eldest son of the late David Jackson, of Hellcat, but had resided in Clinton for a nuenbet of years; his naother. who now lives Londesboro, and three brothers and three sisters survive him. Re was a nephew of Messrs Isaac, . John and Thomas Jackson, of town. INDIJCTION AND ORDINATION. f neer saar inadvavce 1459W/4u not So PIK Blue Vitro]. FOR SPRAY- ING TREES FOR AIALB PiT EKIOE's Drug Store, 'Onten,. N. B. Sweet Pea .and Nasturtium Seeds by the ounce, pound or package: Also full line of Garden Seeds, TOWN COTTN-Cl.„ : Regular Meeting was held on Moo - day night. ' • • , Mr. Brydone, on behalf Of DrI Holmes, notified the council that dam- ages svotild be claimed from the towo - for the Accident which resulted hie • atighter batakinglierLeatrisaate being alleged that the ac.cident was dab to rc defective celeert, 'rbe`niatter was re- • ferred to the,Street.Committee to de - tide upon. - ..• Applicetion wits made for' a grant of .$50 towards the 12sh of July elebras WM, Mr. D. Oantelon addreseed the, Council*in sem:en t it, saying i t was intended lo Make • ths. celebration as successful as the previous one soitee15' years ago. t On motion- of ..C,onneillor Ford, seconded • by Councillor ChM, the aineunt of $50 *es aranted fot. the putpacenatned. . . • . , . A letter was ieceiyed from Mr.. Fees ran, Calling attention to the injury sestained to his propcm by reasorf of' a portion of Victoria 'terrace being made a dumping ground for Old tins, Wire, eta . Thisiscarried on his farms'. by. the ice etc., and hasresulted in con- siderable injury to his shock; asi; well • as to the land, and he seggestedthat something be• done. to Overcome this ; else., asking that the riecontrolatiori be retnoved. On motion:of Councillor- • Wilts's, seconded:by Conncillor Conte - Ion, it was decided to reit/site the rubs bish from Mr.. Farriin's property.; and. the removal of steelier rubbish from King St. be left in the hands of the . Street:Oommittee. James Steep .asked for a debate c $1.15, increased taxes on ice house, on .the fact that he got no asseseeneet stir, andthe-rehire could not appea'; gi - • ' Mr. Chuff, Chairman of the Park Committee, . reportedthat certain - changes had been Made to the Grand • Stand, as desired by Mr. I. Dodd. ',, • The Street Committee recommended Abetsgradinghe dene nneertit:mstreeta and tlxat old and useless board walks . be removed as' .follows, s -.South side of Cootter Street ; west side of .Maple ; north side of Princess a west- side of North, and east eide :of Isaac street. The •Finance Committee recommends ed payinent of the following accounts: • W.•Steep ; work, 331.20; R 'Owe, $31.-• : 20 ,s_L. Oree,s$3.95 ; w. McIntyre 60c. . O. N. Oarter:$34.13 ; W. FInker, $20,25 F.Ilayweed, 05.25; a. Cinch. salary, „ N.'Oarrick, $14 25.; Death and Hunters • seed, $4.00 s Electric -Light, $75 40 ; J. McCaeva, coal, $125,6e; Jr. Wheatley. 32.00; J. Sheppard, work . on . grand, stand, 01.00 '. Estate T. • A. Walker, assessor, $60.00 ; A Wilkie!, 81.10; J. Miller, street -watering, NO; R. Helmets $7 50; W. J. Mitchell, 08.50 ; Knitting Co. by-law find typewriting 50c.'' Taylor & Son, boots for firemen,' $4.75; ;Receipts, stock scales $18.80 „. market_ . _scales, $27.80; 'eh opspent.$8.00assalesog--ss—e-as' cemetery lets $14.00 ; work, $18 50 ' An account of O. Carter in connec- tion with the .Board of Health, was re- ferred back to the Finance Committee. A request was made for a grant of $150 towards the band;,same to be held by the town until the band is in a posi- tion to play. On motion if Councillor Gibbings, seconded by Councillor , Wiltse, the sum was granted. '' • 00un. Ford stated that if the town would install elle more arc lights, on, the same terms as those provided -for already; the Electric Light Co. would give the town an all-night services On motion the matter was referred to the.. Electric Light Com. to report upon. Some time Was spent considef'ing thellabilitydf perking whaled fetleeds- in parts of the streets ; the matter was . left to a committee, auburn WEentatte An • interesting event took place at the residence of Sohn Sturdy On Wednesday, June 7th; when his eldest daughter, Mary, became the wife Of Mr. Laidlaw, of Blyth. UntInca.-The lecture on Armenia and its peoples by .Rev. Mr. Sarcisson of Toronto, given in Knox church on Tuesday night, was very: largely attend ed and etas of great interest, Next Sunday- the service will be eonducted by Dr. 'McLean, of Blyth at 2.30 p.ni. instead of the regular hour. NOTES. -Mr. U. W. Thompson or Torotito, canvasser for -the Home Cir- cle, has succeeded in obtaining eight new members for this local ehapter. Quite a large number of the circuit young people are invited to spend Fri- day evening at John Hoare's residence, Mrs, Jos, Beck, Goderich, is Spending several days at the Sturdy home; Capt. Beck Stmdayed „there, Mrs. R. Nich- olson and family are guests at the Mc- Kenzie homestead, CEMENT, llt,..irritas, -The manufac- ture of cement tile continues briskly ; deliveries almost daily. Al the pres- ent time about 1500 feet have been (10 - livered, and the product is considered most excellent and satisfactory, none other being used on this division of the O. P. R. eonstruotton. The Ool- borne and East Wawanosh Cannella have ordered several feet for township use. By the end of the present week the cement walka will be nearly com- plete if the weather proves atall favor- able. . . Drueetteid TES. - e r. e tos preaehed in the Methodist church for the Presbyterians of the old kirk; It., Aikenhead has moved to his farm near the village, purchased from the Robe Rom estate. Rev. Dr. Stewart, tonowill preach in the Presbyterian church to -day (Friday) ; communion will be held 011 Sabbath, when Rev!, Mr, Craigie, Toronto, will officiate. J. MCGee has moved to the farm be re. cently purchased from ()has. Mason Mr; ratio, Egedenditille, who bought out the stage, took potiSeiltdoll on June 1st, Stanley Lockhart, Detroit, who is ill of typhoid fever at the home of John Murdoch, is rocovoting. THE hiEVIT Elte. to DO, 'Mak for No Tim Ittw Um to Dee. Sisk for 604 • Rey.'Neil Leekie'Beeome3 Pastor • of toiuleshoro Presbyterian Church In Knot churehs Lonclesboro, on Tuesday, June 6, Neil M. Leckie, 13.A., B.D., Was ordained to the,ministry by the Presbyterteof Huron, and inducted into- the--pastoral-charge of Knox church, Londesboro, and Burgs' church, Willett. „ • • • According to appointment by the Presbytery at a previous meeting, Dr, StewaktPresided, Dr, McLean delivered the charge to Me: Leckie, and Mr. Small addressed . the congregation. Mr. Smith, of Hensel], who had been appointed to preach, was Unable 10at tend, but his plate wati Very effleiently taken by one of the former pesters, J. S. Lochead, M. A,, now of Thorndale The:Presbytery was assembled on the platform, with the candidate kneeling, and he Was reverently consecrated by the laying on of the hands of the Pres- bytery, and accepted as member thereof. The services throughout weredeeply interesting, and at the close Mr. Leckie was warnaly welcomed by the people, a large number of whore were present front both congregations. There were visitors present from McKillop, Wawa - nosh, Blyth, Auburn and. Clinton. Rev. Mr. Carswell, of lefeKillop, was preeent, to assist as a member of the Presbytery. Rev. Neil 11,1, Leckie is a, vinsy eleVer young man, who was one of Rev. Dr Grant'ar-iiiVorite students. His father is assistant city treasurer of Hamilton, arid an -elder in St. Andrew's church, anti no man in Hamilton stands higher Itt Ile- emtsein ..Ravatraolcie_vgas two yeers assistant pastor of Central church, the most •important in the city. He is spoken of as it broad- minded, liberal maril the family being a, staunch, Seeteh, Liberal one, We congratulatc the, people Of Londesboro and Burns' .churches on their ehoiee of pastor, and bespeak for him not only a cordial reception, but A, relationship with the people that will be modt gratifying,' and as to his anc- cese otherulse, we have no niiinner of doubt. His one fault is that he is un- married, but, the prebithilitiee are that tine Will not be charged against him very long. Tmi Nint ERA. to Dec. Wok fOr 00o, 0! St Helene NOTES. -Dr. Gordon, of Ripley, vis- ited at his brother's one clay last weolc. • Miss Evelyn Lockhart left last week for the east, where she purposes Visite ' ing for a time With her uncle and aunt, Rey. and Mrs. Hill, of King, A. F, McDonald, of the G. C. 1., paid a short visit to friends in St. Helens last week. Miss Cora, Anderson has returned to, Winghain. Pre -communion services Will be held lit the Presbyterian church on Friday,' .Tune 9th, when Rev. Me. • Dunn, of. Whitechurch, ,offleiate. mugs ' Our stock of drugs, etc. will always be found fresh and up- to-date in every" branch, and we invite you to give tth a call . if you wish to procure anything drug to usuallyfoundn first—olass • Be etIvABE Chemist and Druggist,