HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-02, Page 5June . 2w1,1906 The ):,.[o.ISofls Sank 1 incorporated 6r Act of parliament ;8as. Capital Paid Up $3, 000, 000 Reserve Fund .,:,..,.,,,,...,.. , $ 3 000, oo0 WM. AtoLsoa MAorneasorr, President. 8. H. $lane, Tt 4oe-Presidel►t,: Alma ErMOT, lien.Manage*, FARMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or collected. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Great .Britain, United States, and all Foreign Countries, bought and solei at best rates. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and highest current rate of interest al. lowed. ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealers, and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms, Forty-eight branches in the Dominion. • , fi Agents aU over the world. Deposits of 81.00 and upwards received. Interest allowed from date of deposit compounded half -yearly and added to principal June 80th and December 81st.. Blab -est current Rate. CLINTON BRANCH . • • New Combe Bleck. . H, C. BREWERMariager; `.. �L .�N�N�N�� �r�.�N�M�N�O.��.�r��.�N��.�N�M�N�N�� ��� ��N�•,�}.��+�N�NO' i�O.RN�i ��O i��.tN�{.�N�� •*N�p�N�N�N f� •�N�• MoKINNON & CQ B LY7H BARGAIN..111INTING.. X Last week we visited Toronto on a bargain hunting expedition, and we struck it right. We found on account of the cold backward spring several of the wholesalers were left with large quantities of goods on their hands, which they were anxious to dispose of lit reduced prices, and knowing as they do that we pay spot cash for everything we buy, .• they cut the prices down to the lowest possible. point. In buying goods the first consideration with us is quality. 'If the quality is not good we turn them down, as the best goods are. none too good for our customers. We bought pretty heavy in Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, •White- wear, White Underskirts, Corset Covers, Neu's'Neglige Shirts, Over alls, Smocks and Staple Dry Goods.We got a great snap in Scotch Lin- • oleums, 4 yards wide, worth 85c, to sell at 50c per square yard: But the greatest bargain of all was in `� We were offered a large lot of New gYgork •Sample• Hats, there being : yie-and-got-fors,the.J.utne_trde,:•and:•e,s They are the �� ���n' latest st . gver • • a ' • f1 over 200 bats in the lot., lt-rather staggered us,nutas'the are .= large Millinery trade and being offered at less than half price, we -elect * , Jeweler and :Optician. • Jeweler 'and Optician, •t: ned out the whole lot. They come in Black and White Chiffon Read - June Weddings. TEM CLINTON .. NEW. BTU At this season of the year our extensive as- sortment of articles suitable -for Wedding Presents is always supplemented by some of .the newest, and -., nattiest dest.ns' from the .best manufac- turer of Sterling:Siiver, Silverware, Clocks, China, and Cat E'xlass. You -are cordially ',in- vited to call:and inspect. our pretty goods. 'Wedding • The .selection of a Wedding Ring --.Marrs.an-epoch in the lives.., of most. people, Its importance presup-° ALE This month we are going to dear ; upi -our stoat* of all early spring good, and, odds ani ends. NOW is the time to secure a BARGAIN, Our Sales are Oenuine, A call will convince you. poses a, Ring of assur- ed quality, such as• we have, a. 'Absolutely " plump and • bear. - tlr stamp confirming it. In qual . ity, finish, style and. price, our Wedding • Rings have no eriors. • We ask your. inspec- tion v:hen'the time ar- rives: We. p. r o mise satisfaction in e v e r y particular.. to -Wear and Outing Hats, also Leghorns and .Fancv'Untritiimed Hats. They are the finest lot of hats we ever showed. They • are exclusive styles, and being samples there are no two alike. Don't miss the chance of getting your choice of over 200 new up-to-date hats at half price. We Pay the Highest Price in Cash or:Trade .for. ;Butner and Eggs.. :'•. • McKI N NON & CO , BLYTH �=.O,,�N�N�N�.ON�..�•O.•�N�••�N�N�N� .�NO.�N�N�N�NL fOO•►�M•�NO.�N~f.�.��.0..�..�N�N�..� �N�N�N�N�.ON;• Amsestemmv POUND A ,price on SEED CORN ..such a will • bear competition. BAI LEY, REDCAP, and COMPTON- E Only $1.00 ,per bushel. •``,1rDo not fail to call before purchasing''. MORRELL &:ft, LMES.. LO.NDESBORO Aluminum Kitchen Ware Just `received .a fresh supply of Aluminum ware, for Kitchen use. Call and see it. A full stock of Coiled.."S g rin Wire, Barbed, t p Wire, Plain Gialvs:nized ii7Vire; -tiled and— An=-nealed Wire. Spades, Shovels, Rakes•!Hoes, etc., .all .sizes • black and galvanized Pipe. A lot of small ends Poultry netting, to clear, in job lots. £ ' WANTED—A good,strong boy to learn the 'Hard- ware business. Apply personally. I4arki1Br� Stores and Hardware, 011111111. J. 8. Hoover. Nelson Balli Every branch in our line is complete, you can get. any article produced at this store, Our Prices bring The Trade, -Oris-°personal—stYpervis�ibir-g jres-with every chase arid satisfaction !s guaranteed. i1r a3`RTlIIN slot or day cotta prowl:00y ottended to 10r✓, 12 e, and 15c Embroideries for 8e per yard - 1200 yards Embroideries and Insertions, in.Swiss Cambric andlx lVta' " Book, all stew designs, from z to 41 inches wide, regular zoc, I2,ac .• • and' 15e per yard, -Sale price.. .•... .. ............ ..... ........... .....:.:..:.....<.,...,. 8c 20c. and .25o. Dross Sateens for:.. 15o, per yard ...Fancy Sateen Dress Goocls, in colored graunds'of eardinal, sky blue,, fawn and. pink, with -figure patterns, 32 inches .wide, regular lac and 2 "c,. Sale price 15c IOo, 124c. and '15c Dress Muslins for Se per yard 300 yds Fancy Dress Muslins in white :and colorredrounds with spot and figure, regular price' x,oc and 12ie, Sale ri ,:,... .,. 12%c and. 15c Fancy, 'Dress `Muslins s � Y. for :$c per yard - 200 yards fancy Dress Muslins, in white dnd ` colored grounds .with • spot and figure, also plain, skyand. fawn, regular. a and g 1 c :and 15e, • Sale price , .;4 6,.,... 25o. Corset • Covers for 18o 3 dozen nicely -made Corset Covers, made of fine Cambric, trim - ...tiled with lace and embroidery, perfect fit, regular 25c, for O YOU. NEED A .' TONIC Our`. Beef Iron and Wine is an excellent preparation 'containing in a condensed form, allthe el: ernents necessary to produce . xlew rich blood ' and nerve. tissue Te those who need building ;'one • or two bottles of this tonic will bring a marve our mprovernent in health and: strength. ; 16 oz bottle, : 75c. Our Baking Powder makes a steadfast friend'. of everyone who gives it a fair trial. .25t • Dispensing Chemist. Ove. , and Druggist, 1 50e. Corset ,Co -vers for 35c 21- doz well -made Corset: Covers, made of extra 'fine Cambric; regular 5oc, .Sale' price ,..;. ...,,,.... 1.8e. 35c 3 pair Cotton :nose: ford :25e Ladies' Cotton Hose, sizes. 8&,. 9 and 9i, regular 2 pr for :25c, Sale price . ,,, ,,.,..... 3 Or Yilr 25c tomiummiktmossoseszenseemsPernimmermemsar i SUCCESSORS :. TO. Clinton. Market Report. .Corrected every Thursday' afternoon Barley... .' 40 a 45 Wheat .... T05 a ... 05 Oats ..038.a•040• Butter, ... ... 014 a 0 15 Eggs per doz (new) ... 0 13 a 0 14 Live Hoge . .... 625 TO RON7O HAREEMS (The Sun) It is probable that never before in the history of.tlanada:Jias the agricul- tural outlook been brighter than it is ' today. Market conditions too, are -quite as satisfactory as are crop condi- tions, • Horses are at high-water mark; hogs are nearly so; cattle are above the average, and the: out put of the diary yields more in dollars than in any pre- vious year, ' HORSE MARKET: --The horse market is in good shape in Toronto at the present tithe,. "-The..one difficulty the way is that farmers seem to have extravagantideas as to the.,value of harses, ant consequently -difficult to"'buy.' Enos Ams LOWER. --Hogs, although still bringing high price are 15c. !ower than quoted last • week, Park and Blackwell, quote selects today at 40.50 and fats and lights are 25 less. TOitoNTO JusoTIO1:1 CATTLE MAR1iE7.- At the Junction exporters, with good cattle on offer, ranged from $5 to $5.. 75, With the bulk sellingfrom $5.35 to $5.50. Bulls sold from $3.76 to $4.50. Hon., Wm.'. McDougall, formerly a member of the Federal Government, one of the fathers of confederation, died Monday morning at Ottawa, •af- ter an. illness extending over three years. Sir Charles ,Tupper, if we mis- take not,'. is the only survivor of "the fathers of confederation." Ciel nt ed, bitting RooniGirl, at once; at the Wav- erly Rome ' Apply to GEO. 11tYXTON, Buil Calf for Sale. ALfip,robred' »arbaln bull calf, .11,E moot e' old, red -a very fine oalf.. Will be sold on 'reasonable terme, A, ELOOAT, Brumfield; ,Lot 35, 3rd"0on., Taekerswith. '. fty , TORONTO, TO, ON a . `�.." Car, Yonge and Alexa ler Ste, An Session. far teachers, and others during July and Au uat... II of our grads• stet; get positions. Eater tsar time. Oataiogue tree. W.J.BLbIOTT,rain• • •.,:t.• b Meeting of Huron, Connt& Council.. Mks connoll of the County of Huron, will Meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Goderiab • at 3 O'olook on Taeaday, 'the 6th day of June next. All aoonntll against the want, utast bei in the Olerk's stands beitore the drat day of ramble. W. LANE Clerk, DitteKt at t odecicb, Hwy tltr 32nd, 4906. The NEW ERA.will'be sent to new". subscribers for: the .bal. ance .of the year .'for 5oc cash., Foil/Saie Entire- Celt tor 'Sale A generalpurptse entire: colt, one year old, Will be sold: cheap. GEO-'LYON: lot 18, con; 11, $•Rliett, LondesboroP.O. xli • • A number of 131rred.Rook cockerels and year.eld bens for sale, ,cheap, -at lust row.try Station, . cheap. G SWALLOW, IIolinetiville • t,f,. EXECOTORS' NOTICE. • T`O ' CRE D1TOliS. • In the matter of the estate of Ann Hail, late .of tie 'Township of : H:ultett, in the. - ('ounty of Huron, widow, deceased. • Nance in- hereby given, . purstt,nt to R.S.O., 1897, Cep. 129, Sec. 88 and amending Acts. that ,alt persons having -claims against the estate of the said Ann Ball, who. died ow or about the.l2thdos of'May, A. D. 1905, are requited tosend byp.at,prepaid. or to, deliver to W. Rrydano, acolicftoe for the Executors, on or be- fore the 20th day of June, 3905, their names, ad- dresses and descriptions, and a full. statement `of particulars-oftheir-elaimirand°th the securif y,if any, held by them , duly oertifi+ ed and thaafter the eaidd date the executor ed, to distribute the assets of the de- ceaeed.atnong the parties entitled thereto, having regard onlyto the claims of which they shall then have notice.. ' ' Dated this 91st deg ot:May,1003. .wBRLL,- W. 61RR,)oNFJ, N BALL Executer,. Solicitor for IP. J. BALL, Executors ,T.R Excursion,.. TO:• Niagara Falls Linder the auspices of the Canadian order of Foresters Court Flower of the Forest No. 3,C.O. F., Seafortb, Have made arrangements with the G. ``T.1'to run an.excursioiiro y NI�IC�f .R1ii F7 LLS Alli Friday, June x 6th, •19 0s, including all stationsbetween uoderieb and Stratford. A SPecial Train will leave. the sOV- eral stations on Priday, morning at Ihetitne mentioned below, arriving at Niagara Falls about 11,30 a. in., and returning Will leave Niagara, Falls at 8.00 p. in, All tiekets good veturn on any regular 'train the following day. Trains will leave stations ItSt.f011oWst station Tillie Adults Children LMESV tr.rx 7.00 2.05 1,05 SEAFORTI1 7.25 2,05 1.00 SEERINGVILL,E 8,00 1.80 - 00 STRA.TFORO 8.20 1.05 85 , As there haa been on excursion krona thia distriet to the Palle forsonni time, this will give a splendid opportnnity to view thaYisturtil Wonder and ty of this Great Woodall, also to see the Great naterpower that is being developed fo the benefit of Cana d and profitable day, and you will rieVer regret it E. bat -they are- oodl-- Did you ever hear ''that OLIVES are. healthful ? They ars• An 'a'd to. digestion, and wholesome' too !: If you are fond "of OLIVES you :will be -=glad •to -know that; , . we have some extra qualities to offer you just now lin bulk 30c per qt • 8ottleS, 10c site • s. 11ic st •.. 20e .. 20e +.-.ss.... The best quality of everything at lowest prices. • • 4.411••••4. •••••••••••••• W. T. O'NEIL .The Hub Gr. ocery. Salmon Trost two days a week. In every line w•e carry' w•e have special value:= • We lxave top . many goods,: and are bound to "re- • duce our:; stock during the; ext .two: months. E ver Day Bax sip. Day. SECURFUES von SALE ' Mortgage doe 7, years hence, Sta,eontdeskoio-n056%Aseha;t: tor:tit bi 011Po efe oaLtr; olyou: ea 0 n11, a ial tag. Losn dividende of 6%, paid These arci,offered for sale. Patticuittro Clinton, lilay 17, 1005. -The 'Liverpool 'A London Globe 1118111111CC Head 01110e -for Canada • . CAPITAL AND ASSETS MD $66,060,000 CUM PAID MOD — $2p#000,000 Policies issped at Clinton agehey direct tcY insurers, Nei knterim receipts'. No delay, Pa. information apply to our agent, D. L. Placpherson, =SDR 00 All the new Makes at popular prides :Many lines at• cost, and some Iess.than cost PRINTS;. LAWNS, M. U,SLINS. 1100 pieces Print, Worth 121e, for 10e LAWNS from 10c up READY-TO-WEAR. GOODS SKIRTS, WAISTS, and Wilat1*11.1Alt at cost to clear • GARY and tvniTg COTTONS,' VLANNELMTES, SMALL WARES ' LADLES' WATERPROOFS AT WHOLESA.LE PRICES We have too many goods in this line, We want to clear out $3,000 worth or more•in the next few weeks. We will ' give prices that you can't.get anywhere else. Full lines in Suits, odd Coats and Vests, Pants. ()Vera's, Smocks, WaterprOof Coats, &a " BOOTS and SHOE We. handle these goods *as a side line aild 'keep gOod reliable goods, made by one 6f the best makers in the trade and sell thew' less than usually sold by the shoe dealers Irtt,'' want good valtie for your motley coind and see, us, 'We will give you better bargains than you can get anywhere else in the town.