HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-06-02, Page 4-
earpets & Tiouse Furnishings - at Saving Prices
r '•
We are prepared in this department to offer you values that no other store for miles around can.
duplicate. We want you to comparethese,valuesAnd prices with others and you, will. ,. onc9. seP. bow
much further your money will go here.
30c Union Carpet at 25c
On Friday morning we will place on sale 200 yards of. "
36 inch wide Union Carpet in assorted deignsand
colon?, regular 30c Carpets at
SOc Union Carpet at 39c
250 yards of 36 inch wide Union Carpet, extra heavy
quality, come in assorted colors and designs. ,
Regular 50c Carpet to go on sale at
15c Wool Carpet at 60c
40e' Tapestry Carpet at 29e
One piece only of the best 40c Tapestry Carpet to sell
during this sale at AVC
e •
5pc and 60c Tapestry Carpet at 38e
250 yards of 27 inch wide Tapestry Carpet -all good
color and patterns, regular 50e and 60cto clear
'at per. yard 0
60 yards only of 36 inches wide all -wool Carpet,
made of fine quality yarn, led and cream mud- - •
ure. This is the best 75c value, to go on sale at 60c
Best 85c & 90c All Wool Carpet at 69c
350 yards of the very best and heaviest two ply' all •
wool Carpet in several different designs and col-
ors. Regular 85c and 90c values to clear on Fri-
day at • b9C
Best 3=Ply Wool Carpet at 85c
1 piece only of the best 3 ply all wool Carpet, good •
pattern and color, regular $1.15, sale price 11•10C.
$2.75 Table Covers at $1.75..
Y.Aur choice .of several vel y_pretty Tapestry Table
Covers, in d)fors of-redl-
, green, royaal-id broWn,
Regular. $2.75 on Eale at .1.75
. •
Best 75c: Tapestry Carpet at 50c
.:300 ya-iclk-"iV our -very best 75c Tapestry ,Parpet
, . ,
' assorted colors and designs, to clear at
$1.00 Balmoral Brussels Carpet at 650-.
4 pieces of 27 inch wide Balmoral Brussels Carpet,
extra heavy quality, Regular 85c for 1900
$1 and $1.15. Linoleum • at 85e •
6 prices of 2 yard wide Linoleum; extta heavy qual-
ity, assorted designs and patterns. Regular $1..00 to =_.,„
.. and $1.15 per yard, to clear et, per yard • .'aibil4c.;
,Two Bargains In Rope .Matts
40o Mats at '.' 25c
75c, k • ,j5C
Lace Curtains at Bargain1 Prices,
25c Lace Curtains , at 19c
• 35c
$1'25 • " "
• • $1.00
ez $2.25 " $1.85
TApestry and Chinelle Curtains A Millinery Bargain for Friday and Saturday
at the following Reduced Prices. 52.75, $3.00 and $3,50. Ready..to-Wear"Hats at $1.95
$3.50 Curtains at • $2.50 We have' gone, through Our stock of Ready-th-Wear
• I •
3.50 Hats and have picked out all the odd hats that
I sold at $2.75, $3,00 ad $3.50 add have plaCed. e%
4.50 ) them on tales for Friday and Saturday at each . WO
Lour money back • " •
if,yonwant It, • .•
. ,
-If Church News 44-;
• .
.. •
. ,
THE JAPS AGAIN VI ZTQRS.. • London Conference.
• - • The London Conference of the Meth -
21++++++++++++++++++11 st • s C t d • Th
Ships Sunk -Five ap -with Thousands
flziahl, anhd nialy be. completely. re -east,
Mrs. Hall will preach at Alma on ina es t e• o lowing changes us this lo-
Prigoners-Eight .kussian Captains. Drowned, way:-
sinday morning at 10.3i) o'clock.
. • WINOUAM. DISTraCT.---Winghdhl. 1.
ONTAmo STREET.- Rev. Dr. Cook The marvellous success which has at. and when this happened it -meant B. Wallwin M. A. Kieeardine, H.
'being at conference, his pulpit on Sun- ended the Japaneee in their couffict• the death Wound of a Russian ghting W. Locke. hthel, E. O. Armstrong,.
dry morning peas will be supplied by with Russia, was againtheirsin the craft.. • B. A. Salem, S. V. R.Rentlaticl,.. Rip -
Rev. W. Wade, and in 'the evening -try- rurvat-engagernent_ousSeturclny nd._ „sasigstp_Luss.sesPexiss-waS Rursrisn. . ley, James E. Hohnea Bervie, P.
41. 'The RusSian t Fleet Wiped' out of 'Ejtistente-TWerity.-•-two j First draft of stations which is never
odist Church is in session at Listowel.
Themes Murch. Sunday.
.The Rev. Mr. Godwin Br ibis Main The greatest naval battle in hietory At nigh the of rp ce
we are pleased to lesrn, on a fair way .Tapanetie I wetst h.' • _.--------- - -
has been fought in the TM Shima boats and destreyers in the
St. Methodist Church, Exeter, who 1 %songstress Dlaseatice;--Olintrin, On
et the point of death on Sunday is Straits, and has resulted in a complete tatio-Streets II. Grahanh B A. Blyth
fleet were kept busy and it is.. said
Japanese victory. The conditions there were 'almost 100 of them, sett
to recovery.
The Rev. Josias Green ef Clinton,
t entireforce- 1-3-4-4-Mosietars_Whitssj_aurch,,s. Dr. Ayles-
conducted the services at the St. Mary
S. .Andersoe. Nile,
were ideal for the Japanese when on after the enemy. Some of them were Auburn, J.:G. Foals. .
tatnrday morning the Russian fleet picked up by the searchlights, and it is i Te --
were sighted to the southof Tsu &ems, said at least a dozen x.s..ETElt DISTR/C.T.----,Tanies Street,
Of Went went' to s A. H. Going, B. A. Eliinville John
rt re ist chuech last Sunday Ch 1 Th l'fl; Hendersoe. Crechtion, Leonard Bart,
. mg eaTe the Russian commander ;
found his fleet deeimated, the ship he I T. IlaLtkr. Blatchford. B. A. Granton, H.
Sylvan, . C. Oceizens. LUdinl,
had afloat crippled and the coveted W. McTavish. Woodham, John W.
entrance to the Japan Seit 'blocked by Andrews. :Kirkton, john Veale.
Togo's battle ;ships and eif5ht big
crinsere. • , ' ' ' Cook from Clinton to Ridgetown ; W.
Other .proposed changes .are Dr.
The Russian losses were as foilows- G. Howson from London to Mitchell.;
Two battleships-, one coast defence _err.- T. R. Couplandfrom Auburn to Brooke
mor clad, five cruisers, two special J. Kennedy from Nile to. Oottarn • J
service -ships, three destro era All
-iff-theabovesweressunk, ' dition
there were captured:. Two a Reships
two coast defence armor . clads, one
special service ship,. one destroyer,
over two thousand prisoners.
The Japanese Squadron was practic-
headed for Krusristirn or Eastern the bottom, bnt when Sunda i ruo
as. lc and
Ilis discourses were learned and help hazy, wilth agood bit of a sea running.
P . ful.-St. Mary's Journal At tinaes the haze deepened into heavy
WESLEY. -Owing to the absence of fog, just the weather for the Operation
Rev. Mr. Manning. at Conference'his of the torpedo boats. It was shortly
pulpit will he supplied on sunclay after noon on Saturday *hen the Rue.
morning net. by Rev. W. D. Magee seen fleet entered the channel which
- of the Baptist church, and in the even-
... s
s • . fug by W. R. Lough.
Rev. Dr. Maranon, of Exeter, has
been invited to take charge of the
Richmond and Kensington Missions.
London. -Dr. Hannon was pastor of
this church some thirty-two years ago
and appreciates the long friendly relat-
separates the Tsu Island frora Japan,
and almost at the same time the great
battle began. -
A flotilla of Japanese torpedo boats
crept out under the cover •ot the fog,
and was within'500 'yards of the big
battleship, Borodino, before the fog
lifted, and they were discovered,A
hail of shot froin the rapid fires of the
Russians beat down on the little Jap-
a•nese craft, and in feW minutes
The annual meeting of the Walker- three of them had been sent down,
ton Association of Bapt'st churches is but not until they had fatally wounded drowned. during the naval battle of
to be held rext week at Atwocel, be. their giant enemy. Saturday in the strait of Korea.
ginningon Tuesday morning. Rev.
W. D. agile, pastor of Clinton Baps A ittle later one of the big Iturislan Rear -Admiral Nehogatoff,. former
cruisers either struck it mine OP WAS commander of the E'ourth Division of
Vet church, preaches the annual ser- torpedoed by it submarine, and went the Pacific fleet, and eecently Com-
mon on Tuesday afternoon. . down Isenest itemediateiy, eareye/g mender of the Information Squadron •
Seaforth on Sunder, and Rev. M_. suddenness of the attarlit, and' its ear -
u jure . •
A despatch from Tokio says eight The regular .monthly meeting pf" fle
captains of Russian steraships were IVonien's Institute was held at the
home of Mrs. French on Thursday
R. Gundy from Wingham -to Leamin
ton ;?' jOseph-Flillits fennr Kineardin
Aylmer. • • •
..atnto 244,
If you anticipate taking a trip,1
.call and see
F. It. Hodgens, Tana Agent
rho glintan OeW Era '
PRIDAY, RINE 2, 1205.
The Provincial License department
has warned dealers that selling to nun-
, ss....
, ors is illegal, and say iit will be no def-
ence to proseoutiens nstituted under
this regulation, that the person to
whom the liquor is given is apparently
ever the age limit. The onus vvill be
on the hotelkeeper to ascertain the
correct age of the applicant. . _
FrOln this time on till it is over, in-
terest • will centre principullysin the
London election contest, which Obeing
caroled on by both alder; with all the
vigor possible. The Censervatives are
endeavoringto stir up religious feeling
and the bitterness of the speeches de,.
livered.shows a willingness to go to any
length in order to defeat Mr. Hyman,
;In roost explicit and •emphatic Ian; '
uage Ms Robert Holmes denies that
he ba,d any intimation, knowledge or
part whatever lir the introduction of
the bill to release Mr. E N. Lewis from
the penalty attached to his being dis-
qualified for a seat in parlia,inent. We.
wept ' the statement unreservedly,
and it furnishes an answer to our con-
undrura in a paragraph. closing with
these words ; "Mr. Holmes got -
what ?" The answer to that query is,
"Got left Not very • fair treatment,
Robert, but it's a part . apparently of
.what is called the • game of politics,-
Goderich Star,
• We do not believe -this was the ans-
wer in the Mind ofgthe Star when it
made its first insinuation, but the em-
phatic repudiation of the whole affair
by -Mr. lioinres compelled.' the Star to
turn a sharp corner. •
• Annual Neetisg.
The annual meeting of the We
'Huron Liberal Association Was held
Dungannon On Tuesday., Consideri
that there was nothing special to
tract a crowd there was a ve o
• , During the months of May and June
29 per et. Discount
off. China and Cut Glass
On May itith our China Department was re -dressed,
and re -stocked with some of the daintiest china and
brie:a-brie we have ever shown, and to induce you
to come around we will quote a special discount of
20 per cent off regular prices, for 30 days. This
will give you an opportunity to secure some odd
pieees of Chinavvare, or a Dinner br Tea Set in
French China, at much below regular prices. *Be -
member, our case of Rich Cut G•ass is included in
this sale.
For Wedding Pr6ents we are headquarters
Special, WALL PAITR prices
We are very grateful for a large and increased sale
of Wall Paper this spring, and we are determined
that our stock will be down to. the lovvest notch by,
the end of June. To - do this we know we must
show the best papers obtainable, and which we have I.
been doingnow for several years; also quote rock
bottom prices, and our large output enables ,usto
do this. If you want good papef -cheap, come and"
see us, All paper trimmed free.
Vit. COOPER CO. Ginter]
Mrs.fathDeorr .31, or.f TAor mnotoK,olsw.Vni.siting at. OacronAeTys,.tfiensuosniprrie, on
relations in Gleorgetown. • • • 1 nesday, May trith. the wife pf Daniel
. .- .1:?..0L-14.1gt: 0- , ., - • BORN.. ' -. • • ''
Mrs. O. P. Hele has been visiting 1
(TaR13::X"bePPaidt-6117-44rW66---1-7:-may loth, to,1-
r • .
are guests af Mrs. E. Saville. 1. n . ., , .
Mrs' BUr118 and child °f Woodstock, Mr•TaLdItMiLsT. oFxr.a_ritirn• Ourasabtosr,nee,sbennm. 'al;,
d . j. B..114illersysho.has been working
es_ in VVaterloos has returned to town. i o Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Etheringtou,•a• S'
Me; Geo. F. Brickendetn•of• 'London, •
fis was•a visitor under the , parental roof 1 WYATT. -In Seafortla, on May 22nd,
Iast k •tci lir. and Mre Thomas Wyatt .•s .' • '
Li. ' The Misses 'Washington and brother -7 daughter,. ' • . .-' • . ' .
• leave today. on a short visit to re a rves
at Port Union. • ' toFarel'E.If-ainildaMins,'MLI. e0t.erFleP.maitiMga,Y4 son. .
. Miss Graham sPent a few ' days ' last 1,. .s.„.... . .
week with
Coupland at the parsonage, Auburn; the fam" Of the Rev. T. 8`. : tovizirTrinrattirrati.Star Cerno'noyne,i'laal*soniBth •
: Ines. D L. McIntyre and her mother,, . HastsrEit.;-In Stephen, on May 22nd
Mrets IVIcKosee,.were ',visitors in Lon- to Mr. and Mrs, John Hayter, a son. :•:::'
don week. , : - I
; Ilovir.-Iii Hagersville, on the 21"
. Miss White, Of Philadelphia, arrived • init. to the wife of:Rey. • F. W.• licivey : •
'here yesterday on ft visit treher sister, a son, (premature.), • • . :
'Miss Leslie White. • • '
- MARRIA.p1114
spending a : Week :with: her niother,•
Mrs. Roht• Shepherd, of London, is
y e v Mr. Shaw, Mt. Wm. Tay-
-M.parson; e, Ilensall, on May 24th •
TA-encizi ' STairr.s.kk -At' the Kiir-
Mrs.c.Isirverram4kore, O'Neilandotherot,moforsieeinitdws:
.lor, ta..Miss Eleanor Stanlake, daugh;
who recently cense here on a visit to , ter of•Mr. John Stanlake, of; the '.2rid• s . .•
his family, returns to the west this' con. Stephen. • • .
'week; l'' ' • • ' .: "k .1. Tstonieost,--114-2--e-- At the reififeicCe, 1. '
Dr; Bert Jackson leaves thia..week : of the hride's father, ICippen,• on May
for the west. He has not decided • 24th, hyllev, E. Sewers Robert Thbra- .
Where he will locate; bet • pisbablY. at .sonyof-s-Tnekerfiluith. to Miss Agnes A.
Lethbridge: i ssu . . .
attendanee, representatives being. pj
ent from all sections of the _
". The election of °facers resulted
ti)111;Vsi:eljames Young, Ain:tux:rt.
President -W. Proudfoot, Gotierio
'1 2nd, Vice -H. Morris; Loyal. .
• 9rd Vice -W. Bailie, Nile.
TreaSurers-Jos.•13011, Carlow'. • •
Secretary -0, Gamow. Goderich.
Auditor -Ft. Beattie, Clinton. .
Chairmen of Mu nieipalities -Alex;
Young, Colborne; John Stiles, Ash-
field ; John McNab, West Wawanosh ;
J. W. Yeo,sGodeetch township; Thos.
MWeaMwialinatililltilW.Jackson,rtt;jG. B
Clegg, Wingbain ; Dxs•ShaW, Clinton ;
.W; L. ..tiorton, Goderich,
Chairmen of polling sub -divisions :
AtSnrinno; N 0. 21_-AA:FDihisihaeyr•
. -.I, Harked' • • •
•• • 415_--sTja. ,t.Criadwiifyloarna,
0-D. E. McLean
• 7-3. Jamieson
Cormorrien,•No. 1-W. Hill '
' 82 =W.Sa
S' BissettlolWs •
' 4 -Jas. Chisbolm-
E. NiiAWANosu, No. 1-R. 0, McGowan
21-sB. 11. Ta,ylor •
- • 3 -john Shiell ' •
4 -John Gillespie •
W. WA -Wallows, NO. 1-13. Crawford
itursc.exp, No, 1-G. Stephenson
, 2 -Jas. Watts jr.
'3-A. Flynn ' •
4 .
5- Jars Southcombe
• • 6-slEf. Snell
1 -John Finglana.
Goniaren Tn., No. 1-J. T. Salkeld
2-Gt. Cox .
. 8-Jobn Torrance
4 -Thos. Wigginton
6 -Geo. Tebbutt
0 -Wes. Margins
Insent, No. 1-W. Jackson.
' .Beese'
g. Moved by II."•Morrist, seconded by J.
e-tses T. Curries -that -the -Liberal Assoeiation.
j of West Huron wishes tosplace on rec-
ord an expression of ifs contittned con-
fidence in the Peovincial leader of the
'Liberal party. Mr, G. W. Ross. While
recognizing that an unfortunate com-
bination of eircumstandes resulted in
the defeat of his Government in the re-
cent general election, we believe that
his long -continued public services and
his great satrifices the interests of
this Province are deserving of the
gratitude of the people of Ontario ;
and we unhesitatingly affirm that the
Liberals of this slain 'retain ail MI-
• Robert Stewart, of Toronto, son•of SOIITHWZT.T.,T110,1111PROX.-At Tote '
Reis,' Dr. Stewa-----------s been onto, on May I7th by Rev. Dr, Gilroy; s
horne for .several days, went hack to Mr. C. Southwell, of Toronto, to Miss
the city yesterday. • . 0.-Thorapsoni-uf-Hensall. • '
Mr. •lialstead, superintendent of the• STEiP.-Mithaan --At-the* reSidence '
Dominion Insurance Co. . has been of the bride's parents, on May 24th,
spending a couple of dayi ;with Mr. by Rev. F. Swann,' Henry Steep, to
john Ireland, the local agent .for the Miss Idas deughter of Mre<Gteo. Miller,
conapany. . ss • „all of Goderich township. • '
' Messrs. J, O. Stevenson arid W. Ss! • DIED
Rev. 111r. Ti ' Nvho has not
. a trip to the old country; they expect metes -Dowson-age -37 •years,, 3., ,
attended Conference since he superan-
nuated 12 years ago, tboug.ht he would
renew his relationship -with his mipis-
ierial brethren, and:left for Listowel
yesterday.' accorapanied by hie son
"".•O'lluliramoide'r readers' .s'yill reraenrber I
'the Kelty slaters who formerly resided
here, but who have been lest sight of '
Harland. two of our well known busi•
nes-Tine-it -leave irrascouplesof w_eeks_on 7.1„if)°Wsoll•'-in Stanley, on Mar 27th
to be gone three months. menthe and 18 days. •
lromen's u
I 'sat t
• Wieers-Rev. Dr. Stewart preaehed all her ofrieers and -crew vvith her Th
Larkin took the work in this church.
. . ailing success threw the Russitine in -
Composted of scouts and merchantmeri,
with 8.000 other Russians, is among the
prisoners captured by the aapttnese.
Vice-Adiedral Rojestvensky . also is
afternoon May 25th, There was *fair
attendance and a good meeting. Miss
L. Johnston was elected Vice President,
After the• usual routine' of busihess,
Mrs Kearns read aportion on "Canning
P it "
ru , and also gave several valuable
recipes. Discussion and interchange
of ideas followed. Owing to the seri-
o contusion. and it Wad some time be- ons illness of her mother, Mrs. Steen
uome i'eovinces was the subject of a very
melons in the Maritime
was unable:to be present, so her subjects
instructive address at the Christian fore Rojestvensky, and hie lieutenants m°ng e Priem -len' . , "The Entertainment of Company" was
Endeavor meeting in Willie Church succeeded is recovering order suffims The annihilation. of lisaleetvensky a introduced by Mrs. J. P., Doherty after
ently to permit the fleet. to proceed, • fleet has completely -crushed Russia as which several of the ladies Rave their
Sunday evening, by Mr. Jas. Scott. I , - • a great naval. PoWer, and it has 01.1 ion on the subject, Mrs, French
411.113131:1A Wornt WAS DZADLY reMOVS4 RUSSia'S enis, hone of success . dad Miss Johnston svere appointed to
ST. PAUL'S Cli [MM. -The ladies. atin the war with Japan. It sttould arrange program for the evening meet-
, annual garden party on the rector
Rt. Paul's church intend holding their Then the fog lifted a,ret Togo's great bring peace roeseurably nearer, if, in. frig on Shoe 136h, when Ladies from
Y' fleet of battleships end armoured ernis- deed,..etsdoes not lead to immediate
, ......Rev. Mr. Gunn° conducted ser -
grounds, on the first Thursday in July. ers took a hand. in the fight. They neOtiatims fer
were in le to keep a distance -lust ivith- peace The term tvubtie meeting in the interests of
Toronto and Guelph will. address a
°MOWS Institiite work in the Omni.
vice at Southamptoh on Sunday last, •
the pulpit ot St. Paul's being supplied eil Chamber.
,• by Mr. McGowan, a student from Lon- Every person in terested ha the woik
will be made WeIeoine.
• The next regular meeting will .lie et
the holue of Mrs. W. Alcuming on
Thursday, &Ube 22ini. Subjeets, "nejy,
aerrrtsa'h' i;Igs,bIzIVI, fir uJiet,Tiwtsee• ve.gtri ars:Tiede
0,...si); ear. 0 r ar en e
Japan will now demand will be much
In range of their great guns, slowly re- more onerous than those she has hith-
tiring as the Russians with desperate ' erta been willing to. accept ; but if she
valor pushed no, The Japanese gun becanies t°0 arrogant in her claims
practice was- deadly, fat superior to Russia will ProhahlY refuse tor
BAPTIST Osivuen.-On 1Vedriesciny
, that of the Russierts. Their fire was nutk° peace, and siniffir 'withdraw
directed nrincipally egaitist the Kniaz h°14 onlY furtbet* eaSt °Vtilla, how -
Rev, E, Viens, a graduate of Me, se,meett whish new the nag of nos., ever, will cettainly follow up the ecu
7..seter 'University, gave a most infer-
esting address on the work of Grande estvensky• at the masthead, the siege r -vietory with an attempt to decisively
• Ligne Mission, in the province of Que- Veliky Nebogittoff's flagehlO and thel defeat the land army under Linevitch
Admirrtl Nakh' ff 't1 V'' lk
bee. Mr. Viens, who nine years: ago imo I W1 1 . Oe er$011 I befOre it ce,ti tetire.•
cou not speak a word of English, is edir etrack hy ttte great nch pro- 'terilay must have ieen ling. ito- cent meeting of the Citizens' LaW
command. .che Veseele Were repeat- I The 1CAs Of We hit the goeiliet yok. law AND ORDER- LEAGUE,- At
now a fluent speaker in that hisagnage, f ites.
Rf address was listener' to with in- jeeteensky's vesselsWerestimpl crowd re
pression. Mr. Viens spoke in the Base
line church last night.
tense Interest, and made -a d I
n 0 'Meantime the Japanese ter. , ed with men, the fleep heing„ gr,eatly and Order League, arrangements were
pedo flotilla was in action constantir 1 over4nanned, is ilingitt;on (14 completed for earrying on the work
In erounes of fours or five they wou a C4/111131-ete= 081-1°Is for which the League WAS organized,
malce aesperAto sallies toward the -t 17'allnis 1 thi nl
aisgreceti and ie In' clan, ilig ,, The purpose and seope of this League
enemy, seizing every fayorable ()Ivor- that tie by a coloreL.,M1 it eat dh.--
Q is tonid the authorities in the enforce-
tenity, driving sin with an' utter die „11. ineitt of all laws that look to the moral
regard for death: They °I* infidel -15m*. f" 414t the res-- welfare of the nommunity, and it is
did svendets Will he on the world, ei history no one
ftiily etteetive work, not alone in the I can foretell, but tlie effect oh subjeet confidently expected . that the am -
actual damage (lobe the enemy's ships, I races is boiled to be tremendous; pethy ot the citizeil$ ad a whole Will be -
but in diteeting their a
"froni I ,Togo, hu
e Ja pause adirdtal's record The League atau secure better ,
given to ail ohleet so vvorthy as this.
, the heavy Japaneee fighting ships and! of Success riVals ellen that of- Nelseeks eu Son, legislatiSM along the lines indicateil, ,
ea w
reating eondition hich may have • With far inferior forces he first tritely- and the representations before, the Lift a
neeounted foe Inc poor practim of the I ed the Port Arthur and radlvostock cense Commissioners a few \woke ego, t
Russian gunners,
Ali the afternoon and into the ill i squadrohs, and now the (Weft more regarding new regulations' mid the
glib Potverful fleet tinder Itojejitveneky. Ile granting of liceneee, were the work of
the tragic game was kep-t up, At tn. veil go down in history tie the Savionr the Law and Order League, The ob-
re 4 indlay, the ittly le a resident of fermis' the boom of the I mi. , f P• In .
iiervinne of law is most, desirable, and e
4 1 ions in this
Among the young men who expect
Wise ordained at London conferenee
• this year are Messrs Hunter and
Findlay, both Huron boys. The lat-
. ter's ordination depends on his yet
patting an exarninetion in four sub -
pets. If both are ordained they will
• , ehortly afterwards pass through an-
other ceremony, that of being married
charming Huron girls. In the elite
of Mr Hunter his bride will come
frolat Dungantren end in the cage of
Conenes: -In (Murton, on May 31st,
• Sadie, daughter of Mr A Cousins, aged
A months.; •
Moorcesr-In Stanley, on May 2,5th, •
Jane Landeelsorough, wife of Sane
Moody, sr. aged 88 years. • '
Levamosi-In McKfilop, On Matt
22nd ;William, Eeriest Lawrenee, eldest
aim of Mrs James W. Lawrence, aged
34 years, 5 months and 22 days. •
/fix.eadhury, on may 21)th,
Mr. John Jones, aged 69 years and 7
months. . .,;
Tusneirkz.:Iii-Bacit CAI': a
save it few old friends. Lase week
they all came ba:ck and.were together
with Mrs. McCool, of London the
-guests ofskfrsand_..M.r.s. lobn.BSIIIhd?t.
and Mr. and Mrs. j; 0 Stevenson
They are now Mrs. Belfry, Chicago
(Miss May Kelty) Mrs, Robertson,
Detroit, (Miss Lottie Kely) Mrs.
Green, 'Windsor, (Miss Henrietta
Mr. T. Jackson, jr. returned from
the west last week, where he had been
tvavelling for the past five weeks, in
the interest of the famous Lion Brand
Clothing. He says business men corn-
piain that trade is not as good as it
shoulel be, but they are hopeful that
he corning harvest will improve -pros.
peens He •says that :the Aistononiy
Bill is never mentioned there; the
eople are simply not bothering their
eads abaut , The Eliworsians he
niet are all holding outin the hope of.
ood days to eome,
diminished confidence fn his integrity- t
and an unfailing admiration fpr his
ability, elocinence and public spirit, ,,,
Moved by Thomas Anderson, sec- fi
°tided by R. Currie, that.so, the Lib-
erals of West Huron, 111 convention O.
assembled, 'warmly con ululate
g °
leader, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, upon the
magnificent victory he secured in his
recent appeal to the Canadian electo-
rate, and VVA hereby express our un- •
bounded confidence in his administra-
tion, believing, as we do, that in his
bands the progress and development
of this country will in the futile° show
the same marked improvement which
has characterized his regime since its
to Ali
I Moved by Alex. Young, #30000.41 by
,Tak. Hayden, that this tniivention Of
West Huron Liberate desires to tilikee
an reeord its sincere regret at the
death of Mrs I), F. Macpherson, of
Chilton, Who was not only a.consistent
supporter pf Liberalism., but one of the
most zealous and seftleient workers in
the party, and we 'express our deep
sympathy with hie widow in her !rye-
parttble loss.
Short addresses were made by the
President, AL Cetneron and Robert
Thomas . Greenway., .taayst!--
"Within the next five years or more
the Grand Trunk Pacifie will spend
$150,000,000L the Canadian Paei c, in
order to protect its position, , will
pond well ,on to $100,000000,
he expenditure of the Ocriiinlian
Northern Will not fall much short of
4150,000,000 during the Safi% rOPIOd.".
Mr, Greewity knows of no other
°witty lint Canada. where the ex.
penditure of the etiormous VIM Of
an 000,000 by population of 0,000e;
OM would be,postible, „
• ,'W'ifightitn. Iltay their taitleipatioter and the vforistant rattle of th.e' quick 'Phe latest reports. show the loss by in seeking, to beb.er tond t
lie tee:need 111 itels inetarree, le the firing guns Veal punctuated ;Cy the gtiosta of 22 heats:, mad the capture of 1 rtivo.434 the stipPort of the Peoltlo Ott'
Volch of the NitiVI/14. rear of torPeaft, ItoJetityenslo,• whoseakuilla fractured, erall3r is earneetlyrequeeten.-.03/6
May 24th, AlieseEtta, C. Tunney, aged
I w
. ,i9Ttho.rivynliritanm07.0011.3bionr,nadg, .2 20FiltdeitayrEilfar
1 shz pat/ g It; Voiltdoerras inw full,(,
eae efe VI:
9 months. _ . -.
,- TheE:Igin Loan Companie'e estate
19 years 1/2month and 8 days. .
• •
1 handsome dividend. • 44••••;ree,
Roberts better known as.. '
"Ded" died at, Stratford on Thursday
last. Ile was for many Years luggage- '
man on the Goderich braneh;and had.
been on the road for 50 years, filling
positions of brakesman, baggageman.
; and conductor. He leaves a wife and
I large family:
The Eleetricaf fisitie -Nerd's Co.
PAID VP OAPITAL. $260,000.
1-acosporand wider the laWe of the hemialon or eatiatle.
Owners of
Alsop Patents
Bradley 46c Lovejoy Patents
Werner Patents
Andrews Patents .
McDougall Patents
tor the oattulniett of Canada
Having purchased all the valid basic patents for
the -Electrical Purification of Flour,. we hereby etdVige
that any unauthorized users of the eTectrical flour puri-
fication processes in Canada, 'will be. prosecuted, ,Ap.,
..plication for the rights to use the process for the purifi-
cation, of flour by electricity should be addressed to
The Electrical Flour Patents 'Co.,
. 18 Vativille Pfaec Montreal.