The Clinton New Era, 1905-05-26, Page 8May 26th 19Q5 TUE 'EW RBA ' CLINTO& Clearing Some Odd Curtains on Saturday We took 1 ast .Saturday to glean . t; mn Carpet Remnants. Next Saturday the odd. Curtains have to ga. Every odd pair has been pickr`d out and will go on special:table marked at reductions from regular prices. If you have a single window that needs a pair: of Cul tains, here is your chance. One pair Swiss Net Curtains, deep Ecru, Slightly damaged, regular $4.50, on Saturday morning $2q 5 per pair $2 58 One pair only Swiss Curtains, deep Ecru shade; el OR regular $0.50, Saturday morning. One pair only white Nottingham Lace Curtains, • Hai teuhurg edge, a very handsome Curtain regu. le). gn lar $4.00, slightly soiled, Saturday morning .. G 1. Three pair only, fine Nottingham Lace Curtains, •Q , beautiful designs, regular $3.50, Saturday morn- Q� X90 ing, perpa'r u One pair only sleep cream Nottingham Lacs Cur- - tains, hest lino we have in• stock, regular $5.00, $3 60 Saturday unwiring . Two pair only Nottingham Lace Curtains, the 7 an last of our $1.00 line, Saturday morning.... 1 ins About a dozen sample ends Swiss- and Batten - burg Curtains. fine quality, each end about i yards lou showingthe lower portion .of each urtain, just the thing for Sash Curtai_na, .clear---..:- ing Saturday morning each 65e • New Tan Hose. Colored Hose have the call for the coming summer. Black, the standard for ,so many seasons, takes second place, for Dame Fashion has declared that colors are the correct thing. this week we passed into stock some new•, American Cotton Hose in the much -wanted Tan shades, in plain and fancy patterns. Children's Tan Hose, 20c and ' 25c. Ladies' Tan Hose, 25c and 35c Ladies' f a• ncy Hose, many patterns,` black or tan grounds, '37ic. A 411 Extra Value in Scotch Linoleum The Glinoaa NeW Era FRID.4:T MAY 20, 1005 goon zoom FRUST. •— Friday and Saturday . nights last were .quite cold, the latter who recently underwent an. operation The next meeting' of the County •particularlyso, and there was frost here, was...ahle. to return house this Council will be held on. Tuesday • enough to form, ice. We' have. not Week. There are still three inmates, June Otli, • • ' heard f any injury be and nipping all of whom will be able toretuxa to • STOCif O . 14N ICAA$JJ .--The cheque for the insurance carried by the late Thos. A. Walker, in the I. O. F. $1000, was de- livered to Mrs. 'Walker, on Wednes. day .evening, by, Messrs Onslow Crich, Rec. Sec.; and Geo. W. Rogers, Fin.. See. THE I•IOSPITAL. Mrs. Sholdice from the s ,ntliein part of the county,. Local Notes Cantelon Bros. this week xuake a shipinent of 125 tubs of butter. a , n We, are indebted t6 Mr. Waugh. the tops of early vegetab es. their' homes in a few days, • A CMIANGE.-- Mr. George Pickett, Of Albert St• •north, has bought the milk .business formerlycarried ,on by Mr. Ilea Churchill, and latterly' by Mr, McIntyre. Mr, Pickett is well known to the townspeople, and will give close and careful LLttentiou to the business. ' REMOVED.-- Dr. Evans, veterinary surgeon. has. removed his, office to. his.'_new~top buggy. • - own house, on Ontitrio•street; ju•t•east ' of Dr. Shaw's residence, and the build- Mr. • John. Powell has raised his h use, and is having a stone founds tion put under it. A new smoke stack wasput'up for NOTES.—On Mondaylast - el n shipped, ofhl s C a ca I ll Cain ah n d a r. Ar, D. Pg , Messis.l.+'itzsimons & Son ship a car on Tuesday next ; the price has dropped to $0.25, No cattle are -being •shipped. this week ; the tendency . of the mar- ket is said to be downward. VERY LOW,—We are sorry to learn that Mr. Thos Dawson, formerly of town,. and brother-in-law -of I r... Reuben Graham, has. been very low. during. the last #env days, with pnen- monis, the"eervices of three doctors apparently being of little effect in giv- ing him relief. At last accounts he was a little "better though still in a critical condition. .He is at his home near Varna. DIED IN THE'.WEST -Maliy • this locality,, will -hear with regret of the death of one of the old residents: tzt 'Clinton, in the person of. Mr. Neil ivlatheson, win) died in Calgitry • hos- pital, on the 10th inst., after six days illne's, . with pneumonia, His son David, who is manager of a ranch in that vicinity, was with hini at the time of his death. Deceased has :re- sided there for some years, aed bad reached•his 72nd year, lie leaves a • wife, two sons and. three daughters, A COMING'EVENT.-- Invitations are out fur the marriage of'a charm- ing Clintonian, in the person of Miss May U. Shaw, youngest dauhter of Mr. and Mrs.IJohn Shaw, Jura • Cottage, Mary Street. This important event takes place on the 7th of June, and. e isMr:' W. the fortunate groom. to b . J. Muir, a popular young°business man of Port Elgin: , Though Miss Shaw' hast' been away from Clinton. -a good. deal, she is well known heie and.,ex- ceedingly-popalan, ...._ .,. _ .... New Scotch Linoleums just in this week. There is economy buying this durable floor cover: ing for any room where there is muc tra c T ey .' will out -wear half a dozen ordinary Carpets; and cost but little more than a Rag Carpet. Scotch Linoleums; L- and 1- -yards-- wide, -y-a) ds wide, 40c, 50c and 60c per sq :'yd Pawn Coat A aw for$8.50 The Fawn Jackets are very much m eman and have had a large sale this season. Here are three special Bargains in the popular garment's; p g PP Three only ladies' Fawn Covert Coats, tight fitting, new sleeves, well made and • tailored throughout, a very stylish garment, sizes 84, 30. 3 8,regular $8.00 Saturdaymorning each........ $5 50 g , alaaaa�IMMO Millinery That Leads Our Millinery is winning_ uevv_.friends every day. We are showing styles that are correct.. Not too much of any one, but a wealth - of variety and wideness of choice that enables us to satisfy the ing f dividual taste of every customer. Come in and see the new New York Outing Hats New York Duck Hata American FancyShapes American Flowers • • - They are new, they are stylish and there are n many of any one kind.,, in as Um i kw r • Hodgens Bros., Dry Goods -y Clinton. • SHOCKING ACCIDENT.—The Nei- bergall. stave mill at Staples Was on Mondayr•wa=ecked :yy a boiler explosion, and Ralph Welsh was killed Engin- er•-Robert--Fisher—niay--be-fatailyy-irs=- jured. and several other employees re- ceived less serious hurts.' This factory is owned by a joint stock company, among the members being George Ach- eson, Goderich,. and D. It, Menzies,. formerly of Clinton, the latter being the manager. Mr. Acheson wentdown on Tuesday to see' the' extent. of injury and loss : • HARD LINES—Mr. Garnet •Whitely returned to` town last week, having. just been released from the Toronto General hospital,' where he had been: laid up.for over.a year;• as .the result 'of an'operation for' abscess.. on :his side. He still has an abscess' on his Ieg, :but the doctors�thought it•bestfor him to recuperate• before this was touched. It. Was,owi;ng to his illness that his relatives could not --locate. him at.'the time, of hiamriother's death, and, it was 'only on his way'home that he learned from a friend'lie met on the street, of her decease a few weeks ago. • • gardener,• fora choice sample of asparagus, • . . W.i taken the .f1rFa e Mr. .D.r has t a •encey of the Dominion Express Co, Money Orders. . The Saturday -to -Monday reduced fares are now in. force to Goderich and Kincardine. Mr. Geo.Lavis had the hondr of supplying the House of Refuge with a ing next to the NEW Etta office, which has long done service as a ""War+. Otilee,°' and incidentally .as a veterin- ary office, is now vacant, the Mac herson & Bovey +state, last PLANS von NEW BUILDING.; Friday, by Mr. Jacob Miller. Mr. Taylor, architect of Brantford. The � rospectsfor-.cherries and other this was here last week, and looked. over small fruits appear to be; good t the. several sites that are in view for the erection of •the 1Vew Knitting. Factory. Be was instructed- to pre- pare plans for a suitable building that could be erected on any of the ' sites, • THEY ALL SAY IT •-Mr. Geo. Mc- Phee, of. Loyal, renewing his subscrip- tion to the paper, • says: ' I like the NEW ERA very much and would not like to be' without it." Miss Bessie Garrett, writing from Pilot Mound, says: —'‘I see•so many thins about home in the Nnw Etta that l °,do. not know l"could not get along without it" -. ;• EXCURSION TO DETROIT. -The• White Star Line Excursion from .God erich to Detroit and return, on the elegant steel steamer .Greyhound, ' for 1905, •is booked for: Tuesday June 20th 8.30 a, m. • Those who take advantage of this opportunity are assured of one othe most pleasant trips of their lire, Everything will be arranged for the convenience and pleasure -of the Eixcursionists,and we know- of no more delightful way of visiting Michigan's Metropolis than this trip will afford. Returning it will leave Detroit Thurs.. day afternoon, and the fare for she round trip from Goderich will be only - one dollar. Ohi'dren will he charged half fare, bicycles. and baby carriages will be carried free. Arra • - e to take this'in • you caniiot afford t' miss itr;_ p only $1.00 round trip, an • ,goo to_elsP• thi ee hundred persons• call at -the office Detroit -at 1 t SHOULD HAVE 01\ E.—Now- that A. O. Pattison, the affable G. 1'.:R. agent, is living in his own house, apart altogether from the railway station, it would he a convenience to many bus- iness men if he had a telephone_in his house, and: we suggest to the railway authorities that they se i thathe gets one.-_ There are people who -often wish - to both "call him up,"..and callhim down," and it is much easier to do the latter over a phone. • CLOSE 'CALL.—A few days ago, r..and Mrs' Ed. Cantelon were at dinner, they were startled the kits tezf Im fire; and in a moment,. more it`'w"ould have been beyond con- trol, as it -wars Just. getting into the roof..it. started 'from a pipe that was close to some woodwork, and was mak- ing .good headway when discovered. The loss was covered. by insur,i.nc. ,. which was promptly. paid by J. Tay;, lor, :representing, the Company. • DOIIERTY. FACTORY. -A couple. year, as there is lots. of bloom. • Mr. Will Malloy, of London, form- erly• of Clinton,' has sold the Clyde Hotel property there to Mr. Sadliert - The semi-annual meeting of the South Huron Oriinge Association; will be held at Hensall on Tuesday, the Oth of June. .: ••• One wha is in a, position to know says there are at least 300 doge in town : yet there are. only 72 on the. assessment roll; • Messrs S. H. Smith and R. Fitzsim- ons"havelust had their' houses fitted up with electric lights by the_Clinton Erectile Light Co. . Frank•Herman, who went to work after his return from the west, where he had -been sick; is laid up, and under the doctors care. Although there is only one church bell in town, there•are always plenty of belles at church, and some of.them g g; _m will ling before ion Mr. G. A. McKee (son-in-law of Mr. W. Dohertyyhas been elected Presi- dentof the LLondou Old Boys' Associa- tion, just formed'at Calgary. Mr. Eekmyer, who�for the past five monthris her_ beer looks --lifter the` farm of Mr. S. Rathwell; Goderich . township, has returned to town. The friends of Mrs. Little, (mother of Mrs Whitehead) were -alarmed by her illness .:on Saturday: but ,it was fortunately nothing serious, and she is now as well as usual. Mr. H. O. Bell (son,in-law of Mr. John; Bell,) who has been : living •at Tort' Frances, returns this. week to his of .cars, of lumber for the repair of the: old home at Wingham where he takes • Doherty Factory arrived this wa?ek. , the management of 'the Furniture and the staff have been busy using it. factory: „ • up; The joists are. in place, arid a good : Miss Sybil E. C• Jury • ; of T?etrolia; deal of the flooring laid, aisd.it'.is• an- w•as ss Sybd last week to Mr: G. W. ticipated that in' the course of a week Brake, of n in ,that place. She .•was well al or. a little better, Machinery Hall.will be ready to. receive its.. quota of up tor. lknv sited tlheto u�est of Mrs e�eH: date machinery. When this ,is once r guest in place, the' work of manufacture will ewcombe. . be actively resumed on the old scale. Mrs.:Millyard, .mother of ,the R' v. • R. M: Millyard, ;of Lucknow,. formerly A SLIGHT . CHANGE. -The • Rail of;Clinton. whose serious. illness was wtiy.Commissioners have been dealing ivith the question of differential rates on stock from various points in Chi tario to Montreal, and have issued a. tariff to govern both the •C. P. -R. and G. T. R the 'province ,being divided into groups. North of Stratford, and Hyde Park, to and"including ' :Goder- ice, •Harriston and Mount Forest is one group, and this includes all the territory in this vicinit +.and the rate in car- lots is fixed at 2.1• cents.The' old•rate was 27c, but as very little. stock now. goes to Montreal, the change will hardly be noticeable. BRIEFLETS—Fruit indications are favourable for a. plentiful.suupply. ;.. Advertisers will. be interested in know- ing the NEW Etta. is in such great de- mand.:that on Thursday. afternoon, vhileethe- .aper s=being von ctfl'z near In- 'papu arra es"'for it, sooner than wait until it reaches • A RECORD SALE—Thepilbt Mound, the Post Office .Now is the . tirae Sentinel of last week says:—In"the fat- when the farmer's wife looks over the ter part.of March, William- Fisher of local paper to find where to buy spring Clinton , Ont.,arrived here with...Ikea •-and summer -goods.; themerchant�vha. d f loa`six stalions. Those who:' had has no advertisement there is apt to the privilege of seeing them considered 'miss trade that his advertising com- that there was among them some 'of petitor will get, With . hogs at. the finest horses that ever came into • about Etc per pound, cattle' 5.1c' per this province, and-Vlsat.as a whole the pound, all the grains high, butter un- bunch is rarely e`qq'ualled. In six weeks til recently 18c, and eggs a good price. time they -were all sold,•thus establish- ingg what may be regarded as a record sale. Three of the horses remain in. this town. A fact that many of- our farmers who wish to raise good stock, view with pleasure. As a whole;' or as individuals-thrs•car-load-of horabs-were.: .of excellent quality,. and we congratu- late Mr. Fisher in securing'for this, country' horses of such a nature.•He has been shipping horses to Manitoba for'some years and he and the class of horses. he brings are favourab y , known from one end of the province to, the other. • • COMPLIMENTARY SUPPER.—On Friday evening last a number of the friends and associates of Dr. Agnew gathered at the Hotel Normandie and tendered him a supper previous' to his departure for the North. West, whither he goes on a prospecting tour in his processional line. The lr. has been a resident of. Clinton for over 18. years and consequently has made hosts of intimate.• fends,; a:_nuspber -of:--them- being present to show their' apprecia-. tion and •express the hope of:goodpros- , pests for the •guest. Luncheon was daintily served, and was the first con- sideration of those present. After. all had satisfied their appetite, and the toast to the king was drunk, the chair- man, Mr. E. M. ilFcLean; called upon the mayor to propose the toast of"'Our Guest.' In this the Mayor stated he found great pleasure as from his asso- ciation with the Dr. as a citizen,social ly and professionally,he had found him to be well_ up to the standard, and again on the field of sport he had had many trials with him both as a• friend and a foe, and there were few. Indeed who were better able, or indeedPlaying equal to ()tale Dr in the la in • the skirt o tis p y g of our popular games: The Mayor con- cluded his remarks by stating that he hoped the Dr, would `find everything in the .great West as bright as he has anticipated it, and that when he had satisfied himself in the far away land he wottld return to Clinton, where Itherwill always be some of his • old friends to welcome him. Other toasts were given during theevenin ,in which much good fellowship prevailed. Tales reminiscences from 1)tr ho Ods daysand S" pastwere told bymany, and of the y, the Dr. himself, along with the others furnished the material for many a hearty laugh. Several songs during e the evenini added to the' merriment, pp h th dispersed before-ih lights out,"by g frig Auld Lang Syne. andafter.a 1 had tenderedtheir part to the rogratn, t e ga ering "= eli htswentsing. the farmer should be contented and happy. .. Looks as though Spring- time had' arrived at last ; leaves and blossoms are appearing and in short, time, ' our town, with ;its "spreading maple trees" will look its prettiest .Call ,at -the Nnw -Ena.:..office,. it yowl have an item of news ;.the kindness will be appieciated ; or ring up. • Some persons have put•fish traps and nets in the Bayfield river. ; they are .liable to Punishment, as, this is illegal. .The railroads had lots of travelon Wednes- day A visitor to town on the 24th said "I never saw a place where they used paint on the houses so freely as they do •in Clinton," . ;there are yet plenty of places where some could be. used to advantage The only flags flyingon Wednesday, were on the Or- gan actory, Newcombe's and Cooper's. stores ; the town flag was not even up,. ......Mr. Buxton, of the Waverly, has planted seme evergreens, and shade trees around his house, which will in time make quite an :improvement.. "On neither nights the Passion Play pictures were advertised to show, - did they have an audience of any size, and the manager says that in all his. experience lie never knew anything like it. Mr Ed Jenkins has returne from Victoria College, Toronto, for va- cation. Through some oversigiht, a mail bag from•the late train, wits left on the platform of Clinton station all Wednesday night. A lot of Clinton - fans, who are working elsewhere,found their way back to town on the 24th, While parties•from town were driving to Holmesville, on Wednesday, one of the lines broke and the horses ran. away, throwing the occupants out;,, be. road a severeshaking up, they were unhurt. -Ey- Eggs -are advancing.slightly. Neve subscribers acrrgg ors own have the NJLW : Ens for the balance of the year for 50c Miss Whitely, Huron Street, seriously ill with nervous prostration. Mrs. Will Moffatt, who has been laid up with pleursy, is now better' and able to be out. Avery nice and comfortable rubber. tire surrey, from the catsiage shop of Rumball & Mclitath, has been added to' the livery of Harvey Davis'. to Toront 0 Mr. B. .;r, Gibbins went last week, to look into, the merits of a;. tempting offer macs, ,himto move to that city, but we ate glad to know he. has decided to remain here. Re is leader of the choir of Ontario Street -Church, it member of the Council and general good fellow. Just one of the citizens. we cannot afford to lobe. mentioned in.our last issue, died at Wall DecralIoRs. . A larger than usual assortment of papers re- presenting art and genius, is to, be found in our store. To some wonderful, and to all a o ria of colorandd' ersi .t 1 as conjuring o f t o e In GV P ,,l gY designs that bespeak the cleverness of artiste They are Novel New as to -day They are. Popular 10 out of 20 people of taste approve them They are Decorative Producing good e'ffectei all F i+ - FA R Co. l� w �, "Often -the cheapest,'always the best." NtNNN•. •••••••••••••••••41444)•••••••:••••• her house in Thornhill,. 'on' Monday last in her 80th Year. In our•reference to.those uging type writers in town. last: week, we unin- tentionally neeected'to mention Har- land thes Bros..• who not only :use •one 'of. these•machines, but are also agents for the Empire Typewriter. Dr. Wallace Irwin;. son of..Mr. J. W,. Irwin, has opened a dental: oMce in Moose Jaw, Ass.; •which is now a place of about 5000. It' is a -divisional point of the C P. -R. in one of the, best farm-. ing districts in the west. There was a narrow escapeyfrom. an. accident at the new postoffice hi Wingham the other day. , A large stone was .being lifted by the crane, when it fell not far from Contractor 13787- o<zs g -AU—it—missed `I him• • •• Frank Walker, son`. of .Mr, Robert Walker, of the Bayfield road, has. taken a position with the St. Thomas -journal--as—shosrolide—eritcar. He: has recently . been working in Port. Arthur, but came home for a -few days' rest. Mr. Miller is improving the Straith property he lately* purchased, prior to occupying, it. He .has moved the ho£ the lot,and house tot e centre Hirman Hill will put a stone 'founda- tion founda-tionunder' it. 'Other improvements will follow. ' �' • Master Bobbie: Moore, eon of Mr, W. Moore, has taken a. position on the (I: T.13 as news agent -between "i o erich and Stratford for . the present ; later on_:.he will run as far east as Buffalo; he's a bright young boy, and this will develop his business faculties. Miss L, B, Iiolmes, daughter of Mr. S. T. Holmes, Seaforth,' and formerly of Clinton, has just passed her first years exams in the New England Hos pital,Boston, 'training School for Nur- ses. She has taken over 90 per cent in all subjectsnd is at the head of. ' her class for practical nursery. The .friends of • Mrs. Jacob Taylor will regret to learn that she has not been enjoying good health for a few weekspast. Her medical adviser has _or dered.het'_iento._the country in the:. hope that the change will do her good, and she is at present staying with her sister, Mrs llodaway, at Stapleton. • Clinton extends it most cordial' vel COM to the County teachers assem- bled here ,in convention. They not. only teach the rising generation the principles - of education, but they greatly help : in the development of moral character, and we should ap- preciate their;services at the highest possible value, though it is often un. derestimated inthis particulat"r direc- 'tion. Mr. John Stanbury, who with his brothers George and William, has been engaged. in farming, on the Lon- don road, has. concluded to • take life and has ' his days,a a easyfor the rest -Of ten taken up•his abode at the Ratbur y House. 01 years ago he was born on the Londonroad, and having spent 60 of these years on the farm continuous- ly, he rightly t hulks he has 'earned a rest. Mr. Ed. Howard, formerly of town, writing from Louisville. g .. says :— ""I am workings for the D. I.1; -iia dwin-•- Co., tuning pianos in the Louisville, Sore. they are e alar� e firm ,.they he have two piano factorisin Cincinnati and two in Chicago and one organ factory music stores in ll in Chicago, wfth� src a the' principalY cities in the United States. It is just possible that I will Stay downhere in Louisville and. not go back to Clinton, although I would not like to leave the old town, Its. meruber me to all the boys," Soccal: Slic.00181, -The success we are havin in seIln� 1, — kinds -of FooTWBAR gives us the confidence to say that we have the best assortment and the best values to be. found anywhere. You will n dour Bargaifn Counter' particulary in. terestuag..for. Fiiday.--and.-Saiuirday. , Don • fail to see' them.' Our stock must .be reduc- ed. Several. linos we are selling at less than WHOLESALE PRICES We mean just what we . say and" a . calf Will convince you that you :can. save money by buying' your shoes at e is le The Old: •Rel>< b . See our. Gents' Patent Colt Boots` the latest •, • style and the best on the:. market for. $3.50, , • • A.YLOB:. 4 • Dress v u i J.. sf< I or; • el en Dollars We will seh• you a •dressy and servicable Suit, .: in "the: 'popular . style shown above, all ready to put on," for ten dollars. Search 'asjyou will, you will not find a nobbier or better Suit for the money and the materials inside and out are .first-class, and :will stand hard ' wear, Mer's.Tweed Suits $io.00` Men's.Suits, made from pure wool tweeds, neat patterns in all the fashionable shades ofy brown, , ggr -and--fate. .-tweegood- linmge used "V" thro ghout. They *ill give satisfactory WearA suit ready to put on at $10100 • Mens Serge Suits Sio.00 Men's Suits made from pure wool Sages, black or navy, will keep their spha a and color, cut in p the latest style, and good linings used through -$10 00 out. Extra special value at each; ............. u A Do not forget our big sale of fiats at 50c. • We are making a big clearing of all odd Hats and broken lines, and every One must be. sold.. That's why Ilk n we are selling hard and soft Rats, in O� blacks and colors, .that sold at $1.00, 1110 $2,00 and $3,00, .for Fifty,Cents •. Each 1 1 onne Clothing and Gent's ' Furnishings. Clipon t