HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-05-19, Page 4e
... •
HIS WEEK we passed into stock over one hundred brand new Straw and Chiffon Hats, --there being no
two alike in the lot. These hats are made.ln the very IatPst No* York styles, of the very best materials and
, .
be sold as we bought them—one.third less than regular price. AR the Hats are marked at the reduced . ,
Every new shape will be found in INS choice collection..
New Duck, Linen, and Embroidery Hats.
These Hats come to Us direct from the Taker in„ New York, are the very latest styles and are* made for the warm
weather, which is sure to corne,-.Weare showmg them in a dozen shapes and stples. All a.rynarked at very low pric.es.
The Famous BAC. Corsets I Buy Your Garpets and Curtains
• We sold more Corsets last Sltutday than in any one
• day for more than a year. People are fast, finding did that the
best 0°i -set to buy' is the I3.&C. These Corsets are tot - only• -
built tesuit the fashion, but are boned with non-rustable: bon-
ing, and are made of material that will stand the hardest wear,
Exclussive Feature of our B.00. Corset
They are made -with loop "eyelets that cannot spread'
Pull out, rust or corrode., --a mode of eyeletting that results in.
a flat surface when the laces criss-cross at the back—a goOd
point that cannot be claimed for any. other make in 'Canada,
Corset Prices 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.25, $1.,5o to $3;0o
Fine Quality Embroideries
Our stock of Embroideries this season is the finest this
store has ever shown, not 'only is the range the best, but the
quality is finer for the money than we haveever had before. L No Yards of 2•37ard•wide Lineleunte• extra heavy quelitye ha
The assortment we show would do credit to a store five tlf a •
lines dozenerns t tt
pa o choose from regular 1
,$ . 00 and $1.15 per yard to clear quo
. . ••• •
rids,y-and. Satu -dair-at
the Of this One ; --then a—gam:buying as we 410 wIth a synth= ' . • r -
cate of stores in large quantities,ensures. for Ourselves and
. . IA LACE BARGAIN ,for Friday and
While we have great values in Embroideries. a.t se, 8c,
and toe, the lines at Ise, 20C, 25c, 32c and up -to $-,o per
pard is where we are doing the most of the selling.
. 5rLook at our:window this week.
tiere and Save
- . •
Have yOu.bought your spring Carpets or ourtains yet
If not, you will, be interested to know that on . FRIDAY
MORNING you can buy our verjr,best _doe Tapestry Carpet
at 39C, our very best 75c Tapestry Carpet at 55c ; 75c- All -
Wool Caepet at 6�c, $1.25 Lace Curtains at $' 00 ; $1.75
and $2.25 Lace Curtains 'at II 1.6o.
6oc Tapestry Carpet at 39c. •
. 150 yards of 27-ineh, wide Tapestry Carpet, in assorted designs and
colors, extra good value at oue regular price 00c, to go On sale Friday lac
&tie Seterday, at. e.. •
••I f•il• ,, • , ••• • ,,,, ••016
7$9 :4j,p..,0f4trY Carpet itt 55C
200 yards fsextri heavy quality Carpet, k inches wide,•in assorted
55c. Now, what does, the Steen -wan by its
designs and•colors. s our teplar 70c Carpet, to go on sale Friday
and Saturday et per yard.. :• • • • • ... .. ..... , . . .. . .. .
Good going may 23r4 aii4 '24th, valid
• returning until may 25th
Betwe4 allitations tnthinida elsoto
Port Huron and Detroit. Mich:, Susi).
Bridge and Buffaloip.Y.
For tickets aed full Information, call on
•P, 11,11odgens, 'town Agent
The Now NeW Ea
FRIDAY MAY 10,1000
Neon InLtion
Tho Laurier Government got E. N.
Lewis' vote 'for the Autonomy Bill,
Lewis got ebschition from the Gov.-.
°raiment .for takinga; seat they claimed
did not belong to him, and Holmes.
who claimed the seat, gov-what
GI:deride Star. •
The senior editor of the Goderich
Star professes to be 7:4 teacher of the
Golden Rule. The foregoing shove
how he putsit in practise. When, a
men makes an insinuation against an-
other, he either has some foundation
for it, or his covert statement is die-.
creditable itna dishonorable.
" The Star need not be afraid to make
public anything it knows in. this con-
nection, and the New ERA invites it
to do so without quibbling or hedging.
$120 and $i-st Lino1etjs at.fisc„
„` • ••
customers lower prices.
• •
2•••••••••,••• •••••••••••••41414~41 0.+00 INK* tItslpor ••••
t A Big Remnant Sale "
On FRIDAY MORNING we will place on. tables,
; for easy choosing, hundreds .of remnants of Dress .Goods
Linings, Silks, Flannelettes, Cottons, liable Linens,
; Toweling_s, Embroideries, Laces, and in fact Remnants of
Z all kinds of goods will be marked at prices that i11 carry
; them off puickly. The saving, in some cases, w11 be
*a** *00* *0404 AN.* 4.1••••••••••`• ••••
o5e..•3oe to•.soc Laces at q5c
, . .
On Saturday morning we will place on sale 300 yards of fine Laces,
suitable for trimming dresses, in cresin, white linen and. black. These
are odd lines that sold at 25c, 30e, 85c to 50c, all to clear at per yard....
insinuation P
The London Free Press announces
the.probability of a number of Local
election Protests beipg sewn off. This
is -what- thaNEWTERe -predieted---two
-weeks ago. ,
Hen. Mr: Hanna makes it Olear that
the Ross Government policy of no
liquor licenses for New Ontario .is not
to be followed by the. Whitney ' Gov-
ernment.: He says, that a drinking
place will he licensed at, the Lake
Temagami summer resort, and • in
• .places where the conditions warrant
f5•i it other licenses will be issued. That
•it may open the door Pretty wide.
. .
.21,1-ov WANT
• . .
• x++++++++++++++++4174
Church News• 41•44-
Nereus - The meeting of the W. F.
AL S. was held last (Thursday) even-
ing.... -A quartette that was much
appreciated was rendered on Sunday
• evening by Prof. Campbell and wife,
• Jetiss Lily Coats and Mr. Cook.... Next
Sunday 'being the John Knox quad-
• centenary, it will be observed by all
Presbyterian churches throughout the
Dominion, and suitable sermonsewill
• .he preached by Rev. Dr. Stewart.
ST. PAUL'S. -those members of St.
Paul's church who were afraid of get-
ting their best "Sunday-go-to-meetin"
hats and bonnets wet on- Sabbath day
last, missed hearing two excellent ser-
mons from Rev. C. R Gunne, wherein
he likened his 'clearers to "God's' eo le
wandering in the wilderness. is
'discourse was very instructive and ele-
vating. We cannot have too ritual
given us for elevating thought if we
would rise to the life eternal. It would
die a step in theright direction if people
could make up their minds not to care
no much for their looes on a rainy Sun-
dae-, but go to divine service in any-
thing that's decent! God will not
mind how they look, and there are
plenty of sunny days to show off finery.
We need awakenitig, but do not need
Evan Roberts -Mr. Gunne is sufficient
for us. Hopelessly dead in trespasses
and sins must those have been who
were not comforted and benefitted hy
these discourses.-{Coese •
WESLEY. -The services on Sunday,
both morning and evening, were con-
ducted by the pastor, Mr. Manning, in
the interest of the W. F. M. S. He
traced the origin of this aoeiety, the
eye* it has accomplished, and pointed
but Low it was an figeney for the pro-
motion of Christianity, more especially
in countries where men had not the
same opportunities for presenting the
truth to women that women them-
selves had. The collections for the
day .vere on behalf of the W. F. M. S.
A very pretty quartette was
sung at the evening service by Messrs.
Murch and Vickers, Mrs. Murchand
Nikki Boles; Mr. Vickers also sang
"The Holy City." At the meetin
of the Official Board on Tuesday, 11, E• .
Manning was elected repreaeritativeto
!District meeting. The finances wete
ealt reported to be in good conditiort,
tfieetete Of tbecirdrelifioutishieg.
ONTARIO STRRST. -• At the anneal
meeting of the NV. M. S. of Ontario
street church, the officers elected for
the coming year were : President,
,leirs. 7'. Kearns ; ist vice. Mrs. W.
Walker ; 2nd vice, Mrs. S. Crick ; rec.
sec, Mrs. NV. Mantling ; .cor. see, Mrs.
E. o. Courtice ; treas., Mrs. J. Steep.
The quarterly Official Board of
this church met, as announced, last
Thursday night. All the general bus-
iness of the board was attended to
the report of the envelope ste-eStad
was received, which showed that the
finances were about the same as at the
NRITIO date last year. Albert Hooper
was eleeted to tile Distriet meeting, to
be held in Wesley church on Tuesday.
May 28, Other matters of general lo.
feted were dimmed, and then:meting
isorti lirOught to a Mae Mont 19 P.n..
..The Epworth League etart, d nut
the new riat, east the election (II
verp favorable clean -
frorn among the executive ; Dr, 'Cook
spoke on the 'attitude of Spirit -filled
Christians, as represented by Peter,
Stepheo, Bernaens and Peel, ,The
president, issetevens. followed Along
the same line ; Miss Moore spoke Of
the Welsh revival, and Miss Carrie
Shipley pare a very appropriate reci-
tation. Grant Baton read the lesson,
and Miss Agnew selected the hymns.
After 9.• Short recess; duriiag which
Ulna the acquaintance of Some of the
new members was formed, Kenneth
Beaton took charge of the business
portion, indicating the work for the
year. Some fifty of the members re-
mained to the young people's class, led
by the pastor. It is such meetings as
these that give stimulus and help to
the young people and prornisato tire
congregation .. . On Sundaymorning
next Rev. Dr. Cook will preach a see -
mon in keeping with the John Knox
- •
Rev. Mr. Mill ard of Lu k ,
called to Thornhill on Wednesaayeto
see bis mother, who is seriously 111.
Mrs. Millyard is in her 80th year, and
very little hope is entertained_ for her
Last Saturday a call CAMS to Rev. A
MacKay, of Lucknove, • from the Free
Church eongkegation at Kingussie,
Scotland. . Mr. MacKay, cabled accept-
ing the call and intends tosail for
Glasgow from Montreal on June 14th;
Mr. W. S. Dingman, editor of the
Stratford Herald, and ytibo has been
the accomplished and pr cient organ-
ist of the Central Methodist church for
nearly fifteen years, has resigned. He
evidently finds it is enough to manage
_agora!" of public
Rev. James
Teeswater, and was formerly on Verna
circtiit,and who recently lost his sight,
left last week for New York City,
where he will undergo treatment for J
his eyes. There agleam to be some.
. Rev. N•Ns'in.•Gecleein,•Eic.etee; has been organization that will •stand bhp: in
confined te his room dpring the past ' good stead in this capacity'. The ne
week by e severe Attack of pneunionie. Commissioners are welleed fa,vourabl
elllreIsreel Taylor, forrairley- of tome, known: Mathew Lockhart, Auburn;
has been elected as President -6T the
united Epworth Leagues of London 'Qiinton, itmaybe mentioned, enjoy
especially the confidence of the , tem
city. .01intonitins always do pome to
the front. . " •' • •perance people, and his impointmen
wee. neturany pleasing tO them.
At the Meeting of the tifecial 'board The Board enacted an importan
of the Luc:know • Methodist Churela, amendment With reference to th
the, popular pastor of the church, Rev. screeete windows, partitions, etc., pr
R. W.Millyard,wae heartily presented hibited the holdieg of deuce or, car
with special gift of $50 as e, naark of parties in telicensed place, and 'Short
the highappeeciation of his services as
Piled the selling hours.: The closin
pastor and Preacher for the post • two hour was made °o'clock, but this las
clause was afterwards rescinded
• Theannual- statements of Another neUeand important reg. ulatio
Smith's Hill Presbyterian church were is the prohibiting of seats and *dhaire. I --
distributed to the congregation recent- the bars of the hotels. .
The report is a most satisfactory • • e
one, the best in the history of the The two hotel licenses in "Auttur
thumb. Tbe total receipts during the and LOntiesboro are cut off, as that
year 1901 wet:4052.708,nd the expendi- new a local option district. •
tures $91e95. The number of Members
ortjanuary lat last was 107 ; members
of W. F. et S., 15 ; members of Y. P. The new Inspector talked to Th
115 ; teachers and officers in the Sale
scholars, ReWS at his home in Auburn, an
sPoke. of many improvements .tha
S. 0, H.. 83 ; Sabbath school
bath echool, The favourable show- will yet be required befpre somei.of th
hoteles get thew lieenses. lio was 0
ing tpeaks well for the pester, Rev, J.
L. Small, the managing committee, the opinion thet half the bars were be
the+ secretary treasurer, Alex Young, hind the times, and explained. in detai
how some of them were constrected
and the congeegation•as a whole :..4••
The third anniversary of Rev. J., L. With voncealing partition, no • direct
induetion in the pestorate May entrance, and other violations a th
rules. One hoteikeeper wanted to 13/4'
be observed by an entertaininent next
month. the fine and leave his partition where
'it was. Mr. Asquith referred to the
common violation .of the regulation
governing blinds, and of the ignorance
of some in regard to, tbat regulatiori.
Perhaps the common:mit defect was a
partition between the front vvhadow
and the bar. Many hotel keepers had
-not-been-gtvetraeOpy of the regulat-
ions for seven years. AtIlle-tilite-t
license is given, they are supposed to
'Make an affirmation as to their inten-
tion of keeping the law, as to their
solvency, ad., They had not been re-
quired to do so for yeats. Petitions
sepporting an application for a license
Were requiredbyregulation to be in by,
April 1st -they had been coming in
four days before the meeting of the
eorninissioners, instead. One Weak
betel had absol,nteIy no heating facil-
ities foe lie bedrooms, with the except-
ion of a pipe through one room. In
pithy places the water 0060th were
very bad. No doubt with most hotels,
lite bar ifit the fleet contideratioe, and
•beiter accomodation would only be
given whee made compulsery.
"No, they tion't,say much," said, the
inspector, referring to those who were
ordered to make ! alterations, "but I
gue6.0.they think good- deal;"
NOT. ColartnTnrie SATISBUti
Ib eannot be -said, however, that
everything has been carried out to the
attire satisfactiortof that vaguely-de-
fined element known as "the temper.
aildt1 people." They are aissatisfied
with the extent of imprevernent tailed
for in bedroom atcommodation. "Wer
are not satisfied in Clinton," eaid
,prominent temperanee worker there,
.and have it on the best authority
that there have been more drunks In
this town gime Mny lat than in any
take up a copy and read it, and act in equal length of tin e before.
accordimee therewith. "All the same," he continued, "I
Less comment was armised by the think the general feeling' is that the
appointtnent of a, new inspector than Whitney Government ielnalting
might have expected. Ilis hest friends great effort to live up to its promiths
ever pretended to behove that "License • re the etlfOreerdent of the litvri and
Impeder Paisley enforeed th0- UM to that they are to bo eongratniatea even
Is full ability, and while Mr. Alfred by the Liberals. -
squith is not well known through. •
ut• the tiding AN SOMA others, he has The Widow and family of the tat
reputation f hit own lueality for Th , have taken up Wet
eleat v a., s.e.,:ee.
. The reason there is no effective Dom -
A:Rm.. the Dominioe general' eke-
tiOpe lost November, peotests were en-
terad egitinet both Sir Frederik Bor•
dee, and Hoe. Me, Fielding. Each
:heppeeed to be out of thes county at
• the time and in their zeal to serve
the papal'son. them a. "ConservatiVe
lawyer sereed Mr. 13orcien in Jhe
$tetee and Mr. •Fielding ite . England;
'Nova Scotia judge has lust dis-
missed both cases; .oze the ground that
service •outside the Dominion, was
T110 Cigarette Evil.
any eircurestanees. and let that laiebe
-(Serattiore-Herald.) - - ••
Let the IOW say. that no boy under
eighteen shall receive cigarettes under
enforced; and there will be lower yel-
low fingers on hands of boys whoree
moral and mental growth.% now being
g- inion la,W. on the statute book against
t cigarette smoking is because of what
n we regard as the shoresighte ness of
u certain ladieint the -WX.T.11: When
the emestion of restricting this evil was
bifpre Parliament, the Meeibers sup -
tie porting the bill found. it would be im-
possible to get it tbeough Parliament
in the form proposed. The bill asked
ee for the absolute prohibition •the
manufacture and importation of cigar -
e ettes. • The sentiment of the House
f was against; this. Members who were
, approached to support the bill said
"We are willing to -make the prohibi-
tion apply to boys under -21, but think
e Men shauld be their own judges."
' This was represented to the ladies
who Were in Ottawa promoting the
bill, and they were advised to accept a
compromise proposed by the Minister
of Justice, Who offered to amend the
Criminal Code, making it unlawful to
tell cigarettes, or tobacco in any form,
o boye-nnder-thel-age7Lof-21,-4his_
tvettld hot the authority of the Dorn -
inion behind iteand Was regarded, hy
the members advocating the measure,
as a great deal better tbah no legisla-
tion, But. the ladies refused to accept
it. They said "We Want prohibition
or nothing." The result, was that the
proposed bill had to be dropped and
nothing was done. .
Louis. Coudempea,
Shorter Catechisni Examinations
The following pupils of Willis Sab-
bath school have recently passed ex-
aminatioris in the Shorter Catechism :
24) Chtestions,W.illie Rotledge„.Teau
Morris, Stewart Scott, G. leetaeitiet:
49 Questioes--jennie Martin, Mar-
jorie McIver, Jean McTaggart, Mar-
orie ChoWen.
79 Questionse-Tessie O'Neil, Stewart
Whole Catechism -John Rutledge,
Jennie Rutledge, Barbara McIver, An-
nie Martin, Agnes Irwin.
Besides the prizes awarded by the
ached), the General Assembly awards
a diploma to all scholars repeating the
whole cateehism at one sittmg,
chance that his Inv be partially
Amt lleV. be. Sutherland,' the able
and 'vintner Missionary Secretary of
the Methodist ()hued), soon eele-
brate his 50th year in the ministry,
and as he commenced his work on
Clinton Circuit, Ith effort will be made
to secure his services for the elantral
missionary sermons of Wesley Church,
as it would be fitting that he should
observe hts 50th atinivereate in the
congregation he started his neeisterialcareer t
with.•- • T
The Official Baird of Nile Methodist
ehurch recently eetended a call to,
theirepiehent Kee.' jelatilled a
to remain for another . year, but. r. a
Kennedy declined .te tteeept it, as he h
wished Us get on sotne field that would 1
givehirn high sehool advantages for b
his family. A calrwite then extended
to Rev. Mr. Millers of Varna, Who s
tented. The Verna Board extended
an invitation to Rev. Ur, Lloyd, of
Corieth, who' aeeeptecl, both the lattee
being subject to the action of the Stet- e
inning Committee. •
Rev. Hugh Beverly netchen, th
new pastor of MacNeil :Arcot Presby-
terian Cifureh, Ilargilton, 'Woo given
watm welcome by the tongregation at
eocial lest Thursday' evening. Mr.
Donald MePhee preahled. and congtatu.
tatery addresses were giverket.Prior to
the speeehtnekin Ketehen WAN n
peeSented with a endgame silk gown I
by Mr& MeQuestie and Mrs. Oharlee W h
Graham on behalf of the Ladies' Aid -A
Settety Of the *elartreh. (stolen sO
odeeel• titskeks the A
License liprornt'in County.
The following is part Of a.letter from
he Goderich correspondent of the
oronto News. The statement con-
ernitise the late Inspector Paisley not
nforcing the act is neitherfair or true,
lid it the Mee, one perforins hia work
s faithfully all through the • terin of
is service as life Paisley, there will be
Ltd& actual cause For eomplaint. "New
rooms sweep clean," and we are quite
willing to ere the new Board and In-
pebtor eredit for his good intentions
The regulations, with new amend.
merits, „are being enforcecl as never be-
ord . Many of thelhotelkeepere
claim -
d to be ignorant of them, only three
f them observing the the rule7which re.
uires a copy to be posted up in a con-
picuous place:they are now ordered to
The London rt.00 Press (oonserva..
tive) on Saturday eonte,inedthe
ing as a special despatch from Goder-
ich:-The vote Of E. N. Lewis, M. P.,
eit the Aatenordy Billa•hae aroused tilil
Conservatives of West Hero+ That a
Conservative member should vote
against his leader, and with the Goy.
erntnene has caused considerable die -
satisfaction toriorig his supporters in
this riding. Hard things have been
pered that he mi ht he askedto resign.
said agamet himand it has been But having defie • the party vvith his
vete he is still in aposition to cling to
his seat despite all protests.
To -day the Executive of the West
Buron Conservative Association met
in this town behind closed doors. The
only business was the 'discussion of the
Lewis case. 8eyeral members of the
Executive spoke stron,gly against the,
coarse he had taken. Re VMS not Ives-
ent to defend himself.
No reaoltition was passed, but Us N.
Lewie, M, P., was Olitilletnnol Inn° un-
certain manner by the leaders; of tint
party. he ehould offer to reeign his
seat -in the °ottomans no one would I
• During the months of May and June •
.2o per -cf. Discount
off .off China and Cut Glass'
On May aith our China,Department was re -dressed ,
and re-stocked.with some of the daintiest china and
bric-a-bric we have ever' shown, a.nd to induce you
to come around we will quote a% special.cliscount of
20 per cent off regular prices,,:for 3o days. This
will give you an opportunity to secure some odd
pieces of Chinaware, or a Dinner or Tea Set in
French Mina, at much below regular,prices. Re7
member, our case of Rich Cut G.ass is included in
For Wedding Presents we are headquarters
Special .WALL PAPER -prices
We are very grateful for a large and increased sale
of Wall Paper this spring, and we are determined
that our stock will be down to the lowest notch by -
the end of June. To do this we know we must
show, the best papers obtainable, and which we have
—been doing -now for severa.1--yearsra1so -quoterock:
bottom prices, and our large output enables us to
do thiS*.. If you want good paper cheap, ,6:)ine and
see us. All paper trimmed free.
W. COOPER & CO. Clint n
. • • 44.
44. Personal Notes*
44, Xf.thosethaving relatives or jriends 44
44. visiting in town •,or going away
notify no Of the fact each week. we
-Iv 'Wotan announce it in the ishrw a RA.
• Mr. B. J. Gibbings was . a visitor to.
'Toronto on Wednesday. . •
Mrs; Rowe, of Eider, is visiting hee
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Those Holloway.
"-TMiss:M.---Stewart,-who le -attending
Toronto University, is expected. home'
next week. • •• •
`Mrs. W. G. Doherty, who has been
visiting in Chicago, returned home on
Slbt:rdGuaY6.1; and wife left 'this week cn
a trip to Chicago; they- may go fereher
• west before returning. • •
Mrs. Geo. Me -Taggart, -accompanied
by her daughter, Margaret,' lea -res
next 'week on a visit to relatives ae
Morreiburg. ,
-. Mr. Linfield, one of the pioneers of
Colborne, spent Sunday with his
daughter here, Mrs. Rice, Hattenbury
St. east. '
• Mrs. Israel Taylor, of 'London, . is
spending a • couple of weeks at the
hbficssmeelionfe.heir father, Mr. James Stevens,
Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Courtice left on
Saturday, on an extended visit to
friends in Eastern Ontario. They
MO be away for one or two months.
De. Agnew . expects to leave next
.weikotia proseeeting trie tie the West..
Ile has no definite plaee view; bu
l!wri:10 lu nd. probably spend some
.. time looking
Mrs. Isaac Jackson left yesterda
on a, visit, to her daughter, Mrs. Hy
slop, of Detroit. Her son kloward ac
coinpaniede-hee ease far : as . 'London
where he will visit his brother Ern.
'Mrs: Henderson, of Goderich, who
has been in delicate. health for some
time, and has been visiting her sister
Wingbarn, called on Clinton frienes
on Friday,. on her way back- to God-
eric .
The wife of Mr, W;Robsori, Victoria
Street, who has for 'some time been in
poor health, has gone on a visit to her
• mother itegtespeler ; her friends here
nope that the change • may - beebene-
Political Parngrap s
• Just to think that Goderichtownshin-
has to wait four years' to geteven with
E. N. Lewis! ' • ,s • •
This cold spell will come in bandy
for the West _Huron Conservatives to
indicate their, feelings' towards the
Ottawa member,. :
Perhaps. the Signal's estimate or the:
,memberfor West Huron was a little
tearer the mark than 'the Star was
• willing to admit about election tithe.
Wait alittle aeq, see Mr. Lewis con- '
vinee Inasupporters_in :WeSt Huron..
thathe just made a mistake and got .'
up at the wrong time when they were
ceuntingthe vote.-Goderich Signal.
, • • •
'What is the matter with old. HurenP.
Huron.has -three repreperatatiVes in tZe. -
Dominion Parliament and although
the debate on the Autonoray bills last-
ed for ten weeks; Huron was never
heard from. 'If Mr. 'McDonald and R.
Hohnes had been in the • Heave. Old .
-Huron--wpuld_notliave.gtven. a silent
vote on so important an iseue, And -
our own B. B. Gunn, the first'ane =lye;
Conservative that ever represented
South Huron, whet of him? He is not
esually at a loss for silvery words in
Which to express his thoughts, but •
evert he, although he Voted straight
agaiest the bill, failed to give a reason
• for •tlae faith that is in him.-Seaforth,
Expositor. . •
Changes in Nail Service.
The Dominion Goverement- recently
received a petition from residents of
Colborne, asking for the establishment.
of a new post -office, to be known as
t Cedar Valley, • on lot es eon. 5. As
this point is only • 2 1-2 miles witch of . •
• • Carlow, and 3 1-2 miles 'north of Ben-
-bothof vvhich,, have a daily .
- mail service, and as the building of the
- C. P. R. will tiecessitateseveral changes
in the mail -service, it has been decided
to do nothing in this connection for
the present.
The construction of the 0. P. R. will
necessitate a -number of rhanges. It
will abolish eetirely the present ser -
!rice between Auburn and Blyth and
probably SOMA of the mails that now
leave Goderich for contiguous points. ,
. Will be re -arranged.
' Mr. S. W. Freak of Owen Sound,
brother of Mrs, (Rev.) Greene, was a
visitor to town this week. He was
surprised to find it so well built, and
particularly surprised to see so much
granceithio walk. ,
Miss Strachan, orGoderich, (late of
Hodgens Bios. store) is visiting her
friends here, On Sunday the hope of
her class in Wesley Sunday eSchooI
took advantage of her presence to give
her a beautiful bible. ,
--MrseTayloreof Beltelle an.aunt-of
the late Thos. A. Walker, Was UTE "riF"
tending the funeral OR Thursday, ea
Was also Miss AL Walker, of Toronto;
a sister of deceased. The fernier re-
turned OaSt. on Saturday, and the lat-
ter on Monday. ,
Mr. Frank O'Neil, of Moose ISM,
whose ' family reside in town, arrived
here on Wednesday night. Asked if
they were bothering about the school
question in the west, he said "I never
heard it diseussed until we got to Tor-
onto; thgt's a positive fact. We haye
two fellows in our town who went to
Regina to attend an indignatioa meet-
ing, but when they got there, there
were only Six persons present, arisi the
whole thaw. collapsed. Crops are be.
ginning to look well, as we'ye had
rain, and prospects are good"
On behalf of the Independent
Order of Foresters, of which your late
husband was,e, member, we desire to
tender you oh* eineere sympathy in
the irrepaeable • loss which you have r
experienced by his demise. It is un.
necessary for us.. to 'say that AS T
Brother Forester he was a valued and
highly esteemed member of out order,
and while ourloss is nothing as cotn-
pared to your great bereavement, WO
nevertheIest miss hini. That Ile who
-les promised to be a husband to the
widow and a father to the fatherless,
may comfort and sustain you imi your
sAd emotion, is our earnest wish and
`1111.;ned in behalf ef the order,
O. Onion, ilea. Sec.
J W, Isrwrn, Trate,
ennitiOaTtAINecheInw'ifGe0.04itemileril. foil, thotts118,1141, lioto
to Me. and. Mrs. Thomas Lanes 0,
daughter. . •
to Alm Wm. Strong, a daughter.
land, of a daughter.
Leen -In Tuckersnaith, on May 10th
• Stnorte-In Seafortle �n April 25th
McDoreein -in Settforthson April -
to Mrs. John McDonald, a daughter.
$noterniatn..-In Morris, on May ,t,
tisMrs. Wm. Shortreed, a son;
GALLOw.-In CioderieWort Thursday
loW, a son - • •
Ilera,--In Godericb, on Friday, aillay
5th. to Mr, arid Mrs. Robert Bell, a. ,
• daughter,
ROMA -MeTAvient-At the residence
of Mr, W.11. Green. Winghatnson May
4thiby Rev; D. Perrie, Mr. Walter
ittsse of Teeswater, formerly_of Wing-
hein;to Miss Catherine E. McTattisle.
of Winghatie
WALKER MeLarrantAu- A t the
residenee of the bride's parents, Atii
line, llowiek, on May 3rd, by Rev. A.
B. Dobson, Thos, 'Walker, to Mitre
Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr, • and
Mrs. Robert McLaughlan.
Feneett-In Hallett, enay
M 11
• Alieewife of Mr. Utiles Pluket. and •
daughter of Mr. M. Dyer, aged St
1Vio Auburn, On May 11, S.
Moore, aged 60 years,
Myna -In Exeter North. on May 6
Albert itoy, son of Me. Wm, 11. Davis,
aged 12 years 3 months and 8 days.
DDnrosoti-le Varna, on Sunday,
May 7th, Robert Dennison, aged 85,
Gottnom-In Goderieh, on Sunday*
May 7th,Rrteltel Armstrong, relict of
the late Robert Gordon, aged 68 years,
Bwittnr-In Goderich, on Sunday
May' 7th, Ann Wilson, relict of the
late John Blake, aged 09 years, 8
ANnVNInt•-In God.rich ay
'tThir,r,-IirAtillett, base Ime on May •
12th, Anti Gerbitt, reliet -of 'the late
Wrn, Ball. aged 72 years; 5 dart, cut&