HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-05-12, Page 5• May 12th 1905.. THE U.GTNTON NEW ERA • t The MLO14mS Bank Incorporated b7 Act of Parliament 1655, Capital Paid Up $3: 000, ooa Reserve Fund $ 3;000,00o Wu. Matson Maxima asoN,, President. O. H. Elmo, Viee•President, ,oats FILL;OT, Gen,Manager• FARMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or collected. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, (Treat Britain, United States, and alt Foreign Countries. bought and sold at best rates. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and highest current rate of interest a1. lowed. ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealers, and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Forty-eight branches in the Dominion Agents all over' the world. SIIVIN0 j DI3PARTMEN!,.. t.• Deposits of 01,00 and'npwarda received. Interest allowed from date of deposit compounded halt -yearly and added to principal Jane 80th and December 81st. Hi94i#�State. CLINTON BRANCIi .+ f 51,eva% Cbtebe 41c1c.' Aluminum Kitchen Ware Just receiveda fresh supply of Aluminum ware, for Kitchen use: Call, and see it. e A full stock of Coiled . Spring Wire,' Barbed Wire, Plain Galvanized Wire, Oiled and ,An- nealed Wire. Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, etc all sizes black and galvanized Pipe: A lot of small ends Poultry ',iietting, .to : clear, in fob lots. WANTED --:A good strong boy to learn the Hard- ware business. . Apply personally. arland Br Stoves. and Hardware, . F A price on SEED C;OHN:. such as will bear competition ; BAILEY, REDCAP,. ' r and COMPTON'S EARLY. �,.. . Only $100per bushel. l . �Do not fail to call` before'pur asi ... p chs ><ng -r'"°` MORR'ELL 0 IIOLMES •. LONDESBORO.. Silver Polish Those who have used Hellyar's Silver Polish say it is the, BEST, ' be- cause'' it cleans the Silver easily, and goods. cleaned. with it retain' thepolish longer than when other. preparations are used. Call and get a bottle_ Only 25e.. If your clock needs • re- pairing,' let us blow, -and we will calf for it, and. when repaired, will return it to : -you: Jewelery and Optical: Store Ftv %hint i atoolo Golf Sticks. For Bale, .a set of Glol t Stieke, just need: one seseon.. Apply` at NEW BRA. Pigs . For Sale: Two soave and Eleven small: pine,' 6 wesfis old, for. sale. JACOB BECK, : Clinton 'Girl.Iitalited.;, - ISii.ing Room'Girl, at once,at the *ov- erly House Apply to " • • GEO. }BUXTON.. HuIktt (Jourt of ReyiSioilf' Notice is hereby given that the meeting of the Court for the Revision of the Lesess- ment Bch of the •Townebip of Hallett' will •be held in the Township Hall, on Monday, ,May 29Th, at the hour of. 10 a, m., for the .purpose of hearing and :settling complaints against the saidRoll.- Persons having business' at: the Court will please attend at the said time and place without further no- tioe. JAMES CAMPBELL, Clerk. CALVES..FOR SALE. 'A •car load, of • calves *iI1` be offered for :sale at Clinton, Wednesday,May I7, and at Bruce$eid; Saturday, May 20 at :1 p' m: H. RICHMOND, Newry. •�••�•tt�N�1.��N�••�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�1•RN•�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�N�••�N�N�}•�•i�N�M�N�N�N�• MoKINNON .. & CO' •BL�YTH • ._. BARGAIN A - G ]CST D.AY • i♦. X Every day is Bargain.Day at our Big Cash Storey whereyouhave .= one of the largest stocks in the county to choose fiotp, and everythingis •= new and up to the minute. Below we quote a few prices which will give A you an idea of the bargains you.caan get here every day till they are sold -Linen Towline,15 inches. wide• ,regular price 8c, for 5c. • . ' ,•• -Circular Pillow Cotton, 40 inches wide, worth 15c, 'for 12ec.. -Flannelettes, in fancy stripes and checks. 30 inches wide, in Hight and g dark colors, ,good value at Sc, for 5e. -English Saxo6y Flannelettes, wide width soft finish; in new farcy strip-' es; regular 120. for 10c. -Ladies' Cravanette Rain Coats,ve ry , special'at $5, • -Men's Waterproof Coats, in rubber lined,eraven'ette anfine•ooyert cloth' • at $2.50, $3.50, $5, $7.50and $9. -Boys Knickers, made of strong tweed, lined throughout, in all sizes, great value at 45c, 50c and 05c. -Clothin for g mentifd"lioyaa;'itall the new,. patterns an tangos, gust :reg ceived at close prices. -Grey Cottons. wide'width, fine even thread, worth, 7c, for 5c. -Bleached Cottons, good width, very special at 5c. -Table Linen, it yards wide, good value at 30e, - for 25c. -Ladies Cashmere Hose. regular price 28c, for 15c, -Ladies' Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, worth 18c, 2 pair for 25c. . --We offer some great bargains in Dress: Good, in double fold goods, from 124e per yard to $2: ---You will find similar bargains in every department .�•—and remember that every day is bargain day. •�i �•; M°KINNONC CO., BLYTF, a=•••1••11••••11•1••N••••1••••1a1•N•N•N••••N•1♦�N•N•N•!•1N••11••••••N•1••1••1.+••�'.+1••1♦•N1N•1.1•••N••••••♦N•1••N•1•• . off ...Dover. $*iti.tOi, Bali Every branch in our line is .complete, you can get any article produced at this store, Our Prices bring ,''Trade. Our personal', supervision goes with every chase and satisfaction is guaranteed. • 1,1ND I".F'T iI1" Night or day calla promptly attended to . . • TeRR ONTO• MARKETS (The.' Sun) Of immediate interest ie the' shortage of hogs and beef cattle. What vise said in the Sun two months ago in re- gard to the shortage in these lines is mote than • sustained by re rt:l; Not only is there a shortage of hos int on- tario: 'but' supplies of Danishbacon in the British market • also seetil to be rattier' lint, Taking everything ihto account, the probabilities are for high prices in hogs during the present sum- mer at all events. Hods ,MILL $7.-A good deal has . o! eAmerid can� bard ogsto for tbothe portatiOOntario packers, Packers say that the total imports in these lines will run to three or four thousand head ; that the hogs have been brought in simply toprevent thee partial closing of factories ; and that the product is used' in supplying the- demands= in-- inferior--cuts:The shortage in• hogs in Canada to`day is not duet o the high price of feed. The cause isfound in the cutting of prices to $5 last, fall, with a gradual reduction, .to $4.75 at the beginning of the year. Peckers mayas well make uptheir'..: -5ehat=be-faze `n trent iirn pt fce iVri 'which the average farmer' will consent alillt§P the -raw material:, . .... _:__.._ (JATTLR STILI. Funs. - There - is prat- tica'ly no charge to report in the cattle market this week. best exporters going at $5.75 to $6 in Toronto. DAIRY MARKETS. - Prices in butter. continue to ease off a little, although the quotations still are fairly high. Just as soon as cattle go out on pasture an increase . in supplies may be looked for and some curtailment in prices. It is hardly likely, however, that quo ta- thine will be very low. as the promised' active demand for cheese. will turn a ' lot of the int ktowards cheese factor- ies, To day in Toronto Gunns quote creamery. prints .at 20c, Smith • and Carmichael and 'Dawbons quote at 20c to 21c, and Park, Blackwell & Co. 10c to 20c... • SEEP, -'In Toronto yearliingg: sheep are $6.50 to $7.50 S ewes and 'wethers, $5 to $5.50; bucks, $4' to 54.50,• and spring lambs $4 to -$7 each. 7 he price of sheep is reported as- decliningg"in Montreal, :with good large exporters going,at.4c. and butchering stock_ 3.1-2 to 41-2c. Spring'lambs are. 53 to $'4 50 .. Clinton Market Report. Curreeted. every Thursday afternoon Bar}isyi :. , 40 ' a' 45 Wheat ..:. � ...... 100 a 1 '00^,. Oats .:., .. 0 36 a 0 !0 h Sutter.- ..:., 0 14 s 0.18 Eggs per dos: (new)... 0 12 a Q 12 Live Hoge. .6 75 • 0.0 0 la 0 0 0 0 0© 0 0 v , �,a� r ... t �. ,+iaNStia o, ,sa fa ;rli4{04,A,, �t �'} j , . , Roiites of Popular Sfall:ons The pure-bred Shire;Stillien • .. ,',•. •DESFORD MARQUIS 10009 MONDAY morning Moe Ist, he . wit' ;leave. Henry :Data's stable. Base Line 'Hallett.; and proceed to Jobn. Daer'a Boundary Line, for noon: thPncs fp Aileen House, Blyth,; for night.-TUL9DAY, to Albert mey.mouth'e farm; Lomieaboro:for noon ; thence to A. *tillages, Sasnmet-h ll night;, WEDNESDAY, to Comui rcial, Hotel, for•. noon'; thence tdThoa: Cole's, 9th coo.. • Ooderich 'township. for •--night. THURSDAY, to Peter llfeDongal!'s, . Cut Line, for noon ; thence to hick+rd Porter's 1 4th con for .night. FRIDAY, to John Snwerby's,4th con., for noonthence to lYm: •Lempiey's, Huron R,ad'foe 'night SATURDAY, to theFieher Estate Farm; Meitl.auii on., for noon , thence eo hae`own Iltable at H my Dae.'s, whete 6e will re main till the following. Monday morning, -OTTER B. 'W-I6SON,. Manager; • Ell 'li ATTR LL Owner: I o er . Executors' Notice to Creditors. 1'n the matter ofthe estate of Henry Steep, late of the Town oClinton, in the County of Hur- on, yeoman; deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to H. 11. O. 7807'Cap.129'Hee. 88 and amending acts. that all personehayingrlaime_against,the_eetate_o1.teo eal'dB'enry Steep who died on or about the 15th day. of April, A. D. 1005, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to John 0. Steep, .l NESDAYproceed byof b Mill and Annie Dodd, Executors, or.to Ridout Halo Conveyancers, Clinton,' Ont.,' on or be. fore the 81st day of May.11105 their names ad- dresses and description; and a -fall statement of paradoulars.of the r claims and the nature of. the security (it any) held by thew duly oer•i- fled, and that atter the said day the''ezeoutore will r p Dosed to distribute the assets of the 'do - ceased among the parties entitled thereto, hay. lig regard only to the ilatms •of which they shall then have notice, bated this 8th day of Mai. 1901. - The Standard.Bred Roadster•Stallion . 'JIM CORBETT Jr .876 MONDAY. -May lads. will leave his own stable, M•.n Muse. Clinton,' and pro= coed to H•.inieevilre, then to Lindeav Bros, Cut.Lina•, for 'noels ; then to Sate Shore road to C.,mareroial lintel Bayfield' for the night. TUESDAY, prnceed'3 melee oast to Ott Goshen. Line,. $'achy. then 2 ` mile. south to James Ii iyten'a for noon ;e thenr'aei"Infi'tierili to Ch-s.-'Wilaon'e,. Hotel. Brumfield for, the night.; WED - Road, way the Road, to Qaeen'a lintel Ssaforth for noon then ,by way of Huron, Road ani 'Town Line to G. Hall'u•Kinbnrt, for the night, THURSDAY, proceedwast to Summer- hill for noon, then south to. Clinton to his 'own liftable • ,7 N RANDS, Owner and Manager Theronin ili to in T t g S o TEXAS .MAC 111 etfind at bit own stable, .Commercial 'ITotel;(lrnon, J. J. M'oCAUGHEY, Owner JOHN G. ST'1111Cp• Executor ANNIE DODD s . • RIDOUT BAIAIi, ° _.,Agents_Sor cateutore. Advertise in the WEw ERA • mom" A M a 'co a S '•a+ ,� . 1.4 •z r11. .,'00 72. ,o.oas i pa�b,na 3 I. Al g A,CP: ,:, '• . a .s,§ E u El� . aa�aot co - rot AI to g 4) "y$ pa.d it U[ e.121z11. m kg Neem as zicon r �~ 0 la g- PI"a%� $tin1141 o' -m °i W. �, " o 4,14 16(443 0 ,p n 'a'' - P rs2 pp { • Blouse to _ Rent.. • Convenient six -roomed hone Oa Bat- tenbnry $1., east. Apply to MISS EINE, Cow for Sale. Jersey,Cow, 4 years old; milking, Lao of instate is the reason forwishing:to sell. 8.3-1p • ONSLOW °RICH. CENTRALM A ' MARKET• It ii'itzslnionS tt Son. We thank our custoli'tera for their generous' patronage in. the past, and desire to notify them that we 'leave' tiloved ' to the Combe Bleck, where we have much mere room thate fornkerly. The very choicest fresh and cured Meats -kept, in Stock. All orders 'will receive pr'ozrlpt and careful atttention It. tiltzi volts t Son t elepbonb 6. 5..aii. O,tX�1.L1eS• For the next two weeks you can buy'y.,our spring hat here at�'le s than wholesale price, Not having room to handle hat ) s.., 4 the trade) we have decided' to go out of .this. line and this is the only reason we' are selling hats at the following prices. You will find: the best brands'tand , makers here and styles right up-to-date. ;i • • 75c Hats for $0 141EN'.$, TJF ' AND; SOFT WOOL FELT HATS AII;T BLACK,, SILK • : • .• BINDING, REGULAR 75e, SALE PRICE „, 5 $1.00 FATS FOR._,dilc .� -.,:. _ r...- .._ :..... MEN'S STIFF AND SOFT BLACK FELT' WITII ' , SILK BIND-. INGS; ALL SIZES, REGULAR .$1,00; .SALE PRICE 750 $11.25 1-IATS FOR 75c MEN'S SOFT FELT HATS IN BLACK AND LIGHT GREY,ALL • SIZES, REGULAR $L25, FOR 75e : $1..50' MEN'S,:: HATS FOR $1.00 MEN'S ALL WOOL FELT HATS, NEWEST UP-TO-DATE STY- LES IN BROWN, BLACK AND PEARL " `'GREY, REGU- LAR, $1.50, ,FOR $1.,00 $2.50. WAKEFIELD HATS FOR $1;50 WAKEFIELD'S NEW, UP-TO-DATE HATS 'IN STI SOFT . SHAPES, IN BROWN, GREY AND'BLACK, ^THIS: YEAR'S • STYLE, REGULAR $2'.50, SALE PRICE.$1.50 43:00 ••KING -:HATS- FO $.1.:50._. :THE CELIBRATED •KING HAT IN SOFT AND STIFF. STYLES IN' BLACK AND BROWN, UP-TO-DATE . STYLES, REGULAR $3.00, SALE PRICE $1;50 50c MEN'S . FIALF .HOSE.. 250 25 DOZ:`'•14TEN'S: FANCY LISLE THREAD • HALF' HOSE, BLACK' GROUND .WITH .FANCY' STRIPES AND ,. CHECKS; FINE QUALITY,°REGULAR 50c, SALE .PRICE. 25c •3 LIN$N COLLARS FOR 25c''. r MEN''S LINEN COLLARS .IN ALL THE' LEADING. SHAPES, 'ALL SIZES, REGULAR 15c, SALE pi ICE • • .3 FOR 2.5e ..Successors:; to R. Coats; CLINTON..:. 1. D ©.D' D D D D D D D D.•,D Old Newspapers for Sale. A quantity of old newspapers,. snitable for patting ander carpets; or soy-; purpose where wrapping paper is required. 5 ocat per bundle: New office, • Notice. Persons indebted to ;the undersigned will kindly, call at the house, and settle dame, where the books will be. for two weeks. ARTHUR COUCH. Notice. Tne firm of Ford & McNeil having been •dissolved. all accounts due the late arm are to be paid to the undersigned by the 1st of. May. .All amounts not then paid will be Owed elsewhere for calleotion. 'JAB. A. FORD. 'Clinton,. April 14tb,.1905. • Shop and Residence to Rent - mor for Sale. -. The briokstore bn Albert 'St., together with thedwelling house lately accepted by R.Fitzeimons is offered either to rent or ,for sale. There is ,s • good stable. The premises are well situated and iuitable for any butanes. Apply to J: O. ELLIOTT,' 'BEAT IE -or HENRY BEATTIE, fP Tal' Road t. q e , Clinton, • Clinton Court of Revision - Tette notice that a Court, of Revision for the town of Clinton' will hold ite first BRA tinge in the Council Chamber on Monday, ay 2uth,•A. D.-.005, eonamenoinkat-8•o'- olook p, rn. for the purpose of hearing and ,rectifying all comp'l'aints against, or errore in the Assessment Roll of the presents ear. All parties interested aro requested to at. tend. D. L. MACPHERSON, clerk of the Municipality, ' - Clinton, May 29th. Disliagulshed for "Thoroughness', ELLIOTT/i3 9. TORONTO, "ONT Cor,. Yongo n� d Alexander Std. ' om u �mb •1 A High Class oo riai Soho th8,l3oat Iti .t"annaa . riloa+ti7itr. Open•,tbo stis Catalogue free. . W.J.EfleW.Iotreat TT, Print The tIveepooI London Globe IoS haste Co. ;lead Office for Canada • CAPITAL AND' ASSETS EXCEED S66400,060 CLAIMS PAID EXCEED $213,00000 Policies issued at Clinton agency direct to insurers. NO interim results: No delay. troy Infortnatloii apply to our agent, D. L. Macphel ton, . �lilltt7li: n every -lane we.—carry'-we'-have specialvalue:- - We have too many, goods, and areboun d to 're - ' duce our stock durin gg the next two months. • Every Day a . Bargain All the .new makes -at popular prtaps..: Many lines•at;cost, and some less than cost P.INTS LAWNS MUSLINS 100 feces Print, Worth 12ec, for l0c LAWNS from 100 up MUSLINS, ai1l1. prices .• READY '"0- WEAR GfOOD. SKIRTS, WAISTS, and WEITE WEAR at cost to clear GRED'` and ,WHITE COTTONS,• FLANNEL a'T7 ES, SMALL' WARES' LADIES' WATERPROOFS AT' WHOLESALE' PRICES , R1 ADY=1VIAD.1 CLOTHING W..e have too many goode in this line. We want tis clear out '$3,000 worth or more in . the next few weeks. We will' SWee prices that you can't get anywhere Else Full lines in . uits, odd' Goats. and .Vests, Pants. Overalls, Smocks, Waterproof Coats, &c OOT B . GOTS and: H0 S We„ handle these goods as a, side line and' keep only .good • reliable goods, made by one of the best makers in the trade ' and sell them less than 'usually sold by the shoe dealers If vt"Yu want good value for your money come • gnu see us. We will give you better bargains. than . you can get anywhere else in .the town, The old stand, Clinton