HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-05-12, Page 3'
air Renewer
A. ;ass PreReretiou for the hair. Keeps the bah' soft and.
i10$41, 0114 PrOVOlitS Sighting at the ends. cures dandruff and
.always restores .color to gray hair, 1""tertIVerlub...-. IMP**
News Notes.
At the London Assizes Wm. Boyd
And Hugh Stevenson were seateneed
to one year each in the central Prison
for conspiraey to defraud Hugh Doug-
lass out of 810,000.
Make it very plain to your dealer
that you know there is no substitute
for Perry Davis' Painkillerfor external
use from neuralgia to a mosignito bite
.and internally for all bowel diseedere,
A band of masked robbers cracked
the supposedly burglar-proof safe ofat
private bank in Gilbertville New
x ork, and got away .witb a00
.eash. They had first cut the telegraph
and telephone wires to outside towns.
' An intelligent, reliable people who
are seeking an advantageous change,
or those who ate idle and - want work
will accomplisietheir, impose, bsys_sitrite
Marsha o teas -He port -Wks'
. • Lonisissreiant. ; Outfit fureished.
It le expected that it will take two
• weeks more to put through the auton-
-omybill, It is possible that morning
-sessions may be held to facilitate its
passage. . •
C141.11311°Cle Ng. I e
Ream the The Kiiid YOU Have Alvia $ Bought
/will teach the first part of my dress cut-
.tIng course, consisting of how to out all kinds
tof shirt waists, sleeves and plain skirts; how
to draft system to make a perfect fit for any:
*Ile. The instructions of this work are print.
tedi and given each pupil ; charge, 85.00,
which is the value of the' system alone, with
lessena given free, to be taught in two days.
-Monday and Tuesday, May 15th and Ifith1 at
my school on Albert St., Stratford. Best chance
over offered for girls working :a shops. Write
me, or see me at my School. in Stratford,
BaturclaY. May liah, from L to 6 p.m. Strangere
may bowl at school.
:MRS. AVAL SANDERS,_teneher and inventor.
Box 159, Stratford, Ont.
In the matter of the estate of Samuel Rill.
late of the Town of Clinton, in the County ot
Huron, gentleman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, parstetnt to O.
1897.4:lap. 129, Sc r, and amendino Astts. that
all persons having chime against On estate of
the said gannet Hill, who died on or about.
, the 25th day of Week, A. D. 1C05, are reouired
to send by volt, prepaid. or to deliver to W.
Brydone. solicitor for the Executor, on or be
fore the 201h clay of May. 1' A. their names. ad-
•glresses and descriptions, and a full statement
of vartioulars of their claims and the nattire of
the seeing' y, if any, held by them , duly c 'Milt-
ed, and that after the said date the exeoutor
'will prcceed to distribute the assets of the de-
• massed among the parties entitled thereto,
• having regsrd only to the claims of which they
shall then have notice.
Dated this 8rd day of May, 125.
Executor, Solicitor for Executor.
Tenders tor Dredging.
frENnEas addressed to the undersigned and
endomed 'Tenders for Dredging" will be re-
ceived up to and including May 15th, 1905, for
the dredging tequired at the following places,
during tho.p esent year: Bayfield, Belle River,
Beaverton, Collingwood, Kincardine, Matedie-
dash Bay, Mettford. Owen Sound, Trenton,
Penetonguishene, Pont Edward, Sarnia, Port
Stanley. Rondeau. Port Burwell, Hammen
River, Thornt on, Wiarton.
Specifications C311 be seen and form of tends: -
obtained at the Department of Public Worn, ;
Ottawa. • Tenders to incInde towing of plant to
and from the works. Only dredges can be em-
ploy ed.which are registered in Canada at Mina
of filing ottenders. Contractors must be ready
to begin work within thirty days after the date
they have been notified of the acceptance of
their tender.
The Separtment is not bound to accept the
lowest or any of the teaders.
' By order, -
Department of Public Works,
Ottawa April 20, 105.
Newspapers inserting this aafergitenient
Without authority from this Department will
not be paid for it.
Pasture to Rent.
Park lot G., being 8 1-2 acres, in Clin-
ton, to rent. Apply to RIDOUT&HALE.
Farm to Rent or For Sale
Let 18, Con. 4-, arillett, 100-acressnear-
ly all under cultivation. Terms liberal;
Apply to - W. W. FARRAN
Clinton, March 220, 1905
To Rent
The brick cottage and 20 'sores of land,
just eouth of Clinton, on the London Road,
and at present owned by Mrs. Freer is of-
fered for rent on reasonable terms. Apply
to Ephraim Batt, Clinton, or Rev. W. EL
Butt, Springfield. . Much 24 tf
For Sale.
The n scree of land owned by the late
E. Wise, oontaining good orchard, Iota of
small fruit, and good buildinge.
Apply on the premised to MRS. WISE.
Alroutstanding acooante must be eeitled
by the first of May.
'transfer of License.
cgtintY, Clippings
The.tota,l, assessn2ent of the village
of Wroxeter for this.year amounts to
The Tockersmith council has ap-
pointed Mr, Harry Tyndale to take full
charge of their new stone crusher.
• lames Ferguson, one of the pioneers
in theneighborhood of Waltonrpassed
away on Sunday, aged years.
Another one of Howick's early. set-
tlers passed away on Thursday of last
Week in the person of Mrs. John lixtOK
after an filmes; pt about a year.
• Alex. Pitney, son of m. in ey sr.,
of the.15th con„ Howick, has entered
in business in Ailsa, Craig, hay ingpur-
chased a half interest in e flour milljn
'that town. , • .
• Mrs Arehie MeGregor,•McKillop, de -
year -old horse to Mr. James Archibald
Seafortb, and received the handsome
sum of $en in exchange. The animal
weighed 1869 lbs, •
Mr. Jewett, Bayfield,who has settled
his claim with Mr. Mustard aboot the
mill that. was destroyed by fire, by
taking a reduced antiount; has bought
a new mill, and will now run in op-
position to Mr. Mustard.
The Myth Standard says :-Blyth
was always a great village , for tine
loving girls and there seems. to be a
general feeling that this reputadon
should.be sustained at all hazards-- A
couple of ye] y pretty pries arriveddur-
ing the week and are now comfortably
settled at the homes of Messrs. I. S.
Golden and Isitae Brown, and in the
days to come are expected to aid very
materia ly in :enhancing the village's
rep team' for feminine lovelSnese.
• The doctors' believe another epidemic
or Grippe is here, and already many
are sufferiug. The medical men • are
not afraid of Grippe Wince.. Catarrho-
zone was introduced, and declare' that
no one will ever catch this disease who
inhales the fragrant healing vapor of
Catarrhozone a few times -daily. Cat-
arrhozcine kills the Grippe .gerie and
prevents it spretading through the sys-
tem. "Last winter I had an attack of
Grippe" writes C. T. McKinnon of St.
John's. "I bought Catarrhozene and
gotrelief in short thne. foiled Oat-
arrhozone.better than anything else
and was cured by using it." Catarrh-
ozene prevents and CII*OS Grippe, eolds
and catarrh. Two months' treatment
11.C3; trial size 25e. '
• ConOrittlalatifipS '•
The Christian Gitardiaii,•in an editok-
ial this week, congratulatee theProvin-,
vial Governmentnn the vigorous man -
per in which it is endeavoring to •bave
the license laws enforced., The article
is in part as follows:
The Ontario. Government certainly
appears to be inaugurating a strong ,
and; consistent policy in its dealing
with the liquor trade. Terminally we
behove in prohibition; and that is the
goat° which our energies are directed.
ibit we gladly reeognize and rejoice in
everything that tends to restriction of
• the evils of drink,:and to the thorough
•execution pf exitithig laws to that end.
Hence we desire to accord all due praise'
for the energy now -being shown; in
pursuance of the declared policy. of
the government:in carrying 'fait more
fully and rigidly the license laws on
our statute book. PartictIbtrly do we
desire to eongratulate the Goverinisent
on its choice of gentlerneo of recognized
charaeter and standing in the commun-
ity as Licence Commissioners for this
city, as we desire to congratulate these
gentlemen themselves en the prompt-
ness, impartiality and courage which
they have shown in dealing with the
matters Under: their purview. Their
report- as to the hotels of the city, and
their action in regard to them, have
causeds-vety--great satisfection,_not._
only to the teneperaisee people, but to
hey° respect to the good morals and
good name of Toronto. •
.tar does ha walk?•
Take notice, that L Reuben Graham, of
the town of Clinton, have made appliestion
to the Licenee Boni of the district of
'West Heron. for a transfer of the tavera
license of A. Brenderberger in the said town
to myself, to take ditto the 1E4 clay of May,
amo. Dated the, 10th day of April, 1905,..
The undersignedoffers his farm Of 125
acres for sttle on the 12 Oneession of Hallett,
12 miles from Clinton, the SAM° from Seas
forth and 4 ranee from Blythe There 14
on the premises good bank barn, also
pig pen, sheep pen and drivitg house with
loft above, There is a good briok hotter)
with summer kitchen, oistetn, 8 wells, 10
sores of bush, 2 acres of orchard tif choice
fruits, The farm feneed and drain,
ed -and in a goce stale of Wail/Won. For
Lena ankpartiCalare apply 10.
*IM tf HENRY LEA/1, Londeshoro,
Old Newspapers for Sale,
wo So is Successful
I 20 Years' Search for Their Rana. I POOR, WATERY DIOR I A Prot Chop ••••••••••re.se.44..........••••••••••••••••
y The Cause Of Pimples and all
jrageph, Mich., May search rplefigurino MetiptiOns-rOr-
ibit'a tale, and telling the story of the
spending of a fortune and twenty Only ewe,
Years in anxiety for the parents, has Poor, watery blood -pale blood- is
been ended in the findingof Fred the cause of every pale complexion.
millionaire. formerly residing m this ous Impurities-icethe- cause- of- every
Shepard, sou of Albert epard, a I Bad blood -blood with poison.
city', at Portland Oregon today; ' bad complexion. Bad blood is re,
Twenty years ago Shepard, Olen. a sponsible for eruptions, and pimplee,
lad of 18 Years, after a reprunano IDY and torturing, burnhag, itching- eeze.
possessing all the features Of a novo- • womanise peok Pm the
Me father for sense boyish prank, Mee
appeared from home, and not utftil to-
day has a word been heard from him.
Every day of the intervening years
has bee* spent by the parents in
traveling over the continent in an
effort to get a trace of their boy's
whereabouts. Theusands of dollars
have been spent in emplOying dote°.
tives and., in advertising in papers in
every part of America. In ten years
Mr, tuld Mrs. Shepard have traveled
ma. These troubles can ..only be
cured through Uri blood, and the only
medicine that actually makes new
blood - Hell, pure health. giving blood -
is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Asir Pale
People, The new blood, which these
pills make retches every organ and
part of the body. It clears ' tne coin-
plexion, banishes, pimples and erup-
tie,* and brings health, strength and
happiness. Mise Lizzie Lobsinger,
Cartsruhe, Ont„ says; "Dr. 'Williams'
across the continent et •least five Pink pals is the best medicine 1 know
times, each time followingvague clues. • of' for cleaning the blood of impuritiee.
Pacific coast,. partially for a ...Own
liu t still searching. Two . days age Mn
15 hepard • *kettle/it a Portland. -paper, .
„and glancing at n'pleture of , Wood,.
ful woman'inounted on ashorse he sew
eathsitssssthees,nameessEr, seas
Irepards''S Re immediatelY took. a
train for Portland,. an 4 hi two hours.
Ivaareunited with bieson.
The .sonleaving home, had traveleA
west, established. hinieetf. in bueinesse
and is today a.pros.peroas ntan • of :le-
fitieriee. • His wife is- s one of the So-
ciety Women of Portland Young'
Shepard, ashethed at, hie actions to:
mard.s his parents,.vowech alter he had
lett home, that itewotted not write to
them, but .would. lead. thereto think
that he died. He. wilt fall. heir .to
several 'hundred thOusrandsdellars • .ate.
the death of his parents.. .
A War on Cigarettes .
A fierce cigarette fight is being wag-
ed in certain. of.theynited States be-
i,ween the Anti.:•Ciga'rette LeAgues and
the Tolsacco Trust, the latter fighting:
the passage through the Legisliture of
anti -cigarette laws, and threatening top
test' their constitetionality in the
couete. In Indiana the- law beearne-
effective two weeks ages and already
dealers and others have been fined for
selling eigarettas Or having thein in
thbir.possessiore The. heir law pres-
cribeirpenalties against anytime who
sells, gives anew otehas his Posses-
sion aey cigarettes or Cigarette paper.
andthe penalties are doubled with
each infraction of • the law. • Cigarette
smoking will Cease in WisePnsin •on
• July Ist,• if the, law is 'obeyed. The
penalties in that state range from a
fine 9f $5 up to $500, • and kix nannthil
imprisonment. and. half the moue*
gees to the informer, . In Illinois an
anti -Cigarette measure pending. In
Nebraska a law. has been passed and it
also will become effeetive July
In Michigan a.bill heel been passed' by
the House and is now before the Sen-
ate. In' Minnesota' bill Wes .killed
in the Senate •by its. indefinite •post-
110.neme,nt., Should the TobateicO.Trust
•fail in its efforts to proVe these laws
unconstitutional'. other States • will
likely pass:similar' uieaeures, and the
‘`.taeffineiail" Will have a hard time
Of it.
A gitlinifty Of old neWelSapere, ettitehle
for putting tinder Oarptites Or toy. purpoee
Where wrapping paper k requited-, -6 cent
,per bundle, Nittv ESA abet, • °
•• Visage It Ont.
' iThe 'problem Is tend. to
have .demoralized the railroad' 'serviee
• of large .part *est ,Virginia,. •all
the employees being. so absorbed in
working it Out: tt.trithetme mile long
starts from the station 'sit-Gladyi. The,
engine leavea the statitin„. end.the eon-.
••ductor w.eite ;until the • caboose conies,
When he jumps On the caboose and
walks forward 'over .the.train, When,
the engine reaches the next station, ,
• the•conduCtOr steels off the megihesHow
• fir 'doeto the. conductor ride' and htsir
/0 •
• Moot 'People had supposed. that the
fliiposal of .Garibaldi's body, had been
Onally settled tWehty years :ago. Tina,
• however, ap'eppar* troy? a letter Writ-
ten by MS eldest.surviving teen to the
president of the Italian chamber of
floPUtleic is siocite ",crise:—Thrv-friter
points out that, contrary to his
syishes, Garibaldi's direction for the
`cremation of his body Was, °Wing. to
the oppositionnt powerful public mew,
not carried out, The son asks if this
• setting aside of GaribaldPs directions
is to continue. Shonid the answer be
in the afOrmative the legislature is re.
Attested to aouninte the reeponsibility,
arid to have . the body remiwed froth
• Oapreva to the continent. •
For Wee Tom
as well as•
Bit. Ones . -
"Grown tips " have no. monopoly on
• Perfection
Crean,' Soda• s •
Children, take to these de -
44:34 crackers like they do to
bon -bots. There's anape.'
crisPness—an inviting
deliciousness about them that
Is simply irresistibk..
VVholesome and nutritiotis,
too. just the
food ftir Attie
ones to make
th&n grow.
• At your gie.0
aerts—in the
• moisture"
proof boxes,
t•t?•'?' •
blood was in a badr-conclitiony-teml-
as a result I was not only weak and
run down,' but was troubled with
pimples and cruptiona. I tried sever-
al medicines.,but-they &dna help rinv
The.n. wag'. a d visesl..toseeika, Dr. Wile
-Iiinini&TinkTills,-arelSIMee---socin • res
lieved rile of all my *titbits.' I can re-
commend the pills to anyone suffering;
front bad blood."
• Bad blood is the cause of nearly
every. disease that afflicts; humanity.
Itis because Dr, Williams Pink Pills
melte new, rich red blood that they -
cure such troubles as anaemia; heart
palpitation, headacheEi and backaches,
rheninatism, neuralgia, indigestion,
kidney and liver troubles,. and ail-
ments of ;girlhood and womanhood.
Mai, you must get the. ;genuine pills
with the full name, "Dr, 'ykillliarns'
Plink Pills for Pale Topple,' on the
. ,--
T • heTnronto Run rises to retiOtk it'
Weuld be Most beneficial to the Vaload*
Life farmer to have admission intro the
'United States 'markets on the e0Xne
tern* as great. Brstain. No Liberaliati
all events. will deny that, But what
would be the inte of, babylike, cryin*
for the mean? Yoriotig years Caned,
susentleavared to, atrainge reciproe.e
ity treaty with the Illifited States in
natural products, and even added a
selected list of marnitactured articles
in which there might, bet freedom of
trade as between the. ewes -countries.
But We all know What' has become of
these efforts.. They have been barren
of results, anti have left but one im-
pression, end that is, that our neigh.
bora aro not prepared to enter into a
fair reciprocity treaty for a term of
years, which woold be the only treaty
that Canadians would even eonsidee, '
There are other -articles, ini addition
to farm products which might, very
well, he freely 'Petereheingscl. Voul,
example, Yet we. know Itbat the
United States is averseto free, trade in
Coil between theliFio countries..
if reciprocity is ever -to .be obtepaed
must be 'by each coontry throw,mg off
such taxes on inaportrae-it deems' best
`fort4a,:iterlitstrizabmoitati4nts447. Ucit,r;rtiiblia.ssikaoreo7si4Ect,.
With that imposed Iss7.e the, Votted
States. Our tariff id imposed with
sthe primary object of obtaining rTr-
envie wherewith to conductsthe- affairs
of the ,country. The 'United &Mesita-
poseshigh taxes on imports, in order
to discourage that interchangepg pro-
ducts vvhieli recipro tity would bring
about. When the :United Stater, peo-
ple have reiehed the stage -where they
will support a policy of lowered i taxa -
don on imports, bringing their tariff
down to something dice ate eesnality
with that of Canada, we shaillbegin to
have isome hopes that 'a, "plain,
straightforward offer of reeasprocity
• . ..
• ••.,
Ask FOR THE esiiiAnsorm,P0 4.
I AU Druggist' And Deal& ' TARR NO OTHERR.: li
-O•Fie t e new «ra1
Apit Stiarpenerth that we,'would like to brave. you exuniine •
before you, have 7our. mower :sharpened. again. There is
nothing Jilkeit on 4*, market. 13y its use ea.cfr- Wade is sharp-
ened with the'titmost exactitude; the bevel on the knives being`
kept at the.sarne degree.all Jl'ong. Every. inacCiiracy is taken
out, a perfiacil " clearance " given the blades,. and • all alone
". while you' wait" to see.theilitm, .
• More good Mowerssare. spoiled by;-bunglesome shOxpen--
ing-than by the work they are: intended- to cib2. Ther's no
tares aroun Y°• -such as our- Toronto cOntemporhry 4-guesswOrk- y a-adisrate ib a luair
w d- 'Sold•-ls
me eine dealers everywhere or sent
nest paid at C/ cents a box or six boxes
1or $2.50 by writing the Dr. Williams"
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
A Bytinnical Tribute to
Clinton Lady.:•
By Clara H. Mountcastlin
Ittes you know her ?; 'She's a mimosa
Vv ith heart that'aslerge and warm,:
And 'a face whose. fliesseieng• sunshine
• Shows the eftermath of stobins
She's a wciman justa woman.
And no other word min tell
All her graces and perfections,. •
For ',she doeth all things well."'
• •
Do you know her? • 'she's the owner
`'•Of a little Spotted nair-.
Pair of. noniete and km drives, there
Rettna about, arid everywhere..
And she takes the sick forairinge, . •
. And she cheers the sad'with
And she comforts all about her .
With .her tender, winning wiles... •
. .
boil Yon know her? a wonder!
• As she sits with Atatelymien
Mid her. wrappings. 'you pass.hee
• You ntight take her .for a queen. •
Do yeti know her ?• she's a Christian.;
•. Shed's her light o'er all the land: •
• She'd woman pure and spotless, •
One of God'shien blessed band. •
• (Tne ahove lines' were written three
years ago, in remembrance of this
charita:ble lady's kindness to our peet-
artiseduring the latteee recovery from
a ',every illness.) '. •
• 'An observing English. • schoolmaeter
advieeis parents to give tin waistcoats
*Lod to Clethe their boys in sweeten, and
iltionels...Waletcoats do not proteet the
Most sensitive part Of the. body, the.
• baeltsWhetefore there is a constant lia-
bility to -coldis after. exereise, ;
' •
• .
• Piko. Moe. ,
'Theme of :the pike has been eupPon•
ed to bea poliionous quality. when eat-
• ere but Linnaeus; the famous. natural-
• avers that lie saw it dried and
nettle into bread hi Lapland:• :
• Ilaminer :Braise. :
If in hammering in a nail you by Mis-
titke hit your finger or thumb, hold the
injored.lneinber in Water its hot you
CA11 bear for few minutes. .ThIe
draws out the Inflannnation and fie.
• herd the ptilnin a Wooderfal way,
• e.,a, _Keep cr961119
• A MblespoOnful of powdered sugar
stir_redsinto. a bottle of cepem will pat
Off the .s011ring erPeees for at least
'twenty-four hoilee peold6ed the cream
Is kept near the ice. : '
'An toMist entered a ratan -
rant and by it feW Scrapa of Freneli •
was able to order dinner. He wanted.
:eoate Mushrooms, very delicious and .
iarge.1/Ot knowing the name, he de.
=tilde& a' sheet of paper and pencil •
and sketelied one; The waiter under-
• stood in. a.secOnd, disappeared for
• ten minutes and returned With a hand-
•soine unabrella, .
, • 0
A Premixing nrone-yeareold. ,
Baby Alice had been scolded for Con-
tradicting, being but four years old •
her Mother hardly expeoted that the
teeter° Was itYrniderstaced WouId-
be remembeeeds She was satisfied,
however, at supper trine when WY'
ettid, "Mamma, now don't contradict;
please may, have some imore pud-
ding' •
Lady' -$o, We don't need any new
locks on our house. Ours are plenty
good enough.
Insistent Vender -There, madam, Is
where you are mistaken. To he really
up to date M thietime of year you
Ought .t0 put on spring loaka.
Let mot Walt. '
, laid the optimist, of itilvar tab
my tfoubles to bed with tne.0
"It's all right to 'nay that nOtte
OHO fho heillitnia, "but whit el ya
h,ete tett lagrowing
.Bitter Teti
Is Not Good Teo
People *who 'don't like
tea know only. the kind
• ' that is just bitter,. the low,
• land tea that has more
tannin in the. leaf than
you can kill with any
amount of sugar.
CI Grand Mogul is a High.
• land tea, grown on the
inountains of Ceylon, tip
near the sun,
Balnly breezes and light
soil 'produce' the mellow •
flavor that makes ,sGrand
'Mogul a distindive•prOditi• t.
High in theine (tet,tone)
and loiy in tannin (bitters)
it appeals to the palate and
• tones up the nerves
Grand Mogul
q Said oi;ly in in‘du lined
piper, nev4r lottatis
"Mogul" premiums toi shsi
pan of the **lullingsppropt-
-end do not dated free, the
dts tea, AcOUpOntn
says vvould be of great benefib to the
Domion, might some day be made, but
even if:it were made, it will be • well
for Canadian statesmen to leole elosely
into such an offer. It -mac have a
string in it intended to provide for the
United States:eventually gettingmore
than a fide share of the benefit from
the agreement. Meanwhile, iti would
bo waste•ot time for Cattadianato eith-
er advecate reciprocity. with the repeb-
lie • or to in any way trouble them
Selves about its They have morepro-
fitable employment in developing the
gseat natural resources of the Domin-
ion, and in increasing their commeree
with the Motherland mid with every
country desirous of entering into 'fair
commercial relations with us.
The day has gone by when Cana-
dians were contented to sih down and I
wait for better trade relations with the
United States,' letting slio, the golden
opportunities presented under prefer-
ential trade with Great Britain and
-extended commerce with other coun-
tries more anxious to do.a-fair business
• With Canada thanis theUnited States.
The new onditionsa.aeoine for the'
declaration of -the recent English vis-
itor to Canada,- that he dicl not find in.
theDonlinien one advocate of reoinro-
city between Canada andthe American
Republic, What, would bethe the use 11
Toned:Up aod Rade Realign? and
• Rtrong By theGreat Tonle
err oz.o.n.e
. .
."For ten years I stiffered acutely
front stomach trouble,"writes Mr.
• Maxwell Thompson, elf Toledo. "I al-
ways had a headache and dull feeling
after znettls. My appetite was poor,.
and I didn't relish my food. It was all
due to a weak, • defective stomach. I
-read a,boukrerroione, and ordered six
boxes frommy druggist. I was ma
• time atall before I felt much better,
and whenall the Ferrozone was used;
1 really -took a new lease of life.I am
stronger, brighter, andfeel more like
work than before tiying Verrozcnes
It is a splendid tonic, the best I ever
Used." .. .
"Between bed kidneys and a weak
stomach,". writes Douglas ,WhitternOre
of -Belmont, --44I, was- reduced to -a-
skeleton this spring. A. friend strong-
ly advised-Ferreszone, so I commenced
• to use it. Ferrozone soon cured, my
stomach trouble, and made my • kid-
neys perfectly healthyI haye since
gainetl twenty pounds in weight, and 1
.. I
enjoy the beat of health. 1 °believe I
Ferrozone saved my iiii3,-and 1.grate,
fully recommend it:"•
WIT stay tick when Ferrozone can
cure you ? Don't be foolish any longer.'
c4et'stirne Ferrozone te-day and take it
legit -14W -Ferrotbintsitestiteeshealth :
and. but . 50c for three. weeks
ss .
etstnii eite. SIX . DUO eent _pot -paid
1 for ;$2.50 by The Ferrozone Company.
Kingston, Ont., • .
Bring your Mowem to this shop and sew the result..
Repair Shop
Ready .Spring
• .
. We have a full' assooment of Open, and :
Top Buggies, 'fitted with either Steel, SolicL
• Rubber, Cushion, or ,Pneumatic tires- also
Miirket & Lumber waggons.
• Rumball McMath
Huron St. Clinton.
.1Z/VIA L. E. I-1 D
, . ,
Our Formaldehyde hae always civen perfect satisfaction. We
get the same makeovery year, anti guareritee . it to be of full
, standard strength. 50c per b.. Any quantity. • Full directions
•"how to use it on every b•ntle. • -•• • •
BluestonesTaris Green, .aricl everything for spraying purposes, a
• lowest. price.
E. Hove
• pisperising Chemist
- anal Druggist:.
easily $12.00 to $20.00 weekly by representing us:m• her locality
and will couvilice you that this is no deception.
The position is pleasant and profitable the year round, Will gladly
send particulars to any lady whoi inityneed. pc, make • some money,
•8 -24.1i -w
- "-orit-iforao;134ANTFonp,--u T.
Not SQ GeatefUl _PPealaid
probable at Her Death, •
• 'Queen. :ytototia has been cli4dil 190
• four years, yet se eolekly has she beeft
forgotten that It has been found im-
• possible; °Whig ,to leelt ,
wry out in .lts details the epleild
filentorial designed by 'Thomas. Bre0
end Or .AstoO Webb, both members o
the Royal AcadernY; *tato the Mar-
quise de VontenoY. So profound ap-
peared the serrOw . throughout the.
length end breadth of the British Em-
pire at the time of the Queen's death,'
00 burnoose the OVDrecia,tiort
blessings conferred upon her people by
• her wise and eagacious reign ef more
than 'three score years, that no doubt.
whatsoever Was entertained but all
the money- needed for the erection of
a fitting memorial to her 'meld -be
speedily subscribed many times over.
• We have ell seen the designs accept -
e& by the mmission over Which the
• Kings In person presides. They Ocitli,!
prised, fti addition to the 'statue Of the
Oben, a.pemiscireelar_seelennaile.... a ,
screen behind the monument In front
of Isuekirighain „Palace, and A Dr00681-.
Monet' Peed' Trani Ilifekinglittin Palitee. •
Along what Was formerly the Birdcage '
walk, .terminatieg in it 'bridged atoli,
connecting the two wings of a neve
Government buildittg on the West
Strand. ' The memorial ihcluded marble
groups representing the. British colons
lit dependeneloo---Canada; Australia,
Indite the 'Werit Indices ate.
At first money came in freely. Then
. the flow 'diminished. ,Pinally It has
metaled, and ab relatirely little over the
.0750,00' required for the executfon ots
the original design has •beeit subscribed"
• that many' -of the most attractive fees
tures of the monument have had to be
abandoned, And. ,others, Ruch at tilt
eplendid colonnade, mutilated POI' the
apeolee of meagre looking balustrade
now itt astitim of erection hie little In
nommen with t,ha grand colonitade .of
Which we have Neen the, design. Nor
ikre theta to be any doibitial groups.
There is AO money for 1Ont.
-Piret• gt304..Mujijlatimi "and then go ahead. The foundation df fine
nished•room is the CAR El', We show many patterns in each sauelity, viz.:
Unglieh Brussels, 85o to $1425 per yard; English Tapestries, 40e to 75c; afi-wool, -
CO0 to $1.C3; Reversible Union, 25c to 50c; Art Squares, in many sizes and pat-
terns, prices $4.50 to $25,00.eachl Tapestry Curtains, fancy patterns •colors tet
match your Carpet, $2.00 to $0.00 per pair. ,
• J. II. '
Largest Furniture Storefe stpese countCHELLE1V illyth.
. .,-•-
e .
• Do You Realize That a
Neglected. Cough Nay
• Result in Consumption.
• If you have a ColcV Cough,
Hoarseness, Bronchitis, or any
aftiction of the. Throat and. /Amp,. _
what you want is a harmless and
• P1 certain remedy that will cure you
at onae. •
There is nothing so. healing,
soothing, and invigorating to the
•lunge as the balsamic properties of
the pine tree.
&attains the pot it healing virtue*
of the pine, with other absorbent,
expectorant and soothing medi.
eines of recognized worth.
• Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
• checks the irritating cough, soothe*
• and heal' the inflamed Lungs
and *outbid Tubes, loosent th•
phlegin, and gives a prompt tense
of relief front that ehoktil.np,
stuffed feeling.
WO 26 cents per bottle
Nag. • 4 ,*
• txcurslois
Hamilton Montreal Line
• to
(Meals nc1 berth included.)
.swRatea to Intermediate Pointe
iteetno;f3 leave Hamilton 12 MUM• ,
Toronto 7,80 pan., Tuesdays, Thnta.
days and Saturdays.
Single, -- $7,50
Return$ 12.00
Toronto - Montreal Une
Commencing Inn() 1st, steamers' tetW`e;
Toronto II'r Pau., daily, except SInn.
days; front July lst. daily- •
Par ticketoupply to '
P. R. Ileigena, Or WI, 36
• G. T. R.
or writePOSTEln CHAP
" 1,Vosewaraiisturst Agent,