HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-05-12, Page 2Tag CLINTON NEW RBA ' , ••••:„;', „ • •;,. • r. s '.•••, %)- The glinton NeW Dal •••••••••••*.• • ...• Hr. Fitzpatrfek's VieWs. •.,„:., . fat; vRIDAY, MAY 12, 1905. .. 4vvetailwwwwwthwommumiwwwwwwi Why Not? IF you feel duty bound to buy your shoes somewhere else why" no buy yOur groceries. from me? if you . feel_ duty-bound to buy your groceries somewhere else, why'• not buy your shoes from -me ? If you feel at hberty to deal where you -wish for every', thing, why not buy both Shoes and Groceries • from me ?—It means a good many dollars saved in a year. 5 Special For Farmers You can buy Turnip and very cheap from me. Batter and Eggs taken in Mangold seed exchange for either Groceries or Shoes. B. BALLARD R. Graham's old Stand. immynimammwfwomPhimmum Mr. Sutherland'S Successor. - The London Advertiaer says :- '4Some Conservative newspapers throvv out the taunt that Mr. Hyman xvM be afraid to ask re-election in Lon - if he receives a portfolio. They '411ege he will seek the nomination in the safe Liberal constituency of North Oxford. Such statements are utterly baseless. His bitteiest opponents can- not say that Mr. Hyman is a coward. A.Man less courageous would never ' ha-ce braved the odds which cc nfronted im in the old dap of c911SerYative -,eiiPremacy in Londoel bi• kept tip the struggle for twenty yeare, When Mr. : . Hyman is called to higher things at , Ottawa he will come to London for re- eelection,*and come confidently. There is nothing in the situation. here to ' . -warrant the insinuation that he will desert his old constituents. His op- ponents point to the smallness of his /majority in the general election. Ev- their government was vested in the ervone in London knows the Liberal federal parliament. When Maniteba; party suffered from over-eonfidence in as ereated a province the Dominion that contest, wbile the Conservatives guaranteed the continuance of separ. Canadian Railways. The annual report of the Minister of RedlwaYe for the past year eoritains in- teresting etatieties of the progress of railway buildings and earnings. There Were Up to letet year 19,431 Mlles of road in operation, theadditiondurtreg„ the year being 443 miles. The period of most active lonilding in C*4‘0111! Wes between 1874" and 1894; In the former: year the length, of operated railway was 4,831 Miles, representing the eon-, ettaiction work of thirty-eight years. Py 1831 there had been added 5,942 miles, and the' record was 10,273 miles. This was increased by 1894 to Iff,1327 Miles, or by 6,36/ miles.' The gross earnings of Canadian rail - Ways for the past year were $190;210,- 884, of which W.073,819 carne from feeighttratno,.340491, j. froin•passen- gers. $4,031,062 front carriage of mails Iinut„ceisp:„re.t,%, 6 The operating expenses amounted to $74,563,161, divided as follows( Gene- ral and operating chargee, 520,154,064 WA of motive power, 825,870,359; maintenance of way and ' buildings, $15,569.)X30; maintenance of cars, $6,- 980,676, the balance being made up in other expenditures. ; .1 The net earnings were $25,658,274 This sum was available for meeting in -1 -terest charges on• •the • $449,444,036 of bonded indebtedness and the $145,559, •• 412 of preference and $317,158,117 of or- dinary stock. • . Mitch at 'least of' the capital, it is Plain, brings the .investor no return- . Theirare 18roads which •did not earn their running expenses, and are thus put in the saMe category as the Inter - colonial, the govertinient road. • The closing speech in the House oh the Autonomy Bin was that of Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrick, the able Minister, of Justice. Coming from the represents-, tive of the Irish Catholics; his views are worth considering.• Mr. Fitzpatrick remarked f,tt the out- set that much luta already been said o this subject and more had been written which in the interest of *peace and harmony had better. not Intire been said or written. He had no' reply . to make to the men who bad famed the flame racial and religionapreiodiee. He made a most exhaustive exaniitia- tion of the constitutional phase of the school gnestion. He recalled the pur- chese of Bupert's Laud fro tile Una - son's bay doh:loony, and reminded the House that it -was left to, the Dominion to provide representative ixisfitutions for that legion analogous to those ex - feting in the Canadian provinces. The negotiations and the legislation leading, to the admissionof the present Mirth - west Territories to . the Dominion showed that complete authority for worked with unwonted energy, not ate schools for the minority. 11.3 baeause of the popularity of their can- didate, or with any hope of winning, , but merely to sem? Mr. Gray from a Waterloo, so that the result would not react on the party in the provincial eh •••e ection. They were as much surprised as the Liberals by the vote. The Lib - era's of London will not be caught napping a second time. They will not * fail their brilliant and plucky standard- ' -bearer at the'very summit of his silo .icess, The Opposition pretends that it .:418,4 been longing for such an opportun- -, to test public sentiment in Ontario, but this gasconading finds no echo V=01/g the Conservatives or. Lontion. • ' 'they know that air. Hytnan Is the • strongest and most popular man in either party in this city." • tin-hitujUdgrerenta-solermrcontpact-wein- there at that time' any talk Of Undue interference on Sir john A. Macdon- ald's part in the Abeal----affaits-Of_the. new province P None whatever, Yet it seemed that in the Conservative mind what was perwitted to Sir John A. Macdonald wasnot to be permitted to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. M was worth bearing in mind, too, that at that time it ;vas expected Manitoba; Would he a second French-Canadian province. Mr. Fitzpatrick Went on to say thet James Harper, a veteran newspaper Tann of Montreal, is dead. P. W. Campbell, a prominent physician of Montreal, died Thursday. Peterboro ratepayers defeated the- ,. by-law to provide $25,0e0 to improve the lire system. Attorney -General Longley has re- eeived worn that the Dominion Gov- ernment has given a grant for the Do- minion Exhibition at Halifax in 1908. ••••••••••••110•101••••••••••••••••••• -Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, weak, nervous cfiil- dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. Sarsaparilla The 'change is very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why it is. He has our formula dild Will explain. "When 13 years old', tor many moctIM Min thought T 000kl Ilyo because ot thin blood. But, In a tow weeks, Ayer's Arm/Arnie oom. yIetely, restored me to health. Mft$. 13. ittroustiNSIV, Vineland. It J. 141,03 bottle. 4.4 Attu 4300 ATI drug ktk for • 1...„.1),Ms 0 00 loWsdb Verift, Childr4rt • entered into thirty years ago with the minority of the North-West e under which rt`titment guaranteed thou the eantinuance of the separate school privileges they enjoyed.. Conservative speakers indulged in a great deal of talk about the right of the Canadian provinces to regulate their. Own school affairs. But aa a matter of fact there was not a single province of the Con- federation that enjoyed explusive power to legislate a respect of educa- tion. Then why in the name of prov- incial rights should parliament he 'in - yolked to give exelualve jurisdicitica to Saskatchewan and Alberta ? The government had -sought merely to, ratify and perpetuate the existing school system in the North-West. That was all the present autonomy bill contemplated. In conclusion lie paid a glowingtri- bute to the sehool system of Quebec and to the contributions that province had Made to the sum of Canadian achievement and -Conti& (nine that,Penediane qtall race in the West Would work out a great fulure under the benign influences of the generous and equitable provisions of the. Canad fan eonsti talon. Miss Annie W. Orem daughter of Andrew Green, Colborne', left on MOTT- d:ty morning last for Aylmer, Ontatio. Miss Green has accepted a very fine position in connection with the Ayl- mer Cheese and Eater Association of that place. • At the residence .of Mr. and Mrs. George Alair, on the second conces- sion of Stalky,. on Wednesday even. Apell 20th, at 8 o'clock p.'Rev. E. A. Shaw, of }tense% spoke the Magic words which made Charlee links and Jessie (I, Altar MIMI mid Wife, ,e,conet patron prevent re* A rollidireriteith Ayer'. PHIL :411Ulterf,1543. e • • • , . , • • ' Saved the Baby I „ • ea was not a believer in advertised medicines," says Mrs. Chas VanTassell Digbyhe S., "until I began using Baby's Own :Tablets, . When my last baby I, was born we never booed to raise her. She was Weakly, did not have any flesh on her bones, and a bluish colour. The , doctor tte d Idnie she would not live. After reading What ••• other mothers said albout Baby's Oivn !. 's, 1 decided to try them, and I, must now honestly say I never had ,sueli a valuable medicine in my•horne. - it has charmed my poor, sickly, flesh - les baby into a lovely child, now as fat asat biz r ball. Words fail to ex- . press rny, the ks. for what the Tablets have do m3r child, and I, can only. , urge that other mothers do as1 do now • keep•the t 0. . ways.', Baby's Own Tablets positively cure All , the minor Alla. of babyhood, and the mother hewn guarantee that they cork; r tain no opiate or harmful drug. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail,rie • 25c a box by writing the Dr. Wilhfinas'. Medicine OP )13nOckVille, Ont. The GoderiCh Star complains of the qui/1107.0f water .supplied - the towns- people. The Star should talk .abont things with which it is familiar. This is the Clinton NEW' ERA'S only. reply to our request that it publish some proof Of its assertion that "one of the largest distillers. in Ontario contributed a quarter.of a million dol- lars to Mr. W itney s election fund." The replynacrushing, the proof most incontestable, andthe electo-rsof West • Huron Must now see, if they have not noticed it before, what a loss *. was in- flicted on the intellectual and states-. manship forces of 'the Dominion by the absence of Mr. Robt. Holmes from the legislative halls it Ottawa.- Godefich • This is eititilra streelehewandanight lead the unregenerate to assume ,that' it was not inspired by Water, good or had. • The "FROST" umfAr° Is one of the new features of the Prost Wire Pence for this year. The loam are Vatted with zinc -by an electlical reel*, WhIcit abaolutely prevents rust. The Frost Wire Fence mid* of • coiltd opting wire testekto 2000 Ib.. tensile* strength -over twice that Of ordinary fence wire. The Frost PetirAt is guaranteed. Newill repair et eny_tiMe free of glimmer* defect* .due to Material or Yfor1l.,1.1.!NP4' -4P.'!"1 and best. Write for free bapkiet. ROf ' 010$111,7A,W. HILL, -,71i'Suicornerbili ROBERT MoDONALD. Myth & 00 • 0 •0•••000060 • • • • Canadian tire Insurance, The •preliminary abstract of, the statements Of the business of insurance in CantiA,Itt, issued by the Department . „ „ of Finance, shows that the life insure mace polley as a form: of investment 09,141411_SS..4000..4,494:jUa ffYge'rt:- P.19r9, were in force in Canada at the close of 190/ in the -Stock of old-line companies 6.56, 1 pone*, to the eitent of $587,- . • OFTOR0r40 1903 Of 58,993, policies and $39,436,707. teaehers. its fine equipment, ncluding The main items of the business of 1904 'ONE HUNDRED ANI)FIFTEEN are given as follOws Typewriting Machines, its modern and 3 thorough work, its success in placing 19,90%324 its students and graduates hi good • : Shy 42tht .1905 For Sale ..Or Rent, *PROFESSIONAL For .Sale. Slitntriv egArrist 0.10,6 Ho:mind scat of lend, Hut ond out. ario St. Purchaser wishing more land ignold buy lotjoieing. JOSEITAPEAREN tf Clinton. mr. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• House for Sale Ten-reoinermith woodshed and stable, herd 'Ind sett water, sore• of lend, WM* trolly leoaten for partioulare apply to • NV', BRYDONE. . House to neat •••••••• A good.eiztri And comfortable holm on Spenoer $t., with, half n aore:of lend; all T,he Great Schooilkin•Atsplyfr.thi,..rtataia,teAztelle: • rp c neat on is the well' known - - 1,! 870,767, an increase over the figura for Its present staff of Twgisr •:`, ONE Amount anew polici• • .es,. ,. 98,308,102 poeitions, ell combine to make Iit th Policies became 8,802,118 • gleams paid,. endowments , 8 . Incanted.. • a • .. • • • • • • • ,815,839 Cinadian --companies -continlie .1f*i hold the lead they won yearsago. and wrote $11,959,100 of the total of 419, d96i9v,rionofwnwiewa4bfuosnion;sostrc.orded. The one mportant Business School of Canada, . tau No Vacations. Enter any time. . Correspondence invited. Write. to SHAW, Pinelpar Our Rollie Land . Canadian companies $ 11,959,100 Canada 'leads the world in dairy ex - British compames1 437,514 portg,. U. S.' companies... 6,586,710 . Canada has the valuable nickel If would appear that the newer cow- deposits in the world. . . amnia hes the moat valuable white opreisetas btonsebnitoe: tthbeeirficelladifinnadttobae swh oarrke Canada has the largest continuous pine forests in the world. ' of the businese. a ' rather hayed one; 711.17ntafeleititilliti the gwrebaest tr. systef .. There •are 21 Canadian companies d0- fresli water navigation in thme worldo ing business-, and five of thenewrote Canada has a greater water power seven and a half millions of the less than airyother country in the world. Canada produces the finest wheat in than twelve millions of ne* policies the world, INTO. 1 Manitoba hard set - the whole are credited with. ' ' tinc_gontrdavesoraldv'esrsatgaendwahrden.- t TIVENTY4IVE HUNDRED Donwie acre for ten years was. thegiYviaetelas' t.' per SPENT ovart pa AIMAL IN NLveom- erican aC the Am continent. . . Canada's trade in ten years has in - Denver, May a -The State Supreme creased more rapidly than any other Court has affirmed the decision offour country in the world. . lower courts in the famous Steller's- . • Smith cow case, which was • begun 15 years ago, and has cost $2,500 in attor- neys' fees and court costs. The valuta IT'S wEttivrotr HAVE ., . of the co* was $39, and she has been TOOTHACHE. • dead 12 years. • lifSteteenveynesaPrslacaegdot.haWe'313wilien hae pasture sarhet ean he rellevect by Nerviline in a fevv California, the owner . of the pasture -.moments bv fillin' , the cavit3r with sold it. with his herd, including Steven Row, to It M. Smith. When Stevens returned he•detnanded the cow, offer - in to pay for. her pastorage.--Smith pcaois•rsibtehe case, to. the. Federal 'Com...t if si ref Sect to give her up, and long, legal fight • began. Stevens says , he will • That the power of.Nerviline quickiY makes itself felt. Anyaching tooth • DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED. by local aplieetions, as they cannot reach tbe "diseased, portion of the ear. There is only Vat, to • ellte, deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is ceased by an itifianaed Con- dition of the mucous lining of the Bus- tachianaube. When this tobeii• in- flamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely closed , deafness is the result, and:male s 3 theinilamation earl be taken °Wined this tube restored to its nor- mal condition, hearing will be destroy- ecl forever ; nine eases out.Of:,' ten are caused by Catarrh; which is, nothing but an inflamed condition of the rano- ons surface.' • We will give 5106 fel_ any _ease - of deafness (caused by Catarrh) that can- not be ettred by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send-for-aircillarafreee _ ' ' F. J. Climaxes Co., Toledc, 0. Sold; hey druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Fluidly Pills for consti- pation, ' • 'vd•oromor••••••••••• • batting soa el in erviline: A good plan is ta-rub the •gurns, with Nerviline also. There is'nt a single remedy that has one ,fourth the pain-relievieg pow- er of Nerviline which acts •like, 'magic. Nerviline kills the pain outright • and prevents it from returning.; You can't beat Nerviline for:toothache or neural - its the best pain cure Made. Price NewS Notes • The Northwest railway crop reports are More favorable than had been lookel for. A..considerabla increase of ' acreage is tinder cultivation. Robert 'Beery, eic-M, P. for -Brant, will for the next Ave years represent the British Columbia packers' amide: - tion, the big packers of cfinned Ettlm,oti in Eastern Canada.. . • 'The town of Prescott voted on a by- law to guarantee the Palmer Piano . Manufacturing Co., of Toronto, a, bon- us of $40,000 to locate in Prescot. The -vote-was-SW-for and 20 against. .• . Tsvci Hamilton machinists have been sent for trial on the charge of securing -rides on -the street cars ..-by,falsepre.. tences. It . is alleged the procured blank transfers and putiohod according to where thr, wished to go. • • • • hilt the best flour is good enough for her. There can be. no greater extravagance thantheuse of inferior flour. NoVincheitet Springs, Feb. 27th, 05. read about Royal Household Flour which isTuti- , _ &cl by eledtricity. —rarso read about the woman paying freight 25 miles before she would be. without it. ,Royal Household was not sold in, our town, 1.was asking about It and my grocer told me to wait a day or two and he * would get some, and I am glad 1. did so. My wife is a good baker -and -made -good -bread out of other flours, but what she has noW`made..out of Royal .Household is so far • „ , ahead that nvould be willing to pay* freight fifty miles : instead of twenty-five, rather than go without it. There is no flour 'just as good* as 'loyal Household." (Signed) JOHN HENDERSON. Now, is there ,a single woman in tge whole country who, after reeding Aut. Mr. Henderson says, will not at once send for the Royal Household reeipei and este Royal Housebold Flour a trial. Mention this 'paper and address THE„OGILVIE FLOUR M1L:LS:CO.; Luntivo; MONTREAL • .0....-,V,—*rvarar.,vrer.,.xvzrrsrawarr Clinton Sick Welt,* Engine -end ,12 horse power, (Goldie & MoCuilloeh Anlpevkreyjpolreelriektzelaud loctt hAe varAti.olee_therein Tread Power for Sale. . Subooriber offete for Bela a two horse' treed power in good working order. Will be sold cheap. JOHN B. LINDSAY Haron Road, Godelieh Tp, Clinton P. 0, Windmill for Sale • The undersigned offers for sale, on easy terms, a Brantford 16 -foot wheel; about 6 -horse power, wiih pulleys and 'gearing complete. R. & 3. RANSFORD. House for Sale. Prams Hone, in good location on Bag.' lin st., one block from Vollegiate !infinite, There are seven rooms, isitoben, woodshed and stable, one sere of land and fifty fruit trees. Apply to H. CANTEk.ON. Farm ,to Rent. North half lot 23, on the 4th eeh• of gulls% otiotaining 50 acres is offered to rent, for pasture. Plenty of water. Ap- ply.to JAMES FLYNN, Clinton, or D. Shannon, Seaforth. •81 Lands tor :Sale • "In the far West" Howard, Ana, IM-. proved farms for este at. $14 per sore, other farme' without buildinge from $6 to $12 pez sore, good land from one to six miles from town Fare paid to parted investing. N. P. (MICH, Howard, Ana. *Mg -for sale _ 150 azres in 2/14 Con, H. It, S. Tucker. smith ( lot 32 and west half lot 84) with -good brick bootie, barn, sheds, stables eta. A first class 'farm. Parcels will be sold either_separate_or together. For Portion^ late apply to EIBRBBIIT CRIOH,. • Seaforth • or W. Brydone, Barrister, Clinton, Farm for Sale or to Rent The well-known farm situated on vest half lot.17, con, 3, Hallett, is offered for sale or to rent. There is 50 sores in the farm; 8 acres of bash, and rest seeded with tbe exception of two fields. Plenty of water, well fenced, geed stabling, eto. Possession can be had at any time. Par- ties vein be prosecuted for trespassing._ Apply to A. GIN, Clinton P.O. or to W. B1tYDOE. nritin!ases required • 'lleteteseer ise Mr ,Tra Ilsett B4RRIST811. 80/4421TOH,**. • Ol4NTO Office, -..Elliott Moak, ferentrIT oxonpardt. bi seett. • *OM* TO WM W. AMMON.% • AARAIEIZOR tiOLICIITOB .-NOTaBir •. ' • R. Troia°, Ewo, •.041Weett • 111111)0IJIT & HALE , CONVEYANCERS , 001SMIOSIONitEs„ • . Beallfotate onelneuranoo Agent • Moner to boo • ' JOHN moms. O. CAMERON : _ folioed* el Clamor"; ENO Os Cameron /34,RRISTER "AN.1) SOLICITOR,. „ 0111e0anamIlton •St--oppositerealterneltetur - ' HODERIOIL ONT -PROCIDIFItterp Uavs & 1314111R,- -sanutersi -,soutoprgh„.,,Notarilis.Butilkf. . OBIces,--0,12 the Square _E grin 4i3or teetie-tratinea,:lt,,&.-er ton st., ooderloh. em7..rriyate !slide to*o• tOt •W.I lowest rates. . a . FROUDFOOTt It• C., R. C. Oars.' G. to. Rt.aitt • I. 1\116 -dial., • Drs. 'Gunn St Gunn, Dr. Dann, L. IR, C. P., L. R.0.11., Etna - Dr, 4. Nisbet orain, K. E. C. S. Zoiglintd, • L, R. C r., Lennon. , Ofiloa--Ontario Street, Olinton. Night calls at front door of ofEco or residence, Dittenbury Street Awn upbeat. etc.; office stud residence On ' PRYSIOtAN. SUMMON . , • . terlo St., opposite English church, formerly. on. •Curded bv Dr; Appleton, 011mon Ont. DR. 0. inf. THOMPSON . • Phrdelart. Surgeon, itto. epecherattention given to diseases of the • EY% Ear, Throat and Doge. Oilice and Reeidence- ' • Alpert Street.2 Blocks North otIletteitbrirl G. W. Manning Smith, .X.D.,C.N; PRISICIA.N& SURGEON. OFFICE -MainStreet, Bayfield, formerly , occupied by Dr. Pallister• , • RBNBIAC,' DENTIST. • : CLINTON, t. ONTAA/0. Moe open every dayand until 10 &oleo Saturdaj evening. 6.1.. a. ERNEST HOI.RIES DEIeTIST • (Successor to:Dr; T. Q. Bruce. • • ; • Spechtltati•nd lirt rown aolo Worlr - D.S.-•Graduate Royal Oolleg ental Sur " goon., 44 Ontario, %wont°. • S.-Pre'l chess Honor graduate of Den- tal Department of Toronto Vuivorsitr Special attention_paid to preservation or children's teeth. Will visit Bagdad' eget "...A".it ft FOWLER, D . • DENTIST ' Offices' over o'NEIL'El'store.. • Special care taken to make dental tre meat as painless • as poseihle. Will vi Auburn every Monday. : Idiseeilanecnis. , TAMES OACIPSELT.,_ _LONDES110110,_ " SSUER Or MASETAGE LICHNSES •For Saie or ;To Rent : •11611.0Y: .- • • • . , Private : funestoloareat:4S_per cent and:%tv- •warrie W. isicYD • 410FIN W YE0- The property on Mel/ terrace, known as the Currie property, an consisting of 8 acres of land, with eight -roomed house, is offered for sale or to rent. All kinds of bearing fruit trees. Just the plate for retired farnier.or market gardener,. Will be sold cheap, or rented on 'reasoneble terrine. • Onlytwenty minutes walk from Clinton post officio. Apply top. K. P111011 Clinton. 4,1*, . . feto hi= • . ..* Agent for the. DANcInteranoli .z ' • Goof If anhhester„.:England whose facets are security aro rated at 414,300,001'.' Also the mo- • . ' Extra? ilvrirat. linitrziazion Co:. A idawres of • • farm ricks • and town property tattoo, 1,04 by e, ••• Fo• , also renrates. Etre ss resertsandoner to tre had (tint' tier' • ;=. t-cs an• cottipAriles . . • • t • nature of gate 1„-. rSt o ale or ell , mall* ,,,,ELo post*I cud wi The undersigned offers for sale or to rent, his :property it Hoimesville, con- taining of an sere of land, .good frame house, brick kitchen, stone cellar, home being 'story and half, containing 7 •, roorme pantry and woodshed; good table, woodwork and blacksmith shop, with largejiciptICorell up -stair?. Several kir& of 0148/1 Wilts. Any partieeneeiring such • property can have posseesion at once.; For terms Apply to P. POTTER, Baron Road, Clinton ' • -o Desiribie ProOrty, TOr ' Sale. , • Bowe and lots in the villege a Bohnem. Ville. The undersigned often for sale, her large Iwo -story brick .house, elate. roof, good Geller, large room, funisce,,hard and soft water in hawse, stable and drtve good garden, all kinds of fruits, about 2f scree of land, convenient to Redhead Sta- tion Poet °Moe Churoh and School. Ap- ply by men, or on the premities.ao MRS T. C. moffARD, Holmeeville. 5 6 Choice Farm tor Sate. Situated on the 6th ton. Goderich Tp., containing about 80 acres; most of it good olay land, producing heavy mope. Therein Abend die Wes Of bask, and dye acres of orchard, of. good fruit; good bnildinge; frame 'home relth 8 towns and kitchen, woodshed end eeller; no bran, built of pine lumber, with stone basement 50X48 ft; well at barnwith pump inside for wnter- ing Mock; shed 50120 ft; iraolement house 203[35 ft, and other outbuildiegt; feneert in VerY geed. repair; over. 250 rods of 'who ham on the farm; gotta well of splendid wetter; poet eine° and school it miler', church 2f miles; about GA miles- from God- etioh. Possession given at any ,time. Pries $3,100,00. - d G. Et, COX. 'Fa,rnt For Sale. — The undersigned offers for sale his farm containing 74 110rOS of good olayland, being lot 26 on the Out Line, 00.17,•ot GOderieh Tp, There are a letv setae of oiled briele and a tover.failing spring at the back of the piece. It ie well feeoed end in it good State of eultivation being meetly patittired and hay, for It number of yetine, there are 15 sores of hill Plowing done. There are two barna one Oh atone foundation, 823352, another 82s52, a etyma shed 20146, and driving shed 14132, litotes of bearing oroh. Ant Good, largo concrete house, 8 rooms, Stone ciIsr, Mime kiteheri and Weeallhea: The place is well sitnitted, being 2 miles from tioircenville station, 1 mile from Per. teed Hill, Post Ohio°, Store, Moot,. and Blacksmith shop; 2 bailee from Ohnroltes; 6 miles frein Minton, 9 miles from 61orterich. , Booseision glen to atilt nrobaser, • CHARLES JERVIS, Porietve Bill Licensed . Auctioneer. The undersigned eolioltsa 'there of the, patronage of those wishing tar hold , Satisfacdon giieranteett Moderate rates. ' Apply to or address JAS. A. SMITH, lot- • 88, COM 16,,Goderich Ip., Clinton P. o: MARRIAGE LIaENS' Eti 2- "'- ISSUED BY J:TR: -Thtunhalli C1inton . . Di MeTa. art,' , BANNER , ' • ALBERT Srl, CLINTON • oeuerat ttanktna Buslaesa, trioniacted • irons mocomoso . /fetes Ironed; Interest iiowedon• • deposita. . • . • ' J. P. TINDALL. .• • , BANKER, . .• „ ., . ourwoor.. ost . • 'Orbiatos frinds VI• 10an On Mortgagee ab, best current rate* Genera Bankingbueiness transected • 'Interest allotred. On derail& • Sale notes bought „ • , The mtKitiop isitu. flat Eire insurance Co. Patin and !isolated TOIAttl Prove .• erty only Insured.: ortxcgirt. . . yr.. B. McLean, President, Xippen; Thos Eraser, Viee-pres., Bruei6e1d; -Thos. r • ' ,4'laYs) Pe.cY. Treas.> .. Senforthi • niittoTOrti. .3aa Coimelly, Porter'slrHill; rohn • Watt, rarlock; 0, Dale, Clinton; M. • Chesney, Seafeiths 3. Evatis,,, Beech - woort; J. G,'' Grieve, Winthrop, 3. newels, Brodhagen. • tech Director is inspector of loetee in his own locality. MANI'S. • • •tv , ' RObt. Smith, Ilarioak; Ed. IlinehleY Seaforth;, James Cumming, r ginond. Ville; I. W. Yeocllohneaville. HEADACHE Neuralgia tted NerVainialest em1011*-10hr , AJAX 1Lt'tVA% NObeartaisprowsoo. Teloolorgoitgoir =a4 .InvArs...AVVITAve.1.7.V.trarrrav,V=Vggr.,rrgray....,Varr.....VV.V.011.41V1r....41.Vr.v.V.I.414.4......41.46errolri.krirror • ' iNNILL