HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-05-05, Page 7/lay Otli' /906
reastime .finy rime, if -
Yes, if there is "Red. Feather in1 your cup it will be
tea -time any time. It refreshing never comes amiss.
Red Feather Ceylon Tea is "a tea of flavor." It is
packed, never in lead, but in moisture -proof and germ -
proof packages, parchment -lined.
Black, Green or Mixed, at one price per pound -40c.
Get Red Feather in your cup
'Town Directory
. Commie -Mayor, Hoover; Council
lors, Ford, Wiltse, Gibbings, Cluff,
Cottle,- Oantelon; Clerk, Macphersum
Treasurer, iticTaggart; Chief, Wheat-
POST (mown Office hours, lobby
We all think we get the worst•of •it.
It does not take up any more time
to be polite than disagreeable. • • •
It is not what you Bei but•hovy' you
saY it. It means friends or .eneinies.
a. m. closes 9 p. m., . wicket_ . _ .
neglect work -finals' really ins -
open 8 m closes 7 p. m. Jas. Scott; Doift
. postmaster. portant for reform work that doesn't
amount to, anything..
• It is the involuntary impulse or nine
In ten when picking up a postal card.
to turn it over to. see what is written •
on it. •
Those women who look "as a Wind
could blow them away" can .usurtitY
sweep and dust ell around their eeevier.
Occasionally •.ri person is smart
enough to accept: a • favor aud get
things twisted around -until be eeenis
to be the one who is .conferring bene-
Puinao LIBRARY -Library and free
reading room in Stavely Hall. Open
• every day from 2 to 5.30 p.m. and from
7 to 10 p.m. J. Bean. librarian.
' SCHooL BARD -F. Hodgens, chair
man; T. Beacom, Charles. Hale, A.
Turner, R. DoWns, •F. Hall, J. Shaw;
Secretary, John Cuninghame. Meet-
ings first Thursday evening in each
gart, seciatary; Wm. Jackson, treas-
urer; D. A. Foerester, chairman; J.
• Its,nsford, Jas. Scott, Jas. Fair, H.
• BOARD OF HEALTH -J.0. Stevenson,
- chairman; Mayor, Wm. Harland, sr.;
Dr Shaw, Medical Health Officer; Jos.
Wheatley, inspector.
Hamel* CI:mem -Sabbath services
al 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday school
at 2.30 p.m General prayer matingen WecInesday evenings. Res w, H.
Mit.gee, pastor; D. Prior, S. S. supt.
bath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Sunday school at 230 p.m. Rev H. M.
Manninge pastor; A. 'le Conner, at
tupt. General prayer meeting Wede
aesday eveninge, 'hillier League me.ets
trriday evenings.
Sabbath services at 11 sem, and 7 p.m.
'i-Sunda,y school at 2.30p.m. J. S. Cook,
D.D., pastor; Jacob Taylor, S. S. supt.
Epworth League meets Monday even-
' in ; urayer meeting cn Wednesday
ath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
school at 2 30 p.m. Prayer
Wednesday evenings; Chris-
eavor Meeting Sunday even -
service for half ,hour Prayer
and first Monday of month
• mess meeting ;Rev Dr. Stewart,
D. D., pastor; James Soott,S.S. supt.
=:7:-) Sabbath' seTVidea Ira.. fit. and 7 p.m.
Sunday szhool at 2.30 p.m. Ladies'
• Guild meets last Thursday of ea&
month; A. Y. P. A. meets Tuesday
evenings. C. R. Gunne, M.A., rector
e and S. S. suet.
Service held every other Sunday at i
11.30 a m. and 7 p.m. Rev. Father
Plasonneault, pastor. C. M.B.A. meets ;
IIe month; Mass every morning at 8 a.m. both men and women are tattooed ac -
BRETHREN -Meetings at 11 a.m. and cording to their status in society. A
.. 7.80 p.m. on Sunday, and on Friday at
: 'Mt X ..A. . ! of covering as if it were a sulestituts-
I the native is as content With this mode
for clothing. By injecting the juice ol
woman of high caste evill have a (la.'
sign not unlike a zouavajacket Worked
'Span. ,
SALVATION :ARmY-Service-at 7 and '
• "and every week evening at 8 o'clock
• s4th Thursday every month; Sacred
Diseases Of the Kidneys are
numeroni, from the fact that these
organs act as filters to the blood,
and form one of the great channels
for the removal of impuritiekfioin
the spitaej, which, if allowed to
remain, give rise to. t'he various
kidue.y. talons, such aS Dropsy,
Diabetes, and Bright's Disease.
The following are inine of the
symptoms of kidney disease :-
Backache, sideache, swelling of
the feet and ankles,frequent thirst,
puffiness under the efts, floating
specks before the eyes, and all d4 -
order a of the urinary System, nth
ts frequent; thick, cloud, sts4ty,
or highly colored urine
are exactly.wliat the name ingests.
They hre not a cure -41, but are
a specific for kidney troubles anly.
Pride 60 cents per box, or.8 for
$1.45. All (*deo, Or
Tun l)0An Kinn= Pit. Z. CO.,.
- Toronto, Ont. •
Heart devotions 1st Friday a the , the Kongo Colonies of 'Belgium
upon herback, and it would seem the:
a.m. and 3 and 8 p.m. on Sunday •
Rears the p"the Kind Yon Have Always Boned certain herbs the scars left by the tet -
toeing process retain a swolleti
artZ/-'1ii-11•117--.":41* pearauce, giving the effect of bas-relief
work. The thorns of .the acacia are
.... generally used as a needle, wbile a
'Clinton Post-offiee Time T•ble certain black clay is used as a coloring
' medium.
Public Lobby opens 7 30.a.m.
Public Lobby closes 9 00es.m.
_Wicket &M.O. office open 8.00 a.m.
P. O. office closes 600 pen.
Wicket closes , 7 00 p.m.
Mails close as folloies
South 6.35 a.m., 3.50 p.m.
East -6.35 a.m, 250 p.m , 4.50 p m.
North 950 a.m., 6.00 p.m.
West 12.30 p.m.
Goderich ..9 50 a m , 6 pm., 9 p.m.
eeady for delivery approxi
mat y as follows:,
From North....8.00 a.m., 4.30 p.m.
•• West 8 00 a,.m.
11 South....11.00 a.m., 7.00 p.m.
" ' East 800 a.m.! 2.00 p
[from the night train
" Godericia 3 45 p.m,
NOTE :-The public is requested to
,,..eilear in .mind that -the hours mentioned
above for opening and closing the
Lobby are not compulsory, but might
be made coincident with the opening
end closing of the Wicket. The privi-
; "lege is extended by the Post, -master
1 for the convenience of box -holders.
There may be occasional days when
this privilege will he withheld to en-
able the caretaker to do necessary
cleaning, etc.
A. E. Weatherald, of Auburn, has
s been engaged to teach in S. S. No. 6
East Wawanosh for the remainder of
this term. Gordon Wightina,n, prin-
eipal of Auburn school, will, we uncle. -
settands take the situation after the mid-
; euinmer holidays.
The Sober (lifter: •
On board the British • troopship St.
• Laserenee, -1865s on a- voyege round -the
cape to India, an offieer ieft a corivivial
party in the ,seloolt at midnight' and,
seeming to be escorted by the sergeant
of the guard, proceeded alone- to visit
the •seutries, when the followleg dice
legue was overheard: Officee-Sentre?
Sentry - Yes. sir. Officer - You're
asleep; sentrs. Sentry -Oh, no, Pm not,
sir! Officer -But I say you are asleep.
sentry. SentryasVery well, then, sir, I
am. Officer -Then why on earth didn't
you say you were asleep, sentry?'
Electric waves measured by Hertz -
and named after him -were found by
the great scientist to be 150 feet from
the -top of oho' Vaire-to the -top of the
next. The waves used by Marconi in
telegraphing across the .A.thintic are
much longer. They are said to be 600
feet or more. They traVel at the Same
speed as 11 ht, 184,000 miles a second.
But the li it Wave measares only a
few millionths of an inch.
Setting Her ilight,
Aunt Rachel -I see you've patehed•it
up with Archie, and he's coming here
again, oftener than ever. He's esked
you to 'marry' him fifty times, hasn't
he? Miss Mandy -Oh, dear; ao, aunty,
but 1 snriDOse lie has. 1tkd" nie ilfty
times to marry him.
. •
' •
. g
• Astc.ron 114E ,iptionoNto
• All Druggista and OCttlOrS, TA= NO 01)14Mfit.
1••••••••••••••••••• 44444 4000 04004 + 4440400
• gat
_ 1
he Percentage is Always Againist
*he Player', and the illaximant 11.buit
Nulliftel the Only Spire •Scheme,
That or Progressive! Bettinsr.,
Truly "hope OprlDiss ,Clerital fl the
human breast!" How many inventors
have gone te, Monte Carlo with infalli-
ble systems it IS impossible to say,
but probably they are to be numbered
by millions, and not One of thein has •
returned the vietor. It is the ambi-
tion doubtless of every :visitor' to the
fascinating. tables of Monte Carlo to
"break the bank." Any player with an
„extraordinary ruarof good luck and the
--rieeverto.press- it -is liable tose'brealatlie-'
bank," aa the expression is commonly
"-Understood, but no one will ever "break
the bank". at Monte Carle in the true
sense ef the phrase. •
4t., the femme§ gaining rooms there
18 not Qlte, but many tablesat which
play for the day With a Capital of 100,-
000 franeb,• and when that sum is ex-
hausted the bank at that particelae ta-
ble I b k di e ded 1 I
• until a fresh
We Paid, $100,000
Tor Liquozone, Yet We Give You a 50c. Bottle Free.,
We Paid $100,000 for the hanorkan
rights to Lisquozone; the; highest price,
ever paid for similar rights on any
scientific. discovery. W6 did this after
testieg the product foe teto years,
through physicians and hospitalsq la
this country.and others. We cured all
kinds of germ ,diseases with it --thou.
sancts of the rtiost difficult cases ob-
tainable. We proved that' in germ
troubler, it always accomplishes what
•medicine cannot do. Now we ask you
to try it -try it at our expense: Test
It. astarealitie Eta- V71174 It tiOOS, Then-
ye11 will' use it always, as we (la, and
as millions of others do, You will use
it, not Only to get *ell, but to kaeli
well, And it will save uciarlys all of
your sickness. ' •
..t.;447r.744414,sidea•Ge.4.45am* ."
f,lcuozerie is not made by compound-
ing .dregs, .nor is there eleobal ie it.
Ito virtues are derived solely from gas
s ro eni)auk of 100,000 francs is eeiring Inimerise appareeis and pay is susp n arge y oxygen gas -by a process.re-
' brought byehe attendants -a matter of
a minuteor two.than 20 yeare„lpese the constaut seb-
But to break the bank In the true jest Of ecleiitlete aner chemical -research.
There Made of Tisane Paper, but
You Cast Maio Them Fly,
This is a very interesting as well as
pretty experinlent. , •
Take tiesue paper and cutout fig-
urds• to represent bfitterfilee, _Ceder
them if you wish with crayons and not
with paints. Then fasten a silk thread
to each butterfly and bring the ends of
the theeadi together, tacking them:
down as you see in the picture.
, •
Now take a sheet of good, 'stiff Pa-
per, such as a Liege from a Magazine.
1.1014 IV over heat antil it is thoroughly
warm, but be -careful not to seerch It
Then lay it down on the table, and- rub
it vigoreusly With the palin of your.
band (see that yourhand is.thciroughly
dry' -beforehand), Using a rapid back
and forth movement: •
. . .
When you think You have produced
sufficient friction stop the eubbing, and.
hold the 'sheet •of paper eorleontellys
over the betterthee, nearer and -near-
er, until you observe the butterfilee •
rising toward the paper, ae they rill,
After that as long as the eleCtrieltY
generated by the friction lasts: you can
make the butterflies toner, the sheet
of papee aretind and; around, this way
and that, for all the world as if they
• were living and were. tamed butteie
files' -
Try You not Succeed at first
, -
but keep_ at it; and you will he success
laaa'. time This process has, for raore.
.abuse would be to. exhaust the entire
Capital of . the casino, and. that will
. Dever hapPen, forthree,sinnile Masons,. •
The tirst is that theibank lays unfair •
'odds' t� the player. Thifi will 1l1uS7
. trate as simply pOssible. • . •
'At roulette, the•most penult:tr. form•of •
gambling, therearethirty-seven num-
bers -from 1 to 30 inclusive and 0, Or
Zero. It is 'plain that the fair odds
against 'a player correetly pieking one
of these thirty-seven- numbers are se.
V. 1: But the .bank only lays 35 to 1. •
'Hence the, bank has. always, rotighly
speaking, ae eseseent advantage over
the player, . 'To it anotler way, If
a player beck's the same number thir-
telieVelt times be ought, according be
the fair odds, to . come out exactly
eitteeee, -but at Monte. eerie be cannot
Silo so. 11e must lose' point
'.This.'advantage'of ;the, bank applies
to all the Other sehances besides ,the
numbers -on . width -the player amass,
' ' . 7 •
Take, for •example,„ the so gaol
' • "even" chance. of • eed or bleck, ',Of the
thietseseten,num.bers. eighteen are red,
eighteen bleck„ the thirty-seventh, zero,
heving;nominallSe`he :color. ' • •
It II .obvious that if a pleyee. backs'
..red there •:are 'nineteen chaeces:.(eight-
eensblecke .and zero) against his being
cerreet. The fair Oda .are nineteen to.
eighteen against •hile, but the bank
. • •
OnlyeaSs. even. inoneya- : • . ' • '
The advelitege to the bank does mit
end her for when :zero turns up 'the:
bank takes all stakes 'eXcept those on
sere .and the even money phaitee.s. Tbe
latter tire Pet aside -"en • prise' • Is the
technical- term. • .• ss. • e • es
. If on the next turii of the.,Wheel. the.
player on 'these eVen clieuces wins. his
stake Is releasede Mal be niay. pick it.
up, but he wins nothing:. •• • .
, To 'aria aliteiteek*elea, :Ma
thus .when Zere hunt up. it is at least
'We: to one agelnetsn' -Player- .oh•an
"even money"" cheese. • . .• • •
' The second reason Why the bank
. mist always 'whale the long rua is the
ceistence of the "maxinitini." • • • •
• The nattalitatin j6,000 'francs; or 4240).
Is the highest. eniotint 'tt player eau win
en . any one: Chance. 'If • a player with
uniiinited resources could go on Playa
hag "double 'er cents"- with the caelno.
lad0fialtel3 he WOOL eveutually break
'the bank in theafell sense of the term.,
But you Cannot Play "double or 'quits"
withef. Blanc .for longa 1
.Starthig with the minimuni. slake al-
your stakes each time, your eleventh
stake, supposing you 0, vin or lose
censecutively, watild be over . 5,006.- • ..
Galped Flesh at Otwe..
St, t-alharlacs t.i1y tells What
litt-in His Done l'Or Her:
• Mts: D J. Stillivanbethg gteitt'y
trotibled with headaches found almokt
immediate 'relief by usineg "13u -.Ju',
She writesns follows
St: Catharines, Jan. 22, 1901
plaflin Chemical Co'Windsor, Ont
Gentlenien I ad glad to be able to
say that I have received a great benefit
from taking your "Bu -,Tu" Pills, I had
been troubled With beaditches for
nearly two mot/Alia, but a ftor taking
three boxes I had gained flesh and f t
Much improved in every way. I linVe
recommended them to several of my
friends, and they all seem to have 'de-
rived gretit help from them.
Yours tinily;
Basle: the Kidney P114 is a Avonder-
ful remedy fog all diseases and main-
dies.arising from di6.,ordered kielne)
aud Jberc. are *hundreds of 'different
diseases and conditions that are 'tfie,
direct reedit of kidney trouble. It
Would take too much space to enumer-
ate them all, but we might meirtion
rheumatism, dropsy, sallow complex-
ion, lame back, blood poisoning, sleep
lessness, heedache, irritable tonper
bad breath, lois of flesh, ate,
Biaju Kidney Pills are the infallible
remedy for these troubles, and mai*
be had at all drug stores. Ask fee
them and insist upon getting there.
Valte[no substitute.. . • a s as, a•
!mere dre two standards otmeastire.
'tent of hiiman life -the one by years,
the other.by achievement Measured by '
Years, Sidney Lanier's life of less than
twoseore was a broken column; Meas.
ured by aehievenfent, his life is not yet .
ended -he is ,Immortal. Robert Burns
died at thirty-seven,. Ryron • at thirty.
az, roe at forty. Raphael at thirty -01x,
„tattler at thirty.nlne. It is whom the
gods love die young, And yet who
shall say that the Scottish plow boy, •
or tho author of "Childe liarold," or be
Who sang of the "Raven," or the paint-
er of the "Transfiguration," Or the coin.
poser of "Centennial Cantata," do not,
0110 and all, still iipeak to tit' 111 voicet
Whose echoes ,Will command ourapttir.
ed lisOfterif away dorm, the teritUrie07
'rho ectu.t is a- lathicl. that does what
oxygen does. It is a' nerve food and
blood food -the most helpful thing in
tho world to you. Its effects aro ea -
Ware -time vitalizing, purifying. yet
It is a germicide so certain that . wo
publisa. on every bottle an offer of
t1,000 for a disease germ that it cap -
not hill. Tho reason is that germs are
vegetables; and Liquozone--like an, ex-
cess of oxygen -is deadly to vegetal
There lies the 'great vilflue of Liquo-
zone. It is the only way knoWn to kill
germs In the body without killing the
tissues, too, Any drug that kills germs
is a pOlson, an,' it cannot be talzen in
Mecliciao is almost helpless
in any germ disease. It is this fact
that gives Liquozone lta worth to hu-
manity. And that worth Is so great
-that-walleye- -spent;
dollars to supply tlie first bottle free to
each sick. imo WO learned of.
Gevm •Ditaeases.
'TheSe ftie the known' germ .dlieases;
Alla:tent • anesilsitteeeast sate-- terestheate
Irofibles ,t� help Natureeovercome
the germs; -and sucli• resulta are *Mtn-
xect and 'uncertain, -Liquozono attacks
the 'germs,. wherever they "are. An
whe]. the germs which, ceuse ft disease
are. destroyed, the disease must end,
and forever, That 43 laevitahle.
Asthma • • •
Ilrigilt'a Disease'
BeWel Troubles
Censure otloa
Dysentery -Diarrhea,
Dandruff -Dropsy.
Mar FOVOr-rnfluonza,
ridney Diseases
.eueorrboa •
I.Lyer Troubles
alart:1-, Neuralgia,
Mr4ny TrOlibleff
x, seaSCS
Stomach Troubies-,,i*
Throat Tronbtos : Any physan or hospital not ttsingi4tpates. sum
Will:be gladly supplied for a test.
Woron--Gall stones • Tumers-suices*
uoites-eista . varicocele
Honerrbea-0100 Women's Dboalleir
mation-all eatarrtt-all contagions dl
All diseases that bona with foyer -all
tint results of imparter poisoned blood.. ,
In nervous debility LiqUet011e SAS 58 reVineson_.
accomplialting what no Unign 00.
50c. Bottle tree.
If you ,need Liquozone, and lame
never tried it, please send uss Mee
coupon, We will theia mail you - au Mee*
der on a local druggist for se
size bottlo,--and-we stenti-
gist ourselves for it. This is tater *um.
gift, made to convince you; to Omer
you what Liquozone and what
can do. In Justice to yourself, pitunit.- • '
accept it to -day, for it places FOIL
der no obligation whatever.
Cattb`Witifif- e1'.
• .
for this offermay not appear again, Pinion&
the blanks and mail it to' rho 1:inttosore
Company, 558-564. Wabash Ave., Chicaso.
iwY disease is..........
I have never tried Monotone, but £Vu.
?vill supply me a see. bottle free I willtakrit,
.... . ,• • • • • • i .. , .....
Give full address -write paha*,
.Tite: Pother of His- Country • 'Was
(tune flu Athlete, ••
. . . •
' When Waseiuglaa svits commander
In chief of the army on one occaelon. he
, went to the quattere• of Colonel Time-
.' thy Pickering, who had a negro.gerv-
' mat intined:Primus. He found tee colo-•
nel absent, but :apology. re-.
e "It apes. not matter. '1,, eta 'greatly in
. .need" of • exercise,. and you must help •
lame to ger some before your master re-
. t•.1..IfJrnnsd;'e'r raShih.gtOn'e, diree-tiori the ne-
gro tied a rope to it neighbOrilig :tee,s.
• breftat: high. Priem§ wits ordered, to
stand at seine distance and hold it bet:.
• izentalle . extended. • Washington emu'
forward and backward for some time,
Junitting ever the rope as•he came and
Weet, , until he was ea tiefied 'with '
exereiSe. . , . '
: learnedfeneing when (Mite. yeung..
a His terteher was an :oia soldier who.
had. seen serViee , Indies. Hie
• stone throWiag •forts tteress the ftaPpa-
hennock, over the :Pella:ides and Acetlie•'
top of the Natural ;briage in Virginia
areenentioned by all:file. biographers; •
.. Charles 'Peale, the artiet, • telle us
, Ire wee' palat bis ture at
11-,Offat "Veinal 1772 he saw him toss
• a bar very retch farther thaii several
young. experts wlio were teetleg their
. strength that was% • '
• • • s. ' • •
•bo you Realize That a
.11.1eglected Cough filar
Result in Consumption.
If • you have. a Cold, Cough,
Hoarseness, Bronchitis; or any
aftlation of the Throat and Lungs,
What you want is a harmless and
certain remedy thia","-N,viii
at once. • ,
There is nothing so healing,
soothing, and ievigorating to the '
lungs as the balspitue properties of.
the pine tree. •
• .1 • DR. WOOD'S .
•tantains the pot nt calirt g virtues
of the pine, With other absoehetit,
expectorant and aeetisiug Medi-
cines of recognized worth.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
"checks the itritat ing cougb, soothes
and-heale the inflamed ` Lungs •
and -Bronchial Tubes,' 100Se/A the
phlegm, and gives a prompt sense
of relief froen that choketeetp,
stuffed feeliug. -
Price 25 cents per bottle.
Be'eure and risk for Er. Weed's.
Odd Korean CuStont: ' ' !
The merriage certificate is . equally
dieided • between Iniebaed and wife in
Korea. . • •
. • , • Slack Malvinas.
I 1-`-teii--'3.1.0'17"1"trtlar.•°-1=1. • Because banana skins happen tealai
, black it does not follow •that the feint ,
, is unfit to eat. We'd Indian banancis •
are ri iest for hunian
• 1,-,72-7.:! r;
It pie:lees Blsod aud curcs
Salt Rheum.
Davis St, Lawrence Co., Ltil„ Montreal.
atd examine..
. Our steekof high art pianos or isV-
e.i case deciens, ate] containies tem* sse
moils pnrebesable for money. See otrt env,
l•ateet rt), of sWtet.tonod organs, at liumb
priorslr.StrneMents rented, toned or
Grareephories and music in vorSr
Music Einproriuny,
E0IIP, !tea St: Si
A. F
DEsi1.17:R taT
Ft --Q141,?: ..A1C4b . FEED: 9
1 • •consumption. , , • .
when %tileskin is almost black, It is • . . • : ' 2 .
the Canal'y fruit Whloh turns a beau- .01\TTAPIO ST. "CLIINTQII
• tiflil y.ellow. .
- Sunflowers.
Sunflowers • make good fuel, . The
Stalks when dry arc as hard as Maple
'rood and make a gooa fire, and the
seed heads, with the seeds in, are said
tO burn better than the best hard coal.
t Hanging .over the lamps , in stored,
. -sess---esea-ea.
houses and factories •aro Diverted glais
franc's, and you could doeble Perspiration
Many permute are trOuhled with eight
• In other wordseymewould haveaonie „
to a point at which you 'could not onpersbiation and y
simple sponging- letion as a pentedy.
now of a
one turn of the wheel either double
Add to ono pint of boiling Water half a
'your wienings or recoup ail youe losses.
All systems are designed to nullify
pint of vinegar, one tablespoonful Of
the effects et ero and the maecittatna
- • salt and one teaspoonful of cayenne..
If one could be certain title Breewould _ •
,- Ile -Loved: the -Drum,
tern up, as it might to tuM up, one! in Lord Sandwich 'who was a great
every thirty-seven turns, it could be' et of _music mai freqUently had era.
provided against, and the Casino, even torios performed at Hinchinbroek, wee
with the help of the maximtim, wohld
be in a bad way. • so enamored of the timuder of the
druitathat he had one Side of his Music
But no such certaiety IS poSsible, room ,strained 'with parchment, which,
and therefore' every system splits en " upon -being sadden's" strUck, so alttrM.
this rock. And so witit the maximum.
ed the company as to throw many into
Perhaps the most fatal systems of all
are thee based Upon the theory that
If red has come up a certain number I • '
of times running -black will -follow'. To The Bs.' '10ii• Shape:. ,
Tibetan prie 401d -that the earth's
illustrate the folly ot this theory, take shape is triaegular.
the following example: If you toss a
ljenny- in.the air -1,000 -times and it A Rothschild Rule. ' •
comes heads .099 times it is of course It 18 a eustoni with the Rothschild
only even Money on its being tails the family that one ot the partners shall
next time, • . , • be on hand during business houm, and
-Thethird-edason, If:Indeed; another from this rule no departure • Is ever
be heeded, why the bank must alivitYa made.
win is that the human and fallible play- '
er is always playing against tin ins
fallible machine.
The slightest iptstake incalculatio ,n
the least inattention, and the. systeni
bells 1.0* protect the ceiling .from smoke.,
Theze is appment13 .no simpler de•viee
than . ties, .but the largest' sum ever ob.,.
.• tabled fee a small invention has been
made by the one who first thotight of
• this smoke protector. .
•Nyoocrais • PkoztipaW41117": "
Ttia saniftastdEa,gwilect
loi tlf :88 ari at6lindhda: 1)ce07413
prose b an
• ever 40 years, AL.
; ere cord :tr.ti.ter,,Tree°2341itsumlihrtrzitailoszt
Mr.4115n• itke pit S ma a* Paavitlik.
IP*- *595,, othaVg. :Autg
sod %deflects of abureor.etoessesr the et gteit
Eststu Volvp. ell Of Which lead rei la .graliag,:.
=et Tobacco, Opiumor Bihnulfeydr,
01..Consamption anal Itarl Waist.
per_peckage or six for ore. sellat
4 44, 14411434x44. wilitlaktitraweiP‘invItoisal-vo::Pliraihn:vent.t:aseitop 2111P'
Rat Brigade, , Woods,Pbosphodine is sold in Oise.. -
A parade was, recently held in etae .t.taglioythRb.eri.IP.nR4eit,hie; 11141.0"%vVey.,..%artitigs,gistb,.
-Elia, and among he eiVie b dieW
They all carried: their nit traps' hi their
marched were the Official rateetchers.
31. SASDEtt&
hands. MRS 'W
:Dre rutting School.
...,............,N.. , COE $10 I will givo a SS sptein free, aria tette& .
ty any lacl., how to mit, fit and pat losather
• tory article in Dress or MA ntleMakkig in 2Weeltse '
. h.< m the plainest shirt waist to tne mott slab--
. A Beverage of oraim dress that can be fonnd in the Mishkin
: Beek Without the %1!e* of paptr. patterns.
have t tught over 1500(11ftsen hundred) this bait -
Good Ileirith
Ball in a (Mina Shop.
A real bull in a rettl 'china. shop has
been found Norwich, lihigland, Dur-
ing the two hours the enimal spent on
breaks down. And to err is human, the premises it rendered much of the
So Monte Carlo flehrishes and always erockery of no lithe except .as spect.
Will flourish so long as...the law allows teens.
it to exist.
DottiOtt Prayer.
"Please, Gad, make Mamie Ross a
Pod sOlrl. 1,c?189- 11144., 4PV MOW.
geed little girl. An' it it ain't too much
tenable please make her to good that
Lcan take her new dell, an' shell think
It's noble Ma" self sac'ilein' never to ask
for It back again:. Amen!"
The liar generally Passes his Hine
boastingdf his hatred t.)t Hera thinking
thereby cover hie own defects. -
Pot intente an Children,
The Kind Tau Have Always Baught
Peat* inn
Withent .
Th t e I *
Which tiO Mines whatever are worked
are•Monaeo and Montenegro. The lat.
ter*country, however, is staid to con-
tain considerable deposits ot iron, lead
and tin.
e only two coon es ri Thirop n
Farm Machinery:
Half a tentury ago grain -was fiear.,
ly all Sown by hand, and It was one of
The honors bestowed ott itri old Ittboree
to give him this task, Today .this is
.dorie automatically by a, machine, and
thero are machines for laying on tho'
manure and doing the work prepare-, i
tory. to sowing. Se with grubbing, hoe.
lug and .cIettning the land -it is all
' done by Iniriroved appliances.
. Arabia has the reputation of being
one .of *tho hottest and unhealthiest
regions on the globe, but WI northern •
Arabia has' a winter season, with cold
rainAnd .oeeasional frosts.
1:1 Grand Mogul --iv the
.nicest possible blend of.
the finest and ripest teas•.
grown on the -
kissed .highlands, each
package is a whole .
bouquet of delicious fla-
Cold, tepid or hot, it is
always a family !miry. .
Pleasing to mothers, palat,
,able, to children, it is CvEcKs
best mountain gift to you.
High in theine (tea -tone)
and low in tannin (bitters),
it is the beverage of hy, •
geine 25c, 30c, 400 and •
.50c per pound,
Grand Mogul
dSold only in packages lintd with
prepared paper, never In poisonous
lead, Directions iturpreraium con.
* pont in each package,
they can lo,rna• mug b any other po 44 hitt..
years. JUST TEUNIC OF IT. For SSG I Von)
t eaeh anyoue thkfl is a g it:d diessmaher or a garyW
awes- sae conweseg t ch hil cotirs: gitikr,
. ftligyleApeltnrsIogni°Tin:flki°oer‘ro:4ingt13311mte(itolfeean'reyOal:Filtrilveg38ar ri.
teach this nears° which I have invented autil,
had patented that doesn't hold 0. oestilloata •
fronallitl: Last Claiillebliiniences"MotidaY, Map •
1St. Write tor particulars or see Me at ray"
School in, Stratford Oi. posits Windsor Botet 1, tv
Albert St. on Saturday. April 20tb, front 'I
p.m. MrS, Wm. SANDERS Teacher in,
Drossinaking, flex 159 Stratford, Ontario. .
• l 1 yr feb Sp:
Advertise hi the New Erik..
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a
Meat Market
Having purobased the butchering
btleifteSs of F il. Powell I am lore-.
pared to furnish the people of Olin -
ten with all kinds ot Eretio; an
'Cured Meats, Seepage, bokigae
reed, better'and egstealways kept tat.
PlfZifill!OPS &SOK, t
Oruers delivered rromptly t e
sits et W. tilts,
N. hweng heat; for
hipment will ceder a lower ,-by
oMllng M thee oho'',