HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-04-28, Page 6• . . TUE CLINTON NEW ERA I 10 • l!,'"inriewerfeerer° :01111111111101110 0111101111110 0 0101110111010, or Itheannatiolarip Gontsr TendoncY, Sw-ollop Glands, 15,a1t Rheum, Erm,ensft ts:04 4\11 Mood and Skin* Diseases mom BEST RENtrov SARSAPARILL It cleans the aystein, purifiesi the bled pad makes the body strong and healthy INSIST ON HAVING BRISTOL'S SARSAPARILLk- REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES POET w1IIJAM MORRIS APPRECIATION OP' THE GREAT ORAPTOMAN, AND 8001A1.18T. kiie Ferns in Literetere Will 13* Aria" tooratio in Two Distinct Reepectse.- An AnOrnalotia Feet. When the Dent- oeratic Nature of His Literary Idettle Is Conaidered-His Work in Milk- ing Common • Things 13eautiftd. . ' Nine Years have paseed since Wil- liant Morrlie death, and it is not per- haps overbold M prediet the way in whieh he 'will Cellie tO be regarded 17y the new generations which Inuit peas judgment on the old reputatiens. It SCOtt 5 EMU/SiOn IS already sufficiently evident that his tante in literature will be aristoeratic iS jUSt SUCh a remedy., , both as regards the restricted limite_ _ it ha4wornderfu.rhealing- , of -its -scope and a -s- regards the; refine- .., g' p. . meht er taste which the appreciation and nourishinower or MS prose and verse demands. Two Removps th fact Is M UW anomalous, when we e cause of • censider the democratic nature of Mor S , the cou'gh and the whole( risliterary' ide41s. • Then as, regardss y •s..te'rrt is . given new ' art, we must recognize the fact that his Significance lay chiefly in, the ire- ' ..StICligt* and. Wear .", .'„ • petus which,he ga,v.e towards the crea, Asimmemeisissememe. : OM Of beautiful things,, and towar.ds Soul for live Znple.--, ' - - . - - --- gsfounitieir-• - -4. ---'' -:'-',11-bealthiee'-coneeption-of----the---parts-- SCOTT & BOWNE, .chonisti. ' By-law No. 5, fcr igos. 1 THIS AGELEEMENat -made in duplicate-thi •• hicltbeauty shotild nlaY in.the every, ay 5 a the people.' He was not,. Tot:onto, 011ie • Towa of Clinton. 80th day of March, 190'5, s r Between•. apart, from -literature, in , any high H. e. 9 i,..stettri of ()tiptoe, Druggist. sense a creative artist, but an inspired 5<ks 04 P.00. All druggius A By-law to authorize the loan by th, w utmor.,11; 3trufseurr, and zealous craftsman, with strong and ' Awe of p blest, to the Clinton ICnit in,' if. T. Rao, Oir"(3gtotColin oe ' often sane convictions,• which he had _feentioany, ot six thousand *dollars ($1310J) of theinaelves and other's to ht4 iii'orpsra ael miller tnehnamo of“The onutois Ketttaig co., ' force enough to impress upon his gen-, p 001 of Clinton, and to provide for Vie the first i What intdrests one most deeply In _ . i , • eriatqe th si to build- a factory/ in t'se teed paerr6einaiter called the "C.smpanY" •:?t eration. • - Aare of Dtbent tires of the said Town to , and fret rear poor.* It. was to the peculiar The Municipal Corporation of the Toi n rf Morris is the ease and mastery with union of )the ideal and the Practical fie amount of $0030, and to raise th3 Clinton, hereinafter called the "Corporati n ' Which he passed continnally from one :attaist required the,rtfor and On g•I' the aR- of test Becond part. • in Ms nekure that his success in the absorbing occupation to another, . and , fields on whieh he ventured is due." 40044rveta; (e.recitt fur sett( ot purpusts) of the Whereas, a business has- been heretofere car- -therewithal -the. unity. of purPose an In the intervals of th s exacting yef testi:dings, i /art. and business of the said ried on in the Town of Clinton uudeetho rime the rugged sincerity which underlay C,•rostpany at $2000. ot Clinton Kri,t mg ,Compluy, Throat Coughs • A tickling ia the throat; hoarseness attirnes; a deep breath irritates it; -these are. features of. a throat cough. They're very de- ceptive and a cough mix- ture won't cure them. You want something that will heal the inflamed membranes,_ enrich, the 'blood and tone up the system ,o. THE MODERN DABY. 011•0•0•00••0000.•0001 Illetisede That Make V* Wonder Ewer Old Time Infante Ever Lived, " When an American baby arrive* in ' tlie world be duds enotigh paraphernao aud biapediments awaiting Win to ; Walsh:ford; all the papoosea of a nu - =ernes native tribe, • The garniente that were authorized , for the bab,V immediate predecessor aro already 'discarded by science. The Slips and jackets' that were Used at en 04alogous time by big brother will not' 4,8 tor him. ,All baby clothes must now be in one plects--or Is It three pleeeet? l•io one •can tell till the fatal moment. And ea ter soaps and powders, the brandis that were useclaave minntea ago are now eateenled extremely deleterl- 0118. $00pfil, in feet; are nothing, What we want is skin toed. 1 Meanwhile if the thermometer is Overloeked the COUSeallellee* will be dire. If the baby didn't have a ther- xnemeter he probably would fame to have a teaPerattirend if, he didn't have a pair of scales be might:WV to have` any •weight. Some kind a 'weighing maehine is essential, And an indlyldeal bathtub! So that he can be Weighed 'before and after his swim to see what effect it has on .blm. * Thecradle must be thrown away..It thet• snood jettir Money ea„noiv Is a bassi- net; Next year for the next, baby it , may be a hermetically Sealed test tube. Where, oh, where is the drift toward1.1 the simple life? .4 Certainly not in the baby's 'food, gator 911 ribbed in through the cbest the real nonrishinent. And cheeseinade4 from the milk' of the goats of the Cau- • cams is an indispensable element of diet- ••`' joyous labor at various ' handicrafts, . this apparent diversity. We know him And whereas, the s .id Company. acqiiirin; w_ rhaile hi n' ae nmabgl'etime eedn, i apart01 i' efrom.bll s itnhees sg,einn-: I the said t laistand busineest pro,a'ises building, first as a • boy at: lVfarlborough College. the same, for the . whetting his curiosity on the ROtritin.' ,C Ifilsereas it i • advisable patitdithe Town of equppifig, and saiargalg carrying on of the business of hosiery Matra- , arid pro -Celtic remains of that,. distriet. numerable experiments in dyeing, weaV- „timer, Ef. B. coin ,e, Druggi,t, a, T. Rams. factdi g in the Roan of Canton., . and gathering those impressions of na- , Ing, embroiderY and 'stained glass, Mew- alghaton lend ait ham P. pi _ g ._manufac- •Wisher, and others to be ineereporated under . And whereas, it is deemea. expedient by the ' tural beauty 'which. pass like a gleam- ris found time to produce poetry whica tho:ame of th 2 Clinton Keitting Company a .id Corporatoa ro grant by way of loan to t e• in .its extent and in its. strikingly erig! ,Limited. or such other slam° as the Lieutenant said Company thorium of six thousand (lona- a •Ing thread through. the 'prose and versos, !nal quality te.kes high rank in a period . ' evaaarnor in Codicil may 011 oct, tha sum Of 06001 to *melbas them tobaild a suitabie factary of his maturer years. Oxford; about. ' . alit thousand dollars, to enable them to build a - for tho worrying on of -the said liusiness.. upon. . poetry was 'both abundant. and Whose grey towers • something still ' lin- when gittotory in the Iowa of Clinton. and to fix the the terms and condi ions hereinafter stipu a - powerful. These Poems can never, be in : --„waessaient of the iand, b.nldings. plant, and ed. • gered of the enchantment of the mid- .... . . _ .an . age net wholly altire t� PeetrY. INV:. liaGi'llfliF of the said Company, extmpt for . Now therefore; this Indenture witnesF eth, file ages,. atirnulated his love of archi . • ular, nor in an age not whollY deadto ' - ' • t 82003 and . toctural' beauty, a love that was deep- . ii*"1 Patix" es. r‘u.'ptir Yeairislitittin 82u03. ani r unit? ien whiuli 844 is izi. ; ween the Salt iloinpany. 'their EnleeessorE a lid and it is coronanted and agreed by and be-, ened .until it . became' a ,passion by bie . pOetry cum they be neglected. • Two eibereateth4re insoia41; te c assigns,. aud the said Corporation as follow :--, things eSpaelallY command attention in wSS4lrY in t and the ne. Company tate oda t..; take journeys On foot among • the, Gothic • or the husicesa. vbutil a large rant ory, Lod 1 she 0 mpaly agreosthat it wat erect and cathedrals of northern France. C.xford Maxirsa'dpyoetical wOrk: first, the devout ' Eforoinne the samo • 3,.. .7. . ; build, withIn.the limits of the Corporat on or ' itiediaeviilisin- Of ' the' early wave him, tots, the inspiration of (a. kin-', , Oluston. a aooa building 90ft by 454, and two .. pieces,. and, secondly, in his greater pod whereas, by tihtehtlIolilec.,_r eitiliti.ilLentwtre • stories high. built of brick or cement, and in dred-spirit, his- life-long friend and as- 1-- --WtreigeaeT•ea3venallgretAlsa put orterrthousaud- big7P119)nalli-soeiate_46_aw_has_tabersHlurne.730nes. period, ' the story -telling qua 1 '" modern attempts in the melliaevar man-• mllarays.anitablafor manufartn 4.siters 010,004 ot taxation addition to that 2'.:‘ TO equip said bui dings it such paint Then followed the coinnaratively brief-, ii, "11.Pril 'rntlI48Bili11nalaigl Intil=7 up- infatuation for Rossetti, who was old rier must perforce be. factitious, and in ..'sdireedy invested, to employ an average of s xty (mai. iirtgage on land and buildings, until power ' 3 Cal -tritest in said business, n •ade11 on d -.1-- i • .• to . enough and. ernp.erious , enough to.. be- , ..,.. tio ,can it be said that Morris' recaptur- hie 'poetry rio more than in hie decent- . Awe& to each year, and to secure said loan oy to- a49, -and we equipped. ., g 'total and interest in twenty years at 44 per coat ed by said Company to he 44000, the further ' group. At ' Rosaetti's instance auci .un. , %eunquite the Spirit of the middle ages. \ lakett,and to repay in , quill payment.; he prin- pre ent ca,..ital employed, weich Is he-eny e- come the master spirit' of that eartY L. ' Oast per ant um. . •su XI of ten thousand dollars. _ ..,. . . But the- inspiration which. he drew from . . der his inspiring yet 'erratic guidance • - 4wid whereas in 'order thereto it will be 4 To employ continually, annually, from . • .• . the , thirteenth • century and from the Morris for several years strove loyally eiatatity for the enm of fiiK thOUSalld. dolIaras overage , f sixty hands In and about the hnsl- to gain. a mastery in pairiting. To, this nesslof.Chaucer's century. . was mere 1 d It d 'ith elfkonselous- : aparessary io issue deben urea of the said Man- aad after t e first day of -Jarnaty, le00, an ' . .. , saberenafter provided. an t which is the a- nese of the a da factory, and 1 • property intim ena he abandoned his chosen profession . atof the debt intended to be created by thin and operata, and continuously operate, of architecture, but, for ,44:i first,_ atwiL _vital Land. unaffectedly genuine:than in.. .,....osse by-law, the proceeds of the said Debon- . and repair, and keep in go.d running order, -last tinte In his. life he wee forced. to... the ease of any other author in a ner- Aisles to be applied to the purp.se aforesaid and r reser thn said Knitting -Fsc, ory, plant iod'-of inediaeVal worship. both Shain awed to no other. and mach nery, for a 'period of twenty-, years' acknowledge himself beaten. .However,• 0• ,npoem s,• 7 poes, A5ia. whereas the total amount regal ed by from the completion of the said factory. ' , With lVfOrrila every experience was turn,: .1,;_d" slheerd• • His •tbialtunicipal Act tobe raised ananarty during n the clogipany wishes to r pay the whole -U , ed Coltimate advantage, and .even this , Wniell 'contain itinfoat 'all' the • really, - _ ..118•Perrod of twenty years for paying said De- loan at the end of ten years, or anysubsequenecit great *tortes . of the. world, . were a re, Postures in nai annual SMOUIltd of 4401 25, year, it my do so on satisfying till fish ht., or painting venttire„ean scarcely be consid- u• tieet,and is ' (the Amounts payable far principal and inter- the Corporation, in which case the said Com- ere.d as a faltte start, for it gave him a a'- •-timelY one-agairist- the- ws respectively on account of each instalment pany is to he released from all the agreements securer mastery 'of . detail and . a surer modern habit. of sentimental introspec- t*" eeretoaetexed. - . . sense of color hi the decorative ' work of tion and soul torture; which , Morris so , .fthe . said debt being shown du in the Schedule and stipulations herein °attained., . - 1 5 The raid Company will amnia 1,y, on the later . years. Already he had given evi- .heartilY loa.thed. .Prolik these poerne ..„4„..afirveyty of that To ern of Clinton -according to fah to the said Corporatiewa stet* uto. y ,dectar- ad le nf cat iloi ft ye rt ni g ibnoat 14 are, and deficient ,in .conse- fa: ed during the prev ous year, and will, if 11.- it must certainly . have puzzled hie . _Power and exception. . daubtless tragic 'flashes . from the pages • of many 41.4%-ar-hereas till amount of the rateable first day January, in each, and every. ear find- 41seattest revised ossessm cat thereof is $632891. ation'snowing the umbel' of persons employ- prose and verse, and . 1. queriee.in the intensity which strikes in *ad whereas the amount of the existing de tion may direct,all the books and psyrolbs of the .. , his friends to :know the preelse. direction .- a lesser peet. But, Morris never wrought %lured, exhibit t i snob person es the corphra- '41beitture debt of the said municipality is 09007- without a purpose, and the dearth in . Said l.ompany containing any entry ua reiatiou tnat .cre,ative. energy would take: . to the hiring of employees tor any portion of The furnishing. of the Bed Reuse at tip- . . his poems. of 'those splendidly isolated °tidier° f. none is In a• rear. . asseveration ot the Town of Clinton enacts as the demand shall be made. ton at, a time when the, art he.of depora- i. phrases 'which are dear to. the quoter's 'Therefore, the Municipal Council of the the terenty-year term preceding that la which teMosist I In case of the failure of the said Company to• tion had slink to its lowest. ebb of. cheap . art was. part of this ,conseigue. par - 1 Itehall hts lawful f d• the Municipal C. r- incorporate or build or equip soli factory,then or pretentious 'vulgarity presented pro- pose:: He 'felt that Modern: poetry had on of the town of Clinton, toaidthe seal, all expenses incurred by the Corpo ation In blerns which .in their solution gave Mons .become too literarY;-and that the skill Clinton Knitting Oompamy. in the erect- and about this agreement, are to be borne tY rls an . impulse to of the. modern. poet was devoted to the lbw of it building, by a loan of six.thousand the sata Compiny. wards the most per - '• 6 By way Of securing the fulfilment of ti e eistent and probably the most 'import- Over,elaboration Of individual passages„ with a consecnient lose of 'spentaneitY,. dodoes and by fixing the assessment of tho . property of the said Company (except for • c venairs and agrearaenteit herein,by them to alit labor of his life. For the artistic • ellool 'taxes) at two thousanl. dollars for a be erforraed andish.ervedoha -fiiiid-Ciatipany - detail- of -this house. -down --to the- emall-_... it • f i 1 • 'which perfect' and with a• frequent sacrifice of that . waled of ts n yoars from the completion of the P t - un. y to mpreas ona 1 einem o exceute and deliver to the said Oor• est piece of ' fotniture„ *orris and . his ipieee,,m,VoefAme,_.:t ip.ic pig, h 0, v con- ata• isatartaiilding. . . , ' Paratian it Stat. A2Origs.IN ler fhe susl--0-f-Alx----friends-znade, -thernselVes - Tesponsibler - • 2 It slisli and er ay be lawful for the Comm- thousand dollars ic fee simple, free from all in- WO i In, fa • slaw totem.° debentures to raise said aura of cumbrances upon the lands buildiugs end and 'from their . co-operation grew . first 41,t Ypu •stimiey, ssid debentures to bear interest at 4% power plant Of the said Cointany, such build- the idea and then the successful estab,. rple patches.' Altheugicriev.er -a: gar tent. per annum and to be repaict in equai tugs and power plant as fixtures and real este. e .a careless artist' I am . convinced that .hst, etatinal instalments 01161,25 ite per,,Efehedule_zand.to,be.Ineorporated-in-and-covered,-byldid'. , , .1.14alltrilent.n.f..the-liiiiiw_itti...which- Mot.= A,I-Jonded hereto, so as to retire the debt mortgage. ', he mortgage to be repsyatle in ' r s name will always be itesoelated. would have preferred lalajpie • into smeenty years. t equal, annual amounts of 6461.25 ot 'pritatipai I "One evening a lot of 'us were togetn-. . ,... 4casional roughness and naive. intoher-. .,. . , d interest, BO as tO retire the Debtsntures la- ence rather than produce a phrase so . an d o the Corporation to make smili loan, ac-• er,". says Roasetti, in the -aceourit given . , . cording to the schedule A attached hereto; - • • - bv Mr watts -Dunton, "and we got to •;redolent of literature as,. for eitamPle, .4. tied debentures shall be. payable at the .,._ • since ta the Treasurer of the Town of Clinton, "'" 3' mo gage con n etignia covet= 0 t• talking, about the way in ,whieh artists '' . Tennysores diLaborldue • orient ivory sphere in sphere." ' . .. ell :Each of said Debentures shall be signed by 1 Said rt ' to tai th 1 t tisellayor and Treasurer of the said Corpora- contained in tlii ordinary short forms of •d d all kinds of things in olden tines, - .. tiele,ane the Clerk shall affix the corporate seal mortgages, the covenants and conditions coo- designed every kind :of decoration • and Diseussien of Morris'. poetry"; to lie thereto, and shall bear data the 31st day of July tained in this agreement, and a covenant to in, whelly. satisfactory, cannot fall to deal ....... _s.,,If and when the assent of thequalifiedelec power -plant -to their full intaurable value-iwdol- .. •• I sure and keep Jawed the buildings and -• .suggesteth-as-a-joke-more-th ' • most kinds of furniture, and someone with some of the question. that 1' he.Ve • 2.1,r *he same snail be finally passed on the the loss. payable. to the Corporation,' and.. a an-any..____toudiati _woo, _„ ,and_zoss_., carre_ treat. tailiviaball lit ve been been obtained to this By- lars, daring the full term Of twenty years, and ' thing else ..;••-• that Vire Should each. put. ny executing a formal agreement in the promise that in default of any of the covenants ,, ." a. down five pounds and form .,a company. ment of Morris' poetry glances . off the see of the hereinbefora recited agreement of said mortgage or this agreerafrt, the sail 1..."vers. were mosso= of a rare growth "Anted hereafter as schedule 'IV and . Corporation may. as therein provided, entert n among Its in those days, and I won't . never fails' to. Interest us, and kit• esti- '410321Plying with all the conditions therein con- and. lease orsell the said land, buildings ' and • iir:alaeroffrol.fmorrsiusplenraheilsatmainny coorziatits ". ashosa. pleat, or foretilose as they may deem beak eivear that the table bristled with fiv- ers. Anyhow, the firm wasfounded, earby special rate on all the rateable proper- the event of fire destroying said buildings. or , re s , , I may say that 1 do not know 'any .•Jet There aball be levied and raised 10 each I 7 And the satcrOorporation agree that la ,but, bf Course the was no deed or •an the said Municipality a sum rifficient to an part thereof the Coro an will roceed anything of. that kind. , hi fact, it was book more likely to stimulate an inter- ge the Bald annum amount of i461.25 ac- wi h due dispatch to re-ereot such buildings a mere 'playing. at business, and Morrie •est in Merris or more reliable in the seeming to schedule A hereto and power plant, and within sight months re- was eleeted Manager; not because we • spitudr me aVvilli I clit:, riot fp.fre,esiehriat 0E1 Edgar, many tlanTyo: 0-. ThisEplaw shall take effect on, from, and Place the machinery orplamt therein, and re. some operations. in -which case the Corpor- ever dreamed he -would turn out a man itinto'GlOie. . . * •afiteir gist July 1905. ation agrees to band over to the Company of btlainess, but because he was the • . 8 'And it is further enacted that the votes of Cie Insurance moneys received by them. •'only one among . ua who. had both time theft:Wowing-times and places that is to say . --8---Theeald Corporatioa- shall,. during- the -and-money- to .spare,..._Waliad_110Allaa.- -. , wg,leetera shall be taken on this By-law„at . . eiOthe first day of May 1905,commencir g at the pe o years from e wrap e Oa o e riod f ten f the 1 ti f the 1-1-1S--NERV4S . uildinga, in pursuance of the power vested in whatever of commercial sitceess, but it . . . r/ lulus of nine o'clock in the morning and cons ° them, provide for the fixing of tho assessment succeeded almost in our Ovra despite." • . , . • • PLAYED OUT - Owns tin eve o'clock in the afternoon of the except school takes, at 42000. • 1 tiabandoned and ,. .' ' etaine day by the following Depu.ty Returning of the said factory and plant and business. Now pa n ng . was (Meer. poetry for the time was laid aside, and - • • . . Thenoradsof kolas okls, are on duce using 11 Too- • Many more wouldi,be benefited by following . the same course, • . wadi', Sold only in lead pwckets 25e, $0c, 400,4509, or Green 60c, by all Grocers• . Ilighcst award SI. Louis 1904 cr0000•o•oo-o-000000000000000 (arks iicoobo***ocloo:004343.006-orOboo Kncvws We Ilave freeh ancl large as- sorted stock of Grooeries and PA -Visions,' Atiphing.. in the line a Crockery, Gtlasswi.tro4 Chinaware, ete. 71tiThe procured at this store; WANTED -Good Butter and Eggs. 4 9 W. Irwin. 4 -ac ;.40-00000<x>o-c>9.Fealli Everyon-e- 01•011110•1‘ • • : Light Buggies : • Our. Specialty * A • They arci7made.of the befit ot nutteilal, and takenosecond • place inworkmanship. ' They are the hightest.grade, and in- • • tending purchasers should seemly stock betore purchasing. • • • • GEO. LAVIS CLINT ON : 1144012.0011011004141 ISO 010041111111 ••••••••• 6011.110111111••••• surface of the subject. 110WeVer, s.he Polling Sutiliviaione 9 Upon the erection aed completion of Sai5 Morris the craftsman stens forth. "He .._,- 2 et .andrew's Ward -Town Hall. Albert building, upon the certificate cir...an architect .,...was wiliffig.1. ' • cd5Oer. and upon execution of,,the mortgage herelate- ercitie his faculties on the htimblest un- Pind nealth Brolie D r1W11 - Ft Life eireet-Nicholas Robsona Depu'y Return's g °regent to be appointed by the Corporation • Miss Cary' writes, "to ex - dollars is to bo Raid by -the said Corporation,' Saved + y th 2 Timely iii42 of fore recitea, the said amo194 of six thousand dertakings, with no other aim than to 1..n.41) -14S . liliersMokthat ivherover tho W is a id int isflaremenk it mho IA upon and agreeable to Utie Half a make a common thing pleasant to look ew, century ago 'craft' was not. the erroz one . . _ SobJivision No 2 St :Fames' Ward -at the Apple Hiram. Ater, High street, John Scott Deputy ,144urning officer. - • •• St. Johns' Ward at IttosIaatt 89MoVath's pony to 17e incorporated aDN in; stiecessore Iitierlage shop,- H7,7,..1; tt , 0, lielyar, Dep. uty and assigns. ,-;a1 tram•r;.• . • ionable word for the kind of work with *, -4 Bt. George's Ward at Leslie's Carriage And Is which the firm chiefly concerned itself, Me, ICarl B. Newsome of Rothesay, .1betarillk-ofileer. fitZcillitrielerogrjidartlir'cb,erestriallie and in doing the greater part of what writes ; "I owe it debt of gratitude to tic he did Morria was merely writing him- FerrOzone wilich saved my life after a self down, in the language of the gen- severe siege of Nervons 1-1rostration. Oral public, an artisan. • Confohning to About a year ago my healtii gave out the truest of principles, he • raised his completely. I was in such a Weak Work by getting under' it Nothing irritable cant•ition • that conldn't was "too laborioue or too lowlyfor , _W_Ork. andlound that the...doc,tors did -Pride of position was -unknown to dam nothing for inc but take fity motley. in any tense that would prevent him My drtiggist recommended Verrozone from indulging In manual labor. lila • as tbe best preparation for nervous real pride Jay In making tiornething troubles, so 1 cornmeneed at once to which he eonsidered beatitiful take the take one tablet at meals. EVery box place of Sminething ugly in the World. of Ferrozone I took seemed to do nie If it were a fabric to be made lovely more good than the previus One, and -with long -disused or tinferniliar dyes*, it wasn't very long before I was strong hie hands were ln the Vat. If tapestry 1 epOugh to mOVe around rigain. Iu Were to be woven, he was at the loom three Menthe Was ccanpletely cured, Y dawn. In hie workman's bioucte, 1 arid know that I wouldn be alive to - steeped In indigo, and with his hair day if hadn't ti..ea, Perrezone. It' Outstanding wildly, be was in the habit bi need np my nerves, gave me a str9ng of presenting himself theerfulli at the healthy conatitution, and is tertainly houses of his friends, relYing upon his a marvellous restorer and tonic fox* native dignity to save appearance, or, nervous people." to speak more truIvzot thinking • of I The reason Perrozone ie, 60 61160068- aPPearatiteeg et all, but entirely happly4. ful in etteing nervous diaettee is that it In his role' of WOrkmart, though frank- tains the very elements that are y desirous that the busineas ehould 1 ee eel- to restore the wasted neree prosPer beyond an danger of the cells* 15 is a nourishing, strength,- 'enliailt that would,- he owned, IA a, giving tonic that costs 500 per box, terrible nuisance.' 'X have not time oi containing three weeks troativent. Maar hinida,' he said, 'to be ruined 8Pc b"e8 for 8450. sold 4)" ail drtig* • gists or by null from The rerrozone Company, Kingston, Ont. stion't fail_ - to fet Ferrozone to -day, it itssurea Alain, Huron et , S. J. Andrew, Deputy lie- Itintating 4 nicer ' On the 29th day of April 1905, at the hour of eleven o'clock, m, at the clerk's office in the Town of Clinton the Mayor ap obit two refruse to pass an Act to abling the _Corper- ation to make that loan; -or in the event of the ratepayere not ratifying the By -Law to: give effect bereto, then this agreement is to become void and Otto effect, ..,..a . persons:to attend at the final suntm ng uP 1 01 Towitness whereof the said. part es bay° alit -votes by the clerk, and one person at eae hereunto subscribed their hearts and, seals.....-- - - • addling place., on behalf of thepersonsintereet- _ • adinand desirous of promoting the passing of W. I', SPALDING ' this by -lay, and a like number on behalf of •H. tr. COMBE Ale Pereone interested in and desirous of opPos- ,• ''Seal 1 H. T. RANCE ..itg the passing of this by-law. . 7 4,0 clerk of the said municipel eorpor- Dated at the Town Hall Clinton, this 301h day , Oat* shall attend at nis office in the said of Mar& 1905. na .-... •tOirriaef 011nton at the hour of eleven o'clock . 3.13, HOOVER, MaYor. nue forenoon of the 2n6 day of May 1905, to D. L. MACPHERSON, Clerk• . sera tin the number of votes for and against •lilli by•law. .... "T bel following is ''\13cifedule A of this by aw hereinbefore referred to - SCHEDULE A ......*. NO rice Take notice that the above is it trite copY era . propOsed by-law whir% has been taken Into con side adieu and which Will be finally passed by thelCounei of the Municipality therefor (in the everit el the ahead Of theeIeetors being obtain- ed thereto), after one inehth front the first pub - Haiti? in the Clintoo ,. aTevr h:ra; the date of I1011.1kprillin,attiliTtrtit girt!,elt.e?ti3f SAY:11113N of the eald munieipality will be taken thereon on the day and rit the b.oure. and places therein fixed. . D. X, MACIMEtteOlf, Clerk. • Dated this 8011t day or March, 1905 BLINDED WITEI f1EADA011E People often got blinding headaches that stiffee from conetipation,Sim 0. lost remedy' I r. Hamilton's ?Ms of Mandrake d Butternut. Whey tire mild, cartalir and Nate. For headache and billictuailects use only Dr. Barna. ton's rills. Price 280.• „ • ..W41)141101Jimitlit:11101.HAtis. Helpless. as an Infant -VOW' Walks WIthoiit erittalre. We•nderfitt Iteeovory of Mr John itleCtillough, of -- •Uxbridge, Ont. The Claffin Chemical Co., Windsor: Gentlemen•-lt:is-with much -pleas, tare that 1 send you this testitnonial regarding the wonderful benefit' have d armed front the rule of "Bu -Ju" KicI- neyEilla -"lave been an invalid for nearly three years With inflatimiatory rheututnatism, and was bedfast until about six months ago, when an. old 'friend of the fanally, called to gee me, an3. left• me some of your ,pills. • I be- gan CO feel the benefit of . thein after taking one box have continued us- • ing them, and am now able to get 'out of bad and dress myself, and can go, out without crutches. Before taking She Pills was as helpless , an an in- fant, and had to be taken care. of' like one. • • honestly helleve ,t_liat your pills • have been the cause of my getting ,better... I have.tied that could be thought of as 'a cure for Mx trouble, Mit teel this remedy of , yeurs-has-'clone--me-in ore-good-412am' h St • Raymond. Que., bratiehof the People's . Take notice, that•I, :Beitben Oreherti, of Bank of Halifax Monday night. • ,the town of Clinton, have made ElOplioation . shA)-oor,and Blind Factory Whitt fader), is the largest in3he county, and beta the very latest improved. me ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice, We carry, •,t an eideneive and reliable stook and prepftred plans, and give estimates for end build es of buildings on short- notice, and on theoloaest-prioec. All work is supvis-• ,ed in it ntezhanioal way and eatiefeietion gneranteed. • We OeU all kinds of, in • • • tenor and exterior material Lumber, Lath,Shinsles, LimecSish..Doors Blinds Ete Agent for the Celebrated OBILY BILL SCHOOL DUSK, rnenufitOttirer. • it Waterloo. Cali and get praxes andeistrmatesbefonaplaoing oar orders •- S. S..*C091PER - .• - PROPRIETOR, GeneritI BnilderialitIContrattor . LADIES,. MISSES .and CHILDREN'S St:W*10y 7 fl1 MED: P4 ALSO NATTY. SHIRT7WAIST' HATS NOW ON DISPLAY Londesboro Emporium. March 8181 :1905.•• R -41? any of them, and 1.211 I were Mined attempt to burglariZe t e . f younger man, that by taking them for another few months I Would be well and strong again; but of course 1 am nu old man now, and havenot the con- stitution to work on, but I hope this simple story of the NVAY your pi Is have, helped me witi be of value to others. I remain yours truly -JOHN MoCULL0116111. Uxbridge, Ont, 1 TrausteirorLirenge.-- •••••••••01 'London Subway Wisigens. Under the new scale the London Sub- wayaDistrictrailway, *fit. pay its em- ployee; as follows: Motormen will be . paid from 85s. to 42s. ed., cOnductoril trona '25E: to 800. and gateMen 'ff0131 '21s. to 22s: 0d. • The( week is to conitist of BIZ days of ten hours each instead of seven days,ns at present. --The-111511- -11. per hour shall be- paid t� first, se “It and third year motormen, With 10 for leading men of -thle class;•Nd. an ed. 'per; hien to conductors and sestet - ant itotornien, and '41/9d." and ed. per • hour to the &St and- second yeer gate- men respectively. They ale°. propose • a nine hour day and an eight hour day, in reckoning overtime and that for Sun- day wOrk"the rate of payment shall be half aff much again as the &dimity, r'ate'•••• • • . , 1 Shisnosas Powder. . *•* A.C"cOrding. to Captain 'Thacker, a; Canadian officer, the new shimose pow- der used in the Japanese armyla tWO- degrees more destructive than dyna- mite. Gun cottail, on which lyddite and other -high explosives' are based, edmes directly below the Japanese eon:Mound, While, the cost of 'initintfacture 18 one- , half that of gun cdttoxi. Unlike ordi- nary explosives, which explode after they have pierced an iron plate, with shimose powder the piercing and the detonation are pritetically simultane- ous. Thousands of fragmenta are Cleat- tered "In all directione, Which meat6 the moit fearful carnage when the ex- pit:Woe mere on a ehip's deck. . • . , •.,, The snitetioe Gold Camera. • iihe great fault, or misfortune per- haps, of the Sultan of Morocco has been his extravagance. Ile has spent In the few yettelf since he took up the reins nofgag government ehI :re tecnio Omnolrys tho'-whole 7-W h 1 VW: 611110 Of hitt country, but also the Ba :Lile- % rely of the things he 13611ga-sate" , hiro any pleattire. Photography itm1104 ' ed him for b. time. A camera of gold at 42,000 Came MIA London; MOOG I haus., vow', of photograOlzio paper ' arrivea In one eq tom Parts. Hie nutiosty once Informed ma that 'ilia 1 Materials for out year °Sat bita,:bit WO, 4000 ',to AVON Eor Sale. One first chum Shorthorn null filititt • The Pvivate balk of ' 22 monihs cid, mostly Snatch bre?, 21111b3 Minnedosa, Math, saa, for less then ite Woe: Is right- en payment. s' tared, endScertificate will be given with a,..4 a,„, it ; the tet tbet tiomet tet bets I 1" """- KindYou Han Aleata Hata . riekering suspend-, gain ail it trawl be told. Alto 2 soling Ursa*411* *Wm% 44,,d1fertlie lit the Nevi. Era e"°:tocl!ei`m. it. mit menu, at to the License Board of the chariot of • West Huron. for "a' transfer of the tavern license of A. Branderberger in the said town • to myself, to take effecithelst day of Ma. Dated this 10th day of Apri1,1905. COAL -COAL- COAt Before 'placing your o r • ders for your season' supply of. Coal, get our • prices. The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price. _ IWOrders may be left at Davis & Itowland's Hardware' Store, or with 111. J. STEVENSON At Electric Light irlant Dew the • "1110,Kind Yoti Hate Alwa Bought signature 'of ' 1 t••••.**********4.•••••• Sibs :• Spring is once more at Z I hand, and with it 1 Pure IMaple Syrup - from the. land of my., birth the county of Leeds. 1 Fresh Fruits t We have arrIviiie• daily the ' following • fruits x -Bananas, Or. ianges, Lettiti1313 and pineapples. ; Oood Groceries 4, 'wow it3 the best time to hay itlagrValiligenStranhelitlglrit -as you lolow we always keep the best of 'everything. t 4,4•••••••44******•••••., W. T. O'NEIL 4 The flub Grocery. 4414e....4.44.4444,4***** Dolt NOW , Thia.ione ol the ,xtiost 'modern - "-at inottnes; and-a:Food on You've been thinking ,pf, giving us an order for Groceries - Do , it NOW We want to get that " order. We're anxious to show, you how depend,. able the quality is, and how,moderate- the prices are. We want to intro- duce you to Grocery Satisfaction This week .we have passed into stock about half.a-ton of TEA. Prices, ranging from 25C tO per lb. • The quality ,in. vites inspection. In jus. tice to yourself you ought to test our/Veas, ,;1011AAMAN A. D.' Beaton Huron Si., Clinton Phone t t nt,ilatomp‘ itot„tt, • Beatota rs g 0 .......................---- 1003. 1907 1908 loco 1910 1911 1911 1018 1914 1015 1918 1017 1018 1910 1020 1921 1992 1920 1 1924 1926 '1es '3 g .101 26 19988 208 83 218 25 228 07 288;; 249 06 280 27 271 98 284 23 297 02 810 89 82486 ' 96 1164 20' 570 14. ' 88680 404 20 422 se , 44140 ..........,..aas 40 1 Ei ...........- . .2 . .12 '‘. 41 1 , . ' . •41.. 110, Ill ,. 42 , 3$ •„24 .45 le •IT ' 14 ..........alLr-• $270 00' 281 80 352 40 248 00 23,1 18 22892 212 10 200 96 zee 21„ 17708 164 28, 150 811 18589 • 12280 107 05 , 91 11 • 7445 5706 • es es 1985 • .........a...........; Oa* 00 ................... *48125 961 25 461 25 461 25 461 26 46125 461 25 461 26 461 25 40125 461 25 461 25 461. 26 461 26 481 as 461 25 48126 461 25 461 26 412125 aitimilft1460,64 tiii WO ......*. NO rice Take notice that the above is it trite copY era . propOsed by-law whir% has been taken Into con side adieu and which Will be finally passed by thelCounei of the Municipality therefor (in the everit el the ahead Of theeIeetors being obtain- ed thereto), after one inehth front the first pub - Haiti? in the Clintoo ,. aTevr h:ra; the date of I1011.1kprillin,attiliTtrtit girt!,elt.e?ti3f SAY:11113N of the eald munieipality will be taken thereon on the day and rit the b.oure. and places therein fixed. . D. X, MACIMEtteOlf, Clerk. • Dated this 8011t day or March, 1905 BLINDED WITEI f1EADA011E People often got blinding headaches that stiffee from conetipation,Sim 0. lost remedy' I r. Hamilton's ?Ms of Mandrake d Butternut. Whey tire mild, cartalir and Nate. For headache and billictuailects use only Dr. Barna. ton's rills. Price 280.• „ • ..W41)141101Jimitlit:11101.HAtis. Helpless. as an Infant -VOW' Walks WIthoiit erittalre. We•nderfitt Iteeovory of Mr John itleCtillough, of -- •Uxbridge, Ont. The Claffin Chemical Co., Windsor: Gentlemen•-lt:is-with much -pleas, tare that 1 send you this testitnonial regarding the wonderful benefit' have d armed front the rule of "Bu -Ju" KicI- neyEilla -"lave been an invalid for nearly three years With inflatimiatory rheututnatism, and was bedfast until about six months ago, when an. old 'friend of the fanally, called to gee me, an3. left• me some of your ,pills. • I be- gan CO feel the benefit of . thein after taking one box have continued us- • ing them, and am now able to get 'out of bad and dress myself, and can go, out without crutches. Before taking She Pills was as helpless , an an in- fant, and had to be taken care. of' like one. • • honestly helleve ,t_liat your pills • have been the cause of my getting ,better... I have.tied that could be thought of as 'a cure for Mx trouble, Mit teel this remedy of , yeurs-has-'clone--me-in ore-good-412am' h St • Raymond. Que., bratiehof the People's . Take notice, that•I, :Beitben Oreherti, of Bank of Halifax Monday night. • ,the town of Clinton, have made ElOplioation . shA)-oor,and Blind Factory Whitt fader), is the largest in3he county, and beta the very latest improved. me ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice, We carry, •,t an eideneive and reliable stook and prepftred plans, and give estimates for end build es of buildings on short- notice, and on theoloaest-prioec. All work is supvis-• ,ed in it ntezhanioal way and eatiefeietion gneranteed. • We OeU all kinds of, in • • • tenor and exterior material Lumber, Lath,Shinsles, LimecSish..Doors Blinds Ete Agent for the Celebrated OBILY BILL SCHOOL DUSK, rnenufitOttirer. • it Waterloo. Cali and get praxes andeistrmatesbefonaplaoing oar orders •- S. S..*C091PER - .• - PROPRIETOR, GeneritI BnilderialitIContrattor . LADIES,. MISSES .and CHILDREN'S St:W*10y 7 fl1 MED: P4 ALSO NATTY. SHIRT7WAIST' HATS NOW ON DISPLAY Londesboro Emporium. March 8181 :1905.•• R -41? any of them, and 1.211 I were Mined attempt to burglariZe t e . f younger man, that by taking them for another few months I Would be well and strong again; but of course 1 am nu old man now, and havenot the con- stitution to work on, but I hope this simple story of the NVAY your pi Is have, helped me witi be of value to others. I remain yours truly -JOHN MoCULL0116111. Uxbridge, Ont, 1 TrausteirorLirenge.-- •••••••••01 'London Subway Wisigens. Under the new scale the London Sub- wayaDistrictrailway, *fit. pay its em- ployee; as follows: Motormen will be . paid from 85s. to 42s. ed., cOnductoril trona '25E: to 800. and gateMen 'ff0131 '21s. to 22s: 0d. • The( week is to conitist of BIZ days of ten hours each instead of seven days,ns at present. --The-111511- -11. per hour shall be- paid t� first, se “It and third year motormen, With 10 for leading men of -thle class;•Nd. an ed. 'per; hien to conductors and sestet - ant itotornien, and '41/9d." and ed. per • hour to the &St and- second yeer gate- men respectively. They ale°. propose • a nine hour day and an eight hour day, in reckoning overtime and that for Sun- day wOrk"the rate of payment shall be half aff much again as the &dimity, r'ate'•••• • • . , 1 Shisnosas Powder. . *•* A.C"cOrding. to Captain 'Thacker, a; Canadian officer, the new shimose pow- der used in the Japanese armyla tWO- degrees more destructive than dyna- mite. Gun cottail, on which lyddite and other -high explosives' are based, edmes directly below the Japanese eon:Mound, While, the cost of 'initintfacture 18 one- , half that of gun cdttoxi. Unlike ordi- nary explosives, which explode after they have pierced an iron plate, with shimose powder the piercing and the detonation are pritetically simultane- ous. Thousands of fragmenta are Cleat- tered "In all directione, Which meat6 the moit fearful carnage when the ex- pit:Woe mere on a ehip's deck. . • . , •.,, The snitetioe Gold Camera. • iihe great fault, or misfortune per- haps, of the Sultan of Morocco has been his extravagance. Ile has spent In the few yettelf since he took up the reins nofgag government ehI :re tecnio Omnolrys tho'-whole 7-W h 1 VW: 611110 Of hitt country, but also the Ba :Lile- % rely of the things he 13611ga-sate" , hiro any pleattire. Photography itm1104 ' ed him for b. time. A camera of gold at 42,000 Came MIA London; MOOG I haus., vow', of photograOlzio paper ' arrivea In one eq tom Parts. Hie nutiosty once Informed ma that 'ilia 1 Materials for out year °Sat bita,:bit WO, 4000 ',to AVON Eor Sale. One first chum Shorthorn null filititt • The Pvivate balk of ' 22 monihs cid, mostly Snatch bre?, 21111b3 Minnedosa, Math, saa, for less then ite Woe: Is right- en payment. s' tared, endScertificate will be given with a,..4 a,„, it ; the tet tbet tiomet tet bets I 1" """- KindYou Han Aleata Hata . riekering suspend-, gain ail it trawl be told. Alto 2 soling Ursa*411* *Wm% 44,,d1fertlie lit the Nevi. Era e"°:tocl!ei`m. it. mit menu, at to the License Board of the chariot of • West Huron. for "a' transfer of the tavern license of A. Branderberger in the said town • to myself, to take effecithelst day of Ma. Dated this 10th day of Apri1,1905. COAL -COAL- COAt Before 'placing your o r • ders for your season' supply of. Coal, get our • prices. The very best goods carried in stock and sold at the lowest possible price. _ IWOrders may be left at Davis & Itowland's Hardware' Store, or with 111. J. STEVENSON At Electric Light irlant Dew the • "1110,Kind Yoti Hate Alwa Bought signature 'of ' 1 t••••.**********4.•••••• Sibs :• Spring is once more at Z I hand, and with it 1 Pure IMaple Syrup - from the. land of my., birth the county of Leeds. 1 Fresh Fruits t We have arrIviiie• daily the ' following • fruits x -Bananas, Or. ianges, Lettiti1313 and pineapples. ; Oood Groceries 4, 'wow it3 the best time to hay itlagrValiligenStranhelitlglrit -as you lolow we always keep the best of 'everything. t 4,4•••••••44******•••••., W. T. O'NEIL 4 The flub Grocery. 4414e....4.44.4444,4***** Dolt NOW , Thia.ione ol the ,xtiost 'modern - "-at inottnes; and-a:Food on You've been thinking ,pf, giving us an order for Groceries - Do , it NOW We want to get that " order. We're anxious to show, you how depend,. able the quality is, and how,moderate- the prices are. We want to intro- duce you to Grocery Satisfaction This week .we have passed into stock about half.a-ton of TEA. Prices, ranging from 25C tO per lb. • The quality ,in. vites inspection. In jus. tice to yourself you ought to test our/Veas, ,;1011AAMAN A. D.' Beaton Huron Si., Clinton Phone t t nt,ilatomp‘ itot„tt, • Beatota