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The Clinton New Era, 1905-04-28, Page 5
005 VIE SEW B I OR •,r• The. 1O1SOflS Bank Merited 1W Act Q1 Parliapte•t tans. Capital Paid ,..,...:...: $titaa, p�� owe Reserve Fund +'!�� 007,,,! 000 vVM• No4olt 1+I.svpsionson, P ceeldent%. S.1`1, nutlet!, Viae-Preakletst, 4.ene Ender. Glen.lionager. FARMERS' SALE NATES cashed or collected, ' AArrii m all�__points in the Dominion, Great Britain, United States, and all Foreign Countries.. bought and sold at best rates. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and highest Current rate of _ interest al- lowed, ADVANCES NAPE to Farmers, Stook. Dealers, and Business Men at.. lowest rates and on most favorable terms, Rorty -eight branches in the Dominion 4genta a 1 over the World. SAVINGS DB,PFL 'r#1zDNT. Deposits of ;1,00 and ppwerda received. Interest allowed from date of deposit compounded ball yearlyand. added to pringipal Jun* 80th anti;. Deoo ober Slat, Highest current Rate... • a Ci,INTAN BRANCH • e • Now 4ombe block, '' ' H, C. ) 3REWER.. Metriager. $ • tre 1 Just in Alumi� ur t litclien Ware` Just received, a fresh supply of.'Aluminun . ware, for Kitchen use. Call and, see it. A full stock of Coiled Spring Wire, Barbed Wire,Plain Galvanized Wire, Oiled and An- nealed Wire, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, floes, etc., black and galvanized Pipe. New—Jewelry New --Watches Naw- Crocks New --Silverware New— Sterling Silver ate, �T o e .IIELLV.1rS_. j Jewrelery and Optical Store .ellatou Market Report. Ottereated.y.r Thur.dav aftsrflooa Berk1►�„.......,.. •, 45 ° o 45 WhSM . ♦t,. AV, ..•♦..... 100 1 0t00`' 00111"••• ..n...9.1411/4 .. •..e.. 0 40 a 0 42 Butter,. ........... 0 14 4 0 15 8261s nor dos(new?.... 0 12 a ;0 12 Lint Hofp1.. ,. «....... 6 70 • _._. • TORONTO MARRaTli?' .. • (The SOtnl HOos--The hog market continues to improve, Selecte ere quoted thio weeko to -clay at$075, Hoge ay8IO2 1,2higher than theywere. this dine leaf year., As the Od Country Bacon market is improving,and hogs are scarce there is no presient prospect of an immediate decline. • CATTLIfi Selma Boo firm -Ex ort cattle are still up to the even, $.0 in Toronto this week, the best being quoted from that down' to $5.15, Mediums. are going at $525 to $5555 and export cows and bulla at $4 eio $4,25 Feeders 25. to $5,35; good stockers,$3.50 to $4; 'dairy stockers, '$3.25 :to $3.50. Best: butcher's cattle, 05.25 to 25.60; medium and butcher'ing�ccows and hull75 s $3..550 to 21. ; Calves are 4 1.2 to Ile. .. SHEEP'Srnnr.•' BOOMING, -Sheep in Toronto are selling at $7 to $7.50 for �earlings,�'$5.75' for e port :ewese,•�and. for'buoks. Spring leinabirare'$5. to $8 earth. In Buffalo yesterdaylambs were $650 to $8; yearlings, 07 to $7 25; wethers,. $0.25 to $0.50;: ewes $5.85 to all: -sizes: a A lot of small ends" Poultry netting, to 'clear, in job lots. WANTED -A good strong boy tp learn the Hard.; waie-business.. A.-sorally arlan Headquarters for fi • e re airin � p g , give us a• call. New A',urtrttstuunts 1_. ATERIALS .0 We're .enthusiastic -about o-ur New Wasn't Ooods acrd are showing a choice range of material for the popular 5hfrt Waist Suits, all the wanted styles and colors at prices easy 'to pays u SR SIJ..i! 0 0 Suitiugs at 15c PLATIN CRASH SUITINGS, FLAKED CRASH SUITINGS AND STRIPED CRASH SUITI'NtS: IN EVERY WANTED COLOR, SKY BLUE, NILE, LINEN AND GREY,*A, SPLENDID ,RANGE 10c 'Mercerized Checks 256' .• 1V QER1ZED COTTON SUEPI'ERI). CHECKS. IN BLUE ; AND WHITE, BLACK AND WHITE AND - BROWN' AND WHITE, QU- ITE A SMART SIURT• WAIST SUITING ' Pasture: to Reit. Park lot G., being 81-2 acres, in Olin. ton, to rent.. -Apply to.111DOUT&BALE. Oiinton, Lost. Between Clinton and Yearn". Vitt Brace Staid, • ladies' Persian jialnb :'Gauntlet, Finder will confer • favor by leaving earns" at NEW Ens office. . For Sale`or' to Rest The •'undersigned offers 'for eels or to rent„ hie property in: Hoimelville, con- taining' A of an sore of 'land, good Wane house, brisk kitchen, •stone cellar, house being story and halt, containing 7 rooms, pantry, and woodshed; good amble, - woodwork andblacksmith shop, with large_patnt,scoms• np.atatr m_ £seeitiri de rOf Any ly parties desiring such 'property can have pdeeeseion at once. rot Hiram apply to P. POTTPB, Huron Rad, Clinton P 0. Stoves and: Hardware, INF Distipgalshed !OP «Thocoughaess ELLIOTT: 0 1i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D 0 n 0 w+Mrw-g3-x • e Have Another supply of SP.R!N( -HATS for the Ladies. • Our Paints, .Brushes, :and Wali -Paper.. -.-- • . (g , „ .. j ltl�, y�� � 'At .1i li,J ,tliti,m,'•rtf01--0,j! !,''�i�t'1eVir, -.',r li t 1p,ti'4.1. Routes. followed: by sanious Stallions. . The Clydesdale Stallion. . MACEARIC 1059.0. MondayMay fet. will leave his,own stable 'Brucefiel:, and, proceed to B. Bar's, west end Taokeremith, for noon • thence to Commercial Hotel, .Clinton, for night. Tuesday. will pre - meed to •Bert Murphy's,16 eon ' Goderich Tp, for noon; thence to Wison's ,Holmeevllle, for night Wednesday, wilt proceed to John End - •ices, 7th Con., Qoderioh Tp, for noon; thence to John Brews 5th Con., Goderich Towns for night. Thursday, will proceed to John Stew - erre, Bavneld •Dine; for noon •thence to Cook's Hotel, Tarns, for s, ht• Fria 1y..will•.pr_Qceed to Adam Stewart's, Stanley f,r noon ,then to -hie-own,stablealor night, _Saturday. will pro• Deed to R. McKay e, 4th Con. Tnekersreith. fol'' noon, thence to A. Broadfoot's, 4th Con. for one hone; thence to Me own stable. where' he. willremeafn till Mondaymorning. a cCoNERLITFaclizTAVISEl :prOl;eet . THE: IMPORTED SHIRE STA7.I.ION BIRfl5AL4. M cAtTim '20250 • Mondsyy,Maglstw1111eaire his own' table, 6th Cos. ,.Hallett, :lad proceodeast taaeo Steph- *naon's for noon • thence 11 miles uorth1,isway of Sinbnrn theuo i•2mires east toT.Hollaod'a.- o P1oP, fprpight. Tuesda y,proceed eaat..4 miles on Con. -7..."8.1a-Terry O'Harc'er,,-fornoon•; thea 21.2'utiles :south to Beecowood; • for sight, Wednesday, smelted • 1 • miles west, then 2 1.2 south, to James Dar ng's, for noon; then to'James wick's, .. proceed to •E` T mads - f night. h . y, p t rth ,► ea , k is 0 " Uasno ao Tura- thence James ch M 0 R R :�; h H 0 h.N1 S srsmit .f Tn,. Ci�e. pooh �c London, �• •r smith, for noon, then south to the 2nd Ca - to Wm. >Islcoat's, for night. 8'ride y proceet{ LOND-ESBORO west toLondollsoad,tliesuptoFrank Giranti Globe Rasura ceCo. for noon; thenoato•the Commerclalliotel,Olin• • • for night. Saturday remain in Ol etoo •tilt 4 • ' ' t ,m.then wilnsotohis bwnstable i'remaining Head: flUIce tor Canada . ,. 'Itiu Mocday.MONTREAL. D.81tYNtiLD13, Prop. • .TORoN.To,' ohPh. • Cor. Yonge and Alestnder Sts. AHigh Olass Commeroiel foto 1• the Rost in Canada —. nter now.- . Open the enti'e'year. Catalogue free. W .J.BfaT,IOTT, Prin. P •OSTS. • We have an unlimited number of got d, sound, high -land Cedar. Potts -4,.6,7 and n g. Kinch tope -which we sell at 'prices. cot- eistent•with their :polity • liEhitOOK Also a leree stook of'Hemlook which we '. cYt to fill any bill. Iy you want 0.dar Poste or Hemlock -Lumber it will pay yon + to.give.ue a call, Bayfield. i. 00 ©0 0 00 00. 00 00 00 ©© 00 0© ©© 0: 0 25.0 Cotton Detains: • IN BLACK-'GROIIND WITH A DASIV-OF-'"WI:IITE'"A 7'D,WHITI3 ... SCROLL, 27 INCHES WIDE, ADMIRABLE SUITING.,FOR EL- DERLY LADIES ,,,.«, i ..,...,...,,°, • 26e •',. Q nghams and Chanihrys PLAIN CHAMBRYS. IN ALL THE GOOD SHADES, CHECK GIN GRAMS AND ZEPHYRS, A BEAUTIFUL RANGE" TO CHOO- SE FROM, PINKS, BLUES, REDS AND GREYS-- ., ....... ..... •12ic •nl'• Pr.i t..12 c Gro s 2 • MOST WOMEN ASK FOR CRU1VPS PRINTS FOR THEY' KNOW CRUM'S. PRINTS ARE THE .BEST• .:MONEY CAN' laUY IF • iYOU WANT TO, BE SURE OF GETTING DEPENDABLE FAST • N$IST UPON GETTING CRUM'S, 100' PIE CESTOB PICK FROM" AT ......... ........ .... ...... ....... +..,....,.,.«.' 121e '-COLOR Wh'te .Vestings WHITE l4IERCiiRIZEII VESTING FOR WAISTS AND DRESSES, A VERY HANDSOME RANGE OF NEW PATTERNS, SPOTS,, BROQHES, STRIPES AND .FIGURES, ..,... .: . 15e and 25e ar White Waists. 'CRITICAL BUYERS .TELL ITS THAT WE HAVE BY ALL ODDS THE HANDSOMEST "LINE OF SHIRT WAISTS. IN 'CLINTON AT , . . .. 21.00, $1.25 'and' $1.50. Linen Buster Collars FOR LADIES. AND CHILDREN IN' SOLID RED,' LINEN AND :4H- ° ITE,. ONE AND TWO ,.ROWS OF .HEMSTITCHING THESE' ;,WILL BE 'QUITE POPULAR THIS SEASON, PRICES-. -20e• and 25c Successors' to R. Coats,' : CLINTON.` 0 © ©."0 0. p''©'..0 .0..:0. 0 .0 0 0 0 0. ■ 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.© 0 0 0 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0.:0 0 :0 0 0 0 0'0 0.0 sr,11 0 . ec 0 •s NO. INCREASE IN PRICE -We-desire- ce--that we are selling.Meat at the old price --NO INCREASE. Customers Will have, as usual,` pronrlpt- -aid. 'satisfactory at- tention; 1 PIT SINiONS &~ SON. el DDATS. - NI) .e. THE IMPORTED ' SHiiln STALLION' First laya gooa d d ton and then go ahead ' The foundation of a fur- LORD ''.lhM-714 v v z.: alit i ineach .0 , patterns ma•15 how . Wee T. RPEy theCAI1-wool, is as - t o 5c y7 , 1ls Tapestries, dOc piged roomand ; L+ n li apes , 60etoEnglish $1.00; ee to 51.25nioper y g sizes and pat- terns, Union, 25c•to 5pc;.;A:rt Squares,' in many sp to 60e to rReversibletoCh• a.- est Curtains, fancy, patter, color terns prices $4.50 $25.00 ea .err li ry mate' your Carpet, $'2.00 to $0.00• per; pair. • hH;. BIh LE the Largest Frniture Store' `. r in Huron County • . ti� Save Tour Eggs . ° The undersigned wishes to annonnoe lig hes started in the egg badness again ;thief spring and will oontinue: all summer'' o+i a binding contract. Edge bought . for 1 atm: Celle made weekly, N. Pe WI:BD.._ • WANTED TE D Firet-alaee rubber, a nd polisher, man who nnderettande rnbbimg and polishing :lfano eases' also a min to de wood 'tarn - a ids maize himself useful in mill icon. THE OARi'EN'1"EE COMPANY, Omen talkers, Brattleboro, VC, '0 S. A. Welke. Persona indebted to the undersigns a will kindly Dell at the house, and settle same, two 'weeks. hero the books will be. for w ART HUE. COUCH... Notice. Monday-, May 1st, will leave his own stable Zonde1boro, and proceed `to Con. 13, Mullett .then 2 12 miles welt to At Dyer's, onbound ry, for noon: then east to Emigh's Rot el, Blyth for ,night. Tuesday, proceed east a+gine Con, 9 Morris, to W..Talor's, for noon' then t John Watt's, Con. 18, Mullett, for niig�ht. Wednee•: day, proceed. alone the 18th Cin to his owe stable, for night.Thursday, proceed 11 mules south, then east to James •Faireeriioes,for , noon • then by way of Kinburn, to k. Hotharn'i, 7th don. for night Friday, proceed 11 miles north, then west, then limlles north te0on,10-, 11, Mullett, to R.Hamiltou's for noon: return- ing to his owns stables for night. Saturday, proceed to Thos. Mason's, 7th Con, for noon; returning to his own stable till Monday. ••BELL . & stout. Promos .►Fie its _. of -.Ford & McNeil having . been 'dissolved. ail acecants 'dee the late Snit are to be paid to the undersigned by the lit : of tasty, All a000unte not then paid willbeplaoed elsewhere for collection. • 3AS4 A, FORD, Clinton,' April 14t11,1205. _ J. 13. 'cover. Notrion Bali. Every branch in our' line is complete, you can,. get any article produced at this store, • Our Piricea brl`ittg ''rhe Trade. - Our personal supervision goes with every chase and satisfaction .is guaranteed., CN0131ThKING Nisttt or day collie promptly attended to • BALL Loatic Meer Wilkes"' y Stallion t aliion 1' Sphinxite 31589 Will Make the season until July 1st,1966,at bis owner's stables, near Porters. 11111, P. 0, cis miles fromClinton, sxceptthathewill8tenri at Comuterolal Moteiatables Thutsdayof ,each week, S. Mot'HAII,,.owber, a er • i Excursions Hamilton's Montreal Line Hamilton Single, 4.7,50 un x .coo Rpt r 3 Single $7.5o Returrl$22.00 '. 1\4ontreal Toronto •to Montreal (Meals' an cf berth included.) 14iWI AWS 4olntorlltediatePointtl •il mencin• ." `s OO Will leave Hamilton 12 noon, Toronto 'T.80 pan. `Toronto - 'Montreal Line Commencing dune 1st stdamers leave Toronto 3 p.m., daily, except sun - days; from Utf1�°ist, daffy. Por ticketui apply` to V• 1;, 4 odoetosb or W. 3aolkaotto vrosrnor mitt � Odin' qt, TO . CANTU Ili AsStiS EXCEED $66,000,00 CLMIIS' ira!P EXs _ SttA ael •Policies. issued, at C1intoll agency direct to insurers:. No Having • _purcha'sed ,the Coal business of -liar- land Bros., .I am now Pre- pared to :receive .orders forall sizes -Grate, Egg, t-ove I Nux:..and.__ Soft, and solict your patronage.. Will, sell only, the . est armies. •Orders left with me or at . ` Harland " • Bros. Hardware:Store,' will re-: ceive.' prompt -attention. Office next door to.. J. P. indal] s Bank. le. Ol'V, Donald Dona. 1�CC interim receipts; No 'delay, For information apply to out agent, • D. L. Macpherson, Clinton, • Old Newspapers for. Sale. Q quantity of old newspapers; anitable' 'for pitting ander carpets, or any ,purpose Where wrapping paper ie regelfred. 5 cents par bundle. New Ens office. • ♦�.•�•��N♦N♦♦•�N♦•••.♦�N•�•♦N*••♦1♦♦••♦N♦1•♦NDN•N♦N•N••i�N♦N♦H•N•N�N�N♦1••N♦ ♦. •:.♦ ♦ .•. ♦ 1 ♦ • :: N . & CO., •BLYTH McKIO•• =. ...OTHER LIMGM• SIIIPRIEN' . :_ 3• This week we receivediin.otherlarge shipment of New Goods from t _Montreal, which .puts our stock in' good shape for the springg'traade.. .._ .y Most of these' goods were 'bought under rived for SPOT CASH. n will be sold BELOW REQIJLAR PRICES, • • • • ' •_♦ .i. Flannelettes, wide widths in dark. and light stripes and checks,, very _. .t. special, worth 7c ter 5c. •. 'WoolTweeds for boys' suite, great value at 25c, 35c and 60e, ` ._. Rock -fast Shirting, fast colour. new patterns, worth 17e for 15e. ' ._. s at 10c and 120 .. fast colors, ;i g #n newpatterns,. O*ford Shirtin s, �.; Cottonfttdes lid Moleskins, nese patterns, itt 15c, 20e and 25c;• • .!♦. New,Table Linen, half bleached, very', special at 25c, 35c and 66e. • • Ladies' Rain Coats 1d Oravenette and rubber lined at $3, $5 and $7>y • Men's Rain Cleats, in covert cloth, and rainproof at $2.50, $1.00 $0.00,. and $0.00.:. Men's Felt Hats in all the latest styles at 75c, $1, $1.50' and $200. . Mens Overalls with, and vHthoat bibs at50c. 75e, 8,c and $1M0.• .: • .1�` Men's fxnc - and plain Shirts, in;: great variety, at 50c, lSc and $1.00. i; Boys' and, Youths'.Suits in tweed and fine bases at all ,�prices. White and Grey Cottons, extra.v>atne, at 5e, 7c, 8e and 10c. _. 14 New Gingham inbintie_ and white cheeks and bright plaids, worth •;• 7c for 5e. Men's heavy wool Pants, very special, at $1, 51.25, $1,50 and $2,00._ w ...:..._. * . - BOOTS AND SHOES ' .-`+0---it............ . ✓•Z♦ Ileavy Shoes for working men to all siztis at $1.25,.$1.50 and.$2.00. •_♦ "Williams' patent adjustable shoes, trade of bolid lloather; they are.vis waterproof and wear like, iron, at $2.00 and $2.50. ,s, lei . - t♦ 0 0 Xtra' iagtMerchandis� We have just in stock about one hun- dred .placed; dred ieces,. heaviest qualityCAN 'A D 1 A N P PRI N 'l'., bought :at a great saving: on regular- :- prices• • These are*the- .+:fQr which.,other places. g are askin. 12 c: Our price while 'theyAast, Ioc. ,They are almost as heavy as, duck; and are •ooci'"` washers. Dres. •• Goods -••-- All the' new things, both 001, L COTTON Ot�SS. �ABRICS may now'tbide found on our .heves. Quality as goodas the :..°' • best, prices the lowest: iarrasol.s and '1001t01-10-$ We have ane of the largest stocks of Para sols and Umbrellas to be fcund In .town. New and Nobby Goods at from 500• up. see goods, and be convinced that Call and theseg y , ..._ . our prices *are right. Piuistee Tlie old stand, Clinton !Yale-_. 4.4