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art nee veer badman- le
4 VA when not No. lista
en's. .
New Hats
' The Best of
Ward and Watson's
Bankrupt Stock
Haw's Celebrated Black Stiff
. Hats, in the „ up-to-date sty-
le, sold everywhere at $3,
our sale prioe $1.50
- -Hats for $1.25
Union Best English Stiff Hats
• color guaranteed, latest sty-
le, in black and brown, regu-
lar $2.50 hat for $1.25
$3.00 English Sof('
Hats $1.50 •
Made by best English and Am-
erican makers in the very la-
test and up-to-date styles,
in sr.uff brown, golden brown,
greys and blacks, regular
$3.00 for t1.50
-$1,50 Stiff and Soft
Hats for 75c
Several styles to ehoosil from
all new and up-to-date, your
choice for 75c
$1 Soft and S
tour regular opyrespen(Ient)
NoTEs - On Sunday next, Rev. Neil
heckle will occupy the_pulpits of13urns
and Knox churches. '01ex e will be it
ROW: meeting of the congregation of
Burns at 11 a. M, alai Knox Rt 1.30 p,
in. next Tuesday. May 2nd, to moderate
in a call to a minister; Mull attendance
is reeuested. Last week Mr. and Mrs,
J. H. Fawcett were rejoicing in the
presence of a son in the family. but
their joy. bat; been turned into sorrow
as the aptrit of .the child took its de-
parture in five days; we extend env
spmptithy. A greatnumber orfarmer
residents of this placeratole ar visit to
the old homes once more, and several
from here went to other places to
spend Easter. Building operations
have begun here; hliss,Allolmes has
added a newmoodshed to her property;
E. W. Hohnes is baving..iiis house re-
novated andimprovedbefore- he has
it oceupied-by•the joy of his heart77
(Fptr anocoadoisi centime:indent):
e :
Melt -It being Easter last •Sun-
day Rea. B Clement delivered two
very appropriate sermons for the oc-
casion, which was enjoyed by all, the
church at the evening service being
well filled. . .
ENTERTADINENT. — The 'entertain-
ment in connection with the Epworth
League here on Wednesday evening
last, was enjoyed by all .present.
Kenneth Beaton's address on missions
as well as recitations, solos etc, was
much appreciated. The proceeds
amounted to eight dollars, which will
be devoted to the missionary. ,funds of
theLeague. Miss A. BarithWaite will
have charge of the bible study at the
next meeting, May 3rd, .
Norns.-Mr". Ward, of ()Wen Sound
is at present the guest of her daughter
Mrs, Fawcett, wife of our station
agent here. Henry Huoking, who hes
keen on the sick list for nearlytwo
months. is slowly recovering. George
Hazlewocid paid a -flying visit to the
city of .Loneon last week. Miss L.
Young, of Stratford, is the guest of
her mother tiers. Dr. Young, during
the Easter holidays. Miss Rose Riley,
of London, spent Easter at her home
here. Mr. johns, teacher of S. S.
No. 5, spent Easter holidays at 'Owen
Sound, the guest of his sister. Mr.
and Mrs. D. Floody, of Blyth, were the
guests of the latter'sparents. Mr. and
Mrs. Brogden, during Easter, Mr.
Robertson and Miss Hueston,teachers
Easter at their
homes in Auburn and Kincardiie.
respectively. 3)083 Lizzie Whitely, of
London, and Dr. Whitely, of Gorrie;
spent Easteratt their home here. Miss
Olvetta, Brigham, who has been teach-
ing school at Glencoe for the past -year
spent Easter holidays . here Mrs
Geo Moon is visiting at_ her homein
Kirkton Fat cattle have already
reached the price of 5ee, which is
pretty good. Housecleaning is now
in full swing amongst our ladies and
the farmers are busy at their seeding.
Mr. Morrell, who has been on the sick
list for the last few days, is able to be
around again. Mr. II.. Jackson, who
somewhat over a year ago commenced
as brakeman on the G. T. R., has now
a specified daily tun 'from Stratford to
Durham ; -we are pleased to hear of
his success.
Bats for 50c
Men's Color Sox
25 doz. fancy stripe and ena;
hroidered Men's Half Hose,
sizes' 10, 10i ar.d 11, regu-
lar 50c for 25c
our 81. IND
The poirepeign Bank
now pays interest on SAVINGS
ACCOUNTS from date of deposit
H. T. Ztada..1\70333
Clinton Manager
In spring, when sunshine
renders seeing painful,
'smoked glasses should
•be used.
have the stock
have the assortment
have Right Prices.
Jeweler and Optician.
Our stock of drugs, etc: will
ti.slway.be found fresh'and•
to -date in every branch, and
-we invite you to give us a call
If you wish to. procure anything
usually found in a first—plass
• -drug store.
Chemist and Druggist.
Dlr. Bradshaw of Napanee has fallen
heir to £800 by the death of an aunt in
NOTES.- The Misses DinSciale, Ptak -
hill, are visiting friends in this vicin-
ity. Mrs. Alden Jones and children,
of London, are spending the Easter
holidays at the home of her father -in-
- lew,-John-Jones.--Gle Penforind,-avife
and child. of Oil Springs,. are visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pen •
found ; they all spent Easter with the
latter's daughter, Mrs. Bates, in God-
erich Misses Moffatt, Ricker and Mc-
Lymont, of London, arrivedhomefor
Eater. Alex. MeNevin, of the Sover-
eign Bank, Alvinston: has returned to
his duties, after remaining horde three
weeks. Wm. Armstrong, who learned
his trade with T. Mellis, and therefore
thinks there is no place _like KipPen,
spent Easter with some of 1115 many
friends here.' "MS 'Vitae- Giairisibt;
who is teaching near Dundalk.' and
Miss Hattie Cameron,who is teaching
in Lakelet, are enjoying the N acation .
-with their parents here ; . the latter is
accompanied by her friend, Miss Bush-
fleld. .
Intended for last week.
, LITERARY S0CIETy.-7-After a fairly
successful winter, the Stanley literary
societyleld an entertainment last Fri-
day night. The night was pleasant,
the attendance fairly_large, and the
progetan -very-goodaso-thatea-pleasatte
eveninkwas spent. Receipts amount-
ed to $15. A closing meeting was held
the following Friday evening.
DEATH.—On Friday, April 14q, the
death took place of jain--McNevin. of
Kipnen . He WAS a farmer and miller,
and one of the best known and inept
highly respected men in South Huron.
For many years he Was one of the
leading officials of St. Andrew's church.
The funeral On Sunday afternoon was
very large, there being about two hun-
dred vehicles in the procession. Rev
Met,: Smith, Of fienqd1, COnductod the
religious services, and the Masonic
rites were tondticted by the Hensall
lodge, assisted by Masons from Clinton
and gegforth. The pall -bearers were
Messrs. AV. McKay, G. McEwen, P.
McEwen, G. C, Petty, J. Welsrniller
and J. Stacey. His brothers -Donald,
of Dungannon, William, Alex. and
Angus. of Goderich, and hie sisters -
Mrs. Nevins, of Goderich, Mrs, Fowler
of St. Augustine, and Mrs. ilobkirk;
of Henson, with their wives And hus-
bands, were present. In addition to
these he leaves to mourn his loss his
'aged father in Dungannon, his wife,
four sons and two daughters.
Stanley •
GETTING BETTER—The many frieride
of Mr. Willient Glenn Will be glad to
know that he has aboet recovered trona
a,severe .,two months -he
has not been able to leave the house,
owing to a severe attack of rheuma-
tism, but he is now free from. his ail-
ment, though not yet willing to 'Yen. -
GO out until the weather is warmer.
TEs.—Mr. and Mrs. 3`ohn, 13utchatt
!mem Hester With friends at Goderieb,
Mrs David Walks, of Bruce county, is
spending some time attiong_ friends
end relatives here. Win. Baird,. Of
Toronto. apetathia Baster holidays un-
der the parental roof. Miss A. johnston and lifirts W. Gilmour, Goderich,
were the guests of Thomas Board due -
Ing the first of the week.
IlonGedeon Ouirnot, ex.Pretal4 of
Quebec, is deadi
STATtsTic e -Mr. Win,MIROM,A1030-
sor for the township of TJsborne, has,
just completed his duties for the year
1005: From the roll the following
statistics are gleaned; Acres of land
in the township 42886; acres cleared
81009; acres of woodland 3009; acres of
slash land 145; acres of swamp, marsh
and waste land 626 ; value of land, ex-
clusive of buildings, $1,597,095, Dottie of
$258,280; total amount of taxable real
property, $1,855,975, business assess-
ments $7,005; total assessments $1,832,-
380, children between 5 and 21, 6-13;
children between 5 and 16104; popula-
. lion 2120; nude persons from 21 to 60
years, 493; births25:eleaths 15, dogs 812;
hitches 20; total amount of church and
school property, exempt from taxation
• Calentra-aEchlin Se Knox are very
busy filling orders for the railroad;
between 703 end 800 feet have been de-
livered- at4'diffelssatfpeinte7 Along .the
proposed road. '
0. P it, O1EnAt1014s.;-A' gang of
twenty men and eine tearns put up at
the Auburn House the last • of last
week, and ere working west of the
base line, at, Marsh's.
Resulatan.-Gordon Whiteman, our
'popular principal, has resigned, the
resignation to, take effect at midsum-
mer, '
Cart;raaa.- -The Easter cantata given
in the Presbyterian church On Monday
evening was very 'ranch enjoyed by a
.fair audience. The. children, of whorn
over three dozen took part, deserve
credit, but net more so than -their in-
structor,Mr. Small. The proceeds,
$26.25, will be applied to the organ fund.
• thamton.-Itev.. John Kennedy, of
Nile, will occupy the Presbyterian pul-
pit next Sabbath at 11 amt. Divine
service was held in St. Mark last Sen.
day. evening, and will be 'continued at
7 6.to. every other Sunday evening for
six Months.
NOTEs. -Rev. J. L. 'Small paid a vis-
it to Stratford friends this week. Mrs..
McDougall and daughter, of Bolton,
are visiting at Mrs. McDonald's, 'Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Wallace, of Summer-.
hill, spent Sunday' at the home Lathe
latter'ei parents.. ...We •see Some spring
improyements-a new story -and -a -half
kitchen at john Shultz', a coat of paint
to the tesidence- of Rev. Mr. Seidl°,
and alsoto Mr, Marshall's, Miss Mabel
son in Goderich township. • Miss Tem,
Sprung is spending her holidays at her
home here. -
' Goderleb Towisablp
Butz. Soixas-Recently E. Wise ad-
vertised a couple of shorthorn bulls for
sale in the NEW. ERA', and disposed of
both of them at fair prices; the last
one he had being -purchased last week
by George lindie . •
.POSTPONED. -As the division' court
case between the townships ,of Goder-
ich and Colborne will come up for trial
in Goderich on May. lit, the township
council will not meet OR Monday, as it
intended, but will hold its next regu-
lar ,meetingon the 8th of May.
WOMEN'S. INSTITUTE. —The meeting
held at Mrs. Mulholland's on the 13th
was well attended, seventeen members
beingpresent. The paper on house-
cleaning, given by Miss Ford, was very
instructive; the telkon heap making,
given by Mrs. McDonald, was also pro-
fitable. The meetings, formerly held
on the second Thursday -of each month,
Forater, ef Locust Ein,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Yeo. John Marshall,: of 'con. 7, lost a
valuable working horse recently such
a loss at this time of the year is felt
very keenly. The Misses Burnett
spent a few days in and around Sea-
lorth recently. A 'lumber of farmers
in this locality are through seeding,
and are wishing for -warmer weather
,so the tiny Seeds will germinate and,
grow. James Johnson, of the Baytield
his best working horses, indig stied'
being the cause of its deatb. R. G.
Cole, Seaforth,spent his Ealiter holi-
days under the parental roof. The
pedagogues of our rural schools are
spending the Easter holiday's at their
respective homes • James . Miller, of
the Ilaylierd line, intends commencing
°per:Oil:Ms on his new house shortly.
The egg peddlers. are on their routes
once more, gathering the fruits of the
useful ben. Wm. Perdue has made
the purchase of a beautiful Bell piano,.
•-through7theagiancy-of -1-tichatal-Peek
We .understand that John Middleton
has bought the, seventy acres familiar-
ly known as the Charlie 3ohnson farm;
this is a good grazing farm, and:no
doubt Mr. Middleton will make good
use of it for that purpose. Mrs. Robt.
Trick went Easter at her • home ' in
Blenheim. Miss- Bertie, slaughter of
.John Wolin, is laid up with a severe
attack of rheumatism, arid is under
the doctor's care; we hope to hear of
her speedy recovery.
(Intended for loot mei)
• MAITLAND OoN0Ess/oN NOtEs.*--.--The
Young People's Alliance held their
weekly meeting last Tuesday night in
the Evangelical church, with the presi-
dent in the chair ; the topic for the
evening, "The power of the resurrec-
tion of Christ,' r was very ably dealt
with by. Mrs. John Schwartz. Rev. A.
D. Gladder left on rtiesday to attend
Conference, which is being held this
year at Minim ; it is the earnest wish
of his congregation that he may be
permitted to retnain at this appoint-
ment tor some time yet ; Mes. Gischler
will occupy the pulpit in his absence,
Albert Durst is speeding holidays tire
der the parental roof, prier to his de-
parture for Manitoba ; the west seems
to have a strong attraction for the
boys on the Maitland. Miss Nancy
Fish,er, who has been viSiting.rciativep
itt thittatit retinal ed Thersdity evening,
accompanied by her sister, Mrs,. 3'; 0,
Henry., B, Forster loft last, week for
Toronto, taking with hint a horse for
his On, R. Forster, who is living in
that vicinity,
anis iyook)
VANGVIZVAT.Clinft•CIT.--The annual
conference of the Evangelical Associa-
tion, Which Convened at Elmira the
past weeki.cloaed its Session on Satur-
day evening. Rev. A. D. Mohler will
remain another year. There will be
divine service in this °hurt% next Sun-
day at 8 p. m. "Pray for inissiona nt
home and Abroad" was the topic for
the Y. P. A. on ruesday evening, and
itwas taken very acceptably by Miss
Agnes Flick,-
'Cningon-The Easter services held
in the Methodist Church were excep-
tionally fine. The Morning meeting
was distinctively an Easter service. A
service of praise was held in the even-
ing. The choir, Mader the able leader-
ship of Mr. Wm. Stoneinan, rendered
in splendid form every number of ser-
vice.' Miss Annie Wren, .organist, also
rendered a charming instrumental
Rev. Dr. Medd was at his best, as he
alw itys Is. The congregation packed
the churchanci the keenest interest in
Oath services was, clearly manifest.
The decorations of lilies were kindly
made by Mrs. Karborn, florist, of
Hensall. The plate offerings of the day
were taken to pay for the. new S. S.
organ recently purchased. Next Sun-
day, Dn. Medd will speak in behalf of
the W. M. S, and the Lord's Day Alli-
ance. Everybody is inyited. ,ftev, Dr
Medd. preachedtin Sunday afternoon
itt Kippen in behalf of the Educational
Wrert0A.,and wife,
Pinfloiliatortitbaii 'MO School; spent
Easter at hisfather's in this village.
Mr. Farrow, wife and daughter, of
Stratford. are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Trott. Mrs. Ref. E. . A. .Shaw,. Mrs.
Taylor, Mrs.' Moore, Mrs.'Stoneman
Mrs. Dr. Medd and Josie, Mrs Cook'.
Mr. and Mts. Rennie and children, Mr.,
and -Mrs. °Await' and Elle, and Mrs.
Smallacombe are . among- those who
Spent Easter away from town, ' Mr.
and Mrs. Dern of Mitchellare guests
of Mr.. and Mrs. Sutherland. Miss A.
Beck, Mies Twitchell, Miss Bush, Mr.
Lindefield ere all home from. London
foe EtiNter,altie Mi. Will 'IferdP fro
Seaforth. Mr. Oliver Geiger, of the
Sovereign Bank, Toronto, spent last
week with his parents here. -
• NoTas.-L-The football team played
Hensell on Saturday last, resulting in
game of one to nothing in favor of
the "Lakeside:" ; Hensel' team will
play the return game here' on. Satur-
day next; it is' cansidered that good
work Was done when Hensall was dez,
feated on her own grounds. James
Ferguson and W. Bajley,Who have pur
chased Mr Jowett's sailing boat, will
flsh out of this harbor for the Summer,
Mr.- Jewett has sold his steam :yacht
to a gentleman of Sarnia a.nil it is ex-
pected to be launched BOOM
Murray • is appointed inspector of.
fisheries in the place of .Mr. 'Yates, of
Goderich: Mr. Jowett wh • '
te ium wit '; r. Mustard about
the sawmill • that was destroyed by
fire, by taking a reduced amount, has
bought a new mill, and will now run.
in opposition to Mr, Mustakil- Mrs-
che,.wito has resided for some Lune
in ondonriots returned to her cot-
tage to remain • for spine weeks.._W.•
Edit, t has improved the .property re-
centl -purchased by enclosing it with
a net wire fence Mr. Brown, Of
Lend -On, is?ending 'Easter vacation
with Mrs. hiddon. A..1)1cLeodand
J. Whidde ,cif London Norinal school,
are home on vacation. L Moorhopse
has recently arrived from London.
etteorrat.- Harold Long and Miss
earl -Fisher _orthe G. C. I.. are Spend-
ing their'indidays at their heinee here,
Chester Oke, Toronto, spent Easter
under the parental roof: Albert 'Wal-
ters, of Chatham Business College, is
spending his holidays With,lriends in
this locality. . Miss Luby ,Mohritag
spent Sunday at.home, Albert Mitch-
the west,,irh
NOTE €1 -J., TrGoldthorpe moved his
stroatll to the farm of Wm. Hill last•
week, and has already commenced op-
erations. Thafarmers in this locality.
.have finished seeding, but owing to the
-backward 'condition of the Weather the
grain sown has made but little head-
way. We are sorry to state:that Jos-
eph Naggle has been somewhat indis-
posed of late; we helm soon to report
his recovery. •
Rntrawax.While Mr. Currie a,id
road Slept a Mile north ()there On Sat-
urday last, a two-year-old. colt Which
theywere driving took fright, became
unmanageable and'ren away. The oc-
cupants of the vehicle were thrown
out, and the harse, -after running a
considerable distance, was finally cap-
turcd. The •rig was badly damaged
but the -horse escaped with a few
scratches. The occupants of the rig
were unhurt. -
• liroTE4 Mrs. Russell Forster (nee
Miss Alma Yeo) of Markharn,has been
spending the Easter 112?Idars tinder
the parental roof, Will King, of
Niagara Falls.was a visitor on Sunday
tit. his 'uncle's, Geo; Swallow, 11r.
Arthur Wilson's tWo daughters cat*
home frorkgoronto to spi3nt Easter
with their parents; *Quite a number
of people visited the poultry station
on Tuesday to see the chickens hatch-
ing out and expressed themselves as
more than surprised to see them crawl-
ingout of the shells. There 'will be
a general meeting of the Hohnesville
Rifle Association on Tuesday next,
May 2nd,,in Hali at 8 p, m
a ,
Offuntm-Raster service was nein
in the Methodist church here on Sab-
bath evening; Rev. Mr. Swan preached
a very- appropriate sermon, and the
choir gave some very choice music,
solos being- sung by Misses Tebbutt
and • McCartney. Quarterly service
next pabbath morning at 10 o'clock.
Mullett -
Norns.-Mis. Samuel Cele spent
Easter with her cousin in Toronto
ltobt. McMillan, who returned from
the west recently, is riot enjoying the
best Of health. Miss Liziie Scales
spent last -week visiting friends on the
Bayfieki road, Goderich township.
Porter'e Hill
NOTES.—Mrs. Fred Lindsay Etna chil-
dren, of Woodstock, returned home
on Thursday last ; Mrs. Lindsay, sr.,
and son George -went with them t
spend Easter. 1Viinnie Lobb is visit'
in the neighborhood. Masten. He ve
Hewitt, who has, been spending iL
'month with his grandmother, Mrs.
David 00; left foklialeme in &rat-.
' find. on Thursday. Bruce Cox spent
the nester holidays visiting his sister,.
Mrs; Hewitt, of Stratford. MIAs Ores -
sic Mat is spending it few days; in.
SeafOrth. Misses. Start, of OtIrrieS
Crossing, spent liatster with their sis-
ter, Mrs. O. W. ,ter.
. ,
Mr. L 3. Detners, M. P. Of LeVia le
in a very critical condition,
Vole Iftrikelitlaw
Every owner of property, inter-
ested iu the welfare of the town
should record their vote in favour
of the Knitting Factory By -Law
on Monday,
• The available 'vote on the list is
•about 490 and �f this number it will
be necessary for 301 to vote fee the
for the by law in order to carry it.
• Thosia'who stay at home andclon'..t
ractically go against the byr
taw' ardi • . • -••_,
.Elebiors will I;ear In mind that, in
• .
voting cm the -Knitting Co., by-law,
the; may vote only once, and it
'should be cast in the polling sub-
division where they reside. •
The only wayto increase the val-
ue ef town property is to develops
onr Indusia ies, and to. this end
olle for Ike,
• .Bruteelield
Cannon. -Easter service was held in.
the Presbyterian, church, which was
nicely decorated with flowers. Rev.
Beverly Ketchen preached an appro-
priate sermon. ' • • '
INDUOTION.—On May 4 Rev. --Beverly
getchen will be ordained and inducted
in. the McNah Presbyterian church,
Hamilton.Hi is an earnest preacher
of the gospel, and it is the wish of his
many: triends tkat a long life of .useful -
nese in the ministry maybe before hien.
DEATH. -On Monday last the OA in-
telligence teethed Mr. Hart of the
'death of his son, George. of Seattle,
ancl one ebi.d to'nctourn his loss; besides
a sorrowing father,brotheraand sisters.
. .
NoxEs.-:-CharlesSawere has returned
from Lopelon :Medical College, where
he has finished his first year. John
Itattenbury, • 'Winehata, spent taster
at his home. Mise Canning, 'London,:
is the pleat of her sister,- Mrs. Rogers,'
"John Walker and wife are visiting at
the home of John 'McKenzie. -Miss
Hattie Canaeronepent her vacation at
home. Mr.Alan, and wife attended.
the marriage of their sister, Miss Jes-
sie, on Wednesday evening. ..
• (Settforth Exposttor)
8110W, --aim eprine shove o the
South Huron Agricultural Society
was held on the society's grounds in
Brucefleld on Friday last. The Weath-
er was about as unfavorable as it could
be. A soft, wetting snow commenced
to fall early in the morning and con-
tinued most of the forenoon,' prevent-
ingmany owners of valuable animals; -
either horses or bulls, front bringing
them out. There was, consequently,
a verysmall show, only seven 'horses
of various kinds and ten -bulls,- -There:-
Was, hoiVeVer, eptite a good turn out of -
people. There are few sections of
country in Ontario where there are so
many good stallions and bulls as with.
in the . hounds' of .this society • and
rivalry- among owners' IS keen Had
the Weather been favorable, therefore,
there was . premise of the best and
largest spring show this year that has
ever been held by the society. The
clerk,of the weather, however, spoiled
all this. .Therfi were no prizes given
for horses, bitt the following were
successful. with ...their:- bulks Aged
Durham,--Ist, P. blcKa.v's "Loyalty ;"
2nd, R. Charter & Son's • "Agitator."
Two year olds,--lst, A. G..,,Stuillie's
"Sailor's Peer ;" 2nd, Peter MeKenzie's
"Mark Hannah." Yearlings.-lst, A.
A. Eicoat's "Chancellor. Boy ;" 2nd,
Jas. Cowan's "Lucky Jim." Herfords,
--1st, A. Monteith's 'Prince Protec-
tore 2nd, H. C. Monteith's "Sir Wit-.
frid ; ' 3rd, L. Farnham's "Lord
Huron.". Sweepstakes for the best
bull of any " age or breed, -A. G.
"Sailors Peer." Messrs. •
Smith, Hay., and Thomas Russell;
Exeter, acted as judges.
• a a Exeter.
NEW STATION—The Grand Trunk
Rail way Company has decided to erect
anew station building at Exetex- dur-
ing the . summer.. This decision has
not been reached any too.soon, as the
pri3sent Winding is unsightly and Un-
comfortable. It is to be built on • the
emit aide of the track. This also is a
move in the right direction as it has '
always been a puzzle why the building
was placed on the west side, thus coin
palling all traffic to both tne waiting
room and freight • shed to cross the
tracks. It was hoped by many that
the track wield be changed, so - that
the station could be placed nearer the
town, but this is not to be.
BURNED To DEATH—On Friday last,
Mr. SamiielaBradt, of Exeter North,
received a telegratn regarding the
death of his mother, which`took piece
under very sad circumstances in Port
Huron, the previous day.. The follow-
ing from Port Huron tells the kory of
the unfortunate affair: "By a fire rate
Thursday afternoon, resulting from a
gasoline ergtlosion in Et tenementhouse
Mrs. May Bradt, aged 70 years,. and
partiallyan jrivallit!, Was binnecl to
death, her body -being 'charred to a
crisp. The fire started. in the roosts oc-
eupied by the lady and her daughter.
Mrs. Bradt -sought to. escape WI only
as,far'as the rear hitilitay where
sho.fell and her body was burned, to an
unrecovnizable mass."
Noris. --Mr. and Mrs, "Kingswell,
from near Woodstock, spent Easter
holidays with Mr. and Mrs Walter
Kingswell, Of this, place, Miss, Jessie
inklater, teacher at'Paisley, is Ppend,
;fig her holidays at her home here.
The many Wends of Jos. MCGritWo of
Gabraid, Wks° was once it resident. here,
Will be glad to hear that he has regov-
ered front his illness of congestion of
the brain Audis able to be about Again,
Mrs, John Horton apent Butter -toll;
dart with her daughter, bIrs, G.114
Clutton, ctStratford,
To $hd Editor ri Ero
riceriled a Wei- the
molicitors for P. 13. Lewis, alleging that
I have Wandered Mr. Lewis. I sent
Mr. Lewis it reply, of which the follow-
ing is a copy:
Catairea:, Ont, April 20, 1905.
P. B. Law's, Esq., Town.
AM informed by yOnr solicitors
that you believe that I haye slandered
you by saying or insinuating that while
you were in pe 'session of at hotel "it
was suspiciously. burned down." I
deny that I made any such statement
or insinuation. If Arty Qitizen, has misa,
interpreted my words and caused you
to be unjustly - blamed or ..accused
through any remark of mine, 1 can as-
sure PM of my sincere regret. You
are quite at liberty to publish this
letter nartny way that you think ad-
visableAt necessary. As n'theinhene,,,,..
thelremperance'Comtii Wee 1 hare • eh'
IcleavoteS1 to de My", duty in license reform, but I can assure yon
that' have no perepnal animus in the
matter and that I Brave always tried to
be fair and just. .1repognize that a
man's good reputation is his greatest
asset, and I would not willingly rob
any of my fellow -citizens of the slight-
estpart of that asset. Yours truly,
(Slatted) A. T. COOPER.
West. Huron ,LieNise
• Commissioners
The. ...febele.....0Llast Thursday -after-
-noon was -taken up in listening to rep-
resentatives of the Moral • Reform
League, who Asked certain amend-
ments to, the regulations, and also ob-
jected to granting certain licenses. The
meeting of the 'Commissioners was,
therefore, adjourned until Saturday,
when they met at .A.ubuin, • Licenses
:were granted to all the applicants ex-
cept 'Mr. King, of Goderich, whose
premises will have to undergo consid-
siderable improvement before he can
ecure a. license, and then only froin
e provincial secretary. (The appli-
cations of Messrs. Rogge and Perkins
ere refused at the previous meeting)
McDonald's hotel was granted' h le
cense only.for three months. '•
It had been rumored that a license
would net be granted -the Hotel Nor-
mandie; Clinton, but this turned out
incorrect, as it was granted a license
Heretofore the beer of &ming bars
has been'10 p. m. for hotels' in villages
or townships, and 11 for hotels in
toWns, The Commiseioners have
changed' this to 9 and 10 p in. eespec-
tively. -
. • Solar as the work Of the Commis-
sioners -concernedthey Itive evi-
dently tried to do their (tut y fairly ;
that they did not show politital bias
is proven by the fact ' ane only ho-
tels refused license -lio , floi-
borne, and Xing's, at oderich,, are
owned by Conservatives. • •
the Commissioners meet 'again . tat
Goderichto-morrow, Saturday,
• 4. Nice of to*:
One of the points brought before the
West Huron License Commissioners,
•at their recent meeting, was the right
of a hotel to run a secondbar, such as
on fair days or special occasions. 1 he
License Actmakes no provision for a
circumstance of this kind, and it was
contended that a hotel -keeper had no
right to 'run a second bar on any ob-
..pastalea On its ..rade—the -contention-
looks leaSonable, but it seerna that it
,is not law. • • • • . •
Henry Kerlick, of Thamesford, traa
fined before a local magistrate for run-
ning a double •bar on a fair day. The
eonfietion was appealed to • Judge
Finkle, of Woodstock, who held that,
putting up an extra -bar for an occasion
of that kind• wax not keeping* bac
Within the meaning of section 65 Of •the
License Act, which contemplates the
maintenance of a permanent bar. . -
The Ontario License departineht
heidg-asked for an eninion-conterning-
Judge Finkle's decision; said that for
the present it should be accepted, but
whether other judges would entertain
the same view in regard to this section
of the Act, it was'not prepared to say.
_ The Brussels Post says that James
Bowman, who was first selected for
the position of License Inspector in
East Huron,' having declined, the p6-
sition is now offered to W. Clegg, for-
merly reeve of Morris. . •
-"Ilefefs- en-fe-ett-theinstanceir Where`
total abstinence is pecuniarily profit-
able .. Emperor. William engaged a
couple of chauffeurs, making at a chri-
dittori that they shall be total -abstain -
era, both off and on duty. They re-
ceive a higher • wage than usual as a
consideration of their abstinence.
. ,
' The neW License Commissioners in
various parts of the 'province are mat-
erially cutting down the number of
licenses. In Peel they eut off 'nineteen
hotels; in 'London, Chatham and Tor-
nto reductions are made. There is
n evident intention to weed out hotels
that (1(1' not ,eotriee. up to the require-
. ents of the' law. Charges of parti-
eanshin are made in some localities,
but if this is displayed in some places
it isnot in others, for- Conservatives
suffer as well as Liberals.
, W
West awanosh .
COU.NOIL.—COuneil met Ai. per ad-
journment, Reeve Cameron In the
chair. The mind
'es- of last naeeting
were confirmed. Ed. - .Tolnastort was
given contract of working the grader
at $5.95 per clay, and D. McDonald was.
re -appointed operator. •The clerk was
instructed to write Sohn Ainsley, the
county engineer, re bridge on con. 12,
asking him to • comp and examine the
bx•iclge. The following cheques were
issued : IL Alton, work on W. B.,
$5.50 ; j. Meltinnon, work onE. B., el;
E. Fitzpatrick,• Work. on. -culvert non*
0, $5 : S. Durnm, stable at township
hall, $7 ; W. Webb, filling on con. 12,
$2.50 ; J. Aitelieson, drain on con. 12,
$3 1 A. MeAlgster, -work on W. B., 1i2;
R. Cousens Cultaatie$1.25 ; D. McKen-
zie' culVere, on con. 2, 50c ; G. Beadle,
culvert on con. 4, 500 ; D. McDonald,
culvert on non, 10, and coveting bridge
MI ton. 13, $0 ; WT, Wilsons:lumber,
2130,801x, Wilson, gravd, 35; A. Feta
gam gravel,- OW ; H. nom work on
con. 9, $1. The fence-VieWers for 1901
were 'reappointed, also the pound
keepers with Witn. McQuillen in place
of Arch', Anderson, Council adjoutired
to meet On Friday, May 20th, at 10
o'eleeki Ets a court of revision and for
general bueineeSe- WI S. W00)3'1114
c==:) eeed.
POR wax AT
Ki s
Sweet Pea and,
• Nasturtium' Seeds . by
.the 'ounce, ; pound . or
package, Also full line
of Garden Seeds.
Wesley, gan.day. - School
Anniversary. •
• Very suceessful. anniversary seryi es'
in connection with Wesley churah SOW'
day school were held on Sunday luta
the preacher of the day being .Rev.".A..
0...Crevvs. Of Toronto, general secretary
�f the Sunday school branch of the
Church.. The morning service was eme- .
pecially to the children, lais serment
being based on the words. of the Psalm-
ist, "'Thy word is a lamp. Unto my feet •
and a light Unto my path," and pointeil..
and practical illustrations showed the
benefit of various forms of light in re...„',
!ration to material things, the_na at
being drawn to sho ..., how the Wor It
God was a lamp to those who woj.
follow its guidance. 'The singing, '
all -by scholars of the school, and ni
credit is due • Mr. S. Murch for, hia un-
' An open /session of, the„ Sabbath'. '
school was held , in the afterni/on, the
Superintendent; A. 1'. Cooper, econeplia ..
menting those ' present on their inter-
est in Sabbath school matters. The
different i3'assee tespended to the rolt.
call either -by a eelection of scripture
or by singing- an. appropriateaversenf----
some hymn. The Sunday school chose' • ,
and orchestra, under the leadership of '
S. Minch, furnished excellent musiea
Addresses were given by Rev. Messer. .
. ....,.
i./rews Mt manning. Mr. Crews. ist•-• •
1 dre'...zehird reference to the different,
I,choOls nelladvisited, and the' OW at
I scholarshe foltri1-17,..,-thero i. t0f-
stance, -all the scholarin pearnaa,14-,t• •
Ihlack--aaegroes ; in the northwest ('he'
scholars are reef-- 13.rit614
a.klurnbia he found. yellow '46°444 -
Chinese while 111 Ontario he found
whites. A little bey "brought down
the house" on Mr. Crews, as b -ys will- •
Mr. Crews was boasting that howent
to Sunday school every Sunday, when
a little five-year-old souted "go do L'''• •
, The following will show the standinr,
of the schoel : • •
Teachers ... 10 so, ,
Bible Class.....108 44
intermed. Boys 66 " . di
Intermed. Girls 57 ' "
Primary ........ 76 ' " ' 51
t. 334 Aver. atten. 211
Cradle Roil. ... 45 ,
Home Depa,rtrn't 35 •
Total,S. Ft force_ 414.- - • -
New Scholars, 29. Removals,9. In-,
nrease,-20- -
Total pledged Abstainers -165
Number •joined Chinch.. 8
Verses recited by
Verses recited by Boys.. ,5059
Periodicals disttibuted : 23 Banners ;
50 Senior Quarterlies; 105 .Onwards;
' 66 Pleasant Hours ; 63 Sunbeams;
63 Happy Days,
• . Racatrie
Api I.. Balance on hand ' $ 15 Oa
• Anniversary subscriptions 41 20
AnniYersam-s_elletctainTr.' 8800-
S. S. collections for year, .198 86
• 329321
Apl. 4 mAionimi,evresrsary ,exp,enses..$ 180 sOa
•Missions ,‘.• 3.5 42
S. S. Aid & Extension.... 2 OM
• , County Association 3 00 .
' expenses. . 12 85
. S. C. ,StevOnson, accomiA 1 25
Decorations ;........ .. . .. 1.50
Sick Children's Hospital:" SO 00
AV. C. T.11. „ ... . .. .. 2 00
Balance on hand I 08
Periodicals and supplies.150 86
Building fund... . . 20 00 .'
In the evening Mr. Crews- preachec
an excellent serMOn feorn the wordti of
Obadiah : "I, thy servant,. feared the
Lord from my youth." it was intense-
ly practical; and showed the advantage
of accepting the •Lord .in early youth.
and harming habits that were the foun-
dation for future character;
A sn'aciaA contribution of $15: had
neen asked towards thnfunds of the
Sabbath school, and at the close of the
(lay's exercises the °facers of the
school had, the satisfaction of knowing
thdt this had been exceeded by &fete
dollars. •
Men's ew 1-Iats, Tovcr & l3vnwn...
Great Carpet Values, Newcombe's ..4
Lost -New Era 5
Pasture to rent -Rklout
For sale or to rent -P. Potter 5.
Alinnirmin ketelienavere"--Ilarlan.d's 5
We have -Morrell & Holmes.;
Carpets and curtains -j. 11. Chellew
Wail paper spectals-Cnoper & 004
Wash suits •Tozer &--BroWn
Spring Speeials-Hodgen Bros, g
A. suit for $10-11odgen Bros...., SI
May excursions --j & o. ,
Brave hoy--Jas
Tenders for dredging—P. delimas3
Ilorse Ads.
Birdsall Melttnite-D, Reynolds.8
Miteeatios-McConnell & MeTaviah5
Sphinxite.S. McPhail „ ,,0010468.