HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-04-21, Page 6,
• •
1129! TforPfd Liver; Dizziness; Sick Headacht
— • constipatiqu; fillion3nes0
Safe and quick; .Do »0 grIpe,Nefek
Fail, The safest and :moat
able Household Medicine !mini;
-SugarinCoated-Vegetable- Pills -
By-law. No. ,), • '2" ' SIIEDOLE _
THIS .AGRFRMENT, macle in duplizate this
, 30, tit aeraff..dereh.14._19val
Town cif ff. H. Combe, of ailingtrin, Drugglat. • '
• I
A By-law to authorize the loan ey the
Wownof Otinton, to the Clinton' Knitting
'company, ot s.r thousand dollars ($(l000)
:to enable them to build a fac!ory in the
2'OW71 of Olbiton, and to provide for the
stud of D. bentares of the sail Town . ta
lte ambunt of $6000,- and to raise .the
'sum required there for on 11:r the os:
-moment (.a•cept for school purposts) of the
buildings, leo& and business . of the said •
-Company at S2000. .
'Whereas it t advisable that the Town of •
•Clinton lend Wi nem P. Spaidisg. messufeic-
turer, H. 13: Comae, Druggist, H. T. Ranee.
Banker, and others tube ineoroporate 1 under .
the name of the Clinton 'Knitting .Company
%Mated, or such other iamb as the Lieutenant
asoyernor in Council may direet, the sam of
six thoneand dollars, te enable them to builds
-factory in the :lama of Winton, and *to fix the
assessment of the -land, biuldines, plantond
business, of the said Company, exeept for
school purposes, for ten years at Veal, • and
whereas, there is in exi,tence e Knitting emit'
-ory in the Town of Chilton in which $4000 Is in'
'vested, and he non Company inter& to take •
• over the bus.vess, build a large factory, and
'continue the same - •
And whereas, by the said agreement between
the said prrries and the Town of Clint n, the •
said parties have greed•to put intim thrimatid
dollars ($10,000) of capital, in .additton to ,thit
.already invested,to employ an average of s xty
hands in each year, and to secure said lean by
Mortgage on laud and buildings, and rower
tilant, and to repay in, gnat paymeuta the prin-
cipal and intecest in twenty • yesrs. at 41- per
And W"hareas, •In orni iellintaUS-11,313trtar
necessary to issue deben was of the said Mine
cipality for the sum of six thousand dollars,
as hereinafter provided, en I • welch is the a-
-mount of the debt intended to be Created by
this by-law, the preteens of, the said. Deben-
tures to be applied to the purp..ee aforesaid
.and to no other. •
, And whereas the total =mint' requi•ed by
theddunicipal Act to be ra-sed annually during
the period of twenty years for payingarerd D'e-
bentures in equal antual amounts of $461 25,
4 the amounts payable for principal' and•inter.,•
.rest resdectively on amount of each instareent
•of the said debt being shined' in the Schedule'
'A." hereto annex.d. • . • ' •
And whereas the amoont of the rateable
peoperty of the Town of -Clinton according to
the late„t revised assessnierit atcirg91..," 032007•
110. . . •
And whereas the amrinet of the ex'sting de
benturedebt•of the said Municipality 38159007.
'68, where I none is In arreea. • • •• '
Th erefei c, the Mwdenpal ,of the:
.r•eorroration•-ofethirTtnanor•Olinton manta as
Whine: . • .
1 It shall be lawful forth° Municipal Cor-
poration of the town of Clinton, to end the pail,
rthe Clinton Knitting Compamyrin the erect-
ing of a building, by a loan of six thoinnuid
-dollars and by fixing the assessment, of 'the.
Property of the said Company (except for
school taxes) at two thousani dollars for a
:period of t• n years from the completion either
said 'building. •
2 It shall and in ay be lawful for the denier-
.ation to issue debentures to raise Raid sumof
money, said debentures to bear interest at 4h4
mer cena per annum and to be repaid in equal
'annual instalment's or 8461.26 as per seherinle
• A appended hereto, so as to retire the • debt
n Twenty years. • -
8 Said debentures shall be payable at' the
a)flice of the Treasurer or the Town of Clinton,
4 Each of tiesid Debentures shall be signed•by
'the Mayor and .Treasurer of the said Corpora
$1011 and the 'Clerk shall affix the corporate seal
thereto, and hall tear date the 8Ist day of July
.1905. . „. .
b If and when the assent of the qualified eke
tors shall hive been been obtained tri this By-
law, the same shall be finally 'passed on the.
Company executing a rental agreement • in the.
terms of the bereiribefare reetti.e.jigneepont
• and printed hereafter as schedule "B" and.-
. complying with all the conditions therein eoi:
defined. '
W P.• Spalding. of 1,hiaton, alartufacthrer,
H. T, Ratio of Clinton, Manager, on. behalf
of themselves and otheis to bu ineorptra ea
under the name of, The (Uhiltul Kntttner
Limited" hersinaiter called the "C impauy" of
the fires part
• and
The !,'Vtinicipal Corporation of the 'Town of
Clio la in oereinafter nallei the ••Corioratien "
Of the s..icond part.
• Wherens, a teleineasams ti•fi en bete' ofere'
iied on in the Towie Of taintintunder the name
of Clinton Kintang Company... •
. And whereas, the paid " Corepinyinaqufring
the said, I hint nut! liminess, pro, see build:me
c quipping, and enlarging, the mune,. fee the.
carrying on of the business of hosiery mantn
facturii g in the roan of (hinted. • . •
And whereas, it fa aremed expedient by -the
meal CorporetontO great by way of loan tothe
Said-th,mpauy t hem= of six thousand dollars
(4.6000) to enable th.on to badd asuit'We fact fry
for the carrying on of the said business. Upon
the tit:mend contlitons hereinafter stipu it -
ed. • '
Now therefore, this leidentu•ro• witoesseth,
and it is, covinanted and agreed by, and bet-
ween the sal t Clomplinv, their successors and
;Weems, and the Raid Corporatioirse follow: —
1 'Me 0 nips agrees that it will emit and
build. within the limits of the Clorperat. on of
(JiLuton a aoa1 Luilding•alt by 4511, siaa two
Relays'of Partneri for a Twenty -Four
„ Hour Waltz.
Mr, Helps, a young London dancing
Master, has accepted the Challenge of a
'Liverpool professor of, dancing to
"dancesre s ° a finish's says The, London
A Frenchman at present holds the
world'S dancing recerd, having danced
without a break for 18 consecutive
hours, an the tWO coMpng dancing
Masters hope to establish an English
record ,by fianeing_twiee arIttthe .1
W. F,Hurndall, the well-known danc-
ing instructor, has all the arrangements
in hand for the extraordinary duel.
"The contest, provided the'Llverpool
challenger accepts the conditions, will
begin at noon on March 0," intys' .104
"The time throughout Will be sixty
bare a minute, and the waltz will he
the dance Selected, The competitors
will dance in an inner track In the ball-
. rooht, and &Luang, couples Who come
as era :;tators will dance in the outer
ring io.,a' band.. 0Whenever the :band
stops air automatic planewill 'imxnedi
• "From noon on the 6th tiTlitie hour
on the 7th • when the dancers finish the
comtletitOrs Will be On the Move. Rh -
Lays of lady, partners will be provided,
'and food and dryitt will lie taken while:
dancing. '" • ..law•• •
•• •
• "Mr. Helps will train for .the dance rt,Tntere are cases where an operation
by taking long \Vance and by dancing. is the only resource, but when one con-
-At$irst he will -dance lee half-an-hour-sideric-the- grvo---titraibUt of ecteeli7of
Without a brealt,'anit Olen the_tiMe Mill -ovarian and womb trouble Mired by
• be , increased by. slidW stages , until he Lydia ID, Vinkham's Vegetable Come'
can dance for hourstogether," • • • pound after physicians have' advised
operations, .no woman should submit to
• • A Carpet Factory Earl. one without first trying the Vegetable
• In taking over the business of ; the Compound and writing Mrs.-Pinkliam,
amoue old Wilton carpet !factoryavittch Lynn,, Mass ; Aar .adice, which is free,
is' threatened with ruin by foreign WM- Mrs. Robert Glenn, Of 434 Marie SC,
at.petition,edmbEyaprlbelfi'erstpmbroke is ac-
lilted, motives e, • Lb • •
•Ottawa, Ont, writest "•• . -
than by the 'desire -0 add to the big in • ueiatjr,y1.8ta'EP,1111o.naalnlieral7a• *
Vegetable .Gonipound-
come, he -derives from- bis • ancestral irrso well and widely known'tbat it does not
acres. • ' need my recommendation -;abut I am pleased
It was Only after he had failed to in,. to odd it to the many which, yow have in its
•C ace some a the great London lime favor. 'suffered untold wipes f rom ovarian
to come to the rescue , thatwith the troubles for nearly three years, and the doe-
• aid of Lord Radner and* some Other tors told me that I must undergo an opera-
tion,• 'but eel was entwining to do this, I tried
friends, he purchased 'the' ancient era- ' your•Vegotable Compound, and I am only too
• tory, to the delight of the weavers. Who pleased that I did so, foritrestored me to per -
have long- regarded the family, whieh - feet health, :invitee mettle pain of an operation
-owns 40,000 &ores in Wiltshire, as here-. and the immense bills attendiog the same." •
titary guardians of their industry. ' Ovarian editl womb troubles are dead --
She Was Told That an Operation Was
' Inevitable. brow She Escaped It
When a physician tells a woman suf,
fering with ovarian or womb trouble
that an operation is necessary, the very
thought of the knife and the operating
table strikes terror to her heart,, and
0.nr hospitals are full of women.coming
for ovarian or womb oneratioee,
The nobleman, however, is only fol-
lowing historic precedents. Something.
like 150 years ago, another Earl of Pens-'
broke, the tenth of the name, saved the
business from extinction in much the
st ries high,bait, of brick or . effluent. and in sam f hi
e as , n when it- was beset, with
all ways euitnbl fer manufae tie Mg pane:stein
finatiCial difficulties. ' •••
2 To ecrtip said bui dings With such plant ''Pen more 'tnan three centuries the
and equipment SS Shall .11/ak0 it a modern, up -
to -de te, ens well toipped knitting rectory. Wilton folk have made carpets. Now
3 Taluvest in said. taisiness. in addition to working 'in • the factory are lineal de -
pre cot Cal hat' employed, which is heresy de- seendants • of home of the men whose
elated by said Conn any to be *00, the further .
sum of ten thousand de nars. names appear in a charter granted to
the factory in 1700.
Rea efter tne n.14 (ley of .1 atone y, 190S. au Cht-me sairrirfrm—eilie-Egirire-fgartir
•averege f sixty ha dem and about the has:- run the factory en business lints, and
tient lit the s 1 factory, an 1 ti properlY Wain tittle doubt is felt of his ability to make
tain n• d oaerat I and continuously °para. •
all•1 tePair. and keep in go.id running order. it Pay. A, younger brother; with appit7;
and r pair the said M. tiling .Fac,orY,. Plant rently scant pfospects Of suceeeding to -
dud mach WY* fora 13'41° of tweetY. • YearTg the earldoni, he tat for many' yarsih the campletien ar the sail, tictory.
the .o Coriunqns, and ;familiar-
"? the rompany wi-hes to r. pay the whole
loan at /Weer d of ten years, or tiny subsemi himself With business, matters. It
,year,tt may do so on setisfying War. of was -his talents in this direction which,
the Corporation, in which caber the said Coin- on • his accession to the title in 1896,.
pan -y- is to be released frem all the agreements'
len, to his appeintinerit as Lord. Stew -"and stipuiatlons heroin caitained.
5 The mid onnathr er ,annua y, On,the and of the King's household, with the'
0 ill ll th
first dayannuary, in elm/Land every N see' turn- - snug salary. Of $10,000 a Year. .• •
ish to the said Corporation a eta dthry.declarn 1
. ation 'snowing the !lumberer persons employ- -
ad dining the -prey ous year, and will, if re- ' ' . Misa .Maude, Lawrence. •• ' '
tion may direoCall the hooka and pay -rolls of the The Mitiquie of Londonderry, Preti-•
enured, exhibitt, such person we the Corpora- .. ;
said Company containing any entry in relation .. -- - , . .
dent nt the -Board of Educe:lion, 'says
te the hieing of employees for any portion of. • The London Vines, ' has: appointed the
the demand shell be made. . . ' ' 1 at ' W e •••
the tweefltyear term preceding that in' vThiO• , Hon. Maude Lawrence to .a. newly -es-;
• Ip case of the failine of the saideOomPany to tab shed post of Chief omen 'nap c •
lhoorporate or build or equip sabilactorrthen _ter under the.
. Board of Education; Mise
AU expenses incurred by the Corporation in Lawrence is the youngest daughter of
. and about 'this agreeminit,•-are to be borne by , • the first Lord Lawrence,(10,verbor-Gen
the said Compsnyi - . . • . . : eraii , ., . . of In
. S By way of seCuring the fulfilment Of the 1 India, who was Chairman of the
ars.. School. Board for London.
'covenants and.a'
greoments herein, by them to ...we , • She
. be performed afar observed, die raid Company • ., .e.ttf9r nla'n7years chairman Of a conk -
&execs to execute and deliver to the said (for- Mxee: Of ,•xnanagers under the' Lowden
poration a first anortgego ion the sumo} six Sehool Board, and' Was a Member. of
thousand dollani ic fee simple, free from all in-
autribranees . ODOR the. lands buildings.. and • •the Lengle_n,Scho.pi„lieard;frorn-1888 te.•
power Pleat ()film said 'Conn toy, Buell build.' 1904, , serving On . the Cenimitt, ees -for
lugs and powerplant a saint ures tied real *stare , School' Management, fer.Works, for De-
ana to be incorporated In tied coverrd by said
mortgage: 9 he Mortgage 'to be rep,yat in in hat tie. Subjeots,• end . for School Adcorn-
ecalet• annual anionnts .of ;401.25 of primeipat mo ation, and tieing Chairman , of • the
and interest, so as to reeire the Debentures let- • Special 'Schools Sub -committee. In.
suedoar the e Corp.ra on o make sua titian, no-
. . ... •
cor ng to e scheduleA attachedere (Pi, ,, , don ..c. •
•Maye 1904, she Was placed by the •Lon•-
.. ,
di the li t ' •
• Said mOrtgageto contain the iteualcoietants .,.. .t ..Coune II' upen"their tallest. -
contained In the ordinary short !orals . ot • tion min ee; and,s . s
Co itt ' he i Vice,Chair- '
mortgages, the Covenants and conditions non- Man of the r. ubecom- .
i SpecialScheele' .p .
, taitaid m this agreement, and a covenant it in-'. mittee and a -member of two ',other sub -
sure and: keep insured the buildings and ,• inittees.- . ...., • . ' ' '
. power plant to their full insurable rattle in dol-
lars, daring the hill term of twenty I elm, and Miss Lawrence' Will diteet•it ii, staff, of, •
the loss, payable to the Corporatioli, and a women. inspectors a sPeci 1 qUa.fi.
promise that in default of anrof the covenants !-
of said mortgagene this ,agreome..t, the' . said . Hone - emit varied experienee,. Who.. -Will
.COrporationanayexeittProtitled..entersin asSiet the,board in dealing with' manY
and. lease or sell the ‘aid land, banding's. anti questions for the • treatineet of - which
plant, or foreclose as they may -deem best. • ' , they have hitherto been sorrieWitat lin-
I 7 And the said Corporation aree :thet. in ' perfeetlY equipped. .
• 6 There shall be levied and raised iu each
'Year by special rate on all the rateable proper-
ty in the said Municipality a sum saftiohint to
discharge the said annual muralist of 2461.25 ac-
cording to schedule A hereto
'7 This By-law shall take effect onerrozn. and
'after Met July 1005.
And it is further enacted that the votes of
'the Electors shall be taken on this By-lairtest
-the following times and places that is to say
on the ant y of May 1905,commeneb g at the
hour of nine o'clock in the morning and con-
same day by the following Deputy Returning
• .
Polling Subdivisions
1 St Andrew's Ward.' Town Hall, Albeit
street -Nicholas Rottinna Deputy Returning
Poll lig Subdivision No 2 • °
2 St. .Tatnes' Ward -at the Apple Evapor-
ator. High street, John Scott Deputy
Beture iu g ()facet.
3 St. Johns' Ward at Burnish tallieVath's
Carriage shop, Huron at , 0, Heiyar, Deputy.
•""ne Rotating officer.
4 St. George's Ward at Leslie's Carriage
Shop, Huron at., 5, J. Andrews, Deputy Be-
,uming (facer
'On the 20th day of April 1905, at the hour of
'eleven o'clock, a. m, at the clerk's office in the
Town of Clinton. the Mayor appoint two
poisons:to attend at the Intel summing tip of
the votes by the clerk, and one person at each
, polling place, on behalf of the persons interest.
ed in and. desirous of promoting the passing of
this by -lay, and a like number on behalf of
the persons interested in and desiroutt of appos-
ing the passing of this by-law.
The clerk of the said, municipal corpor-
ation shall attend at nis Office in the said
town of Clinton at the hour of eleven o'clock
ill the forenoon of the 2nd'day of May 1905, to
sum no the number of 'votes for and. against
this by-law.
The following is Schedule A of this -br
law hereinbefore referred to:-•
the event ot tire destrayingliatd 'buildings, or • . • ,-1 ,,, ,
any par; thereof, the Company will prodeed i . . . . ,.... .
. with due diaoatch to retreat sugh buntlines 1 Burns as.a-Peet of Life. ,
place the mathiaery or plant theeein, and ree . ' '
and power plant, and a ithin iim
ghtonths •ret 1The birthday anniversary of Robert.,
surge operations. in which oath the °rpm- Burns -calls forth In..setrie quarters the
anon agrees to hand • over to the . CO pany usual critiear.remarkaas to Binns' true
Ithe Insurance moneys received liy them • ,
. • plate in the ranks of the world's poets.
...8 The said: Corporation shall, during the • Among' ether things, it is said that his
period of ton years from the completio: of the I,
them, provide for the fixing the
tPthe itevarement• d inview
, life was defective. He sang
buildings, t e
of life as,,;Ite knew. it,. and , hie ,view
of the seid---factory-and-taant-and-busirress;--furair an eche • wherever his Viiiii- is
°keeps sehool tszes. at pow .. .-
, 9 Upon the erection. and completieu of sale
• read, and that means in 'almost half
. ,
. ,
building, anon the certificate of an, architect . °X the civilized world. 'A "featureof
or agent to be appointed- by the Corporation. " is ' what a.critic of ' paSt years
and upon execution ofhe tmortgage hereinbe:. called the Ayrshire singer, and his verY
fere recited, the Said amount of Mx thousand nataralnesa makes him „great, .Nature
(loners is to be pain by the said Corporation,
that.wherevei the word is the one great fact. of the 'Universe,
le It is understood
(forimany isuled in. thal agreement, it shall and the pen. of Bums speaks for man
what ma_,n, feels about nature and can -
the parties of the ant Dart. the Coln .
peaty to be incorporateda. and its successors "hat himself express. . , _.•_.,1„., •
and assigns. • , • • - • .1 • Versell which come to ,tlie mind in
11 And it is further provided bete/nab the the everyday wearand tear Of life an.
parties that should the leg;ele,ture of Ontario
refuse to pass an Act e. abling the . Corner... pat as the well-worn texts of the Bible .
.atIon to Make this loan; or in the event sif the .er • the ' aphorisms of popular folklore
katepayerranot ratifying the By-LaW, to give . Cannot be set doWn as second tate ult-
effect hereto, then this agreement is to become • lent there are grades in truth, ' Which is
voici and of no effect - :....• . • . impossible. Burns' epigrams and full -
In witnees.Whereof the said
hereunto sabserthed thole hands eta seals, .
parties have fledged . sentiments Well up fromthe
heart to the • brain -are felt before they
. ..- W. P. SPALDING ' ' are spoken: If life 10 a normal and true
{.;B-: '
manifestation of nature's forces, then ,
. Burns' view of it is not defective, eineo-
Dated at the Town null Clinton, this 30th clay his utterance rings true to whatthe
of March 1906.
, .1. P. HOOVER, Mayor: • ' Milllene feel and - think.
1:?, L. MAI:PRE/WON. Clerk. ' •
. . ' Secretary for Scotland. . , • , .
. _ •
The Marquis of Linlithgow, Ita'... Who
. has 'been appointed to be Secretary for '
-r '
8 •
, g
• 13
• 1928
199 86
208 85
218 25
228 07
2/38 83
240 06
• 260 27
271 98
284 23
297 02
810 139
824 86
1 96
870 14
404 20
422 89
201 89
252 40
248 00
238 18
222 92
212 19
200 98
189 27
177 02
164 28
150 86
186 80
122 80
91 11
74 45
57 06
$461 25
461 25
461 26
• 4)31 26
461 25 °
401 25
461 25
461 26
401 26
461 25
401 25
461 25
461 25
461 26
401 26
nu ea
461 26
16000 00
WM ea
ily on the inerease ainong women. If'
the monthly periods are very painful,
or toe frequent and excessive -if you
have pain or swelling low down in the
left side, bearing down pains,- leueor-
rh ma, don't neglect yourself : try Lydia
•.E. lkinkhana's Yegetable Compound. .
APIft 21 1.065°'
Farnoue Castle Has Been Rented to an
Amerioan Millionaire. "
Inveraray Castle, the ArgYllshire seat
of the Duke of Argyll, has been sub-
let to an American, says The London
Daily Iviait.
"I would not for a hundred thousand
crowns any mortal should know the
Moses by which an armed force could
penetrate into my country," said a war,
nor of the Argyll Clan' centuries ago.
American dollars have been successful
where more than one armed force litei
with failure, and Mr. A. V. B. Cresswell,
the present tenant; has, with the. QM -
sent of the ducal °Whet, sub -let he
castle, its magnificent grounds, and its
extensive shootings to Mr, LLD. Jordan,
a Boston millionaire, who will enter in-
td•occupation this summer,
Inveraray Castle ise one of the most
celebrated fortresses in Seotland. Its
natural beauties and its wonderful treea
are no less remarkable than its roman-
tic and historical assoelationS, The
forces of 1VIontrosh and the great Argyll
fought there, and it was there where
Rob Roy waged. his predatory war.
Queen Victoria planted a cedar in
the grouncla in 1875, and trees planted
by the late German Emperor, Tenny-
son, Gladstone, Bright and Livingstone
are among many °there pointed out...to
'The horneof the Campbells has been,
at Inverarayr-since early in the Our-
teenth century, and the old castle wee
More copied and imitated than any other brand. of tea ever
placed apon the market. Tido alone
proves its' worth,
Nixed Sold only inJead paekete 25e, 80c, 40a, 50c,"
OF Creep „GO°, by all Grocers. •
Highest anard St, Louis 19(4
Knows.welave always a fresh and large as-
,sorted stock of Groceries. and Provisions. Anything
in the line -of Crockely, Glassware; Chinaware, etc.
rocured it this store ' *
•-•-the-scene---of---the-exciting-ineidente •
the niegentl' of ' MentroSe.” The en". ., • WAINTRIP-.-„Cjond--Butterand:Eggs.: 77--
ettinliered date in which 'the present- . •
. Duke's property descended to -him Made .
. it. a, necessity that the'eadle should.be
let. Besides, as he himself donfealied,
lie was greatly impoverished by Sit
William Irarco.urt's death datiee, ,
• .
• .
very , curious sPring hii been,
coyered neer' Eptitlan del °erre, deli:
ma, The wing is about fifty feet deer);
but the water- is SO' clear. that
stones at, the bottom can be easily.
counted„ The • discovery Was Made by"
'American explorers; who haye. already
-reported their finding to scientists in
the City. Of Mekle6 and the United
States.. It is believed . that 'the Water
'cfintains radium or 'that there is a -de-
posit .of the rare .metal in the neighber.;:
bood, and to this IS ttscribid the trans-
parency of the water. Furthermore, it
• bas been observed that t>y• night the
. • •
eli seems to be illuminated by, St.
• ' .
' . Musical Steam -Trawler. • " •1•
When the Grimsby eteam trawler Sy-
rian: mit into- Filey Bay, 'England, re..
plaited "Auld Lang Syne" .by means .oe
an cirgan• pipe. arringement 'on her sy.
rim The tune; most ,adritirably'playedi,
Made Scores of pest* run to the foro+.
shore and cliffs ,toiee.-Whence the revile
After a S. . short pause,. the Syren broke
,forth into "A Life oil the'. Ode= Wave;
Meanwhile, the vessel pitched about
• in the -rough waves, -thundering,. etas
dashing 'Aver the reef: "The Bay of •
',Biscay" was next rendered, and then
} ',The Death. of . Nelson." , . .
Later; In thiTiffterneoli the ateatner
Obliged with •'The Blue Bells of Scot.
land and "Rule tritatinia,” and at half -
past, three, before she put to Sea again, ,
the vvinA. having Moderated,' the never.
concert was ,elosed with • the National
Anthem.. As the vessel was -steaming
out .to sea the Strains of "God Be With
You Till We Meet Again" were tarried
to the shore by the wind,
• A Philatelist*.Ruse.*:- •
'A London -philatelist, envying some
'curious specimens in _the ,albutn of an
.;- ekleily -feminine acqueintaneeq-offeredi
a dozen times to • buy or exchange for
the coveted treasures. Unable to he -
cure the prizes in such Weys, he finally .
• Proposed ma.triniony,.and so •came into
peesettlen:b7f. hee stamps.
If your back aches and '..You , -stiffer
:liens dragging paint it is an 'evidence
I of diseased kidneys, Get :Verrozone
at once and take it regularlY: Ferrd,
zone inake kidney suiferei s feel better at
4 -once. "I was bothered a great deal
t rites S.
with my kidneys as year"w
Cf:"Deriton of:Eve, et', winit Thk
relief from Ferrozone. My trouble
manifested itself by pain .in the back,
dull heavy feeline. And constant head-
ache. quite recovered after using a
few boxes of Ferrozone, which has
given me more strength and better
health than I have had for a long
Take notice that the above Ise true eoPY of a Scotland in the plade of Mr. Grahatil
Prcipoeed by-law which has been taken into con
elde•ation and which will be fina.11y assea by Murray, the new Lord Justice General,
thelCottneil of the Municipality Mere or (in the will be. beet re menibOred as the Earl of
event Of the assent of theeleothes being obtain- er
ed thereto), after' °nen:lentil from thenrst pith- xr.Opetotin Ana the first Governor,Gen-
limiter, in the Clinton New Era the date of eral of the CorinnonWealth of. Australia,
which publication was Priday, the Seventh day says Tho London Star. Before the
of April 1005, and that the votes of the eleeters federation was established he filled with
of the said municipality will be taken thereOn
on the day and at the hours and Nadas timein marked success the office of Governor
fizekl• Of Victoria, and fora. Mica period he
• • ‘ . • • D. 1,4,. 144•01'0411,8014'... , Was ••Lord Chamberlain - An • the . Into
Clerk, Queen Victoria's Vitae old, Since his
Dated this 80th day of March, 1003 • return from Australia he has made a.
1arge profit by the sale to the Govern-
ment Of the necessary land for a naval
Such pain and endure the torture of ' -:.• "
baso at Rosyth On tlj,4 IfIr.th‘ of 17.11_.,
nervous headache when a qttarterbtlys .
a bettlerof Nerviline which never fails
to relieve. Just a few drops of Net vi- c
line in sweetened water cures nervous ASTOR• I A
or sick headache, relieyes heart palpit-
ation and makes YOU fee) batter =me- For /Ants and Children.
dlately, Nerviiine can't he beaten for ,,,,,L a
troubles and should be kept in every pod You Have Always Haupt
quickly curing stomach and bowel •1* The
home. It's good to rub on for external point the
R 9.nd excellent for inward use. Signature of •
old la large 25c. bottles.
time. ,I can reconiepd Ferrozone as a
positive - Acure." -Price 50c.. at all drug-
, •
gists. • • •
• . .
• • '
Do You.Realize That a
Neglected ,Cough May
If you have a Celd,, Cough,
,Hoarseness,Bronchitis, or any
&faction the Throat and Lungs,
what you Want is a harmless and
certain remedy that will cure yon
at once.' • • •
• • There is nothing so healing,
soothing, and invigorating to the
lungs as the balsamic properties Of
the phie tre, e.. -
• DR.; WOOD'S If/
.6Gitains the pot nt healing Virtues
Of the pine, with other absorbent,
expectorant and Soothing medi-
.cfneitof recognized worth.. '
Di. Wood's Norway:Bine Syrup.
checks the Irritating tough, eoothes
and heals the inflamed' Lungs
and Bronchial Tubes, . loosens the
phlegm, and gives a prompt sense
ot relief front that choked -up
Prige SS cents per bo,ttle.
Beware and ask' for Dr. Wood's.
. 7
• . ,
The term bully in the (Uri of Shake-.
epeare had quite a different meaning •
Artnia. that,which'•it has at Preaent.
ink an expression' of endearment and
good fellowship. Some suppose that
the word, when"lt Is used in approval,
Is derived from the Dutch Seel' or Ger-,
Alan bulile, which stands for the English
lover. The harsher use' of the' word is,
liOWO'Ver. 'to be --tracod-tetelloir, the
root of bull, with 'a sigatfleence efnelsy,
• blustering._ - ' •
. • . •
••• . Artificial Ruble,. •a
• 'Artificial rubies are produced In'
`rance by reducing small natural ru4
bies into it very 'fine powder, which is
melted in an electric furnace, cooled
rapidly, and crystallized; The precinct ,
-Obtained from *hat With of little worth
on acaeuilt of minuteness possesses a •
comparatively high value. The main
difficulty encountered is to Prevent cav-
ities and fissures in the crystals. The
new process cannot be 'employed With
emeralds and sapphires, as they be-
come • diaeolored by the action of • the
haat. i.JA v40. I ••,41-.1
c:3 ..cta. 1,P db. .
lhe Kind You iiave Ways Bougjd
Bears the
%nicer Wilde& Ceremony. •
picturesque eeretneliy -marked the
adireitt of the fifth generation of Shri-
matt Swalacievi,.a. Hindu lady of noble
tamily • at Amritsar,- writeis an Indian
correspondent of The Civil and
taty Gazette.
According to Hindu scriptures, the
old lady, by the birth of a son to her
great-grandson, attained salVaitni, and
on death will go to the region of the.
gods and dwell antong them,
The event was celebrated by a dere.
mony tailed Svarga Sopanorchanarn,
which means rising to Heaven by
Means of a ladder. After a bath in•
.the Ganges, the old lady took her seat
on a platform arranged' by the family
priest, while a. thanksgiving, service
was held,
Then a heap of rice, on which was
placed a Mall ladder Of gold; was laid
before her, and as the near -born child
was Placed in her la,P,ahe put her right
foot on the first nth, of the ladder.
The assembled Party thereupon -
cheered her and showered rice and
flowers about her, while brass instru.
merits were PlaYef Inritimi wore
Always Insist upon ',baying
The Genuine •
Florida Water
The most ,refreahing and
delightful perfume for the
handkerchief, toilet and bath
, • • •
'Russia, is to negotiate another loan
of 250,000,000 roubles.
Suffered Fc rANumber
Of Yea: a From
I ftysp go
Ithat is what Mrs. Mary ••,..11."k°11
thousands Ont.
who csays, and an :rt.
ID the same thing. 1
. , • .
Icured her, and will Cure sap
Otte and eVeryene troubled with
Dyspepsia. Mrs Fake write! Si
"I tattered, for a Mmther rom•is
from DflPelielif, an I tried in same.
• diem, but without nay' relief eg
, Burdock Rood Bitters. Alto
1 the advice of a frit ad, 1 star
4 tjl'
I.ens relievedei..wtoaefs till, jo:rzedxfclitiet6tdoffitittorytet. t116„
1 e *fit i have vereivo.1, slid I hope
this wolitterfla nfr reinT16,r4litilir do ta
am sure that they will have Imo
eXperielals that 1 hiAre had." 1,74,., '
to t. 3110TinaT Cfhi UK*"
it • Torouter Oat
sung. Oillakalc.404,469.114116
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0
Light Bliciciie
O Our Specialty
e They are:made orthe best ot material, and taken° Second
• .
o place inovorkmanship. They are the hightest grade, and in- f,
e tending purchasers should see, my stock betOre purchasing. •
411 e • 410,
-1111.600111111111411190001111•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 40-•
' • ,.
glin.ton Sash; Door, and
Blind Factory', . • .
This factory is the largest 106 county, and has the very latest improved ma
chinery, capable of doing work on lbs shortest notice. We earry an extensiye
and reliable stook and prepared plans, and giye estimates for and build all erase.
------ea-oflatiMingerotrehortInoticre, and on thealostistpricreff:- Air outwits- ,
ed in a mashianical way and satiefsoblon.gniranteed. We: sell all kin& of • ,
. tenor and exterior material. •
Lumber; Lath. Shintries..Lime, Sash, boors, Winds. Ete.
Agent ter the Celebrated, GRAY ;BILL SCHOOL pawn, maiuraoturer.
atVatiftloo; Call and getrprioes and estimates patois pisoing your orders '
. „ .
Oeneral ,linilder and Contraitor
MISSES and and Ci-tiLDRN'S
Stylithly "TRIMMED : HAir
Londe4oio Emporium . ,R.ADAMS.
, . blerch,81st 1905.
For vutting powder in Edward Arm ITanster. 01 Lieense. :
stronlis,pipe and damaging his eye, a , , •
• • ..
.' •
pay $100 to settle a lawsuit,
Wine ester joker was comPelted lipciTeginanakeecanoAti.cBerithnadterIb,orlitecenrhi:nthGersaahie:to,wonf
to myself, to take effect the let day of May. •
Dated this 10th divot April, 1905.. ,
West Huron. for a transfer of the tavern
the town of Clinton; have made application '
to the Idealism 13osrd of, the district of •
• lbe Kind YoU Have Aiwa s HOught
Before placing your, or-
ders for your 'season's
supply' of Coal, get our.
prices; 'The very ':beSt
goods carried. in s.tock
and sold.Nat the loyyest
possible piice..
Orders -'may left
Davis & BoWland's .
Hardware Store,' or
With' "
At Electric ght7 Plant
. 1
v...i........**,,........, ;
I S. P. R I...N a
Spring is once more at
Ihand, and with it
t Pure
Maple Syrup
. from the land of my birtho I
Fresh Fruits i
I .
the county of Leeds.
iWe have arriving daily the. •
following fruits k -.Bananas, Or -
Iarigee,.Lenions and • Pineapples,
Good Groceries
Iyour preserving Sugar. It is not
NOW is the best time to buy. I
necessary to mention the quality
1 s you know we always keep lia
• t 0 beste everything. .
.41014 *OA 41.404.11•44•4444
• The Hub Grocery. ••
fo.••••4144•44.4414•40.0 1-101108.1110.11101011.1111010111MMINIIIIIiiiiii"
This is one of the moat MOdern
You've been thinking of
giving us an 9tder for'
Groceries•-:- -
Do it NO:VV._
We want to get that
order: 'We're anxious
show you how' depend-
able thequality is, and
hOw irilid'eTate the prices
are, We want to Intro,.
duce you to
Satisfaction .
This. ,week ha've
passedinto sq)ck about
half -a -ten of TEA. Prices
.,ranging front 25C to 750.
per lb, The•.quality
" in-
vites inspection. . In' jus-. •
tice to yourself you ought
to test our Teas, •
Huron 8i.; Clinton
-Phone lxi
111•11. If you stet it a &don's
it's GOOD.
AVIRX4XXV.A,4••••••-•41,4*^,••,.......' ,•r•i.t• ilLSIFIC1011•0011,..,4,•140,41,1VM. Ylt.m.vt.,,,-,.7,4„..tt.t VOI*3. Yff •
'L.I.r2.511111L_ -lee&