HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-04-21, Page 5or 0 0 0 D 00 CLINTON.. De -1114- 2 -D 0 • • • Choice Seed Peas for Sale. . .--- ' The undersigned has for sale a limited qustitity of .conanaort field Peas, of good euality and clean, grown from early sow- ing, ront,equentiv free from immature . I seed. W. /11AliQUIS, ()on, 9, Godench T. . Notice.., . 1 kindly call at the hotiEe, and settle same, where the books will be, fortwo weeks. ' , APTEIUR COUCR. • • • 1.44000 ' • • • • • • • •• • •• 4 0..041 ••t00. 0 IPA •:••:•+•:••:••:• 1.;• •:• 44 •;••;.. Oit• •:• 4 0 4:444 4,44,. :.• ,•;•0t,$10. . . , •04••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • : 1 100KINNON.. & CO .BL....Y. TH 4: f___._,......,.... . .. ,,...4: ..7.-..flflOTHEH IIIHRE SHIPMENT N • iV This week we receed another large shipment of New adOcIS from 1 • A •• 0 1110htreal, which puts our 'stock in good shape for the spring trade. 4 Most of these goods were 'bought 'underpriced for SPOT OASEI. and t 1' • will be sold BEk.OW REQULAR PRICES. Flannelettes, wide widths in dark and light stripes and checks, very; ; . .. . speeial, worth 7c for 5e, • ..4.: ....t, Wool Tweeds for boys' suits, great value at 25c, 85c end 50e, +5. !. Rock -feet Shirting, fast colors, new patterns, worth 170 for 15e. ..t. +'4.4. Oxford Sbirtings, in new patterns, fast colors', at 10e and 12ie. • et% Cottonades and Moleskins, new pattens, at 15c, 208 and 25c,, ? yNew Table Linen, half bleached, very Frieda' at 25c35c and 50c, • . % La:' Rain Coats in Oravenette and rubber lined' at $3, $5 and $74 1,) Men's Rain Coats, 1,p covert,cloth, and rainproof at$2.50 X,$4.00$6.00 Men s Felt Rats in theall latest styles at 15c, $1, $1.50 and $2 00. •_24 it . .rteenrefes gynecralalstulviptihniannghvivrittsh oglebastavta5Ace,t7y5cr,11855eocan7d505a1.n7. $1•mo. 'fr Boys' and Trouths' Suits in tWeed and line serges at ail prices. . 4 ...• .. t White atid Grey Cottons, extra, value, at 5c, 7c, 8c and 10e. y ...e. New Ginghams in blue and white checks and bright pfaich4. Worth 4 4:4 7c for 5c. •ow 4Men's heavy wool Pants, very special, at 51, $1.25, $1.50 and $2,00, 4. 1. .--*— 413001's AND sHoes ----*— A . •-• 21 WO THE cr.AsToN 'NSW BRA. • olsons .401t. llecerperated by Act of Parffeatent 1855. Capital Paid Up w3 000 000 Reserve Fund . . .... 3,00p,000 wic Mora= liaonmorsoa, President. &H. won, Viee-Preeldent, ;Amite Eimer, Gen. Manager, . FARMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or. collected. DRAFTS- on all -pail-twin-the Dominion; -Opera Britain, 'United Statefh-- and all Foreign Countriee, bought and sold'at best Tates, DEPOSIT RBOBIPTS issued and highest current rate of interest al, lowed, ADVANCES MADE to Farmers,Stock Dealers, and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Forty-eight branches in the Dominion • Agents all over the world. • SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits or 51,00 and upward s received. interest allowed from date of deposit compounded half -yearly and added to principal June 80th and December Met. Highest Current Rate. CLINTON BRANCH New Combo Block. — . H, C. BREWER-. - 1•Tailittger.• - • ,•4 ;l3 • •••6•27..' 000s _In. Do You Want An Whiting, -Brushes,-Paints,-- ,-- Wall Paper, '= 'Varnish e s Wire, Clovet Seed, Alsike, Timothy. We have them:- MORRELL & HOLMES LONDESBORO ....WIiWIET Old Newspapers for Sale. DigingUiShed for 411orolghness" A quantity of old newspapers., suitable1 ELLIOTT for putting under carpets, or any purpose. where wrapping paper is requited. 5 vents -- per bundle, NEW ERA office. 'Going col of BUSINESS sic commencing April 5111 Selling less than • cost untill the entire stock is dis- posed of. Don't forget and give me a call, for now is your wile to save money. MRS. A, SHIER, Albert St , next door to Combs's Drug Store. • TORONTO* OW* New—Jewelry. New —Watches New—Silverware Silver etC • :11.11EILINAR'S eweleryap-d 'Optical Store Headquarters. for "fine repairrng ; give us a • call TORONTO PlA,RAttlqi (The Sun) Boo MARKET. —Sinith and Carmich- ael quote eggs in Toronto at 14(r to 150; Gonne andl/awtsone 14 to 141-2c. and Park; Blackwell and' Co,, 14o. Guam XAUKET—Fall wheat is some - What easier in Ontario. Millers are holding off and buying just as little as possible, They are offering $1 for fall wheat, but in some cases when pressed for supplies will go as high as $1,02, $liEBP MARKET..,-,• Well fed yearlings re sepiqgin Toronto at $7 to $7.50, with inferior ones $5.50 to $6; export sheep are $1.75 to 85.25 At the Junc- tion the best- yearling lambs sold.. at $7.25 to $745; export sheep, $5,24 0.50 and bucks, il4 to 84.25. " • AMERICAN ' TIOROM MARKT.—in (Menge last week drafter is sold freely at $17o to $225 and upward, for good to choice, common kinds being wanted at $125. to $165. I hen; was a broad out- let for Eastern chucks at $125. to $150 for the best grades, common kinds he, ing taken on rural orders at$80 to $125. Big feeders sold at $150 to $200 There has been for some time a pronounced •SrvrtWia-d-cliiifters iff-Crilbitgo, and Eastern buyers keep close -tab on heavyweights, anything choice excit- ing strong Competion. There is awide outlet for farm chunks, and. the whole market is the best of the. year. %At .a I speciaLharness,4sale, . drivers- found a erem;ly sale'ar $150 to $360 and upward net go-od torchoice-grades; --with -med.-- lama at $70 to $125,- Wawa'. MARKET ON Tam Boom - The cattle& market" is certainly on the boom now, Prices in Chicago are 05e per cwt. hightr than they were this time last week, and in the Old Country cattle are se•lingat $1.50 per cwt. more than .they were at the' end of March:. The high price in Chicago has sent a good inanyciperatbre to Toronto, who • had been confining their, operations to the western city. In Toronto best ex-. porters sold from $5 75 to 50.00, With tned$5.40. to $5ande.xport.billis and cows $4 to $4.25. .Ttfere 1NRS such a keen demand for exporters that a, )71 0 o E.] 0 0 E3 0 0 E3 E3 t: -741,41,4•411.404.1L1,41114.611,tigf,S SATURDAY $ BARIAINS 200 yards White Lawn from40 $to 52 inches wide , regular 15c,17cand 20c $ per yard,•urday..... 12%c Sat" • ti "Z., 4 la .4 ilr',1111.4 1 w UnderAirts $ 50 White. Under-. 7skirts, traiieller's • maples—at-10s than wholesale pews, E i munbOr qt guala16, soot to. bc. §oki c1,8 short-keitp feeders, Were taken for ex- port and farmers who had came in to buy 'feeders could not get what they were after. . • •Iloc;MArirrET -An °aerie packing 'firm recently imported 1,000 hogs from I Buffalo in order to fill its English en- ders for bacon. This is the roost strik- 1 ing testimony yet offered as to the 1 scarcity of hogs in this Province, as 'such an importation had not takua. place for some 25 years before. The 41101111ERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIMIIImmgm, 1 saarcity is not local or temperary, either, as a Montreal exporter informs In the last rioniinion election there tie Trade Bulletin that he will be coin - were less rejected ballots than ever before. There is not a constituency ingang,d&Syberelpdividgal.voters did. not purposely mark halrots7DriTiOlre than one candidate, the idea being to keep promises madetorivalcandidates. When an allowance is made for these - pelled to import American hogs regu.- arly in bond, to be slaughtered for ex- merkunless _the' pajiadian supply in- creases very materaillY7'7117Virtflinir bring out all in sightMontreal packers were paying last week, $6.50 to 56,75, • at which price according to the Bullet- • caws the probability is that the • num- in, they must have: been losing a cent ber tof ballots accidentlyspoiled is very a pound. The price in Montreal, how- • sena% indeed. The rejected ballots in ever, 5675 being quoted in that mark - November last numbered 0090 out of a• et. ' AL the Junction $6.05 toif6.75 was paid for hogs as they carte off cars. , total.vote of 1,030,186 throughout the /Dominion. In 1000 therewere 7718out •of a total yote of 052 496, and in 1896, 1.3,871 out ofa, total vote of 835,600. The 4, diminution, therefore represents over per cen over e rc�th bfthe pre ceding general election. •• Cor. Yonge at d Alcminder BM. A High Class Commercial Sobel . — the Best in Canada — , • titer now. Open the entire year. • Catalogue free. W,J.ELLIOTT, Prin. Paper .flanging tt Paint/hr. • • The undersigned are prepared to do per-hauping and honse painting • of a kinds. • Satisfactory work • guaranteed. Prices reasonable.. • Furniture cleaned and re-Anished. Ali claesss of house-cleaning promptly attended to, FRED. BROWN. %HOS. GREALIS: Orders can be lefl with ki.W. Irwin,:grocer SpecialSpring Price • linivareoGranileware atch our in • —FOR__ The Goods And Prices • CoaL...... • Having purchased - the Coal businesg.of Har7 • land- Bros,i: I ani now pre - %pared td reeeive Orders • for all sizes-Grate,Egg, Stove,.' Ngt. and SOft, and solict your patronage. Wilr sell Onl}r the est-. otadeS. . Orders'left with ,xne• or at Vailand Bros.. • 1:arclware:Store, will re- teive' prompt attention. Office next door to j.• .1", _Tisdall's bank: • Donald McCorvie. Harlan ros Stoves and HardwAre, CLINTON. essesimosulifl • • • Clinton' Market Repor Corrected every Thunalaiatternoo Barley • • • • • • • • • 45 . 45 Wheat • .. 1 05 •a • 05 . Oats ...... 040 a 0' 42 Bitter, ,_.„ 0 -10 --it -0-10- _NO_INCREASE-IN--PRICE Eggs per doz (new)....,0 12 Live Rogs 6 25, • . • • True as Gospel. ThefolloWingextra.et is from a re- cent article in :the Sunday . School ' Tintes; It hid. n� direct:bearing on • anything now before the -public, but it fiti.int,o 'Canadian publiclife so nicely that itis worth reading i-- • . •••The ilverage eitizeri.ls ready With. his opinton on the merits of the public ft Suitings-at at 15c • • Plnin Crasbz-Suitings;--kialc-Criera- sh Suitings and Striped Crash . . Suitings ki every wanted, color, Sky BlueNile, Linen and Grey a splended range at...... . . .. .. .;;...15q • 141-ww****2•101041•41"110411 lill*K•aNKM11•110 Materials For • Wash Suits We're eathu▪ "s:astic about our New Wash. Goods , and are showing a choice range of material for -the pop" ular Shirt Waist Suits, all the wanted styles and colors at prices easy to pay. crum's,Prints 122c • ltlost women ask for Crum's Prin- ° ts for they know. Crul0 4'4 . are 'the *best money e"an t yon want •to be pure of getting. • -dependable fast coloi,ptiiit 41:7' pictst 10k Ikerli. at *.'". 1210. .• • • • Mercerized Checks 25c -71- • • Merberized Cotton Shepperb cheeks • -fir- .-Blue-and4WhiBlack Whito and Brown and White, • quite g smart Shirt Wa,iirt suit, lug •••250 • Cotton Detains In Black dio.luiti with a dash of • White a,nsi White Scroll, 27 inch-. es wide, admirable suiting for elderly ladies •• 25c • . Gingharns and LAtambrys • shades, Check , in.ghams and , , ZephYrs,a beautiful range • to .- choose from, Pinks, • BlIkea, Reds and Greys . .... 12c. , . . WhiteVestings • White Mercerized Vesting for Wats- ts and Dresse, 'a very handsome ' range of new patterns, Spots, Broohes, Stripes and Figures - • . . . . . . ' • - • , . • •White -Waists Critical' buyerte11 us that - we have by all •odds the handsome- st line of Sllirt Waists in Olin- ,. •ton at ' 11, $1.2.5 and $1.50 Linen *Buster Collars . For Ladies • ancl iChildren in solid •two rows of hemstitching. •The- se will be quite popular this sea- • • son. Prices • . . . . 20p and 25c • • . • ' • • . • .5.ticessors to, R. Coat, • mei of his day, and seldom really gives an honest half' hour to careful 4 inquiry -of public servant he so resdily classifies.- A large proportion of the moat intense partisan voters de not clearly know the real tenets •of their party. They love, hate,.'t,-,ote.; or ex-. hort from motives that are neither knowledge nor conviction." Aew Actitertiotnunts Furniture for Sale. . Persons .n-ebted; he undersigned will The undersigned will sell by privateSsie. at lila home, opposite R, Irwin's, a entail. qnantity of hatteeholdfurniture, consist- ing of Stoves, Bedro^m and Rader garni- ture.: . Sante meet be sola. subscriber Is. lefty ug.tevria. Knp)-.) grytpn., °Buten 2t The 2g acres of land owned by the late E. Wise, oontaining gool oroh ,rd,. lots of sand; fruit, and good bnildiaea. Apply on the premieee to alitS, WISE. All outstanding accounts must begettled • by theiirsi of May..." tf . • We desire to almotnice that • we are' selling -Meat at the old Col. Matheson reporti.that there is price—NO INCREASE. no surplus. An old Liberal farmer Custothers' will have, as usual, predicted this four years ago, "You Dromot and satisfactory at - let them fellers get into the treasury," • . • • "and they'll come out and tell us that tention.• . there ain't no surplus. thnd you bet FITZSIMONS & SON ere won't be any after that neither.". ' ' . . J. 0. Hoover. • • Nelson Bali , Ever branchlri our llne, is coMplete, yo*ari get,' any article produced at this store, • . Our Prices bring The Trade, • Our personal supervision goes with every • chase and satisfa.ctioti is guaranteed. EINDERTAKING:• Night or day cane promptly attended to 11001MR-8i BALL • A 7,!. Heavy Shoes for working men, in all sizes at $1.25. $1.50 and $2,00. 4, ? 'Williams' patent adjustahle shoes, made of solid leather ; they are .4 'waterproof and wear like iron, at $2,00 and $2,50. • 4;4 kti Co ,+„ ...... ............. --.... ,.. 0.....*. ........o. •••••,.- •._-° _0..4.. -.• ° - -saiwa...0 • • t 1. 0 ow... 4 I' y •17'4 mcKINNoN & 00, BLyTH .j.: os, A b.+.0..44.00:44.+.0+0444,0.4444.0+44++44444,8t44.4.E.4teeki.s.*:tttOlt Nolte been dissolved, all accounts due the late e., . .. .• ATie rm o or , ON elr aving • firm are lo be paid to the undersigned by the lit of May. ' All accounts not then pail will be plead elsewhere for collection. • • JAS. A. FO. RD. ZI in tOVP ri I .14 til , 1 9?5 . • Save Your Eggs The underatgned wishes to •announce ite,ltaa,started in_the egg business again tit s -and Will continue alr dinii%St on a binding contract. EA`gs bought for cash. • Calls made weekly, • N. EW . EBB. • !TANTE!) Firet-olase rubber anal polisher, mon • ii:) who underetan s nibbling and polishing piano cams; al a men is -tido wood turn-- ina and make imsolf useful in 'mill room, THE flA.RPE TER COMPANY, Organ •makera,'.grattleboto, vt.,; tr. S. A. • POST Wehave an unlimited titimber of good, sound, high -land Cedar Posts -4,5,6,7 and 8 inch topel-which we sell ab trines' coo... dietsut with their quality, • • . Also a large stock of Hemlock which we et -to 511 any bill, Iy you want ()Aar 'Posts or Remlook 'Lumber it will pay you to give us a mill, • - - MUSTARD 41t Sons, BitOeld, The uvelpooi & London • &fiioheinsilVIRCe CO. 'Head CITTlee /or Canada DIONTRIME. CAPITAL AND WETS EilEED $66,000,000, CLAIMS PAW EXCLED $23.000,080 • "T'44s'd 1 Policies' issued at Clinton agency direct to insurers. No: interim receipts. No delay.' rot information apply to our agent, 1 D. 4 .M.RCPhrSOno •-*V.* OVVV114, !t. 0101 .1 4 El;FX140 SP•t7, Spring' ill.KrelopOise, . el. • • • .0= te have just placed in. stock about oite hun- dred pices, ha.viest quality DANADI A. N PRI N T, bought at a great saving on regular prices. These are the quality for which •oihr places are asking 14c. Our price while they last 1 loc. They are almost as heavy as duck, and are good washers. . •, • Dress G4o4s-40----- A1l the new thngs, both in WOOL and COTTON DRESS FA.BRICS may now "be found on our shelves. Quality as good as the, best, prices the lowest. • • varasois and We have one of the largest. stocks of Para.-, • sols and Umbrellas to. be fctind- n toWn. New; -- and Nobby Goods at from 50c up, Call and see these goods, and be "conlinced that our prices a,r. right. Plumsteel Tie".old stand, Minton