HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-04-21, Page 2• . ' MARTO 14BW LLA,. 0ivouwwwwwwwwwwiwiimmwo A Notice of Special Interest � I iiJl a milt ul I jl yl • tinea Ui Illi o IIy�Si1ll ii1W� f' 3.' puu WI fI1U_y6NI ��`���� l' a'Iq'llflit 'rti'�".cIIIII �I�fiV • iPYNO I have a few china dishes left aftt;r my • Auction Sales, which you may buy at less than cost price. In GROCERIES, I have a nice fresh stock and. nobody can sell them cheaper. Watch •my' window for bargains in canned fruits, Big Bargains 'in Boots and Specs=" ,T • In 4I3oc,--0 :and 0°111Ilufll ' Shoes, 1 . have had fifteen years eYper- ience and am thew- oughly practical, and for: the next 30 days wi.l sell them ;cheap- er than you have ever bought them before ,in Clinton. • sALL:ARD R. Graham's old Stand. The(•{il , �y,-Tyy cases of triplets. During the year �j of i I : ' _ i }af �( (I there were ,732 illegitimate children FRIDAY APRIL 2'., 1905. born, equal to 1.13 per cent .of .all the li-births in the Province. The. rate.in England and Wales is 3,9 per' cent, Mr. Amos Supports the Bill. and in Scotland 0.2, .. •- - -•-" ' ;There -were -19,S39 iarhiageeee utero H. B, Ames, who is a Protestant,.I the year. Thirty-two per centof sepresenticg one of the Montreal seats these were solemnized ay 37etbodist. in the Dominion house, but a Conser- clergymen 20 0 by Presbyterian, 17 L native, gives. bis vie:,•= in support of by Cie: ell of Eugl'and; I5,9 beaten ian.. the Autonomy Bill ea follotws. l.`e ' Cath dies. said the Government should 'have sub= i The number of deaths was 29,004, a witted the bill to the high -at court be- rate of 13.4 per thousand population, -fore bringing it down. The Premier's a small increase.oyer 1902.. 1.11e infant speech had created the impression that , mortality was'lil per thousand births;•: a separate school systemwas to be 0,700 children died in -their first yeju ae forced on tiie west, such as existed in and 3,30.1 were I.heir fifth year.. Tee Ontario and. Quebec. If he had told,deaths from t theecuioiis in 1903 'were the country at first• that the Govern -12,123e Tilers stere 125 suicides and iuient's only intention was to provide ; il' deaths by accident. a_sonti Ince o€ -Ilia --present sys- r tem, ho helieyed the people ?reel(' 1 Does Farming Pay t?` have accepted it, or at any rate there I ............. would not have been anything like the! In. conversation with a . well -.known aoppos,ion there has been. Mr. Ames , farmer of this locality the other day, described the school system it, Quebec, he may to a Now ERA representative : 'which re dual throughout, and cora- 1 "I've been Ailing to figure,•nut,for pared it with the system in the North- ; some tints to see whot.her i made atny c money lest year or not: But there''ss no west, which is national, and a• very • money in -farming now ; it don't pay."; different thing. There they had nom This is a statement often ' heard. ..sectarian schools, completely divorced 111Zany fariners make it. The 'Nava from religious control. Thenumber l ERA has been. told of one 'farmer in of so-called separate schools in the _this neighbbrhood`wlrlo is said ta:clear west would not increase appreciably. • .$1,000 a year•.. This may not be true.. The limitations to be placed on those I However;- we would like to have the schools by the constitution of the new opinions of our farmin friends on this, Provinces would not in any way inter-' ig mportant subject, and will, be gladto fere with their efficiency. Mr. Ames insert any letters hereon , that,- our -'ejoice3 that -his leader had given -fees ' teadersoney-seistlaisees-Wesivillantfathes esupporters freedom to vote as they i letters in readable shape if the writers chase. H the tester of the Govern -think it necessary. Now, let Its hear went had given his supporters the - from some of them as to whether -seine liberty there . would be many farming does or does not,pay. more members following their own in- . clination and the w ishes of their con- stituents. He had been for ten years a member of the Uuuncil'of Public In - Alen Baby Smiles. When Baby smiles Mother knowshe istruction in Quebec, and in that time.. is well and happy, When he is cross, . t eye never yet had toconsider one ailingand fretful, she gives him Baby's ease where there was a grievance 22. 'o lileCs•,'itCttcl fiTrds=t'ai;t�-tlxere4-19 -a• ..ceased by unrair treatment of the smile in every dose. These Tablets care all the lirtla3ailments of childhood 9nir.ority by the ' majority. He ac- such as indigestion, colic, constipation canted Mr. Borden's constitutional ar- diarrhoea, worms and .simple fevers. They make teething easy, and promote gument, but declared there was a natural sleep and repose, and are higher view, and that was the justice ' guaranteed not to `contain one particle that was due to the minority. In vot- of opiate or eoisotibies soothing , stuff. Mrs. ftobt Dean,. Tisdale; N. W.' T,, ing for the bill, he did not do -so. for --say "I find Baby's Own Tablets at fear of any portion of his electorate, ' perteet medicine for little.ones, and al- ways keep them in the house," 'll'ou .iiiiiipojeeteete.rough a sense of justice. He re- can get the Tablets from• your ' medi- gretted there had been so much intern- cine dealer or by mallet 25 eentsa boo berate language used in such inilamm- Y Writipg the Dr. Witliants Medicif . _-'_e . _ miners . o.; Brockville, Ont. ; "alt rbi.i Notes. Sir Charles Tupper received the apes o sial blessing of the Pope fox {hie "con- stant 4Meinee of the rights of Canadian Oatholica," What a howl would be raised if Laurier were in Topper's place. Itis likely that Mr. Q el r 'w 11 be returned at'Bdnlonton by acclamation; When be reached there Wednesday the whole place turned out to meet hirci With '"b >cass bands playing. and flags flying: The autonomy bilis seem to suit the people chert*. Boman Catholic pupils at the Peters bore • Collegiate institute have given up attending.the Protestant religious exercises which they have been in.the habit •of attending, Illus "showing bow this sectarian controversy brings the children of all churches and creeds to- gether, ' Gamey has given notice that be will move to hays exgunged !tom `the re- cords the report of the High Court fud ea, woo invea£iga a „leu r e and ;pasieed t enaure upon' Sinz. Df .course the motion will be carried ; the Governrtientdere not refuse the. Man from Manitoulin anything. • 'It is reported tat Winnipeg that a special session of the Manitoba Legis- lature will be silmtnoaed at once, at which, • legislation will be passed re- pealing e-pealing the Manitoba schools_ settle went of 1897 effected" by Premier Laurier and Messrs Sifton acid: Green- way, and declaring for purely national schools. a • April 2i Q yers You know the medicine that makes pure, rich blood•'-� Ayer's Sar.saparwilla:.Your mother, grandmother, all your folks, used it. They trusted Sarsapariila it, Their' doctors trusted it. Tour doctor, trusts it. Then trust it yourself. There is. health and"strength ill le* thin blood. foundcoraai railer took Arens 8arsaparnls. )lour Mottles gonna- nanny Mired me." tonna- Mita; F.. R. H4wr, Mt. EIsbo.N,Y. /1.0.4 bottle. �. O. AZan co., Alldra tots. Lowell. Mao fQ�tr gp�wrwaonrwrM.ir� Rich Blood _ Ayor'e PRis are ently laxative r°`y 4 rte C tt t i - aatiateririllae County Clippings john Rankin 'leas been appointed town clerk of Seaterth. Samuel Parr, Seaforth, had his arae broken by a kis k from a horse, • The death took place On Sunday last of Johu Smith, for Malay years a resi- The eight-year old min Of Joseph Rau, near Drysdale, died of Wildman, - Henry Bossenberty, of Grand Bend; The Peraturientary* representatives of the Protestant minority ip Quebec, r both Liberal and Conservative, are h suppoeting the school clanses -of the enemy ills. The English press of d that Province, toth Liberal and Con- servativeeare with one voice condemn- t tug the appeals to prejudice 'being M made tier four Toronto dailies. - nd Miss Taelor, of the Sauble line, Hay, weee married lest week, Chas: Howe, of Myth, execiepitty eeve of Morris, has become an almost elpless invalid from spinal trouble. While at play in Hensall last week, W, Kelehonto little irl fell olf. the Mr. Fred kalbtleish has purchased he 05 acre farm adjoining Zurich from r. 'Welland for the sum of 0000.00. Ja Govenlock, of the brick and tile yard, 'Winthrop, has rented his father's fine-farna en the north gravel Hon. col. Mathesoo in his budget. speech intimatea that he expeeted to $450,4300-tifiteeeig. Sante heatless not outrage" that boneetaative epealeers' and organs hien so yield -Atli depounte ed. while in optiositiOn There must be some mistake. • The municipal brganizatioesaire ask- ing the Legislature to legislate away the right of individuals to sue numie easel eoraartation,s for damages. That Would be it very dangerous kind of 0, legislation, and we may be sure that it in will ` nob be granted. Bei t here are Wive litigation thet it would be well to prevent, if tbat cauld be done witla sold their fine Shire, stalliOn, "King • Walter Ge Davidson, Who was ferixt- --onheesecerease hes .bought one the -Wasman situ Wm. . Hay, Tuckersnrith, left last week fot :Bozeman,* Montana, where he has acceptea'a good: positiop ell the of W• inghatn, has been promoted to be. district. agent. of the ;Union .Life Asepr. f R• eese(' is $202,000, aboot $27,000 ore thanaast year ; the population is haS heen re -organized, and all the old meMbers are tow beck into so that there is now a membership of Hutchison liassed' away at bis bade in son was one of the pi/Meer residents ef flowick, and wits heal in high esteem. This tills fair to be a recordebreak- west for Progress in sett:lenient and egriculttire.' Mr. Whyte of the bane: area Will be greatee the,n that ef last year .byeainillien acres, and tlee total tinder dap Will reach four end .11, half .beartipidely preare,esing., The volume of immigration will.alpionst equal that of Mat year io-quantityand will sur- pass it in quality! of $3,602,395 ill the last nine_ Months. $10,000,000. The decline was to be ex- pected. Since 1897 the innease has been extraerdinary,•and year by year it was believed. that high tia,ter mark bad been reached, The ,trade, of the' last nine months 6341045,250, whieh is exteemely large for six millions (4 people. The decline as chiefly in farm I crease in • exports of manufactures. The returns for Match Mane show an improvenient, especially 'in animale and inantifactuies; but the decline in Tarte And Ontario. One man in.Oanads° Understands tnis province.. able lowed to carry nakel lenses in the re- that in the Province of Ontario •Sir Wilfrid Laurier has no one to defend Then he turns to Toronto arid regrets that the candidature of Mr. BMW Wtte not opposed. "Toronto," he adde, cannot: wish to deliberately alieniate the affection and sentiment of nearler latilf the people Of this coun- try. She has only heard the voice of the baa angel of discord. I have had, misunderstandings with Ontario my. glen of inflammable gases, se he thought the members should •travel through.a debate of this kind with a safety lamp. Ile announced that re- luctantly he would break with his party and support clause 10 of the bill. Statistics. The birth rate of Ontario during the,' last year for which there are statistics was only 22.1 per thousand of peonies Moropean countries, and close to that of France, which is t2.9. France is regarded as the achildless" • nun try. and it is not much of a credit to be on a par with it. Nipissing district had th a highest birth rrite,•49.3, and Prince ' Edward county the lowest, OA - Where were 402 twin births and four The License Inspeotoe at Sault ,tos. Marie, whohas the reputation. of being an excellent official, "has been diamisa. ad under conditiOns that }lave excited sympathy in the town. It appears that he had just recovered froill along illness, during which tame he employe This makes his yet -novel' a -hardship, prejudices were raised against Me. and may entail a good deal of suffer- My speeches and my intentions were ing on his part. If the facts are as re- clfistoirteitt ihy the eneiniesof the Cabinet presented it is impossible to justify the defetaled. The tole catne whett I dismissal. A. man who has, perfOrielea could go to Ontario and explain my- self and to -d theft) is tiot provinee to the satisfaction of the.: publie de- et. visit One, however, west be freak serves consideratiOn at the licincls of there. I do not understand why Sir permits the opponents of his perty to be absolute mestere/of the situation in his waive Prooincea' the authorities. Inconmetence and offensive pertisansbip are grounds for removing a licensee andpector, but there is no claw of officiala he'v- ing done thole 'work faithfutiy,,are more entitled to protectiomesToron to News, Consei.vative, Vegetahie,iiver pills, That is what they are. They 'eure constipation, bilionStlesS, Want your moustache or beard BilotiNGHAmos, oy *beautiful brOv7u or riehplaoh? Use ritrr cm or mama eta a 'taus re.,. sows, it. lienry Ihniti,783 years of ago; was ownShip, and Wag so seriously injured that be died a few Were, after. , fiimcne eonnty, aged 52 years, fell dead in a Astir et the Queen's slIotel, Boo, on Thttrsdi At deadly the same :Bishop. profit ter of the *Hotel, died After/tit oe •en illness, Harry Champion died at his home in New York ma Friday, and his vet -tains were brought to Wingbam for aurial ; lie was at one thee a reeident here, but has been. living in New York for a number of years. • For being on the streets at unseemly hours of the nighteleofice Magistrate Ir Wm. Staples, Winthrop, nearly lost his house be fire hist week ; it caught troth the chimney, and a large pert of the roof wite burned before:it wee put out ; but for tbe help of neighbors the house avouldanwiebeenalestroyed. OnWednesday Peter Jackson, who has been a resident of the eighth line, Morris, for over forty yeaes, left with. his .wife•And sie of Ins family for their new home at Tisdale, N. W. T„ wheee he bas purchased a large tract of land. A. pretty marriage ceremon y Was performed at Belgawe manse by Rev, J Hestia on Wednesday. A.pril 5, ihe contracting parties Were leattiee daughter of Mie and Mrs, Hugh Mc- Burney, and Reba Seat, both of East Tbe retirement of -Wm. Elliott, of clerk will peobably also deprive the town of „desirable citizens, asat is his present plan to take up has residence in Oweri Sound; where hie two sons are engaged in the'ceinent basinese. • Editor Mitchell; of the' G-odetich State president of the county branch of the Childrens' Aid Society, was in Seaforth on Wednesday in connection with a particelarly sad, ease of destit. Brooln. The family toneistsof father, mother, and live children, the eldest child being but eight yeas, old, The family were in very .destitute einem- etanees,altbemgh the father ip said to be hardworking and industtlous. The threeeh1est children Need, eight, aiz, and•fottryears, respectively, were giv- en Op to the society by the parents the transfer papers being completes before Magistrate Beattie, and the lit- tle ono taken by Mr. Mitchell to the Children' Aid home at London, morning of�Anniered Hendercon,i wife ,of D.13, Anderton, of the Bluevale road, winha g m. Deceased, Who had suffer- ed from coneulxtption for three years, had a large circle of friends, and her death, in her thirty-fifth year, Weary Much regretted. Miss Irwin, who has been unable to all her position as teacher in, the school at Exeter, owing to illness, left on ,Monday for her bonze at Wingliain, where she will remain untilafter Pas- ter in the hope *that her health will improve ; the vacancy is being fillea by Miss Mary Paresels, Exeter. • 1 Leonard aleTagfrart Exeter, came near tieing asphyxiated by gas from his coal :stove on Friday morning. But for the persistency of a neighbor eaho wished to see hiel early in the morn. ing he would have been, past recovery. A.s it Was be was very: sick ell testy, and!' oldest and best levee' of .Povreeroatt'a eeidentsed idle -en -Abe person ofeilesse Christina Haw kiln, wide*, ef the late Thornati Hawkins. Silo was in het •seventieth year, and Op to a few months preoloue to b.er death,. had era -joyea good health. aaa• was postmis- tress. e 'There is uo truth in the report frern sel had been as a formelity condemned to death by the commission appointea -to ingnire interthe•suirender of Port o Sale o For ' Sale. House end a sore of land, East end Oitt- Orlc Sr. Pttrolzs er wishing more lend could buy 1001)310g. jOSIIUAPE&.1iEN • Clinton. end • ouse'for Sale Ten rooms, with woodebed and Mable, hard and sofa water, sore of land, nen• ara►lly looetee for pomesulsre apply. to 'W. BRYDONIC, House to stent.. • • Cevlen Teo .Mountuin Grown. Grand Teit is a produd Of 'the- sunniest. -mountain tops-inCeylon. °Prepared by. machinery *from plantatiOn to tea- pot, it. is 'the beverage , of hygiene, CI No .exposure to store, paper. bring .it to you iothe • insist on your dealer sup- plying you with this, t best possible. blend of the' .finest and ripest teas. Dis-' :Critninating, housekeepers . prefer it tp bulk' teas of doubtful value. Grati4:1 Mogul Tea t4 Sofa, only in. peckages divide our advertising appropriation .with you by Swaim ;realm eou- pons in each patkage. 1 House for Sale • • Fraase Renee, in good location on Vag- 1in ete one block from aollegiate Institute. and etable,•one ecre of land and fifty fruit trees. Apply to H. CANTELON, To Rent '• The Istiok protege load 20 aorta of land, jest Bomb of aantouson the London Road, and at present owned by Moe Freer ie of - to Eiihratirn Butt, Clinton, or Rev. W. • For Sale One first °lake Shorthorn Ball abort 22 months old, mostly Scotch hred, will be sold for leas than ite Value. Is' regis- tered, find wetaloete will be given With it ; the first that comes wilt get a bar- gain as it must be told. Also 2 yoursg Splendid Par* for -Safe Themedersignedoaem his farra .of 125 acme for sale on the 12 Concession Of Hallett, - 12 miles from Clinton.' he sa fro' S a forth arid 4 miles from tIllythme on the premises! a good bank barn, also. .pig Inn, sheep peri and drivirg house with loft above.. Vitro is gocd bribk house with ssureuner cietern,,3 welts, 10 bores of bush. 2 aorta of orchard of choice frail. The farnt ill well fencel ota drabs. ed and in a good state of cultivation. tar, terms aad pattioulate apply toe Reuben Graham, Clinton. .1. Snider, Diamond& Belittle area, Seaforth: Tires. 3, AlcAsii, Varna,. • eaa Ismail of fruit,. bard &pa woter, stable. Apple to J, MoINTYRE, Stepleton. Clintan Silt:Cc/all; Engine end Boiler, 12 horse power, (Gioldie a- -McCulloch Subecriber effete foe' rale a two aorta litEfreez4asrdoo lz tPdZi io:b de it,i upeg:iotwohErottTkl pi 13.Bgo.loi nt.a. I: Ice Nru. DpSW. AoiYi ,l it r . w, oltrS• 1,6:111010.1.&ICI.E11110118. ' Olfice-,...ntario Street, Clinton. Night calla ab , ..._.,.,.. , front dormer office or residence. Natteriburr- FESSIONAL HENRY ISEATTIE oismiciii4r *CO line Scott mom yo MOD posuro. ETC, CLINTON . altWOUT 84 HALE Real Estate ape ensumece Agent Money to Men AVs' 0• CAMERON BARRISTER Awn SOLICITOR, ofilee—aseatiten oppootte Colborne Hoes terms, a Brantford 1.6400t wheel; about horse power, ,with inlays_ and , gearing . Shorthorns ter Sale. • onea with good pedigrees, also 2 heife're of ' good -quality prices rights 13aleata Grove Stook Fears • Farm to Rent. North ball lot 23, on the 4111 eon of Hallett, containing 50 twee is offered' to "Miler pasture, Plenty of "water. Ap- ply to JAMES FLYNN, Canton, or D. Simonet; Seaforth. • 31 Lands tor Sale oln tinter West" Heeraid, Mee, proved farina for 'tale at • $14 per acre,. otter farms without buildings from $6 to $12 per aorri; good land , from one to -six miles from, town. . rare paid to partesi 150 amiss in 2nd Con. R. S. Tucker., smith (tot 32 sad Omit half lot 34) with good brick house, 13arri, Sheds, atablee eto. A arta alma feria. Pardels Will be ' sow either separaee or together, , For partion.. or 'W. Bryclone, Barrister, Clinton. for Sale. or •to Rent. The well known ferm eitoated on. west half lot 17, con, 3, Elullett, is offeredraor sale or to rent. There is 50 acres in the farm; $ sores of bush, and rest seeded with PHYSICIAN. SURGEON . teriellt.. opposite English church, formerly Do cooled by Dr, Appleton. Winton Ont. , physician, Surgeon, Brecht! attention gieen to diseases of the 'Nye, Rar, Thrvat and Nose. Chace and Residence— , PHYSICIAN SURGEON: - —Mein Street; Bataeld, formerly* " oacupied.by Dr. Pallistert .• 11.1R. A6NEW, • Offiee open every (Wand mita I0 o'oicto e 01, ER NEST HOLIVIES. DENTIST Specialist la Crown and ItridgeWoric p. n.—uradizate Royal College Dental Sur 8.--Ffral class Hone graduate of 'Den- - Special attention_paid to preservation .or children's teeth, will visit 131:Wield o'er Meader - DR. %FOWLER, Special care taken to make dental tre • went ea Painless as possible. Will Aubnrn every Monday. the enoeption..of two fields... Plenty ea -rheum vas es:Meer,' LONDRSBORO, Posseesion can be had at any time. * Per - water, well fetend god stabling et0 mum; opNr writtietiGeErrxr,,mioniErNedsm.1 ties will be prosecuted for trespassing, For Sale or To Ilent • the propetty on Dinsley terrace, known as tho Carrie property, nnd consisting of 8 acres' of land, with eight-momed house, is offezed for sale or to. rent. All Jervis of; bearing fruit treel. Just the plate ter retired farmer Or Market gardener. Will - be sold cheap, or rented on: reationable Wine.. Only twenty minutes walk •frotn Private funds to loan at 4Kper oent JOHN W., YE0 Agent tor the hiatrentsTER E Assonance Co, of Manchester, England whose funds are security are rated at 414,500,000.- Also the Ho - HALM. MIPIVAI.bnitilialen Co AL twee of arm risks and toWn property tek lowest rates. Paste° ass Liam Companies,' Y .1 Ho — postai card to Licensed Auctioneer. patronage of those wishing to hold . Satisfaction guaranteed. 11/federate rates. • ISSUED BY J. B. Rumball Clinton Chilton poet,Ordce. APPIV to D.. K. PRIOR., cent tip, moor o nature. or se'seritrP.6-1. • „Dail mail" Clinton', 4i* Farm tor Sale. Subscriber offers for sale hie farm ef 50 aoree. being w a lot 19, on the aed eon. of from ached. Nearly all cleared and in good state 'of caltivetion. New frame house and good ottabuitelioga good spring and'plenty of water; en aare of bearing ' orchard; about 85 acres broke' Ana ready fer spring orapa* Easy terms. For per- twulars apply on the prentisee. or addrese Clinton r.o. q. MASON. 13-17-taltem Sale. ville. The underaigned &ere for sale, *her large two-story briok house, elate roof, good °eller, huge robins, furnace, bard and soft water in house, atable Mid drive abed; good garden, all kinds of. Mate ' about 2i" Pores of land, convenient to Railroad Stet- . transacted tion Post Office Ohnith illid Seherd. Ap: • ' NOTES DISCOUNTED ply liy mai, or on the premises to MRS, me.otair rote, rest 141.1,,oweci.... • Choice Farm ior Sale. Satiated on the 6th ton. Godericih Tp., containing about 80 ftcree; most of it good olay land, producing heavy crops. There is about five tares of beaky and five woe of woodelsea end dollar; tie barn, built of pine lumber, with stone biteeblentSON48 ft; well at barn. with pump inside for water- ing stook; and 50t20 ft; in:mid:oda; house 202t25 ft, and other outbuildings; fences in 'very good repair; ovor 250 rode of wise fence on the farm; good well. of eplenclia water; post Offide and school neiles church 2f Mites; about di milee from Goa! erioh. Possession given at aloe time. Price $3,100.00, Earn' For Solei ' The inidersignea °froze for oaks his farm containing /4 acres at good clay land, being • lot 26 Cretin) ()at Line, Odle, 7, of Golerich Tp. There arc a Lew acres of culled mash, and a never feiling Spring at' the back of the place. .It its welt fenced end in a geed arid hay, for a nimble! of scare, there are. 15 aer03 Of fell plowing dona There are two lemma onaon stone feabeitttiotr, 32s52, another Serie, a straw thed.20s4a,• and a driving* tend I.ix82, Iteoteeof bearing arch - tad, Gond, large tonorete house, 8 tobrns, Tte place is Well eituated, being- 2 miles trona Holmeeville tattiest, 1 mile from Poe. ter'e gill, Post Office, 'fitore, Oohed, and Blacksmith shop; 2 miles; frarli CLINTON,. OAT Private !undo to lean on niostgagee it • ^ heel outran* vase ' ;Merest* allowed on deposita. Sale notes. bought :A.1.4.Killop Mutual Pire Insurance co, Parm and isolated Town Prop. erty only insured. Eraser, Vice-pres.i Brumfield; That, Hays, Secy. Treat., 8eafortit; Watts Darlock; G: Dale, dintoni newels, Brodhagen. Each Director is inspector of leases in Jiis own locality, Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmond. Farm to nen( or For Sole ly ali andel. cultivation. Tams liberal. Clinton, Dila& 22na, 100a, ..: • E MILK is -.• ' The cow for the dairymen is the ow. that can make the most profit le milk, butter, or cheese for the. idol consenied, A large number of Covit are kept for dairy perposee that closet yield sufficient milk to pay for their.. keep, They tonsume as much as profitable oxide and require as much time and care ill their milking. Alsc mane a good ti Milker a has gone to the tutchers bloek owing to improper aare arid feeditig. seMettyeesaeasereeeelamroaecing.quelitiee of the feed ere lost, owing 'Loma • propealgestiOn and asehellatiol This can be overcome by. the addition of Clydesdale Stock Food to the ordinary feed as it pute the stosniali in such shape este help her to digest aria assimilate her food, &sides eta abling her to eat more of it, en it is mademore appetising. Tlaie =tikes her capable of seareting more milk, and, ill many east/ekes, richer milk. If it could be demonstrated that more bushels of Wheat tould bea grown on a plate of around than ordinarily, and 'without injure* to the land, in fact improving it. and ta att eistre. profit, wouldn't you take up e the proposition. a Clydesdale Stock Food, will add to the Mille pro. 1 &than, and with extra prifit, awl without injuty to the*" Milker," bee cause it givee a time and sleekness, to the daunt that cannot otherwise be bad. The use of Clydesdale Carboline Antiseptic will keep 'the stables in a healthy condition ensuring healthieg, milk. /f after using the above, you Atid you are not satisfied, your %Way 'will be c Inerfully refundedby our dealer, Clydesdale Stock Feed is sold, in your district by : , • Reuben Graham, Clinton. .1. Snider, Diamond& Belittle area, Seaforth: Tires. 3, AlcAsii, Varna,. • eaa Ismail of fruit,. bard &pa woter, stable. Apple to J, MoINTYRE, Stepleton. Clintan Silt:Cc/all; Engine end Boiler, 12 horse power, (Gioldie a- -McCulloch Subecriber effete foe' rale a two aorta litEfreez4asrdoo lz tPdZi io:b de it,i upeg:iotwohErottTkl pi 13.Bgo.loi nt.a. I: Ice Nru. DpSW. AoiYi ,l it r . w, oltrS• 1,6:111010.1.&ICI.E11110118. ' Olfice-,...ntario Street, Clinton. Night calla ab , ..._.,.,.. , front dormer office or residence. Natteriburr- FESSIONAL HENRY ISEATTIE oismiciii4r *CO line Scott mom yo MOD posuro. ETC, CLINTON . altWOUT 84 HALE Real Estate ape ensumece Agent Money to Men AVs' 0• CAMERON BARRISTER Awn SOLICITOR, ofilee—aseatiten oppootte Colborne Hoes terms, a Brantford 1.6400t wheel; about horse power, ,with inlays_ and , gearing . Shorthorns ter Sale. • onea with good pedigrees, also 2 heife're of ' good -quality prices rights 13aleata Grove Stook Fears • Farm to Rent. North ball lot 23, on the 4111 eon of Hallett, containing 50 twee is offered' to "Miler pasture, Plenty of "water. Ap- ply to JAMES FLYNN, Canton, or D. Simonet; Seaforth. • 31 Lands tor Sale oln tinter West" Heeraid, Mee, proved farina for 'tale at • $14 per acre,. otter farms without buildings from $6 to $12 per aorri; good land , from one to -six miles from, town. . rare paid to partesi 150 amiss in 2nd Con. R. S. Tucker., smith (tot 32 sad Omit half lot 34) with good brick house, 13arri, Sheds, atablee eto. A arta alma feria. Pardels Will be ' sow either separaee or together, , For partion.. or 'W. Bryclone, Barrister, Clinton. for Sale. or •to Rent. The well known ferm eitoated on. west half lot 17, con, 3, Elullett, is offeredraor sale or to rent. There is 50 acres in the farm; $ sores of bush, and rest seeded with PHYSICIAN. SURGEON . teriellt.. opposite English church, formerly Do cooled by Dr, Appleton. Winton Ont. , physician, Surgeon, Brecht! attention gieen to diseases of the 'Nye, Rar, Thrvat and Nose. Chace and Residence— , PHYSICIAN SURGEON: - —Mein Street; Bataeld, formerly* " oacupied.by Dr. Pallistert .• 11.1R. A6NEW, • Offiee open every (Wand mita I0 o'oicto e 01, ER NEST HOLIVIES. DENTIST Specialist la Crown and ItridgeWoric p. n.—uradizate Royal College Dental Sur 8.--Ffral class Hone graduate of 'Den- - Special attention_paid to preservation .or children's teeth, will visit 131:Wield o'er Meader - DR. %FOWLER, Special care taken to make dental tre • went ea Painless as possible. Will Aubnrn every Monday. the enoeption..of two fields... Plenty ea -rheum vas es:Meer,' LONDRSBORO, Posseesion can be had at any time. * Per - water, well fetend god stabling et0 mum; opNr writtietiGeErrxr,,mioniErNedsm.1 ties will be prosecuted for trespassing, For Sale or To Ilent • the propetty on Dinsley terrace, known as tho Carrie property, nnd consisting of 8 acres' of land, with eight-momed house, is offezed for sale or to. rent. All Jervis of; bearing fruit treel. Just the plate ter retired farmer Or Market gardener. Will - be sold cheap, or rented on: reationable Wine.. Only twenty minutes walk •frotn Private funds to loan at 4Kper oent JOHN W., YE0 Agent tor the hiatrentsTER E Assonance Co, of Manchester, England whose funds are security are rated at 414,500,000.- Also the Ho - HALM. MIPIVAI.bnitilialen Co AL twee of arm risks and toWn property tek lowest rates. Paste° ass Liam Companies,' Y .1 Ho — postai card to Licensed Auctioneer. patronage of those wishing to hold . Satisfaction guaranteed. 11/federate rates. • ISSUED BY J. B. Rumball Clinton Chilton poet,Ordce. APPIV to D.. K. PRIOR., cent tip, moor o nature. or se'seritrP.6-1. • „Dail mail" Clinton', 4i* Farm tor Sale. Subscriber offers for sale hie farm ef 50 aoree. being w a lot 19, on the aed eon. of from ached. Nearly all cleared and in good state 'of caltivetion. New frame house and good ottabuitelioga good spring and'plenty of water; en aare of bearing ' orchard; about 85 acres broke' Ana ready fer spring orapa* Easy terms. For per- twulars apply on the prentisee. or addrese Clinton r.o. q. MASON. 13-17-taltem Sale. ville. The underaigned &ere for sale, *her large two-story briok house, elate roof, good °eller, huge robins, furnace, bard and soft water in house, atable Mid drive abed; good garden, all kinds of. Mate ' about 2i" Pores of land, convenient to Railroad Stet- . transacted tion Post Office Ohnith illid Seherd. Ap: • ' NOTES DISCOUNTED ply liy mai, or on the premises to MRS, me.otair rote, rest 141.1,,oweci.... • Choice Farm ior Sale. Satiated on the 6th ton. Godericih Tp., containing about 80 ftcree; most of it good olay land, producing heavy crops. There is about five tares of beaky and five woe of woodelsea end dollar; tie barn, built of pine lumber, with stone biteeblentSON48 ft; well at barn. with pump inside for water- ing stook; and 50t20 ft; in:mid:oda; house 202t25 ft, and other outbuildings; fences in 'very good repair; ovor 250 rode of wise fence on the farm; good well. of eplenclia water; post Offide and school neiles church 2f Mites; about di milee from Goa! erioh. Possession given at aloe time. Price $3,100.00, Earn' For Solei ' The inidersignea °froze for oaks his farm containing /4 acres at good clay land, being • lot 26 Cretin) ()at Line, Odle, 7, of Golerich Tp. There arc a Lew acres of culled mash, and a never feiling Spring at' the back of the place. .It its welt fenced end in a geed arid hay, for a nimble! of scare, there are. 15 aer03 Of fell plowing dona There are two lemma onaon stone feabeitttiotr, 32s52, another Serie, a straw thed.20s4a,• and a driving* tend I.ix82, Iteoteeof bearing arch - tad, Gond, large tonorete house, 8 tobrns, Tte place is Well eituated, being- 2 miles trona Holmeeville tattiest, 1 mile from Poe. ter'e gill, Post Office, 'fitore, Oohed, and Blacksmith shop; 2 miles; frarli CLINTON,. OAT Private !undo to lean on niostgagee it • ^ heel outran* vase ' ;Merest* allowed on deposita. Sale notes. bought :A.1.4.Killop Mutual Pire Insurance co, Parm and isolated Town Prop. erty only insured. Eraser, Vice-pres.i Brumfield; That, Hays, Secy. Treat., 8eafortit; Watts Darlock; G: Dale, dintoni newels, Brodhagen. Each Director is inspector of leases in Jiis own locality, Seaforth; James Cumming, Egmond. Farm to nen( or For Sole ly ali andel. cultivation. Tams liberal. Clinton, Dila& 22na, 100a,