HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-04-14, Page 5F • Ap ;it 14 1900. The �0Isons .dank incorporated bl^ Act of Parliament 255e. $3foQo,o 0 Capital Paid Up ................. , d ,, eserve Fuad ,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,:0.; 3;000,000• W. Mor sea lrisoraiaasoxr, PresidenA• S. 8. Banat, viae -President, Jams Glen. Manager, FARMERS' SALE NOTES`cashed or collected. DItAFTS.on all points in the Dominion, Great Britain, United States, and urefi DEPOSIT issued and highest current atontrest al- lowed. lowest rates and on most favorable term, and Business Men at ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, StockDeal Forty-eight branches in the Dominion Agents all over the world. ° S$VINGS' DEPARTMENT• r, k t' -s: r� pveard� received. ,Interest allowed from date of deposit ' i --net added to principal June 110th and December 61st • ^..�. .z ,4.....LIIghtat current Rate. . m . ranf_lt,....74If*C.,-" New Lombe I31ock. .,. _ .' k�..;, 1Vla.xiag r,.'.. -66 i Do You ant Any New Ciao( Jost In ' THE C +INT„ „ NEW ERA Sale Register. - /leasehold furniture of M. P. McNeil. Orange 13t., Clinton.. On Saturday, April 10:b, ,JAMES $M1TH, Auctioneer.. Clinton Market Report, Vorrected every Thuradat afternoon Barley.... .. 45 a 45 New ---Jewelry New--Wateles V Ori New -Silverware New—Sterling . Silver ' etc,: At" — Whiting, Brushes, Paints, Wall Paper, = Varnishes, Wire, Clover :Seed,-Arsike, Timothy. We have athem.' .-MOR R Ltli LONDESBORO WIRE SNI] • for Sale. Hoose and acre of land, East end Ont- arie Sr.. Purchaser wishing more land •i could bay lotjoining. JOSHUA PEAREN tf • : Clinton..'' The Liverpool London �- ilC Globe IIISaraILce Co. Head Office for Canada MON?READ. CAPlT4t AND ASSETS EXCEED $66,000,000 CLA11lS PAID EXCEED - - $213,000,000 Policies issued at Clinton agency direct to insurers. No, interim receipts. No delay. For information apply to our agent, D. L. Macpherson, At Electric Light Plaut`. COkLC( Before 'placing your or- ders ..for • your season's supply of Coal, get our prices: ' .. The .very" best goods . carried in tock and 'gold' at the lowest. possible price.. 'Orders may be left.. at Davis • & . Rowland's Hardware'... Store,, -or a j: STEVENSO Clinton. r}N:N:N:N:.4N4N:•,•:"XN:.4N .:t•:":N:N:.44+4,44•••4.•.x+:4,,44" N�N�N�N:N:N`N:• ' McKINNON & 00.,' BL. Y.TH ¥ MORE new DRESS . '.000DS * . We have just received another large sbiptnent of our _ . oto special line of Dress Goods' for which there is such' a great ,t; demAnd Our -Dross--Goods trade. ias._been..a_.•record breaker• 4.. this season. Never in the•history of,this big.store h1ave We •_. sold so many Dress (=daisy -Holl,. `oixr-404"""e-xPeriecce sines here we know what our customers want ' and we al- ._*.. ways have the right goods at the right prices.- Below •. we 4. mention`.a few of our special lines : , Cord de Soie,, in black, brown, navy' and green, :44: to 54 lathes wide, 'at 500, 75c and .$1.00. Crespine, in black and colors, 40 to 50 inches wide,. at 500, tet. :t• 14, .t. :*. :_. :_. ;_. -, i •' '._. - 76c and $1.00. Mohairs . in Ablack naw and brown, '64 ire es' wide, • the cop- + 'i; rest material for shirt waist shits,' very special at •500. �_•. °:t. Lustre's in black and colors; 40 to 50 inches wide; , bright t ',_• glossy finish, at•250, 85c, 50c, 65c, (Mc" and $1. ` • •_. '. We also show a large assorti ent of plain and fancy 'V'easet- • •_• ians, Alpacas, Sergns, voices, Eternities, and Broadcloths •. Y at popular prices. ;5; EASTER MILLINERY * ' i• Now is the time to order' your, Easter Millinery. Oar stock is now at its best . and you cap get a' better .selection ._. N. new than later on. Miss. Mood: will be pleased to• show you ._. .t. the -latest test novel fes. .. IS ._� MOKINNO.N & OO •BLYTH :_: iC.44444,.••O• 4 +44 444444.441.•,;*•:. �.444:44+44444.4,44ti.40 44o44 44N44441 4. HLL[IMIrS: � ewelery. and Optlea '. , Store. Headquarters. for .fine repairing; give us.a call Wheat ,,,, ,,,,,,,, 100 1 05 Oats ,.'...•........t., J 40 a. 0 42 Butter, .... •0 18 rt 0 19 Eggs par doz(new)•.., 012 sR 012 Live. Hoge , . 0.00. •. a-_ xa? .yc�.t^yp.i�y�, 7�YpT :"![t`r i'a.y-• �H.. r esvevevisoavomoW000ll TORONTO ltltARB, WES (The. Sunl POTATOES ARE WDA1.-Potatoes ,continue dull, Ontario stock being quoted at 50c to 55e per bag on . track, and Maritime Province stock at OOc to 05c. CATTLE MARKET BOOMING. -A de- cided advance has taken place in the. cattle prices, best exporters Belling in Toronto to day up to $5.50, while ex- tra good butchering stook sold as high as 55. The prospects are, as indicated in, recslat,JesUes of The Sun, that May and dune ,exporters; w.tif. _ • 841x1 ' e ,satisfactory figures. • . ......1 � "'SHEEP STILL SELLIVQ WEatf. get prices continue to rule in the heepa market, yearlibeing tooted To onto today attgs $7.25 to 7.75, ewes and wethers $5 to $550 andbucks $4.25. CLINTON Hour, Feed; Seed Stere.' JAS. A. FORD. DEALER IN FLOUR: 'AND : FEED OF; • ^ALL. KINDS ALIS ORDERS'PROMPTLY FILLET) ONTARIO•ST., 'CLINTON 1**eio44N••*N►4 r4► p INNN4► S R G '4 'Spring is once • more at. ad, and with it $. r 13o�N: CANTEi.0I4 -At.B4 Beaconeville ave. Tol' onto, to Mr, andMrs.`w. F. pantelcn, son of �, frOm the 181101: of my birth;Mr.W. QAnteloa; Qlinton); a Boa. • the, comlity of Leeds. TAYLOR. -In West •Wawanoph. on \28rah se1h,•to Mr. and'Mrs. Robert Taylor, (formerly Miss Mary McClinton), aeon. • DAvIDSONI In .t oderfoh'township, March Fresh ' Fr>tl'ts• 27th, to Mr..and Mrs.: Robert Davidson, son and daughter. • MAR 1 g Rye have arrivitif daily the ary'e.on :aliowu7g::ftuits :-Bananas, .Or- ea.: ang•es; Lemons S9ud .Eineapples,::. • NCS n ent of • taste more than in the arrange - went - A wolllail• never shows her re8 em . went of the little acci'ssories to hex costume. The Lace Trimmings Fancy Neck- wear, Belts, etc., etc., thrt though little mean much; Our selections were never so •exquisite. and lovely, i• ENXER--gpEARIN.-In Macrh' 29th by Rev ..Alex..Grant, Brenner to Miss lama £pearin,all of BESTTYEftMAN At the residence o bride's parents, by Rev. A. E. Birks; B A on March 25th, Jonn E Best to Miss Alice L only daughter of Mr. J. T. Tyerman, all of Seaforth., CAMPBELL- BALFOUR -At the manse, Alnevale, by Rev. W. J. West M.A.., o 21'et, Mips Sarah Balfour, third dauahte rr Mrs. Andrew .Balfour. of Tnrnberry, to John 31, Campbell, a MoobombwAssa. • HERNIOH-BREWER =-• In Exeter • April 0th, by Rev Dr. Hannon, Mr,. Daniel. Kennioh to Mrs Brewer. - • •DIED RQTCLIFFE-rn Osborne; on Tnesdai',APril 11th, 19C15. Vroletta A. • Russell, beloved wife of John. N. Ratcliffe, aged 25 years, and•8 months. MOTZ-In Stepphen, Con. 4 on April 1. True- man U , son of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Mots, aged l;, year 3months• . • FOLEY-In Detroit, on April 10, James Foley,, formerly of Bayfield. aged 72.yebrsr • YLEMING-Died. at Belles Corners, on April 2nd, Susanna' Hall, relict of the late Alexander Fleming,aged 76 years. She was a sister of Mrs. •Robert Craig and . Mrs, John Taylor of • town. 4 Good. Groceries I. NOW is: the best time to bug your preserving.Sngat. It isnot. •; necessary to mention the quality. as you know; we always keep the best of everything: • 444)**4" 1 t`N!*Nr•iOiN •`:, W. , T.. :O' EI L.+. The Hub Grocery. •sbo. oi*s***4).. ++H . „tor Sale. Olinton Salt Well, Engine. and Boiler, 12 horse power, '( Goldie & McCulloch. -make,) Demote and other articles therein Apply:to JOHN MCCGARVA. • House for' Sall. Ladies' Fancy Collars Space will not permit us to give , a full description of the• ;many Pretty design's we have .from 144- . �'m :16,e_0. to .SiilC• Biyltsfor Easter .. ..... Never before have we carried such a :large range of Silk Belts in sll •the leading' styles, in black,,blue, brown, green, red and white wi- th ' the neW ring effect -buckle. . Prices from 25c up to $1,50 • GLOVES FOR EASTER Ladies who know this store as a Glove Storm acknowledge that high class 'Gloves. can' be -bought tai` bettero ,dvantage here than elsewhere: ' We are sole agents . for the celebrated"''`Perrfil Glov- . es" and we believe the best. La dies' Crlolie oil the market land every pair guaranteed. All siz- es • always in stock', in, black and •colors 'from 75c . up to $1,50 • Never before have we carried such a splendid array of fine Pretty Laces, in''all widths from. • 8c up Dress. Tr- inamings' All the ne}vest;• and. most up to -da- to .Dxess..T.rimmfiigs.. in....appltilue, ' lace, etc., ete., from 5c up: to $2.00 NEW DRESS GOODS HARRIS HOMESPUN. • NEW LUSTRES min Black' and Colors NEWCOLORED BLACK.MOBAIRS. NEW EOLIENNE in Black & Colors', NEW,S1L.IGS_iii B1a4and Colors NEW STLTC fie x` *f:;S ' 14Fi1d! man EFFECT_ LUSTRES., Ladies Corsets No neem' to say much here. Our ` Corsets .speak for ,theinsei\cs' 1a:, the wearing and style. • Oui:• custorners'come. 'baclagain ,,dagain end ask for the same ' Corsets., • Prices 50c, 75c., $1.00 •and up New Prints r--1 This year is :the.climax. for pretty Prints,' colors guaranteed by the • best British and American dal ufacturers:' ;'Pr'ice 12 lc 0•4:21*. az+,022. • FrameHouse,•in goodtpostion on Rag. lin 8t., one, block from i,ollegiete Institute. There are seven roomy, kitchen, woodshed and stable, one acre of land and fifty fruit trees • Apply to 8. OANTELON. Choice. Seed Peas for Sale.:' The undersigned has for sale a limited .quentit3t oLapPimon field _Peas, of good quality and clean, grown. from early"eoW re ` to ..ing,_:,conseiluently' freeimmature __ from ,seed. W. MBHQUIS,4 on, i5; dertahTp: 13. Hoover. Neleoe Bali J. Every branch in our line is complete, you can go any article produced at this store. Our Prices bring The 'trade. ' Mr personal. supervision goes with every chase and satisfaction is guaranteed. UNDERTAKING ',Night or day sails promptly attended to To dent' The brick cottage and 20 sores of land, jciet south of Clinton, on the London Road, and at present owned by Mrs. Freear,is of. 'fared for rent on reasonable terms.. Apply to Ephraim Batt, Clinton, or;Uiev. W. 13. Butt, Springfield, March 24 tf Save Your .Eggs � 0 The ; undersigned wishes to announce he has started id the egg business again this spring and will oontinne all summer on a binding contract. Eggs bought ' for cash. Calls made weekly. • N. E. WEBS.' Pap err. Banging '& Painting red too do a- ea i` ncd are r p nderei The P 1? T undersigned and . hoe painting of all. kinds. ..Satisfactory work guaranteed; Prices reasonable, Fu allure cleaned and re -finished, All classes of house-cleaning promptly attended to. • FRE$. BROWN. 1.1105. GREALIS. Orders can be left with J.W. Irwin, groat .Voir laic.: • evelan way And mpire We agents for the above stand- ard Wheels, and have several good ones now in stock, -with all modern improvements. We .:handle other:. lines, but .these are our •best. ones., P.ICYU `REPAIRING and -.a -full. stock. of sundries.carried.. LAWN MOWERS • SCISSORS, &c. sharpened Or 'repaired. E.: -TURNER, . Rattenbury St., Clinton One first class Shorthorn •Bali : aboi:t 22 months old, mostly Scotchbred, will be sold for less than rte value. Ie rcgill - tared, and certificate will be given with it ;' the first that orate will get a bar- gain as it must' be sold. Also 2 yonng cows to calve soon, •H. PLUMBTELL P•es Wu have an unl united 'tthe»beti` ' of good, sound, high -land Cedar Poste -4,5.0,7 and B inoh,to s.--whlclli we sell at rrieted con- eiateni with their quehty. Il1ML` OOIC Also *large stook of Hemlock whloh we out to fill anew bill. Iy yea want Order Porte or Ramlooh Lumber it will pay you to give et /i o -1L ALEX, M s~jfRD * Sou, SpeclaI Spring Prices I!,� iinwareGNllhIeWVC atch our Winslow -....h our..W i...._lww a . � '-AOR' • _ The goods c,. And • ' rices . arlan,d giros Stoves and Hardware,. CLINTON. g Mme Extra :ua l ties Spring Merchandise pen ." Wehave bust placed in stock about one hum • � dred' pieces, heaviest quality CANADIAN P R I N T, bought at a great saving. on regular prices. •. These are the quality for which other places q are asking -14c; Our price while they _last,.xoc, good are o duck,and They are: almost as.heavy asg • Washers. Dress,Goods.-- All the new things, both in •WOOL and COTTON DRESS FABRICS, may now be found on our shelves. Quality as good as the best, prices the lowest. Parasols and We have one of the largest stocks of. Para- sols and Umbrellas to be fund in town. New and Nobby Goods at from, so up. . Call and see these 'goods, and be convinced that our prices are right. Plutristeel, I The old stand, Clinton ,02.616.2 ina