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The Clinton New Era, 1905-03-24, Page 5
• Match 24 1905. s*e .........r. 0 The Molsons Sank � ARE v e u ,.__,._,.,_..,,_ e,_____ II ARE Incorporated by Act el Parliament teas. Capital Paid .Tp .... .............:.$3,sou,o0o ■ N Deserve Fund $3,000,000 Wit. Ileum ltsarmmlte0x, President. B, II, Berm, Vice -President,, Justus letuor, Oen. Manager,- - FARMERS' SALE NOTES cashed or collected. DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion; Great Britain, United States, and all Foreign Countries. bought and sold at best rates, • DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and highest etirrent.gate of interest al. lowed.• ADVANCES MADE to Farmers, Stock Dealers, and`Business Men, at' lowest rates and -on most favorable terms. Forty-eight branches in the Dominion - Agents all over the world. - • SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of *1.00 and upwaid3 received. Interest allowed frim ate of deposit compounded half.yeeviy and• add to principal June 80th and December 1st Is• gas r- ' .e.n.t Rate. _ TO -B -.tc. e :•Gombe-8lo k H, C. BREWER.' �••, 'Manage.ir 4" FARMERS' ATTENTION Now is the time to be getting your.supp'y of RED and ALSIKE'CLOVER' SEED and TIMOTHY SEED, ETC., for Spring Sowing.. We have a good slip• ply of excellent Seeds that will bear inspection: We also to thefront with ' COIL SPRING and BARB WIRE. All other lines of a general stock cJtn plete. Terms cash or produce. Any quantity of Butter'and Eggs wanted. Landesboro Emporium March 21st 1005. RADAMS • •••1ON•N•.••N•N••••N•NOONO••N•N•••O•�N• •N�M••,•N••.•N•N�N*•P�i N•�.•..O.�.i .�.i��i N•.i M•N•fA••••• •t• • • M22.IIJIWZ. .Y _•; - This week we make a grand display of New .Spring—Mil .'_ McKINNON & 9OBLfTH linery in all the latest Paris and New York styles in Lad-. des' Dress Hats, Ready -to -Wear and Outing Hata; Flowers; Feathers, Wings, Flumes, Ritihons, Veilings. and all :the Novelties in Trimmings, also' all the newest shapes in Un- trimmed Hats, which will be trimmed to order' ' on short - notice by experienced milliners..No „bat „w 11 be allowed to leave - our show -zoom except it is tri4nui...,:.,: ;le smelt style and becoming to the wearer. • Miss Hood, Who is well and favora:51y known as . an expert in the art of Millinery', is .again in charge of this department. She visited the principal fashion centres and copied the latest designs in Hats, etc;; as shown 'hi Paris and New York. We have no formal opening, • but a' cordial invila'tion is extended to all, to cotne at zany time and vieW our grand display of Spring Millinery, which • is .second •to. none in the county. • . SHIRT WAIST CiO,ODS We' show an immense stock of goods suitable: for Blouses and Shirt Waist Suits in Vestings, Voiles, ,Crepe d'e Chines, Silk Tamolines, Taffetas, • Japanese Silks, Peau de . Soie,; Black and Colored Satins, 'Cotton Voiles, Fanen Muslins,, etc, •_•. •_• •_• •_• •_• •_. •�s • •_• ,_,. ' ❖ M KINNON & CO; BLYTH ._.• `- ••:w•44.4444.444.4•44• NDN:N:N 41•:••:N:••:••••;••Xe•,P•8••:••:i•:•*:••) ••••:••:4+4•_• • 1 TO -DAY 2rd TO -MORROW 24th .� NEXT DAY 25th MILLINE: OPL3NING DO NOT MISS IT MORRELL &-OL,MES, LONDSBORO 13. Hoover. • Nelson Bali ;r, -.r► - Every branch in our line is complete'; you can get. any.article produced at this store, Our Prices bring The Trade. Our personal supervision goes with every chase and satisfaction is guaranteed. + + IF NlOtt Or day caul Promptly attended t THE M INTON NEW ERA, If not, NOW 4 -is your op,, portunity; - PRICES Of WARM ACRE REDUCED always aim to get b e s t quality. CAL[. .AND: SEE OUit - Second hand Wat',..che� taken in ' e.± - change: ill t1.11111 Jeweler and Optician News" .. Notes It : doubt .ul'whether f the Japanese can Salve any of the Russian Warships: sunk in Port Arthur Harbor. Rev. Mr. Parker, a Winnipeg clergy- man, denounces extravagance as the greatest disease of modern society. A hospital to be erected and " main- tained-bywestern railway•e to es vy. i, - m ve for' their exclusive iisC, •1nny-be built in• Vvinuipeg. - A new railway from Toronto'to Ot- tawa, is foreshadowed in an applica- tion for incorporation : which has been made to the Legislature. • Mr. B. .T: Clergitelhas organised.' a company to' build .a papper mill at the Miehigan' "Soo" to handle all the pulp from; the` Canadian "Soo": St. 'James' Church of Orilla, one of the finest in the diocese of Toronto, was; wrecked by fire on Sunday, but the insurance will eoverMelees. The Town of Waterloo has decided to appeal from the' decision of Chancel for Boyd, who held that the town should'13ayaportion of the school, tal- es to au-es'to the. Separate Schools located in Sandwich. East.,• '. Mr. John 8. Clarke, p, Toronto post- inan,• received a letter Saturday con- taining :the information that by' the. death of an uncle he had been; left • to considerable, property, in .Birnling- ham, England.'. '' • E. D. Arnaud, for er'ly manager of Union Bank at Anlriiapollis, N. 'S. has been appointed cortimercial agent at Chicago. • This is the first appointment made by the Trade and Commerce De- : partinent in. the United States. Mrs. George Fry, believed to be the only woman• crossing -tender, in- Can. ada, has just fioisned herseventeenth year in that service at the Fifth street •crossing of the Grand %link, . Wabash & Pere Marquette Railway at'Wind- sor. During that time' there have been only two accidents at the cross- ing; neither one serious, :and neither of .-which involved` Mrs Fry.-as-in••ar yway responsible for -them. eminemeisemesseeseseememereasememense GOOD! Among' thisgood things of life, you need GOOD. GROCERIES, You can always get them atBEATON'S We may not have the .• c largest'. stock, but we believe we.have the new- est and freshest stock .of, GOOD groceries in town. New goods still arriving daily. This week we have Massed into stock : - 1. Royal Household .Flour. Made by the new electric process, by the Ogilvie Mill- ing Co , royal warrant mill= ere to H.R.H,, the Prince of Wales. Its worth trying, 2 eream of Wheat - '. Toasted Oat Flakes New Breakfast Foods, made by the newest AmeritYttli pro-, cess, a. Panty 'Blocuil't l" a' Honey Creams, Marsh Mal - law Rolls, Climax, Arrowroot, *..Fruit, Lemon, Madeira, etc. I. Fish. Lent will soon he here. We hews a fresh stook of Salmon Trout, Irinnan Had- , dies, Codfish. Smoked Her. ring, etc, 5...Glassware. Another orate of plainand fancy Glassware. See our stock before you replace the breakages of the winter. • WA A. D. Beittoti Humid St., , t, Clinton -. Phone t 1 i' iC'r D it. at, aten"fs a, - Mew AilutrtIongonts For SAW�t Hoose, and } acre of land, Eget end Ont. ario S-. Pur*ihaser willing more land c u'd buy latjoining, JOSJlJ4 YEQREN Clintor. 1 Fly"tit t9 Rent or For • Sale tot 18, Con, 4, Hallett, 1100 agree, near. ly all under cultivation, 'Tiring liberal,. Apply to W. -W. 'FATt1tIN. Clinton, March 22n0,• 1905, - To itetnt - The brick•oottage.and -20• aorta of land, - just eolith of Clinton, on the London Road, and at present owned by of re. Freer is of- fered far,rent on reasonable terms.. Apply to Ephraim Butt, Clinton, or Rev, W. 13. B si, Springfield. • 11l'srch•24 tt Choire'Seed ' Peas for "Sale. The undersigned help for sale a limited LLquentity of common field, Teas, of good gi3gli and glean, grown from: early sow - tag, consequently free from immaturea seed. W. MARQUIS, Con, 9, Goderioh Tp. Market Garden for Sale. The property of the late Edward Wise, in Clinton, containing about fivee agree, also a' complete outfit of tool', implements♦: and g'ass, 1 horse, wagot','sleighe, eta.' Every- thing is ready for spring work. Apply on the premixes to MRS. EDWARD WISE, onBENDY 'BEAT'Tl•E, Solioiter, (Minto, Paper Hanging ct Painting Tbe'orideraignr.d,are prepared to do pa per-hanping and 'house painting of .all kinds,; Satisfactory . -work gueran' end. Prices Amenable, Fnrnitnre cleaned and rt-finislied. All c a see of hone -gleaning - promptly -attended to. .: • • FRED. BROWN: - •• • T730S. GREALUS. Orders oen.haileit with 4..W. Irwin, grocer • Pri' atc Sate. The undersigned • 'offers for sale - at Holreesville,the following articles:—One pair light driving merea,one pure bred•Jer•- sey sow. one road wagon. one one-man bug- gy, one Portland. cutter, one piano -box out- ter,'onerepring.light wagon,one Bet tubber. mounted singleharness, one set single har- ness. UOUSEnmL), FURNITURE Sideboard, kitchen chairs,. cook stove, etovepipee, churn {Dais)), extension table, Wash- stand, bedattad-end springs; heating stove. Articles may be seen at any time. Terms* cash. FRED, ELFORD, Holmeaviile,' •'Phe Allan' .Liner Tunisian, • which• leachedIialifttx'on.Sunday, brought 1,91 assengers;•nearly all bound for the N-orthiveet, and of a good class. • Clinton 'Market Report.' • t urrooted every.Thursday afternoon • Barley.;;' 45 a • 45. Vv►iewt.. . ,.::. ,; 100 a '1'05 Oats... `,..:�....,.,.. 0 4 a. 0 42'' • Butter,. .. ..'0.18 W.. 0 IJ Eggs per •dos (tiew) .•...013 . a '.0 13 h 00'0: • - MRS 1VM: ' SANDERS' Driesa Cutting School FOR $10I will give. a $5 system free, and teach an la . how to cut. fi v d t, t and put togetherany article in Lrt se or Ms ntleltiakieg in 2 weeks from the plainest shirt whist to tee most elab- orate dress that can be found in the Fashion Book without the us ' of paper patterns. •I havo.1 Aught ovoal500(iitteeu hundred) this last six yeas and offer $10 (one hundred dollars,) to anyone I can't toadh, or can prove to .Mb `they can In rnmud i •nny (Alm, p'{ice :x twa. year s. • aJ 1JST. THINK OF IT For 550 I will teach anyone that is agood dressmaker or h goo-' sower and drawer to teach this course, givtn.e. them my teachers' certificate. Strangers may board at school. A suitable reward: given to any person informing me of anyone trsingto teach 1 his Bourse which 1 Alava invented and i ad patented that doesn't 'hold x certificate from mei :Next.&ass commeneesMonday, April 8rd N' rite for .particulate or see me at my f echo,' in; Stratford Oppcsite-Windsor Hotel..bn Albert Se, on Saturday, April ist, Prom 1 to 5 p. m. Mrs. Wm. 'ANNDIatiS Teacher in Dro3emaking, Box. 150 Stratford, Ontario 1;lrfeb't/. • EXECUTORS' SALE —OF— RESIDENeE PROP'ER'LY Saturday, April ' lE, 1905., at 3 o'clock, .there will be •Offered for, sale, at Public Auction, that property linden' as the Straith homestead comprising lot 2: and parts of lots 3 and 4, in block A,-Iaaao Rettenbury-eurvey,-Cilinton -... --- �' This lerwgood-properly, and-m-one-oftire. beet looitions in -town. Forparlidu'lare apply to . . W. BRYDONE, Vendors'. Solicitor, 3A.8. G. MoMICIIAEL, Antitioneer,. The LivefpooI it London itGlobc hsurance eo. Head Office for Canada MONTREAL. CAPITAL AND ASSETS EXCEED $66,000,100 CLAIMS PAID' EXCEED - $213,101,011 , rolicies issued` at Clinton` agency direct to insurers. No interim receipts, No delay. as well as ever,Ca 1 Up p For •infoi'ntation apply to our agent, . D. L. Macpherson, ' 0. D Cl G: 0 ©, 0 0 ri 0 0 0 0 ,aaies° WATERPROc:F: coaT� At Less. Than Cost Priee Our stock of waterproof -Coats is-m>aeh too -heavy and more coming in for :spring; To make., room for these we: are going to, clear our prt sent stock•at less than wholesale. prices. Waterproof season is right here now and this will be. a Tare opportunity ••for getting one at little cost,. '•�' Ladies' Full Lengjh' Rain Coats, :made in a variety of*styles of cravenettc and :in colors of Oxford and light grey, trimmed with gilt and ateei buttons, one. and two shoulder capes;. regu lar '$6.00., sale price .. , . - $4.50 Ladies' Full Length Rain Coats made of light . Grey Oxford and . • •• , ` Fawn' Tweed, trimmed with steel buttons, two shoulder capes and- collar, regular $6,50, sale price - , $4,00' • Ladies' Full .Length Rain Coats mad f 'Oxford Twecd two sho- ulder capes• and collar, all sizes regular $5.00,• sale price $3;511' . Ladies' Full Length Rain Coatade of, fine' Cravenett ifs dark Ox-.• ford',., trimmed with gilt and • oxidized buttons, two capes, belt a C • all round, full fashioned sleeve, all sizes, regular: $9, sale price $6:50 Nw:$tik:, Wai•vt1.ngs JUST RECEIVED ;FIFTEEN' WAI $T. LENGTIiS' hF PURE; SILK WA- ISTING, THE NEWEST -CREATION Ilii` . PATTERNS. • AND • COLOR . INGS; PRICE . ..:.. ; ..... . , , .::.75c pet' Yard. Dress :Making .' ON 14ARCII 29TH WE OPENED UP..••OUR NEW DRESS MAKING • .. DEPA'RTMANT WITH A., FIRST -CI ASS DRESS MAKER ;IN' CHAR- GE, WHO -:IS AT PRESENT •6N'7 HE 'AMERICAN SIDE AND IS GETTING 'IN' TOUCH WITH THE .VE'RY NEWEST IDEAS IN DRESS MAKING. TO THOSE WI30 PAT-RONIZE .TiI14.1 DEPARTMENT WE WILT., ' GUARANTEE SATISFACT ION, YOUR PATRONAGE ' RE SPICTFULLY SOLICITED, • e.� -J; ccessol•s ,- to Coat,-L-iNTON. WE.414-01.4.1'*Ari-akne' Jig 11 ©'©‘6[jr-tic 14%, • • Money .Wanted. On good ferret leas than half the 'alue; first'mortg agr. DRAY ER'X,' New:Ent, Ghnton,, . Farmh oreman Wanted.' Duties to begin April lel, Mtist have ex- perience in live Stock and farm implements. apply to D.A.: FOIRRESTEIR, 310-tl Seed Oats for Sale. A gestalt,/ cf Shtfileld Standard Oats, for see i. They are a, white; round -topped Cat, splendid raider. and aro clean from other ,mpntiiiee. Prins 50o per huabol, • TYNDAL•L EROTH,ERIl, • Con;. 3, Hallett. House for Sale or to Rent. _"Thet`comfortable-cottageron Princess , containing 7 rooms end summer . kitchen. Both -hard and soft water.There is a acre lot, with some choice fruit .trees, Ap- ply t the premises, or write to . II. J, II. Mo(OOL, Clinton... Rouse for Sale or to Deny. That desirable residence on Buren lit., Mos at pres. nt occupied by s Mcllveen, is cffered'for.sale or to rent, Eight' mine, bard and soft water, and •e plot of ground, large enough to garden. Peesession can be given in April. Apply on premises, or write to MRS, MoILV1�EN, Clinton. • -14 y e�+ �a� iii' A'�' A'�S ti. gg r ?Gus and Drayage •- Business The cndereigned wishes fa Merin the pubiio that has taken over Ihe 'Bus and Delivery business, .and will tr o' look alter the interests .of the travellin tublio 1 hong �' and your, wants will be attended to. Calls made to any part of the town, or baggage delivered.. J. COOK, stand next to N11w Ent c ffice. Clinton. COALCOALCOAI Before placing•your or- ders £ori ,your ' season's supply of Coal, get our prices. the very best goods carried in ' stock and sold • at the lowest possible price. 'Orders may be left at .Davis 8t Eowdland s Hardware Store, . or a with j(�� '�t'�,}}l{{�'J;��qql��'��\'}} . •N �, , if, jY N J.e R .DISOX . ; t lectrte Light„ Ply Spring 'Perm from - April 3rd 1 TORONTO, ONT. • Cor.'Yongeand Alexander Ste. This School Is making a remarkabio record his your for placing its students in rood, posi- tions. College open the entire year Neter now. Catategitofree. W,J.ELI,IO'T'r, Pring Judicial Sale of Valuable Farm Property. - Petaluma to a judgment of the titch. Court ofJustiee, thore will be offered for saloon Saturday, April litt,1905, at 2'b'cloak in tilt niternoon,'at the Eine Bd- ward Betel, Oad.rieh, the following laud and premises, namdi Lot No, 83, in the Jird: concession of the town• Alp f (10 orioh eontalnln 82 bores of lamb mote or 'Thei+nd a gwell Watered aris{ there eta good orchard, and aboltt twelve xerert of timber on the prenilses. The property, • {hth le situated bbou s miles trent aerle,whlRrdvetrTiofn�iiteetto x eserbid Teems pey ot i i0' er gent. down, the balance in 80 days.' l or further partlotib.rr apply to_ M is OcW, or Mefisrs: Prost ea Flava tutt'a WWa15 iltl►rlli WEJNt1 THE Nothing better in the trade We have just reeeiv ed a lot of Men's Beads -,/lade Pants that were bou ht.riht and we ` will offer specials prices on them f r two, weeks. We have l a . few Men's• and Boys' Overcoats left that will be sold foi less than cost, Men's, Boys' and Youths' in winter weights P]GLA See them they will go ate • price's not equalled in town. The Old $tttind w8