HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-03-24, Page 1As a !oda]. paper .
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atdoes yonuort rleaaba41;,9z1Noif wit
is. the time to arrap4e to
• haye It read tims.
=BERT HOLMEs rub '
0 "TN
f1 per trar inateseese
• 1 w eel net eo vete •
now pays interest on SAVINGS
ACCOMM from date of depectib
Clinton Manager
• 4
The admix* which has been taking plat*
• in hog prices, for soma titne pats, atilt con-
tinuos, selecte being quoted inoTerente at
46.25 this week, or 25o above ie.st week's
.figures. Thie is $11,35 above the prime rul-
ing at this time last year. the quotation.
• then being $4.90.
Further Advance in Lewin.
A farther advance in yearling lamba ia
reported in Toronto this week, Crawford
and "Hunnieett quoting them today at $6 50
to $7.35. Etna and wethers are $4.76 to
46, and &mks $4 to $425 In Baff4lo
yeettuday state Iseabs were $65t to $8.50,
and western Iambi; 518 to $8,25. Yearlings
were $7. to $7.36; 'mothers $6,25 to; $6.50,
ewes $5 75 to $6.15
Cattle Are Higher.
Rho Old Catintry market for cattle seems
in poor condition, hnt notwithstanding tine
lam the prices in Toronto are a little better
than they were last wee& Crawford and
Hunnisett quote good exporters at 54.75 to
:•14.90, with 55 for extra choice; medium
they quote 54.50 to 51.70, oem aloe 51.40 to
14.50, export belle 53.50 to $3.75.
Births. Marriages. Deaths
J30 LIN •
PALL. -In Tuokersmith, Heron road
On )4.4.10a 18,13, the wife of elr. W. Bali
of a daughter.
RENDRICK.-On the Bauble line, Hey.
'On *arch 15th. to Mr. and Mrs. Albers
Heedriok, a son;
. BARABAS.-0a the leth cone tisy, on
March:1411e to Mr. and Mrs. Noah darns
age * son.
. •
• MeDONALD. -In Goderich, March 13th
to Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, a claugh•:
• ter. • •
residence of the bride's parent!, Ariburn,
on March 2let. by Rev. J. L Small, Mi.
Henry Wallace to Miss Mary E.. daughter
of Mr. John Symington.
Manse. Bluevale, on Maroh Lee, by Rev. W.
1. West, M. A., Mee. J. B. bioDougall .to
Mies Mary Martin, both of Turnberry.
VirEIR -R&E.At the residence of the
bride's uncle, Me. Richard Wallace. Tarn -
berry, on Mardi:15th, by Rev. W. J. Wer,
. M. A., Blnevale, Mr.. Thos. Weir to Min
May Rae, beth of Parnberry.
- DIED • • •
WISE. -In Clinton, March Itith, Ed-
ward Wise, in bis 80th year.
• leleRTON.-In 'Stapleton; March 2(Pit,
Bartrin.'aged 78,
YO:UNG.-- In Seaforth,' Mout 19tb,
Annie, admit daughter of JAB: Yang, for.
errly Of °lepton.
. SANDERSON,e-In Clinton Maroh 19 h
Agnes, wife a Robt. Sanderson. ,
M ITOHELL-In Clibton, on Monday,
. March 20th. Mrs. Mitchell, formerly of
MoKillop, aged 71 rem, 6 menthe and 3
days. • •• • .
Re71311,-In tower W.inghara.. March_
Ilth, Margaret Ann. Rush, relict of the.late
Witham Rash, aged 47 years.
GB.LliltleITEfe-In Chatham, Mach 11
Alexanier Galbraitn, eldest eon of Mr.
• Allan Galbreith, of Wingham, aged 42.
TAYLOR.-AeGrace Hospital, Taranto;
Mere& 10th, Robert Taylor, aged 59 years
only son of the late John Taylor, Goderioli
BARBOIlle.-In West Wawanosb, on-
„400proh Oth, Mary Ann Barbour, reliot of
re, Bartz:me aged 68 yeers.
BALM Goderioh, on March 101h,
•Jchn Ralph, aged 81.
Besinen men havalterned that our
;el aducttes are prepared for positions
of trust. No school in Canada can do
. more for its students than this one.
Our graduatesalwa,ye secure positions.
Write for our free catalague, it is a
• handsome one.
• Spring term opens April 3rd. '
MOTT rek MellICULAN, Pries:
Our stock or druts, etc. will
alway:, be found fresh -and up-
to-date in every branch, and
- we invite you to give us a call
if you wish to procure anything
usually found in a first -Class
• drug store.
'Citerniit and ,Druggist,
• Gledeelelt TOW11101111P
GOOD STOOK; -Mr E. IL Wise sold
through an advertisement in the NEW
ERA a young therobred Durham bull.
to Mr Lewis Aldsworth, for a good
deer% He is a very promising young
animal of extra good, breedifig stock,
Ne'reer-Mr, Wilbert Huck has re-
turned from a visit to Brampton a8 has
alsol his sister Mabel from spending
a month in Goderich, Rev. Mr. Swan
hadeta-wallreteelebenezer on Sunday
and Rev. Mr. Ithoffee Meer -walked- to,
Summerhillinthe evening* Mr. Chris.
Beacom had a, successful Weeel bee on
Friday, followed at night by a dancing
party, at which: A largo number en -
;toyed. themselves Mr.W, Sinclair is
recovering from an iittaa of Lum-
er nett abo, spent Settirday at lanne.
Pun nete4;etorf-On Fridayevening
last a large number offriends gathered
at the Aissidenee of the Misses Nesbitt
to spend a social hour. Paringthe
evening, Miss Sarah was • presented
with a Bible commentary in two vol-
umes together with a* fountain pea
accompanied by an address. The
presentation wasmade by'Mre. S. Mer-
ril while Mrs. J. Jones read the. ad-
dress. Miss Nesbitt was takenefay
prise but in a few swell -chosen words
made a suitableeweply thanking thee
defiers. The remainder of theevening
was spent in social shot, music etc.
during which tines a dainty' luneh was
served by the ladies. .Miss Nesbitt
went to Clinton hist, Meindity to take 'a
situation as- nurse in Dr. 'Gunn's Hos-
pital. We wiser her sueeesein her new
occupation. '
Deolviveo.-Mr..A. 'Glutton had the
misfortune to have several email pigs
about a month old drowned on Satur-
day night on acemint of the thew
flooding hie stable: •
PROLIFIC -Mr. Jacob Plosier has a
fine sow who neve birth lately to
family of eighteen. They: are not all.
living now but this was surely an ere:
traordinary family.
Manus has bought the farm owned by
Mrs. Jos, Morris and her son. Herbert,
and will likely move from our neigh-.
borhood. We are sorry to , hese • Mr,
McManus and family front our midst, ,
but we hope he has success with his
AOW property.
Noees.-David Horton has returned
hone from a visit to- friends around '
Holinesville Mal Chintorte Mie Holds-
worth of Flohnesville and her sister-in-
law Mrs. E. Potter a Chicago are here
on a visit to the foemer's sisters, Mrs.
Jae. Cook and Mrs., P. Glidden The
cheery buzz of the circular, save was
heard 111,i 11, 0, Horton's on Friday and
Saturday, he having Weed for sum-
mer cut. The well known white steed
-Paddy from Dutthip was initiated. to
the work on Mese power ane after a,
few skirmishes got on nicely. A lead
of young peoplesdrove.to Sheppherdton
on Thursday evening . and were. the
guests a the Misses eteiclen. A very
enjoyable time was spent.
Noeree-WmeWheatley, Harlock
has purchased MM. Wm. Treseins
brick residence, Blythe for $800.• ,
PAil$1 BOUGHT -The 100acre farm of
the late Olio. Hood, bth : line, 'Morris,
has been purchased, it is said, by ilea;
Gradby, of Idullete, at 14.000.
Meier's. 13e,wden & .McDonnell, ' Exe-
ter, last, week, hold to.Dominiek Reyn-
olds, of Hulled, . the celebrated'
thoroughbred. Clydesdale stallion
e Birdsall Melanie!'" We. 20250, weight
2010 pounds and aged nearly four
ye me. Messrs. Baivden ',le McDonnell
ate extensive inapoitere of thorough-.
bred horses: The • class • of anitnals
brought here by then are the hest
that can be secured, and. their wise
selections have gained for .theta for&
most place among the importers; of
the Dominion. •
NoTne.-The beef -ring of the eighth
and ninth concessions . will open on
April 3rd, as Mr. Sas . Cummings, of
Blyth, will be the butcher again, oaths -
faction to all is assure. -Several affect-
ed by the proposed changes in the
boundaries of their school sections at-
tended the meeting of the Arhitrateirs
in -Clinton on Thursday last. , Mr. Mc-
Murdieeof leippeneeeisited-his- -cousin
Mrs. G. Thompson, last week. Robert
Smith spent part of reit week visiting
his sister at Niagara. Mies. M., Kirk
of Se. Thomas ut visiting her sister Mrs
Wm. Lyon. S. Apeleley • expecte to
have a saleable stook and implements
at an early date. -We understand he
has rented's house in Lendestore and
Will move them shortly, Wm. Taylor
delivered a fitte drividg colt to Wm.
Brunsclon last week. •
PERSONAL -br. S. L. Turnbull re-
turned to town on Saturday evening,
from his course of study intim Chicago
hospitals, along with -4Mrs. Turnbull
and baby,. and he was more than sur-
prised to hear of all the lying' slander-
ous gossip that had heeler. circulated
abut him during his absence. Had
the stories been confined to himself
alone he Would pay no attention to
themi, but when those near and dear
to him'are dragged into the goalie it is
going a little too far. The Doctor
states that he will give a very, hand-
some present to anyone who will furn-
ish him with proof as to the originator
or circulate* of such a silly report -
if the latter is worth ,any money. or
propetty. He hi pleased to report that
he is in first desk) health both &yak -
ally arid mentally and will be found
attending to his practice as 'formerly.
, • •
To the Editor•of thellew Zrkl-6. -;
Mle Enrrote-Pertnie Me to !der 10.
an item in your paper last week, With
reference to the granting Of it license
to the hotel at the bills, I thinket Voice
the senti/1ent of a majority of the
people of t a township, when I ex-
press the hoc that'no, license will be
greeted by the new counnissionere:
Is, had been found that we can got
along very well Without a licensed
house, and le is certainly nota time
for iner6asing the number of Ruch. I
do not desire or intend todisettes the
different pliuses of the liquor business;
all X wish to do is to enter as vigorous
a pretest ail I can on behalf of myself
and others soh* the granting of a
new lloottse to aley house in ale town -
fillip. 14 outs, A, votneinvit 13Saint*, .
Subseribe fei, the Nine' ERA
• 3FX0tOrlt
Nine months in the Centre' Wilson Was
the sentence 'sassed Saturday morning
on Solinn'. Wescott, the county Con-
stable, of Exeter, who was recently
taken into custody for blackmail.
There were two charges against. The
first to which he pleaded guilty before
Squire'Smitlesof Ansa Craig, was that
of obtaining moiler by threats from a
McGillivray Tow ' hip man named J.
Wilson. Tne se rid wae-thatea- at
ten:nett-leg to oifam money by the
sarue Menu front Mrs. Dart, wife of
Mr. 'Dart, a butcher residing .near
London Sitneti Satui day Me
Wescott was A= ' befere judge
Edward Ellinte on cirtthelatter
ehargeett b ed guilty. He
*Mir rep lti •r, Dickson, o
Exeter, who pr nted apetition signed
by many route - of Exeter, and Vic-
inity, asking tba niency should be
shown towards U,e, prisoner. Judge
Elliot, however, coutd. hot see his way
clearly te kit Weectitt off -with- se Short
term. ells honer Spoke of the serious -
nese of the crime and also dwelt on the
fact that Mr. Wescott had taken ad-
vantrige of his position as a county,
constable. Under all the circumstan-
ces the court decided, t9 impose a sen-
.tence of nine months in the- Ceutral,
Mr. Wescott was then brought before
Squire Smith for sentence on the ether
&arms/ Squire Smith also 'gave; Alte
Wescott e severe reprimand, and ira
posed the same: septence as , did the
'ecienty judge.•The e sentenced will ken
concurrently, Which means that Mr
Weedott will nee have his liberty un--
-tit:about the eslitcl of the year; Mr.
Wescott saved Hie county itutholities
the tectublenf expelling him _from the
constabulary., het handing his resign-
ation to Judge Elliot Saturday, morn-
ing after, he was sentenced; Noaction
was taken on it at that time; but • it
will' be dealt with in. a few days.' Had
• ,Mr. Wescott not done so, the crown
attorney would have asked for his dis-
missal.' Me. Wescott has a. grown up
feMiles.• . -•
• • . • Stinutiorh111.
BEAR YEOPLE - Eloping it will not
be eonsictered undue presumption On
me, and ' believing it to be my duty
impressed •upon me by Godes Hely
Spirit, &wow deeply concerned in the
spirituel,' moral, • educational and
Othervviee conditions of the coninaunity
of and about Summerhill, and as one
especially responsitee through my
possition as a nunister in charge of One
of the churches, and with the full ap-
proval of the Rev Mr Swan, 'pastor of
Ebenezer,' I Wirth to announce, through,
the kind offices of the papers, a'special
'meeting for prayer to God on lbehelf
of the pending settlement of the school
MVOs in the. section, that, through
God's guidance *and overruling and
!siemens, a 'decision may be arreved at
which the mat fruitful of good.
resulting to the gloryea God and in
the bestinterests of true religion and
education in the section, The Meet-
ing will ,be. held, God, willing; at St
Peter's Church; Surnmerhill, on Sim- '
day evening next; March leithi at the
conclusion alert tegular service., 'The
sermon Will relate. in part ;to : the nib-.
ject for prayer. . • ,
,As.ehe Rev Mr Swan will necessam
be in another part of his circuit, and
will therefore not he 'able to conduct
such meeting, •with.. his own congest- ,
gation. • he takes advantage „ °retitle •
letter to requeststhat prayer be offered
on -the mime behalf he the. afternoon at
Ebenezer, and also desires as many as
can to attend the meeting in the even-
ing. Although hoping for , good •
Weather and wishing for a large at-
tendance, I think it well to Mention I
limited shed aceonimodation. May .1
God givens Hui blessmge 'The Lord
reigneth" . Ps. XCIX 1. "In all -thy
ways acknowledge Him. and He shall
.directethet path' Pro*. III 6, "The'
heavens do rule" Dan. IV 26. Yours
sicerely in the Lord. ARTHUR RHODES; •
•• BrUleefleld
' Fain Isients.-At a, meeting of the
direetoril ef the South Huron Agrieul-
tural Society, held at Hensel' on Sat-
urday lartteit wag decided to hold the
annual slating show at /deuced/eh], on
Good Friday, 'April 21st. An arrange-
ment was also made -with the direc-
tors of the Tuckersmith Society to
hold a union fall shwa SeafOrth, the
days selected being Thursday and Fri-
day, September 211st and 22nd. •
, •
StenieV •
'NOTES, • The next meeting of
• Council will been Monday, April 3rd.
Malcolm Fraser left on Teesday of
thin, week for the West. He will re-
main in Winnipegefor a few days ,to
heit-frieedifthere, efide-then croceid
, Belgrave
'PRESENTATION, -0- Friday evening a
large • number ofetheeemigregetionsof-
Belgrave Presbypetian Church met at
the home of Mr. C. Wightmate Who is
about to move to' the west, and showed
their appreciation of gra.Wightmae,
by presentingeher a-silvereaedding dish;
accompanied by the.following address:
- Deer Mae. Wiceneemeesthe members of
the Belgrave•KnOX Church, esadiee Aid So-
0iitte and the W. F. , M. Society Pim
not allow you t� depart Without giving
seine exprenion to.the *Arra feeling of re -
gird we have for you, and Which feelings
ire shared, we are Imre hythe'eongregation •
sr tow; • We 'shall min year -presence'
tend syrepatbetio interest at our meetingiete
you have been emaciated with ne for many
yeare in the different ways in which; we
helped the ohureh. The earliest wieli and
prayer of ne all is, that you may hive pros.
oerity in your new home, •and that the
Goodness of God may tollow you and your
bunny throughout life's ninrnee• We beg
you accept the accomparing souvenir, (a
silver pudding dish) as a small parting
gift. Signed on behalf of members of
t he Lselee Aid Sweaty and the Women'
Foreign Missionary Society.
alas. Joint Cott, Ladies Aid Society ;
J4 Se Mere, W. F. M. S.
Belgrave.gar‘ 17i12, 1905,
• • Lenders') aro,
xoTga- Ile roads are almost, im pas-
sable owing to ...the rain of Saturday
last, The pulpit a Krim Church was
very eteceptably filled on Sunday lreet.
Slim Belle Stott is visiting at the
Manse, Clifferd, Mr, Sainee Leiper
etteaded.a sale of horses nt Stratford
on Saturday. Ori Sunday lttel, church
congregations were rather small as al-
most everyene. Walked as the roads
werevery soft ' Rev. Mr. Edgar
walked to Burns church' and he also
walkedfrom Clinton, here onSaturday
afternoon. The Pulpits of. Burns and
Knox Churches will be Oecupied neet
Sunday by Mr. Edgar, Mrs, Y. War-
wick of Seaforth spent a rove days
with her brother,31r. X. D. Melville
this week" Le -Grippe still has many
-led up. Moving is quite in fetehion
now -Mr. James 11111 moved last week
from Mrs. Woodman's house to Mrs
Young's and this week Mr. T. M.
Roberton has moved into Mrs, wood,:
hutteg house and Dr. McCallum is busy
moving into the house vaeated by Mr.
Roberton. Mrs. D. W. Boyd of Chic.
a • torived at the home of Merits,
Mr. and Mrs. IL Adams on Thureday
evening of last week. Mr, Henry
Ilunkin and Mr. PratielS 13r0Wili two
of tbe Welt retidents have been very
ilek for sone time but are now nicely
iinproved and likelyeto'be quite ivell
4e Personal* Notes
, zit 0 I:- iwt in .vroof:sttothililtsi ruoue:'fiwrlic:ea0V ) t ,ttlnonh, iw n ,eg : for 'aefol oat:loya,e seogoing
sa ar lei i. irdi : ti n
town Tuesday. •
... wou,td announcit it in the blow lln.4..
Mrs McLeod, of Seaforth, With in
:iiiMegynedr Mrssufa717;01Attt 'were in .Mlt-
Wall Lindsay, a Toronto. General
Hospital, Is heirreon a yisit.
'Nerse. Cee n n ellyeversia,t_to PlYth
day to talie-care ot•za patient; ' "
Misses Anna and Margaret Startle,
Weeetto-Luntsdere•where his realer
fiorigel ancl his ceusin.M. E. Ross have
been for some time. Miss Jean Mus-
tard, Teacher in S. S No. 10. was off
few days this week through indispos-
ition. Miss E. •McEwan is carrying on
her werle. Mr. Geo. Baird is making
Reparations for moving his barn itncl
placing it on a stone foundation. Mr
Wm Taylor is alSO making mady to
improve his 'barn by raising it and
placing stables underneath. Despite
the bad roads, a large number of peb-
Ple attended Mr. AA. Nott's sale. It
passed off yery well, '
Summer Dneen„-A very sudden
death occured.on Tuesday, on the farna
of Mr. George McNair; 2nd 'concession.
Mr. Neil -McGill, onerof the Wane res-
pected pioneers of the township, • has
needs his home with Mr. McNair s
has alwaye al waysbeen in good health,
and went out to the barn as usual; in
the morning. Some time after he was
found .sitting on a woodpile, dead.. He
apparently telt faint, and sat down,
passing away withatrea struggle. He
was' unmarried, but had a number
orrelatives : he was MOitated to he e,De
of'the wealthiest men in this section.
• BenmIller,
Pertsoeree-Miss Kate Minter was
the guest of Mies Reeky Snyder on
Sunday *last. Mr. 'and Mis3 Turner'
after sdending a couple of months with
friends in this and other aocalitiee left
for the West on 'Tuesday bet. Mrs.
Wm, Mitedie or Se•ratfordvisitedat the
home Of, Jesse Snyder last week.
NOTES -Mrs Chas. Walters bad the
!Misfortune to -fall on Saturday lase
and fracture beth bones on the left
wrist. This is the fourth time that
this -lady has had bones broken, and
seems rather misfortunate in this re-
gard. Mrs,eleddle is at present, sons .4 -
whet indisposed at' the home of her
son-in-law, Fred Stokes, Goderich. We
hope soon` to regOrt he recovery.
ClailaoRD MANDS-The briek-yard,
Which for the last couple of years bas
been conducted' by McLarte and Boyle
will hereafter be conducted by Mr. /dc
Lertyhiraself. Mr. Boyle has sold his
re n the business to the former
gentleinan. Pint elites brick and -tile
arenianufactured in this yard and no
doubt a good business. will Othatinhe to
be. done. •
• fluburst.
IleopiN6.-A.pburir lost one of *: its
pin:ruler yeting ladies this Week in the
person of Miss Symington, elder dangle ;
ter of Mr* John Symington,who was
Married on Tuesday evening to My.
Henry Wallace, a well kinime farmer
of,Huilett. The eereniotry; which was,
performed by Ree. J. L. Small, took
place at 8 o'clock: The guests were the
rebetione of 'both families, which would
have been a goodly number, had not
many been kept away bythe eondition
of the roads. Theweddiuiggownwas of
whiteorgandie, With blue cloth suit.
white week, and an imitation ermine
hat for .teavelling attire. The. .bride
received many Shim tantial gifts; among
them $25 cash, dining -room chairs and
table, parlor, table, a good bedroom
suit, The yonng couple certainly had
the gooe.wishes of theirinany feiende.,
NOTE. -John Pierces sale has. been
postponed untill Friday elst on account
ofthe very bad roads. The Auburn
--Union-Sundaye-Sehool _Convention. js
to be held on t -he 2911i inst; A good
programme is being prepared. • Mies
Mabel Dried, ia spending a 'few days
With Whighard and Brussels. Mends.
-Mrs: J.. A. --Dobie and Peter -Patter-6W
leave Saturday for their home, Han7
nab, NeDak., after. their 3 months Visit
with relations and friends. • Miss Anna,
Jenkins, Clinton, . is spending a. few
weeks with her sister, Mrs; J J Wash-
ington. ••
Aommette"-A little 'son of Frank
Walters fell out of a chair the ether
day and injured his arm so bad that.
Medical aid was sought.
Noees.-ehir W. Ball, of the Zinn
road, rejoices over the advent a a
daughter; • she came near being a
patron qf St. Patrick, being born on
the 18th. .
. ••Holmetsvillia •
PnaeonAr..-A Dungannon dOrres-,
pendent speaks as follows of a daugh-
ter, of Rev, F. Swan ,who takes charge
of Porter's Hill school after Eariter : -
Miss Swann has given visored satisfac-
tion and Was highly esteemed by pu-
pils and parents. e ,
• givrrun.:--The many friends of Mr
Will Pickard are glad te know that be
is• recovering from his recent severe
and painful illneHs, For several days
• he was confined to bed byliennnorh-
age and ulceration of the Newels,
which is happily now over,
• • • East Wataanosh .
GOLletN WEnniget.-Mr, and Mts.
Waiter McGowan* lot 88, eon 8, cele -
looted their golden weddrfig a few dap;
ago, suirounded by meny of their de-
ecenclants and friende, Mrs. Metiowan
wee the fourth denghter of Mr. Win,
Ournroine, of Trafalgar township, Hal -
toe county. The couple were married
in 1853 by the late Itev. John Gillespie,
of. the United Presbyterian *church,
Esqueeing, who died in Toronto three
yeare ago. Of eight children* tveo sons
and three daughtes siireiVes Among
• those present at the celebration was
'Mt Alex. Powinat, of Toronto, Who
was best mania the wedding. -After
ati excellent dinner had been served,
Rev. Dr. Metes:nor Blyth,their pastor
for 80 you% conducted a short service,
in the course of his remarks referring
to the eteelettiliCe he had eittityft retelo.
ed in his church work from Mr, twat
DIM Iteetattath
Were in London over Sunday
3. F'. Rehbuck lab Monday after-
noon fa' Louisville, Kentucky, '
Miss Edith Green. of Lacknow,
teed Itire E. Hall on Wednesday.
Susie McGili,.of London, was the
guest of friends in town Tuesday.
Miss Ida Peart. Hensel', WAS Vistt.,
ing he -aunt Mrs Gharcibeie last week
Mrs \ lellwood; of Winghe,ni. called
on some,friends in town Saturday.
Mrs A. Stobie, Seaforth, visited her
brother Mr .Sas Malath, this week,
Miss Lewis, of tbe Normandie House.
spent Sunday at her home in Londe
Mrs Albert M eBrien end little da gh-
ter spent Sunday in town with re-
latives. • .
Miss Minnie Neagle„ Of Bentriiller,
• wits the guest of.efiss B. MeIlveett the
past week, •
JeIrre: -ikenf_aoronto,_e_has been
V.W.Weg his sister Mrs Je W. (Thiene),
this week. e---• •
Mr and Mrs Horace Foster, .of
Brampton, spent Sunday aiming their
old friends here. . • •
Mise Whiteman and 'sister IVIrs
went to Belgraire Friday
to vigil telatives. . • ,
Mrs L. Levis and little child, of
Goderich, visited her parent for a few ,
days the pest.week. .
T. J.. McNeil Went to Goderich Mom
day, to Work, until the organ factory
resumes operations.
- Mr and Mrs T Mahay; Mr and Mrs
Jae Miller, spent ' Sunday last at Ed.
.Whiteman's, Belgrave• , ' •
Leslie•Sage; who has been Working
•un -Stratford since the Organ factory
firespentSunday in town.
Edward Pickett; of ' Methane was
in, town over Sunday visiting relatives
beforeleaving for tete west. '
Ed Rowed, of ,London. visited •
friend's in Auburn and Chaim last
week: Returning homeepridey. '
. . ,
Mrs J. C, Stevenson, who hasbeen
spending the wititervnth friendsin the
.Eastern States, has returned to town.
e ;G. C. Ranco left Monday or ae three
months trip through Western Uantida,
He expects to be gone 1111 the first of
`We.eey Seyznaerwas borne over
Sunday. He is at peesent enaployed.at
the Sherlock Manning organ Works,
London, •
Rev W. H. Hutt, of Speingfield,, Wa
called here last week; owing to the Hr.
nobs of his .aunt, AirsFrear!, C4f the
London . Read. §
Rev Mi. Little,. Who has accepted ap
invitation to, the - pastorate of Brainp• :
t0h,Presbyteriati Chureh., is a cousin
of Dr Agnew, of town.: • s •
•Mr. W. SiMPSOD' Who has been em-
ployed with the O.P. R. at CalgarY,.
returned home last week. He does
not expect to go back west. '
Mies Minnie Thompson, ;Went . to
Wingham Mender on a visit. Before
returning she Will. also spend ' a few
days: with her sister at Blyth.
• Mr A. J. Courtice, • Of Hohneeville
and Mete (Rev) 'R, T. Courticer encl..:
daughter Pearl, -of Oshawa, are visit-
ing at the house of E. G. Cointice.•
Chas Ball was a visitor in town over
Sunday. Charlie has been on theside
list at his home in Goderich, for a
week,. . but resuMed his duties in Lon-
den_klondae. '
Miss Evans; of Gerrie, evhe spent a
few days last week the gualit of Dr
and Mrs Thompson, returned home
Saturdayaecompanied by-lers Thcimp-
son, who spent a few days 'there.
' John Howson, who has been a Vis-
itor in town for the past two:months,
left for the West, Monday morning.
He Will spend a few days in Toronto,
before going through to the end Of his
distinction. e. •
Guy. Ferguson and wife,who have
been in the employof the Hotel Nor -
rei edie since its Opening, hitie given
u their positions and retinned to Loh'
dem Saturday. , A Mr Scott of the
setae city has taken Mr .Ferguson's
place as office clerk. -
The Montreal Witness thus refers to
a gentleman, who is a frebene visite*
to Clinton. where he" has personal
friends :-"The many friends of Mr
W, F. Egg; of Montreal, will be glad
to learn that he is deriving consider-
able benefit from his stay at Meant
Clemens, Miele, Where he is , taking a
couree of mineral baths,
:.—..e....e IMIIIMI.41...,
Mr. Wheatley has 500 cordent stun.
met. wood to supply his patrons with.
Misses Emma and Itossey Levis,
dame, letees of Mr Geo La,vis, entertain-
ed their friends on Tuesday night,
Mrs" Kaufman 'and :daughters have
occupied the house owned by Mrs. W.
L. Vaaffecst.
re(formerly Mrs. Glee. Mich
O ),
Mr R. Mimes bas -been asked to de-
liver' an address at the meeting of the
International Epworth League, to be
bold in Denver in July next. , '
. Dr, Genii Was up ao'Beussels, Wed-
ueselay performing an operation on a
lady. ties Whiteman accompanied
him, mid is now in charge of the
patient. .
-Watt Mains and his geneof logsmen
have got oat about six cars of ship
timber in this vietnity, They are be-
ing shipped trona Clinton to Quebec,
and am being loaded at the old Great
Westeen yard&
A little eon ' of Mr Carrick's Wile
was out on the gravroad with a sled
catching on bobs stoped at the bridge
and tried to do tome coasting "down
the banks ort to tho Inc. The stream
had become- colloid ably swollen °W-
ing to the Watt& t the bridge, The
Iittle fellow broke th ugh the w, and
had it not been fort* elos•s proxotnity
of Mr. Walter King h would likely
have bon avow wd
Deaths 2f the Week
DEATH OF Wawa Texnen0
At Orace Hospital, Toronto, occur.
red on Monday, the death of Mr Robb
• eetyler, formerly a resident of Goder-
ich township. Deceased was the only
son of the late John • Taylor; after
whom "Tity)or's Corner" on the Huron
Road was named. .1Ie beta been a re-
sident .of Toronto_ for Mont tee year,
and was aged 51/yearri. • -;
0EgiA.TH ,•P MISS Yount.
The "grim, realm," Monday lAst
visited the home of a former Clintoe-
fen" at ;Seeforth, and 'reinceired there -
&Mu a neantiful Anctexemplary °brie'
lia•melfe. ,„We.speakeeeeAnnierEeeth
eldest daughter of jameh Yining, who
for fourteen Years was. in. the employ
of .Ts Twitchell, and the fe mile. • lived
Retten bury street west, above the
oldchtivele- Twelve years ago they
moved to Seaforth, where , they have
since resided. The mother died and
Was buried here before- going to the
latter; place.. The. deceased, who was .
About thirty years of age, had been a
sufferer for manymanyyeare witiv htp
trouble,whieh :practically wasted . her
.young life away* When a resident of
Clinton she was an *relive worker in
the old Riettenberes St. church and
&melee.' School, and is reniernbered
by Many toevn,, who cherish please
a (elections Of her noble Cheistien
cherac Of* the family' but the
father an a married sister. reniame,
who lutveehe sympathy Of their rnany
old 'friendi .Clinton. • The. funessil
'startee tb .coines to 'Clinton by road,
but they' only get a few out.'•
When they had to return to beim. and
the remedial were emit:here on the 6.15.
train, burial taking place • from the
station to, . Clinton cell:a:ter*, ;where
the remains were laid beside those, of
her nether: •• ' . •
Dne.enoes MRS ROST;SANDERso.N",-
Iii the death Of Mrs Robert Sander-
son Si'.. of Clinton, • the spirit of an-
other aged earthly pilgrim, took its.
flight to a better world on Sunday
night, with a ealre and happy thought
that she was:being inhered. into the
presence : other Saviour, her ahrlost
last words being .•`Sale in the arms Of
Jesus." She bac' reached the--herior-
able age of 69 • yeare. The. decease -sae
though not poesessing the most rugged
constitution for the lastelee years was
. never' heard to. pauriniir or complain,
but was alweys eutiraiseive to the will
of her :Heavenly . Father, but on Wecle
nesclity. -*leech the 15th, she was
suddenly 'taken ill.: .with pneumonia,
which. was the cense of heir death. She
was in. the tewn,ship of • Darlings
tone Coming to Hallett .when (Mite
young ; she was meriled to :her new
bereft husband 44: yeers ago, sharing.
not only. the toes,. but • the, trials and
privation's Of pioneer' life; • benevolent
and . kind she had Made many: friends,:
who loved her dearly, Eight Ohildree
were born. to thenione • of t hem . pre-
ceding her mother in2 death ; the liv-
ing are : .Mre Lewis Saunders, of Hid -
:lett ; ,Mrs William . Henry; 'Mrs Geo.
.Samiclers and Mrs Gob Vockerline, of
wn ; Robert a Detroit • Louisa and
WilliaM at hone. The 'funeral' was
• held Wednesday afternoon the.
meins being taken to Ontario Street
,church',fon Berrie% than to the Clintcin
Celt:teat', for .buriat The pall • beisrere
being her two sons and four son -in-'
The hertit I broken .hlisband. arid
faniilY have tbe sympathy of a Wide
:circle of friends.
. ' •
IN itpxonzam .
Gone and the World joie on as before- ,
:•ncldetelyealied from the oict homestead door,
Dear, faithfut wife, to come 'melt no more-
Oh! sail Li our home
Gone, and the eetteonewiti come and go;
• .
rathintit htt grave in Momenta end snow,
"tr 911.1' e Qigialbbactosigingve.. *47'
Dark is her room and een' pty her chair: • "
roe'iliot like Were for mother's'net there,
Angels have borne her away from all care
To her paytour aboye.
Even the sunlight misses her facee•
The wind elehe a dirge around the !Retie piece.
E'en mute things her saying 6nd doings rot race
. ;Oh! how lonely it teems. •
Thorny et timeemyas the way that sheetrod, •
Yetarith the sandals or hem brightly piled,
'Climbed she the teem to the pertain of God-
Tmeting illations. •
t the dear eye grew mdfrotedlin.tea re ,
Guiding our •uetried feet through the 3 -bars;
Planing our future witfrhopes andotit fears,
SJothiug atm/to:low and tears
Will eho-fergeethose whom -she caiesietilv•-,
Wept over, laughed over, hutdied on her bregit
With her dear lullabies Intoeweet rest--
. nt rest.'
No, we believe shestill feitliful.wIll be; •
rendly will guard those who prayed at her knee
Thiterr saint Will hack tee r deathVe dark
ith husband end family to be, • • • •
And whelp. We have done with ;earth audits
Mo ` dea_ mother„ PiIl welcomeos there
, • „:,,To the home of the bleat.
181Mirt!pirit.ner, sleep, with your Uncle on your
Poor,Teary handethat needed to rest;
Well we have loved .yon, but God loved you •
• best --
Therefore lie has frivol you eternal rest. •
Edward Wise ire who has been .4
local market gardener in town since
1873, died on Saturday last at the age
of 80 years, He was bornat Brighton,
Sussex England, and lived there till
he came to thiscounty in 1871. He
was twice married, his fimt wife dying
in England about forte years ago, and
to whom several children were born,
but All of the offspridg have. been kid
to rest. In 1869 he took unto himself
a sewed wife who survive's him, 10 the
person Of 'Catherine 'Clarke, Two
years later Ahey moved to Canada
settling first in Goderich township,
but A year and a half later came to
Clinton, *here they have resided ever
since, Mr Wise Will be missed by
those he was in the habitof calliete en
in his rounds through the, town. His
familer ere' of gall aboard" will no
More be heard, end his kindly sugges-
tions of how besb to, grow theiittle
garden stint ceases. We vvaswell reed,
a Bible student, and with pride would
tell of having read fhe Bible frier
tittles from cover to cover, And cottld
quote verse, chapter and text to any
eerse, but With all this Was no friend
oteleuteh life. In his early life 'Was an
Episeepalian under whose Mispicee ,10
Wag buried oh Monday last, Rev 0, Rs
Glenne offieleiting. The pall hearers
were Messrs Humball,
more, Grigg._ Great sympathy is ex«
preised for Mrs Wise in her bereeve-
ASEIgrif MRS MiTonnt,t,
Mrs. Mitchell, of Ypelasti Mich,,who
time§ here'it year ago to visit, her vela«
tiVes. and has been &resident of town
ever since, (lied et. Mrs. Ben Colee
home, (her daughter) Monday - after-
noon at the age of 11 yotwo, fl month',
Stisys, Two years ago she Wae bereft
, rei•
Drool Store, elinton.
8. -All sizes in Ohltmoise
Vests on est •Protecto: s
of her loving .h.usband, which togethee:
with her old:age, proved too Mitch fore,
her to bear, and her health gracloallr
became impaired until death Cameto
her relief. • In her early •,,pouried
she resided in MeKtIlop; where her •
family of five children were eon, lee
her. • Thirty years ago the family
moved to Upslant4-where the younger
children were marred ruld reside. 4Ur5,
McKeon, of town is a sister, Oeeige
Potts, a'brothee, atideelvi. 11 W Cook,.
is a daughter. Mrs Howett, of Yp-'
slanti, who was- With' her mother? when, -
she died, and Mrs.. Cole, accompanied
the remains; which were .expressed to • •
her :rad home, Thilesday morning*
where they will be interred begide,
those of her late life .parteele. ' The
relatives in town have the symmithil-
of their many 'friends:
In the de.ttli of. Mrs'Ann Borten be-
loyed'wife of VV in Burton, ivhich sm,1 ,
event toek place in Stapleton on Mone
day,. that villagelosesisepe of its More _
fano'. ar figures and .respeeted, iesid-
ents. Mr and,. Mrs Murton and. son
John, came to this- country from Eng- .
land about twenty ...years. ago, .anti
worked on one of the old Staveley
farms, but finally settled in Stapleton -
By ,oareful saving they pet their earn-
ings into a farm ireGod.erich township ,
and. placed. their son :thereon .Mrs•
•Burton, who: retained. her English, .
'habits and Owen.. even to ' within IL:
fever trionths ago, thought nor bieg or
tvalleing tee flitted to -) her son's piece.,
endprofaned „ walkii4 to riding.
Though nearly 80.,:ye• stge she.
knew no ills until she contracteda, e
cold, which ,terminated•in death frems
pneinnonia.The funeral' W11.8helit
Wednesday;‘but it was not Without
considerable difficulty that the cortege '
arrived at the cemetery, the horses
'having to be takenoff the hearse at:
tunes and drawn by hand. Rev C. R.
Gruitneofficiated atheism and grave.
kligh Courtof justice,.
srmico. sFsstoN Fon frolteiv ()mimic:
- A.pEatt ,D00ItET: " • • --"P"
spring session of the High
Court of Juetice, with jury, opened-. '
op Tuesday efternoon before the .Hen -
arable Mr. Justice Meredith.. ' As
there were no arindnal'cases on the
docket there was no Grand Airy; and
consequently His. Lord sh tereceived
pair of .White kid gloves. The civil
docket was Made up of four cartes to
be tried with jury and two without. • e'
The first case tried was- _
WAY CosIPANT, an action to recover
for damageato hinisele, a. wagon and,
team of horses. The jury returned a
verdict, in fever of plaintiff for $580
oral costg:----AVIn:,--Peondfoot:7,1C--0-.;`-- -
and IL S. Hays appeared for Plaintiff,
.and Itiddell;•11, C.,efor ; the defendant
, Company. • . .
Aleponar,o`vs Melven, eneseetion
for slander.There were Da le,'
witnesses eiarilinedk and the the jury
after a short • absence found fst
the plaintiff $204 and costs, R. Van- ';,;•,,
stone for plaintiff, Wm, ProudfoOt; K.
C., for defendant.
• $liAREIN VS. BhbrlyETT, an/action
for assault,' was tried be a jury. It .
did not last long, and the restilt '•Was
R verdict for defendant. Mr. Morphy
appeared for plaintiff and R. Van -
stone for defendant.
oHOE3NAKER VS. ne.0013Eii. AtiSOR
Spotten for plaintiff, 11. Vanetone for
defendant; Township of Ashfield ve.
County of Huron, Praudfoot, ilays &
Blair for plaintiff, Diekinson & Gar-
rowslor defendants; and Kendall vs.”'
township of Grey, Makin & Hanley '
for plaintiff, Proudfoot, Hayes & Blair
for -defendants, were adjourned to the
June Sessions, and the Court elected. ,
Mr. S, S. Cooper has been eviler ded
the tontratt of putting up porch doom
for the Post Office, and making some
of the needed int proveMents thereto.
In spring, When sunihino:
renders seeing , painful,
Sinoked glasses -should
be uied. '
Aire haire the stock •
We have the assortntent
We.have Right Prices.,
jeweler and Op