HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-03-17, Page 804 did,. Cowen, -Trya
ay, March h, Ur. Harold Jarvis, tenor r Nitwit ; Mfs Calder Leonard, soprano, Detroit; Miss race Iffary.,,,_. locution st, To
*log 6.061fs...Nov.ComOleto•-00.
c.4.21,e2fAbail s.
It may seem a bit too early to falk Carpets,
1:lut liouse-cieanirig clays will soon be here, and
it is none too Pooh :to begin pla,nning what is to
be done then, We are ready as never before
with a stock ol House Furnishings that has no
-.superior in- Litib-sectionIt -New- -Carpets.- Rugs,-
Linoleurns, Lace and Tapestry•Curtains, Draper-
ies, etc., are here in abundance, and best • choice
is to be had by making. selections early.
• Brussels carpets Ch.olee cleidgns in best EnglitiTi-
. assets Camets, high. grade
qualities that wfd gi7e excellent wear, New pattern and
color combinations, a wide variety to seleet from.•
90C, $1.00, $x:15 and $1:25
Specialvalue at $1.15 "
[The thinton ew Eralgzertthie weekIeb.,•ziiviri:Tizoitv:
Issr, sirs es,s' " DEA,TH OFROBEIi•TitliNOIMAN.
'"ese.essese, eees4svee 14a.m. ..,setobertlituucimen,fornsetiyofGoders
_ ioh, On expert Inappettiving the value
Local iNotfCes 1of maohinery.and wolknown hi insur-
ance circles* died eutleenly Stratford
Warrtfoo.-geid, Se de general housework
ltrAnril tie441 wslea. apply onto w On MI uday. Deceased, who WAS a
riitWOOMBir. Scorehmen; had been itebtatiness in To -
rent, for some yew and was rated oats
wee of steritne petegeity and peel-111er
ability In hie business. Although over
fin statue of rig", hie services were in coii.
et -ant requietton byprominent five in-
suratice companies. Ile Wee 0n0 of tbe
adjusters in connection with the recent
Doherty Organ Factosty Fire,
WILL IMPROVE. -j. W, Elliott
contemplates cousiderabie alterations
in his livery barn ns soon a buildiug
weather arrives,. He will have the
present ground floor raised op four
feet higher. with an iuelined entrance,
This StereY will be used foxthe exclu-
sive storing Of 'rigs etc., and under-
neath will be fixed pp for ritablingpur:
poses. At present Mr lilIiott is handi-
capped for want of- space. and these
purposed alterations will double that
which be now, has. He has also in
view a number • of new horses and
vehicles, and Mr Elliott sari,he will
.have the dandy place and some spiff
turnouts far his. patrons this summer:
Olt,. fitVaNe, tendon, earrieoa, treete
diseases or the ere eFer ar.4 11-45, one lite
g.%4004.1140rov7A- ire?: neret*suritrotere.
Olt vieit,Voinsy, arelillth: -
• ellterlallux.- Just received,: reurerste4 of
Dinner. Tea and Te11.4 eetsprenerehtne, new
Inatome, direst foul the Emelt* 'notary. Who
pest velne ever offered in Onut0a. Cali ar44
ge them. .1 ..4/9 .111W111, the nub Grocer',
, &Mt Ricl11110,, ":
NOT INJURED -Last week wh fie
Me. George Warner was exercising a
colt the bit • broke and it ten away .
with him, throwing him, out, It was
at first theught he was eeriously hurt*
, but sueli was pot the eese, tate he wail
1 ,
uninjured, leyend a, aevere shaking
e ur*
' LIME WO4E.S.--Mr A. Nieholson,
of the Voila -der I.4ime Works, pear Bel
grave, 'was in town last week, con-
tractirg w th I eel &Mt rs . for their,
•supply of lime, .MessiirNieholson .k,
8( n %Ina pretty extetuive Lame Kin,
• ieet -ear turiall.f“, out nearly 20,
bilehelibss__F' • ' 4 •
ttiglisthoTarstry Carpets,en
Tapestry e.arpets
patterns, suitable for allaiieres, not 'El It:Or one10rtlirto°1
Dozens of picee Isetoin, Eveu, 'yard 'inverted,
Colors and (plait ktliP41*.t
4.oc, 5oc, 6oc and” 7,5C.
Wool carpets" our Wool ()insets are made by the
best carpet mill in Canada. Every
yardis guaranteed pure Wool. No -Shoddy, no grease, no hl- "
ling of any kind to mate it appenr and handle weighty.
Nothing in it but thoroughly scoured and clean wool. Col-
ors absolutely fast. Dozene otnew designs to .seleet from.
75c, 85c ani $z"-,Qo per yard.
The line at 85c is exceptional value.
Runs Bugs stregrowing in fever, and we have preparei
for theincreased trade with a -very large assort-
ment. Velvets, Axminster, Brussels, Smyrna, and. Tapestry
Rugs. in all the standard sizes. • • '
Prices are very reasonable:
Wool 5 uares • Wool Squares make an ideal Boot
- , covering for 13edrooms. We are
she aelffinany patterns in pura wool and high-grade Unions.
All made without a seam and reversible. . ;
All standard sizes etOCk.
Liholeums Our Linoleums are eh high.grade,d
•imported cloths, thoroughly seasoned,
vvhich insures their .wearii g qualities. We have stocked
big range of patfiirns, suititiale for halls, 'bath rooms, living
rooms and kitehens. •
2 3 and 4 yards wide.
• ,
Japan Matti Straw Mattings, bought direct.
- from the Japan makers, All
made &dm bright, •elean, fresh straws that will stand hard
wear: • -A dozemon more new. nett& no.
was aimoN PROTESTED:.: -.-A
protest wai entered on. Saturday by
Dudley Holmes against the return of
Cameron, P P * for West
'CURLING NOTag•4'-'Tteo ' Rinks • of
Clinton Curlers visited Stratford on
Mondayeighelest and boa a most en-
joyable game with the curlers of that
plates the home teesn. winning by 2
Hu. the usual chargee wrong' shots. • :The following Wavers took
doing being made. We are told that
part Stcv II on, A. Porter, Es,
it was, entered. against the wishes of M:*MeLeen. W. P. isrialding•skit4 jno.
,soute of the active • workers of the johneton, Dr. Shaw, N. Pair, W. jack;
party. and that the fends were not son Skip. • The Stretfoed Cuiiers , are
provided by the sums r .ers thereof. enlefidici • entertainers.: . , •
7Mr, Moore, a member of tie e Strat-
feet:Kernels Club,hassionated a hand-
Somely bound Copy of the **$-cottisli
Ourlers Trip. to This Conntry” for corn -
petition in points amongst the Clinton
Curlers,' Moore's kindness is thor-
oughlY appitecated bteilitesltreat'zepi#,-
the channel was also taken the largetit
yield of:out and whitefish in the Bros , •
vince, nemelY, 2,101,050 arad,...;54 gpo. LICENSE INSPECTORS., -,- The
pounds respectivelse Lake Erle .EW EUA dos not pretend to be in the
duces the most herring of any lake in contideme of the Whitney, admieis,
• tbe Province. s The Fish Commissioner- tratien, but it, is in .a position to.
'fails to state, however, which section with sornadegree mot confidence that
of the Province pred.uces the "biggest- there will be 'no general change of
fish liar."' •••• • License •inspectors in • the Provinee.
this year. One or two. new'. appoint:.
:ADDING COMFORTS.-- My- Ge.O. impute have been niad.e, whgre former
Buxton of the Wavirly House, who is Inspectors resigned, but, only in such
an UP -to -date hotel keeper, and 'whose eases is it the intent of the govern- •
every thought is for the goad of his ment, to make divulges. This we are
patrons, is 41111 • making farther im- informed, is to be the policy pursued. •
provements. lie has had Mr. Me- The repent reCommendation, br the
Rehzie acarperiters4 Work the past Conservative Eiecutive, a an Inspea-
ken days'converting the:sitting: roue. eor for :West Huron has ensued con -
to theleft of the hall On • ;street., siderable friction -aniong . the party..
Into a neat ogle° .and reading room, and as • the ' recommendation is not• Will materially add to the coin- likely to be acted upon, , for the pres
forts of •those who Stop there, and 'sent at least, these who are lispirants
will fill a longlet Want" in connection • frastitie office may; censole, theniselVes'
with that hotel.. . • • ' • with the thoughp Met they yet have
• ehanee o ecraing t. .
.CONCERT •-••-The O. & Mello* of this • ; • , . ; . ;
place whose reputation for always. . do- .• A GooD xxo,tmla...s.:soddo ink],
mg things un right be a guarim., Reds" Was the sribject of a very in -
tee •that their Annual :Entertainment , teresting, itistructive and: protitable
to be heldnext Monday fir the .lown :address delivered bY. Rev' R M.
Mall; will be a. good. one. 'The four art --
sits who take. part' are - well, known day SehaOl, .. last
Perkins, of Exeter. itriu:stdilPyauei'vse.n.Sitriing
• through . this cellars* and that e. is ;, ¶L here was a fair attendance.: but. we
doubt that no am will be dissatisfied regret that more .could. not have heard
It is only:by, theenterpriee of the -Odd- hint It Was.* stary: of life -building,'
fellowsthat We can.bave such good; but itsras not so inuch ;he big things
• entertainment as it costs a lot of money that present themselves. to us as the
to bring. such people here but theicivers mut oiass • of thoo, out mina
• ofgood In this Place are not change..little•Oppertimities, and other
a few and therefore we think 'tlinOdd- .1 things, that we make, nn, use ef, and
eHowswzll not-locisaanythirigin-,--thia- Au -wonder file--eneak,n;-'said?-tinit -so,'
venture. The advance sale ot • 'tickets •
so far is ing one. • See propramaie for
further particulars. • • ' •
Goodwin son tat Alf. Goes:twin.
SOME FISH -The tteporb of the
rishery Commissiotarfor the Previnee
of Coterie, shows that the largest fish
producing water in the Prevince *as
flora c' -e, net of Lake H. irons4,313,220
pourds ot fish being taken there, :In
many liv,es were a fadure. We don't
even we tha brains the. faculties that,
God has blessed us with:, the speaker
said. It is brains Work. that •cennts, •
and it is brain work that is goin to The Jackson.Mfg Cos, hie put an a
writing from Weyburn,, -A 8E4 „under count more scehe the dart go by, , We. -special representative of them business
must, be the ritchiteets as well as in theeperson of F. Mc0107, of .1'or-
•'help writing and let yisur readersknow
date of 'March. 4th says: -I cannot benders of our own lives and -we Must onto. 'Mr MoOkik was in town this
what lovely warm weather we are hav- iise every • means at our disposal week getting ttcqueinted •With' the
in perfecting., them, Without this We His special territory will be the
ing at present and. •111,v&• -had for the •ace .sanssess, • • - . nerthren part of Ontario. • .
past three weeks, .(yhen I feast about
the blockades and _snow in .0i1TRONCOUNTYRIFLBLEAGITE 1,,MuliessacMhIrrohrewntasieYin'o,rLeRitriann, onStr.t.,
The farmers here , around' Weyburn -The followingofficers in connection
are ploughing, disking and getting the with the recently organised Huron "sit tn her alat'q Miss Nairn.,',
Ian uks ape for the crop. The snow• ComayRifie League have been mimed. 'UT and Pride 'last. 7-'1,19/nle there
•isn't gone,:not a paitiele to be seen to look after them -respective duties she attended ntal service sat the.
anywhere.. The Gophers have made and districts. President.. Lt, Col .• W: -p°ragtsteciairaulkrendjbCoyiedngthaelsotvreairn:f•ortlesPee.
their appearance niter eleeping 'all Young, tlst :Vide President. .0 How-
' winter, This is +stiffen change from son, Capt. of Ariburn It. A. ; 2nd Vice musical pert of the service.
tom...Weeks ago on theieth of rebruaey President; M. O. Johnstone, B. At,
it was 55 degrembelovi zero here at Capt. Goderich • „R. Secretary
MeTageart, Assa. If this doent beat Treasurer, .geo. Leithwatte, Capt..
Ontario; 1 dont know ,what Goderich Township, R, -A. • Atidas
' cies ' Me-Commins, Capt. Blyth
LICENSE COMMISSIONZRS.---ene R. - R. Wallace, Capt. Lend-
Otaatio Gazette,on Saturday, announ, esboro A. Executive Committee.
ced the -appointment of a fresh list or Goderich It ' • Kneeshaw. R.
Isicenee Cenunissidnersamonhllet Watson; Blyth R, A.; -Copt. R.
the following:• --------------------Connums, G. Summers, Salttord R. A.
-.10ept P. MeEtvan, J.' Goldthorpe.
Auburn R. -A;-A. C. Jackson, F.
Naigel, Londesboro R. A. -Capt, Wal-
lace, B. Hureington, Goderich Tp. R.
A, -ass. Bundles- Newcombei
Hohnesville A, -Capt
son, W. Miller* Brussels R. 'A.- Capt.
M Sin etaieas.Bownian, Clintona
A, Capt, II, B. Conabe, Capt. W,
Shaw; Auburn R. A. winning the Bea
trophy, GoderichTp,R.A. holdspresent
Trophy Matches at -Blyth on 24th of
May0:005. • •
o ca I N of es
Bare Connell left Weeneeday to vIsit,
relativee in.the west,
Miss Winifred 'Oeitidsvin has been,
inicl up.'for a *week or so with grip.
Mr. Eenest Mans, of Kinburni vieit
edfriends ha town this week. •
Prank B. Ha I was one of number
tolea.ve hereWednesday hirMatsitoba.
Alex, P, Clednurie ana,Bert Fremlin
have gone to Stratford te Work in car
tse W. McCrady, of Hamilton, was
the guest ot W. W. Collyer a few days • •
last week.
• grataa idurnett, of Goderich
township le visiting her eister Mrs. W,
W, Helloway, ot Winghten, was
a visitor at the home of his 'parents
here on TeeedaY• 77-
• W Irwin is in Toronto this Week
attencling the Grand Lodge of A.
W„ in session in that city,' '
Miss 11: Whitley is rooming at Aft
Harry Runt's, and eny person wishing
t) see her wil1 find ber there.
We underetend that Mr Will Ross,
cif town, is taking a, sitaation'of •travel-
ler.foe a Toronto plandlieuae.
Mi13. feb: SIVWkiw /riniailogety owe
to Hohnesville, be being lappoioted
manager of the Poultro Station •
Mrs Will Townsend, whose husteind
is teeipteramily employed in Strathroy,,
• expeets to' go there. shortly tt.‘").0eiee
N good quality" Pnent
either light cr. dark, '22
; inches square. The word
"!ClintOn," in shapely scroll t
) •
and odd lettering', surrounded I
it by an artistic„ grouping of
Iinaple leaves. A good ,orna-
nieutation for your home,. or
, •
excellent thing to send
to friends*: -The price- is, 54i,--.
f; or you can have it all worked
bwaldhh011oulsas:ln.peOrcrbean. we, are
• If you are' not doing business
seta ....... 114 t. •• •
„ .
.Aft S. IL Smith has rented the
WalkinslieN residence on Maple street
and expects to move thereto about the
lat of May. - '
Three funerals Wens day is establish-
ing a record iva wont(' not wish, to see
kept up ye* long but we unfortun-
atelyAid ou''Wecaeaday.
, stated that Col. Otter, of To-
ronto, a, well knovin Clinton trat, may
litliftigintelrarlblififilind the forces
to be stationed at Halifax,
We Understand thfrelliA number l'stie
have not paid their Cold Storage ass7
eernient are being sued. Judgment in
favor of the plaintiff has been given in
those cases already tried.
Mrs Will Ross is Marring in •with 'her'
parents* and. _will occupy the front
pastor the house: This moves vecistes
a comfortable brick residence On 'Gilt.
bing Terrace. •
• Oliver Jehnston leaves this week
With a carof settlers effeetsand horses.
The settlers effects belong to J:.. W.
Hill and Ahe horses. belong -to • Mr
Johnston.' ,
R. Eitzsinsons.& Son shipped a ear
of hogs and Onntelon and Warne 9t
head, this week the price paid was
al15.75. and the inarket is firm, with a,
likelihood of a,- still further rise in
price. -
-The yeungl hoekey team went
to Wingham last evening(rhureday) to
play- the eetran match With the 'ladies
club of that town. They were: ac-
companied by a number of mfr. young
J. P. Rehboek o• ccerapanied his wife
to London Thiarsday,ftom whitirplitce
Mrs Rehbock goes on to her home. at
Freeport; Ills.. Mr Rehbock leves
text week for LouiSvilla, Ken., where
he .has secured a 'good position as;
organ tuner.' .
Mr Geo harland, of Goderich, bro-
ther of Mews illiam Se and John
Ilarland,-sand- father _of:Messrs Will
and Bert Harland, hits been `seriously
ilk forsome davs. but is slightly better.
His brother William went. un to eee
him. on Saturday. •• '
Laee, 'Curtains The Lite Curtain Department has
•'always been a strong feature of
thik bileiness. This season Will not see it take a backward
step, for the stock on our therFelateday he by long odds our
BEST. Never have we Shown varieties as large, petteroe as
artistic, oe values as good.
Prices 5oc to $6.0o per pair.
Eight Golf Jerseys, $11.50 edth
Eight Golf Jerseys to sell. All are this season's styles.
Because they are laet ones the price has been halved. Red,
black and navy. regular 53:00, Saturday your choice for '
One dollar and fifty cents.
Millinery Openings
Frid ay, March 31d; Saturday*, April tat.
We will hold our formal Opening. Exhi-
bition of Spring Millinery on the last of this
„month arid the first of text. §peciak...prepara-
eons ard beingmade for a display sruchles we
• never haferhad the pleasure of showing. Further
particulars next Week,
e,4 •
, Often the Cheapest
Always the
ARCH is here, and it is march to the letter
in our store., The ;Arinter Shoes are march-
ing. out, and SPRING FOOTWEAR.. is
mavching in. All winter goods must march
oi4t, regardless of cost. .
See our north window, and take youvehoiee
of 'any Pair of Boy's Boots fora DOOM' Bill.
They Are the best–values ever::: offered' .in,
Clinton.. 'Does, your boy ' need al pair' Of
Boots?Now is the time to get their.
• ,
!rhe Odd •
• • .
A first-class SeWing Machine for sale—As good a
.new.—Will be sold, atz.a. BARGAIN.-
' • '
-- -- ()_gie Cooper has ;taken a poration ,
chased one -of• the; I etest•and moet lio- . , . ,
With Me.tigo Ballard, grocer,:
Mr james Twaehell has just purl
1 t.-datelJndeeveciod type -writers. •
. . .
The house lately °mined by R.
,. Holmes haUlieen rented. by Mr. 'Ball,
1 ard: Soceessoe toll. Gramm,- ' :
Mrs. jacoli Taylor entertained a .
number of friends last Friday evening
, ell spending a most enjoyable time. ,•
! ' Nr. Frank Whitmire, ..of .Godit•ich,
township, was called fa Yorktott ' this
week owing to the death of his father,
evidence on alt admirers, iff the '."1tttito`
, gree j!..'-
is. St Pa_t.rick.s day
and the shearmeck *ill likely be In
t •Dr, ci, Ernest Holmei was in Toronto
• this week itttending the Dental ,Astio-
)1eniatthioant'sciAtruntial Meeting, being . held
:/- Mee Thos Telex ES donfined to her
' bed With a complieation ,of troubles,
*• but it is the wish of ' many that she
will soon be restored to health.
East Ilneon - John Shannon, Jas.
Strong, and John Cardiff. ,
West Hilton -Mathew Lockett, T.
prnin. aid .Thos. Churchill.
to find with thenen selected for West
Huron, and we speak of lirtest Huron
simply because we know it., While
they are prohouneed, partizans, they
are men of good character and. etand
leg: but we venture to say that no
matter how well theyendeavor to per-
fOrrn theirduties they will nodischarge
them any more fearless' or,fairly than
did their predecessors. If they do- as
'veell as the framer board; there will be
no criticism of them eoreing., As the
senior member of the three selected.
We believe that Nr Churchill will be
niado hairman. The first meeting
will shortly be held, probably . in
Olintou. • ••
*seri Harland Bros ha,ve'VOnverted
the upstairs above their two . hardware
stores:Into one large display 'rooks
that will be need exelusively for stoves.
Itis connected with the lower 'floor
by an' automatie, elevator that 'cah
raise any etsive-, without pulling on
ropes. • • • • ' • . .
CondaCtOr Wire train was put out
ef businese two miles below 'Mensal].
Saturdey morning, the engine being
at'fault, and a special Was sent to its
rescue, but it was four hours late in
arriving at London. The 'train froM
the eouth duthere. at 10.15 was heId
au hour in consequence at Exeter, ar-
riving here at 11.15. , . si • :
--17r; G. Stititic of thirEleil,for. Wire.
has been buying grain in Clinton for
the lima 32yearsostated to it NEW Etta
-representative the aber day that.
never in that length of titne lute the
ANOTHER. PIONEhllt GOIsik.-The pain business teen as slow, and so
tle doing- iss ab p. Oely an
relict of the late Jas McCaughey, who oCcasional load, comingresent,In. which is
has been a much respected resident of worse than at any time during : the
our town for thes past three years', . summer menthe. ... •
passed foto th1:great unknown, with '
a .„
calm 1), ha y thought MessraTaylor and Johnston, of Elul
ought that she lett, who made application through
was being ushe ed into the presence of the Nave Ens. to the S. A. immigra-
her Savionr* She had. reached the • tion bureau had ' the satisfaction on
honored ageof 75 years and had passed ..Wednesday of geeing the etamp of
. DrPPED DEAD.:-.4hother ' of through all the varied experiences of
Olin Ort't widely Icnown residents rot this long life with tittle illness, and it young' menthe S...As are. bringing out
as farm help, These geotleinan are
pon ed to death's unalterable ,decree, was only two weeks ago that she' felt
ni well pleased With the young men :lent
a sudden and very unexneeted nian- her strength WAS foiling and that the
ner. Monany.afternoon last. We speak end was near, • she passing aWey on them, who appear to be anxious to
of Benjumin Webb, who While trim- Monday test surrounded by her chit. learn farming in Canada.
ming some -.trees et the residence of dren. Mrs McCaughey was horn in A Young matt from Colborne was in
Mr. George Marshall, ..expited from Yorkshire. Eng., her maiden name be- town early Friday morning last with
heart failure. Sunday evening he ing Denby.. She dame to this country a team and sleigh, and while he was
visited his son Ben and remarked how when a ehilda reefs of Ago With her busy purchasing in a atomthe team
well he felt. He also stated to hiesion patinae, who settled in Chinguaconsy. started off. -Something diverted them
what -he was about to do the following When atilt in her teens she was mar- from the roadway onto the sidewalk
day, and witscautioned about climbing, ried to her late husband, and together in froof the etores on Huron Street, •
the trees. Mr. Webb was home for with ox team and some little furniture and came very close to. famishing Sey.
his dinner, and partook of his usual teavelkd over a blazed -road to Mitsui eral of the Windows. The town has is
ineal,returning, toMie Matshall'anbota County, where they ad to work to bylaw that horses should, be tied, yet
one. Mr. Marshall went acit to see how make a home for then:U*117-6e, clearing it is not of much service. -
Mr. Webb was, getting on, when he the farm, Which is now satiated on
found him lying prostrate, at the COneeision 8, lot 2(3, lInilett. Clint -on
corner sff -the kachees He called to had then but one log house known, as
him but the spat* of. life heel flown Etattenbury's corner: and to one was
Dr. Germ was called and withthe aid of better acqyaintecl With the early his -
some neighbors the body was denied to tory Of this section than this good old
the home. Theta was no evidence of a lady, who hatrjusb gone toiler reWard,
fall, arid itt all probability death was Twenty.eight 'oars ago she lost her
instantaneous. Mr. Virebb.eame to this husband, but with the aid of sone. and
country. from England, some 83 years daughters, who hitsi grown to man-
age, By trade he was a Alp 1 carpenter, hoed and Womanhood, she continued and many. of his earlier years were to live en the hoineeteai, wail her re.
vent on the ocean, he having mademovol to town.. The living ehildrek
four trips around the world, itimino+ing are Mrs MeGoiy, of Minnesota: I SI.
been in all latitudes. Re participated McCaughey of town, Mrs Taylor on
in the enppreesion df the East Indian homestead, W. T. "MeCaughey at
Mutiny, being eitgaged on it Beth& Lucknow, and Mrs Little of town, 10
inaIi-cor'War, /10 was 0,4111104 nn" a sister of deceased. The funeral was
.obtruslye, industrious eitiZpn. He he'd Wednesday morning, the remains
Mayes a widow, three sone and, four being taken t) St Joseph's elowch for
daughtere, all married. The sous are eerviee ' then to the R 0 burying
all residents of town. The funeral ground in Hullett, The pall -bearers
serviees were conducted by Itev. MI were old friends of deceased viz, I
Gunne, the pall.bearers being AUSIIPS.. Hearn, it, oanteion, R. make, 0. Mc-
S,Da,vi_sis 3, mcOlacherty, 3, L. Hearn' 11'006,1 iteynolds and Itelly Morris
A. I/ Beaton, Wi, V. 3.' eerie, and The beteiVred family hay. the wym.
pittliy of a wide circle of fkiondu4
Geo Mair, of Goderich • township,
passed through town.Saturday with a
big erre log that will cue in all pro-
bability 15,000 and 2,000 ft of
lutnlier, It was over 4feet in diameter
ab the narrow end anctsix at the butt.
The log was grown on Harry Oaiett
term, Idth cote of Goderich township,
and an attempt WM made on two
deperatebecastone by ether Parties to
being it to town, but both fin Md.'. The
Ing came/ Itoweveis when Vie Mair
hitched his team to thdbobe.
Mr 'Walter Scott, M. P., who is.
named as a possible an co 1 to lIon
Clifford Sift -on. is it rebut o by m
views to Mrs W„ Harland r., of tow 1,
Mrs Scott and Mre Hariasal being
coueltis, Mr Scott is 'publisher of 'the
Regina Leader. The paper w is
formerly owned by the late NIeludas
Flood Davin, and Mr Scott was
mechanical foreman of the office.
After Mr Scott bought the Mice, he
rakagainet hit tamer eteiployet and
kftiiik min by a oubetantial tottiovity.
Mr. Chas. Wallis shipped two ear
• loads of horsee (24) to the west on Mon-
day, They were itecompanied b3r
aad Mr. Cook of Goderich town-
ship. ,
• Samuel Keno has gone to London to
.wok for the Sherlock Manning Co,
Be traf • tautly .--tartown- --when- tior
Doherty Factory is again in full 'Work -
frig force. • • • '
, 'Mrs. A. Taylor and daughter, who
have been spending the winter at the
home of Mr. Wilber Manning, London,
expect to tam% to Clinton in th'e
sourse of a Week or so, .
At a meeting of the Grand Lodge
officers held, at Midland lest Week,
Bete Wm Lowe, of gingham, was
elected Grand-Chaphun, and the next
Meeting of this honorary body Will be
held at Goderich.
Alfred Grainger, late of the Organ
litetery, a 'brothel, of Mrs. M. O.
'Kaufman, left Tuesday' morning for
..A,laniednq Asses in search of hts for-
tune. Alfredsis young and ambitious,
and we expect he will hod what he is
looking for.
Mr. W. It Lough, the efficient
cpal of the Model School, is just re-
covering, front a three -weeks' siege of
grip. Although scarcely able to move,
„be has not missecl his school duties
once during his illness. though he did
net get down town untill Saturday
lasAtAlmen;der •
met with the impleas-
• .
Mit and painful experience of having
his right shoulder dislocated in a fall
on the lee during the hockey match
last ThursdaylVdning,but he plucldy
stood the ordeal, of hiving his shoulder
bone put back in piece by a couple of
his companions. .•
Mr Albert Turner, who hag -been
looking after the engine and other
machinery . in connection with the
jackson Manufacturing Co., expects to
return to his foriner business interests
in connection with his Dieyele
norluen, who will mewed him is not
decided, though there are a number of
applicants. .
. A ;very largo number ' of neieens
showed their sympathy with Mr Jas.
SJott,"hy attending the AMON' of. his
wife; on Friday. The service8 were
conducted by. Rev Dr Stetted Who
made very' touehing referenees to her
elturch and home life. The pall bearers
Were WM% 3. 1100stOnf G_E Swallows_
D. mocervie, Wm Coate,‘ R. 3. Chief
..aite's'Aassis.,..sassatesseaseitties IOLA:
the.new Hats for Spring
are here. Hata of style,Hats
of quality Shapes to it any
head, Shapes to suit any
figure. ,Blacks,s greys. and:
the new brown shades.
Many styles,each 'absolutely
.Hard Hats.
browns, blacks
$1.5o, $2.,
The Borsalino
An exceptionally fine .soft
Felt Hai spade in Italy,yery
nobby shapes in browns and
The King fiat
Without peer.in Hatdom
• Right in cluality, right in
shape, right in price, }lard
or soft.
black, brown or grey