HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1905-03-17, Page 5. )4101111.7 WOO • Jam orors R•M•Ml KEW BRA l• •Tsons. hBa. IiaCo poratedby.StetParltanaent 18aj• ; Capital: Paid Up...,,,$. Q, Reserve. ren ..,.,..R., .....:I..,t,000, o00 WM. MdLsorf MAorCsan$oN, President : S. H,EwiNo, Vice-president, ;OM$1.e:YRr, 61en,Manager, .• FARMERS' SALE NOTES Bashed or collected. DRAFTS on all points in :the Dominion, Great Britain, United State,, and all Foreign Countries, bought and sold at peat rates. DEPOSIT RECEIPTS issued and, highest current rate •of interest al- lowed. ADVANCES MADE tai Farmers, Stock Dealers, and Business Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms. Forty-eight branches imthe Dominion Agents all over the world. • Depositaot $1,00 and upwards received, interest, 'Hawed from date of deposit compounded ball -yearly and added to principal June 80th sad December 81st. 01111105t eurreat Ritts. • • t! CLINTON BRANCH - New Combe Block, . H, C. BREWER. :Manager. '. •. • PROF. S. T. TAUS a , : Manufacturing Optician and Eyesight Specialist, of Toronto, will be at Bedford Hotel Goderich, i 6th,. 17th and ]8th of March ; Hotel Normandie, Clinton, loth,• =stand 22nd; Commercial Hotel, Blyth, 23rd ; and at D. E. Munro's store, Auburn, on March 24th. • .,If there is anything wrong. With your sight, It would he to Sour inter- est to consult PROF. TAUBE: The advantage he has over the. others is that he -grinds his own lenses, Which,. being properly centred, nukes them perfectl : eair and comfortable to to -the eye.' • • PROF. TAUBE is one of the oldest opticians in Toronto, having been established since 1b73: -and during that. time 74.00!leases have been success=-: 'fully treated by him, a great many cases where; others have fabled. ions grinding and Spectacle making is a profession and a science, SO is fitting and properly adjusting frames. In a,great many instances there spoe.acle -frames are not properlyfitted to the face, the vision is aaffected,'. You have 32"years of -PROF. TAUBE'S experience at your service. • Come and get your eyes examined and come -early; as you way require• a second testing. ,For' reference and testimonials, read circulars, and see what PRQF. TAUBE'S customers.in West 'Huron haver to say about his work. TORONTO ADDRESS': i..�. I � . SPADINA Telephone. Main 1425 1 Sew A•dvar*t nugnts Money 1'Wautcd. On good farm; less than hal'f.. the value; f1'ltst'mortgage. DRAWER $, Nage' Fite, inion• us and Drayage Business' -tiipderaigned wishes ,to inform . the public that has taken oyer the 'Bne and Delivery :business, and will try to' look after, they interests of the travelling public .as well as ever. • Call ep 'phone 62, "nrrd. your wants will be attended to.. Calls made to,tay,part of the town, or baggage delivered. J. COOK, stand next to Nnw ERA clic arm. for Sale. Bilbao . r offers for sale hie farm of 30 acres. bei_; g w ,} lot la, on the 3rd eon. of Hallett; miles fromClinton, and d. mile 1 from echoed. Nearly all cleared and: in good ental of 'cultivation. ' New frame. house and good oat -buildings;' good. spring and plenty of water; an sore' :c4 bearin' orchard; about 35 tiaras broke and ready for spring props. Easy• terms. For tionlars apply on the pretllises. 'or address Cl int on P.U. O,,.MABON.' 3-I?-tf-lmp, Last. • On.,Seturdaylast, 'a left band Peretan Lamb Gauntlet, between W. G. Doherty% and Stephenson's pn*inp factory. Finder willkindlyleave at New .Enx office, and receive reward • For Sale Cheap., • Combination Go -Cart, but little used; will sell at half-price, if .taken this .week. 'Also a. quantity of canned` :fruit. . ;J. •F, RialRB00E, Princess Bt, • EXECU�T#i°IiS''': SALE RESIDENCE •PROPERTY` Saturdays April' 154, 1995, at 3 o',clook, there will' be offered for sale, at 'ublio:Auction, that' property! known as the Straith •homeetead comprising lot 2 and parte of•lots 3 and 4,' in blook A, 'IMsao Rattenbury purvey, Clinton. :' This is a good property,' and in one of the beet locations in. •town.. For parlioulars' apply to s W. B DOt E endors' oliottor. R,Y ,V S• JAB., O. MoMICHAEL, Anotioneer_ • Advertise •in ' • the NE'w EA..A 11.1•••N•N11N•N♦•NNNN NNNNNNI•NNNN NNN••NN••••NNNN•••4•••••• N• • . McK.INNON & CO. BLYTH. _ 2• ARE reu VAT CIIED I xotrNO yr is ouo- • Portunity.• ' PRICES Of WATCHES • Aid-P[1t'eto but• • not the quilt ? 'e a1waa' yy'ri i.fi t• o.get .1est q 'City; CAL[. AND:.SEE , OltR. STOCK • eco rid •. hancl : Wa.tch'eS to 1�en; ,xn' ex. change. : N. IILL YAR Jeweler and optician 1 'Births, • lliarria es;- •Deaths ,.• . BORN. 1. BRADFORD -,At :t ohnecville on Wednes i day, March 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. R, Bradfofd4, • WALKER In Tnckersmith, on March 12th, so,Ma and Mrii Je... Walker, wean• tow and Mrs. Edward Wise; a son. WISP.-InGoderieltTownehip,cnMa.chOrd . 30BNSTON In. • •Goderich'Township, on .larch 6th, to Mr. awl M.s.'Chris, Johnston,, a daughter. ' •• DELACO.N.—In Eaet Wawano6h, en March 7th to Mr. and Mrs Samuel• Deacon, it daughter. STUART —In Wroxeter; on Febt 20th, to,Mr, •. and Aire. Chas.Stuart, aeon, .• • TASHEU—Li Hullett, on Thursday, Marsh lath,'to Mr, and Mra. Richard Tasker,.a son. ` EACEY•-At Owatonna;•..Miu�a�iaota, on Sat- ur'd ay, lVfarch llth, to Mr. and Mrs, :James R. Hefty.. a daughter,, , •. . 'MARRIED. 'MURRAY.-73RUNNER.—In • Goderich, •o.n March 7th; Mr, !Claude •Iifurraj Goderich. to Ming Lotto Brunner, a3ea•orthi.by Rev: James hamtlton. , . SO..WERBY-2iO$S —At. St: Gteorete'e Clturch Goderich.on March 7th,. by Rev. M. Turnoull, •william owerby to .Alice, daughter of:Mr..3. Rosa, all of Goderien Township. - SIMPSON—MUNDELL.—At.the'reeidence* of the bride's parents,Tnrnberry, on March 1st: by Rey,John Radford Mr, Adam Simpson, of Cu, Cu.. rima, to. Miss; Maggie Mundela, youngest 'daugJ�ter•of •3fr. ;•Wm. Mundell.. , . DIED ; . •WALDRON,—ON$ nday,March12th,Wini••. free Langwi..h, wife of Thomas. Waldron, Stan-,• ley, aged 88 years. - • • Mc(7AUGHEY— n Clinton,on Mara n.., h Elizabeth: rtio by. relict of the late acmes Mar, CauRboy, aged. 73 years. • WEBB .-In Clinton, on lViarch,i8th.., Benjatn • • in Webb; eged.67 years,and nine months. McIAY'—In Goderich, March 8rd, Elizabeth. M2aged 6aoVi6earyears. • • ,reliet:of the late,Capt W. B. McK:ay, DALMAH•E.—.In • Goderich,. on. March 5th, Marnaret Ann Gargett, relict of, the late Chris.. ' Dnlmage. aged 61: years. ARMSTRONG.—In Goderioh, on Marts* 8th, Fred, son of Mr. John H Armatrone. aged .16 years and 11 months ,• 'ELTIOTT—In East Wawanodh, on Feb. 23id, Mr: John Elliott, 80:1.80/ears. SCOTT -In London township.on March 10th, Mr. James Scott, father of Mr. T, W. Sc.,tt,.of Blyth, aged 82 sears. i!♦ •=v• ll.. SPR1}II ...1J11r1 S.8..,-01011D.S..: We silo* an immense stock of New Dress.G ds. for Spring •_• Every week we receive additions to otir stock in'n ,designs, as •• soon as they are produced. Our sales in. the Dress G depart- •• ment have been larger this season than ever before, just becauhe we keep the correct styles that everybody: is looking for and onr y prices are always the lowest. We also keep a full range of Dress ' •S= Trimmings to tnatch,the Dress. Goods,• in. Braids, Appliques, Gimps. • 12, Sequin, Rushing, Etc. Below we Mention. a' few lines, but our Dress :♦' Goods have to be seen ;to be appreciated.. .. Sicilians, in black and eolore, Hite 'glossy ;finish, 5d inchespwide, good valise at 65c, for 50c. ' • `Black and Colored Venetians at50e,'75e,; $1 and $1,25. •. •_ i Creeping Cloth, in Colors of black, brown;' navy. Imelda, etc , makes '• ._. a stylish suit, at 50e, 75c, 85c and alit, 8. Weblso show a fol an a .of Duchess Voiles, Drape DeCliines, t Laine, DsSoies, G e' etc., at close prices. •_ Black.and Colored Lustros are r neat demand. We have a 'lar .e •' assortment in. bright glossy goods,:froom 25e to $1, :_� —15 LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS— t •S• Our New Shirt Waists for spring are' here, AVG:3110w a varied • ;=s assortment in all the newest designs, We dada!, 'rowing demand. •♦ •._. for better goods in this line,. and this Beason we have imported a •_• .t. much better class of goods than usual. _• �_•.n •_♦ McKINNON & CO., BLYTH :_. . � � �N��♦��•��♦�N�N�N��N��•�NiNiNi�•O!i!�iK��N�•,«��%N��.�N��i�i•�N��♦�����♦�ij11��1��1�k�N�N�Nd♦�a��i1�N•�i=� smear J . 8. Hoover. Nelson Half Every branch in bur line is complete, you can get any article produced at this store. • a. Our Prices bring? The Trade Our personal supervision goes; with 'every chase and satistactiorl:.is guaranteed. • UNDERTAKING Night or•day canal promptty attended to • ' Clinton MarketReport. �_ Corr d e!cr7.. Thurs ay. ltfIlornoc 5 : , Barley.... .. .. 40 a 42, ; Wheal ........... 1 00a a 1 05 Oats• :.. . . • ,,-,. •, ..040. a • 0 52 Batter, .. ...: 0 16. a 0.•18 Eggs per'doz(new). 015 a. 016 ' Live • Hoge.,...•........* 5 35 a 5 35 • • Farm Foreman. Wanted'.: Duties to begin April let. Must have ex- perience in live stook and farm implements. Apply to D. A, FORRESTER, 3.10 -if' Seed Oats tor Sale. A gtiantiti of Sht.fneld Standard Oate, for seed. They are a white, round -topped Oat, splendid yielder, and are clean horn. other Impurities. •Prioe"50e per bnehel. • T�c1:lDALL Biturnmas, 4 Con, 8,t Hallett. [louse for Sale or to Itent. That cogtfortable cottage:on Princess St,` containing 7 reaps and eammer kitchen. Both bard and soft water. • There is a sore Tot with some choice fruit trees, Ap- ply at the premises,. or write to J. l:I, MoCOOL, Clinton, Man. Wanted. • •The H,ullett• aouneil will meet in the Woe/habits Hall,on Monday, March 20th, at 1.30p,m,, at.whiob meeting personal or written applications will be. received for. the job of operating anew Road Grader, ,doting the enmmer, at a per diem rate to be as eed'upon at said meeting JAMPv3 CA' ?BELL Clerk Londeeboro. '. Iniporrant to, Furjnersi Se 1 Oats and Buy sworn And save 20 conte por cwt, or 8405 per ton • `" 8 bushels end 10 HA of Oats,, make. 112111 ., which at 420. per bu„ bets ..$1.40 2 hnshelsof Gorn,ilt ibe,. at ®o per bu liel1 is .,".•.............. ......$1,20 • Thl. ropretente a eavina} in the ueo of Ots n of 2Qe per•ewt.,'or 94.00 per ton. 1 have the het Amortean corn, and It" is much better value' than Canadian Corn which • cannot. be had all Cleaned ant.. I pa 4� cents; at prt Bent, for Gate' When eabtoniere bity" Corm The pried of both do'ra and Oats teal • elating* and tinge, aceordit,�yppr� to themarket. • Beed note, Clover and Timothy�,or sale. lath or titre, ss arranged. ` `r 4illo PfRRYXI`s ar tot•tN'.C'ento. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 Let e_C !..) 0 0 0..0 0 .0 0 0 0 0. 0 0..0 0 0 0. 0 0 0. 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 -. 0 0. 0_ 0 -. 9 0 0. i3 .. 0 0 oor Cloths 0 0 o G 0 0 0 Ci i3 0 0 0 0 _'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,. 0 0 0 0 .0 0. 0. 0 0 0 0. 0 0.■ Carpe These are lines youare sure to be wafting' very shortly:. We have 'madegreat prepara tions for the display -of these goods on the second floor and invite your inspect an. ; • Li>itoleum • 'T'wo ytlyd :` -:pi ice' only,". block pat tarp,, ,egular• 50c: quality, 'special ..•• .., . • , .. . 5c "Floor ,Qui Best standard make` three ip �s to Y�o?se - _from;ope.yard wide, good quality •,rkr Linoleum • Two .yards wide, extra go. d quality,. four ul' patterns "to choose from, ,r l 0 ac' . uality for • 40c .regular Linoleum Four yards. wide, best qual.ity, three patterns to choose from, floral pattern and block, regular • 60c "' quality: for ' Union Carpet Three pretty patterns, splendid veaiing quality—....65c DACE SUR Call' and see our new 4 -ring • Curtains. .All new patterns and 'fine net. We have therm from--- tic' .'•to* -$6.00 :,A PAIR• 21 yards long, .36° inches wide; 2 yards long, 36 inches wide, •. • • _'.yyatds •long, 40 inches .wide., • 3z`yards long, .54 inches, wide,' $1, $1.25 and $.1,50 '3`i'. yards long, 60 inches wide, $2' and •$2.50: 25c and; 3.5c s0c. • 756• it Three patter=ns, one and quarter yatrd wide:T • N • Wool Carpets Best two ply Wool Carpet, five patterns, to; choose from, veryrich colorings .. '. 75e • Best three; ply wool Carpet, five pretty pat- terns to choose from,.all new designs . $1,00 ., • . : � � :I�t1GS. DOOR MAT'S PMATTING, e Stair Otis. • •.1 apestry C :r uts ° • ' Our:•curtains this spling are of rich, .colorings, handsome designs, and.special 'lues are the donaina:it. features of every class•.of curtains w -e handle.' ' Y' 'The prices": ran e: from 2.00. APAIR,:• 0 0 nmA it 0''046•p•CE :s ■ •n n w.D'a : n•n, >K 1- Sale: of' V Linable,1 e , Pnpsuant to. n judgment roe 'the High Court oI Justice, there'wirl be a Heredity sale on Saturday r a April la t; 1905, u d ► P at 2 o'clock in the att;ernoMt at the Sing Ed - 'ward Hetet, Golerich, tiie•foltuwirig Laud .and premise', nantelY.i' Lit No 58 in:the Ord congeAsioiti of the, town- ' 413 oaf Goderich, containing 82 wires of land, md,e.orless Thelgnd.,.s well .watered and, titers• le.• a, good orclta�d, and about twelve acre of tlml;et oe the pprefrises. Thn property, which 14situatsd about 9 miles from, Cioderich, 4 from Bayfield', and 8'•fr.rm Clinton. will be ,subjeet•to a reserve bid, .Terms of payment 10 per cent. down, the balance in 30 days ' • • e'er further partici:slurs apply; to breesrs Dickinson Its.Garrow,.or Messrs: Pcoudfoot • Heys &'U air.•• • • Dated t t Goderich this 8th do vol Morel:,1206 • ••• B L. DOY Er "�0'si . .Local Maater.H.C.J. GlranOlitliic Walks. Ratepayers who intend to petition the laid eoun r a ail to. have a;renofithio walks I a a e uest r q ed to have petitions signed and handed ip. 'as soon espossible,so that labor may be engaged and' cement'oontraatedToi Formuof lietitlon may be obtsfnod from the clerk.. By order of the Street Committee. ii MACPHEIlSON, Clerk. • Tile Liverpool it 'London c ;Globe htsura ee Co. 'Illead OfTce for Canada' .1 ON1'REA,L CAPITAL'•AWD ASSETS: LXCELD $66,000,000 CLAIMS 'PAID EXCEED - $213,000,000 Policies.. issued • at. Clinton,' agency direct to -insurers. No interim receipts.. No delay.. For •itlformation apply to our agent, D. L. Macpherson, Clinton. COALCOAL COAL ,Before placing your or-: dere for your season's supply of, Coal, get our' prices. The • very best goods carried in stock and 'sold at the lowest' possible.pri,ce.'. • , Ordprs may be left at�.. Davis' & owland's Hardware ‘Store, of wit! i j j •�f(� Ii ►a' SJ,EI.Jy�111JUl it Electric Light Plant 9 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0..x. 0 0 0 00 /uccessors to, l ': Goats,` CLiNTON. , Advertise in the 'New Era. J t sil.li.Lal•' BUTtillEll, BUSINESS tor Sac or to 'rept • Owing to.aontiausel ill heal h eubseriber• off,4refor•,'ale er to rent, his i3utober Bas!': nee', in Ciintou, tcgetlter-the-,-t.ho.-.build the •best` business stand. -in.. t_oar. Partisulsre on application.• •A, COTJO&,` Clinton.' Seting T'ei-r trent april 3rd ELLIOTT' 1 f 9 E d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 s 0.0.'0 .0: 0. 0 04 04 t„le • TORONTO, ONT. Cur. Ydngoaud Alicxit der Sts. This school is making a remarkable,reoord his ye.sr for placing its students in good poli- tione. College oten the eetirai•yeat' Enter now, Catalogue tree, •• W 3.ELT.IOTT, Prin -1 Among. the .good things Of life, you need GOOD GROCERIES. You can always get there at BEATON'S We may not have• the`, 'largest' Stock, but We believe we have the new est•itnd, freshest stock of G00D groceries in town. New goods still arriving daily. This week we have passed into stock: 1. Royal Household. Flour. Made by the new electric process, by the Ogilvie Mill-. . rag Co , royal warrant • mill- ers. to H.R.H„ the Prince of Wales. Its worth, trying. Dream of Wheat • Toasted Oat,pJlakes' • New Breakfast Foods, made by the newest American .pra- cess. ^ . • Fancy Blscu tts Honey Cretins, MFtrsli hint- '71171polis, Climax, Arrowroot,' Fruit, Lelnon, Madeira, ate. - 4.. Fish. Lent will soon 'be.her'e. "We have�qaa.freash stock of Salmson Trout, Pitman I1'ad. dies, Codfish. Spoked Tier. ring, etc, .i•,' Glassware. . Another trate of plain and fancy Glassware. See onr Stook before you replace tile breakages of the winter. A. D.,.aaton Huron St• i• , rw Clinion Bho lit N.B. If volt fi'tj , atPenton' 6001). Nothing better in � • •.e have w Ust'' reC 1 ed a lot of Men's: Ready -Made that 'Pants is were bought and we will offer special: ` prices on them: • ,for. • two weeks. the' We have, a few Men's and Boys Overcoats left that will be sold, for less than cost. Mens, Boys' .and Youths eh - in winter weights-.SPEOTAIA See thein- ; they will go . at prices not equalled in town. The Old Stand •